The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 19, 1857, Image 1

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    . •
V, ijh eanleai:
yjpt -i *WW*flUWl»t ttra flMjjvat Bt* Doutu.
j V »o» bum. Vottw I*a««
'• Doi Sl4.)t(MS*q> ►J'ruw* for th*
* ft%^K*V S WMIK " '
£Wjfe. 0 * *“•
5 -iae'ss *
"*?£• -Pm* wIU be sept to Subscriber* by
£B<BB» mMa, ** nam) * 1 *g
) BL«Qop& « u arm
Tea OoplM, J
*ms&sr ' * M ** - eMb »20
Mttd ta
sBiSSSSm" *° ■* p A ** ol ‘ *•
i 2szrii
' STEAMEHS FOR sale—for
■V well kuoivn Steamships WASHING'
- . - tiTOH dsd HKRMANN. hetetufnre employed in the United
■ 1 Steles Mall aervlca hetweenNow Yoric, Southampton krill
'-Bremen. -S; -'nun vy/v-nto ove v; :i ■ ■ v-c A- ■ i j
Ihw« Mff wore built with gieit m «i of the btet
E)»toriel3 in etotir doportmant under the ihiboctlon of
anofßceii utile UnHodStatea N'lry. They-aro.bout
*OR belne S» ftitleiKhjS# foot beem, earl 31 felt
{i eud,oftiVjSSßMAiW;!st o ) 40 | »nd 81
Jteeh vrerel 1* Sttediwith two nt.rtno ride lore on
of n jnchos botlora
*« 1 «R 1» eomplew #rder end e fnrelihed wtthooel
hinkere Mbetlo of .Wing 1000 ton* of cold tarelng
Relght nSOjrf fot ehfttt ($0 tone tnoMnrement There
■vArr good pkJMenger eoeummodfttioiis for 300 sereone In
1 ihoreohlnt will ho eold wtth«H tho furniture Uckol 1
•tending end -ouiuing ntiiwhleJ
«Ma furniture bedding table wrrtte glwnwuo
ereokenr, nimire, fto i ’
Jf dolOTOvlouely dUsoeednf etpnntaule they will
. M flflweu at ppollc auction at the Merchants 1 iischange.
■ *fcft ;Citr ,«fr York.on.the first day of Goto Cor
and there and' then sold to tho highest bidder
1 without - , ' ••;••• • • .*
,-.yor further particulars. apply at tho office of thoOoean
.Steam fttott; NBW
JUfWYOaK,2.i» ferns Beukt
- i'ats :t‘,rg9er{Yofk,'Siittt«Uiy: Jnne a6.l2ijpOft'. :•
• r i JolrWtiaaooij. •‘ Vt i
tl A - .i'i Glasgow, Wednesday, :Augrfll3 noori.: >■ *< f i
> ' l '-k--;^V»drkl-daia]rdayi-Augi'2S T . i
Sept 5>12 noon
raofet QLiBQpw
L:M\ ■v 01fl*gotr.’Jruly8;
Siaferotß July 22
Aug.’S., v • '-1 .'■'•'ll
y tftaijjoy Sept fi
gATBg'OS PIBSAQB. .. . * •.«< •
< tfirtt.cUM, s7fij thlrd.class./ound with.cooked prp<
Tialona, $3O. Au experienced' surgeon attached to each,
steamer. . For/reight ornufefiri apply to JOHN BIoSY-'.
:M.Wi «ew York city bills or gold
.onlyXcawa&tbt.pjMttage.--• -v -s -v ■ aulD-lm
* ~1
A ; > New York JMid Itanrd&tMinßfcip Comptunr.—Tha
United : ’Btetes. ARAGO. 2.60 Q tons.
Daria Xinw.i «omto»Bderv *nfl FULTON. 2.600 tons:
Wofton,.commander, wjil leave lW York,
mrnjknd Soythauiptoir,- tot tb* year* IttT ancnss.oh.
th* following <fc»ra
1 W 1&68
Fultta,:S*tnr<Uy, A\lg»22 Ar*gO,’ Saturday, Jan. 9
ArsAo,;«' do. Beptvl& Fulton. . do. ■- fob: -fi
usdo,;■■'Oct: •• 17 Aragon • • 461 - :March6
*4W*r ido. . -.\Nov if l4 do. April'B
fnUojit . do.: Dec. 12 Arago. . do. - May 1
Fulton, do < May 29
1867 1857
-Anko, Tuesday, Aug."26'' Artgo. Wedneaiejr. Aug-20
Fallon, do. Sept. 22 1 fulton’^f, do: J
Astgo.i. do. ■ Oct. 29 •At ago. •doi: / Oefc- 21
• fuUOP, >-do. Nov. 17 . Fulton, do; :W6t;.18
itHP, i c dpv Dec. 16 . Arago, .. do. Deo. lfl
1858. , 1858.
. Fulton, do. . 1 Jan.l2. • ■ Pulton. do. Jan. 13
Arago;\ do. Feb. 9 Ar*go, do. f0b..10
fdlSarf/^-do.'’ , 'rtfardkd. Pulton.' do. Mar. 10
&Tteo. i ' r >'<’do4 -r April.B : Arago. ■- do. ■ April '»
Arago, ;;do.; JimeG / Arago,'-' do'.-" June 2
Pulton., do. % June 29 . Pulton. do. • JugeSO
SIIOK -dF PASBiQM: *.'•■•?
. /.frOTn.-'Neiri'ToTfc.Lto Softthampton or Havre—First
• 6abtß.flB^tSecondCaliln i .sj6.. J ;
' most JHavre lOr.-Southampton to New York—First
OibhjvWOtauNt'. Second Cabin. 600 franca.
■*” Agent TkrwW
zmmut iSßMUir h»v«; -
- Beuth’ton','
■ . .- .y,; :«.ar
I 03abxksVqn
1 . ' >known r flat class aide-wheel Steamships
j JWoiASfeeUjr Ljneforithe gonth end
j SATURDAY; at 10b’oioofc.
I . f OalstseP.-MlßSkiu'Sj'Odniiuander
] . 17111 recelre Creighton YaUßSpAYeAugoist 20th. m&~
| aailtrn
I . tm 6» gkorou
! lona J. OUVIN, Oomin.eder
1 Will ra<*STO .Ali*B»t27tJ>.
’ wAjailfa OtariekG.niajO.j-j.naAloiDAy A gnrf
vm etiao, wJLm
I /. ;OtW>
is Steerage do ,T S -
i < . - ;. Y
?i 7Agentat:g»rttlmali, C; A; ;
& FOR PIORIDA, from SaTahsah, steamers St; MARYS
|f. -andStJOH2iS,{svery Taead&yana Satorday.
| ' FOR ,FLORIDA, from Ofcarlestda, ateanaer OAROI/I
-| Charleatoa, steamer ISABEL,
ft , os the4th and lath oferery niouth.f. .aal- ;
TO#K ‘ AlfD £1
Ollrer ;i,-;-r-'-.;**»•
'-.;**»• ®ALMO t: ,o»vso»Pl»CofotfSokr s -„
Y :
' 'Thiful Bhlpi bare been "bunt by contract, express!? for
. Gbrfriiirienf jwrricej Kas~beon taken in tbeir
fchmreßgJnoi.'to ensure'Btrcqgth
had «pMd) inft for’ paastogerg are'
im©qualledforaleg*nceAnd«Difcnrt. .■* **' '
>w(ttge from Naw.Yorlr to Liferpool/(a first'
tib&i fWty Jo Retond, dor, ITS; ;ft6miJiWen>o6H© He*'
;Yorkji 30 and 20giiinfl»s, ‘Po berth*jßftwirodunless paid'
for;; The/shiMOfthk; .liaa fc*£alniproT*d *ater4lght
y.. ’* ? J !f- -1 >►* t.' r , ' ,
-«>»*<• ,«*BOKIgSD DATES Oft&ro.'VT*-' ":•
■ 'if MMiiWir rota." ,i‘-
S*tad*f/iimA2!>,' !186? Wadnaaday.ddMs4, M 57
. Safurta/iiJ uly. A; s'aim. W«dti«ldMyJti!f 8 'IBSI'
S«iardaav,?ulylB, 1857, Wednesday,-,1u1y22, 1857
.Saturday, Aug. I, . -1857 Wednesday, Aug.- fi,- 1557
i SatenUy, r . 1857 Wednesday, Aug;l»,- -1857
. Saturday! Sept .12, 1857 Wed uegday, Sept. .2, 38.57
gatoWayJgert.ia,* ;; 1857 WedneadaySept.Bo,; 1867.
B.taMaj,'out. 16, "tiMT .W<sMaaiyi oft.',ld ' 1857
Battrrday,-Oet. 24 < c 1857 WadueadaV, Out; 58, 1857
Saturday, Nov. 7, ■ 1857 Wednesday, Nov. 11, 1867
Saturday, Kov. 21,- ..jittST, Wednesday, Mot. 20, 1857
Saturday, DM. bj ,1867 Wednesdny.Decr. S, 1857
f V.yAu ;W«dueaday,Deoe22, ,j 1857
. ; EDl?AJlDjffco£l4BfB, NoxsB Wil atKdt. N.ry,
\ .'& COildTerKral. ■ -,
££f£PHsN KENKABD 4 C 0:, < intuitin' frrtaw,
' Th» oxMWofHtiMfiohipa .*IU n6* teiawoiuitoM for
goldj-iilTeTj.imlHpoi nwpie, ecloosiatoneii or
m»kJ>,imftMbUU j.jufl therefor, etui
tbj) »Hothereof 'exfnsiM fereto f), n .v ; , ,'eul-tf.
EWB 'lSth:
JD: Ar P PHILADELPHIA ’’ dipt. gtu.
CabiaPamfei.r*'. .■/, ,v.;K.V.;y;w.v,sBo • -
Second C»bm..
lewmtFtoin’and Bteerj^PAseeri^eVuVniVbed^th
prorjJionß, according ; Act./ : '
. ;DRuwilSit; noHt-ea3L.c<)rn«r,plsTn .and.
• .OBdfiWlflJT. role’ WtouCactum
ct ?BROWS'B ESSENCE o/ ' qiHOJiH,,
• ;lwcom« ;t!t« BS*n<UrfFAMltt teDI
: ’-olS»fifrffli>.JWlte4iK»tß,'*' ~
JWioctii *'prepmUonof ctmttt»l,eXcflllea l «b;
#o tMTeller
ahotfla. fee •-frithoatiC ,In rtlsration. of/theboweK ia r
aatueaj nu particularly ib'cca kiCkuese, lt : u an active
. ansßMe7 sMretVak t's&au&nt wvd tilfielMiVteJiedy,'. •'
, ; QAlTlXOSifrßatyoiM article tbat dan be'
• sei^^-|WBM«®e3«e^plii«B>^ Wi.WMthnted : to N be ;
T •W,iifpWpa»d«uiy) g rlßßoj^:
‘ EICkSSOWK, Ana £&M* at fe Drug and. Ohemleal:
- girtet*rPiiUadelp]jifiPtiti4 fifWl.the respectableDk^g.
gi»fa the U. Bteteii.y.J _ auliam. ~
/.it#)ffifrMriir dhpg,
■ JCLnottHttiii omen itrw^ruiMsipMa.'i).,
J.,.g*AOKHOUSB; Efojlrietor. "Al iijt .m: hnnltto
' JWIWt .iitJclea ofjBSTOa, MKDIOINKB. PBBfff-
MKET. CIOABE, Uep, ;■’ V ; - l -; -- = ■''■ .
' : Eataat Bilrer Soda Water TtinntaJa
heepa at.B3deg,| Lb gytapß.and Cre&mrf arc
' beiJig the richest in the cifcyiV ■
»-i -x- ■
stattnanet)ip <mb Book Retoina.
~. 7.Bf!TTTRBB A(i ”' ” '“, / r 4 . -/■ fttj- ■:
: Eoch Btudeat baaiadSTidnal ipktructitm from ccmpe
teat and attentive Teacher 0,-under the'immediate
aawtfrbibn.of ,ttie;Prliiefp*h ■ r\ ;• <,
th Peqiuen jin r ; thp Country w charge of
Plflaie "and ; gat of
§ ' H^J^;SPSWR*cpmmission
$ . . Ji-JL. _KEKOHANTS foreign and Am®*
S rican lUK»JABB if gS gp'EgßT,. N0a.23, 25 and 27
c Horth JUrfl fiqSTjtljoVQ Cooiniorc* atreet,'
I : !i -tQ
| /
| - 'V-/_OHAKI! ' Mid. Inji>orter of; HAVANA. BEGAB8;
VOL. I-IYO. 16.
Stranfltrg ®nibt in |)l)il«btlpl)ia.
.";-For the benefit of- strangers and -others who may de visit,any of our public mstitutlona. ure publish
tho annexed Hat. > . . ,
. Academy, of. Music. (Operatic.)corner of Broad and.
Locust streets. . «-r
- Arch Street Theatre, Arch, above Otl* street,
Garden, Ohestnhti abov«< Tenth. :
National Theatre and ClrCus. Walnut.,above Eighth.
. Sandford-s Opera House,(Ethiopian.) Eleventh, below
Market: //j ;-y. • / r r '
Street; Theatre, northeast comer Ninth and
walnut. , .
; Thomeufls Ysriotles. Fifth and Chestnut.' ‘
•:> Thomas's Opei* liouso. Arch, below Seventh.-
. -•. * ,>ata.-and , - . .
“ Academy ofKatural .Sclonces, porncr of ..Broad and
•Georgi atreetai 1 v - •.-•i;'- ’
. Apademy.of Fine Arts. Chostmit, above Tenth.
-Aitlbtß- PuadilallXlhestnut,abpveTenth..
• Franklin Institute, No. 9 South Seventh street.
V - > L. W . ’ SSa*VOLIMT IHBT!TTiriOXB.? V
west'side of SchuylkUl, opposite South
Almshouse YFrlends 1 ). Walnut street, above Third.;
vy Association for the Empkynient of Poor Women, No.
292 Green street »
. . Asylum, .for Lost Children No. 33 North Seventh
•trout:,''.' 1 ' • .. ;
v Bllnd Aiylum. Race.' near Twentieth stroet.
. ..Christ Church:'Hospital. No. 8 Cherry street. •
■ .City Hospital. Nineteenth street, near Coates. t
" Hall, No. 163 Cherry street. ’
. ■Dispensary. Fifths below Chestnut street. j
. Female Society for the Belief and of the
Poor, No. 72North Seventh street. '
Guardians of tho Poor, office No. 56 North Seventh
street.-. , . • iv m •
German Society Hall. No. 8 South Sereuth street..
• Home for Friendless Children, Buttonwood street,
.below Broad.
- Indigent Widows’ and Single Wpmen’s Society. Cherry.
oast orElghteenth street. .
. Masonic Hall* Chestnut, above Seventh street.
Asylam* corner of, Race and’ Twenty.flrst
; ’ Norttista Dispensary. No. 1 Spring Garden street.' *
(colored, jYhlrteeunthutreet, near
■wWd fellows' Hall,Sixth ana Haines U \
Do do 8 IS corneyfroiddSl Spring-Gar»
den stree ». v • - -* •
s ,Do.« j do;., Tenth and South sheets: , ■;.
../Do, do; Third and Brown streets,,
Do do Ridge Road, below Wallace. *'
v^oru^vania .Hospltei, Eighth
,-Pennwrlvaniatoßtltnte for the Tns traction of the Blind,
,4orfterJuce.andTwentleth street.’-' 1
~ Penssylvaala -Society for .Alienating the Miseries ol
Public Prisons', Sixth and AdelphJ streets..
• PonnsylVahio Training School for Idiotic and. Feeble-
Mmded Children. SchQoi Houa* Lane, Germantown,
office No. 152 Walnut stoat. ( , , ,
- Philadelphia Orphans-. Asylum, northeast Eigh
toenthanrtCherry :•> ‘ ■
«- Proton Retreat, Hamilton., near Twentieth street.
Providence Society, Prune, below Sixth street.
Soutberif Dispensary, No. 95 Bhippen street:
• pnion Dauevolent N; W. comer of
Seventh and Sansocn streets. ,- .
: WIH-aHosnltal, Rape, between Eighteenth and Nine
teenth streets.
.i * Hospital, .Girard avenua. between -Fif
teenth 4Ud Sixteenth. ’
■ • Episcopal Hospital, Front street; between Hunting
don and Lehigh avenues. :
» .Philadelphia Hospital for Diseasesof the Cheat, 8, W.
dqrcer.of Chestnut and Pack streets, West Philadel
phia. ’
Custom House. Chestnut street, above Fourth
; ; CounW Prison, Passyunk road, below Rped.
5- Sw Warehouse, Dock and Spruce streets. ,
Oont*olivi B Ofllve, Girard Dank,second story.
Commissioner of City Property, office, Girard Bank,
secondstofy. . ' -• ■ 1
City Treasurer's Office, Girard Bank, second story.
■City Commiaaioner’s Office. State House. <
'i - CBy Solicitor's Office, Fifth, below Walnut.
j:.?w;K A *® nn S Committee s Office: Southwest corner
Fifth and Chestnut. .
Water Works. Fairmount on the Schuyl-
, Claud Truet Treasurer’s Office. Fifth,above Chestnut.
House of Industry, Catharine, above Seventh.
House hf Industry, Seventh. above Arch’ street. "*
. ii" u, !? o 'Ber u g«tCftnierPpplM and WUUam. '
n« U!!0 > WHIUm «nd Brown,
s M«I o H >p!M d^ h r yroad , bolow South
utwoff’" ° ffiCo " S . corner Fifth auU Chestnut
New Penitentiary, Coatee etreet,' between Twenty
fourth and Twenty-fifth street- ’
h’.vy jTfard, on tho Delaware, comer Front and Prime
afreets, . ,
Northern libertlee Gae Worke, Malden, below Front
street. t ■ - ’
)**?•« „*?• ® o ? k .opposllo the Ex
.■foatOtßce.Kenelngtan, Frankfotd rout, below Bhackn-
Spring OalliwUU, near Eighth
Dockrtreei? 1 * , El<:luul * o i «n>«r Third, Walnut and
, 'ThlladdlpM'aOaeWt/rike,'Twentietli and Market; oihee,
No.BS.Berenth etroet, ; a:... •. .
p) Institute foe Deaf.ahd jhitnh, Broad and
atmo< tt,B^’ e *^^° Beach, ai,°7o ghutkamaxon
High School, s, E. corner Brood and Green
* S—TCC *B , . s
nS!‘.$ N ? r Si 1Bol i?“ , > Stwi» Ninth !
Reoorder’s Office, No t 8 State House, east wing'.
\ State House, between Fifth and Sixth
streets. '
Sheriff’s Office, State House, near Sixth street.
°f Chestnut and" Jtml}>er
-Gray’s Ponytoad, near Fede-'
: 2 a T^^L uraj a 0n t^6 ;ikin 7 near South street.
T«W^dW^ m /tr‘eSta° !6ttog mrßer ot
■rnsgfi&fS3L 08iM - corner of
- a. - , CDi-nOQoH. ,
College of Pharmaey.’Zaoo etreet, above Seventh.
'B'i.Halneeetreet, weet oCßixth.
College, Ridge fo&d and College Avenua. -
Homaopathle Medical College, Flllwrt street, above
Elaventh..;’ ■ ■ • ■ -
. JefTewon MedicalCollege. Tenth street, below Gootgo:
Wjcal Institute, Eocusf, above Eleventh street.' ’
= Poljteennic College, comer Morket. and West Penn
i F[ ■
Peijnsyivanla Medical College, Ninth etrt'ot, ehclow
Locust; ’ / - 4 - ‘ (
Medlcal College, Fifth street,, below
- Female Medical College, 229 Arch streot
‘ GnivCTEitrof-Pennsylvania,• Nloth ; street, between
Market and Chestnut. 1
°/ Free‘Medicine and Popular Knowledge,
NO. 88 ATcn street. -’
.- *-•'■ '■•' " •‘f.OCJLYIdIt OF CODRTB.
™-SS l 5f 1 Sktes .Circuit and District Courts, No, 24
Fifth Street, below Chestnut.' ; '
.Supreme Court of Fsnhsylvuila, Fifth and Chestnut
streets. ». i.i-;,. -
: °* Common Finn, Inderandencn Hall.
Dhtriot Oourts, Nob. l awl o. cornec of Sixth' and
Qhestaut eti-ceta. - ..... ...
Court of Quartßt gMBh-iui, corner of Sixth and Chest
nut streets,'’ ■'• ••-*-•
American Baptiet Publication Society, No, 118 Arch
itreet,,; 1 '!- 1 r : j j .*■: , •'*
’ Americas and lorelgn Christian Union, No. 144 Chest
jut street. • • . * .
American Sdadag School Union, No. 316 Chestnut
treat, , ~
AmMoah Tract Society, new No. 929 Ohestaut.
Monontst, 1 Crown street, below CallowhUl street.
BiW “ W
Board of Publication, No/ 286 Chestnut
House, No. 1834: Chestnut
'.-I, , . , j . t i , ■( , ,
OhHßtlan Association, No. 162 Chestnut
’®U®Jend Periodical Office (T.
Mreet, first bouse below
oixtn street, north aide.
, ,< . • y i ~ " ; * ,www *n lww "^
F C .?n m f®r-pepQl,'-Eleventh end Market.
?Ae I £ -,^ l i t ra T^ PI S?J‘ al, * l » »“■! the West.
W?eJ» r PUMmrjjh »nd the West,
r HaSWlatraw and Columbia.
' SrX * vAccommodation Train for Lancaster
Jt P.M.V fijtpreiSMall for Pi«ab a «h andlheWcst.
Vzn i M u dt s g B»*ad «»d Vine. •
7,3o.A,*!,,.Express Traini for'Pottering Williamsport,
- • •Elmira and Niagara Palls. . ’
3.30 P/M,,as above (Night Kxpresg Train.)
JQThLxnes, ...
1 a ' S‘» via Jersey City,
6 A* Mi, from Camden, Accommodation Train
" A, XL, from Camden, tia Jersey City, Mail.
10 A-bf., front Walnut street wharf, viaJeraey city.
SE'H** 1 ? ' /
8 P* p-),T» Camden, Accommodation Train.
s«‘*-?»Y--“*U£ OmneeUfut Lines.. *'
0 A;from Walnut street wharf, for Belvidere,Easton,
~ -• ■ • Water Gap. Scrautoa, Ac.
# A.M.yfer freehold,'*'-. ' >,
4 J& &i ,Walnut street wharf,’
' A whirr..
“f* for Mount Holly, Burlington,Ac/'
ba m R.—Depot,Broad and Prime.
BA. for BaUiraore, Castle, Mid
a !fi w‘d°> Bal U?J? Wilmington, and Now Castle.
- 4 * 16 *25 Wilmington New, Castle, Middletown,
- > Dover, and Beaford. 1 ’
CP. My forPerrtTille; Past Freight.
11P. M., for Baltimore and Wilmfmrton.
North Pennayltmnio R. Prontand Willow.
'H 6 L&’ f £ “S Chunk, ic.
4P. M,i for Boylejftown, Accommodation -
"0.3 d P. My for GwYnedd. Accommodation ‘
! Gam4ettan4 Atfantuß: N;—Vine ktreet wharf
7.30 A/M., for Atlantic City. an.
10.45 A.for Haddonfleld.
SP. 11., for Atlantic City, -.iy
6.46 for.Qaddonfield. •
1 For- Westchester. \
- By Columbia B. B,and Westchester Branch.
- Prom Market street, south side, above Eighteenth.
l<eave‘Philadelphia 7 A. M/. and 4 P. M.
'Westchester6.3o A. M., and 3 P. M.
,£) . r '• -• ON> 80.MDAY3 '
Leave Philadelphia 7 A.M. .
„ “• P. M. _
Direct Jlailroad,open to PennClUm, Grubbs
„ Itrldg i. , . ? . ,
r i .■? northewt Eighteenth and Market streets,
hekv? madelphia 0, and 9 A.M., 2.4, and BP. M.
• Sfnnel)*,, OrnHs Bridge,,?, 8, andll A. M, and
!„ „ * and 8 P.M.
On'Saturdays last train from Pennelton at 7 A. 11.
- " ■ '. Ok' SoMDAva . ;
Leave Philadelphia 8 A.M. and 2P. M. -
“ -penneltonO){A.M.and(PP.M;
Ri R<—Depots, oth and
4 ' 45 ’ 6^S > ' nd 1116 V ' M ‘>
. 8 A ; .‘ ML and 3P. M,, for Bovrnlngtewu
B, 4,0, S ,and,9, .
fihetttr YaUtjt U. '^.ULe»TC‘PhlladelphlaJj ttu{ i
E>' 'Lpaye Downingtown A. M.* and 1P- SC:
s vi , '. I : i r''-.'‘,'oTEiiiißpAsMNislV ,V." !! ,
P, M/.'Bichfthi ‘ Stockton, for' Bordenrtown, from
ry / Walnut street wharf. ~ . . ..
W arid 11/46ArM Vand 4 P. if., forTacoriiy. Burlln*.
ton and Bristol, from Walnut street vGia rf.
• s Boston, and Kennebec, for Cape
• ’ • May, first pier below Bpruco street.
t .i 7.80 A.M.,and 3, 3,and OPr M,, John A. Warner
;J>V>.‘t for-BcistolAßtnr-’
i. ,P , A. B^i ! for Cape >Jay. every"
'SiautUcr’s ©nibe.
The Cheapest and Best Weekly Newspaper * 7l
the Country,
Great lcducpments to Clubs-
On the 15th of August the first number of Thb Week
ly P&BU3 will be Issued from the City of Philadelphia.
It will bo‘published every Saturday.
The Weekly Pusas wUI be conducted upon National'
principles; 1 and will uphold the rights of.the'States. It
will resist fanaticism lo every shape; and will-be devo
ted to conservative doctrines, as the true foundation of
publio prosperity and social order. Such a weekly jour
nal has long been desired In the United States, and it is
to gratify this want that Thb Weekly Pbess will be
' Thb Weekly Press will be printed on excellent
white paper, clear, new type, and in quarto form, for
It will contain the news of'the day; Correspondence
from tho Old World.and the New; Domestio Intelli
gence ; Reports of tho various Markets; Literary Re
views ; Miscellaneous Selections; the progress of Agri
culture in all its various' departments, Ac. ,
05* Ttrms invariably in advance*
■The Weekly Press will be Sent to subscribers,
by mall, per annum, at;...,;...... $2 00
Three copies for 6 00
Five copies f0r,,...:'. 8 00
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Twenty copies, when sent to one address 20 00
twenty copies, or over, to address of each subscri
ber, each, per annum. 1 20
For a club of twenty-one, or over, we will send on
extra copy to the getter-up of the Club.
Post Masters are requested, to act as agents for Tps
Weekly Pbsss. . JOHN W. FORNEY,
, ; ; Editor and Proprietor.
Publication Office of The Weekly Press, No. 417
Chestnut street,'Philadelphia. : ° i ' l ‘ ;\ v
The same mail from Europe which brought
intelligence of the death of Euqkhk Sufi also
bore tidings of tlie demise of Dr. Thomas
Diqic, author of « The Christian Philosopher,”
and many other works written in vindication
of the sacred and sublime truths of Revolution
works which, particularly in Scotland, have
been circulated most extensively, consoling,
teaching, and elevating the minds of millions.
He ran his earthly course in pain and poverty.
Ho did hot sit at rich men’s tables. Hewaanot
clothed in purple and fine linen. He had
scanty, simple fare, and knew no luxury, save,
the luxury of doing his duty. In the fullest
and most beneficent manner he was a Teacher
of the People; devoted to scientific studies,
and hod the art—so rare and so valuable—of
writing on these difficult and abstruse subjects
so plainly, that even the peasantry of bis na
tive land could understand him. Nor was his
character unknown, unappreciated, or uri
honored in this country. His numerous works
(moral, religious, and scientific), were largely
reprinted and circulated all over the Union.
Hia name was even as a household word
among hosts of serious-minded, thought
ful, religious people. American travellers who
visited Scotland often wont out of their way
to visit him at his humble cottage, in the
villsge of Broughty Ferry, on tho banks of
the silvery Tay. There they found an aged
man, infirm of body but strong of mind,
acute, and learned ; poor in worldly riches, but
whose life had indeed been devoted to laying
up, for himself treasures in heaven. The
American heart warmly sympathized with this
fine old man, and, a few years ago, some be
novolent and wealthy citizens of Philadelphia
practically illustrated their sentiment toward
him, by presenting him. with a handsome pe
cuniary gift, as some provision lor his closing
days. Strangely .enough, this American libe
rality led to Dr. Diox’b receiving some jus
tice, tardy and small enough, ftom the hands
of the British Government. He was the reci
pient of a small pension, (£6O a year,) and,
.limited ag this dole was, it sufficed for his
■humble wants. ..Ho di,ed„afortnight ago, at
Broughty Ferry, at the ripe age of eighty
. About <he same time there passed away, into
tbefarHereafter, the French novelist, Eugene
Sue, one of the most popular and mischievous
writers ever produced by a country which,
though it gave the world suchmcn os Frnrlon,
jpAsoxL, Bossuet, and Massillon, also cast up,
jon the scum of its society, such men as Yol
iTAinE, Rousseau, Pauldb Kock, and Alexan
idee Dumas. Infidels, scoffers at all religious
belief, socialists, and steeped in the very foul
est obscurity, were the writers who, for several
years, corrupted the mind of France! Chief
among these ministers of evil was Eugene Sue.
!Nor was the mischief he did confined to his own
jeountry. He wrote so remarkably well that his
.works got translated into almost every living
language ofEurope. They circulated widely in
England, and here in America they commanded
a saleso large that we should probably be consi
dered romancing if we stated it. But, even at this
frisk, wo will add that over a million of copies
of « The Mysteries of Paris,” « The Wan
dering Jew,” and « The Seven Capital Sins,”
have been sold in the United States, at a
price and in a form calculated to throw them
into the bauds of the masses. They figured
largely among the infamous " yellow-cover
literature,” for some years a disgrace to our
country, and they demoralized the public
mind to a greater extent than can readily bo
Communism and Socialism, with the strongest
infusion of impiety and indecency, were the
staple of Eugene Sue’s popular fictions. Ho
painted Vice in the most attractive manner, so
that, looking at her gorgeous habiliments, the
spectator scarcely heeded her laidly features.
He was sensuous in his descriptions, and,
even while sometimes pretending to con
demn sin, drew its semblance so attractively
that the opposite of repulsion was the effect
produced. He was constantand consistentin in
sinuating and declaring that Season, (as he
Called it, in the slang of the old Encyclope
dists) wasa surer and betterguide than Revela
tion. All through his works there is a ruling
doubt of God’s goodness and merciful justice,
of man’s honor, of woman’s chastity. Sue had
no /kith in Virtue. He professed to champion
popular rights, and, while he lived In luxury
which an epicurean might haye envied, invaria
bly turned a deaf car to all personal appeals
ft-om Poverty, He was returned as a member
of the’ National Assembly, between the lost
French Revolution and the re-organization
of thp Empire, but made a very remarkable
failure in public life. Finally, suspected
of complicity In some of the plots against
what is called “The State” in Paris, he
became an exile. Once off* Mb own soil,
it seemed as if his skill as a writer had
vanished. He commenced a Socialist novel,
called “Les Mysteresdu Peuple,” the publica
tion of which was prevented by the Govern
ment—a needless prohibition, for his former
admirers, the workmen, contemptuously pro
nounced that he hod written himself out. He
died, in exile, at the age of fifty-two.
Such, and so contrasted, were Thomas Dick
and Eugene Sue, the believer and the infidel.
Unquestionably, large intellectual gifts were
bestowed upon each. How one used, and
how the other misused them, we have briefly
indicated. These inqn might almost stand ns
representatives, among modern writers, of
Good and Evil. One felt that his mission was
to teach, to
Look through Naturo up to Nature’s God,
and the other acted as if ho were con
vinced that his allotted work was to
defile the purest and holiest decencios
of life, and impress dark doubts of a
world beyond the grave upon the minds of
all who read his works. The Christian philo
sopher to whom, at the ago of eighty, a pen
sion of £GO a year was comparative wealth,
lived in privation, self-denial, and frequent
poverty, ,The popular novelist was surround
ed with all that wealth can supply, and with
the flattery and adulation of millions. Yet
who, life’s fitful fever enddd, would prefer a
career like Sue’s 7 With indignant truth has
the pbet said:
« i>d rather be
One of those hinds that round mo tread,
With just enough’ of sense to see
The noonday’s sun that’s o’er his head,
Than thus, with high-built genius curst, -
That hath no heart for. its foundation—
pM-U, at onoe, that’s brightest, worst,
] Subiimest, meanest in oreation. ”
Tlie United States Arsenal, located on the 1
Gray’s Ferry Road, a short distance beyond the/
Naval Asylum, occupies grounds of ton acres jin!
extent. They word purchased by the Generals
Government In 1800. At that time< they wejo'
far out of town,” but they-are now immef
diately on tho outskirts of the improved fiijd
built-up portions of onr city.. Tho principals
buildings consist- of- four substantial brick'
edifices, each about one hundred feet in length)
which form the four sides of an ’open square.-.
In the centre of tho square is a large cistern,-,
in which tho water is collected from the roojS
of the adjoining buildings, surmounted by ■'&
large fire engine. Oyer this is erected a hand-!
some little building, beautifying the central’
plat of ground and apparently merely orna
mental, but its doors and windows can be rii
moved in a few seconds, and it thus serves to',
conceal an efficient apparatus for protection
against fire. -h;
Tlie Arsenal has been, over since its. cfetji
tion, and is at- the present time, used is thp
great dopot of manufacture and ■iloposlt fjf,
everything pertaining to tlie apparel and equip
ment of all • tho soldiers of the army oi' thj)!
United States, as well as of tents, musical M!
straments, ami fiu&s. ’All supplies ofsnchXßif
cies are furnished ftom lids establishment, -®
the .clothing of some fifteen • thousand
something of an undertaking, its-operationSpq
necessarily on an extensive scale. TijQ’ftoe)p
on hand rarely, if. ever, falls short,-' In
of $1,000,000. Orders are continually bblni’
received for supplies. One of the largest
lately received and filled wa3 for ■ the equip!
inent of the troops ordered to Utah. The’
clothing thus sent away is packed up in a pe|;
culiar hut very compact and excellent manner!
By a powerful press it is condonsed into thfj
smallest possible space. It is then wrapped
up inhales, about three feet in length, covered
with canvas, which is thickly coated with
paint on the inside, whilo its outside seams aria
covered with wax. It is thus rendered water!
proof. On several occasions bales put up
in this manner have fallen overboard from!
vessels in which they were being transported j
and when picked up, after having beon floating!
for days in tho water, their contents were per
fectly dry and uninjured. Tho object in.using
suoh bales is partly to have them of convenient
weight for handling, but more particularly to
adapt them to mule transportation over the
rough and primitive roads of frontier regions.!
Three such packages make a load for amule
one being placed on each side and one on thoj
back of the animal. - i
Of tho four main buildings, that on tliej
northern side is occupied as residences by pet- j
sons engaged in the business of the Ar
senal. That on tho eastern side is a store
house for raw material and for boots and caps.
That on the southern side is used as the cntti|fg
room for the articles manufactured, as well as
a place of inspection. That on the western
side, is used as a store-house of the made-up;
clothing. Theroare also a number of smaller!
buildings on different portions of the grounds)',
nearly all of which are occupied as
by employees of the Arsenal. !■ s.
The raw material used in the nmnufhctur&
of the articles needed is furnished by contract!
It is cut at tho Arsenal, and given out -to be'
made up. A large number of persona, includq!
ing many tailorcsses and shoemakers, are thus
furnished with employment. ! y- q
.The stock of clothing in the western bnlld|
ing is constantly very large. Each soldier
the service is yearly furnished with one cb#)s
two pairs of pantaloons, three shirts, and
pairs of drawers, a leather stock, four paWof!
shoes, stockings, caps, etc. They apf®l
supplied with great coats, beds, blankets,
quito bars, touts, etc. Tho clothing ißAhlidtH
of four sizes, and any alterations nwegjfi&jSrll
secure a St are,made by. the..
company tho troops, ifho clothing is ail well,
-made, of rather coarse, but very substnjitiat
.material. All the foot soldiers are furnished
.with frock coats, and tlie mounted soldiers witl/
jroundabouts or jackets. Tho light blue jackets
iwo seo upon now recruits are only given to
them. ‘When they became thirty initiated into'
the service they obtain frock coats if foot sol
diers, and another style of jackets if horsemen,
whether dragoons, mounted riflemen, or mount
ed artillerymen. Tho various grades of rank
among tlie different non-commissioned officers
-are indicated by stripes worn on the arm, which
differ in color, material, and arrangement, ac
cording to tho grade of tho officers and tho
branches of the servico to which they arc at
tached. Tho coats or jackots of the soldiers
Indicate by tlie color of tho cord around their
collars the branch of tlie service to which they
arc attached. Each soldier also wears a brass
letter indicating his company, and a figure in
dicating the number of his regiment. Four
tents are given to each company. There are
also tents for the officers and for hospital
A writer in the Southern (Ky.) &gis,
whose views are ably supported by the editor
of the Lexington (Ky.) Statesman, argues
calmly yet forcibly against the attempt to
make Kentucky a free State. It may interest
some of our readers toßce his theory:
But even if the admission could be made
that the institution of domestic servitude has
been the prolific source of innumerable evils
to Kentucky, what is tl\c remedy which the
wisdom of these reformers has enabled them
to discover? With a sagacity which is truly
amazing, they propose to raise a sufficient
sum to purchase all the Blaves in the State
from their owners, and then emancipate them.
There are now over 210,000 slaves in Kentucky,
who are employed in the cultivation of the
soil, and the rational supposition is that the
produce of their labor adds to the material
prosperity of tho Commonwealth. Now libe
rate them and seo the result. Do you make
white men of them by allowing them a nomi
nal freedom? Can you cause the Ethiopian
to change the color of his skin? Or are ne
groes in Kentucky different in their character
istics from the African race elsewhere? If
they are not, you will soon find that the eman
cipated negro will not work; and bow the
prosperity of the State is to bo enhanced by
transforming nearly a quarter of a million of
useful laborers into idle, worthless vagabonds,
is a problem rather difficult of solution.
Before tho adoption of this plan for amelio
rating the condition of Kontucky, and putting
ijer upon an equal footing with Ohio, it would
be well to inquire what has been the result of
similar experiments in other localities. Com
pare Cuba with Jamaica. The former still re
tains the institution of slavery; and even under
the illiberal policy of the Spanish Government,
which cramps the energies of her white popu
lation, the exports from the island are immense.
In the latter the negroes have been emancipa
ted and will not work; and oven under English
laws, which are the best in tho world, with the
exception of ouv own, that once magnificent
and productive colony is fast becoming a mere
wilderness of barbarians. Aud wlmt has been
tho history of San Domingo ? A reference to
authentic records will show us what it once was
when the “ curse of slavery” rested upon it,
and what it now is under the benign influence
of “ universal emancipation.” From the pages
of the historian Alison, we take the following
“ Long before tho war commenced, or tho
fleets of France had felt the weight of British
strength; before one shot had been fired on
the ocean, or one harbor blockaded by a hostile
squadron, tho basis on which the French mari
time power rested had been destroyed. Not
the conquest pf the NHo or the conflagration
of Toulon; not tho catastropho of Camper
down or the thunderbolt of Trafalgar, ruined
tho navy of France. t Severe as those blows
were, they were not irremediable; while lior
colonies remained, tho means of repairing
them existed. It was the rashness of ignorant
legislation which inflicted the fatal wound,
tho fumes of revolutionary enthusiasm which
produced consequences that could nover bo
“ San Domingo, the greatest, with the ex
ception of Cuba, and beyond all question be
fore the revolution tho most flourishing of the
lyest India Islands, is about a hundred marine
leagues, or three hundred English miles, in
length, and its ra&tra breadth is about thirty
leaguos, or ninety miles. ♦ f * *
The produce of the island, aud the commerce
which it maintained with tho mothor country
before the commencement of the troubles,
were immense. The French part alone raised
a greater quantity .of colonial produce than
the whole British Islands taken together.
Its exports -amounted to the enormous
value of 168,000,000 francs} and the gross
prodace, including the ( Spanish portion,
IDAY, AUGUST 19, 1857.
.fmounted to 460,000,000 francs; while its
■imports in manufactures of the parent
State were no less than 250,000,000. lifore
pan half of this immense produce was re
pported from Franco to other States, and
Bie commerce thence arising was the chief
support of tho maritime power. Sixteen hun-
Btea vessels and twenty-seven thousand sailors
Sere employed in conducting all the branches
wf this vast colonial trade. With so magnificent
France hud no occasion to envy
i&e, .‘dependencies of all other States put to-
KCtlier. ft was this splendid and unequalled
sgMouial possession which tho French nation
fqvray and destroyed, at tho commonce
of the'revolution, with a recklessness and
Improvidence of which the previous history of
toe. world had afforded no example.”
In the preceding paragraph the historian al
radea to- the emancipation of the blacks, a
jpeasure .which was strenuously opposed by
thb,most enlightened statesmen of France, but
avliich was finally carried in the National As-‘
l^ilttbly. Freedom was conferred on all persons
; gf color in tho island. This was soon followed
by a collision between tho two races and by tho
Adoody extermination of the whites. France
perceived her error, and attempted to re
jjpin her lost dominion. But the fatal climate
prept off tho European troops by thousands,
tad tho rnpture of fho treaty of Amienß and
Hie-interposition of a' British fleet prevented
line necessary reinforcements. Ultimately
pie whole island was abandoned to the blacks,
who' have never since been molested. And
yhat lias been the result ? It can bo given
In •£ few words. In 1789 tlie population of
win'Domingo was 600,000. In 1832 it was
/iBP,OOp. In 1789 the quantity of sugar ex
y!fp*a from-tlie island was 672,000,000 lbs.
■fnqi.B32 not a single pound was exported.
;lu; .1789 the number, of vessbls employed in
rfitaaewfs 1680. In 1832 but one vessel was
Sfipidydd, In 1789 the negro population,
unucr the control of a superior race, were ac
,«Vjsly and usefully engaged in productive
Kbor, and were constantly increasing in num
| Since then a vast proportion of that
population died out from starvation and dis-
induced by idleness and vicious habits,
bind at no distant day the miserable remnant
Bjpll be swept from existence, unless they are
ilbsoued from the terrible fate which awaits
ipom by tho white race reconquering the
sland and bringing them back to civilization.
• Such liavc been the abundant blessings con
ftrred upon the blacks by emancipation in
Other- countries; and the result would lead us
to suppose that it will be sometime before
lanti-slavery journals and Abolition orators
(trill be able to persuade the people of Ken
-fncky to try the hazardous experiment of en
iSjancing tho prosperity of the State by turning
-loose over 200,000 beings of an inferior race
lio become a horde of paupers and felons in
jtheir midst. If such a policy should ever
jprevail, we apprehend that it would not be
uong before Kentucky would again become
«the dark and bloody ground.”
of The Press.]
Long Beach, August J 5,1857.
Sojourning hero for a few Gays on an island Bur
:rounded by the waters of tho Tuckcrton Bay and
!.sbe Atlantic, and enjoying in perfection tho freah
,‘broeacfl from tAe sea, while my ear is constantly
prinking in the sweet music with which the ronrof
ffche ocean is so richly freighted, and having a few
moments, I have thought, perchance, a letter
"M U> the locality of the place, its amusements, oto.,
■'might' not prove unintoresting to your legion of
leaders. The point from which I write is about
ipqui-distani botween Atlantic City and Barnegat,
and is accessible from the former by steamboat,
r£hich makes daily excursions for the benefit of
[yifitters at this old and favorite place of resort and
xWMeatiou. Tho hotel, which is large and comino
,dious, and oapablo of accommodating two hundred
'|incl twenty-five visitors, is under tho supervision
foT Mr. 0, P. Stewart, who, in addition to his inul
-.Hfarioufi duties as manager of tho house, has also
charge' of ono of tho Government station-houses
-trhfch dot the coast about every five mites between
Siuxdy Hook and Cape May. That your readers
understand the object of these buildings erect
fKPnnd Equipped out of tho public funds, I will in
|prm them that ihoir contents consist of the finest
jtaAnie'surf-boats and life-cars, mounted upon
gfrecially adapted to their speedy convey
p<gce to'any point they may bo required, mortars
aid rockets in perfect order, hawsers and anchors
in abundance, with all tho othor necessary nppH
aneos to render, with the proper force to use thorn,
the most signal servico to vessels stranding on this
dangerous const. My observation and inquiry
have, however, led to the opinion, that with all this
liberal outlay from tho notional troasury, the point
of practical utility hn.< beon lost eight of in tho
utter inßufficioney of competent persons to use the
.means which have been thusprovidod. Lot, for in
stance, a ship, a noble ship, bo iu distress on a cold
;and stormy day in March, within sight of a station,
| the cbnnoes are about a hundred to ono that before
men enough can bo obtained from the upland, (for
■population, you will bear in wind, is exceedingly
[sparse along tho shores,) to give tho proper assist
ance, hundreds of noblo lives may be sacrificed,
rand an argossy of wealth, which might have beon
‘saved, must go down forever into the regions of the
U’usty deep.
Tho remedy is a simple ono. Let eight men bo
attached to each station, and paid out of the peo
ple’s money—commissioned os officers of the cus
toms, if necessary—with horses and mules at their
(command sufficient to convey all tho iraplomonts
for assistance at a moment’s notico ; and my word
for it, tho expenso will be as nothing in compari
son to tho good which will be accomplished But a
truce to this, as I hope to seo an abler pen than
mine doing justice to this subject before the chil
ling blasts of winter shall have again locked tho
rivers in her ioy embrace.
Tho most favorite auiusotuonis hero aro gunning
jtnd fishing, and if any of the disoiples of good old
£saao 17811011 are anxious to indulge in tho finest
piscatorial sports, all they have to do is to tour
Jhemselves away from business, and try the aid of
Steam—seek the soeioty of Captain Billy Gaskill,
!>f tho good sloop Eliza Ann, for a few days, and
they will bo able to go homo with bottor luck than
attends the fishermon in your region. Tbero being
Mi absence of everything like formality hero, with
a general desire upon tho part of the host, waiters)
and all concernod in tho management of the estab
lishment, to contribute to the comfort of the guests,
there is nothing to do but “ go in” and enjoy
yourself to tho largest extent. I hud almost for
gotten to say anything of tho “ surf,” which is in
«vcry reapeot the equal of Capo May, and with
perhaps a much less dangerous shore.
But a few hundred yards up tho coast, deeply
imbedded in the sand, is the wrock of tho packot
ship Georgia, which wont ashore at this placo some
five orsix years ago, heavily laden with a valuable
cargo, and a largo number of possongors, all of
whom woro saved.
Somo five or six milos farthor up is the fatal spot
whore, during a severe «torai in March, 1855, tho
Powhatan, with three hundred and sixty-eight
passengers, besides theorow, were all loatr-not ono
being left to tell tho sad story of tho great disastor.
The loss of this vessel, with such an iiqmonso sacri
fice of human lifo, sent a thrill of horror through
tile public mind, and the provisions to which I
have alluded, to avert so great a calamity in the
fhture, was tho result. I must not negleot to ap
prize you that the Phebs, with its columns teeiu
ipg with nows and information of the most vahm-,
ble character, is rccoived hero daily, and all agree
it is no longer an experiment, but, in your own ex
pressive language, *• an institution.” Tho want of
such a journal has boon for n long time apparent in
your city, and for your public spirit and enterprise
in filling suoh an important vacuum I can only
hope you may bo hourly in receipt of long lists of
subscribers, and that fame and fortune may crown
your efforts ingiving tho people such an eminently
useful paper. Yours truly,
[Correspondence of Tbo Press.], Aug. 17, 1857.
Tho Democratic Convention of Montour county
met at tho Court House, in Danville, on Monday,
August 17th; and on motion, Hon. Joseph Doan was
eßosen President, and J. W. Sheriff and James
MoKoe, Secretaries. Thu following nominations
woro made:
Congress—Paul Lcidy, Esq., of Danville; Pro*
thonotftTy—George D. Butler, of Danvillo; Com
missioner—Win. MoNinch, of Cooper township;
Audito*—David Blue of Valley township The fol
lowing persons woro chosonconforoos:
Congressional confereos, to meet similar, com
posing tho district of Montour, Columbia, Luzurno,
and Wyoming—Samuel Jlommor, and John Dean,
Jr. Senatorial conferees, composing tho district of
Columbia, Montour, Northumberland, and Snyder
counties—Edward Morrison and Ooorgo Billmyor.
Representative conferees, composing the district of
Montour, Columbia, Sullivan, and Wyoming coun
ties—GuteliusSnydor, Esq., and J. Reeso Philips.
Tho above is a oorreotoopy of the proceedings.
I remain yours, Invisible.
On tho opening of the court at Washington
city, on Monday morning, tho hung jury in tho
riot case carao in and reported thoir inability to
agree, ond were consequently discharged. It is
said that thoy stood seven for conviction and five
for acquittal. On disposing of this jury tho court
adjourned sine die, the next regular torm com
mencing on the first Monday of Doeomber noxt.
Consequently the riot eases, os well as all others
pending, will hare to lie over until that time,
| For Thb Press.
The recent sad death of this distinguished
Scotchman, anothorviclim to an o’erwroughtbrain,
reoalls to my memory the living man, as I saw him
one bright summer morning, more than a year ago,
in Edinburgh. Ho was standing in front of Scott’s
monument, lost in contemplation over the genius
of one who fell, as tho poor man wm also soon to
fall, a martyr to !i,telleotual toil. No sooner was
he pointed out to n,o as Miller than my eyes
were rivoted upon him, os my mind had lieensome
months before upon that most remarkable book of
his, “Tho VeatigCßof Creation.”. I£o gtood theb
before me, a massive, rough-hewn, and broad
chested man, who looked as if really, to use his
own words, “he could lift breast high the lifting
stone of the Dropping Cave of Cromarty.” ■ There
he lingered in front of that beautiful monument.
The hurrying crowd went by, anil all the stirring
toil of a busy streot was around him, but he
heeded not, for his own great mind was communing
with the spirit of tho past, recalling the toils and
triumphs of that mighty master of romance who
hod wovon a spell around every lake and moun
tain of his nativo land, and to whoso memory a
grateful people had erected this boautiful monu
I could not belp being struck, as I gazed upon
him standing in that saored spot, with head un
covered in reverential-silenee, at the massiveness
of hi 9 brain. It ,wns a head requiring a hat which
would .most certainly distinguish nine-tenths of
tho men of- my acquaintance, Hia countcnnncp
was oast in the mould of Scotch ugliness; but Its
hard linos and stem features wore redeemed by
the soft light of as gentle a blue eye as I ever saw
in woman. Coming from the east coastof Scotland*
from that half Scandinavian population
ing the shores of the Gorman Ocean from
Caithness, with the blood of several venturesome
sailors and drowned men in his veins, his physical
appoaranoo had somewhat in it, I must confess, of
the rudeness and roughness of his origin. No cse,
however, could see that brood massive brow, over
hanging those mild, tender eyes, without feeling
that he was gazing upon no ordinary man. I longed
to speak with him, if only to exchange the saluta
tions of the morning with one whose literary labors
I so much admired, and whose faculty of clothing
tho abstruse things of science with a oharm un
known before w&i9 so wonderful. But I did not
presume to intrude upon the solemnity of his
thoughts, standing there in the majesty of his man
hood, before tho conseorated shrine of Sootland.
Soon he mingled in the throng of that busy street,
and I saw him no more.
Several months ago the steamer brought' tho
news of his death—and such a death.
Who could read with dry oyes that sad note, “to
tho fair-haired lassie of Cromarty ” he had made
his wifo, and for whose sake, at the mature age of
thirty, ho had left tho bumble pursuit of a stone
fiioson, to how for himself, in the modern Athens, a
monument more durable than rock! In that sad
note, written when the mental chords were all
jangling and out of tune, how tho agonized soul
groans forth its anguish.
“ Dearest Lydia: My brninburns—l must have
walked, and a fearful dream arises upon me. I
cannot hoar the horrible thought. God and Father
of my Lord Jesus Christ, have meroy upon me.”
A short hour of comparative quiet, after writing
these sad words, the horrible vision, whatever it
was, returns, and in tho midst of the thick dark
ness that encompasses him he falls in his despera
tion by his own hand.
.Thus perished, in tho height of his fame, the
gifted author of "The Old Rod Sandstone,” and the
“Footprints of tho Creator.”
Hugh Miller was another instance of the attain
ment of high distinction from low beginnings—as
the lark, whose nest is on the ground, soars the
nearest to heaven.
Thirty-eight years ago, the Cromarty stone
mason came to Edinburgh, having found himself
famous ono morning as tho author of a pamphlet
advocating tho cause of the “Non-Intrusion Party
ot tho Church of Scotland”—a literary production
which, to use the words of Mr. Gladstone, mani
fested a mastery of pure, elegant, and masouline
English, such as even a trained Oxford scholar
must have envied!
But he had boon before tho world as an author
ere this. His "Sceoos and Legends of the North
of Scotland” gave tho first evidence'lo tho world
of thoso imaginative powers, that genius for de
scription, which afterwards, when more culture had
been allowed, shone forth so conspicuously in that
charming work, "First Impressions of England,”
or that still more charming production, “My
Schools and Schoolmasters, or the Story of My
No one who possesses these works but will bo
struck with tho power of their descriptions. How
life-like—how real! Ono after rootling them has
but to close his eyes, and memory will bring buck
loving visions of sweet inland glon3, created for
nuthing but the hush of tho waterfall; clusters of
hamlets, each under its own patch of stars; roinoto
village churchyards, studded with homely moss
ombrowned tombstones; rocky caves and promon
tories, where ono hoars ever “tho sullen swinge”
of tho lonely sea! Wherever Miller moved, thcro
woro always two things that had for him an irre
sistible attraction—tho geology aud humanity of
tho district in which ho lived. As was well said
by ono who knew him long, “ With hia pocket
fall of fossils, ho would go miles to see a battle
field of Wallace; nor in all his geological tours did
he ever pass by a Covonanter’agravo ”
But, although capable of attaining the highest
rank in the literary world, tho strength of his fame
rests upon his servioes in one of tho most important
departments of natural soience—geology. On the
beach and among the rocks of his native dis
trict he had piekod up fossils and othor objects
of natural history, and in his various journeying 3
as an operative had so extended his operations, that
he had become, before he was fully aware of it, a
solf-taught geologist. He had broken in upon more
than ono field of geology in which no one had pre
ceded him, and made discoveries that astounded
the scientific world. He had boon called to Edin
burgh to take charge of a prominent journal, and
in its pages first made their appearance the papers
whioh ho afterwards published collectively under
tho titlo of “Tho Old Hod Sandstono.” The ge
ologists of tho Old and New World were in raptures.
At a meeting of tho British Association, Murchon
gon and Buckland spoke of theso expositions of the
Scottish atone mason u as having cast plain geolo
giit3liko themselves completely in the shade.”
These expositions were followed by other contribu
tions to his favorito ecionoo, but by none moro able
than his work styled “ Tho Foot Prints of tho Crea
tor,'’ in which ho completely demolished his col-
Icge-bred antagonist, tho author of that dangerous
book, “Tho Vestiges of the Natural History of
Croation.” Hugh Millor and “Old Bod Sand
stone” are names indissolubly united inEdinburgh;
and I was told whilo tboro, that even among the
common people he was known by tho name of “Old
In his moro literary efforts ono is struok by
his extensive acquaintance with tho English
literature of tho last century, in particular
with its Swifts, its Addisons, its Popes, Shenatone3,
and Goldsmiths. That pure, clear, sparkling style of
his came most certainly from the pur© wells, those
undofilod waters of tho English classics, for at these
fountains did tho stone-mason of Cromarty certainly
slake his thirst. Tho great work of his life was
finished tho day boforo hia death. It is a learned
treatise upon tho geology of Scotland. Upon this
great labor bis mind was shipwrecked. The mighty
toil, tho patient and thorough research, the con
fining application, wore all too much for even his
gieat physical framo, and that
“ Noble aud most sovereign reason.
Like sweet bells jangled out of tune and harsh, M
at Inst gave way and hurried him to the grave of
the suicide.
[For Tho Press
Hume says : “ Tho figuro whioh a man makes in
life, tho recoption which ho meets with in company,
tho esteem paid to him by his acquaintances—all
theso advantages depend as muoh upon hia good
sense and judgment, as upon any othor pnrt of
bis character. Had n man the boat intentions in
tlio world, and woro they farthest removed from
all injustice and violence, ho would never be able
to make bimsolf much regarded, without a mode
rate share, at least, of parts and understanding.
Tact outstrips talent, bocauso tact is evor on
tho alert to say and do smart things; whilo talent,
witli moro dignity, wails for tho opportunity.
Written at the end of his Bible, by Sir William
‘•Tho Scriptures independently of a Divino
origin, more true sublimity, more exquisite beauty,
purer morality, moro important history, and finer
strulns, both of pootry ana eloquence, than could be
collected within the same compass from all other
books that wero evor composed fn any age or in any
idiom. The two parts of whioh the Scriptures con
sist are connected by a chain of compositions whioh
boar no resemblanco in form or style to any that
can he produoedfrom the stores of Grooiun, Persian,
or oven Arabian leftroing, The antiquity of these
compositions no man doubts, and the unrestrained
application of them to events long subsequent to
their application is a solid ground of belief that
they were genuine productions and consequently
Tho American Fire Company, of Lancaster,
Pa., havo passeS resolutions inviting all tho Are
companies of that eity to participate in the recep
tion of the Friendship Fire Company of Baltimore,
on their arrival at Lancaster on the 11th of Sep
The Shakers of Berkshire county, Mass.,
have recently erected a circular barn of two storips,
one hundred feet in diameter, containing stalls for
seventy head of cattle, and two large calf stables.
The stalls are ranged in a circle next the outer
wall, with the heads of tho cattle inward. Within
this circle is 'a broad alley, and within that the
great “bay” for stowing hay and straw. Over the
stalls is the threshing floor, upon which a dozen
loads of hay may be hauled, at once, and unloaded
into the “ bay.”
A painful accident occurred on Saturday to
Wm. A. Mickle, Esq., a farmer, residing at Mill
Valley, about two miles west of Middleburgh,
Sohoharie county. He got up a “bee,” for the
purpose of bark-peeling, and late in the afternoon,
while engaged stripping a tree which had just been
out down, ho was struck on the breast by tho limb
of another tree, «which fell unexpectedly near
whore he was at work. Mr. M. was immediately
carried to his residence and medical aid provided,
but bia injuries were of so serious a nature that he
died during thp night.
Tho prbperty known as Locke’s Mills, in
Armagh township, Pa.,‘ was discovered to be on
fire on Saturday; afternoon week, and in a short
time all the buildings connected with the mill and
distillery, nine or ten in number, with most of
their contents, wero consumed. Thors were con
sumed from, nine to ten thousand bushels of corn,
a considerable quantity of rye, alcohol, barrels,
and other things connected with the .manufacture,
making their total loss from sl*o,ooo to $35,000
$16,000 of which is covered by insurance. •' .
The Postal Prepayment law, it seems, is not
yet universally understood. We see In the last
Alexandria Sentinel a notice of fourteen letters
being detained in the post office of that eity on
account of the non-payment of postage. The pro
bability is that a majority of said cases occur, not
so much from a misapprehension of the law 6n the
SUbjaot as irom correspondentsput
stamps on their letters. 1 '
Two men, named Morgan Lake and Pulver
Madison, on Sunday afternoon started from the
Whale Dock at- Poughkeepsie, to swim across the
river. When about one-third of the way over
Madison suddenly disappeared, and was drowned.
Lake swam across and started to return, but was
met by a boat and taken on board in an exhausted
condition. Mr. Madison was about 40 years of
age, and leaves a wife and family.
De Bow’s mortality statistics show that the
people of the United States are the healthiest on
the globe. The deaths are three hundred and
twenty thousand per year, or one and one-third per
cent, of tho population. In England the Tatio is
over two por cent., and in Franco nearly three per
cent. Virginia and North Carolina are tho health
iest of the States, nml have six hundred and thir
ty-eight inhabitants over ©no hundred years of age.
John Irvine, a retired surgeon, died lately
near Londonderry, Ireland, aged 73 years. The
aeoeased was a surgeon of the British ship
Gucrriore when captured by the United States
frigate Constitution, in .1812; also, surgeon of the
Endymion, and was severely wounded when serv
ing m the boats of that Bhip in the attack upon the
American privnteor Prince de Neufchatel, off Na
ntucket, in 1814.
Counterfeit bills of the denomination of tens and
twenties of the Quebeo Bank uro in circulation.
They arc altered from ohm, and well done. The
genuine are a different plate. The counterfeit
tens have the numeral X instead of 10; and the
lettering Twextv in tho false twenties encroaches
on the first letter of “ Currenoy” following.
A youth or young mau, named George Ab
bott,had an altercation with a man named Thomas
Dickens, in Falmouth, Stafford county, Va.. on
Thursday last, which resulted fatally with the last
named. Dickenshad left Abbott, when the latter
throw a brick, striking Dickonson the head, which
resulted in his death on Tuesday evening.
Charles Cahoon, of Canton, N. Y., was
riding with hia uncle, with a loaded rifle standing,
between them, when a dog sprang out and com
menced barking. Mr. Cahoon, in leaning over to
strike the dog, moved the lock of the gun, and it
was discharged, the contents passing through his
vitals, and killing him instantly.
Schooner Montezuma, which returned on
Thursday to Boston from Bay St. Lawrence,
'picked up three men on Wednesday, about ninety
miles from Capo Ann. They belonged to schooner
Texan, of and forEastport, from New York, which
was capsized same morning by a squall. . When
resouea, thoy had been clinging to the bottom of
the wreck about twelve hours.
Dr. Hauchett’s entire theatrical properties,
which wero gotten up at an expense of several
thousand dollars, were sold a few dftys since at
Wellsburg for $l6. Hanchett managed a theatre
at Wheeling for some time, but the arrangement
“ didn’t pay,” “couldn’t bo made to pay,” and
the result was he put for parts unknown, leaving
the properties to be “knocked down” by the oon
Gen. Daniel S. Lee, of Mfssonri, late con
sul of the United States at Basle, in Switzerland,
died in Washington city at half-past one o’clock
on Saturday afternoon lost, of tetanus, or lock-jaw,
occasioned by a wound he had received in tho foot
by the accidental discharge of : n pistol-in hb own
On Saturday last the thermometer at Cin
cinnati ranged from 98 to 100 degrees in the shade.
Five men were sun struck, one of whom died, and
another was not expected, to recover.
The St. Louis Insurance Company, of St.
Louis, on Wednesday declared a dividend of fif
teen poreont out of tho profits of tho last quar
ter’s business.
The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company
announces the completion of its independent lino
of track over and around tho hill at the Broodtree
tunnel, on tho Wheeling or main branch of the
road, bo that passengers aro passed over in thirty
minutes with safety and facility.
The Indianapolis Journal of Thursday warns
the public against the issues of a new shlnplaster
banking concern at Gosport, Ind., called the “Citi
zens’ Bank.” Tho Journal suys, “Itis a stranger
to tho auditor of State, and tho bill-holders have
no protection in the redemption of its notes.”
A letter in the New Orleans Picayune, from
tho parish of Plaquemines, La., dated July 31,
says: “ Never have the prospects of the sugar
cron been more choerine. Tho rise, although a
little backward, will yield a rich harvest to our
industrious farmers.”
Mr. Charles Moran, the now President of
the Erie Railroad Company, has written a sort of
moral essay on railroad management. His two
leading measures of reform are higher rates of
fare and freight and lower rates of speed.
A boarding-house keeper in Baltimore ad
vertises to “furnish gentlemen with pleasant and
comfortable rooms, also one or two gentlemen with
A German laborer named Weaver, employed
at the portage Iron Works, Duncansville, Pa., was
killed recently, by falling against a fly-wheel, one
of the arms of which fractorod bis skull.
Hon. W. H. Crawford declines the Ameri
can nomination for Congress in the second dis
trict of Georgia.
Hon. John Long, a prominent citizen of
North Carolina, is dead.
A salmon weighing pounds has been
caught in tho Susquohunna, near Middletown, Pa.
Lieut. A. P. Gaillard, of the Charleston
police, accidentally shot and killed himself a few
days ago.
Later from Texas.
The New Orleans papers have received Galves
ton dates to the 9tb.
Colonel Lockridge and Colonel Waters, of Ni
caragua, woro in Gulveston on tho Bth. Tho for
mer was on his way to tho westorn part of the
State, and the latteron bisway to visit his relations
in Houston.
Tho Galveston News, in noticing tho report that
Colonel A. S. Johnson,oftho Second U. S. Cavalry,
(who passed through Now Orleans a few days ago
on his way to Washington,) is to have the command
of the expedition to Utah, remarks ; ,
• ‘!We learn from different sources per. Inst mail,
that a soparflte military department is created for
tho operations of his command, placing it on what
may be called a war footing, giving great discre
tionary power to tho judgmeut and military ability
of the commander. We view the Colonel as emi
nently qualified, from his high character as a mili
tary man, and as u citizen, to meet the wants and
exigencies of the public interest in that region of
our country.”
Tho City Council of Galveston held a meeting
on the sth inst., and passed a preamble and resolu
tions in relation to tho death of General Rusk, and
piovidingfor funeral ceremonies on tho Bth. Tho
Herald, of the 9th, has tho following notico of the
funeral obsequies of tho deceased soldier, states
man, and patriot:
“ In compliance with previous arrangements, tho
various societies, companies, city authorities, and
citizens of this place joiued in procession and
marched through our principal streets, presenting
an imposing and solemn appearance. The public
offices ami many places of were draped in
mourning; the shipping in the harbor carrica their
flags at half mast; the bells of thecity were tolled,
aud cannon fired, in honorof the illustrious dead.”
Qu.vnTEn Sessions —Judge Conrad.—Common
wealth vs. Joseph Hess. This was an action for
assault and battery by the defendant, who is the
foreman of a clothing store on Market street, on
Warren Dickerson, a tailor working for the store
According to the testimony, the prosecutor brought
some clothes to tho store which ho had finished and
waited for somo time to bo paid. The defendant
said, “I will not pass your work, nor will I pay
you for it.” The prosecutor, who is an infirm man,
asked him for somo monoy. when the defendant
oaught him by the throat, throw him down, and
hurt him severely, taking tiio coats from him.
Tho whole amount demanded by tho prosecutor
was only two dollars. The defendant upon be
ing sued for tho assault and battery, brought
actions for larceny and assault and battery against
the prosecutor, which bills wero ignored. Verdiot,
guilty. Sentence deforred. J. P. Loughead, Esq.,
for the Commonwealth.
Sentences.’- William Ramsey, convicted of tho
larceny of a # watch, was sentenced to eighteen
months’ imprisonment,
James McCulloch, convioted of tho larcenylof a
box of glass, was sentenced to seven im
Re-Capture. —James Edward Logue, against
whom there are two bills of indietm out for burglary,
aud who escaped from Officer Conlston about ten
days ago, was re-captured yesterday morning, at
Second and Callownill streets. Officer Conlston
had offered a reward for bis re-arrest. Logue will
be tried to-day, and will be defended by Lewis C
Cassidy and Wm. B. Rankin, Esqrs.
Henry Monaghan, charged with passing a coun
terfeit note, has given notico to the District Attor
ney of an allocatur to the Supreme Court for a
Ccrrespoodenta for “Tip Pax&a” wIU pleu* bear ?<*
mind the following rnlei:
Every ccmvmnnl cation most be n&ecinp*EJ@d by the
tome of the writer. In order to insure correctness of
the typography, but toe of I ghf«f, should be
written upon. ‘' ' '
We shell be greatly obliged to gentlemen la PeaasyU
▼eaie end other Stats* for contributions giving the ear
rent news of thedsy in their particular localities, the
resources of the surrounding county, of
population, end any information that will be interesting
to the general reader.
Missouri.—The latest returns from Missouri
look more favorable for the Democratic candidate
for Governor. The St. Louis Republican, of Fri
day morning last, says: ‘
“ We have very little to say about the election.
Everything was in abeyance-yesterday. The Rol
lins men gave up figuring, - and left the thing to
taka its course.; Stewart’s friends were not over
sanguine, being content to rely upon the official
count of the ballots. In this mood they will have
to stand for & day or two, and perhaps
publish a revised table of the votes for Governor,
which includes sixty-four counties officially heard
from, and the others aro nearly all correct:”
The Republican publishes returns from all the
counties in the State, except eight, which toot up
thus; . !
Rollins's majority thus, far - 342
The Republican adds:
“ Rollins goes into the remaining counties with
three hundred and forty-two majority. In these
eight comities Buchanan received I,6T$ votes, and
Fillmore five hundred and fifty—or a majority of
1,116 for Buchanan. It looks as if Stewart ought
to overcome the majority against him {three hun
dred and forty-two) in these eight counties. -We
shall see.
JiOBVH Cabmjka.—The Americans (says the Ra
leigh one member of the House of
Representatives from the three sovereign States of
Virginia, North Carotin*,’ and Sontn Carolina.
Just thinkofit!—ow#member from three States;
and that member is Mr. Gilmer, of theGoilf&rd
distrlcti who was recently defeated for Governor by
only thirteen thousand majority.
.The triumphs of Americanism are indeed strik
ing and impressive. They have rendered.Aham
setTee an object of general attention. Everybody
congratulates them on their success, and atiOjes
are tamed ;upo& Mr. Gilmer as the lose ”dark
tontom” from Virginia, North Carolina, and South
We hare before ns dw official rttnraiof the
election held in the first district, North Carolina,
wr Congress. The majorities foot op thus
Shaw, (Democrat,) - -.-
Smith, (American,)
Shaw'a_ffi£riority - - _ 38
. ® below the official vote for CongTes3 in
the third district. North Carolina
Winslow, (Democrat,)
Meares, (American,) -
Winslow’s majority - . - . <Sjjsi
Alabama.—The legislature jnst eleoted by tile
people of Alabama is certainly a model one. The
Senato studs twenty-eight Demos rate to fire
Know-nothings, and the House eighty-fire Demo
crats to fifteen Know-nothings Dumnpratfa ma
jority on joint ballot, nirUty-tkree !
election ot General Moore in the 4fh Con
gressional district ,of Alabama, by & majority of
1 nearly fifteen hundred over’his Know-nothing op
ponent, ilr. Smith, is a- subject of the wanaesi'eon
gratulatioos with ibe -Democracy in all sections of
the Union. . , .
Tennessee.—We copy the following from the
Nashville Union of last Thursday's issse * '
“ A gentleman in Greenville writes us that Mr.
Harris, Democrat, i 3 elcotod Senator in the First
Senatorial diatrictAand we therefore add hi* name
to the list of Democratic Senators elected. The
first district, although containing a- considerable
Democratic majority, has been lost to our friends
half the time for the last twelve years. Mr. Har
ris has represented Washington county twiee in
the House, and is a sound and able Democrat. *•
Our candidate for the Senate in the Madison
district is also eleoted by a majority of seventy
votes. * . • - .
“We think Ross, Democrat, pretty certainly
elected Senator from tho Henderson district. If
so, we shall have eighteen Senators to seven Know-
Nothings. j
“ Fot the House of Representatives is
less complete, but oar estimate is that it wilT con
sist of forty-tffe Democrats, and thirty*threeKnow-
Nothings. . , t
“On joint vote, say sixty Democrats to forty
Know-Nothings. If there is any change in Hm
est mate, it will increase this majority.**
# The result of the election in the second congres
sional district of Tennessee is still in doubt. The
Nashville Union of Friday says; -
“A passenger on the train yesterday morning
brought a report of the election of Wallace in the
6ecoud district over Maynard by a small majority
We hare no means of testing tho truth of tho re-
Cand give it as all we have hoard since our last
that district.
“ Later. —A subsequent report upon verbal in
formation is, that all the counties save Fentress
are heard from, and that Maynard's majority in
those is four hundred and twenty-two—seven more
than Buchanan’s majority in Fentress. “As' it is
more than likely that the majority will fall off In
Fentress, we regard the chances now as in favor.-uf
Maynard’s election by a small majority.’' -J.
The Chattanooga (Tennessee) Advertiser says
“We have not the official vote, can only-saV
with certainly that Col. Smith ia elected by a ma
jority ranging from eight hundred to oho thonaahl
votes.” : . - -
■ Srnrtna m Kassas:—The Cotamiviionerof ii'a
General Land Office has received from
general of Kansas and Nebraska plats of theater
traceraent of a part of the southern boundary of
tho Shawnee Indian lands from'the point on .that
lino two .miles east of the southwest cornet of ihe
Shawnee reservation westward to the. northwest
corner of thoSooand Fox lands,situated in town*
ship fifteen south, ranee thirteen east, of the' mith
principal meridian inKansas. - J - •
Also, plats of the re-survey of the. southern
boundary of the Pottawatomie lands, and the sur
vey of the northern boundary of tho Shawnee ces
sion lands in Kansas, beginning from-the
eastern corner of the Pottawatomie reservation,
and running westward to the northwesters, corner
of the Shawnee lands on the Smoky HiU Fork
making about sixty miles,. , [
Survey op Public Lands ut Oregon Ixbhi-
TOitr.— Returns of a diagram of surveys of the pub
lie lands in Oregon Territoiy have been received
at the General Land Office, showing the extension
of the coast meridian in Oregon through townships
twenty and twenty-five-south, on the range-line
between ranges twelve and thirteen west of the
Willamette meridian, crossing Umpqua and Cooa
rivers. *
Appoixtmest.— J. L. Taylor, a clerk in the Pen
sion Office, has been appointed by the Secretary of
the Interior to a second-class clerkship in the In
terior Department, to fill a vacancy caused by tho
death of Joseph L. Peabody
Charles E. Mix, Esq., chief clerk of the Tndiap
Bureau, has been appointed Acting Commissioner
of Indian Affairs during tho temporary absence of
General Denver, who has gone to Nebraska on bu
siness connected with his office.— Union.
Important Intelligence from China*
Seizure of the Island of Formosa by the United
States ' Naval Force—lndemnity for Ameri
can Citizens , <s;c. ,
[Correspondence of the New York Daily Times.)
United States Flag Ship San Jacinto, )
Hono Kong, Saturday, June 9, 1557. )
I stated in my letter of May 25, that there was
a project on foot for the setsuro of the rieh island
of Formosa. By a letter received yesterday bv an
official, to which as yet very iittlo publicity has
been given, I learn the following additional facts.
They are perfectly reliable.
Somo three months since Capt. J. D. Simms, o!
the United States Marine Corps—attached to the
San Jacinto—was mysteriously missing, gone no
body but our executive knew where. It was un
derstood after a few weeks that he had been de
tailed for duty; where, and for what kind, was
known only to the elect. It is now ascertained
that his instructions were to proceed to Formosa ,
and in the city of Ftingsh on hoist the American
Jtag and tale formal possession of the island:
It is to be held as an indemnity for tho losses sus-'
t&inod by Amorican citizens during the present
war. Ours being tho prior claim, will, of coarse, be
respected by the contending parties, be they*Eng
lish, French, or Spanish, all of which Powers inav
have a finger in this pie.
This step has given the English authorities in
China bugo satisfaction, as every snccemve step
towards further collision with the. Chinese doe/
This, in my opinion, is a wise step towards securing
our rights ia China, and a safe way of making
suro of remuneration for our losses. Should we
seek territorial acquisitions in this part of toe
world, no more desirable portion of the Chinese
Empire could be seised upon than Formosa—rich
in mineral und agricultural wealth, its valuable
coal mines make it a coveted spot with the mari
time nations of the world. It is only within a few
years that its resources have become known, owing
to the hostility andexclusivenessof its people, who
are Chinamen. Already there is a profitable trade
carried on between foreigners in China and its
people, and it only needs developing w> make it in
valuable. Of this matter, more anon. *
From Shaugbae we have news up to the 16th ef
May. The principal item of interest is concern
ing the rebel movements in the Northern part of
the Empire—a record of their successes every
where. They have captured the cities of Shaon
woo and Gen-ping, in the interior both cities of
importance, and are advancing on Ho-how.
'lhe imperial forces in the vicinity of the Chi
nese Paris, Su Chan, have revolted, drivipg tho
Governor of the province and his officials from tho
city, and have taken possession of and robbed the
military chest of 50,090 tales of silver.
Two thousand starving refugees from Nankin
bad sought and obtained relief at Shanghai, their
countrymen providing for them generonsW, ac
cording to the Chinese standard of generosity.
Mr. Thomas Taylor Meadows, author of that re
liable work, “The Chinese and their Rebellion,”
has received the appointment of Chinese Secretary
to the British Plenipotentiary, Lord Elgin. A moro
fit selection oould not have been made. Mr Farkes,
he who has figured so conspicuously in kicking np
this rumpus with the Celestials, takes Mr. Mea
dow s place as consul at Ningpo.
The American vessels Charming, Jacob Ball, and
North Wind were in harbor. The United States
sloop Levant was still there.
At Hong Kong we have the American vessels R.
R. \V ilsou, Carbon, Celestial, Challenge, Contest,
Gulatea, Good Hope, Kremlin, Malay, Matilda,
Penguin, Spitfire, and Skylark. The last named
ship mado the passage from Boston to Hong Kong
in ninety-one days. Yours, Dlixi.
From the West.
[From the St. Louis Republican, of Saturday.]
Major Phelp3 was in this city, yesterday, on his
way to the East. He accompanied Col. Johnxm’s
uxpedition to survey and mark the southern boun
dary line of Kansas for about 200 miles west of the
Missouri boundary lino. When he left, the expe
dition was making good progress, expecting to
complete their work and return by the month of
November. The command had met with no inter
ruption whatever, and Col. Johnson, it Is believed,
.will make a very flattering report of the country
over which he has passed ana will hare to pass
hereafter. A Well-marked road has been made by
the number of wagons attached to this expedition,
and the work done upon it at the crossing of streams
and other difficult places. Hereafter there will be
no difficulty in following this route to New Mexico,
*nd wood and water wul be found in abundance