Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, November 06, 1795, Image 4

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No. 60 South Second Street.
■s. HPHE Wholefkle and Retail Store for BOOKS, STATIONARY,
y X rai.rrs, oil paintings, dkawin<z books,
j *•</ Fancy article.
r x ftf the greater of bis uuftmrfs cxtenjiveh,
hj frvn No. 57, to No bo Houin Second Street,o* the
Hi file- -obere L> k*s recti ed by the lu'i arrivals, ftr extffcvt
ooitiftiu! vf ' '~-l fiethy n~> the bef SljthnA-ry. Atfo> s variaty
of Ne ' tufc% ft*■' barfscurious Cat 'oatures, Prints, Oil Paint
fogi, ■>' ~ Books, Ut. &c. all wbLb he will sett, <m usual,
/•r u fji.ill profit*
¥. emhra<:os this to acknowledge tie liberal en
ewravrmefit be ha: always experienced from ibe citizens of Phila
delphia—returns bis tn fifteen thanks, and pledges hi-xfetf to use
*>f\ant exertions to merit arkinuzl favor, and to have bisfore the
Slace for elegant and ufefnl hlerature.
Jurte 27. F
Scheme of a Lottery,
Tortifc 30,900 Hollar i, on 266,000 Dollars 15
per Lent, from the Vrizts—This Lottery Civ-dtls of 38,000
Trctrts, in *hich th>r> arc 14/5x9 I >izts, a»d 2
Bhrih, icing about **c axd an .k*lf blanks to a briie.
fJpUM Dirfftorsoi iht Society for ett<iW if.vng IJftfful M t-
JL nufa&ure*, haviny'rewlved to er-ft LO T VER I£S for,
0-;e Hundred Thousand Dollars, agreeably
to an Aft of the L« gifliture 01 tk Suf ot New-|erfcy.
have appointed ?fie 'ql lowing Werfdn* to fa&erjpteml and
direct he drawing o! thc'fatme,Vij, Nicholas Low, Ruhu
King, He man Le Roy, Jjrncs Watson, Rich?.rd Har-
Hion, Abijah HamrpOpd, and CmneSus Ray, of city of
New-York—Ttjomai Wflling, Jo'-fp* Halt, Matt new fcfpr
Connel and Aftdrcv; Uayard, ol the cily o? Philadelphia
—?J:s Excellency Richard Howell, F.fq. Kit a* Road foot*
General Elias L).?y'.ofi, James Pa-ker, John Bavarrl, D-d
©1 Lewis Don Ira m. Samuel W. Stockton, Jofau.i M. Wal
lace, Joseph ii!oorr.n< d, and Flifha Bou«jun>t, of N. w
Jersey, who off? 1 The Sliow mg Scheui- f. a Lattery,
and pledge thei Selves to the public, that they kjN t~kr
evfcry atfurtnee and precaution in their power 10 ha ire the
Monies paid by the Manage?* hv.m u >.e to time, asrecciv
ed, into the Uanks at New-Yo k Dnd Thtindrlphw, to
rerrjam foi the pHtpofr of paying Pries which ihall he
i«n»nediaieiydifch^rgeri hv ackeckopoo one ot ijie Uankk
\ Pri*eot 20,000 Dollars is *e,oeo
t 10,000 i n ,ooo
1 s,occ ( acjoco
$ B,C<*« IO.OOC
10 I,COO io,cco
2 0 500 10,000
100 100 10,000
3 f - 5® »5,000
10OC 2© 20,00 C
2 000 1 $ 30,000
:- r r a 36, ©00
9 *' n zc»" «6 2,000
Blank,#, firfldrawn number, «,000
Laftdrawn number, 2,000
38000 ;Vjcets at 7 Dollars each is 'e66 : ooo
i he dra wing will under the infpe&» *n of
r c»t the Superintending as loon Jhe Tick
ets arc jld,of which timely notice wiil be given
T'nr japeriutevdants have appf'iiiicd John N. Camming
0} Newark, Jacob K. Harderibt rg, 01 New-»Bru<it v.- .ck,
and Jodattiau Khea, of Trenton, n immediate Managers
thereof, who have given ample kwU)>< y tor discharging
tli trull icpofed tncre.
y-V* In order tofecure the' pur.tlnil pnymcrt of the
Prizes, the Sup«rj4fendaols or: tc :
-.■■■fa a* Q.,n
Hooirfj wilh four iutficieot feconti ,topcifo)iU iheir iu
ifrufttonsi the lubltancc oi Whicb is
I. Thai whenever riihcrolihe Managers !%all receive
the funi ol 1 hree Hundred Jjoiitfrs, tinmdiat<l} he IK.*ll ■
p*ace the in one of the Uanks .• \'c -'York c/r Pht-
to the ciedfi »«i 1r» Gnveinof of t'ie So« icty, •
fucn o'. she Supervnjcndants ao ive in the city where
the monies ore placed, ».o ffeoratn tticrr- until tUe Lot: <y
is drawn, lor ihc payment of the I'riEej.
IJ. The Manners to take (ufftcicm lecuril fe • •
Ticket, they maytruft,other wife to b ■
lii. To keep tegular books of Tick£l4 fold, Mb
nics received and paid inte the bank, a
ftliU tj* fen:, nomhly, pj.tiieGov< ,oor of the Socictv.
Pater Ton, January 1, j J
0,1 ;• o/jl-cauoti < . above gemTemen tufofl !
>vrA" ' y- -.1 t x -~ y. K• f
Ttl: ■•jU KV of :/>. UuiLU iV. I
Aug kjl 111, 1795,
NO I ICE is hereby given to ill .v. r .on» v.ho are or i -
iv 7-'CrC' ito.s ot the Urn- 1 -ts'ts, for j. n y j
e Awaited Debt, or Stock, hearing a frefcnt
•> 'd ; if pc czntum per annum : ' <
si i hit to an Aiil of Congfjfs, paffid on 1
rd. diy of March, 1795, intitule I, 44 An Aft
r :nj r'ur.her provision for ti;e support of Public ' for the rede.n.jtun 01 the i'ubiic Del)t," '
there mt:.. ue reimbursed and redeemed, on the fitft day
ot ju .uary ensuing, the raje or proportion of two per '
tentiwi of t ie principal of the debt or Jlock,
in the Cjrtifica:es iffaed to the said Cr«ditovs refpec-
Uvely. -
zo, The laid re!mburfera»nt» will be made al the
T-ealury of tlie United States, or -J.
wii?re the f .'id St jck may ftan J Credited at the close of
the present year. . J
3d, The fttd Kimburfernents will be made to the '
said Creditors in p'fpfon, or to their Attornies duly !
•ontlituted ; of attorney wiiicit may be '
produced must contain an authority to receive the said r
rsimburfement of principal, otherwifeno more than the '
usual dividend of intereji will be paid; and although 1
the two per centum of principal to be redeemed, (hould !
sot he demanded, yet the infercfl rhereon will cease
from the said rirft day of January next.
4th, To prevent the great trouble and expence which ,
would attend a renewal of the Certificates, ,n eo.ile- t
quence of th* said reimbursement of I'rincipal, it has t
been determined that 110 renewal (hall be made: And t
further, that the Certificates whieh may be ilTued dur- i
' i.ig the year One thousand lcven hundred and ninety- 1
fix, in u»ifeq'jeNce of any transfers of the said lix per s
cent. Stock, lhall nt)twitii:fandi»g the reimourfenient '
of two per centum, as aforementioned, e cxprcil-d f
for the respective i'ums of the onginai Capita: Stock. £
psrfons who miy negociEte the Funded fix per cent c
itoci of the V tited States, beating a present inttrejl, '
are therefore cautioned to observe, that during 1
One thousand seven hundred and ninety-Sx, he value 1
or true a aount of Principal unredeemed of laid Debt 1
or Stock, will be ,ii -ietf-tight per centum of the iuini f
OKprefled in the CeriiScates
Given under my jia'nd, ?.i Philadelphia, the day 1
and year be o. .•njentioaed, puriuant to di- '
regions of tne Secretary of t ,e 'freaiury,
SAMUEL MF.riElin H,' '
Trcajurcr ej the Unit;* Stain. ?
Aug. 24. -a a;j 1
ALL indebted to tilt Eiiate SAMUEL
FKXUNChS, late* of this cny, Inakeeper, de- t
eeaied, are defircd to make payineat :o the fubferiber ; \
' and all tliofe who 1-ave any demands ajaii.U the laid >
Estate, are reqtiefted to bring in their'accounts proper- c
ly attested.
SAMUEL M. I'RAUNCES, A6l;ng Executor. *
South Watej -ftrcei, No. 59. £
OiSober 28, 1795.
Genteel Boarding cV Lodgino- \
i a very r-mnil'part o: thexity, on mort moderate ter.rT »
f -.iquir. of the-PriL-er. 4itl Od'. 41W
* T i /~V?ili sizes, from it lb tn ©rape,
KS V v/ Camboolfctj Pots, _nd «ther cfcliogs oMcuted. at the
Ihorteft notlci,
Nail rods, fr im sod to spike,
le ly t Hoop Iron, f all sizes, for cafla or cuMvi.- into nails from
lit a bra 1 to x 2d nait,
.' r „ Aachorf, from 17 100lb.
,„ly bar Iron,
„„<» A 'Quantity of James RJr« Tobscpo,
r ua j. Carotins Pork.
Herring* in barreli,
I eors meal in Hhd 5 and Ebls.
y.hf. Ryefleur&t. to be fold by
Levi Ho lit ngfworth c/ Son.
etbc Ju yj'2 " - rrr
— Notice.
ALL indebted to the ©f IVeb
fler, A derate, & White, are desired to make payment
to Pkter W. Gallaudet, No. 63, Chefnut-flreet, who
is autkorifed lo rocteive th«fame. Tliofe who have claims
* " on th? said Firm will present them to him.
} Demands on the estate of the late Pelatiah Webfler, de
{or ecafed, arc to be exhibited to the fu fcriber—aad those
r^jv indehted to the said aft ate, are requested to make pay
fry ment«to RUTH PERIT, Executrix,
and Oftoher a®. dt*. No. 47 south Wafcer-ftreet.
iiu> ■■ ""
h t . A LL parsons having any dsmands on the Estate of
yci -l\. Mary Hewson, late of Bucks oounty, Jeceafed, are
.VP- desired to apply to William Hewson, near Bristol, in
jhia the county aforefaid, for immediate settlement. And all
persons indebted to said Estate are rcqueft«d to make pay
-t mont to the said William Hewfon, whe is hereby autho
'al- rifid to rweive the fame;
' w Elizabeth Hewson, Exetvtrix.
r /> Towatham Williams, ) -
W.U.A- HewisH, 5 £xmA ° r -
Bdlt^tcade, near BriJUl y \
*0 OA. 26, ,795 "law 3».
; he
k ' A.nerican Landjcapts.
ioe Twenty-Four VI EW Sj
seo 7
>00 OtLECTED from the most striking and mterefting
>00 ►J Profpefts in the SJnited States ; each «f which
»o Views, will be accompanied with a descriptive account !
>oc of its Local, Hifloriral, and other Incidental Peculiarities !
** By, G. I. PARKYNS,
)C$ Author of the " Aloiajlic Remain: and Ancient Gafilts in Great
)oo I. Ttat the work shall be publifhcd by Subscription; and
>00 that each Subscriber fiiall engage to take the whole set
of Views, and shall pay for each engraving, if blaok or
,0 ° browa, 2 Dollars ; and if coloured 5 Dollars,
of That the dimensions of each engraving shall be 2 4 by 17
inches, executed in and pablifhed upon paper
of a superior quality* The publication to commence im-
IP 'S and one engraving to be delivered to the Sub- j
fcriberi, on the fir 11 Monday of each succeeding month, |
r until the propofod ferfes fhaU be finally completed.
HI. That with the iaft View of the series, shall be dell- j
t , jf vered an engraved ; an elegant charatfleriftic ;
vign ttt; a map of therearc, counseled with the prof
> , 0 vhiiutsd m Ibe *'^I—Work ; and an
\ u , —Aipiid. »..LcU ialol me i>.ubfcribors. a
Sabfa intiojis arc received by Mh Harrifon, at his Print
j v » &op ; Ivlri i- .-.lane, >Jew-York, by Mr. Ca<rey, Bcok-fell
all ' tr. No rr J, &l-uk?t , ftreet, P.nla lelphiia, and by all tha
hi- ptiscij>R! iiook-fellera ia the United
ty, • Fcbrmtry d
f V F O ? SALE,
A very valuable ESTATE,
j OrrtfATE in the to<wrfe\p of Upper Derby, and county ef
; k y £ffr'.r-ware, 7 I*2 rnii-.s fron Philadelphia, ashl half a mile j
• j from the IVefern riaJ: containing 230 acres of excellent
j Landy 45 < which are good ivjtered J\-leadozu y 90 cf prime I
" 11'oo:i Land, and the reQ Arable of the ftfi quality. There are J
— of the pre-.ifrt a good twoHory Brick Hoitfe, xvttb 4 rooms on
, , a floor, and Cellars under the whole, with a Pump Well of ex *
eellent IVater in front; alar re frame Barn, Stables, and other ,
or i cornea'e«t Wildings; a Sinohe-Rouf; andfane Spring House ; Hvi
iy S»od Apple-Orddrds, and one of Peach r. 'The Fields are all K i,.
fit Clover, except theft immediately under tillage, and arc so mid 1
out as to have th: idvjnfage of Water in eaeh of them, which
)2] renden it peculiarly convenient for Grazing. ■
ft The fttuaiion is pleasant and healthy, and from the high culU
jc- nation of the L&.d, the good neighborhoodand the vicinity io the ci
ty ty, it is very fuiijble for a Gentleman s Country Seat.
lY Ibe foregoing is pert of Ejiaie of Jacob dec:afod
] r **doffered for sale by M ORDECAI LEWIS
,4 Surviving Ex castor.
c _ o<ft. 9, 1795 nts
be A MILL for SALE.
Sale t on private corstrsA. five undivided Gbi&s
of L parts of that valuable merchant-mill, called Old
Pennypack Mill, with two dwelling houies, stables, coap
le w's Ihop, ea& house, and other convenient buildings,
ly with about 20 aci si of good land, the greatest part thereof
)£ is ex-client watered mtadow, the remainper garden, orch
j ard, and v/ood land; situate ten miles from Pmla'delphia, ]
near the Wafeingt»n Tavern, part'y on th,; post-road lead- (
I ing to New-York, and partly on the River road; a r«- ]
d markahly. healthy country, and an excellent neighbour- 1
; u h«od. i hi, mill being on Pennypack areek, a heavy , I
e ftr«m of water, with about 15 feet head and fall, „,nd j )
th 2 tide flowing about 6 feet, will admit a vefifel carrying ! I
:h 1350 bulhels of wheat to lay along fide, and unload into j
e_ the mill with Evans's elevator in about three hours. The 1
as mi:lfipufe is large and built of stone, founded on a rock, I
id the walls uncommonly thick and ftrohg, (such a piece of'
r- Bialoß work is rarely to be ft.urtd) contains five floors, two r
f- water wheels, aud three pair ol the best French burr ftenes 1
:r all, double g«ared, with three boulting re»ls and t
It cloths of th fir ft quality, rolling screen, cyihider, and i'
ri fens for cUaning wheat is the belt manner, and paflin" it t
[. afterwards by an elevator into a banging garner; also,
f conveyers, elevator , and hopper boy, 111 in compleat or- ii
f, der. There are two large frame buildings adjoining the
ir mill, which are convaciem for ftoriug' flour, shorts, calks,
le &C A corn-kiln is ereded withm the building, with 1
)t boulting, reel cloth, and other ncctfiary fixtures for maau a
14 faduring large quantities of kiln-dried corn meal. The c
lh cam ot water is so coi-ftant that upwards of 60,000 feufh d
els of wheat have frequently beiu ma.iufaelured_ at this L
mill, aaimally. The tumbling dam was built of stone and
frame about 30 years ago, but the late extraordinary £relhe» ,
have made a breach therein, it can easily be repaired alto- t
? ether with Hone, the greatest part 0: which io already at d
hand, and the remainder can be quarried near the dun, a< j
tiiere are leveral.goad quarries of excillent stone on 'the :
L premises, and adjacent to the creek; the contiguhy of
e thk very valuable estate to Philadelphia, and the cafy na
! vig.,tio.: for iliaitops, with the above-mentioned great ad
d vantages, and many others not here m ntloacd. must be
:- obvious to any person who may vie%v the prem Jcs.
An-ißdifputable title, clear of alli.v uruhrances, -viHbc 4
r . made to die purchaser oa paying part of th money, and
giving iatisradory fecunty for the remainder, payable
'.»itt Ultercft in li.flalments at such times as may be agreed j
— on. l-'or further particulars enquire 011 the premises of
y Trakces Lewis, Executrix to the estate of Robert Lewis,
3 deceaJed; Jon .J ;,wirr, near Buffell-Tewa ;or Katiia
aiEi. Lewis, or Davjd Ltwti, in Philadelphia. (
Ak&PSi. .. w&l-
tim.siDJU.PXIA Phutid ,r JOHN FSNNO, N- .. 9 Cl«^;-P 11([ S.t D.u Si
• - V. *
BOOKS, Printed Jor o*ia ]
(Price Sixteen Doll-irt.)
)m ,{ Sykem of Modern Geogtapky :
Or, a Geographical, Hijhrital tni Ci-nmtretml Grammar
andpreftnt JhU f tbt ftvtral Natunt of He World,
The figures, motions, and culiar to each country,
diftarices of tlie Planets, ac~ Vll. Observations the
eordingtoiheNewtonianfyf- changes ihat havi been any
i ( tem, and the latstl obferva- where oWe- <• d upon the face
tion- ef nature foice the molt ear
-11. A g»naral view of the ly periods of history.
Earth, con ftdered as; VII!. History and origin
with finreralmlefiil definitions of nations; theirforms of go
and problem*. vernment, resignation, laws,
HI. Grand diviGons ef the revenues, taxes, naval and
Globe into land and water, military ftrcngth.
, n: continents and islands. IX. Genius, manners,'crtf
no Situation and'extontof em- toms and habits of the people,
110 pires, kingdoms, flotes, pro- X. Their language, learn
vinces and colonies. ing, arts, sciences, manufae-
S V. Their climitas,air, foil, tares and commerce.
vegetables, produ&ions, me- XT. Chief cities, ftru<?ture«
tals, minerals, natural curie- ruins, and artificial euriofitiea.
fitie*, seas, rivers, bays, pro- XII. Latitnde, longitude,
mohtories and i.Kkes. bearings«nddiftanccsofpriii-
Vi. Birds and Beafti pe- eipalplacesfroraPhiladelphia
I. A Geographical Indel, with the names and places a pha
betically arranged.
H. A Table of the Coins of all nations, and their value in
' dollars and cents.
Hf. A Chronological Table of remarkable events, from
the Creation to the pr.ient time.
r/. The Aftrononiical pajt by fa*"?* Fergufam, F. Jt. S.
Comxfted by Dr.iDAVjD Ritte.vhoosi!.
T1 which are added,
the late Discoveries of Dr. Herfchell, and other eminent
Atlronomers. '
The riasT American edition, corre&ed, improved, aad
greatly enlarged. Containing the following
Maps and Plates.
1 Map of the World 13 Hmdoftaa
2 Chart of the World 24 Africa
| 1 Europe 25 United States
|(T 4*Co«ntriesrouadtheNorth 16 British Dominions in A
,jj Pole. ' msrica
5 Sweden, Denmark, Nor- 27 Well Indies
way and Finrlaad, »B*Province of Maine
es 6 Riiffia 29' New Harapfh-rt
7 Scotland > jo'MaffashufetM
■at 8 England and Walea 3l*Con«edic«
9 Ireland ' 3e*Rhode Island
io France 33*Vcrn-.oat
1( j 11' Seat of War 34*NewYork
ct 12 Seven Unitid Provinelt -jj'NewJtrfey
3r 13 Austrian, French aad 36-Pennfylvaaia
| Dutch Netherlands 37*De)aware
■ j 14 Germany 38' Maryland
er 15 Switzerland 39* Virginia
1 _ ' r6 Poland 40' Kentucky
1,. | 17 Spain and Portugal 41' North Carolina
2 ; IS Italy 4i*TeneiTee government
| 19 Turkey in Europe 43' South Carolina
if. J 10 Alia 44*Geerpia
; c n'Difcovenes made,by cap- 45 Copernicao fyttem
f. tains Cooke and CJerke. 46 Armillaryfphefe
ln 2 2 China
The M-*i" lMujlagj with stars are added to this edition,
it iScluCve ef those in the-I*4 Ifondou edition.
The United States Register for 1795,
Price 50 Cents. C O ,V T E N T S.
Calendar, wid, tht nccjlT-iry r.nnjidariea__bt the United
tables, Sit. &.c. States. PopiiTiTOfr -r-
Supreme Executive Lift of the Officers
Legii'ature Statement ol XipoiU
Judiciary Public Debt
» i. l partment of Statw Pay, &c. of the army
j Department of theTrcafury Mint EfUblifhment
rt Coaimiffioners of Deans Rulus for reducing the our
n , OiScers of the Cnftoms rencie6 of the diiFeraat
n e ' eßue Cutters ftat«s to a par with ea«ti
Ll g ht Hsufes other
f t, ■ Officera of the Ercife Tables of the number of
gr Duties and Dutiable articles cents and decimal parts
0 '- xiln P S from duties in any number of {hillings
|V : D.meson tonnage and pence less than a dol
'■ "° n domellic lax in the currencies of
, Drawbacks, &c. and r l? u the different states
lations to be oferveel in Tablae (hewing the value of
t'. obtaining til. iu dollars in the currcrrcics
•_ General Abnraft Irom the ol ditto
revenue laws, relating te Poll-office eftablifliment
/ the duty of mailers of Lift of Poft-Towas, &c.
vaffels, of the owners, Latitude and Longitude of
<Scc. ef goods, and the the principal towns in the :
officers of die customs; United Sutcs
to the payment of duties. Banks
,anc Jus importation of Literary Institutions
S National Mahufa^ory,
s Sxpences of Government Sefßons of tht Court!
1 for 1 794 Woftern Tartitory
- Be}>artment of War
Stati Governmchti.
'f New Hampshire Sonth-CaroKna
- Vermont Georgia
1, MaiWhufetu Ord« of time in which the
Conr.eChcut fcveral States adopted the
S CW "} ° r r federal Conftitntibn
- 1 New-Jarfcy Table of the S.iVs rising
■ : Pannfylvjuia and f:tting
1 1 Delaware Abftrait «f goods,,
• ' ir - and merchandize evport
> I from the United State*
Kentucky * f tora the 0 f Q^obcr
; No » h -Caro«na '90, to 30th Sept. IJ jf
t Charlotte a tale of truth—by Mrs. f 'wfoi., j tne
' P''iladelpiiia. Second Ameijtan cditioji—
J Price 7S «nts. 1 1' he rapid sale of the firll edition of thU ,
enterellnig novel, 111 a lew months it the best criterion of
t its mcr.t.] '
EXTRAC r F*OM Ti CUI riC '.L REVIEW, AWIIL 1791, p. 468. *
) It may be a .1 nf truth, for it is not unnatural, aud
■ Itwa talc of real dillrefs— Charlo te, by the .utificc oi a 1
: "cbrr, recommoided to a Idiool, from hamanity ra- '?
, Jour than a c.niviaim of her integrity, or the regularity, 1
: ' hci lotiuer tonjujl, l.eiiticod from her governrfs, and °
accoaipanics a younj; officer to Ami-rica—the n;arriage v
Ocremouy, it not forgotten, is poflponed, aad Charlo:te -
die-, a martyr to the mconilaucy of her liver and treatj
> <-- v of his friend.
! The totuatkra. arc artleis and affeaing—the defcr.ption .
» Latural and pattetw :we ffiouW feel for Charlotte if such a ,
per 0.1 ever rxi-ted, who tor one error, i'careelv, ie
: dderved jjv.aiffimci.t. If it is a'feaon, p ,etic
> luitiue IS not, v , tai ik,-properly aill. ibuted." '
1.- lu.a.utor by Rowloa. Second Piuiadei
phia tditwft. S 7 12 cents.
• i Auventures of Roueric 4; vols, t coiiu- auk
JO touts, coariie —1 .. ,;,^ r eents ;.;.j
! V ,f <K>;S OQ A*'- V irginiti —by fho.r^
r IK '- 7 ') i>uu:ij, w .,. aa J . a half.
: 4. 131.1 e-ry 0 1 the FrtncK Revelufion, from it* co.n
n'.i -n .-.n the o. u: : Oue<B and cx:outloi>
WBrii'ioe. .
Ij. Viowd<w> HistO' j dw-fi Empire, Ally
1 Is*' 10 179.1." 1 ■ -»;i:i and a 1
, i> an mrei■ vataahi< puUl.atK.lj ssilm
appeared for than* -
«. Bertie's Blimept of ifcora! Science. 5 vol». One dol
iur aiici uirti. Cw 1
W - - .■■■ \ "
Mr. Walter Kobertfoß
BS&S leave to rhe Gentlemen, subscribers tr,
the print Portrait of Charge Washington, Prefid > n "t
of the United States of America, engxavedhy Mr. Fi.ld.
from in original pi<9ure painted by W. Rohrtfon, th >•'
. the Proofs are reidy for delivery to the fevcral subs r: i
eriat John James Barralet's, No. 19 north Ninih-itreet :
•r at J Ormrad'i, bookseller, No. 4t, Chefnut-Qrec:
where the fubferiber* are requested to fend their addrefi. '
. Q*oher 17 eod."'
• Public Notice is hereby given,
g I O the delinquent Stockholders in the Philadelphia
L and Lancaster Turnpike Road, to piy ut» all arrear
ages and penalties upon their (hares by the firft day of
s December next, otherwise measure? must be taken to en*
force payment, as the Road is now nearly comnleattdf
the Buperintendant is called upon to make final Set-
ticments with the < ifFcrent cor.:razors and workmen.
By order of the Board of Managers,
• Tench Francis, Treasurer.
■j November 3- i '
, _ FORS AL E,
L _ Franklin s Head, Chcfnut-ftroof, three doori below
Second-street, by
1 I. Gen. Washington's Official Letters, 2 vols, a dolls.
». Burgh's dignity of human nature, t dol. 75 cent*
j. Letters on the nature and origin of Evil, uy Soame
Jenyns, 62 I-a'cents
1 4. Beauties of Sterne, 62 1-2 feats
5. Melmoth on thefublirne of Scripture, 50 cents
6. Patten s answer t« Paine's Age of Reaion, 50 cts
7. Young Men's Guide, 50 cents
B'. Haylty's Triumphs of Temper,embelliflied with '
elegant engravings, 1 dollar
9. Pleasures of the Imagination, 50 cents
10. Pleasures of Memory, with plates, 1 dollar
' IX. Edwards on Redemption, 2 dollars
12. Romance of the Forefl, 1 dollar
13. Mylleries of Udolpho, 3 vols, a dolls. 50 cents
14' Travels of Cyrm , n 1* cents
*5. Man of the World, 87 1-2 cents
16. Watts on the Mind, 1 dol. 25*100 cent*
17. Lifr-of C«I. Gardener, 67 1-2 cents
, 18. Guldlraith'* Iffay*
19* Homer's Iliad, tranfiated by Pope, 1 dollar
ao. Book of Common Prayer, 67 1-2 cents
ai. Brown on the natural equality of Men, 62 1-4 ctr
41. Life of the benevolent Howard, 75 cents
43. Lucian's Dialogues in Greek, one dollar
24. Trials of the Human Heart, 4 \-ols. 2 dollar*
45. M'Ewen on the Types, 67 1-2 cents
a 6. Life of God in the Soul of Man, 50 cent#
C?" J- Ohmkod hasjuft received an elegant collec
tion of Becks from London. Nov. 4. $6t
Made by OLIVER EVANS, at his FacStory, in the 014
wind-mill in Elmfley's alley,
South StctmJ-Jreet, a littU betoiv D%ck Jireet,
WHERE those %vhoapply r :tppli d with (lone*
of such quality as will their purposes. Also,
stones for gudgeons to rue or, a 1 ?ljlf;;r 0: Paris. '
Hi ketfs for SALE,
At bis dwelling No. 21 r north ?icor!'l-f;rset,>. Httle above
Viae liter. •.
Boulting Cloths,
A complete affortaiint oi both imported and American
manufactured lor merchant and cauntry >vork, which ke
warrants good.
/f L S 0,
Th« Your.g Milllirr-ight's and Miller's GUIDE.
tionttliiTiljj tT , rni 4 r jriuiljcs as ther
apply to water mills with the whol - rrocefs 01, andHrthe
late improvement* on the art of rnanufa<Suring flour See.
Intended to be ufetnl to ail concerned in building or tiling
water-mills, which book is fold by Matkhcw Carey and
Robert Campbell, boekiellcrs.
Sept. 25. Jtdlawtf.
We are informed that the gentleman who drew the dollar prize, in the Canal Lottery, was the
proprietor of oHiy a single Ticket—This instance of
good forttine, (hews that it is well to ue in Fortune's
road , and is the more pleafmg, as the owner of the
prize is a very worthy, though not a very affluent ci
The Scheme of tile Canal Lott'ry is certainly one
of the heft which ha&appeared—fijSj,* Indepeil.ltat'of
the ufeful objeils to which its proceeds are to be ap
plied, the fcherne so calculated as to continually en
hance the value of the Tickcts in the wheel,"
because, while tiie drawing progreiies, the chanre of
a capital prize growing greater, molt increase the va
lue of the undrawn Ticket.
The Prizes drawn to the clofc of the drawing on
lift Wedneklay Evening, were
1 of 1.5,000
« of - - 2,D0«
5 of - I ,»o»
4 of - joo
11 of - - . xo»
IJOO of 14
And there thru remained in the whuel
1 of 50,00s
1 ei - - 3c,00®
2 or io,oo»
4 of S;5C®
9 of 2.000
o T - - 1,000
ji of - s°o
g 9 of - - too
I4SOO of - *, t
And < stationary prices of 2c,c00 (lobars each ; by
which, the n.uaire of thole 5 'tarioaary prizes,
which are to nelor - to the live laii drjwn tickets, it
will be fund, that an undrawr. ticket was yeftcrday
morr.inp, nearly 11 dollars, which, at
the liegiuning, was worth uo tnor- than ic dollars —
. nd so the undrawn tickets must continue to increase
in valut, as fail as the drawing proceeds: And this
circumSance will account f-r the -.umber of Offices
which are opeatv. for the sale ol Tickets, as the pro
fits mu3 he daily increasing; and in a few days a
Ticket now felling at 11 dollars, will no doilht C" rim
mand 15 do'hrv, and rnufl. continue to get highi' as
.•he drawing appro*fttsatet to the five stationary pii*m
of iOiOOO dcliars each, r j
■ /
AT a Meeting oi' the Stockholders in
the Injurants Company if tit jh*t of Pmn/y.van a. en tie
25th May iaft, convened for tiie pur pole of fixing tie
time of payment of me remaining p 'jrt e£ the Capital
Stock of fsid Company,
AfihtJ, that the r_v.air.iag fuitt as two hundred
dollar; per ir-are, Be paid or. tbi ...h day of N'
bar ncit, vndtr the psn-Uics anneied »o default '.<7 fie
ad of-Ince.-pora'ion.
PubKfhed by or.ler of the Meeting,
SmMUU. W. R6Ki.R.
Jon« • '
A .good C ok,
Will .jssot \vitii cenftant snploymint, and receive
iyu, w &gcc. A uply to the P: inter. OA.