Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, November 06, 1795, Image 3

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&TA.TE PAPER. cold
Ratification on the part of hi» Catholic Majesty, that
1 of the Treaty of Peace, between Fiance anil gent
S Sp'lin. ' , ' lat
Dos Carlo*, by the grace of God, King of it in,
. 'fcaftile, Leon, the two Sicilics, Jerufa- this
K lem. Navarre, G*«ada, Toledo, Valencia, Galicia, fro*
Majurga, Seville. Sardinia,.Cordova, Cadiz, Murcia, I
Jarh, Algarvos Algcfiras, Gibraltar, the Ca.-.ary thai, East and Weft Indies, and the Islands and ven,<
C.i'itin-utj of the Ocean ; Arch-Duke of A ultna, freel
, Dit': ; o.f Butgundy, of Brabant,and Milan ; Count . Is
' CI : iapfbourg, Fi3iideis, Tyrol, and Barcelona : lars
' Lord of Biscay, and Molina, &e, feafc
| (,y virtue,of the fall powers we have confer- thou
red <>n Don Domingo d'Yriarte, Knight of the eptd
i. Royal Order bt diltinguiflietl'Spaniards of Chirles have
1 ill snd our Miuilter Plenipotentiary and Envoy preli
Extraordinary to tiie and Republic ot Po- A
la d, to treat of the conditions of peace with the tee 1
[ F.-ench Republic, anJ of those alike given by the con I
I Ficnch Republic to her 3mba'fador in Swiiz?rl ind, as 01
D-.mi Frsncifco Barthflemy, these plenipotentiaries of I
hare determined on, concluded, and signed, on •he that
21A of July* of the prefeht jrear, the definitive erte
treaty of peace, Which corvflft* of a preamble and in o
seventeen articles, the whole in the French lan- con
gu.ig*. . mo ,'
For thefecaufes, having seen and examined the I
aforcfiid feventesn articles, 1 have'approved of a,yd not
ratifieJ all they contain, as by virtue of these pre- of ;
cepts, I approve of and ratify them with all my fmt
| p„ we r, in the best and nioft extensive form; pro- tier
tnjfiri-' on the faith and -word of a king, to observe dies
and .iceomplilh them, and to cause them to be com- bee
plctely obfetved and aceompliChed, as if I myfelf nuv
had signed them.
| In faith of which, T have sent off thele presents, bin"
finned with my hand, sealed with my own secret the
seal, and cdtinterfigned by my Counsellor and First pur
Secretary of State and Dispatches. ]
Given at Idelphobfo, the 4th sir!
dauol Aug'-'lt, *795- in a
■ (Signed) YO EL REY. Ed
(Counterfigncd) Emmanuel Godoy. I
Cieat Secret Seal of Spain. wh
ALTONA, August 23. ficl
The French Consul at Hamburgh, M. LagSfi foil
% presented on the 25th intl in the name of the a n(
| Frenct", >overoment, a memoir to the Senate of thn.
1 city, wherein he forcibly infills on the French emi- poi
grants, who ft ill reside.there in great numbers, be- Fr.
ing ordered 10 leave the town ; and demands, tha. 0 f
r in retain for so many proofs of friendlhip received j e d
from the French Republic, that city ftiould declare | c d
ilfclfm»re friendly to the'interefts of the French , fn
! Republicans. The French minister at Copenhagen, A
Citizen Grouvill, i's'the author of this metnon, to vii'
which the Senate of Hamburgh wi'd return an an- ! f rc
r fwer in the course of next week. t here remains < p r ,
I but'little doubt, that all she French emigrants will j
j be ordered to quit the place. - !ne
; \ lat
fc Fellow Cit.zenJ, t'j
'But three persons ba*- died oji:fg
I bwrttre* at Bellevue since the-J7h p ;
ot Oftobcr, of fever, in any degree resembling cup, bl
late Epidemic. _ " j
; The alaimmg situation in which this city has ; s
lately been, is calculated to excite the tnoft feriour m
reflections—to inspire feelings of veneration for that- p
all controuling power who in the midl't of such jj
> judgment reme nbtrs mercy!—We truftthat it Iws , (
been under a sentiment of grateful dependance on t]
I him, that We have been encouraged to fulfil thedu
tics you had entrulled : that while
congratulation* are repeated upon returning feafoni ■
'* of health, all hearts may be disposed to improve to p
moral .and virtuous pu?poles both ; ic thieattning v
and felicitating oifpenlations of Heaven. \our
| Cwmmittee at this period chearfc'lly recognize those
principles of undeviating vergcity, which during " J
. ' the increasing tefior ot their ftdiow citizens, diiedl
ed their daily reports refpefting the. progress of the
difeafe—lt is with great fatisfaftion ' they have c
found it evinced by their experience, that filch ex
act details as they have made to the public, inllead 1
fct increafinj those terms, have lended in a great (
roeafiire toVub'lti'e them ; and the . accomplifliment
of this is of iminenfe importance to public happt- .
I ness antj convenience ; fear mitigates its objects.—
During the existence of a calamiiy of this kind, cir- '
cnmllances will ie ever exaggerated, by the timi- j
dliy and credulity of individual*.
it is to be lamented, however, that, falfehood* V
{lave propagated fl'im the bafell, me'aneft, and j 1
moll dcfpicable motives—by some ?.o an apology <
/or thei, panic appreheiUiims—by others, fiom the
sensibilities of felf iutereit, and to gtatify a fordid
lull of gain.—Lies hav? been propagated for the
fake of the wpnderful, and the excitement of fur
prixe, by persons ungeiie; oufly forgetful of the ex-
teiifive mifcliiefs «»tur.% originating frem this
fource—Defpair—defer, ian— poverty- —famine and
death 1 (
Perhaps an ill judged lendernefs for their reputa
tion has prevented the publication of tfte names ot J
!fome oßtndets. Had the falfehoods repeated with
great confiJei.ce in th». country, had any proper
foundation, our city would long since have been '
nearly desolated.
We turn with pkafure to the rrcolie/Hon of cir
nllances more citfditable to humanity ; and to j
acknowledge the libe' shty of those of our fellow ci- 1
tizens who have contributed to alleviate the dillrefjs- i
es of the lick and fufferiiig poor. The generous '
interferences ot sympathy from Philadelphia, and J
some neighbouring villages, demand our lading gra
titude: Such in fiances-of mutual good will and be
nificence lemaiu grateful memorials of the fraternity
of a frr; and virtuous people. . .
From these refmirees, 8837 dollars have been re- 1
ceivetl ; and ynir committee feel a refpoufibility in i
the fail)'.ful and jait diil ribution. Its proper objects '
being numerous, ami often probably not within the J
sphere of their individual fcnmvledge, each of the
inemKn of the committee is aflbciated with two
Tcfpectablc citijen l . in seeking out thefick, and-re
lieving ti )fs to whom their charity i* diredled. I
Cifcumftanccs have not been wanting to (hew the <
happy influence of temperancd, cleanlincfs, and 1
cold upon the late Epidemie. But while we rejoice "
that benevolen*nat»re ha* given power to these a- a \ oic '
gent* to set bound* to it* ravage*, let us reeolleci NV^ea
that they areafliduoufly to be employed. We feel y
it incumbent on us to remind our fellow citizens of p^-j
---■ this truth, particularly those who are returning j
, frrwn-the country. Houses which have contained
1 tv lick, should be carefully ventilated ; and thing*
that havt been employed by them, that cannot con- at£ £
I veniently be cleansed by water, should be fubjefted
, freely to the a£tion of cold. s' ai*
I It is not imnoflible that neglect in these particu- jj.
: lars may oceaftnn a few iolitaiy mflances of this di- ,],j „
feafe, tiiitjl '.ve have experienced intense froft. For jp a
• though we flatter ourselves it is extinguished as an I (
; epidemic, and our flrects free from inteition, we " n
s have be ore it* the experience of other places to im- |
; pr**l» the ntcelfity of such precautions. I
Among the arraiigenients made by the commit- | n
c tee to prevent the fprcad of infectious disease, they (
e conli ler early interments and the use of hearse,
, as one of the moll important. Satisfactory proofs CK f
9 of its utility might be detailed. It is to be wished
e that the good sense of the community might be ex- •
c erted to conquer any prejudices which may remain
:i in ( oppofition to a praitiee cf burial so mueh msire
- convenient than the common mode, and so mueh j
more fafe. brou
e The present slate of B;ileviic hospital is pleafmg ;
d not only from it we anticipate the ipeedy extinction
:- of ail disease therein, but from the happy and com-
y fortable fituatioß of the sick, and from the fatiafac- o j- j
tion exprefled by them, with refpeft to their me
e dical aid ajid attendance. But new patient* have
1- been received during the lall 10 days. There are-
If now 13 sick in the hospital, 12 of whom are.con
fniered as out of all danger. Since its firft ella
s, b'ifhment 89 persons have been discharged cured ; C T' i
;t the deaths have been pwbtifhed with our daily re- p ra
ft ports. 1
It is with great fatisfaftion that we remark, that ,- *■
h alrho forge of the people who have been employed
in attending this hospital, have been slightly ra j
ed with the Epidemic, no one Ins died.
Much to the injury of the unfortunate perfan*
who have bten sent to this place, its circumftanres
have been sometimes grofSy misrepresented. The j n (
sick have, in consequence, in numerous inftinces,
si fought tliis asylum with hearts aching with anxiety
and despair. _ f a ; c
u- A senior consulting physician, was early ap
li- pointed to visit it occasionally from this city.— jj
e- From its firft ijlabliflimeiit one, and since the 24th Qn£
At of Septembei two physician* have eonflantly refid- rj j (
-d I ed within its walls. A new buildnig ha* been ere£l
re i cd during the lickntfs, and no expence has been
eh J spared to render the sick commodious and happy. 1
n, A ' ommittee fiom this boird liave made frequent p Q
to viiiis and c:;aminalion of its ciroumllante*, and, yj,
m- from time, have wilnefied, with pleasure, its im
ins I proving liate.
'ill i A more vigila-it, hiimane or attentive man, was
never appointed Purveyor to hp holp.taT, iuu- ca
—JM late worthy member Mr. Fred. Stymets, whose mc
H.\ death reminds us of the loss of our other friend
and iiffociate, Dr. M. Treat, who, there is reason
tf) (nfnea, was to the difiharge of J n |
'}'• faithful duty. The public will join with us in de-
; 7h pioting the loss of such worthy and refpetlable mem-
D yf| hers «f society
! Before we dismiss the fubjeS of the hospital, it
as is but jull that we acknowledge our sense oi the.
ou ® merit of Dr. Alexander Anderfon, and Dr. M'-
lat ' Farlin, tefident physicians at Bellevue*. Both for
uc k their persevering attention, humanity and fidelity g
Hls to tbe fi«k, they have deserved well of their coun-
, 011 try. _ S,
The committee being employed in arranging ex
c pcnditMres, and in the settlement of accounts, re
-O,IS quell that all persons having demands upon them
e . to picfent the fame to Alderman Furman, 106 Broad
-11"£ way, on or before the ioth inft.
hose * The former of these gentlemen engaged with leai and
rinif virtue, at an early period, and under discouraging cir
csmftonces, in their arduous duty,
the Ths Committee acknowledge receipt of the following
halve donations, since their Uft report:
ex- Six barrels of flour from several Captains of North
lead Rivfr {loops.
Under covcf from Mr. Samuel Blagge, of Bolton, S°
' ICa dollars.
John Broome, Chaitman. Robert Boivite,
' GabrielFunnan,Alderm'n Nicholas Carmer,
*'T~ /indrc-J FiinTuyl, do, ' Dr. William P. Smith,
. L '[~ Join Campbell, do. Ifanc Stoutenburgb, f:
imi- Xoberl Li nox, do. George Janeuuaj, n
-Tketrphiius Beekman, do Nathafiiet HazarJ. v
nods \ N. Ji Ddiil. Samuel Bard, absent from this city on bu
, and liaefs. November 4. /
| ' PMMptia,. ~ 1
the -
fin- 'I'his forenoon arrived here the ship Catharine, £
" Capt. M'C.olljm in 44 day* from London.— Ihe J
1 Catharine left Gravcfend the iSt It September : But
an wc hear has bro't no papeis later than the 10th, the
date of those via New-Yoik. Intelligence by this
111 "** arrival confirms the acct)(i*t of the revocation of
Es .°.' the order for carrying into British ports, neutral
' ' veflels bound to France with provisions.
Extract of a letter from a gentleman of refpeflability
in North-Carolina, to hie friend in this city-, dated
• . Oflober 14.
clr " " The villainous writings in Philadelphia, don t
fhalce my confidence in Government in the least, nor
• ci- have any other effect upon me than to excita as much
indignation againlt the Autharj as is conliftent with '
reus the hightft pollitile contempt."
and Extra<ft of a letter from an American gentleman who ha# 1
gra- been several years in Europe, and is now in Paris, da- I
I'be- ted July i, i79J- . ,
" Bread is not now scarce m an extreme degree ; it is j
"'fy exposed to file where it used toba--hut it is generally not .
of a good quality. In alleviation of that misfortune, I J
II re- rarely if ever, recoiled to have fsen meat and vegetables '
Vin in greater plenty, ox of a better kind. On the road which 1
■xi J travelled, the proportion of ground in cultivate is great-
J 8 e r than 1 ever saw before in any country, and the appear- ,
1 ance of harvefc excellent." ,
ExtreZ of a Utter from London, of loth September, ,
' wo to a merchant in Philadelphia. ,
' re * " Mr. Bavird has this moment inforn\ed me, that
there is a revocation of the order for flopping Ameri- ;
the can si ip«—he came uut to-day—he laid I might rely 1
and upon it. t
" Harvest; gnat here, U Scotland and licland— i.ierea!
. avoid fpec»lati»»s ; markers ace falling, and fuietgn neciffji
wheat will no; fell, even at a r-cluce;! price." '
1'• , A «
p Yesterday arrived the ichooner Eagle, Captain _•
r Philips, in 10 days from Cape Francois, by which
jwe have the following, from the remaiks made by "
captain P. at the Cape, apd ou his paffags. from gT'
thence. " O<SI. 12, This day arrived a frig
j ate from Brest, after a paftage of 30 days, with j" a ?
dispatches rc-lative to the peace between France & P, stc
Spain ; the fuvrender o£ Hifpaniola to the Rcpub- W
lie, and the delivery of Jeatt Francois (who caused j
j the massacre at Fort Dauphin) to be con<jti£tid to i
' France for trial. 011 the 22d Oit. in lat. 27. 58. p
| long. 72 54* ' Jw i boat with a signal of dillrefs, j '
upon which we lay to until (he enme along fide and
t»ok onboard Capt. Benjamin Gardner, and 4 mm
belonging to the (loop F.anny of New-York,which '
he informed had foundered in lat. 25. 30. long. 69, on
' and that they had been in the boat 22 hours, with- i" >r 'nia
out any water and only two ducks, a piece of poik l ' le 111
j a caflc of rum, and feme bread vVet by she fca. P la J'«<
Captain Philips also informs, thet. a (loop belong- , ' le 01
iHg to New Lo»dan, arrived at the Cape, in 25 l ' lc 7 '
days froml'Orient, and that a fleet of men of war
was daily expected from France. thpir
Lill of vessels at Cape Francois, O&ober 17, A
brought by Capt. Philips, in the schooner Eagle,
' viz.—Brig Ana, M Cutcheon, and schooner Nan- atteni
cy, Waters, and Sally, Hews, of Philadelphia ; l' ame
' Chip Victoria, Hubble, and (loop Nancy, Burcher, tober
of New York ; fchr. Peggy, Reed, and sloop Ma- stand
ry, Nelson, of Baititnore fchr. Jentfha, Stevens, or t!
e and (loop Nancy, Davis, of Alexandria ; fchr. t(
c William, Rogers,*and Delight, Gridi£r, of Bos- ''
1 ton ; sloop Betsy, Coffin, PiiJdfon, and fchr. Nan- th
1 cy, Perenchief, of Qhailefton. The schooner Dol- mcn
' phin, Earl, from Charleston, ran afliore at Cape e '' >
c " Francois, part of her cargo and crew saved. expei
' Arrived the brig Neptune, Capt. Pritchard, 42 l^e r
days from Malaga, who fays, that he was inform- even
ed by Mr. Simpfon, the American Consul at Gib- Stoc
raltar, that a peace had been concluded between * j
the United States of America aifd the Emperor of
ns Morocco—also, that Mr. Donaldfon, the A men-
ts can Consul, for Algiers, who Was invited there,
ie in order to fettle preliminaries of peace between
s ' the United States and that nation ; and that he j
had taken his departure from Gibraltar, for the *
said plaee, previous to the failing of the above .
P" brig, Capt. Pritchard further informs, that 200
~ fail of Britifli metchantmen under oonvoy of one 84
I one 74 and 3 frigates were ready to fail from Gib- r j
raltar homeward bound. He passed the Portuguefc
"" squadron, in the mouth of the Streights, consisting
eR of one 84 and 3 frigates. On the 27th ult. lat. "
' 35, 46, long. 73, spoke the brig Diligence, of
n '' Portlmouth, Capt. Collins, from Lift>on, bound to . j
1 ' Viiginia, out 10 days all well. 10 S
m " Capt. Benner, of the brig Lady Walterftorff,
51 days fi#m St Übes, informs, that previous to
ras his leating.^t
"eapiuTe of t4 or t fail of Portuguese merchant- 1 '
0 * men, by a French squadron, on the ift September, ."j
j off Lisbon, which took out the cargoes, scuttled "^
the veffrls,'and liberated the prisoners. Further JJjjJ
' informs, that the (hip Fame, Aldridge, was to fail
e " from the above place for this pott, the lubfe-
' m '_ quent to his departure. ,
II Died on Monday last, Mr. JOHN SPROAT,
of this city, merchant.
Arrived at the Part of Philadelphia. t0
I'ty Brig Neptune, Pritchard Malaga 42 days
un " Gayofa, "Arnold N. Orleans 30
Sehr. Arnold Malaga 42 e
cx " Sally, Snow Charleston 27
re " Eagle, Philips Cape Francis 13
lem Pomona, Gardiner Boston 11
> a d- Nancy, Travis Virginia jo
Polly, Wadge do- 7 of
and —--.—w i-iwMiwn'TU.jjiw* mi""" j n ,
vlng NEW-YORK, November 5.
ortll Extra£l of a letter from a mercantile house of emi p a
, 0 nence in London, to their correspondents in ; n
New-York, dated - ci
" London, Sept. 10, 1795.
" Gentlemen, fe
, « Since writing you this morning, we h;ve to g ;
fay, that an prder has been ilTued by our goTern- j n
raenl), to prevent the detaining at fca, any neutral
vessel bound with provifcons, &c. to France." f 0
1 l>u- ■ — F
S Arrivals at this Port. F
Ship Mai jr, L'ogan St. Übes cz
Aurora, Johnson , Bremen
Biig Harmony, 800 l • London k,
—a Ekaa, Pratt, Cape Francois f,
ri«e, Schr. President Hilleard St. Marks 4
-The Sloop Friendship, Petetfon, Newport R. I. C
But Lively Norris, Turks Island a]
l, the i*
this Yefter.lay arriv«d the Brig Harrrony, Captain _
,o of 8001, in fifty h>ur days from London We
utral have been favoured with London, papers of the
9th and 1 Oth September, two days later than
b'lit - brought by the Minerva—the following articles
dated aie copied therefrom.
LONDON, September 9. i
15011,1 We this morning received the Paris papers to
' "°u the 6th inlt. inrlutive. As Sunday was the day F
wTth appointed for the meeting of the Primary Affirm- 'J
blies, the papers which were published that morn
-10 has ing could not, of course, contain any aecouut of
t, da- their proceedings. ' C
At Calfiis, it appears that the primary ailemblies
; it is j iavt an4 l accepted the Constitution, but rc
y r '°J the decree winch was tacked to it by the
tables Convention, for compelling the EU&otal Bodies
vhich to re-elect two thirds of the present members.
jreat- The army encamped at the Trou d'Enfer, iu the a
'P eir_ neighborhood of Marly, about ten miles Irom Pa- r
ris, consists of about 6000 men, under the com-
■nberi mand of Gen. Menoil j but the whole number of
troops in the vicinity of the metropolis, exceeds
. 20,0cc0. all appear to be devoted to the
"re"* Convention, who have had tccourfe <
'to the old revolutionary modes of iedu&i»n, an
" iacreafe or pay ; ar.d apf; !. i* ; . 'y, not rr" «>'• r f
' necdfl;<ries, but of ft a» lot city Will af
faro, to the roups.
As the tune appointed for the f -i'c ,
primary aflcmblies approached, :lie different com
mittees, who have for some lime holden the rein*
ofgovcrnment, appeared to have loft that courage,
confidence, and addrc-Cs, which they had hitherto
displayed ia fa eminent a and fcemed to
place but little hopes of fu-cei's on the insidious
plan which they had devised tor the perpetuation of
j their power.
J We undtrftand, th?.t the Proclamation 'of Loui»
I XVflf. has been patted up 4 in different parts of
Paris, liy order of the Committee of Public Wel
j fare f. With what view, remains to he explained.
n September 10. I
| t It was ysfterday reported that 'he Convention,
on the 7th inflant, previous t ; o the meeting of the
Primary Aflcmblies at Paris, impelled probably hy
[ t the unequivocal marks of public indignation dis
played in all quarters, repealed the Decree, " on
r . the means of terminating the revolution," which
- they Ijd anrjrxed to the Cpnilitutional Code, aad
Which prefcribed*the re-eleflion of two-thirds oC
th.eir members.
1 f A Council will bt held/in a few days at Wey-
C) mouth, at which most of the Cabinet Minifterswill
1- attend, for the purpose of further proroguing Par
j liament. The last order ftai.ds for the til of Oc
r> tobcr next : the next' Proclamation will, we under
a. stand, appoint the day when Parliament shall meet
S( for the Difpateh of Business, which,*we have rea
r- fori to believe, will be about the loth of November.
,f. I hat the French Generals underthe direction of
n . of the Convention, would lacrifice any number of
men to carry a favourite point, can hardly be doubt
p- ed ; but that they have erofTed the Rhiac at the
expence of Fifty Thousand Men, is a stretch of
2 the marvellous, that could not be likely to pass,
m . even in that region of credulity and panic, th«
ib. Stock Exchange.
en *
From the London Gazelle, Sept 8. 1795*.
r l_ Sept. 8.
i£ ExtraS of a letter from Sir IVm. Sidney Smith, Knt,
Captain of his tvaj fly's ship Diamond, to Mr.
Nepeaa, dated off Rock Dovvre, Sept. 4.
I have the fatisfadtion to acquaint yoil, for the*
information of my lords commiffioticrs of the ad
oo miralty, that his m?jefty's fquadrort under my or
-0 ders, has had some fuecefs in the three days which
j, have elapsed since the date of uty last letter.
The corvette I was in pursuit of with the Dia
mond, when 1 wrote last, secured herfelf in Brchat.
J"® I had, however, the good fortune to fall in with
another, at day light in the morning of the 22d.
Ito Three quarters of an hour's chace brought us with
in gun-shot of her. She endeavoured to elude our
pursuit in the labyrinth of rocks before Treguier,
?* J but the attempt proved fatal to her, as fire struck
1 Gil the and fotm after filled and fell over,
ut" *'*" 4jnrae«ii.uJy, <hhV Sent wit fauutt
I to save the crew. Her own boats which were tow
tied ' n 8 er ' 215 man y a ® «l>ey could carry. We
[ j jer were not fortunate enough to save more than nine.
p They reckon about twenty periihed, besides th«
Captain, who wa(hed>off the wreck a few minutes
before our boats reached them. Her name wa»
L'AfTemblec Nationale, of 22 guns, eight pound
ers, on the main deck, and 200 men, from Bieft
' bound to St. Maloes. The swell was so great, that
(he went to pieces very soon, and we were obliged
to anchor among the rocks, to avoid a similar fate.
a y S Captain Decrees, who had been detached in the
Childers, rejoined me this morning. On his return,
he fell in with and captured the Vigilant, French
Cutter, of fix guns, one of the Card dc Cote in the
Bay of St. Brieux.
Lord Bridport is hourly expe&ed with a part
of the Grand Fleet, the wind being fair for com
i'ng up Channel.
DUBLIN, August 31.
Extr*3 of a letter Jrom an Officer at Londonderry,
dated Augujl 2 J.
" The msjyiflrates 011 Tueftiay last demanded a
erai ' party of our regiment from the company quartered
ts 1,1 in Strahane, eleven miles from hence : they return* l
-r etToiT Friday night.
5* " AtjLettcrkenney, they apprehended fix De
fenders ; four of them found bail, which the ma
"e 10 giftrate accepted of ; the remaining two we lodged
vern- jn Lifford Jail; one of them is (liled Captain.
" n address to the Republicans of Ireland, was
found upon him, signed Pichegrti, General of the
French Republican Array, snd addrefied to James
Fitzgerald, Esq. Geuetal of the French Republi-
Übes can Army.
emen "The Serjeant, in searching his great coat po#-
mdon Jjftj found his captain's commission, with a large
incois f ta lto it, a parchment mutter roll, lintd out to hold
larks OG names, but fifteen were inferiked. This
Captain *as schoolmaster in. the village. Those
[(land are the firft Def , -' n^c| "» that have appeared so fat 1
,f th t,,e KEARNY WHARTON,
tK C# At the Stores lately occupied by Wharton & Cieeves,
London particular Madeira WINE;
ers to A few quarter caflcs Old SHERRY WINE?
e day Rnflia MAT-TS, See.
Thirty hhds. priirK St. Croix SUGARS.
morn- November 6 d6t^
Or to take 011 a Lease of about 3 years, to comnacnce
mblies on 0r about ift of April next,
Ht rc j A small Farm,
J c FROM 30 to 60 acres, with fuScient building for fans-.-
ing the fame, and a decent hpufe for a ger.tecl iairily—
equal proportion of meadow, arable, arid,
in the »nd s fliort distance frem Philadelphia, Trenton, or Wil
m p a . ralngtor, will be the more dsf.rable. Apply to No. 187,
com- south Thitd-ftreet. Nov. 6. §6t.
Canal Lottery Tickets
to the FORMAL R y
course ' At No. 153, Chefimt Street.
n, an Philni. Sept. 2.7. $