• if NvMSiji 952-3 FOR SALE, BY JOHN CRAIG, No. ii. Dock Street, to Pipes of The very beji Madeira JV IN E, 90q-iar;er cases of Sherry wine, Briuot window glafsof diSereot fittw, A quanti-y of best Havnnnah fcjajs in boxes, A law ciiik* ®f lutjar, 4 boTes of yard wide Infti linens, 4 -bales of 40. canvass, 5 tales of red, white, and yellow fl&roieb; P o R 1 S MO U7 H t B?R I'HEN'I6OO barrels, now lying at Mr. Thiddle'j wharf, in Soath-wark. Philadelphia, Sept. it. t §. For SALE, or C H A R T. JE R, H A BUivTUhN *Srtec hundred and thirfy-four Phila delphia built, l os live oak and cedar, fail? well, and ir.ay be lint to sea at a imail expeticc.-— For terms apply to Andrew* & Meredith, § No. 86, south Wkarve*. S?pt. 12 For HAMBURGH, THE SHI? H 0 L L A N D, Chrifcopher Franklin, jun. master, HAS excellent accommodations for pafTengers; will fail in all this month ; three-fourths of her cargo are ;>cadv to go on bcai'd, a few tons of heavy goods will fie taken on freight.—For freight or paflage apply to the Mailer on hoard, Peter Slight, or to Sfpttmier si, 2:795 For Boston, TheScaooNE* jgzkmF p o m o nj, ■ ' LVliiG near the Crooked Billet, - a!;o*'c Chffnut fcrect, find wiU faii in ser 6 days. For frtigfct or piiffage f.pfi; to vt to tbe captarfi on board, V.'ho ha» for fule, Candles, Chegl'j, Salmon in keg?, icc ■ihcet by die barfnil, southern oil, a ;V>T bblt. Piarl-afii. jtpt. 33 clot > For SALE, Schooner IsmM? M A I-I ALT, BURTHEN thirty-four t«B«, an J fails remarkably fact for tcrma apply to jjunos Gamble, er For SALE, THt SHIP CHARLOTTE, ""'1 jlfr,'' Jona ha* Bowers, mails*;, NOW laying at Mr. John Wilcocks'i wharf. The Charlotte i» 104 tons burthen, and isfuppofed will car ry 2400 bis. flour, or thereabouts ; five and an half years old, built in the State of New-llampfhire tor the Lon don trade ; is well found ar.d fitted in every respect, and now in complete order to receive a cargo. Her inventory may be seen, and the terras of iale made \nown, by applying to Philad. Sept. in, 1795 FOR SALE, The CARGO cf the Ship Slrctbufa, from Bengal, €onfiftitig of an extensive Affnrtment of Goods, well adapted to thi« market and for Exportation— f Among them art a variety of Printing cloths, Handkerchiefs, Gurrahs, Taffaties, Baftas, Humhums, I Cofiacs, Nankeens'. A lib—A quantity of Hyfrn, SouchoSig and Bohci TEAS, RHEUBARU, PEPPER and SUGAR. The Sm? ARETHUSA re is " r, pp erc< i, five ears °W* BurtfieU about 250 tons. — y JOHN MILLr 1 ?, jun. or WILLINGS a!'.:: FRANCIS. cJtf. August 19 For H A M B U R G H, PENNSrLVANIA, jlkying at Cuil&rrt'i V'hjrf, TO iail with all expedition. For terms of freight or pal!ige apply to Sept. i®. For ST. BARTHOLOMEWS, THE SWEDISH SLOOP STOCKHOLM,, CiisrlesGuftav.it Berg, Mafitr; lring at Stamper's wharf-—will fail with all convenient For freigtit or paffagc apply to die Captain on boirci, gscorge Sibbald, SgtUmier*. (dtf.-) . No. 170, looth Front-ltreci. Jrrtvtdper the Sot® Bafloin James Kirkpatriek, 1.1 after, from Live/foci, ■ ir3 Crates well-sfforted Queen's Ware, 4000 bufbels btft ftoved fine Salt, * to be fold at No. I, Puae-ftreet., by , . - .. * James Campbell. ; A!f«, « few bo*e» wtll-aSbrted lnft Linens. 'S«4 or ter, cither to the' Wcft-lpdifJ or, E*iqii' r<; as ah»«. Av%ufi I& THE IH ! P R M O N r, Ezra Sewell, raaflcr, Pragers if Co. LANE & GODFREY, GEORGE GARDNER. Andrews Mcrahlh, Na/br»' (5* John Fruxier. 3'a w 3 Gurncy Smith. d. SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 26, 1795. For SALE, TH S 8H I P NOW lying at Hamilton's wharf, burthen 480 tons, she it a ltgupch good vessel, will carry j33 hogsheads of tobacco. For trrmi apply to yofeph Anthony & Son. 3jth September. Received, Per fiip Cato, captain Salter, from Bourdenux, jl CirfrQ of CLARET, BRANDY, &c. Trent m board t~? Jb'p Four Friendly C»ptrtin Gl**t fro** I E:ur(kaux, Excellent white WINE, in «af»9 ; Do. red do r in do Hogsheads of red WiN.5 ; OIL in oafe»» of a fiiperior qn;,!j;r ; Trunks, containing DRY GOODS, a i. so, Per brig Polly, Levi fenne, maßer, from Dublin via N'e--.v-T»rk, Irish .LINENS, in Urge bo-xos—and OZNABURGS. FOR SALS !>r St/>i. it. _ , The CARGO of the ship Harmony, Jamti JMoorr\ m-> 9c—frvm St. —CONSISTING Of— TOO tons (oM fable) IROJJ; Too tons HEMP ; 400 picees Rulfia SHEETING; 400 pieces RiTensDUCJC; A. few boxes Tallow CANDL"3 5 xni 30 caiks TALLOW. FOi ay P'mlad. IScitlmfor, 1795 The CARGO of the ship Harmony, Eari Lowe!!, mnj*er—from BOURDEAUX 9 \ CONSISTING OF BRANDIES, in pipe* and puncheons; and CLARET in hogflicads, is discharging from on board the said ship at Cnthbert's wharf, and for sale by Andrews iff Meredith, d. . No. S6. Couth wh*rV»».' Sept. Is FOR SALE, A quantity of Frejh Perfumery, From Francc. Liiewife, Malaga Wine, in Quarter calks and pipei; Do. Lead, in lheets ; 70 hogflicadsupper Potowmack Tobacco; And in invoice of FINE FRENCH LACES. . bam. Breck, jun. €odCt. Seyr. 16, 179.? CLARE T, In estks, suitable for the East and Weft-India markets. BRENCH BRANDY in butts and pipes. And a few cases of Ticklcnburgs and Oznaburgs. FOR SALE BY Rundle Iff Murgatroyd, No. 11, Wslnut ftpjet whirs. (t,th&».sw) Sept. 2, 179J For SALE, by the Subscribers, In ?ENN-*TREET, The articles 9/ the lajl importation frtm Chin*, 160 Quarter Cherts Hyson Tea, Ijo Quarter Cheftn Souchong Tea, 40a Bones China, containing Tea Setts, 4jOO Pieces Nankeens. £i?.r>jcmb«r l* Will be Landed To-Morrow Morning, At Stamper s Wharf The CARGO of the Swedish Hoop Stockholm, Cap- —CONSISTING OF— Jamaica SUGARS, of a superior quality, in hhds tierces, and barrels; COFFEE in hogsheads; COTTON i'J bales—and a few toi-.s of LOGWOOD. FOR SALE BY George Sibbald, (dtf.) Sfpt. 9 Now Landing, THE cargoes of the brigs Weft-Indian and Betfcy<3cPol iTfrom Jamaica : Coffee iii hhd? and. barrels Sugar in hhds Rum, high proof, and 36 bags Pimento. ALSO ON HAN-D, A Qnantity of Coffee in Hhds. Barrels and Bags Sugar in HhJs ) _ J. " ■ „. fa . n > For I mportation Pimento in Bags j " Brandy, Ift and 4th proof Sherry Wine, &*. July 31 JAMES TIFFIN, No. 70, South Second-JJrcst, near the City Tavern, HAS just opened and for Sale, an Assortment of La dies' and Gentlemen's Fashionable HATS, from London. Also a variety of Children's Hats of differ ent Colours. N. B. A Man or two as finilhers* In die above business, well recommended, will meet with eoaftant employ and good encouragement* June 6 d The GEORGIA COUP ANT, BEING desirous to do juSice to those interfiled therein, and holding Certificates issued by the Grantees thereof, inform the holders of such certificates that a meeting of the Company will take lace oh the 25th of October ci luing, at Augusta, when the company will proceed and endeavor amicably to aujurtthe cla ma of individuals havingfueh cer-, ficatcs, ar*d who may fhen be ready to pay the refpe&ive fuius GUP thereon. By order of the Company, GEORGE WALKER, Stcretarj. Philadelphia, Sept. u, 179J, *diw O H N, ALSO, F. Coppingsr, No. HI, fonth Fpont-ftreet. yames Crawford, or George Latimer. Willings C3 3 Francis. B'.nr, tam jo No. 170, louth Front-lreet. For falc by Peter Blight. A Qjantity of Ir. r 1 Bandanoes, Just Arrived and for Sale by mordecai lewis, ffho bat alfb to iifpofe of, A few Halei cf took and other East India Muflias Ru>lia Sheeting* do. Sail Cioth Riiven, i 'uci' Bare' -f'-fs in bra*** A bale of Bed-tike Carpet* Roll Brimftene New Cattle Grindftonet i6hhds. James River Tobace®, of exetllent quality, &c. Sept. tj 3awim RECEIVE D," by the Arethuja, Caplain Swain, from Calcutta and Madrafs, and for Sale by the Subfcribers/tn Penn- Jlreet, a valuable AJfurtnenl of Piece Goods ; ton- Ming 0/ T:iuntUn KhafTa Ihndanoes, Sahjadpors Mamoody Ch»ppa Romaals, Nympufatice Coffae siife Puilcatt, Borum Bafue? Cotton Pulicatt Humhums Blue Cloth B.xrbooni Currahs MiM: B'- uxitr Malcb. Gorulnauty Aihai Hifpanip!aCoFF2£,Jaeely arrived 540 Bag* > . , y Who have al/t on hand, Red Port -Pine, m Pip» »»* Hogir ;ads Mountain "if ine Wine, -in Qr. calk* a® Tons B'imftooe Nails assorted Sail Caims, N". X i 7 an^ A few gentlemen's hafldfome Saddles Philip Nicklin & €o. *) *4 Landing at South firget wharf, The.Cvgo the Brig Fly, captain Homer, fr«ra Gi braltar and Teneriffe. Brandy, ill and 4th Proof, Tcotriffe Wine, in pipes, hhds. and tgfUtqr cifkj, Benecalo ditto, H»zlcmsts in Sack*, .ilfo, cargo of the brig Ooed H»pe, c»pt. HuVkw, fr«m Jamaica. Sugar in Hog&eadt, Coffee in dkto, High proof Spipit, Logwood, Hides, Sic. For sal« by Peter Blight. 12 No. 73,-South iijis fOk id is, 150 Hogsheads Virginia Tobacco Of the Hz,u, ' Frcderickiburgh, ao,oorlb Virginia Bacon in prime order tor (bipFing- Air., 20 Hogiheads Windward Island Rum. A Miller, of chara&er and abilities, to undertake the management of a Merchant Mill in Virgi nia, amd to whom liberal wagct will be given..—Apply at above. ttftember 1 8 St. Croix Sugar & Rum. No id. do. Young Hyion, Hylon Skin, and Souchong. A few Boxes of each, for sale at No. 19, Third Street, South. D:c ic. DurLi Mufikra Cimbrick Stringuear Handkerchief^ Vcutujjolum do, Tinnavilly . •lltngs & Francis. WANTED, FOR SALE, WILLIAM MACLURE & Co. No. 42 Dock Street, or JOHN MILLER, Jun. «iot«1 ttO* German Pajfengers Jufl arrived in the fbip Holland, Captain Franklin, from Hamburgh, now at anchor oppofit- Vine-street, wnofe tims is to be agreed for by applying on board, or to PRAGERS & Co. September 10. The highest price in Caih, will be oivin for EMPTY BOTTLES, A prrftl-rnce will be given to C a t\ ry a / v VJOTHINO, in th» country, is f» difficult to be met ifriih, as gecd literary e'.labliCbmentß, f urniihed with Teachers qualified to condu or to let out to hire, or for the conveying of paifengers, the several duties and rates following, to wit s" f.iv.m -8. For and upon every coach, the > early sum of 10 collars. For and upon every chariot the yearly sum of 8 dollars. For and upon every photon andcoachee, the yearly sum of 6 dollar*. For and upon every other four wheel an«l two whocl top carriage, the yearly ftim of 1 dollars. And upon every oth»r two v. h iet carriage one dollar. The Officers of Infpe&ion of the First survey of the diP tri& of Pennsylvania, will attend within the month of September next, at No. 117, in Saffafras i'treet, in tha city of Philadelphia; at the house of Daniel St. Clair, fif'q. ta the county of Montgomery ; and at the houfc of Mr. A brakam Dubois, in the county of Bucks; of which ail p;r!bas poiTeffed of f ch carriages are desired to Uk« no tice. NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, To all retail dealers ill wines, and foreign difcillsd fpi» rituous liquors, that ,licences will be granted to them, one liccnce for carrying on the bufincfs of retailing wines in a a less quantity, or in less quantities than ?0 gallons— ani one licence for carrying on the business of retailing fpir;- tuous liquors in less quantities than ao gallons, at the sam« time, and at the fame places, by the officers legally autho rized to grant fueh licences. Willi am Nichols, Infpcflor of the Revenue of Piiil Survey of the DiftriA of Pennsylvania July 16 Philadelphia, Augzfl 17, 179 J. Ladies and Gentleman, arerefpect fully informed, THAT the Subscriber keeps an F.'-v i-.i Coarhec to hire, at a reasonable rate, which b- drives Kimfclf as usual. Healfo keeps an elegant Co&cS, to hire without horses, either o ! which may be engaged at his dwelling, No. 174 Arch street, between Seventh arid Eighth streets, at his Stable in Eighth near Market street, or at his usual ft and, the corner of Market and Fourth streets. He rctur»a his finccre thanks to his friends, and hopes ta merit a continuance of their fevers. HJLNRT MOSES. Jsly 16 r t fybfc filer offers for faU, ct FARM, containing about X 300 acres ; dijiant from the City of W"ajbinvton oj:J George* Tovjk between Bor 9 mrlss. A Plot of this Lanms in the hand* of Mr. Peter Cafanavs rf Gcorge-Towr, likftvife of jtfr. Tlo* mas Fitzjirnons> in Philadelphia, and Mr. P-u-kri WM % in }>al tinore. Tit Land utxdl be Jbrtttn to any f>crfon\ by apply in? fio John L\dn.n, ivbo li v+'f adjnntng. It tAys it. a rnoji briioy country-, 2nd a good neighbor hwi. There art on it ti ccrrrrrcn country dwell!ng boufe, a iargc "tobacco-bo use, and ar. orcLird ofgood fruit, cconjlant firec.ru ivitb a great fail runs thro 1 ? t y ar*i bethvesH 3Oor 40 ac,& of good meadow vtsy b: eciftly mzdt. The linu of th abwintlud* about 40 acres of ivoccLind. Corn/Mient cretHts iviil be affor&a to the furtiuftr fdftmd. DAN lE!4 CARROLL. Mentgpmiry Caunly, a 1755. N. £■ 'tlxland I'M bctiwn tn-o merchant tn'H:, cm difiarH sal a milt. At tiber -sJwj/f Outwit;. June XJ. [FoZ VMS VIII. •eod3W. t§§t®a