Certificates Loft. LOST, THE U"3«rSten*i<(ficri eerrifica'i's of (lock o' t'ut Bank of the Unite 1 Ha«», viz No. 978,dntci lit January, >79\, for five iUatcs in the naa»eof 3ourdieu, Chollett am! Bourdisu Vo 17366,dace'1 id of January, 1798, for five (hares, in the ua ne "ft:.# Right hon. lord John Townfhend. Notice is hereby given, Tint application i< to be made it the fail Sank by the fdbfcn'ie-, for a r.~;ie*ral of the fame, of wi ich ill petfons concerned are requifted to t.iV.e no'.ice. J OWN WARDER. PhilaJe'.pJiia, iO mo. 18, 1800 LOST, Tfce M'.rtirg ccrtiScrtcf ef eight p-r c'.nt (Wlc in the r.aine of Wi; iam Befl, jr. (landing to his ere lit on the tn»uk» of the United Sr.atcn Loan Office of Pennsylvania, vis No <8?„ a Orrificafe dated joth January, 1800. for one thoufmd dollars. No 505, a Certificate d'ted 30th January, for one thoofand rtollrs Notice 14 hereby »ivcn, that 2?pliciti in i» in tended t" be w» do. '* m Ud Bisk b? (k* fvkfcii* k« t tor* renew*) t>l tk* fiw»e, of wftidk *U ptrfeoi ■IIUUIII <1 tx d«4reJ la rtkc iMttica. JOHN MILLta. Juor rtqw. oA. *7. Law Books LATEST ItNTH.ISH v rSISH BDIUONS. GEORGE DAVIS'S tJTTKIIiIVK COIMCTI)*! Imported bj fndry bit ininli fratt L»4ion t»i Dt&lit, I» nrwr .-vmnned »»t>«Tue» ot the Bat. io4 tiiiir Pa Vtti in Dotted for ditpstvunge *«' d» nbliftinj » ■%>•« e»c't«»6*«lj so* «k* & ! * r^ W lotiu. i|h |Wmi|u nUk «f;' titwchti f to th< pr4coiH,l'wM biding fucli to *fph W. | trilU »rc ftnlpwl •»' »i-»m wf the tool 'kw'i"'- thmt crifowg h>a »rrr»t>on "> rbe ImfofMK* o* .feoki. noli in that Lire, h« h» it ia bi» power tu keep cmllaatly *y hir». a g.m«rj| ami mort valu able fepp'r *' M ' 6(41 s 4< uon '< * a4 (ror» bit r< arty fale*>co Ji(|Nf« ol ib.m, o« Utm •fo'oudentr M to fh* of geotle mto importog their owa libraries Any eo«im«ji4a lie may be fat«irrt uiy aumb.r, frail tbankla'.ly md pfcmptly ke t» ntcmii.il £INDLESMURRAY'* English Grammar, AN APPENDIX, Has th»i Diy pubV.iWrd, by Asaum Dick/us, opposite CtnHl-Churcb, Philadelphia* [Price One Dollar."] O&oher 7. French School, FOR YOUNG LADIES. GOUIN DUFIEF, prof. (Tor of the Frefich UtwaJiT, will o P e« jn : u day, the gth ot De cember. «t Mt». Beck's Academy, in F.fth 'lrect cmpoCtc the Srat, House gard-o, a morning !chou) or youiß eleven till one »'clock (every other day ) . P?rcnts or guardians arc 4 approved pracliec of this pcltte jrid fciftsi"nah-c V.i n guige. An tnalyl'i ot his pa» of tu't'on, anil of hi* ■work Uavit.g Been jtiven -it length in the public , 3 «er», they are rcf.rred to the Gazette of the United Stat.» and the Aurora for September last. pot » er m« and other p rtlcnlars apply at No J, f U'.h filth (Ire t, or at Mrs. Beck't on the days and hour, of tuition afor.faid. December ». eod6t " The Porcupine. I TAKE thin method of informing the People of the United Stales, »liat on the firft day of No vem' «r next. I V r °r ofe to " fume the publication of porcupine'* Gazcite, under the title of THE PO'ICUHNE ; anri to notify (in cafe any gent.'a man in America flwraW want it) thai the price ot each NumbUW-Wk> unless otherwise ordered. gy Pctcupinc's Wirks, "Which hive been sometime in the l'r.l"#, wi! hecompk'fd in February next, when th.«.pies ", )f{t ihed lor in America will be forwarded to the Subfcifrers. ..... • . A iv of my literary friends in America, who ' V dUpofed to renew their ccrrefponiience with me; will pjeale-o dire-Si to me at my print j «,■ No ?, Southampton street, Strand, or : . fto P . No. ,8. Pall Mall; WII.LIAM GO»BETT. manden, B«r tcn ' bcr fe ' lßco ' w&fr im WfTH GLASS MANUFACTORY. TUr. PROPRIETORS Of tbf Pittsburgh Glcjs JVnrks, TTAVJNG piocored a fuflicUnt nnmher ot the limit improved European OiS!s Mann- 1 fafhirerj, aniveM, to gj thrOßfrh between the City 'Jornxg* in two ihyj. I'hof* who prefer thi» uuwir of trayaUir.g can l e acconinn«*Ued at the Stage Office, sign of 'Jnued Si-ttej Eeg'e, Market ftieet, P'tiiladclph.». Sijiigb, Downing, Dunwoojy 15" Co. Nov JO. * 2t—f STAGES REMOVED. THK public are hcriV/ i»r«r:n . t: : ne U»'- timofc Coaihee wu •» future ' »r l-»»n tK In diau Quern, No iJ, fcuti. l r .4 «•'" -r.itf ••• Peck's Twtu, Baltimore, the nnt day >t 8 o'»("ck »•«.! th~ itagta ti) New Yark, vill fUrt every diy at t an. N. » —A book it kf.pt open at Mr. K y Chan dlrr'» Frankli'. Head, where feats may alio be ta ken in the above line ol' flaxen. o&obcr > _§_ All Invoice of Playing Cards. SUPEKF!*4Ii Columbian, Harry the Vllltl and Merry-Anttrew Vlayinjs Cards, f«r sale cbee] for calh—Apply at this Offic;. (eptcmher IJ. Preveation better than Cure. For the / mention perft "ly mild ind maybe ufetf with tafetv by perf'aiio ever and of every age. They are excellently adapted to carry off fu perfluous bile and prevent its morbid secretions; to restore and amend the appetite ; to produce a free perfpiratior. and thereby prevent cold* which a'e often of fatal eon'equeuce. A dole never taiU to remove a cold d taken on its. firft appeiranre. Tnev are celebrated f-r removing habitual c'llliveneft, sickness of the stomach ami severe head-ache, and ought to be taken by all perfoiis on a change of climate. They have been found rematki'ily efficacious an preventing and curing mill -Ufordcri attend- I ant on long voyages, a>.d fh'.uld be procured | and carefully preferred fir use by every feamat.. DR.HAHN'S Genuine Eye-WJter. A certain utd We (or ill direct* of tk» /e», trheifar th* cS-& of uUutil wcmkacf>, or pi .. cedent, (ick frequently focccod th* fm»U ji*n. ne»H« »n« n ™ s, ** b !t'tc. PrcfnSfr t.t notice. A Ltptrfbe. itt.'frVtc* to the FlUte M ThoMt: t\ llcrrt-iv JrufTjr, w>«th«u ftciici. irr rrqu»!t*d to n.«kc «fomtdi»t«p»Tmeot | ••id thafr wh® hate «Sy itaitinA ijimt fii l •" *<■ quelled to proiuec their »ccoent», proptrif cO, for frill =-jcot. to „ SUSAx'+NA.'f I.F.UFPEK, Admin'jt. Nik, )4, north Fifth ftirrt ars Reward. tictftmWr ii 20 Dol T) AK sway from the frigate Condeila'ion.' IV captain Muruv, at March* Hiok, 1 mu latto mm, named William Williams, bu l . better kttewn by the natie of JOHNSTON.— He was lifer to the marines on hoard said ship, a! 00l 21 years of age, 5 feet, 7 or 8 inc.iea high, a litt e pock marktd, full uccd and free, open countenance, flout male, his hair tied in a fh rt q icue—Had on when he went a*ay, an olive ro >.r'J jacket, and pantaloon*, the colour of-whirh is iu»t recoil* (fled. Having been ac» csltomed <0 the sea, it is probable he haseutcr e , ami faded, on boari lome merchant Ihip.— T-tn Pol ail will lie given, f r c«rtain inforina- I tion, what vrfTil he has failed on hoard of, or the above rewa'd and expences, for fecurii g him. in any part Of the United States, an J g' ing immediate information tic eof, to Richard Cvhshh, Esquire, of I'altimorr, Ja *es Siton, Efqr. of New York, or the I'ubfi.rib. r» in i'hila.ie phia, Thomas £3* Peter Alackie, No. 119, south Fron ftrcet cod tot. Decem'ie* !} 20 Dollars Reward. DH VERTED lalt evening, JOSEPH PARKIN SON. privjte i. the ra-rine lorri of the Dnitrd States,' he wns l.orn in I e1..n1, is about 17 ye ire "Id. s feet 6 aaJ a half inch" high, darl eyes black liai-, and fallow complexion. Alio, jroiEMHH CI»AKKipN, born in England, town of Stockpurr, u 39 years of age, J feet 7 inch«i high, ijrcy ey>'», lig',t bro.vn hair, florid complexion and i>y trade » Hatter ; from rbe ap. peararct cf his i;«:e the moil evident mark* of a tachment to ino; te FRANKLIN WHARTON, Captain Commanding. Philadelphia, Marine Barracks, Nov. 8. Education FOR TQUfIG L A DIES. COLUMBIA HOHSE, Q 0 A K D I S G & DA Y-SC HOO L, a*»«4MMBNC4B Fur tliewlmw i*«£>n, on OAohn 6'.li, Wali)«» hrtw*e« fourth »»>d Tifth-P.rerta* MRS. GKOOMBRIDGE refpeAfully ic k..o-Sedge* *be liberal encouragement the ni?r*p:risiK«l, for more than f e*rn yesr, in Phihdel hja. »nhy» ufr M* the ploKeS.iuftorv, tomi'., voc-i ami •nUrum-ntal, drawing and dancing. t*',! n v. ork» criibroiv.rry irid ' am hour in jold.ftWrr or colours, fillagree, »rtih cia' fl >*ers, fancy balkrts, netting, hair, print I aloth, an t ni'iflin mork of every kind, I «>"» i.i. _ d»w iwtv A FFIV COPIES OF Gifford's Epistle to Peter Pindar, (Price 37 »-» CtutfJ AKD or Duttou's Poem on the prcfent state of Literature, (Price tit a Ctrti) H'.vr ju i' «tn rcccirv;'. by p A. Dl 'KSNIs, opp flte Chrifl Church. g r.iVfmber 7 ), 1< USS b L.L' * 'I Modern Europe. ■ -iccon i Volume of MODERN EUP.OPE 1 i* now delivering to may b had us W. Y. Birch, , o. 17, iioa-i Street t O&obcr »5- __ • DISTRICT OF MARYLAND, TO WIT. j BE it rem«ml>cred that on the 44th day oF Oc- c tober, iu th« twenty fifth year of the Inde- | pendente of the United States of America, Charles W. Goldfl»orou>;h of the fiid DirtriS hath depo sited in this i'tfice, the title of a book, the right whcr«of be cblms, as author, ia the words t»l ---" : IoWIBg, tO Wit. . %n original and corrcA lift of toe United States Navy, Containing a lift ol {hips in coaiaiilTion, and their j tefpedive force, r ali of officers. ard tblds/>oroujrb. It la conformity to the afl * Congreft of the e United States, intituled »An ad for the enccur- of learning, by fecunng the eopic oi maps, charts and bo Its, to the authors and pro pricterl of fach copies, during the times therein mentioned. _ . „ PHILIP MOO!)E, Clerk of the Diftriil «f Matynd. •oveniber 11 la«i:i4 w n , —— ———— To Printers. ' WANTED—in Extkangt, APOUNT of Long Primer, weighing 6 cr 700 lb w upwar U, and a I'aunt of Buvier, weighing 400 •<" i»pwir4». Srpt«mtar a. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Wnfj'ingUn, September \JI, 1800. Public Notice is hereby Given, In pursuance of an ad of Congreps, pnffed on the lyl dny of April, ont tboufcnJ eight hundred, en ::led " An a 8 t» eJIMi/tj a General Stamp-Office," eod ;,t THAT a General Stamp-Office !« now eftabliflied at the feat of government, in tne city of Washington, from whence there will issue, from and after the date hereof, (upon the application of the Supervisors of the Revenue, *nder whose management the colleftioo of the (lamp duties is placed) ?ny quantities of paper, parclvroe.nt a»d vellum, marked or (lamped, and duly couyter-llamp ed, with the following rates of duty which arc demandable by law : For every ski* or piece of vellum or parchment,or Ibeet or piece of paper, upon which ihail be written or printed any or either of ihe iullru- meats or writings following, to wit, ADM,. C M. NY certificate of naturalization s Any licence to nraflice,or certificate of the adiaiffioli, irtrollment or re« giHry of any counlell.ir, Solicitot Advocate attorney, 01 pro&or, in any court of the United States t# Provided, that 1 certificate in any one of the C(tirts tof he United Maiesi for any one of the said offices, ihall so far as relates to the payment of the duty aforefiH, be a futTfcient adtnil'- fion in all the courts of the United States, for each and every of the said offices. Any grsnt or letters patent,under the teal or authority at" the United States (except for lands granted for military fervicw) 4 Any exemplification or certified ropy of any such grant or letters patent (except for lands granted tor mili tary I'er vices) % Any charter-party, bottomry or re fpsHidentia bovJ i A»y receipt ordifcharg» for or on ac count of any legacy left by my will or o'.her teftrmentary instru ment, or for any (bare or part of a personal tflate, divided by force of any statute of diflriVutions other than to the wife, or grand children of the perl'on difeafird, the amo int whereof {hall be above the value > f fifty dollars, and (hail not exceed the value of one hundred d .liars a $ When the amount thereof fiiail rx cerd the value of one htm Ired dol lars! ;nd (hall not exceed fivi bun i dred d ,lla-s jo And for every further sum us five hundred dollars, the additional firm of I A*y policf of inlWance or inflru- Kifnt in nature tbere >l', when the sum for v»'nich infuramc i» made fh«!l not exceed five hundred col lars *5 When the sum injured Ihill exceed five hundred dollars I Any exemplification of what nature soever, that ft) ill pass the fe»! «f any oourt, o her than fuck as it may be the duty of the cler* »if such court to fornifh for the use of the United State*, or some parti culir slate 50 Any bond, btil fing'.e or penal, inhnd bill of exchinge, promifTory note or other nrte (nthei than any recognizance, bill, bsnd or other obligation or contrail, made to or with the United States, or any date, or for their use refptnSlively ; and any bonds required in any caf« b*> the laws of the United Statss, or of any state, up n legol process, or in anv judicial proceeding, «r for he f:ithf:il performance of any trust or duty ) If above twenty dollars and not exceeding one kuodrjd dollars 10 If above one hundred and not ex reeding five hundred dollars If above fiv« hundred and not ex ceeding one thoufrtid dol'.ars 50 1 Arid if above one thousand dollars n Provided, that if any bonds or notes (hall be payable at or within sixty days, fueh bonds or notes (hill be fubjefl to only two-fi r th pacts of the duty aforefaid, viz. If above twenty and not feceeding one hondred dollars 4 If *bove one hundred dollars and not exceeding five hundred dollars 10 If ab&ve live hundred dollars and not exceediug one thousand doils »o If above one thousand dollars 30 Any foreign bill of exchange, draft < r order for the payment of money in any foreign eouutry The said d*ty being charge, able upon each and every bill of ex change, without refpeil to the num ber contained in each let- Any note or bid of lading or writing or receipt in natu: ■ thereof, for go ids or merchandize to be ex ported ; If from one diftridl to another dil- Wiil of the United SUtos.oot being in the fame state * If froin the United States to any fo reign port or place 10 The said duty beine chargeable upon »arh and every bill of lading without r.fpeft to the number con tained to each let. Any notes jffued by the banks now rftsblilhed or that may be hereafter eftabliOied within the United States, other than the nntes of fnch of the said hank' as (hall a gree to an annual competition of one per centum or< the annual di vidends made by such banks, ta their ftockh. ldeis refpe&ivelv, ac cording to the following scale : On all notes not exceeding fifty dol lars, for each dollar On all notes fifty dolhrs and n.it exceeding one hundred dollars 50 On all notes above one hundred dol lars and notexceeding five hundred dollars On all notes above five hundred dol lars Drilt. C. M. Any prot«li or c'tar r.otariai a& aj Any letter of attorney, exevpt lor an invalid jjtiilioti, or to oh ain or fell warrant! far land granted by the United Statts as bounty for military fer»iee» performed in the late u-jr »j Any inventory or catalogue of any fur nituri.g«»is or effefls, made in.any cafe required Vy law (except in cases of g»»ds ai.d chatu Is oiflraioed for rent »r taxes,and gocd»taken in vir tue of any legal by any officer jo Any certificates cl" a (hire in any inlu ranee company, of a fhar- in the hank of the United States, or of any flat* or other bank ; If »bove twenty dollars aiid not exceed ing one hundred dollars 10 If above one hiujdfed dollars ij If under twemy dollars, at the rate of ten cente for one hundred dollars. 1 That the power of the fupervifcrs of thfi Revenue to nmk or lUmp any telluin,' * parchment or paper chargeable \v«h will ce*fe and determine from and after fix months from the date hereof, to wit, un the last day of February ,180^. That, if any persons (hall, after the last day of b'ebriwry i«c>i, h.ive in their cuflody or pots (lion, any vellum, parchment o-r pa per, marked or (Wiped by the fupe-ri ifois of the Revenue, upon which any matter or thing, charged with duty, (hall nit liave been written or printed, they may at any time within the space of sixty days after tbe said lost day of February iBot, bring or ft id futh vellum, parchment and paper, unto 1. me effiee of infpeflion, and in lieu theieof, receive a like quantity or value of vellum, parchment And paper, duly (lamped in pursuance of the Ait herein before recited. And in cafe any person (hall neglect or re-' ' L 'fe, within the time ( aforefaid, to bring or caule to be brought unto feme officer of in- IpefUon, any (urh Velium,' or pa per, it is hereby declared, that the fame will thereafter be «f no other effedt or use, that! if it had never bce« marked or (lamped, and that all matters and things, which may af ter that time he written or printed upon any vellul, paichment or paper, snthoiized to be exchanged 111 miiuter aforefaid, will be of no r, ther than if they had been written or printed on paper, parchmertt or vellum, not marktd or (lamped. IV. And for the convenience of those prrfons who maybe inclined to (lave their owr. yeU linn, parchment and paper (lamped or mark ed, it is hereby that when any per lou flirt 11 deposit any vellum, parchment or paps rat the office f a fupervif >r, accompa nied with a lid, (purifying the number and , denomination of the sumps >r marks, which i an* uciirrd to be thereto afifixtd, the fame «vi!l he trunfmitted to the General Stpam. Offic ■, ?nd therr properly marked or damped, and forthwith fe. t hack to the fame super visor, who will thereupon colled the duties ar.d deliver the paper, parchment or vclltim f to the order ■ t w person from whom the Utile wis i vi-ivftl. Given u '!< r mv Hacd, apd the Seal (L.S.) ' i the I re aft! ry, at Welling ton the d y and rear ab