XvfitU 1533. > The price of this Uatttte is Eight Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing in tbe city of Philadelphia. All others pay *nt Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting f and unless'some person in this city will become ansioerable for the subscription, it must be paid Six Months in Advance. *«* No Subscription will be received for a shorter term than six months. December i 1799. ALMANAC Frfm November s—to5 —to November II aioa vats*. Wedncfday Thursday • Friday Saturday Sunday Menday Tttefiay » 9UN- Wedr.efday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday For Sale, By JOHN CLIFFTON, Junr. No. 80, Stvanson street, So-uthwark, The following India Goods* viz. 4CO piccei Ooldhcad Mamoodiea 100 da Boonahcwt do joo do JalalpocrS'woa fj do Ch«ad«rcoaM Nanfnok jj do do Hx«rfk«rchief» 301 do Burbfeoon Onrraht o hairs Plains and Forest Cloths I bale faffcionabie fine Coatings 1 bale? falhionaMe I.ionlkin do. 3 Imall bales low criced Swanfdowns 4 bales Ingrain Yorlufhire Carpcta and -30 hhd. Scin Twior. jfLSC, An extensive and choice adortment of DRY GOODS— WILLIAM FRENCH. rUt 'u.&f. 4*. tjblcr 1 John Cliffton, jun. HAVING declined his former bulinefs, of fers Tor sal« all his Hock, confiding of the following articles, viz. Sixteen Anvils, Eighteen pair of Bellow's, five Vicesi with all the ot'ier Tools necelliry for condaAing the Ba»ith'» Business. ALSO, About 5 tons of Stikes, «f different sizes, ,?oooib. Sheath-e an ': Dri'.v ing Nails, 1 Urere iffortment of Tackle Hoiiks and Thimbles, Swivle Hooks, Sirapers, Hin ges and Naili, Y/ith ererv other defciiption of ready made Iron work, fuitabl? for flocking a Ship SLith's, orfhip Chandlers Stone. Ail of which he will fell on very reasonable •♦erwis for rjfh or ipproved noies. m m m Apply at N0.40> Swaal'oo Arect, South ward. Oflnl-rr if. German Rcdcmptioners. Nihttxxm rttnarai *fthofe,«ho caree in the (hip Anns from Hamburgh, and arc willicg u (frit for tiiew paibgc . Apply«® Jacob Sperry fc? Co. Who bene on Hand, IMDiinhf of leu impoetatioo*, and whieh are af ford onrcafoaabk term«, and (ha u(ut I credit, 33 cases Eftopillas, VuataOf a coapleat <(T irtmcnc Cen n(Tcrill *f- C«t(J • aid 9cythr« 5 cale* M doable flint cutDenatcn quirt anil pint * of# f»ll tnmVle", and 1 cafe of TraTcllinK cafe*. t cafa of f» writ to nr dirrfUd from *>«e 1-fonoraMe Kichard Peiers, Efq-. J»dge of the Diflri£ C<'Urt i>f (he Unit-< 1 in 2nd lor the dtflri me direiflcd, from the Honourable Richard eters, Elqr J'idge of theDillrjfl Court ortI(- United States in ani for the Peonfyivania Diftiiifl, will he exp il'rd to Public Sale, at the Merchant's Coffee btv.f, in the City if Phi adelphia, "n M(JN£)AY, the Tenth Day of November next, at 7 o'clock in the evening. Tie armed French I.uggcr, called 111% GUJ DA LOUP I EN, At J ' Wain's wlurt, Prize :o the- U.iited St;:tcs aimed fchinner Enterpr:ze, John Shaw Efqr. enm mander —thr fame having b»en lately condemn el by thr laid CoiKt as forfeited, Sec. JOHN HALL, Msrfh'l. Oiftober jt. mw&f. UNIEED STATES, } Pr Nxsvi.vAHtA District, $ NO riCf. IS HEREBY GIVEN, That in purfmnce of a Writ to me duelled 'rorn the Honourable Rithard Peter*, Efqr. J-idg*of the Dillriil Court of tnr Ui»iteri Sfites in a: d for tl»e Pennl'ylvaHia will lie exp fed to I'uhl-c Sale at No 15,, Chef ut It cet, it, th- Ci'y of Philadelphia, nn MONDAY. the i?th D'.y 'f IVovember next, at 10 o'clock, in ihc frrenton, , Stawim, The Cargo of the armed French lugger Gtildabinpi-n, prize to tl e U .ited ®tite« armed schooner En terprize, J. >kn Shaw, Efqr. commander—i-or.- filti.V of 60 Barrels 1 64 hogsheads > SUGAR. 12 Tierces J 3 Barrels COFFEE> 2 Hags ) The -.ubo'le entithj tn Drawback. JOHN HALL, Martial. Mctrsbc. 's Office.") O-tobcr "jl. J x mwfctS.l Imported, Aimron SALI BV EDE N E /.ER LARGE, 9-8 \dlite Russia Sheeting, DROGHEDA LINENS, fir.e 4 4 Inih Lin ens, Cl'iniing Diap«r, Cotton Velvet Thicksets an-1 Pancy Cords, Printed Li ten and Cotton Handkerchief, Silk Han 'kerchiefs, Sat liw, Pelongt, M. des and Pcriians, Callnnan cors, Wil !b :re« and MombizeeiijFme and coarfc RoliWn, Tapes. RibboHs, Ferrets. Srntch Cz nabu'p", ThrcaJa No. 7 to 64,jcoloured Threads No. 8 to 16, Pr«;, 3 i-«, 4, 4 1-2 and 5 lb. I.nr:Jon Pewter all'irted in caflt*, Tin, and has just received by tie Ijtj arrivals a general ifibrt mem ot Woo Jens. 10 mo 8. 51 •■ '• ' , ' "• • rSTILADELPHJ A< S^TVH&SY EVENING, NOVEMBER 8, 25 Hogsheads 28 Tierces > SUGAR 55 Barrels j .5 Bales of COT TON, 3 Hogsheads 9 Tierces 26 Barrels 12 Bags 4- Barrel 1 Trunk Tee whole is er.t'tied to drawback. States. By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-flreet. For Sale, Freight or Charter, To the Weft-Indies or else where, The fa'l f=ilin K ("1-1 SCHOOHER Rover, Burthen ninety tons or seven hundred r"~~ fiity barrels. She ism g»od tepair, ani will be ready to re ceive a c.irgo on ihort notice. Apj ly to yofeph Anthony & Co. Or to the Captain on bowd, at Chefnut ftrcet wharf. £ vro\h:. October 15 3*«* W 3 W COFFEE, By thf Cijp* from tk. Si IL T and pared buttons, ivory and ham v_T combs, japaned, blo:ktiti and pewter wares, brass and iron candlellicks, paten', tea kettles at.d fiuce-pans, coffee mi)i», iron and brals wiie «f ail sizes. All', a'arge aflbrrment of flit-irons, hake plate, putt, i>c. fame time by the /hip Gecrg , CJpt. Rice, the much aamlred improved COPYING MACHINES, Diretfl from the patentee. These nackinet are ma e on a Gmp'e and improved plan f»r copying, writing, &c. ot jay lists, io an expeditious manner, and arc charged • t a raii' h lei's price than any other ' ow in life. "J'hty are fund to p-ifleft a fuperiurity over any others, b th by being tno'e durable and not lb liallleto get • ut of r.-piir. and by copying any n-.rober of writings atone time, w thout making any a!trrjti«n in the machine, and their occu pying lit'le room The *ery generil afe inti whicb these ma* chti a e now brought in use in Lsndon and other trading eitir*. a>.U (he fan*faction feQ.fie'! by a!) who pofltfi theoi, render it un recrfljry to enlarge any further «>n their adran rage, both In point of aoewraey and fecrrcy and in the saving ol t>ne, labour am] tiprwt. novembcr i takl'a tf OF THE Hon. James Wilson, Esq. L. L. .D Lnte one of tbe Associate Justices of tbe Supreme Court of ike United States and Projessor at l.ti'u in tbe College end Academy of i'bilddiipbux. From the original manufeript, in the pnffeflton «f Bird Wilson, Esq. Thefc wortr ft>ll he e!ejj*ntly printed in two volume oflato, and rlciivered/o fubferiber* at five dollars. rhey (hall he put to pref* as Coati as the fubferip tions will juftify the cxpcnce of publication, Subscriptions will be received by ASBiTUY DICKINS, The publiftjcr, oppofife Chriil-Church, Pbila detphia ; and by the principal bookfeUcrs througk nut the United States. ♦ # * A frofpwSurof the work may Vt seen at iWpiace of fubferi, tion. feptemter 13 5 Just Received, Genrpre tVom Hull, AND FOR SALE bY GEORGE ROBERTS, No. 31, Market street. A tar:rf! and elegant affortroent of c u r l e r r. assortment of par-YTt PROPOSALS for publishing nr sunscßri Ttos, The Works mutttr/om. Subscription Balls. Mr. Francis fJEOS leave to acquaint his scholars, and those * gentlemen, >vho nay wish to honor his 3ab- Ic.ription Ball with (heir prcfence, thaf fubferip tion tickets, are ready for delivery. Dayr ot tuition, at the Academy, Harmony- Ocurt, Mondays and Fridays (at 3 o'clock in the alt rnooil, for y»ung ladim only)—Tuefday s and Saturdays, (4 o'clock, f'>r young gentlemen)—and at 6 o'clock on the Tuesday and Saturday for those of a more advanced age Fer particulars a; ply to Mr. F No. 70, north Eighth flreet. The firft B-li which was to hav« been on the 6th November, is poftpnned 'till further notice oJtßier 30 dt6N Gideon H. Wells Has Just Received, By the late arrivals—a large and general afTort ment of Hardware, Cutlery & Sadlery, Which he offers for fak, f.T cash or the usual credit. Market-street, No. 135. j i oo barrels of BEEF suitable for East-India Voyages, ioo do. of Store do. 50 boxes, Containing each dozen best London MUSTARD. tou SAi.K Br Samuel Rhoads, No. j, Penn street. Novpmbf 4 Landing At Wain's wharf, The Cargo of the brigEnterprize, COKSISTING OF Surinam Molafles, Of an ei-elleat quality, in hoglheads, tierces sad barrels, And about 40 quarter casks LISBON WINE, Fob Sjlf. bt Wharton y Lewis^ No. llj,f.iuth Front street. ofleber 9 tu'-rh f* tf John Whitefides TNrOttMS httfriendi tad ihepuMk iii'|eoi7it, thtt be hatfafcra the BRttWfcßY.Ut* WiUitaa in Sixth Ikivcm llirkt i 34 Arch llfaert, ml-crt they mty he luppiicd Porter. Ale, Table sod SaitU Beer*. N D. A quantity of exeelkM old Partee oa haotl At f'lf mmediaM ■(« oAoStr jo ti th ft j« BEEF /"VF the firO quality, flt for India now us ,aod for fjk by Wiiliam Sheaff, Ns. i6B,Hig*i street. ofttVr %o This Day is Publi/hed, And to be fold BY ASBURY DIOKINS. Sccoml Greet, oppoutc Chrilk. Church, An Essay ow THE Eleventh Chapter of the Revelation of St. ydn, hi which is shewn that the words M And in the fame Hour was there a great Karthquake, and the tenth part of the City fell, ami in the Earthquake v,tt> fljin of Men jfcggu..-rhr«ifani to Js rufa'em, aiTJ n;>t to omt or France By Charles Crawford, Esq. Lately publ (bed by this author, THK CHRISTIAN, A POEM. Obfcrvitions upon the Revolution in France, &c See. ritobrr 1' F.jw WAR DEPARTMENT, August 4ts, ißco. •T HE commanding c iHcers of corps, de ) tachment*,pofls garrifom. ir:d recruiting par/jet, belonging t > the military e/Üblilhraent of the United State?, are to report to, and receire orders from Brigadier General Wil kiriAin, in the City of Wafhingt»n, and all officers on furlough are to report thetnfe've9 to the f.ra; officer with all polfihle difpatcb. SAMUEL DEXI EH, Secretary of War. £/" All Printers uatfiin the United states who havr publjJlitd invitation, for contr j<3sof the I.Uli o:' March UH are requeued to insert the above in their refpeflive papers, once a week for twe months. At a County Court of Common Pleas, Held at Union Trwn, for the county cf Fayette, the second Mot day of September, in the / T ear °* our Lor.i on- thousand rieht w Lflndfcd, before rhr Alexin »'}er -«ddif»p.. Efyuirc, PrefuNnt, 34i«t Jj lpi»l the bui ourt, t ON th; petit (no of J«hn B»r*)*n, »n ltiM»ent JVeor, v-rafi'f tli- beticfit cf the *& rv Oe Drnl Al2c(nri> lor th« reiufol Ir.f.'lreiit DejKor", the :«r next so hi*r tfte ycti'iiner mil hi»creditor*, and rti'cfi the: oo:i<£ thef([toti p»ter. KemseSy, »rj m the Fly ette Giectt* the ImJt frtlicnioo in ewh, to be *t letA four . * x. Health-Office, 4th November 1836. I ITE Pifots ot the River Delaware 3V • deli red to take notice that after the 's< li inft. all veflVls froin fprejgfi potts are peinu:- ted to proceed to the city without comiofj too at the Lazaretto, to be examined by the Rffidrnt Phytic i an.. %r WILLIAM ALLEN, ffealtb-OJ/icer. Nov. 4 dxw Pciffc Office* Philadelphia. Nav. i, 1800. THE MiiU for the Port Offices on the Main Line, between Philadelphia and New York, will in future be closed every day, (Sunday except* «d) at 8 o'clock, A. M. and the Mails for Poll Offices branching from them wllltbe clofcd on thd usual days, at 8 o'clock in tfce morning. The Mail for New York, anl tlw Past Office# eastward ot it, will continue to be closed at fh« uftal hour, la o'clock, noon, daw EPHRAIM CLARK, Clock & Watch M A it K R; Corner of Market cr.d Front Jlrcets, Phila delphia, by the Kingftan and other arrivals, CHAWSEH tm.l otiier Clocks, Click Movr meii's, Eight day ani 30 hcu' call fcraf., Clock Bulls. Clock Dials, Cat gut, Watch Olafs and Spring., tteci and gilt Chains, Glk firings, ladies' chains gold, gilt, and steel; gold, gilt, and fled keys; seals gold, gilt, and steel. On han 1 a general fupyly of Ciock and Watch Maktr s, and Silver Emi'h's Tools and materials, rfnd Filei of all iize», &c. Vumm.ce. Rotten ftoae, Ernery,, Borax, &c &c. N t B. VI atehes and Clocks repaired as uiml. Od*ber 28 ' \ codes BENJAMIN CLARK, Clock is" Watch Mak&h, HAS REMOVED ' Io No. 36, Market Street, Where h-J has for Sale, Spring and other Clocks ; gold and (live Watchfc? ; Tools, Files and Materials; Are nd gilt Clia ins," Seals and Kev» ; Springs, Sc. k-c. CLOCKS AND WATCHES Repaired as ufuaj. Jut" 3 tu&ftf Certificates Loft; THE undermentioned certificates of (lock of tht Barikcf the United 'iptJi, viz No. 978, date I id January, 1793, for five lharcs in the name of Bourdieu, Choilcf. and Bourdieu No 37366,daccd id of Janu.1r7.1798, for five (hares, in the name "f the Right hon. lord John Townfhend. Notice is hereby given, That application i , intended to be made at the said Bank by the fubferiber, for a renewal of tl.a fime.of wlvch all perfonstoncerse J are requeued to take no: ice. JOHN WARDER. Philadelphia, 1 o mo. aB, 1800 tuthfajm The following certificttes of eight per cent ftocfc in the name of William Bell, jr {landing to his ere lit on the books of the United Statei Loaj Olfkf of Pennsylvania, vi«. .?•.?, a Certificate dated 30th January, lßco, for one thonfand dollars. No 505, a Certificate dated jo;h Jjnuary, ißco, for one thonfand dollars No-ice is hereby given, that applicitbn it in tend. d to be made for a rcTCwil of the fame—o£ which all persons concerned are requested to take JOHN 'i'ABDER.. Philadelphia, 10 ma 18, tgoo. jtawfiw That large and commodious HOUSE, At the corner of Arch and Ninth flreet». To be Let, 1 1 'HE houl' . . ber so, 1800. ( <"> 4a **' An Invoice of Playing Cards. SUPERFINE Columbian, Harry the VtlltH ind Merry-Andrew Playing Car J«, f»r£a'c cfcies for cafli—Apply at this 01Hc_. feptimbcr 13. irdfum* XVIIJ. ' LOST", LOST, , >»- ' - law tf