Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, October 09, 1800, Image 1

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    Numbph 2507.;
BC7 * Tie /;r/ce o/" this Gazette «« EicHt
Dollars per annum ft Subscribers residing
in the city of Philadelphia. All others pay
one Dollar additional., for enclosing and di
recting ; and unless*some person in this city
will become answerable for the subscription,
it must be/.aid Months in Advance.
• » N 0 Subscription will be received for
4 shorter term than six months.
December I J799-
From Oaobir Z—t»'OtMcr 14.
UIOH watek. H- M.
7 6
7 S7
8 49
9 40
10 19
11 16
8 at unity
8 U«/.4«7
i Sanday
Saddling Business,
HAVING entered into partnerlhip, and ta
k'ti that long established stand at the cor
ner of Cliefnut and Third Streets, refpeflfully
folii it public patronage, and particul>rly invite
a continuance of the favours of the former
friends an I customers of Haines *, and
Sharplel's St Kiufey, to whole business they have
1 hey offer for sale a large and general aflTirt
merit of elegant Saddle and Bridlei, all kinds
common do Plated and Brass mounted HUrnefs,
Saddle bags, Valieces, Cart an 1 Waggon Gears,
&c. Trunks of all kinds, particularly hard lea
ther Portmanteaus.
They also manufacture all kinds of Silver
mounted and Plain Whips, having several ex
cellent Workmen in that branch.
They flatter thcmfelves from their united ex
perience and the arrangements they have made,
to be able to fell any of the above articles o*a as
good term? as any other; in the United States.
A liberal allowance will be made to those who
■urchafe by the quantity
Phil&d. Sept. a - 4 w-
Book - Store,
North Sccoud Street, opposiit Christ Church.
With Illustration'an«i Additions
Desultory Reflexions
In the Uuitrd $;««• ot Amcnc*, Gnct the
(Mtowrncrmcntaf the yt»r 1799*
|£y R. T. RawlKj considering that in
this country there is a ire pret's, is determi
ned his Book-Store (halt ailo be free to pub
lications of every denomination! whether po
litical or "religious. The works of Wings
or Tories ; Republicans, or Ivlonarchifls ;
Aristocrats or Democrats ; Frderalills or
Anti-FeJeralilh ; Christians, Jews, Hea
thens or Turks, are equally free for f.le {
and, whatever may be his private opinions,
i» refoived, as a Boolcfelter, and in the true
spirit of his profcllion, " To be open to all
pirties, and influenced by none.
N. B. He ha? for fule, all tlielateft po
litical publications, and every article in the
Stationary Line.
O 'lober I.
Ml Persons,
INDEBTED to the F.itate or jofcpK Engie,
late of he K.'.rthtrn Liberties, dcceal'cd, «rr
leqnelled to immediate payment, and
thole having any demands again!! the lame, to
bring in their aecounss to
3ENJAMIN l HAW, Adminiflrator.
< obfr 3. f"iw.
"ST7"HO from principle M a and defpofe I
W to undertake the arduous ta#c of editing ol
3 paper and combaring the enemies <>f Anieiica,
may hear of an eligible firuation in the interior of
Maryland. 500 fubi'cribers can be counted on he
fore he commence*, —A Native Arr.erUw will be
prefcred ; —But it is not to b>. underload that well
principled perlons though not natives, are to he
•,* Particulars may be learned on application
to the Editor of this Gazette.
O&oher 3
An Invoice of
Playing Cards.
SUPERFINE Columbian, Harry the Vlllth
and Merry-Andrew Playing Cards, for Tale cheep
for ca/h— Apply at this Office,
september 13.
Neatly executed at the Office of the
Gazette of the United States,
(pards—Blanks of all kinds,
Bcc. See.
Wil! 'je printed at the
Shortest Notice.
august 13.
Gazette 4 the United States, & Daily Advertiser.
6 to—-j 40
6 11 s 39
6 ij S 37
- 6 i 4 .5 36
- 6 a; 5 35
6 17 5 33
t> »8 < 3»
r 4P& the new pilot built
wfflr St - Tammany,
at Say's Wharf, above
Market Street, burthen 70 t ins, I'uyipofed t» he
a remarkable fad Tailing vefTel, ai.ii may bef.t
tedforfeain a few days. Inventory to be seen
and terms of sale known by applying to the fub
3J Hhds- M' fcorrd Sugar.
White and brown Hava nah Hit ofo hexes, Ir.dia do. in bags.
Weft-India and Crnctry Rum.
100 Hhda MolafTea.
Holland Gin
French and Spanish Brandy.
Pepper, Coffee, See.
AufiiO 9. fa tu&
Charles Marihall
No. 46, Ckesnut Street,
Per brig Liberty, capt Herders >n, Amller-
A qaamity i f the following article*, which they
fell for calh, or the usual credit—
Antimon crud 01 Anifi
Arsenic alb Juniper
Sac faturm hu<tini
Vitriol alb Rho !ii
Borax Camphor
Opium Cocciiinclla
Annctto Gum Benzoin
1 ■ Arabic
Frosciprub Myrrh
Corros sub Kino
Sal G aaber ~J M ("Manna flak
Rad gentian | ■ Cora
FU Sulphur Ix j Liquorice ball
Sweet oil i | Cort fcru tiav
Sem aiiiQ I £ Rub
Kheubarb J"" L
And a quantity of
Shop furniture, furgeoni iafirument*. patent
medicines, 4c.—Medicine chrft«, and otveci. frini
the country, put up on m. derate terms,
rcptcmher'<3 , "
. tor Sale, '
THE following property belonging tothcTruf
tees of the Agg.cgate Fund, provided for th«
payment of certain crediters of Hdward Fox
and James
On Mondiy the 6tb October inst•
PART of the property of said fund, in the City
of Washington, that now is rendered clear ol
every incumbrance, will he exposed at Public
Au&ion at Tan*iclifl Tavern, amougti which are
the following valuable {ittiatioti, viz. it Lots in
square No. 973, 2 lots in square 974. 15 lots in
jquaro N«. 995, 2 locs in fquarel'ovth of fquart
1019, 19 lots in square roio, 1 lot in (quare io*e
1 lon iu Iquarc ton, / lot a in fqa-ie 1013. 4 lot
in (quart iO-:4, 3 lota in jquare 1045, * lo « in
iquare 1046, 9 lots in square 1C47, 11 * n
square 1048, with fun.'ry others, advantagroufly
lituated in various part* of the city. Also the 1
liory frame houle now occupied by Mr Dcblois,
beautifully situated (with an extensive view of fev
cral miles down thr Potomac) on the fonth ealt
c riicr of square 973, fronting 42 Let on 11 fli c.?t
east, and 41 lectuufouth O street: a commodious.
Kitchen with an oven, &c. adjoining ihe south
front. A. large frame liable, carriage heufe and
hay loft 50 feat by 25. and a pimp of excellent I
water near the hack door of the kitchen, the iot |
extending 91 fed ah ti ftreet,and 139 feet 1 inch I
it: 0 Oreet, comprtzing lot*
of 22, it: the rcgillered division of the fqware.
! he fakswil! comments: «'t the said t.-.wrn at tan
o'clock in the forenoon.
The ternvoue fourth ca(h, one fourth in fix
months, when -'eed will he given % the remain
ing moiety in two year 9, payicHt to he {'-aired
'y hon 1 and mortgage. But thw creditors in the
abov. fun 1, may in ii:ii of mortgage feevre pay
mcnt of their bonds by of certificates *f
the truflees at the ra'e of five f&ftlirgs in the pound,
to the amount fecursd and fcruld a dividend take
place before the expiration of the tw . years, it set off agun'A tay hood, and ihe certifi
cates returned in the fame proportion. '
1W 11V
Marflial's Sale.
United States, J
Pennsylvania District. \ J''
BY virtue of a writ °f verditiona e*ponas to
Tie 'liredled, nTned out of the Circuit Court
the United Slates, in and for the IVnnfjrlva
Didrifl, will be e.xpofcrd to public file at
the Men bant's Coffee I *o>jfc in the C'ty of
Philad-ldhia, on Friday the . otb day of OAo
ber next at 7 o'clock ill the evening;, all the
right, efta'e and interett of Oliver Pollock, in
and to two thoufmd acres of ch !ice land# situate
on Pine Creek in tke county of Lycoming.—
-eized and taken in execution and to be fold ai
the property of Oliver Pollock by
JOHN HALL., Marshall.
Marshal's Office, |
Philadelphia Sepl 29, 18.10. J tS.
Jlift Received,
And will be Sold Very Low, if applied for
immediately, by the Package only'
S Bales Broad-Cloths, affortcl, ")
I Bale Plains and Forest clothi, . "
l Do. fine Coatings, affoit«d, ! |.J
»C> Do. Kendall Cottons, m
ao Hogftieads (-'eina I £
4 Ca(ks London Pewter, J w
No. 48, South Front lircet-
September 30. djt & eodiw.
For Sale,
JJ7b. 4, South Wc'tr S'reel
dim, and other arrival*,
Henry Pratt *)
Thomas W. Francis j
John Miller, juu. Trufltet.
John A/hley
Jacob Baker. J
3iaw is
By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-flre'et.
From, the (hip Farmer, captain Gtbfon, from Ham
l»''rg, a large aflortment of Lm«as andl orter
( Goods, among which are an bales
of real French Britanuias, 6 an;! f 4, which are
off-red for Talc <w» r aforuble ieno* i* «r cpjirr>vc4
pipefj or th barter for We a -India produce.
Uritanrua;, real French, Boccadillos
6 and 7 Bielefeld Linens
lirit?nMias ScleGas Siamoife i^aces.
Plattillias Royules Tapes o( fiivcral kinds
Ellapiilasof ail dtfijrip- Decanters
f »ons Quirt and pint tumblers
Cr»a<? a la Morlaix Travelling Cases
Checks No. 2Sc Stripes Glass Beads, violins and 1
609 Box~s (f Bohemia
White Window Glass,
Of the firfl. quality, j by 9, 8 by io, 9 by 11,
10 by u and upwards.
Of late Importation i
EftopiMss, Brccadillos, Quadruple SeliGas, Dow
ns, Cnutils, Liftadoes, Mbrrl'rldi fine Checks,
Bed parchet, FisnJers Bed Tichi, Tapes of all
dtferiptimis, Cofee Mills, Scythes, Decanters,
G II Tumblers, Travelling Cafss, Scaling *'ax,
Qji'ls aud Demijohns.— Apply to
OA brr 6 diet w.Scfa rn.
The House,
LATELY occupied by the Chevalier
D'Yrujo, Spa 11 ifit AmbafTador, will be
let out to an approved person or family, on
easy conditious. It is large, commodious
and elegant, with coach-house and stables
Enquire at No. 100. Spruce street.
Atrcb Street, Nt. 94.
July 23. eodtf.
Mary Beck,
RESPECTFULLY inform* Friends and the
Public, that (he intends opening her Scledl
SCHOOL on the firft Q&obcr, in Fifth ntar
Walnut Street, opposite the State Houfr Yard,
where foe will as ufnal, teach the tranches po
lite and «fcful literature, including Geography,
Allronomy, WrifrHfc, Arithmetic and every ac
complifimient necefi-ry to form a complete liberal
• Yomig Ladies may be ace .mmndatrd with
Boar 1. &c. in the Houl'c, which is very airy and
tin. (i. Deck's Drawing snd Painting School
will commence at the fame time.
frptembi-r »o tu fa. 1 m
Dancing Academy.
TV ,TR. wi h rtfpeft informs hi* pu
lVl pi,. andthe public in general, that he intends
opening Hi Academy, 011 "londay th 6th of Oc
tober , at hi» new affimbly room, No, 64, fonth
Fourth Preet.
Mr Quefnet is tlVikful te the Ladies and Gen
tlemen, lor the liberal eti«curagcment he han et
perieneed every season—he was desirous f>r fomr
unit to meet witfc a gentleman of whom the cha
rter and talents, could, united together drfeire
the confidence of the public •• deprived of furh ad
vantage, Mr always thought proper to
divide and fix the number ol pu»ils; but this seas
on the school can be improv-d one third more
havi- g to introduce Mr "Vuriol, a* an affiflant to
him, and a pcrfon of nbilny. Ihe scholar« (h»'.l
be attended three time t a wcrkatufual—Ladies in
the morning ; young Gentlemen in the afternoon ;
and grown Gentlemen iri the evening.
N. B The firft pra&ifmgball in private for the
scholars, will be a few driyjalter the opening ot the
school ; and thcfirll ball will be on fhurfday, the
i6thO£luber next.
M*. AURIOL lately arrived fr m Paris, re
fpcdl'ully informs the public in general, that: hav
i g some time to dlfftofrof, h« will attend thefv
1 * 'lies and GcntlemeD, wh« wi r h to be taught
p iv ite at rhcir own h
His mNo-JI, lb«tfTN?d< t< "*t>
wherp diretfaoua <u> b« (dc wilk
iU<w. ' • - i ..... ■
Of tbe Pittsburgh Glass Works,
HAVING procured a fufiici«nt number of
themoft approved European Glaf's Manu
fuiflurers, arid having on hand a large Itock of
the best Materials, »n which their workmen are
now employed, have the pleasure of alluring
the public, that window glaf, of a tupei'ior qua
lity and of any lize, from 7 by 9, to 18 by n
inches, carefully packed in boxes containing
too feet ea h, may be at the fborteft notice.
Glass of larger sizes. for other purposes, uwy
alfn be hat!, such as for piilures, coach glides,
clock faces, Sec. ft ttles of all kinds and of any
quantity may jlfo be had, together with pocket
flaiks, pii k : ingjars, apothecary's ihop furniture,
or other hellow ware—the whole at lea ft 25 per
cent, lower than articles of the Vanw quality
brought Irom any of the lea ports of the United
States. A liberal a'Jowance will be made ©e
sale of large quantities. Orders from merchants
tnd others will fee punctually attenilldto on ap
plication to JAMES O'HAR'I or ISAAC
CRAIG, or at the Storeaf Mtflrs- PRATUER
and SMILIE,,in Market-Street, Pitifburgh.
March 4, tuthtf.
Journeymen PrefTmen.
WANTED Immediately thrc; or four Journey
men S thole who can hrirg
iaiil'putlbit rvc .-nmJndaCii ns of their being |ro®d
workmen. fltatiy antl hor.titi, rr.ay iiin] eonltanc
jnployment at the Pri'ifirgi !Hce of
Isaiah Thomas, jr.
Wsrceftetjfept&xber 17,1800 (la)
[ district of Pennsylvania—
Be IT REMEMBERED, Thai o» the 2id day
of Augufl, ill thj 2?ch year of the In<)ep*H
dence of the United S't«t*9 ot America, William
Young, (B*ok!ciicr,) 0 ( the said DHWA t „, h
deposited m rlus Sice, thejitlc of a Book tlu:
"SP' whereof k • claims 2sproprietor ; ui the words
following, to wit.
IN CONFORMITY to the a& of tbe Con
gress' ( tbe United State*,intituled 'f An
Ail for ths enrouragement of learning
[sEAt.] by fccuring the copies of Maps, Charts
and Bo >ks to the .Authors and Propri
etors of such copies during >hc times
therein mentioned "
Clerk of the District of Pennsylvania,
sept ember 18 saw 4 w.
District of Pennsylvania to wit:
BE it remembered thit r.n the Tenth day of
July in the twenty fifth year of the Indepen
dence of the United States of America, Alexan
der Addifon of the said Dift-i& hath dep sited.
in this office the title of a book the right where
of he claims as Author in tho words following
to wit, " Reports of cases in the County cours
of the Fifth Circuit and in the Iligh Court of
Errors and appeals of the State of Tcmifylvania,
an*l charges to Grajid Juries of those County
Courts, bv Alexander Addifon, President of
the Courts of Common Pleas of the Fifth Cir
cuit of the State of Pennlylvania."
In conformity to the afl of Congress oC the Uni
ted States intitled " An a<ft for the cbcourageraent
of learning by securing the copies of maps chart*
and boohs to the Authors and Proprietors of such
copies during thetime» therein mentioned."
Clerk of tic Dijlrifl of Pennsylvania.
The above book is now published It will he de
livered to fubfcribrrs by Mr.Dobfon Bookseller.
July 23
jinn for sale nr
200 lbs. Mace. 1 r
400 las. Nutmegs, j of !l fu P cnor «i ua,it y-
Jamaica Spirits, proof,
Do. Sugar of the firft quality,
Holland Gin in pipe?, Molafles—and
30 Tierces Rice.
& Kt have also on bandy for sale,
HjTon, T
Young Hyson, 8c L TEAS,
Souchong J
Cogniac Brandy, id it 4th proof,
Sherry Wine ia quarter casks, very nice,
50,000 Spnni/h Segars,
And a Variety of other
Augufl 26
August 4ti>, ißco.
' sHE commanding Officers of corps, de
i tathment",polls, garrisons, and recruiting
parties, belonging to the military eftablifbraem
of the United States, are to report to, and
receive orders from Briyadier-Genrral Wil
kinfon, in the City of Wafhingttn, and all
officers on furlough are to report themselves to
the fame officer with all poflible dispatch.
Secretary of War.
£s* All Printers wi'hin the United States
whu have publiflitd invitations for contrails of
the I.3th o:' March last are requested to infirt
the above in their refpeilive papers, once a
week for tws months.
| To be Sold
tHAT Handsome and healthy COUNTRY
1 SEAT, called Laurel Lodge, the late of Thomas Elq. fi;uate in
Pons Grove, M mtgomcry County, rbirty-hx
milffs from Philadelphia, C-intiing about ie 6
acres, twenty at which aie ptirne woodland,
fifteen excellent watered meadow, the residue
divided in arable I ts. On the premises are a
large handltune Brick House and adjoini- g budd
ings, contaiog two parlours, a large d-ning
ro'-lro, and a Hall, twelve feet wide, by fcrty
Jong, a large kitchen, walhhoi.fe with a pump
of excellent water in it, fix handsome chamber?,
two Oorc-room», four garret chambers plaillered
and a gram over the adjoining budding,
a double fpriug hotafe, with a fin -lie :,ouft over
the fame, witbinfift\ yards of the kitchen—The
spring, in drieft season never known to low
er in the lcaft, and from which the meadow is
watered j a garden containing about one acre,
llocked with the moll delicious fruits, such as
peaches, plumbs, cherries, ptits, rafberries, &c.
i'cveral afp,jsa»us bedsiu great perfection. Also,
a young bearing appletree orchard, Containing
several handled trees, the fruit felefled fro-n dif
frent parts of the United States, a Urge conveni
ent barn with a threshing floor, with commodi
ous flabling for horses and cows, carriage ond
ho'ifes, grain room, &c. Alfo,fundry out build
ings, confiding of a large frame p ultry iiouf
and corncrib, &c- Also, a tenant's hnufe, g;r
den and liable, and a pump of excellent water
belonging to the fame.
The fitaation of Potts Grove is remarkably
healthy, regularly supplied wi'h Butcher's meat
»fid poultry in abundance, to be purchased at a
low rate, and the Schuylkill aflf rds a plentiful
fuppty of excellent fifh Two grift mills in the
rear of the town. Perhaps few country towfls
in Pennfylmnia, are more.rapidly improving,
or have more loeil advantage* than Potts
Grove. The several pi a. es of pu'j|-c woribip,
the filubruy of the air, gcn:»el fuciety, and
cheipnefs ot living, are among the lew advan
tages it poflcfTes.
Any person wifliing to view the premites,
will plcafe to apply to Mr. Wm. POTTS,
in Pottlgrove, Mid for terms to the fubferi-
I oer, in Philadelphia.
Sept. 19 1 2awtf.
•' Essay on Political Society.''
Just Received,
To Printers.
> _ WANTED—in Exchange. ,
A FOUNT c„ Long P nmfr> weighing <j
-, U , r Foanfof
September a.
Prevention better than Cure.
For :vd aire of.Bilio-s and
Malignant Pipers, is recommended,
, Dr. HAHN'S
Anti-bilious Pills,
' ' • have been attended with a degree
VV of fuccefi. highly grateful to the inven
tor s feelings, m fevenl parts of the Weft In
dies,and the souther .i parts of the United Statet
particuiarly in Baltimore, Pcterfturg, Rich,
inond, Norfolk, Edenton, Wilmingt.,n,Charlcf
ton, Savannah. &c. The teftiitiony of a num
ber of perfows in each of the above places can be
adduced, who have reason to believe that a
tiraelv uftr of th's salutary remedy, has, under
Providence, preserved their lives when in the
moll alarming circwmflances.
Fa.fls of this conclusive nature speak more in
favour of a medicine, than columns of pompous
eulogy, founded on mere afltcrti"n, could do.
It is n< t indeed .prsfumptuoiifly proposed at
an infallible core, but the inventor has every
poflible reason, which can result from extensive
experience for believing that a dose of these pill*,
taken once every two weeks during the preva
lence of our ambual bilious fevers, will prove an
infallible preventative ; and further, that in the
earlier stages of those diseases, their use will
very generally succeed in restoring health and
frequently in cases esteemed d*efperate arad bey
ond the power of comrnon remedies.
The operation of tliefe pills is perfe<9ly mild
ind may be used with fafety by peffona in every
situation and of every age.
They am excellently adapted to carry off fu 1
perfluousbile and prevent its morbid fecretioos j
to reflore and amend the appetite ; to produce
* tree perspiration and thereby prevent colds
which are often of fatal con'itquence. A dose
never I ails to remove a cold if taken on its firft
appearances They are celebrated for removing
habitual coftivenefs, fickneft of the fUraach an'i
fevers head-ache, and ought to be taken by all
per foils on a change of climate.
They have been found semaikably efficacious
in preventing and curing most disorders attend
ant on long voyages, and should be procured
and carefully preserved for use by every fcamaii*
Dn. HAHN's
Genuine Eye-water.
A certain ani fafe remedy for all difeafis ofthc
eye», whether the crfsfl of natural weaknef», or of
accident, ffeedily removing inflammations, de-
P.ujtions of rheum, dullness, itching, and films in
the eyes, never failing tocurethofe maladies which
frequently succeed the small pox, mealies and fe
vers, and woadef'ully (lengthening awcakfighu
Wundr«»ls have experienced its excellent ( virtue«
when nearly depriv«d of figihti
eo tf
Tooth-ache Drops.
The only remedy yet discovered which gives im
mediate and lailing relief in the most fevet-e in
The Anodyne Elixir.
For cure of every kind ofhead-acke.and of
pains in the face and neck.
Injullible Ague and Fever Drops»
This medicine has never in many thou
F>nd cases not one in a hundred has hwJ occasion t»
take more than one bottle, and numbers not halt
a bottle. The money will be returned il the cute
is not performed.
No. 17, South Secwnd Street,
And no where else, in Philadelphia.
Where* also may be had, Dr. Hamilton's Worm
D«ttroying l.ezenges, his Sovereign Elixir for
coughs, &.c. Reparative Drsps, Essence and Ei
iradt of Mufta.-d, Sovereign Ointment for the Itch,
Dr. Hahn's infallible German Corn Plaifler, In
dian Vegetable Specific fur the Venereal com
piaint, Gowland's and Ferfian Lotisn, Reiioraiive
Tooth Powder, Damaflc Lip S;ilve, Church's
Cough Drops, .4nderfon's Pills, &c. &c.
itiril 10 m tf
Ik is Day Published,
By J. Ohmhod, No. 41, Ci efnut Street,
(Price if Cents)
Death of General Wajkington,
In imitation of the manner of OQian.
By Rev. John B. L.inn, A.M.
Miniftsr of the First Prefb/tenan Congregation
Mr. Chaudron's Oratien will be publilhed
>n Monday morning.
March 15: _____ <k
A Runaway.
ON Saturday the 13d Auguil, run away from
the fubtcriber, luring in Harrilburgh, arc
a;>pre»'ice so th: prii ttng bufineis, named Benja
min Morriion, a la.l of about 16 years cf age,
Imall of stature and very a (hurt hair and of
a fmilinj countenance—Had on and lock with
him a calico coitee, a pair of trnwfcrs «f nearly
the fame, a pair of common nankeen dito, and a
homelpun lye coloured ftri;>ed ditto, auj a Ihort
j;cketof the fame, with a new ha;—*ll perfjns
are forbid harbouring said apprentice sr. their
peril. Reasonable cfcarg will h» paii forlvcu
nttg the boy, so that iiis mas— r -ay get hm
Harriftjurgh, Sept. I
"for sale,
A Printing Press.
Apply at the Office of the Gajetteat
the United States.
i-y i,. 'f p
r Vouumt iviii'.
--v •
"0.- '