Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, October 04, 1800, Image 3

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    By this Day's Mail.
BOSTON, September
Messrs. Printers,
AS the cafe of the Pi?ou, lately reftoi-fd
in France, has been publiflisd with eclat and
much relied on, it may be lifeful to pubhfli
the enclofecj precious document to accompal
ny it. 1 his and other information you wilt
find in the following extrails.
Extracts from a Utter, dated London, Au
gust 11, iSoc .
By tilt* enclolcd newspaper, winch I !y_
lieve to be correft, you will learn the prtl'cit
state of our affairs wuli France. [Alluding
to the account publilhcd utider Paris head
6tii of Auguft-J
t I' is agreeabl; to information lately fjtv
en i:ie by an American from Paris. Th
French government will not mohably rehr
until the eledtion of Prefiden't be made—
with JitFcrfon perhaps they exp.ft to mak
their own terms. Our flag in tilt mean tim
may ( e refpeded ; it wiil aid their views.
" This American relates some extraordi
nary inftanees of corruption at Pans, wit:
which he was personally acquainted. Y OI
may do almofl any thing with money
Bribe the niiniflers or owners of privateer
as you please. Fifty th ■u.utr.d hvres to th
Miniller of Marine's Bureau, obtained, per
haps, the restitution of the Pigou. In an
other inllanc-, an owne; ofa pnva'.rer Oeitn
paid more than he could have obtained by tin
condemnation of an American velTc.l, per
fuaded the re It of the owners to conl'ent tc
restitution. In all cases it is best to make ;
compromise with all or some ofthefe rascals
if you w ill not, r.d brain a decree of refti
tuti on, they beccme bankrupts anrf all i
loft. Tl t v aie 11" If pi ate and corrup
in France than ever !
h Tlv Cburt of Appeals here, have re
verf J tl.. fen tenet s f condemnation of tw,
Philadelphia vcflels and cargoes bound fron
Havttnna to Philadelphia. The proof o
property was fuffiuent, ai n the Court pre
noui.ctd the trade to the Spanilh Col.nie
to be legal—not a breach ot our i- ntralitv
'■ Notwithflanding th'- many lt-IToni givei.
some of you will continue to exj.ofe y'ou
property. A veCTel belonging to and bourn
from Salem to C,.di ■<; his be-.n detained ant
11-r.t into Plymouth. The captor pretenilet
that Cadiz was in a rtate of blockade. I
has never been declared fj, of course thi
veflcl it not liable on that account to oonfif
cation ; hut if it lln.uid appear that the cai
go of this veiTel was brought by her from tin
Htivann *, the voyage to Cadiz may be con
fidered as the conunuanceof an illegal vry l£r
i. e. from a belligerent power to the motile
" Should not the captors proceed again!
th- vessel and cargo, th-y will raise thef
difficulties to juflify the iletention and thei
demands on us for their expences.
' " The last jianei s from France brough
the repeal rf the decree which prohibited th
exportation of goods hence to France.—
Shipments are again making for that cour
A Gentleman who came palTVnger in the
ftiip which arrived at Salem from Cadiz,
brou-ht with luin a letter, written by Mr.
M u ntflorence, an An.erican Agent at
Paris, to the American Consul at Cadiz, and
<l»ted July 31. in which heobferves, "we
are here in great anxiety aho*t the principle
the Council ot Priors will adopt rcfpefling
our armed veflVls. None have yet been
tried. Opinions are divided ; and ai our
Negotiations are not terminated, some think
all dec!(ions on fucn causes will be poflponeci
till a treaty be made,- or the Negotiations
ultimately broken up- For my part Ih ve
still some hopes, that a treaty will be effed
ed. Others think our Envoys will return
in two or three weeks without signing a
treaty, and that a French Commiflton*r
will oe sent to Philadelphia, to fettle the
- which now form the grMteft «Wl-.
ties." He also oblirve-, that the Council
of Prizes have cleared the American "Slip
Union, Capt. ; and have condemned
the (hip Republican and cargo, for irregtila
rity in her papers • ard the cargo of tlw
Statira, without allowing freight.
SALEM, September 29.
By Capt. Endicott, of the Cincinatus,
who arrived yeft rday in 34. days from
Cadiz, we learn, that previous to his depar
ture from that place, letters had been re
ceived from Paris, which announced the fail
ure of the American Envoys, in (he objecft
of their miflion—that they were to take
their departure ftom France, in the Ports
mouth flcop of War, Cnpt M Neil, in a
bout a fortnight, accompanied by a com
missioner from the French Governir>ent.
That in consequence of this event, the tri
a's of the armed American (hips were sus
pended, and it wasconjeinured that they
wnuld not be tried until the result of the
French Comtr.ifiioner s EmbafTy was known.
The French Cruifera do n»t molest unar
med American veflels.
Tiie Expedition ugainft Partuga! w sin
great forwardnefs. A detachment confid
ing of three regiments, marched from Cadiz
to join the invading Army, a few days be
fore Capt. Endicott failed.
C-diz is fevtrely afflidled with the Yellow
Fever—ftom 60 to 100 die daily -more
than a th rd of the inhabitants have fled
from the city. The sickness however did
not extend to the Shipping in the Roads,
seerc ii were it was very healthy.
SAVANNA, September 16.
Yesterday, brig Independant, London,
52 days-ship Cleopatra, Robertfon, Charlcf
ton, and brig Rebublican, Hodgkins, Ma
dcira, via. Boftcn.
A. B.
We have not time at present to take full
notice of the (hameful prevarication in the
Aurora of this morning, respecting Mr.
Abercromoie ; One article, hower, roufl not
pals unnoticed. Ihe Aurora says, it is de
clared by Mr. A'i friend, that Moses S lo
innn's note was acknoivUJged to be a for
gery in Brown and Rttlf's office." This was
not aliened. The flaternent was as follows.
'« Of this note, the firft time Mr. A heard
or knew; was ill «h<r Fnilad; Ipliir G.lcllr
Onthe firft inspcAion he believed it to br
genuine. On bearing that it was fiftitioas,
Mr. A. loudly condemned it iu Brown's
1 he is Mr. A. having heard it fug
gefled tka; the lever of Moses Solomon's
(which he, upon the firft perusal some time
before believed to be genuine) was probably
a fiflion, obscrved*to a gentleman he acci
dentally met with in Mel'srs B. and R's. of
fice, not connected with the office, but who
came in wi.ile Mr' A was there, that if the
note in question, were so, he condemned it.
and highlr disapproved of such collusive
measures, particularly on lb lerious a fub
jedL But Mr, A. does net yet know whe
ther it was a ficlion or not.
I he reft of this tifTue of Aurora misrepre
sentation, lliall be duly noticed.
The Ruth and M.irjr, of and to Philadel
phia, from Havanna, is captured by the St
Albans, and sent into Halifax.
Governor MunTof offers 300 dollars for
one Joe. k Bowler, alias Jack Ditcher, u-fco been 011 cof the chiefs of the late Infur-
Thnrfday the twenty.seventh day of No
vembt r next, is appointed by the Governor
of Massachusetts, as a day of Public Thanks
giving throughout that Commonwealth.
Married, on Saturday evening 1/ift, by the
Rev. Dr. Uflirlc, Mr, Anthony Slater, (of
Liverpool, E.) to Miss Eliza Warner, of
this City.
A letter from Salem informs us of an
arrival at Marbkhead yeftcrday with cer
tain information of the capture of Swiiaam
by Victor Hugues.
Gazette of the United States
The Latest.
From our Correspondent.
Nf.w.Yohk, October j.
I h.ifte'i to fend you a Sumpiarv of Eu
iojmtrh liiu-lligence, just i(IWd from the
Othce of {he New Yorlc Dtily Advertiser,
ft is made tr<>m Papers to the
I W ( Y .NINi of Aiujuft, received
y the Brandy wine Miller, in 31 days from
The complexion of the political affairs
in Europe appears to have taken a
conllderable change.
PrufTia, disclaims all intention of enter
ing into the Armed Neutrality which
has been talked of. She denies any
intention of afting but through the
medium of negociation : or of hav
ing any design but to promote A ge
neral pacification.
The Paris papers inform us that Riiflla
exprefles great difTatisftttion with
Franee on account of her conquests
on the Rhine, and that the best un
ftanding prevails between the two Im
perial Courts : That of Peter {burgh
takes a lively interest in the affairs of
Germany. Corroborative of the
above, we observe that the Emperor
Paul has an army of 80,000 men,
which approach more and more the
frontiers of Germany:
C?" The Danes have suspended their in
tercourse with England, and the Eng
lish having resolved to " strike/'
have sent Admiral Dickfon, it is sup
posed to attack Cronberg, an impor
tant place, where the duties of the
Sound are colle&ed, and which guards
the entrance to the country —It is 15
miles from Copenhagen, and has been
taken two or three times by the
& Citizen Duroc has > returned ftom
Vienna. The result of his million
has not yet been publiihcd. The fear,
however, of its unfortunate termina
tion has produced a " remarkable de
clension" in the French funds.
CO Ireland does not appear to be entire
ly rid of Banditti, who commit par
tial but horrible cruelties.
Cf Switzerland is torn by intestine fad
ions. Some of the important mem
bers of the old Legislature, it seems,
objected to this change, held regular
sessions and have cutliwed the new
f \ rr.ih Pif,w!w are you after doing now ;
why do you till of yourfelf -and friends If
you had not told the people to beware, tbey
S»ould have believed the affair of Robbins—
they would not have believed that you con
cealed .Horse's Letter ; they would not have
believed Pricker's 1 tter was a forgerj they
mould have believed Gallatin's stctrrnent
they would have beli-ved Josev Bl.vmJielJ
and Sajre—they would have believed from
the lopn lift of your committee's, that
the people were afl turning Jacobins; but
you have exposed yourfulf, and as an ex
amjjlr, take the following deception attempt
ed to be pradifrd on the people of Jerfry.
In the Aurora of this Jofey
Bloomfield's address, witl) Secretary Sayre's
are published, and a lift of the name? of per- j
sons are attached as Committees' of corrrf
pondence. To gratify these g;ood Jacobins,
we have the pleasure <.f afTurwg them, that
one half at least of thole they have nomina
ted, will not be made tools of by Jnfey and
his man Savre to deceive the good people of
Jersey. The following gentlemen we aflert
irom the most undoubted authority,from the
authority of the per funs themselves, both ver
bally ami in writing, have ,lr*ady come for
ward, sn'd pofitiveiy proteftrd against then),
and their vile diforgatiizing' projefts.
Nottingham Township—John Giles.
Mansfield Townlhip—Asa Giiis.
Spiingfield—Caleb Shinn.
Northampton—-Enoch Etkerton ; Benja
min Stockton.
Chrftrr—Huji Ho'lingibcad; Aaron An.
Eversham—Uriah Wi.lius ; Wi'.liam Bo
Mr. Wstne,
I Believe this d.iy exhibits the firfl in
flance in a free country, ot' the people being
lummoned to an Elefiion, by heat as drum.
It was not by mere chance, that a Defrir
er.uic AfT-mbly ordered the Militia Mutters
to be on the same dav that, is fixed upoii
throughout the (late for elcfling ,t»wH(hip
and ward Infpe&ors. It was wel) known
that this measure would be the m-aps of de
terring great number? <>f',ordei Jy people from
going to the eledlion' ground.
From the flostvi Ptferctiry.
Last night the ship Friendship, Captain
Williams, arrived in the lower harbour from
London. A. gentleman paflenger forward
ed to us papers of Augult 15,20. 2i. 22,
ai«d 23. These do not contain much of
importance, and we are consigned to a brief
There !s little else than fpeculjtions on
the fubjeit of peace. Bnonaparte has said
he will not include England nor Naples in
hi# nrgocidtion with the Emperor. The
English have (lopped thtir last subsidy at
Hamburg. A Ruffian army of 100,000
men is forming on the Viltula, and has al
ready excited alarm in France Peace is re
ported to be concluded with the Elc&or of
The funds continue to rife at Paris, bu
they have fallen at Vienna.
Die French have concluded preliminaries
of peace with the Dey of Algiers.
Explanations with Denmark had not ta
ken place ; hut the Britilh miuiller had
reached Copenhagen ; where the greatest
alarm was produced by the capture of the
Daniih frigate. Tt was rumoured that an
Englifli frigate, in consequence, had been
detained in the Sch iw. Ihe English have
lately captured a number of Daniih veflels
at the mouth of the Elbe, even with river
pilots on board, and ordered them to Eng
land. It is said with confidence, that if the
t nglilTi Envoy do not compromise the
difference with Denmark, that Admiral
Dickfon, is to heat hand with a fleet to
take immediate possession of the fortrefs of
Cronenberg, which guards the passage of
the Sound on the Daniih lide.
Buonaparte has demanded*)? Psrtugal,
as the price of peace, 1,150 oco sterling ;
that her ports (hall be opened to French
veffi Is ; that France (hall enjey the fame
privileges as the mod favored natinn ; and
that a definitive answer shall be given with
in lixty days to these propositions ; and
threa'ens her with an army of 6®,000 men
if die ref;fes. The Portugaefe have aflted
advice of England, and id the ilerim are ma
king the belt poflible preparations f«r de
fence, The First Consul has also demand
ed leave of the Pope to march an army
through his territory against Naples.
There has been a revolution in Switzer
land, alamo dt Paris. The late constitu
tion is deltroycd.
The Duke of York, it is said, is again
to command an expedition on the Conti
[Boston pap.
i GOOD NT-lfS;
ft 13 tnw rumoured thntthe Hnive'rTaVcte. •
trflation, evinced every federal j
channel. in confluence oft lie /vara con). J
munjcnion, of the of Fries, has |
alarmed his IJ n ir. f fit- nnyyet have |
u in his power to recall tie appointment, 1
remains to be seen, hut atn'l events we are
r!"id ro find any I'ymptoirts tf feeling among |
the callous brood #f Jacobhs.
From the Awora.
. " Be cautiousfram Exjetitnce."
" 1 lie fe.ifun of eledlion, is,, with the en
emies of the people's liberti<s, the season of
Beware, of Fabric Nrws !"
- Hanover—'J'bn Myers.
hc^-Harbour—John Furman.
Gazette Marine Lift,
POUT Or Philadelphia
A ARRIVED, , bays
ib:p ftiohawk, Weatheily, Liverpool 6?
Dry Goods—J: Phillips
S:in-. AILn, Richmond 11
Cm r Experiment, Craig St. Thomas
Ann Virginia, Aberdeen Norfolk
>l.:op Unity Stiles Alexandria
Ship Alexander, Davy, for London left
**ew Castle yefterdav.
-apt. Calvert, from Liverpool spoke the
foil nving vtffe!s
Augu>» ; 7 , lat 48 od.N. lo;tr 25 30 W.
poke a Swedifti brig, 36 clays from Norfolk
>oend to London. September 3 lat 46 6
lun f 3 6 00 W. f( )ke a brig thirty
la k sfrom( harlellon,'hound to Cork. I.ep.
spoke a .'chooner, cap'nin Sheppard -7
from Liverpool bound to riollon in
ong. 36 30 - - Sept 0. spoke 'he fliip Ran
lolph, captain Oram; of and from Balti
mrc, out twenty eight days, bound to
A mfter4am, 10 loig 44 00 \V. Sept. 25,
at 40 20 N long. 6'i po W\ f oke the
hipCLopau 1, five days ou from N. York,
)ound to I ondon captain l'earfwell ; ship
' crv crank could not carry fail then laying
gallant rvging apparently having been cut
lws y T! roe dys previous to uking rip
said mi'ls, we elnienced a very heavy gale
r>f wind blowi' gfp hard, th t oufrti us' t«
lay to under bare (, with the !e • gum
hours, - at received no materia
hip Dispatch, from G > sives, Sept. 3
off the Caucufcs, fell in with the Unitet
States ship Herald, Charles C. Rnffell com
mander, with the following veflols unde
his envoy l-om Cape Francois, which 111
parted with off Maryagtiana, Sept. 16, 1800
all well, viz.
B'ig Un on, Mills, of Bolton, from Capi
j; rancois to Boflon, cargo coffee.
Bng , Crrfby, of Charleston, fron
Cape I'rancois to Glonfter, carj|o, sugar.
:-chr. Roebuck, len, of Gloufter, fron
Cape Francois to Gl. ufter, cargo, sugar.
Brig Catherine, Elmftrong, of Charles
ton,from t K publican, to Philadelphia
cargo, sugar, coff. e, See.
Port Republican, to Baltimore, cargo, In
gar. coffee, &c.
30, lpoke Ichooner Adventuie Liilibridge
from Philadelphia bound to the Havann?
'-"IH'U IU iuc Aiuvdima,
fix days out, all wejl.
Sept. 50 at 9, A. M. the (hip Prudence
prtffcd Bomby Hook, for Liverpool, with
a fair wi> d.
Arrived, the (l.ip Charles Capt. Bythe
wood, from a fnccefsful trade to Africa.
Cargo Ivory, gld dust, Peter Blight,
j 1 he 16th Srpt. fp> ke the schooner Louisa
Salter, Taylor Stopford, matter, from
| Wafhingtoo, (N. C ) who S'ave lis the fol
lowing information wilh a request to have
it publifhrd September. 12, at meredian
the man at the htlm discovered a wreck to
the windward. At 1 P. M. came along
fide of it anAfounda man on it, ard by
' throwing a r, pe hauled him on board,
he was alr»olt without life, and on enquiry
said his name was Chapman —The wreck a
brig, called the Mary from East Hadam,
' near New London, Ebcnezer Hard, mas
ter owned by Mcffrs. Chapmans, who, he !
said, were his brothers- The brig was
bound toDem rara ladencdwith pork, beef, I
horses, cattle, &c On wednefdayeven
ing. she met with a tremendous gale from
" the S. E. which occasioned an immediate
Hiipwreck by which every foul but himfelf
perished—We took him off the wreck in
latitude 28, 49, longitude 59, 2}, W.
Capt. Sitlur, of the Ilnp Pacific, s,iptnrrd
on his pallage from St. Übes to Ports
■ mouth, N. H. by the French frigate
jj cois, on her pafTage front La PUta to Ro
' chelle, informs tliat the captain of the fri
c .gate told him he left at Montevido frverl
1 vefTels belonging to'Philadrlpl ia, and th. t I
1 the two frigates had been captured after leav- I
J ing La PI ita by a Britilh fqnadroit of eight
s f a i|—Mo dates mentipued—captured
r were ftppSfed ta be carried, to the Isle 0:
Brig D >Hy Webb, from Hifpapiola, has 1
: arrived at New-Callle.. 1
1 Sip Nepun , Hacqnin, from hence has
' arrived at C.ipe Ftancojs.
ExtraCt from the log book of theflip Farmer, <
capt. G If an. , I
Sailed from the Elbe \ug 3. Off Dun- !
genefs spoke the (hip A{|i*c. M'Dougal, 1
38 d'ys from Philadelphia, all well. Jus
lat 46 18 long 15 10 was brough; to by a 1
Britilh frigate and permitted to proceed v
Sept. 24, fpjke (hip Betsey. D ckfon, 0
from Norfolk to Cork, out 18 days. Capt. j 0
j Dickfon informed us he had spoke ?ept 19 i ''
the Hercules of New-York,/torn Batavia, -
which Had loft hermizen malt ai d foreti p
matt /
The following vefftl failed from the.Elbe
the 2d Au uft : Enterprize, Tate of Phi
ladelphia., for< New-York ; brig South Car
olina of Charleston for ditto ; barque Eliza,
Saunders of Salem for Calcutta, iii p Fox,
Campbell of Char!efton for the Downs for I
orders- 1
- '[
BOSTON, September 26, i
Same day, arrived (li p Franklin, Thomas
Oxnard, commander, St. Sebastians 59 days.
Two days after failing, the Franklin was
captured by the Guertjey Privateer, and
' " ' ••• • » «».<)
pprfeni wc-rs ,taken rut, except the
Captain c'nk. steward and boy (thecook
and ftew.ard were negroes ) a'jd two Prize
Matters* id eight (tout Pfivateerfmen were
pnt on board. After being in this fitua
'i n 6 day*, proceeding towards an En
glifli Port—the capfain feiztd a favour
able opportunity, and repnffrfled himftlf of
his vessel, imprisoned the Privateerfmen and
relumed his eourfe to the United States.
For 20 daye the.Captain was necefiitated to
to he constantly up»n deck, and to
himfelf to the utmost to manage the (hip»
and keep the prifoncrs from any chance of
rising—which they made perpetual efforts
to d.o-T,*t length he fell in with the (hip
Appollo, Thrufton, from Liverpool for Bal
timore, who jo k put 5 of the Engliflimen
—and afforded other afiiftance" The re
maining 5 arrived in the Franklin,
Same day, fichr. Miiford, —, Leith,
( Scot.) 42 day a,
Sunday, ship superb, Trail, Londen 44
da y»- . ..
same day,. At Quarantine, ship Camilla,
Home*. Barcelona, 54 days.
Mo :day, arrived brig Polly, Waters from
Dominica, sailed Aug* 21, in co, with the
brig George for N,. London ; (loop sally,
do-.andfchr: sally, Plymouth; Sept. 3
!at 27, 10, lorg, 65, 57. (poke brig Charles
ton Packet, Rice, 13 days from Boston for
Jamaica, sept, lat 32, 30, long 66, 30,
spoke the frigate Insurgent. sept, 19,
spoke fhipTriumph H.daysfr m Baltimore
for Liverpool, loft her bowfpr't, so e-top
mall, and a quantify of cotten in a gale
sept. 21, lat 39,27, long 70, 45. spoke
fchr Betfev, 5 days from Portsmouth for
lurk'slfland a'fd felt the gale, sept 24 N
lat 40, 30, long
wi'h jury bowsprit and sore-mast (landing
o the Northward.
Arrived (hip Hampton, Lee, 35 day*
Ship Samuel Stilea, lay at Cravef
end, ro fail for Lifbori in a few days ; and
Halcyon, Wise, to fail for Baltimore next
September 4th, in lat 43 7 long 31 to
spoke fchr Minerva, from Bjlton, to St
baftians, 14 days out. Sept Bin lat 40 39
long 37 W spoke thefchooHer Little John,
from Greenock to Charleston, 22 days out.
Sept. 14, in lat 40 19 long 47 spoke the
flr'p Hazard. M'Cullum, 54 days from Hull,
to Baltimore. Sept. 24, in lat 37 10 long
70 spoke the sloop Uofa na, of Bristol, from
St Bartholomews, to Wifcaffet
Passed the Maryland (loop of war, in the
river ; and fbip Carlisle, and snow Light
Horse, and severa l other vefftls which (he
did not fp-ak, in the bay.
Barque Galen, Stewart, 10 days St Tho
Arrived in Hampton Roads, (hip Wil
liam and Mary, Dickfon, 57 days from
Sept. 7 spoke (hip Eliza, Loring, from
N. York to London, out n days, longitude
Sept 24, spoke the St 'Alban's Britirti
man of war. capt Hardy, who pu three
pafiengersand two camen on board us; said
pafiengers belonged to the Ruth and Mary,
of and bound to Phsladelphia from the Ha
vanna; which the St Alban's had captured
and sent to Ha'ifax.
The William and Mary has brought dis
patches from our Commiffisiers.
Arrived yefterd y ihe I rig Renwick,
Linnear, Antigua, also, the Britifli brig
Hawke, Gay, Antigua.
Both thcfe veflels failed fom St Thomat's
the Bth int%. with the Hamewtir ;i fleet,'un
der convoy of the Maryland and Eagle.
NEW YORK, Oftober3.
I Schooner Four Aiders, has arrived at Ja
maica in days
The Engl fh brig Robert, Gibfon, from
! Liverpool via Cork, forty two days. Left
' Cork under convoy of the Sophia fl"op of
war, for Newfoundland. Left the convoy
on the 29th in a gale. September 28, in
latitude 40, 20, longitude 73, spoke a
sloop from St. Barts, to Witcailet.
The brig Friendship,' Griffith, of New
York in fifty days from St Sebastians, with
gn'ndftones and porter.
Au tifiji, in fa'itude 4239 longitude
39 13 spoke the brig Aurora, flicteen days
from Bilboa, for Plymouth, (M.) (he had
been boarded by three English cruisers.
September 14, in latitude 47 longitude 50
spoke the (hip Two Mary-,', Bartlett, six
teen days from New York for St. Sebasti
ans. On the 2oth, in latitude 40 19 long
5852 spoke the (hip John, WarreD, 12
days from Charleston, for Cork- 2111,
(poke (hip Famous, Black, fifty days from
Liverpool for Alexandria*
MrtChriftophei Francis, arrived herein
the brig Frietidfhip. He was formerly
mate of the schooner John, Blacltber, of
Salem, which veflel was wontenty funk at
fca on the 30th of June, by the French
frigate Serenne. Her crew were landed at
Brest—They went to L'Orient as prisoners,
where, throught the friendfhip and jttenti
on of Mr. Vail, tire American Consul, they
obtained eir release. Mr. Francis fpeaka
in the highest terms of Mr. Vail.
Carpets 6c Carpeting
By the Subscribers,
[n the Tillman, Harker, from Li«
veifoil, <*• j
Avtry extensive and b-iau'.iful assortment
r /
loraI: y son. , j
No. 5, North Third Street. . » j
oftober 4 &