f f. W AYNE COUNTY TAXES. owaitrs of unimproved l»Js in Wayne -* cukiity, ave notified, that Taxes lifcome yiraMi* thereon for the years 1*99 an J iGco. Th«fe who ha/e not already paiil their taxes, re i.erehy required to diCch*rgs the lame to J >HN BRISK, Esquire, Trcafurer Commissioners Jebannes ran Etten, J AttoO, E. Kellogg, Clk. July 9, ißco For Sale, A FEW HOGSHEADS OF Jamaica SUGAR and COFFEE, A Trunk < f Met. and WomenV Shoes, And a parcel of Tow Linen, ALSO, Boston "Window-Glass, ~3 by 10, 9 by 11, 10 by 12 and 17 by 12. Any I'lzt-s la-ger than thole may be had on beinj "id' red ficm tie nuiuifadlory. Ap[>'j to ISAAC HARVEY, Jun'r, jiwhurt louth ot Market llieef. A tig uft 4. d ? w Writing-Paper, AX D STATIONARY, Just ikeeived by tbe ship Kensington, from London, —and Jor salt by WILLIAM YO'JNG BIRCH, NO. 17, SOUTH SLCOVD-STREKT, - IMPEftHL wovs'and plain, Super Royal Jo- Royal dj. M !w:n do. Demy do. Fool i'cap do. Port thick and thin do. folio and quarto, Do. do. do. het-prtfs'd. Copying machine paper and ink-powder for do. U,k an J ink powder, red and blick, fine Japan ink, parchment, quills and per.s, peukntves, fealinit wjx. waters. &c.&c- A few frts of elegant Maps and Atlas's, JfJ'ihofjar y writiig deflts of various fiz:s. Merchant's Accoutt Books reaty m.d ,' n made te any pattern on the short est notice. July »j Found, A Red Morocco Poaket-Book, WHQEV&R Wis lo!> it may receive it an ai> plication at the office of hisGazetre, and payinjj the expencC'uf this advertisement. Ju'y it. A CERTIFICATE 57 aR a three quarter Share of Bank Stock of the i United State*, No. >Bi< in the name of John Holmes, Jur.. hai been lo« or mifiayed and for the Renew 11 of which application has bees made at f rid Bank, of whioh .Ulconcerncd are defited to ti\t uotice. May T<) Philadelphia fc? Lancaster TURNPIKK COMPANY, THE PjefMent and Managers havo this day 4eclir<'d » divi.'.endof K-pht Dollars An each fharc < f (lock, of which, fix dollars per fharc will J paid tUe Stoekhildfra or their rdprefentatives any a i,ter the 14th inftaot; the remaining two dollars has been retained and expended in enm p eating ir.i} repairing the roid agreeably to a evolution of the flcckhoMers. Wm. GOVETT, Treasuer. July 14 m 4 t Eliflia Fiftier 5c Co. No. 39. North Front Street, HAVE OS H.lfD AND FOR SALE, GfHRMAN STEEL, window glass, hats aflort- T ii in c.ife«, N ;ils in calk«, and a large affort lu.nt of Ironmocgsry, Cu icry, Sad'ery, Coach, aivl Havteft Furiifeure,Bra& and Japanned Wares, i V i and Nc.dlen, 29 WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Two or three Lads Reputable Connexions as apprentices to an J cleg .tit jml jirofitaMe fcufir.rfs App'y tothi ol' ctsof (he Gas.tte of the Unired States. .. .(.-..1 1 FO'.i SALl—>t cQMPiErs Frinting-Office, WITH J» Newspaper Establishment, In the pleasant and healthy town of Newark, New- Jeifcy, ahrut nine miies from Ncw Y.ork 5 diso, a complete set of BOOK BHTDING TOOLS. '"I ""HE above w worthy the attention of any X Printer wilhinp to ellobliJh himfelf in a country town. The rapid population, and cx* Uuifantnefi of the t»wn, and it» vicinity to Ktw Icit, is a confiilt ration which every person will k*r.w 'how to a|«Tcciate. h will he fold very cheap for cash; ora liberal credit will be given for one half of tfcc jurchafe money* if desired. Further particulars may be known hy fending a line, toft paus, to ] ACOB HALSEY, Newark, Jalyip. tuth&» aw Capt. Thomas Nelson, WHO if'uppofti to he at prefer* in this city is to call on Mr. Thomas Ket land, r-'o 6", fcuth Frost-street, who has a letter of confcqucnca for him, wbiti* if called for im me.'istrty *t>l relate ro his particu'ar intciefl. Anv vcrfon giving inlortnatioß wTiere Captain K'Hfon may be feci: will greatly oblige Mr. Kctbind. = 11. <] 3 t THE PROPRIETOR* Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works, TTAVmO procured a fnlSclsnt number of 11 thcrooft approved European Gfafs Manu facturers, in l ba.Ving on hand a large ftoik ol the heft Materials, on which their workmen are now employed, have the pleasure of alluring the public, that window plats of a fupei ior qua li;y Snil of any size, frot?. J by 9, to 18 by 24 inches, carefully packed in. boxes containing 100 feet ea h> may bt had at the shortest notice. Glass of larger lizej for other purposes, may xlfu be had, such as for pictures, coach glades, cluck faces, Sec. Bottles of all kinds of any quantity may also be had, together with pocket ftafks, picklmgjars, apothecary's (hop furniture, t r other hwllow ware—the whole at leajt zj per cent, lower than articles of the fame quality brought from any of the sea ports of the United States A liberal allowance will be made ob sale of large quantities. Orders from merchants »nd others will be punctually attended topn ap plication to JAMES O'HARA or ISAAC CR MG, or the Store of MefTrs. PRATHER andSMILIE, in Maiket-Street, Pittsburgh, March 4, ' tuihtf. d 93t f m&th jt PETER TREGBNT dim. July uib, ißco. tu th. ft. im *oiw GLASS MANUFACTORY. Fifty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY from Gen. Kidgfly of Balti more, cn the 10th inft. a light coloured negro *.an, who calls himfclf WILLIAM Mc. DONALD ; He i> about 34 years of age, about 5 feet Binches high, neat if: his dress, and has a good 'fait of hair. Had on, when he went away, a good heaver hat, a short light green cloth coat, edged with yellow, ar.i yel low gilt buttons—alight buif caffimer, doyble breasted waillcoat, a pair of dark olive colour ed thickfett pantaloons—a white linen shirt, white ribhed cotton stockings, and a good pair of shoes with Itrings. lie took with him a dark blue coat, a pair of olive cailimtr panta loons, and a light corduroy pair of breeches ; alfi a gold or pinchbeck watch, with a steel chain. He is fond of fpiritous liquors, is inso lent, has a stupid look, and chews tobacco.— He was bred in Charles county, Maryland, and purchafcdof col. J"hn Thomas by gen. Ridge ley. Whoever apprehends said negra, and fc cures him in any jail so tkat the owner may g»t hin» again, shall receive the above reward, with reasonable charges if brought hcm«, or de livered to Jofh'Ji 3. Uond, Philadelphia, may 1 dtf FOR SALE, A V%luable and singularly eligible ESTATE, CONSISTING of two handsome dwelling houfea, with excellent flahling for seven horfci, double coatH-houfe moll completely fitted up; a beautiful large and valuable garden richly ftlic* with choice fruit, surrounded with high board fence, altnoft new. The premises are beautifully fitaated near the middle of Oerinantown, sur rounded with rich profp.6U of the adpeent country ; an orchard of about two acres, with a handsome lawn at th« hack of the house. One house has been recently built o» an appro ved plan ; the other has been completely repaired, painted and papered, and contain ten rooms with an elegant drawing-room, fifteen feet by thirty- Gz The new house is well calculated for a flore in either the dry or w*t good line. The air aiid water are unrivalled, and there are feme mofl excellent schools in the neighborhood. For particulars enquire of the Printer, cr of POTTER, on tht premifei. dtf May 9 LANCASTER STAGES. Proprietors of the Philadelphia and Lan- JL ciftrr line »f Stages DISPATCH, ntiim their grateful thanks to their friends and the public in general, for the past favors tfcey have rcceived.and inform them that in addition to the regular Line, th«y are provided with Carriages, sober and careful drivMS. to go through between the City and SJorc igh in two days. Those who prefer this mode of travelling can be accommodated- at the Stage Office, Ggn of United State* Eagli, Market street, Philadelphia. Stougb, Downing, Dunvcody if Co* Ntv. *O. 1 it—f A PARTNERSHIP. A PERSON pofleffing some capital, a coafi tferable share of industry, and defirom of engagiog as a partner in a lucrative business, may hear of a fituatioii. All prr»pofa!« on thii fubje.fl to be in writing, sealed and direiled to W. R. J. New York, and left with the printer of the Gazette of the United States, will be at tended to. fTT" A PriHtar would find it to bis advantage Jhne ri'f Houses to Let: ONE large convenient tliree-ftory Brick D welling-Houfe, with four room* on a floor, and two Kitchens ; there is a pump of water, and a rain water cistern in the yard ; fituste on the east fide of Fourth- Street, one door above Race Street, lately occupied by Solomon Moroche. ALSO, A convenieut Three Story BRICK HOUSE, With a pleasant yard oti the South fide of Arch-Street, third door above Eighth Street. For terms apply at No. 116 Arch- Street. August 4. To be Let, For the season. immediate posiession given A very plaafant, healthy COUNTRY SEAT, WITH Garden, Paflare Grounds, Coafch- Honfe. Ice-Hou'e, &c &c.—Situated near the FranHford road, and about 3 t-l miles from the city- F®r terms apply to the fubferiber, in Chefuut, above Eighth flreet. W. MACPHERSON. July 18 Notice is hereby given, TB AT application will be made to the PrafiJcnt and of the Bank of the United States for the renewal of th« following Certificates of Shares in the said Bank, which were lott on board the (hip John, of Baltimore, Hugh Daviy, mailer, bound to London, viz : B. No. 19884"! . . _ 89885 | Each for one (hare, in the name 29886 yofTho*» Holy, Sheffield (O. B' - ißgo ; f 19887 [ dated tft Januar Of which application, all peifons concerned, wil i tease to take notice. SAMUEL STEREIT. Baltimore,.s th april, tßoo aay.-jm THE WASHING TON Daily Gazette, Publilhed at the Seat of Government of the Unite/) "~PHE pub.lila.tion of a *good Newspaper at the feat of is so uleful an undertaking, both to,the government and U: the citizens at large, for the purpole ol com municating State Papers, the Proceedings ot Congress, and other Intelligence, that the Editor has no doubt of receiving the public patronage.. Having left a specimen ol th s Paper with the principal printers and book sellers at Philadelphia, he takes this oppor tunity oflayipg his terms before the public. 1. The Gazette fliall be published every day in quarto, 011 a half fli'eet large royal, and be dei.icred to fubferibers in this city and Georgetown at their pi,ices of re(idencc. ft Papers for distant fubferibers (liall Le carefully packed up and forwarded every post dw ( .3w BY a decree of tha High Court of Chancery, made in a cause, Jamis againS Newman, it is among other things referred fa Wm. Graves' fifq. one of the masters of ihe said court," to take an account of the Legacies bequeathed by the will of the reOator, WILLIAM I'HILLIFS, late ol Newgate fireet, London, deceased, and also to in quire and state to the court, whether Francis James, the brother of the complainant's named a. one of the Legatees in the said will is dead, awl whother he died in the life time of (he testator Therefore all persons who can give any informa tion whether the said Francis James be living or dead, and if living where he now refito or last resided, and when and'at what pbee, and when and where he was last heard o{,acd if dead, when and where he die.-!, are hsreby requefled to give such information t&thefaid William Graves,Efq* at his offia: in Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane/ London ,on or before the firft day of March ne*t, cthcrwifr he wiil be excludad the benefit of the said decree. The said Francis James was born at or near Kidwelly, m the county of Caermarthen, and il living, is about the age of thirty-four years, and about the year 17 79,, was a foreaiafl man on board the Milford, a merchant ship, belonging to the port of Bristol, and failed for Jamaica in Septem ber, >7BO, afterwards he returned to Bristol, an in November, 1781., was prefTed in King road, Bristol, and sent on board the king's frigate called the Diomede, in which he failed lrom Ply mouth an a cruise, and on hoard of which he af terwards became a quarter gu3ner, anddefertsd the said ship at Chatlefton Bar in North-America in September 1781. Should any person in the United States of Ame rici, be enabled to give info' matipn of the above named Francis James, whether living or ikad.they are requeued to communicate the fame to DAVID A. OGDEN, No. 69, Stone ftreet,.New Y. rk. ■gj" The printers throughout the United States are requeftcd to puUifn the above. April 18: 1 bis Day Published, By J. Ormrod, No. 41, Clicfnut Street, (Price tf Cents) TIH Death of General Wajbington. A POEM. In imitation of the manner of Ofiian. By Rev. John B. Linn, A. M. Minister of the Fir ft Prefhytcrian Congregation of Philadelphia. 0- Mr. Ctrmdron's Oratisn will be [published on Monday morning. M.rch 1 c- A PLEASANT COUNTRY HOUSE, WITH ah excellent Orchard, Barn, Pump, &c.&c. The >vhole containing 17 acres, Gtuate on the Wifahicon road, between the third and fourth mile stone—Maybe purchased on reafonabte term«. —Two thirds of the pur chase money may remain (fc«ured on th* pre mises and onintereft) durinpr three years. Enquira of BONSAL Jc SHOEMAKER, No. H4i South Fcmrth-ftreet, the Sub scriber, at Mount-Pleasant, adjoining the premises, or at No. au Walnut-ftrect. ] GNr WILLIAMS. June 13. mwf tf. m&wtf Baltimore and New York Mail Stage Office IS removed from No. 13 South Fourth-street, to No. 18 South Third firect. An Office for those ftas*ss is also kept at mr. Hardy's Inn, No. 98 Market flreet. General Pofl Office, April aB. Insurance Company Of the State of Pentifjhania. thedirectors HAVE this day declared a Dividend of Thirty Dollars of each Share oftheStapk of this Company for the fcft montlis, which will he paid to the Stockholders er their leg.l Reprefenta tivesafwr fh» rotli inflant. JAMES S. COX, Prefdant. anguft i. iiot. States. WHEREAS FRANKLIN Reserved Trafts, FOR SALE. O.N Wednesday the id day of October nex'i books -yill be open in the Office of the Sub fcxiber, rcfiding in Franklin, for the sale of the ttefcrved Trails, laid out by virtue of an aft ol AffemMy passed the nth <:ay of April, 1799. — Ofte fifth part of the purchase money to be p id at the time ®f sale, one fifth part within twelve months from the day of sale, one fifth part within two years from fa id day, and the remaining two fifth parts at or before the expiration of three years after such sale. No contrail to be confirm ed for fifteen days after the said books fiia.ll be 0- pened, and the highest price offi-red within that time will be accepted. All payments made T/ill be forfeited unless the purchaser within three years from the day of sale makes an actual settlement on the trad j urchafed, by clearing, fencing, and cultivating at lead two acres for every fifty con tained in the survey, and ereil thereon a mes s age for the habitation of man, and rtfidethcre , on ler the jpace of five years next following the firft settlement of the fame. No patents to issue, unJefs fatibfadlory proof fliall be made of such adual settlement, r»fidenee, and improvtmeat. GEORGE FOWLER. Franklin, July si, i#Oo. aaguft S, For Sale, In the pleasant village of Mount Holly, Bur lington Cjuntjr, 18 miles from Cooper's Ferry, and 7 from Burlington. ; ONE LAItGS TWO STOBY • Brick - House, FIVE and thirty feet square, four rooms on each flaor, and a cellar under the whole.— Likewise adjoining, a forty foot front Lot, Inn ate ob Mill street, near the market, with a new Carriage House and Stables on the rear of 'he Lot,fronting a puhlic alley. For further par ticulars applv to MAHLON BUDD, or ISAAC CARR, in Burlington Who will ihew the premises and make known the terms, or of the fubferiber in Burlington, by whom an indisputable title will be given. MICAJAH ELLIS. Burlington, July 9, 1800. July 19 eodtf. JUST PUBLISHED, AND TO BE SOLD BY JAMES HUMPHREYS, No. 106, south lid» of Market ft; (Price One Quarter of a Dollar,) Pleasing Incitements TO WISDOM AND VIRTUE, Conveyed through the Medium of Anecdote, Tale, and Adventure ; Calculated to entertain, fortify and improve the Juvenile Mind. Translated chiefly from the German. Said Humphrey* has just received, and is now opening a handsome colleftion of 800 AS. July 19 S.n FOR SALE, In tfce Ciy of Burlington, State of A'ew- TWO MEW TWO-STORY Brick Houses, Situate on Market ftrcet, BEING twenty feet front and thirty two feet deep, each wich cellar under them Ind kitch ens in the rear, hkewife a well of good water in front. ALSO, Four twenty feet Lots, Adjoining the above premises, one hundred and fifty feet deep. For terms of f«le apply to the fubfciiber in Bur lington, by whom an indisputable title will be given. MICAJAH ELLIS. Burlington, July 9, 1800 (19) eotf District of Pennsylvania to vtt: BE it remembered tint on the Tenth day of July in the twenty fif'h year of the Indepen dence of the United States of America, Alexan der AddifOH of the said Dift.-iil hath deposited in this office the title of a book the right where of he claims as Author in the words following to wit, " Reports of cases in the Count,- courts of the Fifth Circuit and in the High Court of Errors and appeals of the State of Pennsylvania, and charges to Grand Juries of those Cou ty Courts. Uy Alexander Addifon, President of the Caurrt of Common Pleas of the Fifth Cir cuit of the State of Pennsylvania." In conformity to the aft of Congrefsof the Uni ted States ißtitlcd " An aft for the encouragement of learning by securing the copies of maps charts and boots to the Authors and Proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned." D.CvLDWfiLI., Clcrt of tie Diftrilt of Pcnnfyhania. | The above book is now published. It will be de livered to lubfcribers by Mr. Dobfcn Bookfelicr. J "Jy_ 23 ■ That large and commodious HOUSE, At the corner of Arch and NinthJlreels. TO BE RENTED, And entered upon this month, the House, Sta ble, Goach-HOufe and Lots, now in theter.ure ot Butler, situate as above. Enquire at No. 28, north Fifth flreet. July 10. mJc;h 3w LOST, OR MISLAID, A CERTIFICATE of four shares of the Bank of the United States iiuhe name e>f Bickham (k R«fc, No »59> f or tl,e renewal of which application is intesded to fce m-de at the said Bank, and all peifons concerned are de sired to take ijotice. JAMES HENDERSON. djtn May 8. Strayed away, ON Sun J ay the 13th inft. a Imili ftr;iuberry coloured MAKE, fp , a Persian taffetas, dark green j ox Tbey have also on band fsrsele, received £»' the late arrivals from Europe, iJfi. 1 Infmal!pack« Stiiped and checked ginghams i ages afl">rted. White figured & color'd Muf- | calculated foe Hnetts |>the Weft-In- White corded dimities I dia market & Color'd 111k, striped Nankeens | entitled to J drawback, 14 Trunks printed Calicoes, 5 do. do. 3 Balesfeine twine to. to Cases Enplilh China ware, I drawback,, in tea lett? J 6 Calks mineral black, I do. white, 10 do. colcother, 3 Calks purple brown, 35 do. nails aflortt,d, 9 do. Londoß porter in bottles, I Englilh fail canvas, No. l, » & 3, I Russia duck, 1 17 Boxes white Havanna fugir, 13 Pipes old Madeira wiii^, Gunpowder, Empty wine bottles, so Guns, 6 pounders, 11 do. 9 do. 18 do. 9 do. with carriages, &c. »Bo,ocolbs. Ceribou coffee, ift"\ ■ quality to jOjOoolbs. black pepper I drawback. 20 Logs ebony J May 13. m&w tf Cotvn JJioptr, d(w. Loft, I~tf£iin4a»9emioqrk. • '- s No. 3804, dited tl'Julv 1796, fo,r ten lhares in the name of Charles Lovegrcve of New- York. No. 15311 —No. 15332, dited ift July, 1796, for five (hares each in the name of Sarah iVedpewood of Etruria. No. 19808—No. 19209, dated lftj.ar.uarf, 1800, for ten ffiares each, vn tha name as Heiiry Waddingtcn, Merchant, London. ' Notice is hereby given, That application is intended to he made at the said Bank by the fabfctib#rs, for a renewal of the fame, of which all perlons concerned are requested to take notice. WADDING'I ON ir HARWOOD. Philadelphiaj July 30, 18c;. mwl 3fa NOTICE. W-lEREAS Mathew Irwin did on the itb day of July 1797 make an aflignrasntof his ellatc anu effeiU, to us the subscribers, for the be nefit of such of his creditors, as should on or before the 30th of September, 1797, execute to him a full and final dlfcharge—Now thofc of his creditwt who are entitled to a dividend under laid alligos ment, are requested to furnifli their accounts 0- Samuel RAecker, with interest calculated up to the Bth day of July, 1797, as a dividend will absolute ly beftruck on the firlt day of April nejtt, and those who negleA !» comply with this notice will th»re after be excluded from the benefit ol the fame. Philip Nicklin ~J Jfatb'l Lewis, by bis Ads. A(fign<*s» Pearson Hunt John M. Taylor J Philadelphia, Marrti 14 A PERSON 1 OF abilities, integrity and experience in " mercantile business, w