Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, July 11, 1800, Image 4

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    WHEREAS by an aft of Gigrefa
pafled on the fevertb day of May,
in the year of njir tord one tboufnd light
hnndied, the Prefidi ul.cif the United jStates
is authorised to borrow, on behalf of the
United States, from the Bank of th- Uni
ted Slates, or from any other body or bo
dies poliuc or corporate, or from any per
foo or persons, and upon such terms and
conditions as he (ha!l judge moll advan a
geous for the United States, a sum not
exceeding Three Millions Five Hundred
iThf ufa;;d Dollar.*, so however, that no
cot-tract cr engagement be made, which
(lull preclude the United States from reim
buiTing any sum or lutrs borrowed, at. any
time after tile expiration of fifteen years
from tlve da:e of Loan. And Wh re
as it is declared by said aft, that so much
as may be necelftry of the fun Ins of th>*
duties on imports and tonnage, beyond the
permanent appropriation# heretofore char
ged upon them by I iv, (hall be pledged and
appropriated f r payi' g the intertit ; and
also for paying and difchnrging the princi
ple sum or sums if all the n«iiieß which
may be borrowed according to the term or
terms wi ich may be fixed ptirftnnt to the
authority forefaid AND WHEKEAS
by the said a t the fa th of the U. States
is pledged te efia'olifh fi.fficiesit permanent
revenues, or m kng up any deficiency tint
inav her-;fttr appear in the provisions be
fore mentioned for p ying the interell and
principal funis, or either of tin m or any
inotiies which may b: borrowed purfuaut to
the said aft. .AND WHE : EAS the
P; esidknt of the United States, did by
ail Aft or Commission under his hand, da
ted the feventeerah dav of May, in the
year one 'houfand eight hui.dred, amho
r;ze and empower the Secretary of the
Treasury to'borrew on behalf of 'he U i
ted Sta ek, any sum not exceeding in the
whole Three Millions Five Hundred Thou
sand D'.Jlars, and to make such contrast or
contrails a3 fhwuld be ncctff ry, and for
•the interest f the United States, in pur
fnauce of the aft f Congress aoove recited.
NOW I'HEREFOTtE, theundei figm-d
S-cretuy tf the Treasury, in pursuance of'
aft of Cot:grefs and the authority from
the Prelident of the Uc.ited States above
mentioned Doth Hereby, on behalf of the
United States of America, contrast and en
gage in manner following) to wit :
j ft. There lhali be created a funded Ca
pital Stock, to an amount hereafter to be de
signated by tie said Secretary, but not ex
ceeding Three Millions Five Hundred Thou
find Dollars, which Capital Stock (hall he
divisible into (hares of one hundred dollars
-each, bearing interest, at eight per centum
per annum, payable quarter yearly at the
Trssfury of the United States, or at the
Loan Offices, -where the f<iid Stock may
Hand credited, until theUfldiy of December
in the ye r eighteen hundred and eight.
2-J. After the last day of December in the
said year one thousand eight hundred ati.-i
eight, and after reasonable notice to the cre
ditors, which lhali be given by an advertise
ment in some public i ewfpaper printed at
♦he feat of the government of the United
States, the said Capital Stock (hall be re
deemable at the pleasure of the United
States, by the reirtiburfement cf the whole
loin or lums borrowed and which may con
ftifjte the fnid Capital Stock, either at the
Trraftry of th: % United States, or at the
1.0-a Offices where the fame may (land cre
3 •. The credits for the (aid Capital Stock
fhill and may be fepirately certified in lums
♦ ither for one hundred, four hundred, one
thnufa d, four thousand, or ten thousand
dollars, 2nd the credits so certified shall be
transferable by the creditors, or their attor
r.ies, at the Treasury and Loan Offices re
fpettively, in puifuance of the rules which
h m or which may be established rela
tive to th; transfer, of the funded Stock of
the, United Suites.
4th. A fufficient sum of the surplus of
the duties on imparts and tonnage beyond
the permanent appropriations - heretofore
charged upon them by law—together with
thr faith of the United States, are hereby
p!<* for the fulfilment of this contra«,
in puifuance o", and according to the terms
and conditions of the aft of Congress herein
btftrr. recited. f
GIVIiN under my hand, and the seal o
tV.c Trenfury. of the United States, at
,'7) Philadelphia, this second day of June,
_,_) one thou land eight hundred; and qf
the Independence the twentv-fpurth ,
Secretary of ibe Treasury.
June 2i, iSoo.
Pi i-po{V.s will be' received until lafl
tl.ay of July next inclufiv:-, at the J3ir>k of
tl'_ L .uted States, and the Offices cf Dif
tnui'.t and D.'pufit at B (lon, New-York,
B Itfinore, Norfelk, and CltarMton, for the
purchase of One Million and Five Hundred
Thoufjrid . D.liars of Stock, dire<fted by
the Secretary of the Treasury, to be ifFued
ip purftiai'ce of the abuvementioned con
tract The piopofals m.|il advantageous to
the United Slates will Ix-: accepted, but no
St< ck will be issued at less than five per
centum advance, cr one hundred and five
dollars in money for one hundred dollars in
(loci . In cafe the sums Specified in Gmilar
jr poi'ils fliall exceed the amount of (lock
ofTtiecTfor sale at the places abovenientifned,
they will he accepted, fubjedt to a propor
tional d'.ducVion.
G. SIMPSON, Cafh'r.
A Printing Press.
Apply at the Office of the Gazette cf
the Uciud States.
March 12, 1800-
Notice is hereby given,
I "HAT fepar.te proposals will be received,
at the office • f the Secretary 0" thi De
partment of War, tintil the expiration of the
ijth of Ju y nextetifuing, for tbefupplyof all
rations, which may he required for rite ul'e of
he United States, frnm the tftday of Oflob.-r,
1800, to the 30th day of September, 1801,
both days mclufive, at the places and within
he two diltrifls hereinafter firft mentioned ;
11A alio that separate propel'jls will be received
t the said office until the expiration of the 1 jth
day of July next ensuing, for the supply of all
rati ins which may be required as jforHaii'from
the Ift day of January in the ye ,r j 80 1, to the
3itt clay of December in the ! am< year, b.ith
days inclusive, at ihe place ar.d within the fev
eraHla'es-hereinafter mntioned, viz.
FirJ}. Proposals to fupplv a;l rations, that
may he required,'at
Pittfburg; at Prcfqu'ile ; at Michi imackinac ;
at Fort Franklin ; at Ba:uf; at Cincinnati ;at
P ctj'ie Town, and Loramiti fleet; at F> rt
Wayne; at Fort Defianee ; at any p'ate bilow
Fort Defiance, on the. Mia ni r vrr to ( ake
E,i'ie ; at Fort Knox, and Ouaton n on the ri
ver Wabafli ; at Maflac ; at any place or places
011 the river Miffilfippi, ahnva the mouth 0/ the
river '.Jhio, and upon the Illonois river.
Second■ Propofils to supply a|! raiions that
may be required, at anyplace or places qn the
ea;l fide el the Mississippi river .below the mouth
of the river Ohio to th» so l t: ern boundary of
th- flite of Kentucky and wMhin ihefad flite ;
at Knoxviile ; at all puds and puces within the
Mate ef leni<(Tee; at South Weft Point : at
Ttliicoßloi-k iloufe; a' ?t..Sevens, or other fort
or poll on the rivers Mobilje or Tomhigby. and
Jtiy place or places with n the Cherokee Ixmnda
nee; hel- w the fou'hern boundary of the state
ot 1 enr.eflee and within the boundary of the
United States. '
Third Proposals to supply all ratons that
maybi- required, at Point t'etre ; at Colerme,
at .ivinnjh, and at any other place or plaas
where troops are or may be (lafioned, marihei
0! recruited within the H&te of Genr ia; at al
fr,rt» orftations on the Ocnnnee and Alatama
ha, and at all other places in the Creek nation,
within the limits of the.Uuiied States, where.
trsop» are or may br ft^:ioned.
Bourlb Proposals to supply all ration# that
may be recpired at Fart Johnftcn, at For: P;
ney, at Charleston, or at any nther place or
place? where troops ire or may be Rationed)
marched or recruited in the state of South-Ca
re u.
Fifth. Proposals to supply all rations that
mjy be required at the Foit at Wilmington,
Cape Fear ; at Beacon island, Ocracock ; at
Charlotte ; at Faffttevijle 1 at Salift/ury, or
at any other place or places where troops are Or
may be stationed, marched or recruited in the
state of North-Carolina.
Sixth. Proposals to supply all rations that
may bo required at Nor'o'k, at Portsmouth. at
Ivempfville, at Charlottevi le, at Winchester.
at Staunton, at Richmond, at Alexandria, at
r.eelburg, at'Frederick'fburg, at Carterfville, at
Hirper's ftny, or at any othei' place or places
where tr *ops are or m y be stationed, marched
or recruited, in th* state of Virginia
Seventh. Propnfa!» trt supply all rations that
may be required at Fort M'Henry, at Balti
more, at *■ nnapolisj at Frederick town, at
Leonard town, it Hagerstown, at Bladenlburg,
-t Oeorge-town, at Eaflown, at the Head ot
Elk ar.d at any other place or places, where
troops are or may be Aatione marched or re
cruited within the limits f the state of Miry
Rightb. Prrpofals to supply all rationstha*
may be required at Fort Mifflin, at Philadel
phia, at Darby, at Lint-after,' at Wdkefbirre>
at Reading, at Mrifl i, at Yfrk tn«n, atCarhfle.
at Leuiflown (Mifflin county) it Bedford, at
G etnfburj at Wafhinptoi , at Eaitown, at
Wilciingtpn, at ThriKiana, at Dever, or at
any other place or places where troops are or
May be flatioued; marched or recruited Vithin
the limits of the states ot Pennsylvania an ' De
except the polls withm the Hate of Penn
fylvanij, enumerated in the firti proposals a
Ninth. Proposals to fiipply all rations that
may be. required at Harfcenfac, at Elizabelh
tqwn, at New-Brunfwick, it Burlington, at
Woodbury, at Trenton, and at any other place
or places where troops are or may be llationed
marched or recruited within the limits of tie
Dae of Jeifey.
Tenth. Proposals (o ftipply all rations that
may be requirtd at New-York, at Weft Point,
at Flufliir.p, at Haerlrm, at Weft Chester, at
Poughkeplie, at Konderhosk, at Stillwater, at
Newberg, at Albany, at Conajolarir, at Cher
ry Valley, and at any other place or places
where troops Jre or may he Rationed, marched
or Recruited withia the limits of the (late of
New York, except the polls within the slate
enumerated in the firft proposals aforcfaid
Eleventh■ Proposals to ftipply all ratiors
that may be required at Hartford, at Hebron,
at New London, at Brooklyn* at Wyrfdham,
at Ljtclifit'd, at Guilford, at N w-Maven, at
Fairfield, at Da.nbury, at Middletown, and at
any. other place or places where troops art or
may be liatioi ed, marched or recruited within
ihe limits of the slate of Cofine<£licut.
tr<tvelfcb■ Proposals tr> fuppjy all rations that
may be required at For' Wolcott, ai Brmtnn's
Pojot, at Newport, at Providence, and at any
paie or places where troops are or may he flat- i
cloned-, marched or recruited within the limits
of th'e'flate of Rhode-Island
Thirteenth. Proposals to fupp'y all rations
that may be required at Portland in the Dif
ttiifl of Maine, Gloucellcr, Cape Ann, Saletn,
Ma.-blehtad, Boston, at U'xlVridge, and at any
place or places where ti*Oopa are or may be
Rationed, marched or recruited within the li
mits of the state of Mafiachu'e.tts.
Fourteenth. PropofaU to supply all rations that
may be required at Pcrtfmruth, st" Exeter, at
Windfur, at Benningson, at Rutland, or at any
fort, piate or places, where troops arc or may be
flatjotled, marched or recruited within the States
of Hew Hamplhire and Vermont.
The rations to be supplied, is to consist of the
following article" viz. eightecu ounces of bread or
flcur, or when neithvi can be obtained, of o"c
quart of rice, or one and a half pour,d ol fifted or
bonlted Indian meal, one pound and a quarter «f
frefn beef, or one pound ef salted beef, or when
quarters of a pound of salted pork, and ihree frefh
meat ii issued, fait, at the rate of two quarts fnr
every hundred rations; soap at the rate of four
pounds, and candles at the rate of a and a
half for every hundred rations
It is expefied the proposals will also extend to
the supply of rum, whisky, or other ardent spi
rits at tlje rata of half a gill per ration, and vine
gar at the rate of two quarts for every hundred
rations. The proposals will fpecify the price of
the levral component parts of the ration, as w«II
as those of lubflitutcs or alternatives for parts
The rations at* to be furniflied in such quanta j
tics 38 that therehail at all tirre?, during the tern 1
of the proposed ontra«fts be fuffkient for the con
jumpty>n of thetroeps at De
troit, Niagara an! Ofwego, lor fix moflths in ad, and at eah of the other pods on the wei
tern waters, ;t lead three moathi in adv-r.c»\
of good lndwholfome provisions if the f*m< (baM
s e required. It P alffc to ho permitted to all and
every of the comnaiuUnts ef fortified places, or
or polls, to call f>r at seasons when the fame can
be tr-mfported, o at any time in the cafe of urgent
cy, such fupplieaof like provisions in advance, a?
in the discretion <f the commandant shall be
ed proper. It is to be tinder ood tl?at the con
tractor i- to be atthe cxpence and risk of ifluing th
Applies to the tnops,aßd at all kffe^fuftaiiKd, v y
trie depredations of an enemy, or by the means o*
be troops of the United State*, (ball be paid ror at
the pritic of the article captured or destroyed, cn tht
depoGtions of two or more performs of creditabJ
characters and ihe certificate of a commiflloncd
cflictr, afccrtaining the of the lose.
auu the anu unt of the articles, fit which ccrnpen
fation fn ,11 be claimed.
The pntlli-j« iv to be endcrflood to be referred
tothr United Sut«<ofrcquirii-g, tfwrnoneql the
fuppKca which may he furniftieiTiioder any of the
propped comma- '{hall be ilTueJ, Q' lil the fup
plir» which ba»e or aiay be turtidied under «»n
ttv<st row ia fjree hate been cor.fofned. and th»t
a lapplyia ailvancr may be required at any
if the fiicd poflt oa the Sta-h ard 01 lo*iao frcn
tiert, not three mnntht.
Secretary of IVar.
f July
March 14
William Young Birch,
Abraham Small,
Of the City of Philadelphia,
Modern Europe.
With an nccour.t of the Decline and Fall of
the Roman Empire, the Rise cf Modern
Kingdoms, life, is"c.
" IIE great applaufc which this excellent
S. book has, recsived, is a sure proof r>t its
merits—Tht vail fa'.e which it has had for
levtra! yeai s, is a fair criterion by »hii.h the
public opinion of itt worth can be kn wn.
During the life of tin learned author, it went
through the annml sale of a very large impref
li:>n—every Tcceeding edition rrceived fmne
improvement the relult of l'is deep refearchts
and grew jjdgfliem—he lived to make it as
petfeil 19 in th* u i'ure of things it 8 .uld be—
he it dead ! Whilst the Enghlh language is
read, the History of Modern Europe will re
fljain a moniimei.t to his tame ! It is as enter
taining a» inifruftive ; as interefling as pi*o
four.d T) e j?!sn of the work is co-pious, but
by ix happy krrangttnent, the reader is at once
prefenud with the oitemporary history of
every part of Europe. The book now offered.
t<s the public is from the lafl and m<>ft ccrre£t
copy, to which this stall be no way inferior.
An hiflory &f the decline and fill of the Roman
empire. The rife of modern kingdenu, ge
nerally. A particular history of the French
monarch}-. Do ;'pain From the dominion
of the Vifigiths. Italy, with the rife led
progress of the Temporal Power of the
Popci Britain, from its relinquiihment by
tile Romans. Ireland. The German em
pire. from CI arlemagne. The empire of
Conflantim pic toita overthrow. En pire 01
the Arabs. Rife and progress of the Torks
and fall (f the empire. Hiflory of
• Portugal j Vi.» of the progress of Naviga
ti; Conquelb in the Eill and Weft Indies ;
Dilcovery ca,&c. Hillory of .Sweden,
Denmark. N. r*iy, Ruffia,Poland and Prul
fu. North-America, as coQßciOed with Eu
r< pern h llory. A very csrapretenfive and
highly uferul chronology.
I. The whole (hall be comprized in five large
oilavo '-t.lumc,, printed in the best manner,
on a fuperfine paper.
11. It' is intended to deliver one volume every
two month', at the price o; Two Dollars per
volume in b'-ards, paynblr o'n delivery.
111. As it imy he inconven ent to deliver theni
to diftar.t luWlribers in fiii)(k J volumes,
wh« widi it, may let them remain with the
publidiers until the whele'are ptib'ifhed.
The work i$ at press and will be printed rn
a beiutifui new type ca fort)>e pHrpoi'e. The
encoi ragers ef th:» undertaking may tell as
fured, that K' 'hinp now fore le en fhali delay its
procedure; fothat in or.e year it far
theft the lit zens of the United Sutea (hall be
frefeiited with an Afaencaii Edition of Ddilor
Ruflili'* History of Modern Tui'-pe, tqual to
the Engulh copy, aud at a lower pi!ke
June 14 tucs*'f
WITH =■l excellent Orchird, Ha n, Pump,
3tc. &c. The '*-hole containing 17 acres,
the Wilihici-n road, between the
t .ir ! an ! fo.irih rr.i'e fl in.* —Miy be purchased
cn rcalonable ternn.—Two thirds 1! the pur
chafe m ncy may remain (fecurcd on the pre
nife* and onintcrrft) during three years.
No. 1141 South EWrh-Jlreet, tht Sub
1".: iher, at Mount-Pleafar.t, adj»iniii» tl«-
premises, or at /i<, W*Riut»#reet.
" Jonr ig.
\ VALUABLE and d«firahle Estate, situated
t"V en the rivor Raritaii in Jerfcy, neat Somer
fct Court-House 6 r.uic* from Brunfwick, and
18 Irotn Priiicetoii j confiding of upwards ol 700
acres, rqually divided into meadow, arable and
wood l3nd ; the -whole within a rine fence ; the
barn, stables. 4c. are ff ati"U>, and adequate to the
f;ze of the Farm; there is a plenitude of game,
with a good lhad fifhrry The estate is now in
the hands of Mr Henry Worley.
Further particulars may l->e known of
Merchants, Philadelphia, and of
Or of the Tecjat on the premises
May 9. its
In the Jhip Mary Ann, Prantit^Stewart,
unifier, from Hamburgh, now,
Jacob Sperry 6c Co.
No. 195, Market ftrcet,
C iSSERILLOS or white rolls of 111 yards,
Dreamers, cut ard cotn-non, y K
F'alk Cases and falla.l dishes,
Glass pearl., and beeds f®r necklaces of i'V'colours
and sizes, ■-—*■ -
Black and whits edgings ce»,
Kibbonsand tapes,
Coffee .mills. Qviils, and
351 Bex's- -Bohemia Window Glass, i 9, 8 10
9 11, 10 it, is 14, 11 16, I» 18, 14
18, 16 13, 18 24, 40 24, 20 26, 24
Also, vi-a^New-Tori,
6 Calls white rolls,
6 do. Creas ala Morlaix,
2 do. CoHtils.
On hand, which will be fold reasonable to dose
2 new Cables of 110 fathom each 9& 10 inch.
July 1 vr&f 3W
To Merchants, Store-keepers and Trades-
I FEEL peculiar pleasure in slating, that you
h'lve I'o generously and generally come for
ward and fubferibed for my work, that (not
withftar.ding all provisoes keretofsre made by
me) the coins and monies of account of the prin
cipal maritime trading places in Ruffn, Sweden,
Denmark, Nortvay, Prussia, Poland, Germany,
Holland, Flaxderi, Spain, Portugal, Italy, infev
eral of the ivindxiard and leetiard Weft India
IJlands, snd many ports in the Eajl Indies —the
whole (o be reduced to dollars and cents; and
thebeft mode of computing the exchange with
those places explained ; alio, a large (heet table
of calculations at compound intercfl at 6 per
cent the tables used in banks for the determin
ation of tfie value of gold : the intercfl of each
moivth from one to twelve months, oa every
dollar (without exception) from one to two
thousand ; and a table of all the post towrs in
the United States ; besides much other general
uftful information, shall positively be added to
the work, entitled
Tables of Discount or Interest,
On every dollar (without exception J
From one to two thousand; thence on every ten,
fifty, and five hundred, to five thousand. from
one day to sixty-sour days inclufivc, at fu per
cent, with notes for 5,7 and 8 per c«at, &c.
&c. &c.
The work is dedicated, by ptrmiflion, to the
Preldent and Direilors of the 9aitk of North
America, and received in the fir 11 twelve days
the patronage of John Adams, Picfident of
the United States; of Thomas Jefferson,
Vice Prefidtnt of the United States artd fc'refi-
Jent of the Senate; if tw- -thirds of the Sena
tors and Members of the Huufe of Keprefenta
tives of the United States; nnd of the Pi efidents
md DirHßars of the different Banks unani
noufly, &c. —a lift of the whole is printed and
attached to the propofais.
It is evident that th» work will be no trumpe
ry catch penny-thing ; for I do affurethe pub
lic, that the price of it is reduced very near one
half, according to the usual rate at which booI«s
fell ; and it is my full determination to rentier
it, in point of subject JUatter, a valuable
With refpedl to the accuracy of the TaMes,
too much cam ot be said, and I pledge myfelf
that a PUtfMIUAf of not lefs-han ONt huh
bri-d dollars Hull be offered to the firft per
son who (hall inform me of a single error of one
cent, according to the principle adifd upon.
To do away all doubts with refpeil to the ex
pencesof the undertaking, Ido most solemnly
declare that they will amount to very near four
thousand Dollars, and perhaps more, in
depent of any rcmuneratiou for-my own trouble
in the arduous business, aad the great expeoce
already incurred .for fpseimens, propofais, ad
vrortifenients, hand-bill?, &c. &c.
I do therefore truftwith confidercs, that gtn
tVrnen will continue to cnn,e ; forward with
that public spirit and generoflty which charac
terize the nation, and fnpport the work by fub
fcribisg to it without hesitation : ith. rwii'e it
rannot be publifbed, ami 1 must fit down to re-
IciFl iip->ria CCN-IDfUABI » LOSi.
And am, with profound rcfpedl,
Your obe lient humble servant,
Accomptant, Bank North America.
Poftfc-ript.—Gentlemen are refpe<slfu!ly invi
ted to fee Specimens of the Tables, &c. evl.ibit
cJ .a th* Ci'y-tavem, Ilartly's Hotel, Francis's
Hotel, tjie Indian Queen, Dudu-oody's tavern,
please be referred to thr other adverttfements
which appear every day in lame one of the
Subscribers are to pay ■ nothing until the book
is delivered rigorously to all llipu
C 'iy r! 'gkt secured according to act of Con.
mir-h ®
And Owners of Stills.
WHEREAS by an a& of Congress, palTrd
the Bth day of May -791, entit'ed)
" Ana6t concerning the duti'-s on fpirlta dijftil
led within the United States-," it ii required f
all j-erfotis having or keeping a full, or Hills,
to make entry thereof, between the last <!aj
of May. and the firft day of July in each ye*r
tinder the penalty of two hundred and fitV
mwf tf.
NOTICE 19 therefore hereby given to all
diftillcrs, or owners of ftilU, within the city
and fcouritv of PMlade'p ia to make entry of
them at the office of liifp«nflion, M 49, North
Third street, in the city of Philadelphia, with
in the abovcmentioned periods.
JAMES ASH, Collector
of the revenue of the frst dhisi si of the
first survey of the district of Pennsylvania..
' Jiif 6 ftf
Clerk wanted for Saint Peters Church
Apply to Thomas Ctimpfton.
No. 24. South Tbird-Street.
May 19.
men in general, isfc.
1C32 Boxes best mar hi_d 3o iip/j
80 Boxes Sweet Oil, i Fr*m t<n board tit
aoo Half chgfts buzz* 01!, lot/h<r t
•) Balc«P»?er. j i-'i-if.™»
Furmc-fan Cheese, J
*r>o Pipes best Bordeaux Brandy,
/ 200 Hcg&eadi Claret fU-.erior oualiiy,
700 Ca»<s i r.uch Sw<« -f Oil, \
60 Caf'-s Catherine PJum's, • v
6 Caflcs Prunes,
400 licxes Capers, Olives, Anchcvies and Cor« %
100 do. best aflVrted Cordials,
DRY GOODS affcrted for the Weft-India
market, »
Claret in cases of afuperior quality,
London dry White Lead,
A small inyoie? of Coffee,
6 & 4 Pru;,d Cannon, mounted. f,
Thomas Murgatroyd &" Soils.
May io. I
Twenty' Dollars Reward.
p AN-AWAY from Sjrrng Forgt, in York
r V. County , a negro man, ;.a--;ed ISAAG> other
wise CUD JO, about 21 year, old., tht proport/
of Robert Coleman; Ef<j. He i« 8
inchea high, hat a Memifn in his eyes. vi'offf ittt
in them than common, by trade a Fctgeman; hid
on and took with hirr. 1 drab colour, ~ !,r -aJ clc.'h
coat, almcft new. a Tailors jacket and pantaloons*
printed fancy cord, a iwanldown striped under
zcket; a rorum hat; one fine and one coarse
shirt* one muflm hatdkerchiH sprigged, two
( itto firmed border a Mue Perfiai. ut kr jacket
and two peir cotton (lockings. Wh-never .takes up
nrgro an ! !odg<>9 him m in\ ud in this or any
of the neigabourih-g {late- fhai'» hav' the above r« j
ward or reafcnable expencesil brt ug .t home.
Spring Forge, Odloben*. 1 7 99»
NB, A*-iWid riegrb* formerly Hvtd in Chc(Ur
county, it w probable I e Tr.ay rrtwrn there.
November 5
h e ~ WHEREAS '
r * decree of tha High Court of Chancery*
.13 made in a cause, James again ft Newman,
k I it is among other things referred Vo Wni. Graved
v j Esq. one of the matter* of the (aid court, u to take
• an account of the Legacies bequeathed by the will
n j of the teflator, WILLIAM FHILLIFS, lats of
. Newgate Hreet, London, deceased, and also to in
quire and (late to the court, whether Francis
0 James, the brother of the complainant's named as
one of the Legatee# in the said will is dtad t and
whether he died in the life time of the testator
> Therefore all persons who car* give informa
tion whether the said Francis Jjmes fee living or
deai, and jf living where he now re&'jes „r lad
'' resided, and when and at what pi ice, and when
11 and where he waslalt heard ot, ar. if dead, when
r and where he died, are hereby requefled to give
such information to the f*id William Graves,Efyt
at liis office in S-cstLampfon Building*, Chancery
Lane, London,on or before the firft Jay of March
next, c:heTvri(ip he wiil be excluded the benefit: of
the said decree.
The Francis James was born at or near
I in the county of and if
living, 19 about the age cf thirty-four years, and
about the year 1779, was a fcrcmaft man cn board S
j tfie Milford, a merchant frip, fcajooging to the
por: of Br;{tol, and failed for Jamaica in Septem
ber, 178 c, afterwards he returned to I'iriftol* -.
an 1 in November, 1781, wa3 prefled in King*
road, Bristol, and sent on board the king's frigate
called thi Diomede, :n which he failed from Ply»
mouth «n a cruite, and on beard of which he af
terwards became a quarter gynner, apd defrrted
the said fliip'at Charlcftcn Bar in North-Americ*
in September 1782.
Should any person in the United Sfatescf Ante*
c rica, be enabled to giva info mation «f the aboyp ** • ,
named Francis James, whether living or dead, they
' are requeftfd to comnuuicate the fame to DAVID •
' A. OGDF.N» No. 69, Stone ilreet, N<jw Y rk.
J printers throughout the United States
are requeued to publish the abl <vc.
y TO BE SOLI), ■
* Valuable Estate, *|jg|
KNOWN by the. name of the Booneton Iron
Works, Ctnat<# ia the county of Morris, in the
Hat*-of New.-Ic,r/ey, con fitting ot a Fxsrge wiiii
four fifes, a Rolling and Slitting-Mill, a Grift mi»i >
with two P-tin of'tt'<sne a , and Saw mill/all-in good
1 order and n»\y in use, together with an excellent,
" large, and convenient house, with out hou(es of
" every kind ; among which are an Ice house, ani |H''-
t (lone milk house, with a remarkable fpring in
• it, a large Gar lep and an excillent eoilcilion of *
Fruit, a large forcVard, and 2500 acres, of wood, *;
parure and arable land, arid a great number c£ ; :
Uor'is and workmen's houses Immediate poffefSpn
will be giveti of hnufes and tlorcs f'ufflcicnt foe
providing flock the present winter, and pofTclfioa
■>f the whole in the 1 pring.
Fcj tdrm««nquire-of l3arid B Ogden at New
ark, mr V'eter Mackie in New-Yorlc, n>r. David
Ford ir» Morris Town, or me£frs. Jacob and Rich*
ard Faelcb t>n t&epremifcs.
s r "l~ 1 HE Proprietors of the PhilaJulphta. and I in*
c X cifter line of£tage« DISPATCH.return theif H
gr»teTul to (he(r frictitisanS the pnhlic ia
f general, for thje p«ft favor* they H .
- inform tßem that in addition to the, r gsjar Jyine, H
th*y'ara provi2e.J with Carriagn.fober fc'>r rsreful
. drivers, to go through between thd City : and
BoroHgh ia two days. Thofa who preftt this mot'a
of traveling can Lc accommodated at t>f k'tsgo
Offue, figjtof United .State« EagU, Marfett ftr;ef, H
Stougb, Downing, Dur.u'oady V Co, •
N'iV. ?o. 21 § !;■
' United S1 atss, ") .
p Pennsylvania District, y ' • '
By virtue of sundry writs i f venditioni expcnal.
ifTued out of the Oillriifl Court of thi United .
States, for the DiOrift will be expofrd
to public sale, on the prctniTes, on Wednesday the
' 30'h of July next, at 10 o'eioifc in the forenoon of
the fame day, all rhat l raS of Land called Cone- :
dogwinm tTrafl, fitaatein Eatl Pennfburytown
'' ship, Cumberland counfy,containing C>re hifodted
' and thirty two acres, more er less, with the Mef.
1 fuages thereon eredled. Also all that Trail of
- Land called Locull Valley, adjoining the above,
containing three hundred and fevsntetn acrto,
more or h-fs, with the MefTuages theraon ereileil,
Also all that Traft of Land called Oak Banlt, si.
f tuate as above, containing two hundred and fevea«
ty acres, more or lefe, with the Messuages therson .
_ Tlie property will be surveyed an V fold in lotj
to suit the purchasers; plots of which will be ex
hibited cn the day of sale.
Ii Seized and taken in execution, an'l to be fold a,
the property of Oliver Pollock, Ffq by
JOHN HALL", Mania.
Marshal's OfSce, ? T
Phila 'elpliia, June 21, 1800. S eo '3 o J7-
1 _ _
of tra