± em pts to obtain our quota of nnlrtia by regular drafts have failed ; and un- U i we can supply the .oluntary enliltments, the honor of our militia will be tarmrtied, and the peace of the commonwealth, perhaps, irre "t£? SA th. embarrjlTm™, of our prcfent .unprepared Jjtuation ; I do not hesitate to declare, that 1 con sider every patriotic citizen bound to | lend an active assistance to the measures of government; but with refpeft to the militia officers, in particular, I am impelled by the molt sacred duty, which a Uriftrate can feel, to require an ex plicit 4nd immediate declaration of then determination to aA at this enfis, or a reiignation of their commissions, that otheis mity be appointed to perform the indispensable service which our country demands. In proposing this-alternative to you, r gentlemen, I anticipate a decision the most honorable to yourfelyes, most beneficial to the (late. 1 thall. therefore, content myfelf, in that res pest, with enquiring at what time you will be prepared with your quotas to join me in the march to the place of rendezvous. The President's request for immediately affembliug the militia of Pennsylvania was received yelterday; and we cannot indulge a moment's delay in complying with it, if we mean to Tefciie our militia and our government from the diigracc that threatens. You will be pleated, my fellow citi zens, to favor me, freely and candidly, with your sentiments on this occasion. With'refped to my own opinion, it is this : That each officer should endea vour, either by drafs, or foluntary en rolments, to ruife as many men as he can, before the day fixed for their pa rading ; and that on the day so fixed, they should muster at my tent, which (hall be pitched in the neighbourhood of the city, for the purpose of enrol ling the men, and intruding the officers in the route. I (hall proceed, in the fame way, in each county, included in the present requifit'on, till I have com pleted the stipulated number) and I trust we (hall yet reach the place of rendezvous in time to prevent all hazard of discredit and reproach. The arms, ammunition, cartip equi page, and rations will be punctually and plentifully provided ; and 1 have every reason to believe, that the legifla- ' ture will enable me to allow an additi onal pay, or an adequate bounty, for i the service to which the militia are now called. Their families will likewise be paid a weekly reason able sum out of . that allowance, from the refpedive county treafu.ers. Let us not, gentlemen, be perplexed by prejudices, or partial considerations, unconneded with the fubjed. It is no matter of enquiry, at this time, whether any particular ads of Congress are po litic or not ; whether they ought to be : repealed or not: the quel'cions are wlie- i thcr our governments are worth preftrv ing ; and if so, whether we will tamely and silently fee them destroyed, or openly and firmly appear in support of ■ them. Listen to the language of the i Insurgents, and your spirit will rife : with indignation. They not only as- i fert that certain laws (hall be repealed, let the sense of the majoriry be what it may, but they threaten us with the es tablishment of an independent gdvei fl uent, or a return to the allegiance of Great Britain. Their cruelty and inso lence tuwaids Gen. Nevil and Major Lenox. The insults which they offer ed to the commissioners on the return from their pacific miffiou, (furror.nding their lodgings, and breaking their win dows) and the menaces of violence to the family of Gen. Nevill, should the government proceed to enforce obedi ence to the laws, are circumstances so flagrant, so iniquitocs, and so daflardly, that, for my own part, I consider the | conduct of the Tories, during the war to have been temperate and magnani mous, compared with the course of the present opposition. For the honour of the militia, for the fake of the laws, and for the pre fertation of the Republican principle, let us then, gentlemen, unite ; and re member, that, if we cannot reform, it is our duty, to cor red those, who en deavour to plunder us of every right and privilege, that is dear in the cfti mation of freemen. It only remains to repeat my propo sitions ; are you willing to frrve your country ? to save your constitution ? And to aflift in rescuing from anarchy, •» you did from despotism, the freedom •n