d 1 — : —rrr 7ranjlated for the Cel. Centinel. « TiVCIL GENERAL of the COM MUNES uj PJKIS. • Sitting of the 18th. he ynur.g utipils if t.')e country rt» the Lfttoii of Marat pfclented t!. lfeh'es to the Council, when the or made the following address : lizen Magift ites, Tiie republican • ft if tht' S A'oll of Mm at, anjea o2 giving and following the exam of lelpefi for the laws and obedi to the conATtuted authorities'; as •' "jnaHy.tAg their courag'e, againll t ■ -'nemiej of their colmtry, and their acaole hatred of tyrant's and kings, • cto present td you the homage of t ! ' trrff eJjertiofls in the military art . iii: juvluch atone renders citi -2 ididiers formidable. the IfjVe of our country alone creates ,1k ,s anunf'lis tl>e bud il ali virtues I cc fcclore you an irtjxhaullible nurl'c r Barrar that he was defeated on the . Fo', c lay on which he attempted ment 'harleroi. J tftnii V!BURG, June 30. rorfl Ortend of the 21ft at everything was at that Ai aud that the garrison with ana I - the frefh troops received from England conlifled of 8000 rtieif. July 2. OUT- General Claiifait his retired from Thielt to GfitiVr, where his head-quar ters now are.—The Scheldt is now ttir infry '' l,e where a (land will be made for the ruled r- a £ a *?® Pohnd will be submitted I all the? EmpSror and the declaration a > al pi in It Poland will then appear. La hing l'ayette is to be removed from Spiel-' tl/ey burg to Brun. de- __ tioii; On the 23d the French loft 160 men 13 and feveial cannon : the Prussians have ta ken Parmefenj. Indeed the allies are they :lnc,,l g in all quarters on the Rhine, and 'inee Hohenhole has his head qiiarters ded. at Edighofen. It is believed that in the couife of a week a general attack (£ 0 _ would lake place from Gemerfheim to lich Saa r Lhuis. It is thought that Gemer ;njj fheim is in a bettferftate of defence than ner ' even Landau. t?n i3cr OPERHEIM, June 25. dii- The Pruflian main army under lield -trit r»flri"hal Motlendorff lias left their pofi ave tiun at Kaifcrflauttrn and advanced to •rsi the heights of Landttuhl, to unite with • ;h s , the different aorps under Count Kal ou, kreuth and Prince Hoheulohe. Major • ' oes Genera] Van Ruche] occupies the port I ece of T) ippliadt, and Lieutenant General I ven Von Gleift 15 detached with the left wing to attempt the ports on the heights ' of Saukopf, and band. Fd prevent the :ed cnera )'' s o'-ining a knowledge of their ! eat force ' Fic!d MarfhSl Molcndorff has or- 1 •ou c,trcJ them to be divided into small co- ! [)fe lumotr. of Head-Quarters of the King 1 of fVuftia, uear Kielce, 7 las J ul ? e 2 S- * nr.. The King's army arrived here yes- n eal teiday moi*ning> B nd encamped. .The es, lefif wing is close to the ei'y, ahd joins " ch the right wing of the Ruffians. The m- Vanguard commanded by Major Gener- . :cs al Elfneria jibou* «tJ-nmre, m, aTiiT about two miles dittant fiom the °' n- em rtiy; to-hidrrow we (hall reconnoitre their position. M. Bucfchojtz has at jaft received a paflport. He went off on the 23d with 1 4 his family and all those belonging to the • embafi'y ; the Poles have given him a be B uard of »" officer and 25 men to ac- L company him to th<£ frontiers. Madrid, a?, T he Duke of Vanguyon, formerly ambassador at the court' of Spain, and .' ,nce revolution remained at j >. Madrid has received order# to leave the c d kingdom with his family. The fame !l, orders have been received by the Duke " ,f ° f Havre *ho was general agent of the : I°. s French princes. c - The c6urt of Madrid has given or- i if' 1 ders that all the men in Catalonia /rom j, ' > 15 to 80 /hall rife in arms to oppose the Trench who menace an invafi >n of. tK , Catalonia. Tlie Commander in Chief Coutft 1' Union, loft all his furniture - a ' i ; d ,® b ? Ve 1 *°\ ] ma "ks of p fe, e> Which C' all fell into the hands of the F/ench. t ," o ! WARSAW, June 22. 'l gl Kofciufljois said to be at Ware's, 't' 7 miles from this. The Poles have made S a number of pontoons to throw a bridae Pll over the Viitula, in cafe of neccffity. j ou '[ tate Wlil ver y Portly be determined. ■ A new cannot, foundry i s ettablifhed p here which renders our profpedh brighter An order has been issued so, f t a general nfmg arms, to assist in de- 7 , fence of the country. A lady of War. r ftw sent a number of ihirts to the army. ""!{ 1 lie General returned her a very pdfte an'fW, in which he assures her that he ?- CCU '* personal fatigue and dis tress, provided his soldiers are fnmi/hed r" ' w.th tvei-y neccffary. The cockade a (opted by Poland and Lithuania unit- ( l__ v ed, are to be fn future blue and green. Foitigners by applying to the Depart- r" ! "lent of State fhd no difficulty in ob- t r°" fafctyf paffp< "" W lea ' C ,he eo:lJ l [r }-pS that t Polifb Frontiers, June 25. C ' 1 A ! TI . On S l . lle persons whom the Rufli- proof ans fcized in Poland and' have sent to the re riglafnd Smolentz to be triej.by the new tribu nal, is the Count of Ogin(ki, late Am ballador from-the cbilrt of JVWlaw to from the Hague, irtd the young Prince San 1-qtiar gufku, who was tn the Ruffian army jw the irich endeavored to perfiMrde the regi ror the ment under his command to tjefert. . flie From Petsrfburgh we hear; that the Welt pV-operty of Joseph Poniatow&i nephew nf the King of Poland, as well as that of all others who have taken part with [irtifter ihe.Patrioti has been fcqueftered. feveial The Emptefs has given orders to the jve ar- new tribunal at Stfiolentz not to con demn to death any ci iminal that may be j brought before them, but inflidt any other panlfnhfcnt they may deem pro pound Pe|l - sub Part of the giarn'fon of Peterfbitrg 1 ) : Sam- ' ,aE been fe"t off to the fleet of trans ports about to fail. Joseph Poniatowfki, who arrived on the ijth o? May to serve under ofe'r >f ope- "fy o ' ,as ' a ' d ''' s clothes of diftin&ion pitted a " d " ' m hited as well as the command ion a- er ' n the common dress of the country. L a It is pertain that the Ruffians have Spiel- ■ penetrated in the P-'ovftce of Lithuania aud driven the Poles before them. 3 men J*be depuratiipn of tfie citizens' of shave Warsaw to Kofciuflco have.been fpnt iesare the anfv/er, that the demand thine. °f the citizens did not harmoniie with liters his plan, as he was not willing to intro hat in ce the Jacobin principles iiitd the ittack kingdom; though the vvifhes of the ci im to tizens would always command great emer- weight with him. The citizens return : than ' a tisfit*d with the anfwtr. COPENHAGEN, June 28. The combined Darn'fh and Swedish field- fleets arc ,h]l 'his road, but it is ex pofi- j P c< "' < ' < ' that they will soon proceed to »d to j Government has given orders with ' to arm the fallowing ships, viz. one (if j Kal- 8 ® Bims»8 ims » three of 74, oneof 70, one tfajor ' one of 60, one frigate of 40 post g ,II,s > <>ne do. of 36, and one brig of neral j 18 3?"*- S c left 11 ,ve morL ' l,ne battle (hips are alio ights to , y armed Sweden. If to these is t the ' ' Ruffian fleet in the Baltic, their will be 60 line of battle ships in ■ is or- PARIS, June 24. " A new squadron of seven ships of 1 £ing t ' H .five frigates, two arifos, one elce, zebec, and eight tat tanes each of which j earned two twenty four pounders failed vef- tT r T ° U '?r 00 tht 6,h of J une - The u -j n c< W erc d English ships, I lc*i.>s W dld " 0t pur . ,ut them but . ►pjjg towards Corsica, in expectation of be- c , ner . eln g joined by the grand English fqua- _ ° n _» wt * re 111 rnomentary expevftati- »i the ° n ° heani, S met^in g important. t< " trt F RA N C E. J iithi nati °nal convention, g the J une '7- fti m a GRAND NAVAL ACTION. is ac. Letter from Prieur, of the Department th '/ Alarr.e, to the committee of public eC fafety, y w • ce :rly tNo date Is given to the letter in the [° lnci i Hamburg Gazette.] v^j the' f^ efle . rda y afternoon 19 of our ships of the line were discovered by their fig- ve nals from Ufhant. I went immediately we he l ? rr t^ril morning at five cn o clock arrived on board the Mountain.* 3r - • J / ou " d theie 0111 colleague Jean bon de >m I Alldreand *iee admiral Villaret. r i "' ent through the (hip and found frvtry t h ( - | where ltrong proofs of the bravery ,of Va the crew, and the violence of the at- t al > tack made by the British. The car- T ea , penters told me,-that above the water anc line-os the (hip 230 b .llsftruck, besides an thart (truck below water and in the a S Ms ; this ship is one of COB thof, which fuffered mod ; but of ,8 caD ' officers only 5 were able to keep their i« i l e posts ti|| the end of the action. Our- ) > colleague St. Ahdte received a Conttifi- Bar • on in the hand fiom a splinter. He f orTI j p 35 th f ua J tel deck at the time the wag Eiighfh admiral gave the firft broad fide ma d n ®" d t ",s VC, T wonderful that he was not! we,, f l ° n P -T C "' thl >. man, tref< of the veflels were well fought, but D , M iome captains proved unworthy of the vain • trust reposed n, them , pa,ti C ularly, all ter f accitfe the commander of the (hip G f the C o„r . hue the J Sc ob,n ;he is displaced and I f under arrtft ; his conduct and that of Clai, fevtral others w.ll be examined bv the and revolutionary tribunal. I visited the his d brare sailors that were wounded ; thev • are worthy of their brethren on the R ■ .hi / [ lkctha ?' dun ' n S thcaaion, detai they rent the an with long h've the Re &a' "'™ ,h " SZ hat they were no longer in a situation lcrv i o remain at their post, and like them they burn to give their country new i,, t o proofs of their heroism. According to the report of our «H ragU c, who was an tribu-1 eye witness to the affair, the admirals Am-J Villaret, Milly, and Bouvet have faith aw to fully done their duty. It appears that : San- Villaret during the adtion {hewed great army calmness and bravery, and had it not regi- been .for the cowardice of those menti efcrt. oned, instead of losing veffeli we (hould t the have taken those that were difmalled phew belonging to the English. The fate of ! that our seven veflels left on the scene of ac with tion gives us great uneafmefs, but we hope that some will yet escape, as they 0 the may refit or be taken in tow by some con- frigates left near them. Three English ' ay be ships, among whom was a three-decker, any funk during the a&ion. Fatigued as I pro- am. I am very busily employed to refit the fleet with all expedition, that they .drg 1 ) may take the sea again. xanft —— Letter from Jean bon St. AnJfe, to hi s don folleagiie Prieur, dated Brefl, June 2. ftioii Yesterday the most terrible and bloo . dy adion, thht naval annals reCofS, Was ian fought by the two fleet si The difpofi have t ' on3 were well planned and eveiy thing vrtice P a fi> v °rable ifrue; but the captain of the Jacobin threw all into; confuflon. We fotight with true Re - ( f publican bravery, and did immense mis , chief to the enemy. nand cac '' cet e 'ght at least were dismasted, but as we were to leeward un luckily, we could not save them all t j je We towed five of them, the others fell into the hands of the enemy, less thro' e CI " their bravery than through the fatality ■ lca of cifcumltances. We laved our malls urn " on board * the Motlntairi, but had 300 j: men killed and dangerously wounded, j 1 All the English ships attacked ,us in j! their, turn, and we had fix engagtd with I diffi us at one time. The admiial perfor/n- ] ex- ed hisduty perfectly; we have loft the \ < ' to brave captain Bazire ; he died fending 1 ders U p his prayers to heaven for the tii- t : umph of the Republic. t c one A number-os brave men werekillsd ; t 40 I envy their fate ; I saw several fall at g I°* m y fide and before me. The part that ( I nad in the a&ion was not equal to my r aifi wishes. The English fleet is more Crip- b le is pled than ours. ; t'e, There was no fnarfe of courage but : I in what was displayed in tiie Cornell ; it ' t was courage ; in a word the bravery of g Rome and Carthage was combined in us. • c We are endeavouring to accomplish the tl of return of our Ic ky vefTtls into Brest. p sue a ■ch Letter from Jean bon de St, Andre to I led tie committee as public fafcty, dated fs ne. j Breji, June 13. ( P*» We have accomplished your object ; 2 j"" t!u tonfequnce of the action was the' e " fafety of the convoy, we drew the eoe m7 t" the weft, and fretd that corner through which the provifioiTfleet waF ~te to pass. The letter which 1 received l a from the commander in chief of the fleet, will inform you that Vanftable te and h;s convoy have anchored fafely at. ha St. Matthew. Probably he will be the th fubjedl of conversion to day, but he is in fafety enough, and Pitt's hopes to ■ nt that the French people would be ftarv lie ed > are a !? a '" hlafled, During the winter our frigates brought us the ne ceflaries which he was fending to hisaf. bet ie J™ates in the wat, and now we have Fri fate in our ports against his will the pro- P ai vifious intended for the republic. of 1 )S It was announced tlrs day in the con- ' i- vention, that 31 millions of affignats y -were ready to be burnt, the sum in cir- fun e cnlation is 2150 millions. ble t and c Sitting of the I Sth, atfti Barrere announced, in the name of fjfc f vITT'T f PUblic hf «y> t,,at cok Vanftable s squadron, mlkad of having at d • taken seven priies as mentioned by rhei - Jean Bon St. Andre had taken ten, PO" 1 and that the frigate la Bourdeufe after cntr s of two hours had taken by 3 ; a S3 . r dinian frigate of 36 guns. The iaft r th f h„ b„, Bgk , , ht 8 „„ 5 J™ apture of fix more prizes among which In is a flnp of 500 tons. the , With the northern army, continued Sam ■ Barrere, victory is permanent. For j some time past the inveffment of Yores i an ? was commenced, the numerous garfifon f f u j made frequent falliss in which they ! ° JI I tr7- rTv P v fetl '31 last thl ' S to Ch whroh Vauban considered as its. ! had : pi rgnable couid not refill republican lcroi valour Richard and Chodieu in a let'- f , he 2 ter dated from Lisle which gave an ae a I C r omt of mid the confecuntial P Wnder of Ypres, a & and fl y V ,n r W (i Ch f holoft three """"" tne £eld of aftiwn covered with fition, h,S dead - artille ff'Pg of the Tgth lin g <' Richard in a letter of the 18th gave r , Th details of the capture of Yp,es The '7 which Ltm ?~ k lery in the place amounted ft, 100 pieces robor. ft Cannon aU the provisions Sic. fell Charl, mto our hands. General Pich-gru an which nounces, that this city held out for i, ?V° days, that , n thi. short fpacc ot time "ff thl Imiralt the army of obferration obtained thrc f vlftones ' the last of which in partkular rsthat was ve.ydecifive. The fourth battali. great on of the. department of the North it not dragged along with them fix 24 pound, menu- ers, for <5 whole miles, before the p l ace fhoul.d to complete its invcttment. A-later parted on the propofitioh of the comm. of rate of fafetyls to be written to this ba alioo of ac- expreflive ot the approbation if the at we convention of their conduCl. s they It was decreed in this fitting, that feme any captain of a (hip of war who should nglifh break his line should fiiffer death This taker, decree was adopted in coufrquenpe 0 f i as I the recommendation of St. Andre who t> refit was impelled to it, from the mifconduA : they of the captain of tht (hip Jacobin. FRANKFORT, June 28. 10 's The archduke Joseph arrived here on "*• $f and set °ff the day after for bloo- Vl£ " nu *- vVd S " 11 " 1 ifpofi. -Berlin, j u iy j. . thing His niajefty has bellowed the order t the of merit 0,1 4.7 officers for their good into j conduct at Lautern on the 23d, and ? Re-: at KerwKHer fin the 28th. On the' : mis- 3 oth "f Jan- died here Mr. Engle brecht ffiinifter 6f fihances, in the lift were 7 eai ' of his age. d un- ' — ill.— ALTdNA, July 3. s fell Letters from Holland of the 28th thro' of June fay, that Clairfait on the 24th ality was defeated not far from Bruges. [The nails Bruflells paper mentions the receipt of 300; a letter froth Ghent which mention, ided. | nothing of this adtion.J Bruges was lis in j taken by the French on the 251 th and with Ghent the 26th, th'e garrisons of those orfn- i places having evacuated them on the the j approach of the French. 19 Hano ding verians that were taken in the battle of tii- the 24th were (hot agreeably to the de 2 scree of the Convention. The French l«d; took Charleroi on the 24th and the 11 at garrison were made prisoners of war, that ■ (the letters from Bruflells of the gf i >my ' make 110 mention of this.) Prince (9- :rip- bourg has given orders to evacu its i Valenciennes, Conde, Quefnoy, „. ; but J Landrecies. The body of Emigmms 5 it that were in Ypres by means of a dif y of guise in women's or peasant's cloth ■ 1 us. ■ chiefly escaped before the fur render the the place. A rumour prevails that • I. prince of Cobourg has been woum , and general Beaulien killed. Furtl ; to Bruflells and Offend were fsjif to h; UeJ fallen into the hands of. the Fren ;; (letters however from B'rufTels of t . a6th fay nothing of this.) the oc- VIENNA-, June 25. C«i. H<-ihcnlohe On Va J ter Matter of the army in the Netli fe " lands. [V A number of troops that were Pie tended to reinforce the army at have lince received orders to march he the Netherlands. , At Turin on the nth, 42 confpir. tors were executed, rv- ' le HAGUE, June 49. , ° n the 26th there was an engagemei t between the army of the Samhre and tl e ve French at Fleurus—of which the followi of Co£rg^ fe forwardcd b J the i ' v " ' n- I „ " N ot w;thft;foding many different 1 i - ts iTu ? concurred to induce a beli that the fortreA of Charleroi was oblige-, to £? ?-° the enem y> 't was not po ■ ble to obtain certain informaticn there f, and it was deemed necefiary to rrfk ■ ; action, to prevent so important a place ; if A' 1 om be '"S abandoned to its h 1 ,I , z sth the army marched in fve 7" mni againfl the eWy. On the *<.u. y; at day break, the enemy were atta keci m y rnen- position between Lambufart, Vr - i, peymes and GofTelies, which was ftron v r L lUr ?, nC ? led ' The attack was comment ' , h y J" the columns with ardour and fiico f c c °! ir P°? s t ' )e enemy, which wt t ortified with strong redoubts—wc c " driven in. 1 In the afternoon the left wing arrived at the upper of the heights this fide 1 | t>ambre, which, although they were 1 ' Vt 7 'j l ?' l ' I' 3 '' a regular elevati* , and which were Well fortified with Arc - rcdou' t, and p!ant..d with a vast num! lot large artillery. Nevertheless the 1 u r.g endeavored by the beating of drun , Ito chinb t)fe fortifications hm the ener had an opportunity (as thefqrtrefsofCh leroi had furrendeml on the afternoon the 2 -th) of strengthening themselves with ® (the army employetl for its reduction, a.! I placed their ftrongefl force upon their right, which stood trppofed to our I''ft, !. inferior to the epemy. This superiority • ! force, the natural advantage of their fition, and the great number of their heavy artillery put them in a condition of reps' ling our attack. The troops however formed then - selves uhder the cannon of the enemy, ar tf'ould have renewed the attack with tl fame spirit a ft-i ond time, if from the ac count of all the prisoners and other cor robor. ting circunifiances the surrender o Charleroi had not been fully confirmed which del ermined the commanding Gen not to expose his troops any longer. A halt was made for the purpose of bringing off the wounded, and to give th* infaotr)