Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, August 23, 1794, Image 4

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Chipped Logwood,
.Landing at Hamilton's wharf. Apply to
John Vaugbauy
In hoglheads *nd cases of the firft quality.
_A"g. 7 d
Th ; New Castle Lottery
begins d a.Viiiir 'he xit September; l RE,
Gl iT£Hijb ! i)\ is kept at Mr. Bolfe'es-
N>.75 V »«"tn Warer Street, where Tick
et* are IV? 4ill?red it 1 4of a dollar, and
Notice feit p:r Letter the fame day they
are d awn, whether 111 auk or prizj, to any
part of" the Continent.
August 14. *diw.
THF. fubicription ior this work On the
original of Welve dollars and the
biadmg, wil be ciof'ed this on
Monday the tubfcijiption will opeu at four
teen dollars, exc!t»f:ve of theprice of bind
*l*he new maps added to this edition are
twenty one ; artidm; -vhich are those of
Nrw-Hirrtp'hire, MatTicbufetts, Conne&i
cut, H i > le-11l ind, Vermont, New York,
New Jei fey, Pjnnfylvania, Delaware, Ma
ryland, Vircri jia # Kentucky, jJorth Caro
lina, the Gjiierfe? Ofoverduient, South Ca*
rolina, and Georgia. These maps have ne
ver been given in any former system df!
Geography, and, it is hoped, would alone
be fufficient to entitle this work to a pre
ference to any other edition of Guthrie.
N B. 'the map of the United States,
which is compiling by Mr. S <tnuei Lewis,
fro m the (late maps, \rffl be far
more complete thsjn any one yet publifly d,
and be printed on two large (beets of
paper, nearly the size of the late IVJr. Mur
ray's map.
May 31 ' ...
1. ~ '
Scheme of a Lottery,
To raise 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000
Dollars, deducting l $ per Cent., front
the Prizes—this Lottery confijls of
38,000 Tickets, iti which there are
14,539 Prizes and 23,461 Blanks,
being about one and an half Blanks to
a Prize.
THE Dne&orsof th£ Society for cftabliiir
in| Olcfi/1 Mi nufa6tures, having refolv- I
ed to erect LOTTERIES for One
Ho nor ED Thousand Dollars, agreeably
loan A£t of ihe L'gtfliture State of
New-Jcriey, have appointed* trie following
perl .ns 10 superintend and direct the draw
ing of the f<tme, viz. Nicholas Low, It of,us
King, Herman Le Roy, fames Watfou,
Richard Harrifon, Abijah and
Cornelius R -y y of of Mew-York—
Thomas Willing, Joseph Ball, Matthew M < -
Cmnrl and Andrew Bayard, of the city 0}
Philadelphia—His Excellency Richard How
ell, Esq. Elias Boaiinot, General Elias Day
ton, Jam s Parker, John Bayard, Do&o r
I/'iwis Dnn'Mtn, Samud to. Stockton, Jo/hua j
"M. Wallace, J >feph Bloomlicld, and EUfha
Bond mot, of N w-Jerfeyi who offer ihe
iailowtng Scheme of a Lottery, and pledge
iheinfeives to the public, that they will tak<
every a(Tur,»nce and precaution in their pnvV: r
to, have the Monies paid by the Managers,
from time to time, a.« received, iitto the
Banks at Mew-York and Philadelphia, to
remain for the purpose of paving Priz s,
which (hall be immediately dtfeharged by a
check npon one of the Banks.
i Prize of 20,000 Dollars is 20,0645
i 10,00® j 0,000
S 5,000 i 0,000
5 21000 10,000
*° i,cpcr »o,obo
90 S°° * rt ,ooo
iod 1 06 j 0,000
3 GO 50 i 5 ,000
1000 20 20,000
2°o° 30,000
3° 0< * 12 36,000
Btoo to 61.000
1 4*539 Prisci. 262,000
23,461 Blanks. First drawn number, 2,000
Last drawn number, 2,000
38,000 Tickets at 7 Dollars eafchus 266,000
The drawing will commence, Under the
infpe&ton of a Committee of the Superin
(endants, as soon as the Tickets arc fold,' of
which timely notice wilf be given.
The Supenntendants have appointed John
N. Gumming, of Newark, Jacob R. Har
der.bejg, ol New-Brunfwick, and Jonathan
Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Managers
thereof, who have given ample fecuiity for
aifcharging the trull reposed in them.
rr In order to secure the pun&ual pay- I
ment of the Prizes, the Superintendants of
the Loftrry have dire&ed that the Managets
fWll each enter into bnnds in dollars,
with f-»ur fufficient feenriti s, to then
infhuflions, the fuMtance of which is
I. Thn whenever either of the Managers,
shall receive the fumof Three Hundrtd Dol
lars, he shall imrndiately place the fame in
orije of the Banks of New-York or Philadel
phia, to the ciedit of the Governor of the
and suCh of the Superintendants as
live in the city where the monies are placed,
to remain there noti 1 the Lottery is drawn,
for the paymnt of the Prizes.
11. The Manager* to take fufficient fe
enrity for any Tickets they may trust, other
wise to he rcfponfthJe for them.
111. To keep regular hooks of Tickets
fold, . Monies received and paid into flu.
Bank, abfhafts of which lhall be sent,
monthly, to th Governor of the Society.
Paterfon, JanuaFV 1, 1794.
On application to either of the abore gen
tlemen, information will be given where
tickets may be had.
February 24. tu&frf
The Lottery published by the
f* for eftablilhing nanufac
turcs" will commence drawing the firft |
T in Novembe r next —
Treasury Department,
Revenue Office, Aug. 20, 1794.
Notice is hereby given, that
Will b»c teceived at the OHice of the Cijti
m fli >ntT of the Revenue util *he expi
ration of the Sift day of Oft ber n.xt, fur
rhe of a.l Ration*, whicn may be
required for (he ufc ot the United States,'rom
the si ft day of January to tile thirty-lir»t day
of December 1795* including both day>,
•he places, and within the d'lttntts heretnif
ter mentioned, viz.
1. At any place or places between York
*nd CarlifLyin the State of Pennl'yivania, and
Putfburgb, and at Putfba*gh, Yoik, and
. 2. At any place or places from PitHb jrgh
to the mouih of Big Beaver Cretk, atw at the
; mou hof big Beaver Creek.
3. At any place or places from the said
mouth to the upper falls of the lud Big
Beaver, and at the upper falls.
4. At any place or placei from the said up
per falls to M'honing, and at Mahoning.
.5. At any plAce or places from the said '
Mahouing, over to the H< ad Navigation of ,
tle rivi l r CayahOga t aud at the kid Head '
Navigation. I
6. Ai any place or places from the said
Head Navigation to the mouth of the f«id
river Cayahog*, and at the said mouth.
7. At any place or places uctw en the
mouth of the Big fleaver Creek, to the mouth
of the rivfer Mufkingum, and np the said river
to the Tufcarowas, and at the Tufcayowas,
and thence over to the Cayahog.i riveri aud
thencc down ilie said river to its mouth.
8. At any place or places bctweeu the
mouth of the river Mulkingum and the mouth
of the Scioto river, aud at the mouth or the
said river Scioto*
9. A' any place or places between the
mouth of Scioto river and the mouth of the
Great Miami, at the mouth df the Great Mi-,-
anri, and from thcnce to the Rapids on the
falls of the Ohio, and at the fa id rapids.
10. At any place or pUces between the
mouih of thfe Great Miami, upon the said
Miami, to ahd at Pique Town.
ii At any place or place> ft om Fort W«(h-
Ington to Fott Hamilton, and at fort Ha.nt!
ton. At any place or places from Fort FI ~
milton to Fort St. Clair, and at Fori St.'Cliir.
12. At any plaee or places from fort st.
Clair to Fort Jcflvrfon, and at Foit Jt^fferfou
13. A; any pi ce or places from Fflit Jet
ferlon to F'ou Recovery the field of action
of the 4h of Movtmber 1791, and at the
said field of a^lion.
14. At any place or places fom the said
field of adion to the. Miami Villages, and
at the Miami Villages.
15. At iny piace or placcs from the said
M'anii Villages to the fills of toe Mmin
r fer, vv licli flow inio L ke Erie, and a
the said falls, and from thence, <0 i s mouth,
and at its mouth.
16. At any place or plaees frontthe mouth
-»f Ihe said Miami river of .ke Erie to Sa'n
du/ky L-ike, and at Sandusky Lake.
17. At any place Or places from the said
Smd.ilky Lake, to the mouth of the rivci
iS. At anv place or places from the month
of the said river Cayahoga to Fietque isle
ari'd at Prcfijue IHe.
««> At any place or placti from the Ptvtque
! lfl - to the stream into Lake Erie
j from towards the 8c thtucc
over to and .It t he said Jadaghque Lake, and
thence down the Alleghany river to Fort
I>. At any.placc or place, from Preface
Idc to Le Ba:uf, and ai Le
ai. Ai any pKice or pl.iccs fiom Le B<*ul ,
toFort Frank: n, and at fort, and
from thencc to PitttKirgh.
sa. Ai any pl« c c or places fiom the ripids
0 the Ohio 10 the mouth of the OnaMche (
liver, & from thr rtioythofthe f ir d Oiabache
n»< r to the motith o! the river Ohio.
23. At any place or places On thr East fide
of ihe rtver Miflifupi, f rom t h c m -ttth ol i
Onto river, to the mouth of the Illinois I
a 4. At any place or places from the mouth ,
o. the fa.o Oujbache river Op to Tort Knox, i
and at Fort Knox.
■> 5 . Ai any place or places from Fort K no*
up,ne said Ouabache to Ouitianot., and at ,
26. At aSy place or places from Ouiitanonv '
up ihe said Ouabache to ilie head navigation
01 a branch thereof, called Little River, arid !
at the said head navigation of liittle River.
2). At any place or places from the said 1
head navigation o( Little River over to the
Miami Village. I
28. Ac any place or placfi from tMe mouth '
0 ihe river Tcneiree to Occoch ipnoor Bear
t-reek, on the said river, including the fame. 1
29. At any place or places frrrifr the irtoiiih 1
ot the nvei Cumberland to Stafhville.'on the I
said river, and at Nalhville. 1
go. And At any place or place, within
thirty m.les of said Nashville to the Souih- <
ward, v eft\rard or Northward thereof. (
•Should any rations he required pla. <
Cfl/or Within other diftrifts, not fpenfied in 1
1 iefe propolalj, the price of the fame is to be
hereafter agreed on between the United States «
and the contractor.
The rations to be fuppiied are to confill of
tne following articles, viz. I
One pound of bread or flour, <
One pound ol befef, or j of a pound of poi k,
Onequzrt of fait. *\ 1
Two quarti of vinegar,( t
Two pounds ot soap, fP" * 00 ral ' on ». ,
One pound of candle,) I
The rations *re to be fnrifiAed in such c
quantities, as that there shall at all times. .
during the said term, be fufficient for the 1
Lonfumption of the troops at each of the f
said poifcs, for the term of at least three 1
months in advance,in goodand wholefmne }
provifionn, if the fame (Kail be required. 3
It is to be understood in each cafe, that c
all JofTes sustained by the depredations of r
he enemy, or bv means of the troops of the
United States, shall be paid for at the prices
of the articles captured or destroyed, or, a
the depofitVons of two or more perfotrs
ofcred'table charatfters, and tlie certificate f
o' a commissioned officer, ascertaining the
ci cumftances of the loss, and the amount * ?
of the articles for which compensation shall f
be claimed. t
The for the above supplies will
be made either fbr one year, or for t\s o
years, as may appear eligible. Person*
Hifpoedto contrast will therefore confine!
PHILADELPHIA Printer bv JOHN FENNO No im r u . " o '
i--L- 119, Chesnwt Street—Price Six Dbslarj Pt.r 'Astsum,
their off* r* to one year, as they may form
tiieir p. opbfjtons lb a? to admit an elc&ion
of the term H two years.
T e offer* may compriTe all the plates
2/ have been (pecified, or a part oi
'• hem only. . ,
It is also Deftred,
| tint pivpoTals :nay bs olftied 'or Itipplyinp;
•„ r " at the two ports of Fort Waftingtmi and
i, c P ttfbu'gh all the rations neceifai y for the
IfTI rilain A' its detachments aiid the Gar
4. , ifVu alvive mentioned during the laid y-jav
U 1795- 1 lie provisions fee. whicn will be
if- received** I'lttfanrgh will lie tiwfc wli.cli
' Suil be neceifary tor the troops at that
*|«ce and at ihe pnfts north, north-well
J d and, in the vicinity, on the weft thereof.
I£ l The provisions which will be reieived at
Fort WaQiiiigt-ori will be those winch
tll (hall be rsqmicd for the remainder of lis
i lc polis,for the principal detachments arid for
the main £nnv. The espenie and Irouhie
j(j of" fafe keeping unpacking and Ufuing the
,g provifmits deliverable under ttiis fecontl
form of the prcrolitiohs, w'tll '"e favrd to
p. the Conraelors. The ex»t't nrop.irt on of
{ the whole supplies, which Will lie r qui-red
id I at each of the two Polls of Fort Wai)ii.figa
of ton and PittPjurgh will be determined .it
id the time of executing tile toiltr.U'V.
Aug. 21 taWttO
d .
Money to be Lent,
'? On Mortgage of
s * Within \he City and Libert es of Philadel
phia Apply t«>
, e Nicholas Diebl, jure.
h Attorney at Law.
Ie No. 19, foil lh Fourth Jlrcet.
Aug. \ mw&ftf
the following r
Tracts of Land*
in Virginia,
ONF tra&in Freder tk county rcontjin
ing 8:56 .icres, bslig part of that WIK-rmn
ii col. I'nomas Bryan Martin now reiules,
1 knnwi! liv the name of Oreenway ecu t,
1 bout 12 mtlesffom W'ncltfft rani) j; riMn
e Newtown. For the conve ienre of pu'
ichal'ersj it will be divided into parcels of
I various tlinrenfions fmrn 100 to 600 apie°,
' ..v 'licit nt ty be'viewed-l)v implication to coi
R'. IT. -leule, li-.-rrig n-at" the premifes-*-
1 ft' ; part is very fertile and- well
1 timbered.
Another tiact in the fame county or
' ; Pillage creek, containing 23 3 acres, and
:adjnining Jacob Levi igiiods.
' Aiorh. r tIM& in H-mi ifhire county, con
taining by patent, 699 acres, called Slim
Boftom, situate on both fides ol the Sooth
Branch and within rwo miles of the mouth
of it, and is fuppoled to have a good mill
1 Another tract in Hampftiire county 011
New Creek and Kettlt-Lick , Containing
J3i acres.
AnothertiaQ in Prince William bounty,
called Leefylvanin, containing upwards of
iioo acres, tyitigupon Pdtontack river, a
b"ut miles below Alexandria, a.- dlB
below the City of Waftfington, compre
hending Freestone Point, which appears to
be a (Jiiarry of t'rre-ftonf, covering about
50 acres and adjoins the river, where vef-
I'els of ioo tons Conveniently harbour. On
attotherpartofrhis tract it isfuppofed there
is a ffuarty of ll<tej convenient to water
carnage. Upwards of two thirds are in
woods.' Mr. Enochs. Lane, living on the
premises, will (hew this trass.
Another traftj' in Fairfax county, called
Sprtngfielil, containing 20.p i-l acres, a*
bout tg utiles from Alexandria and loirom
Wafliington j abnunds with fine springs and
meadow ground, and may be seen by apply.
Ing to Mr. Jo'hn Wood, living on part of
AnothertraiT; in Fairfax county, con
taining 392 acre«, 011 Tu>{iey-cock Kun, a
bout 6 miles from Alexandria.
Another trafl in Jairfax contain
ing about 176 acres, adjoining Mr. J. Wat
foil's feat, about four miles from Alexan
Another tract, in Fairfax coanty, con.
tainingsi3 acres, near Occotjuan, joining
Mr. fjdward Walhingion's.
Another tract-, in Fairfax cotrntv, con
taining 80 acres or thereabout, within a
mile of Pohick Landing, and within fire
miles Of Mount Vernon, lies level, and is
We" timbered.
All undivided moiety in another tract,
containing about 584 aeres, in Fairfax
county, about j miles from Waltiington, fc
9 from Alexandria, where J Robinson for
merly lived.
Another partel of land, Within a mile
of Aiesandria, containing about 24 acres,- 1
and to be fold in acre or lots. J
Also, sundry unimproved lots of variou .
sizes, in dliTerent parts of the town of Al- 1
txandria. 1
Todefcribe tTie premises irtwre partita- 1
larly is deemtil Onneceljary, aj it is expec '
ttcf every perlbn Will examine and view
whatever part he shall be inclined to buy. I
My only objeiS bei.t» to raise a certain sum
ofmonev, by felling so many or such parts 1
of Iheaforefaid tra«s of land and lots as
sHall be neceflary for that purpofc, one frftlf
of the purchase money nvuft be paid at tlie
tiirte of contract, and the other within a
jreartfrom the firft day of Augnll next, and
at the time of delivering pofFeffion or ext. '
cut '"S 3 legal conveyance The lands re.
maming unfold, except the troft in Piirce
William, after railing a limited sum, svill
be divided in-to tenements, and leafed for
a t -rmqf yeais. From the izthday of Oc.
trrbemext, till the of Oecembr, I
(hall be in the city of Richmond, and after
that time I (hall remain at home, in Alex
nT n'u' Bt which P'acesv or elsewhere, I
lhall be prepared to detail particulars, and
to enter into coniradts. f
Alexandria, Jfuly 28 (
' A "g' B lawtow p
" German PalTengers.
ji Healthy Young Pajfe tigers,
J|uU hi iti? Sh ;; Hulia. d, Capißm
h R a am 'in,
„ From Amsterdam,
d now at anchor opp line Vmc-S rcct ; whose
e timet ari* to be greed lor by applying on
ojrd, or to
r Pragers, & Co.
Aneuft 20. diw.
11 . l
11 One hundred dollars
• Reward.
' .Vere de^iveredinthe
M >nrh of laU, from the Stores of
the Subscribe s, Two Chelis and nine Half
" e Chests oi* Bbhea Tea, markt>d, numbered
c j and weighing, as under, to ft>me person or
tjerfonj With pretended orders from Mr
ISrA.'VG butwhich
I e did not receive ; whoever will give in
foiinacioiifi> that adifcovtry may be made?,
t Who got the said fliall leccive tbc
Vo >ve reward ; and it isrequefted that the
Dwellers in the Article wiil he careful in
examining the Mark - and Numbers of the
' , jJhelts that have through their hamis
fincc the period above Hi en lionet, and give
t edeiired infortnarion.
Nev/-Yoik, f? ft, 1 Tf)4-
William and 'Jama Con/table.
Ship Wafiington,
C. q. lb. Taf?
„ C No, .327 3 2 10 60 } Whole
' ( 473 31 24 64 J Chells
Wf 17? 13 12 39
' B. 177 r 2 43 (39
*98 13 7 41
ai3 1 3 18 3.7 Half
127 1i 1 40 Chests.
287 139 38
301 1 3 1; 40
379 1 3 18 41
am 1 3 14 39 J
Aug. 6 dim
One thousand Dollars
Some U CoiintcrfVit f« ft N -tes ctf the
Bar k, of Maryland, having been lncly diTro
ver.-n in rnculJtirtn, ;inff on he Tame
wCic found to corn-e ftorn the 61< k parts © r
Virginia, whrre they probably frrH tflWd ; o
avoid imposition ii i3ihou>;hr wteiTaty o
the dclcriplton of them, by
which they may nadily be d.
They have letter E). for»heo alphabet!
cal at tht: }rh han<l iide n( thtr JiJate.
The paper on which they arre prtjited is
more Toft and tenrier, the strokes of the letters,
•nthe engraving are in reneral frronger. and
have a darker appearance than in the bills.
The fignatnre William Patterfon, is badly
done, the strokes of the letter.*, are rtiff and
labored, and appear to be painted oVer wifii
the pen, as well ai ihe flonrifhingaf the name
The Vilue is lc,ft biank in ti»e eugraving, to
be filled up in writing, To the sum may br
more 01 rcls at pleafurei
No true p' lt-Notes rrf rhe alphabetical
mark, above dcfcribed, have been lately if
hied, and very few'a re now m ciiculation.
The above »eward of One Thousand dol
lars will be paid to any pe»f>n, or per Tons,
wheftrall discover, or proiecute to conviction,
U»e several offenders, or any them, of ihe
following defcripjion, viz.
The per Ton or per Tons, who engraved the
The printer, or p? inters of the slid bills.
Every person who has a£ted as pitncipalin
anyway i t n the countertcuing and uttenfi
he fatd bills. •
WILLIAM frefident.
of (he Bank of Maryland.
In the House of Reprcfcntetivis,
WDec EMB> R 2lft, 1753.
HER EAS the Commifltotters ot pub
lic Accounts,have re no 1 ted j'that they
cannot proceed to the in.eftigation of the
Treasury Accounts, fp.cial In
dents, without know ingihe out ft and ing a
mount thereof in circulation .Therefore,
R'jvl'Jtd, That all holders of fpccial In- 1
oenrs be dir and recjuireo, on or before
the fir ft day of November n- Jft,f to deliver the !
Ipecial iri iheir pofTeffiow to one Or
other of the CommifltonerS tire Treaf.ury,
who are to receipts for the fame, and to '
report to the Commiflioncrs on public ac- '
conm|)tfn m - before thetenth day of Nov
ember next, the .'mount bv theis refpeftive
ly received, and also to the Legislature, at
their meeting in November ne*t. and that
all fpccial indituu not rendered into the (
Treasury as above, on or before ihe firfl day
of November ncXr, shall be, and the fame (
are hereby barred. f
Rrfv/t'tdi That ptfHic norice of rfti-s refolu
t'oti be given in fhfi feverai Gazettes in thns 1
vjtatc, once every three wecki, until ttoe firft t
day of November next. And ihat the Dele
gates of this State in the CoflifeVeff of ttie tn- r
ted States, be toca%rfe this reto-lu
«ion to be pubhfbod in ont or more papers 1
'nthe cities of Philadelphia New-York, t
and that proVifin» will be made U>rihe ex- ,
perrces attending foch publication.
Ofdcrtd, That the Tefoliititm fee firm to j
the Senate for their concurrence.
&V ordernf the Hoofe,
In the SENATE,
December 2111, 179#. j,
fitftrford. That thi> Honfe do <contur with
tht Houle oi Reprefcwtatives in the iorego
'ng resolutions.
Ordered, That the retaliations "be sent to |
i he iioufe of Reprefeiftatires.
by order of the Senate,
ewt TV- £
- - n . -_ . L .
The Ga z e t T t. of the Unit.e» a
States h notv Jrulli/hed cp No. 119 3
Ch fsnut st*,6et—tt>l <wkkh plan tin
OFI" ICF. of the Editor is removed, mid
where Pointing Wokk in general it
Choice St. Croix
jus'i' imported
And f Qr Sale~ ' '
. a quantity of R USSIA v,
June 24th. ,A Watts,
— I
At the STORES of
Jefle & Robert Wain
- P°HT WINE in pipes, iuj'
ter calks w S»a»
j USBOK d°.i n pipes and quttrur
Souchong and Congo TEAS i„ * A '
chests '
Sn? f Tn ty ,° f Lifbo " a " d C 5 <i 2S/U ~
Soft ihelled ALMONDS in bji., f
. Velvet CORKS,
I Huffia MATTS.
1 June 9
r ' d
1 he Public are cautioned to
bey art of counterfeited Five L,r ■
: Of the Bank of the United han -j
. Twenty Dollar Bills „f ,k t
, ■dmenct!, frvtral of which hnv,
.in Circulation within a few dap '! u
, are good general itnttaticr. J"*J
mark s.
F"»e Dollar Beth of the £ ent o/lh
United Statej.
ALL thai have appeared have
F. for their Alphabetical
n.e,Texture o}'tie Paper ix thicker uiJ
v ' '-"id it takvrs t(ie ink 1 ( ,r\,l?.
® rhan the ' *
J , Ih ® lhe Cotttpot vil (Wt'fr
than the ?.l.and other lettcin,; ii„ f ,
lo that a line extended from ,|, e
(), to touch Hie tup of the M- voulilc*' Uf J
Mnfi<W»bJy abovT the rat, £e uii(j(e
In't!u- word United the ftttars iti ,
the V bi r n a " d t°geth« thitn th* „j\ 0(
,n ;ri^ 1 ( u, ! heword mow
(rfttfti liM( ,„ r# J
than tIK t.
The engraving h badly f v ffu;((|
J arokes ol a.lthe l eltert
tl}e <fc». «.«t W „, ar< i l , par{itu!ar!y isjijit'
I coaifer and appears darker than in |E|r W
o.HV. the .counterfeits brar date in
c.o„ till Det ember, no five tfollar billl
tveue mired m-jHat year.
t<iuehty Dollar Hills of the Sank of North
ALL that hive appeared (nve ilie tet'tr
B 'or their alphabetical mark,
They are printed on a pajter riegrtyfimi.
lai to that of tftp counterfeit .!■ •,s Oo lar
Notes above described j thet,«
brtter executed, and they approacli
to tire appearar.ct of tl.egci.uiiteWi!*
1 he fine ruled lines through ill? v. .
in the body of Ihe bill, are ;' viau
be.r th rteen in the genuine bill's, and /.'tit
twelve in the rOll nKJIVits.
TbtWofd CoMp(M\ is much like t!ie f'tlte
word in the Five Dollar fc.lis as tfeftfiW
above, the 0 being less than tlif a, «rj a«
tlieis following.
There is no stroke to the f inthc wntt)
North whereas in the genuinebilll tteftnilw
is w6ll defined.
The letters rut in the word Tvertfr, M
the left hand at the bottom, do Mri fviiie
(Uiwn to the line, but ate fotUUSffl
an frrejjnlar appearance to the tk«
Tw and 1 he_y going below
The figiiattire | 'be
ance of bring written with I<fflh.ltlnk Ifc!
oil, and differ* irom other ftikj uffrf in
printing th bills and the calhitt'j ligna
It rs fuppnfed these forgnies wtte
ted in fotnr of the Southern Sia««, at ill lll«
eouoterfeiti that ha*e appcjret+i
from thence, and two perfoiis hw( luf»
prenended in Vnginia,on Fufpfeioil of NtPJ
the author of rhtin.
The reward of ONE TfWV&ASD Ml'
LARS ,wi|J be pa'd to*n)[ tfffiott of Ptrh'M
who 'hall d»fc»<er and ptf>Uctrte if COMK*
rion the feverai otfendfrs of iJrf /ollow'Bg
»r any of them f vtf,
Tbe person or pi-rfonff Wk# fllifwft&w
ed the paper on vrhifcb the Btihtte
The person or per fens, who
, The printer or printers, of thf ,
Every pcrfon who has 88*4 at 3 f r,w, P*j
>n any other way, in the
uttering the fakl bilfs,
Philadelphia, March *794
April it) 1794*
Other counterfeit bills
of the Bark ol the United S fates have if
P«aredin circulation.
Tlie denomination in of twenty
DOLLARS, aud the alphait w
1 the letter B.
They may be rfifimguiSiei! fr"W ike {«'
nuine by the following MARK#;
Tlfe paper if tint cnwnttifeits ii® '
more tender texture jurf gloffey ftrtice
than the and there is n® w3ltf
; mailt in them.
The letter C. m the vmA
: he ftie bills is flrorgly sirartcid, tit ">
in tlx counterfeits, the whole (ett" "J
fine hair flroke, evidently in an
stare. Thelettera in the wo'd d'tw"'
is Iradly formed and the whole voldi'l ' 1 '""
' anil there is no cofttma at fitsftid ol 'It a '
tire re is iu the gerrn'rrwtHlfc ,
The marginal device, is ntoch
io the fa lie, than in the geneSrte bills"*'
ittg to the (hade strokes being emife'i n " u
nearer together, /ird •"I
more ntimeron';. Thi»■dißerrrrrcftrlt*'' *
eye atfiril view. ...
The feme reward.of OM£ THf>W* iu
DOLLARS, will be paid !'o a ft' el*" I »"■'[
kr pr«ifecuting to t> ? * '
above described Offenders in refpc" tot 1 }
as to the Ja-ftdefi mberf-bills. ,
of the B-nk rni'rd
Bank ol North An,,
By order of the Committees ot IK
ne&'wc Boards. i