Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, August 07, 1794, Image 1

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[No. 48 of Vol. Vl.].
Department of State,
July 31, 1794.
IS hereby given, That tfie Documents,
v},ich have beeo sorts aided to thisDep.iVt
nev'f, refp sting tfie tfotrvpenfttion, clniitr
ed from tbf Reliigtftem Nations in Burcpt,
for the injuries $o flit Commerce of' the
United Sttes, arc committed to the care
of the Mini iters rhaienf residing in tlie fo
reign Countries concerned. That all pfti
(ons iiiWrefted jtvay know, Whether their
papers have come to hand, a lift of the
cases, which hive been received, \Vill be
sent as i'oon as tliay can he primed to the
different Co'le&ors, and to tlie
ters in the principal Towns df each Stat«
The Printers in the fe»ersl States are
req'iefted to republilk the above.
A French Family,
WOULD Willi to br entrusted with the
cans of a txitM, about tte cisy dl'Pfcila
delphiaor Trentm, rtiMer fflfch cafmpc'nfii
tions as nnv be a'greerl upon by appNiiro at
Mr. OSMONT's, No. H7j north" Secund
Alii!. 4
Money to be Lent,
#!i of.
Witliirt the City a id tffcrt-ds of
rfr*. Apto r v in
Nicholas Die hi, jun.
Attorney at Law.
Ifo. ig, foiilh Fourth Jtrccl.
AH$. 4
Bank of the United States,
July ythj 1794.
NOTICE is hereby given, that here
will be paid at the Bank after ti>e fi*renth
Mutant, to the Stockholders or ther repre
sentatives dulj authotifed, fix tee 11 Dollar?
for each being til dividend declared
i'oHW hit frx utorrths,
By order of' the Prefidfcnt and Directors
JOHN K.EAN, Caftiiar.
A LARGS body it LAND on this river
aiidits is now for faie to Settins (Hi
t\j ort rtloderate terms,and at a loilg credit.
The foil is remarkaUv fertile* And nu
merous ft ream* of watt rare intcrlperfed
tii-ough tfte \Vhole country.
Tfte mam liver flows fhhdugfi dnfe ilraft
of ahbut thiWy>h<>tifattd acres* diid is with
tto erttreptinfi 0# one obftrtj&imij' naviga
ble to the Snfquehamtah%
Spring Brook which witti its
waiters another tr'aft of about
forty tttodflhitf itt'c* ot" good Laud, emp
ties itfelf nto the Lachawannock, about
twelve mifei from the Suftjuchannati.
It affoVdi numerous Mill feats, & in its
C'iurfe creates large bodies of well Water
ed meadow ground-
The other traftsare intetffc&edby CVfcaks
of confiderabte importance.
eral Mills are a) read? erected for the
f inodation of the settlers.
i ds are cut in dffierent riire&ions, to
this fnoft convenient riiarkets.
county Is not more than 12
n it Ha lit IroiA many parts oi ttoc fef
tie ,t.
SuCqtiehannah affords an easy and
ligation to Midtileton, from whence
f ual t» Sfcfluyftci'U extends the torn
rati utojt td tlte clt*.
hernreaufcof connexion with Phi
1-■'» ia, is by the Delaware, from which
the c ance in several places is aboutthirty
ailei. #
T proprietors Itoftlbifrittg tfitrirown 111
tf r -: rith thn-t of t?he inhabit Ant «&, are drf
pofe rt Works at* ppWk '-totiiity*6pen
u«kh' Src. and in every en miles square, a
rr 'one hood red acres is allotted for a
S' l and one hundred acres for thefirft
' clergyritan of any deiidrtiination of
r; vns.
'«f i"tfrtHer particulars *pply tn
George Eddy.
i> *B3rre, Luzerne County,
PenrtfyWioiß, jufy <).
LjttiisdiintSed tn George Eddy, at Phi
li-.W ;hla, or io TKomai Eddy,
rttfe* iMt, rVrattVs totHii «Ufn.e(fs,w ll
homas dobson,
£ 'c'tples and Observations
atplieb to the
it and Pearl AJhes.
, y david townsend,
or of Pot and PeaH-Afhes for the
ttmonwealth of MalTachufetts.
ifaed according to Aft of Congress.
e Nervations relate to an extensive
* > and are deligned, in the plainest
t0 cr, nvey profitable information
- mterefttd in it, who have riot Leif
'pportunity to search for the princi
ci mained, tn the writings of
* "ml Chtmifts.
' , 4
For Hamburg,
C.iPTwiN Loh-kll, Having.'great part
of her cargo un board, will fall in a
few days. Freight will be taken if ap
plied for immediately, for which as will
ats for paflage, apply to
Andrews Be Meredith,
At IVilting's Wharf.
August 8,
Wanted to Charter,
£3zL Three VeJJtls,
a^out 100 to 110 toils
Louis u/monti
dt w.
No. 11",y north Sccohd ftreat)
Who has for fide,
Glass Ware and Bottles,
A fetv ticrccs of
Hams and Butter in firkins
Aug. 4 <1
For Sale,
A Stoat Ship,
| Arfotft si* yetffs did, btiitt of tll6 befi
'■ fcdfdH&tftftti.irOik) butt b.-jfted
a'nd fVetfthed last fall, is 62 ftfet keel, 24
terf 2 inches beam, 11 feet 4 inches hold>4
, fecr 8 inches between d< ckc, and fijppoffd
ro carry from 2400 to 2003 barrels. She
Tf(v be ferit to sea at a flna!h*penc4> Ap
Wharton fcf Letvis.
Aug. 4
tmeixxai Jolih Thomplbn, mafte'r.
KURi WEN about 2,50 ion ~ a »ciy !ub-
I ftantial fl»ip, built at' live oik and ccdar,pf
in eaCy draught nf water, fails reniaik
*bly fail, and Has very excellent accommo.
ditirins t'rtr paiTsngers; to (iil the ifiift wec'Jt
in Asjpiff, and is intended t» return imme
diately to Philadelphia.
For paflajjeonly apply to Capt. Thompfbn
on Uiai'd, At Mirfr:. WarderS Co s <vharfj
July 2£
For Sale or Charter^
I s aac Sj/lve/ietf ntajier
NOW lying at 3 ' above
Market (i>eet, burthen a hour 2 £00 bar
rislsj is a good ftrongtfeftef, and will be rea
dy to reteive a cargo in a days.
F6r terms apply to the Captain on board
JVater Jireet, No. 7, foul A*
7t'i mo a J
John Paden, Matter.
SAILS fact, and will be ready to take ih
a cargo in a few days.
For terms apply to
who has voi salp,
Madeira and. Sherry WINE.
Fit for immediate use,
Pert and Pale Jesuits BARk,
White LEAD ground in oilk
July A
ijj&Jfe, For Sale,
Burthen about 700 barrels, in -complete
order to receive a cargo, and may be feut
to sea at a /mall expence.
Apply to
Wharton & Greeves,
Who have remaining on hand,
A fetu Pipes of
Old Madeira Wine,
And a few quarter Casks of SHERRY,
fit for immediate use.
GIN in Cases.
COFFEE in Bags and Barrels.
SUGAR in Hhds.
CORKS in Bales,
Ruifia MATTS, and Eighty two
hhds. prime Virginia TOBAC
July 3D.
sday, August 7, 1794.
John Map.
Joseph Striis,
Medical Books.
By Thomas Dob/on, at the Stone House
No. 41, south Serb d flreet,
VOL. 11.
Medical Inquiries
ProWlToi of the lulluulcs ot Medicine, and
of ClmiSai Pra&ice in the Uliivcr
fityof Pcnnfylvania.
I. An inquiry into the influence of physical
caufeiupon the moral faculty.
21 Aainqiriiy info the »ffefU of fpiritous li
quors upon the human body, and their in
fluence upjoii the happiness of society.
3 An inquiry irtto the caufej and cure of the
pD'm-onaty confurtaption.
4- Observationsoo the fjmptumi and cure of
5- An Inquiry into the caufesand the cureol
irurrnul dropfyof the brain.
6. An atcnuwt of the meaflci, as tbry ap.
pi arrd in Philadelphia, in the year 1789.
7. An account ot the influenza, as it appear
ed in Philadelphia. i„ iDi years 1789,1790,
atid 1791.
8. An inquiry int« the tJufes o< the intreafe
ot blliuusand reimittiug fevers, in Penn
g, An ujquiry into the caufetar.d cureof lore
rt g»-
«o. An snn*m ot the #«tc of thr k«rfy and'
tfciiwiin old w>th ObfeivatioDa upon
ilk diUafi s and their remedies.
Price otic doftir arid a quarter uhbotind, or
ofre dollar and a ftalf neatly bemud.
Medical Tranfadtions
College of Phylieians of Philadelphia.
V O t. I.—r A R T 1.
Pi ice one ddllii in hNards.
A Tr&jtife on the Diseases of
With general directions for the management
oi Infants From the birth, adapted for
Ineufe'oif phvfic'ans and pt ivaie families.
By Michael Underwood, M. 1).
Lifcl.llti.ue ol Midwifety in (he Royal CttU
lege ot Phyfici&ns in Lttrntlon, and
Phvhcian of the Bn'tifh
L y i n g- i n- H of pi 131.
Price one tJolta'ri
This Js acknowledged to be the Ueft booj
which has been published on the fubjefl, anc
is calculated for the use of parents, nnrfes,
and private families, as well as for phvfiCtyns
—The two volumes handsomely printed in
oiie, arid the price only about one tbird ol
what iht imported copies fell for.
The Edinburgh New Difpenfatoryj iwo
System of Surgery, extra&ed ffom the
works of Benjamin Bell, by Bh IVateiS, 2
dols. £0 cents.
SyHer-n of Anatomy, extracted from the
Encyclopaedia, with 1 2 copperplate.*, 2 dols.
System of Ghemiftry, extrafled from the
Encyclopaedia, exhibiting a view at thepio
g'efs of the fcioncee, and the different iyftems
which have been f übiifhed, 2 dols. 50 cents.
Biown's Elements of Medicine, 2 dols.
67 cents.
T. Dobfon has in tkz Pre/s>
An edition o! the Medical ami Philofbphi
cal Commentaries of Edinburgh. Two vol
umes are pnnted in one at e dollars and $©
cents per volume j he has nearly fji.ifhtd the
five fii ft volumes. which contain the fifft ten
volumes of tfre European edition, which foJI
lor 1 wo dollar^each. Nine volumes will in
clude eighteen feuiop.-an volume!., which
w ill bnog the publication up to the prcfest
Like<wife for fak a cqnfiderable number of
Mt'dictil Books, viz.
Culfen's Pra£Uce, Materia Medica, l*hyfi
ology, and Synopfts. BeH*sSttrgery, 6 vols,
or 4 vols, do. on Ulcers, Buchan's Doroeftic ,
Medicine, Ledran'a Surgery, Chefeldep's A
n£Comy, Hunter On the Vetietfcal, Swedeea
ver on do. Rollo oh Weft India Diseases {<
Rigby on Uterine Hemonhage, Hamilton's
outlines of the theory and pra&ice of Mid
wifery, with or without places; do. on the
management of Female complaints. Meaffc
on Hydrophobia, <Stc. &c.
The Ground Plan
or f»s
City and Suburbs
•i-jti»» mil ivjtrsf.
IT is with pleasure that tire publisher has
foinform hu ftibfcribert and the public in
general, that the plate is now under the
hands of theCngraver, and in greater for
wardnfs than was at firft contemplated. At
the fame time he begs leave to remind
them, that subscription papers areftill o
pen at mod of the noted boek-ftores in the
city ; and that he hopes from the whole
of them to be enabled to form fiich a ref
peftable catalogue of names, as will do a
credit to the work, as well as afford a
reasonable eircobr3g«ni*m to tlis uhci-er
Those who aredrfirous of farther infor
mation are requested to call on
Benjamin Vdvies,
No. 68, Market street.
April 14. m&thtf
Choice St. Croix Sugar,
And Jut Sale,
A'fo a quantity of RUSSIA Matts.
June 24th. rf.
Nanktens of Superior Quality,
Long and short pieces
Lonp and ftiort black fattins,
Black Taffet es, and Senftiatasj
Blftck and coloured I ndia sewing Silk,
Ornamental jars and beakers*
Ami a few long lets of" Tea China.
Coloured Sattins, Lujirings, atid
T 0 B I N E S,
No, 40, north Fifth Street.
J ui J 7 mw&ftf
War Department j
Avgujl I, 1794,
Information is hereby given
to all the military Invalids oi the United
Statesj thrtt the funis to which they are en
titled for their amiual which will
becofiie dueon the fifth day of September
'7% will be paid on (he said da>£ by the
CoiniMifliojiers of Loans within the States
refpe£tively, under the i)fua) regulations .
Applications of* Executors cr Admiirif
trators muftbe afccompaU ed with legal e
vidences of their refpedive office-, and
a]To of the time of the dcceafe ot fueli in
valids whose penfiohs they may claim.
By command of the Piefdent of th« U
mted States,
Secretary )at fVar.
The Printers in the levital States
are requ. fled topigblifh th.' above in their
newfpapns lor thefpace of two months
. 6 dim
JuJl Pubitjhed,
Jacob Johnson & Coi
No, 147, MarketJtrevt,
American Revolution
Writt 11 in the ftyli of ancient hiftorj,iit
two vols, price \Of.
•ttif It a] ian Nun, translated from the
French of J. J. Uottffeau, price 4/8
Moore's Journal in France, in two vol.
price i gf
Fruits of Solitude, in refleftionj and
maxiiisj relating to the conduit ofHuinau
Life, byWillisth Ptnn, Price 4f3.
Senecca's Morals, price 7jb.
fi"diley's Efops Fables, in German, with
cuts, price 4/8.
Aug. 6
French Revolution.
( Price two Dollars.)
No. 118, MarketJireet,
From its Commencement to the exe-
cutjon of the Queen and
the Deputies of the
Gironde Party
ExtraSfrom the Preface
•* The authors have presumed to afH?c to
their title, the epithet impartial j and the
reason is, because they cannot charge theth
felvfcs With feeling the smallest bias to any
pitrty but to that of truth and liberty ; and
they flatter themtfclves, that their readers
wrH find not orrly every eirciimftance fairly
presented, btit every censurable action,
whoever were the authors or actors ( mark
ed in its prof>er Colours. Jf it was necefla
ry to make a declaration of their own
principles, they Would fay, they arc neither
tory nor republican—they lot'e liberty as
Engtrfh whigs, and execrate every criminal
aft by which so noble a cause is endangered
nd disgraced.
"111 the jtrefent ferment of the public
mind, they cannot flatter themselves with
the hope of feeing tills Claim universally
acknowledged. On the contrary, they are
well ajfurtil that theft pages thrill not be accepta
ble to 'he zealots oj either part). But when
time (hall have dissipated the clouds of poli
tical deception) and appeefed the tumuf
of the pa/fions, they will withfouie confi
dence expect that verdict from ptibl f opini
on, which andour and mo(teidtion fel
domfail to receive."
Extrad from the Critical Review, June 1794.
12 Page.
u We have per tainly derived much pltfa
fure, and acquired much information from
the perusal s of those volume* ; and we think
tfeem, both tor maiter and style, worthy the
atte»tion of a!| vvho imereft themselVes in
Events which iiave so jufllv excited the curio
fity and allonifhmcnt ol mankind.''
M. Chub* will in about thee weeks Pob
lilh, Ptowden'a hiflorv of the Biitifc E*tpire,
(torn May i79«i to o«emb« »79S
[Whole No. 55,8.]
Juji jßeceived,
By the floup Ktideavoi, Jon. Paine Mallet
from Boflon,
New-England Rum,
In Hfcds. foi SUlf >>y
Nalbro Iff John Frazier,
N<s. 81, Walnut street,
Who have also on hand, and jor fatey
In» and quarter calks, fit for
immediate ulfc.
St. Lucar Wine in pipes,
' n<! quarter calks.
in quarter tafei
PORT WINE in do.
Bolion BEEFj
Hyson and SoUchone TEASt
Spanifli INDIGO.
Havens DUCK,
8 by io, Window Gk/Jt.
Aug- s turh&i4w
Was left on the ioth
July, along fide of the sloop Sally, one
barrel of Linseed OIL, Kal
lons ; no marks. The owner may have
it agaih by applying to William Paul. No.
ftreet ' p^n «
J**y 2 * » 4t
WILLIAM FINCH of the New Thea
!. re »„ Bs.8 s . leave to inform his Friends and
1 * ' lc ' that he hat removed from the
comer ol Eighth and Arch streets to No.
68, north Eighth between Aith and Race
st r eets, and that lie continues to give la
fti uctionj in the French and Englilh Lan
guages as ufbal, as also the Classics. He
ake' this opportunity of expreliing Ids ac
knowledgements for the very libera] eii
couiagement he has experienced, a conti
which he begs leaye to solicit.
B-Tranfi.itions from either languages
corrcitly executed. d
By Thomas Dobfon.
At 'the Stone No. 4j, f eu ,h
cond Jtrcet,
I. LETTERS Kdo.felled to the Philolo
•>hers and Pol ticians of France, on the Alb."
?et of Kebgion ; to which are prefixed ob.
•rv+t.ons relating to the causes of the »e
---:ral prevalence of Infidelity,
By L. L. D.
Price one quarter of a Dollar.
i. The prefentftate of Europe compared
"iiinKient prophecies. Prfcached on the
Fait day, 1111794; with a prefacc contain
ing the rcafons of the author lor leaving
England. e
T heure ° f Chrifliai 'ity» etyeciaily in
difficult; being ih c Author's fare
well Difeonrfe to liis Congestions in
Hackney; with Appendixes 10 the two Ser
mons, Price one third of a dollar,
j- A" Ap l'E Al to the Serious & Can
mil Profeflors ol Chriftimitv, on the fol
lowing ftibjefts, viz.
i- The use of reason in matters oj Keli
2. The power of mail to db the Will of
3. Original Sin.
4. Election and Reprobation,
■5. The DiUnityot Chiift, and
6. Atonetucnt by the Dtathof Ctfifi, by
the fame author.
T0 <wbicb are cuMed*
A Concise History of the
rifecf those Doctrines, and an account of
the 1 lijtl of M'Elwall, for Heresy and BJaf
pliemy, at Staffoid Aflizes.
Price one eighth of * Dollar;
The above tfcite are re-publiftud with
the author's improvements and additions j
and a coniidu able part of his tvorks, in
an improved slate, will make their appear,
ance as ii.ou as convenience Will admit.
J U 'J eodjw
NO. 68.
DiJlriEl of Penn/ylvania y
BE it remembered that on the twenty
third day of July in the nineteenth year of
the independence of the United States of
America, JOSEPH BOfcGSj of the said
diftrift liath drpofited in this office, the ti
te of a book the right whereof he claimt
asau'horin the words following, to wit.
H The Philadelphia Directo
ry, for the year 1795—by Joseph Boggs."
In conformity to the a<st of the C6ngreff
of the United States intituled "Anȣtfor
the encnuiagement of learning by fecfanng
the copies of maps charts pntl books to the
authors and proprietors of fucli copiesdßr.-
ing Hie times tbeiein mention<d
Sam. Caldwell,
C'erk of the Diftrift of Penn'jlyania.
July 30 4
F. R. S. &c.