"UARRIEL, BLOW TOUUTBUiMrE 1 Ad Old bnl Maori Stoi y ot I.orrrno Dow, Lorenzo Dow, Ilia lmted" eccentric tr.ivelinjr prcnclicr of days long gone by, wis very exact in the niipointnients lio iiiiulo to uproar and jtreiU'li, anil sometimes had them arranged a long ways ahead. lie once approached near one. of tho small towns in the vicinity of Atlanta, (la., and told his congregation that on that dav, one year, he would preach to them again. The next season, on the Saturday af ternoon preceding the Sunday of tho appointed time, the old man was jog ging along the main road In the direc tion of the congregation, lie noticed before him a stout little negro bov, of peculiarly active step and manncr'.who carried in his hand a small t in horn, . such as is used to call the people to -their meals. The custom among many In the South (previous to the war) ' wa.s to allow married men to g to their wives' houses, and children t visit their parents, on Saturday evening, to stay with them on Sunday; and n-i the negroes are musically inclined, thev carry a life, a horn or a banjo, to give notice of their approach and to be guile tho way; while in other cases they whistle, sing or shout. Dow, ac cording to his usual Inanner, entered into conversation with the boy, and found he was about to visit the con gregation he was ul unit to meet. If the truth must be told, Lorenzo had an idea that the character of his llo-k was that of a reckless, frolicsome, kind, careless people, upon whom it was necessary to make u verv decided impression, or his time would lie thrown away among them. "What is your name, mv. lad?" asked Dow. ' Ciabriel, sir," replied the bov, lift ing a new straw hat, and showing his ivory, while he actually stopped along to keep pace with the preacher's horse! " Can you blow upon that horn ?" " Oil, yes, masler, I can toot a little." " Well, let me hear you." So the negro inflated his cheeks and made the pine woods resound. " Do you know a tall pine tree near the stand at Sharon V" said Dow. " Yes, that I do. very well, master." Lorenzo tiien put his hand into his pocket, and pulling out a silver dollar showed it to the negro, and told him that if he would climb into the pine tree before the people met at the meet ing, and keep there quiet until he called out his name, and then blow on his horn as he had just done, he would give him the silver dollar jf he did not tell anybody about it. The negro expressed himself liighlv delighted at such an offer, and prom ised punctuality and secrecy. On Sunday a large meeting assem bled at Sharon to hear the famous Lo renzo Dow. Serious old men and their wives, wild boys and their sweet hearts, almost all on horseback, some times by twos and threes, beside ne groes from a great distance on foot, being readily captivated by the natural eccentric, for they love anything that lias a laugh attached to it, and they knew that Lorenzo was good fur sa joke, even if it did hit hard.' D:iw selected rather of a brimstone text, and made the application a .strong as possible, but he forced his way slowly among the mercurial, healthy, honest-hearted people, who were hard to frighten, lie enumerated the enormity of the vices lie thought to prevail, but they wers so used to them that the words slid like water over a duck's back. At length he boldly described, in the plainest language, the appearance and character of the "last great day," and what would bp their condition when that day came. " Suppose," exclaimed the preacher suddenly, and then he pau:-ed, " that 1 his were the day !" lie saw that some of the women be came a little fidgeted, and that thev nudged the fellows into silence and attention. "Suppose," repeated he, elevatimg his voice, "that Gabriel should sound his trumpet !" At this moment the little negro showed he was a "trump," and from the top of the lofty pinealoud and clamor ous blast overwhelmed the audience. The women shrieked, the men rose in the greatest surprise, the horses tied around the cam) neighed, reared and kicked, while the terrified negroes changed their complexion to a dull purple color. Never was alarm, sur prise and astonishment more promptly exhibited. Lorenzo Dow looked with grave, but pleased attention upon the successful result of his experiment, until the lirst clamor had subsided, and some began to estimate' the character of the artilicial angel, and were about to ap ply a little hickory after the pine. 15ut this suggestion was arrested by the loud and solemn tones of the preacher, who, looking very firmly into the faces of his disturbed audience, leaned grandly over them to iinish his discourse, and impressively remarked: " And now if a little negro boy, with a tin horn, on the top of a pine bush, can make you feel so, how will you feel when that day does come?" The Streets or Venice. , Many persons are under a great mis apprehension as to the means of transit or locomotion in Venice. It is a mis take to suppose that there are no streets, and' that it is absolute ly nec essary to go from place to place by gondola. It is true that three bridges the Rialto bridge of the middle ages, and the two modern iron bridges span the Grand canal which divides . the city in equal halves; it is true that the city is built upon 117 islands, inter sected by 150 small canals and 12,4ttO passages; but almost every one of the water streets have a quay or footpath bordering it, while 400 bridges unite island to island, so that it is quite pos sible to go to every part of the city on foot, although few perhaps would care to do si, for there is not in all the world a more difficult place for the traveler, guided only by the "light of nature," to find a given spot. That spot may be only a few hundred yards ' away, but to reach it he may have to cross a half dozen bridges, some lead ing to the right and some to the left, and traverse as many squares, of which there are 3, 127 largersquares and 269 smaller squa'es. No one knows the danger of travel ing more than the trainp. At least 3'JO of them have been killed withjn a I year while stealing rides, ' NEWS OF THE WEEK. Sastern and Mlddls States. . A hickhation li:il cm omirO'l In l'hllndol. I'lu'n by (he nrrest of mi orirnnirod gnng ot grave million tlint tins for npnrly twenty yonrs born ilivi'oiliiiff LMmtinn cemetery. Three men two .while niul ono colored sere nrresUnl while ilrlviua wniron contain iK five ImhUp to n medicnl college. It is wwrted so many bodies Imve boon taken from the cemetery for dissection Hint it in nliuoNt omi'ty, Tm-:npt IVntir j lv.mln hmireof reireieii tnlhva will rou.iint of Democrat end i.-;h!j-ilirlit liej.uhlieann, n DiMimcrntic run l.nity of Iv.valyflvo. .Ii'imi: !J.vsiei'.', T. WonrmTun, brother of Ch- l.'ie (irinihcr. Jivaejih 10. H'oriTSler, cx member of tVn.'lvw from Ohio, mid lurm Ivi of (h? ju.liolitry of that Hlnle, died nt Mr rc:M. no;, hi N'.vliun, N. It., n few tlitys fttfo, t-ovi'iity i'ii,-!il yo-ire. Oovmnoh Low lm appointed Olivor Wendell llulmpa, Jr., to be justice of the supreme court of Mnmnohusiettn in plnoo of Jud;;e Lord, resigned. A New Yonr. jud;rphna crantod injnnotionx in thirteen sui'.".. twelveof whioh byllobrcws to restrniu tho police from in- lerteruiR Willi the pliunlilTa in thoir business on Sunday. Thk oflieinl ennvns of tho voto in Mnwm chnsotts Rives llulhr 1:U,!U; ; Hishop, 1 I'yP.lT! nil others. L'.iVtt. Duller' ulnrnlilv i i:i il'i Atno (.Repnblicim). for lioutenniit-KwYcrnor, nn n piunility of 1 7,l,7;i. OiTU't.u, returns ot the election in New Ihimpsliire show the following ns the voto for governor: Ilnlo (Republican), :iS,417: Eduerly (Democrat), :HS,lill); scnttorinif, ICtf. Hale's majority over nil, 51'.. A i ikk at I.ymbiuville, N. Y.. destroyed F. C. Fern's vojMablo soup works, ontiiilinn n loss of $t."i,000. Adjoining buildings were saven by the free ti-.e of cider, tnken from tanks near by. 1,000 pilous bcinj u cd by the bucketful. On the second Sunday that tho laws nmiinst Sabbath-breaking were enforced in New fork the measures taken for tho sup pression of tiMtliii nu.l trade wero less vigor ous and but few nrroMii were made. Mr.s. Lanotby nnd tho lady who accom panied her to this country as her friend nnd adviser (Sirs. Labouchere, wifo of tho well known London journalist), have had a dis agreement which resulted in n separation and tho hitter's return to England. Mrs Lnbouchere (fives ns the reason for tho dis nreeuuivf that Mrs. I.nngtry had accepted the attention? of a young man prominent in New York society to such nn extent ns to excite univcra il comment i that when Mrs. Laugtry was iiboxit to start for Eoston the young man had sent on his horses nnd car riage to the " Hub " for the purpose of being near the actress and renewing his attentions; thnt remonstrance with Mrs. Langry had proved unavailing, and that she had separ ated from her and concluded to return to Loudon. Eoutli and West. The steamer Enterprise was burned off Maud's Point, N. C, and Captain VV. A. Thompson, W. II. Hancock and a colored innn were drowned. Trie National Dairy fair was opened fit Milwnukec, M is., wi;h laro display of ex hibils. Nearly 3 0 iVipjntes, veiiiesoirt'iiig all parts of the I'nited Sta:c.i and dumda, C:? will as Great IJrltain, ntte:idel the tenth annual convention cf tho Kut'.er, Eg; and Cheese association, held nfter tho opening of the fair. At I.o ihvi!le, Ky John Trinlrr, of Chi cago, killed his wife by catting her throat with a razor, c.n.l then put a:i end to his own existence. Tiir. boiler of t!ie propeller Morning Star, which pllcj bet- e i Nw Orleans and Mag nlia riniKat ii, exploded with terrible elect. Of the t.e ity-onc persons on board, three were killyj outrightj ciglit drowned and six badiy if not fatally scalded. Is tho cmrso of a dr.ir.iatio performance given by the J OU117 men of Makandn, II!., in the village school hou.e, James l'ei-l had to Oh a re .-olver nt his brother John. He had nejU'S'el to withdraw tho ljp.il cart-ri-l-oi w;'.h w'.iic'i the weapon was loaded, a id v.-hc-n ho fire.l his brother fell to tho floor of tli3 stag.!, shot in tho head, nnd ex pired. Speakeh TrsoN, of Mis.-isslpiii, w;n shot and instantly killed at Baldwin i 1 Hint Stato by Edw.;rd liiiuiuU-rs. A dispatch froio JiC:;::o:i, M::;s., gives this r.ccouut of the ailaii i ' Domestic trouble in the family o; Colonel Tison's brother culiniuated in an attack on Edward Saunders, n meic'mnt in Baldwin, by the two Ti.-ons nnd a .',011 of each, which resulted in Saunders bcingbadly bcuteu and in.'med. While confined to the hoi:o he was repeatedly informed thnt Colonel Tison had threatened to kill him. Going out for the first timo on Monday he carried his shotgun nnd shot Tison cn Eighti killing him instantly." A collision betweon a pnseng?r nnd n freight train near Hinton, V. Vn., resulted in the death of one engineer nnd two firemen and serious injuries to five other men. At a Mexican wedding feast in Sabal'o, a small Mexican town near Lus Vegas, N. M , Fraucisco Notan, n drunken guc-t, shot nnd killed two brothers named Rovnll. Notan then proceeded to his home and cut off his wife's ears. Ho wns arrested. An cxploriou of giunt powder in a railroad tunnel in Orejon killed four Chinamen and dangerously injured four mors. Tub Philadelphia tug George W. Childs nnd the steam yacht Idle Hour, which left Norfolk, Vn., some weeks ago for Florida, have found-Ted at sea, with nil on board. 'fun intensely oil 1 weather which pre vailed in various portions of tho United S!ate3 was particularly severe in Dakota, where the tharmounter registered thirty seven djgreei below zero. Near Grand Forlse, Dakota, a woman and her child were frozen to dentil. Five men wero hanged tho other day in different localities, as follows : Hong A. Duck, a Chinaman, nt San Hafaol, Cab, for the murder of a fellow Chinaman nnd fellow convict in the State prison ; Charles Gustuve, i.t Donaldsonville, La., for murdering Eve Thompson i Albert Sanders, nt Charleston, Mo., for killing Moses Wingj William i-'o-ter, at Perry, Ga., for the murder of a boy named Swift, and Edward Conyers, nt Cfwainsboro, Ga., for the murder of another negro all four last-named murderers and their victims being colored. From Washington The transit of the planet Venus across the faee of the sun was an event for which the astronomers of the world bad long been preparing. The phenomenon occurred within a minute or two of the calculated time, and ulthongh all over the United States the at mospheric, conditions were far from gen erally fuvoruMe, interfering in many cases with an observation of one or more of the contacts, .tlio results, on the whole, were highly valuable. They were such at any rate as to leave accurate data on almost every point thnt can be of interest to the astrono mers of the tweuty-flrst century in 2004 when Venus again will cross the sun. Hundreds of thousands of dollars were spent I tn p4:Aring Instrument and lu sending x. pou.uons 10 amorsni pans 01 ine world to oboervo tho trnnnit, and the finest skill and best learning tho world nfTords were enlisted in the cTort to nmUe the observotions suo CP'r.ful. On tho whole, good results wre obtained throughout tlis country, particularly at Wellington, Princeton, New nnyn, Cam bridge, Amhorst and Philadelphia. At Princeton, N. J., 189 nnd at New Haven more than Va photographs we;e taken, tho four onUe: being observed nt both places. Professor Haikiiess is well satisfiol Willi th;. cbservnllons talton nt Washington. Precisely nt 11:0.1:0) A. M. (Princeton time) lie. ninnll black spot ropiov.'iitin; Vonus in the tolo'tsopo tnti'iido.1 itself on tho large white diik repre.eiiting the sun, nnd the first contact of Venus with tho sun in the transit of lssj was duly observed and 'irou ieled by the astronomer. The approximate di:tanr5 of thp sun from the earth is 12,401, 000 miles, while the approximate distance of the planet Venus h 21,011,001 miles. Venus ts probably n tritlo smaller than tho earth. Notwithstanding tho vast distance between Vonus nnd the sun nt tho first contact as the first intervention of Venus between the sun and tho carlli is called by the nid of Profcy. or Young's telescope and tho spec trum it appeared ns if tho black spot touched the while disk in its passago ucross it. Tho fourth nnd last conlnet took place nt ri:0":17 r. it. Ci.i:m McFiiehhon has made up tho list of the next House. Ono or two names nre yet in doubt, but Mr. McPhorson snys ho mnl:c3 out n Democratic majority of fifty-nine. Nominations by the President: lirigadicr General John Pope to bo major-gonornl ) Commodore Earl English to be chief of tho bureau of equipment nnd rccrniting in the navy department; Wm.il. Smjlli, of Albany to bo major nn:l paymaster in tho army; Colonel Geo. E. Waring, to bo n member of the national board of hoallh. Cov..r:si(ijjE8 op PisssMNa Dunmr says in his ni.nual report lhat there is n surviving mldiiT population ot over 1,010,1)00, out cf which e! aims for petition in tho future iney be made by those who incurred pensionable disabilities. The commissioner says tho bounty laws should be generally remodeled and simplified, nnd mekes 11 number of other recommendation.! concerning tho pen sion laws. Of the 2.0RI,:3il roldicrs who en listed dm lug tho war pensions havo been ap plied for by or 011 account of oirly twenty six per cent. Tim commissioner cf railroads in his r.ui.ual report strongly supports the sugges tion mado in the Presi leui's meisago tint legislation is mededto remedy those mis chiefs affecting tho commerce between tho States which nrod.ielo hurtful discrimina tions in too ndjustmont of freightage. Ito recommends that a commission be nppointed to take into consideration tho wholo ques tion, nnd report to Congress the facts neces sary for intelligent and efficient notion. Foreign News. Revolutionists have been attacking various towns in Ecuador, and considerable fighting has been done. A St. PETEiisnuna dispatch says thnt the Danish Arctic exploring vessel Dijmimn appears to have drifted into the Kara Sea, to therouth of the Nova Zembla. It is pro poro J to organise an expedition with from ten to fifteen c-leJes and 150 reindeer to ! earth for tho vessel. Fibs lias destroyed the Royal Alhambra theatre. The British ship Fiona has boon lost nt sea witli all on board. A coLLmn foundered off Berwick, Eug laud, nnd ten persons wore drowned. Tin: Hoods along tho Uhino lmvo resulted in a loss of millions of nini'ks. Near May ence sixty houses were swept away. Louis Blanc, tho noted French historian and journalist, born in 1813, and Anthony Trolloj e, t'oo well-known English novelist, born in 1H", are dead. The CaiTres, who have been nl war with the Hoers, nre I e';ng driven into caves, where they are blown up with dynamite. In o:i cave fifty natives were killed. Is Chihuahua, Mexico, the Indian chief Juh nnd his band etolo n large number of hheep nnd catilo from several ranches, and a party of about thirty Mexicans followed them, but v.ero lured into an ambeph Mid surrounded by tho Indians. Ono Mexican bro!:o through and went for help. A party of about seventy men wont to the assistance of tho rest, but were headed o.f by the In dians and compelled to witness the slaughter of every man of the thirty Mexicans without being ab!o to help them. When the friends cf the victims went to bury them they found, not far from where tho massacio occurred, the bodies of live Americans, who liad also been slaughtered by the Indians. Fouu more Egyptians prominent in the la'.e revolt pleaded juilty to tho charge of re. hellion nud'wera ptntoncel to death, but their sentence was commuted to exile for life by the khodive. A i ii:e which proved the most destructive 011a in years burns 1 down a number of busi ness houses and other proporty in tho honrt of Loudon. The transit of Venus across tbo Ban was successfully observed by the American ob servers in New Zealand. A i!iHP...Tc:i from Chihuahua, Mexico, stales: "The recont massacre in Cftsas Grns des by the Indians proves to hnvo been a horrible affair. A band of Apaches number ing JUi) crossed the border nnd descending upon tho litllo town began aa indiscriniiuato massacre. Fully seventy-five persons ie'l victims and several girls and women we;e carried off by the savages. A largo quantity of stock and other property wero stolen. Tl e houses of the unfortunate Mexicans wero burned and the dead bodies stripped of their clothing and jewelry. The murdered persona belonged to the wealthiest classes, several of the most prominent families being among the victims." DirnTHEUiA is rnging to a frightful cxtcn' in several settlements of Princo Edward's Island. Bx the recent fire in London property cov ering two acres of ground was destroyed, eight persons wero injured, and damage esti mated at $lfi,000,000 was inflicted. The German bark Argonaut, from Bremen for New York, was wrecked on the island cf Terschelling. Tho captniu and ten of tha fourteen other m9n on board were drowned. A TiiiEF cried "nre" in a Barcolona (Spain) theatre; a panic, ensued, and in the rush Oi .s person was killed and eighteen others wero injured. Sin Huoh Allan, of Montreal, owner of the well-known steamship line between Great Britain 4id Canada, died a few days ago in Edingburgh, Scotlund. Two more of Aiabi Pasha's advisers his military engineer and his under secretary of war have been sentenced to exile for life. The French senate has voted $200,000 to the sufferers by the recent floods in the Seine district. Congressman Haeltine. of Mi. souri.i.s the owner of an enormous or chard, from which lie shippud in J 882 ij.wu Darrein 01 apples- Wci-rte. Mr. Drown ptop'ntel Ihe credentials of W. Barrow, chosen tofill tho unexpired term of the late benntor Hill, of Georgia On motion of Mr. Aithony the riilnding jtnK select committees is they existed at the close of last session ve continued. .. .Petitions were introduced y Mr. Dawes, Mr. Ingalls nnd Mr. Cockrill 111 relation to the passage of tho pending bit for tho increase of pen sions to soldiers Uo have lost limbs or aro laboring under iquivnlent disabilities.... Resolutions werd' ofl'eixd by Ptr. Berk e.ll ing for an investigation into the political .sscsKinouts of government employes; also calling for a rtnttmcut of tho number of pcitsions granted snd applications pending, unit a joint fosolntion for nn nmomlment tJtho Constitution empowering the Presi dent to veto a part ,of the appropriation bilh Messrs. Voorhecs, Sherman, MeDiU, Vest, Ing.il!?, Chibott, and Mdler (Now York) presented pt;ir,s for the passago of the bill to increase the pensions of one-armed nnd ono-legged soldiers; referred to tho comnut teo on pin-ions.... Mr. Beck's political ns sessment investigation resolution came up, nnd Mr. Halo ofiored ft substitute setting forth the names of the members of the con gressional executive committees of both pnr lie, recitiug nllegaticns ngaoist lhe Demo cratic committee, nnd directing tho com mitlcs on the'judicinry to inves-.igato these charges, ns Well ns t4io?e tnndo against the Ilcpuliliean committee. Mr. Bsek paid the substitute proposed to invosti;ra!o matters over which Conpress had no control, nnd was evidfnlly intended to fnibnrrnss tlio legiti mate investigation proposed in the original resolution. After a brief discussion the su Rtitute wns ordered printed. Messrs. Logan, f3her""in, Windom nnd Mitelic'l presented petitions tor tho passage of the hill to increaso tho pensions of dis nbled soldiers, iltferred to the committee on pensions,... Mr, beck's rrsclition nuthor izingHU inquiry into the political Assessment of government employes during the last cimpnign and Mr. Hnie's substituto thero for, were further discussed. Mr. Jonei, of Florida, introduced a bill for the promotion nu I caco'irngemenl of telegraphic communication between Europe and America Mr. Vnuce offered a re"d:ition nsUuj for n detailed statement showing tho co?t of collecting internal nv;'ntio tho past fiheal year. Itoqucts fir the number of trnpleyes in each district urn! tho amount t :leetc 1 on whisky were ndded and the resolution nd-ipted.. . Mr. llawley introdtioii 11 bill mnkbi it a misde meanor on t lie part of any pursou connected ollleially with el her house of (.'ungress to solicit or receive 'contributions for political purposes from any employe of the govern meiit, punishable liy lino or imprisonment, or both. It 1111 10 Mr. Knlley, chairman of tho commitlco on ways nnd monn, reiiorted n bill to abolish the intorml revenue tax on tobacco, smitr, cigars and ctpire'les. It was referred to the committee of tho whole, and the minority win pfnnfcd leavo to file a minority report.. ..A bill ?as inso.l to repeal nnd nmontl cprte.in act', perlniiiin.j to the : hip ment and (lischni'f of seamen. Mr. Kelley. chaiiman of the commitioe on ways Hnd means vporlcd a conmricut reso lution for ju intiiglV.lXX) copies of the report of the tariff caumi sion, and it Was passed Atiumberof exooutivo communications v.ere le.id before the Houo end appropri ately referred Mr. Hiiskell presented n memorial from the non-Mormon people of L tali, and it wis referred to the coinmitteo on the jiidieinry Tho House went into committee of tke whole on the indinn appro priaiinn bill, l he total amount f nppro ' riiit.on previdul for in the bill is $.".,2')f', being 274X1 lesg than tho appropria tions for ihe oirront year, and l,;"p!,77t3 less th'.n th est mates The bill was read by ?ec lions p.:id pnif-di Tho consular find diplomritio nppropria tion bill was reported. The bill np proprintes l,aif,2o.s, which is a dic.o.ic from the amount approi'i iated for the cur rent year of $7,2.".0 Mr. Bingham, chair man of the cemmitteo on postotliccs at.d post ronds, roportod n bill reducing loth r postage to twoecnts, and it was referred to tho committee of the wholo. Tho committe 0:1 commerce reported a resolution cnlliig on the secretary of war for particulars regarding fcxpend;lurei under tho river and hnrhcr bill. .Tho postotl'.co bill npprnpriutiug (.tii,141,111.2."i ugniust 1;', (ill,0..) ln t yeat was reported ; n!so, tni ap propriating to iiipuliiire $510,770, against !j::J7ri,2sy nt lsil I;:cidentnl to these irppro 1 rlnltona and (I19 r.vor and harbor bill, a lively iltbato tteaiTod, participated in by Messrs. Page. Cox, Ks on, Mcbane, of Maryhind, and lubeson. 5lr. Itobes'.n sniJ he believed tho !?al cause of the nttucksupon iho river nnd ha'hor bill nnd tho men who suggested it corJl be traced to men owning railroads, who cid no' want to see li.o water ways improved Air. Mel.ai.o arraigned iho I'resid-oit for not u ing the sunn appro priate I by t' ( bill. Mr. Krsson said tho Pieiiuent hadtlr; right to use his ju tgincit. oiling (ioneril Grant ns n precedent. De bate was cut jff by tho previous question, when the re.oln'.ioii was adopted Tho consular and dplomat Id bill was passed Mr. Kassoii pieieutid it bill for civil service reform. Ordered printed. A Miisnhisijiii pliysii-ian siiy.s tlio day i; not far ilisuitit when cottonscccl oil will have takdi tin phu-o of l.inl the worM over. I Io pniuoiincM it much ituvr limn lar.l ami a great deal healthier. ' ' SPECIAL OSTEnTo mny ono who tae Colupaaioa fres to January 1st, 40 Temple Place, Health In rinntu, If you have a delicate girl of four teen whoso health you wish to estab lish, buy her a dozen plants nnd two or three b:,oks; frive her a hay window in the fiiinshine and a garden border to begin With, and let her learn step by step how to raise plant; You hnil better pay for florist's lessons than fof doctor biils or German classics if you want to do her good. Vkk's Maga zine. The Wilmington (Del.) Ketmmw. J !'. Shaw, Ksq., proprie tor (Jnlnd iJnlon Hotel, New York, indorses St. .lacolis t;il for rlieumal ism and neuralgia. Hawaiian coins to the amount of ?200,000, nnd corresponding in value and denomination with our .silver coin age, ilr'e to be struck at the San Fran cisco mint. From the Danvers (Mass.) Mirror: Mr. Oeo. It. Day, of this town, was cured of rheumatism by St. Jacobs Oil. Xew York estimates thut she cleans enough mud off her streets each year to make a fair sized township Some where off tho coast. Mrs. Cole, of Windham, N. H., declarer thnt her life was saved by Hoo 1'j Sarsapa rilla. She had 37 terrible Scrofulous sores. t Tlio Krnzer Axlri tiror)o , Is tho best in tho market. It is the most economical nnd cheapest, one box lasting as long hs two of any other. hie greasing will last two weeks. It received first premium at the Centennial nnd Paris Expositions! also medals at various State fairs. Jiny no otaor. 'J 'hero was a young UWy quite fair Who bad much trouble with her hair, So she bought Cnrboliiic, And a Bi'ht to be seen Is tho head of tin's mniden. I declare. "Rough 011 Rats." Clear.? out rats, mice, Hies, roaches, bed-bugs nnts, vermin. J."e. Motmeh Swan's Wourj Svnt'P, fur feverish uess, restlessness, worms. Tasteless. 25c. Foil lAsi ursiA, in:;kii:stion, depression of M'iril. nnd general debility, in their various lor:r.r.; also nn a preventive against fever ami ag;.e and other i.itenni'.tiMU fevers, tho "i'or-ro-P :in.s;i!ior.t!c .1 E!i:;ir of Calisay i," mado hy (,'esw.iil, Hazard &, Co., Kc-,v Vork, nnd old by el. Druggists, is the boat tonic; nnd for calion'.s recovering from fever or other hici.iic.-s it hns no ei'Ual. SraM.ni rr.H your boots it shoes with Lyou's Patent Heel Sti tenors, and wear them again. A Vt esters paper announces that upon tho occasion of n recent boiler explosion in the neighborhood, "between three nnd four men wero killed." THK TRANSFER Of public confidence from cHhnr propnr.itlons of Snr BnpirilU and other Blrod Purillnni uf whatcrqr name to ll'Hxl's S.iniap-hlli in tho fllanal IHnmph of a meriton fiona artirlo. Tho ponplo are qnii:k to rocofrnlzo trua Im.-rif, aii'l Oiin in vrhf tho Bnlo of liood'B Samapnrill.1 far ext-coda all fiimilar proparntion. One hundred dueoB 8 1 can only bo applicil to Itond'a Saraaparilla, and is an unaiwworablo ormnent ai to modlcinal strength and ccunomy. CATARRH, Wo b:llovo that nlno-tonths of all caaos of catarrh aro constitutiunal. Wo alsj bolievo that a reliahlo conati tutiunal rrin;- ?y like Ho;,d's Sarenparilla, that Btrikoa at the vury nx t of the dicR, will anre a very Urge prop irtinn of fill casus. In ponlrm-iW'-jn of this b?liuf wo iiffur OTiiIf.ni'0 sU'Win? tlio effects of Hood's Sihi pnriila upon tiis dioaac. A motlKT says: "My b:y had catarrh ao ba'ily that I could hardly keep him in clem bimlLorchief'j; bo baa t.ikon ono bottle of Hood's Rnr sparilla, nuj that torrible amount of discharga has stopped." Another writes: "I have bad catarrh four ye.ir. I.srt April iho droppine In niy throat beenme so tr.'jl;l('S'm.o t li:t I became alarmed, aa it affected my rht lung. I took two bottles of Hood's tiaraapariUa and it cored ino. My appetite, which was Tatiat.la beiurv. Is iiret rato now." Cdaiiles 11, GulFFlN, Lowell, Mari... HOOD'S SARSAPARII.I.A. SildliT riniirgists. 81. six f'i $5. Mada only by C. I. ISOOI it CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. A Spleiullil RcuipJr Tiir I.iiiir Discuses. Dr. Kobt. Newton, lite President of tho Lclectio Collego'nf tbo City of N't.t Y.irlc, and formerly of Cm. chtn!iti, Ohio, used Dr. Win. Hill's B ilsim Ttry extensively In his practice, as many of bis patients, nr-v IMnft, and restored to ho :lt:i by ths uso of this invalu abls medicine, can amply testify. Ho always said that 30 gtiod a roine.ly ought n .t to ba conailored maraly as a pitcnt me.licin?, but that it onRht to be proscn'ied freely by every physician as a ssvoretgn remedy in all caiins of f.Uiiic diseapns. It is a sure cure for Consump tion, snd4lus no ci'.eil f tr ril pyct-firal comiduiuts. Kolflnarr'tf I.liilinent, Applied to the hoa-1 relieves headache, and prevents tt'e hnir fr.tm fnlling out. A3 E3 tm ITtiPii l mv circ i tin iii. isfp.n UiCPc-r. to lUOP V.ioa luf fttiino nnd tfu-n l.nvo tht-m ri'turtt bain, I moan a rn.il Cal euro. I hove mm'.o tho thrifO of KITS, llFlUa'SV C.r l'A LLIWO a llfc-!'n fltotlr. I wqt rixt tr.f roraciy la ci:i-. lin v.orht cast's, tccuuso othor. hnv? f;i.'K-tl I t to rtvi.-cn for in-t new iccrtvliis a euro. fpirJnt iitj(t P-a tr:.to cuifti-'rce lc-tOe 01 my infalllbla ft-r'.'-y. Ut'.o );x.t-'.s3 sr.ti i"t Or.c3. lb cotu you liCltiitir '-r irn.t, B'-sa i viii cure ' Xj'ira"n',J'r. t. a. wn J6." i'rurl Et, Kewlork. rgAfciHWftne: CURES VHtRI Atl EtSC FAILS. Best CoaKb Syrup. Tastes Kood. Use in time. Hold bydrueprlsts. rgatetawiBigsggsi 1 REFERENCE to tho contrlbutort onnoanccd bclotr will show tlmt ncorlj- nil of the meet distinguished nnd V'w'V PPn'ar ontliors of this country, nnd many of those of Great Britain, haTO been engaged ns contributor, to t-Sd the Coupaxiox for tbo year 1SS3. Tbe Announcement will bo fonnd in many refpecu, wo think, an tztraor dinary one ; but it includes only a pert of tbe features of tbo Tola mo for tbe coming year. A Serial Story of Boy Life in America, A Serial Story of Boy Life in Great Britain, A Serial Story of Now England Lifo, by . . . e. Serial Story for Girls, by A Serial Story of Southern Life, by ... Amusing College StorieB, by Stories of Old-Time Poor-Houses, by . . . Old New England Peddlers' Tales, by ... Tales of tbe Old Dutch Farmers of New York, by Reminiscences and Anecdotes. (Illustrated.) Yankee Drolleries nt OM-TImn Fair, nd Bliowa, by . James Farton. Stories of Old-Tituo Quack Doctors ana tbeir llemciiiia, by Edgar Knowles. Cn tbe Stump, numerous Anecdotes of Electioneering, biuuip tiix'tikiiiir, etc., by Hon. S. S. Oor. Victor Hugo at Homo. A chatty description of tho home iifu of the ftrcut port, by Ms l'rivnto Ucretarj- Richard Losclide. Word Pictures of tho Houao of Commons. As eciu fn.in tlio Report. era Ualkry, by H. W. Lucy. Brilliant Articles. Reminiscence, of Dean Btaulev nnd Plet unique Aksoci.1. lli.imof WcBiininstcr Abbey, by . . . Canon P. W. Farrar. The Royal Family of Donmark. Article, of l'ronnl Anecdutu by tbe Ilunl.h Mioiater nt V.'ailiiliflou, . . . Hon. Carl Bills. Great Southern Leaders. A ,crle of article, containing ncraonal rtmiuia- cencc, of liuu. Uubcrt R. Leo, "Stonewall" Jackson, .Tuliu I'. Calhoun, eie., by Con. Aleza&dcr H. Stephens. Important articles will lie given by two of tbe most distinguished Neurologists In the world, describing Nemms Diseases, thawing tho ordinary causes of these forms of human suffering, and giving general suggrctionsas to their treat mcr.t. Tlicfo articles will not bo merely technical treatises, but will bo enlivened by curious nnd illnstrativo anecdotes.- Common Nervous Ailments. A Rerlc, of Papers, by rr. Brown-Sequard. Tho Short History of a Nervous Man. Th, 1'roper Use of tha Mini, Hallucination, and Delusions, Tlio Cau of tliiiji and fclocj.icBtaess, bomnambulisui, etc., by ....... Dr. William A. Hammond. The J Solp Scries. The Proflta of l.itsrary Labor, by James Parton. S&losmen and Saleswomen in City Stores. Their ww,t and onpor- . ,,v Charles Vance Elliott. A Medical Education. Row to Choose a C..ll-w. Advantoer, of Euro- . peMiSiudv, by Dr. William A. Hammond. Girls W.no Earn a Living in Art. By Iho 1'rtnclpnl of th. Woman's A rt School, Cooper I'lIoh Susan N. Carter. HOW to Start. fat" rs tlllns;how to start tn difTcnnt kind, of business aud In trades, with prucUciil details, so that a buy reading thcatf papers may act on them snfelv. Wbat a Technical Fduoation Costs. By the Professor of Engineering of the lualiluie of Tochnulosy, Uobokcu, . Robort H. Thurston. Tho Editorials of tbo Companion will fiivo ebar and impartial vietrs cf current events at borne and abroad. Tho ClzUdrcn's Page suctuins its reputation for charming pictures, poems and stories adapted to tbo Bttlo oues. subsoribes now, and sends ns $1.75, we an4 ft full year's subscription from AcTdrese, YOUTH'S COMPANION, LTlliippFlFil II s i EilllS II I?l k Si 1. FOB .T Ri Hi liM MlalE IBS la Nour-atala, Scirdica, Lu!r'ico$t Scckacho, Soreness of tho Ciest, Coat, Quinsy, Scro Threat, Swell ings and Sprains, Sums end Scdds, General Dsdily .. Pcins, Toolh, Car end Headache, Frosted Foot end Ears, and all cAsr Fains and Aches. Ho rrpar'l:iti uti earth r-,itr!s ft. 3fm (lit is a gnfr, tin, .' ii d fifcj Txteniicl Ilemejy A tlinl entails ll;t ths Ci'lnp:(rotive1y vii:ii:(i nuit.y of T9 t'cn!a, and crry one sufleririR villi p. in can lmvo chin? nnd positive prccf of ita :1i-.I::id. I'irc.tlons in Eleven Tjiniriifip"'.!!. iOLD EI ALL DiroafrtT.TS AliD DHALEES IN KKDICIKE. A.VOGEUSU S& CO., ;m(wow, f.ta.t u. a. a. s y Jii Remember that fttamfna, ritai enor gy, the life-principle, or whatever jrnu may choose to call the re list ant ponor which battles ag&infct the causoa of disease and death, ia the grand safeguard of health. It la the garrison of the human fur t res, and when ft wnxoa wpak, the true policy in to throw In rein forcements. In other words, when such an emercmicy wucurs. cum men ro a course of ttte Hitters, for sal, hjr DrufjffiHti and Dealers, towh;m onl fr our Alma- 5EEA.STIC TRUSS tUaoPaftdlfferinRfremaUothcTt. ' o cuu5bh, trua Deu-Adjourna; t Hal lin cjater.adapUltMlftoall f foritloni of tbe borty, whll tb lit I lin tharappreflKsa back tht lataattncijnsiai aMiroowoaltl whh the Finger. With light creuDK ths tluttlkta htldMcnnl lytQ3nl;ht. ecd ft radical cure ecrula. itlt aa;, duabUt &4 cHaap. SantbyinAll. Ctrculan free. m T!iisfi.Y.Snger,S20 itn5fLrtir Attfxciiincnts Free, arranted ierfit't. l.iirtit runnlmr quiet, lioii lriomc and ilurabie. Sent on tt:.-t triaJ-iilun whrn dcsfrcl 9luf:ftf Bfoiua Oricuiisi 4 Si-If. licftls. 12 titojiS; Vfctiaiiical Snl-Hn-f,pf!tnvpcu'.!n!fr.2tiie mr'.. ith$:isto.))nn lfl r.ook.otil S;r, S f vfif fA i',d. I- l.'irant tw, imifrnliifi in AjiaV ,( d'liitlrlM trsiil.'nnd out. iiv V -I-i"cJ 'nl. ir.tt. tli t---.limt.iii.ilr.f!. e. A-l ; lV.viif.vCf.. 47'ilijiila'hkni Iiifr.ni' iirtrntlvn Iitla mnkn Nhw Rich Plood, mid -.vill completely olianuo the blood in tho en tire system in thre months. Any person who will tnke one pill ennti niiit from 1 to U wofkn mny f-e rewtoroa tos .mud liilth it such a thins? bo pm-iblo. Hold every where or f int bv mail for eitfht h-tter stamps. I. S. JOHNSON iV - )., I(osion,;Iusa., for merly ISmiKor, . business foh mm WA.NTl'.i A limited number tu It-am '1 o'tmplo ut itm'o. We will riv a written gi'.ar.nitce to luruL B od paying aitir-ti'ins ns soon cintH!trnt. Ail ire r,'ii i.i'.m, Olii;iI,lN TL.I.HiiiAi'H CO., Oliet lin, 4h!o. r r 1 1 rti is Miaatr. pr. map.ttxm. mi J f ajciao) ;.t. w.il, fct 3y tenw. nh pt. hf .1, F;vr ml place of LiM.i!.e, Mid Jt( nt ratvrr'aj. pr ehuif. ,'-t A.' Win. pffi.-iB-i, : viy r-ii'iMi) m ri.t Ai Uirt I'n. I., yctli-.fi. 1 "M-'it't I't-.H i ftw K ft v H R IT" Btt t tx U fc ES U .KmW lTB k-QlliUtr.ilcdi.rKli.t frej. Til.; AL,LTMANttT.YLOalCO..-laittU'ld.a f'iitH 'n:itcl f r the lvi imi Ffsto-it-spllina I'i.'t. ruil liiHiksund !tiHH. I'ri'-iM rt'.iiiu'd 'M pHi Cfit. Na iional i'rin.isHiNG 'o., Philnilelphia, Fa. Vl1"f5f! f-SCU T'"'iwnnt to loam Ti lnSrai.hj in a s uwi.4 ii'i.a. irvr mnnrtia ana no cert n in of a aitua. th n. lieea Valentino ilroB.diu)pHvillo Wis. OSiflS'i J t:VKi.nv, Sn.vEKWAiiE, rettiiled nt whoh'rnle rates. Vncelist fA. T. W. Kennedy. P,0.boxS5U,N.Y. AUUSINLHS Oi'l'OltTl'NiTY is offend atorokoefwn I t in ike by investing $ or IdcIuko 'Ac. etimpto t'dmar !o. 40j llroaine Street, N. Y. C1 l d 1 I'OLKMAtf BUSINKSS COIXHGR ! Kjm N-'wark. N. J. Write for Catalogue. A 8ure Ciro"fnr Epilepsy or t'ita in 24 hours. Free to X poor. Lfii. Mit bE, lenn Annmu ., n.. jjui, wu. f is y j J GELE3RATEB 68 tfc STOMACH 11 m nt Illustrated Serial Stories. by J. T. Trowbridge. . . William Black. Harriet Beochor Stowo. Harriet Frescott Spotford. . . Marie B. Williams. Henry A. Gordon. . . . J. D. Chaplin. . . . Wm. A. Kin?. . . Eugeno M. Princo. by Illustrated Travel and Adventurer A Serial Story of Adventure, by ... O. A. Stephens. Life in an Irish Fishing Village, by . . Julian Hawthorns. Tales of Old Ships and Sailors, by . . Capt. P. Luce. Old Times on the Missouri, by .... A Miusourian. After the Mindanao girates ia Dutch Gun-Bot, ty . . . Lieut. P. F. GrlnnolL, Adventures in a Whaling Cruiso in tha north l'ariiic, by Macomber Rrstfe. The Fiftieth Tigor. A narrative of Adventure by the Special Correspondent of iho Loudon fclegraph, v Phil. Robinson. Child Llfo and Home Life In Japan. Curious rictnrr, and JViraeaiio Incident,, by UateUer in that country, . Prof. B. S. Morse. Railway Heroes. Thrilling stories of railroad men. Among other, will ba "Tlio Kireinnu', Btory;" "nu Lifo or Their,;" Bklp Diiatln, tho Water Boy," and 'Exprcs, Ucucnger Riley," by . . Walter A. Moore. Special Articles. In The Household. Parlor Experiments in Science. Bhnpl, enrton,, ty Prof. W. O. lUchards. Entertainments fcr Charitable Purposes. AMco uni tutvniiwu, ty George 13. Bart2oet. Tableaux with Authors. Direction, for Chancing i.'vuln-,. Sulei-udnicefita. by Eato Sanborn. Concerning' Floors, Doors, and Windows. Girtas u Jaicat hiou u to thu decoration of theso iinportuut feature, ot a home, by Janet E. Runta-Reoa. Inexpensive Art Furniture. A aeries of jmpcni siuiug thai hom, nay he furuibod in tlio boat iiiaio wllliout larga ei;'iidriure, inrhis dtal.k a to tout, etc, by tho Curator of lb, Liverpool Art Uiuuiua, Charles. Pyttll. will send f Subsorlptlon lrloo $1.75. Specimen copies free thnt ditto. ( Vltau mention in what paper yon read thi adrtrtitrment. f For Internal and ExUraal V9. CURES Bum, Pcslil, ClillWuitig, Troct Ullo?, Clinnped Hnfl, l'losb Woiinu?. Ppralne, Itralart, KxtprnHl 1'oUone, Caked UresuU, Sore Nipples, Toot linclie. Croinps or Spnmr.ii of Ftomticli, CoUo. Asthma, or Tntrrril Pln, . I,ftriff Hack, iliiet ot Animal OBllsof nil' kinda, fsitfnst, ... UiDgbonns, C'rnckwl Tent. ' toll Kvll, Onrg-pt In Voir, Ppntlni, BwwueT, Hornti'lici or Ureue, Foot Hot In Phorp, ktrlnKhnit, . .' WlmliriilK Hoiin In l'linltrr, l'outidcred t'ert, Kffttiln, Craukcd Heels, Mans m Don. Aslt ynirr nonrrot Pcnlor or DrufBist tow viiv u uui Aiiiiuuuus lur looo. n rrol the airman Leader N. TOct.Sf, R MEnrnNT"3 OAnm.iNri OtT.. We hare made sioclal peioiml Inquiry In regard to Iho niuritsof thi cclebi uteci remedy, and find it ii genuine nrllc ln of raro value. It ia iy ih leans a new remedy. Tho establish-iii'-nt whiidi producf b It dntea Its manufac ture nfffaf liack-a lSiil. elneo whirli tloioit lu.sliei-ii Bti'ndily prowhiiT lnpuhlio faror. The natrnlors nre p.riionir Iho foremost oui ik;k) moil of the city o Lockport. They are every way reliable From lhe Toledo (Ohio) Tilaile, Jultf fl, 18H. Mcnff? mt's GAnoMNO Oit.. Thlg Old "Intidiiid ni'!l-:lo, undor tlio ndnilrnlile marf aixeim nl of Joint H"difo, 1'jiq., has reached nn enormous Rule IS M tin lioucstly com poimdod an Icle; it hut mem, nnd now that thehest lnifinct"3 talent ff bo country to liHiidliiiflr If. Ihfro i noronron wliT It should not doiil'l"! itsprcsi nt ufi fulness. Nofamlly can nltord to be without It. Fiirfamily use, ns well 03 for animals, it is simiily lndis pcusublc. SPECIAL TVOTICK. All wo anlc is a fair trial, but bo iuro and follow directions. . ...... 'l i.o finrirllnir Oil and Merchant Tablets nre lor Fain by all driiKKiSTB nnd dpn ci-a in (teueral uiercuuuuuo. -throughout world. Lnrire Sizo $1.00; Medium CO C.J Small 25e.j Small Size for faintly ivso 2.io. Mnnufaelured at Lpekport, N.Y., by Mer chant's tiurglins Oil Company. Pecrotnrv Magio Lanterns Outdone by tha 1 Pictures frnm hooka, papera, c.-o bo oast upon the wall grea clinuno t-arda tr!:h nil theiT carda. to.-. greatly enlarged-,: heir color, or the-" ( . i nr ix nnu u in .hi ii niii . nuiim "nitrnT'ii w Hie vilq, r tn tynea lurcfr; uw i'ul to portrnit nrtifta nnd amtv "lira. We send the P:1yopti.on and 200 cooiio pictowfi, Ipgaut clir'tino ct-Ih pn.! ;i')rtr.iit, by mail for ar c.rculire tell how to ubt iin it free. Agent wanted1.. .lurray Hill Pub. Co.. 129 E. 28th St., M. Y- infalll- pile pt Its Conrntr Danea.. Alco!ioli"ni.Oninm Eat lrc, Scrofula ani alii r.'erroUB nnd, Blood Dia oriKca. To Clergj-men,. I.iiwynra, Literary Men,. Merchant a. liankora. Ladies auu all nhomi ep-.lentary emplnympnt; causes ftervona Vrmtn-J ion, lrTfsulnritios ofr ti blond. Btomaeh,' bowels or Kidneys, or iv 1m require a nerr.i titnio, appetizer or ti:ia:lnnt. SAMAfil 'J AN MiRVKVE la in-l vn In n I-.lrt. 'rVnttsiinrll WtVUR FAILS. nmrlaio. it. t tn.wi J rfck- .-,i,.r,.i t j, i thnt orpr Mtiniii l)i H ralo liy ail llniKgifSs. tuepu.s. A.i:icii.MONunn:iicAL.caJ rwlc I roprieliirw, Joieiili. .Io, YOUR Chih 1.1 nf Hie Mutual luventnidii UluhM utlcra tlicpiircht tiicinrHuriiinkini: rguir nittiiililv nrotit!lroin irivosiiii(''-tsorl'tti!')uoorn.ore dtaltiiR(id GRASN.PROVIS;Or.S&STGGKS Cil II lilt IIHH'I UVUS I lit: Ul'llt'Ul IO l IrllllJIIIftl V. Ul 111! Llub. lienorts tpnt weekly. Jfiviilends imiu niuntlily. Clu!tl3 iiaiiltiliuiviiolftfrs buck their lnunc tn vrorilt in past three nioutha. still It-avini; original aimiimt liiHklDgl money in Club, or returned ou Ueiiuuitl. Slmrc,?Uicacl..j Kxplanatory eiiTHlnrsfent tree. lelmblccorreeiwn.h'iital wanted cvervwl.etc Address U. K. Kendall A Co..j Cuui'u Mchu.. 1.7 & l.'J La Salle bt.. Chicago, luJ lliaro ft poBitlvo remuiiy fT the fihuvo ilLHunso; by -tifto thousands of caioa of tho worbt Kind and of Ions; Undine havo been cured. Indeed, eostronn la my falla lu Its oliWy. that I will send TWO POTTMvd J-'llfiK, to pethor with VAU'AiW.E TKP:ATI.SK on this d.snasu.ts ftny aufiurur. filve Exprt-sn and V. U. atldreas. UK. T. A. bLOCl'M, Itl l'carl bt., Naif Tort 63 wftEata -V-i AK1 MT lJ-J WEAK Ol'T. CAT Ti liv Wr.tdmiahri-s. Uymail. iorta. Circular, Boston. Mass. Hid 3 ra iM g 4 A - Off hi O'i8- lHlinfnilinsan.1 MB" KB M aiDnfl. St. Vitus 5 MR TO INCOME 1 3