3 THURSDAY, NOV., 2, 1882. Republican County Ticket. For Congress, SAMUEL. H. ORWIG. For Assembly O. M. Montgomery, of Wilcox. For Jury Commissioner J. V. Bonnert, of Jones. Republican Count Committee. Chairman J. II. Hagerty, Rldg. Way, Pa. Benzinger Jacob Anderson, and Joseph Eddy, St. Marys. Fox S. Ii. Brown, Kersey, U. W Rogers, Braudy Camp. Highland E. Hovencamp, II. O Ellithorp, Kane. Horton Geo. W. Clinton, John Cuneo, Hrockport. Jay A. E. GofT, Justus Weed Weedville. Millstone William Irwin, Samuel Moore, Millstone. Rjdgwny Borough William John son, H. II. Wensel, Ridgway. Ridgway township C. G. Malin, Dngus Mines; Winfleld H. Clyde, nidgway. St. Marys Borough W. W. Ames, W. C. Spafford, St. Marys. Spring Creek T. D. Rhiues, O. T, Minor, Arroyo. Table salt at Morgester's. Groceries of every description fresh and pure at Morgester's. The dance announced for Friday evening has bteu postponed. Can lied peuches, tomatoes, pears, plums, appricots, salmon, beef, and mackerel ut.Morgester's. Apples, onions, rutabagas and grapes at Morgester's. Go to Morgester's for buckwheat flour, a fresh lot just received. Hams, shoulders and salt pork at Morgester's. When Adolphus placed his arms around the neckof Angeliuahe said it whs foi.a neck's press. purpose. Buckwheat flour and finej syrups at Morgester's. Buy a few pounds of the flour and a quart of the syrup, and be happy. When a woman' wants toget rid of her liusband-for an hour she sends liim up-stnirs ;to get something from the pocket of one of her dresses. Complaint in made that the' rail roads have destroyed, ;or rendered iim pussible, the public; roads north und w est of Ridgway. The.supervisors of Ridgway township shouldsee to it that the railroad companies place the public roads in as good condition as they find them. We clip the following from the Gazette and Bulletin,', .the Stalwart organ of Williumsport: "Senator Hall, who has been re nominated in the counties of Cameron, Elk, Clarion and Forest, will be elected of course. He has served both as member and Senatoribefore, and gave such satisfaction to his people that they would not consent to his retire ment at this time. His long experi ei.ee is of great value to him as a legis lator, and he is thoroughly conversant with the wants of his constituents, which is the secret of his popularity in the district. It is a good rule to retain good men in ofllce, and the people of that district are to be complimented for. not departiug from it." Company Hof Ridgway, attended the Bi-Ceutennial at Philadelphia, last week. The company reached the city at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning, and Jeaving at 6 p. m. Saturday, reached Ridgway at 4 p. m. Sunday afternoon. The weather was delight ful during the whole of the festivities, and all who atteuded had a delightful timo. The crowd was said tobe larger than any time duringthe Centennial, the hospitality of the city being taxed to its utmost to accommodate the thousands who were there. During the pyrotechuical display atFarmouut park on Tuesday -live persons were killed and a large number wounded by an explosion. Wednesday was tradesmen's day. On Thursday 3313 Knights Templar paraded. Friday was Military day when 14,070 men were in line us follows: Third brigade 1,729;" Second brigade 2,245; First brigade 2,020; battalion artillery 182; battalion cavalry 90; Second brigade New Jersey 2, 479; and Grand Army of the Republic 6,925 men. It is estimated that more than a million people witnessed the parade on Military day. Co, H turned out 39 men. A Card. Mr. Editor: Allow me through the columns of The Advocate to return the sincere thanks of Mrs. VanCamp and myself for the very agreeable and enjoyable snrprlse given us by our friends in Ridgway on the 17th anni versary of our marrtage. Your pleasant greetings and valuable gilts ahall be treasured up by us to cheer us In our work among you. Rev. A. VanCamp. Live Agents Wanted. To sell Dr. Chase's Receipts; or In formation for everybody, in every county Id the United States and Cana- ilarged by the publisher to 648 It contains over 2,000 house- W " 1 " - - ixirl ravnrlilifma nf omAt.tv A wonderful hook ana a household ne cessity. It sells at sight. Greatest in ducements ever offered to book agents. Sample copies 'sent by mail postpaid, for $2.00. Exclusive territory given. Agents more than double their money. Address Dr. Chase's Steam Printing House, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Personal. Vote for Montgomery for Assem bly. Vote'for Bonnert for Jury Com missloner. E. J. Miller's new building is about completed. A. C. Craig's Infant daughter died Wednesdayniglit. The brick have arrived for Hugh McGeehln's new store. Mrs. J. K. P. Hall, of St. Marys ls;lnRldgway this week. J. W. Morgester commenced lay ing on his new store last Tuesday morning. R. I. Campbell has commenced dleeina out the cellar for his new store. A cabbage was raised by Carl Rhlnes on Doctor Earley's lot, that weighed twenty-five pounds. Who can beat this. John Whitmore visited his par ents in Ridgway on Sunday and re turned to the Normal School at Lock Haven on Monday. Vote for Montgomery for Assem bly. He is worthy and deserves the support of every Republican, whether he be Stalwart or Independent. Frank VanOrsdall and wife, and O. G. Kelts and wife are in town from Kane. Frank and Ot. have had a long siege of fever but are slowly ImproV' ing. BIRTHS. Ely On Monday. Oct. 30, 1882, to Mr. and Mrs. F. C Ely, a son. Drysdale On Wednesday Nov. 1, 1882, to Mr. and Mrs. Warren Drys dale, of Daguscahonda, a son. Two mouths more in 1882. Fresh crackers at Morgester's. Next Tuesday is election day. Best brands of flour at Morgester's. All grades of sugar at Morgester's. Court commences on the 20th inst. The weather has been very pleas ant for several day past. 1883 almanacs are now on hand and will soon be the fashion. A. C. Craig will have a large stock of goods on hand in a few days. Birthday cards, a beautiful variety at The Advocate office No. 6 Buanty row. Wanamaker & Brown's, Fall samples are on hand now. Call and examine whether, you want to pur chase or not. S. A. Rote, agent. Cohen Bros. & Brownsteiue are putting up a temporary store next Healy's West End building. They expect to move in a few weeks. Powell & Kime are on their feet again und are receiving daily a large stock of fall and winter dress goods. hats, caps, boots, shoes, etc., etc. A large line of goods of every description. Groceries by the wholesale and retail. Call atil ovnmlne their larirn stock In Shanty Row. 0. M. Montgomery. Our candidate for assembly O. M. Montgomery is a solid Republi can and should receive the support of the party. We know several De mocrats who will vote for hiin. Not being controlled or owned by the bosses every Independent can give iiim a vote and not forsake their independence. He is an industn ous, hard working man and will therefore find sympathy and encour agement among the sturdy toilers of Little Elk. He is honest and would if elected make a capital Representa tive. He is the regular Republican nominee and should as we believe he will receive the votes of all Re publicans. Stalwart Republicans and Independent Republicans should vote for Montgomery, and thus show the united Republican strength in the county. No matter what you may think of the "Little Boss" or the "Big Boss," remember Mont gomery is not to be blamed for their sins. He is entitled to all the Re publican votes. We hope no Re publican will leave the name of O. M. Montgomery from his ticket. He is deserving of encouragement for his perseverance, his industry, and his honesty. Let us all give Montgomery a lift. Vanderbilt Swallows a Very Formid able Rival. Tltusville Herald. A. H. Steele, Esq., -received a tele gram from au authentic source in New York yesterday, that the Nickle Plate road had undoubtedly been sold to Wm. H. Vanderbilt. The great rail road king thus becomes possessed of a well built and splendidly officered road, and lias at the same time dis posed of the great rival of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern road. The Nickle Plate road extends from Buffalo to Chicago, and has been two yeurs building. From Buffalo to Bell view, O., the road parallels the Luke Shore & Michigan Southern. It then bears off to the south until it strikes a point on the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne & Chicago road, which it parallels into Chicago. Its entire length between the two cities is 526 miles, or 28 miles further. The road's right name Is New York, Chicago and bt. Louis, but it was nicknamed Nickle Plate, by an Ohio man, of course, editor of the Norwalk Chronicle, on account of the fancy manner In which it wu9 built. The lucky editor received au annual pass for his happy thought. Election Laws. TIMELY INFORMATION FOR MANY OF OUR CITIZENS The following compilation of the law in regard to elections, etc. from the third edition of the Pennsylvania election laws for 1874, showing who are entitled to vote, Is given for refer ence by many who may be compelled to make use of It: Every male citizen, 21 years of age who shall have been a citizen, at least one month and shall have been a rest dent of this State one year or having been, previously, a qualified elector or native born citizen of the state, and shall have removed therefrom and re turned, then six months immediately preceding the election. He shall have resided In the election district where he shall offer to vote at least two months immediately preced ing the election. ii twenty-two years or age or up wards, he shall have paid within two years a state or county tax, which shall have been assessed at least two months, and paid at least one month before the election. Page 96, section 1. Special election governed by the same law as general elections. P. 112. s. 23. won stable to be present to preserve order while polls are open. P. 138, 16. Assessors to be present with election board while polls are open. P. 131. s 16. Overseers will be appointed by the courton petition of five electors. P.103 4. Ballot box contents to be totally de stroyed by election board before pro ceeding to hold election. P. 109. s. 13, Judge to be sworn by minority in spector, inspectors, oversers and clerks by the Judge. P. 105. s. 9. In absence of the minority Inspector defeated candidate for judge shall serve. In absence of majority in spec- tor judge shall appoint a substitute. Tu absence of judge majority inspector shall appoint. Vacancy continuing one hour electors present shall elect one of their number to serve. P. 133, . 20. In absence of clerk, substitutes to be ppointed at once by Inspectors. P. 133, s. '21. Polls open at 7 a. m., and close at 7 M. P. 104, s. 6. Judge to designate oue Inspector to take registry and the other to receive and number ballots. P. 104. s. 68. Judge.inspector and assessor empow ered to administer oath. P. 110. s. 17. When a ballot is received the in spector shall call aloud the name of elector, if the other inspector finds the name on the registry and no chal lenge is offered, he marks V on mar gin and the clerk report the name and enter it upon the list of voters. P. 137, 87. When name is not on registry, papers" must be made out with oue UUttSS, n IJUttlillClt VJIA3k IU VUV district. P. 105, s. 70. When sworn in on residence or age, name to be added to registry and noted on margin "tax" or "age" also same noted on list of voters. P. 137, 39. In "counting off" the inspectors shall deliberately take out each ticket and read each name in the presence of the judge. P. 137, s. 44. As soon as all votes for any office shall be read off and counted, the judge shall publicly declare the num ber for such person. P. 139, s. 46. Returns shall state number of votes receieved by each candidate first in words, then in figures and signed by full board of officers, or reasons for ot slguing attached to returns. P. 107, s. 13. All judges living within twelve miles of the prothonotary's office, etc., shall, before 2 p. m., of the day after election, deliver election papers to the clerk of quarter sessions. P. 107, s. 13. Judiciary, state, county, township and borough tickets to be deposited in separate boxes. P. 137, s. 33. After the fifth consecutive year a naturalized citizen need not produce his papers at the same polls. P. 106, 11. Election officers are eligible for re election. P. 132. s. 17. The election shall be held annually on the Tuesday next following the first Monday of November; subject to change by a two-thirds vote of the general assembly. All elections for city, ward, borough and township officers, for regular term of service, shall be held on the third Tuesday of Febuary. Note. It would prevent much an noying delay and inconvenience, if each elector would announce his uajne when presenting his ballot at the polis. It is impossible for the iuspector to call, but very few voters by name, on the instant, and very frequently the poor light prevents a recognition of even those with whom he may be well acquainted. Note. It is always embarrassing to the election offlciers to have anyone outside the board present during the counting off, and forbidden by custom until it becomes forbidden by law. Bosses: Hateful to All Patriots. Missouri Republican. All patriots, whether Republicans or Democrats, are alike interested in the demolition of "bosses" and "bossism;" alike interested, but In much higher degree, in putting a permanent check to federal interference in the political affuirs of states. We hope and believe that on the morning of the 8th of Nov. ember next the administration will be considerably wiser and less happy than it is to-day ; and that the final down fall of "bosses" and "bossism" will date from the lesson then taught pub Uo servants in regard to their proper sphere and vocation. A Great Oil Syndicate. Tltusville, Oct. 81. One of th greatest bullish syndicates ever organ ized and known to the nil trade will be consumated to-morrow, November 1, by the parties concerned signing the necessary documents. The scheme is to enroll all Uie leading producers in the oil country to discontinue the drill for six months from date, to May 1, 18H3. Among the largest pro ducers who are forward ing this scheme to completion are McKlnney & Co. Union Oil Company, Tidewater Pipe Company, John J.Carter, H.B. Porter and others. All the parties concerned are determined men and will carry the scheme into successful execution. OIL OPERATIONS FOR OCTOBER. The report of oil operations for Oc tober is ready and Is fully as bullish as was anticipated by the trade. It shows that at the close of the month there were in the entire field 128 rigs up and building, against 170 the mouth previous, and 109 wells drilling against 125 in September. The in crease in the drilling wells Is undoubt edly due to the better prices for petro leum causing a partial resumption of operations. The number of wells completed during October was 116, with a production or iouz barrels per day, against 170 wells and 4549 barrels production In September, the falling off being in great part caused by the sudden collapse of Cherrv Grove. though there is undoubtedly a gradual decline in all the til fields, The fact that twenty dry boles were found In dicates that the wildcat operator has been seeking new fields or testing the outer edges of the defined territory. But eighteen wells were completed in the Bradford field, with a production of. 819 barrels, an increase of four wells aud a decrease of sixteen barrels pro duction. Allegheny cotaes to the front with an Increase of sixteen wells and 183 barrels production as compured with September, and Is the only field show- ng an increase both in wells aud pro duction. Although considerable ac tivity has been tisplayed in Bald- ridge, Butler county, and Cranberry, Venango county, the daily output has only been luereased 225 barrels, against 298 in September. Cherry Grove completed thirty-nine wells, most of which were drilling in Sep tember, and only added 515 barrel: against the yield the previous month of 8296 barrels. There are tbirty-one wells drilling in that field, many of which are not expected to puy the cost of putting down. Both Bradford aud Allegheny are pretty thoroughly drilled, and little will be done in the immediate future in those sections at the present price of oil. REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing account will be presented at the next term of the Orphan's Court for confirmation : ministrator of the Estate of Isaac Coleman, late of Horton township, Elk county, deceased. z. The Account or J. J. Tiiompson, guardian of Wm. A. and Surah E. Yaraiey. i BED, BCHCEXING, Kegister. Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE OF SUNDRY writs of fieri facias, alias fieri facias, vendi tioni exponas, levari facias, and testa tum fieri facias issued out of the Court of Common Fleas of Elk County, and to me directed, 1 THOMAS SULLI VAN, High Sheriff of said county, do hereby give notice that I will ex pose to public sue or outcry at tne Prothonotary's dice, In Ridgway, at one o'clock p. 21., on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20th, 1882, the following described real estate, to wit: The following towt lots and prem ises, situate in the town of Ridgway. county of Elk, and SUte of Pennsyl vania, being iue none nan or town lots number seventy rui and seventy- one (71) agteeable to the plan and map of said town as recorded in the office for recording deeds, &c, in aud for the county of Elk, upon which there is erected one two-story frame house 38x28 feet with shed or kitchen attached 15x33 feet aud oue frame barn 32x20. Seized and taken In execution as the property of J. C. Luther at the suit of The Township of Ridgway. ALSO All that certain niece par- eel or tract ot laud situate in the vil laire of Ceiitreville, county of Elk and State of Pennsylvania, bounded aud describtd as follows: On the north by th Mllesburg and Smetb port turnpike, ou the east by part of lot No. 63; on the south by an alley; on the west by au alley. Containing thirty reel trout on saiu lurnpmeoy ten and one-half rods in depth and being a strip of land thirty feet in width off of the west side of lot No. 63 in said village, upon which is erected one two-story plunk building twenty-one feet in width by twenty six feet in length with kitchen at tached one-story high 16x18 feet. TERMS OF SALE. The following must be strictly com pTIed with when the property is struck off: 1. All bids must be paid in full ex cept where the plaintiff or other lien creditor becomes the purchaser, in' which case the costs on the writs must be paid, as well as all hens prior to thut of the purchaser, and a duly cer tified list of liens shall be furnished, including mortgage searches on the property sold, together with such leln creditor's receipt for the amount ol the proceeds of the sale, or such pro tion thereof as he shall appear to be entitled to. 2. All sales not settled Immediately will be continued until six o'clock p. m., at which time all property not settled for will aguiu be put up, aud sold at the expense and risk of the person to whom it was first struck otf, and who, in case of deficiency at such re-sale, shall make good the same, and in no instance will the deed be per se n ted in court for confirmation unless the bbl is actually settled for with the Sheriff as above stated. THOMAS SULLIVAN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Ridgway, Pa., November 1, 1882. See Purdon's Digest, 0th edition, page 446, Smith's page ob4. List of Jurors. Below will be found a list of Jurors drawn for the November term of court, commencing on Monday, the 20th: GRAND JURORS. Benezette- B. E. Morey, John Mul roy, Dennis Taylor. Benzinger Nicholas Kronen welter. Fox Jeremiah A. Hern, Wm. E. Hewitt, R. T. Kyler, Wra. Callahan. Highland II. O. Ellithorp. Horton Adelbert Bundy, Theodore Fox. Jones George Sowers. Ridgway Borough O. R. Wood ward, Wm. M. Sweet, Henry A. Par sons. Jr. Ridgway Township H. E. Decker, Isaac Avery. John 1). Meenan. Spring Creek Jeremiah Elliott, Peter Gainor. Ht. Mary's Michael Frv. Bernard Fletterman, Edward M'Bride, Frank vornuoum. TRAVERSE JURORS. Benezette Wm. Derr. Benzinger Anton Munich, George JNissei, Anthony heirreiil, John Kleix ner, John Snvder. Fox Adolphus Gardner, E. T. Wil Hams. Pasco Shaver. Lorence Mohan. Jr., Ralph Bell, Joseph Schoeberl, Nicholas Apker. Horton Fred. Ravw nkle. Chaun- cey Brock way, James Phalen. To.. 17 I.- in I - . , m , ucj Y iii. i' . uiyiMv, irmei luritry, Jones George Dill, John C. Dever- eau, ii. A. Jucobson. Peter Mevers. Millstone G. D. Donahey. Ridgway Borough S. W. Miles. John Walmsley. Ridgway Townshio Peter Gulnao. John VanOrsdall. John P. Decker, George Gahn, David Ittle, James Rickard. 'Spring Creek James Davidson. Pe ter Hildebraud, Hiram Eisenmuu. St. Mary's Charles McVean, Josenh Deitz. List of Causes. Following Is the list of causes set down for trial at the November term of court, commenciug Monday, Nov. in,tu, iphz: 1. Elius Moyer vs. J. S. Hyde. No. 23, January term, 188(1. i. Angeii Jiogtuno vs. Antonio Bog- tano. No. 38, Junuury term, 1880. 8. Jerome Powell vs. Geo. Procious. No. 51, May term, 1881. 4. Geo. H. Everett vs. Henrv Stein- hilper. No. 98. May term, 1881. 6. James S. Greves, assignee, &c, vs Michael Weidert. No. 8. Jan. term. 1882. 6. R. M. Painter vs. Gust Loebmau et al. No. Ti, January lenn, lonu. 7. Jacob M'Cuuleyvs. Peter J. M'- Mann et al. No. 16, May term, 1882. 8. T. J. Shaffer vs. Thomas Tosier. No. 75, May term, 1882. 9. B. T. Sherwood vs. Geo. H. Ev erett et al. No. 81, May term, 1882. Fred. Schojning Clerk Q. Si Elk County Court Proclamation. WHEREAS, the Hon. Wm. D. Brown, President, Geo. Ed. Weis and G. Messenger, Associate Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, and Jus tices of the Common Pleas, and Jus tices of the Court of Quarter Sessions, and Orphans' Court, and Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of capital and other offenses in the County of Elk by their precepts to me directed, have ordered a Court of Common Pleas, a Court of Quarter Sessions, Orphans' Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, to be holden at - - L ' - ' ' " - ' - J Elk on the THIRD MONDAY IN NOVEMBER, 1882, being the 20th lay of the month; to continue one week. Notice is hereby given to the Corouer, Justices of the Peace and Constables of Elk county, that they are by these presents commanded to be then and there in their proper per sons, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, with their rolls, records and imiuisi ions, and other remberunces. to do those things which to their offices ap pertain to be done, and that'all Jus tices of said county make returns of all recognizances en tend into before them to the Clerk of the Courts, us ner Act of Assembly pussed May 8th, 1834, and mose wuo are uouna by their recog nizances, to prosecute the prisoners that are or shall be in the iail of the suM county of Elk. and then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. THOMAS SULLIVAN, Sheriff. October 20th, 1882. FRANK JAMES' SURRENDER. AGENTS WANTED for the Illus- trated,Llves and Adventures of Frank and Jesse James aud the Younger Brothers, the noted Western Outlaws. Bv Hon. J. A. Dacus. Ph. D. A. true and thrilling account of their bold op erations for 20 years, in as many Slates and Territories, with graphic descrip tions of the death of Jesse, the sur render of Frank, and the preliminar ies of liis trials on h score of indict ments for Murder and Highway Rob bery. Profusely illustrated, with en gravings of the outlaws as boys aud men, their young wives and nttie chil dren, the Ford boys and CO other en graved from actual photographs. A BONANZA FOR AGENTS ! Bend for full particulars aud be convinced that this ia the most salable and profit able book published, or, to save tima, send 50 cts. at once for canvassing book aud state your choice of town ship. Outfit and sample copy sent prepaid for $1 60. Address, N. I). Thompson & Co., Publishers, N. W. Cor. 8th aud Broadway, New York. H0 LOST, HOW RESTORED. Just published, a new editon of Dr. Culverwell's Celebrated Essay on the radical cure or'Spermatorrhce or Semi ital Weekness, Involuntary Seminal Losses Impoteney, Mental and Phyl. cal Incapacity. Impediments to Mar Huge, etc.; also, Consumption, Epil epsy and fits induced by self-iudul gence or sexual extravagance, &o. The celebrated author, in this ad niirublo Essay, clearly demonstrates. from a thirty years' successful practice that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may bo rudicully cured; pointing out a mode or cure ut once simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every suffere.', no matter whut his condition may be muy cure himself cheaply, privately, and raei cally. StaTThis Lecture should be in the hands of every youth aud every man in the land. Sent under seal in a pluin envelope, to any address, pout-paid, on receipt of six cents or two postage stamps. Address, The Culvdrwell Medical Co., 41 Ana St., Mew York, N. Y.: Post Office Box, 460. Ridgway Lodge No. 900, I. O. of O F. meets every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock iu their hull over the poet office. Here We Are. Masonic Hall Building ready to sup ply you with anything In the line of Stoves, Hardware, Tin ware, Lump goods Ac, Leave your orders for tin ware, stove reparlng &c, as usual they will receive prompt attention. W. S. Service, agent Bucklen's Arnioa Salve. The best Salve iu the world for Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chapped Handc, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup' tlons, and positively cures Piles. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfuo tlon or money refunded. Price 20 cents per box. For sale by G. G, Messenger. Almost every store In the country has ou its counter, a show case of Dr. Day's medicines. By a glance at the display, it will be seen that direct act ing remediesareoffered formany every day complaints, ami us they are all the results of ttudy and experience, their worth may be relied oh. ur. uay s iiver mis are taken in a different way from any other pill, und only a trial Is needed to prove their great superiority in all cases of liver complaint and constipation. Dr. Day's Cold Medicine has great power over colds and sore throat, and persons subject to quinsy need not have their tonsils break if they take this remedy lu time. The show case Contains a number of others, but special attention is called to Dr. Day's Cure for Piles, as having a greater curative influence over the parts implicated, thau any other medi cine known. NOTICE. Cohen, Bro. & Brownsteine, proprie tors of the New York store, would re spectfully announce to the public that the report that has been circulated of late In regard to their removal from town is not true. Ou the contrary, we are here, aud expect to remain in Ridgway a good many years and con tinue to sell goods cheaper than ever. Our stock is new and complete all the latest novelties in the market. Call aud examine our stock and be convinced that we are headquarters for dry goods, clothing, hats, caps, boots, shoes, etc. We will be able to quote you prlees in a week or two. Our stock is full aud complete in all its branches. Cohen, Bro. & Browesteise, Proprietors. 0TICE. In the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Jills, J'ov. Term, 1882. Notice is hereby given that an ap plication will be made to the said Courton Thursday, Nov. 23, A. D. 1882, ut Ridgway, Pa., under the act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to provide for the Iucorpuration and Kegulallon ot certain Uorporutlons" rt - r-11 tiio o. im plements thereto, for the Charter of an Intended Corporation to be called "First Congregational Cuurch of Ridgway. 'Pa.." the character nn1 object whereof is the support of public worship, the support ot any benevo lent, charitable, educational, or mis sionary undertaking, and for these purposes to have, possess and eninv all the rights, benefits, aud priv ileges of the said Act of Assembly and its supplements. W. S. Hamblen, Solicitor. Estray Notice. Came to the premises of the sub scriber about five weeks ago a large white and red spotted cow, with large horns, about eight or nine vears of aire. The owner is hereby notified to come torwurd, prove! property aud nuv all charges or she will be disposed of ac cording to law. Apply to nlflirurav P O 4r nt ,.&' f.it..n thnn miles from Ridgway. oc'4S-3t Notice. Is hereby given that J. D. Rishell, student-at-law, registered with Hull & McCuuley, Esq., has filed his ap plication torexaminatlou tor admission to practice as an attorney ot the courts of Elk county with the Secretary of the Board of Examiners, and that the said board will meet ut their room in the Conrt House, Ridgway, on Monday, the 2oth day of November next, at 7 o clock P. si., lor the pur pose of examining said applicant. ueu. K. dia.u:n, secretary. Ridgway, Oct. 13, 1882. 3t. FLORAL DEO RATION S. Taste, Beuuty and Style unexcelled attention given to the proper arrange' ment or inowers. uoutiuets, baskets and Designs prepared in the most artistic manner at moderate prices and sent safely by express. Catalogues iree to, Address. Harry Chaapel, .Decorative Florist, Williamsport, Pa. MSTA OIL STOVE STILL LEADS THE WORLD. 50,000 IN USE 1 XJmom Ordinary Kerosene. Eakoj anl Cooks Iqual to any Cook tore. SEND FOR NEW CIRCULAR. MYERS, 0SB0RN & CO., OLE MANUFACTURE, OXtBITBIiAMD, OHIO, ITMtcra Branch, 41 LIKE BTBEXT, CHlCitiO. GALL ON OVR LOCAL AGENT. Baking powder freshly made twice a week at Day's druy; store. VMM -A. Thkiiiii-ii urn j ELECTION PROCLAMATION. Whereas. In and by the 13, section of the Act of General Assembly of Penn sylvania, pussed July 2, 1859, entitled. "An act relating to the elections of the common wealth,'' It is enjoined on the sherlfi'of every county to give notice of such elections to be held, and to enumerate lu such notice what offi cers are to be elected. In pursurance thereof, I, Thomas Sullivan, High Sheriff of the county of Elk, do there fore make known aiid give the publio notice to the electors of sabl county of Klk.thutageiu-ralelection will beheld In said county, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, l82, (It being the first Tuesday f thef mouth) for the purpose of electing the following officers to wit; One person for Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One person for Lieutenant Governor oft lie Commonwealth of Pennsylva-- ula. One person for Supreme Judge of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One person for Secretary of Internal a flu I rs of the Comnionweulth of Penn sylvania. une neinon for ConcreBsmnn-at- Lai'ge for the Common wealth of Penn sylvania, One person for Congress to represent the counties of Union, Clearfield, Clinton, Elk. Miffiin and Centre, com posing the twentieth Congressional district' of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One person for State Senator to rep resent the counties of Cameron. Elk. Clarion and Forest, coninosinar the riiirty-elght Senatorial district Of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One person for Representative to the Legislature from the county of Elk. One person for District Attorney for the county of Elk. one person for Surveyor of the county of Elk. I wo persons for Jury Commission ers for the county of Elk. Each elector being privileged to vote for oue. Ana the quuhnpd electors of the county of Elk will hold their elections ' in the severul districts as follows: Bene.ette townshiD at the house of Elizabeth Winslow. Benzinger townshin. at the Fschnol house on Michael street, near the Elk creek bridge. iox townshiD. at the Centrevillo school house. Highland townshla at the house of Levi Elithorpe. Horton township, at the School house near D. C. Oyster's hotel. Jay township, at the house of Alfred Jones township, at the Wilcox Tan ning and Lumber Co's office Millstone township, at the house of Henry Derr, at Barr'sdain. KiUgway township, at the court house. Ridgway borough, at the court house. Rolfe election district, at the store of E. W. Rolfe & Co. Spritig Creek township, at the house f Thomas Irwin. St. Marys borough at the town hall. I also make known the following: An act regulating the mode of vot ing at elections iu the several counties of this commonwealth, approved March 30th, 1800. Suction 1. Be ft enacted, etc.: Thut the (nullified voters of the several counties of the commonwealth, ut the general township, borough und special elections, are hereby hereafter authori zed ami required, to vote by ttcuets rM-lntorl rip written, nr tutrtlv written and partly printed severally classified us follows: One ticket shall embrace the names of all judges of courts voted for, and to be labeled outside "Judici ary;" oue ticket shall embrace the names ot all the stute officers to be voted for, and be labeled "State;" one ticket shall embrace the names of all county officers voted for, including tho office of Senutor und members of Assembly, if voted for, and members of Congress if voted for and shall be luheied "County." etc.. and each class shall be deposited in separate ballot ooxes. I also make known and give notice as in and by the loth section of afore said act that Every person except iustice of the peace who shall hold any ofllce of ap pointment of profit or trust under the government of the United States, or f any city or incorporated district-, whetlipr ft mmnilwlimc'i uuiuiwisK, "a , subordinate oincer or the legislative, executive or Judiuiul (enartments or this Wtate, or the United States or of any city or incor porated district, und ulso any member of Congress or of the Stute legislature, aud of the select aud common council of any city, commissioners of any in corporated district, is incapable of hoidihgorexercisiiigat tne same time the officer or appointment of judge, inspector or clerk, of any election of the commonwealth and no inspector, Judge or any other officer of such elec tion shall be eligible to be voted tor. Also in the fourth section of the act of assembly entitled "An act relating to elections and other purposes, ' ap- .... . l 4 : t m iuiT. 1.. I. proveu April i"uu, ii is euueiuu iiiui the 14th section shall be so constructed as to prevent any militia or borough officers from serving as Judge, in spector or clerk, at any general or special election iu this commonwealth pursuant to tne provisions couiainea in the 13t h section of the uct lust afore said, the return judges of the aforesaid, district living within twel ve mile ol the prothonotary's office or within twenty four miles, if their residence be in a town, village or city uion the line of a railroad leudiug to the county seat. shall before two o'clock, postmerediuu ot tne duy atter tne election aud all other Judges ahull before twelveo'clock merediun ot the second duy ulter elec tion, deliver snid return together with return sheet, to the prothouotary of the court of common pleas of Elk county at Ridgway. I also make known the following section of au act approved the 80th day of January, A. D. 1874, entitled "A further supplement to the act regulaU lug elections in this commonwealth Skc. 6. At all elections hereafter held under the laws of this common wealth, the polls shall be opened at 7 u own u. ixi. uuu eiose ut I o Clock n. m. Skc. 9. Atall elections by thecltizena shall be by ballot; every ballot shall be numbered in the order iu which it shut I be received, and the number re corded by tiie clerka on the list of vo ters opposite the name of the elector from whom received. Ami any voter voting two or more tickets, ihu several tickets so voted Khali be numbered, with the number corresponding wjtU the number of the name of the vot. Any elector may write his mime upon his ticket or cause the same to be. written thereon. Given under niy hand at Ridgway the 2Kih duy of .September, In the year of our Lord one thousand eight buiK drcd and eighty-two and of the hide nendenee of the United Slate tli hundred and sixth. THOMAS toULLl VAN, Sheriff SlIEKll'F'ti OKFICK, . Ridgway, Pa., Sept. iiS,