The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, October 12, 1882, Image 2

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    Hie JUte
Henry A. Parsons, Jr.
THURSDAY, OCT., 12, -18SS.
Entered at the Post-office at
. For Governor,
of Centre County.
For Lieutenant-Governor,
t of Bradford County,
For Judge of the Supreme Court,
of Philadelphia.
?Ar Secretary of Internal Affair.
of Hut lor.
F r ( 'on g ross n i n n -n t-La rge.
of Lancaster.
Uepuhlir-an County Ticket.
For Assembly
O. M. Montgomery, of Wilcox.
For Jury Commissioner
J. V. RollllCl't, of Jollt'S.
SIoViJlo Unload.
rriiilailolphla Press.
The Republican ciutse is far nioro
!iiioit;iMl than any olio man. The
restoration or J iojui i l ic;i n unity is
above nil personal considerations. X
candid and fair-minded Republican In
the State, whether ho bo a regular or
tin Independent, disputes that it is
Konator Cameron's wilful and pro-
scriptivc boss rulo which has produced
Iho widespread I'.iK'UUeiion and revolt.
No siu'h Republican doubts that, if
.Senator Cameron were out of the
way, the party would bo again united
and triumphant. Why should otic
man bo sufl'ered to weiL,h down the
great Kepubliean organisation with
its splendid history and its still imlii:
fshed mission? V."hvn there is but one
obstacle to llomlliean harmony and
progress, why should in bo premiited
to blast Kepubliean holies and aspira
tions? Why continue a long and dis
astrous struggle when wo can end all
practical differences and enter upon u
new career of triumph by unloading
Senator Cameron?
But how unload him? What practi
cal step can be taken to promote a re
sult which every earnest Republican
recognizes as a consummation de
voutly to bo wished? The question
lias been asked in many quarters. It
is a reasonable quest ion and deserves
n frank answer. Unload him, ire re
P'i't proclaiming that he cannot be
rc-e'cctcd to the L'nitcd State Senate,
and by carrying the iwttc into every
district which elects a State Senator
vith a vote on that qucation. The
members of the lower branch of the
Legislature chosen this year do not
participate in the election of the suc
cessor, J t is not necessary, therefore,
to raise : he issue in their eases. Re
publicans arc not culled upon to im
r.wp vny personal tests or to exact any
i,eis.)ival pledges in uniting to secure a
Republican II no of Representatives.
The question need not bo carried any
further Sli'tn is essential to secure an
object which is vital to the future wel
fare of the party. Two years hence,
unless the matter shall be rightly fel
tlea before thut time, it will be legiti
mate noil important to present the
bsue in fleeting every member of the
L .''-1 .'.lure; but for the present it may
properly be confined to the chuiee of
lal ! Senators.
One hall' of (lie State Senate is to be
eh eled this year, am.! every Senator
Uiih ohoflon will have a vote upon the
question whether Mr. Cameron shall
be returned to the seat he now holds.
1 U re, tin 11, i i the direct, immediate,
derisive opportunity to unload. Here
i: the palpable way to .strike at the
real object without impi riling any
thing els?. Let these twenty-five
Senators, 71 ii-t of who'ii come in lie
publican districts, be men who obey
the will of the Republican masses.
Lei tlnm be asked to declare whether
they will follow the unmistakable Re
publican sentiment of the State and
vote for ' omo Republican more ac
ceptable than Mr. Cameron. It is
not only legitimate but eminently
I'ij. i:! this test should be applied.
I. Mr. Cameron seeks re-election he
i-i to-day practically u candidate in
these twenty-five districts, mid it is an
undeniably ju.-t demand that the
"o le slioiild be enable to rpouk in
: -lil'.'-.'iit.l.y on the cm . tif.'ii. Jle must
''. it pared to pn-s Hie public ordeal
Jik".:ny other candidate. Jt is en
tirely .'it that the people should pio
ioi!ice directly on l!:e question of
Senator as on thai of any other public
uli'ter. T ho last time :i Senator was
cl'mp-i Jlr, (irow made an open pop
lilar can vass, and the people, declared
their will on the subject, ami they
hum; the that Mr. Cameron
.diall accept judgment in the same
Mrcef way.
if he is not prepared to meet this
Ksuc in the broadest form, he can re
lieve th'-' public mind by declaring
that he is not and will not be a candi
date for re-election. Such a declara
i..n would solve the political problem
in Pennsylvania. Jt would do more
to dear up th? clouds and restore the
-.niishine of Republican peace than
all other measures. It would bring
thousands of votes to General Reaver
ami remove the ground of oppoHitiou.
Rut if Mr. Cameron is not ready to
lift this load from the party which
1ms given him such high honors, then
let the. party unload li'in. Let the
question be carried into the Senatorial
district and ud dressed to the Republi
can candidates. Such a movement
vi"orous!y pressed and faithfully fol
lowed out would speedily settle the
mutter. It would very quickly be
.Icteimiiied and. proclaimed that a
l alority of tho Republicans and their
.vo-eieiitatlves were opposed to Mr.
'."iir.P'.Hiii's re-election ; his return
-.Von Id he shown to be impossible; mid
by ihit act the party wemld ellectiudly
j'nl iul him. In the hist contest the
ii!ic!)ii:e candidate for United States
Sen-dor was lcateii, and that, too, at a
time wh'-n public sentiment hud not
been fully aroused. There in in
telligent Republican but believes that,
with an eiicrgelio light against it, Mr
Cumeroi) cannot be re elected. hy,
then, U it necessary to turn the Mute
over to Democratic hands in order to.
aoc-mitllsh blti d;fwr?.
iv .1 a m ciuisca 1.11c
ej ,
YSlWAa BUILDING, and, with a few toote saved from the 1mrnBn9
my shop was started on the next day after the tire. Now my
stock of
Is as near complete as the limited time would admit, and Goods are
arriving on every train.
sire a snecialtv with me. I have
a i
assortment ever
Friends I need your trade at
little bill drop in
tovigorous!ypush"a" business,
strength to study a" profession,
strength to regulate a household,
strength to do a day's labor with
out physical pain. Ail this repre
sents what is wanted, in the often
heard expression, " Oh I I wish I
had the strength!". If you are
broken down, have'not energy, or
feel as if life was hardly worth liv
ing, you can be relieved and re
stored to robust health and strength
by taking BROWN'S IRON BIT
TERSf which is a true tonic a
medicine universally recommended
for all wasting diseases. ,
joi N. Fremont St., Baltimoi
During the war I was in
jured in the stomach by a piece
of a shell, and have suffered
from it ever since. About four
years ago it brought on paraly
sis, which kq4 inc in bed six
months, and the best doctors
in the city said I could not
live. I sulfcred fearfully from
indigestion, and for over two
years could not eat solid food
and lor a large portion of the
time was unable to retain even
liquid nourishment. I tried
Drown's Iron liittersand now
after taking two bottles I am
able to get up and go around
and ain rapidly improving.
O. Decker,
a complete and sure remedy for
Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Malaria,
Weakness and all diseases requir
ing a true, reliable, non-alcoholic
tonic. It enriches the blood, gives
new life to the muscles and tone
to the nerves,
la tho only do
vice of its kind
that has stood
luidearued uni
versal public
Does every
description of
Cooking, Wash
ing, Ironing,
f rult canning,
oroiher domes
tic work liere
l,,fr ilrtlie la
the ordinary cook stovo, ri4 without its insui-
fernhle heat, soot, ashes, etc.
tnr lleliulile Agonts wanted in unoccupied
territory. Address, ,
Seneca Street, cor. Cuauiplain, Cleveland, Ohio.
1 a i
rciuoviu ui uic
FPU WJ 117?
shown in this market, and
No trouble to show goods, and if any
and settle it, I can use
And all'SOT'ftvEST line to Bt. Joserh,
potnta la lowu2JAtehlion, Topcka, Dal.
brBBka,M!eiourl,KauX7s'on' Dullai, QJl-
aa, New Mexico, Arizona, llui!'if. veitoo,
tana and Tvxwb.
O 1 I O A O O
JJiii liuute lint uosuKrlur fur Alburt
T'nlTersali!: Katlonally reputed oa
y conceded to SSFSs-Iub the Great
r.11 tnim ui rnvfi.
td Vto Pra't t Otn'l Managtr, Gtn. Dm.Afft .,
ClilcKio, 111. tlileugo.llL
Buy tlio Celebrated
TUO Cent, Most Celohrnted, rarest Tone, Jlort
tiumtilo, tit him"", most;
OrutAM iu lue world.
Send forelruulur.
All connection! made
Xf2S. In Union v
(V Depot.. SSlf
ThrongD WX yCCJsV' Try It.
Tlcketf via thlNsTT SQpr tni you will
Celebrated Lino 'StYS111"1 ,raTe"D
ale at aU offices 'vSV 'uur7 lnatcad
;bc U. S. aulC)yV ot d""
Canada. Cv eomfort-
ViV'obout Katea of XJYWVV
S VV Fare, Sleeplni? Cari,oyy
t t etc.. rhpprfnlly plven 'JyJ
II I .1 LJ . 1" i". -i
. 1 a
uiJUt'isBi nt'u u
on hand and on the road the best
this time. Call in, and send your
Bucklon'a Arnica Salve.
Tlic ln'st Salve iu the worM for Cuts,
IH-uifie.", liurns, Bores Uloors, Bait
Rlit'iun, Fever BorcH.t.linpiieir.lIaiult',
Chilblains, Corns, nnlViIl.8kln Erup
tionH, tintl positively circs Piles. It
is auiivanteetl to give jerfeet satiffac
tion or money refunlcil." Price 20
cents per box. r For 'sale by (J. O.
Get your horses insured in the
Susquehanna, Live Stick association,
15. I'. Mercer, n.ent, Pkidgvay, Ta.
Demand it.'and take no other iron
preparation except Brown's Iron Bit
ters. It is the best.
"Wunaniaker &' Brown's, Fall
samples are on hand now. Call and
examine whether you want to pur
chase orjiot. S. A. Icons, agent.
Mrs. Jacob BuUerfuss, overButter
tyiss' harness Bhop, Main street, lias
constantly on hand the latest style of
human hair goods, also switches, nets
and pins, tc. Call and see them.
Wauamaker'& Brown's Fall sam
pies are on hand now. Call and ex,
amine whether you want to purchase
or not. S. A.KoTE,gent.
Cheap and reliable, B. P. Mercer
agetn. Get yonr horses insured.
Overland Mail note paper just re
ceieved and for sale as before tho fire
at The Advocate office, South street.
Millions (jireu Away.
Millions of Bottles of Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds, have been given
away as Trial Bottles of the large size.
This enormous outlay would be dis
astrous to the proprietors, were it not
for the rare merits possessed by this
wonderful medicine. Call at G. G.
Messenger's Drug Store, and get a
Trial Bottlo-ee, and try for yourself.
It never fails to cure,
For GEN. DODfiF'S bran' new book, entitled
Years Among
A true record of th Author. Thirty Three Yeart Prrtonal Fx-ptf-WACC
twang our Jjuiiuns, Q.j-ViiU mi ftbl JutiuUuctioa
By Gen. Sherman.
This new work was at ones suUcribei (or by Prtri lent
Asraua. wui cum Cnbintt, anil br Oen. Sherman, Ota.
Grant, Uem. SKartUan, Otn. HaiKo:k, and thowantlt ot Em
inent Men. tis. Guam uy, , i tl txtt boukeuliuiian
lift tier written." liisuop WltEt (MttlioJIit,) ssja
u a book of inunenM vauc." It li tlis only authentic account
of our Indians sver pubilihed, ltV7 reresliug their Mlnner
life, ' secret dulngs, exploits, etc. 1 ! rcplcls with thrilling
cxpeenees of the Author, and of ftfnous Scouts, Trippers,
Cow-boy i. Miners, Border Bufflsns, elc.Tlviilly portrsinf
Life in ths Great West u It no 10 is, 4ttd thoutatui to pret.
With fiteel EDgrsrliifs and Supc'h Chmme-Litliofrrapli
flsles in lft colors, from photographs ends bj ths If. U.
Govern inent earjimvly for (Am greit itork,
A li l: M S I This a-rsnd book u now out-selUni all others
10 to 1. Xo competition. Agents a'eraes 10 to 110 orders
a day. Ws want 1000 mors ascnU at ones. Exclutii
Trrritcry unit Sjxdul Itnu gitcx. Oiu bugs eireulars with
(nil pailieulars ten fret. A fins Specimen Piste sent
adtkttun for a 8 eent stamp. Addrssa ths sole publishers,
. p. WOHTWNUTOJI tOUsrroo, Co.
ii. m?r
uiv am
of you owe me a
By J. V. UuKLii.
Embracing the livs and wonderful
adventures of Wild Bill, Bultiilo Bill,
Kit Carson, Ctipt. Payne, dipt. Jack,
Texas Jack, California Joe. And
other celebrated Indian Fighters,
Scouts, Hunters and Guides. A true
historical work of thrilling adventures
on the plains, and iu western pro
gress and civilization. Fights with
Indians! Grand Buffalo Hunts! Des
perate Adventures! Narrow Escapes!
Wonderful Shooting and Biding!
Wild Life in the Far West! eSTHH)
Illustrations! 10 Full-page Colored
Plates! A grand book for Agents.
Outsells everything. 518 pages, price
$2.00. Agent's complete outfit 00
cents. Outfit and copy for $2.00.
toSrWritc at once for agency, or terms
and illustrated circulars to N. I).
THOMPSON & CO.. Publishers, N.
W. Cor. 8th, and Broadway, New
5(100 up (Stool, Cover and Book).
Elegant Square Grand, 3 strings, full
Agraffes, every improvement, only
SIMS. Cabinet Grand Upright 910
and $250. Other Grand Holiday Bar
gains. Jubilee Organs, $-55 up (Stool
and Book). Excelsior, style 42, Five
sect of Itceds, 15 slops, only 37.
"Oriental," style 103. Ten set of Iteeds,
20 stops, only 125. No. "bogus" sets
of reeds or dummy" stops. All sent
on 15 days trial, freight free if unsatis
factory. Fair and honest dealing
guaranteed. Sheet Music 1 price.
Piano, Organ, or Music Catalogue free
205S, N. Y.
Walnut Leaf Hair Restorer.
It is entirely different from nil
others. It is as clear as water, and, as
its name indicates, is a perfect Vege
table Hair Kestorer. It will immedi
ately free the head from dandrull'. re
store gray hair to its natural color,
and produce a new growth where it
has fallen off. It does not in any
manner affect tho health, which Sul
phur, Sugar or Lead, and Nitrate of
Miver preparations nave none, u
will change light or faded hair in a
few days to a beautiful glossy brown.
Ask your druggist for it. Each bottle
is warranted. SMITH, KLINE &
CO.. Wholesale Agents, Philadelphia,
and C. N. C1UTTENTON, New York
n 17 1 y.
und Buggies to let upon the most
reasonable terms.
fiKrile will also do job teaming.
tetablo on Elk street. All orders left
at the Post Olllce wt'iTecdv prompt
Whereas. In -and by the H,Hectioiiof
tho Aft of ( ielienil Assembly of pctin-
"ylvanla, p.isscd July 2, lSMt, ch'l'lcd.
"An act relating to iliucloctioiisof tin
common wealth,'' It is enjoined on the
slicriirof every county to give notice
of such (!((( ioi'S to bo held, and to
enumerate in such notice what olll
et is are o be elected. In pursunmcc
thereof, I, Thomas Sullivan, High
Slu rid'of the county of Elk, do there
fore make known and give the public
notlec to the electors of said county of
Elk, that a general election will lie held
In said county, on
fit, being tho first Tuesday of tho
ti ton 1 1 1 ) for tho purposeof electing the
following officers to wit;
Ono person for Governor of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
One person for Lieutenant Governor
of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylva
Ono person for Supreme Judge of
tho Common wealth or Pennsylvania.
One person for Secretary of Internal
atlairs ot the commouweaiin oi renn
sylvania. una person tor uongressman-ai-Large
for the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania. One person for Congress to represent
the counties of Union, Clearfield,
Clinton. Elk. Mifllin and'
posinc the twentieth Congressional
district of the Commonwealth of
One nerson for State Senator to ren
resent the counties of Cameron, Elk,
Clarion and Forest, composing the
Thirty-eight Senatorial district of the
Commuu woaltli of Ppnnoylvflntu
One person for Representative to
the Lecislature from the county of
One person for District Attorney for
the couuty of Elk.
One person for Surveyor of the
County of Elk.
Two persons for Jury Commission
ers for the county of Elk. Each elector
beinir privileged to vote for one.
And the qualified electors of the
county of Elk will hold their elections
in the several uistriets as lollows :
Beuezette township at the house of
Elizabeth Winslow.
Beuziuger township, at the school
house on Michael street, near tho Elk
creek brulire.
Fox township, at the Cenlreville
school house.
Highland township, at the house of
Levi Eiithorpe.
Horton township, at tho School
house near D. C. Oyster's hotel.
Jay township, at the house of Alfred
Jones township, at the Wilcox Tan
ning and Lumber Co's. office.
Millstone township, at the house of
Henry JJerr, at liarr'auam.
Ridgway township, at the court
Ridgway borough, at the court
Spring Creek township, at the house
ol 1 horn us Irwin.
St. Marys borough at the town hall
I also make known the following:
Ax act retrulatiii!; the mode of vot
lug at elections in the several counties
ol this commonwealth, approved
March oOth. 1SW.
Suction 1. Be it enacted, etc.
That the tiualified voters of the several
counties of the commonwealth, at the
general township, borough and special
elections, are hereby hereafter authori
zed and remtircd to vote by tickets
printed or written, or partly written
and partly printed severally classified
as follows: Ono ticket'sball embrai
the names of all Judges of coui ts voted
for, and to be labeled outside Judici
ary ;" one ticket shall embrace the
names of all the statu ofliccrs to be
voted for, and be labeled "State;" one
ticket shall embrace the names of all
county officers voted for, including the
office of Senator and members of
Assembly, If voted for, and members
of Congress if voted for and shall be
labeled "County," etc., and each class
shall be deposited in separate ballot
I also make known and give notice
as in and by the loth section of afore
said act that
Every person except justice of the
peace who shall hold any olllce of ap
pointment o profit or trust under the
government of f he United Stales, or
of any city or incorporated district
whether a commissioned ofllccr or
otherwise, a subordinate off! :er or
agent, who shall bo emphntd under
tho legislative, executive or Judicial
departments of this State, or the
United Ktntes or ofnny city or Incor
porated district, and also any member
of Congress or of the State legislature,
and of the select and common council
of any city, commissioners of any in
corporated district, is incapable of
hokhngorexercisingat the same time
the officer or appointment of judge,
inspector or clerk, of any election of
the commonwealth and ho inspector,
Judge or any other otllccr of such elec
tion shall bo eligible to be voted for.
Also in the fourth section of the act
of assembly entitled "An act relating
to elections and other purposes," ap
proved April 7, li;0, it is enacted that
the 14th section shall lie so constructed
as to prevent any militia or borough
ofliccrs from serving as Judge, in
spector or clerk, at any general or
special election in this commonwealth
Pursuant to the provisions contained
in the 13th section of the act last afore
said, the return judges of the aforesaid,
district living wit in n twelve nines oune
prothonotary's olllce or within twenty
four miles, if their residence be in a
town, village or city upon tho line of a
railroad leading to tho county seat,
shall before two o'clock, postmeredian
of the day after tho election and all
other J udires shall before twelve o'clock
mcredian ot the second day alter elec
tion, deliver said return together witn
return sheet, to theprothonotary of
the court of common pleas oi ii,in
couuty at Ridgway.
I also make known tho following
section of an act approved the 30th day
of January, A. D. 1874, entitled UA
further supplement 10 me act regulat
ing elections in this commonwealth,
Sec. 5. At all clecttons hereafter
held under the laws or this common
wealth, the polls shall be opened at
o'clock a, m. and close at 7 o'clock p
Skc. 9. At all elections by the citizens
shall be by ballot; every ballot shall be
numbered in the order in which
shall be received, and the number re
corded by tho clerks on the list of vo
ters opposite the name of the elector
from whom received. And any voter
voting two or more tickets, the several
tickets ho voted shall be numbered
with tho number corresponding with
tho number ol the name ot tho vote
Any elector may write his name
upon his ticket or cause the same to be
written thereon.
Given under my hand at Ridgway
tho 28th day of September, in the year
of our Lord one thousand eight hun
dred and eighty-two and of the inde
pendence of the United States the one
hundred and sixth.
Siitiun-'s Office,
-Ridgway, Pa., Sept. 2S, 1882.
i mmm smr i M rn-rwnsssrmrTlTiTSrf rrnrnrnliiiST
Kidney Paifc
hnve nlrendy
been sold in
llils country
and In I'rniiro
very oiifl
or tvhlcli hn
glvon porfoct
und hits pcr
permod cure
every time
when used nc
rimllntf to
We now say to the afflicted and doubt
ing ones that we will pay the
above reward fo a single
case of
Thnt the Pd falls tn cure. This crent rcmedr
will Positively und I'ei-initnenlly cure l.uni
bdKO, Lame lini-k. St int.iai, (inivel, PiiihcieK
UropRy, liiiKht'g Mseiise of llio llidnnvs. In
continence and Heteniton of the Urine, 1'nln
in tho Bnck, Hide or Loins, Nervous Wenlc
ncss, nnd in fact all disorders of the Plndder
and Urlnnry Ortrnns whether contracted by
private disease or otherwise.
LADIES, if you aro suffering from
Femnle Wcnkuess, Leucorrhcea, or nnv dis
ease of tho Kidneys, hlddUcr, or Urinary or-,
slmpYy1wenriu2WiD't nttu9cou''
French Kidnev Pad.
Which Cures by Absorption.
Ask your drurrclst for mop. nmrAffr.
TIC'S French Kidney l'nd. nnd take no other.
If ho has not got it, send auil you will
receive the l'ud by return mull.
loieao, o., says:
OllO of Prof, (llltlniptln's Wm,rli VMnav
Pads cured me of Lumbago in three wcekB
tunc, my caso imil been given up by tho
best Doctors ns liictintiilo. During nil this
Unto I sullered untold agony nnd paid out
lurgo sums of money."
"I sufTered for three years with Sclnticaand
Kidney Disease, nnd often had to (jo about on
crutches, I was entirely and permanently
cured after wearing Prof, Oullmette's French
Kidney Pad four weeks."
'SQUIRE N. C. SCOTT, Sylvania, O.
"I have been n great sufferer for 10 years
With Urlght s Disease of tho Kidneys. For
weeks nt a time I was unable to get out of
bed; took barrels of medicine' but thev givo
mo only temporary relief. I wore two of
Prof. (iullnu-Ile s Mldney Pads six weeks,
and I now know that I am entirely cured."
Toledo, O.
"For years I have been confined, a ureat
part of flic time to my bed, with Lueontio-it
and ft -male wcukm-s. I wore one of (iull
mel.te's Kidney Pads and was cured in ono
H. B. GREEN, Wholesale Grocer,
Eindlaud, O.
"I suffered for 2" years with lame back and
in three weeks permanent Ivlcured bv wear
ing one of Prof. i.iillinutle'H Liver Puds."
li. F. KEESLIXG, M. I). Druggist,
Lognnsport, Intl.
When sending In an order for Kidney
Pads, writes: "I wore one of (lie first ones
, we had and I received morn benefit from it
than anything I every used. In fact tha
Pads ttivo better genual satisfaction than
any Kidney rciiiedv we ever sold,"
RAY & SHOEMAKER, Druggists.
Hannibal, Mo.
"We arc? working up a lively trado in yom
PinN, and are hearing of good esulta froia
them every day." Lka
Thousands of graves are annually
robbed of their victims, lives prolonged
happiness and health restored by tho
use of the great -
which positively and premanently cures
Impotency (caused by excesses of any
kind), Seminal weakness, and all dis
eases that follows as a sequence of
Self-Abuse, as loss of energy, loss of
memory, universal lasitude, pain in
the back, dimness of vision, premature
old age, and many other diseases that
lead to insanity or consumption and a
premature grave
fcena lor circulars with testimonials
free by mail. The IN VJOOKATOK
is solil at $1 per box. or six boxes! for
.1 liv nil ilin,r,riwtu rr will ,tt u.ttil fi.v
by mail, securely sealed, on receipt of
price by addressing
F. J. CHENEY, Druggist,
17 Summit St., TOLEDO, OHIO.
Sole Agent for the United States.
The most wounderful curative rem
edies of the present day, are those that
come fromJGcrmany, or at least origi
nate there. The most recent prepara
tion placed upon tho market in this
country, is the GREAT GERMAN
ISVIO'OHATOU. which has never
been known to fail in curing a single
case of impotency, spermatorrhoea.
weakness and all diseases rcsutius
from self-abuse, as nerveous debility.
inability, mental anxiety, languor,
lassitude, depression ot spirits and
functional derangements of the nervous
system. For sale by druggists, or sent
tree ly mail on receipt of the paico
$1.00 SoJeAgent for the United States
Scud for circular. For sale by Chus.
McVean, St. Marys, Pa.
Prof. Gnilmctte's French LITER PAD,
Will positively cure Fever and Ague,
Dumb Ague, Ague Cake, Bilous
Fever, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, and all
diseases of the Liver. Stotnach and
Blood. Price $1.50 by mail. Send for
Prof. Guilmette's Treatise on the Kid
neys and Liver free by mail. Address
Toledo, Ohio.
For sale by Chas. McVean. St.
Marys, Pa.
Is Ksture's irrejttwit remedy, nd Is the
lirlncljiai IngleUioiitof uliuunt every pro-i-rltitti.n
llr. Itnrtnmn Flv.-strhisrrlv.iti
1'iiilna ijkS!uaTy!?rM!S w
ono tlioyouiig, UiooM, tn into
tha ImbG and Ilia niotliur. KLSTj
1'FficNi 1,'HtiM.s tha saU-.iu ui
Imimiltli s; tout the etomactj, regulates
tho heart, unlocks tho secretions ft the
IIiuf .tritnalliHn, tfw, l!rvrH niltl f IIVtlTor
swathe braiu. KrmrtttrtfTfvjrfXisxi
birra, and lolho weary aiid tlreillroui the utul iMirnanf thnilav It iriVHti Bw.wt and
refrt-dtiUig sloep. Wrp3Ert2atfU
1'kiiuna iscomw i bull) ol muiaLle
inKi-eulentH. earn one prt-ni rt-nii'iiy in
unit. rcxnnjn7Hae
l'ftflUNA Iblncanallt iu laatuaiid W 111 uvlu
the sLomaeti to digest auvartleluof food.
In Liver and Kidney dlboast-s, and In
Curonlo Catarrh, It lias iislliTily no
ojual. It never falli. aS3ss$S3E&39
Ask your drii;irit fur In-. lJaitiuii
pamuMetuu "Tlio Ulsof I.lfo." DU
Vur Piles, Dlanliuea, or Kidneys, tal