y THURSDAY. OCT., 6, 1882. To TJt Comity Advocate ratrons. Parties owing thlB.establlshnietit for advertising, Job work or subscription Will no doubt take the hint that if we ever needed money it Is Just about thin time in the year. Tho little amounts owing us by our patrons M ill when put together enable, us to get along In good shape. We don't make a practice of dunning through the columns of the The Advocate, hut necessity knows no law. Friends help us out a little. Tho old Advocatk still waves. Green hard wood is worth 51.75 a cord in Kldgway. J. W. Morgestcr has eomiiieneed digging the cellar for his new store. The Western Union Tel. ofllco is located in the old building;,east of Hall's brick building. Co. H had decided to except the invitation to attend the Bi-Ceiitennial celebration at Philadelphia. Hugh MoGeehinJ Is ' building a store 20x50 feet, two stories high on hla lot next the post ofllco. The Insurance adjusters were on the ground Monday afternoon, ready lo bofiln work Tuesday morning. , Chas. Howard, as Aunt Ker.iah at the Opera Iouhc Just Saturday even ing; was a great suceess. The Opera House was crowded. , The Congressional Conference for tills 20th congressional dwlriet met Tyrone on Wednesday, St .t. 'SI, and ' re-nomiualed A. O. Curtain o:i the twentieth ballot. The nomination was made unanimous when the con ference adjourned. Tiru Advocate Is printed this week at the Gazette ofliee by thekind iiets of Mr. Brandon. We acknowl edge oursulvtn under obligations to ('. 11 (hiuld of the Cameron eousity J'rchs, and Mr. Karl of tin- Uriiiwood Uun'tte for courtesies tendered. The lire was first discovered by jtfiss Viola Neill Who wan staying with Mrs. Wheeler. Jno. K. liaird, Clerk In the drug store was also foon on hand. Doctor Thompoii went into Service's store which was opened by O. S. Davis, and opening the dour to the closet under the stairs to the left of the store he saw the fire issu ing from uuder the stairs. Going into Craig's drug store to the correspond ing closet on lheriht of the ntoro, he Opened the door but saw no fire. Tills confirms the theory that the lire Wusfrol.ua defective line in the l.v hiocrat ofliee bide of the huiMiii;,'. Hardy Kuilis. For Fall I'lanting. such, as Tulips ITy bi'inth, Crocues, etc., just Imported direct from Holland. We have the largest dii-play of these bulbs evci brnugbt to tliis city. Mend for our Juiced catalogue. Harry Chaupel, Florist and liulb Merchant, WUiUuisport, I'd. X CAKIJ. To thetw thitt l;i;:iiiy n-i'-iti-d me to remove god.- from the burning building on the mm iiing of the .'(h I thank you. The Lraee laJit:i lht assisted I shall ever remember grate fully W. X. (-.miviu;:. We ere Masonic Hall Building rchdy to sup ply you with anything In the lil'o of iStoves, Hardware, Tin wr- Lamp goods fcc, Leave your orders for iu ware, stove reparing in., a usual thoy will receive prompt Mt'.-nlion. Y. S. HKKVJl'K, a (Jell t -2v'w Cobbling Shop, iti Kllgwxy. Th undersigned having tkeii the shop oppotdto the Ttaiycr House, i prepared to do all kinds of boot nr.d shoe reparlng at reasonable price. Nouo but the bet.1 of stock until, wcik guaranteed satisfactory. Your psitvo rjage respectfully solicited. Mll.I.AHI) Donaciiv. Closing Out Sale. We shall continue to sell goods re gardloas of cost at the New Yokk fdore Note the following prices: Ladies' walking shoes and shippers, $1.25, worth $1 75; ladies' laced slippers, 1.0, worth ?2.00; ladies' ocva clip per, $1.00, worth $1.50; children's and misses' slippers, at correspondingly low prices; 15 pieces crash, 0 cents, worth 10 cents; ladies' Newport caps and circulars. We would particularly 6all the attention of lumbermen to our lumbenneu's pants. Best all wool gray pants, $2 23. A good pair overalls at 40 cents. AH kinds of summer goods will be sold at corresponding prices. Do not forget that we still sell our beet prints for 0 cents. Codkn Bros. & Bkownstkine. Almost every store in the country has on Its counter, a show caso of Dr. Day's medicines. By a glance at tho display, It will be seen that direct act ing remedies are offered lor many every day complaints, and as they are all the result of study and experience, their worth may be relied on. Dr. Day's Liver Fills are taken in n different way from any other pill, and only a trial is needed to prove their great superiority in all cases of liver complaint and constipation. pr. Day's Cold Medicine- has great power over colds and sore throat, and persons subject to quinsy need not have their tonsils break if they take this remedy in time. The show case contains a number of others, but special attention is called to Dr. Day's Cure for Piles, as havlug a greater curative influence over the parts implicated, than any oth.ernicdi fHne known. TerNonal. Mr. , Hainblla lost his scoop shovel In the fire. G. W. Nichols has the contract for building P. & It's new building. Dr. C. B. Earley Is putting a building east of the Western Union Tel. ofllce. A son of Geo. Aaron had one leg badly burned by stepping Into a bed of live coals after tho Are. Jim Bliines snvs he has every thing In his new building but tho rat tlesnake, and that perished In the flames. Col. A. I. Wilcox, Sheriff of Mc Koan county, was in town lastJSatur day and wasjwaruily greeted by his many friends. Wo arc sorry to learn that there was some stealing during the progiess of the lire. Tlie guilty'parties should be made to sutler. G us Woodward ami Joe Wheeler caoh had a foot injured by being caught by the falling wooden columns of tho Ridgway Bauk. A Swart z Boss and J. II. Ross, Jr. have purchased of H. S. Thayer the building now occupied by Cohen, Bros. & Brownstelne. It is an ill wind that blows no one good. Tho work of rebuilding after the fire will give employment to a great many men. J. W. Morgestcr wishes to express his thanks to all who so kindly assisted in saving his stock of goods on the night of the lire. M?t. Howard ' Gorton had two lingers of his right baud bruised while moving a safe from Doctor Farley's corner building. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Seley and daughter Joan, of Beynoldsvilie, are at Doctor Bard well's visiting. Mr. Seley is a brother of Mrs. Bard well. -(). O. Kelts and Frank Var.Ors du'.!, of Kane, are very sick with ty phoid fever. Mr. and Mrs. John Van Orsiiall have been up to see Frank. J. V. Morgestcr has put up a store at the west corner of the court yard where customers will receive every attention as before. A full line of fciMctries always on hand. Dr. W. L. Williams has -"'purchased of Kdward Derby his property at the corner of Main aud Mill street. The lot is fir, 0 et front by 2i0 feet deep. The consideration was f 5000. Among the many none worked harder, or helped to carry out more l;oO'ls than the ladies of Uhigway. They deserve the thanks of ail interested for their hard work during the progress of the tire. Win. M Sweet, thoftnaker, has e.-lablifhed his business in Buttvl f'.lss' harness r.hop wlure he will lie pleased lo see all his old customers and as many new ones as may favor him with their work. Just the sa.'iio as before the fire. .AttlieM. K. conference held in War ren weik, lev. S. M. Clark was trail feiTcd from Jtidgway to Palmyra, N. Y. ilev. Air. Goodrich will occupy the KhUway M. K. pulpit for the en Miin year. Mr. Clark lias done good h oil; here and h ni.iy fi lends will regret Hist a three-. yearV lew is ail a Aii-tiio(iir.t iiiiiiihlvr isjiilowcd in one plate. H.n. Alfred Short, of Nojh;Eit, and Htzikiah Kor.on, of Helton township wfo here if.t .Saturday. I "i;";,' are part owner.t of the llidgway Bank building. They are urongly in favor of brick buildings, acd pro jse to put up a building '35 fret by 100, tiuxe sU'i'ies high, atidj will com mence work at once. The owners of Hie mil f t-.tte from Brc 1 to Mill .iruts, t!,o Lamed !is triet, are making a strung move to build a solid brick row from street to street And as neatly all tho owners of properly on the line are in f.iror of the movement it will Hnde'.ititeih'y suc HVi. ('onlracls isxve already ber-n mode hy nonie jsirtles with J. 11. Kc.ji.Jr. for Lviek horn his M. Marys kiln. Btvtral building. will be put under contract litis fad, and work commenced. Nest spring active op erations will commence, and brick buildings will be theorder of the day! On Monday morning the Borough Council by resolution permitted the owners of real estate in the, burned district to build temporal y structures, eiKht feet high to the roof, on the op posite or court yard side of the street, across from their respective properties. Nearly all the owners of property will avail thenii-.el ves of this opportunity to put up temporary shanties in which business nuy he carried on. Com meneini' at Court street J. W. Mor gestcr began a buildiug Monday morning. The Bhines Bros, fol lowed suit, and in a few days a row of wooden buildings one story high will face the court yard. The safes which passed through the fire preserved their contents in every instance. Doctor Karlcy, W. 8. tiervice, K. J. Miller of the Democrat, and A. C. Craig', safes were all in the lire. The safe of Chas. Holes Powell & Kline, A. Swartz Boss, two owned by the Ridgway Bauk, J. W. Morgester's, R. I. Campbell' and Horace Little's were taken out of the buildings before tho fire reached Ihem. One safe of tho Ridgway Bauk was tumbled end over end out the front door, breaking one of the stone steps, aud yet after the fire tho time lock was running as though nothing had happened out of the usual run of things. FLORAL DECOIUTIO.N'S. Taste, Beauty and Htyle unexcelled, attention given to tho proper arrange ment of Flowers. Boiujuets, baskets and Designs prepared in the most artistic manner at moderate prices and sent safely by express. Catalogues free to, Address. Hauiiy ClMArEL, Decorative Florist, Williamsport, Pa. AFTER THE FlJtE. . WHERE TO FIND SOME OFTITE BURK ED OUT BUSINESS PLACES. i Dr. C. B. Earley has his: office In the old place next above tho J31k Co, Bank. Dr. W. L. Williams occupies a tent on Earley's comer lot Just back of the building burned. Chas. Holes has his shop in the hand isaficrtrr tho court square. His family occupies two rooms In the Jail. The Western Union Tel. ofllce oc cuples the corner at Hyde's lime shed, corner of Broad aud Race streets, and is under tho shelter of a few boards laid on the fence. Wm. M. Sweet, shoemaker Is lu with Butterfuss opposite tho Bogert house. The Advocate ofllce is at the resi dence of the editor on South street. And occupies so much of our house that our better half threatens to move into the chicken coop. A. Swarlz ltos-s, merchant tailor also occupies his residence on South street. W. S. Service, hardware, has moved Into the Masonic hall store where he did business twelve years ago. The Ridgway Bank is using a part of Hie Prothanotory's ollice. Powell & Kime occupied the shed at the rear of their lot. They have lots of goods in tho court house cellar. Lumber has been drawn for (heir new store on shanty row which they will occupy In a few days. J. W. Morgestcr has his goods stored and is doing business in Thayer's coal sheds. Bol't. I. Campbell, moved his stock in with K. K. Gresh at corner of Main and Mill streets, and is doing bu.-iness as though the fire had not occurred. Pemocraiie Senatorial Conforeiic?. On Iho "lib Imllot at, Brookvillc last Tuesday, 2iih ult. the Demeratic con ferees of the Ihirty-ciirhUi Senatorial district, composed' of the counties of Cameron, Clarion, Elk and Forest, nominated Jno. G. Hall for another term in the Slate Senate. Cameron county was represented by S. S. Hacket,S. C. Hydetmd Riley Warner. Clarion, by M. M. Meredith,J. Clover, and W" W. Greenland. Forest by John Peterson, John Woodcock and Albert Ilaydcii. Klk, by G. D. Messenger, Sr.. Geo. R. Dixon and C. J I. Mc Cauley. Cameron county presented the name of . I. li. Newton; Clarion county W. W. Barr, and Elk and Forest Jno. G. Hall. Mr. Hall had one-half the conferees, iuul for a time it seemed as though the dead-loci; would continue for days, On tho seventy-fourth ballot Riley Warner changed his vote from Xcutiii lo Hall, thus nominating the latter gen tleman. The conferees then adjourned. A lii'iiyj Land Hjle. The Potter Enterprise says that one of the largest land sales ever made lu that county was consummated a few days since. The sale ags-retes H,0un ac res of wild land. The land is located on the East Fork and Cross Fork, and is heavily timbered with hemlock, some pine, and large iuantities of hard wood. Twelve thousand acres are what are known as the Jane Hum phrey lands, owned by A. (5. Olm stead. The twelve warrant were sold In a body to George Howe, Bradford, and a Il nto!i capitalist, for the sum of ilbi.n)') tho Humphrey lands for $U,W iind the Fo-iA Olmstead lauds for Sij,o:0. Wil'lira Penn March. We have ja.-t received from the pub lisher, copies of the new Ri-Centen-ni.l music, "William Peiin March" and "Two Hundred Years Have U( lied away,'' bolh composed by Prof. J. R. Sweney, the composer of the popular Sunday School btsiks, "Quiv er,'' "Garner,'' "Ark of Frai.-e," dc. The great tsieem in which this excel lent composer is held by the msssfs, makes it unnecessary for com mons from us, and we hope that our re.t'Ivr.i will all supply themselves by ordering from the pub'i iitr, John P. D )t !i:Exi v, 1 ',Vtit Third street, Chcst r, Penmt. Price i) ceuts tiieh. Far f by .!l nm-ic tkah rs. A tlrcfit fjhjjft or Hi arch Tlcxi. Oita-.va. Ontario. Sept. 21. Dr. 11. Si?:r,e Vi.;lfis, of the finance depart ment. ; ho some time ago published thi-.t the iceeiit i:j'nt would sweep from ea.-t to west over the continent, says a gwat storm will strike this plauc't in March next. He gives this timely warning: ' It will first ho felt In the Northern Pacific, and will cross the meridian of Ottawa at noon (3 o'clock ! m., London time), on Sunday, March 11, ls-i;i. No vessel smaller i han a Cunarder will be able to live in this tempest. India, the south of Eu rope, England, and especially the North Americau continent, will be the theatre of its ravages. As ail the low lands on theAtlatic will be sulcjierged, 1 advise. hi-buildeis to place their prospective vessels high up on stocks, and farmers having loose valuables, such ai hay, cattle, to remove thenx to a place of safety. I beg further, most respectfully to appeal to the honorabie Minister of Maiine that lie will peremptorily order up storm drums on all the Canadian coasts not later than the '.'nth of February, aud thus permit no vest el to leave the har bor. Jfthisisnot done hundreds of lives will bo lost ami millions of dol lars' worth of property destroyed." Hillioas Ghca Away. Millions of Bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have been given away as Trial Bottles of the largo size. This enormous outlay would be dis astrous to the proprietors, were it not for the rare merits possessed ly this wonderful medicine. Call at G. G. Messenger's Drug Store, und get a Trial Bottlerce, and try for yourself. It never fails to cure. Overland Mail note paper just re ceieved uud for sale as before the fire at The Advocate office, South street. Powell & Kime Wave hauled their lumber on tho ground and commenced I Veunesttay morning to put up a shanty iexGO, which will bo ready in a few days, when they will be ready to do business us usual. Firciia jRiilgway i LOSS nearly $70,OOOinsurance$31,- 773. TITE BUSINESS PORTION OF THE TOWN IX BUINS- Friday morning, Sept. 20, 1882, will long be remembered by the citizens of Ridgway. At about 21 o'clock R jre was discovered In the Democrat block, byasonofa. T. Wheeler, and at onco tho alarm was given, Jno. R, Kime, night watchman at Ilydcs's store heard the cry, saw the flames, and at once ran up Centre and South streets giv ing the alarm. The Codrt house bell, Grace Church bell,' and some other bells were rung, and in a very short time the alarm was generally given throughout tho Borough. Soon tho news was received at Grant's tannery, and its whistle aroused tho people there. From all directions crowds of men, women, and children came run ning to the scene of disaster. Wm. McVey and Chas. B. Earley climbed upon the awning in front of tho tew oarat ofllce and saw flames Issuing from tlie-.slde of the wall next a Hue at the rear of the printing ofllce. E. E. Willard looked up the stairs, and saw flames issue from the Democrat of fice, or right hand side of the hull. Mrs. Wheeler who occupied rooms opposite tho Democrat ollicc was awakened, and saw flames issuing from under the door of tho Dctnocrut ofliee. Mrs. Wheeler und family escaped by the rear of the building leaving their clothes and household i fl'ucts behind. So that It is quite evident that to a defective iluo may lie attributed another great loss of property. Aud another warning that the building of flues .should be in tho hands of men who are competent to do tho work in a manner insuring safely to property. This particular flue was built after night by men working on the court house during its erection, aud by lamplight, so that is not to bo much wondered at that "defective flue" should be written as the cr.u.-e of Ridg way 's greatest lire. The work of the lire was rapid and i:i both an easterly and westerly direction. The theatre of tho fire wa.i on the north sido of Main , street, being bounded on the east by Broad street, on west by Mill street, and on the north by a street running aiong Hyde's raco by liie Jiyde Ss J loss planing mill. As building a tor building caught and was being devoured by the flames hundreds of people wre busy carrying goods from stores, house hold goods, ami all manner of articles to places of safety. People who had no interest wlmsever in the property worked like Trojans to save property. Of course the excitement was groat but there was not many rash acts to be recorded, such as throwing the mir rors from upper windows, and care fully carrying down the more delicate feather beds. Wis ere all did well it would not be in good tasic to single nit any particular individual to whom should be awarded the crown of super iority. The entire territory from the tailing point of the fire to Broivl street on the east was burned over. Vn old barn twenty feet at the rear of Powell & Kime's store being the solitary exception. Across Broad street front the fire a distance of 71 feet, stands the Hyde House a large three story building, Which was saved by a great effort. Carpets were thrown over the exposed end of the building, and a stream from Jlydea fctore hose was constantly playing on the building until the danger was jmst. Twelve years ago last. June Main street was burned from the Ridgway Bank to Broad street, and the Hyde House was saved that, time, allhou ;h the exposed end was black and blistered by the tire. This time the jaiiit is scarcely colored. On Mill street, at the we.Urn bound- arvofthe burned t;i.i;rict stands the house of Edward Derby, an old ai.d estceu.e I citizen of this place years of age. This hou:.e, a one and one-half story structure was saved by almost superhumuu efforts, and ?tands as the sole relic of the great .'ire. On the street running along the race: one lot from Mill street at the rear of Camp bell's buildings was situated a dwell ing belonging R. I. Campbell and also one belonging to Mr. M. L. Ross both of which were saved. At the rear of the row burned there was a great many sheds, lumber piles, etc, And some of the lumber piles were in close prox imity to the planing mill situated on the north side of race street. By put ting carpets on the planing mill und keeping a steady supply of water on the building it was with great dilli- cully saved. Tho moil on tho mill worked like heroes. There was scarcely a breath of air stiring during the pro gress of tho fire, while tho moon shone brightly down on tho scene of desola tion. In a few hours, or at six o'clock the flames subsided, aud where was once a row of prosperous busiuess places, was at that hour a smouldering mass of ruins. THE LOSSES AND INSUKANCE as near us m be ascertained are us follows: Commeneingat Broad street Dr. C. R. Earley losses tho building on the corner, vulue $3,001); no insurance. Doctor Williams in the Earley block saved his ofliee furniture entire. Miss McKee, Western I'uion Tel. and stationery store, loss small, intru- uieuts and goods nearly all saved. E. E. Wiiliard, C. R office up stairs lu Earley's block, loss' trilling. Frank Earley drug store saved nearly everything. Mrs Rees in next building, millinery, and household goods, saved nearly everything; loss about $i:50. Chas. Holes; jeweler and irrocer. building, loss $3,500; insurance $1,000. Stock of jewelry, aud groceries nearly all saved. Also household furniture up stairs ueurly all saved. J. Powell, Vuilding, loss $3,050; insurance $1,000. Powell & Kime, stock valued at $22 000, two-thirds; .saved; insurance $0,000. Elk Co. 'Advocate, up stairs, loss $2,000; lnsuranco $1,000. Books, files, letters, and bills and a small amount of stationery saved. Newspaper type, stands, cases, racks, and job cabinets saved. William M. Swcct.shocmaker next tho Advocate, stock and tools nearly all saved. R.'V. Kime," building loss $3,ri0; no insurance. A. Svnrl: Ross, merchant tailor, large stock of goods nearly nil saved, on which there was an insurance of $1,000. Loss $150. James S. Maginnis, building, loss $3,000; insurance $1,200. Loss on slock of wines, cigars, etc., and bill iard tables $1,200; no insurance. One billard table was taken out tho back door and burned in the yard. Fred. Soh(c:iingui:diiig,loss$3,000; insurance $2,000. W. S. Service, stock of hardware, loss 810,000; insurance 2,000. John McGrady, saloon, under hard ware store, loss SoOO; insurence on bil liard table $2ol). 7Vtc Democrat, loss iM,C00; lnsvrauco $1,500, E. J. Miller, proprietor, ar rived on the scene just as the firo was breaking out, but having no key to his ollioc lie was unable to cuter, and nothing was saved. Presses, paper, and card cutter, files, and furniture a total loss. In his safe were his books, subscription lists and valuable papers, which were recovered alter the lire. Mrs. G. T. Wheeler, up stuirs across the hall from the Democrat otllco lost her household goods and clothing; loss $1,000; no insurance. A. C. Craig, drug, book, and sta tionary, loss fti.OOO; insurance $2,000. Union Store Co. building, loss 000; no insurance. Ridgway Bank, loss on building $2, 030; insurance $1,500. The Ridgway Bauk also bad $l)00 worth of safes, and furniture; insured for $800. Nearly everything saved. II. M. Powers, lawyer, notary pub lic, insurance agent aud clerk in the bank, saved everything. Geo. A. Rathburii, upstair? in Ridg way Bank buildiug, loss on library and safe $13,25; insurance $2000. Part of the library was saved. Geo. W. Bhines, & Sons, buildiug loss $3,n:yj; insurance $700. Billiard and beer saloon. No insurance, bil liard tables saved. J. W. Morgestcr, building, stock of groceries, and household goods. Loss on building $2,500; insurance $1,000; stock valued at $'',0WI; two-thirds of which was saved; insurance $2,.r00. Household goods nearly all saved; in surance! $100. R. I. Campbell, store building, stock of groceries, etc. Building valued at $V.:00; insurance S 1,600. Stock S,0y0; insurance $500; stock nearly all saved. Horace Little, real estate agent, safe and papers saved, no insurance. R. I. Campbell, dwelling house oc cupied by Geo. A. Rathbun, loss $1, C0,i; insurance $000. Mr. Ratiibun saved nearly all his household furniture. After Hie Uorsfi is Stolen. An old adage runs : "Shut tho barn door after tho horse is stolen. This might be made to apply to Ridgway in tho matter of tho recent disastrous fire which has made such a largo hole in the business centre of our Borough. Of course we can bow in acquieseucc and say that all is for the best, which is true beyond a doubt, and yet a re bellious spirit prompts us to wish that it had been otherwise. Even with tho prospect of a stately brick block to take the place of the less pre tentious wooden row burned, we can not help regretting that part at least of lliatrow was not saved. The theory is advanced by many that the fire could have been stopped at Rhine's hall, as well mid easier than it was overcome at Derby's residence. And some even think that tho firo could have been confined in the space between Powell's store and Rhincs' hall. Be this ns it may of one thing we are all certain oCir arrangements for putting out fire were of the most primitive sort, aud wiih theexcciition of Hyde's hose and water arrangement at his store, the facilities were confined almost ex clusively to the bucket brigade, com posed of volunteer workers, while they did nobly, the means was at best a primitive one. Water plugs there were along tho street but no hose to attach to them or else they wero in such condition that it was impossible to attach to them. The lesson is now learned that a well directed firo com pany could have confined the firo to tho building in which it was first dis covered, and that a few hundred dollars Invested in proper firo apparatus would have saved thousands of dollars' worth of property. For years The Advocate has urged the necessity of having an organized force for pro tection against lire. And now the horso is gone. May we learii wisdom for future emergencies. By tho time the brick block is ready to be occupied let's have a fire cngiue and hose com pany. Dwelling Honso Biirne. On the afternoon of Friday, Sept. 20, 1832, the dwelling house of John Maun near Centreville, was entirely con sumed by fire, together with tlio con tents. Loss on Louse 1,000; no insur ance. Michael Mann who occupied the house lost a lot of potatoes, butter, etc., in tho cellar valued at $200, also all his household cfiects, wearing ap parel of himself and family amounting to about $350 more. Michael Mann Is a hard working man and is deserving of sympathy in his to him serious loss, BnpMi A Golden Wedding. Rarely Is one privileged to witness the celebration of a Golden Wedding without having the Joy of the occa sion marred, in a measure, by vacant places, and yet this was the peculiar joy of Mr. Rasselas W. and Mary P. Brown of Jones township, Elk Co., Pa-, who celebrated the golden anni versary of their wedding on Sept. 25. The day was all that could bo de sired for beauty. All nature seemed to unite in making It a day of rejoic ing. The sun never shone brighter and the few fleecy clouds that here uud there decked the deep blue sky brought their tribute of loveliness to add to the perfection of tho day, while the few highly coloreil .mtuni nal leaves on the maple mid sumac gave an enhanced beauty to nature, they also spoke of the summer season as past, but the mass of bright green foliage told of a freshness and vitality which prophesy at least some days of life and usefulness yet to come. About noon the guests had assem bled. It was lu fact a family gather lug, consisting alone of near relatives except tho officiating minister and wire. All the children (six in number) are living, married, and with their part ners wero present, save Mr. Geo. R. Allen, of Syracuse, N. Y., whoso ab sence was exceedingly regretted, but compelled by busiuess engagements. One brother and two sisters of tho aged groom wero present. Ono of these sisters being bridesmaid fifty years ago. But ono death has occurred m the family, that a grand-child, an only child of Mrs. Olive Brown Mover. After an hour of social intermingl ing thucoiupany repaired to the parlor, where after a short appropriate address to tho happy couple and prayer by Rev. T. S. Neglcy, commending them to the samo loving Heavenly Father who liars supported them in tiuies'of discouragement and guided them in times of perplexity in the past, they, witli joyous tears, received the hearty congratulations of all pres ent. Among the many presents received were finely ur.holstered easy chairs and tctcu-tete from the children. A large group of the three sons. A set of delicate china cup and saucers from Gen. Tlios. L. Kane, and a pair of gold spectacles for each from Col. A. I. Wilcox. The summons soon came to repair to the dining room where a rich repast was in readiness. One of the exten sion tables upon which was spread the wedding feast was the product of a tree (golden willow) planted by the aged groom in ids young days.' And it was loaded as only our good farmer's wives are accustomed to spread such a festal board. But the best wine had been reserved till the last, which was tho gathering of the entire company into the parlrir, and several hours spent in the richest of social enjoyment. Incidents in tho early struggles and pioneer life of the bride and groom were detailed aud also brief sketches of the Uvea of each of the children wero given by the second son, W. Walaee Brown, Esq,, of Bradford. As the lights aud shadows which had checkered tho lives of each of these were painted lu word-pictures, smiles and tears chased each other in rapid succession over the countenance of each present. Words, never to be forgotten, of affection, counsel, encour agement and hope, coming from full and joyous hearts, were spoken by the aged parents to their children, remind ing us of a patriarch's blessing. These exercises were interspersed with appropriate music. It was with regret that the company separated late in the evening, having participated in the celebration of a golden Wedding which in striking points of interest was remarkable. May these, their sunset days of life ever be tinged with golden colors. T. S. N. Kotics to Holders ofCoany Bonk TvTOTK'K Is heretiV! Ivcn to the lioli'.eis of L tlm f 1 lou-i l-i-i i him, Is ,i- I II I1 1 v If. prc-.rnt siiUl holms it tlio ( on i it y i rciiMOvr lor i-n.vi.K in on or lici'oru -MO VU.VV, NDV. il. lJ. us Hie Interes t tin reou will ccuso on taut iliiy, v iz. : N". i ic.ui 'J, ouch SW. Nos. :j, I, (1,7, s, li, n, -J. n 11 15. II!, 17, l-s 10, 2 i. L'l, ami L' !. r-iicli !('". ios. ii and ill, issuetl lo J. V, Simontr-n, i iil-U sl.:ji. No.-, us, 7u uuil T-i, ksiiuU to .1. W. himoutoii, eiieh ",itl, Nos. ."i" iiml li,;, l-Miod to M. K. Olmsted, ciidi i!,iW. Nos. (i'J, 7J und 77, issued to .M. K. Olmsted, oik-Ii t Nos. -J , at, -J7, 2). HI. 31, 32, 33. 31, 31, M, 37, 3-, :, in uiul 41, eucli sum. Nos, 13 and 1 1, eia-li swa, ' Nos. I.",. -17 and (3, eaeli slivl. Notlro is also hereby t-iven to tho holders of tliu followim; recited homls of Kll; county to present Mild honds to the County Trei, Mirer for payment on or before V,'i;iNKSli. V, Dl'.C. 0,'is.a, as tliu Interest tiiereou will oei'.yu on that day, vl.: Nos. "S, "11 and S I, canli tiOO, Noh. S- and S3, eaeh S.H. Nos. SI, S"), m(, S7, ks. mi and no, cachSllX). JlIltAM ('AHMAN.1 J. K. OAUli.NEU, V Co. Coinr's. JOHN NISSKL. I Attest V. S. JlonTuN, Clerk. S -lv. j THE HULL VAFOll COOK S TO VE, mc.UUJUl JIKU UNLT ntlLIAbLc, In tho only de vice of lu kimlj Unit has stocdn bit a OF YEARS, vcrsal imlilica COU)Uicnuatiou. IS Does every fl Jn...;..tl.... ..f!l Cuokinir, Wash-jj Ini!, IrouiiiL'.H j; . .il'-i-idt Cunning, 'oi uuieruunieH tiu work Utru tiifiirn iliiiif, Li the ordinary couk move, and without ita iutui leraliie heat, Boot, ashes, t-if. FOR SUMMER USE THEY ARE INDISPENSABLE, tllr Ui-liahle AKt'tiU wautcd iu unoccupied iccupicu a :o., i il, Ohio. 9 lurruujy. jftiiiircsa, HULL VAPOR STOVE CO seneca Street, tor. Cliuiupluiu, Cleveland Mrs. Jacob Uutterfuss, over Rutter fuss' harness shop, Main street, has constantly on hand tho latest stylo of human hair goods, also switches, nets and pins, &c. Call und sec them. Wanamaker & Rrown's Fall sa in pies are on hand now. Call uud ex, limine whether you want to purchase or not. H. A. Rote, agent. I Business Cards. CEO. A. RATH SUN ATTOItNEY-AT-LAW. Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., To. Particular attention riven to tha examination of titles, also to patents and patent cases. HALirTt7CMH.EY ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW. Office in 'new brick building, Main street, Hld'way, Klk Co., l'a. v32t J. S. BARDSELL, PHYSICIAH AHD SURGEON. Over twenty-five years practice. Oillco on Main Htreet, Jtldjrway, Pa., opposite- tho liotcert House. Ollico hours from 1 to 2 aud 7 to 8, !' M. If. L. WILLI A Mb. t , PHYSICIAN AND SURGQN. . Coroner of Elk Co., ofllce iu rear of Eorloy's Drug Store, next to Hydo House. Ofliee hours 7 to 1) A. M. 3 to 5 r. st. G:30 to 8:00. V. DRUGGIST & PAKMACEUT 1ST, N. W. corner of Main and Mill ptrccts. Hide-way, Pa., full assortment of care fully selected Foreign and Domestic Dru'jrs. Prescriptions carefully dis pensed at ail hours, day or night. yln3y J. D. KCGDirjPT, K. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. On- irn Horns. l-'rom !l to 12 n. tn., 2 to 5 aud 7 to 0 p. m. Hi'Mdriirc- Olden at resi lience, opposite) Klk County Uank, Slain CALlii DAY Oil NKI11T I'UOMrTI.Y ATrKNlMOl). A fair iilmrc of thy people's patronage- so licited. OFFICE EI HALL'S BRICK BUILMC-,' OFi-ICB Houas S toll A. ?r. 1 " 2.3H'. at. 7 " a i. M. 11VCE U0J3E. Vr. H. SCIIUAM, Proprietor,' Kidjrway, F.Ik county, Pa. Thankful fertile patronage hereto fore so liberally bestowed upon him, tho new proprietor hopes, by paying, strict attention to the comfort and'eon veiiieneo of guests, to merit a continu ance of the same. octJO'ii'J Vi'alnut Leaf Hair Restorer. ft is entirely different from all others. It is as clear as water, and, ns its name indicates, is a perfect Vege table Hair Restorer. It will immedi ately free the head from dandruff, re store gray hair to its natural color, and produco a new growth where it has fallen oil". It (Iocs not in any manner aiTeet the health, which Sul phur, Sugar or Lead, and Nitrato of Silver preparations have done. It will change light or faded hair In a few days to a beautiful glossy brown. Ask your druggist for it. Each bottlo is warranted. SMITH. KLINE & CO., Wholesab Agents, Philadelphia, and V. N. CUlTTENTON.New York u 17 1 y. N1! EW LI VERY STAPLE IN RIDGWAY GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Ru'ggies to let upon tho most reasonable terms. Jo'He will also do job teaming. Stable on Elk street. All orders left at the Post Ollicc W'M receive prompt .mention. AuOlSTltt Ilay tlio Ccleuratod YALE &. JUBILEE GBSANS.1 :-'!i,'a-:. .1. .Z. .XiS. Li l.'l - - Jt - - Jit z&'-y Hii Eost, Most C:!ehratptl, Purest Tone, ilost Jjurable, Most liininlo, Host furfcvit On can lu tuo World. Bend for circular. , HEW HAVEIT 0EQA2T CO., Kow IXa-you. Ooiizl. PEBFECTIOn STOCK TANK Wfiitiiriiuui- AHU FBOST-PROOP. TUeso . , 'inkioroconatructod of thruo-iucli lumber Jelectoj WicUigao pine, and oro liuld toother wdil Iniprovcd Luk boupno arranged Unit tLey cm b , 'J u ' : a common wronch. When co vvre.1 WUU tvru i tlncknesnaoj commun lenciiiK (witli fcu-. board between), tliey Bro mado lro,it-uroof. Wo ara tirw lnnniifaeturers of railroad tnukuT and apnlv tha Kimo prineipLa i and tnaturial tu tbo construction ..C th. so Blu. k tii.iia that wo embody iu our 1-uilroaU v..rk. All tank aro act tip, pieces marked, tlieu knuekeddowu und crated for Bliipu.cnt. 1ST CUliAP HATES OP FRKICIIT EKCURED. !fl ZJ tt. stave. 8 ft. bottom. Capaolty aa bblo. Anti-Freezing Iron Force Pumps.: FU1 tar any Hrtl, w.TT ,,l mrM M u, on. cmn um uLu ! 3' luur si,d i.,,iV,ill-i,i wurk l-rf, ll v. M ECLIPSE WIND ENGINE CO. ItamllMUinnvf Dm wfeUnwJt.vll.w WM tnfine.lhn-fnonh., tj,uriy LLW-poow. 1 .,u ..1J V.d.l. I.Icto .1 WotlJ', ,-,,. , '". ''Ji Cvi.l-u.lui, 'lO; Aa-;t. IU, '.liu'r.'j All ta, li,, i. Cheap and reliable, 11. 1'. Mcrce agctu. (Jet yonr horses insured. ..Jr-'.--"-'Y7''V