thursdaV1, September r, i882. KofrlsterJ The last day on which voter can be legally registered and assessed Is Sep tember 7. AH voUr upwards of twenty-two years of nice must he as jkessed'and niust have paid a ptute and bounty tax within two years next pre oedlna.the election. Let every voter see to It thiit he Is registered and as tewed before the 7th ot September. Considerable rain the first days of this week. The RldRway Borough Schools begins next Monday. One car load flour at Morgester's. Large stock choice potatoes at Morgester'a. A full stock of choice groceries at Morgester'a. There will be a select masquerade party in Hyde's Opera House in a nionth or six weeks. The potato rot seems to be w ide 'spread. But the indications, are that there will be a large crop of potatoes 'despite the rot. Work on the R. A P. and R. & C. railroads Is being pushed rapidly. The P. 4c R. have from 1,200 to 1,800 men m the line between Ridgway and DuBols. School Books School Books, a full line of School Books, Slates, Copy Books Ac, arriving at Craig's Drug fend Book Store. Get your horses insured In the Susquehanna Live Stock association, B P; Mercer, agent, Rldgwsy, Ta. New Cobbling Shop, in Rldgway. The Undersigned having taken the nbbp opposite the Thayer House, is prepared to do all kinds of boot and nhoe reparlng at reasonable price. None but the best of stock used, work guttranteed satisfactory. Your partro toage respectfully solicited. Millard DoNAcnv. Closing Out Sale. We shall continue to soli goods re gardless bf cost at the New Yokk store. Note the following prices: Ladies' walking iiut-a ana snippers, $l.i!5, Worth f 1.75; ladies' lared slippers, $1.40, worth $2.00; ladles' opera slip pers, fl.db, worth $1.10; children's ami hiisses' slippers, at correspondingly low prices; 15 pieces crash, 6 cents, worth 10 cents; ladies' Newport caps and circulars. We would particularly call the attention of lumbermen to our lumbermen's pants. Best all wool gray punts, $2 25. A good pair overalls at 40 cehts. All kinds of summer goods Will be sold at corresponding prices. Do not forget that we still sell our best prints for 0 cents. Cohen Bitot. & Brovnsteine. Nervousness. The moment there Is danger of Im pairment of the mind from excessive nervous cixhausllon, or where there exists forebodings of evil, a desire for solitude, shunning and avoiding com pany, vertigo and nervous debility, or when Insanity has already taken place, Peruua and Manalin should be Implicitly relied on. But it is never well to wait so long before treatment Is commensal. The early symptom are loss of strength, softness of the muscles, dim or weak sight, peculiar expression of the fuce and eyes, couted iougue, with Impaired digestion; or In others, certain powers only arc lost, while they are otherwise enjoying feoruparatively good health. In all theses Peruna and Mttuallu should at ouce be taken. Presentation. t North Emit sua. ft was Ifurnwl tilitr time si nee that Frof. 0. J. Swift was ubout to leave North East and locate at Rldgway, Elk couuty, Pa For some eight or nine years Air. Swift has conducted the- choir at the Presbyterian church, nnd arc about two years acted us Sub- crintendent of the Presbyterian fcsaq- m n-scuooi. Tncse lacrs, taken in connection with the place held in the esteem of our citizens generally, for his high, moral and earnest, consistent Christian character, decided the mem bers of the church and school to give him a testimonial of their good will. On Tuesday evenlug, at the close of the prayer-meeting, over one hundred persons marched in a body to the resi dence of Wiu. E Marvin, on Main Btrett, where a short social time was enjoyed. (Dr. Hunter then stepped to the front, and in a few well-chosen words, on behalf of the society, pre sented the Professor with a handsome massive silver water set. Nor had Mrs. tiwll't been lorgotteu, for a little pres ent in the shape of a dozen solid silver teaspoon wus made to her. The children, too, hud not been neglected, but not knowing what would be the most acceptable to the little ones, the good people presented them with a nurse of money, so that they might be able to make their own choice. Prof. Swill resx)iided to the pres entation in his usuul happy irrKiiuer, and at the close of his remarks Mr. D. D. Dewey stepied forwurd and pre aeuted him with a horse shoe pen holder (for luck) which he bail manu factured himself. It is very unique. The party soon after tills dispersed. Our citizens generally will be sorry to part with one who, both iu his pub lie and private character, has endeared himself to so many hearts. A more popular Principal lias perhaps never oeen at the head of our Academy. But at the same time our citizens will rejoice with us ut his good fortune in securing the position', of Principal of the Union School ut Ridgway, where, we understand', he is to r ceive a sal ary of f 90 per month. Success to you , J'jvfessor, iu your new Held.) ( Free of Charge. All persons suffering from Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Loss of Voice, or any affection of the Throat and Luugs are requested to call at G. O. Messenger's Drug Store aud get a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, free of chargt, which will convince them of its wonderful merits and show what a regular dollar size bottle will do. Call early.- Personal. Mrs. Emma Cuthbcrtisat Renovo visiting her parents. James Malone, of Wilcox, was In Rldgway last Saturday. Brad. Taylor Is busy pushing his contract on the R. & C. R' R. Mrs. James Magi tin is bos returned home from ber recent visit, The trundle bed trash have re ceived their fall bats. They are nobby. Miss Maggie Flynp, we are sorry to learn, has been seriously ill with typhoid fever for about two weeks. Isaac Ross has again returned to Rldgway after an absence of several months. He is slowly recovering bis health. Missis Arinle and Ollie Ross, and Miss Ida Sanks have returned to York after an extended visit to friends in Rldgway. J. H. Bennett, has moved bis family here from Clarion county, and will occupy one of the Ross & Robin son houses near Denuis Flynn's. Miss Agnes Barrett is home again after ber summer vacation, and will teach the Intermediate Department In the Rldgway Borough School com mencing next Monday. The error seems to prevail among certain of Capt. Schoenlug's friends that he has resigned from the Rldg way Boro. School Bouid. This is not true. He simply resigned as Presi dent of the board but still remains a member. Geo. W. Rhines, captured alive a lurgc rattlesnake in Spring creek township. The snake measures four feet five inches, and has been on ex hibition at Rhines' billard ball for several days. Its an ugly looking rep tile. If you want a fine 6ct., cigar try "La Jcuucf-se" or ''Latest Edition "ut Craig's Drug Store. Fine cigars a specialty. Almost every store in the country has on its counter, a show case of Dr. Day's medicines. By a glance at the displuy, it will be seen that direct act ing remeiiiesareotlered for many every day complaints, and as thy nrn'ull the ,.i.u.ii nt otu.ij and experience, their worth may be relied on. Dr. Day's Liver Pills are taken in a different way from anv other pill, and only a trial is needed to prove their great superiority in all coses of liver complaint uud coustipution. Dr Day's Cold Medicine has great power over colds and sore throat, and persons subject to quinsy need not have their tonsils break if they take this remedy iu time. The show case contains a number of others, but special attention is culled to Dr. Duy's Cure tor Piles, as having a greater curative influence over the purls implicated, than any other medi cine known. You will finds it to your advan tage to buy your school supplies. Books, Slates, Copy Books ut Craig's Drug and Book Store. Lust week Tuesday th Elk Co. Democracy held a county convention. J. L. Brown was rc-noiuiuated for As sembly. Henry Largay, of Fox, and O. C. T. Huff, of Millstone were nominated for Jury commissioners. J. K. P. Hall was recommended for Congress. J no G. Hall was recom mended for the State Senate with power to choose his own conferees Geo. R. Dixon was re-elected Chah inau of the county committee. The following account of a singu lar uccldent comes from Willlamsport : "As the mail train on the Erie rail road was approaching Montgom ery station a singular accident occur red. On the train was a Hungarian re fugee named Abraru Gensop, with his wife and three small children. Oneo lliese Cllllilltru tiCd about Jtara, was standing on a seat opposite an open window. As the train suddenly lurched from rounding a curve the child wasshotoutof the window. See ing her child suddenly disappear, the mother rushed frantically to the plat form and before she could be caught jumped off the car. The train was quickly stopped.and ongoing back the little boy was found by the side of the track apparently but slightly injured. The mother, however, had not fared so well. She lunded on a pile of railroad ties and was badly cut about the head. She will recover, however." GIrurdville, Schuylkill county, is to have a Democratic Jeffersoulan club, for admission to which "no pro fessional politician need apply." Mr. George Eshman.ofSharpsburg, tried to separate two men engaged In a fight and was bitten in the finger, causing a'gungrcne swelling of the arm. Three farmers have been kicked to death by vicious horses this sum mer, and a Jefferson county man has hud his teeth knocked out by an ill tempered equine. It la wonderful how many lives are saved by the use of whisky. Thomas Fluck, of Bedford couuty, was bitten on both feet by a copper head snake, aud whisky saved his life Frank L. Stewart, Jiving near Murraysville, Westmoreland county, claims to have discovered a process for manufacturingsBgar from cornstalks at a cost of two cents a pound. The good people of Lancaster pro pose to stimulate an important inter est. A cake is to be publicly presented to the fisherman or hunter who tells the most original and plctueresque lie. Benny Laucks has been in the Reading Jull six hundred days for va grancy. He was at one time consid ered the sharpest newspaper handler in Heading, and commanded a good salary.- Joseph Darlington, and old bach elor of Lawrence couuty, labors under the delusion that ad' effort will be made to kill him by poisoned food, and to avoid this subsists ou corn parched by hlmsclf.- Dr. J. T. Wald. The above named gentleman, in tends settling in Rldgway soon. The following from the SpairtaVisburg Weekly Villager explains Itself i Many of our readers will no doubt learn with as much suprise as we did of the Intended departure frpm our town of one who Is so widely known, so well situated and so highly re spected ; of one who Is seeming so necessary a factor of our towns life and society as Dr. J. T. Wald. Dr. Wald sold in February last, his practice to Dr. P. P. Fisher, our young doctor who bids fair to rise rapidly in his profession, and has made arrangements to accept an offer in Rldgway. We learn too that this is not the onlly pace from wblcb ad vantageous offers have been made him. Rldgway Is a lively town of some over 2,000 inhabitants and is the county seat of Elk County. Besides the Philadelphia & Erie R. R., two new railroads are now building that run through the place. It is a lively growing place and affords attractions of weulth, society, and large natural resources with a prospect of rapid growth. Dr. Wald ranks among the first in his profession in this county. He has one of the finest libraries, medical and literary In this section. He takes with him besides ability in his profes sion, the qualities of a gentleman aud a scholar. His large practice In this vicinity has been quite lucrative us well as satisfactory, and this removal will ne cessitate the closing of accounts of years standing; so that It Is notcertuln that be will leave before autumn. A new vegetable love song begins with these passouato words: The cucumber eat on the buck-yard fence, And sung to its blue-eyed mate, which is probably a couipuuion to the one beginning : The cnrrlot swayed around serene, And fondly klss.'d the Limn bciin, Who mui inuii'U to the apricot: "Oil, Jlurijuerlte, forget rue uot!" Pluck. Plantation Philosophy Remember, young men, dat de best frien' yer's got on dis earth is a belter frleu' ter him self tien be is ter you. Fay no atten tion ter a man by de boasts what he makes. '1 bunder doan all de time tell ob a comin' rain. Doun turu a man outen de ranks of respectability case he's a coward. A hound dog uiu't much on de fight, but he's a mighty useful auiuml. While Nature was foolin' away her time puintin' differ ent colore an' stripes on do horns ob de Jack snappers an' udder bugs, I dona see why she didn't contrive some easier way fur a chile to cut teeth. Arkansas Traveller. A sad picture of life in Ireland Is drawn by a correspondent of the Springfield llcjmblican- He declares that no one can conceive how wretch edly poor and destitute human beings can be and live until lm linn ridden by cabin and crib and all the nameless shifts for shelter that offend the eye between Giengarifi aud Killarney. Not one decent home, not one com fortable, tidy dwelling, not one Ieauly, well-fed, neut human being ilid he see. Troops of sad, wan, starved children nearly naked, smeared to the eyes with dirt and ashes, fol lowed him mile after mile plaintively wailing. "A penny if ye plaze, sur.'' Men and women with the dull, dead expression of dispart in their eyes waded out to gaze upon him from their cabins und holes in the ground, or between the rocks, literally ankle deep in mud, and clad in such tattered tatters that Lazarus was attired iu princely robes in comparison. Deer stood in the fields and bleds sat upon the trees, fearless of man, for no Irish man is permitted to have a gun or to touch bird or beust, even though his family starves before his eyes, In the whole long ride of fifty-four miles he never saw a dog : and he exclaims: 'Think of people too poor to keep a dog!" The war against the dogs by the authorities of Pittsburg is over. During the time it existed 2,500 canines bit the dust. Craft, the defaulting cashier of the Franklin, Venango county, bank, numbered among his losses $60,000 in oil speculations. Pigs are allowed to run at large in the streets of Pottsville, and some of the citizens favor civil service reform in this particular. Near Corry, on Saturday, Annie Dugan, a two year old girl, was caught by the cow catcher of an engine and throwu lo one side of the truck. She was but slightly injured. Silas Grey, the Greensburg mur derer, has been sentenced to deuih, notwithstanding the suits brought the other duy by his brother uguinst other parties for the same crime. Railroad officials who have made trips of observation from Chicuiro over tbeir line into the northwest and southwest concur in the growing des criptions of the crops, their sizes, quantity and good condition. There is not an unfavorable report. A Western man a while ago eloped with liia mother-in-law. Not that he had any funcy for the woman. But she had said that lie was the worst husband on the earth, uud he wanted the world to see that she really didn't think so. A four-year old boy travelled Eust alone from Illinois. A card sewed to the back of his coat suid : "This Is the only son of a widow, whose circum stances compel her to part with him. His name is Nathan, aud he is on his way to his grand fathers, Jacob Shemp, Chester, Delaware county, Pa." The place to' buy Blank Books, Miscellaneous, and School Books, Autograph, Scrap Albums, Stationary, School supplies' is at Craig's Drug and Book and Fancy goods' Store. Hams; Pork, Lard,- Shoulders, boneless Roulette Hums, and Olive butter for cooking purposes, said to be superior to lard, at Morgester's, State Penci lings. Harrlsburg has a Two-and-a-Half street. Oil City has a fourteen-year bid burglar. Crawford county chickens suffer from a new disease. An overdose of opium killed Mrs'. Mary Crosier, of firle. Punxsutawney, wltb Its suburbs, claims a population of over 12,000. Mormon missionaries are proselyt ing in Franklin county with some suc cess, i There Is in bond in the Pittsburg revenue district about $5,000,001) worth ofwhisky. Lehigh county contains a cat that recently manifested symptoms of hydrophobia. It is estimated that Allegheny county's new court house will cost f 2, 000,000 when completed. The observance of birthday anni versaries Beeins to be gaining favor in some country districts. Adam Yocum, a farmer, while diiving cattle off the railroad track near Meadville, on Saturday, was killed. Franklin county has a gypsies' camp. Five cents admission fee is re quired of all who euter the inclosure. Crawford county has a fisherman who caught one hundred and eighty three bass with his hook In one day. B. F. McClusky, register aud re corder of Indiana county, died last week from the effects of base ball play ing. Rachel Garber, aged thirty-five years, of Montgomery county, drowned herself in a stream about a foot deep. A Marietta gentleman, who owns ten acres of swamp land, contemplates going into the frog raising business. A citizen of Conneant is the pos sessor of a clock one hundred and two years old, which is in good running order. The Knights of Lbor have raised $50,000 for the purpose of establishing a co-operative pottery at Pittsburg. The grand council of the Daugh ters of Liberty, consisting of four hundred members, will meet in Euston In October. Ellsworth Hoskinson, son of a 'noted temperance spy t Waynesburg, has been urrested for mbbitig a saloon. A contractor on the Pittsburg and Western railroad named Wise has tied leaving unpaid bills to the amount of $12,000. A favorite way In Schuylkill of selling out household goods to go west is to dispose of their houses aud all at prize drawings. Sand Fur Fine Glassware. THE VEIN OK ROCK A1 MCVEYTOWS HOW IT IS PKEPAIIEl) FOIt USE. Pennsylvania Letter to Now York Tribune. The sand from which the finest glassware, crown-glass. Frencn plate and the like, Is made, is seldom found iu large deposits, in accessible places and iu strata free from impurities. Quart in California, which yields $0 of gold to the ton, is called in minors' language, "pay-rock," aud yet the sand itself, out of whi'di the French plate gluss is mude, is worth $3 u ton delivered in the city market. A vein of sand-glass was discovered over ten yeurs ugo near McVeytown, Mifllin couuty, Pa., und is now being exten sively worked. The sand-rock occurs, for the most part, in irregular forma tion, with au occasional upprouch toward a stratified condition. The rock is hard aud dry, yielding with difficulty to the drill, except where wuter penetrates it, forming crevices These soft veins, made by the water much dreaded by the miners. A muss of this soit rock may full at any mo ment and crush or bury the hepless workman. An old miner suid to the Tribune correspondent: "We hain't hud no accidents since I've been yer. That is, there huiu't nobody been killed. One fellow sot down neurder u blast than wus safe, and got raised up to the top of the mines and got the burk peeled off'u his face, aud a piece cut out'n bis ear, but that was all. Oust when I was peckin' round the corner to ee if the fuse wus buruiu', the thing went off and bunged my eyes with giant powder. Do ye see them black specks?'1 and the miner pointed to a dark circle above his eyes, the memento of his imprudence. The sand rock is mined by what is called "dilftiug," or exeuvatfug in a horizontal direction. The drift is mudo sixteen feet high and twenty feet wide, aud extends about 500 feet in different directions from the mouth of the mine. With a force of sixty men only about fifty feet of rock can be excavated in a year. An analysis of the suud shows almost pure silica with slight impurities of cubolt, shule and slute. Under the inicorscope beautiful crystals in the sand are seen. i lie rock iu the mine is of u marble white color, with a few tints of yellow und greeu. The air iu the drill is cold und damp, und is kept pure by ventilators running up to the top of tnu gi'ouud. A temperature of ubout 40s prevails in the mine wiuter uud summer. A noveliy of the McVeytowu sund works is in the way which the water power Is communicated to the machi nery iu the mine. . Steam is used fo r drying Only, and the water of the Pennsylvania canal, which is over oue thousand feet from the works, is used for driving the machinery by a system of wire cables and band wheels The wheel are set up iu three small towers, thus preventing too much slack lu the wire Cables. Two turbine wuter wheels are used at the canal. The suud shipped from this mine amount to about 25,000 tous a year. Pittsburgh, Wheeling, und Ohio cities art) the principal market.' Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE OF SUNDRY writs of fieri facias, alias fieri facias, vendi tioni exponas, levari facias, and. testa tum fieri facias Issued nut of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County and to me directed, I THOMAS SULLI VAN, High Sheriff of said county, do hereby glye notice that I will expose to public sale or outcry at the. Pro thonotarv's office, in Rldgway, at one o'clock P. M., on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18lli, 1982, the following described real estate, to wit: All the right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever of defendant in, to or out of all tbose certain two town lots situate on the east side of Walnut street, in the borough of St. Mary's coun ty of El k and Stateof Pen n sylvania, described as follows, to-wit : Beginning ut a post at the southeast corner of Walnut and Mill street; thence along said Walnut street south one hundred aud sixty feet to a post; thence east one hundred and fifty-five feet to a post; thence north one hun dred and sixty feet to a post on the south side of Mill street; thence along said Mill street in a westerly direction one hundred aud fifty five feet to the place bf beginning. The said lots con tain twelve thousand square feet each, they being lots No. 4 and No. 0 on Wulnut street, each lot being eighty feet front by one hundred and fifty five feet deep. A two-story frume bouse. 16x30 feet, Is erected thereon. Seized aud taken in execution as the property of George H. Evcritt, at the suit of B. F. Sherwood. ALSO All the right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever of de fendant in, to or out of the following described real estate: All that piece, purcelorlot of land situate in the township of Benezette and village of Benezette, county of Elk and State of Pennsylvania, commencing at a point on Front street one hundred and eighty feet from a sandstone corner deeply set at the junction of the road leuding from Trout Run to H. R. Wilson's; thence north twenty three degrees west along suid street sixty feet to corner; thence north sixty-seven degrees east one hundred und fifty feet to alley; thence along said alley south twenty-three degrees east sixty feet to corner of lot owned by Win. Dcrr; thence south sixty seven degrees west oue hundred aud fifty feet to the place of beginning, containing ubout nine thousand superficial feet, upon which is erected one two-story frume house; 20x34 feet, with kitchen attach 10x24 feet, on frame barn, 40x20 feet, and other out buildings; also, good well of water. Seized and taken in execution as the property of H. D. Derr, ut the suit oi Amelia Derr TERMS OF SALE. The following must be strictly com plied with when the property is struck uT: 1. All bids must bu paid in full ex cept where the plaintiff or other lien creditor becomes the purchaser, in which case the costs on Hie writs must be puid, as well us all liens prior to (hut of the purchaser, und a duly cer tified list of liens shall be furnished, including mortgage searches on the property sold, together with such lien creditor's receipt for the amount of tne proceeds ot tnesale, or such pro tion thereof as he shall appear to be en titled to. 2. All sales not settled Immediately will be continued until six o'clock P. M-, ut which time all property uot settled for will uguiu be put up, und sold ut the expense and risk of the person to wiiom it was ilrsi struck off, and who, in case of deficiency ut sucli re-sale, shall make good the same, uud ill no instance will the deed he pre scutctl ill court for continuation unless the bid is uciually settled for with the Sheriff us above stuted. THOMAS SULLlVAN.Sherlff. Sheriff's Oillce.Ridgwtiy, Pa., May 4, 1S82 See Purdou's Digest, 9th edition, page 446, Smith's Forms, page 384. OIL STOVE STILL LEADS THE WORLD. 5O.O0O IN USE I TJaes Ordinary Kerouone, Safest and Cooks Equal ts any Cook ttove. SEND FOR NEW CIRCULAR. MYERS, 0SB0RN & CO., SOLE MANUFACTURE, OXiBTZIIjAITD, OHIO, Wsslsr Branch, it LAKE STBEEr, CIllt'AuO. CALL ON OUR LOCAL ACENT. PERFECTION STOCK TANK "TTTATER-TIOnT AND FuOST-PROOF. i The t T iiuixsM-e constructed or tareo-Uicu lumber, elected Michigan r'ne,auil ore Lcld totwtbcrwilij Improved Lug hoopano arranged tuat they caa bo drawn up with a common wjuch. Whin covered with two thicknesxeaut common fencing (with lar board between), they are uiade froet-pruof. We are large manufacturers of railroad taiika. and innl. o. same principles aud material to the construction of mew eis uiuas mas we emoody lu our railroad work. All tauVa are eel up, pieces marked, then (7 CHEAP HATES OF FREIGHT SSCUMO. .) $,ottym" Capacity 2 bble. " " O V. 44 " 3S 12 " n Anti-Freezing Iron Force Pumps, FiUsd km soy dvh w.II s4 msrkod m say m csa sal U-gttaer ni mkt thrto wotk perfectly. ECLIPSE WIND ENGINE CO.' n sj sasv a. rimn . BbiAi ir trili UufsflemrmsUiMabratrdKcltp Wind Fri n c .-Hi rtavfou t-Uu CUT THIS OUfT W have stores In IS leading Cities, from which our strenUohmin their supplies quickly. Our FHotoriea and principal (illii ra are at Krlr, Pat. Suud for our New Catuloaue au4 terms to ae-eats Address Mr Nr LOYELLRfETpEwrAT. GOLDEN SUP, IKwirfJ to, CataloKW1 LIST OF CAUSES. CJET down for trial at the September OTearm of the Court of Common Pitas of Elk County, oonimeucing on Monday, the 18th: ., 1. Frank Pollman vn. Morgester A Jackson, No. 76, September Terra, I87W. 2. Daniel Euwer et al. vs. C. R. F.nrley t't al. No. 45, January Term, 1881. 3. The Township of Fox vs. Michael Brehinetul. No. 84, JanuaryTertn, 1881. . , . . . ... 4. .EdvVflril M'Brlde vs. The Ly coming FirelusiiranccCoinpany. No. 47, Mny Terir, 1881, 5. Jerome l-'owoll vs. lieorge Frocl- oiw. No, 61, May Term 1881. e. .1 nines M UreveB, fumigrieG Ac. vs. Michael Weidort. No 8, Januury ierm, i8z. ' , 7. R. M. Painter vs. Gust Loebmau et al. No. 22, January Term, 1882. - 8. Jeremiah Elliott vs. .Nicholas Georire. No. 17, May Term, 1S82. . The Township of Jay vs. Leonard Kyler et al. No. 2, May Term. 1882. 10. Geonce A Everett et al. vs Gerge lloelin. No. 6fl, May Term, 1882 ii. u. v fciierwona vs. George ll. Everett et al. No. 81, May Term, 1882. 12. Henry Dabler vs. Isaac Avery. No. 93, May Term, 1882. 13. John Meehan vs. Peter S. Me- Tague. No. 49, Heptember Term, 1882 FKED. SCHUSNING, Clerk. LIST CF JURORS. Following Is the list of Jurors drawn for September term of court, com mencing Monday, Sept. 18, 1882: bRAND JURORS. Benezette G- L. Winslow. Miles Dent, Wallace Johnson.. ... He monger George Fritz, Adam Geyer, Kreckel, John Frein dle. Peter Keel. Fox (!. F. Taylor. John Sullivan. John Wlialen, George V. Boyer. Highland . Gardner- Jap Zemin M. Webb. Clarence M. Weed, Martin Clover. Jones Michael Dill, Jr. Ridgway Borough Charles Holes. Ridgway H. F. Elv. Jiunes Gil- louly, L. C. Dickinson. tt. Marys Borough John Krun. B. F. Lawrence, Louis Gies. TRAVEltKK JUKOKS. Benezette C. C. Chase. Benzinger George Reuscher. An- draw Breliin, Adolph Heigcetter, Peter i. niraun. Fox Joseph Foueann. Joseph Em- inert, Patrick Brown, Walter Mered ith, Johu Maloiie. Patrick Jordan, Anthony Koch. James R. Taylor, James Bixby, John Hersliey. Hortou Edward Iddiiigs. Jacob Mines. Highland Harmon Gorton. Jay Joseph Lanzendorfer. Jones Thus. L. McKeau. Georire J. Market, Louis Heislam. .Millstone Hun rv A'Hura. Hurry Ridgway Borough D. S. Luther. D. B. Day, Philip Lesser. Ridgway Ed. Bowers. L. N. Etr- glesiou, John Lah hive, 8. J. Swain. spring Creek O. T. .Minor. St. Marys Borough C. F. Kenote. Joseph 1-hojrert, Francis Frank, Geo. AU11K1I1. Register's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing account will be presented at the next term of the Orphan's Court ror coniirmuiion : 1. The account of Elias Mover executor of the last will and testament of Conrad Moyer, luto of Fox town ship, Elk county, Pa. !. Sunpleinenlarv account of Hezn- Uhilj Hortou, (ruui'iJiuli of tho minor children of C. A. Wilcox, late of Hortou township. Elk i-oimtv deceased. Fkei. SciicEJf ino, Register. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Caro line W. Winslow, Into of Benezette township, Elk county, Pa., deceased, have been granted to theundorsigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to niuke iironint lmvment. and those having claims will present uji-iu lur Hciueuiciil. u27tu. Julius Jones. Adm'r. Order' for flowers, seeds, etc.. from Harry Chaapel's greenhouse, illiauisport, will receive prompt at tention if left ut The Advocate office. By the new process of taking pic tures J. C. Harrliug, ut the West End Gallery, can take it photogruph in three to six seconds, this is of creut importance in taldug pictures of babies. Buoklen'a Arnica Salve. The best Salve iu the world for Cuts". Bruises, Burns, Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by G. G. Al esseiiger. Mrs. Jacob Butterfuss, over Butter fuss' harness shop, Main street, has constantly on hand the latent style o human lnur goods, tilso bw itches, nets and pins, tc. Call and see them. The Grocery department at the Grand Central, P. & K's, is very lull and complete and prices as low as good reliable gooiU can be soid for. A large stock of Pork, Hums, Cheese, JJulry Butter, Flour, Feed, Beuns, Sugar and Syrup just received. Try our Standard Flour and you win never regret it. The Boot and Shoe department at the Grand Central P. & K. is very large, and varied. Everything iu ladle's Misses' and children's Shoes.and. Slip pers, dout fail to look through this department. The new Climax Wringers at V, S. Service's, agent. Ma.ou's Fruit Jars, Pints, Quarts, aud hulf gallons at W. S. Service's, agent. The Hall Vupor Stove is the greatest invention of the age at W. H. Service's, agent. New stock of Scrap Albums, Box .Paper, Pocket Books, Ladies' Port- monuies,' Rubber and base balls at Craig's Drug & Funcy goods 'store. A very large assortment of Hats at P. K. Gruud Central, If you wuut a good style hat for a very little mousy drop Into the Grand Central.' Business Cards. GEO. A. RATHBUN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW; Main street, Rldgway, Elk Co., I'a, Particular attention given to the examination of titles, also to patents and patent cases. Hall" & mxauley attorney-at-law. . . '( Office In new brick building, Main street, Rldgway, Elk Co., Pa. V32t . f. S. BAROWELL . PHYSICIAN AND SURQEOIf; frat titronir.ft-a troll ra DrAit.taA. - . Ofllno on Afulii Hlrpnt. RidirwaV. Pa.. opposite the Bogert House. Office hours irom i to 2 auo i to a, i m. V. L. WILLIA MS. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. . Coroner of Elk Co., office in rear o( Eerley's Drug Store, next lo,,Hyde House. . , Office hours 1 to 8 A. M. 8 to 6 P.M. 6:80 to 8:30. P.M. ... G. G. MESSENGER. ,, DRUGGIST & PARMACEUTIST; N. W- corner of Main and Mill streets Ridgway, Pa., full assortment of care ' fully selected , Foreign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis pensed ut all hours, day or night. vln3y - J. D. WOODRUFF, tfl. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON; Office Hours. From 9 to 12 ft. ni., 2 to 5 nnd 7 to U p. m. Residence Olllce at resi dence, opposite Elk County Bunk, Mala HtlOL't. CALLS DAY OR NIGHT PROMPTLY ATTENDED. A fair share of the people's patronage so licited. HYDE HOUSE.' . W. H. SCHRAM, Proprietor, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. . Thankful for the. patronage hereto-; fore so liberally bestowed upon him,' the new proprietor hopes, by paying, strict attention to the comfort and con-, venience of guests, to merit a continu ance of the eitnie.' oct30'89 Walnnt Leaf Hair Restorer. ( . It Is entirely different from all others. It is as clear us wuter, and, us its name indicates, is a perfect Vege table Hair Restorer. It will Immedi ately free the head from dandruff, .re store gray hair to its, natural color, and produce a new growth where it has fallen off. It does not , in any manner affect the health, which Sul--phur, Sugar or Lead, and Nitrate of Milver preparations nave. done., it will change light or faded hair.,iu a lew days to a beautuui glossy . prow n. Ask your druggist for it. Eaeli bottle is warranted. SMITH, KLINE & CO., Wholesale Agents, Philadelphia, md C. N. CK IT V JSS TUN , A evv YorK ti 17 1 y. N TEW LIVERY STABLE IX RIDGWAY GOOD STOCIv. GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies to lei upon the. most reasonable terms. . , CiST-He will also do job teaming. Stable ou Elk street. All orders left at the Post Oliice wl' 1 reclve prompt' attention. AuzOl871tl RINCIPALUNE i no lOKTKST, WUlCKtbT aud And BEST line to St. Jsiepb. Points Id lows Atchlaun, Topelca, Dial- Nebraska, Mtuourl, ou, Uallaa, Gal- ui, Kew Mexico, Ariion. 1 tana and T'-xhs. O XX X O L Car O i tioule hai no superior fur Alteli I u. Ul..n.,.n..l. t U. 11 Unlvcrsa KukraaUy reputed as be the best equipped 3PhroughC Ilallrnid In tha World fnr ASTr,'ullnV"r-. KANSAS CITY All connections mads 7lX In Unloa 7v Try It, Tickets vis thlfSTr r and yon wUl Celebrated Line fo find trarallns s sale at sll offices! luiury, Instead . . of 1 dla- the U. S. and Canada. 0,(W All IVtO.eomtort. InformttloiT VeVT about Hates oCCfAJ 'X Fsra. 8leenina- Csrs. ffA T. J POTTER. PERCEVAL LOWFI I Id I"(C4 Prtft t Otn'l Ifanagtr, Qtn. Pa. Aoi? Vhlwsgo, 111. Clilca,m." THE HULL VAPOR COOK STOVE, ins UUIUI ftlUJ vl.LT HtllAULt, Is the only de-l Tice oi its Kind I that has stood I THE TEBTl OF YEARB.I" sua ear uea uni-i versa! public I commendation. 1 Doea ever I description oil looking, wasto- iiiK. iromus:. Fruit Canning, I or other domes-1 tie work here-l ne orainary coot stove, and without Its Insuf ferable heat, soot, asbes, eto. .OK SUMMER USE THEY ARE INDISPENSABLE. SMF Reliable Aaenta wanted lu kiuimuiiU territory. Addreas, HULL. VAPOR STOVE CO'.,''s. Seneca Street, cor. Cbaniplaln, Cleveland, Ohio. '4k niuscle aud jUerve, b1u-: sbuss of thought and .Inactivity, ured by Brbwn'w I'rou- iiilulils P re n