Dh LOXG'S HARD FATE. Bow Nrr.r lie ( nmr in ."cur.-Ttcnrons B.ir u-tl Mainly tn Vi.lu - Hlorlc 3 . old ir Nut I Tbe plane wliete tlie borlipn of D Ling's party woie found, which I him visited, wiiteaa correRprnnVnt of the New York Herald, is fifteen miles nortbenat of tio Hat)'! cf Stolboy. the prominent pillar like rrck in the Ltm, Ttrtipre the river branches east to DikofT. De Long had all a'onn imagined that StrObny was ft rntth, nnd supposed he had pased it lon before, and two weeks before his death he said in his note book: ' Quite believe we are on the island of Titary and twenty five miles from Knmak-SurVa." He was bewildered by the maze of rivers flow ing and intermingling on the delta proper, and in bis own weak con lition had pnt the distances accomplished long r than they really were. When he reached the bind on which were the doctor and Ah Sam and tinder the shel ter which was a little way off, most of the others expired. Then he must have seen clearly tbat he had miscalculated, nod that he was at leant a hundred miles from the Kuniuk Suihrt, which a few davs before he had imagined only twenty-five miles away. Fate seemed strainst him. Had he landid thirty miles further west ho would have struck a village of natives who reside north of Unlun all winter. Ho also patted by within twenty versts of a but where twenty reindeer carcasses were hanging for the winter food. He had rnfflrtunntclv no.RhotP'iTi froTn.ita uuviuK uc jeiii nj ins oruers on me ice when the Jtaunette wont down, and inougn aeer were rare there was no lack of ptarmigan. De Long is con' stontly recording here "numerous ptar miean tracks, unt for their capture Alexia uaa only a nuo. and thou eh good shot only succeeded in obtaining very lew.'- un tne day Noros and Ninderman were sent away by Do Long a large flock of 200 ptarmigan settled witnin a quarter ot a mile of the party but none were "hot. With a single shot gun in Alexia's hands all might have been saved. 1'ne season was too late for deer. A strange incident, p.lso, came to my knowledge at Gntnovialck. It seems that some Tonguse natives, travoling irom ino nnrtu to Utltoll, saw tbe foot prints of the party two days old, and picked up tt.o Ren-in&ton which De Ling had loft in a hut half way from the landing place to the bluff. The natives were frightened and. thought mar, tue loon nuts wrro those of smug giers o- robbers, and left the ground without following. On arrivinc nt Gemovinlck they heard of the presence of the Melvillo party of three, and the Jess of tha o.iptatn s party, an t thv fearing to be punished for not following tne footsteps, tept their information to themselves for some weeks until too late. De Long made mistakes in endeavor ing to fceenre the safety of his own tiri vote logs, which were bulky, as well as the scientific instruments and other listless impediments a heavy burdun for the men. There could have been left in the cache near the place where they landed, but they had to bs borne by the men throuh all the days of their weary march. The things filled one entire dog sled when found near the bluff. After Noros and Ninderman left the parvy did not mako more than eighteen miles fron Oo ober 9 to the 90!h...,PTvogS',fij'ci"chtrrts up from the plHce under the bl ft" where Mr. Collins and the others d d. and where they would have been swept away by the spring fl lot s '' the t p of the bluff, where the doctor ond Ah Sam perished ut ne only . snccetded in carry- rying tue ennrr. case up. .Even be fore Noros und Ninderman left De Long was very weaK. lie wed to walk ten minutes and then lie down to rest, say ing to the men, "Don't mind me; go on as far as you can. I will follow " During hia wanderings on the delta De Long built a largo bonfire as high as tbirty feat every night, the lust one being a few hundred yards from tbe bluff, where they all perished, in the hope of attracting the attention of parties who, he kept saying, would cer tainly be out looking for him. Bat the fares blazed m vain. There was not human being at the time of their death within a hundred miles. Melville's party at Gemoviulck wtre about thii distance sway. Ihe blaze from such a large bonfire on tbe plains of the delta should have been seen in tnut frosty air from forty to fifty versts away, and had the search parties been out the probabilities are mat jJe JLong would have been rescued I he river was open till Outober 5, as De Long sajs in his notebook. The Lena 8 mouth near Gemovialck, is very wide and very shallow. It was frozen over and broken up repeatedly from the time jueivme and his party landed to Uotober 5. iue tomu ana tne large cross over the grave on the mountain, near the hut of Mutock, may be seen at a distance of twenty or thirty versts. Arrangbments navo oeen made by uovernor Tcher naien, of Yakutsk, to have the entire cairn covered with a deep layer of earth lo prevent the possibility of the sun tLawing the bodies in the tomb. If thin be done promptly doubtless the bodies Will remain untouched by decay for ever, as t.h vroanJ tf rani.j froaoD. on the delta all the year t-jcuci at a depth of two feet. 'Ihf bodies can theiefore beremoedata Jutt-r date if desired. General Tchernaieff has also caused a Russian inscription to be prepared to be placed on the tomb, and has given orders to the officials north that every care shall be taken to pre serve the tomb and the monument in good condition. Captain Jarsens. chief of a Russian meteorological expedition to the Lena delta, who leaves for the north in ten days and will reside on tbe delta for eighteen months, has consented to keep a lookout for relics of Ohipp'e boats during his journeys, and will urge the natives m well to keep a lookout, and reward them if they find anything. Captain Jar gens has built a wooden house, iu wbioh he takes up his resi dence, and it is to bo floated down on a flatboat to the delta, where he will establish his headquarters, probably near Barkin. Chronio poisoning by arsenio has re ceived the experimental attention of Doctors Caillot de Poncy and Li von, and the results of their observations may be of value to certain ladies and not a few medical practiotioners Small doses were given to cits at intervals. Under the influence of the arsenio they were able to take more than the normal quantity of food. For a time they in creased in weight, and presented every outward evidence of good health. By and bye a change occurred. The cats had diarrhea; they lost appetite; they became languid, and they died in an BEmio and lean condition. NEWS OF THE WEEK. Enntern and Middle State. A "National Temperance Camp Meeting" opened the other day at Ooean Grove, N. J. Geoiiob WooDBtrrr, of Derby, Conn., aged fifteen, bent over to watch the motion of a grain-cradle strung by hi father's hired man, whon the blade struck him In tbe throat, cat ting the Jugular vein and causing instant death. A rmzs fight with gloves in Oilmore's Oar den, New York, between Johu L. Sullivan and " Tug Wilson," an Englishman, was witnessed by over 12,000 persons, who paid each flaor 12 admission. The conditions of the fight were that Sullivan was to knock Wilson out of time in four rounds. Sullivan failed to knock out the Englishman in four rounds, and the latter was awarded the victory and somothing like $10,000. Ths New Tork Greenback-Labor State con vention at Albany adopted a platform reaffirm ing tbe one adopted by the convention at Chi cago June 9, 1380, condomning the rail roc lis for their conduct during the strikes, as well as the penal code and the prison system of the State, demanding that incorporate capital should te restricted in power, that all publio officers should be elected instead of appointed, that tho thirteen specific; demands made by the Central Labor union of New Tork city were to be approved, and declaring the party to be the original nhti-monopoly party of the conn try, F.penetns Howe was nominated for gov ernor on the first ballot. James Allen for lieutenant-governor; S. J. JtcParlin for chief judge of the court of appeals; S. J. McDonald vougiceQlliau-at-i.e,... Great damage was done to property in Boa- ton by a heavy storm. By. the decision of the highest tribunal in Connecticut women are now cntitlod to prac ice in the courts of that State. On December 16 the ship Theobald, Captain N. L. WaterhoUBe, Bailed from Fniladelphia for San Francisco. Since tbat nothing has been heard of her, and she and her crew of nineteen men are supposed to have been lost. Miss Fansj Tabsell, Bister of tbe noted Irish land league lcador, died Buddenly of heart disease at Bordentown, N. J. Miss Ttirncll was tneuty-cight years old, had been conspicuous in tho affairs of the ladies' land league, and frequently made appeals in behalf of tue Irish cause at land league gatheriLgs. Gekeual N. M. Cubtis, a Federal govern ment employe charged by the New York Civil Service Reform association with receiving from other officers and employes of the Federal government money for politic! purposes, was found guilty by the United States circuit court and sentenced to pay a fine of (1,000. Genoral Curtis will appeal to the United States supreme court. The case has excited much interest in political circles. A rirrsBVBO (Pa.) dispatch asserts tbat ol tho total number of ironworkers who went on a strike more thau eight thousand have rc Burned work at the wages demanded, and thai about thirty thousand men still remain idle. James F. Walsh, tho nineteen-year-old boj who, in January, 1881, murdered hia sweet heart, Barbara Groenenthal, a servant girl sixteen, in a jealous ruge, because she refuse J to accept him any longer as her lover, wa. hanged in Brooklyn. A Finn at Fairfield, Me., destroyed a larg part of the place. Four saw mills, a Bash and blind anl two furniture factories, and one builders' manufacturing eitahllobmout w.r. burned with their entire contents; also fir dwelling houses. The loss is estimated a morothan 100.0C0. A IU .......... houses, two lumber yards, and a row of niuo dw Uing houses. Tue cptaia aud crow of the echooner Alex andria, which was abandoned in a sinking con dition off Barnegat, were picked up by the steamer Will. am Crane aud lauded at Boston, South and West. United Staisj Sematob Brown, of Georgia, lias given $3'J.0J0 to the Georgia Stato itniver ity for the purposo of eduoating poor young men. As impromptu duel was fought nearWedder- bum's, Va., between Joseph Addison, of Balti more, and ltichard Garland, a resident of Lunenburg county. The duel was fought at a distance of six feet. Addison's pistol hung fire- four times, and he only fired once, the bullet striking Garland iu tho wrist. Garland fired five times, one shot taking effect. Addison died from the effects of tho wound. The duel resulted from Gar land telling a young woman who lives in Lunenburg county, to whom Addison was en gaged to bo manied, that Addison was flirting with her. Mns. M.utv Lin-cols, wife of ex-President Abraham Lincoln, died in Sptingtlold, 111, from the effects of a paralytio stroke received on the eveniDg previous. She had been ill for a long time. Mrs. Lincoln was born about 1815 in Lexing on, Fayette county, Ky. She was the daughter of Doctor Robert S. Todd, a practising physician woll known aud groatly rospected in that region. She wag married in 1812, and was at her husband's side in Ford's theater, Washington, when be was shot on tbe night of April 14, 18G5. Mrs. Lincoln suffered such a shock by her husband's assas sination that her mind became to a certain extent affected, and it bocame necessary about ejven years ago for bor friends to take leal measures to hare her placed under restraint. Under medical treatment she recovered sulti- cuntly to be released from restrain), and aha theieuuou ar.ea rut' Europe, wnere sue ra m tiueil until the fall of 1330. Mrs. Lincoln's eldest and only surviving son is. the secretary of war. Carefui.lt gathered reports from Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Kansas, Arkansas, Louisiana and Missouri show that the wheat crop which is being harvested in many places will be much above the averago and tbat the corn crop has been greatly ad vanced by rocent warm weather and light rains. The steamer John Wilson, plying between New Orleans and Atchafalaya river, struck a snag at 11 o'clock r. u. and rapidly sank. Six livos were .oat. At San Francisco 250 Chinese cigarmakers struck because three of their fellow countrymen had been discharged. The strikers were promptly paid off. m Tub strike between the boilermakers and their employers at Cincinnati has been ended, the men resuming woik at an advance of ten per cent, on their former wages. Two years ago Dr. Roberts was killed at Millville, Mo., by Dr. Keys, a youug physioian. Keys was twioe tried, the second trial resulting in plea of insanity being sustained. He was sent to the insane a-yluui at St. Joseph, but was released recently as cared. Upon big ar rival in Millville Charles Roberta, son or the murdered Dr. Roberts, was told of bis pres ence. He len bis shop, secured a revolver and bunted Keys up. He opened firs on him, wounding him in the breast. Keys started to run, but Roberts followed, firing two mors shots, both taking effect, and Keys died almost instantly. Roberts was arrested, m OaoAB Goodwik, cashier of the Logansport (lad.) national bank, stole $1S,000 of the instl tatioa'n funds and then disappeared. . At tbe Texas Democratic. State convention In Galveston a telegram was received from Gov ernor Roberts declining to be a candidate for renomination. John Ireland was nominated for governor by acclamation. A mbit of three women and four men were on the Portage river at Houghton, Mich., when the boat overturned, resulting in tlie drowning of two women and one ot the men Mrs. Josc-pl Blanche tte and Grorge Lacrosse and wife, Jons PrnrNOEti, aged 103 years, died in the Cuunty Infirmary, near Marietta, O, The Georgia Democrats at their State con vention in Atlanta nominated a full ticket, head ed by Alexander II. Stephens for governor. J. R. IIaqoou, a prominent citizen of Warren county, N. C, aud widely known throughout that Stato and Virginia, was crushed to death by being caught in the machinery of a wheat llircshcr. At the Ohio Democratic State convention iu Columbus the ticket nominated consisted ot John W. Oaliey, tho present incumbent, foi supremo judge J J. W. Newman for secretary of slate, aud Henry Woible for member of the board of public works. Drntxa a fire in a shingle mill at Saginaw, Mich., two boilers exploded with terrific force. Two boys were hihUutly killed, and a nuinbci of men wore hurt more or loss sorlouBly. Wnn.E a Mexican wagon traiu carrying 18t kegs of powder was going down a bill noai Helena, Ark., some of the powder exp.oded. Tao Mexicans and four niuloa were blown to piccei". Another man was blown to a height ol 1 JO feet and killed. A rriTY of Arizona vigilantes in pursuit o! William Mu'cahy, John Kingsbury, and a no torious outlaw known as Nevada Jim, the mur altera of two Mexicans, overtook them in I mountain ambuscade. A furious fight, in wbicL rillcs and revolvers were freely used, followed, Mulcahy and Kingsbury were shot dead, and one of the vigilantes was wounded. Ne vada Jim was captured and told to prepare for immediate death. While tho party were pre paring a rope to hang him the prisonei snatched a revolver from one of them and shot Limsclf through the brain. Willabd's bank, at Jonesborough, Ohio, has failed. Glowino reports of tho abundant harvests are continually received from nearly every polut in tho west. The Indians aro on the warpath in Arizona and have killed many of the whites, burned building-", carried off or slaughtered stock and laid in waste the ciops. An unsuccessful attempt was made on recent night to burn the town of Seattle, W. T. The attempt was evidently made by a broth' of Tayno, wl.o was lynched last spring by the citizens of tho place, and his gang of despera does. At tho tap of a boll tho viilauco com mittee assomb od and hastily picparcd a list ot the names of twenty prominent " roughs," whom they ordered to leavo tho place before daylight or abide tho consequences. Tho order was obeyed and the town was cleared, From Washington Tue President sent the following nomlna Hons to the Senate: William Hale, of Iowa, ti be governor of tho Territory of Wyoming; J Schuyler Crosby. f New York, governor of th. Territory of Montana; Wilsin W. Hoovor, o California, associato justice supremo court ot the Territory of Arizona. Mns. Scoville flle.l a protest agaiust th probate of any will of Guiteau or agaiust an.. iti-ers lesiaiucutfiry lssma to any persoL other thau herself. The President sent the following nomina tions to tho Senate : George M. Sabine, of Nt vaua, tj be United States di-trict judge for She ,.c r:i..., Til ""'"'" r-.. w. vniciia, All, Foreign News. The first arrest undor the repression occurred in county Kerry, Ireland. bll A tETTEtt from Lima says that tho provincial government of Peru has given up all bopo ol foreign intervention to prevent the epoliatioL 01 1'eruvian t mtory by Chili. A Tasama dispatch says that a serious rail way accident occurred on the Taltal railway in wiucii ren uvea were lost and property valued at $15,000 was destroyed. ABiiiiiAi, Seymocb. of the British attacking fleet at Alexandria, has issued a manifesto an nouncing thst he baa undertaken, with the con sent of the Egyptian government, the restora tion of order. Nobody is allowed to leave the town after sunset, A fibe jn Smyrna, Turkey, destroyed 1,401 houses aud rendered 6,000 persons homeloss. The French cabinet resigned in consequenci of a vote in the French chamber of deputies hostile to the government i ill for tho crcatiot. of a central mayoralty for Paris. As earthquake shock in the city of Mcxic sent the pooplo on the streets to their knees Not much damage was done, hut tho building, could not have stood much more rocking. The shock was felt for niauy miles around. Colonel Puilipono-v, tue into commander o! the St. Tctor and St. Paul fort at St. Peters burg, accused of treating Nihilists with undue leniency aud of participation iu their con spiracy, has been sentenced to degradation from his rank and exile to Siberia. Tcbeev agreed to enter the conference of tho great powers on the Egyptian question. hie LIcho shield was won this year at Wim- blodon by the English team of riflemen, their total score being 1,530 to 1,505 for Ireland and 1,491 for Scotland. A vote of confidence iu tbe government hav ing been taken by the French chamber of dep uties, all the cabinet members exapt the min ister of (lie interior withdrew their resigna tions, and tho oriels Was sivfolj ijooeod. A deluge of rum has occurred In Bohemia and the destruction of property and crops i- iucalculable. The bodies of forty-seven per son) who were drowned have been recovered. A large part of the harvest in Bohemia is de stroyed. In tho district of Salmaripa, Mexico, the Apachts have been depredating terribly. In a recent ambuscade Colonel Lorenzo Ortiz was wounded aud three soldiers were killed and three wounded. The congressman from that district, Don L. T. Provincio, wag also killed by a roving band. How tho Two Leading Parties Balance. According to the census bureau tbe total voting population of the United States in 1881) was 12,830,349. By comparing these figures with tbe elec tion returns for 1880, we find tbat 3 619.370 votes, or considerably over twenty-flve per oent. of the voting population, took no part in the choice of President, although tbe canvass was an unusually exoitinct one. Of the total popular vote tbe Republican can. didates received 4 448 053. the Demo cratio candidates 4 442 f'35, the Green- backers 807,306 and 12,690 were scatter- ng. Garfield s popular vote over Hancock was 7,018. The Republican vote was 48.26 per cent of the whole, and the Demoora'io 48 25, whioh shows remarkably close division of the popular vote between the two great parties. Buffalo Express. The man who "retired from motive pnrHuiba" bad on several occasions failed to oatcb railroad train, rORTLSEYENTl COS GUESS. Seaoft The tax bill was tabeitp and tbeamend nent reducing ti, tn manufactured to bacco to ten contB a ponntwaa dicuso&.,.. ne nonunnnon of Daniel aiming to oe post-ua-ter at Poun Yan was rtoted. Mr. Logan introduced S'ill making an ex ception tor the provisions' tho Anti-Chinese bill of vest-els bringing llnese passengers who merely wish, d to cm the oontincnt on iheir way from other ecntnes to their homer ...A motion by Mr. Oeorgo retain the stamp tax on bank checks, dra' ts, ders and vonebcis over I00 ,n amount was rested. Mr. Hoar Rare notice o(n amendment to the naval appropilmlon btibhich he Intended to propose when thst meaeto came up in tlie Senate Tho amendment pvides for the ap pointment of a commission? three persons oue each from tin line slid til oOliwa of the navy, and tlie third fri'tn oil lite to examine and rcpoit to Cor proa aits next session n hot her it U advimblo to eeany of the navy yards, and If so which of ttu. Mr. Miller, of New Tfoik, ported f.ivorahly f om tho commerce c nimitt, without amen I nents, the Houso bill to relate emigration. Ho gave notice that ho woulcall it up at an arly day. . . . . Tho Ilouse pt lonte bill was reported fiom the mstofficeommitteB bvMr. eiry Mr. Baaid (by rues') introduced hi 1 authorising Samuel 1 M. Bnrlow and Oraio Lugo, of New Yorkflbert O. fluzhy I ind William M. McAUistex f Pennsylvania, md their associate, to lay tubmnrlne cable between tho United Statcai'l Europe. Mr. Dawes, from the otmittee on Indian affaiis, reported favorablyitliout amondmcnt the House bill to provide uitional industrial tiaining schools tor Indiarouth, and author izing the uso of nnoccupil military barracks tor such purpose, It was pied .... Mr. Allison, from the cuiiimittccouap'iprifttions, n piirtcd back the Mouse bill direcg payment to Mis. Lucrotia It. Oarficltl of fiouO, less any enm already paid on accouut tho tsto President's salary. It was passed,. 4r. George submit ted a resolution dlrecting.o pension commit tee to report a bill givii a pension of (3 a month to soldiors of the-'Xican war who aro without means of suppo;Cxcept by thoir owl manual labor, and to thdcstitittq widows of soldiers of that war, Ivaa tabled tempora rily. n Resolutions were added In the Bouse de claring the sitting moers in tbe Virginia and Maine election res entitled to their seats.... Tho considcrtut of the contested lection case of Smallagainst Tillman was ncgun. The conrercneo ropcen the rivet and har bor bill was submitted,. The Alabama con tested election cnio ot litli (deceased) against Sliolley was coiisidercdmcl tho seat was de clared Vacant by a votfcf 145 yeas to 1 nay. The contested electa cae of Smalls vs. Tillman was restimednd Mr. Tillman, tho Democratic member fin S vuth Carolina, was ui s- ated and JI . Sin, tbe ltepubhcan con testant rut m bis plm Mr. Gnenther, of W;onsin, from tho coin mitteo on commerce, iwnted bck tho bill to regulate the carriage opassengcrs by sea.... Mr. Page submitted u conference report on tho rivi rand harbor il. The report, which is a disagreeing one, adopted, and a new onferenco, cousistluiof MesBrs. 1'ige, of -'all loi nia ; Tovuscuii;if Ohio, aud McLane, it Maryland, were resioiuted conteroes.. . . Mr. O'Neil, of PeiinsyUi a, from the comniit- ee on api r ipriatumx, noi tea ino pension ap jropiiutnm bill, with Sato amendments, aud ho amendments w re I coucui red iu except ne. widen was veri'alltliaiieed. Tho House tnoBed. atr a short dlscuss'cn. the bill to reculate rateof DOalai'rt oil si cmul clars matter at lutiemrrirr ollicos. Under the law as it now stli the publisher of a paper in New York ma send a copy through tho ma'U to Brooklv. New Oileau, San Francisco or any otlie lefor-canier ollice in the United States, onchave it delivered by curier to the sub-eiL'i- at tiio rate of to cents a pound, but thoublish-rsmayuot send a cony of the si-mo nwr throuuh the post. ofiici) to be dcliveru'l bvanier to a subscriber1 in tho city of New Y(K without piuing Post age at tho rate of O i cent a copy, or about ciiiht cents a pound. Oie bill jus passed pro vides that tho rateof u-tae on et'eond clas matter, depostt-d in aletter-i-aniar oflice for ilelivery by the carrier! tf tho ollice, shall bo uuiiorm at two cents aouuu. The Man iitue Moon. Tbe man in the rp""- "nanf. tb most popnlnr ...V.;'"110?8 o 01 m mi, ar.iileht., suiftrttttoosin the world Tbe name is givent.o tho dark lines nnd spots upon the mtfaco of the moon which are visibloto tho naked eve, Some say that thfst lines und spots are tne figures of a mc leaning ru a fork on which lie carries u bundle of thorn' or brushwood, for taking which on Snn day be was coutined ii the moon. Some if those versed iu sue! lore explain that this theory nndoubtrdy had its origin intlw incident reoordi.4 in the iifteentli chapter of the book of Numbers, tbirty second verse. With :be Italians Cain appears to have bet-i tbe offender. Tbe Jews have some Tabmdical story that Jacob is in the moot, and tbey believe dis lace is visible Bishop Wiikins role that "as the fame of these spots, some of tbe vulgar thinke tbey repre -tent a man, bed poes guess 'tis tbe boy Emlymion, whose ennpany she loves so eu that sue carries mm with Her ithers will have it only to be the face )t a man, as the moon is usually pictured but AlbeittiB thinks rather that it repre ents a lvon, with his tail toward tho east and bis bead to the wer-t ; and some others have thought it to be much like a fox ; and certainlv it is as mush like a lyon as that in the Zodiako, or as Ursa Major is like a beare." His Star Mil) Ascending. In a recent call unon Mr. W. H. McAl lister, 200 Front srret. general agent for the sale of the Star chewing tobacco, he thus spoke to one of eur reporters! "I was tortured witn pain from acute rheumatism ana careci not whether 1 lived or died tried St. Jacobs Oil -iust two applications oi wiucn entirely cured me." san l' ran Cisco (Cal.) Call. Tbe largest oranue erove in Florida is mat ol Major H. V. Noma ite now has a grove of 11,000 thrifty (range trees which bear about 500,000 oranges. Ex-Saultarv Com. TtufnaK. Tlirpman. of New Oi leans.was cured of a severe attack of rheumatism by St Jacobs Oil, so we see by aniteminthe(. oliimhiH((ja ) Enquirer Bun Tn Sicily and the neighborhood of Ndples are found Urge masses of pure native suipnur, between limestone ana marly clay. Trro-thlriU nfn Mottle Cores. Dr. K. V. Pieiicis, Luffalo, N. Y.: Drar 8ir have been taking your "Favorite Prescrip tion" for "iemale weakness." Before 1 had aken it two davs I becan to feel strcneer. I have taken but two-thirds of a bottle aud be lieve I am cured. Oratef.illy, Mrs. H. C. Lovett, WatBeka, 111. Coal has been lonnd on the Atlantio and Pa- cifio road, which red seed the price of coal lor ute company irom 7 a ton to fJ.au. Throat. Bronchial nl tins DliieaaM a specialty. HcnJ two stamps for largo treatise Kivini? self treatment. Address Woulo's Dis- PtssAUY Medical Association, Buffalo, N. . Charles O. Smith, a fhrtv-vear resident of Tuscarora. Ala., claims to have killed 1.161 deer during that period. Sick and bilious headache and all derange. ments of stomach and bow els cut e l by Dr. Pierce's "Pellets" or ami-bilious granules. 25 cents a vial. No cheap boxes to allow waste of virtues. By druggists. Thirty years ago America imported all its perfumes, but to-day seven-eights of ths home raue is in tne home-made article. The new circular of the f!ivnea Lake Militant Ac&demv. Aurora V V i-. - h.n.liinA)vuiViJ 40 pages, full of information. MaJ. W. A. Flint is Principal, Henry Morgan, Esq.., President. Ths Bclenea nf T If. - sif-PMuraitlnn medical work for every man young, middle aged or old. 128 invaluable prescriptions. Tbe personal property list of San Francisco onntains seventy persona, firms and corpora tions who return over $100,000, l!C QPRX t.ETTEItt Berne OatKVnkva M nriiinit. efflrmt Vnlas IVtfru I'arllcw of the Highest Ntai.dlnt. When the people of America become so thor oughly aroused, and on a subject Of such seri ous importance is the preservation of thoir lives aud health, it is but natural that the ones who have been largely instrumental in the orlRnf of the movement should speak frankl. and directly to the people most interested. It is for this reason that we thus oome before the publio and make the following revelations. Every careiul observer who has sought to keep pace with tho march of events has noted ths alarming increase of certain peculiar physi cal troubles within the past few years. These troubles have come at unexpected moments and in a most treacherous way. They have mani f ated themselves in innumerable forms, but thoy have always bad the same causo. Tho have not aQlioted the minor parts of the body, but have gone direct to the strongholds of the system, and thnir work has usually loec as prompt as it is fatal, their treacherous and ceo. ptive nature has often prevented X o ireful analysis of what causes them, and, as a result, intense suffering and final disaster have usu ally ensued. The renl cause, however, has been a derangement of the kidneys, and all ol tli"fl troubles are, in fact, tho first symptoms of the terrible Bright's disease, which has cast its dark shadows over so many Homes in tue land and is increasing trohdcrfuliy and contin ually. It is how conceded by the ablest physi cians in evory land and by eminent scientists the world over, that this disease is thereBiilt ot blood poisoning, 'ibis poisoniun U Vrdught about by waste I and utihnaltliy kidneys that permit the noison to remain in tho blood, in- steai Of throwing it from the system. Uat it is enuallv evident to all who have studied into the meets ana nave uccome conversant witn tna tainly as can Blight's disoaso. To purify a stream we must eo to its sourco, and to cure a disease we must remote the caune. It being true, therefore, that nine-tenths of f.V hnirihh ailments are rweed I'y diseased kidnets cr liveri tho olil; certain way to cure theso troubles is by treating the organs which cnu.-o tliera. IIow intimately the kiilnoys are asoci ciated witn the entire system may be under stood from the fact that over 1,000 ounces ol blood pass through them evory hour, being more tnan 2UU canons, or uenriv one ton in ino course of twenty-four bonis. This vast .mass of living fluid is 3cnt to every patt of tha body, and if tho kidneys are dir-eti-ed tho impurities that ate iti t t1od are not removed, ana hencfl pass through tho veins, carrying disease In some of its many terrible forms. The hor rors which accompany most of the diseases caused by elisor Jei oil kidneys and liver cannot bo described in print, while Jthe dangers sur rounding thorn are even greater than the ogouy. An l yet a person may bo troubled for uionths without knowing the cause of the dis eases that have attacked him. Some of tho symptoms of tho first singes, any one Of which ind. calca disordeicd kidneys or liver, are these: Paina Hi tho bacii and around the loins, severe beaduclies, dizziness, inflamed oeB, acoateo tongue and a dry mouth, loss of appetite, chilly sensations, indigestion (the siomacb never is in oidor when the kiduoys or liver are deranged), a dryness of the skin, norvousnoss, night sweats, muscular debility, despontl tncy, a tired feeliug. especially at uignt, putting or bloating undor the eyes, etc If any of the following things are noticed about the fluids passed froui tho svstom it shows that tho kidneys and liver are out of order: A. rod deposit, ascumuporithe surface, an unusual thickness cr thinness, a very dark or a vory light color, a burnine sen' sation in passing, a retention or a frequent de sire to void aud inability to do eo. The abjve are a lew of the hundreds of symptoms which indicate the beginning of ag gravated cases of kidnev or liver dillicultios. and they leuuiro instant attention. If these svmntoms aro not checked at once, they are a most certain to result in some one of the many terrible diseases of the kidneys. Hut unpleas- out as all tho symptoms and even these dis ensts muv bo. t'hev aro as m thing compared to the last stages of the complaints. Tne kidneys waste away by degrees, accompanied by intonst piins; the heart becomes uncontrollable; the liuiKB ate oppressed; the eyooalls grow glassy, ami the etitiie svstem is reduced and fltbili tilted. For weeks before death comes thesuf teier looks forward to it as a blessed relief, aud anything that can furnish evon temporary 1k1 is iiladlv liatlod. Then it is that hloa ing be. r.ins; the face becomes puffy aud pallid; the breath can only be ought in ga-ps: speech it impossible and muscular action siifipenaec i'hn n.'Liiptit fiiiallv stolca Into a state of uncon gu.oiivnx'ss ttrrwrytMug except me pains wiucn are melting mm, anil ilea li comes by cerlai but Blow de. roes. There can be but one con elusion which a 1 readers of care and Judmeni will draw from theso facta, which is tho neces si y of treating the dicease in time and by thai ni' tns which has beeu proven the best aud most eiucient. It has been our privilego to treat more case; aud effect more cur s of this to.rible cumnlain thau has ever been kuown before In the history of the world. The wonderful sale which ot.i remedies have attained is due wholly to th tact that they have cured the ones who havi uscu mem. i ne power ana value of any rem edy must rest wholly on a basis of worth, auO nere is just wuere our sale lvulnev and Live Cure has found its wonderful power and sue. cess, is' it iu tins connection con-.es one 1m portant fact: It has always b en true tbat arti cles of merit are subject to imitations. No om seeks to couutcrleit the bills of a worthies b.mk. The productions of a cracked inventoi or wit loss writer are never copied. It is Jus bo witn a ueaung remedy, it it possess no merit it will not be subjected to imitations. Ii however, it has power aud valuo, imitation. will spiing upon every sido. While it is a tribute to the value of tins medicine that il ha imitations, still, in justice to those who an suffering, we feel that all should be warned against them. There is but ono known remedy that has ever been ablo to cure serious kiduoy troubles ot control tnose groat organs v. hen once deraiiL'ed aud that remedy is Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. There are numerous nostrums on the market claiming to to lust as efficient and some w hich even claim to be tho same. Tue test of merit, however, is in what has been ac compliance!, and wo therelore say. unhenita. tinglv, that lor all diseases of the kiduevs. liver aud urinary organs Warner's Safe Kidiiey and Liver Cure si amis alone, not only iu uoint of excellence, but in the wonderful results it has achieved, Iu order to successfully avoid tne puicnase oi spurious and injurious medi cines, observe these facts: Our remody is nut un in dark amber class bottles, with the Safe (our trade mark) blown in tho back. A private proprietary six-cent internal revenue stamp is affixed to the neck aud covers the top of the cork snd is of a light brown color. Iu the middle thereof is a Sate in' outline, and on it the picture of a negro gathering herbs. If this stamp is not found ou every bottle of the Safe hulnevand Livci Cure, or if there is any evidin;e that it has been tampered wi h, and if a hafe is not blown on the back of the Imttlo, reject tue bottlo at once and msi on iiavmuT a genuine oue. We ro led to publish the IV rogoing iu order that tho public miy know and realize Just where wo stand. Wo hs"e alwas sought t keep our personal ity fron. obtruding upon the pul lic, knowing lull well that the valuo of our ronieuy was tne essential thing, but the unex ampieu uh9 wuicn tias o en mule or this med icmo, auu tne volumes or letters we are con Btantly receiving demand a personal statemen from us. We are justlv gratified at the o..n deuce which has been shown us, and thankful for the myriads of cures our remedy has per formed, aud we pledge ourselves for tbe future, ss we have endeavored in the past, to furnisu the best and only valuable remedy that cu control and euro all tho many and terrible troubles arising from disorders of these grea' argons, biuotrely, II. 11. WAPNEIt 4 CO., lochester. M, T. Neablt 18 000 harvesters, an unusual num ber, have gone from Ireland to England this year. US Cents Will Hay a Treatise npon the Horeo and bis Diseases. Book of 100 pages. Valuable to every owner of horses. Postage stamps taken. Bent post- Said by New York Newspaper Union, 150 Worth treet, New York. Pens ood-uveb oil, from selected livers, on the seashore, by Casell, Hazard it Co., N. Y. Ab-olutely pure aud sweet. Patients who have once taken it prefer it to all others. Puysiciaua declare it superior to all other oils. CliAPiEDkANis, lace, pimples aud rough skin cured by using Juniper Tar Soap, made by Cas well, HuZard A Oo., New York. Thousands of persons who are bald-headed might bave full heads of hair if they would only ties Carboline, a deodorized extract of Petro louin, which ia tbe only pre' aration ever dis covered that will really do this. The Frnaer Axle Urease Is the best in the market It ia the most economical aud cheapest, one box lasting ss long as two of anv other. One greasing will last two weeks. It received first premium at the Centennial and Paris Expositions, also medals at vicious State fairs, liar no other. facts, that a disordered stato of the kidneys and liver produces most of the common ccuipi itnts and pains whieh finV.t too human race, and they c,u be traced to this sourco lust as cer- Patkbsor, N. J., May 13, 1881. H. H. Wabheb Co.t Sirs.--. I cannot use Isngnatte eiprelve enough to convey my ap preciation of the value of your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure in all diseases of the kidneys, liver snd urinary origans, I never lose an oppor tunity to reOommeud it highly. ' Wm. ItAPCLirrB. VirotMiA bns 172 tobacco factories, which cm si me ov&r 4S,000,000 pounds of tho weed each ear. Cntnt-.idtt llunlnena. Those who think or attending the National Mining and Industrial Elpositii n, to be hold in i enver during AumiBt and September, should purchase the cliosp excursion tickets Of tho "Great Rock Island route," and take choice nf fmir routes, With privilege of return until October 81. Time ms quick ss tho quickest, and no more ohanges of carB than by any other line with the advantage tn its favor of makiug the single change necessary in a nnlon depo. The ro ling stock of this great ralltvay is simply tupeib, consisting of magnificent day couches. Pullman palace sleeping cars, world-famous dining cars and exquisite Horton chair carSi If going to tbe Northwest, don't forget the rtmnns Albeft Lea route to Minneapolis and St, Paul, where it connects wilh all trains of the Noithcrn Taciflo railroad and St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba railway. Catarrh sTllie ItlnitilBt'. STrSoiBPi irritation, inflammation ana all KMhoy and Crinary Complaints cured by "Bu chnpniba." II. Drmrijists. Send for pam phlet to E. S. Wells. Jersey City, N. J. S3 Cents "III Huy a Trentlse arinti the Home and hia Diseases. Book of luo psircs. Yaluabls to everr owHct of horses, fostaits stamps taken. Sent postpaid by NEW YORK NtWSl'Al'liH UMON, lSOJVutHi Utmet. iutlUkUC THE M.VKKETS. XEW YOtltt. 3oefCattlo Good toPrimo.l.w 9 58 12;, 8., alves tjoui u to 1M ..o Veals. o 9 meep !V'S lambs 6Vj liogs Live ASiffi Dressed, city , Hour Ex. State, good to fancy o o f 8 CO Western, good to choice o ?u M 9 Bl uleat Nr. 2 Hid 1 t!t;; i 23; j No. 1 White l z hi z ; , Hvo-State 81 (t si 'arlcy Two-rowed Stato r..nM.ln.lll'unmtliTrt.l 1 U7 HI 92 (i (i fi di f-4 (ti (tl tii 1 ViYt C3 P5 0 Yellow Southern Oats Whito Stato ti.i 70 fit) 8) Mixed Western rinv Prime Timothy I'.traw No. 1, llyo Hops State, 1881, choice... Cork MesKi new, for export 82 ''ii W.22 2.) Lard City sttam.. Itl.-llllOd , Petroleum Cruilo 13 0 i HVS 0 6''f4 '', !i4 ( 2jy, M (id 21) 2 ) (tt) 23 15 (J) 18 0 fjj 11,V 2 c9 6 7 fid l 22 (fj ny. llctincd Butter State Creaniory, Hue Western Im. Creamery Factorv Cheese Stato Foctory . ....... Mums Western Eggs Stato and l'enu... ..ii I'otatoes-L. l.i bid 3 78 (ii 1 25 lU'FFALO, Steers Oood to choice 6 76 7 50 6 73 di 5 25 Q4 8 y 0 00 (il 1 50 Lambs W. stem 685 Sheep Wo torn 5 00 nogs, uoou tociioicc l oruers. . t) zo Flour C'vOround N. 1 o:isi. 8 1:5 Wheat No. 1. Hard iJuliitn 1 50 Cora No. 2 Mixed 8iW Oats No 2 Mix. wCMt Oil ft li'Z 90 liarlev-Two-rowed Stale...,. 90 bostom. Dcef flxtra plate wiul family.. 18 00 20 00 llogs l.ivo 0'4f5 ti -a Hogs t ity Dressed IU '(A 111 Cork Extra Prime pet b! l IS 0(1 fell) 00 Flour Spring Hhont Patents. . o 50 OH 9 50 a us Corn Higt. Mixed 01 Oats-Extra White 71 73 live State 90 92 Vt'ool Washed Comb Delaine id ftj 4S Unwashod " " 23 (ti SO WATEBTOW.t (MASS.) CATTLE MAItKKT. Itecf Extra quality 8:6 9 25 Sheep Ijvo weight 4 fl I.iimbs hxM 71 Hogs, Northern, d . w ..... i ; i . 10.. Wz I'lllLAOEI.rillA. Flour Ponn. Ex. Family, good 5 3"; 5 97U IVIu.i mot .A'n 9 llerl i .in i 'j-' ti i -ny. live Stato... 97 Cora State Yellow 69 C9 ''.0 w vavs xuixuu o.l tss OO Butter Creamery Extra Pa. .. 2d f5 21 Cheese Now York Full Cream. 11 11 Petroleum Cnulo fl' 7 lletincd 7 7 A Friend in Keed is a Friend Indeed, And by such a one's sympathizing advice and aid many a trouble has been lifte l and burden uguieiicu. Mien a tnendslilp is worth keeping, nua when, from bis exnerience. ho mlidse im iiistruets.liisoplnlonssliould be heeded. If kind words cull never die, nnd good deeds are never lost, the inducement for always doing the good one can Is still a great one. Many people imagine ..mi. inc-j iiuu neiier uu tunning man ao a little, forgetting Hint it is the deliiil t Ion mnkea the no. grcgnte the droi llmt form the showers the nine Kinunesscsot uto Unit mil kc existence en durable. As, In the picture, the good old St, Jacob Is extending relief to the snOeriiig suppli ant by oflering a bottle of tbut wonderful remedy ST. Jacobs oil. so all can do something of bene' fit for his fellow men in their limes ol trouble or sieanesa. in now many lusianees could the sin pie mention of the words "St. Jacobs On., cuupieu witn terms oi indorsement and en eouragement, bring relief and cure to those suf ferilnrwith rhenmnllsm. in vh.w nf lh u',,wlf.r. fill record of this tlreut German Remedy in the l iiicijiiiuiiHiu, ncurnigia anu an painiui .iiseuses, u appears in tne light ol strong duty fo evervonn tn luttlontU. v,t. i.i.rviwtn,,!!,. r..n o ennlleatlmi in thn ,1 iMPnP tinning l..,arl,,n 1.. mind tout tho highest good from man to nian consists in that which tends to promote their peace, welfare nnd general health. Amongotben. who have no hesitation In giving free expression to their opinion la Hishop (Tilmour. of Cleveland. Ohio, who has used the llreat German Keniedv. feT. Jacobs Oil, and endorses it highly, lie u-rltes about it as follows: "1 am pleased to iv that the use of St. Jacobs On. has benefited nie greatly, and I have no hesitation to recommend it to all as an excellent curative." N Y N U-!i9. U0STi!I! It Is tha concurrent testimony of the liublic and ths medi cal profession, that Ilostetter's 8tomaeh Bitten is a medicine which achieves re sults apeid ' felt, thorough ana be nlttn. Beatde reetlf . Inn li Terdlsorder.it Invigorate fie lee. ble, conqnera kidue aoa bladder com- f lainta, aud hastens he convalescence ol those riicoverinp from enfeebling dlx eaNes. Moreover it in the grand nieilU for fever and anuo. For sale by Uruit Kiats and Dtaler fteuerally. YOUNG MEN I'0"wnttolraTele(n-anb.vlB i vwiiu 1111.11 a.few Dioiithn. and ba certaiu 01 . filiation, adiiie V aluutiua Bros., Jauesvuie, Wis. TMtf 1 h-t AND KO'l WEAR OUT. CfJT Tby Watchmakers. By mail. !i5 cu. Circulan r- J Iir-R.. rf. p. pijicq g JJ 00 lt y Hr ddrraa Itev.r.i VorMiPirwnnTi1' ISSflTUTK. ins theProsi-ectuiiof1"" "u " UUUr ' Mi- arl 'ltufield.Mam. 1A lip Ahaodioms set of rarda for So. stamp ulleetora. A. E. BAWETT. ltoclieeterjyi? Phnnncrnphr. or PbnnMto Shonbantl CataloKiie of workB, with PhonoKranhio alphabet and illimtratioim, for beiriuncre, aent on aiiplica tion. Addreaa, Benn Pituiau. (Jiuciuuati, O. THRESHERS ,4aMf. Illsl. 'iratudDrlMliu T . TnMAULTMATAYlOUlXJ..Maallld.O. ftOOX lf!PNT,Tr(,GTNls WNTE0-lO boat 1, 1 J M .Merchant for hnmsn, fowl and animal flesh, was fin- prepared and Inttod iced by lJr. (leo. W. Merchant, in 1-oCKport, N. Y., II. & A., 1S:i, since which time It has steadily grown In public favor, and Is now acknowledged niirt admitted by tlis trade ie be the standard liniment or the country. When wo make this annonnce. ment we do so without feat of contra diction, notwithstanding we aro aware llior,. nfe m.oiv wlm nre more or lesd prejudiced against proprietary rcmcdiei especially on account of the many hunt ings on me nitiiKct; nowever, wo arw nleiued to state Hint such iircliidice does not exist against UAHUI.INO oil- We no not claim wonders or miracles for out liniment, but wa do claim It In without an ennui. It Is put no In bot tles or three sines, ana an we nsk Is that ynn giro I a fall trial, rcincmberini; that 'hs Oil put tip with white wrappet (small) Is for human nnd fowl flesh, and that wltft yellow wrimier (three sizes! for ant- mnl flesh. Try a bottle. As thc'CcutR Inilimtn. thn Oil la nseu success fully for all disciivrs of the iMnm,otr! and animal .un. ouuKg wen odors iiPin:?. Cannot be Disputed. rt u" tlie principal reasons of the. wonderful success of Mor . JM chant's (inkling oil Is that tt Is VHVts'v;7i innniirnrtnri'il utflrilv n Its proprietors do not, as Is ths enf with too many, aftermaklng iSfts for their medicine tt nfinie. dimin ish its cnianvo properties by fis'n Inferior enm- loumls, but nse tne very oesi pomi to ue nouuni in JFf tne murder, rrjt'iroier.-oi euni, ror ii 'Cl'-J half a century Merchant's Uarg. ffi, 3vv ling Cll hns bren n synonym tor honesty, and will continue to bs r-sr-Mf Ji' '"R an time endures. For tt4?-vrsr. sn!e In- nil renertable dealers droughout the I'nlted States snd other countries. Vlir xesTiinoiutiis tmic irom l!.;5 the present. 'Iry Merchant's ing thl I.fntmcnt for internal -'"S-'i fltin I'Mcruiii us aim ren your i 'I-rt&.&ii'' I neighbor what iroou It lias done. i on t fiitl to follow directions. Keep tbe bottn ell corked. CURES te'", aua Chllliljlns, Vrosl tilt's, Scratch' or (iii.itsu, Chani l ll:nilr. RliMlns and Ttrtilsos, Striiclcilt, Wiuilgalls, Knot Hut ill Nhm'll, l-'ouiulrri'd t'eet, It.iuii in lJ,iull;y, Port. ii i'li's, Cnrli, t'riicke.l Id els. 0!.f Sores l'.iizoo:i'', Lime Hick, Jii-iuool lmids or Pile, Tootharhi'. lili'-uiiiatism, Spavins. Hcnev, t'ori.s. Wi.iflows, M'ciikiiess of th1 Joints, OontrafifiM of Iiiscies, rrillll'S. W -'led I.fi,-s. l''istu!ii. ? a t, 'I'hrnsh, Caked Urcmis. lloils, ic. xici imi ror; in.l i r.n'ks. Poll Lvll. lulls of all kinds, mi ilirc". Tuinnr. lnsh Wounds. Si I fast, Itinvhnnc. fool t.lcprs, arg-t HU "' wi rucKeit Ten a, nllous. I.ainruess, lorn IHsti'liip'T, lown'cnt), giiiimr, tjscOTs of tho L'ddcr, 81.000 HV.1YA til tor proof of the exist n ene- of ft bcttei liniment than " Niercliant's Hurdling Oil," or I better worm nnilicine that! "ViTchnnt's Worm Tablets." Man urnctured by M. O. O. Co., Lock- port, i. i., o. is. A. JOHN hodge, sec y. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE HISTORyoFTiiEWQBLD EmWacliiK full and autt'enHc aecnttntiot' every na- vn ol ancicut aim nio.i.;i n uio'.'-i, min im """" ts'.oi-v ol the rise and tall of the (rc"k and Hoiuuu empires, tho middle aires, the cnisadi s, the Jcin al HMIllllIl, lll l.'IOIIMilll.'ll. I11U "l-O"' I.' ...... "-.,''- incut ot thoNi wW .rid, etc.i t'-. It contains h ft fine historical enur;ivtui;, ami is tno mo.t conii'iciw History of the World ever published. Scud for speci- lucu paces nu pira ipriun io a'pui-. 'Voitw ational ruuLlsulNu Co., l'uilaueipuia, ra. Payne's Automatio Engines. Ri,lln1iln. rmi-nliln ami Econonilcal. vltt.fiirnUh a Aon oncer (." u (f.-r un.l ino-c '.(.I ; CM" kMoittt oitttl, not lllH d wit't un Mltinal'f t ot-o-t; Send for Illustrated CatalfKUS ' 'i, lor lil"""'" - fl'lcus. 11. W. 1'avm. i. so.ss, itox. mw. tn DiMinduocc fits Million pounds lliinuitnt last year. Prlt-es lower &M wast!! ti!ia?-t!aa Ivr circular. 10 lb". tiOOd e5 -..-K Cfi'(VM,tCT(l. IO lbs.Cloicoii!u !i rfJIf..riv, tor $3. eil r-r pound e.irn; le, 1? CM. extra for postage. men t:ei. up ii eioi.. -.io.ee.ir. leu in inc woriu. .UlirCfit, VdrlctV. PlCPS: S tVClUOUV.-J UCbl. Tii 'loute In Am-3vic.ii, Ko chronio. No liaubug. 'truiliht lii'.'.ief . iiiui! lur money. titifr y us. ' .. n. s'.o r t2H7. lllor.,1, and will conn lelely rtciiiKo the blood ill the .'ii ,-u n I . . n I'm it.tiiii! .i w 111c inure svsicni in iiin-i- iiion.n-.. ,n, i',it-..ii i, vill take on- pill ea.'hnli'hl Iroml to 1 weeks mav lx estorcd to sound hciilth. if such a thin:-' h" possible. Sold evemvlu-re or s. pt l.yio Pl for H letter stnnips. I. S. .l(MtSON & CO.. Ilostou, lUllss.. I'oiiin-rly Itiiiim.f, itif, GOODNEWS .'Ii- -Aid-i !. .t'i,-:' fiT-Jsq- Get ep Club t"r o:ir tKLS ri'.v'l l.t 1 KA.i. mid piTilr u bvtiltllul "t:::s r.::o et 0:14 Em! Tea Bet," (44 i K'ct'B,) our ou ii iui;rtulUiB. Ont of tht-f UlUtKul Tenteli Sivti w uriiit'dtr t'J'. r.O. llewire of thm o-callr to U.ts ' nlv scii "CHEAP '1 LAS Hint are tfiiiK ndvprtii."! Hicv are .Unpen t tnd rtf trimcnul to Lealth -low i1s.in. I at ily wtlb TeiUW The Groat American Tea Co., Importer r. a jtoxs.it, u a u vljly ti.. x MAKE HENS LAY. Au Ki)i:li8U Velorlnnry Htiivcnn and Ciifiuit, uoxt travel inu iu tliw count ry,st)K that uitiHt ol tho UtrH aud Cat tli- Powtli-rHHiiKl hen; aro worth less trash. ll( suvb that Kheriiian'B (oinUtiim PowiUth arc aisuluto ly iiurouuil lumiciiscly alualilo. ithitiK m earlb will niiikf bona lay like Khpridan'a Comlitiou Vow ders. 1 ost, ono t'H8iio nfultn one pint ot fnod. Sold evorvwhoro, or Bctit by mail for 8 letter ntami s. I. 8, J01SO'tCO.,Hotitl.as.1tollerl lianKor.Me. TDIITU nHIOBTT. nt- JCARTIK!, I riW I rl ibUrfatflMlahBi.aVEalocr swteir (' ntJ levk of bttr, tand a fJUUKMT rlC-l Tl'RE gf yot,r fjiura bnld or 'f. Pt .a, tima. d4 FscboloHst. will, tut 20 irBta. ith ii). Lt f LL Mali; priiic4. It nry rt jrnc! ts iCI r. t ,-:fii. S&y-JpSH OPIUMS 9IORP1II5TB EATING F.10. Dlt j.q Treatise on thplr eedvcnrn KKXT FRKI' LtOFFUAN.P.O.BoxI.Chtcngo.IlL ONE MILLION COPIES SOLD. EVEItTBODY WANTS IT! EVERYBODY NEEDS ITI KNOW THYSELF. I ri.i i 3 -mod .....- ti,..iiinii ('III. ii.:,kn Nr.v ftl-h TUB SClENrR OF MFFIt Oft, 8ELF. PIEESKIt VA'I'IOV, Is a medical treatise on Exhausted Vitalltv, Kerrotu sad Phrpical Dehility, Pseniature Decline In Maui iaaa iodifloensable treatise fur everr man. whetbei younff, middle axed or old. TUE BCIENt E OF I.tFEt OK, SELF. FItEMKUVATION, Is beyond all eumparinon the moit extraordinary work on Pbvaiolopy e vor oublii'lied. There la not hlng whatever that the married or toncle can either re quire or wili to know but what s fully eiplaiued. juronto Globe. TUE SCIENPF, OF MFEt OB, SELF' PUF.KKRVATION, InntmeUtboeeln health bow to remain so, and tbs invalid how to become well. 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