THURSDAY. JULY 20, 1882. New Drug Store. A. 0. Craig's New Drug Store is now in good working order, various .new Improvements liave b?en made "lately, ti splended illuminated mortar sign has been lidded to the attractions. . Mr. J. R. Baird a gentleman well known to the people of Ridgway and surrounding country as a Druggest Pharmacist has been engaged as an Assistant. .. --The patrons of the "New Drug Store" can always have thesatisfactlon of being served by experienced coin flounders, which is ft matter of great importance in a business requiring so in (tch skill, experience and caution as tlte handling of medicines. No better illustration is needed than the many .deaths occuring yearly from the mis takes of careless, incompetent and un principled venders of drugs. With a fine assortment of'resh pure goods, at popular prices, the people may rest assured we will keep up with the times Vend be content with nothing less than being in the front rank of first class Drug Stores. Java Pea berry mid Rio coffee at Morgester's. ...Paints, Oil, Putty, Window glass, etc., at W. 8. Service's, agent. Best two for 5 cent cignrs in town for saleVt Morgester's. Monday afternoon the rain fell. And Tuesday was a very rainy day. A beautiful lot of flowers for house or bedding purposes on hand and for eale at the Advocate office. . 10 Ubls. Fresh Soda and milk crackers, one bbl. fresh lemon crackers, one bbl. fresh ginger snaps at Mor gester's. -James McFarlan lia's made some good improvements in the wri'y of a walk on the .North side of th" hotel, irtul also in front. . Crocuses and tulips, arc the first flowers to greet us in the spring. (A t the bulbs now. Orders left nt this office will rieeive prompt attention. , One of the houses, next Demi's j'lvnii's, built by Robinson & Ross, is nearly ready for occupancy. The VrPar is commenced for the second house. ., A little care on the part of the x-itizens of the Uorough in keeping the grass cut fronting their property would ).'M the streets in a much morepreseiit aulc condition. liu'bs, such as hyacinths, crocuses, ll''ps, etc., etc., Imported directly from Europe by Harry Cliaapel Orders left nt Tun Advocatk office will receive prompt attention. . The rcasW that Captain Schcening polls musical instruments so cheap is that lie pays cash in advance and pays ho traveling agent, team hire, and i-incr expenses lor his customer to ; .Last 'Saturday evening a gang of Italians from Whhslietown, were in own preparing for a tra up ;o IS rock -wayville, while here they gave some good singing and finite lively round dancing in the street in front of R. I. Campbell's store. , The new foot bridge between Grace church and Crandall's shop, build by R. F. Ely is an excellent piece of work, strong and substantial ;ii every way, with a hand rail on either side. All the high places about two should be provided with a simi lar railing and a similar substantial Walk. The Commissioners have bough' a new lawn mower. And now eve y pleasant day Ben. the Janitor, may lie seen making the grass tly with the jiw niaciiine. keeping llie grass in l lie court yard closely cropped is fe'ieai improvement over me long grass plan. We hope to see the' good work fco on until the entire yard is reduced lo the condition of a clean well kept lawn. , Charlie Whitford met with a paln- i.ul accident ou Monday afternoon lust He was driving along the road in front of Mrs. Honk's house, and had turned out to allow a bark team going to Grant's tannery to pass when Huge limb on one of the large maple trees along the front of Mrs. Ilouk place rell to the ground striking him on the head, Inflicting two severe scalp wounds, and at the same time throwing him to the ground. The Wagon reach was broken in two. The horses walked from under the fallen limb and Mr. Whitford stood on his leet and prevented the horses from Juiining away. He then attempted to go to his own home rt few rods away, and reaching it found the door locked when he sunk to the ground unconscious. lie was removed to Dickinson Bros', boarding house near the race. Shortly thereafter lie was taken home. lie complained of great pain in bis back ami chest, but Doctor Bardwell decided on examination that no bones were broken. It was a nar row escape from death. Progress of New Oil Wells. Bradford, July 14. A report was cir culated to-day that the original Cherry Grove well, the Mystery, had ceased, but reliable information from gentle men who visited the well this after noon is to the effect that the statement is untrue, as they saw it flrtw late this afternoon. The Union Oil Company's No. 2, on lot 046, was drilled into the sand this morning. It bida fair to make 2,000 barrels in the first twenty four hours. Charles Cramer sold hia well on bio to day to A. J. Caldron and J. D. Wolfe for $21,000. it iscon sldered a low price since the well only started on Tuesday, and gauged .2,000 barrels during the first twenty-four Jiour. Personal. Good time to set out celery plants now. Tho outloolt for the potato orop is very 'good. Irvln Schultz, of Wilcox, was In town last "week. Casper Klme, has returned from Grant Mill Store. Miss Emily Beman visited Brock wayville last .week. L. W. E. is disconsolate since Brookvlllo lias left. J. Powell is having his mill at Grant Mills rebuilt. Service?! at the rresbyteriau Chapel last Sunday. C. R. Earley intends to start for Europe next Monday. Yesterday the weather was again pleasant and warm. Miss Lizzie Kenyon left last Mon day morning for her home. Ezra Dickinson and family are visiting friends in tills place. Miss .Maine looming left for her home in Penfield last week. Miss Mary Meisingcr is visiting Miss Jennie Jackson at St. Marys. O. M. Montgomery, of Wilcox, was in this Borough last Saturday. dipt. Fred. Sehceuing is an ex tensive deuler in pianos, organs, etc. George Woodward the Borough Constable visited Benezette last week. Mrs. McCracken, aud Wilkic, of Detroit, are in town visiting Mrs. Ross. . Mrs. Will Brandon of St. Marys v'as in totvn last week visiting re lations. A. C. Craig has moved into the house formerly occupied by Jacob Mc Cauley. Mrs. Ernhout and sisterof Wilcox, visited D. C Oystei's family last Saturday evening. Ridgway now has a boot black. He seems to be well patronized and is contented and !i'nppy. John It. Klme has a very neat and well kept lawn on either side of his house on Broad street. Wm. Luther has had a severe at taet of inflammatory rheumatism. He is now able to be about. Mrs. W illiam Brumble nee Inez lyj'auueii, ot jJultimore, is visitiiiK friends and relatives in town. Omer S. Davis, on account of ill health is at his homo in Youngsville, l a., to remain for a time. Mrs. Luby, widow of the late Michael Luby, is to return to her home at Watsontown, Pa. Company II will start for Lewis- town oil August oth. It is expected there will be a full compan y. Mr. Penflclti on account of quite a severe illness lias not been in the Post Office for a couple of weeks. L.. C. Ho'-ton and wife of Brock- port, 'a., were guests of Mr. und Mrs. David Patmore last Suuday. What is more delightful than hyacinths in winter? Get your bulbs now. Leave orders at this ofilce. O TV. Nichols is now engaged in building shanties along the R. &, P. Railroad line between the mouth of Toby, und Brock wayville. James Penfield is now at Magnetic Springs, Ohio, whether he has gone for the improvement of his health. Mrs. J. W. Hcilmaii, formerly Miss Julia Wellendorf, and husband were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil li! rd. The Misses Little had for their guest last week, Miss Jessie Jackson, a school friend from the Painesville Seminary. Mrs. Malone, G. W. Rliines.and J. F. Dill have n-.w walks along their respective properities on Center and Mill Streets. A riding praty consisting of five couples left here Thursday afternoon for Camp Barrett aud were finely enter tained by Mr. Manning, all voted it a very enjoyable affair. Isaac Horton, Jr. of North East, put in an apparanee here ou Tuesday auernoon. Everybody around Ridg way will be glad to see him. We un derstand he will make an extended visit. The funeral of the late Michael Luby was largely attended on Friday last. Company H and the C. T. A. tj. marched In he procession. The interment was at the Catholic ceme tery. Mrs. C. II. Ridgway during itcCauley was in Sunday. Ruby is still in Erie tind is rapidly recovering. Mrs. McCauley was summoned to Oieau last week to attend tho funeral of her eldest sister who died of con sumption. Lcoti'; Riiines, son of Thomas Rhinos who lives at Maxwell Run, cut his left hand in a terrible manner with un ax on Tuesday last. lie was brought to Ridgway, and Doctor Burd- '.-u urcsseu mo wound. me young man is about 17 years of age. Lemons, Bananas Peanuts, Water melons, ('antelopes, and all kind of Fruits and Vegetables at Molester's -ou me nrsi ot tins montu a new postal regulation went into effect. All letters placed in the post-office on which the full postage bus not been paid will be retained, and the parties to whom they are directed notified by postal card that upon payment of the balance of the postage they will be for warded. Toy Pistol Victims. Cincinnati, July 17. There has been six deaths, from lockjaw in this city and Covington within the past three days. The victims are all boys, who were wounded In the hand by toy pistols on July 4. In most cases the wounds vvere apparently trifling. Death nnd Burial of I). J. Healy. A few more facts concerning the lamented death of D. J. Healy, a Ridg way boy' in Texas, ir.ay l)e gleaned from 'the annexed letter, wrl ten by C. W. Kquns, Train Master of The In ternational and Great Northern R. R. : Palestine, Tex , July M, 18S2 John IIkai.y, Ridgway, Pa. ty Dear Sir: . Following my Meg rain of the Uth in accordance With the memorandum re quest found upon the body of your son this Is sent to acquaint you with the partWilars of the sad event. Daniel had lately been promoted to the office of Chief Train Dispatcher at Taylor, and on Tuesday evening at 8:20 p. m. he was shot down in his office by Con ductor W. F. Cook whom he had tem porarily suspended by reason of Cook being in liquor and unfit- for service. In view of the fact that Mr. Healy had but a few hours previous gave himself (rouble to do the man a kindness, and during the passage of a few words, im mediately prior to the shooting carried himself quiet and gentlemanly, the deed becomes inrVciilarly atrocious and I cannot express the feeling of horror and indignation among every class of people on the road, and outside. Superintendent Herri n, J. Gooch, Esq , and myself.left here by special train immediately upon the receipt of terrible news. Arriving there early Wednesday fiVorning, Cook had i been captured. Messrs. Harrin'and Gooch remained to push the case with every energy, while I returned here with the remains, arriving at 9 o'clock the same evening, and the casket whs carried to the residence of Mrs. N. S. Brooks, who has al ways been almost a mother, as well as a friend to him, al to others of us far from home. Tho home was most beuatifully decorated with choicest llowers, while upon the casket crosses, wreathes, and bouquets wet witli the tears of many friends, were in great profusjon. The funeral occurred at 2 r. m., yesterday (13th). The remains were followed to the cemetery by a large number of his friends and ac quaintances in carriages, on horseback, and on foot. Eight nieu who had pre viously served witli him acted as pall bearers. In Mr. Healy's papers there was one requesting, incase of sudden death to be buried convenient to the place. Also concerning the disposi tion of his effects and property. These will be most carefully complied witli. As John your othcrson will soon come hero, I presume he can on his return give you a better understanding of them than 1 can at ppent writing. Wishing you every word of comfort, and assuring you of the sincere sympa thy of many friends as well as my own. I am, my dear sir, Your obedient servant, C. Wi KOL'NS. Refined Oil Referring to the refined market the New York Oil and IV.iht Review says: Refined does uotseeiu to pick up much in demand, notwithstanding a reduc tion in price made during the week by refiners. Every one seems to have all the oil he wants', find prefers to trust the chances of being caught with a short stock when prices goup, to carry ing heavily on the hope that they will advance materially at an early day. Saturday last was a remarkable day for petroleum clearances, over 12,000,000 gallons of refined and petroleum pro ducts being eleuivd ou that day. The shipments of the past week, not withstanding there Were two holidays, were the largest that wo have any re cord of in the same length of time. Gemany alone took over 0,000,000 gal lons of refilled. These exports were chiefly on orders maturing July 1. Crude, in shipping order, and naphtha are still in very light demand and quoted lower. Charters were grunted at the State Department last Tuesday for two more railroads to run through Forest county. One is to the Clarion and the Tionesta Railroad Ccmnanv. which is authorized to build a road fifty miles long, from Eagle Rock, Venango county, to Fairmount, Clar ion county, going through portions of this county. J. W. Jones, of Phil adelphia, is President. The other proposed roitd is called the Garfield and Tionesla Railroad. Company, which proposes to build a narrow gague road from Garfield, Warren county, to Tionesta, a distance of twenty-eight miles. Asahel N. Cole, of Wellsville, N. Y., is the President of this road. We hope these roads will be built, and not be mere paper railways. One thing is sure, that un less some of these roadsare constructed soon, the farmers in some parts of our county will have to hunt up other localities in which to farm. Their farms tfre now covered with stakes planted in the ground, telling the story that only forty-seven different sets of engeneer have trod over the territory and located forty-seven dif ferent railroads. Lately we heard of a farmer who lias seven old hens with chickens, and ho tied each hen to a separate railrofld stake in his yard, and eacli stake represented a different railroad company. That would be a good place to build a uulon depot. Forest county Democrat. An observant exchange says that a striking resemblance of cucumber bugs to sweethearts and lovers may be found iri their dislike of onions. When the cucumber vines begins to appear, take a few tops of your young onions and lay them about the vines. The result will be that in less than half an hour the bugs will be gone and they will stay away as long as the onions are kept there. It takes their breath strong.. It works like a charm in the case of both bugs and lovers. IUdgwnj Boys In tlie New Oil Field. We have received two letters from the boys in the new oil field, one un der dateof July 2d, and the other under dateof July Uth. Owing to no issue of The Advocate on the. Fourth the first one was not printed, nnd the one of the 0th overlooked last week. A synopsis of both letters follows: The letters are dated at Farnsworth. They arrived at .. Sheffield Monday, June 26, and after taking supper, at the Forest house walked ft mile to get a bed. Qn Tuesday morning the start was mailt; for Farnsworth In aback, when within five miles of the place the wagon broke down, and they were obliged to take "shank's horses" the rest of the way. Looking around un til noon they struck a job and worked until supper time. supper they went to bed on the soft side of a hem lock board. Wednesday morning they got up a trifle sore but happy, and after working all day slept on the same old board at night. Thursday worked all day and slept at night on a pile of shavings in the woods, Fri day it rained all day and but little work was done, at night a 25 cent bundle of straw was bought, and a sound sleep had under the eaves of a man's shanty. Saturday th'ey worked all day and at night went up to go to bed aud found that some one had stolen their straw, so that they were obliged to look for other quarters for the night, they finally got inside of a coirjMe of shanties for the night. About 450 teams come here every day with loads of lumber or well sup plies. This is Sunday but four or five buildings are going up, and teams are coming as usual with their loads. 'We have plenty to eat here but no place to sleep for half the crowd. About 200 buildings are under way or completed here at present. Gaif.el( is about a mile from here but they are not doing as uiueu uuiiuing mere as Here, we go up there every night to get the news at the Jamestown house. Since writing the above we have sided up the eaves and made a bed room and a bed oi'.t of hemlock boughs; B. L. W. Farnsworth, July 9. We fiti'l occupy tho eaves. The Fourth passed off in good shape, and it rained all day, but we had nothing to drink excepting a little beer. We worked a quarter of a day and it took the rest of the day todry our clothes. It has rained five days this week. Fri day night we had a couple of visitors and gave them tho spare room under the eaves. Saturday two snore came and at night we had five visitors so we had to sleep three in a bed. Our bed room is 3J feet wide, 8 feet long, und 4 feet high. One of the visitors was so long that he got his boot full of water last night. The place to buy clothing is at A. S, Rosy' as there was a pair of pants here yesterday with two dill'ereiit kinds of cloth in them One of our visitors got up in the morn ing to see what time it was by the town clock but saw nothing but an oil derrick. Everybody is working to-day but your humble servant. The saw and hammer is going in every direction. The excitement still con tinues, and the nunioer of teams in crease. Hemlock lumber is worth $-0 a thousand. Sonic more some other time. B. L. Wr. Independents Could Sot Have Done Otherwise. New York Tribune. The Pennsylvania Independents have decided to reject all the proposi tions for harmony submitted by the Cameron State Committee, and we are unable to see how they could have done otherwise. An The Tribune bus steadily maintained, the Independ ents are justified in rejecting all com promises which aim at the perpetua- tiou of Bossism. The propositions of the Cameron Committee merely in vited the Independents to enter a con test to see whether they Could beat the machine in packing a State Con vention. They do not pretend to be strong enough to do anything of the kind. They are lighting to overthrow the machine first, and thus give the party a chance to control it self. They are in a position'now where iney neiieve iney can smash the ma chine at the cost of a teinporfn'y defeat of the party, and they think the result will justify the means. Mr. Cameron's committee could save t he party by E'aerilicing him, but they have declined to do this. It muvt he evident to them now that they can' not save him and the party at the same time by treating the Independents as political imbe ciles. Victory Wifliiu Cameron's Grasp. New York Timed. The acceptance of any one of the propositions submitted bv the Conner committee would leave the way still open for Beaver's candidacy, and thereby for the triumph of Senator Cameron on the one point upon which his mind Is fixed. He and all his forces would go into the canvass for his re noniinatioil, whetlicrit wasto be effect ed in the primary meeting or a new Convention, with all their energies bent upon making Beaver candidate for Gov ernor. Other candidates Would be sac rificed if necessary, even Independent candidates for other places on the ticket might be accepted if deemed ad visable, but the nomination of Beaver would be the supreme object of Camer on's efforts. The chances are ten to one that with all tho resources at his com mand for managing, bargaining, and manipulating he would accomplish that object. This would in effect leave (he victory with him, and the Inde pendents would be discomfited In their main purpose of getting him out of the position of a nominating power for the party. 100 boxes Sardines, one case con densed milk at Morgester's. George Ciininilngs' Sad Fate. Warren Ledger, Lnst Tuesday evening, at about 7 o'clock, as the Clarendon Express was making its wayward turns toward Warren, and hen within about four miles of the ciy, a Mr. George Cum mlnfes, a teamster, was struck by the engine while driving over the track, and almost Instantly killed but who lived three hours, suffering most terri bly. At thetlmeof theaccldent, lie was sitting in the hind end of his wagon,, just above the axle, and was not apparently aware of the fast approaching train, and when almost fairly over the track, tliegroan ing and creaking engine came down around tho bend in the road after giving the s!iurp shrieking warning from the whistle, but to late and struck the man nnd the hind-end of the wagon, throwing him a distance of some twelve feet. His right leg, below the knee was entirely cut off; and li is head was inushe,d in a most frightful condi'Moh to behold, and it is thought, received serious internal in juries. He was brought to this city on the same train and carried into the depot where lie died at 10 o'clock. An inquest was held over the remains, Mr. Roman Sclinuractiiig coroner, and five jurymen, bringing in a verdict of accidental death as only himself (Cum mings) was to blame, as the general warning was sounded by the engineer before making tho turn. Cuniinings' home Is hi Genesee, N. Y. and he is a man 35 years of age. His father was tel egraphed of his son's sad fate,butcould not get through.., The remains were beautifully laid in a neat casket arid sent to Genesee Wednesday morning, where the funeral will take place, and the body laid away to its long rest. He leaves a wife to mourn over his sad death, who hasonly been his better-half for six short uiontbs, and In her be reavement of sorrow she has the deep sympathy of all. State Aslyum at Warren. At the quarterly meeting of Trustees of the State Asylum for the Insane on Thursday evening, Superinten dent Corwin reporte'-! the number of inmates to be 312. Admitted during the quarter ending June 30tl ult. 63, of which 23 are males and 55 females; discharged, 21 ; males 8, females 13, of whom nine were restored, seven im proved, One stationary and four died. The causes of death were iu one case consumption and hi three cases ex haustion of chronic mania. The Sup erintendent reports that the health of the household has been good, (.if the total number of inmates 121 are males and 221 females, 41 are supported by friends and 201 by the public au thorities. The -.neeting was attended by .Tu-U;e Wetmore and Mr. Parmlee, of Warren, President and Secretary re spectively, Messrs. Wright, of Mercer, Starr, of Erie, Hancock, of Oil City, and Stone, of Bradford. Messrs. Han cock, Starr and Parmlee at the ex piration of their term having been re appointed by the Govoner, were tiily qualified and re-elected to their former official pohitions in the board. SEALED PROPOSALS. Pennsylvania R. R. Company. Of hick ok Ciiiioi- ENr;ixi-:i:i, 233 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia, July 17th, lsl. Sealed proposals will be' received at this Office until 9 A. M., July 31st, 1SS2, for trmdiitii ioii and masoiiry of Ridgway and Clearfield R. R. from Ridgway on the l'hila. and Erie R. li. to Brock wayville Junction. Maps and profiles can be seen at this office after July 24th, Wm. II. Brown, Chief Engineer- The new Climax Wringers at SV. S. Service's, agent. A fine lot of house and bedding plaust for sale at Tun Advocaj.k ofiice. Call and see them. These plants .are from Harry Chaapel's green houses, Williamsport. Mason's Fruit Jars, Pints, Quarts, and half gallons at W. S. Service's, agent. The Hall Vapor Stove is the greatest invention of the age at W. S. Service's, agent. By the new process of taking pic tures J. C. Harrling, at the West End Gallery, can take a photograph in three to six seconds, this is of great importance in taking pictures of babies. New stock of Scrap Albums, Box Paper, Pocket Rooks, Ladies' Port nionais, Rubber and base bulls at Cfa'ig's Drug & Fancy gooi& sli-re. A very large assortment of Hatsut P. K. Grand Central, if you want a good style hat for a very little money drop into the Grand Central. -Mrs. Jacob Butterfuss, over Butter fuss' liar n ess shop, Main street, has constantly on band the Jutcst style o human hair goods, also twitches, nets and pins, ac. Call and see them. The Grocery deaiU;;ent at the Grand Central, P. fc It's, is very f-.:ll and , complete and prices as low as good reliable goods can be sold for. A largo stock of Pork, Hamsj Cheese, Dairy Butter, Flour, Feed, Beans, Sugar and Syrup Just received. Try our Standard Flour and you w ill never regret it. The Boot and Shoe department at the Grand Central P. & K. is very large, and varied. Everything in ladie's Misses' and children's Shot-s.and Slip pers, dont fail to look through this depurtinen t. J. C. Harrling, of tho West End Gallery has taken recently a number of Stereoscopic views from different points about town. Call und tee them. . Orders for flowers, seeds, etc.. from Hurry Channel's irreenhouse. Williamsport.-will receive prompt at tention if kit at The Advocate office. THE ELK CO. ADVOCATE DEVOTED TO THE INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF ELK OUNTY. Having an extended circulation it is the best advertising medium. THE OLDEST PAPER IN THE OUNTY. ESTABLISHED in 1S50. TERMS, h w $2 A YEAR JOB DEPARTENT. Wii print llill-lieuds. letter- erf dx. Envelopes, Cards, Chca icvthan, the chert esf. Orders hij in(dl prrmiphj attended to. Address, Henry A. Varsrms, Jr. Iiid Jivai J'a THE HULL VAPOR COOK STOVE. The l'i.mi. 111 U6 flrdd, out tie unci perfect Mttt- wiacuou. now iu ube till gl'UHIIi liifuvurwlKT er iiikI. Dv liittatlc wui I. In 11 m in 0 1 ruxlf rti'l fun ni dciiKiitrn'i ug .levies ttou4 for JUuittrated circuUr nd price UmU AddrlZ v ... uuoccupiou I IT i Wry, bnL tit., cor. C'limnpUln, CI vluni, Olito. 31 lilt' il 1 mm S" 3 H k r 3 b ! S 3 S C. O P rt E Qi Business Cards. GEO. A. RA1HBUH. ATTORNEY-AT-L VW. Main str-", Ridgway, Elfc Co., Ta. Particular -nttoWfori given to the examination of title?, also Xn iiatenW and patent cases. : ' r MALL & M'CAULEY , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. . Ofilce In new brick building, Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Ta. v-Jt J. S. BAJtaWELL, PHYSICIAN AND..SURaEOH. Over twenty five years pract ice; . Ofllce oh Main Street, Ridgway, Pa., opposite the Rogert House. Ollico hours from 1 to 2 and 7 to 8, P. M. ' Late of St ration ville), Phj sY--hhi nnd Surgeon, Ridgway, Pa. Ofllce in Hall's IMck Building (up stairs) RelVrenci's J. 1). Smith, II. 1. Young, R. Rulofson, Strattnnville ; Major John Kitley, W. W. Green land, Clarlrn. Ofllce hours 1 to 'i P. M. aud 7 to 8 P. M. C. G. MESSENGER. DRUGOIST it PARMACEUTIST, N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets. Ridgway, Fa., full assortment of care fully selected Foreign and Domes! ie DriigH. Prescriptions carefully dis pensed at all hours, day or night. vlnSy J. D. WOODRUFF, F.1. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON". Oi l rcK Hours. From !! to IK a. in., 2 to S mill 7 lo II p. ni. lit'skk-nf-c (itlioo nl, r. sl-ut-nrp, oppcisilu Klk C'oiinly Utinli, Main SIMM'!,. CAI.US DAY OH NNillT l'HOMPTLY ATTKNDKD. A fair Rlinre of the people's pntrnnnio so licited. HYDE HOUSE. V. II. SCIIRAM, Proprietor, Ridgway, Elk ouniy, Pa. Thankful for the patronage hereto fore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor hopus, by paying strict attention to the comfort and con venience of guests, to merit a continu ance of the same. oct-WU'.l N EW LIVERY STA ULK IN RIDGWAY good stock, good;cai?riages and P.u'ties to let upon the most reasonable terms. f)"-lie will also do jobienniina:. Stable on Klk street, All orders left at the Post (Mlice r'wlve prompt attention. AiiK-lS71ti PLANTS and) SEEDS FOIl EVERYBODY On r I L LI TSTR A T E I) ( ! A T A LOG UE and ROOK OF FLOWERS send free to any address. ' HAUIIY CIIAAPEL Florist ami Seedsman. "fi Uiurrtsport, Pn. 1 1 i:ky A. Pauson, Jr., Local agen Ridgway,' Pa 15ny tHo Celebrated YALE & JUBILEE-ORGANS: Ibe Best, Klost ColehrntPtl, rarest Tntm, JIos Uurable, Most Simple, Most Perfect . ckoan iu uie world. Ber rVfor circular. NEW HAVEN ORGAN CO., Nov Havtn, Conn. IiOKOUtJII OIJDIXANCE AO l(i. RELATING TO THE LAYING OCT AN D OPEN ING OE RACE STREET. . lie it ordained and enacted by the Town Council of the liorougii of Ridg way, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same 1. That a public street is hereby laid out and ordered to lie opened thirty feet in width, from a point at or near the noKtliM-n terminus of Grant street, in Southern addition to sai 1 Pooub, to a poinlon Depot street, near Hyde's mill race, in accordance with a 'draft this day placed on tile by the Uorough Surveyor. 2. That said street shall bo known ns "Race Street." C. II. M'CAULEY, President. Attest V. C. JIkAlv, Secretary. Approved this tii'th day of May A. A. lWbL', J. POWKI.L, Chief Rurg.-ss. Walnut Leaf Hair Restorer ' It . is cntirelv (lill'.Toiit fWi., ii others, it is as' clear as wnfer .! .... its numo indicates. Im nriv...r v.'....! table I lair UcKloi-nr it iviii . alely free the head from (landrull', re- sunn gray nuir to its natural color, ...... ji.ujMt-u a in w niowtn wue re it has lalien oil. It does not iu anv manner nlUct the health, which su'. phur, Kugaror Lead, and Nitrate of Silver preparations have done It will change liuht or faded Uuir in a tew days to a beautiful glossy brown Ask yourdruggiMt for it. Each bottlo is warrunlcd. smith i- i r.- .. ... Mic v' "n S -H'ciilH. Philadelphia; andC. N. CRIT fENTON, New York li 17 1 y. There is hardly a disease considered incurable, that could not becured Peiuna. -i t i; ji -