I (Jai Ibnldl'g Heath. Oenm-l Olnfrppa GariliiMI, tho Wishing ton of I y," i,om dcRth ni Caprera cloms a JoriKMiil i-ventfnl Hh was horn at Niw, Italy. July ji2. 1807. A son of a nail,, ho was to bel come a sailor him-olf. Hewas brita few years ol I when the tiiov. tmnt In tvliioli he was sub-eq.i.-ntly to pi, yen prominent a part began. Hie Carbonari liad Wmi the work of conspir acy Rlre.idy lya.kr Napoleon, and secret soolotioj pr-ow in nnmbors fiom vear to year. W..ini. pmsicntod and flyinir to l'r.ntyJf fslalilM ed about 1830, at Mar fO'.iea, a paper called In Giovane India (Young Italy). Onrilmldi then a young Pied mnntee Bxiior, Julned tho secret society of which Miiz.lnl wa-t the leader, and afier an atti nipt, to mlo an Insnrrootiun at Gtmoa was conipc llod to tako to tlinht, A fow yearn later, wh n revolution broke out in Rontli Amotion, we liml him engaged in de fending the roinllio nf Ilio Grande against Biaxd. Now on sea, now on Intnl. he always tonglie bravely with a bund of Ida countrymen, wns wounded, cauturod by the Uraziltans, Im prisoned and snlij.rted to torture. In 1843 he became chief of Iho naval fnreesof the repub licans otMoiitevid' o const ting of throe mis er. bio slonps, and h id to Hgiit tho squadron of Dictator litmus mi. lor Admiral UroAU. lie had innn it-d i Iih.ii a Creole of the provinee of Sainte CHtheriue, ihe coti-bratoil AnitB, who became not only tlio mother of hU children, but a liantetimit to him. In the battle wiih that squadron she ehuwed prodigious valor, but ft'trr a tin oo rlaya' fight tho atnmniiition was exhausted, and iheouiy thing left to Gat ibaldi was to Mini his cinft eu as to prevent its cap ture. He lind lis il the same expedient two years I'ol'ure. when ligh ing the Brazilians. His li o at that, tiiuo, as he relates it in his " Me ni'iires," savor of the moat incredible novels ol the rental iuiinl catalogue Hi ieiutnt,ou no's began to pprcad in the world at lame, f,,r the Bimtli Amoi lean wars be gan to inter 9 Europe, and the name of Gari bahli cat'ie frequently before the public When, a f' years Inter, the tevuliitioii broke out iu Ef.iopo, lie rushed thither anil landed atGouoa, " vidontly expecting thai Cliarlos Albert, then flxhting the m-triaua, would acci pt his eer viens. Charles Albert knew, however, Oari baldi'i republican views, still remombi red bis condemnation to death and declined his oiler. J J 1 1 1 the committed of puhlio eatety of Milan, having just formed several detachments ol volunteer, gave him the emu man I of litem, ami ordered him to much to the rcsoneol lier pamo. This expedition was a failure. Gari baldi retreated towar I Oonin, ami i he bulk of his votuiit eri duaeiled into Switzerland, while be hiuisuil escaped to Genoa. Aliout a rear later tlio revolution broke on in Homo, the pope look to Uight, and the re puhlio was proclaimed in the Eternal Cit.v. Maxxiui, I liun one of the triumvirs, gave O.iri bihli the command of the forces which were to defend I'.oiue against the besieging French army '.'.iider (Jiulinot. It was here that he met wit'u his lirat meeesson Italian toil, lor he no' Only repulsed Oiidinot, but, taking advantage of ilie temporary arnn-tieo con -ludtd at llome, dashed upo j tee Ni npn itn.ii army encamped at l'alenlrina, ami with lesi than M.tllli) men do l'eated the whole ol it. A few dayslater.and as the Neapnli aus seemed to have reorganized them selvos, he at acked thoin once mo e at Vellotri andro utterly routed them that but fjr the hes itation of the cominunder-in-cuief (Ruselli), acting I hen in conjunction with him, tho whole Neapolitan army might luvo been destroyed and ihe king captnivd. Garibaldi was again wounded in that ijattlo, but had nevertheless, to liurry lo tho ileienao of ltoine. The armistice being. Tir, the French lestimed their attack with in army ot 30, ODD men and a powerful siege ar'.illery. Tho siegj, storm and capture of the Eternal City aro well cniotubored. For nearly a mouth the tearful uinsacio lasted, end ng in the extermination of tlio g eater part of the valiant garrison. Un the 2 1 of July, 18 111, Oai ibaldi ha l to leave for tho mountains with a loiceol some 3,U0tl men, in the liopo of being ahlu to rmry on a panisau war agitiutt the French, the l'np.il forces, tho Neapolitans, or the Austrian, as circtim-itancei might com mand. Sharply piii'siio I, ho had to tako re fuge upon the little no itral State of Still Ma rino. Fort-inn p iwers, h .wever, interfered, and compelled the tiuvei anient of bun Marino to iht-pento Ins lorces, noil he wa- lein od very Dwell as if he hail been it biiguud. D.iring hi wauderings in pencil of a silo abolo, he ono iiigiit leached tl.o vitiligo of Mauiliiole. near lUveuna, here two poor peio-ants, the broth ers llavaglia, gave i-h.itei hotn to him and to bis wile, not knonuig who they Mere. Anita was pregnant and utterly exhausted. She died almost iiiitiKili itely upon her arrival, but tin tioups pursuing G ill nidi were so near that be dared not lose even tno timo necessary foi ller liurial. Alter no end of tribulations Garibaldi snc ccO'lud in vilely reaching Gjnoa, an I escap id to the New World a aiu. H embarked tor Now York ami establish al a can llo in ai' i factory on Stateu Idiand. Stihsoijueutly ho wont to Call foriiia,ud in 1S.V2 tui ueil up in Citina. on heard a I'eiuviau Lire,', the Cameo. Two yeats later flings had sullicien Iv q uuted down in Italy to permit his atieuipting tu r turn to 'ha' country, and he tnnrelore ace p'ed ha proposal of tin American shipowner to conduct a vessel to Genoa. When he iva ltcd Italian soil he re sinned his former activity as a eiptaiu in the merchant navv ol I'e cliicmt. In May, 1S51), when the war will) Anstri broke out, Vict, r En uutiel admitted Garibaldi to the regular army, wnh tlio rank of major general, ami pttt him nt the lea I o a voliinteei corps called tho Caeei itot i il Wo A pi Alpine JagiOrs -organized by livli nil ClaMiui. In this dpuchv Gaiibal l vi'iri tlm lirat to put hi foot noon tite -o 1 t l.omhtudy to attack Aus tiia. lie took within a le.v nays Van bo niio CooiO, and pushed the Auatriaus unde General Un an rowarl Jlilini. Magenta and Solforino, however, soon brought the war i.. .. . a r r ,i, , ,. of villa iraiioa be had to liy down his anus. He was now too p ipnlar a man to be afraid of any prosecution ; on tho other baud, the success which ho bad obtained encourage I hi in tu lurth r action, and so he immediately stattc d for Modena and 1'ariua, ami hogun to i gitite these Duchies iu favor ot annexation to Picdiur.nt. He lud the i a siiit in pirliamcut, and made a tierce ait ck on Cavoiu ut the time the Savoy an 1 Nice questiou was discussed, it was natural y a gnat otVenso to him that bis naiive p ace should be I is; to his country; anil the surrender of Sivoy and Nice was tho main causeol that bitter animosity which ever alter existed between him uud the great Italian minister. Ho no,. Id not take the slightest l.otice of theaureenient ol Flout bieres iu which the miuexation h .d bcou stipulated as ihe price of French a liauce. Jn 18UH, w'u-ii tho revolt broke out in Sicily ogalnst ihe Neapolitan rule Garibaldi g it up an exi edition on tits on account, notwithstand ing the ell' .its of Vicor Emanuel to put a stop 'o it, Tuo steamers, the l'lomonie and the Lombanlo, enibarurd about a thousand volun teers of all uaiioiialitus, who lauded iu a lew days at Marsala, ciptund 1'u o mo. it ml by July of the same your rendered Garibaldi act ual, master of ihe wholo of Sici.y. tie was proclaimed dicator, and a tew weeks later, uotwiibs at. din;; all tno pro tests and efforts ot' tho E iropeau powers to preserve, the Bourl on rule i Naples ho ciosscd tho Ktraits m l eutered that ciiy. His fame had row r. ached its climax though the Sicilian and Nuipo-itan caiupugm woie probab y the 1 ast adveumrons aud dashing ot all be bad uudei taken. The auuuosiiy toward the l)"Ulboii8 of Naplos was so great thl'oiigli out their dominions that their so.diersdeset led the ranks, ai.d the population evei y where opeued tho rja'cs to Gaubatdi with tokens o 1 the greatest enthusiasm. 'the dictator was always dovoted to Victo'' Emanuel, and bad no personal ambition be yond i hat of generously uud nooly serving bis country. He was therefore e . any . induced to lay ihe newly libe a ted proviuces at the leet ot the king ol Piedmont. Five millions of Ital ians had proclaimed Gai ibaldi their liberator; toe work he had done he did all alono without aid lioni the king; on tho contrary, with oppo si ion from him; yet he entered Naples with tee cry of '' Long live Italy and King Victor Eman uel," and a lew weeks later the w holosouthol the S'lib solar was added to tho dominions ot the ouso of Savoy. On the 21st of October a plebi citiini was he d in the kingdom of the Two -icilies. Almost everybody voted in favor of Victor Emanuel, and he 111..1I0 his cury into the city seated iu a carriage by the tide oi Garibaldi, who, immediately after the oereiuoiiy was over, rolired to Capiora in Ihe modest capacity of president of the Committee lor the Libera ion of Home and Venice. For nearly two years ihe great patriot re mained quiet, writing now and then manifestos or proclauiatiDns iu uvor of Poland aud other oppressed nationalities, Iu August 18U4, pressed by Mazziui aud the pai ty of aotiou, Garibaldi undertook an expedition to llome. Alter having once mure reached Calabria, he marched on Koxgio with tome 2.0UQ men, bat was met by Ciaidiul, who repulsed hi in and drove him back to Arpremoiite, where be waa attacked by P.illavicini, severely wounded, transported to hpezzia and subsequently to Pisa. This was practically the cud of Oari baldi'a career. Iu 1SC1 he made a voyage to England, where he was received with the greatea euLbusiasm that had ever boon bestowed ou any stranger visiting that country. Alter his return he lived almost constantly uu his little Ulitid, nutil his death ot WvaoiuU. QxUiUL in ih prime of life, was 6f middle etatiire," witB" broad and square shotflders, herculean limbs, long brown ish bair, and beard slightly gray; a heavy and strong step, saitor-like air and manuer of speaking. The most charaoteristio part of his costume was the famous red shirt he wore in the Italian campaigns. Of Garibaldi's three children, the two young men have both distinguished themselves for val iant conduct on the battlefield. His daughter, 1'ereaita, married one of her father's offi cers, Colonel Canzlo. Garibaldi was mar ried a second time, to a lady from whom he was mstoiiously separated immedi ately after the eercraony, and with whom he never lived. It ii ncordel that he was wounded thirty times, be ween the enconn'er on the River de In Tla a with Brazilians during his young manhood, and tne euoouuter with the papal troops in 1870. NEWS OF THE WEEK, Eastern and Middle State. Thb Maine Straight Greenback State Conven tion, aesembl. d at Datigor, adop'ed resolutions asking that the government buy bullion with greenbacks, demanding Ihe abolition of all banks of Issue, and approving the acts of the national committee. The following nomina tions were made: For Governor, Solen B. Chase; for Congressmen, Will-am F. Eaton, Eben 0. Gary, B. K. Kellock acd D. B. Averill. At a convention of New Jersey Greenbackers in Treuton resolutions were adopted adilug the President to veto the bill to rechaner na tional banks, demanding that Mr. Lowell be re called, and favoring eight hours a a day's labor. Toe American Unitarian association have held their fil'iy-sevonth annual meeting in Bos tun, Mass. There was a large attendance, and t'jo annual report presented a satisiaotory showing. A fire at Wilkesbarre, Pa., destroyed the Wyoming Valley hotel, the largest iu that sec tion of the State, causing tn estimated loss of $500,OUU. W. B. Rogers, ex-president of tho Massa chusetts Institute of Technology, dropped dead wh !e addressing the graduating class of that institution in Boston. Ninety thousand emigrants arrive 1 at New York in May tho largest number that ever arrived at that port In one month. A great iron strike, inaugurated by the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers of the United States, began in tho Pittsburg and Wheeling districts. Thestiike involved over 40.000 men. Congressman Beltzroover was renominated by the Democra'B at Carlisle, P William Marsh ll, seventy-six years of age, shot and killed himsolf with a revolver at Stamford, Conn. He had been suffering from a canoer, A frightful state of affairs is discovered to have existed on the steamship Nemesis, of the Nctherlaud lino, on her recent voyngo from Amsterdam, Holland, to Now York. Eighteen chi'drrn dio.l on the sea or in port, the deaths being meed, as is alleged, by bad and in sufiiciint food and the generally brntal conduct of tho crew. Sontb and West. Ruben Lucas, a Choctaw Iudian, was ex ecuted by sljooting at Talequah, Indian Terri tory, for the murder of Thompson McKinley another Choctaw. There had been a 'lend between the two men. Lucas met his death steically. As a policoman was taking D. W. Fresher to the Leadville (Col.) jail on a charge of robbing Robert Bartamoes, the lattor appeared on the Btrcet and Fresher broke away, drew a revol ver, and fired at Bartamoss. The ball hit him in the right breast aud passed through his body. Bartamoss stood motionless lor a minute, and then, raiting a rifle which he was carrying, fired at Freshor, the ball striking bim in tbe heart. Both men dropped dead at tho same moment. Tue bulkhead in a drift of the Alta mine at Virginia O ty, Nov., gave way, letting iu a heavy rush of water and drowning six men. The sir ike of the iron woikers in tbe East extended to all parts of the country. At Chicago, Cincinnati, Milwaukee, Louisville and other places, nearly all the mills shut down. The Missouri Greenbackers at their State convention iu Mooerly nominated a full ticket, headed by Congressman T, M. Rice for supreme court judge. Tiia schooner Industry capizod in Lake Michigan, near St. Joseph, Mich., and all on hoard, consisting of about ten men, were lost. Fomy-two persons were killed, five wounded and property to tbe amount of $31,000 stolen by the Apaches during the recent outbreak in Ariz in. IJAL.k.li CAlUriu.i.u, a uuloied wan, nl.o hcl been iden'ifli d as having attempted an aeeault ou Mrs. Martha Paines, near Blythewood, S. C, vas hanged by a crowd of disguised men. Sandy Matthews (colored) was hanged at Mem phi Tenn., for the murder of another co'oied man named Polk, who had enticed away hii wi'o. On the same day James E. Harvey was hanged at Cirrollton, Ga., for the murder of Arbor McMnllan. Wil iam L. Moore was to hjvo been hunge 1 at the eatno time for tho murder of John B. Ward, but early in the day took poison anil came near living. He was respited until tlio next day, when the sentence of the law was carried out. ' A masked crowd of 100 men at 3 o'clock in fie morning came by rail from Ashland, Ky., to Calit-ttsburg, took George E lis out of the j til, aud returning with him to Ash and, near the p aoe of the murder and outrage of tbe Gibbons girls last December, hanged him to a syoamore tree. Ellis had just teen convicted of manslaughter on the indictment fo( ihe murder of these girls. It was bis tesiimouy that convicted Wil iam No d and Ellis Craf:, who are now in jail at Lexington. Ky. The e three men were taken from Catlettsbnrg nnder military escort last January, to escape those who were in pursuit From Washington. TrtE triAi oi tne star route cases began In the WaoliinL'tou criminal court by the impanoling uf a jury, l-'un May the government receipts were as follows: .'ustonn 118,197.754 iitoru.il revenue 15 504,310 .UitOolluiieuus 2,81'J,2U7 Total $36 551,301 DuniNo May tho publio debt was reduced 610,375, 411. Th3 following is from the debt statenien': ''adi iu the treasury $212,103,768 C5 Goal certitleaiesoutstaii'iiug... 5,055,420 00 silver cert ficates outstanding.. 60,730,220 00 Certificates of deposit outstand ing 12.330,000 00 R'fuiiiliug uenidcates outstand ing 470,550 00 l.ogil tender. ouUtaudiug 310,631,010 00 Fraoiionalcuireuoyontstandiug 7.013 77 Cash balauoe availabiJ 141,4U,b76 69 Indications of an extensive invasion of the Indian Territory have been reported to the commissioner of Iudian affairs. The fo. lowing is a statement of the coinage executed at the mint of the United States during Mar: Denomination. ' Pieces. Talne. Double eagles 65,800 11,11(1,000 Faxes 409,000 4,090,000 HuH-eatjlos 851,600 i,758,000 Total gold 870.400 $7,664,000 Standard dollar 3,262,000 $2,202 000 Five cents 632,000 49,100 One cent 3,830,000 23,3u0 Total minor. 9 912,000 $52,400 Total coinage 6,060,400 $9,67t,000 Fortiffn News A ipeciaI dispatch ftoni Cairo, Egypt, says i "There is a fearful panic at Alexandria. The European population fear for their lives. Thsy are leaving in hundreds. All the steamers are full. Women recently confined have been taken on board to escape the brutality of the rapacious soldiery. Arabl is forcing the popu lation to sign a petition to depose the kiiedive at the bayonet's point, using Halim Pacha's name to gain signatures. Tbe eoldiere are likely lo oppose the landing of tbe Turkish commission, and will fight. All churches and places of amusement are closed, Sma'l arms are bought up at famine prices. The English oonsul summoned from Europe for the occasion Is calm but firm." Arabi Bey informed the khedive that he was deposed and that Prince Halim would succeed him. The Russian czar, desirous to appease the people, has decided to grant reforms. Two commissions will be instituted to consider the question of central institutions and the share in tbe administration to be given to the peo ple. At a meeting in a publio room at 8t. Octavp, Quebec, the floor gave way and Bbotit 203 peo ple were thrown to. the floor belo. A man named Fortin was crushed to death and several other persons were injured. Eight persons were kdled and twenty injured by a railroad colliion near Heidelberg, Ger many. Lightning destroyed the poorhonse in the town of Oesthammer, Switzerland, aud twenty persons were burned to death. The Jewish town of Gorki, R issia, has been almost entirely destroyed by fire. Bruce, the English or,lt, won the grand prix de Paris, the g eat annual French racing event. Last year this race waj won by Mr. Keene's American horse, Foxhall. Garibaldi's death creatod a great sensation iu Europe, particularly iu Italy an 1 France. The municipal council at Rome and the French chamber of deputies adjourned o'lt of respect to his memory. General Garibaldi's will orders that his b dy be cremated and the ashes pre served in a porphyry urn near the tomb of his dead child at Caprera, A bloody battle has been fought in Chi. huahna, M xicn, between a band of GOO Apaches and a body of 400 Mexican troops. The battle raged for six hours, t'.ie Indians fighting with desperation, but b.iiu final y de feated with a loss of 37killel, 100 wounded and 10 prisoners. The Mexioms had one officer and eight men killed, aud two officers' and twelve men wounded. fOUf i'-lSKTESTH COSttKESS. Senate. A bill was introduced to establish a uniform syst'ini ot bat k uptcy....'lhe Senate bill au thorizing tho ia:o of tho old postollico site in New Yorii was pj-sod ...Tue Japanese, indem nity li.l was ilebated without action. The Hoti-o bid to cnlargo the powers aud ilii'ii s of H e ilep.it tmeut of agriculture was repoited favorably. A bill was favorably reported by Mr. Sew 11, from tho committee on mtli'aiy affairs, to re store Vi'Z John Potter to the army, with the rank he hold I efore his dismissal. The vote in the committee on the question of favorably repiiitiiig tho bill was ts follows: Yeas Messrs. Sovrell, Conkrell, Maxey, Grover snd Hampton. Nay Mr. Logan. 'Messrs. Cam eion, of Pennsylvania. Harrison and Hawle were absent. .. .1 ho Houso army appropiiath.il b 11 was reported favorably, with amendments, ud ordered to bo printed. Ueaee. Mr. Rerd called up an amendmentto the rules introduce i by him to prevent dilatory motions in the mater of contested eleciion cases. Mr. Randa 1 raised the question of consideration, aud Mr. Kenna moved that the H niso adjourn. Mr. lice I made the point of order that against a proposition to amend tho rules to pre vein liiibucteiing, motions could not be inteipused. L'ron thU point of order followed ono of the most animated debates that has taken place this session. Mr. Reed stated the rea sons why in his opinion an effort to amend the rules of procedure should not and must not be thwarted by iho opposition of a minority. Mr. Randall replied, the chief of his proposi tions being that parliamentary rules aro main y designed tu ptotec the rights of the minority. Mi ssis. Carlisle, Cox, of New York, aud McLaue also upoku against, and Messrs. Kassou, R.be-i-onand ltohiuson, of Massachusetts, in favor ol Ihe point of order. Fiual y the speaker dot ided that the po in- of order was well takou, aud the House, by 150 yeas to 2 nays, adopted the pro posed ameijduitnt to the rules. Ihe House then decide! by 150 yeas to 1 nay to consider the Contested election case from tlielld district of Soutu Carolina, and the deadlock was broken. A protest agninH the rulinj ot the spoiker was tiled by the Democrats. The con-ideration of the Mackey-Dibble contested election case was resumed. Spcechos in behalf of Mr. Dibhlo were made by Mr. Athenon, Mr. Moulton and Mr. Dibble him solf. Tho arguments in behalf of Mr. Mackey were presented by Mr. Ratiney, Mr. Junes, o( Texas, and Chairman Calkins. The resolution fiom the elec ions committee declaring Mackey entiLled to bis seat were finally a it.pted bv a vo'e of 15D to 3 all tbe Domo crati exec) t three refraining from voting, aud Mackey was sworn. As t-oon as Mr. Mackey was sworn in Mr. McLane presented a pie am1 le and losolutions reciting the motions made by Mr. Hprmger and oveiruled by the speaker, the appeals which Spr uger had at ten pted to eu'er, but which the speaker bad reiu-ed to mtcrtain, and declaring that the sneaker b- censured by tho House. A Bcene of tumult followed. It lasted about twenty min utes, many of the members talking and ges ticuiuiing at the same time. Finally the resolu tions of censure were tabled by 88 yeas to 141 uavs. it.o House proceeded to a consideration oi tue cjii estoJ o eciiou caso of Bisbee against Fiuley. the sitting member, from the Second concessional district ot Florida. After de bate the seat of Mr. Fiuley was given to Mr. Bisbee by 111 yeas to 0 nays. The Hoin-e coniiden d tlm Alabama oontested eleciion case of Lowe vs. Wheeler, M'. Wheeler being accorde l the floor to c ose ihe argument in I is own bohalf. Alter furth.r del am Mr. Lowe was given the neat by a ote of 149 veas to 8 nays.. .The Senate joint resolution was pas ed lor thi printing of the memerial address ot James G. Maine up in the hie and chaiacter of the late President Garfield. A Sagacious Donkey. In no part of tbe world, probably, is the ya'ient aDimnl, which is too often treate.1 with cruelty, bo well cared for as in Spain. In this country the donkey and the mule are petted and btcome great favorites, end among the peasan try they arealrcoit looked upon as mem bers of the household. As showing tbe wonderlul influeiitH which kind treat ment will exero bp, especially on the denkey, we aro told that aSpaniBb peas ant who possessed one was ia tbe habit of jonroeying from bis home to the e ty f Madrid for tbe purpose of conveying milk to the customers whom be supplied there; and every morning be and bis donkey with laden panniers went their accustomed round. One dar, however, tbe peasant beoame ill, and having no one to send, was in rather a seiious d 1 mma; whereupon his wife nigs e-ited that the donkey should be d f pitchei alone. Accordingly tbe panniers were filled aa usual wi.h the cans of milk; a piece of paper was attached, requesting customers to n-eabure their own milk and return the oaDB, and tbe donkey started off. In a short time tbe faith ful creature returned with the empty cans, having duly pe. formed his errand; and not onty did it continue to do so for several days, but its master after ward learned that it did not mecely ge the usual round, and trubt to the cus tomers ooming out to it in the road, but bad tbe sagacity to go up to their doors an) ring their bells (which in Spain citen pnll downward) with its mouth. How to keep home Refuse to place a mortgage on it. six days with brigands. Aa Itnllnn Offlctal'a tJnpture. Retense'niid Hirnngn Kxperleucrs. The reappo.trauce of brigandage in the distant nihborood of Pal tit mo Sicily, so soon after tbe recent rejoio ings has pninfully impresstd Ihe in habitants. The particulars of the treat l ent of tbe ex.8vndio, Bignor Notur bartolo, by the btiirands have become known since his return. A &oon as his companions had been disarmed by the pretendid ratrol the ex-Syndio per f ived bis mistake His captors were dressed in new Bersaglierf nnforms. poke the jargon of soldiers, and had b .boi'onghly military appearance, render ing it likely that they had all once -frved in the army. When Sipnor Notarbartolo paw tbe state of affaii ie at once told his captors in n lectded manni r that all threats or bad language toward him would be rf no avail, and svtoh was tbe efi'eot ot his m ericrity of character that during the whole term of bis detention the brig a nds treated bim with deference and ecpect. Ilis ci mpanions hud been sent. way with a letter to his family, appris ng them of what had occurred, and that a rancom of 75,000f. was demand d. The brigandri first took Signor Sotaibirtolo into tbe woods, and then o a grotto, or rather deep ravine, iu iliemountai' n, where he was detained for ix days. The cavern was constantly ittardr-d by two of the brigacds, who bud changed their uniforms for the torn dress of peasants. The light penetrated this ravine for only a few hoars of tbe day, aud during that time the prisoner lould read a number of the llvue tli Deux Mind's, which he hap pened to have with him. This was his only amusement. He was not allowed to smoke during the day, lest in sn doing he should betrav the place of his concealment. 'Ihe brigands calltd the ravine their best palace, faying that they bad others in pieces more difficclt of access, but that they bad chosen this as it was more comfortable for -'his excellence." Dur mg the first evening they conversed frankly about their affairs, recounting their exploits, and then begged their prisoner to excuNe them if it annoyed him, but they did not know how tu talk about anything but their own af fairs. At the end of the mx days (dur irg which, in accoidance with the peti tions of tbe family aod a high function ary, the brigands' bad by order of the Minister Depretis been left nnmnb st ed) the fum of 50,000f. was conveyed tr. them, with which they expressed them selves content, telling their prisoner that he would le immediately re leased. The latter then asked for Lib watch, saying that it was a keepsake very dear to him. With characteristic oourtesy ic was immediately restored to its proper ownet; not, however, bef ire one cf the brigands bad eyed the chain with great envy, exclaiming that it was very taiteful and beautiful. The ex Syndic immediately declared with vi vacity that all efforti to deprive him of it would be useless; on which the brigand who had taken a fanoy to it de clared that his wish to have it was quite disinterested, and that he would gladlv pay for it. At ths timo the band bad assumed very good cloth clothes, bad rings on their fingers and gold chuinr to their watches. Signer Motarbartolo was received in Palermo with great de monstrations of joy, the street in whieh ho lives beinir illuminated by the in habitants. Measures for arresting the n.alefact.rs were then immediately taken, tbe dibtriet around Termini, where they are supposed to ha still hid ing, being surrounded by military, London Ntws. WISE WOKDS. Nothing comew ot violence. With out piace the works of the law are naught. Nevtr exhibit too great a familiarity with a new acquaintance; you may give offnse. Happiness is always the inacaessible pas: In which sinks in ruin Mb en we set foot on it. No furniture is so charming as bonks, even if yon never open theru or read a single word. Tho power to do great things gener ally arises from tho willingness to do little things. In nil Hcienoos the errors precsde the truths, and it is better they should go first than last. Without courage there cannot be truth, and without truth there outi be no other virtue. We judtie ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done. He who comes up to bis own idea of grea'nens must always have bad a very low standard of it iu bis mind. Instruction does not prevent waste of time or mistakes; and mistakes them reives are often the best teachers of all B ware what you say of others, be cause you only reveal yourselt thereby. man doesn't think to look behind the dor unless he has sometimes stood there himself. Experience always leads to modesty when wisely used. Ic never leuds to boastful cotifi lence or to self-idolatry It ban been too often rebuked to claim infallibility, and too o I ten humiliated to set up a primacy that may not be chal lentted. S imetimes there are living beings in nature as beautiful as in romance. Reality surpasses imagination ; and we hag breathing, brightening and moving before our uvea siehts dealer to our henrts than any we ever beheld in the land ol tJep. Ku'td nlv Wpnlipned. "I lufiered with rheumatism of the back and hip ior a mini I er of years, ' said Mr, Thomas Morgan. Stioerintenilentof Streets " I was waited on by physician, but they gave no permanent relief, and I resolved to try St Jacobs O.l. My rheumatism weak ened at the first attack of its treat enemv. St. Jacobs Oil, and foon 1 was well." Cincinnati Times-Siar. If we accept as truth the statement that every adult man has enough phos phorus in his system to nruke 1 0(10 packages of friction matches we may easily explain why it is that when be slips up on a banana peeling be sees 4 000 vackages of friction matches strike fire. Mr. Michael Bobbett, 77 Sargent street, ionoee, r. x , was cured ol a very severely injured knee by St. Jacobs Oil. Bays the luicuesicr i,im x.) bnnrlay rieraiq. One of the features of a Roman carni val is a .riderless horse-race down tbe crowded Oorso. , Decline nf Won, Nervous Wea..iiu a. Dv.-u-uia. Impotence. Sexual Debi ity, cured by " Wells' Health Ke newer." tl. fruggiats Bend for pamphlet to x. a. n ells jurn y City, a. J. The Science of Life, or belf-Prenervation, a medical work for every man young, middle sa t oia. io uvrtiuatu prewnpiioaa. Terrible twtern'fs. Dr. R. T. Pianos, Buffalo, M. Y.i I burs I friend who suffered terribly. I pnrohased I bottle or your "Favorite l'rescription," and, as a result of IU use, she Is pnrfeotly well. J. Haiut. Bnrdett, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical UlsooTery " and " Fleasant Purgative Pellets" purify the blood and cure constipation. The loss to tlio emire country i o-r. year fr. m decreased crops, consequent upon tho extraor dinary drought, is eetimntel at $750,000,01)0. Dr. R. V. Pikrcb, Buffalo, N. T.: Dear Sir For many months I was a great sufferer. Physicians could afford me no relief. In my dosi air I commenced tbe use of your Favor ite Prescription." It speedily effected my en tire and pe manent cure. You is thankfully, Mbs. Paol R. IIaxtbh, Iowa City, la. A i,i, the coal iisod in China lias heretofore been imported, but recently good paying mines have been opened near Pekin. If yon are billons, take Dr. Pierce's "Pleas ant Purpative Pelle s," the original "Little Liver Pills. Of all diuggi-ts. A census of the city of Mexico is to be taken. It is expected that the enumeration will show a population of 230,000. Urnte'i'l ItTlvr. 84 ARCH Strf.pt, Fottsville, Pa., Sept. 22, 1881. H. H. Wabner Co.: Sim Your Safe Kid nev and Liver Cure has cured me of indigestion, dynpeptio and kidney affection with which 1 had been troubled for four or five vears. John D. FuBTEn. Trade depression in Pt. Lonis is very marked. It is in consequence of the destruction of the Southern trade in the lately inundateddiBtricts. Johes A Blair. Att'ts A CorrwsELons at Law, Law, ) I St., jiooms 0 ana 7, nines lilocK, I'ourtb lies Moines, lowa, Aug. a, lHou. To the Holman Pad Co. For the pa-t fix years t have suffered from malatial troubles aud inactivity of the livar, caii-ing in ilgest.ioii and headache most of tbe time, and at times continuing for fifteen or twenty dnys wi hunt relief. 1 have taken al the modicinei kuo vn. 1 was recomm' iided to life your Pads. I did so and found absulut relief, and am frank to sty I regard it as a positive cure. I now wear ono all the time anil would not do without it. I write this becausi I leel t his is duo you, there br ing no longer am nuestl n in my mind as to their merit. rouis truly. w. at. jones. On Thirty Dnya' Trial. Tbe Voltaic belt Co.. Marshall. Mich., will send their Electro-Voltaio Belts and other Elec tric Appliances on trial tor thirtv davs to an. peivou aluicted with Nervous Debility, Lost Vitality, and kindred troubles, guara'nteein complete restoration of vigor and manhood. Adilress as alKive without delay. P. S.-No lick is incurred, as 30 days' trial is allowed. For DTSPEesiA, imhokhtion, depletion of spb -ts and general d. bility, in ihcir various orm-: dso an a proven ivo agtiinct fever and ague am tin r ink rmitten' fevers, the "Ferro-Pnoaphor-.tod Elixir of C.iliftia." mado bv Caswell Hazard & Co., New York, and old by all Drui. ibis, is tne neat ionic: ana lorp.it touts recover ing from fever orothnr wlckntw- it bus no equal. if you i re lKtiiicnn an i cai pv, mere is om nay and no more by wnich mj i may be madi carolers and nappy Uie Carbolmo, a deodor ized extract of petroleum. It will positive!) make new hair grow. RFSCl'EI) I'M! OM DEATH. William J. Cough Un. of Soliiervllle, Mam . aayc In Hip fall of 1S76 I waft taken with nt.rxo'.NU ur the lcg9 fol lowed by a severe cough. 1 lost my appetite and rlesh. and was conaned to my bed. In lKTi 1 was admitted t' the hospital. The doctors said I had o hole tn my lung at lilK as a half-dollar. At oiiiTtitne a re-port went aroiunt that I was dead. I gave tp hope, but a friend told me ol DH. WILI.IAjM It ALL'S MA I.SAM IMU TUB LUNliS I pot a bottle, when lo nty surprise, 1 commenced to fee better, ami trwlay 1 feel better thaii for three years pusl I write this hoping evrry ono ullUeted with niseuscil l.umrs will tulteDlt. WILLIAM HALL'S BALSAM, and be convinced that C iNSl'M I'l'IO.N CAN ItK CUHKD. I can positively sny it litis done more good than alt the other medicines I htivo taken since my sickness. Cents 'will liny a Tientino upon the lloree and his Diseases. Book ot 100 lawes. Valuable to every owner of homes, Postage stamps takon. Sent postpaid by KW VOItK MiWSPAPKU UNION, 150 Worth Street. NewVork. A 1.1. EN'S rtrnf n Fnuil-eiirr-R Nervnun rtahllltv J Weakness of Generative Oruaus, lis 1 all dnipruistH. Sen d lor Oircu lar. AJlen'a Puarmacy.til: Fi rut av..N. Y . THE MA UK LIS. KEW VORK. ftfiefflattle-rrime. live weight 12 13 Calves Cora n to Choice Veals. 5 i$ a Bbeep fM fA Lambs ' Uogs Live 7. $ J Dressed, city ivfi'lS i"t Flour Ex. State, good to iaucy S 45 (o) D 00 Western, good to choice o to igj io Wheat No. 2 lted 1 43 a 1 4ii No. 1 White i au 11 rtve State 87 04 s n'ni-lAir'rwn-rnwnil State 1 DO (si 1 08 Cora UngradedWesteraUixed 72 ftj 82 Yellow Southern 92 48 92 Oats White State 63 04 61 Mixed Western oo (ifl Hav Prime Timothy (5 08 Straw No. 1, ltyo 71) 7o Hops Mate, IBSl, cnoice io iai m Cork Moss, new, tor export. ..18 H5 Of 18 40 Lard-City Steam 11 45 fell It Itortned 11 75 (s,ll 75 Petroleum Crude 7 lleaued 7?,0 1 Butter state Creamery, nuo.. au (a -a Dan-y IS (si 17 Western 1m. Creamery 17 ftfl li2 Pantorv 10 Ci 17 Cheese State factory 6 9 11 Skims i MS o Western... 7 (9 10 Eggs State and Tenn ay,m a Potatoes Early llose,tate,bbl 8 75 sj) 3 87 BUFFALO. Stoers Good to choice 7 50 8 12 Lambs W. stern v uo i) au Sheep We tern 0 5 64 6 75 Hogs, Good biClniico Yorkers.. 7 75 OS 8 15 Flour-C'y Ground N. P o; ei. 9 00 Q 9 50 Wheat Ko.l.IIardDulutn.... 1 68 08 1 63 Corn No. 2 Mixed 79 04 79 Oats No 2 Mix. est 67 04 67 uarley Two-rowed state..... vu ss vu BOSTON. Beef Extra elate and family. .16 50 18 00 Hogs-Live 708 8 Hogs City Dressed vy,'iD iu Pork Extra Prime pel bhl...,17 Ou 1S 00 Flour Spriiig Wheat Patents. . 8 50 04 9 75 Corn Hi:t. Mixed 89 (y) 0 Oats-Extra White 60 OS 69 Rye-State 93 1 00 Wool Washed Comb A Delaine 46 08 8 Unwashed " " 28 80 WATEBTOW2I (MASS.) CATTLE MABKET. Beef Extra quality 8 76 04 9 75 Sheep Live weight 5 04 W i jam oa o w a Hogs, Northem, d. w 10 PHILADEl.FUIA. Flour Penn. Ex. Family, good C 00 6 25 Wheat-No. 2 lted 1 41 04 1 41 Hve State Ill 7 Corn State YeUow 69i4 69 oats Mixea oi its o.i Butter Creamery Extra Pa.. .. 25 04 25 Cheese New York Full Cream. 1104 12 Petroleum Crude 6 018 7 Beiined 7 1 Anionic the medici nal moans of arrest, inn dixeaae, liostet ter's Ktotiitich Bit tera stands prc-eml- nent. It checks the further progress ol all disorders of the Rtnmvh. ltver unA tjowcls.rert ve the vl- iai mamma. prevent :LMil r..n.n,li,.u ..l.o,. I and fever, incrennei un ucuviiy oi the kiclnev h, counteract! u:iitiency io rueu, inatiKiu, aud is i genuine stay and Boiaou io anea, In arm ana nervous iHtrxoii. For sale by al) DruKKistsand Deal. on Kenertuiy. B'nt In Ihe world- (Sel the sepulne. Kvnr ne. Kvert Im iniitkfiil pciiiri lai -ur ii-Hne-imiru iumi razei -a. Bill. if j. r.it i iif.n t, L- DI'KK KI.IIOIIM HA I It. Madame Wambold' OBpecilio iH-rinauently removes Hmierfluoua hail without Injuring the skin. Bend for a circular Madame Wambold, 34 Bawycr atreet, Boston, Mm, tei mmmwrn inNEW MTVI.K fcr.i n.r,... Uu B Is I JV-iuld on the IuKtalliiiunt i.hn, lltal&bk W0ent Oman In eximeuue for the pnoe texuia. aaq i u. w. tuLiztu oapiianown, .J SSt(lS9n per day at homa. Harness worth M dee. JW CIUBRATII) "S AXLE 6REAS A REGULAR CIRCUS. Iftherelsonetlilngln all fheworM that allure the averace boy and de lights people generally, It is a well inanngeo ann innrmicniy erpiippcu circus. 1 ho children ot a city or town . rcem to know of Its coming by a kind L Ul lllliiilioii, nun I'l epiiiu neu'iien iiki jr. y The pennies, hitnerto dropped Into ine mt.-iKioniiry-ijox wnn cen?cicnii ous regularity, are now faithfully di verted into nn old cot"ce-pot In the cellar coiner for prospective use, and a.i -J scrap-racial, om paper, eic, ao sno ?j JH stantlnl servlecin thcvwiy of securing S3 J tho amount of an nrtmistJon tec. But 33 Cfl for all that, we believe fully In the 5 1 "1 properly conducted clreim as a means of amusement anil divcrt-lon, and are happv to state the gratifying fuel that the circus or rather Its proprietors and employes experimentally be lipvo in St. Jacods Oil, the Great Pain Reliever of the at;e. Hon. P. T. Darnuin's Greatest. Show on Earth and Coup's Mon iter Miow can be taken as li S'tweo t':M0 typical cases. The former pays : o jAcotn 0;t. is in vso bv many rinc ar tists now engaged with P. T. l'ariiinii's Greatest Show on linrlii, united with tho Great London Llrctw, snnijer s lloyai uruitn wennfri no ann ine Inteniatiuinil Allied! hows. Fromll.nrry cfl'ect upon thur-e who havo occasion to employ It, we have no he.'iitatl'.u in pronnincin: tr. jAcons Oil tho beit liniir.cut which has ever been hrmi-rht to ntir notice. It is wonderfully effica cious in subduing pain. Hiancd) Haunch, hati.et livTrmsyow." Tho Press A.Tent of Cntp's lion ter t-how fnys: Iu eases of rhcumati.-.m or cninnlaints of that Uindourarti-:ts know how to cu e thcmn.dve:. very pecdily. St. Jacobs On. is u very poptilar reiti cdy ar.ion,y our people for rheumatic ptiins, nr.d as long as they ci.n;:ot it they wen' tmPcr much." Mr. Frank I. l ravno sayj: "1 have suf.cied terribly from rhcuriinttsm In my right shoulder and arm.nudntthoPamctime 1 had severe pains In my chest. (Sometime fiinco I rend something in a newsTianer nhmit tho remarkable cures of ST. Jacods Oil, aud I thought I would try tlmt remedy. I tell you I am mighty glad 1 did. for after using one or two bottles of that preparation I felt no pain whatever,and have had noiiesiii. c. I am firm believer in ST. Jacobs Oil, and I want evcry'uodviu my company to keen it near then." N V N U- Payne's Automatic engines. -I CO H V 3 Reliable. Durable and Econ-mleal. frth a Itui e .otrtv 1 ith 1 it - furl un t r.i rr tlntn tnii; oil.er r.iiilimi tuiiU, nut Titled with iri .'uitd'.iiitic. i;iit-i::l. Send lnrllln.str:it''.l Ctntt'otzne ")," n-r liiiui-iniiti"i. . frices. 11. V. 1'avm-. .V iv, :..-.. li.'.i t.t.n Coi-iiin, N.V. 8 for tno thru ! first number;' cf the new volume of I)kmoi:kt'3 jtoNTFiLY. Ten liu-f'u jjicttuo Stcclonjrmviiiirriand Oil. O'lio bent Poinait of thu lute Pri"-i- dc l Jnmcs A. Gnriild. Two pieces of ivnij-ic. Three cut drees patterns. Two hundred illusira tlone. Two luiiidrt-d and forty pnovs o choice lilernture, size HAi x 11 f , or i;i pouii.is ot cte;n.t )rinttPig. on tlnle.l p iper, pnt lit", lor Iiiiy r.rrs l'ubUer, 17 Lxzt tti 1 1, 1,;v,' Ycr;:. AGEN'S WANTED FOR THE HISTORYopteeWORLD ECmbrariuK full ami authentic urcountH of ever.- na riou of a orient and inoikiji tim-n mid Inrltitlim: .t .lslory ol liio I'.se and liiii ot ilie (ij-ct'ti uud lonti in lupirea, the uil-ldle tViv. the ci'ioinles, iln; lini.ta ' stein, the rt'lorn:;Li ion. 1 he dir-coverv rind Ketll- - ueutoi tho Nf!v W -rid, cte.,et-. It contains (it'.1, iue liiNtorieiil eii'irnvint. . ntel is the most ..mnulo;'1 liiKtory oi theV.'orld evi-r ntl?Iivlid. Bend lor tvei iucu pa;r a and extra tevu.s to Af.'eiit. Aildrefifi jsational rinujsiuxii co., I'lniuti 'ii'tua, r.r 1 ASTHMA iMBMM Z tier man Ant (mm fitrfl im'.cry'cn'fltMr;1vt5 ';-u umnma e rtittj m uu: v. ui'i. r a c ,i mitres -",i:;ii:ot'i-i Mauiotlcojii cLcctfjoiiri'n v.hrroi l o;:icr ) liil. ilotlcopi cCectrjoiin! v.lirroV 1 o;licr ) A ' al r.nnvinrca ihomo'. skrpiicuK l'"t.U i'A '. a"'J e l.Kof JJriic'Ti,flHorbviTiai1. H -mi IjI-'H II.h rf-fiTni. Vn. SCni.VI-'M N. St. ini. Mir.n M IJ'riai r. CI V WnT WA8TP. MtVfr.Yt GTS;,":: it jftu waul m l.timruut faiihen or hr.v trowil, r.l r to TlllCi;i:. rtl'iO.M.tllt.N lVI'luaTl' th flAlll m mntrt t m't tie lir Ctj the tttit Sp.Ti'"lt 'i; Ciivcrj wt.n-h f.n Si.V ILf,n. SrxitUNt.Y SIX I'KM'S to Mf J. '.tB'l.i.J. .i r t v.2; .P- EVERY ORB I BTCDILVti Will Ret vnluulile iiio.lilHli.ja FIIKU T wuiUug for cirwlar to J' TOLjt.u;i;, ltoto, Xxt. WANT i : in A:'n'ts to se'l theonl i'.r;e l pidure tt (he i-'n i tiltiiei' 1 ; i f (iirecliuli i lt A',vi:U it, work. Ka .F. H. llDt.n iV- S ii- Sr i.rn viv, W S Ii ? 1 1 1 h ii mil i ub;iti .Mrs. (iar.'K'M. S.itni J;-p f. m?Mve lervii i' eivfin rt Publisher.-!, s :m, 1 ma niPRovr.i) I:es "t lm11'i:s or . ili-lieiniw.v, .vtinleq m.n.M'.irhlitu. T p .'. a:iC li-vel-ire. A!i ' oill tu n I - ! , cf ft !, mail i or .. '('. K. if--, i" V i 1 1. ;IV,, ir.i-, KVOIilJTION I'uintie Lectures. B oiiiil 1i-. eiidi. A'ldri's .Imiv iiitudks bI HiiiiieiuahouinfT, Cameron C'.. 1V-. , (Tract inid' PartnhUYcr it'ann. Saw Mill & lian- WriU Turn A U Li MAN &, 'f AYi-Oit CO. MaubiiuU.U. mum. ?lne:lilno lEall( (1nrpd In IO :r jmi.vrt, pity (ill I'tu-otl. A MONTH :Je !-' MTS W3NTF n-1 t host -;i.iiiK,!Tenv i i iiil- wunu: ibail.lUe free. YOUNG" MFN u vn" l to lUUmu llftlM alewntt.nths, audi, ICLM'ttlillVill and be eertiiin 1 it Unailnn, ndil'pqs Val-ijt nie lints.. Jam-ftvule, Wis, Shh week In yourowntowu. Tcrnm and t." onttit tree. Add'w II, 1 i s i.y .v rr x Co.. PrthinJ . M a ine. $4 for SI -Acir'NivC iixivKiiSAL A'nX'n- fVfftfVfffr 0&rO 0 & fJ fj Sj u.' w 0 Anv oi i iiiiirli liffeiilf al wei'K. hut iIih tiiUnwnid eMiiicta BtiuW tile creitl c. peri a recuivuu irmu our agents. An uent in the htalu IlUtllber ul bUltSLTllit-Iti; niv- iinititn fnr lint iliiv'n wnrl, li Mile UK yes i fuam tf W H bill tmri. writes: ln una woDk I imvo umila nearly il.Otl, l.tHili; biHci ilmr fit intii i.iter I t nre mil.i nl.i'r SHhuesI every 'louao." An auni nl wink in DioimiU. rilu: "TUu Utnl tell U:ih I m mil I intuit orwi (410 Imiu a leiostltiU ut tny uwil iik'vubi." lettym iimltm;; ninnliir ttitu.iiunu nru C"nsuuill cmuing lo ua All lie riii--ini-w timke money uiut'li la-btur tlinn agtmib wera uvr kimwu u muke it uelnis Any unt ctm butmnu-tt lui't-vKsliil hccui 8 Nu uno can Tail lo tu.iku urunl i-iy. Tuut: A Cu , imiIiIkiIiuii. Inou nlunyk tinen in the (font. Mini iixw umku ti) far ltiA crL'iittfHi olt'tir uvor put Ijo1.h liiu American nuoplo It is iioi hi nil iHKitiiniM.n lm lin.so tii mot mx ller liuina 1'V CiUMke uvr $JU tt ilay. Aiknis W amku tur llio well kimwu. jrreiil l.imil) puiilii-uiiou. '1'iin I lldt h aTk i Kamilv IUhai.i- - imblithod munthly by Truo A Co., Aiuoiata. Mama. Tt-nns $1 luiir. Tli IIoihIiI i iIim Ittrut-M nnd im-l elutMili) fl OilliiilraU'd liiunly puolicatitiii in Amoiicu. antl wtmovur Hiryi mtydtuijt to 1 1 u I'lnttrury umkn iHieiuontt ilmi it iimiv -gtrue; e.u-ti nmubor cuntdins 24 laryu imtfos. 1W l-u lmIumhik. All e-ur buret. iI.m tt.tm-iii ot uuoioua antl fur tur O pHibeii. i'i UttAUTIFUL AND KLKUANT l.HKUUOb tilVKN Vlif.. TO KaCH Sll HM II I lit" It. K.u I. nl Oiriia clifollnii it w.irtliT Civil of the ordinary piclures liml are e;ivon lo Ktilini'i ilioii. A a hen mi hi I -oi ka ul ln;li wrt, ilioru rlirtmnifc Ih( MirpAas n 9 Aou'iureii evr liulore present oJ to tlie uljcrihai tur any pulihcalion Ah li k i n aohmi.v au v (Huh VV aenil ihi-A Hentld A motitlii live to nil who now ijbniTiiv, or til'toeii iniiillm in all fur on ly $1 . linn nu n ufiL-i ui.tin- pe.-pia lc Mii.'f cribe at oiua, ami taken tnutlier wnli Hip nninentte HlantUnl piililu'uiiuii mul (lit l i-i-iiniifiii uutl valuat.lv prr 9 c.miuin cnromoa.eiiHDies air en it to eeurv a buiitiiit ai aiiiioM every leiimu ihey vimi (im run i Ohm.i rn AtiiiM-jj ce aenil to those who order Ouirhi; il woniil mil be lienl to imtUish our term heio. oui tciina aie m.il hberul iml" gwiubie all who take auenciua lo mak money t.ixtei (ban Svjl irir. i tie larueHi. nmsi iniiirnmceni, and expensive cotiaiata of the 12 nieiniutu chrouioa. aaiunle eenies ol J;ltusineaa, anil giving private term a to ayenia bl.ink bcriiiiMii liata tiiirni'iini Ux tvoikni); iu tbe it iiri'efKiui iriamier, and certilieatenl auency abiKvoiH thai ynii aro appiinli-il by ua aa ayeiil Tina luiue epeitate Uuilii o OrKkK. but inanieaHure to (inard Hi:ional unprinetpluil per mma onleiiu it wim lo nut mean btimiiefa we reiiore9 fit bat H cents be aetit when it ia uiUeieil. Hint U imr.-ly pny lur ihr piu kni mul piH(! lne : I be Mil til it -el I arfl ctiiniikh tree. Al a further aat'euard. we reiinre evory pot nun who txtlei itn Oullii to i-nd ua a eiiy of Iba Ccltotwin! Z, b'letter: Thui A Co. Semi me al onee the aueiil a new Oullii. I InMlilullt ptwinme and amine yiiu tbui I order iheO gUuttit for tbe purpute ol k'Hik lo work ai the luiaitieai ami not in unlet lo get tl lice by nl pu Hit! Hie unaiae an,l a ceal of pAckuig. liiiclnaeii I Bend 2.rieeuis. Name. I'tt olbeo aildmi t'miiuy . rttata W? Qtnke poatat:i atampa, ami it m bailor to Maud them Man to put ailvur in a Iriier We eietiHiita tbe nta delivery m$ g -'''"d cendit inn or every Outfit that ia onteied. Tb uiaila are very inniwnuliy and ii i Uvs iv en 1 small u:t) o'o money in a common letter. If we have more apiiicninn lor agenciea liein any lei-nim ttiiin we ined lo ilo work gibe money sent for penlaue and pavkinutin (luttila ia rem mod in oimo and tbe Ouilit- ire ol i'ltune n.t acni We wl!l S ret urn the & cent sent for poatnue and piukin lu miv ptn mm who, ou reieiiii tbe ( lut lit ia mn aalirlied wttb tl tug all refcpeeta, or who. on trying ilie liitnita ia mil luily aattwhed. No one (ails all are mere iban uiir;ej How S'Afirsis I'omhict thk Businkss. The nji-ut liavmtt ordeied ami raitived an t) til til troux nr.'tiiel trom limine tn bouirg Sttbttwuifj; Hie itiiimiuolb ii lust rated paper and ele'iinl prt'iuiuit) elii omua . tieexptainB ibul t Imse w!m aubai'riba Do a imyinn only $1, will receive tbe paper lor nitre n ueuiibs, ami all i ol (be ehrmuoa hee Tbeu ouce a werk or aa oMenV g ta tbe atrunt may ttmik bual. ihe uameaot tbeaiiliHcribera aerured are lonvnnled to ua. aa anuii a a lint oi uhacrilierf A -,in received, we forward lo the Huenl (be lull aet ol li preiiiintu ebromoa lor eiti'b uliarrilivr. anil a receipt lor eat'b Oentitliug bim or tier to the paper for lifiucn month. We ihon commem e lo aend tbe iiaperb to aul.'sini era at utit-eO ftund coutinue regularly tor til teen months. Wbeu the aneut receives iho cliimuoi be L'"i-a ariuiiid anil delivera tbentffi Clo ibeaubnt iiiiei. coilet'tiiiK 1 from each; thue it will be seen th.it all counet-ied wub i tie lotaim-a perfei-t'.y pim? and easy. We (oiainutec thu tnilu delivery io good condition uf all tliAt is onlereit . if any ibiut.' ia loal ot diouacedS Obile pnashiif lbniujti lite mail we are always ready lo bll the order over apt in al our own expose Oca Ki.h;mO Hkesiiusi Chhomos. 8o miuli room would be required that we cauimi tfivt deacriptnui ol lliee U line works of )uli? art. each one of which ia worth ten ut those ordiiuinly piveu to siiioenbeia; tbeielre weaunpU kiv ibeir oamebS A .rtitles. Premium cbromo No. I is entitled Tho Mouaiehs of the Mountains. No. The l.nile Miulvni No 1 a f( i-ofchiitK tho Meadow. No. 1 Ulan 8oo Vim. I'aua. No. ft The Uullimwro OrtoU No 6-1 he Blue Jay No 7 eUuliiand let Liimh. No. i-ihir bitllo Our.len. r: No ft-Tbe Aaaa.ill on tbe Kweeia Nn hl-Tbe K.ault No ll-g tf.Motbar and , Llnltl. No. U Happy ilnurs. HpaukTixb. Many people Lave apaie time thai thev would like lo turn, ZUl n,hV A P,''ton can take an agency and earn (tiitu a sum ot monev rapidly and easily duriuii apart time Order gan Outfit M once and inve the buaniuta a trial. Now is ibe liiuu. ll Hh at I a v luiiohueor buamehs are pei-pleffi -.!iiakinKsuch irreat pay, without tbe iuvuatment of capital as are tbe amenta for the Herald At preMU thia mav beX vcalled a royal humiiuns. Many aueuts who work at the buainoas all the lime conaider it a poor day a work when the) jgdo not earn more than 10. It touts iiothintt or next to lioibniK to yive the buameaa a innl Thnau who need pr.-til O - nble work should not dohiy a day. for now is the time and dolnv ia money leal. Km; t;k ow in the bniuea if you? wittli to at all, lor it is likely that all tbe agents that are needed will sih.ii bo entiaued and thia adv eriikeuiviit may 9 gum appear in tbe nnpernjfioti. Now is the frtvumblo time lo make tho lareM proliu uhilu Hut tit-Id i new. Kl h-hihb O Sihtiao who waul the lai'noal, rheanesi, and uuhI f;iuiilv pnbliialton in Aiuertru topdhui with the lineal premium pict 7 uitif evr seen, will take ihe llendd. Thusa who read this who are not called on by our aueiil aboold aeud $1 to u$ .iii a lutter: those who do an will receive; tho premium cbronms by return mail, and will alo rei eut- tho paper reu & linly .ir one year and throe months. Keiuemher we guarantee ihe safe dalirery tn n Uoiolitiou of the prenmim bclirornoa ami of every u umber of tbe paper It uuyihiuK is lsl or damat'ed in tbe mail, we always supply it aam al9 ,our own ex pf n be. Monkv to bk maok. rapidly, eaaily, and honorably bv thoae who secure agencies No other boar A ueas pnva atieuts an well. No other busitieas nnl retiiirln a lare capital aud ureal trauaactioiis (hvk any one as well " AH agents at work are Just coin ma money. Header, you can do Jual as well aa any one if ym will but o ahead : all Aearn tnc-'tt pay. Wealth is not accumulated without etturi. but energy when properly directed, will often muke nioreg tnr.DL'y lu a short time than can be made in many years of ordinary labor. Those who secure ajiencies will nml tlmt we filiate directed Ihom in the right way to make money honorably arid easily In pleaaant biiamusf. There fa no Hnkft whatever, no capital is required for testing the liusineat. No one tun lose anything in anv event, while on tbe other A "Pttaiid. no workor can fail to make ten tunes ordinary day waes: In view of all thia those wlio read tliis who need prutll-9 gnble woik. who do not make au elfoit lo snriii e an aaency are short-aihled. aud !iuk the elements that muke sue ft eieasful men Ladiks make Lbe very beat of auonts. and at this business generally earn quite as much as men. Even? votiior boys and nia can work up their own loralinoa. thereby earniiiK a liamlsome sum without bemu awav fi uui9 ghuiue over nifrbt. Don't fail to ordor an Outfit at once and ie the buainess a trial if you wish to quickly make adk thir?e sum ol money, for thai will be a great mistake A bllle enerpy i.ut forth in tho nht diiectiou will often avcum !lihl ondrs e now need msny new aicents. The pay thai we offer Is tarire and sine. Now is the time for am. lift ;we are bore to hnvoall the amenta that we can employ to advaniaire. W keep agents supplied with all the sampled copies tiiev need. free. All. neon t a alone excepied. must send It) cent for each sainnle conv railed for Anv m eiin lo-u.nil this buaineKs succetilully who can carry around pnn on Ijfvomi a dubt. There never waa au i tH urea i.ii airunry nowenn earn imineuse pay is also ... Slm.-ivire to euj-'-je all tho at'ents that are noeded lo work up the I'tiiUai Hlates and Dominion tr Cioiada and weft .ira:ikly auiso Ilia reader who wisbos to enuauu lu the most profitable business ever put heiurv lem.lo uvu.e ml v ilitIH' fll HfH O fur am ill u t t ha fl .run la that im iikiiiIi.i1 l.a I . ..... i i " SI 61 - i-r i r i - V i .in ii e tor tli-jupid .rtuickly lillod by persona of eneriry f" r wi . i -horourlilv eat abl shed publiabinii Lul n I eder. we have but stale- candidly T ' n!' liur t i ,ry tho buin'fts there ia no chance for ' i V u n,"R.MWI xpianatloiis. coverliiK aud makinK porfecllv plain every po.tit. We can vuaran-X W. rrje:. vl'ie'-uii (iaiiu aent free io tUoso who apply for the same, bul the bent wavU tooidoran j. ... ,..-i.-nV saving inno. u,iav la ni.mov ES07AL TltWilsoniallapttlcCMMnjCiiijaiii beg to announce to the publio that In order to accommodate the greatly Increased demand forthelr Magnetic Garments thoy have re moved their principal salesrooms and offices from 63 Fulton St., Brooklyn, to ii Efcst 14th St., New York City, where all communica tions should be addressed, and all checks, draftsand P. O. orders bo made payable. WILSONIA MAGNETIC CLOTHING CO., 25 EAST 14til STREET, Wevv York City. r r.r inil'Ra. . futiieM, mutliem i children. Thomniuls yt o-tf tlrrt. Pennine fttm t uf f fliifL'r.tiif.cyt! i,r ruiinirc.vuricmt? veini r llll J Iltll-0. Th..l!-.tl'l i.f Hllf(-1MT!l ni I'AlhM M..ur..l 1..r Itnntnu. S..(ilert .timi wtirrsmt? iror.ir-fM.t,iig,timii Buld. g.il.lten i. I iK irnniiHT f-r y ur rurliid nt t-iict?. 8 cud 9 li ,1, ' ' ' "--"'"'cr. - ntin rt-n.ma wy ninl Ifntitny Itiwi lilniikf nml Itisimrtiritm. W lit I 1 rnti rel't-r to tVx'ti-mv'n f p. n 1- tu r mul THmt. ir-LJ A Mr. j H.v.iiirerrr'cJfiCo.l'fAsioH A fciS Patknt Ati'yt, I.utun; .i-. WiiBiimaioa. U. Ct mm MM LAY. An KnjHiHh V tt-riu ir;- Sinr;oii au1 Chen it, noif ri'.tvi'.int; in '-"if i'.kuiI l"'. s t h tlin.t liiuHl ol ( lie Hoi-hq n ml" "Ktil" I- mtin-ss..;il i;, re.'uv wor. UUh rush. H :i .s ti.:tt Simi iti.iii's Conlil it n li'l(;isiirr uhMttliito ! i.iut'iui i miim-iiHt'lv va'iia!i-. Nithnin on earth ivii Urn lav like sin i .tl.ui's C'oiMlilii n I'ow. .Ur.j. l"so, out- (i-itMi in-ill ii M M- pint ot lotui. Sold fvi v v.-;ien, ovmMi h- i!'i i-u-H lohiTKfunii. 1.3. JOHNSON k (!O.Jio-iiiii,.Mni w., toviiifil' U-iiiyor.Me. V i v o n t ft . 'V fi '.? '.J illii! dm ease:- vi I', .....,' 1'iiiviHiVM I'HU in.Li.f N.-w Hit:! Bio ul, ami ill eotni letelv eliatiKfi tue liloixl iu Ilia "iitire H' stein fn tiirco nifinlliH. Anv person who will lake ,ue I'ill caeli nij;li' Irom 1 to liweeks uiifcv lo restoretl in 'onnlln''tli, if -fi u t lif ti;z lie pnsfltlil, Sti 1 t'vcrvw!,! nv s j 1 )ri!l let' S letter stamps. I. s. ,lo;itiN Co. liuNiou, iIuH.t III fin I'v M,ni!-n. I i'ui i ' -mt.ua li.ii j.: O) ffOO I'litft'S (trotlit vn i I'lit.'fiidoii-i. nl isf.onut.fto : i ik l.i tli-' t ti:i a al iinrtal uf JomO ! Ac..lMM.l.is;r.o: ili-- Killing, tlie house, i.-ivj i:iino! alter iK-uili, Ins wife, hif AND .-.tj . LihUca l.urtt in uLtU.nvry. me I'orOi im in.!-it; t..e .ii.iiirc.iti -..iImhi lull pice :l ;f.v. Cimi-ink-n. AliKNTS f i v:. i'i !. t'ir tii. us lice. OLitfits40fta. r.ns .i tu ivilv out: liiiorv lit-ware of l V--'"J -in illur ul t-f tu. (he Lltmi! IHulrMrd C ii ci U V ' p in II ill n mm i iiyt"". Turi itre onty mo t !iewt, I,isryet itn it Cheufet V ," f i ll.. I 0. N" 1 "'cm ,t; i St., Ci.i. KUiatf. O. '.'. .'J't ".:' :'r--.o-i'!. i i ;riti,sfc ( a Kltl M.h l it., ( in'tl, PIVI.OYMIINT AT 1IOMr:.S5 pkh day. Nfay L JbllM.. No l't.OOI.i Nt.. b.lllll l''S mid hi-ftCt . IDC. bLLld CO., 'J. UiomticlU tstiect, boMuu, M.tB. V I'elt e;ui le nruln in a f Ineabtv, y;tUW Siiuietii.il" eutii tils. 1 .1,11.1 toll, Mus EVEUYBOIiY "WANTS IT! EVEUYi:OlY SEEKS IT I , ; ...'v : vy ..v. 1 1 mm THYSELF, JSiMl !1IE SClFXri? OK I.IKFi Oil, fcLK- it:!:si:! wriov, rs a mdirnl trntifjc on Exhausted Vitalftr, Nnou(! ind Pli'sira.1 IieliilHy. Premature Ueeliun In Man; jtau indixiirusabh; treuliHu ior every uiiiu, whothet ount;, middle aj.-nd or old. i HE frCIKNTP. OK T.TFFi Olt, SEIiF- Piii5:uv ation, ' bevond n1! reiut-.t' ou the uioft estraordinnry voi on Pii- tiioln..'. i-vt r t utilisbed. Th-rt- if nothing vh-itever that the in-ii-ri'-d or sin;-ltt can fit her re juire. orwi-h toluo but whul N Uilly exijlained.- i aonto (iiiihc. rilE Kt'lEK II" UKEi OU, fcELF IK iri:VATION. rnstrnets (V( poin lie il'h how to remain en, and thfl invalid how tu o.v. -me v. ell. ('(Uitaio-- one hundrt d ind twejit ti i- iuvauud It i peripUotiK t r all t'orioi l aeute and ehronie ui:-i ast s, lor eaeh ot which a irsi-i-liihf iilsii-jiu v.ould charge trom i-J to tl'". I.Oli'lolt .KiM f t. the kciem'e ok i.iffi ok, 8elf ii:fi uvatios, Contains lm'-ei, tine steel enrtivuips, Is superbly tound in I reiicli nnisi:u: endured, lull k'ilt. Il a narvel ot art and h ' , ' utted to be a hett-f uedieal book in ivt r s-tiian can be obtained Ucwhere for double the linen, or the uiouei will bo etundcU iu vvvi- insl.uieo. Autu n; THE fc"C'lEXK OK IJF. Oil, SELF- PKESEH V A TIOX, Is so murh BUi'erior to al) other treatises on medical ulijeetH thai comi uribou i? ubholutuly iuiobsible. Huston lltntltl. THE bCIESE OK MKEi OH, f ELF PltESC!! V A TIOX, tssont by maH, ."ffiroiy se:il'., imstpald. on receipt f i rice, only t-i.'Jf, limtv udiiiou). tiuiali Uludtratetl -ninpU's, (le. bend now. Thu uuthor can be cousulted on all diseases re liuriiiK "kill and experience. Addrew PEABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE, or V. II. I'AKKEU, M. I., 1 llu'flneli Sfrpc-t, Iokmi, ntnuff $72 A Wl:LK. a dav at Home eamlv mudn. (Mostly Outlit true. Add TiaiJt &. Co., AuKusia.Muin- 0 efi K (O CO 6 CO 0 Co V.' A f (OCO w vtui(Hmi!t tm iiui iu mm tun Mvoil 1 1 m i h ( hkU mid iiiuru lu "ii loniiuil hi4e mm (eiunt nititi Minn I ruin ; viilim of tliu iiiiainutia. hiiiI wre lint a.onpl ul tu md v r 9 I n lurv lnrur.tk ul .Netvioik wriitt eitierUny l anen un lit ,ir .Ml " X I ml ml'mui ut tl ctrk in ttie SlulD ol Mia hberul ani ever tiiey expelled u at any Im-incn (ItH A wiiini mer piacmi in the lmnii m Meno by any pnhiit: en o a tho Herald, a lurL-e i-iit ijl.tf exel'Uiiint in li'iail all ubcut tbev the Outfit aud show It tliat in a liu-t ihut i iHi,li.t,il ,iaa iuiitiuut (n iu coiiiiui'i. i io i i iiiut anv on u who eatablu iitit bavonil tbo shadow of a doubt. We aro taking r u u a cornice aa iiiik iicver reumilts openw and shrewdiieas. If you uke an aueucv l- r the ll.'iuld rmi ir..ft brn, who have the means lo do al thev po-uiso. no mat X what oiher.ared,.lnaud what wo behove veil can do. A.$ bias in any event. With each Outfit we slmk) iniVATF TVau-6 loat. Addroaa Ttll'K A Co HuluVhe'B Aiciistn Mhiiia We? 1 !: 511 r . KB! 1 H -4 Q3 IBS ill i