The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, June 08, 1882, Image 3

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personal. John Cobb, of Forest county was
jn town lust week.
Oen. Thos. Ii. Kane, was In Itldg
Vrny last Monday.
Geo. T). Ponaliey was In town yes
terday from Millstone.
Clins. McVcan, of St. Marys
visited Uldgway hist week.
Frank Nichols, of P.lue Rock, was
In Rldgway lust Friday.
Capt. Win. Kelly, of Millstone
township, was In town yesterday.
- Mr. and Mr: Whitman, parents of
Mrs. John Knnder are here on a visit.
Miss Katie O'Connor commenced
h three months' term of school nl Mill
fcreek hist Mondity.
- The "Devil" Was up to St. Marys
last week tnwc the show. Tun Anvo
t'ATK "Devil" we mean.
('has. Coilv, has finished his new
picket fence around his place on the
corner of Centre and Court streets.
Joseph Neil I of Jefferson county,
js now making his home with Ids
.in-other, Thomas Neill of this place.
-Fred Fitch has returned from the
pigeon woods in Potter county, when?
lie has been engaged trap-ping pigeons
for his father O. IS. Fitch of t his place.
James iddings, of Julian Furnace,
Centre County, and M. H. Luther of
,uthersburg, Clearfield County were
here this week looking after the L.
Luther estate.
K. Mell Boyle, correspondent of
the Philadelphia Vow mada Tin-:
Auvwatk ofjlee ' plessiint visit this
innming. Mr. IJoyle was in Ridgwuy
Visiting his many friends, at the same
time taking a critical view of the
political situation.
The commencement exercises of
the liurougli sehools took place Satur
day even in it. Miss Ada Malone, Miss
Dora Irwin, and Messrs. L. J A.
Les.-er, and Daniel Irwin were tlie
giaifimfes, ami nc (tilted themselves ad-niii-alily.
Address were delivered hy
Jicv. J. A. Sander, and Prof. (ieo. R.
SiunK. To Mr. nnd Mrs. Philip
Shirk, oT this place; a daughter, on
Tuesday, May 1SS2.
If'H.AHAY. n Thursday. .Tune 1.
1 -', to Mr. and Mrs. C. li. Iiole.diiy,
of this liorough, a daughter.
JiimriiHTox. -On Thursdav, .rune 1,
VS2, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Tirough
(on, ni'this place, a daughter.
i'lKitci:. AMIaha. On Saturday
June. 'J. -H'., hy Wm. Kelly Ksip
Mr. Henry Pierce, to Mrs. M.
A'Hara. All of Millstone Town
ship, Klk Co.
The weather continues wet and
told Many gardens uliout town have
lint yet heen plowed. On all hands
this is acknowledged to he one of the
coldest and most hack ward prings for
years past.
The Fourth Quarterly Conference
will lie held in the M. K. Church, com
liieiunig. Saturday evening at 7:1").
Services Sunday morniugnt 11 i'clock,
Sunday evening at ':". Presiding
Klder M'Crcavy will conduct the ser
viees. Lost. -On Friday, Miy 2-i, 1SS2, be
tween l'lirtland and Mill creek, a
pocket hook containing green hacks
and gold, also ccrtilleatc of deposit for
$ "n( on the Ridgway Hank in favor of
Mrs. Mary II. Uhincs. A liberal
rV'ViiFil will lie given by leaving the
ircperty at this otllce.
T,'io Itorough schools closed on
"Wednesday lasl will appropriate ex
crcises. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson were
presented by their scholars with an
elegant silver butter dish. Miss 1 Jar
Pelt, teacher of the Intermediate depart -niei.'t,
received from her Medullars a
beautiful gold pencil holder and a few
other nice presents. Miss Mabel I.ani
nreux received the prize in the I nlarine
fliato department for best attendance
i'.nd mi si progress in petimausliip, Mas
ter Frank H. Parsons, of the Primary
J'Vpartnu tit had not been absent a day
during the term, and received the
prize, a silver cup.
For tivmuiousness, wakefulness,
nilzincs; and lack of energy, a most
valuable remedy is lirown's Iron let
ters. - How to be beautiful, buy good
arivH goods tit the Grand Central, 1. &
Ji., a large lint.' of Cashmere's, Crape,
Buntings, Lawns, Ginghams etc.,
Tiie Grand Central P. & K. have
the largest assortment of Trunks and
Satchels in town.
The clothing department at P. Jk
K. Gniiid Central is very large, jtersons
wishing to purchase clothing will do
well to look tlirough the stock.
Fish buckets, Fish rods. Fish lines,
Fish hooks, Drinking cups Ac., ut P.
A K. Grand Central.
A large assortment of silver plated
Castors in stock ut the Grand Central
r. k.
A large stock of Alliums ut the
Grand Central P. & K.
Shryears of constant and most ex
cruciating pain from terrible sores all
over my body, pronounced cancer and
incurable by all except Dr. Iiartmiin.
After I was reduced to the faintest ebb
of existence Peruna saved my life and
cured me I am entirely well and doing
my house work. I had paid the best
and the worst physicians over flOOO.
Mks. M11.0 Ingram,
Allegheny City, Pa.
If you have the chills take Peruna.
stf you expect or fear them take Peruna.
Council Proceeding.
Regular meeting of town Council at
9 o'clock r. M.
C H. McCauley, President and
Messrs. Hyde, Thayer, Osterhout,
Flynn and Oyster.
Minutes of last meeting were rend
and approved.
A petition was presented signed by
sundry citizens praying that the ex
isting Borough Ordinance prohibiting
the running at large In the Borough
of cows, horses, hogs, Ac, be repealed,
or modified so ns to allow all cows to
run at large from 0 o'clock A. M. to 0 p.
M. of each day. On motion, further
consideration of paid petition was
postponed until next meeting.
Mr. Oyster, Chairman of Committee
on ordinances, presented an ordinance
prohibiting the promiscuous discharge
of Firearms in the Borough limits,
nfter consideration and amendment
said ordinance was adopted .
Mr. Thayer, Committee on printing
reported contracts made with Eugene
Miller and Henry A. Parsons, Jr. for
ncccessary printing for one year at
$ !0 each.
Adjourned. .
Cow or No Cow.
A 'long petition lias been presented
to the Borough Council praying that
the cows may he permitted to run at
large by the repeal of the ordinance
which provides for a pound keeper and
the taking in of stray cattle. It is cer
tainly not for the good of tiie town
to have this cow nuisance again let
loose upon our streets. The time is
still fresh in Iho memory of our citi
zens when it was no unusual thing
to see from a dozen to three or four
dozen head of stock on our streets. In
those halcyon days it was no uncom
mon thing for a man without a foot of
land to raise from fifteen to twenty
head of cattle and pasture them on the
streets or in his neighbors' gardens.
There is generally two sides to a ease.
And in this case no one mi tiers hard
ship by having the cattle kept ofl' the
streets, while a great deal of damage
was done by the prowling cattle under
the former system. The argument,
is made by those in favor of cows run
ning, that the poor men who own cows
depend on their eows for keeping
their families, and that to shut them
up involves great hardship and ex
pense. No account is taken of thedam
age done to the gardens, trees, and other
property of those cipially poor men
wlio own no cows by the depredation
of the running pest. During the
whole of the la- t year pound master
Wepscl only cinpoumlcd nine cows be
longing to t be it h'eli.i of the Borough,
or a total ci! -1 p those cow owning cit
izens whose cattle were taken in, of
SIS.O!). Now it would be much I eiter
fur the citizens of Hidgway to keep or
pay for keeping, ami pasturing of all
cows and other cattle belonging to men
who are so poor that it is a hardship
for them to keep their own cattle.
Tin citizens of the l.'oniugn could pay
for tic; keeping of till the cattle iu tlu
Horouyli, rather than pay the d im
age of their nti:ni!ig at large, and
save money iu the opera! ion. A 11 other
thing many people in the Borough
-.vbo own cows are in favor of the law
as it. stands. This subject will he dis
cussed more ut length us the ooniliit
Mrs. Jacob Buttert'ti is, over B.itlcr-fus-'
hariio's chop, M:iiu street, has
constantly ell baud the late t style of
human hail' good.-, ulso switch) s, nets,
and pins, Call and see them.
Fire !'i:i ;'i: s.
Hochesl-r. Pa , had a ?:Ti,ioa -fire,
Monday Emporium, is reorganizing
its Fire Company, a complete outfit,
Maud Fire Engine, Hose Heel and
Hose can be secured for l,U!i:i, mid tiie
diU'erenee in rates lor iiisiirauce (dour:
will pnv the cost iu a few years.
Let us have a FiivConipaiiy.
A large stock ot Sugars, Coli'i.cs,
green and roasted. A Iso several grades
of iine teas at Moi-re-tei's.
Prepared nomllesall ready for cook
ing, at Morgester's.
Lard, Bacon, Hani, Shoulder,
Dried Beef and Pork at Molester's.
A full line of strictly pure spices
in lb. tins and by the pound at Mor
gester's. New Golden Crown Baking Pow
derguaranteed pure crcamtartcr
goods. Give it a trial at Morgester's.
New process white wheat Hour,
something nice. Von can buy it at
A new stock of all kinds choice
canned goods at Morirostcr's.
Ladies and ai! snOereiw from neu
ralgia, hysteria, and kindred com
plaints, will Hud without a rival
Brown's Iron Bitters.
A largo lineof bright Navy Tobacco
in stock at the Grand Central P. & K.
buy it fas'; for the union.)
1 N T H E BO 1 1 0 lT i 1 1 OF H 1 DG W A V.
Be it ordained and enacted by the
Town Council of the Borough of Hidg
way. and it is hereby ordained'and en
acted by the authority of the same
1. That if any person or persons shall
fire ofl'or discharge any gun, pistol, re
volver, or other lire-arms, within -the
limits of said Borough, without reason
able ami Just cause thereof, or shall
shoot at mark or target within said
Borough, every such person shall for
feit and pay for the use of said Borough,
a fine of two dollars for each and every
Tills ordinance shall not apply to
persons owning or occupying shooting
galleries, properly enclosed and estab
lished, in said Borough.
This ordinance shall take effect on
and after June Oth, A D. 1SS2.
C. II. M'CACLEV, President.
Attest W. C. II kai.ev, Secretary.
Approved this fifth day of June, A.
D. W
J. POWELL, Cliief Burgess.
School Hoard Proceedings.
The old Borough school Board met
at the school house o J o'clock Monday,
JuneC, 1882.
Messrs'. Bardwell, Hamblen, Towers,
parsons, Schoonlng and President
Wltlard were present.
The minutes of last meeting were
read and approved.
The Secretary presented a statement
of expenses, prepared by the President
and himself, which showed that the
total expenses of the year had been
$.1-18,1.40, and as the amount of steam
heating was $112"i.00, deducting that
from (he total expenses of the district
would leave $2VW.4'I as the actual cost
of running expenses. During the
team of eight mouths an average of
211 scholars attended the schools
The cost per month being $2'J4.8n, or
$1 88.4 for ench pupil. The township
sent an average of 40 scholars a month
which at the rate offl 33.4 eacli would
amount to $112.80. The Township
board had paid on account $1"0.0!,
which leaves due the Borough from
the Township the sum of $2!iJ.8!J.
On motion of Mr. Hamblen, second
ed by Mr. Bardwell It was agreed that
In addition to the expenses as reported
by the Secretary that we charge the
Hidgway Township school District a'
drorata share of interest on Sl'Kiii. for
one year which includes interest on
the value of Borough school property,
and the-heating apparatus. The pro
perty to be rated at$;i,(lO0 and tlie heat
ing apparatus ut 11,000, which interest
would amount to 240, 00 or for the -iu
scholars from the township $1".07.
On motion it was agreed that Mr.
Hamblen be appointed to represent
the Borough Board he for an auditor to
settle the accounts between the Town
ship and Borough district, to meet at
Hall & McCauley 's ollice on June 0,
On motion it was agreed that an
order lie drawn iu favor of J. B. John
son for services as janitior for tlie
month of April 15.00 ami for the
month of May ;-M.ihi.
The Si.-ci'ct iry gave net ice that there
would be a meeting of the new board
for organization at V o'clook this eve
ning, Board adjourned nine lic.
Organization of New Board.
Board met fororgani.atioii Present
Messrs. Sclntmiiig and Parsons.
On motion Mr. Scbuming wasehosen
temporary chairman, and Mr. Parsons
temporary Si en tary.
The returns oi' last (.lection were
opened and read when it appeared that
John H. ICime and C. D. O.-terhout
had been elected for three years each,
iu place of Messrs. Jl.iinbiin and
Mr. ICinc"1, was prcscnl and took bis
place in the board.
C. D. O.-lerhout a member-elect hav
ing moved from the district, the board
proceeded to elect, a muiiiber in hi
On motion II. M. Powers was du'y
elected to 11 II the vacancy occasioned
by the removal of Mr. Osterhout.
Mr. Powers was noti.lcl of his e'ec
tlou and aj,ie;ui'ed and took his seat n)
the Boar I.
Mr. S .h:o!Miig Was elected pcruri
ni nt president.
Mr Parsons was elected permanent
i .secretary.
Mr. 1). C. Oyster w.-is chosen a.
Ticasurer for the ensuing year.
The salary of the Secretary was fixed
at .?"n. oil a year. The salary of the
trea-urer was Jlxe 1 at J per cent, for
receiving und J per cent, for disbur.
ing. On ninCon 'he rules and crdero-f
business as laid down In the Pennsyl
vania school lvgls-e-r we-.e adopted for
the government of the Board for the
ensuing year.
The time for the regular meeting of
the Board wa- ilxed at the 1st and d
Monday evenings of each mouth, at 7
o'clock at the s-hoo house.
Board ad'ettrned.
Thor-e wishing iirst, class photo,
graphs will do well to cull on II. W.
Bridges, Cenferville, Pa. Good or lio
Never buy sorrow, try a Warnnr
Corset worn by some gisid looking
lady, a full line iu stock ut tlie Grand
Central P. & K.
France is said to turn out over a
hundred varieties of cheese, but they
lire not equal in quality to the cheese
sold at tlie Grand Central P. it K.
How la Bay Wisely and Well.
In the solution of this problem, n
well Informed and trustworthy Florist
should be able to render very vidua
hie aid. The experience gained hy
handling many thousands of plants for
different purposes, year after year, and
by closely observing the results attain
ed, enable us to form at once a correct
ide-a of the plants best suited for any
given purpose. Tlie fir-t step towards
judicious expenditure for plants is to
decitlu what class of plants will give
the best results; the next, where to
place your order to secure the lines!
plants at reasonable cost. Our prices
are the lowest, consistent with honest,
faithful work, and the constant in
crease iu tlie size of our business, fur
nishes the best evidence of our ability
to serve our customers f o their satisfae
Hon and advantage. Thanking our
friends for their generous orders, I um
very respectfully,
llARKY CnAAPEL, Florist,
200 West Fourth street,
Williumsport, Pa.
Catalogues sent on application.
Henry A. Parsons, Jr. Agent Ridg
way, Pa.
For anything iu the grocery line
go to Morgi-ftter's. Goods all first
Ill Letter RealS"'"? tlio Wellsboro
pout in asterslilp.
(Plillndelphla Press.)
Washington, June 1. The follow
ing is a copy of Major George W.
Merrick's letter to the Postmaster
General resigning the Wellsboro postmasters-hip;
WELLsnono, PA., May SO, 1982.
lion. Timothy O. Jfowe, Pontmaster
Orncrnl Washington, D. C:
I herewith have the honor for tlie
reasons following to tender my resig
nation as postmaster at Wellsboro,
Tioga County, Pennsylvania.
On the twenty-fourth day of May,
at Philadelphia, I received from the
Independent Republican Convention,
the nomination of Secretary of Inter-
mil affairs for the State of Pennsylva
nia. I then gave but a qualified assent
to that action for tlie reason that I
thought it my duty to first resign my
ollle.o under tlie General Government.
That duty performed, I shall uncoil -ditionnlly
accept the nomination and
thenceforth do what I honorably can
toward the triumph of the objects of
that Convention.
While I hold my commission from
President Hayes of civil service order
No. 1, celebrity I feel that my part iu
the Convention would probably meet
your approval in being in conformity
with the views contained in a recent
letter hy Hon. Frank Hatton, First
Assistant Postmaster-General to the
Postmaster of Cincinnati, Ohio.
The objects of that Convention meets
my earne-t approval, and I can con
ceive no good reason, so fur as they re
late to the State cf Pennsylvania, why
they should not meet the approval of
the Department. In its broader
aspect, however, I can readily see how
it might incur the disapproval of the
Iu the platform adopted, "We ilc-
noiitice the system which makes "pa
troniige" and "spoils" out of public
ollicc-; we denounce the boss rule
which, when tninely endured, makes
leaders into autocrats ami reduces! the
mass of citizenship into political bon
dage; wo demand, instead of Insolence,
proscription and tyranny of bossism,"
the five and consjicntious exercise of
private judgment In political affairs,
we declare our purpose t if take up the
work which fell when Garfield fell,
and we deplore the over vhelming
evidence presented to us iu Penn
sylvania that the calamity of his as
sas-sinntion lias leen followed by an
oveithrow of tlic:-e reforms in the
hand; of his successor.
Iu other words we hold that, the per
version of the Civil Service the busi
ness of self-government from the
l be priii'-iples on which business, pub
lic or private, ought to be managed,
into a sort of lofti-ry or vast gambling
establishment in which the ollleers of
tlie country are used as prizes to be
bestowed by a tule not even npproxim
a'.ing the fa i mesa of chance but by
pure favoritism' for past or expected
services, generally of an unworthy
characlcr, is a thing no longer to be
simply deplored lii'.t resisted.
The tveeiit flagrant Instances orthost
wronys in IVnusyl vaiiin! are easily
1 raccal !c to their murcea at Washing
ton, where "Cairn ronism" tinges the
whole field of appointive power. In
Pennsylvania the term stands for tlie
bead and front of the whole infamous
I spoils system, and Camerouism in
Washington is more odious than iu
Pennsylvania, because more danger
ous. These politic:! cilmes, for such Ihcy
ere, bavearouscil the hostility, mid will
arouse the determined opposition of
riht-minde, men everywhere.
hen one of tlie two seats of Pennsyl
vania iu the United States Semi I e rep
resents nothing hut a dull autocratic
pi rsoi-alism instead of the people of
the State, and the great State itself is
nothing but an imperial satraphy
handed down from lather to son, is it
not time for the people to as'.t why
they t ball not be represented by two
United States Senators?
11 is the Chicago conspiracy "drawn
a prize iu the lottery of assassination"
by which its accidental power is to be
solidiilcd? The rule understood to he
adopted by the Hon. Frank Hatton in
the Post Oiiice Department is to "weed
out .half-breeds." If this is the Dead
Sea fruit to Avhich we are invited as
the result of tiie lamented Garfield's
death, should it surprise lis if the slain
cry aloud from the earth?
The revolution against these evils is
but initial in 1'eunsylviiuia. Like
condition produce like results
tlirough many States. The people will
not "take up arms," there is a better
way, but if the evils of misgoverunient
thus go on there will be such a sowing
of dragon's te th that even the politi
cal sagacity of a Stalwart Administra
tion may be surprise'd at the crop that
will spring up.
Politics must have foundations, but
"polil leal society is fluid not solid, and
any particle may become the cental of
a new movement. What the true man
dreams to-day may to-morrow become
the resolutions of con veiitions." Men
profoundly move for just cause, with
juire motives and the courage of their
con vt ui ions may defy the calculations
of autocratic demagogues, though en
trenched in iower.
These are no ideal abstractions, nor
is this a mere sentimental movement
of visionary idealists, nor a movement
intended to put one set of bosse-s out
and another set in. It Is planted on
the deep ground of the essential pre;,
nerval ion of the Commonwealth, and
will forever destroy "bossism" and all
their works by a radical reform of the
civil service by legislation.
Holding tlie views indicated above,
and intending to advocate them from
the platform, it would at least be inde
licate, if not inconsistent and improper,
to retain my present relations to the
Administration; and beside the labor
imposed by my nomination will besucli
as to preclude my giving proper per
sonal supervision to the duties of the
office: therefore, I hereby respectfully
resign my commission as postmaster
at this place, and will esteem it al'uvor
if my fcuecessor can be at o need named.
I remain, very respectfully,
Geo. W. Mi.kkcik, Postmaster.
From The Phtlailelphln Leitnor (I ml.)
The Republican Independents gave
many signs of sure faith In their mis
sion. There was not only full force or
numbers, but lntene force of feeling,
and superabounilliig enthusiasm. The
first thing to be said about this ticket
collectively is, that it is composed en
tirely of men of clean public and pri
vate reputation; and, next, that the
nominees are nearly all in the vigor of
young manhood.
From The Philadelphia Telceraiili (In'l. Itep.)
Here Is the work of tho Independent
Republican Convention the first real
Republican Convention which has
met In the Htate for, lo! these many
years. And what will the people do
about ii? Mr. Cameron and his poor
dupes will find that out now right
soon, sooner Indeed, than they expect
There is no mistaking the spirit of the
hour to thoso who want to see clearly
The cloud of a little while ago, then no
bigger than a man's hand, lias rapidly
spread from East to West and from
North to South until its threatening
blackness covers the whole Pentisyl
vanhi horizon, and the rumbling and
muttering of the comlngstorm Is heard
on every side.
From Tho Wllkcslmrro Record of tho Times
To stacd hy the Independent ticket
means a Republican .defeat for the
year, and it may mean a Democratic
Legislature two years hence, but this
Is a hundred times better than an un
conditional surrender to tho personal
politics that has made Republicanism
iu Pennsylvania a mockery', and sub
jugated good men Into political slavery
A party that is reduced lo this condi
tion is not worth saving. It has lost
all power for public usefulness, and
become a mere machine to execute the
pleasure and contribute to tiie profits
of individuals,
mohi: roi'i'L.VT. than Tin-: hkgular
From The T.nne.i.str r New Era (Rep.)
He is blind to tiie signs of the limes
who docs not see that if the bosses
persist Iu kceplngtheir already muti
lated ticket in the Held tne Republi
can ticket nominated on Wednesday
will carry with it tlie popular senti
ment and a plurality vote of the party.
KIVK C.VXlHIlATKs'mrT oxi.y kioiit
From Tlie West .Chester Village lleeunt (Hep.)
The lnd( pend nts wi l probably
"point with pride" to tiie fact that
they have only eight legs among their
five men, and have made a complete
"soldier ticket" except the c.iudidate
for Judge of the supreme Court.
A SfitOXU TH'icirr.
From 'I he I2asloa Free Press; Hep.)
It is a strong ticket from beginning
to end. It is a thoroughly Republican
ticket, composed of men of the highest
character in public and private Mai ion.
Tlie conven'ion rose to the renulre
ments of reform and proved that it
eou'd select an exceptionally good
ticket that must command the respect
of every Re publican.
co.mmkndi nvsrxr.
From Tho Plttsbiii-a Dispatch (In I.)
The ticket is a strong one. It is
strong in its personnel and displnys
much political tact in the judiciou s se
lections with respect to locality. The
candidates arc Republicans of reputa
tion, worth ami ability, and the tickt'l
wiil commend itself to the goo l citi
zens generally, even without the in
spiring expression of principles con
tained in the ringing platform which
the convent! m adopted.
From Tlie .Vl'may Journal (Rep.)
This Independent movement may
bring temporary defeat, bid if it sb:ill
re-sult in a radical puriiication of the
party in its methods and actions, the
temporary saerilice will insure abun
dant compensation in enduring har
mony and success in th i future.
von rkfoum wirntx Tin-: party..
From The Hyviicusu Journal (Ki p. J
It is a good rule to settle political
differences within the party lines,
rather than to go abroad for redress.
From The Syracuse Ktiimlm'd (Uep.)
Henceforth with those Republicans
of Pennsylvania Civil Service purifi
cation, as well as party regeneration,
is a foremost issue, yielding iu im
portance to nothing else.
From Tlie Flnitra Advertiser (Rep.)
The convention represented tho ad
vanced and progressive element of the
party. Ho far as its utterances and
platform are concerned it spoke for the
people who are tired and sick of boss
ism iu politics and wlio believe in a
genuine Civil Service reform.
From The Rochester pemueiat und Chronicle
The movement is certainly an
earnest one, and begins with an en
thusiasm and a vim which must in
spire serious views of the situation, not
only iu Pennsylvania, but in other
States as well. Should the revolt
prove successful iu the Keystone State,
its widening effects may bo of the
utmost importance to the party and
to the country.
From Tho HulTiilo Express (Rep.)
Tlie ticket yesterday nominated at
Philadelphia by the Republicans of
our sister Slate is one of those clean,
strong, creditable tickets which it
cheers every patriotic heart to eee put
in tlie field by a political party.
From The Xewurk Advertiser (Rep.)
Tlie immediate result of the move
ment may prove disasterous, especially
to Cameron, and apparently to the
Republican party for tho tiwie. Rut
probably there could be no better time
for'tue Republicans to grasp the situa
tion in its entirety.
From Tho Boston dVfirtlsor (Rep.)
Hueh a convention Iu Pennsylvania
has an Important signllloance. The
men who liavo committed themselves
to this course may not succeed at the
polls this year; but they are on the
side of right and the winning forces of
public: opinion. If not this year or
next year, they will sometime win the
battle which they have courageously
begun, provided they falter not in the
a ii.vTTLF. von ttrcruoLinAN nioirra.
From Tho Boston Journal (Rep.)
The Cameron despotism has seized
the party machinery so that reform in
the old organisation Is slow and un
certain. It is possible that some, ar
rangement may yet lie fruide, but It Is
scarcely probably. The conflict will
be viewed with Interest throughout the
country ; and the mass of progressive
Republicans who appreciate all that
Camoronisni means in Pennsylvania
will sympathize with the; Independ
ents in their battle for the rights of
Republican voters.
From Tlie Huston Triinscrlpt (Uep.l
Very little taint of compromise can
be detected in tiie tone and spirit of
this remarkable meeting. The candi
dates nominated by it are all vouched
for as men of high character and large
intelligence. Whatever influences of
a personal nature may have led to the
Inception of the movement, circum
stances have forced it into nn un
reserved Civil Service reform position.
fiulMruifi mtrn funnel In or for rniv
ens it viU not cui-a cr vAk UJZ223XtA
I'uurx via i'itivly a vool c in pound.
iv 19 jivb t'u;' iivu i'j miy or mi (i hit i
;it is la uu'j. C:.::Zjzml.
i'i:nur v 3 t.'T ivstq efe;v.ivoiv nwa
-' vl) l !; li-Hu-! t '!iv:l( !tti.h thru nny oilier i
iU--Jc; n iv..ji.'fl! t::ei:ivic;.slon. ft
nil 1. 1 I.... I,. ,,1 I. ,1. CtmpMl!
Tor ii'Vrr'llfrit f-vt-r, rJjiKa'fiml f?;'f-r53
u;unh n ;itc, iuf-iliiMoromiiiy is it, hum A. 1 I
J-! lnnttnr v;i"t yonr t le-iso Isu whtT In- u
t.llfll, U'J J I 'II Jellllu I I ll la 1'lfIIR Ol" 1C1MH!'
'out ciu-o l.-r l'Lui..v. uyiSrsmn
Tell your tic'.ijlibors youv friomH tliM
Pr.lU N.Y H tho i.nlv rniiipfiv. tnul will cunt
yuti nutl Mi.'Hi. Scntl fop ii luinitlilot.
8. H. IIAKTMAJf &CO Oborn.Ohio.
Ibr wliir "
'Hill bllOUTEST, WLICKESt' and
Ana lli5iL(5s niCST linn to St. JmeDh.
point! In IowaiJQ-Urliliiim, Toprka, Dn.
ai, cw Mexico, ArlzuDa, M i ' i5:' Teston,
tana aiel T''xnw.
Thig l.ouic lias no BuptTUir lor Albert
1 l(nnIial.,Llla K A at II...
, TC?7 Katlonnlly reputed aa
ly conceded to ,i.,s ,i!0
be tho best equlppeqS!SThr0uahcSr
Hallroad In tlie World forihLn,g
All connectlona mada
In Union
Through VOX yViV Trytt.
Tickets via thlvT jC j and you will
Celebrated Line 'o?S'JOfv' And traveling ft
sale at all ollicea InyI SJoJV. luiury. Instead
me o. o. no V. S. QAJ"
of a dla-
about llatea ofrU
Fare, Sleeping Cars, X-tf
S pc. cheerfully given
Id FlM Pru't Otn'l Manager, Qtn. Prui. Agl.,
Chicago, 111. Chicago, 111.
Thousands of graves are annually
robbed of their victims, lives prohTi'eil
happiness and health restored by the
use of the great
Impoteiicy (caused by excesses of any
kind), Seminal weakness, and all dis
eases that follows as a sequence of
Self-Abuse, as loss of energy, loss of
memory, universal lasitiple, , pain in
Hie back, dimness of vision, prcaiaturc
old age, and many other diseases that
lead to insanity or consumption and a
premature grave . .
Send for circulars with testimonials
free by mail. The IX VIGOItATOR
Is sold at $1 per box, or six boxes for
." by all druggists, or will lie sent for
by mail, securely sealed, on receipt of
price by addressing
V. J. CriEXP.Y, Drug-lst,
1ST Summit St., TOLEDO, 'OHIO.
Sole Atrent for the I'niteel States.
The iiKift woundert'ul curative rem
edies of the present day, are those that
come from Germany, or ut K'ust origi
nate there. The niost recent prepara
tion placed upon the market in Ibis
country, is the GREAT GERMAN
IX VIGOR ATOR, which has never
been known to fail in curing u
ease of inipotenoy, spermatorrhoea,
weakness and all diseases resutlng
from self-abuse, ns iierveoiis debility,
na bility, mental anxiety, languor,
iissitu lo, lE'pi'LMslou of spirits and
unctionul derange men tsof the nervous
ystein. For sale by elrugg Ists, or sent
ree by mail on receipt of the paico
l.'X) Sole.Vgent for the United States
end for circular. For sale by Chas.
MeVean, St. Marys, Pa.
Letter-Heads, Rill-IIeads, Note
Heads, Envelopes, etc., at the Advo
t'ATK oilice.
"Seaside Library" 100 copies last
Issued Nos. Just received at Craig's
Drug and Rook Store.
4'lielleof Ridjiway," a cigar that
will please tiie most fastidious, to be
found only at Craig's Drug Store,
Business Cards.
Main street, Rldgway, Elk Co., P;
Particular attention given to the
examination of titles, til-Mi V pater g
and patent cases.
Office In new brick building, Maid
street, Rldgway, Elk Co., Pa. W-t
Over twenty-five years practice.
Office on Mai'ii Street, Rldgway. Pn...
opposite the liogrt. House. Oftico
hours from 1 to 2 unci 7 to 8, P. JI.
. i , .
Late of Strattanvllle), riiytfebrt nn
Surgeon, Rldgway, Pa. .Office ii
Hall's Rrick P.u'ilding (up stairsl
References J. 1). (Smith, , Ii. Ii.
Young, R. Rulnfson, Ktrattan ville ;
Major John Kitley, W. W Green
land, Clarirn. Otllce hours 1 to 'Z
P. M. and 7 to P. M."
X. W. corner of Main and Mill streets.
Rldgway, Pa., full f-ssrrrtniont of care
fully selected Foreign and Domestic
Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis
pensed at all hours, day or night,
W. II. SCIIRAM, Proprietor;
Ridgway, Klk county, Pa.
Thankful for the patronage hereto
fore so liberally bestowed upon him,
tlie new proprietor hopes, by paying
strict attention to the comfort and con
venience of guests, to mrit a continu
ance of the same. octH'i'iin
nnd Rugglcs to let upon the most
reasonable terms.
liyile will also do job teaming.
Stable on Elk street. All orders left
at the Post Oilico wi' I recive prompt;
free to any add revs.
Florist and Seedsman,
Willinmsoort, Pa.'
IIkxky A. PAn.soxs, Jr., L,ocal ug ut
Knlgway, Pa
w 3
: t.f; m a
No. 42 Main St.
hard wap e,
stoves And
W S Service, Ag't.'
Office Hochs. Kroin 0 to 12 a. m.,2 to 5
and 7 to 9 p. in. Itenldeiinfi nmn at i '
deuce, opposite F.Ik County Hank, Main
Oil UL'l,
Iti'iteit e" lhepco,,e' Patronnxe .o-
Orders for flowers. tmk:
from Harry Cliaapel's greenhouse,
viiiianisport, will receive prompt i t,-'
tention if left at Tun Advocate1
Perforated card board. tmM nmi
silver, plain and flowered, at The;
ADVOCATK Oflle'e.'
Mourning paper and envelopes at
The AdvoOatk olllee.
Peruna nnd Manalin are the twr'
kings of the Materia f,;.,ii,;
W b nt-jbAf.MKi ft mn
G3 o o "p ari
S Ifgo Gig
N 3 5 r o 1
6 s P a m
Ml M- I II ' r Ki CI"" '