m Mm Henry A. Parsons, Jr., Editor THURSDAY. MAY 254 1882. Entered, at tub Post-office at RlDOWAT,"rA., 'AS SKCON'D CLASS MAIL MATtKlt. - " " REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET.. - ' For Governor. . . ; . JAMES A. BEAVER, of Centra County. For LleuTennnf-Oovernor, ' W. T. DaVIES." of Bradford County, For Judge of the Supreme Court, WILUAM HENRY RAWLK. of Philadelphia. tot Beervtary of Internal Affair. JOHN M. GREER. - of Butler. For CongTMsman-ftt-LnrKe. -THOMAS MARSHALL, of Allegheny. Recommendation by the Postmaster General. Washington, May 22. The post master Keneral, In response to a roso lution oftne" bouse to-day sent a letter to the speaker, In which he reconi ineuds that postage, on. - second class natter (papers un magazines) be abolished. He also stated that fourth class (merchandise) is rarried n( a Joss to the government, Und If the; govern ineut is to be ax,ed for transportation of eltherclassft sbduld be for the second class instead of the fourth. t s '.- - Peruhft will ruuke your blood pure and heathy. A tabbed .physician of New York, writes to a friend; "I have in my mind a sufferer from gravel and a com plication of kidney disorders, that was permanently cured by the use of Prof. Ouilmette's French Kidney Pads." The druggists sell them. ROBBED. Thousands of graves are annually robbed of their victims, lives prolonged happiness and health restored by the use of the great' GERMAN INVIGORATOR whichposltlvely arid premnnently cures 1 in potency (causeu ny excesses oi any kind). Bentihar weakness, and all dis eases tfiat follows i as a scuuenoe of Self-Abuse, as loss of energy, loss of memory, universal lasitude, rain in the back, dimness of vision, pre:nature old age, and many other diseases that lead to insanity or consumption ana a premature grave Bend for circulars with 'testimonials free by mail. The INVIGORATOR is sold at $1 per box, or six boxes for S6 by all druggists, or will be sent tor by mall,, securely sealed, on receipt of price by addressing V. J. CHENEY, Druggist. 187 Summit St., TOLEDO, OHIO. Bofe Agen.t for the United States. The most wounderful curative rem edies of the present day, are those that eome.(reffl Germany, ox at Jegt . origi nate there,. The, wost,rece,nt.prepor.a... tfsn placed upon the niarket in this country, is the GREAT GERMAN IN VIGOR ATOR, which has never been -known to fail in curing a single oase of impoteney, spermatorrhoea, weakness and all diseases resitting from self-abuse, ns nerveous debility, inability, mental anxiety; languor, lassitude, depression of spirits and functional derangementsof the nervous svste'm. ' For sale by druggists, or sent free by mail on receipt of the paice fl.00 BoIeAgent for the United htates Send for circular. For sale by Chas McVean, St. Marys. Pa. COLDER STAR STOVE Tiki. LEADS THE WORLD. SO.OOO IN USE I YTdZm Ordinary Jieronone. Sskts sal Cooks Estal is any Cosk ttora. SOD FOR KEW CIRCULAR. XYERS, 0SB0BN & CO., OkK HAMUPAeTtlltfoa, OIlMTSAKD, OUI fSR.Iwiti 4S. LUB STSCS, CHICibO. CALL ON OUIt LOCAL ACCNT. PIANOS. " ' SJ60 up.XStool, Cover and Book). Elegant si1 Urand, 3 strings, full AerafTes, every improvement, only 1245. Cabinet Urand Upright fio and $250. Other Grand Holiday Bur ralps. Jubilee Orgaus, $55 un (Stool nflBabk). Exeelsior, style 4-, Five sees e-f Reetls 16 Hops, only 87. Oriental,' style 103. Ten set of Reeds, 20 stops, only 12. No. "bouus" sets of reeds or dummy" stojis. All sent on 16 4aytrlal,rttoi free ij unsatis factory. Fair and honest dealing guaranteed... Sheet Miisio t price. Piano. Oria, or Music Catalogue free MEJJDEUririOHN FIANO CO., Box ie8, N. Y. ORGANS. . '.. NOTICE. Tb llrni of E. W. Rulfe A Co., has this day been dissolved by mutual cou aeTjt. 'Tbe boainesa vt ill be closed by the undersigned April Stfth, 1882. V ." ; E, W. Roi.fb. .,. .Wtlee'of Copartnership.,. iWmi the undersigned, have this day fbrrued a oopartnersblp under thesty I and .flrm name of E. W. RoKe A Mrother. for the ruaiiufacture of Lum and transacting a general Mercli Mdfase' boalnesa. Having Increased facilitlee we. are prepared to fill all rdra at shortest notice.. . W. Rolef. H. D. Rolfe. 111-, Pv, Aprt 1st, 1881 Failing! That is what a great t many people are . dying, '. They don't know just what '. is the matter, but they hayc , ' , a combination of pains and - aches,. and each month they. grow worse. . , .' . The. only sure remedy yet found is Jtapwx's I ROM BiTttfts, and this "by rapid. and thorough assimflatioa with the blood purines aad enriches it, and rich, strong blood flowing to every part of the system repairs the . wasted tissues, drives out disease and gives health and strength. This is why Brown's Iron Bitters will cure kidney and liver diseases, consumption, rheumatism, neuralgia, dyspepsia, mala- ria, intermittent fevers, &c. M S. NhSi., Btltiiaere. I u a pes snVcnr irom Dyspepsia, aad for 1 weeks could est aothingaaw ni growing weaker every lar. I tried Browa'i Iron Kitten, aad am happy to say I now bte a good appetite, and wa ertting stronger. Jos. McCawlsy. .. Brown's Iron Bitter is not a drink and does not contain whiskey. It is the only preparation of Iron that causes no injurious ef fects. Get the genuine. Don't be imposed on with imitations. PM DPWiPnt iuj n iiiuu. OVER A MIL LION Of Trot Ottllmatte'i Kiiiisy Fads hare nlrearty bvon sold lu this country anil In France every one of which liae given perfect SHiiareciion and ha per- permed rurae every time when uoed ac cording to dlrectluni. We now say to the afflicted and doubt ing ones that we will pay tne above reward foa single " ease OT LAME BACK Thnt thePsJ fnlls to cure. This treat remerty will Tosltively unit pennaneniiy cure i.uni hniro, Liime Buck. Krhitlcn, On.vi'l. Ilbeles, continence ami Kten'in of tus Urine. Pnln la, tha KHI'lt. Hltlll 'Or lAJfllB. .MjrVUUR .VVHK- iii-ss. und In fuel Mil ojnoru.!rs 01 me inanuer nnd ITrlnary HryaiiK whether contracted by private uitense or oincrwibe. LADIES, if' you are suffering from ir.miii. WpAkni.Hn. Iueorrhteft. or anv oil. ease of the Kldne a. Biddder.or Urluarv Or- gunn. YOU CAN BE OUR ED I Without awallowiDK nau&ooui laedtciuet, by Imply wenring PROF. OUlLMETTE S French Kidney Pad, Which Cures by Absorption. Aik vour druuelst for PROF. GUIL.MET- rwi i.Mii,h Ki.innv l'an. una tiiae uu uitinr, if h im not ot it. lend fi.nu and you will receive the pad py re-.urn rnnii, . TESTIMONIALS FROM 1 HE PEOPLE. JUDGE BUCHANAN, Lawyer, Joleuo, 0..im.vs:, One of Prof. Gullmette's French Kidney PmiB fured me ol LumbRKO In three weefca i,re Mv case had been alven uu tiT uia bent Doctor aa Incurable, During all thin time I "uttered untold agony and paid out large auma or money." GEORGE VETTEU, J. P. Toletlo, O I turret ed for three yeara with gdnttoa and Kidney Dltteme, and often bad to go about on crutchen, I wur entirely end permanently cured after wearing Prof. Gullmette'l Freuoh Kidney Pad four ween. BQUIRE N. C. 8COTT, Bylvanla, O ' I have been a great nunVrer for 10 yeara in, itriirht'a iiipikb of the Klduevn. ror weekaata lime I waa uname to get out oi bed; took barrel of medicine' but they give me only, temporary relief. I wore two of Prof. Gulinietta'i Mldney Pada alx weeka. and I now know thtt I am entirely cured." M RS. HKLLEN JEUOilE. Toledo, O "For rear I have been confined, a great parlor the time to my bed, with Lucorrhoa anri female weaknea. I wore one Of Oull- inette'a Kidney Pad and was cured In one month. . . . . . H. 11. GREEN, hole sale Grocer, Findland, O; "Tanffered for 25 year with lame beck and In three week Dernianeirtly cured ty wear ing one or rroi. uuiinieiir a NYrrrwi,. it. F. KF.KSI.ING. M. D. Drnsreist. Lntrn n snort, lnd, Vlien aendinar In an order for Kidney Puria. wrliea: '! wore one of the flrat oni we tutu ami i receiTPti more neueub mmi than anything I every uned. In fact the I'ii la rive brtler aenernl aullffiictiou than any Kidney remedy we ever aolil." It A Y & MlUhJlAUtll. wroeeisTa. Hsnuiliul, Mo. V are wnrkina uu a lively trade in your Pad, and are healing of good results from tbem every day." Prof. Gflilmette's Frencli LIVER PAD. Will positively cure ever aua Ague. Tiunih Al'ii. Airue Cake. Bilous Fever, Jaundice. DyseHla, and all Liver. Btoniach and ki.wI Pripotl.60 bvniaii. Bend for Prof. Ouilmette's Tr.atise on the Kid ntvs and Liver free by mail. Addresa FRENCH PAD CO.. 'loledoiOhio. Vnrvuflle bv Cbaa- McVean, ;. Bt. Marys, Pa.. CUTTHISOUT! aS;s S1512 S40 wV.V Wa have stores In 16 leadlnar Cities, from wWoh oar agraU oMam tneir upj"" 1"f, Our Faetartea il riinjpai.,7r"; kite. Pa. Soud lo haw CaJaiaaM ti ruia tn airtinla adorM Vln countries where malaria iapre valeut, or where tbe climate is subject to sudden changes should be found, iu every bouse Brown's Iron Bitten. TREASURER'S 53 ALES OF TJN- 4 SEATED LANDS. 4903 NOTICE Is hereby given -that, agreeably, to an Act. o( Tftssepihly passed the lain nay or March, A. 1. lHifi. entitled "An acttoauietid an art directing the mode of selling unseated lands for taxes and other puriKStea,'.' and the several suiiolenionis thereto. altnatnt lii I'.lk mtnnlv. iVfinaViVtiin .' Ulv will l exposed toa!e-iy -publws-vent ...... - - . - 1 4101 due or outcry, at the- eurt.tlHHise in K1iiiruv. in anlil oounlv. nil tlie avi'iw t limn hiv '-lnwil 4104 N EXT, being the : 1 ? -' " ' '' ' 4104 UlO ,1 12th DAT 0V JCNE" 2WV.;-l8ft!- for the arreai-agos' 4f-taxe4 tWT' the years 1 880-8 lvi less the toss ace-paid prior t o saiu uu; , -v.;- :, 4106 BENEZETTE TQWNSMH. : War Acres.' WarMtaetOwatrsonts. 6432 923 James Ptukev ' . .109 08 6338 1067 James Stokee .. .122 00 5335 1047 Jauies Btokea ' i'J3W 53S8 10B7 James Wtokea v- ' 2P6 74 M44 1087 iatueaiStAkee"- ." .172 00 1 6845 hwt jamcs Btoaee fMO 1067 Jfttnee Btokes l 80 M47 10T James ptokea ixou 9348 1067 JameatokM !0i 74 U106 687'J 4B James WoKee . jw.i 6380 1100 Jamee Btokea : 177 00 1 4 6388 800 James Btokes . WIOOl 5884 1080 Jame Btokes 420 00 f 6387 1100 James Stokes 800 00 6349 10C8 James RtoUes - 201 60 6342 1100. James Stokes ViOOO 6mift ono Jtnfn RtnUB . "Mi oa 6334 1100 Myron Merrill " " 157 DO h - oau. iiuo Amos .nernn r ; a do uu 5287 275 Amos It Merrill -r,vt 6V83 276 Amos H Merrlit B 3 5289 22S Aivos K MerriU .01 T4 6890 1IO0 Jones. HrfninioDd&O 84 549 1100 Jonathiui BmwD . 4?4 494 845 Nathan AV EIU ' 7)4 00 1-4995 458 Addison Hwactwood A Co - '129 74 5S41 900 Cornelius Wainwrlg lt 6 fto 5012 5479 5479 wo Miles netit . ' 00 500 Miles Dent . 67,24 100 Mllee Dent 224 Miles Deut south end of 8 74 5479 6473 5011 tirvey 00 M ilea Dent eoutbweat corner CO Miles Deut eoutbeast corner . 35 50 700 10 40 481 5000 450 John Brooke 890 John Brooks i . 481 H. C. Btuldlng 550 H. V. Knauldinc " 51 50 114 24 110 00 4997 5981 5023 .03 00 ' 6 74 van oo . 8 74 10 60 2Hh J no Jobusou undf vlded i 1 1100 Ilexeklah Mir . 60 Andrew Dent , 61 Hamilton Dawn.. 150 William Phsnuon 110 David 8. Johnson 650 Henry Bttieli -. '.r ; 990 Kin tityJk Barrows .. 6S89 502 5479 4994 5822 ' $4 24' St 50 St 50 luooo 5340 6001 4996 loo Kinney Barrows from Fitch A Boyingtoii 29 24 990 J. G. Rending A Co. : 896 00 990 J. G. Rckdilii; A Co. 22 24 6003 6013 SOl 4 5009 B90 J. (1. Readine A Co. 208 50 990 J. G Resiling A Co. 9S0 TrullDcer.Croit AOo. 283 00 5010 Fitch A BoviiiKton iPSOO 134 John A D.S'.Johuaon . -:16 30 392 John A D. H. Johnson 37 74 990 Bliatler t Johtjson ' SS9 50 605 Julius Jones 116 60 28 Julius Jones 8 60 650 Hniith. M'Cortnio A 5024 5025 5003 6482 64H2 5S30 Mann 6343 1100 CooK A Pardee . 6479 50 Levi liitke ' ' 6478 1040 St. John A RothrocV. 5011 930 8t. John A Rothroek 6477 lbX) 8t. Jobt) A IloUirock 220 0 aw. .333 60 I5KH4 M34 14 24 15 74 16 74 C04. 54K1 sou Jl. Merrinian 5022 65 Ainanda ApVer' 5022 66 Maria P. Johnson '. 5024 691 Maria P. Johnson.' 5023 288 Mai ia P. Johnson . uiioi.ioenf " si si P7i". Jm Ktir from 'Martin Knz 3 ?a 6023 28 Jos. Enzfroru Martin Kn - . l w 5020 W R. Winslow Ftate ' 174 5l20 . 9t0 do do '- ,iw i Wi'it 875 An . rio ....... HO.7.4 5015 'J'.iO ' do do ' 19 7. S027 T90 do " do' ' 0 "24 5026 tm R.AVlnsIow Estate 75 50 6014 100 R. Wlnslow F.stata t . I f,H27 200 It. .Wiunlow Estate Helmer A Johnson lot .xs oo ifS 13-H0 Tl. Wlnslow KsUte Brceiiwey xo uo 109 R. Wlnslow Estate.- .13 40 206 R. AVinalow Estate . 42 24 107 R. Wlnslow Estate' .12 24 BENZINGER TOWNKHrP. 4089 142 William C Black ' ' 4 54 4116 76 John Milne .... . 24 a J47 NeUonsJ. Wlnuner Z 11 140 Nelson J. Wluiuier JS 7J, HS) .7K r-.-.A t,.Uot . . . 21 61 4107 f . - . 4883 -880 J. J..Lawrenoe-fvNw ; t Matron . . t ,iisj 4882 828 J. J. Dawr.ence fr. N. Matson J 277 04 4969 4960 990 J. J. Lawrence 80660 200 14. G. Wllliatue . 6172 80 H. H. Williams . .17 66 220 Gilbert Williams . 66 10 4S58 4958 40bl 4961 Sisi1inMi Kntnira Kruith ' 66 70 60(fjanies Bonier Bniith . 144 S4j 90Ianies Bomers BiuitU 20 21 900 James Botuera Bniith 246 84 4992 4106 50 A. Hobos w a 6Z 826 Eariey, Brickel Hite ' Vine road, Nos. T, 16. 1Z, 19, 21 A 23. . ;109 54 67 Eariey, Brlckel AHlte -Vine road, Kos.13, 74 '' ' !W 4104 4106 1414 Eariey, Brlckel A Hlt477 08 4107 834 280 71 02 78 8S5 U 801 92 844 06 888. 68. 2S.r.8 274 Ik) 23 98 7 66 4108 4109 4110 4U1 4115 890 996 897 1025 ti ii 4116 1049 443 980 4407 4408 107 29 26 4886 ti Brussels road, E- i of No.-80 . 26 Eariey .Brlckel A Hite Brussels road, E. i of No. 84 36 Eariey, Brlckel A Hite 200 " V ;'' . 0 94 4886 8 39' 9 70 67 82 4976 2857 990 West Creek M t'g a Mln. Co. 9f,0 " " " 335 38 386 38 499 09 803 87 .884.37 4878 4879 1483 i. ... it . , 4944 900 -4945 990 " . . . ' &'2 T.vman Wilniarth 2274 Fj,tute : '274 68 990 Eugene Payn i 828 24 4905' 48861 Martin fionf Ec hbacb 150 4887 4115 - roaI.Noa. J4, .lA17. 8 .8p 50 Edward .Delebunt Vine street, Ntri.ll'eV ' 12' ' r- . v f. . .16 M 25 J. B, Baiee ..,..vJ,;.r,.H 23 rsj George Wela . , ' ,..17 86 300 Palmer A Vo. . ' ' ' 61 20 29 Daulel. Fresler 'No; " 7 Cherry road '. TOO 60 Datilel Frat-ier Noa. . 8 A 6 Maple road . . , 12 76. 4968 4976 4115 4110 4060 275 Augustus vtoiie From Tbos- Liickehb'aeh 73 M 4404 4404 4406 623 KheUlou," fctreblgb Bates . 117 11 11711 622 622) 146 88 144 88 4400 4407 4408 622J 420 it n 600 tl 168 80 4076 1088 288 83 040 1100 U Mazy M'Qaban, V 60 Mar jlXecnsn, lSo.i8 and 84 24 F. Moore 63 or . M Earle 3301 1056 "UdOr'i-.aiA :';' AH 64. 4407 J . .... 74 00 220 two I V 2 Owner?'jhffnoKh ' ';sv : i N W.rflrtrosstreet -1.02 JttvKKNeV -Storer , ' toadt'frn'tfii '- 16 82 . iwad. K03..47 atid H 26 19 '2 O- at -Karley -r-,Vne . -rMtd3Voa.tB atitl U ; .8 0' 60.C.E ;KarlevrfPpplr k- lu rcurt, etW 8 84 IC: JEafley-lpIsi' - : t 1 ' road, tttur ' " 4108 ; e " R . Early -jFph j . . : ,JFoad.yo.,lB2l,2a.S6. . aiidH-- 4 : 87'63 24 U B Barley Iltckoty 4QS' ria, xio. 17 a 47 4100 . 41 C, A Eariey Vine - road, Nos. 81 and 38 0. VR-Earley Hick ory : V ' road, Noe. 18 and 2f 14 89 I S 84 " u A-ariey ropiar road. No. 31 " ' ;;;3M?Eartey Chestnut , toad, Wo. 29.. 2 f UEarley-Chestnut road. No. 30 735 )07.' . .8 47 4107 8 47 25 C B Earlev Chestnut roh( Na 2V ) . 47 60. C R Eftriey East . 4107 - road. Nost25 and 27 10 64 4.1 OS 60 C R Eifriej- East Chestnut roa Nos. .1 - and .. 0 " R Eartey East .Vine road. Nos. 2 and 4 ' - .. a" . , ' 25" R-vEarley Maple 16 84 4108 10 64 roao, ffou .6 96 4110 if io 4110 4115 4fl6 . 4115 4978 4970 480 4876 4697 44 TS .,1 R EarJey Olean' and Maple-road. No. 1 19 " R EartetVstMa; 7 66 pie rond,:N. J 61 R Ear1e'-(nierry 6 81 road, No. Oand 2 . . . 17 84 76 ' R - Eariey Cherry road, Nos, 0. U and 18 2519 62 " R UhrleV- Cheery, ' road.'Nos; 3 and U 17 48 60 " R EarleV-Cltestnut . ' roadvJS'fit.47au4il9 10 84 ; ?00 "JS-Eariey-1880 tax ' 8t 78 170 "R. KarIiy!l8Bl tax 87 1 T0 R EarlfV11 " 154 82 m WlntrVi Ersel i. :117 82 .FOX TOWK8H1P, . 207.C R EarleTownsepd . - Fall lot . . . 90 MJoliaar?Ketn ' ;-2 BartayiJfickl'''-e 61 75 29 88 4017 . tlu. j l 47 84. 4,078. 4081 4087 ...49 parley wlVickel ;. Hite. . 105 Eariey :')?rlc1tel A Hlte- ' 144 Eariey; Brlukel .. 11 00 0 73 24 00 151 06 40S7 727 Earle, , .rivkr A ' Hite,y " - "' 4098 268 Eariey? .JBrickel- A Hite . .r- . 4S74 263 EArley, . Brlcktl A Hite . . 4082 807 Eariey, Brlckel A Hite' 402 si 45 BF Taylor A L'O: t 4890 320.1 B Ii Taylor A Co . . . 66 40 83 20 83O0 24 HO 78 24 125 00 112 05 48 00 401 4b B F Tavlor A Co 417 4190 ' 4190 4900. '4-'74 ' 4274 " 4087' soft I tstOHaiiuab fcaruard 439 O W' Wlfhtaker 600 RIMiardtCrardner Richard Gardner ,486 H A Btep.bene ' 200 Gedrge C White ' 116 20 74 70 78 86 .'85 17 ' 20 George'tCtonM - . 100 Will AUple -',, 4 . . ' r6 Arniel Twrlty""' ' 60 Horace IiUtw ' . r SSOHotwe ilnlep.fron) . . t-ounty , .8 ao- m ,12 45 20 75 4271 42471 4'i73 4247 42461 4247 4245 I 4244 f 4274 4097 4097 4t8 -; 124 69 . - la 72. Nbl Ctl,A Oil CO 29 80 249 Notts Corf A Oil Co 116 00 660 Noble Cwit ft Oil Co Bii9 00 660 NDbleCoalAOllCoS oq 40 Robert "J Ruhr. 40 22 Franklin Kjhn 8 52 24SFranklitMKabn 8 60 121RoseKeitv. - ;' 2:00 4098 4098 4098 ' 4087 64 James Wihlle t, .8 64. 25JJobn K Josee . -,08 26 W llllaw Jones -. . n 4 00 25 Richard E4wixls .: 8 00 4 Richkrdeiwardsi 180 160 Owner unknown J ;,; Barrh IKtMvf .v. . 12 00 Rft 1j.. Weaninji Jos. 1 . .! VIDVBl.IafkV-kl Jot ! from M J iirk-y-4 JS SSSfthelUoniiJbtrebkbt.A ... , 4082- . Balea-Jini .t- - ..i 1J0 49 769 BioJdaBvd JitrWb A . "' Bales '..t- 848 00 00 Khlbn:;,Htrbrb . A . ' 4077 Bates :,i ,. . 0.40 4078 '41-C REaalt. : ,. JO 20. 4078 4078 flu 'VII Barley 12 45 6 ,k R Eariey. . . 14 40 ' '60 ".R Karley - ,.. : 24 96 45" REarlty . 1118 4081 ' . - ' 37 " R Eariey Birch lane, Nosvo.and .10 20. R Karley -,SU Mary's, and u Centre ille railroad -...i 47 CR Eariey Rldgway -farm and.laod Co.- -1-79 c ft . Eariey Cms nA Km. 1 2.8.. 9. 10. - 9 08 4087 $.30 1203 '4088' 4097' 11 and 14.,, . . 4585 4098 .. 67 C R Earleyi-4.!)edij ' . iiia roe!. X'os. 2 and 8 . . . . . . . i i ii 4898 . oOO frljf9t : lp.60 ' 87 CRrfty ' 4890 4271 !ieheeinT6onW '19 W 4073 ,W juit.uficiw.'. . 4083685.43 North western M A 316 23 4094 444.60 ' 4095272.95 '"' 4096 47840 !"" 4079 .70. . . 4245 84 ' .! y.'l 36 135 99 M' " it 'f ' : I,-.;' 288 02 84 86 tt 41 81 '4244'. 67.70 V 28 89 184 15 4873 169.30 4092 . 60 . 4080 166.40 .;" "7tr. 0 40tf 61.07. 4840 PO 4248 962.4T ' 24 90 it ' 8217 14 64 '26 40 ft 344 02 ' 479 06 rh 9 98 4178. fi ' b.p;-. 4,5.1 : ' 20 4' 1 88 m..m a - .w SfiijefM' Ae. .dnlv-it'tt' tne loliowiug lanus: XortkwteaitrVk M' A V.X CV 4079 4U80: 24,27 . 77.?! 7. ' .. " - 78 4088. 107. i t i4 '4001 . ,215.30 63 63 '46 14 4092 J6.94, 4094 . 882.79. 409&. ,65.90 " 41 iM lOOl'.i ii :; , 49 80 ' acquit . ' ''trl ''-ti 95 11 146 66 27 14 4083 174.65'..;'.;', 4'M4 9.KO :' M62fJ 16 43 19 92 84 84 86 76 17 It 4247 109.60 " 4371 TOAO , 11 12 105. 4374 82.60 " ' " 20 41 8296 b.p.a. 12 92 . , 2 97 8295 b. I. 24.94 " " 6 98 4245 160. ;vr., l. '..". , .-i75 HlGBl.ANDrQNyNtSHIP. 8432 fi&2 831 C "B: ' Wright 4 8221 rttifiritiff 118 45 6118 46 t - 11846 8298 I 806i 831 C. B.' rlgbt 8291, Dubrtnc ! 8063 881 (V. I. "AY right . trihrimt'' . 2019- 898. Walter Bryant 127 45 14695 ' 18 13 1.73 1031 Walter Bryant : Oil tw;a. woir - i 2025 noo.J-. nnd-. M. . Mack .? .!: . .Nnr'th.iritVii iVirnei- 17 10 2027 - 402-eohse.DlCktnson-'" 68 74 18"M) 954-Oeotge Dleklftson 163 IS 2030 '3tl,EWfenian Ellia . . . 41 84. 878 1000-Jobn N. Lane 17100 ?62. S0 John NLaot .47 88 2r8 8214 1831. 1005. Atlesliwiy BwiR of ''Pittaburgi 1888 -OcWohn'F. Jamt -17f3 962 Abner Cassell ,. 1858 88 John P. Brown ' 20281054 J.C. Chapln Estate 2034 90g do do 8766 1000 do do 112 66 164 60 164 60 8290 2610 12554 151 85 151 28 12 84 17100 44 91 41 21 64 00 17 10 2504 5627 2653 2463 ' 815 " do do 2456 289 do ' do 8771 800 Nathaniel F. Jo6ea . 1799 100 James Gallagher ... Bub-divislon No. 9. 1799 800. Charles Q. Glllla Bub divlson Noa. 2, 8, 4, 6. 7, B, 9 and 10 186 60 1778 600 Charles G. Gillia . . Huh-dh-islon Nos. 18, 14, 16, 16 and 17 1799 100 Jacob Gilbert Sub 86 60 division No. 6 17 10 2031 105g Mrs. Rlckards- 165 87 8781 729 Thomas Btruthers 110 81 2033 1038 William Robinson 196 27 1760 800 Souther A Willis ' 136 80 2362 290 Boot her A William 41 34 2464 2H8 J no. Nicholson . . 41 04 3055 1019 Alfred Avery 145 19 1770 iuv uiizaoetli Cooper nub 'division No. 18 1 - 90 2088 1043 John Hryon and titer? From tfeo. Dickinson . 178 37 3660 490 I,. Wiltnerth Estate' 77 75 79 100 William Carley ,i 17 10 62 0yj Geo; Brooks 142 60 777 400. Andrew J Knox. . .68 40 3785 1000. Thonia Griffith 112 00 3775 1060 Thoruae Grifnth 96 00 8771 200 Thomas Griffith 16 00 2866 8718 8061 290 J BMterley , . . 41 34 180 .William Jaunea . . , 80 80 835. John G. 1UU . 131 10 641 Martin Hart' ' ' 76 66 871 3854 1029 Wray 4 Graham 146 67 377il noo Jones Co. . ioii 904 Little A Bouther 164 60 118 J- G. Hall sub dir. 8 20 14 S782 2084 HOP.TflN TpWNSHIP. North western l e Ex Co Mtf .ui -a.- - .i l do 4271:224.20 rta' 4434 876 60 ; ' rti:' do do do do do do do do do do .61 58 201 92 199 68 807 20 230 40 7 68 76 80 63 70 00 -"4 ' 15 86 7fl 80 35 26 4469 ' 865.60- :t.do. 4451 1030.80 do . 4462 811 da 4242 28.70 da 4200 849 - do 4188 4i5 - . de 4272 518.. 4o. , 4840. 66. do 441 825.40 do 4248 116.56 do 208) ' - 4255 1062.10 -" 4096) , 407 68 ..- Minerals, Ae.. only on the following lands; Northwestern M A Ex Co 864 665 4243 .206 4248 4249 4256 44'J 4341 410.89 78 52 19 ..737.78 89.90 Hl'60 218.82 259.65 W.. 457!80 215.60 ' 1S7.80 284.50 67.30 1.00 107.50 184.40 . 2468 141 60 17 08 21 81 88 97 49 63 .56 44 m 4o 87 75 41 28 4371 4372 ' 4396 440O 4434 UVi 4409 4470 r. Af. 85 71 44 92 10 94 19 20 20 64 85 82 28 98 14 39 16 J .70 , 76.94 4279 4370 4248. 4240. 4242 4200 932 J L Ellis 178 94 60 41 CO 847 600 "C A M Alliert Sub- dlv. No. 20 Noble ;al A Oil Co Noble Coal A Oil Co N B Lane and others Henry Lorain Car- lisle ' Henry Lorain Car lisle . John C French ' 11 62 12 63 18 50 63 76 84 48 126 72 4182 990. 4271 4870 610 26 45 26 6 76 1142 'i 8 64 George Weis Sub dlv No. 19 . Urre, Weia gub ,.(iiv,: iJcL ... ..Hosaoe 'Llttle'-Trota -rotinty ' - Honw-e Little from . J aa Wilson Ignatius GrotEinger froni couuty Minerals-, AC, only on these- landst Noble Coal A OH Co , . . do do do ' do do do do do - do do. do do 4370 . .,60. 4468 jfo 4344 : 17 4460 80 884 30 80 48 226 68 120 60 21 45 30 11 13 23 04 9 60 JAY TOWNSHIP. 6283 lloo Amos B.' Merrill 6288 826 Ann B. Merrill 372 86 306 90 806 90 203 00 6287 826 Amos B. MerriU 6289, 646 A loos B. Merrill 62"0 612.7 AiuoeB. Merrill 277 96 86 80 95-96 188 95 199 46 47 06 '88 61 4194 400 William Parker 4196 "676 James Lynde 4190 ' 989 D. K. Jones 6i4 C80 James Btokes 4197 22CI Jsuies Blokes 4195 207 Bebsstian Weie 4197 200 KH Kennedy 43 40 117 80 20 46 245 62 62 67 214 83 214 83 65 80 18 60 10 30 184 14 4906 400 William Kotunson 4845 ' 70 William Robinson 0016 990 Philip M Price 4896 212 E. B. England 6007 990 E. H. England 5004 990 E. B. England 4185 - 80 Hezeklab Horton 4145' 100 Heeekiab Horton 5029 , 60 Finley, Young. A Co. 6018 990 Finley, Youug A Co. 4898 9!0 Henry Loralne 6017 990 Henry Loralne 49104 834 49 24 29 24 29 47 12 74 40 4H95 . 98 Tyler A Finney 4896 98 Tyler A Finney 4898 217 Abigail Woodward 6080 267 A, E. Goff 4180 990 B: C. Bowman A Co. 184 14 87 20 8 40 040 4MJ2 . 200 R. C. Bowman A Co. 4194 . 100 Thouiss Reil'y 414 100 Patrick Rellly 1845 ' 100 David Kirskera 12 40 60C8 000 -Hpring Ron Coal Co. . From seated ww 6081 727 Spring Run Coal Co From Seated 191 oa il98 106 Joseph Wirhelm 18 892 480 J. E. Putnaiw A Co, 182 18 48M 52. J. E. Putnam A Co. 100 12 41U8 89 Arniel Turley from i-ouuty e a 4194 . 800 rmel. Torley from county 49 60 4104 60 Geo. Dlckison from wttpty . . J240 4164 100 Horace Little from county 11 00 5030 .' 04 W, Pbirpen T JONEB TOWNSHIP 8221 212 General Thomas V L. Kane .' '.''''-' 4& n 85221 03214 40 do do . do do. . do . do do do do do d do 06 " do , ejo . do do uo do' do tfo dd do do. do do do . do t " " " . ." II tt 6 67 65 64 U7 20 1 OAO tl (I II 81 8296 f" 2610 .:i25 Gen Tbos. L.'KAne I 211 Gen. Tboi. L. Kane 45 82 8222 114 '' ' 8221 160 Ge Tho9, L Kane 829a400 Ge,, ThOH' L Kno aw. m so 87 00 21 76 43 60' .178 W 174 00 27 84 21 75 4392 4809 4870 261G- 100 Gen. Tbos. L. Kane 256 m G.en- Tbos.Ii. Kane 8561 x ., ?t 818 Gen. Thos. L. Kan 8f0 Gen. Thos L. Kane L. Kaue L. Kane 130 Gen. Tbos. (ioo'g en. Tbos. 128 Gen. 161 Gen. 232 Gen. 148 Gen . 80 Gen. Thos. L. Kane Tbos. Ii. Kane Thos. L. Kane 27 64 35 09 60 46 8219 17 40 2653 253 Thos. Tbos. Ti. Kane L. Kane 25631 2610 f 68 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 12 76 2810 109 Gen. Thoe, L. Kane 12 30 L. Kaue 84 68 2564 8221 8222 8224 8200 890 Gen. 412 Gen. 609 Gen. 200 Gen. 810 Gen. 60 Gen. 26 Gen. 990 Gen. 900 Gen 247 Gen. Thos. Tbos. L.Kane 89 61 Thos. L. Kane UO 78 Tbos. L. Kane 48 50 Thos. L. Kaue 07 28 Thos. L. Kane 10 78 Thos. L. Kane ' 6 Hi Thos. L. Kane 143 65 Thos. L. Kane 143 62 8291 8296 4903 2589 2564 Tbos. L. Kan 5iSt 2527 8295 2564 2331 2504 8290 3224 3222. 276 Orn. Tbos. Ij. KaWe ' 69 74 JU-Kaue- 15.08 70 Gen.'Thos 253 Gen. Tlxxr. L. Kane- 62 78 825 Robert Matey 123 80 :m iiooert Haisey ex uu 200 George' Dickinson 43 40 100 Andrew J. Low 21 76 86 Andrew J. Low 8 78 120 W; H. Osterhout 18 00 Mr. Finney Lot No. 204 in Wilcox 1 45 2rf8 ' 3290 3296 8293 3291 2610 2588 4313 4112 8400 W. II. Dykenian etal 739 60 1025 Eariey, Brlckel A Hite 185 60 1078 " ' " 195 80 " '.' " 81 20 215 1. B. Brown 990 South of 3214. 27 66 121 J. L. A W. W. Brown 143 55 Brown A Wells Rocky run lot 16 Oil 650 Johnson A Biddlft w ?; 990 Johnson A Biilille 179 45 540 Johnson A Biddle 98 02 640 Johnson A Riddle V 02 990 Juhnsou A Biddle 179 45 616 Johnson A Biddle 93 38 330 Johnson A Biddle 69 74 307 Johnson A Biddle 44 37 4114 3143 8282 32S .8237 8242 8243 8251 8180 3iil9 2504 8231 67 Michael Weidert 11 8 495 Colfins, Hutchinson A ' lav 89 16 8262 090 "oil ins, Hutcblnsoii "luv 179 22 440 "ollins, Ilutchinson A "lay 79 75 475 "ollins. Hutchinson A "lav n 84 !i00 "olflns, Hutchinson A l'--1 W 249 'ollins, Hutchinson A "lav 46 24 789 "ollins, Hutchinson A "lay 142 97 247 "ollins, Hutchinson A "lay - 44 60 826 "olfius, Hutchluson A "lay 59 16 496 John H. Towns Estate 89 61 SIR rr.lm.lf Towna Vatatu 1.J7.00 3232 S2al 8261 3180 3217 2254 2791 3231 229 8230 8218 3228 8218 8228 2819 2323 8318 3220 3228 2'i80 8290 2489 2593 3220 2319 2361 8228 2368 2377 2425 228 4904 2301 83 540 Joint II. Towns Kstnte ! ul 990 John H- Towns Estate 179 51 6ti0 Daniel Scull, Jr. '80 tax 61 80 70 Daniel Heull, Jr.'80 tax 6 30 60U Jos 8 Potts '81 tax 57 8 70 " '81 tax 6 88 62 Daniel Bcull, Jr. ' 8 99 698 Daniel Bcull, Jr. . 86 91 ,83,0 Biddle A Dawson 69 74 380 Biddle A Dawson 69 74 460 Biddle A Dawson 83 52 990 Riddle A Duwsou 179 61 90 A. A. Clay 16 24 240 A. A. Cluy 43 37 000 A. A. Clay 08 75 tiGo Thomas Greeves 1 19 48 1 85 Thomas G reeves 26 68 807 Thomas G reeves 125 8t 4G0 Thomas (J reeves 83 52 867 Thomas Greevee 126 86 890 Thomas Greevea 143 65 990 Thomas Greeves 143 5 62 Thomas Greeves 8 99 990 Eugene Payne 1 13 56 128 Eugene Payne 17 98 128 Eugene Payne -. 17 98 eito Eugene rayne 143 55 60 Eugene Payne 95 7o '990 CoUins. Clay & Hacker 143 55 84H7 2323 2816 2329 990 Collins, Clay A Hacker 143 65 990 Collins. Clay & Hacker 143 55 2R32 2333 990 John Livesey's Estate 143 55 2326 990 John Llvesev's Estate 143 55 2819 436 John Livesey's Estate 63 22 24S9 '744 Clay A Hacker 134 85 2527 426 do do 77 14 2551 990 do do 143 55 2593 390 do do 56 66 2599 990 do do 179 42 2604 396 do do . 67 42 3316 990 Robert Patterson 143 55 2660 65 Robert Patterson 9 28 2611 742 Robert Patterson 107 69 2527 . 64 Robert Patterson 1160 2554 246 Robert Patterson 44 66 2564 604 Robert Patterson 91 85 2598 990 Robert Patterson 143 65 2608 20 Robert Patterson 2 90 2012 890 Robert Patterson 14:165 2614 900 Robert Patterson 1J9 05 2591 990 James H. Cresson 143 65 2604 894 James H. Cresson 86 IS 2608 V70 James H. Cresson 140 66 261 1 248 James H. Cresson 86 96 2614 100 James H. Cresson 14 60 2K60 925 James H. Cresson 133 98 2C12 100 James H Cresson 14 50 2527 64 James H. Cresson 11 60 3143 11 J. L. Brown 70 2610 109 James Wells 1148 MILLSTONE TOWNSHIP. 2548 2642 2696 2790 2518 900 000 675 900 60 Darrah A Moore 125 24 DarrahAMoore 250 66 William Dllwortb 166 60 C it Eariey 167 04 L C Wynkoop and D L Patterson L C Wlnkoop and D L Patterson L C Wlnkoop and D L Patterson James O'Hara James O'Hara 8 99 2518 175 2624 000 62 167 138 138 2546 2617 2523 900 too 900 615 900 000 900 '207 6 James O'Hara Prexel, Duhring Wright 167 04 26C7 A 167 04 4184 4136 4129 Owner unknown Owner unknown Owner uiiknowu LC Wlnkoop L C Wlnkoop J Stewart's Jot William Crispin 167 04 167 04 167 04 12 00 2518 8 48 2618 2619 2532 100 100 900 7 20 18 92 CE Wright A Duh- 158 ring 2862 900 CB Wright A Duh- 3681 WO CBWrlght A Duh ring 27lf!S 891 CB Wright A Duh ring , . 2581 W CI) Wright A Dub-ting 8100 160 60 60 75 40 00 70 60 John WyukoopEsMt 1M . 2543 900 R. H. Win lack . 1T4 2667 225 D. L. Patterson ' - ft W ' , 198 William CVIspIn "M 2546 9)0 Jrtseph-H. Trotlef'e:4i7tw 270 William CVlBpin, 1880 71 RIDGWAY TOWNSHIeV 2101 George Dlckioeoa 910 Bryant A Euwef 916 Brvant & Euwr 10QM1 3M& . Sn to 8H u m : 4M 'Tr 64 90 18419 4276 1000 Bryant A JCuwr 4285 498 Bryant A uwer 896 JtryantAlCtrwer 100 AndrewMRibbe 48C0 46 AsaCumrolDrt 18SJ T B Cobb 0 us 187 E!si J Cobb '81 tx 4J0 B F Ely 170 B F Ely 4868 1156 BF Ely 8889 103 Hheldon. RtiwhUh A Mil MOO 4390 601 tjbeldon, Btrebigh 4 Bates 400 Bbeldon, Btrebigh t Bates 426 hheldon, Btrebigh A Bates 645 Bbeldon, Btrebigh A Bates 966 Hheldon, Btrebigh A Bates 4394 4394 4392 4391 84 Of M 11 74 0 US 44 V5 Isaao Avery freai Cobb, part of C Mead A Ely lot 1 SSI Kd ward Cravatan 4f 18 41 747 W H Osterhout Wil cox lAlllg lot e-src v Gillie 102 James PCarritt-frow James Gardner 50 Horace Little 200 Horace Little" 1174 4848 4)11 . 14 l "' $ 0t V 44 ' 146 41 " 40741 '' 171. . 1607 . 46 Ti SIN 1104 4376 4376 4389 4377 4390 638 C R Eariey 1 froaa lU.'O Karley Briek'1 717 1020 10 132 61 m . Hit Kennedy lot 4389 SPRING CREEK TOWXilttP 203C 1358 Bryant A Knwer 107 41 1602 601 Bryant A Euwer 14 41 2942 S50 Henry lUugbt 103 61 2971 800 Hiram Carrier A Ce 801 IT 2980 800 . tOl IT 2915 900 D Carrier and atkarat as I All 2948 900 (; Blake 04 74 2937 1065 Allcghi-ev Dank f Pittsliurg 0440 4550 12 George D MeeeeBMr 11 It 4569 1.50 Henry Truman ,1171 657 Houther A WUlle WTO 481 Souther A Willie-JT. ' W. corner of two ' TUT 2792 200 C B Wright A jpak- - 2776 829J L"FPowers-nnd.ef lall 2789 C47 Geo W Rhlnee tt. county 61 16 . 4151 100 GeoWRblnae 104,. 48 Geo W Rhinee-K. E. cor. of Strong U H 2792 200 Win. Kelley tfm county s.OM Francis C Elliot ft T Taylor I Khlnea 475 98 ArningoHt trert II 10 2954 100 A J irttlirr fresa D. O. M'Knall 16 00 216 M 'Garlic A Tritraea from seated list 81 T4 4044 114 Taylor D Rhlnee ! 14 29C2 1000 Bowman A Bree 19-30 parts of froaa seated list, W. pari 111 SO 4552 20t) J K Gardner 10 H ST. MARY8 BOROUOH. Lot Noh. 48, 44, 45, Rldgway Farm and " 68 and 62 I Coal Co. Centre r. 1 Tl , Tl.l... a. ... . .': 85, 86, 87. 88. 89. 40, 41 and half of SO 13 Coal Co. 11 at rice Ktrect 1101 or 14 Lewie St. Htreet 8 acres Geo Gregory fr. Rev. Louie Car tuyval 15 CR Eariey ,Li titreet 68 (ieo Krellnef Erin (Street 100,113 aud 114 Ig. Grottlnger AmandusHtreet 23 Horace Little Louis Ktreet 9 and 10 Mary Wrinkle Iouis Street 40 00 81 a HEATED LIST. . . Keturned by colleelorii. a pea wcttak. there eould not be found eunVlenl paraoaal ara perty to pay lite teveial taxe aaa lkere' on! Waa. Acsaa so William Young, ' to in 13 Si 1-fitrlrk M'VhllCsy.UUs Kdward liable, lela, 'at taa- FOX TOWNBHIP. n. Wm. atbunn. hous let tS-TS I St 100 reterlfollolaucn,'7l-"?MB.l Mm 40 1'eterHollobuUKh, " I 100 John Hollobausb, M if 12WJamee Hhelvy, " fid Martin Johnson. )S tS 12UAbraham Comb Fatitl'7ftaa . .1 C Burke. 1 lot, TV t CO King Hul.e, Vatl King Tft-'Tt tea Alice Murphy, I bottaaa4 lot "It taa 70 Henry Souther, '7 Ua HIGHLAND TOWW8HIP. rs S7lt0 7tl0 tnfa sns I) Gntbnm, 'SO tel Ira K Aekerly, 'SI tas M B -lemenger. "SI tag Frank Hoveneamp, 'U lata Henry llboff c 1st S If !S us Sfl 8S 70 J50 J H Windsor, " -' HORTON TOWJtBHir. FA ratrlck Welah. It IS JameaO'Harra. taa JAY TOWN6HIF. r.at :i cs ia H Ethan M'Cullonth 7-'a0-'ltUa Root Rothroek. JI-'KUll Kobt Kot brock, Jotilah R. Morey " eam l Bell KHate " Mary J Bateman " Hiram Howard ' JONKH TOWNSHIP. John reternon. 'II taa MILUiTONE TOWB8HIP. J4 James George, SI taa 42 A W Latbrop und. U of SlUa SPRING CREEK TOWKBHIP. 318 M'OaffleATromaa 77-'7H-'7 taa 78 Geo W Khlnea III Elllott-uud. Het-TC tax 834 George Prociue, TS taa Sft G W liunkle, 'SO-'Sl las 26 Roaeaunab H Gaorfe, 'W- 'SI tax 100 C W Potterfleld, 7-'80-'M tax KM George ProcluH " ' IOiiO Bowman A Br. Tt tax - 72 Oeo W Ktiiuea ALB UlUett 7tX BT. MARYS BOROUOH, 8217 20 04 1 24 24 2782 2wa Lot Nos. 1 Independent Fire Co. Wo. 1, and building, T Us John Hoffman, U lot as 4 60 a 1 Kiancli Kroaenwettar. It tax 1 . N t C Kronen watur,4 new stable, 1 tax 18 and 14, Martin Borg. J lots froaa Bill 7 tax GEORGE WEIUENBCERJtER, Traasar Treasurer's Offlea. 1 Rldgway, Fa., A.rtl Ul.m.f t . ; tr ! , e m us . 44 ITS'- M' stSU lac- U44 : 4 tt '; .