THE WORLD'S NEWS. ' . EASTERNAND MIDDLE STATES Two married men wore instantly killed at an iron ore mine noar Heading, ra,,by loosened ore and earth falling tipon them. Tns sevonty-firth birthday of Longfellow, the poet, was celebrated with appropriate ex ercisos at Cambridge, Mass., Portland, Me., and oilier places, Mns. Daniel Wbdsteh, seoond wife of tho statesman, died a low days ago at Now rocho'l,., N. Y., aj;od eighty-four years. A Fins at New Haven, Conn., destroyed tho large dry goods store of Edward Malloy A Co., doing d ningH estimated at (175,000. An underground tolegraph company bus been er nlrishcd in New York city, with a capi tal of 2i)0,000. Thb Western New York Dairymen's associa tion held a moeting at Jam es'own and effooted n organization with ex-Govoriior B. E. Fen ton as president. A committee of tho American Agricultural association mot in Now York a few days ago ond diacua'cl tho plans for a proposod national agricultural exposition to be hold in the me tropolis in 181. It is estimated that tho recent loss of four Gloucester (Mass.) fishing schooners has mada twenty-two widow a and sixty-two fatherless chil.lrt n, many of whom aro in destitute cir cumstances. Tub will of Charles Albert Read, latoly de ceased, of Newton, Mass., gives $50,000 to the treasury of tho Utii'od States to be ap plied to the reduction of tho war debt. To tho attending physician of the testator 1500 is given ou condition "that my head is severed from my b dy, as I have great horror of being buiied a ive." The recently snsp"ndod raciflo Nationa1 bank, of Iioston, has resumed business. Epson L. Fulleii, awai-ing sontouce in tho Vermont siato prison at Windsor for tho mur doi of Mr. Withain in Keadsbnm, hanged him self wi:h liii Kiispeiideis in his coll. lie was found and cut down ten minutes later, but could not bo resuscitated. JlAnvAim Ooi.r.noK no longer dmsnils that one of the two names on every student's bond ehall be that of a Missnchusetta itizen. A man at Vtica, N. Y., drunk two quarts of whirky, for a wager, and died shortly after ward. An international rifle match between English and Anu iiean teams will be shot nt Crccduioor in September and a return match at Wimble don next year. rnri:n Ronai.psvIS, bookkeeper for W. Y. Mao'avlp.nd A: Co., New York lard dealers who failed a few weeks ago, disappeared, and an examination of his ae.w.uits proved him to be a defaulter for several thousand dollars. The Brltiidi bark William .T. Stairs, from Liverpool for New York, was wrecked off Long Branch, N. J. Cf tho officers and crew, com prising fifteen men, all but the cabin hoy, were rescued by tho men of tho Life-Saving Sta'ion No. e. Milton S. Latham, a prominent citizen of San Francisco, cx-governor of California, and formerly United States Senator, died in New Yoik tho other day, aged fiity-six years. Of tho ten men win started in tho last six day go-as-you-please poclejtrian match in New York, four Vint, Tancho, Scott and Itowell dropped out before, tho contest ended. Tho match was for $1,003 entrance money put np by each man, a diamond whip emblematic of tho championship, and a share in the gate money fur all tho contestants who covered 525 miles. On tho first day of the match the thitherto invinciblo Itowell mado tho unprecedented score of 150 miles in legs thin twenty-throo hours, and it was then generally supposod that ho would again prove victoiious, as he had secured a good lead over his competitors a lead which ho maintained until the fourth day of tho match, when he broke down, and on the fifth day he retired, after making nine miles, bis total 8coro for the five days beiug 415 miles. After Howell's collipso, Hazacl, of England, went to tho tront, whore ho remained to the end of the match, although hard pushed by Fitzgerald, whoso record of 582 miles, mado in a match last D comber, was the best per formance up to the present contest. The scores made by the six men who wore on the track when the contest closed on the sixth day and the i mount ot their winnings were as follows: Hazael, GO'J mile $9 000 in stakes and $10,000 gato money; Fitzgerald, 577 miles $1,000 iu stakes ami $4,000 gate money; Noreroac, 555 miles -$2,100; Hart, 542 rales $l,G0O; Hughes, 535 miles $1,200; Sullivan, 525 miles $8U0. About 40,000 persons paid $1 each to ce the match. SOUTH AND WEST. Menken BitOTUEns, wholesale dry goods liouso of Memphis, Tenn., havo failed for $500,000. A LAitnE past of Gallatin coivn'y, 111., has been inundated on account of heavy rains, and hundreds of porsoua havo been driven from their homes. At a mass meeting held at Salt Lake City under the auspieei of an association of ladies etrong anti-p dygamy rosolu ions were adapted. J. W. Ni:cKoi.s, a prominent physician of Ppringtield, Tun:.., was oliot and killed on the street by S. 1). llopkin-, his brother-in-law. Miss Emma Nlmiieus, a joung s-'liuul-tuan'i-er, wus found dead on tho floor of her school-him-o near Siiicia, In 1. Her neck wis pinne l to the floor with a largo d.rk knile, her tongue was torn out, her mm cut off, an I she had been otherwise bruta ly maltreated. She was a pretty uirl of eighteen, the daughter cf a leading hum chant of Decatur. The number of hogs packed in Cincinnati during the winter season just closed was 884,878, beiug 137,547 less than last season. Ezra Smith, a wealthy old farmer of Fred erick county, M l., hanged himsolf to a rafter in the garret of his house. Mississippi county, Mo., has been half under water, and tho farmers have lost nearly all of their grain, livo stock and other property. Fobty persons aro estimated to have been di owned during the great floods in and about Helena, Ark. Iu other portions of the South west inundated lives have also been lost, while the amount of pecuniary damage done and the consequent privation of the people many of whom aro homeless is very great. ObviixgB. Hoe, of La Salle, III, an idle, dissipated carpenter, fatally shot his wife be cause of her refusal longer to support him, and then killed himself. Five children were found clinging to tho woman's body as she lay on the floor. At a meeting betircen contending parties in the First Dutch Reformed church of Holland, Mich., a struggle took place for the possession ot the edifice, and the disturbance gre w so great that the mayor had to read the riot act and cause the arrest of several persona before order was restored. Bob Jones (white) and Bill Miller (colored) were hanged at Aberdeen, Miss., for the mur der of three brothers named Walker. At Stone, Ind., the boilor in Wester A Barnes' handle factory exploded with terrific force, killing six men. The three Indian scouts who took part in the treacherous attack on General Carr's troops last September, and who were since sentenced to death, were banged at Fort Grant, Arizona. Tub bark Mary Lawton was abandoned while on a voyage from Liverpool to Baltimore, and seven of the crew perished, A" c,,lnm, at hloh 8. persons wore jirosoiit; has boon hold iu Ban Francisco, Resolutions petitioning Congress to restrict Cliinose emigration were passed. Fortt thousand persons in tho counties along the lower Mississippi havo been loft doMituto by the recent floods. The town of Naoori, Arizona, was attacked by Apaches, and three persons were killed on each sido. FROM WASHINGTON. rtr.pnr.sF.NTATivE Tatson, from the committee on coinage, has roportod a bill relative to tho coinage of gold and silver ooins and to provide for tho issue of paper certificates for silver bullion. The priuo pal changes in existing coinage laws proposed by the bill are: First, the one dollar and throe dollar coins are strickon from tho list of gold ooins and tho trade dollar from tho list of silvor coins J Becond, tho standard Bilvor dollar coined as now provided by law is made the unit of value ; tl.ird, the subsidiary silvor coins are mado of full standard value, and all the gold and silver coins authorized by law are made a legal ten der for all sums at their nominal value. The bill also proposes an extousion of the plan of issuing silver certificates based on deposits of silver bullion. The last national debt statement shows the decreaso of the public debt during February to have boon $0,783,611.G3 j cash in the treas ury, $252,fil7,C43.17. Tnp. following tnhlo shows tha government receipts for February, compared with the same month of last year: ISM. $15,315,931 , 0..142 070 3,480,009 1882. $19,100,408 9,130 200 2,illG,8(J2 Customs Internal revenue. Miscellaneous.... Total ... m 175.210 $31,203,5G0 The ordinary expenditures of the govern ment dining February, which do not inoludo interest on the debt, were $18,O0C,O00, of which amount about $0,000,000 was on account ot pensions. Tun Fresivlent nominated Cornelias A. Logan to b) United Slates minister to Chili. Mn. (.'oNKLiNo's nomination to tho supreme court bench was confirmed in executive session of tho treimto, twelvo Senators, including fonr r.epuMicaus, voting i. gainst it. Tho following Kepubl.caiH aro known to have voted in tho negative: Mcsers. Dawes, Hoar, Hawloy and Mori ill. Tho eight Democrats who voted in tiie negative are believed to bo Messrs. Bayard, Call, t'eke, Hampton, Johnston, Jonas, Tugh and Vance. The Senate also confirmed Mr s.irgeut's nomination to bo United States min ister to Germany. Mn. Scoviixr. has filed his bill of exceptions upon which ho will appeal for a now trial fir Guitcau. After the appeal ho will retire from the case and other lawyers will bo employed to argue tho case before the court in banc that is tho fivo Washington judges sitting together. Tue following telegram of congratulation on her escape was Font to Queen Victoria by Secretary of State Frelingbnysen through Uni ted States Minister Lowell : " Tho President and people of the United States congratu late her majesty on having been providen tially protected from tho assassin. Remem bering tho sympathy of her majesty and the British pooplo in our recent national bereave ment tho fe-liug of indignation and thankful ness for the quoeu's saftty is deep and uni versal." The Senate committee on commerce agreed to report favorub'y Captain Eads' interoceanic ship railway bill. Tun Wubhington grand jury presented in dictments for conspiracy, in connection with the star route mail service, against Thomas J. Brady, ex-Senator Doraoy and ten others. FOREIGN NEWS. TmnTY-Forn farms, beiug the whole of Dur sey island, in Munster, havo been sold for non payment of rent by the tenants. The land leaguo proposes to build houses and support the tenants. In elections held in France to fill two vacan cies iu the senate and t vo iu the chamb-r of deputies, Republicans were successful in all but one cae. Tum.E hundred Italian emigrants who ar rived recently at the city of Mexico, wore suffer ing from a malignant disease, of which t.rt-nty ethers died on the passage. The Egyptian government has taken steps to euppress the slivo trade in S.iudan. In skirmhliea with tho insurgents in Herze govina tho Austrian lost 118 killed end wounded,, including ti n officers. A trial of tweuty-ono Nihilists in Rusia ro suited in ten of tho prisoners, including three women, being sen'enced to death. The rest of the prisoners wero sentenced to hard labor in tho mines of Siberia for ttrnis varying from tifteeii years to life. advices tho west coast of Africa report :!ikt a ferryboat, whilo crossing the Lagoon of Lago, cupped, and forty-seven out of ity pcr?oiis on luard were drowned. 4 MtiMF.ns' committee in Madrid, Spain, iitve been imprisoned for inciting men to jiri'iP. The election at Northampton to fill the va Kiiey iu tho houso of commons caused by the lis-eating of Mr. Il-vill ugh, sgain i lte I in .is return. Mr. 1'radla gh received 8,798 votes Mr. fori e t 3,(87. Dii. Vidal has resign d t'le pies' "eney of the epi.blie ot Uruguay, and tlie congress of boih chiu.b is has elocte l Senor Santos to n his u ..-censor. In tho British houeo of commons Baron Henry Do Worms, in moving that the govern ment find a means of using its good offices with tho czar to prevent a recurrence of the outr.igca upon Jows in Itussia, eaid that 201 womm ha.l been brutally assaulted, fifty-six Jows kil od and seventy wounded, 20,000 per sous rendered honielo.-s, and propaity to the value of $SO,000,000 wrecked. Forty persons have been killed by the falling iu of the shaft of a mine near Tcplitz, Austria. Three more Nihilists, including a woman, have been sentenced to death in St. Petersburg. Thanksgiving services wero hold in all Eng lish churches for the recent escape of the queen from the assassin's bullet. Colonel Beine, of tho English royal en gineers, and Mr. Simmonda, an aeronaut, try ing to cross the British channel in a balloon, fell into the tea nine miles from Dover and were rescued by the mail steamer. Hkssy Helfmann, the female Nihilist, who was respited from the execution of capital sentence for complicity in the assassination of the late czar, died at St. Potershurg iu childbirtH A Vesyer-Bell or Nature. Not eo very long ago we talked about tho caiapanero or bell-bira of South Auinita, and now hero is news con corricR a useful little cousin of his in Australia. He is not much larger than & inow-bunting, but he Las a pleasant no'e, not unlike the sound of a distant ehoep-bell. About sunset the bell birds begin their tinkling, ana lor a while the whole forest echoes with the silverj tones a sort of Angelus or vesper-bell of nature in the wild bush, hashing the , woods lor evening prayer. Besides their musical sweetness these notes are a sure sign that water is near, and the weary traveler iu that thirsty land is glad enough to hear the bell bird calling; to rest and refreshment af ter a hot day's tramp. St. NicJiQlas, FOHTJ-SEVEMII COSURESS. . Ronnie. Mr. Windom, from the committee on foreign relations, reported resolutions in regard to tho questions growing out of the Chill-Peru diplo-matioorrcsponiU-uce,...The postoffleo appro priation bill was received from the House and referred to tho committee on appropriations .... The Hone resolution tondering thanks to the Hon. James O. Blaine for the appropriate ad dress delivered by him at the O irfleld mem orial exercises was, on motion of Mr. Sherman, taken from the President's table ind Concurred in.,.. After boing amended the post route bill wns pasBodi A t ill was introduced by Mr. Vest to pro hibit the issue of bank notes or currency by national bunks tint may be orgsnized or re organized after J ily 1, 1882. Referred to the c)inmitioeoirllnnco....Mr. Bayard added an amendment to tho resolutions ordering an in-ves-igation into South American matters, pro viding that inquiry bo mado as to whether a promise or stipulation of interven tion by tho United States in the f 'hill-Peru or Chili-Bolivia controversies was given or mado by any official connected with tlio United Statos govorument....Mr. Hoar tp -ko iu opposition to the anti-Ohiuese bill.... .ur. Kell ig introduced resolutions making an appropriation for cducatioual purposes. The committee on commorco reported favor ibly with nmendmenis the Houso bill to pro mote the efliciency of tho life saving service. ....The Chinese omig a ion bill was discussed, Messrs. Qrover ami Farley defending tho measure. noose. Mr. Calkins, chairman of the committee on elections, sulimit'od the report of that com mittee on the Utah contested seat ckso of Campbell agt. Cannon, acoompaniod by a reso lution declaring neitherihe contestant nor con tested is mill- d to a seat on the floor. Ho also subuii t il a minority report declaring Mr. Campbell entitled to ttio seat; wliilo Mr. Mul tun sut'initt' d a further resolution, signed by Messrs. AthTton. Davis. Moultou and Jon-. declaring time Mr. Caiinou was duly eloelc.l a delegate to Ciuigr-S4. Tho reports wero laid on tiie table for f ituro action. tnder tiie cull of committees bills were re ported and disposed of as follows: By Mr. -vrait, from the committee on militia, to pro vide f .r organiz'tiir. ai mine and diseinhmny the militia of tl.o United Statu. Committoeof the who e. By Mr. Van Aernain. from t .eciminiito-n nn public In alto, Senate bill for the distiibution cd'p ne vaccine virus to tli--iio:plo Coiumitieeof th- wholo....Mr. Wait, from tho committee on elections, n ported a ri so.ution dismissing tho contested election case of Lamer against King, i! inn iuu n i in oiMnci oi ljouiwisna. AUOpteu. . llio Indian aimronriation bill was panned. The total amount of appropriation is 14,920,- Oll'l u ;n...,.n ..ill r l. ."., ni, in. li nn; UICi H1U Ulll Ul iHBli year of $:l 51,000, and a decrease of JO'Jl.OO) from tho estimates. Tho amount recommend is mado up of tho following items: For fultllliu ' treaty stipulations, including Dav ot inspectors nn 1 interpreters and for contiu- gciicics, n'n.sotu; tor transportation. i75,(Oi); removal, settlement and subsistence of varioiu trities, f 1,1:15.500; general inciden tal expii:ai expen-o, H7U.UJ0; miscel Bneons f:)(i3,2iti); interest on trust fund stocks, $09,218.' Mr. Harris, tho chairman of the committee on naval affairs, reported a bill authorizing me c"i:j!i!ic:ioii oi vessels 01 war lor tne navy. Printed and recommitted. ...Mr. Jacobs, from tlio committee on fictions, roportod a reso lution dismissin; tlio contosted eloction case of McDowell nganvt Georgo from the Btate ol Oregon. Adopted.... Tho consular and diplo matic appropriation biil appropriating 1,108.- l',,M,..,..,,l ' ' Firing at the (Jueen. A Windsor (England) dispatch eays that, as Queen Victoria was entering hor car-riug-j about 0 p. m. at tho railway station, a mau iu tuo station-yard deliberately fired a pistol at her. lho oueeii had been in London siuce Tuesday, where slio gavo a drawing- room reception on Wednesday in honor ot the Princess Helena,, of Waldock, who is to marry Prince Leopold. She arrived at Windsor at about 5 p. H., and walked across the platform of tho depot to her carriage, which was waiting to tako her lo tho castle. John Brown had already ascended to his seat behind the carriage, when a man stun ding at tho entrance to tho station-yard among a number of specta tors pointed a pistol nt tho carriage and fired. To judgo from the report the pistol was not noaviiy loaned, i no quo.n, who was proDaoiy not awuro what had happened, was iramediate lv driven to the castle, but before she passed, tue man Had been seized bv the superintena- eut of tho borough polico, who wsb standing near by. no was also violently seized by the crowd, and was only rescued from them when three or lour policemen came to the superin tendent's assistance. Tho pistol was captured by one of the crowd. Tho man gavo his name as lloderiek MacLeau. Ho was taken into High street, and thence to tho police station in a cab, lollowea uy a largo crowd ot p ople. Tho queen arrived at the castle at 5:25 r. M., where a largo number of peoplo awaited her, Slio immediately ordered au equerry to pro coed to the depot to inquire if any one had been hurt. 1 he report ot tho pistol was sharp but not loud. Macl.' an apparently intended firing again, when the revolver, which seemed to bo a new one, was knocked from his hand by a bvrtandor and haudod to tho polico. Katon scholars were prominent in the attempt to Ivneh MacLeuu. The ltight Hon. Kir Henry F. Ponsonny, the queen's tecretary, procoeded to tho police station, and, after obtaining all the information possible, telegiaphed to Mr. Glad stone tho tacts of tho assault. The would-ho murderer, Roderick MacLoan, a grocer's assistant, said that hunger prompted him to commit the crime. Ila was roughly handled bv the crowd before ho was arrastsd. tie was miserably dressed, and is described as a wretche.l-ioouinir object, uo was prevented fioui firing a second shot by a bystander. The queen is said not to have boon alarmed. The doctors pronounced the would-be murderer pa no. Prom later accounts it appears that MacLcan fired the siiot at tlio queen after the carriage was in motion. Princess Beatrice and John Brown saw him point the pistol at the carriage. Ho was exactly thirty paces distant when he lired. Two of 'he four loaded chambers of the revolvtrcoutaincd only b auk cartridge. Mac- Lean had walked from Por smouth to Loudon a week aL-o. Up-m his peron wai found a purse eon'aining a pennv and throe fartliin s and a pockeiboiik containing the following cntrie ' 'I'l.ui th Path.' a novel, by Mat-Lean," and ''J!i-y"oliW A't irsp 'prr gives as correct an idea ol the difference that dividoi the peoplo of England as any newi-paper in the word. I venerato tho fioe and otitwpoken principles of an unbiassed thinker." Mac Lean was charged at the p-diue station with rhouting at tlio queen wiih intent to do grievous bodily harm. He asked whether any one was hurt, but the police refused to give him any iufrmtioii. After sear hing the vard at the railway station for an hour the police found a small imbedded in the giouuu. it bore marks oi naviug nrst struca some other object, it was rinht in the aireo- lion of the spot over which the queen's carriage was passing, having probably passed over the nurses' lieaus. Congratulations poured in upon Queen Vic toria from all parts of tho world for her escape Irom a v.onld-bo assassins bullet. united States Minister Lowell has tendered to the queen the congratulations of the American nation, aiimster Lowell a teleirram to uenorai Kir Frederick roimouby says: "I be you to convey to hrr majesty my heartfelt congratu lations on her escane." Teleurams expressing similar sentiments wero arriving at Windsor throughout tho muht. The London Times save : "If no more can be eaid for Mat-Lean, tho would-be assassin of the queen, than could be said tor uuitt-au, tne assassin of President Garfield, or Lcfroy, the murderer of Mr. Gold, ho can as little expect to escape puiu-hmeut." The queen drove through Windsor on the day following the attempt on her life, and was welcomed with indescribable enthusiasm. When the prisoner left the town hall after tho examination, twenty men endeavored to over turn tbe carriage containing turn. At the examination of the prisoner MacLean two letters written by him were read. In one he said that ho had been compelled to commit a crime against " bloated aristocracy ' because or the insuluciency or retier oueroa mm. In tho other he said that he did not intend to bit the queen. Tho evi deuce, howevor, was to the opposite effect He was remanded for a week. The bullet which he fired was found. It is said that Mao. Lean's antecedents show that he is eccentrio and addio.'ed to drink. It hs been loarned that recently he has been an inmate of several lunatic asylums Nutmeg trees bear for 70 or 80 years, having ripe fruit upon them at all sea sons. A fine tree in Jamaica has over 4,000 nutmegs on it every year. One of the drawbacks of married life is sick ness of the little ones. For a Cold or Cough you cannot find a bet er remedy than Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Nearly all physicians prescribe It, and no family should be without it, A Woman's Ingenuity. Elizabeth T.lniM TCinc alias KhIa Stoddard, who is well known as the murderess of Charles Goodrich, brother of the Hon. tV. W. Goodrich, and in now confined in the Auburn State con vict asylum, being denied the use of writiLg material, recently invented a new way of composing a letter. She was allowed brinks and macazines. a Bible and a Testament, and although not permitted to have scisBors, had a needle and some thread. Taking the flyleaf of a book she stitched upon it single letters, and bits of words that would compose sentences, and very uratly made up ont of fragments of print the following letter! Mr. Tavev CotmsF.ton At Law! Sir Please excuse this print and paper, for I have not been all wed to use my writing mate rials since last July. I would like to consult yon as soon as I can. Will you please call here? Itespectlnlly, Elizabeth Lloyd Kino. AUDurn btate Convict Asylum, Now York. EniToa of toe 8vnAcr;sB STAKBAhni Kir Will you please oblige me bv giving to Mr. Connector Pavoy the above note? I do not snow where to direct it. Please excuse this print and paper, for have not been allowed to use n'-v writing mntprintn ninnn Inst Jnlt- T!n spectfully, Elizabeth Lloyd Kino. uburn state Convict Asylum, N. V. The following address was stitched upon another bit of paper, which was uterwara sewed on the reverse side of the card: Mr. D. C. Tavov. Editor of the Syracuse 6" antfai-d, Standard office, Syracuse, New York. It must have required manv weeks to have pieced out the letter. The capi tals were used only in proper places, and great caro was taken as to punctua tion. Tho whole of the first letter was a brevier type, and most of the sec- oi d, and the words were nearly all mude up of t-inole letters pricked out of printed page, evidently with a needle, and then sewed on with white thread. Che word King seems to have been cut mt of a Bible printed in aerate. The stitches were taken with such care as not to tear the paper or to leave upturned edges that would be ap to caupe any part to be torn oil in handling. Tho edges of the paper wero neatly hemmed. The letter was delivered to a visitor to mail, but it was taKen up by an asylum physician, who has preserved it as a curiosity. According to a recent calculation the total amount of paper made in the world irom an Kinds of materials is 1,800,- 000,000 pounds, of which half is ud for printing purposes, a sixth for writing purposes, and tho remainder for miscel laneous purposes. For government purposes 200,000,000 pounds are used ; for instruction. 180.000.000 pounds : for commerce, 210,000,000 pound ; for industrial manufacture, 180,000,000 pounds ; for private correspondence, 100,000,000 pounds ; and printing 900,000.000 pounds. These 1,800,000, 000 pounds of paper are produced in 3,900 manufactories, employing 90,000 men and 189,000 women. He Did Not Xiuce Malters. A representative of the Lynn (Masp.) Item in a late ramble throughout that citv, gathered, among other scraps of interest anil lulormation, the following: llie hrst place visited by the reporter was the fruit store of Mr. J. Levett, No. 67 Market street, in response to a rumor that the proprietor had been cured of the rheumatism by the great remedy. Mr. Levett not being in, the re porter had a talk with his son. Mr. Levett staled that his father had been cured of nn exceedingly bad attack of rheumatism by the St. Jacobs Uil. lie had tho disease in his right arm and shoulder, which became perfectly helpless after being aftectcd a few hours. His pain wns so great that he could not rest in comfort or attend to business with any degree of satisfaction. Afttr enduring this sort of tiling for some time he pur chased a bottle of the Great German Reme dy and began to apply it. lie did not ru luce matters at all, but just used the Uil for all it was worth. After pursuing this mode of treatment for three days the pain was banished and his father was in a per fectly healthy condition. He has never since felt any rheumatic pain. " There I ' triumphantly exclaimed a Deadwood editor, as a bullet came through the window and shattered the inkstand, " I knew that now Personal ' column would be a success. Sn Francisco Post. TTorace B Dick. E-a . associate editor of the Delaware County Republican, Chester, Pa., was cured bv St. Jacobs Uil ol very severe injuries resulting from a fall. His arm appeared to be paralyz-H, but the Oil cured him Philadelphia Ledger. Tm - l .1 trotA l.m.a will Tiri n Hi a An" tirely by the skin, and cannot be killed by immersion as long as they are pro vided with food. TIIE MA UK LIS. 0 HEW Yor.K. Beef Cattle Prime livowei ht 10 7 f(j 10 Calves roor to Primo Veals... Sheep Lambs Hogs Live Dressed, citv 8 8.Vf Flour Ex. State, good to fancy 5 00 dii 8 0) fi 8 75 Western, good to choice 5 20 Wheat No. 2 lied, n.-w 1 -dlV.'ti 1 83 No. 1 White, now Rye State liarloy Two-rowed State 1 2U',(3 1 211 Ot bV tit) 4 52 (is !7 C'J Cora Ungraded WesteruMixed houthoru Yellow Oats White State Mixed Western Hay Prime Timothy Straw No. 1, live Hops State. 1881 71 V, OS 52 95 80 26 47 90 75 25 04 Pork Mesa, new, for export. ..17 75 Lard City Steam 10 CO ltofined 11 05 ft 18 00 &10 75 dill 00 Petroleum Crude Heflncd Butter State Creamery Dairy Western Im. Creamery Factorv Cheese State Factory bV.CiA 35 4 4J 87 35 16 t) 2 9 40 4) St & & (ri rtaims . . Western 7 EgRS State and Penn 25 Potatoes Early Itose.State.bbl S 25 8 50 HUKFALO. Stoers Extra 6 00 Lambs Western 6 50 Sheep Westorn 5 75 1 logs, Good to Choice Yorkors . . 6 85 Flour C'y Ground, No. 1 Spring 6 75 Wheat No. 1. Hard Duluth. ... 1 45 6 25 a 6 60 6 00 69 7 00 Q 7 25 64 145 Com No. 2 Mixed jHiU 69 49 Oata No. 2 Mix. West 48 6i barley Two-rowed State. 90 & 90 BOSTON. Boof Extra plate and family. . 11 00 15 00 Hoes Live 7V, 8 Hogs City Dressed Pork Extra Prime pet bbl... Flour Spring Wheat Patents 14 00 15 00 7 50 3 9 00 IUVjA 75 ijorn juixou ana lellow Oats Extra White live State W ool Washed Comb i Delaine ' Unwashed " " 6i 6ayt VI Kj) i uu Hl,'iD 48 SO 81 WATEBTOWS (MASS.) CATTLE MABKKT. Beef Extra quality 6 75 7 25 Sheep Live weight .......... 6 6 Lambs by.ra 7 Hogs, Northern, d. w 8 8J PHILADELPHIA. Flour Ponn. Ex. Family, good 5 80 5 80 Wheat No. 2 lied.. 182 182 97 live state Corn State Yellow, Oat Mixed 97 69MO 48 44 & 13a 6 X3 o 44 Butter Creamery Extra Pa.. .. Cheese New York Full Cream. Petroleum Crude Beiued 13 7K The perfection of conversation is not to play a regular sonata, but, like the E dian harp, to await the inspiration of the passing breesta The Great IteTivaLs. Brooklyn (N. Y.) Eagle. While Mr. Beecher and Dr. Talmage an making special efforts this spring to save the souls of the people, the Great German Remedy is supplementing the good work by preserving and restoring health. The two influences are widely different, yet strangely alike. It Is one of those rare occasions where the splritnal and physical meet on commoo ground, both oper ating differently, yet each working toward the accomplishment of the same purposo, vis., the happiness of mankind. Thns moralized the reporter after visiting the great Brooklyn re vivals and subsequently Interviewing several cltizons of New Tork upon the work of tho Groat Gorman Remedy. Calling upon Mr. John S. Krem, agent for the Now York and Baltimore Transportation line, pier 7, North river, the reportor asked that gontloman if he or any of the employes of tho company had been nsing the St. Jacobs Oil this season. Mr. Krom promptly answered that the Great Ger man Remedy was well known by thoso doing business at the pier. He had need the Oil, and had recommended it to several of the men, and It had never failed to perform all that was needed. He was attacked with lumbago this winter, and, soolng the many good words spoken by the citizens of Now York in favor of the St. Jacobs Oil, he conctudod to give it a trial. It acted like a charm, subduing his trouble with almost magic celerity, ne had not anticipated such rapid restoration, and confessed that tho wonderful action of the gn at healer surprised him. Ho had never found such quick relief in all his previous experience, and, siuce nsing the Oil, ho has never had occa sion to erap'oy the services of any liniment for the reason that it had radically cured him of all rheumatic pain. The gratitying action of the St. Jacoba Oil in his own case gave him unlimited confidence in its great curative power, and he freely advised the men in the employ of the company to use it whenever tLoy had occasion to need a liniment. It had given relief in several instances to the employes. The most pronounced instance of its power was in the caso of a commauder of ono of the company's barges, Captain Samuel Jarre tr, who wa- severely afflicted with rhoumatism. Captain Jarrott had sufferod considerably with the rheumatism, and complainod that he could not secure relief. He was told to try St. Jacobs Oil. Tlio captain applied the Great German Remedy and found relief. He was then in Baltimore in his vessel. Mr. Krem also stated the janitrcss of the rooms he occu pied was also healed by St. Jacob's Oil. Tho woman is subject to rheumatism of a sovere ype. She did not seem to got relief from any of the remedies she was using, so ho gavo hor bottle of the German Bemody. Sho usod it, and aftorward said it had relieved her, and ehe was loud in its praise. Mr. Krem said that his experience with the St. Jacobs Oil justified him in pronouncing it a superb remedy, and ho emphatically rcconimondod its employment by his friends and acquaintances. Is 1881 the total catch of seals was nearly 500,000, and their estimated worth in European markets was f 1,250,000. Wonls nre not Sulflclrnt. 89 Lafavcttn strict, Brooklyn, N. Y., July 1G, 1879. H. 11. Warurr & Co. : Sirs-I can find no words sufficient to express my gratitu.lo fur laving been rescued irom tne horrors oi firight's Disease by jour Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. John Caldwkll. Acconmso to Herr Richard Au-lrco there are 6,139,000 Jews in tho world. Fivc-sixtiis livo iu Europe. Tim Pnir.oi A vIm (Srf-nsn Is the best in tho market. It is the most economical and cheapest, one box lasting as lonu as two ot auv otucr. One greasing will last two wtc'is. It received first premium i t the Ci-uti-niiial and l ar.'s Expositions, nl-o medals at various Stnto IWiri. ISuv no other. ( ului rh of the llnild-r. Stinging, smart inc. iiritatiou of tho urinary passages, disoaeod discharges, cured by Buehu paiba, (1 at druggists. Pre aid bv express, $1.25, 6 for 5. E. H. Wells, Jersey City, N. J. Mensman's hkkf tonic, the only reparation of beef containing its entire nrttrt- 1'ouiiprtijiertna. H contains blood-making, lorce troueratiiiR and iite-KUntuiiuiisr properties : valuahle lor lndigcstiuii, Uvspepsia. nervous prostration, and all forms of eeueral dobiiitv: also, in all cnf-ebled conditions, whether the rosult of exhaustion, nervous prostration, over work or acutu t'lir- . particularly if rewriting from , t-i.miilaiuis. Caswell. l & Co., propi ietors. New York. Soi l by druggists. On Thirty I)nV Trlnl. The Voltaio Belt Co.. Marshall. Mich., will send their Electro-Voltaic Belts aodother Elec tric Appliances on trial for thirty days to any perbou afllicted with Nervous Debility, Lost Vitality, and kindred troublos. cuarautoein completo restoration of vigor and manhood. Auarees as anove without uelay. P. 8. No risk is incurrod. as 30 days' trial is allowed. Dr. LovinuHli-iu !uy In his recent lecture ou tkta d teases: "All sA-in and c'p diseases must have tnrernni treatment, vloetine lias met khii woiiaeriiu success in scalp and skin diseases. I have never lound a remedy bo effectual." The Science of Life, or Self-Preservatlon, a medical work for every man young, middle- aged or old. 125 invaluable prescriptions. A I,T,1?'S Rrnln Fnnfl-curpfi KerimiR TVl.ilitv Wt'iil.ncHH ol lti'ui-i-atin Oivans. &lull ilnn-iris's. ..I f,r''irrnlar. Alien's Plmmiaev.t'ta First v..X.V. I'll rinn' lu i uii i iva lilood. aud will eoniplt telv chance tho blood Ju tho entire BRteiu ia three luouUm. Anv lu-rBon who will take one pill each night froml to l'i week mav bo restored to Round health, if uueh a thiui? h po.-t,ihlo. bold fvervwher' or seju bv m til lor K lett r htiirnpn. I. K JOIINXIN iV" CO., iiuktou, iUaB.t fiiMiit rly Hiinuiir lle. CONSUMPTION! I have a positive remedy bv Its Use thousands of cases of tho worst kind and of Ioiik wianiuu iihvh ni'Oii curr-u. inoceii. so Kiionir ik hi v faiih in its i fllcai-v, that I will w-nd l'WO HOTl'l.KS I'llKE,;rwilhaVAI.UAIlI,K'i'HKATlSKiiutliul disease to anv snffi-n-r. flivo Ilirrefs and P. O. ad drem. Da. T. A. SLOCUM, 181 Pearl St., New York. tioiit, Oiuvei, jMu.itti. 1 uu tfiuiui r rencu b.tJie.j. latt?w, only hanort'KM Hpeeitiefi pt'tH-laiinod liy Boieneo, niieve at once, cure within four days. Box 1, ntsiloit. treuuine has red xeaj and vinature of L. A. Pakia k Co., onlv affeuta, loi W. llb St., N.Y. Ask your druu gist for the Genuine. Write lor buok audreferenoe9. l"rIrP 100 HEI-EI'TIOXS for AutoKraph lP;EMl Alhunin, 1 pk Triupareut CanU, 1 pk I IlkfU 1 uu CardH. l pk Kxcort Card-, 1 I k Flirt-iiout'iirdw,Iiant-'iiai.'eof Flowers, 6 Actus' PU tureu, 1 Star l'uzzle, 2 Chemical VutzWm, and au eiht-j-ae bterary paiH.-r on trial thico months. All the above Sent on receipt of Km', in ntaun to cover pot ta fro, etc AddrohS KENDAL k CO., Boston, Moss. PATENTS Book" .ml "Huw to 11. 8. & A. P. LAOKY, 1'Mlt-iil H.'llcliorM.WiuliiiiKtoo, D.O. Our "Keinuti&o Kttcurd Hitud Procure PutnuU" uiU Jret. Uf!tcloiili of Hi8tor nrt Uioumiiby," tllu Xjtratuil; "iU-roeiiol thi-rliiiu.." tuo illiibtratioiis. IQ, botb uuw; "lliU'ii 8u-Ul .ml Uui-iutu-. Mttuiml.'1 AtieuU w.nU-d. W. 11. HhuiNud. IUm Uruadw.y. N. Y. 1 n A VTEEK. 13 a day at home easily made. Costly 9 1 1 OuUll fre. Add . THUS 4 Co., Auiivuta,LUlii. mmmm iriiiii! 1111. I New K eh P LOYrt5ENTo?JY"P. hutvfrhiub preferred; also aiuouulwaiited iNr month fursarriMSftnd eipni. niuicui beaorable, pr uiuitBtt fcud CMil? upurBUd. Writ ui. huuij a. The Growth ef Nervoimnrss. Nervousness is a rapidly growing ailment. When there is no organic disease its origin is usually imporfect digestion. Hostetmr'i HUnnach Bitters, a romody peculiarly effica cious in coses of nervonsness, acts primarily npon the stomach, restoring its activity, pro moting tho socretion of the gastric Juice, over coming the immediate bodily disturbance re sulting from dyspepsia, and remedying that depletion of muscular substance and strength, and the nervous symptoms which it ultimately produeos. With the renewed activity of the digestive functions nerve quietude returns, an increasing inability to rest soundly is counter acted, men'al des-pondeney is supplanted by a feeling of clieori'uliiess and the relish for food is auumented. The remedy is safo and unob jectionable, and may also be rolied .upon to overcome and prevent fever and ague, bilious noes and constipation. TnEornnARTrs believed that there was an hoi b at tho touch of which the wedge the wood man had driven into a tree would leap out again. Cnrd a Twenty Yenr's Invalid. No. 422 Eutaw street. Baltimore, Man land. Dr. It. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. ! Dear Kir My wifo was a hopi h as invalid for nearly twenty years. Your "Favorite Prescription" has :uied her. Oratotnlly, It. T. McCat. To lull enterprise into inaction by nursing slmtU-rcd hopes, is to Bhut out the sunlight of fortune and stamp our character with weak ness. Sydnoy Smith being til, bis physician advise:! him to "tako a walk upon an empty stomach." "Upon whose?" asked Sydney. Still better steps to take would be the purchase of Dr. R. V. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery" and "Ploasant Purcative Pellets," which are es pecially valuable to those who are obliged to lead sedentary lives, or are afflicted with any chronic disease of tho stomach or bowels. Ey druggists. The new Texas eapitol is said to bo 311 feet high the highost building in Amorica snd tho eeventh in the world and is to cost tl, 750,000. To Consumptive. Or thoe wi h wont lungs, spitting of blood, bronchitis, or kindred affections of throat or lungs, send two stamps for Dr. R. V. Pierce's treatise nn theso maladies. A lilrosa the doctor, Bhffalo, N.Y; Pome Indian tribes believed that tho future punishment of thn wicked was to hunt and kill minimis which were all eliin and bones. taetine Two Eottles Cured Me, San Fhancirpo, Oil., May RO, 1881. IT. H. Rtf.vens, ll.t.iit, MHft.: I)-;ir Sir I was ft'liirteel with h mo.H fiiVaLrt't-ablc rnh tor novcral month", I'hvsiriiiu li' iit iiimMo to tc what it wns. lr. Maxwell, Ir. McLean, lr. Hale ami othor wll- liiinwu hysi"iHii m tnt nty i roflcritHd lor ine. rtnino pllinu it Net tin liih, poiun Kroiita, Rome INns.m (;ik, itnil others S.tlt illuMiin, but all lailcil to triv't rclii-t, mi l 1 li-imi ro bail that I roultl not nlop or a tt curl to biif in s. Two botth-Aof Vkoktinf haviMMirvil in., iiinl itustho Ne Pius Llira ot 13 loud in''ili.-iucn, it. l ITWiKTULD, 157 UevcutU street. Canker-Humor Cured. rnovrDKSCE, It. I., Fob. 23, 1881. Mn. II. II. Ktevfns: sir A'lr r tr-. inp a uiimher of remedies was enrd ot Hie Itud-t'uiikt-r Himu-r hv hiking several bottles OfVEOtllMK. Yours, J. liDOAlt .'HAMULI,, No. 'i'l 1'crkius btrcot. Vegetlnein England. Halifax, N. a,, Pee. W m. IT. R. Stevens. Ekq., H of ton, Miis: iJoiirSir 1 tako pleasure iu iiilornmii-' yon thai I liuvc had occasion to uh(! ynir wuil-kiim. n Vkoi;i:nk. l''or Mime tiiiio 1 fell run (1'iwn Irttni dope uilicatiou to businc-f. 1 h;id oulv used two r ihr c boitlcs of your popular medicine, wh'-n I Colt great l iu voratcrt, and ftl In iiliiioKt any V:;nd ot work iu couneetiou with our lafo ilrv oodF huninoH. MvBister. iu J'JifrJand. has been ailing from Wvt voiih Prostration, Want of Aiyctito and tit-neral la bility. I look to-ra hottlo of V hokums ou my hm viit, sent her Imlf ado7A-n hi nee. At lat c conntH. Hho writ en tue, she has greatly tm proved, nun; hh though Hhe would booh be as well as over. I itm Bure our Vei;ktink would have a largo alo fu Knghind, it inti-o. bieod into that country, Bcliovt uio, youiu very truly, etc. K. T. MAHON, Ol Mahou Uros., Dry Oooda Mcrch.idt?. Vegetine rur.PARED EY H. R. Stevens, Boston, Mass. YenctlHf fx ft; .4 11 Wrtiffffwf. PUUH COS LIVSE OIL him LIME. Tii (',niiiiii!i' I vc". Mirny Im vn bi-rn linii to civc llit-ii- ti'lini'inv In tavorot tin- use nf ' Wii.. mil's Pi-iiK Coo-;.iv::n Oil. ASK I.imk." Kxricnrf liis jirovt'il it to In- a Viilu.ililc rr-nicdv for tus'.iinn llfll. Astlim.n. llii litlinrl:, nn.l 1 1 .1 la...,,.u ,1.. Thriiut uliil I.iiii'.-s. .M,iiiiil.tcturud onlv liv A. II. U u nun, OhvuiM, lhiston. K..M by all i1riiKit'. no Y00 PLAY? WHY K0TL Sdt'KK'S InfCHiiMiiPons (1 nuln to tho IrUr) ..,4 nr --01. tmiitffi hiiv (if rnon to piny a tune la 15 J MINUTK-S. Ft-ntl f,.r''!rcii!i. $ I.. W TL'MANS CT3 Broadway, N. Ys ELECTRIC BELTS. A ierliet euro for for tTeuiainro debility. . KAKH, Headway Keiid fot NewVork. em-mar. uk. j ft CV "i Wij'O K-H3 1 N TS V: UK Tf S",i'--i;i.iriiclei.T-itliewi.r!a: 1 H- iKiW AiUrcu Jiiy Hi onson. U KTF0-OObe Uulr. YOUNG MEN it llntioil, addle- If vou want to b arn Telegraphy in a lew niiitiilis. And lie ecrrain of a 'il nation, ad'Ire-B Valentine liroH., Jaiieville, Win. TT A f7TTT7C! Ct.loBu fi... iililr y i i. V l lJU 3 imfrir.nW.icht'o .r ,Pilui'urjii, Pfc Kevolvara. Cmiocut free. AJilrtM, Ortt Vt Gun Wirfc, Vfttttmrrh. T. Short Iim nd I'erfeeted. 2.V) words a minute. CircnlaT Hi e. Specimen, bte. O. . lif ii ridge-. TioneslH, i'a. 1AKD CfLLECroi8. a handsome et of Cards for v tJirec-eeut stunip. A. (i. JUbskit. Hoehester, N.V. a wijck in your own town. Tenos and out tit w w ire.-. AOtl B II. II MXV.rT K "0..1 T' More than EVERYBODY WANTS IT. 258th Edition (New). rtiaiid, Maine. One million orCtcir-1're.ervatlon. A Great Medical Treat l.e on Maulioodi Ibe Cause uud Caro of K licu.ird Vliolliy, NurvoiM and 1'br.lcal DcblU til l also on the l ulold Sltaei-lea nriniog froiutUo Exccatc. ot Mature Veiirn. 300 paxvr, ltoyiil hvo. The very finest ateel cnjjraviuKa. 1J5 iuvaluublc Presoriptiona for all acute and cbronio dinoasea. Bound In beautiful Frvnch Munlin. omoonard, full Kilt. Price oul by uiuil. (New edition.l KKOW THYSELF, ILLUSTRATED SAMPLE, 6 CENTS. SEND NOV. The 8clen- of Life, or Self-Proeervatlon, la th. moat eitraor llnary work on Phyalolorr ever nnlillfil ThTo ia mitliiuK whatever tual the marrii-d or atunl of itur -x can eithur rtxmire or wiah li know what tefully explained. In diort. th book is invaluable u al wiio wUli for wood health. Turouio Zl j 111; LMTni LUfun i "nil i-'lj i uinioiuM i....... ex ttiiuoilll UUU UlVUlUftUla Work -JcTilLI ilk.4 Hold and lewoled uii-dal awarded the author of the Science of Lite wuh fairly won and worthily ht u towod. j6n.(iciH..t Ptowjhman. 1 houaaniU of extnu-u tmiilar to the above could be tak'ti the loading iouniala-lit..rary. political. reliKiuu and BcieutiUothrounhi.iit the land. The UmU ia BuarLv" toi d to tip a hotter medical work, in every aenso. than cau ho obtaiucd elaowUuro lor double tho price or the money will refunded in every iwitauce. u" .uu Viu.v, o. me Thousand ttf Coulee are eent by mall, aecarely sealed and postpaid, to all paita of the world, every month, upon receipt of price, 91.23. Address PEABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE orW.H. PARKER. M. Dw 4 Uuldnch Street, BoMoa, Mass. M. b."Vh auiboi may be comulted on all diseases requiring aklll and MptrlTOta What a Three-Cent Slamp Will Do. Tt will do more than any other piece of rT' of Its sire and value in the world. It accom plishes what would, a few years Rgn, have been deemed lmpoible. That talisman ic placard on tne corner of an envelopo or parknw commands the use of capacious and bcHiitiful biilldlnn wherein to receive your letters, orders trnlns o( enrs to carry them, and starts nn army of men to deliver them. It bring Information from every lection of the country and tidings of pleasure as well. Hut the crowning consideration Is the fact .hat a three-cent stnmp'scnt to A. VooEI.FR &('o.. Hnltimnrc, Md with the flpplirnnl's tinmo and addresn, will procuro a copy of Ft. Jacobs Cnlcn lar,r'p!flo with intcrd-ting rending ni.itter.nnd, letter limn nil, rontnlnin:,' spccilic Instructions fir tho treatment mil euro of rliiiiiTinti-m, neu ralgia aud all rulufnt ULieas-cs by the use of f-'r. Tr ' rev : v lAConOlU (Ji.!iccrniii;:t'ie t-mcrcv t Jcrl'iil substance, tho lollofi:. M'-.-t i render: II m. 'I lion.MS ,. J -rrM iienernUif thcl'iilte-l : t.itc.. V In n IV the l.'ityof Kurt- Yn!;, com-orred in tin ifililMvnn- liljUCK llio 'o-tn-.a' li-tli.-.i ini testiin .mini Irom Vm. It. icncr:il .-imerintcn'Ient TM-.-d l'i'. J'.-ll . st i.;l Niiilitt-i nid Hi.-tribirlim; 1 n -n ri iii-.-nt, t-.'-w York l ist. i:lice:"i bike i-l-'ii-ine in nd isin-' tlmt liu-rimi-ilcsof.T. J H-olw ( u t, K a iP.Mrib'.'.tioli nnvtij ne clerks of this oliice, hove, ns Icr ii liny bin e been tried, proved cruel to (ill that Is lniimd r. ir the Uil. Tlio repnrt3 from tlio neve nil Mip'r IntendeiUH mid clerks who br.vo fsi-d the oil, iCTcciii prnlslus it liighly. It has been flm-id etHeit-itts in cut. 1-ui-ns fori ik- nn-l Hit:i:es iftlic joints nnd nnwlri, nn-l til'.i.nli n rmdy rc icf rlu-iliiiati'irtii lalius." 1. f-'.-iwuel II. I'nrlor, Wnhiuirton, lu.b. ami px-Tk-' nutter f r'umlK-rl.iiid. .'id., wuj. cured of rhvumntisw If it. Jicor.3 On.. n i s u . LET ME SHOW YOU" I!f. I'OOTE'S HAND-BOOK CF HEALTH HINTS AMI KEAI1Y KECIPES. Worth SJ.'j. Cost io. Ily ttii mitlior of "PUIII HOWE TI.K" iIND "JlKOIClI. 1 28 linn .ks cf Aiivic" ni-"iit rmlty l 't. nn.l ln-i :pi-s for l-nrc ur ('i iiiini'n At no iks: a v.i lial-li- lw licli n nn. l..r i vi-ry family, only -J.) rt". Hii- ll..i-l-t.iil; ii,nl.ilii.'lmiU'rai 11 lly- ftilie fir ail p. a.-oim. ('' iinni-it i-nsc en 'i.iiilwn His. llvvicnk-Cii'iiliveMi-aiiros, Kiim tf Wcilli Kihwiiil-, II ifli -.11 nalliili-r, mi ulns Hit- Sit !i, "li hliu-rMOlii'ttb. Uf pcll i i Willi -me i'f the Pi ivnli- riiiiuii'm i l lir. Koiite. nn-l nlliri pliysiciiins ol hiuti MTiit''.ni!'t tiiriiM.p.iTin:.'. 1'Kid foi invalids CA'AU&NIS WAM'KI). Murray Hill Book Publ sMtig Co., 12!' Hart 2-itii Sthef.t, Nr.w Ymm Citv. ?r ACiEN S VAWTEl) fOR THE A HISTOBYcrTiiEWQBLD .ju'iraein;: luM in 1 authontie neeonm ! err. u.i mn ot a:ieicnt and it!od-iu times, and ineluilinw a iun-,- ol lite rie and lull of y'.nfi and Uoiii.hi .npire, the' lid-olle n;.s, t h erus:id , tli! leu-';:l -leu), the r-'lorMintinTi. lho diiuvr.' and Fettlf iciit of tiie Ni-w W.-rid, i tc.efe. It eoiuuuih )? J e hi-dorieal . -nivivinL-s aud i tho fi.vr c(i'ie'.t .k;oi v of the WurM eer pnl!ish"'l. Bend for spuei-i.-u I'aeft and e:tra tcrtn to Ak'-uI -'. Aildrer N'atiovm, I'riu.isiits.i Co., I'hiladi-!pld:i. A l.ondtnir I.fMiilnti I'hyi- lir:n rMiMidn" HU Ouier hi Si'v1 V orU tor lUt fu re Epileptic Fits. From Am. Journal qr M :i int. Dr. Ao.Mobi role (late of Iin.lpV-vho hi nppe. j a 1 1 r of Kpilepsv, lias v.iilio ut doul.r tn-:ttd a-'d uretl more eases tlinn nn ot h- i'liv , li t-i. uv. JI.s ueeeBs has Biinpi) t cu iiton.-hiii:--: e h.v.e li A eawes of over 31 ars Htifidin h,ie ( wlnliy em -tl him. He has published aworl; on thiKji.ea.e,ivlii. h leHtmds.wit li a hirj.:e hot tic ot his wonderiui eirr-'.irco 10 any Biuiercr wiio inav s. n.i inetr . .rrw hum o.'-i- llieo ailMreBH. O :niv;e imiv iddreBB l)r, Ab. 31t'NcroU JOHN ANODYNK l.lXnri'VT vill this tetrible diM-a-e. and will tm.-l ntmitively prevent tiv ivelv pure nine chbcb out of tni. Inlorniat ion thai '.ill Ravo luaiiv lives, km free M ni.til. iJou't delay s moment. Prevention in betier than enre. 1. S. John .iih ti Co.. Ibiston. M. ifHii. rl";'or. M line- I tSiUiU 1 UO Widuw b, futhcrv. aiolliurs OI children. Thnns:mds vet crti tied. PenfnrfllTin for tM f fiii(n'.i'.ve r i-aiLtire,vat ictiBt vtiro r Hliy IHtute. Ti.i'i-.i ndn f j.-i-ii: i-.i-. r .M. J -.l.ti. rs imilt' I to IM U1;.m: hnJ IIOt .M V. I'ATKMH itrumrvil t-r liiv-uiiVf. K .1 li. rj litiiti wurr:ints rururi. I diiplit uni h"hl. !'lif ri unil h?ir ftl'r'y "T "nr rights ut miw, dtntni's for ' Tha ritiFt-n-S"liiitr." and IV ami licnintr Iaits Manki find iit-. trnct inn V f an refer to tiioiMtti-ts f Pi t" f.-ii' r nml Clifnt. A-Mr-B N. W. FltZKcrnlrt A Co. rr.ssieN u f ATkKT A U'y. Luck liux i;e, ahiuen. U. C- FOR LADIES ONLY. lho Indies' Medical Asoci-tHon." lU'inedirs for ill dineafcM ol women are prepared by the mont coui '(ejt find rcliiiblc phx meiau, who have made such liseawcn u j.fvuil life study, l'atientu can ho nuo eHofuily treated ly jiuiij. AovirK fki:f. Letters 'tli'-L'y coHjutrntlitt. .Send de.-ri.tion of; or, it nor in n el of reinedies, heud for our ' JiintM to L;iilie," whii-h triven novel and interest n ii.iornmtion - r foods' ('. n j!e:r-c ou. free. A'ldr ! Mm. - A l A II .1. VA X ii Kt.N, -ieeretary, I WA I lanhlin Sireei, luiflulo, N. V. TRUTH! IB ttlCMTT. Tl.-'-oru n- td 8pni.h t.'f kiiI WnM wM f..r li ctt-U .ih hi.-l t. oluf ut iin, ftnd lock of bait, nDtl k (ctniT t ...,..' I..h,r... nr ,fV M.rKa o ne tll rrlictfd, with nun, Uni knd -)tc ot mteiinr, aud i,i...t. v- Diary FreettMi1:. J " " wwete. Went loam in proved 'ttindar. v inltlreHa onreceint of two Three-f :inl Slniiipn, Address CilAULl-:K li. lilTiLH, 4H N. Jiel;naie Ave,. J'hila. THRESHERS;" T7l J'W fa IA 'Aei'itiMf. Ilkm-Tsk-'J iirioeti-l trea. TH15 AUL'l'MiN 4 'i AYL01tCO.,iIauBii5ld.O 4 f REWARD forennrNi,rim"hnity, Flflorl nr PLUV Ki'lnrt l'iep nm cur ri t.y Im FiTi.K,ti3 'J. fiitl, nUtl. JOM ri-rV-Tii .nt fr- Citrp r""irifi frfn COft 1-erdayathome. 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