THURSDAY. FEB. 9. 1882. ELK CO. ADVOCATE RATI 3. YEARf.r ADVBRTISIXO. One Column On Yenr JPO.flO Ono-hnlf Column One Yenr ir,.ii One-fourth Column One Yenr 2fi.u0 One-eighth Column One Yenr , 15.00 mANHI It NT ADVERTISING. One Square One Week ........ 1.00 One Square Two Weeks l..Vi One Bquitre Three Weeks 2.00 Knch additional Insertion 60 cents n squttro tftdi week. LOCAL ADVERTIMNO. Ten cents n line first Insertion; live cents tt line for enrh (uldltlotinl Insertion. HENR? A. PARSONS, JS.. froprietor. Presbyterian Sociable nt Mrs. Chn pin's next Tuesday evening. All are invited. Mrs. F. Bimmerins, MiMeruville, Pa., bad Ozena and Cliroulc Catarrh Peruna ruled her entirely. Dont miss the concert next Wednesday, evening, Feb. loth, 1882. To nee and hear the McBrlde children la worth the admission fee. Mr. McBrlde was offered 610,000 for the use of his children, for one year to play before audiences in the leading cities of this country. Major E. T. Scott will lecture he lore the Temperance Union at the M. E. Church on Saturday evening at 7J o'clock. Admittance free. Lost Between Centreville and IUdgway on Sunday evening lust, a brocade shawl. The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving the sbawl at this office. The Brazilian Boy Violinist lnht yenr astonished New York city by his wonderful playing on the Violin, end yet I dare spy he does not surpass the McBrlde boy. Tickets for sale at V. j H. Scbram's, and, L. A. Bremicl's, "bakery. The treasurer of BusquchauiDi county, in response to a circular from the auditor general asking the atnoiin t 'of bonded Indebtedness of the county, writes: "Susquehanna county ban no bonded Indebtedness and no other debts, and don't you forget it." A general order has been Issued to all night operators employed by the Philadelphia and Erie railroad, be tween llarrlsburg and Rcnovo, to re port to Wllllnmsport every half hour 'after midnight. This will prevent any more "napping" by the said operators. Baby rimed. We are so thankful to say oar baby was permanently cured or a dutit-rou and protracted irregularity of the how -els by the use of Hop Bitters by it mother, which at the same time ri-s-tored her to perfect health and strength. The parents, Rochester, N. Y. r-Ye another column Buffalo A Lire ly Runaway. Thursday last I. J. Ret, nnd wife and child were out fora sleigh ride with Mrs. Hartley's black horse and basket vtitter. At the Catholicparinngi1 Mr lte? attempted to turn nrnind when the cutter upset throwing t lie ncunpaiun Into the snow. Fortunately they vseuped without Injurit The hcr-ie rundown Main street, until hncuirieto tlie luterseeUou with Mi!! street, when he ran on the sidewalk near Me nengers' drug More, and continued on it passing Mrs. I'rayston's niiliiniiy store, and smashing a toy whceliianow or two that stood o the sidewalk, ia-t Jacob BuleiTuHs' harnt.s shop, ntnt tiown to M. E. Lexer's black smith shop, where he ran in between Geo. Rhine' barn and the shop, the pace between the buildings being four and one-lialf feet, and was only t"p--d by seeing Elk creek at the rear of the buildings. The horse was taken out, when it was found that had mf fcred little or no injury, but the cutter was a terrible wreck. The runaway took place during the noon hours and nt a time when there were no children on the sidewalk. Usually a number of children are playing along the walk. "Mr. Ackerman lives next below Butterfusb shop, aud was hurrying his boy off to school, the boy insisted on eating another cracker, which un doubtedly saved him from serious in Jury. Lecture Conrse. The Ridgway School Library Union will open their course on Friday even ing, Feb. 17th, at which lime Dr. A A. Willlts of Philadelphia will deliver his famous lecture "Sunshine, or, the secret of a happy life." It will be one of the greatest feasts ever ottered to our public. He has frequently been In the same course witli BeeHier, Gough, Phillips, etc., always giving equal satisfaction and by many con sidered superior to any of them. Hon. Heury Houck, Dept. Supt. of Public instruction writes me: "Dr. Wlllits, lecture on "Sunshine," m one ' of the very best J have ever heard and for a popular audience is unsurpassed." On Feb. 20th. Maj. H. C. Dane will follow with "Up the Rhine and over the Alps with a Knapsack." Mr. Burdette the "Hawkeye niau" nays of the Major; "His diseriptive powers are equal to a steroptican, he is eloquent aud polished,' his lectures abound with information and instruct ion, aud are enlivened hy humor that fa bright and natural as the sunshine. If the audience is as large as the lec ture is good, standing room will be at A premium." The course will comprise at least four lectures and the funds raised to be used In procuring" a" school library. Reserved seuu for tbe neason 1 .50 each General admission - . si.oo Recerved seat to WilllU' lecture 15 cents. General admission - 30 ' ' Children - - 20 Over one hundred season tickets for reserved beats have alreudy beeu sold. For further particulars apply to J. B. JOFTNHOy. Personal. Mrs. J. W. Eyster, returned home to Erie, Saturday. Mrs. Chnpfn, returned from visit to Brockwayville last week. Mrs. Esther Campbell, and son, went to Philadelphia on Monday. Miss Belle McCltntock will sing sacred songs principally, go and hear her. Those who attend the concert will not regret ft ns it will be a first class entcitainment. Mrs. Charles Diley, Pittsburg says, she had Chronic Catarrh badly. Peruna cured her perfectly. Miss Lorinda Warner, of Wilcox is nuciiuiiy sciiooi at mis place, in tending to graduate in the spring. Wm. C. McMillan, of this place, went to Cleveland, Saturday, which place lie intends making his Miss Wilmarth whohosbeen visit lug at Senator Hall's for a week pnsU returned home to St. Marys Monday. ITomer Reynolds, has a leg broke at the Thayer House list Saturday He was wrestling and fell with the above result. Charles) Mead ha been appointed collector of school taxen by the Ridg way Borough School Board. Ho will wait on those who neglected to pay their taxes to Treasurer Oyster. Rev. T. S. Negley, will hold scr vices IntbcChapel (Presbyterian, Inext Sunday momiugand evening. Here after services will bo held regularly every two wct-ks. Miss Minnie Service came home Tuesday night, after an absence of several months, during which time she hasstayed principally In Boston, gradu- ntingin mnilc in that city. Her ninny friend will be pleased to wtlcoiu her home. BIRTH. MlI.I.Kn On Kimdav, Feb. Mil. ISSi!. to Mr. nnd Mrs. Joel Miller of this place, a son. MARRIAGES. Ml'itNf Bailey On Sunday morn ing, Feb. ".tli, 182. af the 'Catholic Church hy Rev. M. Mongher. Mr. Michael Mums, of Brookston, Forest county, to Miss Mary Bailey, of this place. Brooks Bpnso.n On Feb. 5, 1882, at Wilcox, by O M. Montgomery, Esq., Mr. Win. W. Brooks to Miss Amelia Benson both of Junes town ship. RIDO-WAY BORO. SCHOOLS. Principal's Report for month end ing Jan. S3, 1882 3 : if "s : ; e I ! I :!S Mi 1 ; T 1 - : ? i 7 TEACMEIiS. : x i r Tl ti'1 m MlhS Bnbe K. Wilcox ! .''i.-rt At,!ie Mr. nnd Mrs. J. IS. Johnson Muiurmry ... I I I i-7 I A wrlttuu exuminiiMon Is heht nt the close uX month from which Iho nvt'r.itfc class Maiulir.R of rii'jh juipll Is ukftvl-.tincil. The lifL-htHt oblnineil hy any pupil for the month H i. -, the lowe st 17; the highest general avtr n ire If I; IIih lowest ll.'OJI CiHJO PITA HTM EXT. i "? ! S ! '; e;-::;:ons. !.wi:f I ii-vt In Ir.t :-l lei mui I.l'.l is Ll'liril-r , Arhlll M;liO!IC Kuiinu Culitbert "A" GUADK. rddia JInrfon Willie .Sch lit nt JoMe Mi fMMisi'i .... til fiiiil Jr.hiivin UhMt. otMlwurd... i'li.rn Irwin Liziiv Ply ii n B" GKADK, A nine Kiinn Minnie K lino Minnie Ml it Addle lUrdwell Vioia N I'll I Warren I' win I'alrlck Holland Mary HcYiu .Mactio Rues C arrle Clark "C" UUAlir:. ..; I'm' i s J .; to ,1 110 I I 100 liVl 100, !IS: 100 C'2 Iihj !S loo silt ioj sa. 100 ; ! I .; 100 .i m .! Ss ..' W . I"0 .' M0. m 10) Mi! !' H" l!KI 15 1 J ! 1)0 in. 100 100, ll: lit 111 loo 111 100 111 10U' 100 100 10l' 5U ! Mli 100, loo! j n, 100i lUOi Us! 1'mj loo I loo! l'io "I. us! 100! Kin! sik I'KW loo loni 100; lit) no; Miiinlo Tei willlcer. Kmnia Ili-ary Kdditi llolailay Cliitrlft Cioary Charlie fill , W'ullie Dill I'.cnuif I.ltlle litiojvu Mer'iirlim Can l.. l.!y ; Mitnd Kinn; Jotoiiii Mav Uur Ifiurli Dundy ldtlie liuvitir '!)" GRAMS. loo loo! IOT'1 lO'J. 101)' Ih'jI DO, 7". lii UK 7h Mi 71 HO loo ll) ill' loo" lOj S-i 10c i; H liiO li l'.l "li 111 lot 1-0. 100 Ion! ji! I'M! SI' llVl' 101' US; loo; lit.! !!7l lt; us U.S 100 Us lis I'refton Mereer Lnnis KIhih'b Mulllf Daly... . KMu Mai. on; Clsrice l'.ardwi.'ll Kiii?f. Willarrt Ida Knorl Jessie l.anmreux ( lara Willard Krauk Oyster "K" GRADK. Graulc Serihritr Maud M i les Mi ry O lirii ii Ida IVIIiiiai Charlfk Leaser i'rank Wlrk wiro Anna Meiiovern fan ic i tok NlliO lloladay Mliini,, svkes John Imiv Jon it) W lie lr John Turncy .HiKllii Device i:mnm Whtvlt-r Marluu RlchartU "F" GRADE. .lames Daly ThiniiaK Daly Wllilo fillines Jerome torton , Daniel Malont'y Chester Stewart Frank I'alne KilKar V ieliwlre Frankle Campliel! Mary Muliiueeu I'm! loo lo.ii u fts! 7;) 17 D.v 71! nil! 91 , Ml "II 80 tJ! SL'. 100 HI 117 llK) 7.1 lll loo loo: 100 W 07 looi loo ")! iw; rl loo U7 M 111 III 1 1 Ml KS Ion loo hS lint HM 1)1 U7 SS: fl: (IS' 1)11 70 i o' h-i! 711 III) M M Hi 77 M 2 1 1 Hl loo1 loo lou leoi inn! loi)! Mi o.;, linl llhlj looi I' d l 1)7! looi loo: 100; ,50. l'loi 1)7: as! lt' I'M l'M JiK) hiO' 10.) 100 SSI 100, !'' W S'J 2 71); Hii 10')1 M1 Ks In). I(M liS, 00 UK)! 10i)l i'w! llHIj ll US I lll IH! M l 10l)l DO K4li as w loo ion 70 70 Ul li Oil lou mil llKl! im). i: 1 -HI' in i') inoi Mil 1M) )OI Dili luol J ll 7U- i; 77 ni; 70 soi Sarah I.aviiion lilanc.he 1'iiwui Aland Geary Mamie Flynn Mary Hhoemiiker Twlln MeBtciiger. ........ I 1U0: ritOMOTIONA In room No. 8 Carrie Clark, Maggie Rees, Burleigh Bumly, Jessie l4nioreu, Frnni; OyKr, Justin DeVoJ'e, Mailun Kiihartls, Emma Wheeler. .. Truant John Daly, J. B. Jokmbok, rrinclpu). A Deliberate Lie. In the Democrat of last week ap peares a communication signed Merely a Woman' from which the following paragraph is taken : "It would probably not have aiv reared at all hud not the editor of the Advocatk very conveniently forgot ten his editorial obligation, and not advised "Mr. Mau'' of the fact that such an artieto would appear in his columns, but also or now it was handed in. and thus giving him the advantage to hasten and make out a sfiitement that was in complete, and yet eelf-condcmpltijr ; and to have hhii hasten the appear ance of it in all three of tiie county papers making his visit to the F.Ik County Gazette, so late as last Tuesday, as you will observe by that paper's locals; and changing the article In the paper oniy enougli to give the 1st. Mary's people tin extra pat on the buck for the extra, lifts ho always ex pects and gets from them, for reasons which I may in duo course of lime bring before the public." The word Liar may not ho consid ered n very polite expression but we know no word in the English lan guage that Hcems so appropriate at tliis time as Hint, With malice afore thought and deliberately tins Demon-at correspondent tells a lie, which she (?) knows to bo a lie, about the Editor of this paper in order to make a case against another imrty. She ?) ac cuses us of un unprofessional act, knowing Hie while that she I?) lies, as calmly as though an assertion was positive proof. The duty we owe the public as a Journalist prompts us to al low the iuserti'in of articles of a pub lic Mature, which we may not sanction personally, yet believing a fair discussion of all public questions is for the general good. This slouch of "A Woman" knows as well as any one that we have never refused to In sert communications of a nubile nature, not even the sloberiugs of "A Woman," and hu (?) also knows to a certainly that we have never in eleven years of newspaper life be trayed a correspondent. This the woman knows, and yet in the face of this knowledge pens a wilful lie sign ing herself "Merely a Woman." $he should have signed herself "Merely a Liar," us she is. The fact is, pure and simple, that Superintendent Dixon had no knowledge, nor suspicion of the appearance of an article in the Advocate prior to the Issue of the paper which contained it- Again, Superintendent Dixon lias not written a single lino in reference to the insti tute for this paper but that lie signed his name in liul. We do not make this statement because we are taking up the cudgel for Mr. Dixon but simply as an act of justice. In con clusion we would advise "Merely a Woman" to stick to the truth at ail hazards, a lie may have its day but truth will catch it. From the Insurance World, Pittsburg'. I'n., Dec. 31, ISS1. The Assessment Mutual Life Associa tion of Washington, Pa., does Icyitim mnte business on the co-operativeprin-oli; takes no risks over Bi years; grad mite its assessments according to the age of insured; permits no speculation assessment t.i parties having no insur able interest. In each and ev ry caise a strict medical examination is required and in fact is a thoroughly leeitmnte Co-opt rati ve Lifu Insurance Company ah claims are paid In full its last claim being that if jh i.M0(rat of M' Kcespori, i'u.,who iicd December -'(l,, ami the claim paid to his widow, Josephine Motl'ut, on the 13th oi wccemijcr, lor tlie lull amouut of the policy, 5,1)00. For Information repardiiiR theassoci ittion inquire oiJ. P. Axoxky, Hyde House, iimjj'vay Pa. Days and Girls If you want the bt t and cheapest young foils' paper in the L nited States, subscribe for VTue Yoc.vo Fi.;,ks C'iiicm;", an eight-page illustrated paper, published at Cleveland, O.; only 3-3 cents a year, and yon get a present of two pictures, one of which is worth more than the price of the paper for a year. The paper is pub lished by an old and reliable Cleveland firm and you are-sure to be fairly dealt with. If you send them tho names and addresses of M childeru under 13 years of age they will send you a line pic ture of Pivsidmt Garfield and family, the house where he was born and home at Mentor. Sample Copy Fre, address THE YOUNG FOLKS CIRCLE. Cleveland 1. Thousands bear witness to the pos itive curative powcrof the GItEAT GERMAN IN VIGOR ATOR, the only remedy that has proved itself a specitio lor general debility, seminal weakness, Im potency, etc., and all dis eases that nrise from self abuse or over taxed brain, finally ending in consump tion, insanity and a premature grave. Sold by nil druggists, or will be sent free on receipt of 81.00 per box, or six. boxes for $5.00. Address. F. J. CHENEY. Toledo, Ohio, send for circular and testimonials of genuine cures. Notice of Appeals. "V"otiee is hereby given (hat IheCom i missioncrs of Elk county wiil hold i Court of Appeals at their office, in !!.! ' it nig wuy , on FRIDAY AM) SATURDAY. THE 17TH AND lsTH DAYrtOF FEBRUARY, ISV. For the purpose of hearimr and determ ining uppculM from the "assessments. and revising the military enrollment lor at which time ami place all persons feeling themselves aggrieved by said assessment or enrollment cuu alieiidjif flicy see proper. by (Ji'der of the Hoard. At icst-VV. 6. HOltTON", Clerk. Commissioners office February 21, 1W32. Autograph VOCATE office. Albums at The An- Note pupcr and envelopes at the AnvocA'ws ofllce. Letter from Major Scott. St. Marys, Pa., Jan. 28, 1882. C. D. OSTEKIIOOT, Pres. Whig way, C. T. Union. Dear Sir. and Bro.; perhaps you would like to hear something of the cause here. We commenced our labors last Wed ncsday, thc2oth Inst., holding- frth In tho Presbyterian Church.. Never was I more agreeably surprised than on that occasion for instead of having a slim attendance a large number gathered within Its walls, a more attentive audience a speaker could not ask for. Rev. Thompson, Mr. aud Mrs. Fattnn, with others declared; It was something remarkable in this place. As you know, Thursday evening was stormy, the snow had gone, it was rainy and disagrcebic and yet there wns a tine assemblage equally ns large as the previous coining, only with this notable exception that tbe Thursday night audience was almost exclusively composed of men there being by actual - f count oyer 7o. Contrary to intention I presented the pledge. Last night (Friday) we had a splen did audience; earnest faces, close at tention, climaxing with genuine en thuasium with a pledge roll of Ml; three fourths of whom were not of the prot estent church. It is a success beyond our most sanguine anticipations. Everybody present was delighted. I am glad to be ubTe to say there is no antagonism to tbe work. Lot us stand on the broad platform of Immunity battling for I lie weal of our "Brothers" and then God will recognize the work and will bless it, and one with the almighty is always a majority. Pray for Oh, pray for the cause here. We never forget the Union ot IUdg way. We pray those there may be on Ingathering of more members. If one stumbles lift such up. Restore, revive, reinstate to Union, Society, heart and to God. Let each do hi duty in this work. May God bless you all is the prayer of j our friend. E. T. Scorr. Guiteau to Hang: June 30. The motion for a new trial In the Guiteau case Was over-ruled, and the prisoner sentenced to be hanged on Fiday, the 30th day of June nest. Scoville, counsel for the assassin , has until March lirst in which to file a bill of exceptions Tills news will be very satisfactory to people generally, the only regret being that the execution is so long delayed SUPPLEMENT TO HO ROUGH ORDINANCE NO. 7, F.NTTTLI2D "AN ORDINANCE RESTRICT ING THE SALE OF INTOXICAT. I NO DRINKS," AC., APPROVED JUNK 20. 1381. Be It ordained nnd enacted by the Town Council of the Boron th of Iti lur- way, and it is hereby ordained and en acted hy the authority ot the same 1. rhatallsaloous, bars, and placesin uio rsorougn oi itiugwayiit. which in toxicating drinks are. sold, shall be closed at 10 o'clock P. M of each day. arnt no person shall lurntsli any intox leafing drink by sale, gilt or otherwise. or permit the same to be drank on or within the premises at any such place, bet ween the hours of 10 o'clock P. M and 4 o'clock A. Af. of the day follow ing; and the furnishing of each and every drink of intoxicating liquor, or pernumng tne same to lie drank on l he premises as aforesaid, shall con stitute a separate otlense. And any person who shall neglect or refuse to comply with any provision of (hi section shall forfeit and pay, for each and every offence, the sum of ten dollars tor the use of the Borough, to he recovered in the same manner that debts of like amouut are by law re coverable. 2 'That the second section of said ordiance No. 7 is hereby amended so 'as to read as follow: That any person who shall be found intoxicated upon any street, lane, or alley or highway, or any public house or place in said Borough, shall be fined on view of. or on proof being made before, the Chief Burgess or nnv Justir of the Peave.of said boro.not less than threedollars nor more than five dollars, for tho use of the said Borough. And If such person shall neglect or refuse to pay and sat isfy tuch fine, together with proper costs, such person shall lie committed to the county jail or Borough lock-up until such fine and costs, with all tail or lock-up expenses, shall he fully paid ami satisned, or until such persons shall be dischraged by due process of law. 8. And it shall be the duty of any Constable of said Borough to arrest any and every person who shall be tound intoxicated on any street, lane. alley or highway, or in any public House or place, in said liorougb, ami to take him or her forthwith before the Chief Burgess or any Justieeof the I face ot the Borough, when such arrest shall be made in the daytime; or if such arrest shall be made later than eight o'clock in the evening, the person so arrested shall be confined in the county jail or Borough lock-up until eight o'clock A. M. of the day following, and then taken before the Chief Burgess or Justice of the Peace as aforesaid; and if such Chief Burgess or Ju-tice of the Peace shall, after due inquiry .deem him or her too much in toxicated to be fully examined, or to answer on oath correctly,, said Chief Burgess or Justice of the Peace, as the case may be, shall caifse him or her to he confined in the county jail or Bor ough lock-up until he or she becomes sober, before a llual examination aud hearing of the case .4. That it shall be the duty of the Chief Burgess or Justice of the Peace before whom any fine, costs orefmrges shall be recovered under this ordi nance, to forthwith pay such fine into the treasury of said Borough, and the costs or charges lo the ofiicers entitled thereto. . That the Chief Burgess, Justices of the Peace and Constables of saitl Borough shall be entitled to the same fees fur services under this ordinance that they are now allowed by law for similar services. 7. That all ordinances or ports of or diances of this Borou jh Inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. ' This ordiance shall take effect ou and after Feb. 20th. 1H2. C. H. McCAULEY, President Attest W. C. Hkalv, Secretary. Approved Feb. (i. IW. J. POWELL, Chief Burgess I had Chronic Dysentery for one year. Peruna cured me. James Bren neti, Pittsburg, Pa. BUSINESS LOCALS. Rafting axes, tubular lanterns, class oil cans, tin -ware, gloss ware, and nails at Morgester's. White clover honey, and pulver ized and cut loaf sugar at Morgester's. o i New sack of fresh roasted peanuts Just received at Morgester's. -Hams, shoulders, bacon, di led beef and bologna sasuage at Morgester's Three or four hundred pounds fresli roasted coffee just received at Morgester's. - o Case of Valencia orauges Just le Cel veil at Morgester's. o -Choice almonds, and Knglish wal nuts jttst received ut Morgester's. o New case cookies just received at Morgester's. o Fresh coda, crackers, oyster and milk crackers just received from the bukery at Morgester's. A new case of choice appricots and a crate of fresh eranberrh s Just received at Morgester's. Witcrgoodswill bo sold out at cost at. The Srw York Stoke, now is the time to go in for bargain. All other goods will be sold at reduced prices in order to make room for spring stock btar and Improved Authors at Tiik Advocate office. o -The Merry Game of Old Maid at Tub Advocate office. o o All in need of Mfrlit and heavy harness should give Jacob ISutterfuss a cull. -For the past two years I have been troubled with leucorrlioea and female weakness, which at times lias been so great that I could neither eat nor sleep. I wore one of Prof. Ouilmette's Kidney pads and it cured me Mrs. H. JtitoMK, Toledo. O it JiOTIC'E. 1 he meeting of the stockholders for the election ot Directors of the N. Y. Ridgway and Pittsburgh R. R. Co., lias been postponed until Feb. IS, 1882, to ne neni at the same place and time a day as former meeting. By order of i ne jioara. L. Rogers, Sec'y, A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN On the Loss of A I.ECTrrtE ON TUB NATURE, Tit E ATM EN T, AND KAMCAI. cure Ot Seminal Weakness, or Spermatorrhea induced by Self-Abuse, Involuntary Emissions, Inipotcncy, Nervous De bility, aud Impediment to Marriage generally; ( onsumptlon, Kpilepsy, and Fits; Menial and Physical In capacity. Ac. By ROBERT J. CUL VERWELL, M. D.. author of the "Green Book,''&c. The world-renowned author, in tills admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the iviliui consequences of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instru ments, rings, or cordials; poiuting out a mo-ic of cure at once certain and ef fectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. jfcir'This Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent, under seal, in a plain envel ope, to one address, ou receipt of six cents or two iMjstairc stamns. Address. The C ULVER W ELL M E D I C A L Co. 41 Ann St New York. N. Y p.i office Box, 400. ROBBED. Thousands of graves are annually robbed of their victims, lives prolonged, happiness nnd health restored by the use of the great GERMAN INVIGORATCR which positively and p remanent ly cures Impotelicy (caused by excesses of any kind), Seminal weakness, and all dis eases that follows as a sctiuence of Self-Abuse, as loss of energy, loss of memory, universal lasittule, pain in the back, dimness of vision, premature old age, and many other diseases that lead to insanity or consumption und a premature grave Send for circulars with testimonials free by mail. The IN VIGOR ATOR is sold at $1 per box, or six boxes for So by all druggists, or will be sent free hy mail, securely sealed, oil receipt of price by addressing F. J. CHENEY, Druggist. 187 Summit St., TOLEDO, Oil IO. Sole Agent for the United States. The most wnunderful curative rem edies of the present day, are those that come from Germany, or at leust origi nate there. The most recent prepara tion placed upon the market in this country, is the GREAT GERMAN IN VIGOR ATOR, which has never been known to fail in curing a single case of impotency, spermatorrhoea, weakness and all diseases resulting from self-abuse, as ntrvcous debiiily, inability, mental anxiety, languor, lassitude, depression of spirits ami functional deraneuu ntsot t he nervous system. For sale by druggists, orsent tree by mail ou receipt of the price If 1.00 .SoleAgent for the United States. Send for circular. For sale by Clias. McVcan, St. Marys, Pa. PLANTS and SEEDS FOH EVERYBODY Ou r I L L U.ST It A TED CAT A LOG UK and BOOK OF FLOWERS send free to any address. HAUItY Of A.IPEL Florist ami Seedsman. Williarntipori, Pa. IIenk? A. Pabsoxs, Jr., Local agent Ridgway, Pa. I was given up to die, from a (lis ease of my limbs. I took Peruna and It cured me. J. Irwin, Hope, Pa. Business Cards. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Main street, RbfgWay, Elk Co., Pa Particular attention given to the examination of titles, also to patenss nnu patent cases. HALL. & M'CAULEY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. . Office In new brick building, Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v32t J. S. BARQWELL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Over twenty five year practice. Ofllce on Main Street, n'idjrwav, Pn opposite tho Bogert -HotisoV Olllce hours trom 1 to 2 and 7 to 8 P. 31. W. L. WILLIAMS. Late of Strattativille), Physician nnd nurgeon, itidgway, Pa. Office in Jtairs Hnck Building (up.stnirs) lteierences J. D. Smith, H. L. roung, it. Kulofson, Strattativille; Major John Kitley, W. W. Green land, Clarlrn. Olllce hours 1 to 2 i: M. and 7 to 8 P. M. G. G. KZE3EN&ER. DRUGGIST A PARMACEUTIST, N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets. Ridgway. Pa., full assortment of care fully selected Foreign and Domestic urugs. prescriptions carefully dis pensed at all hours, day or night. vlu3y HYDE HOUSE. V. H. SCIIRAM, Proprietor, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. Thankful for flic patronage hereto fore so liberallv bestowed linnn htm the new proprietor hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort'and'enn- venience ot gucsUs. to merit a con t inn. ance of the same. ocW0'6 APPLETO PPCAf.TERFCAW CYCLO- This admirable work la nnw rmtt. pletciu lOvols. EachvolumeeontainsbOO pages. It makesa complete Hiid well selected library, and. no. onn eim afford to do without it who would keep well informed. Price $3 00 in cloth, if'i.i'O in leather, or in iWnv,f half I urkey. For particulars address, . II. Fairchild, Portville, Calf. Co., N. ., who has been duly nrmolntcH agent for Elk county by C.K. Judson. general agent. DRES5MAKIKS. Mrs. F. Pollman hnvimr mnvnrl inin the house of Jas. Penfleld 11 em lim Catholic church Wishes to inform tho citizens of Ridgway and vicinity that she is prepared to do in a neat and satislautory manner all kinds of plain sewing and reasonable prices. A'l persons having work in this line are rcsnecti'ullv invited t,. give her a call. nl5m3 E8TRAY. Came to the iirpmluou nf ri a Brock way In Hortnn township, Elk county. Pa , in the month of Novem ber, A. D. 1881, two WHITE SHEEP, the owner will please come forward, prove property nnd pay charges, or they will be disposed of according to Brock port, pu., Jan. 13, 182. ESTATE KQTICE Estate of William Emmett, late of 'ox townshin. Elk eonntv l.w... Notice is hereby iriveu that left PN ilf administration, C. T. A., have been granted to the undersigned upon the above named estute. All persons in- lehted to said estate are rermevte,! tn make immediate payment, and those haying claims against the same to present them without ilelnv i order lor yettlement. P. W. Hays. Administrator C T. A. 1h cortst aud liuit etic.u eiuf ijiio, L AaoBnablnAtiom of Hon,, Mar K drakho aod Dandelion, with tal ui bciLnjiJ M most uratiT prupcrt.M of a'l cthar X!.Urfl, miLkeV tb rrM.Ht Glood Furh'.r, l.ivor Rojjul vJtor'luld ura ,J KevJUi iutui-i2ig Ageut aifaiWl iT7M in ' IT IT) ' lh. No dlsesje Ak hfl BourifclT lonff exl-.t vh(ro IT30 Bitten iu- n&ed f tuteti suitl p j; lucl are tlictr operwooa.1 lit; (In u alrtjot ts lii ijtJ ni izlm. To U whose amplo j-ments J rresrularl yoi Uiotxiwelior oi-taarj orjtanj, or irho r qtitr an Appetizer , lonio and ml.d SUmulut, Bop Bitten are uiTiTk oable, without Intox icating ttaraiK No matter what jour f t.fUr(rt or trmptoim arcwbattuedleeaiieorali'uieDt le uee Hop Bit. tors, lioo't wait until jouaH u'ok out ir yoa onlj feel bad or mLiorableiusat'iem at once. ltniaysavd7out'hfv.itna8Hftved hundreds. $500 will be paid for a eaw thry will not eureorbelp. Do not eu.Tercllt7oarfr!oi.ds wffer.but us and urse tbrnvK Hop H Bemeniber, Bop Bitters is no.Tua' "n'tfrol drunken nostrum, but tbe Pu 'ette n d iiet lledii'ine erer maile ; the "laIJM. VSIKtfl and HOPI" and no norsou or tmilyU. jf r.I.C.I",i '"il ito noi t tr.i'.!V.e cu'-i 9 t 1 forlli imkennesB.uae ol opiuiu, tc-aoo rnoK' t':-"-' Jt narcotics. AU sold by i -.14-.-; j.s. gao k f 1 :WS lor t:iroiUr. Bop Dlltw. J!. Ci., J? I'KN'NSVLVAN't A KAIL, KOAD Philadclpliia & Erie 11 R. Div. WINTER TIME TABLE On and alter MONDAY, Oct. 31. lssl the trains 011 tlie PIiMrHpI. pliia & Erie Railroad Division will run as touows: . . . WESTWARD. Niagara Ex. Icuvcr Pliila 8 00 a. ni. " 4,j p. in. " " " .Driftwood7()U " " " " En.poritini7 fio " " " " St.Marva..8 40 ' " ' '' Ritl(way..8 4H , " Kir. Kane 10 01 " Kit ik MAIL leaves Phiia 11 65 p. m " Renovo II 0.1a. ni. " " Drill wood. 12 15 p.m. " " Ihiiporiuni.l 30 p. ni. " ' St. Mary's..'.' 0 p. m. " " Ridgway... 2 ii p- m. " " Kane 3 Mi p. m. " arr. ut Erie.. 7 45 p. ni. EASTWARD. Day Express leaves Kane . , . 6 00 am. Richjwnv CUam. St. Marys 7 17 " " " Emporiums 10 " " " Di iliwootl 8 67 ' " " " Renovo . . 10 05 ' . " arr. hi Pliila. ... 7 05 pm. kkik mail leaves Erie 11 35 a. in. " " Kane .. A 10 p. m, " " Riditway....5 17 p.m. ' " St. Mary's..5 50 p. m " Emporium. H 55 p. n.. Driftwood. .7 42 p. 111. " " Rcnovo 00 p.m. . arr. tit Philn..- 7 W) a. m. Erie Mail and Niagara Exprew coiitu'it with Low (hade Division: Erie Mail west and Dav Express coil lied with B. N, Y. A P. R. R. ROBERT NEILSON, General Sup't. The Patriot. , A Pennsylvania Nttwepaper for the Qonjral Public. Tho DAILY PATRIOT is the only morning newspaper published at the State Capital. Tbe DAILY PATRIOT make a sped- : alitv of Pcnnsvl van in news. i The DAILY PATRIOT publish tho Associated Press news and specials from nil points. . . . The DA ILY PATRIOT gives PpoeloJ attention to grain and product! markets. . , , The DAILY PATRIOT opposes mon opoly, bossism and centralization of political power. . ... Terms; 6.00 per annum. nfrA-fty in ait vane?, or f7.00 per annum if noi paid in advance. For any period Icsa than one year at proportionate rates. The WEEKLY PATRIOT is a large eight page fin per, devoted to lit.crr nturc, agriculture, selened, manufac tures, news, niarke4, etc. During 18K2 each ..number will contain au illustration of some prominent topic or event. .This is an attractive fea ture which cannot, .fail lo please. Terms: $1 00 per annum, Invariably . in nriVnnee. One cbVv of the WEEKLY PATRiOTnn'd onccopy or the Philadelphia ti'ecMi times will be sent one year for S2.00 each In ndvancc.tbus giving the two papers for the sulvtriplion -price of the latter. Onecopv of tho WEEKY PATRIOT and o'ue copy of the Cot(nrf! Heart h, an excellent monthly magazine, published at Boston at $1.60 per annum.' will bw sent one year for $1.70 cash in ao Send in your subscription at one- Address PATRIOT PUBLISHING CO ,,. Harrisburg, Pa. GIVEN AWAY! A SPLENDID DICTIONARY; -TO Every Yearly Subscriber -TO THK- PITTSBURGH Weekly rcegs'apli Allison's f clistcr's Dictionary. Just issued, ennttininc over LO.OOO words and pliraaes, abbreviations, use ful facts and tabhv, t'orciun words and pliraves, list of mvihnlotrtcal ml pit. fical iianiC'H, Scriiitiire prDjr.r natiiOM, the United Stales ceiiHim of 1880, Ac; also, over 200 illustrative e?y;ruviliis; handsomely bound in cloth. ' The WEEKLY .TELEGRAPH for one year, includinpr the above Diction ary, postage prepaid, SI. 2.5. Subscrip tion received by nil ixstiuater8. fcjeud for a sample copy. CLUBBING BATES. The Week ley Teleirraph and the Elk County, Advocatk for $2.75. Al the .mbscriptions payable in advance. THE BEST REMEDY Diseases of tne Throat and Lungs; JH-rrriff. Diseases of the pnlmo- JriYll,K, nary orguus are so prev uifiit ami latitl, that a salts and reliable ruuitidy for theui U iuvaliiublu to every comiiiunity. AVF.It'8 ClIKKKV I'ECt ToilAL is siirlt a ri'iiiHil v. 'and. no other so cuii- I nently morits the tonll- tiunue ot tut) public, li is a sciunlitlu combina tion of tho medicinal principles and curative virtues of the linest tlruurs. rlit'iiiii-jillv unit-. Jii, to insure the great- PECTORAL. 011,1 uiiilonnity of re salts, which enables physicians as well ns invalids to usn it wilU conlidiiuce. It is tho most reliable remedy for diseases of the throat anil lungs that sci ence has produced. It strikes at the foun dation of all pulmonary diseases, affording prompt and certain relief, und is adapted to patitmti of any ana or either sex. Being very palatable, the youngest children tako it without difliculty. In tho treatment of ordinary Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, liroiicliltis, liitliienzu, Clergyman's Sore Throat, Asthma, Croup, and Ca tarrh, the effects of Aveu's Ciii iiiiy I'ec Tohal are magical, and multitudes are an nually preserved from serious illness by its timely anil faithful use. It should be kept at liuiul in every household, for the pro tection It affords In sudden attacks.' In Y hooping. cough and Consumption thero.. U no other remedy bo etiieacioos, soothing, aud helpful. The marvellous cures whioh Ateu's Chkhuy I'ectohai. lias effected all over the world are a sutlieient puarauty that it will continue to produce the best results. An luipurtiul trial will convince the most scepti cal of its wonderful curative powers, as well as of its superiority over all other preparo IVus for pulmonary complaints. Finincnt physicians in all parts of he ocuntry, knowing its composition, recom- vul Avkh's Cheuhy Pectobal to invalids, tnd prescribe it in their practice. Tho tcBfc 1 half a century has proved its absolute, certainty to cure all pulmonary complaints, not already beyond the reach of human aid. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer. & Co.; Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowelli Mass. SOLS BT ALL DRUSttlSTS VSBTWBZaVB. Trulb and Honor. Query: What is the best family medicine In the world to regulate the bowel, purify the blood, remove coa- tivciicK3 and biliousness, aid digestion anil tone up the whole system?. Truth and houor compels us to answer, Hop Hitters being pure, perfect and linria 'ess. Bee another column. Tohdo .Hade. The City of rit. Paul, a first elajJ trge new design, , wood" cook, fetov. ike u look at it before purchuaitr ft itove. W. S. Bkk vioxf; Ag l CHERRY 1"! Ja