Menrj A. Fnrsons, Jr., - Editor THURSDAY, FEB. I). 1832 Entekku at the Tost-okfick at IvIDMWAY, I'A., AS 8KCOXD t'l.ASS MAfL MATTIt. REWARD! OVER A MfJb- Lion of Prof. UulImeUe's KRKNClt Kidney Pais ITnve Rlrendy hran Kold In tliiH country and In Krance every one of wUich linn glvou perfect Bntisfiictlnn n n U hns per formpd cures pvcry time when used ac cording to dlrvrtioiiR. We now ftiiy lo the nftlioled find doubt ing oiios Unit wo will pay the ubove reward for a single case of LAME BACK That the Pud falls to cure. TIiIh great remedy will Positively and Per manently cure Lumbago, Lame Buck, (Sciatica, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, Bright's Disease of the Kidneys, In vontinencfi and Retention of the Urine, Jnflamntion of the Kidneys, Catarrh of the Bladder, High Colored Urine, Pain in the Back, Hide or Loins, Nervous Weakness, and in fact all disorders of the Bladder and Urin ary Organs whether contracted by private disease or otherwise. LADIES, if you are su fieri ng from Female Weakness, Leucorrhoea, or any disease of the Kidneys, Bladder, or Urinary Organs, YOU CAN BE CURED I Without swallowing nauseous medi cines, by simply wearing PROF. GUI LMETTE'S French Kidney Pad, Which Cures by Absorption. Ask your drugs ist for PROF. GUIL METTK 8 French Kidney Pad, and take no other. If ho has not got it, send $2.00 and you will receive the Pad by return mail.'' TESTIMONIALS KKOM THIS PEOl'LE. JUDGE BUCHANAN, Lawyer,' Toledo, O., snvs: "One of Prof. Guihnette's French Kidney Pads cured nie of Lumbago in three weeks' time. My case had been given up by the best "Doctors as incur:'.! k During all this timo I Buttered untold agony and paid out large sums of money. GEORGE VETTER. J. P. Toledo, O "I Buffered for three years with Sciatica and Kidney Disease, and often had to go about on erutehes, I was entirely and pcrnmutlv cured after wearing Pof. (iuiliuoUe'is French Kid ney Pad four weeks." 'SQUIRE N. C. SCOTT, Sylvania, O "I have been a great sutl'ertr for K years with Bright's Disease of the Kidneys. For weeks at a time I was unable to get out of bed; took barrels of mediein.e, hut they gave nie only temporary relief. I wore two of Prof. iuilmelte's Kidney Pads six weeks, ami I now know lam entirely cured. MRS HELLEX JEROME, Toledo, O "For years T have heen confined, a great part of the time to my bed, with Lucorrlut-a and female weakness. 1 wore one of Guilmelte's Kidney Pads and was cured in one month. H. B. GREEN, Wholesale Grocer, Fiudland, O. "I cjinTered for 25 years with buck and in three weeks permanently cured by wearinsj one of Prof Guii inette'sLiver Pads.'' B. F. KEESLING, M. D. Druggist, Logansport, Ind. When Rending In an order for Kidney Pads, writes: "I wore one of the first ones we had and I received more ben efit from it than anything I overused. In fact the Pads give hotter general satisfaction than any Kidney remedy we ever sold.'' RAY & SHOEMAKER. Druggists, Hannibal, Mo. "We are working up a lively Hade in your Pads, and are hearing of good results from them every day." Prof. Gnilinette's French LIVeYpTd. Will positively cure Fever and Ague. Dumb Ague, Ague Cuke, Bilous Fever, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, aud all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Blood. Price $1.. 50 by mail. Send for Prof. Gnilinette's Treatise on the Kid neys and Liver free by mail. Address FRENCH PAD CO., Toledo, Ohio. For Bale by Chas. Me Wan, St. Marys, Pa. PIANOS. 5100 up (Stool. Cover and Book) Elegant Square Grand, li strings, full Agrattes, every improvement, only S-4.5. Cabinet Grand Upright tfiilu andoO. Other Grand Holiday Bar gains. Jubilee Organs, $oa up (Stool and Book). Excelsior, style i2, Five sect of Reeds, 15 stops, only $87. "Oriental," style 103. Ten set of Reeds, 20 stops, oil Iy 125. No. "bogus" sets of reeds or dummy" stops. All sent on 15 days trial, freight free if unsatis factory. Fair and honest' dealing guaranteed. Sheet Music J price. Piano, Organ, or Music Catalogue free. MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO., Box 2058, N. Y. ORGANS. N EW LIVERY STAPLE IN RIDGWAY. GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. o!rHe will also do job teaming. Stable on Elk street. All orders lef fc tie Post Office will receive promp attention. A. 8wart2 Ross, Merchant Tailor, sign of the red front, Main street, Ridgwuy, Ph.. has on hand a large lock of gents furnishing good in' connection with his tailoring estab lishment. He has a large stock of samples for winter !uitings. Orders prompt!-filled and all work guaran teed to give satisfaction. UDITORS' -SETTLEMENT. UDITORS' -SE'I Receipts and Expenditure of Elk County for the year ending Decem ber 31, '81, tlftOEIPTS. ToU coUedteil upon undented lftuds BIB R2 To iiin't vee'd for funds redeemed 'ir2 id To ain't ree'd from wile or honds 6,000 00 To enflh ree'd from fate of CO. houda... 625 Ml To ( null from Itenclngur and Fox Poor Fnmls W M To mn't Com'n wealth costs collected i 19 To cah received for mtilerinl sold Ml 57 To cnnh received for Iron wife 8U (10 To cash received from collectors 11,578 63 tis.twe 35 KXPKKBITCRBS. By amount paid M. Wcldert. for ser vices ns commissioner By amount paid W. lI.UMerlioul.ror services as commissioner By amount paid Ucore Keuscher, for services as commissioner By amount paid W, H. Horton, com missioners' clerk . By amount paid Hall & M'Cauley, commissioners' counsel Bv amount lmld D. 13. Ovster. sherltr 216 00 138 00 218 00 600 00 75 00 balance due 459 6fl By am't paid Thos. Hullivan, sheriff 14)7 60 By ain't paid constables, olllcers' fees H85 tin By ain't paid Justices, olllcers' fees.... 1 75 By amount paid district attorney 211 00 By amount paid oourt criers Koss and Wensef 67 SO By amount paid tip tall VI 00 By amount paid 1-ro.Sehc dug sn'2 By am't pd. county auditors & clerk.. W 00 By amount paid Janitors 4SS 82 Bv am i pd. constables, Com. costs.... 130 71 By amount paid Justices, " " 43 30 By mu't paid witnesses " !' ..... tub 18 By am't pd. assessors fornssessing 2B2 47 By am't pd. assessors for registering. 1S4 25 By am't paid grand Jurors 870 24 By am'tpuld travel se Jurors 2,140 20 By am't paid Jail expenses 8S8 48 By amount paid Stateprlson 77 W By am't pd. bt. hospilal for insane... 609 88 By amount paid for publlshlngaudl- tors' settlement 830 00 By amount paid for publishing eleo- tlon proclamation 16100 By nmount paid fur miscellaneous printing and advertising - 800 68 By am't paid for election expenses... (H2 58 By am't pd. for road views and dam ages 459 81 By amount paid for postage, Ac 18 24 Bv am't pd.l'or bounty on wolves Ac. 85 80 By utnount paid for fuel and lights... 440 25 By amount paid for repairs U publio buildings 37 16 By amout paid for inqueets on dead Ijodies 130 78 By am't paid Jury com'rs and clerk.. 67 10 By am't paid lor auditing prothono- tary's account 0 00 By am't paid for Institute expenses.. 136 93 By amount pd. for pnperlng old pro- thonotuty and coinm'rs oiflce 16 60 By amount paid for extra keys for court house 1 20 Ttv ninoiiiit. naved for lusuraucu on courthouse 285 00 By am't paid for Insurance on Jail 28 00 By am't paid for llxing court house bell 39 94 By amount paid for detective service In Hhu nneratlon 606 51 By amount paid for carpet sweeper... 3 60 Itv Amount nald for one-half of town clock 350 00 Bv amount, nnld for extra labor. on court yard .. 8 00 Bv amount naid for renal is to court yard I nco 16 00 Rv iimiiiint. mild for two buu9 tlhu phute for court yard 7 60 By ain't pd Bcnnii, Rofonn School... 65 95 By am't pd. for covering steam pipes 125 00 By nmount paid for books for pro- thonotary's'ofllce 88 25 Bv Hinonnt, tinid for nrinline labels lor protlionotury's otllee 41 80 By nmount paid for books for com missloiieis' ofllce 8 60 Bv nmount pnld Chas. Holes for at tending clock 20 00 By amount paid V. H. Osterhout for mnnu. e.clovt r seed and team work 9 15 By um't State tax on Ave per cent, bonds 42 60 By amount interest to M. Brunner for loan of S2,noO for lour months 40 00 By am't balance due J, P. Marston architect of court house 146 00 Bv am't paid M. E. Lesser for rail around buck steps of court house... 65 00 By nmount paid W. J. Butler for ex iiuilator 34 15 Bv amount paid Dickinbon Bros, for lumber for walk 22 67 Bysnmount paid II. 8. Thayer for team work 16 13 By um't paid W. C. Clenry for freight 7 48 By nmount paid mason for cement ing eclair tloor 82 50 By am't paid olllcial stenographer.... 205 00 By anvuii.t paid for articles. ic. used In und about tho finishing up of the esurt house 14122 By amount paidJos. Lewis lor clean ing water tank - 75 By amouui paid for eyelets 5 14,598 43 By exes of receipts ovr expenditures 4,ot)7 92 $18,666 35 Assets and Liabilities of Elk County, Jan. 2, 182. To am't of tax on unseated lands, Kublect to comls. anil exoneration.. 28,176 12 Toaiii'toltax due from collectors, subject to commission and exon eration 9,015 50 To amount due from llenzinger twn- shlp for support ol lunatics ul Dlxmont Hopit il To amount due from Fox township 521 08 tor support of lunatics at Dixmont Hospital ; 807 96 1 O aiUOUIll UUU lOI KUMI V Ul ClICII (iulnn at uiMiiont Hospital To amount due from Jacob M'Cau ... 402 84 ley, ex-treasurer, lor county tux r -cord, and not credited T.j judgment note against J. L. A J. K. HonliHin To Judgment note against P. W. Hays and Joe Starr To amount duo from Rldgway town ship for support of John Well I Ik at Wurreu Hospital - 100 68 41 68 50 00 174 93 88.790 69 To excess of liabilities 14.150 41 (52,941 10 , 50,000 00 435 62 By county bonds outstanding- By county orders outstanding By amount of .Slate tax due m By amount due Dlxmont Hospital... By amount due Warren Hospital...-. 1,4.11 36 899 19 174 93 S62.941 10 Amounts Received from the Several Collectors of Elk County during iboi. Collector. Township. Year. Nathan Hippie... Horton 1875 Hiram Eiseltnaii.Spring Creek 187H Thos, IIiiichlleld..Hortou 1S7S Armel Tui ley Jay 178 Jns.s.t'hampion.. Millstone..... 1878 Michael Stlblch...Ht. Marys 1878 John Burr Beneaette 1879 .1 oscpli Km inert.. Fox..... 1 879 Kiihrnlm Hewitt.Jay 1879 V. ('. Healy Rldgway 1879 C. K. Sexton Benc.elte 1880 Joseph Young.... Beniinger 188(1 Hug. B. Hyatt Kox 1880 Wm. S. Cole Highland 1880 Imnlel Phalen Horton 1880 Jacob H. Miller Jay 1880 Hchard Brunnan.Jnnes ....1880 (lodl'rev Parrott...Millslone ........ 1880 W. s. Horton Kidgway 1880 MatthovShanleySpilng Creek ...18so Welglc, Jr...St. Marys 1880 N'ewton Johnson. Benezette 1881 Joseph Young Benalnger 1881 Jercmlalille'.vltt.Kox 1881 Samuel (Hrdner..Hlghland lsxi J.S.chnmberlln... Horton 1881 Will, (i. Thomas. .Jay M ;1881 Jos. Tamblni Jones -..lssl James Aharrah... Millstone 1881 I mil id Cannvan.. Kidgway 1881 B. P. Mercer Bldgway Boro.,1881 Mat the wShan ley Spring Creek.... 1881 George St. Marys 1881 Tax, 144 30 15 83 211 00 12 00 5 64 15 17 41 42 45 10 220 47 67I1 40 217 00 71 99 619 42 82 28 84 00 612 71 520 13 29 118 1,153 18 1iI9 82 60 2 39 420 00 150 00 VM 94 80 00 500 00 225 00 1,129 93 111) 48 612 35 6iio no 885 00 386 20 4U1.678 68 Paid since settlement. Amounts Due from the Several Col lectors of Elk County, Jan. 2, 1882. Collector. Township. Year. Tax. Thos. Burchneld-Horton Michael stiblch...St. Marys. .. John Barr Bcnczette.... W. i Henly Hidgway C. R. Sexton Bcnezelte,... Eng. B. Hyatt Kox Daniel l'halea.. ..Horton 1878 59 08 1878 1879 1S79 180 1880 1SMJ 1880 1880 1,119 61 182 16 62 80 144 81 644 80 318 58 9 30 430 28 409 09 810 S3 330 18 781 38 611 84 R-8 .SO 161 80 724 46 8 19 Win. 8. Cole HlgMlHiud Richard BrenuanJones W. H. Horton Rldgway. ,..1880 Geo. Welgle, Jr. ..St. Marys .. Newlon Johnsou.BenezetW.. Joseph Young Benziiiger. Jereininh HewltlKox....- Samnel aardner.Highland... J. B. Chamberlin Horloii Thomas. Jay Joseph Tamblnl.. Jones ,.880 ..1881 ..1881 ..1881 ..18X1 ..1881 ..IS81 1881 James Aharrah ...Millstone 1881 73 61 Daniel Canavan...Rldgway Twp...issl B. P. Mercer ...Rldgway Roro.,l8Kl Matthew ShanleySprlng Creek 1881 Oaorge Hushu tii. Marys ........,.18SJ 473 92 l.a.l K4 81 81 686 14 W.01S 60 Mvhaet Brtmncr, Esq., lYeasttrer of Elk County, in aceotint with said County for the year ending January 2, 1882. To tax collected upon unsld. lands... -619 52 " am't received lor lanus reueemen m "i " amount reed, for sale of bonds 6,000 00 " um't reed, from sale of Co. Innds.. 625 50 amount received from BeiiKlnger and Kox Poor funds ,.. 800 93 " Commonwealth cots collected 128 19 " cash for materials sold . 36 57 " cash received for Iron safe sold...... 30 00 " cash received from collectors 11.578 63 " exoneration Ordis reed. fr. coll sr 527 55 (19,193 90 By balance at last settlement. 1,144 79 ' refunding orders redeemed Ul 71 " county orders r'd'm'd A eancoled 14.32 12 " Interest paid on county bonds..... 2.415 75 ' exoneration orders redeemed 5(0 96 " treasurer's commission, reeoiving 208 82 " treasurer's eominis'n, disbursing 3115 85 19,112 50 81 40 " balance due fund.. 19,193 90 SCHOOL FUNDS. BENEZETTE SCHOOL FUND. To bal. due treas. at last settlmt 23 98 By balance due treasurer BEKZINGER SCHOOL FUND. To bal. due fund at last settlmt 188 07 " tax collected from uustd I nets 13 87 " am't reed from lnda redeemd 49 95 " am't reed from luds redeemd 22 10 $272 89 261 00 4 f4 1 71 5 31 By school treasurer's receipts "refundlnjr orders redeemed ' treasurer's com receiving " treasurer's com disbursing 272 M 83 " balance due fund $272 89 BENZINOER SCHOOl, BUILDING FUND. To bal due fund at last setlmt " tax col from unstd lands " om't red from Ids redeemed " am't red from Ids redeemed 45 67 13 87 11 10 11 05 $S1 09 74 00 1 86 72 1 61 By school treasurer's receipts " refunding orders redeemed '' treas com receiving " treas com diubing $81 C9 FOX 8CIIOOL FUND. To bal fund lat settlement " tax received from unstd Ids " balance due treasurer 494 16 14 51 508 07 09 $508 70 498 50 29 9 07 By school treas receipts " treas com receiving " treas com disbursing $008 76 FOX SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. To bal due fund at last settlmt 565 59 " taxes recvd from unsld lnds 2 00 $568 40 564 Oil ' 06 11 08 By school treas receipts " treas com receiving " treas com disbursing 666 14 3 35 " balance due fund $568 49 HIGHLAND SCHOOL FUND. To bal due fund at last settlemt 117 76 " tax received from unstd Iruls 183 25 " balance due treasurer $.101 28 291 79 3 60 5 83 By school treasurer receipts " treasurer's com receiving " treasurer's com disbig $301 28 HORTON SCHOOL FUND. To bal due fund last settlement 47 11 " tax received from uustd luds 7 2 $54 31 14 54 17 By treasurer's corars receiving " balance duo fund $54 31 JAY SCHOOL FUND. To bal due fund at last settemt " tax recvd from uustd lands 40 77 8 60 6 87 " um't recvd from lnds rdmd .$50 24 45;00 19 '90 46 09 10 15 By school treasurer's receipts " treas com receiving " treas com disbursing " balance due fund $56 24 JONES SCHOOL FUND. To bal due at last settlement 7711 reed from uustd lands 1 OS $7i 19 By school treasurer's receipts treas com receiving " treas com disbursing "balance due fund $78 19 JONES SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. To bal due fund at Iit settlem 99 " tax received from unstd lnds 27 $1 28 1 26 1 26 By bal dtie fund MILLSTONE SCHOOL FUND. To bal due fund at last settlemt 8 22 " taxes reed from uustd lands 18 &1 By treas com receiving " balance due fund $26 63 MILLSTONE SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. To bal due fund at last settlemt 6 71 " taxes reed from unstd lauds 80 52 $37 28 61 86 62 $37 By treas com receiving " balance due fund $23 90 23 90 23 90 78 61 1 64 02 78 17 02 t $26 63 48 26 17 RIDGWAY SCHOOL FUND. To bal due treas at last settlcmnt 8 69 $3 69 r59 $3 69 By balance due treasurer RIDGWAY SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. To bal due treas as last settlemt 78 $0 78 By balance due treasurer 78 $0 78 SPRING CREEK SCHOOL FUND. To bal due fuud at last setlemt 183 37 183 37 179 71 3 60 By school treasurer's receipts " treas com receiving balance due fund $183 31 ST. MARY'S SCHOOL FUND. To bal due fund at last settlemt " taxes reed from uustd luds 15 66 8 85 24 51 15 " balance duo treasurer $24 66 15 00 900 in 48 By school treasurer receipts " school treasurer's receipts " treas com receiving " treas com disbursing 24 G6 ROAD FUNDS. BENEZETTE ROAD FUND. To bal. due fund at last setlmt " balance due treasurer 23 20 3 32 26 52 26 00 52 By road orders redeemed " treasurer's commission 26 52 BENZINOER ROAD FUND. To bal. due fund at last setlmt " taxes reed from unstd lands " am't rccd from lands rdmd . " gait reed from lauds redmd 121 03 23 07 63 64 44 20 241 94 By township treasurer's receipt 118 00 " road orders redeemed 89 00 " refunding orders redeemed 4 84 " refuudiug orders redeemed 70 '' treas. commission, receiving 2 42 " treas. commission, disbrsing 4 25 219 21 52 73 balance due fund 241 94 BENZINOER ADDITIONAL ROAD FUND. To bal due fund at last setlemt ' taxes reed from unstd lauds " amt reed from lands rdmd " amt reed from lauds rdmd 93 63 23 07 63 64 11 05 181 39 By twp treasurer's receipt " refunding orders rdmd " treasurer's com., receiving " treasurer's com., disbursing 180 .T.i 1 00 181 39 " balance due fund FOX KOAD FUND. Tc bal due fund at last setlmt " taxes rccd from unstd lands 139 96 11 65 151 51 135 00 4 00 6 60 23 2 89 147 6S 3 83 151 61 By twp treasurer's receipts ' road orders redeemed " tax on lands sold Co. 1880 " treasurer's com., receiving " treasurer's com., disbursing " balauce due fund FOX ADDITIONAL ROAD FUND. To taxes reed from unstd lands 10 14 10 14 20 0 94 By treasurer's com., receiving " balance due fund 10 14 HORTON ROAD FUND, To bal due fund at last setlmt " taxes reed from unstd lauds 9 61 12 00 21 61 20 00 24 40 By road orders redeemed ' treasurer's com., receiving " treasurer's com., disbursing " balance due fund 21 61 HIGHLAND ROAD FUND. To bal due fund at last setlmt 264 64 " taxes reed from unsta lands 367 43 031 97 By twn treasurer's receipts " road orders redeemed " treasurer's com., receiving " treasurer's com., disbursing 200 00 297 00 7 35 11 14 675 49 " balance due fund 50 48 031 97 JAY ROAD FUND. To taxes reed from unstd lands " unit reed from lauds redmd 6 00 8 61 14 61 By bal due fund at last setlmt " road orders redeemed " treasurer's com receiving " treasurer's cum disbursing 1 07 11 00 29 22 12 68 2 03 " balance due fund 14 61 JAY ADDITIONAL ROAD FUND. To taxes reed from unstd lands " amt reed from lauds redeemed 3 CO 1 69 6 29 10 6 19 620 By treasurer's com receiving " balance due fund JONES ROAD FUND. To taxes reed from unstd lands " balance due treasurer 1 35 17 1 62 1 49 03 1 62 By bal due treasr at last pctlmt "' treasurer's ccm receiving MILLSTONE ROAD FUND. To taxes reed from unstd lands 61 05 61 05 By bal due treaer at Inwt setlmnt road orders redeemed " trenaurer's com receiving " treasurer's com diubursin 42 72 10 00 1 2'2 H2 60 2(1 70 " balance due fund 61 05 RIDGWAY ROAD FUND. To bal due funds at last setlmnt 156 1 156 74 150 00 8 00 3 06 By twp treasurer's receipts " road orders redeemed " treasurer's com receiving " baliince due fund 150 06 68 156 74 SPRING CREEK ROAD FUND. To bal due fund at last setlemnt 71 08 " taxes reed from unstd luuds 23 05 94 13 05 04 18 75 on 10 79 46 1 83 " balance due treasurer By twp treasurer's receipt " twp treasurer's receipt " treasurer's com receiving " treasurer's com disbursing Oi 18 SPRING CREEK ADDITIONAL ROAD FUND. To bal due fund at last setlmnt 24 25 24 25 23 00 46 By twp treasurer's receipt " treasurers com. ieceiving 23 40 79 24 26 " balance due fund ST. MARYS ROAD FUND. To bal due fund at last settlmnt " taxes reed from unstd lands " balance due treasurer 12 00 ; 8 85 21 45 15 21 60 21 00 18 42 By borough treasurer's receipts " treasurer's com receiving " treasurer's com disbursing 1 ST. MARY'S CORPORATION FUND. To bal due fund at lust settlemt " taxes reed from unstd lunds 4 46 4 44 8 90 08 balance due treasurer 8 98 8 72 20 By borough treas receipts treas com receiving 8 98 rOOR FUND. BENZINOER FOOR FUND. To bal due fund at last settlemt 448 39 10 11 37 82 1 1 05 tuxes reed from uustd lauds amt reed from lands rdmd amt reed from lauds rdmd . 613 37 498 43 3 1!) 1 30 10 03 By township treas receipts rerunning orders rdmd treus com receiving treas com disbursing 512 96 42 balance due fund 613 37 FOX POOR FUND. To bal due fund at last settlemt 113 42 8 69 122 11 ion 88 2 3(i taxes reed fromaiustd lnds By order overseers of the poor treus com (.botu; 112 21 9 h7 " balance due fund 122 11 HORTON POOR FUND. To bal due lund at last settlemt By balance due fund JAY POOR FUND, To bal due fund at last setlmnt " taxes reed upon unstd lands " niut reed from lauds redmd 30 92 1 20 8 14 35 26 30 31 70 By twp treasurer's receipt " treasurer's com (both) 31 01 4 25 " balauce due fund 85 20 JONES POOR FUND. To bal due fund at last setlmnt 51 28 51 28 50 20 1 02 By twp treasurer's receipt " treasurer's commission 61 28 MILLSTONE POOR FUND. To bal due fund at last setlmnt By balance due fund RIDGWAY POOR FUND. To bal due fund at lust sctlmni 237 237 232 4 By twp treasurer's receipts " treasurer's commission 237 CI 99 61 9s) 61 W 61 99 SPUING CREEK POOR FUND. To bal due fund at last setlmnt " taxes reed from unstd lands 16 42 9 22 25 64 24 05 19 . 60 By twp treasurer's receipts " treasurer's com receiving . " treusuier's com disbursing 25 C4 ST. MARYS POOR FUND. To bal due fund at last setlmnt " taxes reed from unstd lands 6 71 5 64 12 25 11 68 11 23 By overseer's receipts " treasurer's com receiving " treasurer's com disbursing 11 92 83 " balance due fuud 12 : STATE ROAD FUND. KANE, RIDGWAY AND ST. MARY'S STATE ROAD FUND. To bal due fund at last settremt 412 84 412 34 By com on $412.34 2 per cent. lor nisnursiiig same 8 2t " cash paid J. L. llrown on bond K o.33 404 10 412 34 We, the undersigned, auditors of Elk eountv, In the Commonwealth of lJeniin'lviiiu, do certify thut, In pur suance of the forty-seventh section of the net, entitled "An. act relating to counties, townships, A-c," passed the loth day of April. 1834, we met at the commissioners' office, in the Borough of Hidgway, in the said county of Elk, on the first Monday of January, 1882, and did audit, adjust and settle the several accounts required of us by law, ugreeably to the several acts of As sembly and supplements thereto, ac cording to the best of our judgment and abilities, and that tlic foregomg is a correct and true statement of the ac countsof Michael Brunner, Esq., treas urer of the said county with the sev eral funds of the said county of Elk for the year endinir Jan. 2d, 1882. Iu witness whereof, we have here unto set our hands and seals at the place aforesaid, this 2"d day of Jan uarv. A. I). 1882. ROBERT H. 8MITH, Oco. j Aud i w i'Uiuiii,'ntiv i Alius Attest Thos. J. Burke, Clerk. 77ie Commissioners of Elk County in account xrith said County for scr rirrs rendered during the year A. D 1881 Michael Weidkrt, Esq. To county orders received 216 00 21600 216 00 By 72 days' service, 3 00 216 0 George Rf.uschkr, Esq. To couuty ui tiers received 216 (X) 210 00 216 CO 216 00 By 72 days' service 3 00 W. II. Osterhout, Esq. To county orders received 1 3fi 00 Hy 4Q duyt-'i awrviccfi, Q:. 3 00 Thomas Sullivan, Eq., High Sheriff of Elk County, in aceouht wit'l said County for the year ending Jan. 2, 1882. To fines and costs collected In criminal cases 222 98 " jury lees col in civil cases 30 Oil " orders for boarding prisoners .181 44 " county orders received 237 50 " balance due sberill" 298 73 1,276 65 By jail account for boarding prs " oner 3S1 44 " fees in criminal cases 66 71 " conveying prisoners to the western penitentiary 312 60 ' conveying Chas. Brunch to reform school 60 00 " serving notices on jurors for May, September aud Novem ber terms, '81 S00 00 " serving notices upon jurors January term, ls8u 100 00 " publishing election proclama tion . 1 On '' fees on commitments 1100 ' lilliiiK up and drawing juries 11 60 " fees on indictments found 62 50 1,278 65 We, t h e u n d ersi gn ed , au d i tors of E 1 k county, in I he Common wealth of f'enn sylvania, do certify, that in pursuance of the forty-seventh section of an act, entitled ''An act relating to Counties, townships. &c," parsed the 15th day of April, 1H34, we met at the commis sioners' oflico, in tne county of Elk, on the first Monday of January, 1882, and did audit, adjust jind settle the several accounts required of us by law, agree 75 75 138 00 138 00 138 00 ably to the several acts ot Assembly and supplements thereto, according to thebesl of our judgment und abilities, aud that the foregoing is a correct and true statement of the accounts of Thomas Sullivan, Esq., Shcrifl of the county of Elk, with the said county. in witness whereof, we have here unto set our hands and seals at the place aforesaid, this 23d day of January, A. J) 1K.H2. ROBERT H. SMITH,) T J. TAYLOR. f Aud'rs J. H. CHAMBiiRLIN, J rs Attest Thos. J. Burke, Clerk, , Monroe taylor ESTABLISHED 1844. M W 53 113 WATEU bTM N1V YORU Are purer, better, stronger, nd longer known in the market than any other article of the kind. Are always lure and reliable, end never fail to insure the best results in cookery Ask your grocer for it and give it a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. 13 13 30 74 1 JftK ESS mi foil I The largest utoik of scrap plcturea in town at Thb Advocate ttice. 13 The secret of Peruna Is that it al ways coincides With the vlsmedicatrlx nafura. (Nature.) The Philadelphia WeekiyiPresa. By a favorable, arrangement with the publishers of The Press we are en ubled to send The Philadelphia Week' ly Press and The Advocate for one year for $2.60, all postage paid. GET TnFUsTl LEAD ALL (BHHB1 Every Style & Price; Guaranteed XJli c qu til e 1 FOB . OPERATION. DURABILITY and WORKMANSHIP. Ip:oTomeat8 and Conveniences fcani I s others. PAPULA.' EVEnYVVKERE. For iu Svctj ijity and Tffwn And by W. II. HYDE A CO.. Ridgway, Pa, fS K!il tm r.Vl 13 tfcsS l A "l"t 1: In tii. Uinta, hack, ttoaiach, vJbWMft, f ': cr phcuM. p l-Mo. tnl-9 i'K ll.1T-Ik 1 Fliorl- sorathruittcf any kiiidl'tuusA." BSSVI umcjcunucuiuia'3 Known louian. irEnrvA H llio lp!t arpzcr, purest fjt!.', 1' i I a "If r "If yon ctm't elocn, tiiho I'citrsAi If fvl yt wo-.k oi woirii'd cenriHv p wcurn-n BicntHiir, enn't rot, tasci V t rti. lCfO vlll b nnlil fnr tho leat Immiriir rr 1 5 mlntjil I'j&t tiajboK-u:ia l:t l'r.iai. a. ' B3m , ttf'd eri-rrwiKTC. For rimrMct writs to L I S. 13. 1! Ai:T5i AN k. Co., OUoju, OSilo. I ir yen nrrj w itntuy, or mTiyTmy sA lev ct the Homarb. colic. tirnoc,, cr vouiuuip, uso i xuuxa. " Hia; !l 1 r.rcon-n, rsiiiti, rifut w i -xt. Fiinri-l VI ncsjol broaih.tAkol'LROA. EjtaaU3BaK' li 'rorcIirr.nlorntaTTh. trmi''hltla.Tlrurlev. IN lJaml 1 tt i STOVE SIGN No. 42 Main St. A FULL, LINE BUILD ERS' HARDWARE STOVES AND House-Furnishing GOODS At POPULAR PRICES. W. S. Service, Ag'L I I 3 ?: 3 5 o IP o D TI a? m a U c rf - 5 3 I&i3o 3 B :? g q o & TTT If too arc VLW man of lt- nftaoynjortiuiaor i your duttfi toIU ' ttlinuUnt!! and use Hop Bittera. If you are younjr and 4lscrctioa or dM4Up rletl or elngl, old or yourbealth or UniruUh en, rely oa Hop rutfl.l Wtii, la li j tore rraiii i:c rcrvoii wsau, ue Hop B, safferlnff from any tn tion i if jou art mar yousff.cuueriiiir from In ou a ited of tick Bitters. Caa. TbousAndt die nuaiiy n oni aome form of K Idney diwase th( mii.t have beenprorenird bra t hue If uuuf U-it your iyHtiu iBiT or Btimujitinff, without intoMcnUsxg, x fi k e nop Bittera. HopBlttere 1 nrt yon ef D. I. C, Is an absolute aud ti rtWLUt io cure fur lirdiikunnei , u-t) oi oi-iuia, tobacco, or or v riiuxr u eom p'.aintf dl'oaiMJ of I lie tloimich, tmirclt. Hood, livtr uxnerve1 Ton will be cured If "ouuee Hop Btttora If TOretfrv A IjUa-Ltu..'. f? - - it i It fiinv av :j: r ilia, ft lrto Vf FAIL! r.-.-a tJ., ' c.v?a nun-. tiroes. i m JMk. E Juoob HutterfuhS Las just received a large new stock of whijis of air kind. Those In' need of' wblpi should call and see bis new itockv i N i i