SCIENTIFIC NOTES. Th number of mta?i now known it seventy-seven. Iodine bus been successfully used in the treatment of diphtheria. Sulphurous Boid acts, In certain cases, as a powerful oxidizing agent. An electrio light is indefinitely di visable without sacrifice of economy. The form of a hailstone is that of an inverted umbrella, being cone shaped and having ribbed sides and rounded base. Cotton fiber, whon quite ripe, con sists of almost pure cellulore, a com pound of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. Professor Forbes and Dr. Young have determined by a number of experiments that the speed of a blue ray of light ex ceeds that of the red by about one per cent. The telephone has been introduced on board the screw steamer Gloucester City, a vessel of 2,150 tons gross regis ter, which was launched a few weeks ugo at Stockton-on-Tees, England. MM. Doherain and Maquenne, in a paper read before the Academy of Sciences, Paris, show that certain electrical discharges without sparks and of comparatively weak tension will decompose water. Late measurements of the carbonic acid existing at considerable heights above the earth's surface, appear to snow tuat tiie gas is pretty evenly dis tributed throughout our atmosphere. Violent atmospheric disturbances are always attended with electrical mani festations; anil, in a certain paper, Dr. Bogers is disposed to consider the prevalent theory of wind as erroneous, and believes tho real causes of air cur rents to be electricity. In 1885 a prize of 25,000 francs, offered by the king of the Belgians, is to be awarded for tho best work of means and measures for making the study of geography general and fur thering instruction in that scieneo in educational institutions. Origin of Some Well-Kuown Phrases. Boo I A corruption of Bab, the name of a fierce Gothic general, the son of Odin, the mention of whose nume spread a panic among his enemies. Nine tutors mnkc a man. This phrase originated in tho following inci dent: in an orphan boy applied at a faHhionable tailor shop in London, in wuicn nmo iournevmen were employed. His interesting appearance opened the hearts of the benevolent tailors, who immediately contributed nine shillings lor tlio reliei of tlio little stranger. witUtliis capital he purchaed fruit, which be retailed at a pr fit. Time passed on, and wealth and honor smiled upon tue young tradesman, so that when lie set up his carriage, instead of troubling the coilogo of heraldry for a crest he painted tho following motto on the panel of his carriage door: "Nino tail ors mado mo a man.:' (Stf. The abbreviation an. is a contrac tion of tho Latin scilicet, itself con- tracted from scire licet, and equivalent to the old iiaglisu "to wit." Tho de sign of tho word was simply to call at' tention to what follows, and in modern typography it might be represented by the index or its equivalent. It is erroneously supposed by many to mean place ot tue seat. But letter had tJiey ne'er leen born etc: Within this awful volume lies Tho mystery of mysteries. Oli, happiest they of human raco, To whom our God has given grace To hear, to read, to fear, to pray, To lift tho luieh nnil force the way ; Hut better had they ne'er been bum Who read to doubt or read to scorn. Tho abovo lines, though originally written in pencil murks in a fly-leaf of a copy of a Bible owned by Lord Byron. and in consequence credited to him, it has been shown were written there bv his friend and contemporary, Sir Walter Beott. This mark, the sign of equality. was introduced into algebra by R .bcrt liecorrte, the nrst Jiuglisn author on nis subject, some time about lu57. In his treatise on algebra, called "VTliet stoneof Witte,"he says: "To avoido the teaious repetition ot tnese words, "is equal to,'' I will settle as I doe often in works use, a pair of parallel lines of one lengthe, thus because no 2 thynges can oe more equalle. "UTioi yon go to Rome do a Rome does." In the time of St. Augustine tue question respecting Saturday being in its infancy, that great thoolosrist was in the habit of dining upon Saturday as upon Sunday; but his mother, Monica, banc? puzzled with the different urac tices there prevailing for they had be gun to fast at Home on Saturday ap plied to her son for a solution of the difficulty. He in return went to Milan on purpose to consult St. Ambrose on the subject. Now at Milan they did not fast on Saturday, and the answer of the Milan saint to the Hippo saint was this: "When I go to Rome I fast on Satur day as they do at Borne; but when I am here I do not" an advice that is cur rent among us to this day "When you go to Rome do as Borne does." Ee tfiat fights He that tights and runs away May lire to light another day. These lines, usually ascribed tolluili bras, are really much older. They are to be found in a book published in 155G. The same idea is, however, expressed in a couplet published in 1512, while one of the few fragments of Menander, the Greek writer, that have been pre served, embodies the same idea in a single line. The couplet in Hudibrasis: For those that fly may fight again, Which he can never do that's stain. Whistling girls, etc. Whistling girls and crowing hen Always come to some bad end. In one of the curious Chinese books, recently translated and published in Paris, this proverb occurs in substan tially the same words. It is also an in junction of the Chinese priesthood, and a oarefully observed household custom, to kill every hen that crows as a pre ventive against the misfortunes wliioh the circumstance is supposed to indi cate. The same practice prevails throughout many portions of the United States. An Ancient Horror. The Vienna Neut FreiPrese quotes from Tacitus his description of the col lapso of the wooden amphitheater at Fidenffi during the reign of Tiberius, by which, according to the annals, 60,000 persons were killed or wounded. The immense structure was a flimsy affair, put up by a certain Atilius, and after reading about the horrors of the catastrophe and the measures adopted to prevent their repetition, we are in formed by Tacitus, with characteristic terseness, that "Atiliaswas burned." Lightning never strikes twice in one place. It iu't necessary, NEWS OF THE WEEK. Eastern and Middle States. One of the five buildings that constitute the suKr refining works of Ilavemeyor A Elder, in Wiliiamaburg, Long Island, has been totally destroyed by fire. This refinery is said to have been the largost in tho world, its capacity being ovor 400 barrels a day. The building burned was six stories high, and contained nearly all the machinery used in refining valued at t76O,O00 and $000,000 worth of sugar. Tho total loss is put at about 11,600, 000, and 8,000 men are thrown out of employ- mont. A prize of $200 for the best essay on'comets was awarded to Lewis Boas, director of the Dudley Observatory at Albany, N. Y. Oscar Wild, English poet and apostle of tho ".Esthetes," delivered hia first lecture in this country a few nights ago before a New York audieuco. While a strong wind was blowing at Syra cuse, N. Y., two walls all that remained of a building which had been destroyed by fire a week previous foil upon a restaurant and pro. cipitated the fourteen inmates into the collar. Ihree young men were killed, and two men were fatally, and about ten more seriously, in jured. Governor Cornell's messago to the New York legislature is an unusually long docu ment, lie says that with a tax levy more than one-third smaller than that of the previous year tho publio revenues have satisfied all legitimate claims, provided $376,500 for tho sinking fund and furuishod a Biirplus larger by $1,840,858 than that which remained at the closo of the fiscal year 18S0. With sound econ omy, the message says, the rato of taxation can bo still further reduced for the coming year. Tho canals suffered a loss in traffic of 1,282,151 tons, and the expenditures upon them exceeded the revenues by $203,012.45. Publio suhool attendance during tho year fell off more than 10,000. Biennial legislative sessions are recommended, as is also the prevention of the sale of oleomargarine for butter, and the modi fication of the usury laws. The Pennsylvania ltcpubliean State conven tion has been callod to moot at Harriaburg May 10. Tire seventeenth annual convention of the American Dairymen's association was held at Syracuse, N. Y. During the meeting various papers relating to the dairy iutoreats of the country were read. The Boston University Methodist colloge has just come into possession of a $2,000,000 estate bequeathed to tho institution ten years ago by Iaac Kich. Crssrs statistics Bhow that the native popu lation of New York city is 727,02.), and the foreign-born population 473,670. Ireland heads the list of foreign-born residents with 198,535, Germany coming next with 153,432, Of the native population 18,952 are colored. South and West. Peter Markins died the other day in Wash ington county, Ark., aged 111 years. Or the thirty-six members of the Utah legis lature thirty-two aro officers of the Mormon church and twenty-eight polyjiamists. A rnoiiiEinoN cmsade has commenced in Nebraska. A fire at Los Angeles, Cal., dostroyod a number of buildings, doing damage to the ex tent of about $100,000. The Iowa Republican legislative caucus nom- i latud Hon. James F. Wilson for United States Senator for tho long term, and Hon. James W. McDill for tho short term. Tho nominations are equivalent to an election. Tue Horoules powder works, at rinole, Cal., were destroyed by au explosion, and a number of persons woro killed and several more in. jural. A duukken witness named Mauraa was fined several times for insolence during a mur der trial at Mount Vernon Ky., and finally the judge ordered his arrest. Mullins' father, tho strongest man in the county, came to his assist ance, and a terrific riot ensued, pistols being drawn and fired, the spectators rushing over each other In their efforts to got out of the way, and tho judges and jury taking part in the ef forts to quell the disturbance. Finally tho two menwero secured without any blood having betu shed. The town of Kemp, Texas, has been com- 1 lately destroyed by an incendiary fire. At Dallas, Texas, 5,723 bales of cottou were sold for $200,000. Tiiia is the largest singl s.ile of cottou ever made in the United States. Town Hop Town, an Iu;lian, was hung at Yakima, Washington Territory, for tho murder of Lorenzo Perkins and his wife in 1878. Of tho feveu Indians engaged in tho murder three 1 avo been hung, three were shot whilo resist ing arrest, and one was released, having turned state's evidence. A mE in the Cumberland river at Nashville, Term., drove 200 families from their homes, compelled many factories and mills to close, and put 100 acres of tho city under water, causing heavy pecuniary damage An immense multitude witnessed the triple execution at Wentworth, N. O., of Matilda Carter, Eldridgo Scales and Joseph Hay (all colored) for tho murder of Nash Carter, bus- Land of tho woman who was haiigoj. Ou the same day Thaddous Baber (white) and Wil liam Ward (colored) were hanged in tho jail yurd at St. Louis, the former for murdering a young woman with whom he had been inti mate and the latter for the murder of a young colored cirl bv whom ho had been jilted. And at Sioux Falls, Dakota, also on the same day, Thomas Ean, for murdering his wifo, mot his death on tho gallow. From Washington. Tue agi'.ation of the subject ot reorganizing tho department of agriculture lias brought forward a number oi bills in Congress looking to this end. Senator Davis, of West Virginia, has introduced a bill to enlarge the department so that it sh til supervise the commercial as well as the agricu tural interests of tho coun try. Congressmen Le evre, Itnssell, and UpJe- graff, of Ohio, have all introduced bills pro- vi-ling for the thorough reorganization and enlargement of the department Mr. Lefuvre's bill provides for a number of bureaus in the department, some of which have already an existence, in fact, and also for the appointment of a secretary of agriculture, an assistant secretary, etc., making tho department a full executive department. The state department is informed from Bt. Petersburg that Lieutenant Danenhauer and five of the Jeannette'i crew have arrived at Yakutek and are well provided for. Engineer Holville and six men are expected there soon. Messrs. A. M. Powell and Wm. . Dodge, president of the National Temperance society, cf New York eity, appeared before the select committee on alooholio liquor traffic and spoke in favor of the appointment of a commission to inquire into the liquor trafflo of the United States. A bill introduced In the House by Representa tive Browne, of Indiana, for the issue and ex change of fractional treasury notes of the Uni ted States, authoiizes the secretary of the treasury to issue such treasury notes, payable to bearer on demand, in denominations of 5 10, 25 and SO cents, and the aggregate sum thereof to be $10,000,000, the note to be ex changeable at par for other currency In sums of $100 or any mul iple thereof, and to be legal tender for all debts not exceeding $. Th President has art-roved the Joint resolu tion of Consress tendering the thanks of the people of the United States to his highness tho khedive of Egypt for the girt or an anoient obelisk. Captain Geowib E. Ttson. who has passed fourteen wintors in the Arctio regions, in a letter from Washington oiprosses the opinion that the nolo will never be reached by the old methods, and that the balloon plan is the only one that proinisos snoocss. Foreign News. Six Italians who took part in the riots at Marseilles, Franco, last Juno, have been sen tenced to terms of imprisonment ranging from ton years to six months. Two Indian bands, numbering 800, , have murdered fifteen men, six women and four children in Scnora, Mexico. Fon participating in the anti-Jewish riots at Warsaw 350 persons have been hold for trial. IliciiAnn IIenrt Dana, tho distinguished Massachusetts lawyer and author, died the other day in Rome, aged sixty-sevon years. A lto.ME dispatch says that Oaribaldi has been badly injured by tho upsetting of his car riage. Tns Garfield, the largest steel sailing ship afloat, has boen launched at Belfast, Ireland. General Valmabeda, governor of Madrid, and formerly governor-general of Cuba, is dead. The sealing steamer Lion was wrecked forty miles from St. John's, N. F., and all hands, consisting of the crew and several passenger about forty souls in all -were lost. A fire at Tokio, China, destroyed 140 houses. More than 250 persons wore killod by an earthquake in China. Brilliant scenes were witnessed in Lisbon, Portugal's capital, at the mooting of the king and queen of Spain and the king of Portugal. Tub czar has remitted a Urge part of ths paymonts due from the Russian peasants on account of tho land they received at the time oi their emancipation. A cnown in county Kings, Ireland, broke up tho roads, throw trees acrosB them and de stroyed four bridges to prevent the carting oi oats to a sheriffs Bale. The dead bodicB of the process server, Mr. Huddy, and his nephow, who disappeared from county Mayo, Ireland, have been found chained together in Lough Mask. Timr.E French missionaries have boen innr dercd in tho desert of Sahara. An explosion o i board tho British flagship Triumph, of the Tacule squadron, resulted in the death of thrtc men and sovero injuries to Ecven more. A dispatch from Calmar, Sweden, states that a Swedieh mail steamer has Bunk iu the Calmar sound while on a trial trip, and that fifteen persons were drowned. The coronation of the Russian czar, which is to bo an elaborate affair, has boen postpoued until July, as the czarina, expects to bocomo a mother in May. FORTY-SEVENTH CONGKESS. Senate. Bills were introduced: By Mr. Ferry, to grant additional pensions to those who bavo lost an arm or leu in tho service of the United States. By Mr. Itollius, for the organization of the Territory of Oklohama. By Mr. Butler, for the creation or a body of parliamentary attor neys. By Mr. Voorhees, granting pensions to Drisoners or war. liv air. .Logan, to appro priate and expend the entiro income derived from tho internal revenue taxes on the manu facture and sale of distilled spirits for the edu cation of all the children living in the United States. It provides that tho national school fund thUB created shall be distributed among tho several States and Territories pro rata, ac cording to the census statistics of illiteracy, out prohibits any State or Torritory from reooiving the proposed bouefits which does not provido bv local enactment tnat an cmiuren Detwcon the ages of seven and twolve years shall attend school at lcat six months in the year.... Mr. Sherniau'a bill, providing for the issue of throe per cent, bonus, was debated oy Messrs. buer man, Mcl'hcrson, Beck and Bayard. Mr. Dawes ronorted a bill to ratify the atrree- mcut submitted by the Crow Indians for the salo of their reservation iu Montana Territory ....Mr. Bavard rcnortod. with tlio reoom mendation that it pans, the Morrill tariff commission bill, and spoke in favor of its passHge, Mr. Beck spoko at length against iuu uui, huu iiir. juuruu rupueu. A bill to promote tho eflicioncv of tho navy was reported favorably.... Many pe. tin. nis were presented praying for a amintHu tional amendment to proiiibit the manufacture importation and Bale of alcoholic Ihiuurs.... J lull was introduced to repeal tho Atlantic and Pacific Railroad coinpanv land grunts. ...The Sheimau refunding bill was taken up, Mr. Vest speaking agaiust it and Mr. Suernmu replyin; flonie. On bill day C75 bills were introduced. Among this Hood were bills defining the law of insanity in criminal cases; making tue discovery of tho anniversary or America a legal noiiuay; ap pointing a tariff commission; repealing the arrears or pensions act; nxiug tue term oi oihce of collectors of int-rnal revenue; abolishing tax on banks; prohibiting tho subletting of nail contracts; to enable national banking associations to extend tneir corporate existence proposing a constitutional amendment relative to the election oi united mates benators; pro posing a constitutional amendment relative to poll gamy; authorizing a commeicial treaty with the republio ot jlexico, and proposing coiiHtituiional amendments relative to tno eico tion of President and Vice-President.,.. The House received from the President the cum munication from the lute l'osmaster-General James relative to straw bids fr mail contracts and worthless bonds, and it was referred to the committee on postoftices and post-roads. Bnjaiin Wood, of New York, appeared at ine uar oi the House asa quaiineu as a mem ber..,. The Utah contested election case. of Campbell vs. Cannon, after a debate on the Mormon question, was referred to the com iuu tue on contested elections. Mr. iliscuck, from tho committee ou appro priations, reported a bill appropriating $510,000 lor tno nnai expenses or the tenth, ctnsus. A bill was introduced defining the qualifica tions of Territorial delegates.... Mr. Orth of fered a resolution instructing the committee on civil sol vice reform to inquire into the expe diency of providing adiflurent mode for the ap pointment oi tue committees oi the House, and. after a contest, the resolution was referred to tno committee on rules. Mr. Robeson, from the committee oa rules. submitted a report increasing the membership of the following committees; ways and means to 15; judiciary to 10; banking and currency to ia; commerce to iu; agriculture to i; iur- eign affairs to 15; military affairs to 15; post- ouiccs ana postroais to ia; puDUo lanas to 13 i'aeitic railroad to lu; improvement or tue navi gation ol the Mississippi river to 15; invalid pensions to IU; war claims to 15, and ac counts to 11; alBO for the appointment of a committee on the interoeeauio canal and for eign inland transportation, to consist of thir teen members, to which shall be referred all measures rektive to those subjects; also to amend the rules so as to refer to the committee i-n the improvement of the navigation of the AiieaiBsippi river an maimers ruiuuve cupronj. A maiden of advanced years and very plain appearanoe having been told by a gentleman that she reminded him of a lady once famed as a belle and who at eixty still retained many traces of her former beauty, was bo elated fry the compliment that she communioated it to all her friends. One of them hap pening to meet the gentleman a few days later inquired with Eome surprise "Is it true that you told Miss O that she reminded you of Mrs. ft "Quite true," he answered, "they've both got crow-feet in the corner of their eyes." Dost thou love life 1 Then da not squander valuable time, for that is the stuff life U made of; but procure at once a bottle of Dr. Bull' Cough Byrnp for your eonga and be cured. Your druggist keep it STJJDAT BEADING. Roll the Pampkla Th.A ROOd Mtnn a tnlrl of an lent American minister that, happening one day to pass by the open door of a room where liis danghters and some young friends were assembled, he thought, from what he overheard, that they were making too free with the characters of their neighbors; and after their visitors had departed ho gave his children n lecture on the sinfulness of scandal. They answered: "But. father, what shall we talk about? Wo must talk of something I" "If you can do nothing else," replied he, "get a pump kin and roll it about; that will at least b innocent diversion." A short time afterward an association of ministers met. at his house, nnd during the even ing some discussions on points of doo trine wt-re earnest, and their voices were so loud as to indicate the danger of losin;? their Christian temper, when his eldest daughter, overhearing them, procured a pumpkin, and entering tho room, gtwo it to her father, and said: "Ihere. father, roll it about, roll it about." The minister was obliged to explain to his brethren, and good humor wbb instantiv restored. Kcltvlous News and Notes. Tho Unitarians lost eight of their ministers during last year, and some of thorn were men of mark and influence. A communion service, costing $3,000, and manufactured in England, has been rfeivfd by St. Stephen's church at Lynn, Mass. Vanderbilt university, in TenneeFee. nas nearly bbU students in attendance, Probably no other university in the South approximates this number. There are now in the island of Mada gascar 882 schools with 48,000 pupils;'z churches, with 70,000 members, nnd 253,000 adherents of tho Christian f tilth. The nn ruber of Jews in Jerusalem has lately increased greatly. Twenty years ago there were comparatively few. Now out of 44,000 peoplo about 20,000 aro Jews. As the result" of his Inst five years' work in China Dr. Kevins counts 100 villages which have become centers of Christian work, and in these are thirty churches. The Gospel of Bt. Luke has been translated into Patagoniau by the Rev. Theodore Bridges, who labored among the natives of that country for twenty- nvo years. At the recent rite of canonization in Komo tho silver trumpets which used to sound from tho dome of Bt. Peter's as the popo elevated the host, were used for the first time since 1870. The Church of the First Identity, in Brooklyn, is Congregational in order and doctrine, and differs only from other churches in that denomination in identifying the Anglo-Saxon race with tho houso of Israol. The purpose of the identifiers is to discover the lost tribes. Dr. Wild seems to bo the founder of the movement. By actual merit the famous substance, St 'Jacobs Oil. has steadily won its way until it is to day the national remedy foi rheumatism. Lawyers, physicians, clergy men all use it. Cincinnati Ohio Daily inquirer. The giving of gifts on New Year's day is said to have originated with the Homans. Titus Tatius, king of the Sabines, was presented, tho tist day of the new year, with some tiranohes cat in a wood consecrated to Strenia, the God; dess of btrength. The Pittsburg Sunday Leader quotes: Mr. Martin Karg, Silver Creek, Minn , cured a badly wounded horse with St Jacobs Oih "You Bet" is the name of a postoffico in Montana U pa-it, and Dr. Three's "Golden Medical Discovery " will not raise the dead ; will not euro you if your lungs aro almost wasted by It is. ' however, unsurpassed I Kith as a pectoral and aiterativo, an 1 will cure obstinate and severe diseases of the throat and lungs, coughs and bronchial affections. By virtue of its wonderful alterative properties it cleanses and enriches the Mood, cures pimples, blotches and eruptions, and causes even great eating ulcers to heal. Tue mavor of Now York performed tho mar riage service for 123 couples during the past year. 1. n Orlolnal. Dr. Pierce's " PelloU " the original little 1'ilU" (sncar-eoatodl-cure sick and bilioua headache, soar stomach and bilious attacks. By druggists. It is said that Chicaco has 50.000 girls work ing at tho various trades for average wages of (2 a week. Dr. Tiorco's "Favorite Prescription," for all those weaknesses peculiar to women, is an unoiualod remedy. Distressing backache and "boirino-down" sensations yield to ite strength-giving properties. By druggiBta. The price of a locomotive ranges from $8,000 to 14,(JUU, according to tno tize anu cuaractcr. Prrona Who em nil vvon -inmr rrrt, whether men or women, are often troubled with serious cains and weaknesses in the back, loins and other rjarta .,f the bodv. It has been proven beyond a doubt, however, that Warner's Ham Kiuuey ana .Liver uure is eurmm pre ventive of these troubles. It is one thing to have a bouse to live in and quite another thing to have a homo to livo in, On Tlilrtr injV Trial. The Voltaio Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., will send their Electro-Voltaio Belts and other Elec. trio Appliances on trial for thirty days to any person afflicted with Nervous Debility, Lost Vitality, and kindred troubles, guaranteeing complete restoration ot vigor anu mannoou. Address as above without delay r. a -No risk is incurred, as 30 days' trial is auoweo. Tube Con Livwi Oil made from selected livers, on the seashore, by Caswei.l, Hazabd ft Co.. New York. It is absolutely pure and sweet. Patients who have once taken it prefer it to all others. Physicians bavo decided it superior to any or the other oils in maract. No' nrooaration ever discovered except Cab- bolime. a deodorized extract of petroleum. will reallv produce new hair on bald heads. It will be a happy day when the great army of bald neaus lully understand tuia. medical work for every man young, middle- apeu ur uiu. izo invaiuaoie proBuripiums. Nervousness, and all derangements of the nervous system, are usually connected with a diseased condition of the biood. Debility is a frequent accompaniment. The first thing to be done ia to improve the condition of the blood. This Is aoeompliched by taking Veaa ttnjS. It is a nerve medicine, and possesses a controlling power over tne nervous system. nOW TO 8ECCRK HEALTH. R Is Itrange any ont will taffer from derang-nenti broUBht os bj Imrrnre blood, when SCOVILL S BARS A. PAnil-I.A ANDSTlLI.INGlA.or BLOOD AND LlVKfl BYKIT will rauort health to tbs pbrsto- onmnlutloo. It li t itr uthf ntng i up, pleaunt to take, and ths BES1 BLOOU PUJtlFIEB over discovered, earing Scrofula, Srphllme dlnrdera Weaknea of ths tWneji, Brritpalu, Malaria. Nsrvouidlaorde-. Docility, Bilious complatnU and Disuses of th Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Bwraach, bud, etc. Edoye Carbollo Trochee pretenl all eont. sions diseases, suoh a Diphtheria, BoarlM Paver, Wbooptnfr Cough, and cure Oonjths and Colds. Pleasant to the taste and a good disinfectant. A 1. 1. EN'S Brain Food-cm-ee Nervous DeblUly k Weliljeaa of Generative Ow-us.'0,t,S' BsudfosClrwulM. AUea'si'lMruuwy.SM Irtnl .,,, Vliat ttia dA-af Imtlan fa WmaIi.J By periodically recurring attacks of malaria, If thy are not arrested, is a fact too amply proven by the haggard looks, worn frames and nervous debility of those who have felt the malign influence for any length of time, to ad mit of reasonable doubt. To temporize with the disease is to incur physical evils, soon felt and very sorious. The pleamint and safe speoillrt, Hostotter's Stomach Bitters, roots out uie aisHao ana prevents its roturn, and is also a curative for tho dobilitating effects of dys pepsia, as woll as for irregularity of the bowels and kidneys, and for rheumatism. It restores diminished nervous energy, and is a genera) appetizer and oheoring corrective. Diliotit symptoms are rem .vod by it, and constipation, flatulonco, heartburn and other indicia of s derangement of the organs of assimilation an 1 secretion, aro overcome by it, with t hoi r cruise. Convincing and abundant testimony establishes tno aDove laois. The losses bv fire in Now York city iu 1881 were $5,81)0,001) against 13,183.000 the previous vear. The fires numbered 1,730. Tilt M.VItKLTS. HEW YOHK. Boef Cattle Med. Nat livewt. Calves 1'oor to Trimo Veals... Sheen Lamlis Hogs Live Dressed, eitv 9 G (0 1 (Vj 6 at 11 10 7i Flour Kx. Ntato. nood to fancy 5 50 (ia 8 00 ostein; goou to cnoice o u.7 (,$ 9 00 Wheat No. 2 lted. nw 1 4'2J 1 t-y. No. 1 White, new 1 w (0 1 Eve-State 2 0 ll'arlcv Two-rowed State 90 (dt S'2 Corn UngradcdWoRternMixed 71 Southern Yellow 70 0J 71 Oats White State 61 0 65 Mixed Western 49 (it 62 Hav Prime Timothy 100 Straw No. 1, live 75 Hons State. 1881 20 C4 1 05 611 28 Pork Mess, new, for export. ..17 50 (317 C2 Lard City Steam 11 15 llcUnod 11 50 Oill la fifill 60 Pctroloum Crude 6''$ lleiinod VM 8 Buttor Btato Creamery 34 (.8 80 Dairy IS (& 32 Western Im. Creamery 20 rifl 36 Factor v 12 f'S 23 Cheese State Factory 64 W.V hkims o 0 o Western 9 68 12: Eifcs State and l'enn 23 04 Potatoes-liarly Bose.State.bbl 3 25 (tit 3 00 BUFFALO. Steers Extra 0 25 6? 6 75 Ijnnbs Vcntoni 5 25 fcj 6 00 Sheep Western i 00 (b 5 00 Hogs, Good to Choice Yorkers. . 0 25 fij 6 40 Flour C'y Ground, No. 1 Spring C 75 (it, 7 25 m . v.. i if HL..1...1. i r... t.t. i r.t itueut iu. i. rcuiu iimiwi. . . . jl uj t" Corn No. 2 Mixed CS'U 09 Oats No 2 Mix. W est 4s ((t 50 Barley Two-rowed State 90 6j 90 nosTON. Boef Extra plato and family. .14 00 (313 00 Hogs Live Ctfo 7 Hogs City Dressed 8 0i B,V Pork Extra Prime per bbl 15 00 i!,15 00 Flour Spring Wheat Patents.. 8 25 C j 8 50 Corn Mixed and i'ellow 70 0 74 Oats Extra White 56 r0 68 live State 1 00 (,', 1 00 VS'ool Washed Comb&Delaiuo HVM 4ti Cnwanhcd " " 30 Ctt 31 WATEnTOWX (MASS.) CATTLE JIARKhT. Beef Extra quality C Kio 8 50 Shoep Live w eight 4 (nj 6 Ijiiubs 5 64 7 Hogs, Northern, dressed 7J'i 8 riiiLADrxritiA. Flour Penn. Ex. l-'aiuilv, good G 37fS C 50 Wheat No. 2 lied 1 42 dr. 1 43 Hve State 97 dli 97 Com State Yellow O l' J'if) C'.l'J Oats Mixed O'.ivi 5-' s Butter Crcamory Extra Pa. .. 4't 64 40 Cheese New York Full Cream. -ytib .'t Petroleum Crude 0 oh 7 lie-fined V.(!) 7'.' A REGULAR CIRCUS. theworld y and de ls a well equipped tyortov.n by a kind cordinclv. lie children ot'a now of its coinii '1'ho pennies, hitucrto dropped into tho Tniiiiotmry-box with cor..-:e:entl-ous regularity, are now faithfully di vcrtea imo an old coffee-pot In tho cellar corner for prospective use, and scrap-metal, old paper, etc., do sub stantial service in the way of securing tlio amount of an admission fee. But for ull that, wo believe fully in the properly conducted circus cs a lr.enns of amu .emcnt and diversion, aud are happy to ktate the gratifying tuct flint the circus or lather Its proprietors and employes eiperimeiituliy be liev? lu St. Jacobs Oil, the Great Pain lieliever of the src Hon. P. T. Barnum'sOretitestthowc-n Faith and Coup's Monster Show can be taken as typical ca?e. The former tars : " Wo take great pleasure in stutins; that Sr. J a com oil is in u.-e bv wan-,' rinz ar tists now enjajed with P. T. Itanium's Greatest Show on Earth, united with the Great London Circus, Sanyer'B r.ov:il HritUh Menngerie and tho International Allied Shows. From it happy cfl'ect upon thoso who have occasion to employ it, we have no hesitation in pronouncing fcr. Jacobs Oil the best liniment which has ever been brought to our notice. It is wonderfully eflica Clou in subduing pain. feigned) Uabslm, Baii.ey irrTcnixsoN." The Press Affent of Coup's Monster bbow says t "In cases of rheumatism or complaints of that tiud our artists know how to cure themselves very siieedily. bT. Jacobs Oil is a very populnr rem edy among our peoplo for rhtumatiepains,aiid as long as they cun got it they won't suffer much." Mr. I'rank I. Frayne says: "I have suffered terribly from rheumatism in my richt shoulder and arm, aud at the same time I bad severe pnlns In my chest. Sometime since I read ei mcthing In a newspaper about the remarkable cures of Bt. Jacobs Oil, and I thought I would try that remedy. I tell you 1 am mighty glad I did, for after using one or two bottles of that preparation I felt no pain whatever, and have had uoi.e sinc e. I am firm believer in St. Jacobs Oil, and I want everybody in my company to keep it near thein." N Y N C- Payne's Automatic Engines. sS&l Brliahle, Durable and Economical, trtllflirnlth a lt-re itotcer with Ultsn fuei ami ualtr thtiH uny oQier Ittffi' Ouiti, not fitted with an Antomatic Cut-off. BtTud lor Illustrated Oatalopue "J," tor lnionuation A; l'nccs. li. W. pAYxa k Kon, hoi btii), Oormiu.', N.V. If jon enjoy a lauKb heart ee Than read our SorescK in Stobf.e Oi bammy Tubus and his tiiiouaie, TheDo Doctor; Trick Monko); Se author, E. 13. Foote, M. 1). untrated contents free. Hut if vou're fond of lot. a' fun. '2? Just buy the Poliopitconi 'stor Masic ijanteruu are outdone. For I'holocrai'is of anv one. ai tit ha v li n. i . i' u n. co., -"S llox 1HH, New York City. r0 YOU PLAY? WHY NOT!, S Br SOPI'R'X I.slanlaneent Onld. to the Plane' k-"rrn ensbl.. .ny p.rKn to pl.jr a luneln 15 VIHUT118. Send for tlirctilars. i 1 L. W- TUhtANtf, 658 Broadway, ft. Y.i ff m71T m n. n. Ior ' MM i with Improved UIQlV r rCClnl!rt'"t'rabli-. Calendar, J etc. Hent to any addr. onreceipt of two Thre-fi-C 'em Siuiup.. Addresa CHARLES E. Ill HES, 48 S. Delattare Ave., fhlla. TIT A rFf1TTT?C! Mttr. A4d-, buuh TV JX JL ylX JU U A-erlcMWtu.C.ritUbllrtb. Tm ft VT"jVr' Ji.volv.ra. CufM in.', itiimi XJT J XB 8rtt Wet. n. Wort.. fu.rtb. Tt. 79 4 WEEK. 113 a davit home eaaily made. Ooat 1. ' Outflt t)w. Add .yau Co., Aui.ia.iWua, OILa J 'i 7 S r-v 3 l'Gif mm mm Dr. Born, of Breslau, has found that when young tadpoles are fed exclu sively upon certain articles of diet an astonishing preponderance of females is developed. The proportion In the rase of 1,440 tadpoles thus reared reached ninety-five percent. The ex periment of M. Yung also show that special food has a remarkable effect upon the development of sex in tad poles. Purines the Blood, Renovates and In vigorates the Whole System. ITS STEDICIN'AL rROFERTlES ABE Alterative. Tonic, Solvent and Diuretic. VrnE-rrsi! Is made exclusively from the Intws of esreluilv-hflectcil barks, roots and horlw, anil so strnuiilr concentrated that it will effectually eradi cate irom the ovorv taint of Sci-ofuln. Scl-olulon Humor, Tllinorm C'nncer, 'n-ct'i-on. Humor, Kryei peine, snlt Hlicum, Siliilitlc lllM-nan, I nnker, Kiiinlnees lit I lie Sluiniteli, and all disease tliat arise Irom lm I uio blood. Sicinllcn, InllMiniiiBtory anil Clironle ItlieiiinnliBiu, Neuralalu, tlout ana Miinul oniplaliitB. can only he efleotually cured ttiroiu-h tlio blood. . . . Fur 1 (remand KmptlvelXsen.e.ofthtSkln, 1'iimil.-., I'iiiiitlec Ifloiclii-H. flolls,. Tetter, v nldhruil and Itlnuviorin, Vkoeiimb has never laMi'il to eff ect a ! Tiiiiiucnt curs. . . l or I'aln. In the l.irj. Kidney Complaint Ilinpsv, Feninhi Wpaknt-ss, Ijcumrrlien, arisiuR from internal ulo-riiilpn. and uterino oib c;ies and (irneml llebililT, VenrriNS acts directly upon the rausr. of these complaints. It invicurotf end utrciiKtliens the whole svnteni, act upon the socrofiv oruans. albivs lnnammatton, cun s ulceration and regulates flu bowels. l'or Hlni iii. tvMieplH, llnblliml On.tlve" m-, I'm i il it I inti at Hie IIenrt, llrndurba, I'llrs, Nei voiineK.and (Ji'uei Bl Prostration ol'tliu Ni-rvnn. syMi'iii, no modirino has vrr Kivc.u MH-u perfect satisfaction as the VEiKTlN It purities the blood, ckansonall of the onjans, and Poms.-smb a coutroUiuK power over tho nervous Si'i'hcTrimnrlcable cures effected by Yeoktink havs flnlneed insuy ptivsicians and apnllicciinc whom we know, toprceribeand use it in their own f ami lies. In fact. Vkof.tink: is thu best remedy yet discov ered tor the above diseases, snd is the only reliable III.OOO 1' I III t'l Kit yet placeu before the publio. Vegetine PREPARED BY H. R. STEVENS, Boston, Mass. Vegetine is Sold by All Druggists. PEERLESS t-3 V CJ fl HI WILLIAM WILSON, !Melicsil lillectrician, 4iS I niton St., Jivooklyn, Sla7 1c consulted daltv from If A. M. to 8 P. M..rm Vicji-''. "TIIK Wll.rSOM A " aiAtiNKTlC HA KM l-'.NTr will cure rvery form ol ill l .mi-, l.o iicitteri-l how loliK standiliir. UNK lit rs hhj.D THOUfiAXIi (Titles in llroolilvli and New Voik. WIN Hill IS I PON US. l'K'lTUT VOI K KI.VK ttj-fitiFJf nsthuia or con.-mnptic-u by wea'-'.fU " t I I.SIM A " clothilii-. Cold leet are the pre. purs, in oi eiidlcsr Ills that tlc-h Im heir to. Vicar te t 1 1, COMA" sole and avoid MiclnlanKer. . TAKK mi:ih:jnk ANU WE. WEAK " 1 1.- SUM!" AMI f.f .Ui;v.-.i KK UK I'itAI'Iifl. Poths pu-monts oro nn net. The ' Wl IX) MA " is studded with lneu:lie u.clets. showili:-' the lut IiiIk on the All ,,ll-rkio-e lt-.LtolH. H"ml lor Klnu-hlct coiitinitu tcMiiiioniuls troia t!. l.c;.t 1'coi lu in America who have been cured alter all forms ot medicine had lulled. Rote our addnsrc: ,.,. ho. 41-5 r i iyniN street, iiuooklvs. M., iiitoAlnVAY. Nil. i:tn ni:o.!iVAl'. S-NEWVOltK NO. Villi l lllltl) AVI-'...) NO. 41 FOITUTH MI'ltlCKf, NKARSOt'TII Kliill'I'll SI'ltl.Kl. ItllOOKl.VN. V.. I). Sa&&ifaii&MA-- CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED ! DR. SI WM.ll 9 FOR THE LUNG J'lii'fft CoMMiMiijitinn, 'olrU, I'liciminiilti, lu- ffni'ti7n llruucliiiil Oillii nil irw, lirnm'l.iiip. INuii Kciii M, Ahllitun, Ci-oiiii V hooi.ititf rMiirlt, mid nil t irMt ol' l ho Hrrni Itln (Miuns. ti mkmIii'm mm hem iht'uiiiritni' ol mm' lainir iiitlniriotl n ml ihukoih-U ty tin I i;litiM'f-H m-t tt-4 iIihi Iiii li irii iicrmmmi., i! . t ntMt:ii!t'i inn i nl tin iururnbl uialady H lilS U l l will i-iu'o you, even tli4itii.Ii prnU'Hiiiiinl mil IiiiIh. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE. I H!ST0RYW0RLD Vmliri'.rifi" full nixl nu'ticiitlc arconnls of tvi-r nmiwu ii iuifi nt nnd mo'lora tinn-f. uinl incliitliiia h lii-t-iry oi the riw uu 1 lal) of t)w Gn'ck ttiiil Kmiiiiu I iiil irtji, tlio ii.ii.ilc, the rniMnlcs, iUo trnU KVr.ti'iii. i'iirii.)ii!oii. the diacttvorv hik! m-tt!. nienl uf tljt Nt-v Wdi-Iil- etc., etc. It conta.iis (ine iit-'mviun, nri'T is tl: lunst roint-U te liUHurv ni ine norm i-vit i-iiikimihu. n'liil lorniecl lu'Mi i-ir- nn vxiv Irrnis to Air;iits. AiIIm- NATIONAL I'l'lJlJislllNU CO., I'hllinli liihia, Pa. I kllUICBvtJ Wiiop. .tubers, mutlici 01 k rliililrca. Thutnumls t r Dtttlcd. I'cnrinni ftiTeo j ft-l litrj f fliif i r.U'e.-yo it ru)iinrc,vuricnBt: vtini ffnjl -Uiy-r ;. u Ud to l.NCKEAKE mt-l ltOlTN'TV, 1 r unv ifim-iuo 1 in (t:itiii, di neiifii'i'f inn II Uii'i .irrnt vrvcuTftl. Ixinrhtaini sold. StMieri V)'tnip fnp "Tm Citi7"n-S',l1itr and Pension ti-i U nntT lfi,w blanks nd inntmctinrfl. Wt r:vn rtltr to timutini I r-ii!i;Ti' rs and iMifDtit, A k. w. Fitzgerald Co. i kssh-n l'i,Ti:i.r Ati'i . Lot lluiibi, a.httgtun.lJ. JOHNSON'S ANODYNE MNIMENT will 'ositivciv rrcvf'Tu uiib icrriiUf (iseati. and win pom- tn ly vmm liiiu- ciiHi-s out of ti n. luiunu-ttion that Hiil nave niHiiy iivt. wuit lrcu bv mail. Don t ilIav inoifK iH. l'i'fvt ittiiui in better th:ui t-urc. I. b. .Iuiin mm it Co.. Uud m. M:ibs., itrui rly bitiiK'T, Maino, 1T ANT'iiD AccntH ovpn-whero to bU the bi'nt V l'azlf siin'o tlio "IS." Jt thft tUini,' for tho Hoiti h'.b. K Ti'i t!r ciiv-uian. huTnuio. 1 .1 conts. AOIE rt..I-lC CO.. P. O. Unx Moats New lors. ana r, j. inn ii. uoiou, jiuhh. nini'tihli.fv llnhlt rnredl fa 10 m. J. . rici'ii lns, i-cbaniMi uhiii. s 7 7 7 A VKAK AND LXPl.NSI S Tl) AOKNTS. Outiit troo. Address I. O. t iclirrvt A iitfUMtni lie, f?rt."t MONTH-HGENTS WNTED-00 be.t t "- ''-"ehli,aor:lelei.Tn l lie world; 1 ami, pic ft ft, A.IUre, Juy Hi on. on, 1) -troll. Mich. YflllNfi MFlM If ym would learn Teleirniiihy in loiiriiioiiins and ho certain of fitintloii, iddro'K Valentine Ill-OS.. .Iilllesvillc, Wis, "4 liKNTH WAM'l l) foi tho Best and Ki t- j Sclhu 1'n tonal liookHiutd liibh . l'ricen n ducej a;t it r ct. National 1'uMishim: t o., l'h'' li liia. Pa, a week in your own town. Tenn- ami .r out fit tn'v' Add i 11. liAt.i.i:rrco..i'ortiaiui,.Maino. TO Jutroduee my cardK. I will print your name on .'n i-hoicn Kiiniilo card" for two lie. atampft. Airfw outiit He. l'UKU V. HULL. Eaat Wilson, M. Y. (CU Of lerday at huine. hauili'K worth .'fieo. $ J iU AdilrtaaebTiNbON & Co. . Port land. Mai na. f A IjITA III.E HOOK SENT FK EK.-A dtlruha Ir. DlhlilNUN AluriiellHvilie, N. V. Mew fegetme R A a 5.5 a H 99 !3 iREBfl rill Ell it 1 wilt pay you to road my circulars. Bund tuo ono tlirec-cent sunup t') j.ny o;t:i!.:o uii.l pnckliiif, mid I will return you by mail a down usaortotl elajunt chrm.m f-iids i.r a m I of 5 gilt "Martfuurite" oardM. This I can afford on condition yoiiwill read Cso doeun:ent I will enclose with the carda. Should you wish both sots send two turcu-ccnt tu-iups. AddicFB W. JENNINGS CEM0REST. 17 East 14th St.. New York. More than One Million Copies Sold ! EVERYBODY WANTS IT. EVERYBODY NEEDS IT. 253th Edition (New). Revised and Enlarged. or rSelf-Preerailon. A Groat Medical Trrai iis on Manhood j the Cau.e and Cure ofEx haaaied Vitality, Nervosa a ad Fhralcal Urbll. ill i alno on the I'Dlold Miaeriea arklng from the Kxoe.e. oi Mature Year. 300 page, lloyal 8vo. Tho vcrj Csuit Btoel esKrovinea. 125 laviUuublo lTcscrintiona for all tfUftlAI TUVOrl C Uoundln batillfiil Fronrh Mnrdin, embowmd. fnll AilUSl InlwCLifl RUt. 1i ice only 81.23. by niu.l, (New tdiUun.1 ILLUSTRATED SAMPLE, 6 CENTS. SEND NOW. The Science of T,lfe, or Sclf-Prescrrallon, la the moat extraordinary work on Phyainloty ever nnhlitiherl There Ik nothiriR whatever thi the married or alunlenf either aer t either require or with in know but j ual in lully exi.laiued. In thnrt, the book ia iuvuluable to ad who wiah for nood health 7'o okio (Slohe 1 be best uedirl work ever published. london iancet. A biuuant and luvnluable work - Herald Tha Bold and ieweled medal awarded the author of the Science of Lifo waa fairly won aiid worthily be. atowed. JTriMacAtiAru Plouyhman. 'J houaaml. of extracU aimilar to the above could be taken Irom the JeadiuK louruala literary, iwlitlral, rebmous au l acieulilio tbroutfhout the laud. The book ia iiuurau. teed to be a better medical work. Jn every aenae. thau'oau be obtained elaewhero lor double the orice or tha money will rufuuded in every uiatanoe. r ' ' Tbouaanda of Copiea are lent by mail, aecurely eealed and poatpaid, to all parta of the world, every month, upon receipt of price, 81.23. Address PEABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE op W. H. PARKER, M, D.f 4 Bullluen Street, Boatoa, Mooa. - V. B.Tu author may be consulted oa all diaewei N(ulring skill asd MDorUao. A1 (Tfati engraving ropTcwntsthf Langs In ibealthyitate.) STANDARD REMEDY IN MANY HOMES. For rnliul., CnliW, Crnnp, Itroneliltl" snd all other affections ot tbr Tin on! and I.I'MiS, It 8Htids unrivaled and utterly bu ond all competition. IN CONSUMPTIVE CASES It approaches so near a specific that "Ninety-nvo" 1 or cent, are p.-nimnetitlv cured where the direc tions are strictly complied with. There is no chemi cal or other iuKieilii-uts to harm the young or old. AS AN EXPECTORANT IT HAS NO EQUAL! IT CONTAINS NO OPIUM IN ANY FORM! J. N. HARRIS &CO., Proprietors, CINCINNATI, o. FOR SALE ByIlL DRUGGISTS. TRUTH! AXD NOTHING EOT THE TROTH! Venetian Liniment Has Kiveu universal satisfaction since it lias been In troduced into tho United ht.itos. After being tried by millions it has beeu proclaimed Tli3 Pain Destroyer of the Age! TliousatuU of riiyslcians recommend It as an External liemctly Incases of Chronic Rlientnatini, llcadacho, Tooth ache, Mosquito Ititi'i, Cuts, llr!iisi,-. Si-rains Old :on'S. l'a'lis lu the bum!, ijh.-k aim i..iier, niu 1 s, HI. it. Ins, l-'reckles, btifTi-ned Joiuu and Con tracted MiiBclcs. Its Wonderful Curative Pow ers aro Miraculous. TnVfu Intcnuillv in cnes of PyRPntory, Dlarrlipft, tisickiiPKB. t'holcrii. rr.nip. r:mii B nm Hick H-:ul.iche. itK btiothiuir uml I't'intiiitnm: uuuiiUui iiro iuiiiu'tlUtoly ti-lt. It is perfectly iuuoccut TO TAKE 1NTEI;NALLY. READ THE CERTIFICATES, Warranted for Thirty-four Years ond Mover Failed. Nn one ono try in;r U will 1m without it; over 600 lr-Bit'i.iiis use it. Tliousiinils ot fi.'rtitic:ile L.tve cn rccciViHt anl a It w uro kivou buiuw; ti.OUO will bo i aid it au. ouo in lathe. t'KOi r C'lillflrru'ii MvfH Snvnl. IIavkkstiuw, N. Y. 'i'tiiH is to certify thdt I have v-eit lor ten yeam Dit. Toiuak Vknciian Ijnimknt, iiiul during tinit ttiue i iuve not p.iul lor doctor hills. I have used it lor paniH uud adieu, dysentery. rore thrortls, cuts ami lnini-. aii1 by itM usk have saved beventl cliihlrcn's lives when attackeU hy nn. Jo the imbiic law, oniv trv ir mid ou wu Uudila Milne. JOIiN '. i.OJJKUTS. Two Rivrur. MorriRoii Co,. Minn. Manv vpnrs aeo I received asuvero iiuurv bv A ln-nw blow 11 mm mv baeit. I tried many thinjs wit liunt auv r'lud, and whs al vised to iiMt1 your V tJiETi an lasiMKNT. It inad a mowt coiuijIuU euro, hTKl'UKN WILSON. Miros. fl. I wan laid nn with Clironh; Ilht'uma- tlniii tor near lour months and used variuu remo- ii-H witjiout any yooii. uuu nve-ouii''o ihuiio 01 rmir Vfsk.tian I.inimknt cui'ed me. mid I do mom hinccrely rucomuiLUil it lor llliouiuatir-in. 1-. I'. t,UJjL.UAfl, FUOM TIIE KKV. I. IT. KM NnwYiiiiK, Kejiteiuber 11, 1HHI. A short timn no Ihi. Tom kh' uit'dirines wero brotij-ht to my uotiee. 1 wai aulicriiiK irom au alVectiou of tin tliroat. 1 tried outwiirilly liis VustriAN Limmkst and took oe aMuiiiilly cluniitf the day Inn A'l.monic: Iavr hviti'i', wliieh inade a ix ricct cure. Jn inturo 1 will uui bo wiiuoUl hia mtdiciues, I. P. liiUiL,, 1. i. What Horsemen Want, A iOOI ItELIAItl i: IIOICSK 1.1M.1IENT AND CONDITION I'OWDLKS Bueii are to b louml in Dr. TnT.ias Husk UKSX IU 1'iUt bottlca iiUit lEl'.iY CuMilfiUM i'uWll.lis. FUOM COIi. J). MtDAMEL Owner of Home of tlio FantHt Kunnlns Home In ibo W'uild jEnoMF Takk, Juno 21. TbH is to certify that X liave med l)r. 'iobian' Vkskiian IIokk J.inimi t and I'Kituv Conuition riwiu.iis on my raco and fouud thein to livo ; rluet fiatif-iat'tion. In tact tiiey "ire tin trnuft ft cur any ailment iorvbi.ii tliey weit Hcd: tlio hiniuicnt when rubl.'d iu ley the liaud never blihtent or takes tlw Iiair otV; it had more etietr:itivu qualitieH than any otlier I bavo tried, which 1 MlpVOM.-is the fie;it Keeret i( it Ulc- reAMiu cnrinti Hprains. The iiiTtvdi' nt tnm which tb Ii:mtv lJownntbanmndi nave b eu madeknowu to uniby J-r. Uobiaa. Thty uro i-ericctly barinbuui. D. McDANIKU The Family Likiufnt Is 21 ami 50 CPlllH. the iIoui-El0 cents, m i-iut butllca; tho UlaUiv Pow ULiut it ccnta a bux. LOLD BY TUE DRUGGISTS. Depot: 42 Murray Street. M. Y. 1'iii'MonN' I'urmii ive Pill make New Itieh Dlood, and will completely cluui'o tho blood iu tint entire Hyntfui lu tlneo months. Anv person who will take one pill each ni;.'ht irom 1 to 12 wpefaw mav ho restored to sound health, if pitch a thiiv be pombU', Bold everywliere or h-it ly mail lor H letter flump. I. t. .lOHNHtN vV CO., Itustou, iHukh., fnrmrrly limiuor. Me LA? to td 3-cL itAiiip fjf the mct complcl Calalun ot TVPE, BORDERS, CUTS, PRESSES, &C. LOWUTf FKK'kS. LAlttitST VAIilKI V. NATLONALXYPXCpMlLAr CIV WHT WATE WONTT I ...;i.s o.u . ! rr OIA If y u toi Liicii.nt n.u.;..-na, Jri? W 1 O h--U or ui THICK briUA'.lHf:.. . d fc,' J 1NVIUOH411 tb, HAIR .m.a.r. d.'i b. hi. i.b .,..l. T" Tr, tb. f..t Hp.nnb dt..f, !. cb b., NtVIlK XKt T flff rAll.I. JuNl.l HIX ttNTS t. Df. J. .-ONZA. ";jJi LCZ. 11 W7, ll-Mwa. IIm li,.-i. f Ul iu.ifcwi.. XjStir y .EASTITM. VinnLO'O OAUTI! I CO nia-MOi HUULI1 vl THO I ICI.tO.l.ymml. sl,nvoll,Co. I C'TS. iavl lor thoStnrSiiiinplPdnauiier3iiii. E S I SoOunu like it. '.'llh vinr. h tiiiiit-1. ill'il. 8j.ri lUm.mlifp A.l.l. H. S. 1Iannk!, N. 11. IIOI.IIIAV Ol-Flll. fl"iJ.jIriNUniiicoattG.lXI. vi-rui,' H I 3 (Ml pt'r i 1 0011. iiiinuitlly. liirusa ML1TAI, LUX cu Ukahikoioii. N. J. 12oclsf aculo and chronlo diaeaaea. WW 59 m si & iii H. 3 Ifi S S3i