THURSDAY, SfcPT. 15, 1881. PERSONALITIES. Why was tbe $5 paid?. And why was it handed back?. Lawrence Fee, of Millstone, waa In town this week. John Cobb, of Forest county, was In town Friday and Saturday. Hon. Alfred Short, of North East, was In Ridgway last week. Jan. H. Ross, Jr. has his house on Center street raised and all ready to Inclose. Frank Earley departed for Phil adelphia this week to attend school during the winter. Miss J. L. Cochran, of Chartlers, Allegheny county is now dress-making for Mrs. P. Malone. Rev. Mr. Orinnel, of Corry, will hold services In the School house next Sunday morning and evening. Bgt. Hackney, of I Co Warren, Pa., was In town yesterday. The Co. H boys were all glad to see the Ser geant. B. L. Earl, Manager of the Drift wood Gazette, and Ed. Gray employed on the same paper were in Ridgway on Friday last. J. M. 8ander, and wife of Cogan Station, Lycoming Co., are visiting their son Rev. J. Sander, of this Borough. Jas. II. Hagerty, of this Borough, and Senatorial delegate to the Repub lican State Convention, was made one of the Vice Presidents of that con vention. John Whitmore, son of Judge Vhitmore, Is now working at copying In Hall & McCauley's law office. We do not know that John intends to be come a lawyer but this we do know that If he does as well at law as he did at school he will make a good one. The communication from "Dick's Uncle" is too personal for our use. Any locals our valued correspondent may send us will be gladly welcomed to our columns. But items of a nature calculated to Injure the charac ter of a person we most respect fally decline. Kotos. Next Monday the September term Of court will begin. Choice Flour. In hnvrcls only (7,23. In sucfcft only 87,00 at Morgester 's. There was a heavy frost on the hillsabout this place yesterday morn ing. Call at the West End Furnishing Store and see the McCabe reclining chair. Marble and blate mantles fur nished and set by W. S. Service, Agt. If you want one of Dr. Warner's Health Corset call at the New Yohk Hi ope. Just received new stock of fall clothing at the New Yohk Stoke, Ridgway, Pa. Another fine shower of rain on Sunday night cooled the atmosphere and gave gnat relief to suffering bu .ntnity. An infallible remedy for Fever and Ague is Ayer's Ague Cure. Wholly vegetable and containing no quinine, it is harmless and sure. The proceedings of the Repub lican State Convention will be found in another column, excepting some speeches which we will give in our" next Issue. Once it is known that Pekcna cures disease and prevents irs return, St will. be absolute neglect of duty to le without it. Therefore always keep a bottle in your cupboard. On the night of September 11, Sergeant Mason of the Guitcau guard shot at the assassin and came within a few inches of sending the wretch to kingdom cmne. While no one would mourn the death of the miscreant who attempted to murder President Gar field, yet as a law abiding people we all must insist that the law take its course. The Ridgway township school began the first Monday In September with the following teachers: Boof Jack Miss Rhoda Wilcox. Daguscahouda Miss Katie O'Con nor. Gnlnac Miss Julia Flynn. Gardner Miss Hannah Black. Laurel Mill Miss Laura Petle bone. Mill Creek Miss Baxter. Rolfe Miss Katie Gresh. Wbistletown Miss Emma Olin Ptead. On Monday the Bradford oil ex change was the scene of the greatest excitement ever known. Prices ad vanced nearly seven cents from the opening quotations. Thesalesamount ed to 2.518.000 barrels the largest amount ever sold in any exchange United pipe line certificate opened at ninety-two and three-fourths cents, advanced to ninety-nine cents and closed at ninety-six and one-fourth cents bid for old. The Silver Creek Accident. The accident at Silver Creek bridge, a mile and one-half west of St. Marys, mention of which was made In our last l&xue, is un doubtedly as sad an any that has happened la this vicinity in a long time. Fourteen ears did not go into tbe cuam and were taken back to St. Marys. Tbe ears that went down were loaded with anthracite ooal, rail road rails, and other merchandise, very little of anything was saved. Tbe eoal too Are when tbe Intense heat twisted tbe rails In very conceiuable shape, making the work of clearing- away ibe wreck much creater on nab Kuuuuh Duouiy aiujruuou Lne Doay ui bis engine. The fireman. Charles W. Parks, of Renovo. was aged about twenty two years, and loaves a wife an! one child. A foot In a boot and a lew bones Is all that baa been found of tbe unfortunate fireman. Many people from Ridgway, St. Marys, and the surrounding eouutry visited tbe acM of tbe wreck on Sunday. Horrible Accident. From the Bradford Star of Sept. 10, we learn that one of the most dis tressing and dlsastrlous Accidents re corded la oil region annals occurred on the above date. Between eight and nine o'clock an explosion of glycerine took place at a well by the roadside Immediately west of Sawyer City. Four men were Instantly hurled Into eternity and a fifth Is perhaps gone ere this together with a couple of small boys. The killed are William Buuton, of Bradford, James Thrashier, of Sawyer City, Charley Crows, for merly of Butler, Pennsylvania, and Charley Rust, agent of the Robert's torpedo company of Bradford. The Injured were Ed. Wilson, united gauger, and Geo. Sloan and a boy of Slattery's. tIt appears the latter was Invited to treat the well named, which is owned by Mrs. Jane Schoonover, on her place, to eighteen quarts of glycerine. As the well was near the village and close to the roadside, a large number of people were naturally attracted to the scene Thealiell had been hung In the ending and two quarts of the explosive poured In, the remainder being in the cans on the derrick thor. After pouring in the two quarts, Rust set tbe cau down and undertook to fit the cap to the shell. It worked n little tight and lie gave It a couple of blows with his hand In order to force it to position. The second blow caused the exploMon with the pad results named. Hunt's body was blown fully 100 feet from the' scene and his skull was so com pletely shattered that the bruins lay outside in small bunches. His body was otherwise badly mangled yet not so seriously as to prevent recognition. Chas. Thrashier was an employee of the estate and lived with a family of four wife and three children on the west side of the road in a small house seen just before entering Sawyer as you go from 'Purport. He was also terribly mangled about the head and chest. Mr. William Bunton, who was sim ply a spectator, having been on his way to'his wells above Sawyer and halted to witness the shooting, was badly cut about the head and must have been sufficiently close to have been killed instantaneously. His body otherwise than the cuts in the head was not in j n red. Crouse was terribly lacerated about the head, chest and arms. He was engaged it is said on the well as one of the hands. The derrick was laterally shattered to pieces and the tloor and heavy sills were torn from their resting place and piled in heaps around. The high-way was nearly blocked with tbe frag ments, and the whole gave evidence of the terrible power of nitro glycer ine when set in motion, it was indeed fortunate that the quantity used was not the usual size tor this section sixty quarts Had this been so many more deaths would prob ably have been recorded. As it is the matter is very serious mid suggests the foolishness of disinterested or inter ested parties gHtliering near wiiile the detestilde stuir is being handled. Dr. Dorn of this city passed the well a few rods when the explosion occurred, and of course was the first physician on the ground. It was with great difficulty he could persuade Ins team to stand still, it was so thoroughly frightened, but he succeeded and re turned to aid in removing the bodies from the wreck. He describes the scene as sickening in the extreme. The dead bodies of four men who a few minutes previous were in the en joyment of health and vigor, were now lying nearly covered among piece of timber, shattered lumber, and earth mixed with oil. The three were removed to a vacant house in the vil lage and that of Thrashier to the home of his family, where they were properly covered to await the action of the Coroner's jury. Drs. Beuninghof and Wallace, of Tarport, and Matti son anil Wallace, of Bradford, arrived at the scene in half an hour after wards and attended to the sniloi ings of those who had been injured but were still living. Mr. Ed. Wilson was seriously cut in the thighs mid wasalso badly injured elsewhere He was also a spectator. His wounds were dressed and some hopes are en tertained of bis recovery. The boy, Nive Hastings, it is said, can hardly live. Aside from other erii-cts of the shock he had an arm and leg broken, and is at his home in Sawyer. A little boy of Mr. Blatters had his stomach torn open and received other severe injuries and will probably die. George Sloan was bit on the head wit li u plank and though seriously hurt, his in juries will hardly prove fatal. A num ber of othersmiuorefTeetsare reported, but noneof a dangerous stripe, diar ies Raney had the seat of his pants re moved while making tracks for life and liberty, The whole town felt tlie shock. Some windows were broken' and the people were generally thor oughly frightened. It is a remarkable circumstance that so few were injured. One aged gentleman who was passing with a team halted to witness the process of filling the shell Discover ing the man Rust tampering with t lie shell he put the whips to his an imals and got just far enough away to escape injury further than the general fright and an upset on the end board of his wagon. 100 sacks choice dairy salt, only 7c a sack nt Morgester's, SO barrel choice lake salt, only $2.00 a bar rel at Morgef ter's. Choice peaches expected every evening this week at Morgetter's. A large stock of corn and gloss starch, only 10c a pound at Mort;eter's.: G. T. Aaroru's brother, of Levenworth county, Karitaa, lost 7U0 bushels of wheat by fire one day last week, sparks from the team threshing machine set the stack on fire, One day last week Charles Benedict and D. O. Burifoon killed a big rattlesnake on the road between this place and Boot Jack, that had nine rattles, was Z feet longand V Inches tu circumference. BOY WANTED To take care of horses, milk cows, do chores and go to school. J. 8. Bokowell. Camp chairs, canvass cots, lounges, wood and marblu top tables at tbe West End. A new line of Fall prints at, from 6 to 7cts per yard. Also a Fancy assortment of Ginghams Ac., Ac, at tiie New York Stobe. "How are you to-day?" Not very well. Go for a bottle of Pekuna and be well. A new stock of lumberman's flan nel Just received at the New York Store. Will be sold lower than at any other store in town. Adjourned Meeting of Ridffway Borough Oounou. HELD MONDAY, SEPT. 12TH, 1881. Members present -President Mc Cauley, Messrs. Osterhoutj Hyde and Schram. Absent Messrs. Thayer and Oyster. Minutes of last meeting read, and after being corrected, approved. Constable Geo. Woodward reported bridges and crossings at corner of Centre and Broad streets In a danger ous condition. Referred to Street Committee. Special committee on nuisances on Broad street made a report and were discharged. W. H. Osterhout, of Committee on Condition of Streets, made a report. On motion Street Committee was directed to repair the sewer between McFarlan's and P. Malone'8 on Cen tre street. Bill presented by E. J. Miller, Edi tor Elk Democrat for printing bills and ordinances. On motion tbe Sec retary was directed to have an ordi nance drawn for six months bill now due as per written contract. W. H. Ostertfout, of Committee on Ordinances, reported on ordinance re lating to shows, plays, &c. Also Ordi nance relating to nuisances, &c, In the Borough. Upon consideration the ordinance relating to shows, plays, Ac, as amended, was adopted On motion the consideration of the ordinance relating to nuisances laid over until next meeting. On motion Fred. Schoeiiing was granted permission to erect weigh scales in front of his store under direc tion of the Street Committee. On motion adjourned to next regu lar meeting. BdROUGH ORDINACE No. 10. RELATING TO SHOWS, PLAYS, &C. Be it ordained and etvioted bv the Town Council of the Borough of Ridgway and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same 1. That if any person or persons shall exhibit or cause to lie exhibited, for pay, within the bounds of said Borough, any play, show, Jugglers, Mountebanks, animals, or any musi cal concert or other exhibition, or de liver any lecture, without a special license in writing for that puroose first obtained from the Chief Burgess, such person or persons shall forfeit and pav for the use of said Borough a fine of tiltv UO'lars lor every such ottense. S. That it shall "be the duty of the High Constable, or his Deputy, to sue t hat any and every person or persons so exhibiting or lecturing, bus a license as a.oresuid, and for this purpose it shall be lawful for him to demand i mm sticii person or persons an inspec tion ot such license, ami any reiusal to exhibit such license Mini I subject the person so refusing to a tine of live dollars. It shall further lie the duty of the High Constable, or his Deputy, to institute Miit against any person violating the provisions of this ordi nance, oeiore tne i.niei mirgess or a Justice of the Peace of said Borough 3. It shall and may be lawful for the Chief Burgess, to grant a license under his hand and seal to any person or persons wishing to exhibit any such shows or pi-iys or to have any such exhibitions or lectures on nucii person or persons paying for the use of the Borough no less than two nor more than twenty-five dollars for every day or night in' which it shall be de signed to show, piny, exhibit or lec ture. Provided, That no such license shall be granted until the parly apply ing for the same shall produce to the Chief Burgess, the receipt of the Borough Treasurer, for the sum pre viously fixed on by the said Chief Burgess, ns ttie price of such license. The license so granted by the Chief Burge-s, shall stale specially the days or nights for which it is granted. 'Plie Chief Burgess Khali be entitled to demand and receive a fee of fifty cents for granting such license to be paid by the party obtaining the same. 4. It shall be the duly of the High Constable, or his Deputy, if required by the person or persons to whom such license is granted as aforesaid, to at tend at the place of exhibition, per formance, or lecture ns al'oresiiiii, and preserve peace and good order during l he same and prevent any outrage or disturbance of the harmony of the citizens, for which such officer shall be entitled to a fee of one dollar to be paid by the person or persons requir ing the services of such o:lier. 0. That this ordinance shall not apply to any person or persons giving or holding exhibitions, entertain ments, or lectures tor the beuetitof any Church or .School wiiuiu said Borough. 6. That this ordinance shall take effect on and after Scptemhir i'HU, A. D. 1SS1. C H. McCAULEY. President. Attest W. C. Hkaly, Stcielary. Approved this 12th dav of .Septem ber, A. D 1881. J. POWELL, Chief Burgess. LIST OF CAUSES. SET down lor trial at the Kepteui ber Term of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County, commencing on Monday, September I'.'tli. 1881 ; I. Clearfield County Bank vs. ' It Earley. No. 1, November term, 1877. 'J.. Thomas P. Merritt vs. J. W. Brown. No. 12S. May Term. 187. 3. Jordan 8. Neel, vs. John Win gait. No. 2H, September Term, 1878 4. Frank IMiuiau vs. Morgesii i .v Jackson No. 75, September Term, 1871. 5. The Township of Fox- vs. John M'Mackin et al. No. 86, May Ttrm, 18.HU. t. KobTt Young tt al. vs. (!eo Carrier etal. No. a, Fovembi r term, 18H0. 7. Robert Young et al. vs. Geo. Car rier tt al. No. 30. November Term. 1880. 8. J. K. Hyde vs. Oilman T. Wheel er. No. 3ti. November Term, l-8'. . Daniel Euwer et et. vs. C. It Earley etal. No. 45, January Tinn, 1881. 10. Ellis Lewis vs. C. R. Sexton. No. 3. May Term, 1881. H. W. H. Osterhout vs Thos Kul livan, Sheriff, its., et al. No. !H, May Term, 1881. IJ. Joseph Wilhelm vs. James H. English. No. 72. May, 1881. Fred, schosmnq. What the ladies say about the Vapor Btove: ' It bakes better than the Cook Stove. I would not have believed it possl- bio to do such an Ironing and not heat up tbe house. I can start a fire In one minute. It U as portable as a sewing ma chine, w. fi. Servicf, Agt. HUNDREDS LOST. Scorched and Charred Bod lei In the Woods of Micnlggn, Detroit, September Details con tinue to come in relative to the de struction by forest fires. Huron and Sanilac Cotintles have been the princi pal theatre of the greatest destruction and suffering. An eye-witness states that darkness, and a copper-colored sky preceded the approach of the fire. Later the sky changed to a deep red, and Monday afternoon It became so dark that lanterns were necessary for people to find their way about. This condition of affairs continued until 8 o'clock Wednesday morning, when the wind shifted from west to north, cooling the air and bringing a slight relief . In the woods were many scorched and charred bodies, which presented a revolting appearance. The high winds that prevailed cut off nearly everj avenue of escape, and large burning masses would be lifted up bodily and borne along for a great distance. In many instances these burning masses started fires In fresh places. The skill and courage of man seemed impotent to combat with such flames, and the fleeing people were caught in the fire-traps and roasted. One farmer who was ploughing with his oxen a few miles from Hand Beacli perceived the approaching darkness and started for his house. On reach ing home he found that his wife had gone to a neighbor's. He then took two of his children, his eldest daughter taking the others. Before going many rods they found them selves cut off by the flames. The farmer then hurried in another direc tion and escaped with the two chil dren. His daughter and the other three children were found next day In a heap charred beyond recognition. Up to Wednesday night 43 bodies had been found within a mile. In Paris township many are missing, most of them Poles. The whole settlement, buildings, fences, crops, etc., was swept clear. In Delaware township, all the county south of Forestville from the lake seven miles back, there is hardly anything left, not one house to the square mile. They were new settlers and had small clearings, and the fire swept them like a hurricane They lose all they had and owe for their places. Many of them tied to the lake. The shore line has been crowded Wth human beings, cattle and everything that could get to t lie water. Eye witnesses say that the utmost confusion prevails. Many could not see. One man who had lost his all was both blind and crazy and had to be led to the lake. North of Sanilac the Are on Monday night was terrible, sweeping away almost everything, but it seemed to leave the houses The people here did not seem to Know any lire was near them until it was on thetn. They bad to run for the lake, and it being but a short distance away all reached it safely. John Kerr and family were asleep when their building caught fire, and a neighbor seeing it ran and sue- i ceeded in saving tbe house, but lost everything else. Mrs. N. Burgess got separated from her husband and lay all night In a ditch. Another person lay down in a mud-puddle and rolled over and over all night. A large party of men have gone to bury the dead beasts in Forrester township. Dr iioyt. who returned for more medi cine, reported several badly burnt. .Many are so blind that they had to be led and many are without food. A number of parties have already gone with food, clothing, shoes and medi cine. More lielp must come quick, as much suffering wiil ensue. They have no Hour or provisions. George Fer guson of White Rock, who has been on the road since Monday, reports, tint he has ucvii one liutidre.T "and sixteen burned bodies. At one place he saw four wagons bearing eight co'lius, wit'i one nrin walking behind uli alone. It was his fai.iiiy. Another man wa following three coffins. lery fanner lost some crops and fences. On Wednesday night the burning district between Deckers.'illc and Sand Beach was visited by a rain storm which put out a considerable por tion of the fires and cleared tiie atmos phere. The latest reports are that the fiit appear to be abating. A despatch from Port Austin at the tup of the burned peninsula sums up the general destruction as fol ows: The loss oT lives by tiie fore-l fires on Monday ulid Tuesday is estiui ib-d at from :.'K) to 8-iil. The following villages weu bunied: Bad Axe. Verona, Frot Bay, Kirimion iviie, Charleston, An derson, Pcfkflsviile, Harrison Ville ion! !-a"d is;:y. 'fhe following wire partly burned; Tori Huron, Minden and Eibly. The gi eat oss in villas. -i is imlliing to ilmt in the country, wiieiv i (if lo-sc:-: too numerous to le named, Heporis front fr'aiuaw, Tuscoiuand L.ipcer eouiUien, one tier back "rou tne lake, while showing much destruction of property , do not approach lite looses In Hie shore coun ties. Tbe losses by lire was much less sweeping and general and thj loss of life was sm;. 11. But in each of these more favored counties hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of prop erty Jits been destroyed. The latest report from all I lice counties encour age the belief that rain has visited many sections and I hut the deluge of fiame is largely su bsidiug The work of Immediate relief must now be ays tematically entered upon. Lumber to build houses, provisions of all kinds, clothing and seed for future crops, must be furnished in large quantities to prevent still greater destitution. The benevolent every where can safely send money to Mr. E. C. Curleton, Mayor of Port Huron, or to Senator O. D. Conger in the same place, with tbe assurance that, the means will be Judiciously usedL prompt action Is urgently demanded. Welcome Rain. Detroit, Mich., September . Rains have fallen in probably sufficient quantity to quench the fires, but not enough to soak the ground and revive the drooping Vegetation. The lowest estimates Indicate that 215 families have been burned out in the towns of Marlette, Flynit, Argyle, Evergreen, Moore, Lamotte and Elmer in Sanilac county, and thirty-two persons are known to be dead. Men who trav eled through the burned district yester day reported that the fires arc mostly t ut and the inhabitants sitting about the ashes of their burned houses, many burned and otherwise injured. They are disconsolate and almost be reft of their senses. Provisions, clothing, bedding and olher neces saries are being constantly forwarded and men are traveling through the burned sections distributing supplies and taking the names of those In need. Many persons are still missing in the burned district, and the exact loss can not be known for some days. Sixty five burials are already reported in six towns, and It is said that twenty seven dead have been found in the country between Bad Axe and Port Hope. Trains are now running regu larly to Sand Bench and Marlette. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself as an Independent Candidate for the office of County Treasurer of Elk county subject to the decision of the voters at the polls next November. John Fokster. St. Marys, Sept. 15, 1881. Bowers keeps Hall's Giant Frame extension table at the West End 8tore the best table in the market. It you want a set any sort or size go to C. of springs Bowers. Honored and Blest. When a board of eminent phyls' clans and chemists announced the dis. covery that by combining some Weil known valuable remedies, the most wonderful medicine was produced, winch would cure such a wide range of diseases that most all other remedies could lie dispensed with, many were skeptical; but proof of its merits by actual trial has dispelled all doubt, and to-day the discoverers of that great medicine. Hop Bitters, are honored and blessed by all as benefactors. Democrat. Sheriff's Sales. BY VIRTUE OF SUNDRY writs of fieri facias, alias fieri facias, vendi tioni exponas, levari fac as. and testa tum fieri facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk Couutv, and to me directed. I THOMAS SULLI VAN. High Sherill" of said county, do hereby give notice that I will expose to public sale or outcry at the Pro thonotary'sorfice, in Ridgway, at one o'clock P M., on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, ISS1. the following described real estate, to wit : All the right, title, interest, claim or demand whatsoever of defendant in, to or out of all that certain tract, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the township of Fox, county of Elk and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the middle of the Hog back road, on the north line of Samuel Wilson's land, a stake on the east side of the road for a corner; thence east eighty rods to the hemlock, the north east corner of said Wilson's land; thence oul li seventy rods to a post, the southeast corner of said Wilson's land; thence west about sixty rods along said Wilson's south line to the middle of the said Hogback road; thence north two degrees west along the middle of saiil road thirty-eight rods to u point ; thence notih sixlc.-i and oni-hulf degrees wist twenty-thrc-rods along the middle o. said road 10 a point: thence north forty-four degree west along sai I road Hlieen rods to ihe place of beiritm i iig.'-out'iining I wenty nine and one li ;lf acres more or less, on which l lit re is iccted one frame house bJ.2l feet, one and one-h.ih stories high: one frame barn, Si'Jxt feet; also a small bearing orchard. Seized and taken in execution as tin property of Alexander 1'ucbs, al tin suit of j. V. Morgesier. ALSO. All tiie right, title, interest, claim or demand whatsoever of de fendant in, to or out of iill that certain tract, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the township o: Fox, county of Elk and "Mateol Penn sylvania, iioumled and ilescribed a oilows; Beginning uf a stone !t toe nort b w.-sf corner of tbe Jacob Wilson lot, of which thi-' is a pari; Ihenci soul h ne hundred and forty eight rod t j ii lnvi'li : I ni n.'c e.i-t i'i.ity--ix ro.Ms in a post: tin ice north one hui.died i.nd ci-btei-n rod- to a post; li.cnct i-a.-t eight rods to a p:.-t; thence ncr'i. ten to a o- i on ibe iumpU ; ah-n.- fhe turnpiueninetecu rods to a post; thence iionh twenty one rods to a l-ost; thence V.c.-l s' vent v-tiin e rods to tiie plat fc of be ginning, containing forty-three acres more or !e.-s. upon which is i-rectci one two story frame house and cue ; rmin- barn. S"c:z(( and t:.l;en in txecution astl e piopcrly of Onirics H. Hyatt, ut tin suit of Slott. Campbell & Allen. ALSO. Ail the right, fit'e.iiitcie-t claim or demand whatsoever of de fendant in, to or out of all those cer tain Into of land situate, lyiicr and be ing In tiie fnwn-hip oi lit nzinger, county ol Elk und stale oi Pinn-.yl-! vaiiia, according to the original man or plan of the setllt nicnt of St. Mary's in said county, being lots Nos. thiity two, thirty-three, thirty-four, thirty- five, thiriy-idx, thirty-seven and thirty-eight on St Joseph street, each lot being one hundred feet by two hundred feet in size, and bounded on tbe east, west, nortli and south by land of the Benedictine Society, on which Is erected a two-story Irame house, Jfis2o feet, with a kitchen part attached, 12x2U feet; one stable, 24x28 leet; one frame saw mill, 24x50 feet. on a stream called Silver creek. r-eizia una taken into execution as the property of John Rout h. B. Don ahue and James Carroll, at the suit of jranit A. leacUy ALHO.s-All tbe flicht title. Interest, claim or demand whatsoever of defen dant In, to or out of all that certain tract, piece or parcel or iana situate, lying and being In the borough of St. Marya, county or nu nww pi Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the north west corner or lot numoer imriy on the map or plan of the borough of St. Marys; thence east along venire street AAi..Aua fiuili tUartna a.illtll t.U.fl linn- dred feet at right angles with Centre street; thence west fifty-five feet; thence norm two nunoreo leei to tne nlace of beginning, containing eleven thousand square feet, on which there Is erected a frame dwelling house, otie and one half stories high, W feet 8 Indies by 29 feet 10 Inches, with frame kitchen attached, 12 feet 8 Inches by 14 feet 4 inches; onebHrn, 19 feet by 12 feet 8 Inches; also, a good bearing fruit orchatd and a well of good water. Seized and taken In execution as the property of John Wchuler, at suit of Anton rtchuler. ALSO. All the right, title,lotere claim or demand whatsoever of de fendant In, to or out of all thatcertaln tract.Jpiece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the township of p'nring Creek. County of Elk and State of Pennsylvania, being all that part of warrant No. that lies east of the Millstone township line, bounded north by warrant No. 2780; east by warrant No. 4508 and west by the line between Spring Creek und Millstone townships, containing three hundred and thirty-fouracres, more or less, upon which is erected one log house and one log barn, each about lx'2t feet. Seized and taken in execution ns the property of George Procius, at tiie suit of George A. Rathbun. ALSO. All the right title, Interest, claim or demand whatsoever of de fendant In, to or out of town lot No. 279, in the village of Wilcox, Elk county, Pennsylvania, bounded on the north by Worrell street, on the east by lot No. 277, on the south by Clarion street, and on the west by lot No. 281, being sixty feet east and west and one hundred nnd forty feet north and south, upon which Is erected one two story frame house, 10x20. Seized and taken In exeecution as the properth of Isaac Keefer, at the suit of W. H. Osterhout, TERMS OF SALE. The following must be strictly com plied when the property is struck of!': 1. All bids must be paid ill full ex cept where the plaintiff' or other lien creditor becomes the purchaser, in which case the costs tin the writs must be paid, as well as all liens prior to that of the purchaser, and a duly cer tified list Of liens shall be furnished, including mortgage searches on the property sold together with such lien creditor's receipt for the amount of the proceeds of the sale, or such por tion thereof as he shall appear to be entitled to. 2. All sales not settled immediately will tie continued until six o'clock P. M , at which time all property not settled for will again be put up, and sold at tbe expense and risk of the person to whom it was first struck off, and who, in case of d'-ficieney at t uch re-sale, shall make good the same, anil in no instance will the deed be pre sen ted in court for confirmation unless the bid is ncutully settled for with the Sheriff as above stated. THOMAS SULLIVAN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Ridgway, Pa., August 20, 1Kb It See 1'urdon's Digest, Ninth Edition, pag 440; Sn itli's Forms, 384. MRS. E. CRATST0S. In returning thanks for past favors respectfully begs to inform her friends and the public generally that she has just returned from New York where she purchased a large stock of Milli nery and fancy goods of the latest styles, also a nice selection of ladies' Skirts, Plain and Fancy hosiery, Ladies' ami Children' Parasols, Hair goods, fancy Chinaware, &c, which she intends to sell as cheap as the cheapest. Particular attention given to trimming and in a style that cannot be surpassed in this section. All are invited to cull and inspect her goods before purchasing elsewhere. nlOniG GET THE BEST ! LEAD ALL OTHERS! Every Style & Price. Guaranteed TJnequ-aletl FOB OPERATION, ECONOMY. DURABILITY and WORKMANSHIP. Inproreme&ti a&i Convenience! fowl la to oilers. Always Reliable, POPULAR EVERYWHERE. Tt Sole in Every City and Tova la the United States. 'lheolde-t. bt-ft. timet tluirouyh an'! c-iim('te practical busiuebs college i th l.'niti d .-'latex. g$rrrfiril alWHTC In Heshloil. HtJ denlM udmitted at any time. I. C. BAFITH, A. M.. Principal, Pittsburgh, P" Pekuna cure very time get some be well keei It on bund, and Kin more. The City of Kt. Paul, a ft rut-clan. large new design, wood cook stove, take a look at it before purchasing love, , W. B. 8ekvice, Ag't. Elk Count Court Froclamatlon. nTttrnets .u. ttnn. Wm? D. Rrnwn PreaMpht J lid ire for the Thirty eventh Judicial District of Pennsyl vania, and Julius Jouea, auuj Weorg Ed. Wels, Esquiree, Associate Justices In Elk county, have Issued their pre cepts, to me directed, fot tbe time of holding of the Orphans' Court, Court of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions nnd Oyer and Terminer, at itidgwav. tor tne county n m the THIRD MONDAY IN SEPT. I8bl, being the 19th day of the month, to continue one week. Notice Is therefore given to the Cor oner, Justice of the Peace and Con stables In and for tbe county of Elk, to appear in their own proper persons, with their records, inquisitions, and remembrances, to do those things which of their offices und in their be half appertain to be done, and all wit nesses and other persons prosecuting In behalf of the Common w eal th ugai nst any person or persons, are requested to bo then and there attending, and not to depart at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual In their at tendance at the appointed time, agree able to notice. Given under my lrfsnd and seal, at tbe Sheriff's office, in Ridgway, the 25th day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one. THOMAS SULLIVAN, Sheriff. Business Cards. oTC"r aTh B li H . ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Particular attention given to the examination of titles, albo to pateu and patent cases. HALL & WCCAULEY- ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office in new brick building, Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v32t jTsTborowell, . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEQIL Over twenty five years practice. Office on Main Street, Ridgway, Pa., opposite the Itogert House. Office hours from 1 to 2 and 7 to 8, P. 51. B'. L. WILLIAMS. Late of Strattanville), Physician and Surgeon, Ridgway, Pa. Office In Hall's Brick Building (up stairs) References J. D Smith, H. L. Young, It. Rulofsott, Strattanville; Major John Kitley, W.W.Green land, ClarUn. Has practiced his profession sccessfully for more than ten years. G . IsTwi ESSEHGER. DRUGGIST & PARMACKUTISTy N. W. corner of Main ami Mill streets. Ridgway, Pa., full assortment of care fully selected Foreign and Dornestio Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis-' pensed at all hours, day or night. vlu3y HYDE HOUSE. W. H. SCHRAM, Proprietor, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. Thankful for the patronage hereto-' fore so liberally bestowert upon mm, the new proprietor hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort and con venience of guests, to merits continu ance of the same. ocW0'69 APPLETO N'SAMERICAN CYCLO' PEOIA. This admirable work la now com pletein 16vols. EachvolumecontainsSOO pages. It makesa complete and well selected library, and no one can afford to do without it who would keep well informed. Price $5 00 in cloth, $8.i0 in leather, or $7.00 in elegant half Turkey. For particulars address, V. II. Fairchild, Portville, Catt. Co., N. Y.. who has been duly appointed agent for Elk county by C. K. Judson, general agent. DRESSMAKING. Mrs. F. Pollman having moved into' the house of Jas. Penfieid near tbe Catholic church wishes to inform the citizens of Ridgway and vicinity that she is prepared to do in a neat and satisfactory manner all kinds-of plain sewing and reasonable prices. All persons having work in this line are respectfully invited to give her a call. nlm3 V- -uic HAIR TRENEVEt v Bu been In constant f dm by the public rf-' for over twenty years, nnd Is the best preparation ever invented for RESTOR ING GRAY HAIR TO ITS TOUTHFVI. COLOR AKD and LIFE. Chemist of Mas?. and leading It supplies the natural food and color to the liuLr Klanda without staining tfta sklu. It will Increase autf thicken the growth 0f tTwi hair, prevent its blanching wcai falling off, and thus endorse and it as a reat triumph in medi cine. AVERT BALDNESS. It cores Itching, Erup tions and Dandruff. As a HAIR DRESSING it is very desirable, giving the hair silken softness which all admire. It keeps the head clean, sweet and healthy, YHISKERS will change tbe beard to s UKOWN or BLACK at discretion. Being in on preparation It to easily applied and produces a permanent color that will not wash off. FKEfARED BV mm mm R Th9 1 1:1 State I lil Assaver - y rV II Z 'J- i . XS-" -r R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA, N.H. eU sr all Dssleri Is Medici, A. Hwartz Kokn, Mel chant Tailor Kign of the red front, baa on hand, and in constantly receiving tbo !HtfMt and newest aample of cloih fur prlng and umwer tutu. Price to hi it the million. Work guaranteed te no a i a represented and delivered at tl t inae agreed upon.