The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, September 01, 1881, Image 3

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    . ... THURSDAY, SEPIV1.
w.', M ti iim
; 1. 0. of 0 F. .
Ridgwny Lo.itfe iiiio, I". 6. of O.F.
meats every Thursday evening. Vis
iting members nro cordially invited it
tend. '"."-,, "
... ,OKFI!KllB;
John A'' RossyN. O j L. A. Brendcl,
V.O.; r- Scc'y; John An-
derson, Ads't See'y; H. If. Venscl,
'J1 return rer.
Oim ColiinSi! Onf Year
One-half ftehnnn One Your
Otifl-JToifrth- Colli dm One Year
"One-elKtith Co I mini On YiMir
One Square On Wn'rk
One Bquaro Two Wflek- .. ...j
f )nn Anunl-A ThlA Wnnlri
Kji.a'WtM.6.i!(SI insertion W i;en'i'K'ii"i'quHr
O we""" HM ,
' -' 'ttCAL ArVKRTININn.
Tan -aul n linn llrst Insertion; flv e-ntfi a
,,u,,Jl;:.,i;Uh "tlni-. Insc-rUon
SENHdT A. PAlUJu.TS.Ja,., I'roprlctsr.
,'" -.
, v Urnnrt ltntl.
TJwc -wiUbe'a.firami -Ball at
ll'S.Opora lloiisc, Jlid-jway, Pa.,
on Friday Evening, September
V, 1881. All arc cordially invited
to attend. Music by Miller's Quad
rille Band. ' Ticket's $1.00.
Buy your note paper jit this office
W. H. Hyde's new building has
been raised.
Choice Wnterford dairy butter at
J. II. 'Ross' house on Centre street!
1b partly raised.
Court convenes tit Ridgwny on
Monday, Sept. 19.
Choice dinned nnd Soused Mack
erel nt Morgestcr's.
Peaches, j)luinH nnd pears are
scarce in (Ids section.
First of September. A wedding
nnd B rain storm to-day.
1200 large natural colored pickles
jus'f opened at Morgester's.
The high sidewalk near Irishtown
is sadly in need of repair.
D. Rp Kline's house on East street
I (nearly ready for occupancy.
Coo pounds choice dairy cheese
Just received at Monaster's.
Jerry Stewart has the frame up
for his uew building across the river.
A. choice barrel Turkish Prunes
new. goods jut,t received at Morges-
A new lot of scrap pictures just re
ceived at Thk Advoc ate office. Call
and see them.
l'JO press buttons, of nil styles and
colors, must he sold ut half price at
the New York .Store.
The long continued dry spell in
this section bus nearly dried up the
strt'iimsiiiid water courses.
i npruin fcnoenirig s cow Jiau a
leg broken by the cars this morning.
It was necessary to kill the beast.
The Thayer House bus received a
coat of paint recently, which much
improves the looks of the l.ididiog.
Four prisoners escaped from the
Jail at thW place on Tuesday the day
of the Democratic convention.
Troubles never come singly.
Aycr's Tills are a general favorite,
because of their jsiwcrful yet gentle
operation. Medical men prefer them
for nervous or delicate constitutions.
4-A Ix-autiful, deliirhtful rain at tliis
point to-day. After the long dry spell
the tailing nun comes like a blessing,
saving vegctntion and humanity
The Ridgwny township schools
begin next Monday. The Borough
schools will not begin until a week or
ho' later owing ti putting in steam
getting apparatus.
: M. S. Kline's new house next the
Methodist church is being pushed
rapidly to completion. Tlie cellar is
all ready for the frame which will be
put up In a few days.
Anything you need in Dry Goods,
Notions, Clothing, or any other kind
of good, will bo sold at astonishingly
low prices at the New York Store,
Postofliee Block, Main Street. Please
call and nee for yourselves.
The eternal fitness of things
never can be more aptly illustrated
than In the nomination by the late
Democratic convention of Grove G.
Messenger for Associate Judge. For
years he baa faithfully attended the
sessions of court, and in his elevation
to the judgeship he Kiniidv takes a
higher seat iu'the court he has bo long
adorned as a spectator. Resides Grove
is the amount of the salary ahead
without putting In any extra time.
Again wo call upon the public to
bear in mind that for bargains in Dry
Upods and Clothing, Boots and shoes,
bats and caps, Hosiery, Notions and
Furnishing Goods' they must eall at
the New York Store before the pro
prietors, Cohen Bros., & Browmteine
depart for the East to purchase their
Fall and Winter stock for which they
must make room, and therefore are,
eo as to say, slaughtering everything
to close out. Bear In mind all tee bay
is just exactly so, und to convince
yourselves give iis a call.
Cohen Bros., and Bkownstein,
New York Store.
Freeport, L. I., August27.-Joseph
;Kitchid, while out gunning last even
ing, found the remains of a young
"Woman in a swamp east of this place.
Tlie body was severed at the waist,
and the separated portions lay a few
"-ffeet apart. Neither portion hud on
any article of clothing, but each was
nipjwu in uuiiieu ui me iew York
of the 18th inst. The remains
titration will be held, at whih it
H froped tome fact will be ascertained
io relation to the horrible mystery.
. Will Nichols Is working In Rldg
way now for his father.
C. L. Chamberlain, of Hortonj
was in town this week!
Milt Slight now lives In the bouse
nt the rear of llealy's store.
j)an lei Farand made bis appear
anee here to-day with the rain.
Bruce Kline killed a pheasant to
day, this first day of the season.
W. F. Mercer has moved into
Mercer Brothers new house on Centre
Hon. A. I. Wilcox, of Kendall,
McKenn county, was in Ridgway on
Mrs. D. C. Oyster Is away .from
town at New York city for medical
Col. W. W. Ames is Representa
tive delegate to the Republican State
W. C. M'Millan, who has been
working at Wilcox for several weeks
is again working in Ridgway,
Geo. R. Brandon, of Washington,
D. C, brother of G. C. Brandon of
the Gazette, was here this week.
J. W. Morgester lias a new well
on his South street property, The
well is 2fi feet deep and cost about 70
including the pump.
Ivirnest It. Banlwell, of Pen Van,
X. V., and Miss Jesio Bardwell of
Curry, visited Miss Addle Bordwell of
this Borough last week.
Peter Mann had bis ankle dislo
cated In the woods on Wednesday
while working for William Fannin.
A rolling log caught bis leg.
Robt. Gillis, and wife of Mt.
Pleasant, Iowa, former resident of
Ridgway were in town this we k
visiting their many friends.
A. S. Grow, editor of the Loch
Have Daily Journal made a plea-ant
eall at Tiiu Advocati: ollire yotir
day. Mr. Grow think Ridgway "lie
of the neatest little towns in the .-.tale.
Mrs. W. S. Service and daughter
Minnie went to Hcraulon, Pa., and
Riminglnii, X, Y. Mrs. Scrvh-c uiil
return in a few days. MUs Minnie
will pay Boston a visit before her re
return. Jas. II Ila-'erty having receive. 1
the sanction of the oilier eouutiis
in the district is Senatorial Iiel-eale.
to the Republican State Convention.
This is a merited compliment to our
staunch old Republican friend.
Fr.vxx. On Fridav' An?. ". 11
Mr. nnd Mr
Dennis t-'lvnii,
I'd ace a son.
Tai-p.ot. To Mr. and Mr. !: O Ta'
iiot, of Dagu-cahunda, Au;r. in, 1 S t 1 ,
a daughter.
Moras May At the Catholic
Churfh Ridway, by Rev. Father
MeHgber, Tluii'iday.' Sept. 7. 11,
Mr. John Moran io Mi.-s KatieMnv.
A'l of Kid-.vay.
binv-boKii!:i.i.. At Milton, Tues
day, Autf. -;!. l'-Sl, l,v U.v.
M'iliin iiy, Mr. M Luby. of Ri(i,r
way, to Miss ('. R. ' Bordeil, of
Comely, Montour county.
Tims has another of the old boys
come over to us in the majority. We
wish' Mike nnd his fair bride f-uccc-s
and happiness.
Mst of Lellr rs.
Remaining in the Ridgway Post
olliee. Klk eouiitv. Pa., uo to All-. '2:.
Betzer, Wpi. T.
Bowers, Miss Ida F:
Barr, Kdwnrd
Canfield, C. A.
Cadie, . C.
Fulton, F. C.
Graham, G. W.
Li ty, W. S.
Myers, Chas. D.
Tollard, Mis Jessie
J. If. JlAfiEKTV, P. M.
A Sad Accjdknt. A serious ucei
dent occurred at the recently erected
saw mill or Samuel Frampton, on
what is known as tho Kearney farm,
near Strattonsvilie, in Cla.-ion town
ship on Wednesday forenoon of la.-t
week. The mill had been started up
for trial, when it was discovered that
the machinery was working hard,
and the sawyer, Mr. George B. Down
ing, stopped the saw for the purpose of
oi.iitgUie shafts connected with the
log carriage, and whiie Walter, his
son, was iu the act of oiling, he
thoughtlessly placed his hand to rest
on the cog-wheel. His father, think
ing everything ready started the
carriage forward, and the young man's
hand caught in the cogs, and his arm
was drawn into the wheel aud bis
band and aim crushed to the
elbow, leaviug the marks of the cogs
on the crushed mass. Dr. John
Thompson, of Corsica was called, who
decided that amputation was necessary
and with the assistance of Dr. R. B.
Brown, of Troy, successfully perform
ed the operation the same afternoon.
lirookville Jcff'cmoiiian.
For weakness of any kind take
Peru u a.
MRS. E. Cft.4V!T0;
In returning thanks for past favors
respectfully begs to inform her friends
and tlie public generally tlnit she has
just returned from New York where
she purchased a large stock of Milli
nery and fancy goods of the latest
styles, also a nice selection of ladies'
Skirts, Plain and Fancy hosiery,
Ladies' and Children' Parasols, Hair
goods, fancy Cbinaware, &c, which
she intends to hell as theup as the
cheapest. Particular attention given to
trimming and iu a stylo that cannot
bo surpassed in this section. All are
invited to call and inspect her goods
before purchasing elsewhere. nlom6
Call at the West End Furnishing
Store aud see the McCube reclining
(kingregatlonnl Tlcnlc.
Cupt. Fred. (rliuMiltiK'- O'ove,
Hldgwiiy,l,.,Aug.'iW, ltMl.
tn-o how -wlftly they gntlier
On this bright summer morn,
WMle the Clerk of the weather
Smile go placid and warm.
Ami the ruys uf the amiHlilne,
He they brilliant or mild,
Hhlne not in their high uoon-tlmo
An the fnce of onch child.
Now the low voU-e of nntnre,
Kehocd faint the Rliul sliout
Of onoh Jubllnnt croiiluro
Gone quite wild In their route
As Ihny romp throueh the woodlnml.
In their frolloiionio glee.
No Kloomy stole eotild stand
Their glad spirits so free.
Yos the mood of tho wildest,
'Mid the old iiud the young,
IIhs enlivened the mildest,
Kor t heir Joy found tongue j
Brought wct choer to the oldest
A renewnt of youth
And reteinpered the boldest
With Us lnuocuul truth.
Wuy the days rs we wander
Through the of time
No nwi'i't liitriuony siiiander
01 encU miislcul chime
M'Mleh rum'Ul up from the key-noto
That rings out sweet und cleur
May noiV and ever dunoto
A Rlad J uli 1 1 .'O year.
On Weiliiesdny morning we were
alliered by tlie teams which were
kindly tendered us. Long before the
dinner hour we were variously en
gaged throughout (he beautiful grove;
some chatting pleasantly, some play
ing tit croipiet, some .-swinging iu the
several swings, oilier w ere la.lly
rot-king in the diU'erenl liamiiineks
conveniently arranged benealh Un
pleasant shade of (lie forts! trees.
While tile mat ions of t he Hock were
busily engaged in the preparation ol
the viands which wels to tickle the
palates of the expecl i'it group, Din
ner mm.. unci d and sixl v-i ignlil,
hungry children andadulls fell around
the li oil table which Was lail.tu uiib
saiidwilehes, chicken and various
other cold incuts aud bread, while a
great variety of beaulifiil and tempt
ing i-aki-s gave llui'.h to (tie well link u
l .iile ami asurance lo Hi,- Inly or
sixty who were wailing I In hccoiiiI
table of all abuinlani. supply of solid:),
while tin- aroma of the steaming oii'ce
nnd the array of ice cli-am iu the
background Kitislled us that all could
lievc I heir surfeit of (hose di licueii s
for which every one has a peculiar
foii-huss. The day pin e I hill liiiin-ioii-ly
enjoyed by all, and nil unite in
lliis vetdtet Ibul Capl. Si:!nen i i, i.'s
giove in a gran-1 pi i.-e lor
seeking pit ni cin. At our S.ild.aih
on Sabbalh ha.t a vote of (hank-i wiia
till Icied to dipt. Si bo-ning for the
free use iif 1. is g ,011 lids. Also a vote of
IhaiiliK lo all those who had leinb reil
tin- I'm-of eon vi yaiiei :i In carry us to
the grounds, and .-till auodier vole f.,i
every one who li;.d colilriould tiieu
aid or l heir pre.-'.-nee to mike it a
pleasant and enjoyable tiii.e.
c. l:. ii.
(; Hack To Vein- PoM."
V.'a.-hing'ou, August !l. s liooe
returns, more is learned hi detail of
I thu tiiiible anxiety of last Friday. Jt
I appears the surgeons, alter tiie
I ul.'rming symptoms of the morning,
j decided that it was useless to longer
tciiitiuue the sttuggl.', and two of
their number were -elected to wait
upon Mrs. Garfield and to inform her
that medical science could do no mi-re,
unit that siie imji-t prepare for the
woivt. The interview liicli occui reii
between these surgeous and Mrs. Gar
lie! I w jll, if n-iiorts are true, be re
garded as one of the most dr.iui.itie in
eidenls in tliis extraordinary case.
Captain Henry Marshal of this district
a friend of the president nnd his fam
ily, says that M rs Gartield beard the
news with great composure, and that,
smothering her emotion, she arose
and said : ''Gentlemen, you shall not
give him up. He o; not going to the;
he i -going to live. I feel, I know it.
Go baei; to your post, every one of you,
and leave it not until every remedy is
exhausted; until deaih itself has i-et
his seal upon him, for I will not be
lieve that he is dying, tin linek and
do what jou can; you cannot do more,
bur don't give up. I am his wife, and
I say that we will not give up un
til the end ilsell is upon us." Mrs. Gar
tield has never surrendered more than
a moment or two at a lime to her grief,
and then she has retired to her room,
alter a brief absence lias returned to
her post of duty at the president's
bedside. Mrs. IMmhi says that the
president is doing splendidly. He is
taking his nourishment und she is ex
tremely hopeful. Dr. Boynton, too,
is more hopeful tliis morning, and
says lie thinks lie notices an improved
condition in the blood. There are
also microscopic indications that the
food is assiiuiluling properly. 'J lie
president cuii open his mouth easily
and lie tastes his food.
Thk recent death of Mrs. Millard
Fillmore recalls a singular incident
couueeted with her two husbands. In
1M7, whiie she was the wife of Hon.
EzeUkl Mcintosh of Alhany, Mr. Fiil
niore was candidate for tho iiosition ol
State Comptroller of New Ynr't.
Some persons who desired to oefeat
his election raised about, ii l,s)U for
the purpose and placed it in the hands
of Mr Mcintosh, instructing him to
place it hi bank in lmown name and
not to make the matter public He
did as desired, hut before the fund
could be drawn out to uso for election
purposes the treasurer fell Biek ami
died. Mr. Fillmoru was elected Comp
troller, mi l many years afterwards
married Mrs. Mcintosh, and received .
as part of her dowry, the money Uiat
bad been raised to defeat hU election
Tlie ex-President used to enjoy telling
the story, aud often remarked that the
"money wasplueed where it would
do tho most good" to him.
The City of St. Paul, a first-class,
large new design, wood cook (stove,
take a look at it before purchasing a
five: y H. sfkvick, Ag't.
Democrat l County Contention.
Tuesdny, Aug. ai -SH, 11 o'clock,
Convention called to order bv W. C
Henly on . behalf of the Chairman of
the County Committee who was ab
sent. Jas. K. 1. Hall, of St. Marys, was
chosen temporary Chairman.
G. C. Brando", of St. Marys, and
Geo. R. Dixon, of Ridgwny, were
elected temporary Secretaries.
The temporary organization having
been made a call was made for
with tlie following result:,'
Benczetto Hansom Alorey, John
Beiizinger Andrew Kaul, George
Reuseher, Joseph Freis. Andrew
Kaul was Geo. Iteuscher's substitute.
Fox Johu D illy, Jacob Dollinger.
Highland Peter C. Sheeley, Lee
Van Kirk.
Horton T. J. Taylor, Thomas Dol
linger. Jay James A. Burke, C. J Dill.
Jo'ues Michael Dill, Sr., A. M.
Straight Michael Weldelt stiljatl
tllled by Straight.
Millstone James S. Champion, T.
J. Clyde. .
Ridgway Borough W. 8. Horton.
Johu Wainisley.
Ridgwuy Township John Gillouly,
J. P. Garr'itl.
Spring Crck-M. Slianloy, Peter
( honor.
Su Marvs Borough Jas. Ro,;an,
Jas. K. P. Hall.
The teinjiorury or.iiniaiiou was on
niolioti made perniiiiieiit.
Chairman Hall iinide u i'ew remarks
couie i ling unity of ncljon in the
convi mioii and wi-doni in the hcIcc
1 1 - -1 1 of can li I iles for Lhu several
ofilces lo be tilled.
On motion I bo convention pro
ceeded lo nominate e.iinlidiilcs lor
Gc ..
( i. G.
Mill, Of
Wi id' iibo'i in r, ol St. Marys;
.Me. m, and G. F. hii-kiu-Riilev.ay;
niol John Koch, of
Fox, were placed
l'.;ll one b.illol
in iioiiilu.ilioii.
wa-i liil.eii with the
follow in;' fe'iitll:
S enlelioil'l ll'T
Me ..eller
I l.'l. illnoll
Fox which voted for
eh.lo.cil to W'l iilciili ci m i
I ncMii 'on
lil'IOI'i' till!
bal lot W MM II 1 1 iioimh I I
A uiol on wai male lo i,.oiru un
til 2 o'clock. I'.ill a sliiy nl proceeil
ill; i whs b id Ion;; eiio.i,'h in tnnl.e the
i. on,, ,i,f cm ol Mr. vYci h iibo'i mr
iiniiiiiio uli. wbiulhe convention nd
joiirin d 1 1 1 1 1 n 1! o'clocii,
AI'IKItMhlN S KM.-". I ON.
( 'on vent mo railed lo order by the
t'liiiimaii a lew in i ii in i'-i nller 2 i'. M.
'I'll'- I oil of ii lei ale-, was Hun c.i III il
all being .n s nt. i In: li- :.l i. an t he
Ii'Uil ion lor
r no 1 lloMi I , K v, r.
V. S. I lot l ni nominated Frederick
Schooling, of Kidi'Wiy, who was
pro npHy nominaled by acdainalioii
oiiaiii. noil
A.-.s'(I ati: J!
Two candidal' s wen
norninalion. G. G.
Ridgway; Geo. Ed.
Maivs; Julius Jones,
lo be placed ill
Messing! r, of
Wei, of St.
ol Ueuczcue
were named for the position.
Fil-t ballot Messenger 11;
.iotles .
Second bailot Messenger 10;
li!; J. lies
i'iiird Uulot Messenger i t; Weis 11.
Mc.-t-ciigt r was oue of the
Fourth ballot Weis C" votes.
V,'eis was declared tlie. other candi
P. R. Smith, of Spring t'r -ck; Geo.
Ri'iisciier and John Nissel of P.eiizin
ger; J. K. Girdiur, of Ridgwuy;
Mli'hael Weidert, of Jones; Ben. .1.
Johnson, of Beiieelte, were named
for tue position.
First ballot Smith 7; Reuseher t'; I 7; Gardner 's; Weidert 1; J!iu-
SOI1, 2.
S- cond ballot Siuith. .. Reuseher
A; Nb'.-el H; Gardner I.
Nisscl was dcclai-eil one of tho Iioillr
nets for Commissioner.
third ballot Smith 6; Reuseher 0;
Gardner PS; Weidert 1.
T. J. Taylor, of Horton; Robt. F
Smith, Bcnczelle, were nominated by
ace lttuutlioii.
E. T. (ji'ant, of Ridgway, was
chosen as Itepreseiitative Delegate.
Andrew Kaul, of Benzitiger, was
Uoiniimted lor Senatorial Delegate.
Cliiiirman Geo. R. Dixon.
Benezetlee T. J. Shaffer
Benziiiuer John Bryiidel.
Fox John Dowie.
Highland Win. H. Slieeley. . '
iioriou W. li. Horton.
Jay P. II. Burke.
Jones Michael Weldelt.
Millstone J. X. Clyde.
Ridgway Borough --W. S Horton.
Ridgway Township J. P. Uar.-ilt.
Spring Creek -P. R. Smith.
St. Marys J. K. P. Hall.
The Convention adjourned sine Oic.
The Osceola KcvMle says: "As
policeman John Malee, of Iloutzdule,
was taking David Smith to Clearrield
to incarcerate him in the "big stone
jail," on Tuesday, ho took advantage
of the cilice
r and jum pei I trom tlie t rai n
at the Mineral Spring, between Wood
land and Barrett station, while the
train was in rapid motion. He landed
in a ditch on his head and shoulders
and was badiy stunned, but man
aged to get into the laurel and under
brush before die train could be stopped,
which was done by the ofiioer pulling
the bell rope. Smith was pursued,
but to no avail, ns ho could not be
found. Telegrams were immediately
sent all along the line, with a full des
ciiptiou of the .nan, und it is hoped
that he will soon again be iu the
clutches of the law." ,
The Hon. Samuel Calvin recently
sold the timber right on a tract of land
in White township, Cambria county,
for$l5,'uu. ' lie bought the land and
trees some years ago for $1,000.
For nervous debility take Pehinai
If a man wants to bo shot down
according to tlie Code be Wouldn't
ask a better State tbnn South Carollua
to have It done in nnd Colenel Cash of
Cnshville would be ensily without
competitors for the Joli. A more per
feet gentleman of the old school is not
to be imagined. Taking ofTcuso nt
Colonel Shannon's mnnner of conduct
ing a lawsuit, Colonel Cash called him
out nnd killed blm,, Having been
tried nnd acquitted (murder under the
Code being no erimo Iu that region),
Colonel Cash points with pride to the
late lamented and breaks out In this
tender vein: "No braver man ever bit
tlie dust. He died upon tlie ramparts
of the enemy, nnd, with n smile upon
Ilia face, dropped Into a hero's grave."
1 he grave Is robbed of Its terror nnd
murder becomes the most delicate of
attentions when such eloquent words
tire mingled with the grave-flowers by
tho iiuisher of the loved-and-lost's ex
istencePhiladelphia Praia. County Court Proclamation.
WHEREAS, the Hon. Wm. D.
Brown. President Judce fortheThirtv-
seventh Judicial District of Pennsyl
vania, and Julius Jones, und George
Ed. Weis, Ksipiires, Associate Justices
in Elk county, have Issued their pre
cepts, to me directed, for the lime of
holding of the Orphans' Court, Court
of Common Picas, General Quarter
Sessions and Oyer and Terminer, at
Ridgwav, for the county of El k on
the i'lll RO MONDAY IN SEP1'.
ishi, h-ingthe I'.'th day of the month,
to continue one week.
Notice is thereiore given to the Cor
om r, Justice of the Peace and Con
stables in and for the county of Elk,
lo appear in their own proper persons,
with their records, impositions, and
reoieiiibranees, lo do those tilings
which of their offices und iu their be
half appertain to done, and :dl wit
nesses ami other persons prosecuting
in behalf of the ( loin mon wealth ngal list
any person or persons, are requested to
he t hen and there attending, and not
lo depart at their peril. Jurors are
r-'ipii.'sled lo lie puncluul in their at
I' lidaiice nl the appointed tune, ugree
nble o no' ice.
Given under my hand mid seal, nt
tin- Sherill 's oilier, iu Ridgway, the
'-'illi day of August in tin-year if our
h-uil one thouiulid eight hundred and
ei bl V -olle.
"TiiOMAS SCI, 1,1 VAX, Sheriir.
OKI' down for I rial at the Septi-iu-l
) b'-r Term of I iic Com t ol ( ouimoii
Pleas of Elk County, rniiiineiiciiig on
Monday, .-.cplembi r I'.i.h, Ihsl ;
I. Clearfield County Rank vs. O. 15.
Earl-y. No. 1, November Term, 1 77.
J.. 'I'lHUim P. Morrill vs. J. W.
Brown. No. May lerm, 1S7S.
it. Jordan S. Nccl, vs, John Win
t'.in t. No. iiii, Sepiejiiher Term, 16.
1 I- li,l'i.. ,ii vs li.i ..r A.
I lui-t- ...i. V,. T.-. V..I.I I.i.i. 'I'..i-,.i
'. The Township r-f Fox vs. John
M '.Mai-kin i t Mi. No. fjK, May Term,
(i. liobi-rt Young it at. vs. (Ut.
Cai rier el al. No. 'St, Foveuiber lerm,
7. Robert Young ct nl. vs. Geo. Car
rn r et ai. No. -i'), November Term,
H. J. T. Hyde vs. Oilman T. Wheel
er. No. ;, November 1'eriu, 1-ho.
Daniel Euwer et et. vs. C. R.
Earley et ul. No. 4o, January Term,
b). Ellis Lewis vs. C. R. Sexton.
No. :i, May Term, 1SH1.
11. VV. H. Osierliout vs. Thoq. Sul
livan, Sheritr, !te., et al. No. 28, Mav
lerm, ItiM.
l. Josejin Willieltn vs. James II.
English. No. 72, May, lsM.
FlU:U. StlKENINfi.
"So Hospital Needed.
No palatial hospital needed for Hop
Hitters patients, nor large-salaried
t.ilented puller to tell what Hop Bit
ters will do or euro, as they tell their
own story by their certain and abso
lute cure al home. AVfc York Itidc
lLiidc)4t. What tlie ladies say about the
Vapor Stove: '
Jt bakes better than the Cook Stove.
I would not have believed it possi
ble to do such au ironing and not heat
up the bouse.
I can start a lire in one minute.
It is as portable as a sewing ma
chine. W. K. Skrvici', Agt.
Don't forget it. The Union Store
is the place to get bargains.
Ii you want a set of springs o
any sort or size go io C. Bowers.
Soused Mackerel iu cans boneless
and ready for table use at Morgester's.
The weather is hot but the rush al
the Union Store still continues. Goods
down to costs
Camp chairs, canvass cots,lounges,
wood and marble top tables at the
West Eud.
A. Swartz Ross, Merchant Tailor,
sin of tlie red front,- makes nobby
suits. Fits guaranteed.
Bowers keeps Hall's Giant Frame
extension table at the West End Store
the best table iu the market.
Marble and felate mantles fur
nished und set by
W. S. Hebvice, Agt.
Dr. Sharp Hello! Doctor where
are you going to on biich a run so early
in tlie day V
Dr. Smart Why, you know nt
Cohen Bros., & Browustein's New
York Store they have got the biggest
bonanzas out. They are closing out
their spring and summer stock to
make room for their fall and winter
goods and you can buy things almost
for nothing there.
Sharp Well, t lint is good news, but
what ure they selling there that is so
Smart Well there are Dry Goods
and Clothing, Boots and Shoes, bats
und Caps, Notious, Hosiery, and
Furnishing Goods.
Smart Well if thut's the case I'll go
down with you for I need some things
und if I can save any money I am
ready so do so.
Smart Well Lorry or we may be
too late for the bargains.
Sharp So here goea for Cohen
BliOS., & BaOWNaTElN.
Bonanza N. Y, Store Bonanza.'
Be it ordained and enacted by the
Town council of the Borough of
Ridgway, und It Is hereby ordained
and enacted by the authority of the
1. That no person shall employ
himself, or bo concerned, in the busi
ness or employment ofhuwkinu or
peddling any kind of foreign or do
mestic goods, wares,inerelianiiise,rresli
meats, or agricultural products of any
kind from place to place in tho Borough
of Ridgway, without having first ob
tained n license so' to do under t he pro
visloiisof tlieaecond section of tliis ordi
nance; nnd, If any person shall go
from place to place to sell, or expose to
sale, any such foreign or domestic
goods, wares, merchandise, fresh
meals, or agricultural products of any
kind, in said Borough withouta license
so to do being by him first obtained
such person shall forfeit and pay, for
the use of the Borough, the sum of
live dollars, to be collected in tlie
same manner as debts of li'te nmount
are by law recoverable, and nny
Justice of the Peace, or the Chief
Burgess of said Borough, on view, or
the informal ion or complaint, oath or
alliriiiation, of nny other person, is
hereby uulhorized und enjoined to
proceed, In a summary way, against
any such person so otU-nding, to con
viction; and. In default of immediate
payment of twid penalty, the said
Chief Burgess or Justice nf the Peace
shall commit toe oll'cndcr to the
county jail, or Borough lock up, not
exceeding forly-eigbt hours; and
every repetition of the said offence
shall be considered und punished as
a separate oli'eiiee; nnd every person
so employed, who, upon demand, shall
reluse to exhibit his license, shall be
denned tin olt'clidcd against this ordi
nance; Provided Thai this ordinance
shall not apply Jo persons hawking or
peddlim: the products of their farm, or
their laboranii maniHacture; Provided ,
further, That this ordinance shall not
apply to resident dealers of the Bor
ough paying mercantile tax.
2. That the Chief Buttress of said
Borough is hereby authorized to grant
separate licenses lor one year, under
tin-seal of sai l Borough, to hawkers
and peddiersof foreign and domestic
goods, wares, merchandise, tresii meats
mi I agricultural products, each person
applying having tiist produced a
receipt from the Borough Treasurer for
the sum ol ten dollars.
This ordinance to take eil'cct on and
alter Scplrmbi-r lr, 11.
V. It. M i; A I Ll'.Y, !'!'.' id -nt.
Attest- V. O. ilKAl.Y, Secretary.
Approved tliis loth day of August,
A. D.
J. POWELL. Chief Burgess.
AND ( O b ii lit "IT A G OF Sl'RKET
lir it ordained and enacled by tlie
Town Council of the lioroHgh of
Ridgway, and it is hereby ordained
and enacted by the authority of the
1. That it shall be the duty of the
Borough AsMssor lo furnish the
Town Council with a eertilied copy
of tbr assessment containing the last
adiu-icd valuation of all real und per
sonal c-ti'.tc, olllces, trades and occupa
tion in said tJorough, on or before
the first Monday of April in each
2. That it shall bo lawful for the
Town Council to lay a rate of assess
incut, not exceeding ten mills on the
dollar, upon all real and personal
estate, nllUis, trades and oceupal ions,
for the purpose of laying out, opening,
making, amending or repairing of
streets, laiii-s, alleys, courts and com
mon sewers, nnd for tlie constructing
and repairing ol bridges in said
Bot'OllL' h
3. That (lie Town Council fhall
cause ail rates und ussesinent by it
laid to heeiitend in a book to be "pre
pared for that purpose, to be called
the "Borough Tax Record, '' which
shall be rigued by tlie President and
attested by tlie Secretary of said
Council, nnd shall be deposited with,
nnd remain iu the custody of, the
Secretary of said Council Tlie said
"Borouuh Tax Record" shul! lie open
to the inspection of nny person
charged with Borougli rates and
levies, at any und all tunes, without
fee or rewind, and the secretary of
said Council is hereby reipiired, upon
demand ol any such person, to give
eertilied copies of the same, or any
part thereof, upon being paid at the
rate of one cent for every eight w ords,
and lliteeu cents for the certificate
and seal.
4. That tlie snid Town Council
shall annually, on tlie first Monday
of April, appoint one suitable person
to liil the ol'iee of Street Commis
sioner of said Borough fortlie term of
one year, nnd whenever nnd as often
ns any vacancy may occur in said olllce
appoint one such person to fill such
office until the next annual election.
5. That every person appointed
Street commissioner of said Borough,
before entering upon the duties of his
oitice, shall take and subscribe an
oatii or atiirmutinn, before some per
son having authority to administer
oaths, to support the Constitution of
the United Siutes and that of this
Common weal'.h, and perforin the
duties of his office with fidelity, a
copy of which oath or ullirmation,
eertilied by the person by whom the
same shall be administered, shall
forth with be filed with the Secretary
of said Council, nnd shall give bond,
with two sufficient sureties, to be up
proved by the Chief Burgess, iu such
sum as the Council may designate,
which bond shall be taken in
the name of the Borough, conditioned
for tlie faithful performance of tlie
duties ot bis office, tlie accounting for,
and paying over to the Borough
Treasurer, any balance that may
remain in bis hands at tlie
settlement of his accounts by tlie
Borough Auditors, and tho de
livering to his successor iu olllce of all
tools, books, papers and documents
held by him by virtue of said ollice;
and, in case any Street Commissioner
sliail neglect or refuse to pay over any
balance remaining in his hands,
within thirty days after such settle
ment, it shall l-e the duty of the
Council to proceed, by duo course of
law, to collect the sumo for tho use of
said Borough.
6 That il shall be the duty of the
Secretary of said Council, upon the
laying of any road or. si reel tax as
aforesaid, to forthwith make out und
deliver to tlie Street Commissioner of
said Borough, a correct and fair
duplicate of
the same; and the
Commissioner shall,
of said duplicate,
notice to each and
suid Street
upon receipt
give personal
every resident, and written or printed
notice, duly mailed, to eaeli and every
lion resident, rated for sueli taxes, to
attend at such time und place as such
Street Commissioner may design!.:,
so as to give all persons' full opportu
nity to work out their respWjtiYV taxes
before the Hr-t Monday of September
In each year. The sfaid Street 'UOnn
inlssioner la herebv required to tnak
return of his duplicate, on oath, tatu
Council of eald Borough ou the firs
Monday of September In each yf,
showing nil taxes worked out undtrt
his direction, nnd all taxca then r
unlning unpaid therein; and it sball
bo the duty of the Secretary of aafd
Council to enter the return ot tb nald
Street Commissioner upon the Tax
Record of said Borough, and forthwith
make out and deliver to the Chief Bur
gess a certified transcript or dupldcnT
of nil tlie taxes remaining unpaid fa
said Tnx Record; aud the Chief Bur
gess, upon receipt of Mid eertilied
transcript or duplicate, i hereby -
.' . .1 I
tliolizea and require" i imuv- m
Mii mo fiio-eiher with his warrant for
the collection thereof, to the Collector
of said Borough, as required by aot or
Assembly. -,
7. Tlie Town Council ohall have the
right to remove, at any time, any per
son appointed Street Commissioner of
said Borough. 1
This ordinance shall take effect on
nnd nftef September 1, 1881.
C. H. M'CAULEY, Pres't..
Attest W. C. H haIjY, Sec'y.
Approved this loth day of August,
A. D. lfcSI. J. POWELL.
Chief Burgess.-?
Business Cards.
'aeoTArBATi hbum.
Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.
Particular attention given -to the
examination of titles, also lo patents
mid patent cases.
Office iu new brick building, MalD
street, Ridgwny, Elk Co., Pa. v32t
Over twenty live yen re practice.
Ollice on Main Street, Ridgway, Pa.'
opposite the Bogert House. Oflice
hours from 1 to 2 and 7 to S, P. M.
Lnteof Strattativille), Physician' aird
Surgeon, Ridgway, Pa. Ollice in
Hall's Brick Building (up stalrM
Rcferenecs J. 1). Smith, H. ' L;
Young, it. Rulofson, Strattanville
Major John Kith-v, W. W. Green
land, Clark n. lias practiced his
profession sceessfuily for more than
ten years.
X. W. corner of Main und Mill streets;
Ublgw.iy, Pa., full assortment of enre
fully selected Foreign and Domestic
Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis-pein-ed
at all hours, day or night.
W. IT. SCHRAM, Proprietor,
Ridgwny, Elk county, Pa.
Thankful for the pntronage hereto
fore so liberally bestowed upon him,
tlie new proprietor hopes, by paying
strict attention to the comfort nud con
venience of gucntH, to merit n continu
ance of tlie same. oet30'69
PEDIA. This admirable work is now com
pletein Mvols. EachvoltimeeontainsSoO
pages. It inakesu complete and well
selected library, and no one can
all'ord to do wit 'mut it who would keep
well informed. Price S- UK In cloth,
Sri. ''ii in leather, or S7.i0 in elegant
half Turkcv. Km- oartirnl.-ii mMrpss
W. H. Fairchild, Portville, Catt. Coa
X. Y., who lias been duly appointed
ageut for Elk county by C K. Judson,
general agent.
Mrs. F. Pollman having moved into
the house of Jas. Peiifield near the
Catholic church wishes to inform "the
citizens of Ridgway and vicinity that
she is prepared to do in n neat and
satisfactory manner all kinds of .plain
sewing und dressmaking, nt reasonablo
prices. Ad persons having work iir
this line are respectfully invited to
give her a call. ul5m3 -
- v J
. liZ ISM
-s :"-ini' t- vIt-Mio nf xirMpn.rili,' -
ri.hevj ..i, ai,:'l'.ak, jciluw (lock, with 1 1 ill
kI-. Ii! -a jMta'i sml iron, nil Mworful lilooil-i.d-.i
i:r. l ln.hi-cli ..misiafr, aud lil'-.'-siistuiniDg
-i-m;--. It is f hr oe.resi, safest, anil iu
'.vr.i I'uy I in- iiieit, effeeriin! iiUi'iHtive rj).ili
c f kiioivn ..t a-.sii.Hli to the public. Th
-i'-nei s .of lui iiii iii i and i In niistry hara
ver pni i i ;---; I o v-ilii.-ililu a rcnu ny, nor
in sn (in? -l:' 'ii i-htii ail ili'--ts i-csultinij
.: hruiuri. !.! '-i. It cuves Scrofula, anil
. .r.--fns -.1 :r,rs,-. I'.i-ysificlas,
- :t. r.thnnv'n V'lre. Ptiaplcs and
..e.f-rv lis, P i-;.jc, lUotrii.. !oil
o orv TeK- r, lii.nioBK, Ka'.t filieum
:.-'!, Cii -ivm, fleers. Sores,
; ':;---.!s:., Jlri ;;::ril IMsense, Neil'
.1 ;!'::a!o 'A"akr.i"sfs nnr! Irregu.
-.(iiuii.i'ici'. Affection of the
-, 1 h :' thnuciatlon, onI
..-:! ;;. i;!it.v. ... j-
ii h si'iir.-liliu; tleaustng riualttlea'
r ...-i er.t tti fial corrupt inns which
.i.?:.r:r.f '.lie 1' t. p.-el euuee ilenings
n"; i'.i- p..--. It stimiilut'-s and polivenfi
' -"nl tMie 'liins. It proituiies tnrrcy ant
;'i. It r.-s'i rfs Hid pr.-sorva health.
"I! i '" v. I ic pikI viTor throughout thj
- y ;-;;i. -in. ? fsaifrri-r from any diaeaaa
! avl.-c-s ficin ii!iiuritvif tlielilood need
: nr. Win, Will f'ivo A VFK'S finAIABII,I.A
r tr:!. I'lineiniicr. the orlier tho
, ::u :-pci-.lii-r the cure.
' r-i irwi Inn lif.f-n furnislied to physicians ,
.v-icr-s; and tlu-v. riTognizing it aupe
. ;-.Mi.itiiM, adiuir.i.'.tcr it in their practice.
r ie-ii'i,v fert-r yrars Ayer's Sarkap.
i !i ls l'u vJiil'.-ly usml, and it now poa
-s-'i tue inndilfnco of millions of wftpl-j
- :i.vr I'at rii nceil hsut-fitB from iu mar
:.. 'is I'urr.ilve virtuea.
ireil by Dr. J. C. Ayer It. Co.J
"rictiuil nml Annlytlcnl Chainlati,
Lorell, Masi. -
s- , . vmi'oiihitk r.vr.RrvHrua.
A. Swartz Ross, Merchant Tailor
sign of tlie red front, has ort
hand, and is constantly receiving the
latest aud newest samples of cloth for)
spring aud summer suits. Price to
suit the million. Work guaranteed tj
be as represented and delivered at t)9
time agreed upon .