The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, August 04, 1881, Image 3

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Mm MwmU.
THURSDAV, ALlG. 4. 18H1.
i. 0. or o. f4
RidgWar Lodge n!i, I. (. or O. F.
ineeb evii'V ThtifHclny evening. VIs
hinK members are cordially invited to
.tohn A. Ross, N. G ; L. A. Ilrendcl,
V.U.; J. W. (Smith, Hce'y; John An
derson, Ass't Sec'y; II. H. Wcnsel,
i One f'olnnin Dm Yonr
Oiie-lmlf Oiluiiin One Yi :ir.....
im'-fmirtti Column one Year
Ono-olulith Column One Year
One Sgimrc ne Werk
Oni' Hqniirv Two Werk" ,
4 In.. M.nttlfti Tliri.f VV..ilri
.... i ."
Kneli miilitloiiiil Insertion .So I'niis'a'iVniiirc
ttnrli wcrk.
t.orAI, AnvKIITIKINcl.
Tun ciMita ii llni- first IiinimMmii; live rents iv
Jliif fur i'ih-Ii nil'Iitlnim', Insertion
HENRY A. PAflSOKS.JR., Proprlstor.
Mr. Mini Mrs. Wescott visiU'd (his
place last wee't.
Casper Kime and Ed. Powell took
In tin? camp meeting at Siiiiiemalion
ing hist Sunday.
W. H. Hyde tmd John I. Kline
departed for ItuflUlo this momlng to
witness the races.
Jerry Shechaii has put down a
well for wider on his farm at the
vnd of South street.
We are at a loss to understand
why certain of our yntinji ladies are
no taken up with new house. Sueh
jretly paper, you know.
We staid in our List issue that X.
V. Lent, a oiiciirmcd soldier was
dead, the notice should have lead X.
1 Lent, a one-anned soldier, ete.
A lady being 'old that the new
railroads through Ridgwuy were trunk
men, wanieu to Know wny it was
necessary to build two roads just for
(run Us.
t. 1 . lioss met witli a somewhat
painful iiecident yesterday while rip
pin;; boards in the planing mill A
Mick flew from the saw striking him
mi the thigh.
Ah Ken h ns, clerk at the Hoycrt
House, Willi another gentleman were
driving up Main street on Thursday
itt'teruoou last. He touflicd-up the
Itorse with the w hip, when the ani
mal jumped, catching its foot between
the axle and cross bar of ihe hinrgv.
Hobbling a few steps the horse fell
breaking the thill-. Mo oilier damaire
was done.
r-Kd. Moore, aged uiiout 17 years,
win of .loe Moore, of this place, while
working as axe man ou the I'iilsbuig,
A: X. V. It. It , almost severed the
wrist of his right hand by falling
on his ae. He had bent i sapling
over and was cutting il when the tree
sprung buck throwing the young man
several feet and knocking the axe
'nun his hand. The axe stuck in the
ground and be fell in such a position
Viial his light wrist struck (he
Keen blade of the axe making an ugly
gash. Handkerchiefs were tigiitlv
bound about the arm to May Ihe How
of blood and Frank 1'oltniaii held his
thumb in ihe wound until the young
man was brought down to Dr. Day's
lrug stoic when the M-vcrcd arteries
Were gathered up by Drs. ('. K.Earley,
tniil I). B. Day and the wound neatly
sewed together. I'M, was faint from
loss of blood but is now able to be out
wit h his arm in a sling.
If ym have a daughter to educate and
desire to Hud a first -ela.s school, send
for u Catalogue of the Pittsburgh
i'cii'iilc College. There are seven
distinct wJiools, with special faculties
for each, under one management, and
the rates me very low. In the Con
servatory of Music connected with
the College, one hundred full lessons
are given for eighteen dollars. A
Catalogue containing full Information,
can be had free, by applying to Rev.
I. C. Pershing. J). 1)., Pittsburg. Pa.
List of Letters.
Remaining in the Ridgway Post
office, lilk counlv, Pa., up to Aug. 1,
Rriggs, Joseph
Rums, H. A.
Royd, John
Lahrau, Mrs. Allen
Middlcton, Wesley
Miller, Mrs. Ucthea
McMami, John
Travis, Charles
Wood, Jas. II.
Roth, Casper
iSheridan, Francis E.
J. II. Haukkty, P. M.
Alex. McKcngie shot John Muir
at I loutdale last Saturday with a gun
loaded with bird shot. The trouble
originated about using water from a
npring ou land of McKcngie, a bach
elor, who made his home with an un
married brother and sister. Muir,
who had quarreled with McKcngie
some weeks ago, and had been forbid
den to use the water, went to Me
Ktngle'a house on Saturday and
quarreled with the sister. McKengle
came to the door of his house, after lie
heard of it, and shot Muir, who was
Htauding on the street. McKcngie
was arrested, and released on hail.
Muir died on Monday from the eH'ects
of the injuries received. Clearfield
What the ladles say about the
Vapor Ktove:
It taken better than the Cook Stove.
I would not have believed it (jossI
lle. to do such au ironing aud not heat
up the house.
I can start a fire in one miuute.
It is as portable as a sewing inu
thinc. W. S. SKKvrcK, Agt.
Kindness And Pleasure.
W. R. Smith of Kano.
J. S. Powell, of Tarport.
Johnle Murphy, of Wilcox.
.Tunics Rlack, of St. Marys.
John E. Moore, of Sheffield.
Patrick Burke, of Caledonia.
James Rates, of Rust on, Mass.
Doctor Clark, of Rrockwayvlle.
General Thos. L. Kane, of Kane.
W. R. Kuckett, of Rochester, N.
R. F. Sherwood, tanner, of Sterl
ing Run.
C. J. Kehroder and John Oliver, of
Krie City.
R. I. Taylor and Mr. Davis, of
C R. Gould, oditor Cameron J'rms,
of Emporium.
P. Hyde, of Cleveland, O., brother
of .1. K. Hyde.
Miss Elvira Wescott visited Ridg
way yesterday.
Miss Denny, of St. Murvs, guest
of K. E. Willard.
Hon. R. Hmwn, of Warren, coun
sel in the railroad case.
J W. Mead, wife, and daughters
Lucy and Emma, of Jay township.
Kmmitt Hovcneanip, of High
land, was in this Borough last Friday.
Hc.ekiah Morton, of Horton
township, was in Ridgway on Sundav
Mrs. .7. K. Jeffrey of Cheyenne,
Wyoming Territory, is visiting rela
John Alexander, and Lucien H.
Alexander, of Philadelphia, were here
last week.
C. M. Coiegrove, and wife, of
Colegrove, Pa., wete registered at the
Hyde House hist week.
O. Chautite, Chief Engineer X. Y.
L. i:. it W. C. A- It. R. Co., (). W.
Barnes, Chief Contractor, and George
Biddle, Counsel for Co
Ron; MrrsciiAiti) On Saturday,
.July ::th, l.'ssl, '.,y Kev. John San
der, Mr. .1. F. Roth to Miss Anna
Mitch.ird both of Ridgway, Pa.
Ripe Watternielolis at
Appics, tJrecn (torn
Cabbage, in-., at Morgcstcr's.
l'olding cribs, cradles, bedsteads.
Mattresses, Ac., at Rowers'.
Marble and slate mantles fur
nished and set by
W. S. Si::tvtcK, Agt.
Mrs. M. Watchter, Sjningdaie,
Pa. My Chronic Catarrh is mueh
la-Per, Horn the use of Perttua.
Got .its cheap and in' good quality
at the I'niou Store. Cali and see the
new line of dress goods.
A. Swart. .Ross, Merchant Tailor,
sign of the red' front, makes nobby
suits. Fits guaranteed.
-The Ciiy of St. Paul, a iirst-class.
Iarge new design, wood cook Move,
take a look at it before purchasing a
stove. Y. S. Skuvkt:, Ag t.
Choice New Orleans Mida.-ses.
Choice Syrup and best -Vl cent
Syrup in town at Morgcstcr's.
b Kilts Xo. 1 while tish.
in Kitts No. 2 Mackerel,
a few Kitts Xo. 1 Trout and white
fish and Pickled Codfish ut Morgester.
I iis reduced to the verge of the
grave with Leucorrhoea Uterine
Catarrahand Aniciiorhoea. Pkiuwa
cured. Mrs. A. y. Jai kson, Pitts
burg, Pa.
Large Sale of Celery Plant s.
From t u csity i ve to thirty thousnnd
celery plants were sold this season by
Mr. Harry Chapel, florist. They were
of a superior quality, and he would
probably have sold as many more if he
had had llieni. His tube roses of the
new dwarf pearl variety, the hushes
being two and a half feet high, are
about four weeks earlier this season
than last year. Williaiusport. O. it
Reading, July !'. A terrible
mining accident occurred late yes
terday afternoon at Jones' ore mines,
Carnarvon township, by which two
men were instantly killed and several
injured. The particulars of the acci
dent areas follows; About thirty men
are engaged in the mines, among the
number being John Kutz, aged nine
teen years, aud John Fatten, aged
twenty-two years. A blast had been
tired, and these two men, with others,
ran lor cover ro escape trie nying mis
siles. A piece of rock weighing about
fifty pounds exploded in several pieces,
one of which struck Patton on the
head, causing instant death. Kutz was
struck in the stomach, and lived
about ten -minutes. Roth men were
Washington, July 30. Superin
tendent Davis of the New Orleans
Mint reports to the Treasury Depart
ment that he will during the move
ment of the cotton and sugar-cane
crops put out from New Orleans eight
or ten millions of standard silver
dollars. The annual demand for the
silver dollar is thought to be about to
recommence, to be followed inevitably
by a backward flow of coin into the
Treasury vaults. The Treasury De
partment iias not purchased the full
amount of silver bullion required by
law for coining into sliver dollars for
several weeks past. The cause of this
is that the high prices which have
been placed upon bullion by dealers
have rendered its purchase impos
sible. In Ayer's Ague Cure we have a
positive remedy for fever and ague and
ull malarial disorders, and one entirely
free from quinine, arsenic, or other
injurious drugs. It is the chemical
aud medioinul triumph of the age.
"When found, make note of."
The western npproach to the Depot
Street bridge over Elk Creek Is in bad
Street Commissioner Hagerty is
making large improvement In the
streets of this Rorough.
A severe hull, wind, and rain
storm took place In this section on
Friday afternoon last. Hall fell as
large as good sized bullets.
The high sidewalk near Irishtown
on South street Is badly out of re
pair. The authorities should attend
to this matter at once before the Born,
lias damages to pay.
The cellar under W. S. Service's
tin shop is neatly finished. We
understand Milt. Sleight intends to oc
cupy the room as n ten pin alley as
soon as completed.
Walston II. Brown, President of
the P. &X. Y. It. R. Co.: Geo. E.
Merchant, General manager of the
Rochester & Pittsburgh R. It.; 'A. A.
Lalcha, Consulting Engineer, and
Win. E. Hoyt, Chief Engineer of the
Rochester and Pittsburg Railroad,
were in Ridgway lust Thursday and
Decorated cow horns are now dis
tracting the attention of the ladies of
Ridgway. An old or young cow's
horn is procured and boiled; the horn
scraped, covered with scrap pictures,
and varnished. Horns thus prepared
and decorated make very pretty parlor
ornaments, or if you have no parlor,
sitting room, or oilier room ornament.
R. I. Campbell's house back of his
store is about completed. This build
ing faces on Race street, and is a new
house with square upright and ad
dition. It has a porch on the Race
street side, and also ou the east.
Water runs in the kitchen and a good
cellar is under the house. The whole
structure is painted while, is substan
tially built, convenient, and well
finished, and is an addition to the
Borough, as well as a credit to the
At the Grant City oil well in
Spring Creek township laat. Friday,
- 1 1 1 when the tool- that were fast in
tnc well were up within I TU'I feet of
the top the bull wheel burstc.l. Fred.
Hallock and Jeremiah Elliott were
standing near the wheel when il
bursted.but received no injuries. The
tools were caught sinking only a few
feet. As soon us the wheel can he re
paired the work of taking out the
tools will be continued. The tools
were stuck at l'.'uu feel but were i
driven to the bottom of the well which i
is i'Ltin feet deep and then bad been!
nauIed up )'. feet wnei; the a-cident
occui red.
Rohigs ni Rriicliparl.
Haying is over.
Oats harvest is here.
Church a week from Sunday.
Rat t h snakes a good crop.
--Huckleberries me pknty at Scents
a quait.
Boat riding is not indulged in
iiiu.'h of hlie on ai-i'nmil of tin' loi- !
Jell'. Taylor killed f) rattlesnakes
in two days while picking berries ou
Boon's mountain last week.
E-lward made two trips to Pitts
burg this summer but nevertheless he
will insist on going up to Frank's
every Saturday night.
"Swamper" U too busy digging
ginseng to have anything to say to
"Skippy," of the Dvhhh-m).
Mrs. Ailclhort Bundy after a sick
ness of over three months is slowly
n veriug.
Tlie ynugest chiid of Ailelbert
Runday set down in a pail of boiling
water on Saturday, July Kith, and
was scalded on its back from the head
down. Under the careful treatment
of Dr. iloey the child is now out of
A team owned by J. Bowers run
away witli John Caldwell one day
last week throwing him out of ihe
wagon breaking his leg between the
knee and hip joint.
Charles has again left us. Where
he has gone we cannot say for sure, but
think his sister has again called for
The oldest daughter of Joseph
Holies was not expected to live on
Friday and Saturday of last week but
is at present a little better.
"L. C. A." is going to West Vir
ginla in a few weeks to buy up gin
seng. M'Cov.
Cull at the West End Furnishing
Store and see the McCabe reclining
By virtue of an order of the Or
phans' Court of Elk County, I will
expose to public sale on Saturday,
AUGUST 1SS1. at 8 o'clock P. M.
on the premises, all that certain piece
or parcel of land, situate in Fox town
ship, Elk county, Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows:
Bounded on the north by centre of the
road leading from Ceiitrcville to
Brandy Camp; on the east and partly
on the south by lands of the Noble
Coal Company; on the south and
wc.-t by land of Joel Taylor; Continu
ing about twenty-live 'acres. About
twelve acres of said land is improved
and lias erected on it a story and a
half frame dwelling house, size about
18 by -U feet, and a frame barn about
80 by 40 feet. There are also about 40
bearing apple trees on the land.
One-third of the purchase money to
be in cash, upon continuation of the
sale, and the balance In two equal . au
instalhiicnU, With interest, payable
annually on the whole sum, to be se
cured by judgment bond and mort
on the premises.
Administrator of Isaac 1
Coleman, deceased. f
Death of Jiidgro James L. Willis.
He died nt Mt. Pleasant, on the 8th
day of July, in his 89th year. We
shall not dwell on the early chapter of
this subjectbut start with his career
with his advent into this State, and
the event of his life immediately prior
to his coming here, that of his alleged
connection with the abduction of
Morgan of. Masonic history. Judge
Gilils was tried and acquitted; but
the history of those times remain to
be written. It was soon after the
Morgan abduction or his dlsap
pearance.that Judge Gillis moved Into
this State, the Mt. Pleasant Journal
says in lWJ, and located In Jefferson
county, "then almost almost a wilder
ness, with his nearest neighbors six
teen miles distant and his nearest
postofrlce seventy miles distant. Here
he cleared a large body of land aud
built a saw and grist mill and become
the first, extensive manufacturer in
that region, in which Interest he was
engaged-until lie came to Iowa in
lfiij. He was soon appointed associate
judge of Jefferson and Franklin
counties, serving two terms. In 1S40
was elected a member of the legisla
ture of Pennsylvania, serving three
years in the house and three in the
senate. 1 n lN li he was elected a mem
ber of Congress from his district, and
during Mr. Buchanan's administra
tion he was appointed Indian agent.
He also served as -mail agent tit San
Francisco under President Pierce. He
was an Intimate friend of James
Buchanan and was a delegate to the
convention which nominated him.
He made his first visit to Iowa in 1S!7,
and when he returned home found
his Democratic friends were again
running him for the. legislature. He
again came to Iowa in 1SH2, where lie
since made his home with his son
Charles in this city. He was mar
ried in lKUi to Miss Mary Ridgway, of
Philadelphia, who died in lsl, leav
ing three children, Ridgway R. and
Charles B , who lived and .lied in this
city, and Jcanucttc C, Mrs Houk, of
Ridgway, Pa. In ISis he was again
married to Miss Celia A. Berry, of
Xew York, who died in 1W5, leaving
a family of seven children ; R. W., a
journalist in Richmond, Va., Claudius
V., of Kane, Pa , James M., of the U.
S. Xavy and captain of the ship Lack
awanna, Robert S., of this city, Mrs.
Porter mid Mrs. Xoxon, of Xew
York State, and Mrs. Henry Whiting
of Cedar Rapids, Iowa,
"Mrs. Gillis was a most affectionate
father and Ids children were devotedly
attached to him. Xo filial duly was
neglected by them. Widely separated
they would visit him whenever he ex
pressed a wish to see them, and by
their affect Innate care, showed the
trong love I hey bore him. This feel
ing of consideration and re.-peet
was also shared by his grand-children
to whom lie was an example of vigor
ous manhood and well-tilled years.
He has made his home with his sou
Charles and bis good wife Emma, for
the last twenty years, or more, and
dining that time has never had a wish
unsatisfied that it was possible for
kindly bauds to grant. His sou and
daughter-in-law have been most un
sparing in their kindness to him,
which he appreciated fully and could
hardly speak of without much feeling.
The patient devotion of Mrs. Gillis
to this venerable man through the
many years of his failing strength is
a praise-worthy example of the filial
duty which is loo often withheld from
those over whom the Hood of years
lias passed. The tragic deatli of his
son Charles, last March, was a severe
shock to the Judge, from which lie
never recovered, probably shortening
his life. Though always of a high
moral sense and with a firm faith in
the teachings of the Bible, he has,
since tlic death of his son, been more
firmly impressed with the necessity of
preparing for the future. Even up
to his latest hours he took au active
interest i,i the affairs of the outside
world and was plundged into the
deepest anxiety by by the late attempt
upon the life of President Garfield.
The funeral services were largely at
tended and were conducted at the
house by Rev. Tappan. The cere
monies at tlie grave were under the
direction of the Masonic order of
which order he was one of the heart!
est supporters, under their beautiful
and impressive ceremonies he was
laid to rest 'full of age like a shock of
corn in its season.' The children
present at the funeral were Mr. Claude
Gillis and Mrs. Houk, of Pennsyl
vania, Henry Whiting and husband
of Cedar Rapids, R. S. Gillis, of our
city, and bis grand-daughter. Mrs. Ira
Jamison and husband, of Wappelo,
Highland Wanderings.
Rev. John Sander, of Ridgway,
spent Tuesday and Wednesday of last
week in Highland. Holding meet
ings at Highland on Tuesday night
and Spring Creek Wednesday night.
Levi Ellithorp has finished hay
ing. "Fred" says he wishes haying
would last all summer but Charlie
says lie would rather teach school if
the school ma'am was the only
Miss Agnes McWaters who lias
been spending the summer with her
cousin, Mrs. Ed. Lair, departed for
her home in Rethel, Connecticut, last
S. E. Gardner hiw been helping
his father in haying during the past
S. A. Logeiiand has moved on his
farm recently purchased of Knut
Messrs. Clark & Blakslee seem to
be rushing business at their mill on
Spring Creek.
Frank Hays talks of going home
to Crawford county to finish learning
the carpenter' trade.
It isn't the school "DadM it is
Us Four and No Mokk.
Brockport Doings.
--A fine shower last Sunday.
Short A Horton have moved Into
their camp at Rattlesnake where they
will put in nbont three million feet of
pine during the coming winter for
Oyster ami Short.
A social dance came ofF a few
nights ago on Rogti Run where music
and dancing was kept up until the
wee sma' hours and none disappointed
but L. S., for she went with another
fellow to some other dance. We
would like to pity you if we only
knew how, Sylvester.
J no. Caldwell had his thigh badly
broken a few days ago by a runaway
team. He has been removed toRrock
wayville and has had his thigh set
The liaying and harvesting in this
section is nearly over.
W. Horton has a new fence around
his mansion which greatly improves
its appearance.
Isaac Graham has removed to
Rattlesnake camp.
'Tis better to have loved aud lost
than never to have loved at all is
what E. C. thinks whose cuamorata
went home with another fellow.
What unutterable happiness may
be had riding With tlie girls these
nights. Yum, yum, yum.
The Keystone mill is again in
full blast.
Why is it that C. L. now strays to
the vicinity of Rrockway ville? We
suppose it is for ginseng which he is
Tlie peculiar hallucination under
which men labor was strikingly illus
trated a few nights ago on Boga Run.
Some of the Ihivs were about three
sheets in the wind and tlie fourth flut
tering. One might as well back a mule up
to a bee hive and expect it to stand
still as to speak to that couple about
their boat ridu and expect silence.
L. C. Horton has purchased a fine
horse and carriage which he and his
family take pleasure in driving.
Jacob Fields is tlie greatest gin
seng digger in this vicinity.
An old bear and two cubs wore
seen in this vicinity.
L. K. Kline has again resumed
operations at camps Fox and Jack
taking out square timber. One stick
taken out went ten times with about
DM cubic feet.
Augu.-t 3d. issl.
Don't forget it. The Union Store
is tlie place to get bargains.
Having an extended circulation it is
the best advertising medium.
TERMS, - h $2 A YEAR.
We print
A'ott-1 tends,
Cheaper titan the cheapest,
and on shortest notice.
Call and get prices ou Advertising and
Job Work.
Orders by mail promphj
attended to.
Henry A. Parsons, Jr.
Ridgway, ra,
Valuable Property For Sale.
The Union Store building, located
on Main Street, Ridgway, Pa., la now
offered for sale. Tlie lot is 22x2oO feet
and located in the most central busi
ness portion (if the town. There is
erected on the lot a main building
22x00 feet two stories high with an ad
dition 10x40. Alwo erected on the
premises a barn 20x40. Running
water in both lower and upper stories
of the building. For terms, etc., in'
quire at tlie Union Store. The store
will be sold separately or with the
stock of goods it now contains.
For IS years I had Chronic
Catarrh, The Catarrh is well. Peruna.
Mrs. J. Man ks, Pittsburgi Pa.
ii you want a set of springs o
nny sort or size go to C. Bowers.
No. 42 Main St.
W. S. Service, Ag't.
-ten eta r . V
- "-l
' N. Has been In oonntant
f ne by the pnbllo
for over twenty yei
and Is tho best preparation
ever invented for RESTOR
of Afas&
as a
in medi
cine. V LIFE. j
It supplies the natural
fond and color to the hair
gliiuda without staining trie
skin. It will increase and
thicken tho growth of the
hair, prevent its blanuhfafr
and fulling oft", and thu
It cures Ifchluc Ernii-
tlons and Dnndruil'. Aa a
HAIR DRESSING it is very
desirable, giving the hair a
silken softness Trhlcli all
admire. It keeps the head
dean, sweet and healthy.
will change the beard to a UROWN or
BLACK at discretion. Being in one
preparation it Is easily applied, and
produces a permanent color that will
not wash on.
Sold by all Oeilers In Medians.
inform the citizens of Riiljrwuy, an
the liuhlie ueiierullv. tluit he ha
sttirtetl a Livery (Stable and will keep
uiul 15iifdex to let upon the most
reasonable terms.
He will also do job teaming.
.Stable on 101k street. All orders left
at tlie Post Otliee will receive prompt
breast, tMo or chuuUcr ulaiieC take 1'E-IJ
imirt lit tiiii llmlm- li:Lj'lr lnmi-h
klcr blaues, take l'E-S
i:u:.-a. '
'l'cr c-.:ni ut l
rtir.'-i. nr itli...
.if W-.. ?..;,.:. nli. .II..-I.
'PorrouRo, nstlima, nlcUt ewent. short-1
ataut breath, takai'iiau.v a. gsjasarfgMaaiAN
or cliron lo catarrh, lirom Mtls, pleurisy,
Ti.'nTTv. .v.A
rwst nvpetlier, purestl
or ul Via l.odv nndlN
weak or woirl(i moutaUv, cont rest, tntceSN
Wtll hrt t.ol.l f..K tl.i lA-.f Im... ..-!., ft
"""- tuuitUltiy III 4 (HLJ A ' fM
Koltl cvprrwhpr. Fop mninh1t wrltn tn
b. iJ. 11 AM MAN & Co., uboru. Ohio.
Tf tou urn nick, feel badlv. op tn fLnvw.iv
unwH'i UkeTiixXA ami tvulaU) ILu bow-
A. Swartz Ross, Merchant Tailor,
sign of the red front, has ou
hand, and is constantly receiving the
latest and newest siunjiles of cloth for
spiiiij; and summer suits. Prices to
buit the million. Work guarau teed to
he as represented and delivered at the
time agreed upon.
Tho weather is hot but the rush at
the Union Store still continues. Goods
down to cost.
Dry Goods and notions at coot at
the Union Store.
I s
lBtll Willi
Business Cardsi
Main street, Rlduwny, Elk Co., iM:
Particular attention given to thJ
examination of titles, also 11 pnteuW
and patent cases.
Ofllcc In new brick building, Malii
street, Rldgwny, Elk Co:, Pii. v3St
Iititi' of Strattanville), Physician and
Snrjri'on, Ridgwnv, Pa. Office In
Hall's JJrick Hu'ildiH',' (up stalr.i)
Rcl'irencis J. 1). Smith, II. L.
Young, It. Rulot'son, Stratttin ville;
Major John Kitley, W. W. Green
land, Clarirn. Has practiced hi.-(
profession sccessfully for more thari
teii years.
N W. corner of Main and Mill streets;
Ridgway, Pa., full assortment of care
fully selected Foreign and Domestic
Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis
pensed nt all hours, day or night
Has removed his otliee from Centra
street to Main street, Ridgway, Pa., in
the second story of the new brick
building of John G. Hall, west of the
Hyde House.
Olllce hours:-! to 2 P. M.Ttofi P.M
W. II. SCH RAM, Proprietor,
Ridgway, Elk county, Pa.
Thankful Cor tho put rnuitge hereto
fore ho liberally bestowed upon him,'
the new proprietor hopes, by paying
strict attention to the com fort' and'eon
venien if guests, to ni'uit a continu
ance of the same. oct'IO'tfO
PCDIfl. This admirable work is now coin
pleteln 111 vols. EachvoluitiecontainsW
pages. It niakesa complete and well
selected library, and no one can
ufl'ord to do without it who would keep'
well Informed. Price 0(1 in cloth:
Sil.ou in leather, or $7.(KI in elegant
half Turkey. Kor particulars address,'
W. H. Eairchild, Portville, Cutt. Co.;
N. Y., who has been duly appointed
agent for Elk county by C.'K. Judson,
general agent.
Mrs. F. Pollnian having moved Into'
the house of Jas. Pen field near tho
Catholic church wishes to inform tho
citizens of Ridgway and vicinity that
she is prepared to do in a neat and
satisfactory manner all kinds of plain
sewing and dressiiiaking.iit reasonable
prices. All persons having work in
this line are respectfully invited to'
give her a call. nluma
"Instate of John C. Corbe, late of
.i J lien.inger township, Elk county.
Pa., deceasetl. Notice is hereby goveri
that letters testamentary have been
granted to the undersigned, upon the
above named estate. All persons in
debted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those
having legal claims against the same
to present tlie without delay, in pro
per order for settlement.
nl3 tti Susan Cohuh, Executrix.
MitS. "ErciaYSTOX
In returning thanks for past favors'
respectfully begs to inform her friends'
and the public generally that she has
just returned from New York where
she purchased a large stock of Milli
nery and fancy goods of the latest
styles, also a nice selection of ladies'
Skirts, Plain and Fancy hosiery,
Ladies' and Childrens' Parasols, Hair
gootls, fancy Chinaware, &c., which
she intends to sell as cheap as the
cheapest. Particular attention given to'
trimming ami in a style that cannot
be surpassed in this section. All' are'
invited to call and inspect her goods
before purchasing elsewhere. nIOmG'
Having become agent for Harry
Chaapel, Florist, we are prepared to'
deliver free of exprcssage ami at cata
logue prices any orders you may leave'
with us for tlowers, bulbs, etc.
Hknky A. Parsons, Ja.
Bowers keeps Hall's Giant Frame'
extension table at the West End Store
the best table in the market.
juuu::id. weak
rou are a did
ened by the Htmiu of
yuur duties avoid
stixnulautsand uae
Hop Bitter.
umu vi 4i'i MsSn
tore t oillntf over nud- I
night work, to res
tore hrain nerve ind
wtute, uh Hop B.
ffuffertnff from any In-
U011 i it you aro mur
rouDfr, sulTurintc from
If yon are younir and
diflvretton or dilieipa
ried or tiinele. old or
poor health or languish
bom, rely on Hop
ng ou imxi os no
whoever 70 a are,
whenever you feel
that your system
ibousanoflOlft an
nually from boiu
form of Kidney
disease thut cuglit
have been prevented
by timely uku of
coos eieaiiBiuK. lim
ine; or etuntilatuig,
without trtfoxioalf nff,
n u e HOP
Rays you rfye-
plaint, dlca.e
of the ttomach,
fciicWc, 6Iood.
livtr otturvtt f
Tou will be
em-ed if you use
Hop Bitters
D. t. O.
If aa bto!f.t i
nod trreslata- I
Lle c n r tar
use of opium,
lobaccoi or
Bold by drug. I
If yon are afm
ply weak and
it I ft
ow spirited, try
1 Circular,
bop omm i
BecatMtor, M. T.
A Toronto, On.
Woman's Wisdom."
".She insists that It is more import
taut that her family bhall be kent in
full health, than that she should
have all the fashionable dresses and"
styles of the times. She therefore
sees to it that each member of her
family Is supplied with enough Hop
Bitters, at the first appearauce of any
symptoms of ill health, to prevent a
lit of sickness with its attendant ex
pense, care and anxiety. All women'
should exercise their wisdom In thi
way. New Haven Palladium:
For tnis Month's Weather, prepared1
expressly for
Sample cofy mailed or 3c, tunp.
J. M. Stoddart, Pub., Xew York,
Phila., or Chicago. n21 t
Camp chairs, canvass eots,lounge,;
wood and marble top tables at tfr
Webt End,
rrV LI
':f linn Kt
3 nuri
Ull I LIU) 9
a life. It has
H drsds.