Ik Stiltwufe. THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1881. Si . L- i I. 0. of 0. F. Wdgway Lodge 0(W, I. O. of O. F. meets every Thursday evening. Vis iting members arc Cordially invited to tend. okfickhh: M. Cohen, N. O ; .1. A. Ross, V. O.; It. 8. Gross, Sec'y; J. V. Smith, As't JSco'y; H. II. Wensel, Treasurer. ELK CO. ADVOCATE RATES. VRARI.V ADVERTISING. Otin Column One Year $sn.no Onn-hnlf Column One Your j.-,,cni Unn-Aurtli Column Ono Yoox m) Uiie-clK'itli Column One Yenr i.j 00 TI1A nkint AnvunniNa, OtiSqunre One Week .. j no One Sqimie Two Weeks J'-m One Higuiire Three Weeks 2' (HI Each ti.i.litli.nul hiRertlon GO centsa wiiiii'rc ciu-li week. t.o AT, AriVtmslNfJ. Ten cents aline first, infcrlloii; five cents a Hue for eiirli tulilltlnnir, Insertion. HENRY A. PAH30KS,Ja Proprietor. What the Indian say about the Vnpor Stove: It bake better than the Cook Ktove. I would not have believed it possi ble, to do such an ironing nud not lieat up the hotiss. My meals are nerved liot and the kitelien is as cool as the parlor. I can start a tire in one minute. When done with the lire it Is ex tinguished instantly. NoofTetisive smell, and Hies do not bother. No dust nor ashes. It is as portable ns 11 sewing ma chine. YV. H. Skuvicf, Agt. Raspberries in market. Subscribe for the Advocate. Mrs. F. Simmering, M illersville, Pa., had Ozena and Chronic Cutaruh. Vermin cured her entirely. Choice green Bio Cofi'ee Arbuck les and Molester's best roasted Bio Cofl'ee gives good satisfaction all very lo in price at Molester's. The weatlicr is ;x!reincly hot. Sunday last the thermometer stood nt 10") in the shade. And has runted from ao to 100". Good weather for making hay but the hay maker are to be pitied. Found Between Spring Creek and Beech Bottom one pocket book con taining valuable paper. I lie owner "will come foiward prove property and pay for this advertisement. C. II. V A I, A .VI 'INK. Fnlnl Drowning Accident. Wednesday evening, July 13, 1 SSJ , l, llenovo, Joseph Grootziiigcr of St. Marys, a young man aged about :!:J, a freight brakeinau 011 the 1'. A K. R. It , was drowned while in battling. He ventured into deep water ami be ing unable to swim was drowned. The remains will betaken to St. Marys for interment. Militia Lnruiiipiucii!. Wilkesharre, July 12. Adjutant General Lutta, accomj)anied by Colo nel G. II. North, of Governor Hoyi'i. Man", are in this city to-day. It has been decided that the third brigade of the National Suurd of this Slate will go into eii'.' impotent here during the ensuing mouth. A suitable place for the rem p is to be selected at once. The oil well at Grant Ciiy, six tech milis down the Clarion from Kidgway is at present in a state of un certainty owing to the tools netting fist. Tlie depth of the well is over ",000 feet and as eight barrels of oil have already been taken out with Ihe Maud pump there is no doubt of its be ing an oil well. I u ml reds of acres of land have been leased near the well. Fishing tools have been procured and it is ex'teeted that the hole will be cleaned out in a few davs. A young man, age -H, unmarried, Jack O'Neill by name, a native of the province of New Brunswick died Tuesday morning very suddenly. He had been working in the bark woods on Monday and had drank u great quantity of ice water. Going to the shunty lie complained of not feeling well, und his unfavorable symptoms continuing doctors Day mid Williams were summoned that evening. All to no avail, however, UN the young man gradually grew worse until death crossed the threshold and ushered H)or Jack into eternity. Amos K. Houghtuling met, 0:1 July 1st, with a painful accidental the Portland mill. It was just before dinner and he Intended to quit ut noon to come to Ridgway. Hid right liund was caught by the cut ofT saw und terribly lacerated, the little finger was almost severed and an ugly gash made across the fleshy part of the hand. Dr. Bordwell dre-sed the wound. Fears were entertained at flint that the little finger would have to be amputated but we now believe it will be saved ulthough with a still" joint. All the same Amos was ut the Co. H. picnic and helped the boys carry wuter for the lemonade stand. List of Letters Remaining in the Ridgwuy Post office, Elk county, Pa., up to July 11, 1881. Anderson, Alex Brynu, Miss Lies Blair, josepli Chamberlain, W. 13. Foley.Uack (3) Fetterhoff, W. M. Gaghagau, A. B. (i) Gaghagan, Byron Jansoo, Alax Maitlaud, Jermiah Olsou, W. Peterson, Bien August Randolph, W. F. Btear, G. L. Bhugren, Michael Thompson, W. L. Tongrn', T. Yoder, I . B. 'H'HACRfYPM- Scratch books at This Advocate office. Ben Dill la again mowing In the court house yard. Goods of every description at cost. Go to the Union Htore. Mrs. J. K. P. Hall, of St. Marys was in town this week. 'Squire Montgomery, of Wilcox, was in town a day or so ago. If you want a set of springs of any sort or size go to Bowers'. Received last week a new line of stationery nt Thk Advocate ofllce. J. M. Schrain has been confined to the house by sickness for a few days. J. R. Taylor, of Fox township, whs lu Ridgway Borough this week. The Centre and South streets water company have their pipe almost laid. Celery plants are now ready for transplanting. Leave orders at Mor gester's. Treasurer Brunner comes to Ridg way every Thursday to attend to of ficial business. Diamond sparkling drips, honey drips and choice New Orleans molas ses at Morgester's. R. I. Campbell's new house buck of his store is nboiitsfinished, Prof, J. B. Johnson will occupy it. Mrs. Charles Dilcy, Pittsburgh, says she had chronic Catarrh badly, l'eruna cured her perfectly. Rev. H. Q. Miller has moved into the F.piseopul parsonage, and assumed the pastorate of Grace church. The dam for Hyde's new sleum mill at Rough and Ready is about completed. I was miserable willi Chronic Ca tarrh, Peiiuna is our remedy and no other. Wm. Boyd, Pittsburg. Do you wish to bake without heating the house? Buy the Hull Vapor Stove. W. S. Service, Ag'l. Mack Kimc is not working at the tailoring business any more. He learned thai trade and is now rail roading. Choice Gun powder, Jnpitu, .Eng lish, Breakfast, Basket fired Japans all No. 1 grades and sold very cheap ut Morgester's. Ponton bridge across the Clarion river opposite Osterhout's tannery for the use of workmen on the grading of the Pittsburg & N. Y. R. R. The Sunday School picuic at Dagusculioiidu was a gland success. The Cenlreville Brass Band discoursed sweet music for the occasion. The Odd Fellows dance at the Opera House on the evening of July llli was attended by 1 7ii couples, the largest, number at any dance .since the hall was opened. Mr. Healy is making an assess ment of tne dogs of our beautiful Borough. The result will no doubt siiow I hat there are a gieut many dogs wit bout owners. Hotels in Ridgway are reaping a great harvest at present The amount of transient custom being very large on account of the oil excitement and railroad enterprise. The latest bulletins from ihe White house are favorable to the President's recovery. His physicians think and the whole country hopes that he is out ol danger. The members of the Parochial society will hold a lawn festival in Dr. Hurley's orchard on Saturday evening July l'ith. Mi.ss K. Bhook.3, Secretary. A new school house is to be built at Grant's tannery, the materials that were to be used in the Dutch settle ment school house, will be used for (his building. G. W. Nichols will do the work. The picnic given by Company H on July 4t li in Hchuming's grove was a grand success throughout. Not a drop of rain all day, and perfect order maintained. The M. E. Church got up a good dinner. A refreshing shower of ruin was welcomed in this village yesterday morning. Vegetation which before was parched by the sun's seortchiiig rays under the influence of the ruin lakes a new lease of cheerfulness. A. Swart. Ross, Merchant Tailor, sign of the red front, has on Lund, and is constantly receiving the latest und newest samples of cloth for spring und summer suits. Prices to suit the million. Work guaranteed to be as it j) resented and delivered at the time agreed upon. From the amount of new goods daily received at No. 42 Main street, tlie number of Vapor Stoves which are constantly being delivered to all parts of the town, and tlie general business like air about the whole establishment weshould judge that the tin, stove, and houe furnishing business was having a big boom. As will be seen by the order of Ad jutant General Lattu published on our second page, Company "H" wus not mustered out as the enemies of the organization in Ridgwuy hoped it would be, but is transferred to the six teenth regiment. Col. James A. Wiley of Franklin, Pa. The annual inspec tion will likely be held during the mouth of September. On the announcement being made in Ridgway the evening of July 2, that the President was dead, the court house bell und all the church bells lu town wer tolled, buildings were draped in mourning, the flag on the pole in the court yard was put ut hulf mast, union down, und it seemed as though the approaching glorious Fourth was to be turned into a day of mourning. On Sunday morning the report of his death was contradicted, which lifted a heavy weight from the keart of everyone PERSONALITIES. Rev. 8. M. Clark has returned home. There Is a picnio ot Daguscahonda to-day. Doctor Emhout, of Wilcox was In town yesterday, Thomas Malone, visited Wurren on the Fourth. W. H. Scudder, of Dagus Mines was in town to-day J. S. Powell, of Turport, was in Ridgway this week. Magln tils' house on South street Is ubout ready to raise. Senator Ross und daughters are visiting friends in Ridgwuy. Albert and Davis Parsons were down from Wilcox this week. Doctor Bord well's building on Main street is nearly finished. Powell & Kimc have a new awning in front of their store. Mrs. Royce, of Washington, D. C. is visiting ut W. S. Service's. Ed. Niver has left the Democrat office and now works on tlie DuBois Courier. Esquire Parsons, and wife, of Wilcox, were in Ridgway on the Fourth. Ja:. McAfee and wife and Miss Frank Stout were at Lock Haven during the week of the Fourth. E. .1. Miller, of the Dnnvrrot . and wife, visited llarrisburg the week of the Fourth. Mi.-s Dcvercaux, of Titusville, is tlie guest of Miss Jennia Jackson of litis place. A. Swart Ross now lives in the house on Mill street recently occupied by C. R. Kline. G. W. Nichols, and wife, have re turned from their recent visit to Olean und Salamanca. Col. Ames of St. Marys, and lion. Goo. A. Jjnks of Brookville were in town this week. A. S warty. Ross is having the front of Ids building lettered by the Piso cure sign painter. The cellar for I). R. Kline's house on East Street is dug, and workmen are busy ut work on tlie framing. Miss Mary Meisingcr is at present enjoying a summer vacation at the home of her parents iu Clarion Bor ough. Frank ValiOrsdull had his hand J burned while firing oh a lot of lire works at Driftwood next day after the Fourth. Thomas Miller, of Brock way villi, is now the ''boss" of a gang of men on the new Pittsburgh it N. Y. It. R, near this place. P. F. Median visited Ridgwuy last week and left the skin of a three foot ami a half rattlesnake that he hud killed on the mountain. H. II. Wensel und wife were ut Erie for a weeks vlsil. They went to Canada on an excursion given under the uuspiees of the Erie Guard. Pres. Garrett and Frank Scttelle attended tin Sunday School picnic ut Daguscalioiula. Sgt. Kelts and the other Sunday School boys are u fish ing. Our "devil" Charlie Nichols, has returned home from Olean, Buffalo, and Port Allegheny, w here he lias been rusticating for ubout nine days. Seanut or J. W.Lco.of Franklin, who represents the counties of Warren and Venango in tlie State Senate, called at Tin: Anvnc'ATU oliiee yesterday in company witli Senator Hull whose guest he is. Senator Lee is n Republi can of the Republicans. Senator Hull will build a new house on his farm which will be com pleted in a few weeks. The house is being framed in Hyde's lumber yard, and will be tuKon to the farm all ready to put up. The main part will be 18 x liti feet two stories high, ami un addi tion lUxlo feet one story high. It will be located on the Stale road near the Ridgway side of the farm. We are requested by many citi zens to announce the Hume of G. (J. Mc-.-engcr as a candidate for the oiiici of county Treasurer, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic nominating convention. Of course it. is not ex actly our funeral, but wc know Grove is thoroughly competent, and that the Democrats of Elk county could make no more fitting nomiuatiou for this important position. MA lilt I AO i:. Pa Wsmjxs Stukdkvant At Wilcox, Ph., by J. D. Parsons, Esq., Sun day. July 8, LsSl, Mr. A. E. Parsons to Miss Susie Stiirdevant all of Wil cox. DIED. Sc iKKNi.vd At St Mars,Pa., Sunday July lu, 1KM, Mrs. Elizabeth, mother of Cupt. Fred. Schcening, aged S years. Mrs. Scha'iiing wus born at West phulia Prussia, and was one of tne first bet tiers ut St. Marys, where she came with her husband in 180. For many years she lius been un invalid und expired ut lust of extreme old uge, huving no purticul'ir disease. Her h utband survives her at the age of 84. Cupt. Sclicening is their only child und has for years waited on the uged couple with the teuderest de votion. The funeral took place at St. Marys on Tuesday. Wondkhly Sunday, July 10, 1881. of consumption or me body, joliu Wonderly, aged 72 years, a months and 2i days. Deceased was born in Bavaria, emi grating to America in 1842. Married twice his first wife bore him nine children, two, Robert and Mrs. John Miller, still living. By his second wife he had ten children, nine of whom ure living. He thus has been father of nineteen children. He was burled on his farm la Fox township near the old log house in which he has lived for many years, and In which he breathed his last. ttiiilromlg. Several years past the citizens of Ridgway have been alternating be tween fear and hope In relation to the building of a railroad from Alton, Mc Kean county, to Fulls Creek In Clear field county. Surveys have been made, plans talked or, and at times rumors have been rife that the con tracts liiul been let for the grading of the road. All the railroad building has elided in talk until recently. The last week iu June and first week in July there seemed to be a storm brew ing again in relation to the railroad, and for once talk seemed to be taking shape. All the idle men about were hired, prices ranging from $1.40 to $11.00 a day. Parties of surveyors were rushing hither and thither, until to a casual observer the woods seemed to be alive with railroads and railroad men. The wildest of wild rumors were afloat. One day f00 men were going at once to work on the grading, the next a gang of Hungarians were coming; then that Jay Gould was go ing to build a road. Shanties for the accommodation of workmen were hastily constructed along the proposed line from Johnsonbiirg to the mouth of Toby. The Hungarians came, lots of other men came, and on Monday of this week the work of grading on two railroads wo actually commenced. A company chartered under the name of the Howard Hill Improve ment company, of which General 'i'hos. L. Kane, was the lender, bui'.t a section of road se veral miles long ending at Juhtisonburg, about nine miles west of Ridgway on the P. it E. R. R Recently the name of this company has been changed to the N. V. Lake Kric & Western Coal und R R. company, (which name it will no doubt, be observed sounds strangely like the N. V. Luke Erie and Western R. R. Co., still another company.) Of the new company Gen. Thos. L. Kane is President. The Eric read is supposed to be furnishing the money for tlie new enterprise, this supposi tion is strengthened by the fact that the Chief Engineer of the Erie road, O. Chunute, was here a few days upo looking over the road. This company proposes to build u road from Bulls, villc, McKenn county, which is near Alton, and tin southern terminus of the Buil'alo, Bradford d'- Pittsburg road to Falls Creek a point on the lov grade road in Clearfield county sixty two miles front the mouth of Red Bank. Then they propose to con struct a branch road from Brock way. ville, Jefferson county, to the Dagus Mines In Elk county. They have commenced grading ou Dickinson's flat beginning near the house at the head of Dickinson's race and pro ceeding in a southerly direction down the Clarion river. J. L. Murphy is the contractor for this grading and has a gang of twenty Hungarians do ing the work under the direction' of Michael Lit by. About twenty-five rods of the road Is graded all ready lor the lies. Tlie work of grading is be ing pushed right along. This road will be obliged to cross the Ciariou river near the head of Dickinson's race and ucross by Osterhout's tannery. The Pittsburg and N. Y. R. II! Co.. n recently organized company un building the rival mud. This organi zation is following the surveying nartits with gangs for grading, 'and liavc done and are doing considerable woik on tin- .ride-hill on the west side of the Clarion river along from the head of Dickinson's race to a point opposite Osterliout'.i tannery. Tom. Miller and II. S. Thayer each have gangs of diggers' and Jim. Rhinos has charge of a squad of axemen. This morning when we pu.-sed along the liny they wcie working as busy as nailers. Ami all day long the sound of axe and pick may be heard along the rugged hill-side. If any of our reader.) have doubts about ihe rugged part of the story let them take a trip from the Hull ot the Mountain shanty near the bulkhead to a point where Hunk Thayer has his gang of ditt heavers. Ilisan impossibility to build two roads on Ibis side-hill and us both companies want lo run along there it is iu a measure the buttle ground of the tight. The Pittsburg ,fc N. Y. road have the advantage as they have bought ol Jas. .'.icl'ui liii, Ur. lsoiM well and others ou ning laud along the side-bill, not only tlie right, of way but the land in fee simple. They al-o have possession which is sup posed to he uhcut nine points in law. While id this place all is going along peacefully as the gangs have no chance to work side by side, at Jolin sonburg there seems to be u great deal of bitterness us the men of the respec tive roads ure worKing side by side, it was rumored this morning that out side built a shanty close to tlie other's line. The side opposed to (he ones building bad occasion to remoe a rock near the shunty and blew the wLolc business up. This we give for what it Is worth, und il may only be u rumor. The line of road between Ridgwuy and Johnsonbtirg seems lo be most in dispute, and is at present cccupied more or less by both companies, q'he Pittsburg it N- Y. company having the road occupied by a large force of men the whole ilislutice. The Governor has but recently is sued a charter to the Pittsburg und N. Y. railroad company, which will con struct a road extending f'ootii a point on the Pittsburg it Western railroad, opposite the mouth of Red Bank creek Armstrong county, to the mouth of Mahoning creek, thence by the Brook ville fc Ridgwuy rail mud to Bradford McKeun county. The length of the road is to be 140 miles and it is to run through the counties of Elk, Forest, and McKcuu. Tlie capitul stuck is $1,400,000. The officers are, Presideut Wulton H. Brown, of New York city. Directors, Frederick A. Brown and Thomus F. Wentworth of New York city; James' Cullory und James H. Murdock, of Allegheny city; H. E. Cullens of Pittsburg, and W. C. Mo bley, of Purker, Pa. Principle ofllce at Pittsburg. Jay Gould has a huge interest in this roud, ut least it is so reported und it will undoubtedly be pushed forward us rapidly as possible to completion. If the parties wish to build two rouds we will not object, but we would like to see at least one built. And from surface indications one might safely predict that a new railroad in Ridgwuy is only a question of the time necessary to built und MMdn the same,- Judge (Bills' Death. Friday, July 8, 1881, nt Mount rieasaut, Iowa, the vencruble Judge James L. Gillis, full of years and honor, at the ripe old age of clghty nlne, obeyed the call to eomo up higher, to leave the scanty fare of time and feast at the royal banquet of eter nity. Loved and respected by scores of people in all sections of the couutry, especially well known and revered by the citizens of Ridgway and Elk county, his death although anticipated for u long time in view of his extreme uge, and the fact that the inexorable behests of the silent Reaper must, In the fullness of time be obeyed by us all, yet on every side is heard regrets that he hud not lived to again pay Ridgway a visit, as has been his wont for years past. How idle are regrets, the giant oak succumbes to the storm's Withering blast us does the bending willow. Youth fairs death while uge must meet it, but what u grand con ception it Is for u man as the subject of our sketch, to live the full measure of years to the Verge of life's tempestu ous winter and then lay -down lu triumph the scepter of living, not with regret but ns the ripened wheat is gathered to tin garner yellow und rich full and complete. lie held mauy important public po sitions in his life time having been a Member of Congress from the district of which Elk county formed a part. And under tlie administration of B'.ichioiau an Indian agent. A life long and consistent Democrat he said iu a speech lust tail before the Kidg way Democratic club, that he wanted to live lo sec Hancock President when he would be ready to join the silent majority. f...-. - . Vi'iicox Sijuihs. Hot, hotter, hottest. The new eight Un engine I'or the train road is on the track and doing a lively business. Engineer Dull is happy. Esquire Montgomery is doing a rushing justice business for the new railroad and is consequently happy. Work on the saw mill is tem porarily suspended owing to a slight unpleusantnesss between one of the proprietors und one of the men. The proprietor hit the man over the head with a club, whereupon the entire crew quit work and let the mill. Nearly all the mill crew are chopping for J, L. Murphy on the new railroad. The Wilcox house is full und overflowing with railroad and oil men. The oil well six miles north of this place is flowing fifteen to twenty barrels a day. Four or live new rigs arc up and drilling is going on ut a lively rate. The saw mill will resume opera tions us soon us u new crew can be obtained. Our enterprising livery man, Fred. Feuru has raised a large and elegant sign across the sidewalk. Fred, charges reasonable prices and his rigs are ail good. The Tunning Company ure hay ing. They will cut from five to six hundred tons of hay on their own lands this season. Sad accident on the tram road. As the Boss Dutchman and several Swedes were running the hand car on Sunday at u high rate of speed und were just going over the crossing when Tippy Sowers stepped on the track just ahead of them and it being impossible to stop the car he wus .struck ou the bead and almost in stantly killed. Tip. has been a resi dent of this place for about twelve i ears und was loved und respected by all who knew him. Tippy Was u dog. Nliuo. Jamestown, 2". Y., July Y.S. A dispatch to Journal says: "In ex cavating a cciler under a cottage iu the auditorium ut Chautauqua lo- day, the skeletons of ten persons were found in u small spuce, giving the im pression of u huisty burial, probubly after a buttle. The bodies are supposed to be those of Indians or French." otUit' folCiJ. Westmoreland manufactures more paper than any other county in the SUUe. An eight-year-old daughter of Cephas Grimes, of Mcrgun township, Cireeii county, fell into a cktern last week und was drowned. A butcher at Minersville, Schuyl kill county, while dressing a steer recently, found a pair of scissors six inches long iu the animal's stomach. Joseph Mann, of Scran ton, a coal train conductor was stubbed to death on the fourth instant by his brother- in-law Stewart Garrison, while ut a picnic ut Mount Bethel, Northampton county. A man by the nuuie of Thornton recently tried to commit suicido in Euston, and when arrested gave as his reason for so doing. Unit ins wife's parents hud succeeded iu separating him from his wife und that he wanted to kill himself. J. Sutton Wall, of Monongahela City, has received instructions from Professor Lesley, Statu Geologist, for making un economic survey of the coal mines of the Mononguhela Vullcy und a bpeciul examination of the coal clcaruge of western Pennsylvania. Prints at the Union Store must be sold. For the best 7 cents a yard; and as low as six cents. Other dress goods marked down to correspond. Take Ayer's Pills for all the pur poses of a purgative, for Constipation, Indigestion, Headuche und Liver Complaint. By universal accord, they are the best of all purgatives for fam - Hy use: Tlie immigration for the current year promises to foot up between Ave and six hundred tliousand.or about one hundred thou-and more than i:i I8t0, which Itself exceeded that of any previous year since the formation of the Government, or the discovery of tlie continent, for that mutter. There Is nothing In this immigration, large as It Is, which partakes of the char acter of a spurt. It was very large last year, it is larger this, and there is no reason why it should show any considerable falling off next year. The working classes of Europe, have discovered that life is easier, labor better paid, and the chance to improve their condition infinitely greater in this country than in Europe, and they see no reason why they should not profit by it. Until an equilibrium is readied und America begins to show some of the evidences of over crowd ing, with low wages paid for labor, which are seen lu Kurope, the current will continue to set this way, varying only as temporary causes give it ut times a partial check or un incrcuscd impetus. Phila. Prcst. " Wmtmt StvvT iiink.'" If the crabb'cd old butchclor who ut tered this sentiment could but wit ness the intense thought, deep study und thorough investigation of women in determining the best medicines to keep their fumilcs well, and would note their sagacity und wisdom in selecting Jl'tp Bi Hers us I ho best, and demonstrating it by keeping their families lu perpetual health, at a lm-le nominal expense, he would be forced In acknowledge that sifh sentiments Itl'i blol"s 'm i false. I'ivvjv nr.. i nstate of .(f-se Kyh'i township, Elk con r, late of Fox ountv. l'a.. de ceased, notice Is hereby given that, loiters testamentary have been granted to t lie inidersigned, Upon the above named estate. All persons indebted to said eMail- are requested to make immediate payment, and those hav ing legal claims against thi same to present them without dciuy, In proper or b-r for settlement. ii2i Hi It. T. Kyli-;h, Administrator. VE k0 RJ S PREDICT 1 0 NST For t tils Month's Weather, prepared expressly for STODDA RT'H III? VIEW. Sample vopy mailed for 3c, utatnp, J. M. SrniiDAiiT, Pub., New York, Phila.. or Chicago. n21 Vi Ridgway, Pa., June -JJ, 1SS1. To Whom if urn Coiii i rii : TIi!s is to ccrllfy that the under signed has not left town nor does lie intend to, as has been reported around the county. But you can find me nt the West End Furniiure Store in llealy's biiililing where 1 removed to ou April 1st. ('. Bowk us. Call i t I ho West. I'.nd Furnishing Store and see the MeC.ibe reclining chair. My daughter's defective vision was much Improved by Plku.na, James (.'oak. Bakcr.ilown, Pa. For Oranges, Lemons, Cocoa nuts, Bananas, all kinds of Candy and Nuts for July Itli go lo Morgester's. Larg est stock in town. 100 lbs. sticks, 100 lbs fresh mixed candy, -:)01bs.ail kinds of assorted candy ju.-i icvciw.vi iresii ai loigesicr s. Pi-:ki;xa hud a remarkably good efl'ect on my daughter's Paralysis. W. E. Duncan. Sewickiy. Folding cribs, cradles, bedsteads. Mattresses, ut Bowers'. Don't forget it you will j bargains ut the Union Store. ret great For bill-heads and note-heads call at the Advoi.'ATK ofllce. Fresh berries every day at Mor gtsler's direct from growers. Don't forget it. The Union Store is tlie place to get bargains. Dry Goods and notions ut cost ut the Union Store. Excellent cellery plants on sale ut Morgester's after June 20. The weather is hot but the rush at ths Union Store still continues. Goods down to cost. "I B.in'1 want Hint Stuir." Is wliatu lady of Boston said to her husband when he brought home some medicine to cure her of sick headuche ami neuralgia which had made her miserable fir fourteen years. At the first attack thereafter, it was adminis tered to her with such good results (hat she. continued its use until cured and was so enthusiastic in its praise, that -he induced twenly-two of the' best fumile.'i in her circle to adopt il us their regular family medicine. That "lituir" Is Hop Bitters. Simulant. Flowers for house or garden, Ger aniums, fii.-ehius, heliotropes, verbenas roses, or in fact aiiytbiug in the flower line at '1' in; Advim-vtk ollice. We arc agent for one of the cheapest as well us hfst dealers in the countrv,vlz: Harry Chaapol, Williauisport. All orders left ut Ibis ollice will receive prompt attention. Goods will be de livered in Ridgway ut your residence ut catalogue prices. Flowering p'unts purchased of Hurry G'huupcl, Williunisport, reach here the duy they an; taken from the greenhouse. Thus limiting tlie time of transplanting to the shortest period. Leave orders at Tue Advo cate ollice. A Losing Joke. A prominent physician of Pittsburg said jokingly to a lady patient who was complaining of her continued ill health, and his Inability to cure her, "try Hop Bitters!" The lady took it in earnest and used the Bitters, from which she obtained permanent health She now laughs ut the doctor for his joke, but he is not so well pleased with it, us it cost him a good patient. Hurrisburg ratriot. Bowers keeps Hall's Giant Frame 1 extension table at tlie West End Htore r the best table lu the market. Business Cards:, . GEoT aT'bATH B UN. ATTdltN EY-AT-LAW. Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pft't Particular nitetUlon given to tb examination of .titles, also to patents and patent cases. HALL & h'CAULEY ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. Office In new brick building, Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v82t. IP. X. WILLIAMS. . , , Lute of Strattunville), Physician and Surgeon. Ridgway, P.a. OfflcO in. Hall's Brick Building (up stairs ): References J. D. Smith, ,11. L, Young, R. RulolVon, Strattunville i Major John Kit lev, W. W,, Green land, Clurlcn. lias practiced his profession sccessfully for more than ten years. G. G. MESSENGER.' DRUGGIST & PARMACEUTLST,' N. W.cpinrrof Main and Mill .street.. Ridgwuv, Pa., full assortment of care-, fully selected Foreign und DomcstLa Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis pensed at all hours, day or night. vln3y J. S. BORDWELL, M. D. ELFCTIC PHYSICIAN A SUKG'N,', Has removed his office, from Centra street to Main utroet, Ridgv ay,. Pa., In the second story of the new brick, building of Jolui G. Hall, west of the Hvdo House ( Office hours:! to 2 P. M. 7to K P.M KVIJK HOUSE. "", W. H. KCH RAM, Proprietor, Jiidgwny, ft Ik county, Pa. Thankful for Ihe patronage hereto fore so liberally hesinwcd upon him,'. Ihe new proprietor hopes, by paying, strict attention to tlie comfort and con venience of guests, to merit a continu ance of the same. oet io'oa APPLET!) N SAMERSCAN CYCLO PAEDIA. This admirable work is now com-i plctcin P vols. Faeh volume eontuitiHKlO pages. II makesa. complete and well, selected library, and no one- can afford to dowiliiout it who would. keep wcil informed. Price S"i DO n cloth.' ;l.i'(i in leather, or ?7.ut) in elegant half Turkev. .For particulars address, W. 11. Fairchild. Port villc, Catt. Co.,' N. Y., who bus Ircon duly appointed:', agent for Elk county by C. K- Judson,' general agent. HESStfAtfKJG. Mrs. F. Pullman having moved into the house of Jus. Penfield near tlie. Catholic church wishes to inform the citizens of Ridgway und vicinity that, she is prepared to do iu a neut und satisfactory manner all kinds of plain', sewing and dressmaking.at reasonable prices. All persons having work in, this line are respectfully invited to give her u cull. nluni3 ESTATE NOTICE. i.,... ,,r i r'., I,,, a nr i ii,ii, v 1 1 ....I' it ,-1 1 li i i ir.ii . .itiKiit, l'a deceased. Notice Is hereby geveil that letters tesUiriicnturv have been. granted to the undersigned, upon the. above named estate All persons in debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those huving legal claims against tlie same, to present the without delay, in pro per order for settlement. nli to SfSA.v CoiiiiK, Executrix. MltS. E. CKAYST0X. In returning thanks for past favors respectfully begs to inform her friends and the public generally that she bus just returned from New York where she purchased a large stock of Milli nery and fancy goods of the latest styles, also a nice selection of ladies' Skirts, Plain und Fancy hosiery,' Ludi'.'' and Childrens' Parasols, Hair goods, fancy Chinuwure, kc, which, she intends to sell us cheap as tlie cheapest. Purtieulur attention given to trimming and iu u stylo thf't cannot be surpassed in this section. All arc invited to call and inspect her goods before purchasing elsewhere. nlOmO Having become agent for Harry, t'haapel, Florist, we tne piVyared to deliver free of expressage ami ut cut a-, logue prices any orders you may leave wiih us for flowers, bulbs, etc. Hk.nky A. Parsons, Jiv. Wooden ware, tinware, glassware,' shovels, rakes, hoes, nails, axe handles &c. at Morgester's. Get your uoto-heads, letter-head and envelopes neatly printed at Tua Advocate office. Leave your orders for house, plants, cut flowers, and bedding plants' at Tun Advocate office. Eislsy's Witch Hazel-". Cures ' Headache, Burns,. Spruins Cuts, Wounds, Rheumatism, Tooth uche. Earache, etc. Warranted equal to uiiv made, at hulf price. ti o. Bottles. iT'Ceul; PiutBottles oi) cents; Ouurts M. Have your druggist order, if lie lias not in stock, of CHARLE-5 F. It IS LEY CO., , Wholesale Druggists, til Cortlundt St., New York City. n47 ini. Get vour XOTE PAl'KK, EN VELOPES, ami CIIltOMO' VIS ITING CARDS atTiiE AivocATi oIKcc, over Powell & Kt urn's; store Kiiljnvay, Pa. Dissolution of Partnership- Notice is hereby given that the partnership between Jackson H.' Sehults and Maurice M. Hchultz, In ttic two firms doing business at Wil cox, Elk Co., Pa., one known as the Wilcox Tanning Ooipuny, and one known us the Wilcox Tanning & Lumber Company, was distolved by. mutual consent the 1st day of Febrii-. ury, 1881, the suid Jackson K. RchulU retiring, tlie business remaining with Maurice M. Schultz. Jackson H. Kcihltz, . Maurice M. Hchultz;' . Partnership, , . , Notice is hereby given thut I have, associated with me, as partners in tlie, Wilcox Tunning Company, lUiting from the 1st duy of February, 1881, my two sons, Noriuan Schultz and Jrwiu ftchulty.. MaCui'ce Nt Bchultz.' u21t2 Camp chairs, canvass cots, lounged' wood and marble top tables aV ll'i'c' West End.' i I