The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, May 05, 1881, Image 2

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    Ilenry A. rnrsons, Jr.,
Entered at the Post-office at
rldowav, pa., a3 second class
mail matter.
Cfirbondule, Pa., May 1 Forest
fires ave raiting along the railroiul linen
In th If vicinity and dense volumes of
moke covers the city. A large fire
has been spreading near Valley Junc
tion to-dny. Oangs of men are out
to-day in Clifford township to pre
vent several farm houses from being
destroyed. Large quantities of bark
and valuable timber in the Salem
Woods and along the Jefferson branch
are in danger of destruction. Fire
companies are useless on account of
the scarcity of water in suburban dis
tricts. Pittsburg. May 1. During yester
day County Treasurer M'Callin was
tendered fifty dollars for license fees
by about five hundred liquor dealers,
but the treasurer refused to receive the
money. The liquor men have raised
a general fund by contributing $"5
each with which they propose to test
the law of 1872, unless the Flinn bill I
passed. Several hundred of the larger
dealers have paid the ,!(() fee, as called
for by the law of 187,"), but their sym
pathies are also with the retailers, who
favor the law of 1872, which requires
only a $50 fee. Mayor Lyon has sup
plemented the order that all saloons
must be kept closed on Sunday with
another that all cigars and tobacco
dealers must also close up shop on the
Grand Island, Neb., April 20
Christian Koch, an engineer, who
runs between Grand Island and St.
Paul, returned to his home at St. Paul
this morning and found the door of
his house locked. lie looked in the
window and saw one of his children
in bed and his wife lying with blood
around her upon the floor near the
bed He got the Sheriff, and together
they went in and found the tluce
children in bed and the wile on the
floor, all witli their throats cut, and a
raizor on a table near by. The child
ren were aged 4 years, '2 years, and (i
months respectfully. It is thought
the mother first murdered her children
and then committed suicide. The
Coroner's Jury rendered a verdict in
accordance with the above facts. No
reason is given for the deed and there
Is no evidence of insanity. She left
only the word "Good-by" behind her
to explain.
Saving Money in the Poet Office.
Washington, April 20. The Post
master General to-day awarded to the
American Hank Note Company New
York the contract for furnishing post
age stamps to the Department for the
next four years. This Company will
supnly the stamps at the rate of O.Pi
per thousand or $81, 5:23.44 per annum,
on the basis of t lie number of stamps
used last year. The cost of stump's for
the last fiscal year was $S3,(71 and
under 'he new contract u saving of
$7,148,39 will be effected The amount
of stamps used during the last year
was as follows:
Stumps for public asp 875.flSl.B70
Ofllrial stumps fur the Departments .1, TiJ.'.mo
KewKpnpcr and poi iiulu-al stamps l.TTii.iK!
Postage due slumps
Third Assistant Postmaster General
Hazen, under whose supei inteiideiiee
the contract with the Hank-note Com
pany was awarded, says that lie can
remember when the department paid
27 cent per 1, CD!) for the printing of
tamps, two-thirds more than under
the contract made to-day.
For farm, road, or lumber harness
single or double, give Jacob Butter
flies a call.
List of causes set down for trial at
the May term of court commencing
the Fourth Monday of May, being the
S3d day of t lie month.
1. L. Baltonstall et al. Trustees, vs
J. 8. Hyde tt al. No. 04 August Term
2. Francis A. Lesch vs. John Hoff
man. No. ti-l November Term, 1874.
3. Thomas P. Men it t vs. J. W.
Brown, No. 128, May Term, 1878.
4. Jordan K. Nee I vs. John Win
gart. No. 20, September Term, 1878.
6. Frank Pullman vs. Morgester &
Jackson. No. 76 .September Term,
6. D. A. Pontius vs. Conrad Moyer
Jr. No. 35, November Term, 1870.
7. Fredericks, Monroe & Co. vs.
C. It. Farley. No. 30. January Term
8. The Township of Fox vs. John
M'Mackin et al. No. 8G. May Term,
9. R Rulofson vs. G. T. Wheeler,
No. 10, September Term, 18S0.
10. Mary S. M'Conhay. now Marv
JiPver vs. D. A. Pontius Xo. 1 May
Term, 1880.
11. Aimer Hurley, vr. Armel Turley
No. 85 May Term, 1880.
12. E W. Maybee vs. Powell &
Kinie, No. 81, September Term 1880.
13. Robert Young et al. vs. George
Carrier et ul. No. 2'J, November Term
14. Robert Young et al. vs. George
Carrier et al. No. 30 November Term,
15. J. S. Hyde vs. Oilman T.
Wheeler, No. 36, November Term,
10. Daniel Euwer et al. vs. C. R.
Earley et al. No. 45 January Term
17. M. M. Schultz, Trustee, vs. Oil
man T. Wheeler et al. No. 68 Jauu
ary Term 1881.
18. M M. Schultz Trustee vs Gil
man T. Wheeler et al. No. 6'J Jauu
ary Term 1881.
19. The Township of Fox vs. Mich
ael Brehui et al. No. 84,January Term
20. Ellis Lewis vs. C. R. Sexton.
No. 8 May Term 1881.
21. Henry Souther vs. Samuel
Dickinson, guardian, fco. No. 37 May
Terra 1881.
The Township of
The Borough of
In the Courts of
Common Pleas
No. 3
May term
tn pursuance of an order of the
Court of Common Plea of Elk county,
tomb- In the above entitled case nn the
20th day of April Instant, notice Is
hereby 'given to nil persons having
claims sgaliist the township of Ridg
way prior to Ilie erection of the Ror
ouiih of Ridgway, to present the same
with the proofs thereof to the under
signed appointed by said order to re
ceive proofs and ascertain the indebt
ness of said township, at the ofllee of
Hall & McCauIey in tin Horough' of
Hldgway, on or before the loth day
of August, 1881, and that all persons
not presenting their claims on or be
fore the said day shall he forever de
barred from enforcing the collection
of the same.
M. S. Kmne. Examiner.
Ridgway, Pa., April 27, 1881.
L'lk family Court Proclamation.
WH FREAK, the Hon. Win. D.
Brown. President .ludic for the Thirty
seventh Judicial District ofPcnnsyl
vania, ami Julius Jones, and George
Ed. Weis, Esquires, Associate Justices
in Elk county, have Issued their pre
cepts, to tut directed, for the time of
holding of the Orphans' Court, Court
of Common Picas, ( lencral (juarter
Sessions ami Oyer and Terminer, at
Itid.'jwav, for the countv of El k on
18M, being the -Uh day of the month,
to continue one week.
Notice is therefore given to the Cor
oner, Justice of the Peace and Con
stables in and for the county of Elk,
to appear in their own proper jh rsons.
with their records, inquisitions, and
remembrances, to do those tilings
which of their offices and in their he
half appertain to In- done, and all wit
nesses and other persons prosecuting
it', behalf of the Common wealth against
any person or persons, arc requested to
be then and there attending, and not
to depart at their peril. Jurors are
requested to be punctual in their at
tendance at the appointed time, agree
able to notice.
Given under my hand and seal, at
the Sheriff's otlicc, in Ridgway, the
J-il day of April in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and
eight v-one.
'I he Comtiumwcalth of JViinsi!
rnniri In ilir Siciill' of said County
ii in: lt is m
Wiikkkas. Sarah S. Lucore and
Rums Lucore her husband on the ;!uth
day of May in the year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and
seventy-eight, obtained a judgment
in our County Court of Common Pleas
of Ed; County afore.-aid, be 'ore our
Judges at Ridgway, against J. E.
Horning, Executor of the last Will
and Testament of John Horuiiii;, late
of Elk County, deceased, for a certain
debt or sum of twelve hundred dol
lars, as also six and 45-liM) dollars,
which to the said Plaintiffs were ad
judged for their costs and charges
which they sustained hy occasion ot
t lie detent iin of that debt.
And, whcicns, the said John Hom
ing died seised of real estate in the
said County of Elk.
And, whereas, the said Plaintiffs
have given us to understand that the
said judgment remains wholly un
paid and unsatisfied, and have be
sought us to provide for them a proper
And we being w illing that what is
just in this behalf should lie done, do
according to the form of the Act of
Assembly in such cases made and pro
vided, Command you tl at you make
known to J. E. Horning, William
Morning. Catherine Miller, and Jane
hidings, heirs of John Horning de
ceased, and Elizabt th Earley and C.
R. Earley her husband, Esther
Eniigh tuid George Emigh her hus
band, (the said Elizabeth Earley and
Esther Eniinh being heirs of the said
John Horning deceased i, that they lie
and appear before our Judges at Ridg
way, at our County Court, of Common
Pleas there to be held for said County,
on the 4th Monday of May next, to
show cause, if any tiling they have to
know or say, why the said judgment
so recovered against the said J E.
Horning, Executor, &c, of t lie said
John Horning deceased, shall not
)e levied and paid out of the said real
estate of which the said John H lin
ing died seised as aforesaid' Anil
have you then and there this writ.
Witness the Honorable W. D. 12 row n
President Judge of our said Court at
Ridgway the 28lh day of January
in the year of our Lord one thous
(1 1 1 U
and tight hundred and eighty-one
Seal. Ptothonotarv.
Thomas Sullivan, Sheriff.
List of Jurors.
Drawn for May term, 1881.
Bcnzingcr Simon Hrendel.Haptiste
Bauer, Anthony Goetz, Valentine
Nethert, Jr.
Fox Peter Panlzer, Sr., Morti
more Keeley, George W. Connor,
Silas W. Moyer, Andrew Cross, Jr.,
Joseph Dollinger.
Horlon A. H Sparks. A. I). Aldin,
George S. Hinies, Fred Burclifield.
Jay George L Thurston, James A.
Burke, Morris Flanders.
Jones A. C. Johnson.
Ridgway Samuel S. Wilson, T. B.
Johnson, W. W. Mattison.
Spring Creek Roderick Wescott.
St. Marys Frank Oeyer, Matthews
Benzinger John Gahn, Martin
Diepold, Andrew Glass, Nicholas
P.enezette Joseph Eutz, Newton
Johnson, Henry Blesh.
Fox John W. Moyer, Tulbot
Thompson, Joseph Emniett, John B.
Jones, W. A. Arthurs.
H or t hi 1 1 a r vey Pa rson s.
Jones Enos Roet;er, Frank Miller,
M illstone Thomas Sly lion".
Ridgway John Gilloulv, A.Swartz
Ross, Virgil S. Wheeler. C B.C. Bow
ers, John Kohler, Edwaid Bowers,
Jerome Powell, John A. Bankston,
Howard Gorton, Francis McGlojn,
Charles Matthews, Peter C.Kenitnerer.
Spring Creek Newman Crabtree,
L. L. Miller, Forbus Keister.
St. Marys Joseph Wimlfelder, Sr..
Herman Tegler, Matt. Hays, John
Jacob, Peter Struhel.
Shelf Paper and Scrap Pictures.
At the Advocate ofllee. The shel
paper is in many colors; the scrap pic
tures In endless variety. Also auto
grap albums, fancy note paper, etc.
Call and see us, over Powell & Kime's
store. Visiting cards, and Christmas
cards, besides Reward of Merit and
other cards. It won't cost you a cent to
call and see our new stock, just re
cevied. '
List of Licenses for May Term, 1881.
NOTICE Is hereby given that the
following persons 'have filed their
petitions for License in my ottlce, and
that they will lie presented to the
Court of Quarter Sessions on Wednes
day, January 20, 1881. at 2 o'clock
P. M.
1. Joseph Koch fc Son.
2. Geo Spooler.
8. E. II. Dixon.
hiikhvav noKouoir.
John Vaugltan,
Salver Jackson,
1'eter S Hogert.
John Grol.
John Daily.
9. Herman Hirt.
10. Armel Turley.
11. J. N. Brown.
13. James MeCloskey,
13. I,. W. Gilford,
1 1. Clias. McVcan.
That If any person or persons slnll
neglect or refuse to lift ids, her, or
their License within Fl FT 10 EN
DAYS utter the same has been granted
such neglect or refusal shall be
deemed a lorfeiture o! said liicense
Pnrdon. V 2d. page 913.1
FRED. SC1ME.NING, Clerk, (. H.
Sheriffs Sales.
of fieri facias, alias fieri facias, vendi
tioni exponas, levari fac as, and testa
tum fieri facias issued out of the Court
of Common Pleas of Klk Countv, and
to mc directed, 1 THOMAS SULLI
VAN, High Sheriff of said county, do
hereby give notice that I will expose
to ptihliit sale or outcry at the Pro
thoiiotary's ofllee, in Ridgway, at one
o'clock P. M., on
MONDAY, MAY. 23, Issl.
All the right, title, interest, claim
ami demand of defendant in, to, and
out of all that tract of land situate in
the township of Itcu.iugcr, in the
county of Elk. and State o'' Pennsyl
vania, bounded and described iw fol
lows; Beginning at n post on North
St. Marys road; t hence west two de
grees south one hundred and live perch
es, more or less to the corporation
line; t hence south forty-six ileirrccsH
east along the corporation line tidy
four perches; thence cnt two degrees
north seventy perches, more or less, to
St. Marys road; thence noithward
along the St. Marys road; forty-five j
perches to t he place of beginning, con
taining twenty-five acres, more or less,
and being' numbered fifteen on the
map or plan ol the town or settlement
of St. Marys.
Excepting all that piece of land he-
liming' at the northwest corner of
said John Walker's land and in the
rear line of lots on St. Michael street1
and tit the southwest corner of a piece
ot land belonging to Michael Slmia-
beck; thence along the south line of
same and of laud owned by Anton
Bcimingcr north eighty-iiine and
three-fourths degrees east two hundred
eighty-two and two-tenths feet; thence
south sixty-seven and seven-eights de
grees west two hundred and twen y
and seven-tenths feet to the rear line
of lots on St. Michael 'street; thence
north forty three and one-half degrees
west one hundred and thirteen feet to
the place of beginning, containing
eleven thousand six hundred and two
square leet. On winch there is erect
ed a barn Wix-w leet, also a slaughter
house 12x 10 leet.
2. All that tract of land situate in
the borough of St. Marys, county of
Elk, state of Pennsylvania, bounded
and described as fol.ows, to-wit: Be
ginning at the rear corner of building
town lots thirty and thirty-two;
thence in a straight line with said
town lots and along Xaverius Buc
lieit's lot four hundred and eleven leet,
more or less, to the line of J. Walker's
land: thence westerly along J. Walk
er's land live hundred ami seventy
three feet, more or less to the rear line
of town lots on St. Michael street;
thence southeasterly along said line til
town lots tin St. Michael street three
hundred and seventy-four feet more
or less, to place of beginning, contain
ing one acre and three-quarters of an
acre, more or less.
3. Also, all that certain town lot or
piece of ground situate in the borough
of St. Marys aforesaid, known as town
lot number fifty four on St. Marys
street in tlie map or plan of said bor
ough of St. Marys and being one
hundred feet front on said St. Marys
stree' hy two hundred feet deep al
right angles, bounded north by lot
number fifty-six, east by Virgin alley,
south by lot number fifty two, mid
west by St. Marys street, on which
there is erected a house 28x30 feet;
barn :i(ix30 feet, and old house I'Sxliw
leet, witli wing attached.
4. Also, all that certain piece of land
or part of a town lot in the borough of
St. Marys aforesaid, known as the
southern part of lot number fitty-six
in the map or plan of St. Marys and
being lilty-sevcn feet nine inches,
more or less, in front on St. Marys
street by two hundred feet deep at
right angles, hounded on the north
by a portion ot said lot number liity
six conveyed by John Walker to Jolin
Walker, Jr., by deed dated 13th of
April, 1875; east by Virgin alley; south
by lot number fifty-four, and west by
St. Marys Irseet, on which there is
erected a store house 2-'x40 feet.
5. All that certain piece of land or
town lot situate in . the borough of
St. Marys aforesaid, known as lot
number ten on Cnestnut street, ac
cording to a map of lots laid out and
surveyed hy Charles Luhr, being
eighty feet in front on Chestnut street
by one hundred and fifty let dee)) at
rfglit angles, liounded north by Mill
street; east by an alley; south by lot
number twelve, and west by (.'hestnut
street, containing twelve thousand
(12.0(1(1) square feet, on which there is
erected a house 23x30 feet, with addi
tion 17x23, i i stories high; also small
stable and well of water.
0. Also, all that certain piece of land
or town lot situate in the borough of
St. Marys alorcsaid, known as lot
number I welve (12) on Chestnut street
according to Charles Luhr's map of
lots in said borough, being eighty
in front on Chestnut street by one
hundred and eighty feet deep at' right
angles, bounded mirth by lot number
ten; east by an alley; south by lot
number fourteen, and west by Chest
nut street, containing twelve thous
and squure feet more or less.
7. Also, all that certain pieceof land
or town lot situate in the borough of
St- Marys aforesaid, known as lot num
berseveuteen (17) on ('hestnut street,
according toCharles Luhr's mapof lots
In said borough, being one hundred feet
in tront on Chestnut street by one
hundred and fifty feet deep at right
angles, bounded north by lot number
fifteen; east by Chestnut street, south
by lot number nineteen, and west by
Virjlu alley, containing fifteen thous
and sous re feet more or less.
8. Also,ull that certain pieceof land or
town lot situate In the borough of Kt
Mary aforesaid, known as lot number
nineteen on Chestnut street accord
ing to Charles Luhr's map of lots In
said borough being one hundred feet
front on chestnut street by one hun
dred and fifty feet deep at right angles
bounded north by lot number seven
teen; east by Chestnut street; south by
lot number twenty-one, and west by
Virgin alley, containing fifteen thous
and (15,(K)ll) square feet.
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Walker & Son, at the suit
of Crouch Bros. & Co., and Wright &
ALSO. All that certain tract, piece
or parcel of ground lying and being in
the township of Fox', county of Elk,
and state of Pennsylvania, bounded
and described as follows: Beginning
at a post thesouthwest corner of the
lot of land conveyed to I'atrick Slicl
vey by Norris and others; thence
north by laud of said Shelvey fifty
eight and one-half rods to tv beach tree;
thence west, partly by laud of L. Mo
han one hundred and twenty-three
and tine-half rods to a beech; thence
south lilty-eighi and one-half rods to a
hemlock; thence cast by land of John
Wonderlv one hundred and twenty
three and one-half rods to the place of
beg inning. containing forty-three acres
and allowance ol'six per cent., and be
ing part of t tact No. 4371, and con
veyed to Dennis Tooniy hy Peter
O'Hara and wife by deed dated March
1st, A. D. IHti'i, aini duly recorded in
deed book L, page 341, in and for the
county of Klk, Ac., on which there is
about, thirty acres under improvement
with young growing orchard on same,
on which there is u hewed log house
about 20x31) and one barn 30x40 feet
ami iv spring ol good water.
Seized and la'ien in eieeiition as
the property of Dennis Tooiuey, at the
suit of Peter O'Hartt.
ALMO All the interest of J. A.
Spaiuder, defendant, in the following
two tracts, pieces or parcels of laud:
1. All that, certain teiiemcuit ami
farm buildings and tracts or piece of
land situate in Jay township, Elk
county, Pennsylvania, being part of
tract of land No. 4I5, described as fol
lows, to-wit: Beginning a pine
about two perches west of a spring;
thence west fourteen perches to a
stake; thence south one hundred and
fifty-three perchi's to a black oak;
I hence east li fly-two perches to
a black oak; thence north
sixty sven perches to the turn
pike road; thence along said
road northerly thirty-eight perches
to a stake; thence west fifty
two perches to a chestnut; thence
north twenty-two perches to tiie place
of beginning
2. Also another piece of land ad
joining above described tract, des
cribed as follows, viz. Beginning at a
chestnut stump on the east side of the
turnpike road aforesaid: thence along
said road ninety-six perches on the
westerly side of said road; thence we?t
one hundred and thirty-eight pen-lies;
thence north ten degrees cast forty
three perches. Hoth of said tracts coii-tinscighty-three
acres of land, more
or less.
On the above first piece of ground
there are about ten acres cleared and
improved, and erected tlieieou a two
story frame house, 1.1x30 fet, with
kitchen 12x16 feet, one story hU'h,
barn 10x3(1 feet, and other outbuild
ings. On the above second tract
there are about eight acres cleared.
Seized and taken in execution a the
property of J A. Spanglcr, at the
suit of Joseph Wilhelm.
ALSO. All that certain tract, piece
or parcel of ground lying and bring
in the township of Jay, county of
Elk, and State of Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows:
Beginning; at the northeast croner ol
premises being described, sitid corner
being the northwest corner of lands ot
John Gibson, and on the north line
of warrant 48H4 thence along the
west line of said Gibson's lands south
eighty-nine and tine-half rods to the
centre of creek road; thence north
seventy-seven and one-half degrees
west thirty-seven ami seven-truths
rods to a peg in the centre of said
road; thence south fifty-two degrees
forty minutes west two rods to the left
bank of the mill race: thence aiomr
tlie bank of said race north fifty-two
degrees west six rods, north seventy
three degrees west four and fotir
tenths rods, north eighty-four and
one-half degrees west seven and two
tenth roils, north seven and one-half
degrees we.-t sixteen rods, north fifty
five and one-half degrees west six and
five-tenths rods, north seventy-five
and one-half degrees west eight and
seven-tent lis rods, north fifty-nine and
one-hall' degrees west ejevcu and six
tenths rods, north sixty-four and one
half degrees west seven and two
tenths rods, north seventy-live and
one-half degrees west six rods, north
sixty-seven and one-halt degrees west
twelve rods, north thirty-seven de
grees west six rods, to a hemlock
stump at the head of (lie dam; thence
duesoutli forty three and three-tenths
rods to a post ; thence west one hun
dred ami forty-seven and five-tenths
rods to a post on the (west of the
partitioned premises) east line of P. F.
Weed's land; thence by P. F. Weed's
lands and lauds of B. A. Weed north
ciguiy-nine ami inree-ienins roils lo a
post on the noth line of warrant No.
4894; thence by saiil line cast two
hundred and sixty-eight rods to the
place of beginning, containing two
hundred and thirty-six acres, two roods
and twenty-eight perches, more or less,
on which there is about forty acres
cleared, a two story house 20x3) feet,
Willi wing 10x40 feet, one story high;
oi.e barn 4'ixoO feet, and other out
buildings, &c.
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Justus Weed, at the suit
of Joseph Willielm.
ALSO. All the right, title, interest.
claim and demand of defendant in, to
ami out ot all that certain tract ot
land situate in the town-hip of Ren
czeite, Elk county. Pa., hounded and
described as follows, to-wit: Begin
ning at (lie northwest corner of lands
belonging to John Burr; thence along
jonn iiarr h road uortn sixty nine de
grees east one hundred and ninety
icetlo a post; thence along said John
Barr's land south forty-three degrees
and thirty minutes east six bun died
and thirty eight feet to a post; thence
along the right of way of the Alle
gheny Valley railroad south forty-six
degrees and unity minutes west one
hundred and ninety feet to a post;
thence north along lauds of Finlcv.
Young & Co. forty-three and one half
oegrecs west seven nunurea anu
eventeen feet, more or less, to the
place o beginning, containing three
and one-half acres, more or less
on which there is erected one two
story frame house 10x30 feet, fched
12x16 feet, well of water, &c.
seized and taken in execution aa
the property of Mark Ratcliff, at the
suit ot Joseph Dill.
ALSO. A tract of land situate in
Millstone township, in Elk county,
Pennsylvania, patented to Nicholas
Riddle on the fourth day of May, A.
D. 115, upon warrant numbered 412'.,
In the name of Samuel Wallace, con
taining nine hundred acre, more or
les, being the same premises, inter
alia, which Edward Clark, hy Indent
ure dated the twenty-tilth day of
April, A. D. 1803, recorded at Marlon,
in Forest county, in deed book No. 1,
page 368, granted and conveyed unto
Alexander M 'Andrew, Samuel Wann,
Alexander M'llenry and Edward V.
Warren, as tenants in common.
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Alexander M'Andrew
ami Samuel Wann, at the suit of
Mary S. Stockwell, executrix of the
estate of William H. Stockwell, de
ceased. ALSO All that certain piece of
land situate in Fox township, Elk Co.,
Pa., bounded and described as fol
lows: Beginning at a post at the
southwest corner of land conveyed to
Peter Quigly; thence south 10'.) rods to
a white pine; thence east 77 rods to a
post; thence north by land conveyed
to Nicholas Collins 109 rods to a post;
thence west by land of Peter Quigly
77 rods to the place of beginning, con
taining fit) acres and allowance, and
being part of Warrant No. 408 1 .
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Win. Leahy, at the suit of
Joseph Wilhelm.
ALSO All that eeotuin piece of
land situate in Fox township, Elk
county, Pa., bounded ami described
as follows: Beginning at a post at
(lie southwest corner of the lot of land
conveyed to Joseph Pulitzer hy Little
A Souther; thence south 127 rods to a
post; thence east 110 rods to a beech
tree; tticneciiorlli 127 rods to a sst;
thence west 1 10 rods to the place of
beginning, containing 8J acres and
03 perches, more or less.
Seizi i ami taken in teention it the
property of George Artz, at the suit of
Joseph Wilhelm.
ALSO-AU that cerlain town lot
situate in Sterley's addition to the
borough of sq. Marys county of Elk,
State of Pennsylvania, beginnin-.'
at a post tin Washington and Fourth
street, thence easterly along north line
of Washington street )' feet to a post;
thence northerly along lot of J. B.
Steriey 1 In feet to a post on itn alley,
thence west along said alley iyi feet t"
a post on Fourth street; thence South
er. y along east line of Fourth
SI reet and parallel with east line ot
saiii described lot 14o feet to )sst cor
ner, place of beginning, containing
7.001) square feet more or !e.-i,oii which
tin re is erected a two story frame
dwelling house 18 feet 2 inches by 'H
feet, with a two story frame wing at
tached 10 feet u inches by 18 feet 2 in
ches, barn 10 feel 2 iueiie by 12 feet 8
Indies, ami spring of good t;.ter.
Seized ami taken in execution as the
property of Harry Williams at the
suit ol J. B. Steriey.
The following must lie strictly com
plied when the property is struck of!':
1. All bids must be paid in full ex
cept where the plaintiff or other liu
creditor becomes the purchaser, in
which case the costs on the writs must
he paid, as well as all liens prior to
that of llie purchaser, and a duly cer
tified list of liens shall be furnished,
including mortgage searches on the
property sold together with such lien
creditor's receipt for th uaoouut of
the proceeds of the sa', or tich por
tion thereof as he shall appear to be
entitled to.
2. All sales not settled immediately
will be continued until six o'clock P.
M , at which time all property not
settled for will again lie put up, and
sold at the expense and risk of the
person to whom it was first struck off.
and who, in case of deficiency at .ucli
re-sale, shall make good the s;.me, wild
in no instance will the deed be pre
sented in court for confirmation unless
(tie bid is actually settled for with the
Sheriff as above stated.
Sheriff's Office, Ridgway, Pa., )
April, 2-1 1881. i
See Pui'don's Digest, Ninth Edition,
pag 440; Smith's Forms, K84.
- "FT
Wvv ill r. l i 1 ! O
n rnmponm! f.t :Ve v'voii's of a.irsnp.-iri';'.;
dliiagM. ina'iih'.tki'. , d .. w'lli ti
c! .cti!.M ;iml iron, a'.l pnwi rla! bloc.
rki'i, H'ni.r!':oni a;:d 1 'fc-siHti.tnii.
. r..vts. It is thi :tr.Mt. safest, and i
vety vv ti: imwt i flf.eial xlt'-rctive 1
i" kn' nr avai t tt'e vid Tl.
leave ef licit, " tv and h' i-try liav
'cr pr -d'.i I -o virivj 1" a remedy, iv.
!. so patent to cere nil ti r -snliir-i'lmniv
blond. It enr;s ??rof a'a, an
i ji'i-nf t'tom disease. Kry! j" !.'s
- S. Anthony's f'i.-e, Pimp'os am
1"(-'retvi. tie.tii!3, l".!r'oos. HoiH
imiif), 1i(er, fjurni; !n!t i!tiiin
i.l !-!. i I, It! !. ornt. I" leers. Sores.
'"UTWill-iiii, .Mi'vii-i!l I)iseaip, J.'eu
if i i, Ke:iil WpiikiifiPiwiairt lrresu
:,i!M. .(.iinnliee, Affections of
e", l'..;iie::da, Kinaek: tion, ciui
';.-. I inutility.
:iy its seiirrliinsr and elrnnring tiimlitifs
;-i lvrcs out tie fed corn!. I ions wliieli
:.iiii.ii'iu the 1 lord, sad enaso derange
: mid i!':cy. It sliimiiaU s and enlivens
ihd lani'tions. If promotes rncrgv mid
tr..t!i. It r. (.IM :t:n reserve, health.
. Jiise new lif- and vigor throughout tint
j SYstiMH. No saiT' rer from uev diKoa
: h:,ii-ie fr.mi impurity of the blood need
-:pjir, wlni will yiva Avkm'h Sausai'AIiii.i.a
i in- trial. Hei'iemPer. the ailir the
o, tho speedier tliu cure.
'! j reeipt ha hprn famished to physicians
wlr-re; aad lliey. recognizim; its snnu
r p.i:;iili:, administer it in their practice.
For nearly forty year Avf.h's Saiisapa.
i i A has hwn widely used, and it now pntv.
' S 'lie cnathhrnre of millions of pwmle
iii h:ivn exivrioieed benefits from its tuar
. lulls curativo virtues.
repared by Dr J C. Ayer t Co.,
i'.-ai tlcil mid An ilvtlciil Chemist,
Lowe'l, Mas.
, ... ,,,, t.-.-ffj rvnvwHvnK.
Maine News.
Hop Bitters, which are advertised
In our columns, are u sure cure for
ague, biliousness and kidney com
plaints, those who use them say they
cannot be too highly recommended
Those afflicted should give them a fair
trial, and will become thereby enthu
siastic in the praise of their curative
qualities. Portland Argtts.
( j
Our Catalogue of choice SEEDS and PLANTS contain
the "BEST and CHEAPEST," and our
give prices and descriptions of Designs,
Baskets and Lose Cut Flowers for any occasion,
Sent freeion application.
Harry Cliaapcl,
Seedsman Florist,
Williamsport, Pa
Trade mmk. Is especially TRADE Mt"
l.rl list 11 11 II II-
f'tiilinu cure
iV.r S-U'iiiitiiil
YV ix it If II f hu
H pe rniattir-fJI'iiS. Itiiiui. -'-flsK I 6'
dfore Takinn
Steiicy and all After Taking
diseases that follow as a setpn-ticy on
.Self Abuse; as Loss of Memory, Uni
versal Lassitude, I'ain in the Hack,
Dimness of vission, Premature old
ae;e. and many other diseases that
lead' to I nsauity. Consumption and
a Premature Grave, all of which as a
rule are lir.-t caused hy deviatinif from
t lie path of nature and over indulgence.
The Specific Medicine is the result of
a lilt study and many years of experi
ence in trentinir those special deseases.
Kull particulars in our pamphlets,
which we desire to send free by mail
to ..'Viy one.
The Specific Medicine is sold by all
Druvists it 31 pr ickae, or six
packages for ir, or will he sent hy
mail on receipt of the money by ad
No. I Mechanic' Klock, Detroit, Mich.
j.'S.ild in Ridgway by all Druggists,
IL.rris & Kwing, wholesale Agents,
Pittsburgh. nli-ly
Stats Normal School,
F.iyhth Xarntal School lHtstrh t.)
A. N. It.VUB, A.M., Ph. D. Prun-ipol.
This school as at present constituted
rflVrs the very best facilities for Pro
feionai and classical learning.
1'iiildines spacious, inviting nn.l
commodious, completely heated by
st';iu, ell ventilated and furnished
with a bountiful supply of pure, soft
sprriiU water
Location healthful and easy of ac
ce Surrounding scenery unsurpassed.
Teachers experienced, efficient, and
alive to their work.
Disciuliue firm but kind, uniform
and thorough
Expenses moderate.
Fifty cents a week deduction to
those preparing to teach.
Stui.erits ailmttteu at any time.
Cour.-es of study prescribed by the
Slake; I. Model School. II Prepara
tory. 111. Elementary. IV. Scien
tific. adjunct couhskk:
I. Academic. II. Commercial. III.
Music. IV Art
Tlie Elementary and Scientific
courses are Professional, and students
(i rati uati njj; therein receive State Diplo
mas, conierrinx tlie following corres
ponding deurees: Master of the Ele
ments and Master of the Sciences.
Graduates in tlie othercourses receive
Normal Certificates of their attain
ments signed by the Faculty.
The Professional courses are liberal,
and are in thoroughness not inferior to
those of our best colleges.
The State requires a hiirher order of
citizenship. The times demand it. It
is one of the prime objects of this
school to help to secure it by furnish
ing intelligent and etlieictu teachers
for herschools. Tothisend, it solicits
young persons of good abilities ami
good purposes those who desire to
improve their time and their talents,
as students. To all such it promises
aid in developing their powers and
abundant opportunities for well-paid
labor alter leaving school.
For catalogue and terms address the
Principal, or the Secretary of the
Stockholder's Trustees. J H Bar
ton. M D, A 11 Best, Jacob Brown,
S M Biokford, Samuel Christ, A N
ttaub, R GCook T. C. Hippie, Esq.,
G. Kents'.ing, E P McCormiek, Esq ,
W. W. Rankin, V. H. Brown.
State Trustees Hon A G. Curtin.
Hon William Bigier, Hon H L
DieU'enhach, Gen Jesse Merrill, J C
C Whalcy, S Millar McCormiek,
Hon. William Bigier, Prcsident.Clear
field, Pa
Gen Jesse Merrill, Vice President,
Lock Haven, Pa.
S. Millar McCormiek, Secretary,
iiOcK iiave'i, fa
Thomas Yardlcy, Treasurer, Lock
Haven, Pa.
Ursula M'Inerney, In the
By her next friend, Court of Com
Anii Dukelow, fmon Pleas Elk
vs. Co. No. 17,
Thomas M'Inerney, j Nov. Term, 1881.
To the respondent above named:
Take notice, that subpoena and alias
subpoena having been issued in the
above entitled case, aim returned "not
found in tlie county,1' you are hereby
notified to appear before the said
Court, at liidgwav, Pa., on the
D. 1K81, to answer the said libellaut s
Sheriff's Office.
Ridgway, Pa., Feb. 10,1881.
Gko. A, Ratubun, Attorney for
feblO 6w
Get your note-beads, letter head
and envelopes neatly printed at THa
Advocate office
Light running, Latest Improved
DOMESTIC, at prices never heard o
before, at Mrs ,W. S. Service's.
For bill-Leads and note-beads call
at the Advocate omce.
On the Loss of
Seminal Weakness, or Spermatorrhoea
induced by Self-Abuse, Involuntary
Emissions, Inipotency, Nervous De
bility, and Impediment to Marriage
generally; Consumption, Epilepsy,
and Fits; Mental and Physical In
capacity. Ac Hy ROBERT J. CUL
VERWELL, M. D.. author of th
"(recti Book, "&(!.
The world-renowned author. In this
admirable Lecuire.clearly proves from
his own experience that the wilful
consequences of Self-Abuse may be
effectually removed without dangerous
surgical operations, bougies, instru
ments, rings, fir cordials; pointing out
a mode of cure at once certain and ef
fectual, by which every sufl'erer, no
matter what his condition may be,
may cure himself cheaply, privately
and radically.
Jrjy This Lecture will prove a boon
to thousands and thousands.
Sent, under seal, in a plain envel
ope, tn one address, on receipt of six
cents or two postage stamps. Wo
have als a sure cure for Tape Woim.
A thin ss.
41 Ann St New York, K. Y.j Post
ofllee Box, 4-j80.
Outfit nmilKhd free, with full In
. struct!. inn tor cnmliictlntf the moRt
IH'otltulile hiiHiti.'Qu iht.t .,v....A
cinm-ru In. The buNlness Is so .iisy u, rn
ii nil our lnstruetions nre so simple mid plnlti
Unit liny one inn liuike (treat profit from the
very start. No one an li.ll who Is wllliiiK to
work. Women are as successful hr men.
l.oys and (jirls can earn Inrjre sums. Mm y
have inaiie hi the business over .one tin ml red
dollars in a single week. Nothing like It
ever known tieloie. All who ennuvp are mr
prisedal Iheease ai d rapidity with which
tlo y are aide to make money. Yell can en-l-'aiie
in this business during your spare timo
at irreat profit. You do not have to Invest
capital In It. Wo take nit thp risk, 'those
who need ready money, should write to us ot
once. All furnished free. Addiess TUt'l-! At
t o., Ausustu. Maine, n3liyl
Slirehducss and Ability.
Hop Bitters so freely advertised In
all the papers, secular and religious
are having a large sale, and are sup
planting all other medicines. There
is no denying the virtues of the Hop
plant, and the proprietors of these
Bitters have shown great shrewdness
and ability in compounding a Bitters,
whose virtues are so palpable to every
one's observation. Examiner and
Yourself hy making money
men n fcoiutn cuanee is
offered. Ilinmliv .ilu-pa
keepim: poverty tn in vourdoor. Those wi,r
. always lake iidvaidinie of tlie flood chances
I tor milking money that are ottered, gciientily
j become wealthy, while these w ho do not Im
, siicli chances rt niaiii In poverty. We
warn many men, women, boys, and utrls to
work li.r ns rii;ht In their own localities. Tha
business will pay more than ten timesordi
nary wanes. We famish an expensive out
tlt and all that you need, free. Nn one who
mantes falls to make liii.n y very rapidly
Y on can devote your w hole time to the work
er only your spare moments. Kull Informa
tion and all that is needed seal free. A1
drcsi. SJ INauN A CO. l'ortlund. Maine.
Get your NOTE PA I ER. EN
ITING CARDS at The Advocate
office, over Powell & Ivttue's store
Philadelphia & Erie R R- Div.
On and after SUNDAY, November
7, 1811, tlie trains on the Philadel
phia A Erie Railroad Division will
run as follows :
Niagara Ex. leaves Phila 0 00 a. m.
" " " Renovo..5 40 p. m.
ekib maii. leaves Phila 11 65 p. m
" " Renovo 1105 a.m.
" " Emjioriuin.l so p. m.
" St. Mary's..!! 23 p. m.
J " Piidgway...2 4pm.
" Kane 3 45 p. m.
arr. at Erie 7 45 p. m.
Day Express leaves Renovo 10 05 a. ra'
" " ir. at Phila.... 6 35 p.m.
erie mail leaves Erie 11 85 a iu
1! KaP . 4 1( p. in
iiiifway....u 17 ji.iu
Ht. Mary's..5 5o p. m
Emporium. i 55 p, ra
" Renovo 9 00 p. m
arr. at Phila 7 05 a. m
A. Baldwin. G iiuial fri p't.
Testate of Albert Brehm, late of
I j Benzinger township, Elk countv.
Pa., dtceased. Notice is liereby given!
that letlers testamentary Lave beea
granted to the undersigned, uixin the
ahove named estate. All persona in
debted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, urnl those
having- legal claims against the same
to present them without delay, in pro
per order, for settlement
Andrew Bhehm, Administrator,
-Scrap pictures, Authors, pen hold
era, note paper, envelopes from sine 1
to size 14. A large and elegant stock
of fancy note paper lu boxes at Thb
Advocate office. Also shelf paper,
which is neat, ornamental and dura
ble. No trouble to show these good
even if you do not wUh to purchase.