The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, April 28, 1881, Image 2

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    Henry A. Parsons, Jr.,
Kntkbed at thk Post-ofkkk at
Feminine Foolishness.
Wltliin n little more tban n week
says tlic Philtidclphiu J'rtus, two wo
men have voluntarily ended their
lives in fit of pouts. One of them,
Mrs. Mills of New York, was un
doubtedly insane and clearly not re
sponsible in her presistent refusal
of food. Miss Duell of Iowa, who
died on Sunday was apparently not
insane but only sullen. Since No
vember, 1870, she has refused to speak
to any one, using a slate and pencil
for all necessary communications with
her friends. On the :tfrd of February
she refused her food and after a con
tinuous fast of forty-seventy days
yielded up the ghost.
Firmness is clearly not always a
commendable quality. When its ob
ject is ill chosen, some corrective is
called for, as adhesion to a had pur
pose can only bemiscliievious in its re
sults. Men do not hesitate to thwart
the object of n would-be suicide who
would summarily end his troubles by
violent methods. A child who in a
lit of sulleness holds its breath till he or
she is black in the face, is spunked
into a normal state of breathing by
every sound minded parent. Tanner
in the cause of science lias demon
strated that starvation in its latter
stages is not specially painful. As fai
ns it appeal's neither of these women
when weak and faint from hick of
mirishmcnt sullered appreciably from
the pangs of hunger. Such being the
case, nature cannot be relied upon to
break their resolution by intensity of
suflering, and some cllective method
of interference witli this suicidal pur
pore must be devised.
In the case of the two ladies under
consideration, food was plaeed tempt
ingly within their reach, but they
would not touch it. Insane patients
who refuse food are sometimes per
suaded to abandon their purpose by
insinuating the idea that they cannot
have food if they believe this lliey im
mediately begin to cry for food. These
women, however, were not to be de
ceived, nor could they be forced to eat.
There was a case, however, reported a
few weeks ago from New York, where
a woman hud u temporary paralysis of
the stomach and could take no food
ut all. Neither her friends nor her-;
self were willing she should starve to
deuth, and she was bathed regularly
in milk and other liquid food until her
stomach recovered its tone. The skin
will absorb food very readily in this
way and in such quantities that these
i)at lis never failed to allay a previous
sensation of hunger.
This is a bint to those who have the
charge of obstinate woman who refuse
to cut. Rathe them in milk, nolens
Yolens,and let them close thcirmotiths
as tight as they may, only soak tbeni
long enough und they will get fat in
spite of themselves. ' Reef tea, clear
soups and probably thin gruels can be
udministciul by way of change of diet
in the same manner. As I lie ordinary
battling process would be wasteful
when liquid food is substituted for
walor.thc patient might be loosely en
cased in a rubber suit, somewhat af
ter the fashion of Captain Iioynton's,
and fed liberally at the neck, We re
gret that it did not occur to us to sug
gest this sell erne sooner, so that it
might have been satisfactorily tested
iu Misss Ducll's case. It will how
ever, hold good for the next woman
who gets "oil" her feed" and obsti
nately refuses to take her vituals iu
the ordinary Cushion.
List of Jurors.
Drawn for May term, 1HM.
Renzinger Simon Rrendel.Baptiste
Rauer, Anthony Goetz, Valentine
Neibert, .1 r.
Fox Peter, Sr., Mortl
more Keeley, Oeorge V. Connor,
Silas YV. Moyer, Andrew Cross, Jr.,
Joseph Dollinger.
llorton A. R. Sparks, A. D. Aldin,
Oeorge S. Hinies, Fred Rurclitield.
Jay Oeorge L. Thurston, James A.
Rurke, Morris Flanders.
Jones A. C. Johnson.
Ridgway Samuel S. Wilson, T. R.
Johnson, W. W. Mattison.
Spring Creek Roderick Wescott.
St. Marys Frank Geyer, Matthews
travkusk jrnons.
Renzinger John Gahu,
Diepold, Andrew Glass,
Renezette Joseph Kntz,
Johnson, Henry Rlesh.
Fox John W. Moyer, Talbot
Thompson, Joseph Kminett, John R.
Jones, W. A. Art hum.
Horton Harvey Parsons.
Jones Enos Roetyer, Frank Miller,
Millstone Thomas Sly hot!
Ridgwuy John Gillouly, A. Swart.
Ross, Virgil S. Wheeler, C D.C. Bow
ers, John Kohler, Edward Rowers,
Jerome Powell, John A. Rankston,
Howard Gorton, Francis McGloin,
Charles Matthews, Peter C.Kcmuierer.
Sprintr Creek Newman Crubtree
L. L. Miller, Forbus Keister.
St. Marys Joseph Windfelder, Sr..
Herman Tcgler, Matt. Hays, John
Jucob, Peter Htrubel.
Prepared Musturd by the quart.
Sauerkraut, Mince meat and Pigs'
Feet at Morgester's.
Philadelphia & Erie R. R- Di v.
Qn and after SUNDAY, November
7, 18H0, the trains on the Philadel
& Erie Railroad Division will
run us follows:
Niagara Ex. leaves Philu ! 00 u. in.
" " " Renovo.. 5 40 p. in.
KHIK MAIL leaves Philu U &5 p. in
" Renovo 11 05 a. m.
" Emporium. 1 30 p. in.
' St. Mary's..2 2J1 p. in.
' " Ridgway... 2 4i jr iu.
" Kane 3 43 p. ni.
" arr. ut Erie 7 45 p. ni.
Day Express leaves Renovo 10 05 a. in.
. " arr. at Philu.... p. m.
' khik mail leaves Erie H 35 a.ui.
" Kane 4 10 p. in.
' Ridgwuv....5 17 p.m.
. fst. Mary'M..5 & p. ni.
' Emporium. 03 p. in.
" Renovo 0 00 p. in.
" arr. ut Philu 7 05 u. in.
Vm. A. Baldwin. Geiieriil Sup't.
Tlio Township of
The Borough of
In the Courts of
Common Pious
No. it
Mny term
In pursuance of an order of the
Court of Common Pleas of Klk county,
made in the above entitled case on the
2i''thdayof April Instant, notice Is
hereby given to all persons having
claims against the township of Ridg
wuy prior to the erection of the Ror
ougli of Ridgwuy, to present the same
with the proofs i hereof to the under
signed appointed by said order to re
ceive proofs and ascertain the liulcht
ness of said township, ut the office of
1 tall & McCauley iu the Borough of
Ridgwuy, on or before the 16th day
of Atigti'st.ltWl, and that nil persons
not presenting their claims on or lie
fore t tie said day shall be forever de
barred from enforcing the collection
of the same.
M. S. Klixk, Examiner.
Ridgway, Pa., April 7, 1881.
Estate of Isaac Coleman, Deceased.
Iu the matter of the
petition of C. A.
Brown for specific
performance of con
tract. Ornliiui4' Pniirr
of Elk County.
To John Moyer, Administrator ('.
T. A. of the last will of Isaac Cole
man, deceased, Elniiru Deiiison,
Harriet Coleman, Clarissa Weed,
Mary Coleman, Sophia Coleman,
I.ovisc Colmane, Charlotte Taylor,
Martha Moyer, Abigul Coleman "and
all others interested.
TAKE NOTICE that the under
signed, Auditor appointed by the
Orphans' Court of Elk county to
take testimony and make report to
the matters in controversy iu the
above entitled case, will attend at his
office iu the ltorougli of Ridgway on
Thursday the lltday of May, ls81, at
'. o'clock A. M. for the purpose of this
appointment when and where you
may attend if vou see proper.
GEO. A. RATH RUN, Auditor.
Ridgway, April li'ith, 181.
Klk ('oiiuty Court Proclamation.
WHICREAS, the Hon. Win, D.
Rrown, President Judge for the Thirty-
seventh Judicial District of Pennsyl
vania, and Julius Jones, and Georire
Ed. Weis, Esquires, Associate Justices
iu Elk county, have issued their pre
cepts, to me directed, for the time of
holding ol the Orphans' Court, Court
of Common Pleas, Genera! Quarter
Sessions und Oyer and Terminer, at
Ridirwuv. for the count v nf Kl k on
1881, being the 24th day of the month.
to continue one week.
Notice is therefore given to the Cor
oner, Justice ot the Peace and Con
stables iu and for the county of Elk.
to uppeur iu their own proper persons,
with their records, inquisitions, and
remembrances, to do those things
which of their olliees and iu their be
half appertain to be done, and nil wit
nesses and other persons prosecuting
in behalf of the Commonwealth against
any person or persons, are requested to
ue men aim mere attending, and not
to depart at their peril. Jurors are
requested to he punctual in their at
tendance ut the appointed time, atrree-
uble to notice.
(iiven under my hand und seal, nt
the Slieriif's office, iu Ridnwuv. the
ind day of April in tliu year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred und
THOMAS eL LLil V AN, Klioriir.
The. Corumomccfttth of I'cnnxil
vonin tn the Sheriff' of mid Count ii
WiiKKKAS, Sarah S. Lucore ami
Uul'us Lucore her husband on the iiotli
day of May iu the year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and
seventy-eight, obtained a judgment
in our County Court ol Common Pleas
of Elk County aforesaid, before our
Judges at Ridgway, against J. E.
Horning, Executor of the last Will
und Testament of John Horniiii;. late
of Elk County, deceased, for u certain
debt or sum of twelve hundred dol
lars, as also six and 45-100 dollars,
which to tiie said Plaintilfs were ad
judged for their costs and charges
which they sustained by occasion of
the detention of that debt.
And, whereas, the said John Horn
ing died seised of real estate iu the
said County of Elk.
And, whereas, the said Plaintiffs
have given us to understand that t lie
said judgment remains wholly un
paid and unsatisfied, and have be
sought us to provide for them a proper
And we being w illing that what Is
just in this behalf should be done, do
according to the lonn of the Act of
Assembly in such cases made and pro
vided, Command you that you make
known to J. E. Horning, William
Homing, Catherine Miller, ami June
Ridings, heirs of John Horning de
ceased, and Elizabeth Eurlcy und C.
R. Farley her husband, Esther
Eniigli and George Emigh her hus
band, (the said Elizabeth Eurlcy and
Esther Emigh being heirs of lire said
John Horning deceased), that they be
and uppeur before our Judgesit Ridg
wuy, ut our County Court of Common
Pleas there to be held for said County,
on the 4th .Monday ol May next, to
show cause, if any tiling they have to
know or say, why the said judgment
so recovered against me said J. K
Horning, Executor, Ac., of the said
John Horning deceased, shall not
be levied and paid out of the said real
estate ot winch the said John Horn
ing died seised us aforesaid. And
have you then and there this writ.
Witness the Honorable W. D. Rrown
President Judge of our said Court at
Ridgway the day of January
in the year of our Lord one thous
and eight hundred and eiulitv-one
Him ngJ
Fm:i). SciKKxixd,
Si:al. V Protlionoturv.
Thomas Sullivan, Sheriff.
X-)tu p ip.'i" an 1 euvclopiMat
tli o
Don't forget to cull and see our scrap
A $10.00 Uiblical Prize.
The publishers of Rutlcdge's
Monthly ol'ers the following easy
way for someone to make $10.00:
To the person telling us how many
times the word 'Herod" is found in
the New Testament Scriptures, by
May loth, 1881, we will give $10 00 In
gold as a prize. The money will be
forwarded to the winner May 14, 1881.
Those who try for the prize must send
10 cents with their answer, for which
tliey will receive the June number of
the Monthly, a handsome Magazine of
32 pages, in which will be published
the name and address of the winner of
the prize, with the correct answer
thereto. Address, Ri'TLF.Df n PUB
List of Licenses for May Term, 1SS1.
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following persona have tiled their
petitions for License In my olllcc, and
that they will bo presented to the
Court of Quarter Sessions on Wednes
day, January 20, 1881, nt 2 o'clock
1. Joseph Koch & Son.
2. Goo Spooler.
8. E. H. Dixon.
HiDowAY tioRotnm.
4. John Vaiighun,
6. Salyer Jackson,
0. l'eter F. Rogert.
7. John Daily.
8. Herman Hirt,
9. J. N. Rrown.
10. James McCloskcy,
That if any person or persons shall
neglect or refuse to lift his, her, or
their License within FIFTEEN
DAYS after the same bus been grunted
such neglect or refusal shall be
deemed a forfeiture of said License
Punlon, V 'd, page 043.
Get your note-heads, letter head
und envelopes neatly printed ut Tjih
Advocatk orHce
Note paper and envelopes at this
Sheriff's Sales.
of fieri facias, alias fieri facias, vendi
tioni exponas, levari facias, and testa
tum fieri facias issued out of the Court
of Common Pleas of Elk County, und
to me directed, I THOMAS SULLI
VAN, High Sherifl" of said county, do
hereby give notice that 1 will expose
to public suie or outcry nt the Pro
thonotary's office, in Ridgway, at one
o'clock P. M., on
MAY. 23, 1881
the right,
title, interest, claim
and demand of defendant in, to, und
out of nil that tract of land situate iu
the township of Renzinger, in the
county of Elk, and State of Pennsyl
vania hounded und described as fol
lows: Reginning at a post on North
St. Marys road; thence west two de
grees south one hundred and five perch
es, more or less to the corporation
line; thence south forty-six degrees
east along the corporation line fifty
four perches; thence cast two degrees
north seventy perches, more or less, to
St. Marys road; thence nolthward
along the St. Marys road; forty-live
perches to the place of beginning, con
taining twenty-live acres, more or less,
ami being numbered fifteen on the
map or plan of the town or settlement
of St. Marys.
Excepting all that piece of land be
ginning at the northwest corner of
said John Walker's land and iu the
rear line of lots on St. Michael street
and at the southwest corner of a piece
of land belonging to Michael Shinu
beck; thence along the south line of
same and of land owned by Anton
Reiininger north eighty-nine and
three-fourths degrees east two hundred
eighty-two und two-tenths feel; thence
south sixty-seven and seven-eights de
grees west two hundred and twenty
and seven-tenths feet to the rear line
of lots on St. Michael street; thence
north forty-three and one-half degree
west one hundred and thirteen feet to
the place of beginning, containing
eleven thousand six hundred and two
square feet. On which there is erect
ed u barn 30x40 feet, ulso a slaughter
house 12xl(i feet.
2. All that tract of land situate in
the borough of St. Marys, county of
Elk, state ot Pennsylvania, bounded
and described as follows, to-wit: Re
ginning at the rear corner of building
town lots thirty and thirty-two;
thence in a straight line with said
town lots and along Xaverius Rue
lieit's lot four hundred and eleven feet,
more or less, to the line of J. Walker's
land; thence westerly along J. Walk
er's land five hundred and seventy
three feet, more or less, to the rear line
of town lots on St. Michael street;
thence southeasterly along said line of
town lots on St. Michael street three
hundred and seventy-four feet more
or less, to place of beginning, contain
ing one acre and three-quarters of an
acre, more or less.
3. Also, all that certain town lot or
piece of ground situate iu the borough
of St. Marys aforesaid, known as town
lot number fifty-four on St. Marys
street in the map or plan of said bor
ough of St. Marys and being one
hundred feet front on said St. Marys
street by two hundred feet deep 'at
right angles, bounded north by lot
number fifty-six, cast by Virgin alley,
south by lot number fifty-two, and
west by St. Marys street, on which
there is erected a house 28x30 feet;
burn 30x30 feet, and old house 28x30
feet, with wing attached.
4. Also, all thatcertain pieceof land
or part of a town lot iu the borough of
St. Marys aforesaid, known as the
southern part of lot number fifty-six
in the map or plan of St. Marys and
being titty-seven feet nine inches,
more or less, iu front on St. Marys
street by two hundred feet deep at
right angles, bounded on the north
by u portion of said lot number fifty
six conveyed by JohivWulker to Jolin
Walker, Jr., by deed dated 13th ot
April, 1875; east by Virgin alley; south
by lot number fifty-four, and west by
St. Marys trscct, on which there is
erected a store house 28x40 feet.
. All that certain piece ot land
town lot situate in the borough
St. Marys aforesaid, known us
number ten on Chestnut street.
cording to a map of lots laid out and
surveyed by Charles Lulir, being
eighty feet in front on Chestnut street
by one hundred und fifty feet deeji at
right angles, bounded north by Mill
street; east by an alley: south by lot
number twelve, and west by Chestnut
street, containing twelve thousand
(12.000) square feet, on which there is
erected a house 23x30 feet, with addi
tion 17x23 1A stories high; also small
stable und well of water.
G. Also, ull thatcertain pieceof land
or town lot situate iu the borough of
St. Marys uforesaid, known as lot
number twelve (12) on Chestnut street
according to Charles Luhr's map of
lots in suid borough, being eighty
In front on Chestnut street by one
hundred and eighty feet deep ut right
angles, bounded north by lot number
ten; cast by an alley; south by lot
number fourteen, ami west by Chest
nut street, containing twelve thous
und squure feet more or less.
7. Also, all that certain pieceof land
or town lot situate in the borough of
St. Marys aforesaid, known as lot num
ber seventeen (17) on Chestnut street.
according to Charles Luhr's map of lots
in said borough, heingonehundred feet
in rront on Chestnut street by one
hundred and fifty feet deep at right
angles, bounded north by lot number
fifteen; east by Chestnut street, south
ami souare feet more or less.
8. Also.all that certain pieceof land or
town lot situate in the boroitgii ot (St.
Marys uforesaid, known us lot number
nineteen on Chestnut street accord
ing to Charles Ruhr's map of lots in
said borough being one hundred feet
front on Chestnut street by one hun
dred and fifty feet deep nt right ungles
bounded north by lot number seven
teen; east by Chestnut street; south by
lot number twenty-one, and west by
Virgin alley, containing fifteen tlious
und (15,000) square feet.
Seized and taken in execution ns the
property of Wulker & Son, nt the suit
of Crouch Rros. & Co.. and Wright &
ALSO. All that certain tract, piece
or parcel of ground lying und being in
the township of Fox, county of Elk,
ami state of Pennsylvania, hounded
and described us follows: Beginning
at a post tliesouthwcst corner of the
lot of land conveyed to Patrick Shcl
vey by Norris and others; thence
north by land of said Shelvey fifty
eight and one-half rods to a beach tree;
thence west partly by land of L. Mo
han one hundred und twenty-three
and one-half rods to a beech; thence
south fifty-eight and one-half rods to a
hemlock; thence cast by land of John
Wonderly one hundred and twenty
three und one-half rods to the place of
beginning, containing forty-three ncrcs
and allowance of six per cent., und be
ing jmvt of tract No. 4:i74, and con
veyed to Dennis Tooiny by Peter
O'Hara and wife by deed dated March
1st, A. 1). lsiiii, and duly recorded in
deed book L. page 344, in and for the
county of Elk, Ac, on which there is
about thirty acres under improvement
with young growing orchard on same,
on which there is a hewed log house
about 20x30 anil one born 30x40 feet
and a spring of good water.
Seized ami taken in execution ns
the property of Dennis Toomey, ut the
suit of Peter O'Hara.
ALSO All the interest of J. A.
Spangler, defendant, in the following
two tracts, piece or parcels of land:
1. All that certain tencnienit und
farm buildings and tracts or piece of
land situate in Jay township, Elk
county, Pennsylvania, being part of
tract of land No. 4845, described ns fol
lows, to-wit: Reginning at a pine
about two perches west of a spring;
thence west fourteen perches to a
stake; thence south one hundred and
fifty-three perches to a black oak;
thence cast fifty-two perches to
u black oak ; thence north
sixty-seven perches to the turn
pike road; thence ulong said
road northerly thirty-eight perches
to a stake; thence west fifty
two perches tn a chestnut; thence
north twenty-two perches to the place
of beginning.
2. Also another piece of land ad
joining above described tract, des
cribed us follows, viz. Reginning at n
chestnut stump on the cast side of the
turnpike road uforesaid; thence along
said road ninety-six perches on the
westerly side of said road; thence west
one hundred und thirty-eight perches;
thence north ten degrees east forty
three perches. Roth of said tracts co'n-tninseigbty-tliree
acres of hind, more
or less.
On the above first piece of ground
there are about ten acres cleared and
improved, und erected tlieieou a two
story frame house, 18x30 feet, with
kitchen 12x10 feet, one story high,
burn 10x30 feet, and other o'utbuild
ings. On the above second tract
there are about eight acres cleared.
Seized and taken in execution nstlie
pioperty of J. A. Spangler, at the
suit of Joseph Wilhelm.
ALSO. AH that certain tract, piece
or parcel of ground lying nnd being
in the township of "jay, county of
Elk, and State of Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows:
Reginning at the northeast crouer of
premises being described, said corner
being the northwest corner of lands of
John Gibson, und on the north line
of warrant 4SH4 ; thence along the
west line of said Gibson's lands south
eighty-nine and one-half rodw to the
centre of creek road; thence north
seventy-seven and one-half degrees
west thirty-seven and seven-tenths
rods to a peg in the centre of said
road; thence south tifty-two degrees
torty minutes west two rods to the lelt
hank of the mill race; thence along
the bank of said race north fifty-two
degrees west six rods, north seventy
three degrees west four and four
tenths rods, north eighty-four and
one-half degrees west seven and two
tenth rods, north seven and one-half
degrees west sixteen rods, north fifty
five and one-half degrees west six and
five-tenths rods, north seventy-five
nnd one-half degrees west eight and
seven-tent lis rods, north lifty-iiineaiid
one-luilf degrees west eleven nnd six
tenths rods, north sixty-four und one
half degrees west seven und two
tenths rods, north seventy-five nnd
one-half degrees west six rods, north
sixty-seven ami one-half degrees west
twelve rods, north thirty-seven de
grees west six rods, to a hemlock
stump at the head of the dam ; thence
due south lolly-three und three-tenths
rods to a post ; tin-nee west one hun
dred and forty-seven and five-tenths
rods to u post on the (west of the
partitioned premises) east line of P. F.
Weed's land ; t hence by P. V. Weed's
lands und hinds of R. A. Weed north
eighty-nine and three-tenths rods to a
post on the noth line of warrant 2u.
4894; thence by said line east two
hundred und sixty-eight rods to the
fdace of beginning, containing two
iiindred and thirty-six acres, two roods
nnd twenty-eight perches.moreor less,
on which 'there is about forty acres
cleared, a two story house 20x30 feet,
with wing 10x40 feet, one story nigh;
one iKirn 40x-j0 feet, una other out
buildings, &c.
Seized und tnken in execution us the
property of Justus Weed, ut the suit
of Joseph Wilhelm.
ALSO. All the right, title, interest,
claim and demand of defendant in, to
nnd out of ull that certuin tract of
land situate in the township of Ren
ezette, Elk county, Pa., bounded and
described as follows, to-wit: Regin
ninjr at the northwest corner of lauds
belonging to John Rurr; thence along
John jJarr's road north sixty-nine ue
grees east one hundred und ninety
feet to a host: thence along said John
Rarr's land south forty-three degrees
and thirty minutes east six hundred
and thirty-eight feet to a post; thence
along the right of way of the Alle
gheny Valley railroad south forty-six
degrees und thirty minutes west one
hundred ami ninety feet to a post;
thence north ulomr lauds of Finley.
Young & Co. forty-three and one-half
degrees west seven nuuureu uuu
f.eventeen feet, more or less, to the
place of beginning, containing three
and one-half acres, more or less,
on which there is erected one two
storv frame house 10x30 feet, shed
12x16 feet, well of water, &c.
Seized and taken in execution as
the pioperty of Mark Ratcllff, at the
suit ol josepu Dill.
ALSO. A tract of land situate In
Millstone township, in Elk county,
Pennsylvania, mtented to Nicholas
Riddle on the fourth day of May, A.
D. 1815, upon warrant numbered 4129,
iu the name of Samuel Wallace, con
taining nine hundred acres, more or
less, being the same premises, Inter
alia, which Edward Clark, by indent
ure dated the twenty-fifth day of
April, A. D. 1803, recorded at Marlon,
in Forest county, in deed book No. 1,
page 858, granted und conveyed unto
Alexander M'Andrew, Samuel Wnnn,
Alexander M'Henry and Edward W.
Warren, ns tenants in common.
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Alexander M'Andrew
und Samuel Wann, nt the suit of
Mary S. Stockwell, executrix of the
estate of William H. Stockwell, de
ceased. TERMS OF SALE.
The following must be strictly com
plied when the property is struck off:
1. All bids must be paid In full ex
cept where the plaintiff or other lien
creditor becomes the purchaser, in
which case the costs on the writs must
be paid, as well us all liens prior to
that of the purchaser, and a duly cer
tified list of liens shall be furnished,
including mortgage searches on the
property sold, together with such lien
creditor's receipt for the amount of
the proceeds of the sale, or such por
tion thereof as he shall appear to be
entitled to.
2. All sales not settled immediately
will be continued until six o'clock P.
M , at which time all property not
settled for will again be put up, and
sold nt the expense and risk of the
person to whom it was first struck off,
and who, in case of deficiency nt such
re-sale, shall make good the same, und
in no instance will the deed be pre
sented in court for confirmation unless
the bid is actually settled for witli the
Sheriff as above stated. m
Sheriff's Office.Ridgwuy.Pa.,
April, 28, 1881. I
See Purdnn's Digest, Ninth Edition,
pug 440; Smith's Forms, 384.
inform the citizens of Ridgway, and
the public generally, that he lias
started n Livery Stable and will keep
and Ruggies to let upon the most
reasonable terms.
teTHi! will also do job teaming.
Stable on Elk street. All orders left
at the Post Ollicu will receive prompt
"the best REMEDY
Diseases cf the Throat ami Lungs.
Diseases of the pulmo
liury organs art: .su prev
alent unit fatal, a
safi- und rcliuMe remedy
cr tiietu is iuvaltiulilu
tn every cuiiiimtnity.
Avut's 1'iii:i;ky l'i:c-
iiiai. lssueli a reuieuy,
ami no oilier su emi
nently merits the i-enli-deuce
of tin- public, it
is a scicntilic comhina-
tiua el tiie iiiiiln mal
.iiiiuiiilis ami curative
ii tnes of the finest
jfij.i ilne.'s, chemically unit-
. '. ed, lo insure the greut-
L i-st ihissiIi e el ii ienev
FEClCIJAL. ani1 ""il-nnity of re
l iv.inb. siilts whirli (.na,,,.
physii jans Hf) well as invalids to use il with
eiMiliilenee. It is tiie must reliable remedy
fer diseases of the throat anil luns that sel-eiK-e
has proili 1. Il strikes tit the foun
dation of till pulmonary diseases, affording
prompt, anil certain relief, and is adapted to
patients of any a,'0 or either sex. lieinu
vcrv ptdnlilili:, tiie. youngest children take
it without ilillieiilty. la the treatment of
onliniirv Omvdis, Colds, Sore Throat,
trnc!iitis, ' l.illue:i.a. 'lei-gyiiian's
Sore Tiiro'ir, Astiioiu. Croup, and Ca
tarrh, the clleeh; of A nil's CliUUlV I'l.c
ToiiAi, are, and multitudes are nil
nuallv preserved from serious illness hy ils
timely ami faithful use. It should he kept
nt liuuil iu every household, for the pro
tection it a Herds hi siuldeii attacks. In
Whooiiix-coiirh und t'oiisi'inp'.'oii
there is no other remedy so ellicaeious,
sooililng, and helpful.
Tin marvellous cures which's
C':n:r:i:v IY.ctoii . lias effected all o ihe
vorld are a sullicicnt guuriiiiiy that it will
continue to produce, tin- hest results. An
iniwriial trial will convince, the most scepti
cal ol ils wiiinl-'rful curative powers, as well
:,s of its superiority over nil other prepjra-
"i is for puliuouary complaints.
l'miiicnf physicians in all parts of .lie
uiitry, kmiwiup; its coinposn'on, recom-
--ni AVKtt'it (hii'.insv l'-.cToii.M.t' invalids.
iul presenile it ill their practice.. The test
. hall a century has proved its absolute
certainly to curc'ull pulmonary complaints
not already beyond the reueli of human uid.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer 8t Co.,
I'l-m-tlcul ami Anl.Tll-al l lienilhls,
Lowell, Mass.
gni.n nv am. iiitcuiosTii uveuvnuEVt.
If tou arc a man
"V Jit) UU ui r m
r orlu-iae s,ait
ntd by l!io trai:l of
your liutiM rto'.u
tthmUfttit ftnd Ufe
tt-nj toil in c oTerntu
niirn work, to roi-
torc ram tie: veiua
wasiti, um) hop B
suffering from ftnv in
t.oii , ii you mar
yiuiitr. kUiltMintr front
in? tn a bed ol luck
Hit AT.
Hop Bitters.
If yml are younir and
4!.:reiiOii or disia
riid or i-insl". uU
p-jorbr altu "i- Uniiii'li
km, rdy on, Hop
Whocrer yooaro.
whenever you Ml
tLat your nyrteni
aecds cU-ansltiLf, tJU
loir or tiur.iUluir,
iihout in oxic-ilial
Duuliy fro tn ioiiii
fumi ot Kidney
rtiMB that Ii:iLi.t
i hvi been trct t-ic. 1
lr m iuiQty uw ok
t a I: Hop
pejuiu. fcicfMry
of ll0 afmucirA,
aoirrla, blood.
lovrorNcrtwa I
Tin will bo
cured If you uac
Hop Bitter
Tf von are (Im
ffV .'rr -
D. I. C.
im an ahuoluta.
i.nti .i-r.-tt.ftt: - W
i Lie cure for g
tobacco. or
ply weak aoil
luwijiiritcd, to
ll I It may
b i o u r
I if a. it nai
saved hun
Shelf Paper aud Scrap Pictures.
At tiie Advocatk office. The sliel
paper it lu niuny colors; the scrap pic
tures In endless variety. Also uuto-
grup albums, fancy note puper, etc,
Call und see us, over Powell & Kline's
store. Visiting curds, and Christmas
cards, besides Reward of Merit and
other cards. It woij't cost you a cent to
call and see our new stock, just re
1 RJ
r. TTrrin t.
j III I LIU I Wdbrdm S
L rlti. hcuumr
NEVER Buicuur. .
i Al LB j"- ;
i- ATaroD'.o. Oat.
F : O : R
Our Catalogue of choice SEEDS and PLANTS contain
the "BEST and CHEAPEST," and our
give prices and descriptions of Designs,
Baskets and Lose Cut Flowers for any occasion,
Sent freelon application.
Harry Chaapel,
Seedsman Florist,
Williamsport, Pa.
Trade mark- Is especially TRADEMARK
ed ns an un
failing cure
for Seminal
Weak n ess
S p e rmntor
"Stcncy and nil After Taking
diseases that follow as a Rcqucucy on
Self Abuse; us Loss of Memory, Uni
versal Lassitude, Pain in t he Rack,
Dimness of vission, Premature old
age, und ninny other diseases tlint
leads to Insanity. Consumption and
a Premature Grave, all of which as a
rule are first caused by deviating from
the path of nutureand overindulgence.
The Specific Medicine is the result ot
a life study and many years of experi
ence in treating those special cleseases.
Full particulars in our pamphlets,
which we desire to send free by mail
to every one.
The Specific Medicine is sold by nil
Druggists at $1 per package, or six
packages for $', or will be sent by
mail on receipt of the iijoney by ad
dressing. THE Git AY MEDICINE CO.,
No. 1 Mechanics' Rlock, Detroit, Mich.
IMr.Sold iu Ridgway by all Druggists,
Harris & Ewing, wholesale Agents,
Pittsburgh. nl-ly
State Normal School,
(F.itlhth Xonaal Svhool J)itrict.)
A. N. RAl. lt, A.M., Pli. I). J'riixijHt'.
Tliirt school hh tit present constituted
oilers the Very licst fneilities for J'ro
fcssionul anil classical IcurniiiK.
I'.uililins spacious, inviting ami
commodious, completely licuteii by
steam, well ventilated anil lurnislicd
witli a I miii ii t i t'n I supply of pure, soft '
spring water '
Locution healthful and cusv of nc- i
Surrounding scenery unsurpassed.
Teachers experienced, ellicient, und
alive to thoir work.
Discipline tirni but kind, uniform
and thorough
K x pe n ses i i i oil c ra t e.
Fifty cents n week deduction to
those preparing to teach.
Students admitted at uny time.
Courses of study prescribed by the
State; T. Model School. II l'repara
tory. ill. Klenientury. IV. Scien
Aiurxcr coi'itsKs:
I. Academic. II. Commercial. III.
Music. IV Art
The Klenientury and Scientific
courses ure Professional, und students
graduating therein receive State Diplo
mas, conferring the following corres
ponding degrees: Master ot the Ele
ments und Master of the Sciences.
(iruduutcH in tiie other courses receive
Normal Certificates of their attain
ments signed by the Faculty.
1 he rroicssionul courses ure liberal.
and are in thoroughness, not inferior to
those of our best colleges.
The Mate reiiuires a higher order ot
citizenship. Tlic times demand it. It
Is one ot the prime ooiects ol this
school to help to secure it by furnish
ing intelligent and ellicient teachers
lor her schools. Jotluscnd, it kolicits
young persons ol good abilities and
good purposes those who desire to
improve their tune und their tulents,
us students. To nil such it promises
uid in developing their powers und
abundant opportunities for well-paid
labor utter leaving school.
J-or catalogue nnd terms address the
I'riiicipal, or the Secretary of the
Stockholder's Trustees. J H liur-
ton, M 1), A II Hest, Jacob Lirown,
S M Isickford, Samuel Christ, A N
Haub, U UCook T. C. Hippie, Ksip,
(i., K. P MeConnick, Ksu.,
W. W. Hankin, W. H. Hrown.
State Trustees Hon A (1. Curtin,
Hon William liigler, Hon. II h
IMeli'enbnch, (Jen Jesse Merrill, J C
C Whulcy, S Millar MeConnick,
Hon. William liigler, President.Clear
tield, I'u.
Gen Jesse Merrill, Vice President,
Lock Haven, 1'ti.
S. Millar MeConnick, Secretary,
Lock Haven, l a
Thomas Yurdley,
Treasurer, Lock
Haven, Pn.
l'...,l.. f'l.. .....,.. 1 To II,..
lauiu ui. aui-ii.ij, i...
lsy lier next trieiid, I Court ot uoni-
Ann iJiiUclow, J-iiion 1'ieas -;k
vs. Co. No. 17,
Thomas M'lnerney, j Nov. Term, 1881.
To the respondent above named:
l ake notice, that subpoena anil alius
subpu'iia having been issued in the
above entitled cuae, and returned "not
found in the county," you are hereby
notified to appear before the said
Court, at Ridgway, Pa., on the
D. 1881, to answer the said libellant's
TJIOMAW BUhhlYAJi, Blientl.
(Sheriff's Office,
Ridcwav. 1'a.. Feb. 10.1881.
Oko. A. Rathbux. Attorney for
feblO Uw
state of Albert Brehni, late of
Renzinger township, Elk county,
Pa., deceased. Notice is hereby given
that letters testamentary have been
granted to the undersigned, upon the
above named estate. All persons in
deb ted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, aud those
having- legul claims against the sume
to present them without delay, in pro
per oruer, lor geuiemeni.
Axdkew Bkehsi, Administrator.
s-sycs is
On the Loss of
Seminal Weakness, or Spermatorrhoea,
induced by Self-Abuse, Involuntary
Emissions, Impotency, Nervous De
bility, and Impediment to Marriage
generally; Consumption, Epilepsy,
and Fits; Mental and Physical In
capacity. &c My ROHERT J. Cl'L
VERWELL, M. 1)., author of the
"Green Rook, "Ac.
The world-renowned nuthor. in this
admirable Lecture.clearly proves from
his own experience that the wilful
consequences of Self-Abuse may be
efVcctually removed without dangerous
surgical 'operations, bougies, instru
ments, rings, or cordials; pointing out
a niodo of cure at once certuin nnd ef
fectual, by which every sufferer, no
matter what his condition mny be,
may cure himself cheaply, privately
and radically.
8fejrThis Lecture will prove a boon
to thousands and thousands.
Sent, under seal, in a plain envel
ope, to one address, on receipt of six
cents or two postage stamps. We
have also a sure cure for Tape Woini.
41 Ann St- New York, N. Y.; Post
oillce Rox, 4oS0.
Outllt furiilHlicd free, with full in
) Ktriietlons for conducting ttie rnont
' iirothalile buninefiA llmt auvone can
' eimaire In. The hustiiest is so easy to lenrn,
ami our liiKtruetiouH nre so simple and plain
that any one can imikefrrent profits from tlm
' very start. No one can tail who Is willing ti
; work. Women are ns successful iih men.
hoys ami (.iris can earn large sums. Many
have made at the business over .one hundred
I dollars in a single week. Nothing like It
ever known before. All who engage are sur
prised ut. the case and rapidity Willi which
they are able to make money. You can en
gage In this business during your spare time
at great profit. You ilo not have to invest
eapltal In il. We lake nil the risk. Those
who need readv inouev, should write to us at
once. All furnished free. Address Tltt'K .
I'll., Augusta. .Maine. llfily I
Has been In constant
use by the publlo
for over twenty years.
unit is the best preparation
ever Invented for KESTOU
Stat a
! Assajer
of Mas?.
' It supplies the natural
food and color to the hair
glanda without stalulug tlto
kin. It will lucreuau anal
thicken the growth of the
hair, prevent lt blanch hi g
and falling off, and thus
j leading
! Physi-
, recom
mend it
' as a
I triumph
in medi
It in
riires Itching, Fruv
tloim and Dandruff. As
1IA1U UKKSSING it la very
desirable, giving the hair a
silken softness which all
admire. It keeps the head
I clean, sweet and healthy.
will change the beard to a MKOVN" or
BLACK at discretion. Uelns; in one
preparation it Is easily applied, and
produces a permanent color that will
not wann off.
rltKl'AltEU BY
Sold by all Dealers In Medicine.
Shrewdness and Ability.
Hop Bitters so freely advertised in
ull the papers, secular and relitrfous
are having a large sale, and are sup
planting all other medicines. There
is no denying the virtues of the Hop
plant, and the proprietors of these
Hitters have shown great shrewdness
and ability in compounding a Bitters,
whose virtues are so palpable to every
one's observation. .xuminer and
Yourself by inuklng money
when a goldbn chance is
ottered. thernhv niumv.
keeping poverty Iron your door. Those who
always take udvautiiKe of the good chances
tor iiiukiiik money that are ottered, eenerully
become wealthy, while those who do not Im
prove suuli chances remain in poverty. We
want many men, women, boys, and ulrU to
work for us right in their own localities. The
busineHH will pay more than ten times ordi
nary wanes. We luriilhli an expensive out
fit and all that you need, free. No one who
enuaijeK tills to iniike money very rapidly.
ou cuiT (ft-vote your whole lime to the work
Vi..V. y f'olir Ht"""e moI"entH- Full informa-
-.jwi. ix vu, rornuna. Maine.
ITING CARDS at Thk Advocatk
office, over Powell & Kuue's store.
Ridgway, Pa.
ore. 3
LISHING Company, EuMon,.