The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, April 14, 1881, Image 2

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    lie Sb&wttiit.
Henry A. rnrsons, Jr.,
entered at the post-ofkice at
Ridgway, Pa., as second class
Our Pine Forests.
Newspaper subscriptions are al
Ways rhl I" advance; that. Is to any,
If the subscriber does not do It, the
publisher is obliged to, as the paper
dealers, the nclssors grinder, the pen
cil sharpener, the pressman, the land
lord and others will not wait for their
pay until the year expires. Exchange,
A veil known rtrls scientist, Dr
Delunay, has made the curious dis
covery that to ascertain the qualities
of ah applicant cook, it 19 sufficient to
give her a plate to clean or sauce to
make, and watch how she moves her
baud in either act. If she moves
from left to right, or in the direction
of the hands of a watch, you may
trust her j If the other way she. is
certain to be stupid and incapable.
William E. Chandler cays: "The
South will split up and in four years'
time three or four of the electoral votes
of the South will be cast for the next
Republican candidate for the Presi
dency, whom he thinks too, will be
nominated without a, struggle-that is a
fight between any of the fact ions of the
party. The issue of free trade will be
forced, too, upon the Democracy.
The Republican party will favor a
protective tariff. In the Eastern States
euch an isue will give strength to
the Republicans, and while in some
of the Western States the Republi
cans vote on a high tariff issue might
full off, itwill not amount to 3 per
John Miles is a happy Mormon.
The Supreme Court Monday reversed
the court of the Utah courts, which
had found him guilty of bigamy.
The decision of the U. S. Court is
based upon the fact that ho was con
victed on the testimony of his second
wife, and the laws of Utah do not per
mit a wife to give evidence against her
husband. A new trial is ordered, but
John is happy notwithstanding, as
there is little or no chance of proving
his bigamous practice so long as his
victim or victims are debarred from
the witness stand. Evidently we need
tome more law before Mormon ism can
be repressed, but if tins decison given
our Congressmen the proper cue John
may yet hav the laugh turned against
him. Bradford Star.
A horrible practice is reported as
prevailing in West Virginia, where
paupers are disposed of by auction to
the lowest bidders. The man who
agrees to keep the pauper at the low
est amount for a year becomes the pur
chaser. It is reported that the unfor
tunate victims of this barbarous plan
are subjected to all sorts of hardships,
the purchasers in many cases being
characterless parties who starve the
paupers in order to make a profit, and
force them to do labor for which they
are physically incapacitated. One case
Is announced where an old lady was
bid in by a shark, and upon hearing
who had purchased her she moaned
piteous! v and soon afterwards died
of a broken heart. There is a slight
disposition shown by the better class
of citizens to have this evil corrected.
It hardly seems credible that a civil
ized community would allow such
reproach upon their common humau-
ty to be continued much longer.
The current number of Iirad-
$trect's gives the total number of mer
cantile failures in the United States
for the first quarter of 18SI as 1,080 as
gainst 1,590 for the corresponding
period of 18S0 and 2,-'J50 for 1879. The
Increase over last year it attributes
partly to the long-continued severity
of the winter in the Western and
Northwestern Mutes and to the over
advances made in the South by the
country merchants on the cotton -crop
based on the previous year's prices and
quality. This year's cotton crop in
cluded a largo proportion of inferior
quality and averaged a lower price.
Further than this.tho first quarter was
the beginning of a revival in business
following a long depression, and trade
embarrassments were naturally just
then very few. The failures of the
present year, so far as they are not
brought ubout by the peculiar con
ditions spoken of in the West and
South, may be considered as character
istic of the normal condition of active
business when a tertalu proportion of
the total ventures must inevitably fail
Philadelphia rresg.
The Postmaster General has put
himself on record as an advocate of
postal savings banks, and will propose
bill, for presentation to Congress next
December, advocating a plan, which
will be a modification of the successful
awstem now in operation in England.
While the subject is not a new one, it
has heretofore received little encour-
turemeut from post office authorities,
nd being atrenously fought by Savings
Banks and other interested parties
has never received from Congress the
attention which the importance of the
subiect demanded. In some Instances
it probably would injure the business
of certain bauks, but on me pasis
legislation which will be of beuefit
and a convlence to the greater numoer
this or some similar system will cer
tainly be adopted before many years
elanse. The Government wouia
one of the chief gainers by this sys
tem which would furnish a govern
ment loan at low Interest, while tne
denosltor who has even a small amoun
of moiiev could by this means have, it
securely invested; for any. length of
time, and covertible into current funds
Mr. William Little, of New York,
recently furnished the Time, of that
city, with the following interesting
When on the 13th of May. 1878, you
Fulilished a letter irom air. james
,lt tie, of Montreal, on the subject of
the devastation of our woodlands, you
no doubt, remember the incredulity
with which his statements were re
ci-lved bv those nretending to be in
Formed on 1 tie tumiect; out you imvc
now the satisfaction of showing that
the wnrnimrs then iriven are fully
Instilled bv the reports of the govern
. . . . .. . . 1 ,1.-1. .
ment llseir now coming i" num.
thromrh the medium of the lumber
journals of the west, which I may re
mark, were a adverse to giving cur
rency to the facts then as they are now
urgent to have it recognized that they
assisted in giving the warning.
The facts that he presented were.
that of the whole 2'i states, comprising
the New England, middle, western
mill northwestern to the Rocky nioun
tains, and Minnesota, hud a supply
of timber in excess of their own wants
and the ouestiou was. how long the
minidv for commercial purposes woub
. .!...' 'PI.., m-I.IIo
nisi 1 iil- muni uioi mt-iii. iiik n.
pine being the wood of prime impor
tance, his remai-KS were unit me up
plv of this timber was conlined almost
I'litirelv to the three states of Michl-
irnn. Wisconsin and Minnesota, am
that the demand on them was very
lipuvv for all the sections of the coun
try that it would not be possible for
tliVm to respond to it for more than
six or seven years longer.
The Northwestern Lumberman now
stntivj. from information derived fronr
tin) iii-oiii-r authorities, that the forth
coiuiim report of the United States
census will show that the pine tinnier
supply of the northwest, in 1H, was
in Minnesota, credited by popular es
timate with 40,(100,000,01)0, only ti.loO,
nooiKM; Wisconsin, from statement
varied from SO,0O0,OO:),Oo0 to IOO.O00.,
000,000, onlv 0,.joo,oon,noo, ami Michi
gan, on both the upper and lower
iieniHsulas. 3'.0t0,0OO,oiK, making a
total supply of Si,500,000,00: feet of
The Ruins of Ohio.
Internal Revenue Collections.
Col. Charles M. Lynch of Erie, In
ternal Revenue Collector for the 19th
calamity district which comprises McKean,
Cameron. Elk. Erie and Warren
Instate of Casper Ott.late of Ridgway
2itownship.Elk county Pa., deceased.
JNotlce is nereny given mat leneisies-
.jSr counties, reports the following as the tEE
S IttWwS collections for the mouth of March, undersigned, upon the "above named
V.lWJQd-tSZZ: -fnllnw. estate. All persons Indebted to said
tiXlVandmVd a picture of desolation Fermented liquors H.458.M m
Hiieh" us is rarely witnessed. The Rnirlts 171.25 ate payment, and uiose naving legal
town l",ks asTn'fT had been terribly ToUcc'; ""- JOJ?
hnmhurded. 1 limdrcds of houses are
transformed Into ft shapeless mass 01
ruins, under which he Hurled an un
known number of victims. A ma-
lority of the remaining houses are al
ready cracked ano rooms unu iuj
fn nt nnv innmrnt. nearly every
building In the town has suffered
morn or less. The inhabitants wan
der about anxious to search relatives
or lost property, but are afraid to risk
their lives in "the perilous work of
clearing away the rubbish. Many
w 10 urn w inr to expose uiemseives
to the danger are prevented by friends
or by the police. Fear, grief and des-
nnlr are depleted on nearly every face,
all have some sad or tragic tale to
"The first shock was fell on Sunday
afternoon at about 1:30 o'clock. Im
mediately, houses began to fall. Wild
shrieks were heard on every side.
Then followed an awful silence of
some minutes. The terrified surviv
ors gradually ventured into the narrow
lanes and readied the open spaces.
Shortly afterward another terrible
shock completed the devastation.
Then It remained ouiet until sunset.
when It airain began to shake the is
land throughout as severely as before,
All night the shocks succeeded each
other at short, intervals and each one
was preceded bv dull sounds like
subterranean explosions. Since then
fi-euuent shocks have been felt. A
few minutes un. while writing the
present despatch. I distinctly heard
an explosion-like sound and felt the
earth tremble; but, as I am under can
vas, I have nothing to fear. The old
Genoese lortress. containing about 4'K1
houses, inhabited by Mussulmans and
.lews, so rered more mat uic rest tn
them without delay, in proper order
for settlement.
John Ott, Administrator.
Scrap pictures, Authors, pen hold
ers, note paper, envelopes irom size i
to size 14. A large and elegant stock
of fancy note paper in boxes at The fgt
Advocate office. Also shelf paper, ranted to the undersigned, up
which is neat, ornamental and dura
ble. No trouble to show these goods
even if you do not wish to purchase.
T?sfate of Matthew McQuone, late of
IjFox township, H.1K county, ra.,
deceased. Notice Is hereby given
ve ueeu
irroutpii tii i ne tiiitiersiit uuu. u wiv
t.nnied estate. All persons in
dented to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those
hovlmr lpiral claims against the same
to present them without delay in pro
per order ior euieuitin.
Henry Laugay, Administrator,
nr..,..!!.. tut lrvPKNniTtTUKSOF FOX
"iv vf:.'7..'.vv.:.r. vi pitv4
ItlWiNIsillr pwiv luu
MARCH StlTll, 111.
Amount Keeeincd.
From Jus. F.mmort. collector, 1ST!) W21
l.-..... v.iiimnn Hvatf collector. I860 -I,4S
Our Catalogue of choice SEEDS and PLANTS contain
'the "BEST and CHEAPEST," and our
give prices and descriptions of Designs,
Baskets and Lose Cut Flowers for any occasion,
Sent freeZon application.
Harry Chaapel,
Seedsman Florist,
Williamsport, Pa
i Literary Revolution.
tia-v KrriTRNK.n WISHES to
inform the citizens of Ridgwuy, and
the public generally, that he nas
started a Livery Stable and will keep
and Buggies to let upon the most
reasonable terms.
PjfHe will also do job teaming.
Stable on Elk street. All orders left
at the Post Office will receive prompt
inn timber. Tins paper at the same
hue states that the aggregate cut and
lest ruction of pine in the three states
U not far from H.'.HH) ihkj.WJ teet per
annum, so that, if we deduct the past
winters cut, wnicn nas ueeu an ex
reeillncrlv heavy one, there remains
standing' to-day in the whole north
west only 7;j,5uu,oou,um teet, wnicn is
listributed about as follows, viz.
In Minnesota 5,ron,ooo,ooo
In Wisconsin 3s,wo,uoo,0u0
In Michigan 30,00(1,000,000
Total 73,oOO,00,OOOo
From the above it will be seen that
even now, wiicn only tnree years oi
the six or seven mentioned by Mr.
Little have gone, these states have
reached a condition when common
prudence would say they had not an
other foot to spare. They are rapidly
growing in wealth and population.and
in all probability will Have u.uuw.ouu
inhabitants to supply within her own
boundaries in the uext ten years, so
that the amount now remaining
would barely supply their own wants
for twenty years irom to-ciay; nut
what will be their condition in four
years from this time if the continued
slaughter of the pine is kept up!
In round numbers, Michigan is
parting with her forests at the rate of
&.uo .iwu.uuu teet a year: consequently
at the end of lour years will only nave
io,ouo,tiuo,uuo, remaining to supply ner
more than '1 .000.000 neon e. eon
sin will probably part with 13,000.000,-
000 during the same period, leaving
her with only 2o,000,ouii,ooo. and Min
nesota. that has not a stocu to-uay one-
quarter sutticient for her own wants,
will be reiluceu to a,uuo,uini,uuu, ieav
ing only 38 000,000,000 of white pine
in the whole northwest, (an amount
little more than two years' consump
tion of the whole country,) as the
reserve supply, not only for themselves
hut tor the entire country, it is out in
fling with the subject to speak of the
tew patches nereanu mere in our own
state, ami in renusvivauia, Virginia
or elsewhere.
Formerly, when the New England
states parted with their pine, there re
mained the forests ot jsew l orn,
Pennsvlvaniu and Canada to fall back
on, and these in their turn fell back
on Michigan; but now the reserves
themselves are about gone, and even
Canada is forced to compete for sup
plies in the forests of Michigan and
Wisconsin for the English market,
and unless something is at once done
to stop the destruction of this indis
pensable timber, it will be a
none, and we will have only the
tumps rcmaiuing to remind us of our
It is to be hoped, now that the gov
ernment has come into possession or
the facts, it will take means to enlighten
ten the public on this most important
subject. An enlightened public opin
ion can do much to aid in stemming
the tide of destruction which is now
uointr on with reckless precipitancy
A knowledge of the value of their pro
perty will cause owners to be more
1 ..'.'..I -e' I . l. .4: wl ...
CUieiUI oi II unu nut im uikim.-u h
part with it to go abroad at one-tenth
tlie value it win nave in a lew years,
standing in their forests for their own
wants. The substitution of spn'ce,
hemlock and other woods for such pur
poses as they are suitable, by stopping
the friirhttul butchery oi tins tiiuuer
which is now uolng on by the use of
circular saws, that turns one-quarter
of the tree into iawdustj by allowing
the voumr trees to grow: by the gov
ernment withholding its timber lands
from sale: bv preventing, if possible,
the making of square timber in the
woods, by which one-third of the tree
is cut into score diocks ana shavings
furnishing the most fruitful source of
tire, and by throwing open all ports to
the free entry of timber from any
enunti'v that, iniiv be williiii! to spare
it and now that this timber is about
irone. if the lumber papers have at last
learned to recoirnize the difference
between a pine tree and a gooseberry
bush, so as to itive their patrons cor-
reet information, some little may yet
be done to prolong the supply of this
indispensable timoer.
Fees of Doctors.
The fee of doctors is an item that
very many persons are Interested in
Just at present. We believe the sched
ule for visits Is $3,00 which would tax
a man con Rued to his bed for a year
and in need of a dally visit, over
l,000a year for medical atteudance
alone! And one single bottle of Hop
Bitters taken in time would save the
$1,000 and all the years sickness.
ho town. The crouiid there sank
limit hnlf a meter mid nearly all tlir
houses were immediately destroyed and
severa Hum red persons must, nave
nerished. It is known that I'M Mussul
... ...
nun women were assemoieu in one oi
the houses, not one ot whom escaped
The southern iwt of the island is
said to have suffered more than this
town H. M. gun vesel JJitteru ar
rived here this morning. 1 tie I ap-
tuin at once came ashore, and alter
consultinir with the Governor of the
island orsranized reliet parties tor at
tendimr the wounded and extrieatin
the dead from the ruins. He then
went over to Chesme, and made care
ful inquiries regarding ttie stste ot the
town and inhabitants. To-morrow he
intends visiting the southern part of
the island, whtre less has been done
for the relief of the sufferers. 1 visited
Chesme this afternoon. Only about
ten inhabitants were killed, but many
houses are in ruins and very many
more are dilapidated, f he Mayor as
sured me that three-quarters of the
houses are in a dangerous condition
thirty thousand without shei.
'The inhabitants are afraid to live
even in those wnicn are ununureu,
for every night since Sunday frequent
shocks have been H it. jeariy an pre
fer to camp out, and as the weather Is
tine, ttie hardship in trns respect is
not great. It Is said that throughout
the district not less than 30,000 people
are without shelter. In Castro the
work of extracting the bodies and at
tending the wounded is progressing
satisfactorily, but, the stifling odor in
thev eimtvor many oi the runins
proves that the former operations is
far from complete. On the olher
hand, some wonderful escapes have
occurred. One woman was buried
under the ruins for fifty-two hours
and at last was rescued, having given
birth in the meantime to a child. 1 he
child is dead but the mother is doing
London. April 9. A despatcli from
Chio to the Times says: "A medical
commission is sitting to consider the
expediency of covering the rubbish in
the lortress with ear n, as mere is no
hope of saving any lives, and the dis
interment of the dead might producean
epidemic. It is now nciieveu mat
throughout the whoie island, wnicn
contains 70.000 inhabitants, six or
sffven thousand were killed and 2"i per
cent, of the survivors were wounded.
The French. British, United States,
ami Austrian gun vessels in that har
bor are doing ult in their power to as
sist the authorities in the work ot re
lief. Onlv ten thousand of the inhab
itants of Chesme were killed, but
manv houses are in ruins and 8,000
people are without shelter.
An 8-nionth's-old daughter of
John Hubert, locksmith, living at No.
317 West Walnut Street, Lancaster
City, died at 5 o'clock last Saturday
morning from strangulation. At noon
on Friday the mother fed It mashed
potatoes with meat gravy, aud the
gravy containing a small bone, unob
served by the mother, the bone lodged
in the windpipe. The distress of the
child did not become apparent until
toward evening, when medical aid
was summoned, but all the ordinary
remedies failed and the child died as
above stated.
Philadelphia & Erie R. R- Div.'
On and after SUNDAY, November
7, 1880, the trains on the Philadel
phia & Erie Railroad .Division will
run as follows:
Niagara Ex. leaves Phila 9 00 a. m.
" " " Renovo..6 40 p. m.
ERIE MAIL leaves Phils 11 Co p. m
" Renovo 1105 a. in.
" " Emporium. 1 30 p. ni.
' St. Mary's..2 23 p. m.
" " Rldgway .... 2 4 p- m.
" " Kane 3 43 p. m.
" arr. at Erie -7 45 p. m.
Day Express leaves Renovo 10 05 a. m.
,f " arr. at Phila.... 8 5 p. m.
ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11 85 a. m.
" " Kane lo p. m.
" ' Ridifway....& 17 p.m.
' " St. Mary's-5 60 p. m.
Kin port urn." oo p. m.
" Renovo 9 00 p. m.
" arr. at Phila 7 05 a. u,
Wm. A. Baldwin. General Bup't.
Get your note-heads, Utter-head
and envelopes neatly printed at Ths
Advocate office.
Annual Statement.
Receipts, expenditures. Ac, of
Jones township for the ye ar ending
March 7, im.
Amount of tax levied $349180
Taxes collected 3451 Oo
Work on road and bills 4056 83
Supervisors orders autstunding.2543 20
Funds in Treasury 35 17
Due from collectors &C..1034 e2 1000 79
Liabilities over expenditures 147:1 47
By order ot the Auditors,
A. T. Aldrich. Town Clerk.
roon rcsn ExntuniTeaics.
Amount Paid,
i. .T. Tnylor 4 Co. merchandise and
Jna.Kocli A Son for indue, anil (jroceries
.1. J, Tnylor for services as Justice
if. M 1',cr fur nt'v fee and cost nd.
UW.Molinn kecphm Mury Lamb
U. llraiiilmlller keeping l'olllngt-r..
John Crlut keepliu? Dolllng.-r -
M. DlBleshorner keeping Tudor
M. Urelun keeping Put. Fahey.
Thou, omorrow keeping 1'at r'aliey
D. II. Ilytilt. keeping am. i-,iniur
A. Koch, boarding & movlnif Mm. Peters
For 8tovc,-ood,eoul. etc., Mm. (Jlbson.
For care Aitz family uurlngslekneiiR.
I.xpense Inking Mrs.Ooret- lilxmont..
' tsiking is.siilan to lllxuiont
Discounting ord's No. 1HS and bii nupl. at lilxmont for M.splnn
KxpenHetnklng F.A King to Warren...
A. Koch, to lV$diiys service as overseer
IT. W.lliHiers ITU ilva service us overseer
lir. striicKslcv. medical atteudenee poor luxe-.!
Dr. Will lams, " " "
ra wen vrr-rr dr. in Janwrr, 1J7,
II. -
ElATOrlOe i.aMnn nf nna Kmall Tnlnme.
VIQhMlwd 176 volnmen of Htan'lard books.
. HI
Tho Uwrsry RrolnHm" wm insniraralnl by the ireMfc
irrnent, Its Utc. puhllahed and In prpal-llin, comprint newt?
t a-ives emuLytnent to about fi0 hands, ami now naa fafUIUtit
tar il.liTfrlnB tn iwrrnawrJ orr tea. af a t. To m-t Ilia popular ilenMna for toe romlnirtwelr
WblCn lrl0 nUTUIutiuil ons kuicu w. uvhuutvi
I? lllillHprfwrTtog-n book, us nf.tly .d rtronitrboond.
Oil Work on UM bsala ot the praaaut eaM oX waking boolu, whubia tit uuck low Uu Ittuiln )rM
unite Miry ouirM to be ronaldarod f
pimwn m M iaor prolll to tvuU ibnulU
M4h ft
ud It to er
Largs Type Edition.
dl. with coptoiir, ad.Iltinni. (hout lfi,W)0 Upird by Am-rtcan .J; h?Z
e-mi tm d uhtler one ali)htcticl arranirrment, with tuck i t I""'"" " VJ
--Jtr t'nMrtnti. t)i text. Printed from new electrotype plttiea. hrewr iypr. un u r. K-.--.
L .... I i.. tnlnmniiif ahnut 0rt tiAffvn i-nch. It will contain, com p iew, v" l':,,",.Tr
tlinji Aupleton'n, and 0 per-ent more than Johnson' I yt
i'iifrafrta'ler It 1 far nuperlor to either of thetn, iti cost
z . , (dui ..,,1 AHinr nil II m Will mil
L IB TUiUIUW, IM wt m I W I - ' f " w -
JrtodliTw. thouih in ill .-.Wt. lmpo.-u.nt to th.
... i. Vn,' . fri-tlon ol llK-lr price. Volumen I to II.
aiut two a-h month, UU the mUn work ucobibmm
Excess of Expenditures ,
Ain't collected on fcuted lands 1S0, ... lllR.Ri
Ain't ree'd fr-m Fugene Hyatt col.,1 lJJ.b
Am't ree'd In Co. CoinniUsloncrs ord's KUil.uu
All, 21)
Taxes worked on roads
Taxes paid In money
I' d U.W. lingers service as Supervisor.
P'd U.W. Hosiers teum work ...
l"d U.W. Rogers material fui niHlied
P'd A.Koeli, service ns supervisor
" A.Koch, team work .
" work done by hired men
" Town clerk lor services
Town clerk writing statement
11. A. Parsons, piiiiling statement...
' O.I-', llrandoii, printing sunt
' for blnrksinilliini;
' J.U.Ciiueo.buiidiug new road
TT'ptiite of Albert Brelitn, lute of
f IlenziiiKer township, Klk county.
I'n., ileoenhed. otiee is Hereby given
that letler.i testuiiie'iturv have been
urunteil to the undersiirneil, uiion the
uhove nuinerl estate. All nerstins in-
clehteil to 8ail estate are requested to
make iinniediute jutyment. una tnose
hiivinir- leural eluiiim'tiitui list the name
to jiresent them without delay, in pro
per order, lor settlement.
ANDREW HH1CH3I, Aiiiuinistraior.
Yourself by making money
when a golden chance Is
ottered. thereby always
keenlnir nevcrtv freni your door. Those who
nlways lake ad vantage of the good chances
lor inaaing money inai are oii'.rcu, gr ncrtmj
become wealthy, while those who do not Im
prove such chances remain In poverty. We
w nni many men, women, iiiiy n, itnti pen in i,f
work fur us right In their own localities. The
business will pny move tliau ten timesnrdi
nary wages. e furniKli an expensive out
lit and all that you need, free. No one who
engages fulls to make money very rapidly.
You can acvote your wnoie tune to mewora,
or only your spare moments. Full informa
tion and all that is needed sent free. Ad
dress Hi'IN'SUN & CO. Portland. Maine.
Excess of expenditures
A mount ilue
From J.McMultln col. for 177
" Kugene Hyatt col. extra road....
" Vnscuted lands IHW mad ,
" Unseated lands Kl extra road...
" Seated lands, lO.Hyatt ruud tax.
" M.llrehm, set int. of lasU
A rnuunl v
Outstanding orders
Outsluudtng Judgments
Assets lu excess
Amount duv
From Eugene Hyatt mil. 1W0
" uuseutod luuds, lso
U ii
l i..-i
. 441,63
, l:,l
Chambers's Encyclopedia.
la anortlon of theUbrarrof UnlTetrol Knowleo., we. tame CTaiiilien'sEnrTelopiBdtn "PVl!,??!!'?!!
the Smoili aji additlom. ronw. ct In 15 volumoa 16mo. in tnu hjtii. a la prinveo iiyin "T' "V w y-r?--ZZTIZ
Immwrr cle? nonpsfell type. 1'riee, Aenw eilitlon, cl.Hh. 7.00 ed lion (nnetj , lWi
tuiYlnti hLTKaMiaTgilt tuh I la UiU atyla it la now 00011.101 and being dUTnsl to parohnrm.
What is the Verdict7
Anybody ean AfforrJ to own a eyelopirdta now.-fv-f, Ellcnville, ?f. T. wc
w. .n oniv rrnefltourhf&rtv conmif iwiotlon of a, achome wlilch plaocfi In the nana i vm VVm
Uto!lS7.yi EKitoKJKSh U5, .nd the American Book Hxcka m.riU tb. pnd t
U.-KriHTl AfJ'iL!'I?.'V , 1,1 . Mna- In nnhlUhlfiir booka for 111. MOBl M
Haa.aome ncnreu; ..: i " .T ; V" " ;V .u J"..' J?-k-TJd. whn it U man l-D. F.CoiaV
3 T II M 1 auiuirc uiu - - - m
nnminal mirfj
hom, llrvnijolph, N. T.
?.doSwo""7ln took..k ry.' W. pronounce them the Mt
"1;L0l SKTE rl type, e b. offend M m
Pr!:-"?."lI.V'1i''!;?'i:n ..TOl.ln t,ow the American Hook Fjichenite ean afford to pnbUie
a remaVkaMy clli-ap eerl. a of boU. tit her uuhlliilieni nmy lw Inrllned to anoir at riicni, nut o long . th
ntS'iSlWiw book at one-tenth the coat al whlcU It is olt.rod etacwhere, anwre cajinot hurt them.-C
wl'ha'JjT hiStljfo're Blren reneroui notieei of thta work, beea we beUere we are oln a few ee
readc-e In o doing.-.(.l, Utlca, Ohio. elieTeloldl. "tit are nnahle to trot
en. of'll.i eJTtuTa' iuiW . nu.,VlAr if ou'r rel.r. are .ubKriWr. for It, and epmM themKlvee taghlr
vl.wiSXotttMiA date that d.rre. large a eh of public eneourajement a. tkle oni
"Th'el 'm.r'k ! BKi";.?. 1. doing a very remarkable work In the reproduction of eundnrd tok
.Uuidl.T low pl.-t'.- '-'. B..oi. elaboration of IU merltal-ft.
Tio rnaracrer ui hui uuu tciuiui tun -
frmr . PltUhurph.
They are wWI printed
lutta w . Kitil thalr iirii' m
nnna it make U loiiaer articles itltafrant a well a tnoruugiuy iniiruiiy- J,Y,LU"."V' , ' Vtl . ff.
lJ. to bfvJ Si St( d ind e-iic-ctitllv in tbo arlentinc, t.iurraph ral. anil hintorVal i-rt-clvi, verythln ft
brought up fct1 ti P--(th moat complete, aaa iu all huhm. U.a U
MccloprtiLrtorJ tnUrpTiw ihroHrhontTlrclnla. Tow niwa wflt
t.. .r... 1 .1...-. rm.r u.,mtH f.,h.ln NitfhtliiiraJa. alone. UiloU. anu a-mavin, inmii i
U'TU.loi?j;Rreo;iiSRCK Tour eompenr Is worth more to th. oomm.s
th.n thePeiJouJ KuVii It tnak. me feci good to look at Tour catalogue. Yuu e.ere U.. pralm. .( all
of toe Deoul-.. Z. U. WAUKK, adklll tolle. rtonn t. arwuiu
Thounanda uf blf-siinfca in the man who in
tbe Ifnetlt of bi fallowuuntrrineii.
1 and bound. Thoir form Is n-lly more eonwnlfnt than Jlie uiml nnwleltlr ottarte er
tlu ap lnyond all lirrrrdrnt In luuK.iiu.kiiiir.-Ai"iJl' Coluinbua. Ohio,
f w th the grwttrat dillirem-e nU skill, anil the it.rary maco .bicli hare been UtIjW
A mottnt of
Outstanding orders
Outstanding Judgment.....
man wholnVented printing, thousands more for Mm who ost. luat tereeatte I
len. Th b.wke which 1 have received fioa jrou are wsderte Teiuenes (er
uune.-U. B. Cuuua, Sartor txugregatlonal Church, Whitewater, W la.
Standard Books.
r0n F.ETC:N5 RAY HAI T9 its
It Is a nnt ngreel)le ilifMing, which
is hi once liariiilt-Bs ami effectual, for pre
serving tlie b;ilr. It restores, with the
glora and fixsinoes of youth, faded or gray,
light, and rod hair, to a rich brown, or deep
Hack, as may bo detircd. By ill ut thin
luir is tliickrned, and baltlnes often
th'iugh not always cured. It clie. ee- falling
of the hair imiuedialely, and caussis a new
groevth in all raits where the glands aro
not decayed; while to brasliy, weak, or
otherwise eliscaced hair, it imparts vitality
and strength, And renders it pliable.
The Vion clonuses the scalp, cures anf
prevents tho formation of dandruff; ajnl,
by its cooling, stimulating, and soothinr;
properties, it heals most if not all of the
humois aud ditiiascs peculiar to the sval-i.
ktejiing it cool, clean, aud soft, Milder
which cmictilioj; diseases of the scalp and
hair arc impossible.
Ae a Dressing for Ladies' Hair,
The Viuoh is incomparable. It is color
less, contains neither oil nor dye, and will
net soil white cambric. It inparts an
agreeable and lastin; perfume, and as an
article for the toilet it is economical and
unsurpassed in its excellence.
Dr. J. C. AYER & CO,, Lowell. Bass.,
Practical and Analytical Chemists.
....... 172,91
Assets in Excess . 4Nl,sy
We, the undersii;ned.audltors of Vox Town
ship, certify that the above and fnreiioiHK is
n true statement of the several funds of Kox
Township for the year ending March 21th,
.IA.MKS HTfSK, rAudltors
1". W. HAYS. ;
A Lfred Wildt: Clerk.
Mrs. Partington Snys
don't take any of the quack rostrums, I
ns tliey are regimental to the huniati
ciHtern; but iut your trust In Hop
Bitters, which will cure general
dilapidation, costive hnliits mid nil
comic diseases. They saved Isaac
from n severe extaot of tripod fever.
They are the nc pu unum of medi
cines. r.oirtoii Otolic,
Shelf Paper ami Scrap Pictures.
At the Advocate office. The shelf
paper is in many colors; the scrap pic
tures iu endless variety. Also auto-
grap albums, fancy note paper, etc.
Call and see us, over Powell & Kime's
store. Visiting cards, and Christmas
cards, besides Reward of Merit and
other cards. It won't cogt you a cent to
call and see our new utook, just re
Look Here.
The undersigned can cure fever
sores without pain or use of the knife.
My motto is, "Jvo cure, no pay. i
charge according to your means.
1 hose li villi' at a distance can write
enclosing stamp for postage. All
letters promptly answered.
Keceipts sola to physicians on reas
onable terms. Adilress,
N. V. Lent,
- - rtideway. Elk Co. Pa-
Residence two miles from Ridgway
011 the Warren pike.
Note paper and envelopes at this
Noto p.iper and etivelopwat th e
Light running, Latest Improved
DOMESTI C, at prices never heard o
before, at Mrs .W. 8. Service's.
II- a Menly'e"EiiBlsnd"rc'luee(i tram 17 .w 10 .; ,. i VIT . u-
' lsury inn nir, vresw
' D tUWs Of th v oriu,-
prvparliig, equally low In prte.
OaabtMk b nch of the trrwit authors who haxe won clawslc fm-llfe 1b too rtiort to read all their
orti fciw! Van"i5 of VaVh" fcxtra cloth bound, larirv tyrw, SO to M cfn aclr Hootf .
MS .. V"7'Ti r. Sr Xiidi j.r. :.-o KorWI." aulock-. - John UslilM," arenw.
'Ia UUerer
Metier," Hi
Jane Kjr.
TMrffeaal'e''etlier end Son," Heodo's "Love Me Little.
, TwentT-elBht ndrd books renueed in cert from U So to S 70; raons' Jther wta Nf
BiCRrSDnV. of Mecoutay, Oibbun, Lsnuutine, UicUeiot, 8mU I-luti-ch, Liadell. Arneei;
Sh'.kSnesre. I4e tS, S TOl.., SI.Mi Milton. i.eenfj ljenle iji JlM PflDtrV
I WUtlje
"lllea,'99 cem.i uoiuer e -wuj j,
M lenUi "UUt ol line edition, 1st oeuU, uemnne , H
.. . n,.mS.e.'"nvelonow1lof Knrlliih UleraMre," redneed from S9.00 to M.M; -TeinerrOTn ln
I ITOf?Tlir(J toueenu- Mai-oul.iT-e "Kwnye" from :.M totl.K); "aoaorn i '.ismics, bv toi... t"
LI ICI U lUI C. J " ceiitiiKroleeiirt e " Carinlclee " trom t. u. LWi "The k.orn from ta. to M eeakx
'fA Juvenile.
iiSi'trmt&iuiSb. DturaennaBalUae.WcenU, ktu-1 In Queer Lnno," W cente. WUlw.u.we
. nM.t ' nihte rnneordenee" (Spnripeon eere Croden'e le ehlld'e pley eompe.rea "1
Hsligious. TiSH.oi
' Joseph us'i Woilit," $1.80. . a-
rssss sr.ffl Miscellaneous.
' Uo r tm. erount..." reducerom
Revolution Pamphlets.
Onlyfcxtre of the titrhe el ere mibllehed by ne. d the -Heeeare I"1 fXJn.'EIit iil2S2
beo "e. er before leaned. T.. lllmtr.te and d.-in ontrale kne irulae. we eenu tne lolwwia euirr. mm -ma4
enabrtercd.pon-paid. at the price, named : eM. ton nHM I Meet.
JiAliiae-. - fife of Prrderlek tlie dreat." Former prlee, 1.S. nreeler ty pe iPnee
r..i.i.'.' f if. of Koheit Buiiu." eormer rrlce. l . Illte "reywr Wl, !'" " .
" l.ta-h- of" By Kdwln Arnold, eormer i
Tk i HiiKlie'e " M-nlineHof ChHt." Fonne
.. w.m .j...,.., f h,'o .' Life." be Lamartine. 1
..2r' .........un tu lit-i..iH-mltt. ltrvvler tv
"ear at " "" i'" iw.J. l..-wf kVautUvl nriut. ori
uajaa e l nriiu e rxonrefc iw.',. vi-i -. . . . . . . -
porl-HI.. catalogue eent free en reque-t. by l.ankd rat t, aoney ortler, rojUtered Ut. ebrUUJ.
FracUvlu tl one dollar may be eent In poalaee etauipa. ddree
JOHN B. AI.DEN, Mahaom. Tribune Buildingr, New Jorju
vJLt. I VHia A Co. t la auUr tovua i
r piiV Beautiful typa. prwa I can-
tea I ooota.
r iaaUuac fcaoimauaf. ma oua h
Ursula M'Inerney. 1
lend, i
-Prepared Mustard by the quart.
Sauerkraut, Mince meat and Pigs'
Feet at Morgeuter's.
In the
Bv her next friend. Court of Corn-
Ann iJukelow. nnon neas xu&
vb. I Co. No. 17,
Thomas M'Inerney, J Nov. Term,1881.
To the remnondoDt above named:
Take notice, that subpoena and alias
subptena having been lewuinl In the
aiiove emit let. ease, ano returneu - not
found hi the county,' you are hereby
notified to annear before the paid
Court, at Ridcrwav. Pa., on the
I). 1681, to answer the aaid libellant'a
fcihcriff'B Offlce, 1
Itidirwav. Pa.. Feb. 10.1881,
Geo. A. Rathbun. Attorney for
If yon are a wan V- V If yon are a ft' fA
ftu:in.L-.triA.l j J ;da of l
enedby t: eiUal:ir f
v.itr flutlre avoid
eluniilaiit. an d uas
lioi Kittsrs.
rfron are yninr and
SlscreUon or uipa
rtcd or elna-le, eld or
yoornealtU or lar.truieU
aeia, rely ea Hoc
Whoeeer yes are.
heaeree- 1 el
4ke w n n e erlteni
cede cleanclcir. t-n-1 .
al iae- or el-jnuietlnK, f .
3 wlthoulii.'oJ''eoe) r
wa - - ve.
Reee ym
pr.'ie.j, aiu.i.r
of tba etoHMitV
Tea lll e
eur4if yoanw
iry veak an I
n mi
ve four
life. It hat
aveet hun-
alpLt erorl;. to rca.
tore I-rain nerve and
wate, ae Sltvp
enfferlna from any in.
tion , it you ate mar
roluifl, enuerliifr from
ijt va a bed af aua-Bitters.
Tuouaevda die av
BncUir Irani nome
forta ef Idnef
Aimu. LLt uwl.e
lieee bwa i-reeeuud
ti timely boot
nope) mrtt
a.t. a.
,K en abeolttka
!ble tin for
I drunltennaae . of apiuiu,
1 '
til it
.1 Hllt I
i rtiTrmn
.;s iuvi
L'lirtllll fUlU
.i TerMU,0t. H
Trade mark-Is especiallyTRADejMRi(.
ed as an un
fulling cure
fur Seminal
V eakness
H pe rinator-
Before Taking, dlM After Taking.
diseases that follow as a Bequencv u
Self Abuse; as Loss of Memory, Uni
versal Lassitude, Pain in the Back.
nimnii nf vIhsIoii. Premature old
iifje, and many other diseases that
leads to insanity, wiiieuuiiiuuu ....v
a Premature Grave, all of which as a
rule are tirst caused by aeviauiiR iruui
no i.ii nf iintiirf mid overindulgence.
The Specific Medicine is tlie result ot
a lite study anu inuuy )c tjv..
.nn. iii troutlntr those siiecial deseases.
Vnii TM.i'tw'iiiurH in our DamnhletM.
which we desire to send free by mail
to every one.
Tli Kiiedflo Medicine is sold by all
Druggists nt $1 per package, or six
packages for $5, or will be sent by
mail on receipt of the money by ad
No. I Mechanics' Block, Detroit, Mich.
I-Sold in Ridgway by all Druggists,
Harris & Ewing, wholesale Agents,
Pittsburgh. nl2-ly
Risley's Witch Hazel-
Cures Headache, Burns, Sprains
Cuts, Wounds, Rheumatism, Tooth
ache. Earache, etc. Warranted equal
to any made, at half price.
6 oz. Bottles 25 cent; Pint.Bottlea 60
cents; Quarts SI.
Have your druggist order, If be has
not In stock, of
Wholesale Druggists, 04 Cortlandt
St., New York City. n' tui.
On the Loss of
Seminal Weakness, or Spermatorrhoea
induced by Self-Abuse, involuntary
Emissions, Impotency, Nervous De
bility, and Impediment to Marriage
generally; Consumption, Epilepsy,
and Fits; Mental and Physical In
capacity. &c By ROBERT J. CUL-
VlillWELL, m. u., aumor oi me
Green Book,"&c.
The world-renowned author. In this
admirable Lecture.clearly proves from
lils own experience that tne wiitui
consequences of Self-Abuse may be
effectually removed without dangeroua
surgical operations, bougies, instru
ments, rings, or cordials; pointing out
a mode of cure at once certain and ef
fectual, by which every sufferer, no
matter what his condition may be,
may cure himself cheaply, privately
and radical I y.
Its' I ins Liecture win prove a dood
to thousands and thousands.
Sent, under seal, lu a plain envel
ope, to one address, on receipt of six
cents or two postage stamps. We
have also a sure cure tor Tape Womi,
41 Ann St. New York, N. Y.; Poat
office Box, 4586.
Mart Mauer's celebrated Vienna
Bread alwaya fresh at Morgester's.
Oatflt furnlnhed free, with full In
structions for conducting the most
Drontuble buslneen that unvune ran
engage in. The buainese la so easy to learn,
and our Instructions arc so simple and plaiu
that any one cun make great prodw from the
very start. Mo one can tail who is willing to
work. Women are as successful as men.
Boys and Girls can earn large suras. Many
have made at the business over .one hundred
dollars in a single week. Nothing like It
ever known before. All who engage are aur-
fritted at the ease and rapidity with, which
hey are able to make money. You ean en
gage in this business during your spare time
at great profit. You do not have to Invest
capital in it. We take all the rlek. Tuoeo
who need ready money, should write to us at
once. All furnished free. A.dla TRUE
W.. Augusta. Mains. l!v
at any moment.