Hie Mvmtt. THURSDAY, JAN. 20, 1881. -Sleighing continues to be excel lent. Note paper and envelopes at this office. Apple butter in 5 lb. pails at Mor gester's. Sparkling Draught or Champagne cider at Morgester's. Prunes in 2 lbs. boxes a very fine article at Morgester's. Hyde's mill Is receiving a large stock of logs this winter. Buy Morgester's Ridgway soap 4 large bars for 25 cents it is a bargain. How those cats howled last Fri day night. Shoot the cuts of that kind. Get your bill-heads and nole- lieads printed at The Advocate of tic. liuslness or Importance will come before the Company H meeting next Saturday evening Home very nice white clover and buckwheat honey for sale at Morges- ter s In small boxes, Heavy fog at this point lust even ing. And this morning is cold and clear, with the sun trying to shine. A new post ofllce has been eslab lished in Elk county, viz: Raught's Mills, with Lloyd M. Tarker as post master. No scrofula can be so deep seated, no sore so stubborn, but that Ayer's fciarsaparilla will efl'ect a cure, if cure be possible. The Ridgway Reading Circle will meet next .Saturday evening in the basement of the M.E. Church. Every body is invited. TEAMS WANTED for bark haul ing either ty the cord or by theday at the Brookston Tannery, Brookston, Forest County, Ta. The Oil Creek and Ridgway Rail way Company will receive some atten tion in tne next issue of The Advo cate. We had intended to publish the article this week, but lack of space compels us to wait until next week. Court will be held here next week. Judge Win. D. Brown will hold his first term of court here at that lime. The trial of Harry English with other criminal cases, as well as a long civil list, wilt make this session of court of more than usual interest. A stick of square pine timber 3x inches and H feet long was drawn up the grade and across the bridge ut Bear Creek on' Jan. 14th, by a team of I , 000-lb, horses. The slick was made by XJios. Rhines on Taylor Rliincs' job, and is a large stick considering the ' light team which drew it. A committee has been appointed by Co. II to tttke action in regard to the erection of an armory for the use of the Company. Now if some liberal minded citizen will furnish a piece of land at a nominal price for the erection of said armory, it will be commenced us soon as spring opens. A new law in California provides that the same pay shall be givcu for similar work whether dime by women or men. The same provisions in a Pennsylvania law would suit our taste, and would be acceptable to all lovers of fair play. We could never understand why a woman should re ceive less pay than a man for similar services. There will be held in the base ment of the M. E. Church, Friday evening, Jan. 21, 1SS1, a pound party and sociable. Persons attending a found party are expected to bring a pound, or more, of some article useful in a minister's house, for this pound party is for the benefit of the Pastor. After the pounds, or money equivalent has been handed in there will be a sociable time, with plays, music, etc. Everybody is cordially invited to at tend. List of Letters remaining in the Ridgway P. O..EIk county, Pa , up to Jan. 17,1881. Beer, Miss Lizzie; Motheral, S. P.; McKre, D. O.; Ourns, II. O ; Snyder, L.; Secor, J. H.; Schneider, Miss Mary E.; Veyson, Mrs. Mary; York, II . L. FOltKIGN. Fannin, Jack; Fry, Howard; Jar din Geo. A. If not called for in thirty days they Will be sent to the dead letter otlice, Washington, I). C. J. H. Hagekty, P. M. We are indebted to Prof. Geo. R. Dixon County Superintendent of Elk county, Pa., for five numbers of the Daily Institute Advocate, which gives a full report of the fourteenth annual session of the Teachers' Insti tute of Elk county, held in Ridgway during the holidays, Judging from the report of the Advocate, the Institute was a grand success, and that Prof. Dixon is "the right man in the right place," and that the friends of educa tion in Elk county, may be justly proud of him. Emporium Independ ent. Merchant Tailoring. Best goods in the market, made by competent workmen, fits guaranteed, and work delivered promptly at the time agreed on are among the sound business principles on which A. ftwartz Ross is building up a good business in the tailoring line. '.You will find his shop on Main street, Ridgway, Pa., over Powell & Kime's store. Remember the place, and remembering it don't fail to call, ex amine samples and leave your order for a suit of clothes. Light running, Urit Improved D0ME8TI0, at prices never heifrd o Itfwe, at Mrs ,W. 6. Service', Personal Items, Miss Jennie Gresh we learn is seriously ill at this writing. County Superintendent D Ixon has moved his office to the new Court House. Chas. B. Badger for some time past a resident of this place has gone to Texas, so they say. Mrs. W. C. Healy and daughter Mattie are home again after an absence of several weeks. Charles Johnson, clerk atOster hout's store, is sick with the measles at the Hyde House. F. C. & Louis Ely have taken the saw mill at Elk Creek to run by the thousand. B. F. Ely stocks the mill. Dr. Earley, we are sorry to learn, is laid up in Philadelphia with a bro ken leg, the result of an accidental fall. Mrs. Weaver who has been visit ing in this place for several days past returned home to Lock Haven last Friday. -Win. Clyde and son of Millstone, were in town this week, being com pelled to stay a day or so on account of a sick horse. . There waB party of young folks went "to Wilcox on Friday night last week. What in the "duce"' did they do with all that pop corn. E. C. Rishell, of Athens, Pa., brother of J. 1). Rishell, principal of the Ridgway Graded Schools, has been in town for several days. Yesterday afternoon Will Dickin son was kicked in t lie face by a horse. We have not learned whether the in juries are of a very serious nature or not. John Meisingor, of Clarion, who has for sometime past been visiting iiis brothers and sister at this place returned home to Clarion on Thurs day of last week. The term of Jas. H. Hagorty as postmaster at Ridgway is about to ex pi re. A petition signed by a great number of our citizens has been for warded to President Hayes for Mr. Hagerty's reappointment; although for twelve years ho lias served the public in ills present capacity, yet the people almost regardless of party affiliations desire his reappointment and have so expressed themselves in the petition above alluded to. Ridgway has been for some time a third class office, and therefore a Presidential appoint ment. This appointment will give Mr. Hagorty a further lease of four years, liieuinciot civil service re- L form that retains an efficient officer is in this case is highly satisfactory to .ill grades of people. MARRIED. Gaixok Davidson. At the resi dence of the bride's paints, Port land mills, Elk county, Pa., Jan. 11, by Hiram Carman. Esq.. Mr. Peter Gainor t Miss Katie David son, both of Elk county. TJTeT). Wood. In Ridgway, Pa., Doc. 23rd, 1SS0, of chicken pox, Ella N. .young est (laughter of Andrew and Mary A. Wood, aged S months and 17 days. Wood. In Ridgway, Pa.. Dec. '.'.jth. 1SH0, of diphtheria, Frankie E. only son of Andrew and Mary A. Wood, aged 4 years, 9 months and 0 days. Wood. Friday, Jan. 11, 1S81, Ruth K., daughter of Andrew and Mary E. Wood, of quick consumption, nt the age of 0 years, 6 months, and 11 days. Thus in less than a month have three household pets been snatched by the "unequal hand of Death," from the cheerful fireside, and warm influ ence of a parents' love to t lie solitude of the silent tomb. No child so young but that it may lay down the mysteri ous link of existence, nor yet a head so hoary but that the summons of death may call to the lowly grave. In this triple afliiction the family have the sympathy of the entire com munity. Aakon Minnie, infunt daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Aaron, on Tuesday, Jan. IS, 1881. The child was born on February 'J, The interment took place in the Catholic Cemetery Wednesday after noon. A young Wisconsin couple started on a train of the Chicago and North western railroad to hunt up a Justice of the Peace, with a view to getting spliced. An accident delayed them at Geneva Junction, and it was arranged that the young man should proceed to Crystal Lake to make preparations for the wedding there, while his compan ion would return to Geneva Lake to await notice that all was ready. Un fortunately, the young lady became impatient, and the next day started to meet her lover. He at the same time started to meet her. The consequence was that they kept sending each other messages and traveling after and mis sing each other uutil the young woman, tired and disgusted, returned home with the determination to give up the proposed marriage entirely, nor could any remonstrances or prayer, after her unhappy lover succeeded in finding her again, change this reso lution. Thereupon he brought suit against the railroad company for dam ages. His claim, however, is only $29.10, at which figure he sums up his traveling expenses and the cost of the presents he had made to his faithless sweetheart. Look Here. The undersigned can cure fever sores without pain or use of the knife. My motto is, "No cure, no pay." I charge according to your means. Those liviug at a distance can write enclosing stamp for postage. All letters promptly answered. Receipts sold to physicians on reas onable terms. Address, N. V. Lent, Ridgway, Elk Co. Pa Residence two miles from Ridgway ou the Warmi pike, Ridgway Graded School. principal's report for the month ENDING JAN. 7TH, 1881. 2 Hi 3 TEACHERS. .3s 3o?o Mlsg Babe K. Wilcox, Miss AifiiPH RaiTett, Miss Emma Hons, Miss Jennie Oresh. J. D. Hlshell. This record of attendance, pticlunlity, and deportment, Is taken from the report to the secretary. The average class-standing of each pupil is ascertained by an examination held at the end of the month. Parents aro re quested to examine the report and visit the schools. HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. 5.1?! t? 5'8fi ! i 5 UU s I i1 i li . SENIOR GHA DE. Mnfrirlo Plynn Charles Median Kiln- Kini" John U. Whltmore.... Willie Solium Willie Luther Chiincv Wilcox , Katie Mcenun 7S 1(D! 80 ; ftii w ioj: loo; MO ino t)s no i 10j: 100 100' ion i p.-i l(X)i Ki'J I " 100 (HI lOUl OS I (is 100 1)3 100' li "0 io); loo 100, 100 TS Fred Ely Willie Meennn Craig MoCulllster.... "A" GRADE. Kmran Callahan...... Kittle Whltniorc Gussie Woodward,,, yndie Lnmorcux Annie Kline Lizzie Flynn Adah Ma lone Josie Messenger Eddie llorton Eddie Ltiyinon John Nichols Addie Hol d well Luna Koi;i;r.s ! inn; loo i n: loo 100 100 ! loo; Hu I 100 .100! loo .1 08 i;i t loo I'I'I nv 100 100 100' lo .V lO0i 100' OS 100, 100; 00 ! ! 05 i on 01 02 00, (Hi "s: (W ioo; 7ll 00' Oil' si IS Oil 100- 70 100' loo; ioo; Vi, 1O01 100 100; loo: hv M. M! 100 loo It'll lool (ill loo! 100' WW I 70 I do 100 100 no Ha r.na wicks.... loo C. U. Jones Io). 'B" GRADE. Hannah Mnloney .Mack Kline .Minnie Miles Minnie Kline Nel lie Olnistead liiiiiiiii Mend Lewis Egler Holland Look "C" GRADE. Charles Porlbner Jennie Holes Willie Malone Eddie Holiday Lulu Holes Wullle Dill Warren Irwin Ueore Mcl-iirliu Onirics Geary Ilmco Kline Charles Dill Euiinn Geary Edward Paine Nellie Viiitlinn licssieSeii inter Eddis lievier "IV GRADE. Carrie Clark Maeele Keeso Maud Kline May iliirrett Clarice Dordwell lSennio Little Ella Mnlone , 1 ewls Ulnars Preston Mercer Eiiu'cne Willard Willie Cnuiilimhtun.., S7' 61. 110 W HO HI OS ltW, 01 01 82; lOJl laoi M' fill no fls ino oo: UHI 0:1 1 100' I 0.i 04 W 1IM 103, 0 s 100 ni. 0!' 01 01, lo.e or1 01 ioo 100 ltnl 01' M 10) MO Io:)' I'jO, 01' 03 03 loo ou OS 03 loo' 01' M 7S 72 111 (hi OS 100 ao OS us os 01 loo 03' f3 loo 1011 l'H); luo. lO'l 01 00 01 Si 01 10l; III! Olli 100 i loo uo M in 01 H " 70 HO. 0.1! no; loo 1..0 .JoM.'ph May Josie Welter mi rnh May Clara Willard "E" GRADE. Frank Wick wire Jerome Gorton Charles Williams lied 11 art Icy Frank Oyster Grace .S'-oObner Mary (t'itrien r.elie Hartley liaiy Kime Aliut'da Lcnedict (.'aerie Ely Laura Wi iliums Mary Daley Anna McGoveru Nora Dni lets SMI ml on' lool lool lool lilt llMl 0111 loo 0.10 lot PHI: 0S: 00 01 00 ! 03 00; O.i' 100 oo; ol 113 l'H) 031 031 Osj loo! '3 i OS: OS, 100 03, Osl o.s 03 I, J) 100 SI loo: li") 0.S 02 01 07 lis 00 07 00 01 i 1-i 100 7s O.il 7.s. ioo; 72! l'H) Miss Miiiiclu Flynn anil Char! Median nave complete!! ine present Kcninr course, and are pursuing more advanced stud ies. J, D. Ki.siiKi.i,, Priuciiiiil. Wilcox Public Siliuol. I'KI.SCI PAL'S RKI'OKT Foil TIIK MONTH DSII l2iU JAN. mil, Inal, K . TEACHERS MNs J u hi mi riurlinaainc. Miss .lessir Aid rich, Mr.J.ll. Johnson, SI IK) Si t.3 127 00 The highest class-standing obtained by any I m 1 1 1 In room No. o Is 0l. 1 he Itiliowiiitf are the names of piiplls be long lit; to said room who received more than !i0 per cent, at the mouthy examination lor Chios-standing. "A" Grade, tSenlor) Fred. Aldrlfh. 02. "A" Grade, t.lunior) Ada Miller. 0-i. "I!" Grade, W illie sweet,03; George .Schrel- ner. o.i: ijienni jonnson. im: "C" Grntle, Wide Heekwlth, 90; Mamie McKeiin, 03; Aide Iloualitaling, 01; Ullo beiircliier, 01, .1. II. Johnson, Principal. Almost. At about 2 o'clock this moniin Mr. Hurrling, photographer, whoslcc) in his gallery over W. C. Heuly's Ktoro, was awakened by the smell of burn ing woolen jroods. Vainly trying to go to sleep, he at last got up and dis covered tht the binokc ctinie from the store room below, occupied by Mr. Rubin as a clothing and notion store. Mr. Ilarrling at once went to the lin ger t House, which is the next building east of the store, and woke up Mr. Ru bin, as well as the rest of the bourders. On opening the store door a dense smoke poured out rendering an en trance almost impossible. Water was at once procured, when it wus discov ered that the fire bad originated in a pile of woolen goods, notions, etc., on a counter at the west side of the store, and had binned a lot af silk handker chiefs, hose, etc., hanging on a line immediately above the counter. All tliegoods on thecounter, to the amount of from $150 to $200 worth, were burned, and great holes burned in the solid, hard wood plunk. The cause of the lire is not known, and the only theory advanced is that it may have resulted from the careless laying down of u cigar stub on the counter by some one iu the store during the evening. The stock was insured by an ugent or agents in New York. When we say "al most" the escape of Mr. Ilarrling from suffocation, and the consequent failure to discover the fire iu time to save the building, and perhaps all the buildings on that bide of the street, looms up be fore us, and we are happy to note the small loss of property where almost a conflagration was inaugurated. Then we are Impatient to have the inystery of the origin of the fire explained, we stand appalled at the narrow escape of perhaps the whole business portion of the Borough. Above the counter was a pile of cotton batten, which the eager flames were anxious to taste. But we stop right here, thankful that it is no worse, t Notes. If you vnt to keep in style you will have to tet the measles Elder Hdland preached again at the Mt.ZIon fljurcu Sunday Jan. 0th. Okes sayijhe has the inside track now. Poor Oeoge is having all sorts of bad luck. 1 received a neat little mitten since ie last wrote. Mr Roblnlon made his appearance on the hill on e more. The peddtr with the gray team of mules went hrough this place last Thursday. Pjper rags are now scarce. The Spring Run school begau on Monday of lnft week. Wonder who all are going to the thr ijm S. S con veil tnn at Penfield next Fri day and Satuiday ? William luce went to St. Mary's last Wednesdiy. Snow is nkw about twenty inches deep in the woods. D. C. Invi fays the Elk Advo cate is the be.4 county paper printed. Subscribe for tie Advocate. The thaw on Thursday last caught a severe cold or) Friday morning. Look out for the cold spell the prophet says is coming. ! T E LePhoxe. Srockport Jabbering. The lumbermen in this section, as a general thing, have their jobs com pleted. The Keystone saw mill is running double time. "Who It U" took a trip to Rey noldsville about Christmas. It is also necessary to state that lie came buck with a Mrs. Morton by his side. That your future lifetime may he bright, is our most earnest wish, Reuben was very much disap pointed a few days ago when he went in search of his "gal" to her old board ing place, returning only to find her tit the place whence he had started. Brockport runs strong to drink. Some take so much that the flash ings of the waves knock them over. A sad affliction has befallen Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Short in the death of their three children which occurred in one short week, of diphtheretic croup. The first was burled on Christmas and the third and last on .Saturday follow ing. While on their way to bury the tirst, they were overtaken by a mes senger telling them to bring when coming back a coftiu for the second child, which had died. Their distress, therefore, can better ho imagined than described. The blow falls with terri ble force upon the hcaitbrokcu parents and a gloom is cast over them which tknu alone can remove. Anthony Groves has ut last taken unto himself the rib that was intended for him. Edward, while returning from over the water, slipped and fell on the ice and for some reason hasn't sat square ever since. Measles ureagain going the rounds. There are about twelve cases in this neighborhood. Numbeh ll's. Brockport, Jan. 18. Bi'iHetle Notes. The suw-mill is once more run ning early and late. Supt. Geo. K. Dixon was in our midst a few days last wee!, visiting the schools in this end of the county, Rev. R. E. Kelly of the M. E. de nomination lias for sometime been holding a scries of meetings in this place. Sunday night lie was taken sick in the pulpit, when the meeting was taken charge of by F. Lcuig. There have been several conversions. Lumbermen have been busy dur ing the winter bringing stock iu for both of our mil's. From all appearan ces town will lie lively this summer. Simon Romig, one of our enter prising citizens, a short time ago brought into our midst a machine for manufacturing birch beer. Cost SHOO. Me says three men will make it at the rate of four bottles a minute. Success to Simon. Friday night some unknown parties helped themselves to forty or fifty bottles. R. M. Winslow and wife of Da kota who have been visiting friends and relations here for a few weeks, started for home Monday. The Inaugural ion Parade. AN INVITATION TO ALL CIVIC BODIES HKGAKDLESS OF POLITICS. Washington, January 12. The fol lowing notice was issued by the Inau B u nil Committee to-day: "The Exec utive Committee in charge ot the unollicial ceremonies and parade inci dent to the inauguration of General James A. Garfield as President of the United Stateson the 4th of March next has extended inventions to all military organizations known to the Adjutant General of the several States, to which there hits been a very favorable re sponse from all parts of the Union. The Committee through the press ex tend a cordial invitation to all civic and other associations throughout the Union to be present and participate in said parade, which we tiro already assured will surpass anything of the kind in the history of the country. This invitation is extended to those resident in all parts of the Union re gardless of political affiliation. Ac ceptance should be made with the least possible delay, giving the num ber ot persons coming, etc. M. C. Cohbin, Assistant Adjutant General, United States Army, Corresponding Sec'y. That splendid organ sold by D. S Andrus & Co., Willianisport, Pa., for $75.00 cash with 7 stops, solid wal nut case aud 5 'eet Inches high, is sold now for $80.00 with one more stop and the grand organ knee swell additional. Write them. Terms easy on long time also. Get your note-heads, letter-heads and envelopes neatly printed at The Apvocatc otfee. Tlio Census. FIFTY MILLION POPULATION IN THE UNITED STATES. The Superintendent of the CcnsuS has Just published on approximate statement of the aggregate population of nil the (slates and Territories, nnd says that the fluureB will probably be found to vary but slluhtly from the final statement. The total population of the country la placed Bt 50,152.500, agaiimt SS, 538.371 In 1870, showing an Increase of lt,501,lHS, or at the rate of 80.07 per cent. lsso Alabama 1,202,314 Arkansas Kti2.3o:i 1070 90i),002 41,471 600.247 3,SH4 537.454 125,015 1S7.74H l.lNJ.KM 2,5W,sol ,(W).li37 1,101,020 300,310 1,320,011 720,015 (120,015 ISI.KOl 1.157.351 1,181,050 0I3.70W 827,022 1,721,205 122,003 42.401 !11S,300 IHW.OOli 4,3S2,750 1.071,301 2,005.200 00,023 3,521,051 217,35') 705.007 1.23MH3 S1S.570 350.551 1,225,103 442,014 1,051.070 (l,0.3S lll.Sll 13.000 20,501) !ll,74 Wt.TStf 23,055 0.11S 131,700 California StiMlwi Colorado 171.(11!) Connect leu t...d.Ln. Delaware Florida (leotyla Illinois Indiana ... Iowa Kaunas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts M 1 c.li I trti 11 Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire.... New Jersey 4ew York North Laroiliui I tn.o. .1 200,5011 I.S.'W.SS;! a,07S.(i:!ll l,07S,:iiS 1,(124,10:1 005,385 l.ois.mtn 0IO.2H:l I1K.0I5 vxt.m 1,7S').0KII UWI,0!? Wn.KOT 1.131 .SOU 2,100.001 452.4S2 02,t) 817,7X1 1.130.802 5,OM,17H 1, 101,000 , 3,107.704 171.707 4,2S2,7.'W 270.52S , 005 70t! l.SI'J.lltl 1,507,500 332.2MI 1,512,203 (ils,103 I,3i5..')f'l 10,411 131,502 32,011 , 30,157 , IIS, ISO 113,007 75,120 20,7t'H 177.U3S Ohio Orecon Pennsylvania Khrttle island Honth Carolina Tennessee Texas Vermont Virginia West ViiKlnlu Wisconsin , Arizona Dakota Idaho Montana New Mexico l.'tah Washington Wyoming District 01 Columbia, Total 60,152.559 38,5(33,371 The progress of the population of the entire country since the census enumeration, is shown In the following: Year Population Increase 17110 3,020,S27 1.-.00 5.3O5,0':5 1.370,008 l.tl.) 7,230,814 1,033,81-9 li20 0,038,131 2.30S.317 lNJO 1 2,800.020 3,227.880 IsiO., 17,009,453 4,203,433 1850". 23.101.870 11,122,423 WW .'11,143,322 8,251.440 18,0 :1,55S.3T1 7,115,040 ISSO 50,152,559 11,504,188 PENNSYLVANIA POPULATION. The following statement of the population of Pennsylvania, according to the census of lsso, is furnished by the Census Bureau at Washlnulon. The statement is still subject to possible corrections, by reason of the dis covery of omissions or duplication of names in the lists of inhabitants returned: Adams Allegheny Armsti'tiiit; Beaver Bed tol d Berks Bluir Bradford Bucks Butler Cumbria Cameron Carbon Centre Ciu-sl'T Clarion Cieai't'tekl Clinton Cttiuntitia Crawford CituihiTlund Dauphin Dciuwure ICIk Krle I'netle l-'olesl I- liiitk tin l-'llltoll Lireeue Huntingdon Indiana Jeiierson , Juniata.. Lackawanna Lancaster Lawrence Lebanon Lehigh Luzerne Lycoming McKenn Mcicer .Milliin Monroe Mont joinery Mont'.ur Norlhamploii Northumberland Perry l'lliladi liil.iil like Bolter .Schuylkill , .nyUer Somerset isuirivan Susquehanna 1 lugu Union N enaugo Warren S ttl.liictol ny ne W'u.-lliiorclnnd Wyoming ork 32,451 iJ55,759 47,138 39,003 31.W2 122,51,9 52,751 5'vi4 (18,064 52,534 i,24 5,150 81,022 8.UVS 40,321, 13, 123 20,278 ".2,408 U00l 4.,,07S U,l-7 5. .,102 12.MJ0 74,Onl 5.9oS 4,:;;5 1.V53 10,149 2S2t0 33.950 10,551 27,035 1S.2J7 80,208 130,113 33,311 1)8,470 05,009 lW.Ortlj 67,42 42,5t) 60.102 19.577 20.175 90,401 15, 7ii,310 63,12! 8I0084 lU-Ul 13,793 120,0,7 17,707 33,140 8,073 10,851 45,814 10,905 43,1)70 27,01 65,417 33,512 ,U13 15,.i'J3 fc',',839 Total 4,282,738 The pit sent population of Pennsylvania is 1, 22,738, tin increase since 1870 of 700,77, or lit the rate of 21.0 per cent. In the following ta bic is given tlie population of Peunsy lvuula at each successive census : Year Population lVoO 434,373 l?O0 0tj2,5lil 110. 810,001 120 1,019,158 1V1J 1.318.233 140 1,721.033 1-50 2,311,70 100 2,000.115 If70 3.521,951 1880 1,282,738 Increase 107,98 207,7 j0 230,307 208,775 37.'),00 67,7.33 691.320 01-j,S5li 700,787 POPULATION OF PKINCIPAL CITIES. The following is on approximate state ment of the population of cities having loO, 000 inhabitants and upward : New York Philadelphia. Brooklyn Chicago lJ.otoii 8t. Louis Baltimore Cincinnati.... 1,203,500 8)0,981 5.jO,089 5113,304 SK2.5-15 Cleveland 100,112 Pittsburgh 150,3-0 Bullnlo 155,137 iishington.. Newark Louisville .117,857 ....lOu.-lOO ....123,015 ....120,728 ...110,312 ....115,578 ....101,800 350,52; 832.190 Jersey City.... ns ueiroii s n r'nuieisco 1,050 Milwaukee. New Orleans,. 210,140 Providence. AGENTS I1: WANTED J u For the complete and Authentic Kecoru ot the Achievements of STAN LEY IN AFRICA The developments hy Stanley iu the Dark Continent, his remarkable dis coveries and wonderful Descent of 'JoOtt miles of the Congo River, shoot ing rapids, and cataracts, amidst the most dillicult and thrilling situations, daring adventures with wild beasts, and no less wild Savages has no par allel in tlie annuls of explorations. It is more fascinating than rpmance contains over 700 pages, and striking illustrations. Send for circulars and terms and se cure Territory at once, for this, the most interesting and popular book of theday. Address, Wm, Flint, Publisher. (12-3 Samson St., Philadelphia, Pa. n47 U. Rislev's Witch Hazsl Cures Headache, liurns, Hpraius Cuts, Wounds, Rheumatism, Tooth ache. Earache, etc. Warranted equal to any made, at half price. 0 oe. Bottles 23 cent; Pint Bottles 60 cents; Quarts $1. Have your druggist order, if he has not in stock, of CHARLES F, RI8J.EY & CO., Wholesale Druggists, 64 Cortlandt St., New York City. n47 4iu. Note paper ani envelopajat olttce. the iAsk your neighbor to subscribe for The Advocate only $1.60 a year when paid In advance, P.nbf Saved. Weare thankfnl to say that our baby was permanently cured of a dan gerous and protracted irregularity of the bowels by the use of Hop Bitters by its mother, which at the same time restored her to perfect health and strength. The parents, Rochester, N. V. Bee another column. Buffalo Express. ESTRAY NOTICE. There came to the premises of Lewis Boylngton, in Horton township, Elk cotintv. Pa., about the middle of last October, a three year old cow having a line buck red sides, and being par tially white. Any person owning sald'cow will please come forward, prove property, pay charges and take her away or she will be disposed of according to law. ALWAYS GET THE BEST 1 The Christian at Work. A LARGE Q UA R TO WEEKL I RELIGIOUS, LITERARY AND FAMILY NEWSPAPER. EVANGELICAL, NON-SECTAKIAN, INDEPENDENT. TmsFAMorn Weekt.y comprise!" n rare rnnihlnntlnn of Religious. Literary, Scienti fic, Practical and Timely Topics. It employs the Hkst Tat.ent In nil departments, and enters upon lis sixteenth year with Increased means and facilities and the energy and ex perience requisite to perform every pledge and ouliiratlon to Its readers and tlie pub lic. THE CHRISTIAN AT WORK not only believed in Working Christians, hut advocates the rlulits nnd seeks to promote (lie welfare of nil workers in avocations de signed to elevate the People and advance the prosperity of the country. It believes In Progress and Improvement Moral, Menial and Physical and flint while the world moves the people should be advancing In the right, direction. Aiming to furnish the BEST WEEKLY OF ITS CLASS, it invites an examination of its contents.nnd a comparison of the merits thereof with those ol contemporary Journals. Indeed It claims lliut the Best is always the Cheapest. FORM, STYLE AND TERMS. THK CHRISTIAN AT WORK Is n beauti ful Weekly ol Twenty Large Quarto Pages. OUR TERMS FOE 18 SI: One subscription, one year, In advance. ..S3 00 Tor six mouths 1 tit! One subscription,! wo years, in advance 5U0 One subscription with one new subscri ber, both iu advance, In one renilltaiice,..5 00 One subscription with two new subscri bers, all three in advance, iu one re mittance 7 00 Onesubscription with three new subscri bers, all four in advance, iu one remit tance 8 50 One subscription with tour new subscri bers, all live in advance, in one remit tance 10 00 Any number ever five at the sanio rata, invariably with one remittance. Subscribe now ami eet the low rate. We irive no premiums, and reserve the right to withdraw our iiberul club rules at any lime after six mouths, biimples sent nee upon application. Address J. N. ILVLLOCK. Publisher, Hit) Broadway, N. Y. "About the handsomest elitht-pnge. paper iu the country." Philadelphia, Times. THE PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY PRESS: independent! enterprising! trust worthy! Having greatly strengthened its stall' anil general equipment, this fa vorite family journal will enter upon the year LS81 p-epured for the occu pation of a wider held than ever be fore. In all that may contribute to the edification or tlie entertainment of the best class of readers, it is ever foremost. Points about the Press- Editorial Department, The pens of the best writers are engaged in fearless discussion of ail topics of living inter ests, political, social and general. The News of tlie Week, Covered not only by associated press dis patches, biit by special correspon dence from every point of interest, foreign or domestic. Political Phases, Presented in tlie most attractive and trustworthy form by the most brilliant letter-writers of the day, including stall' eorresponuents of national reputation. The Foreign Field. Full and ac curate cable dispatches from special agents of tlie Press in every European capital. An Agricultural Page. Not a re hash from the agricultural weeklies, but fresh and seasonable discussion. un der the supervision of practical men of acknowledged authority. Home and Society. A department invaluable to women for faithful fash ion reports aud hints to housekeepers- The best stories of the day, from ad vanced sheets, hy arrangements with English publishers. Poetry, Tales of travels and adven ture, criticisms of art, literature and the drama; wit and humor, games and puzzles, personal intelligence, and gleanings from every part of the lields of facts and fiction, Clinging to all that is good in its re cord, the Weekly Press means to keep dace with the inarch of ideas and events, ami has on opinion on every subject touching the welfare of the people. It is aggressive for the right but ever courteous; enterprising, but not sensational. There is nothing in its pages that would make it unwel come in any family circle. terms: $1.25 a year; $1.00 to clubs of ten or more. A Splendid Premium. The Press has made a peculiarly fav orable contract by which Is is enabled to olt'er, in place of the club offers, a splendid premum, consisting of the Library of Universal Knowledge, a verbatim reprint of tlie London edi ton of Chambers' Encycloptedia, com plete in fifteen volumes, of more than (00 pages each; or Shakespeare's com plete works, in three volumes, an ac curate reprint of tlie famous Globe Edition, with a copious glossary. These premiums are ottered to friends sending clubs, as follows: For club of 10 copies, one copy free. For club of 20 copies, Shakespeare's Works. For club of 20 copies ami f 3.00 ad ditional, the Library of Universal Knowledge. For club of 00 copies, the Library of Uuiversal Knowledge. For club of 100 copies, the Paily Press for one year and the Library of Universal Knowledge. FORM A CLUB AT ONCE1 There is no charge for a sample copy. Send a postal card, aud get one by return mail. Address, The Press, Philadelphia. "The Philadelphia Press grows con stantly fresher and stronger." N. Y. Tribune, LIST OF CAUSES. SET down for trial at tlie January Term of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk county commencing on Mon day, January 24th, 1881. 1. L, Saltonstall et al., Trustees, vs. J. 8. Hvde et al. No. 64, August term, 1807. 2 Francis A. Losch vs John Hoff man, number t2, November teran, 1874. 8 8. A. Olmstead vs W. 1L. Schratn et el, number 68, January term, 1879. 4 Ellas Moyer et al, Eoc'r, Ac, vs Hezekluli Mover. Number 3, Sep tember term, 1879. 5 Frank Tollman vs Morgester 6c Jackson. Number 7o, September term, 1879. 5 D. A. Pontius vs Conrad Moyer, Jr. Number 35, November term, 1879. 7 Fredericks, Monroe & Company vsC. R. Earley. Number 116, January term, 1880. 8 E. H. Darrah vs John K. Moore et al. Number 63, May term 18). 9 Charles A. Lyon vs F. X. Sorg. Number 79, May term 1880. 10 It. Ruloson vs G. T. Wheeler. Nunilwr Id, (September term. 1880. 11 E. W, May bee vs Powell & Kimo. Number 81, September term, 180. 12 J. 8. Hyde vs Maurice Sherman. Number 23,'Novemlier term, 1880. FRED. SCHCENINO, Clerk. List of Licenses for Jan. Term, 1SS1. NOTICE Is hereby plveil that the following f ersons have Med Uielr petitions for License n my ofllce, and that they ill be presented lo t lie Court of Quarter (Sessions on Wednes day, January L'O, lsl, at 2 o'clock P. M,: TAVERN, BKEZETTE. 1. Henry Tilesh, 2. O. L. Window. UEKZINOER. 8. F. X. Sorg. FOX. 4. John Collins, 5. John licuKnn. k ioo way iioitorau. fl. James Mcl-'nrlin, 7. W. 11. Sjehrain. sr. marys BoBoran. 8. Anthony Pchauer. !). Joseph F. Windt'elder, 10. Lorenz Vocel, 11. William Gies, 12. James itoiran, VI: Henry Luhr, 11. John Fochtman. EATING HOUSE. JAY. 15. Corm-liuR Connelly. KOX. 1(1. James P. McQuono, 17. George F. Spooler, IS. Patrick Kaliey. It IDG WAY BOROUGH. 19. James Miininnis, 20. George T. Aaron. st, makys nonoCGn. 21. Jacob Krnus, 22. William Zelt. STOKE, rox. 23. Dr. II. StrtcRslry. ST. MAllYS BOUOCGH, 24. Joseph Wilhelni. f"That if any person or pt rsons shall neg lect or refuse to lilt his. her. or I heir I.Icpiiro within FIFTEEN DAYS alter the same has been granted such neglect or refusal shall bo deemed a forfeit ure ol said License rurdon, V. 2d, piijie Ml.'i.l FUEi). SCIKENING, Clerk Q. S. Business Cards. GEO. A. RA1HBUM ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. Main street, Ilidgway, Elk Co., Pa. Particular attention given to the examination of titles, also to patents and patent eases. HALL & M'CAULEY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Ofllce in new brick building, Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v82t H'. L. WILLIAMS. Late of Sirattanville), Physician and Surgeon, llidway, Pa. Office in Hall's Uriek Ruilding (up stairs) Refeieliees J. D- Smith, H. L. Young, It. Rulol'son, Strattanville ; Major John Kitley, W. W. Green hind, Clark n. iias practiced his profession sccessfully for more than ten years. G. B. MESSENGER. DRUGGIST & PARMACEUTIST, N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa., full assortment of care fully selected Foreign and Domestio Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis pensed at all hours, day or night. vlnSy J. S. BORDWELL, HI. D. ELECTIC PHYSICIAN fc SURG'N, Has removed his office from Centre street to Main street, Ridgway, Pa., in the second story of the new brick building of John G. Hall, west of the Hvde House. Office houi'3 :-l to 2 P. M. 7to 9 P.M HYDE HOUSE. W. H. SCHRAM, Proprietor, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. Thankful for the patronage hereto, fore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort and con venience of guests, to merit a continu ance of the same. oct30'69 G. W. NICHOLS, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Estimates for all kinds of buildings cheerfully furnished Ruilding of school houses a specialty. Job work of all kinds promptly attended to. APPLETO N'SAMERICAN CYCLO PEQIA. Tills admirable work is now com- pletcin lb vols. Eachvolumecontains800 pages. It makesa complete and well selected library, and no one can altbrd to do without it who would keep well informed. Price 53 00 in cloth, Su.oO in leather, or $7.00 in elegant half Turkey. For particulars address, W. H. Fairchild, Portville, Catt. Co.. N. Y.. who has been dulv annointea agent for Elk county by C. K- Judson, general agent. Not A Peverage. "They are not a bevemge, but a medicine, with curative ; properties of the highest degree, containing no poor whiskey or poisonous drugs. They do not tear dowu an already de bilitated spstem, but build it up. One bottle contains more hops, i. e. more real hop strength, than a barrel of ordinary beer. Every druggist la Rochester sells them, and the physici ans prescribe tbem." Evening Ex jtress on Hop Bitters. i. o. of o r. " Ridgway Lodge 969, 1. O. of O. P. meets every Thursday evening. Vis iting members are cordially invited to attend. officers: M. Cohen, N. G.; J. A. Ross, V. G.t II. 8. Gross. Sec'y; J. W. Smith, An' Sec y; II., H. Weasel, Treasurer.