The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, December 23, 1880, Image 3

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    SI Jkl watt
TnunsnxY. dec. 21, m.
I. 0. of 0 F.
Hid way I.od(;ctTi9, I. O. of O. F.
meets every Thursday evenim.'. VI.
Itinjf members wrdiully Invited to
M. Cohen, N. O ; J. A. Ross, V. O.;
R. S. (Irons, Scc'y; J. V. Sinilh, Ah t
fck-c'v: II. II. Vu-i'l. Treasurer.
Oli i itit '' Set very liuauti t'ul at
the Uiii" Store.
Oliri-tmas toys an extensive as
sortment lit tlit' Union Store.
There has been excellent Viiatiiig for
the lust week on Eiijile Vallt-.v j I.
Useful Binl ornamental presents too
numerous to mention at the Union
The weather contiuues cold, with
the prospect of excellent sleighing for
the holidays.
One hundred fresh cocoanuts, five
hundred sweet oranges for the hull
days at .Worcester's.
Costumes for the Knights of
Honor dunce may he hud tit the Hyde
House three days before.
Graham Flour, UticUwheat
Flour, Rolled meal, tind u full line of
heavy groceries at Molester's.
Santa Claus has iniide the Union
Store his headquarters this year.
Don't fail to cull and see hint.
Large stock of Candy, Candy
Toy, dates, fi,'s, and all UI:idsof con
fectionery for the holidays at Moles
ter's. Wi o'rn socks, mittUH, buckskin
plnves, Isid irlovcs, undershirts, draw
ers, eodaiv, mi li's overalls, pants, &c,
at Morge.-terV.
Company II dance at Hyde's
Opera House, New Year's Eve, Dee.
Slst, i&U. Mehl's Rami of Erie, will
furnish the music. Tickets to the
No weekly paper will he issued
from Tim Ahvocatk office next
week. We will, however, isue a
daily in the interest of the Teachers'
The celebrated Maude Oswald
Dramatic Co., gave an cntcraiuiuctit
at Hyde's Opera House last evening,
"Divorce," a s-::iety play in live acts
beitis; presented. To-niuiit "M'liss,''
dramatized fro;n Hert Hart's story of
that name will be given this evening.
Tickets are -'lo and 00 cent.
There has been con-i h'ra'de talk
Of the Pciinsylviiie. National Guard
&uiti to Washington on the occasion
the inauguration of Prer-blent Gar
field next March. The state. neiit is
now ma le that II iriran ft will
take 0, 0(10 guardsmen to Wasli i ny t li
t that time.
Catholic Fair at Centreville
In Spoolers' block, commencing
lion lay, Dec. 27th, the Catholic fair
for the bcnelit of St. 5o'ii:acc's
church, and will continue inch cven
Jn .ilicriialclj up to 1 1 o'clock, I'.M.,
until Saturday, Jan. 1st, when it will
iie kept open from 11 o'clock A. M. till
11 o'clock, I'. M Oysters and other
refresh men ts wi;l he served each even
iiK. T .1: t nl letters ri'iiiiiihlni! la the Kidxwny
P.O. I'.ll- lii I'm.. u,t tn Uec. IN, 1-Hj.
An t'rrj. in,i;nrl August Huskins, Nellie
Aii'lermin, M. II lilliiir'. Ila null
itiii-ws, lleury Johnson. I'lirl-t 2
Huley, .1. A. Johnson. Kimer
ISurlour, Mrs. Matilda Jessop. W. -s.
fjumpliell, Mrs. ilur-Jo'ms hi, Ii .u :ust.-i
tense. I.c.i.l, John M.
Coki't, Simnii I.iim Iniii'l, William
Clmlot X tlvro 0. I'nill. ico. L.
IlisliiM. Wni.C I'liini', Win. K.
Null i ir IVtur Kinilh. Ih i h!
Ki'.kiith.irj , i'lios. Tui'tiey, Win.
i-i ?ilii.f. M. P'U',
U.iaiiitmi, S:ir:ill A.
If n it. ; ill '1 for i ii thirty Kyi th will In
ni'iii in Hi j a ;aJ luttei oillje, A'a'-lii-i rt iii,
II. 0. J. It. liA'iiiKitr, 1. M.
CattifHt Willie Ciiissiiiar t' Trac'.
Ep'aiaiiu Walter, a in ii abnt 2i
years of ae and unmarried, who ha
tcen in the employ of U.iliV & S.mi.n
liieiiliii.' at rt'tlfe, attempted to cnii-s
this Railroad track in the lac of local
freight west yc-uerd i.v inoruin mi l
got caught at it. Until horse were
killol. Mr Walker wn oat
of ills vehicle with ffcat f ree, his left
heel was crushcel, while a gis'i in the
right instept, a:i l a nasty cut behind
the ear, made him insensible. At
littt account he wu, lying delirious ul
the lion -c of Win. Healy, at iiolfe.
Dr. Straight, of Wilcox, is in uttend
H!iee, liiid thinks he iiiay recover.
The injuries, however, ure serious and
may prove futal.
A Remedy fur Diphtheria.
At a meeting of the Rrooklyu board
of aldermen, on Monday a 'teriioou, a
communication, was received from a
lady in Willianisport, which the
Herald printed. She said that she
was the mother of six children, ull of
whom had been utliicted with the
dreaded disease and were cured by the
following remedy: "Take a slice of
fat bacon side meat tiie older the
better; sew it on a soft piece of flannel;
then saturate it with coal (petroleum)
oil. Place it on the neck, having the
meat reach from ear to ear. After
pounding several raw onions into a
poultice place enough of the same into
tiie patient's stockings to cover the
soles of the feet, und have the patient
put the stockings on. The poultice
must be warm in order not to chili
the patients. The throat should then
be gargled with some tomato catsup
strong with red pepper, salt and vine
gar, or pepper.salt and vinegar shuken
well together will do. If the putienl
is too young to gargle wet the throat
with a few drops. If vomiting oc
curs lime water purchased at a drug
store with directions should be given.
Be sure to cause an irritation on the
The communication was referred to
tJU Uar J of bealtb.
Fcrssnal lums
MIps Lorlnda Warner und Mrs
Spencer of WRcok were in town last
Joseph Rob!on, of Jay township
called at The Auvoate office lnt
A. F. McMillan, of Ronton,
brother of Win. McMillan is now
visiting here.
Thomas Neill has, moved Into the
house formerly occupied by Srtz
Ross on Zion's Hill.
Joseph Houhtaling, and daugh
ter, of Wilcox, were in town last
week. Mr. Houghtallng paid Thk
Advocatk ofilee a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. 13. C. Rarrett wish
to thank those persons who were so
kind in rendering assistance during
the recent ill noss uml death of their
little one
Swurtz Ross, merchant tailor, over
Powell t Klmc's store, Is very busy
just now, and will be until after
the holidays. All the same orders
will be taken for suits to bt made at
once after the rush Is over. " Cad and
see his extensive lino of samples.
Rahrett In Ridgway Rorousrh,
Thursday, Dee. Mlb, ISSil.Hnrry 13..
- infant son of 13. C. Rarrett, aged l'
months und 7 days.
Rodison In Jay Township, . at
Sprinj; R"n, Friday, Nov. l'.i, !!.
Mrs. Lydiu Rohisou, wife of Wil
liam Itobison, ntied Ho years,
Mrs. Rob's m lias been an invalid
for many years.
RollIsoN William Rohisou, hus
band of the preceding, on Monday,
Nov. 2!), 1SS , of inllamutiou of the
ltniirs, or pneumonia, aged 07 years
uml 2.) days.
Mr. Roldsoii had been a resident of
I3U county for many years, coming
here from New York with his parents
when ab ut 7 years of age. He w is
am c i respected citizen and in death
I tdn -crely mourned by his many
friends. Two sons, and one daughter,
wife of James Gardner, of Spring
Run, have the sympathy of 'l in
their double bereavement. Hiiili.m.l
ami wife enter the shadowy portal of
eternity within ten d.ys of cauli
other. Truly they were one in life,
and Death scorned to divide them.
Peace . peace to their ashes.
Pkxkikmi In Fox township, F.Ik
county. Pa., Doc. Uth, l'Sii, James
l'infield. Sr., nyed jS years, 8
mouths and -I days.
Deee.ned was the father of .lames
Pcniicl 1 of this place and a resident of
Jett'ersoii, county Pa,, where he has
resided amost SI years, he left home
on Saturday -lt'ii lust, on business in
tending to return in the evening hut
not iiai-!ilu hi buiines he en I
eluded to stay und und visit hisdaiih
ter, Mr.. P.u' ver, w u taSen ic' i i
tiie night and continued to i'ail until
death relieved him of bis KUlleriug
early Smi-iuy morning- Tims in one
sli n t week a strong and healthy man
was cut i!ovn, teaching us tec un
C Tt ui n t.v of life. Ills reiuain were
taken to Brock way viilc.Pi ,.i-id buried
in the new cemetery. Death is doing
its work la this family eig :t h iving
In en called away in les thai four mid
u half yeurs, inclu ling c.iiidren and
Christinas presents lor all at the
Unhai htore. Don't fail to call und
see the great display.
It is useless to attempt the de
scription of half the In mi ail articles
displayed at the Union Store,
Theseison for hunting deer ex
pired Dec. P5. Dear's hunting time
elo-es December ."l leap year being
then pwst. Dear hunting, however,
like the brook in the song goes on
;'i i re v e r. W a r r 1 1 MniK
The editor of Tlw th mwrttt has his
town clock, but complKiiis that he
can't bear it v ry plain in his sane
tiiui jut across the way. Oussie
VMdwrd lieu ni this same clock
strike eight distinctly, at the Whistle
town bridge, a distance of nearly three
inlles air line ; Mr. Van Wagner heard
ihecloci; strike at Root Jack four miles
away, and Hurry Wibon heard it
strike ubo foul' miles fioin the Court
HoiMc i:i tiimther direction. Further
evidence will lie thaukfuliy received
t Thk Auvocati-: oflle?,
Three c';es oat nu-al soap for ten
cents at Motyester's.
-A large stock of line cooking ml
eating epphx, n!m potat s, ril!l h;iiH
cabbage, etc. at Molester's.
Two (ses fresh coa'.iic and jelly
finders; one barrel fresh linger siiis;
one barrel le:u el c ::ei-.s, jvit re
ceived for the. holidays at Morgts-
Nearly Rronueil.
Eugene, between 3 und 4 years ol
uge, sou of Thomas Rhine who lives
at Rear Creek, just escaped drowning
on Friday afternoon last, and at the
same time displayed wonderful pres
ence of mind for one of Irs tender
years. , Falling through an air hole In
tiie ice, where the current was very
strong, the little fello.v caught hold of
a log ut the bottom of the creek while
his father who, fortunately discovered
the son's perilous position, ran a dis
tance of an hundred yards or more.
Mr. Rhines reached the place just in
time to save the boy, for h id his hold
on the log failed the child would have
been carried by the current a distance
of several rods under Ice a foot thick
before ho could have been rescued.
The murks of the little fellow's fingers
were jilui nly discernible on the log,
where the current had tried in vain to
wash hi ni loose. After the rescue the
child made a few gasps, and in a few
minutes was enabled to speak. An
other curious thing lie had resolutely
kept ills mouth closed. The accident
occurred in the Clarion river between
the bridge and dam at Bear Creek.
In 1874 Mr. Rhines lost a son aged
abvut sevsu years by drowning.
Clirlslnia In Kiilgwny Uirmigti.
As usual the citizen of this place
are making great preparation to cele
brate the festival of Christmas .
On Christmas Eve the Knights of
Honor give their grand masquerade
ball at the' Opera Houe.
Tiie Coiigregatioualis's hava trev
at the school iiouse, tha same eteiiin.
The Lutherans also have a tree at
their church on Christmas Eva
t J race Church will be Illuminated
on the Eve of Christmas and a tree t
up in the midst of the congregation.
The Presbyterians ill have a rip
per at Horace Llalus residence on
Christina Eve.
The Methodists have their tree in
the church Christinas night.
A great umuy pair of little stock
ings will be hung up, and the owners
amply paid by their fullness for year
of anticipation. After all it seems to
us that more real enjoyment U bad
around tiie fireside at ho no both
by parents and children iu the old
fashioned way of huigi.ig up the
stocking, than in ull the glided id
lighted parade of a church CtiiMmas
tree. Away wit li your church shows,
that oft lines bring keen disappointment
to many iilt liearls.uud Ivt's ull ban,;
up th stocking of blessed memory,
for uroiiu.i its auo.'i.iti.ins cmg the
brightest rccollectio.lS Oi cllildliood'n
k Til w n Mock.
1 ink llavi-u Jnurttal.
It is a shame that the city of Lock
Haven and tiie county of Clinton are
not the joint proprietors of wiut is
commonly as a to-,n clock.
I'o ina: jr, hi. U i - itl of a tiiiiip'eec
may i-Cl-hi a myt'i, . far as t Xi-i-mhv
is concerned iV-r ti e very goidiisoii
that numerous people have never ste i
All the siirrouiidin f towns of any
I lipnilaiier h:ive town clock, vhi
weo. L , k Hvni a i I Clint n' ouutj rcpiiit -.1 to in -.mi 'act ure individ
ual sclu dulr- of ii.i,c. The lilt e
t wti of Ri iway, th- county sea of
I3ik county, has ni-'.tt an iher step
toward ud vituct'iiiriit by jdaiiuiT ii
the iloni-e of its bran new Court
Ilousa a clock ceding only iTiitt. The
clock is rejioiti',1 us b'ing ecelUnt in
every resjavt In that instance, the
count li re bull tiicixjelise imd the
Hprough the remainder. In ord r to
stmt li.e lu I rodimr toward a town
clock lor Lock Hnven und Clinton
county, the Jiturnnl makes the follow
lug proposition, viz:
That it will raise by popular sub
scription om--il.ini oft he :-nount ne
cessary to buy anil put up a :xd clock
eo: ling i:ut ie-s tiin "(h), providing
the coiiiity iii ;r liie second third
of the cKpfiM-e. i.u.1 tiie city of Lock
Haven ciu i.-iieiiniii ; thir I.
Wilcm 1'uMh' SeliiHili
CKINCll L'n Hi
3 -3
Miss J lit. it) i in li. i :
' V l iirh.
Mr.J.B. J ill -is
S,l!.l .
Tiie litgaest -i i i li i g n'tt iiiivi .i.
say impll tn room No. :l I :u Tin-f.illowin'.'
are Uih unines ul' pupllH Itflonutng to No. .'I
Wllo ri'l'flV. Ml llllll-e III III UT fi'llt. at tlit
inoiitlily ex iiiiia ition f ir c ass-stiimliiig.
"A" tiriiilu isanlor Divl-ton) Mary rtclirel
ner, 111; Am in. In WH.m.x, HI.
"A" Liiu tj Junior Division,) Ailn Miller,
V7; l'.a Sehreliifr, til.
"il" Gr.iJe Cwgts Sell Plner, !l; Willi
Sweet, !IT; Cllonut Jotiasoii. "; KJna Walker,
"C" (Jrinlc AIII-- H.nnlitiilliii;, M. .Vainio
Me Km ii. IT; Otto SiUrdin-r, 81. Itattli! i.'oli-.
t)r; C.'llu Miller, (It; IC Hi- r'litiiai ; in. Ut; Kllu
'liiti'iiiar.,ti:l;I.llllu Urown,tU;I,lllie Kriihoiit ,
J. II. Joiissos-, P,-iiiel(:ll.
Terrible l ire at Ole.iu.
Tuesday niht about iiiidnight a lire
bro'aeout iu the Rull'alo House, Olean,
consuming that building together
with the Exchange Restaurant, Titus
vide House, Shumroek House, Tre
moot House ami Mcrrilt's warehouse.
Mr. Osborne, proprietor of the RufHilo
House where the IT're originated, nur
rowly escaped with his life. Mrs.
Osborne uml three children were
burned to death, escape being impos
sible. It is reported that a drunken
man went into tiie hotel ntnl by his
drunken carelessness upset a 'lump.
The loss is cstiiiuilcd ut 30 o t; with
an insurance of 12, (too. These build-in.-
were ull located near the R X.Y.
i. P. R. Jt. depot. Mclveuti Miner.
-The wringer and washing ma
chine factory of Adams & Co..ut Erie,
ww burned to the ground Monday
night, Die. 13. Ry the fulling of a
wall, Lieut. jenrgc.Smith was i istantly
killed und Chnrles Schugnrdt fatal-y
injured. Three other llrenieti Con
key, Jlirner and Rat bender were
badly bruised. Ry this calamity 3;:0
men ure thrown out of enipleyineut.
The loss is about SluO.itt.O, insurance
The poets, Moore, Rurns, Cow
per, Scott, Tennyson, RyMn, Shakes
peare, Pope, etc. for SI. 0J a volume ut
Thk Advocatk otll -e. T.iee vol
umes are complete, handsomely
tiound, and the most suituble
present imaginable for a young lady
or gentleman, or an old lady or ld
gen tlemaii,
Mercliiint Tiillorlug.
For your winter clothing cull on A.
Swart. Ross, incTcluint tailor, over
Powell & Rime's store, Ridgway, Pa.
A lurge line of new und elegant sam
ples of suitings utnl overcoats, -Price
to suit all clas-es, and fits guaranteed,
work prompt ly delivered at the time
agreed on. Cull and have a suit made
now before the winter rush com
mences und you are conijHlled to wait
several weiks l.eloie our turn comes,
Wonderful is the variety of useful
and ornamental articles at the Union
Store- The Rorough of Ridgway lias
never seen so extensive a stock.
Woolen mittens and socks In end
less variety at the Union store.
December twenty-seventh.
The Institute Daily Advocate
should contain the business card of
all hotel proprietor., bourdlng house
keepers, professional Im-n, merchants
Ac, of Ridgway. The Institute will
put many dollars into the hopper of
the business men. Many of tli
teacher will be tratigeis anion' us,
and their 'ijourn here will o.T r
I hem good opjuirtunlty to make par
chases they will look Into thecolu-nii
of the Institute Journal to learn who
are supporters of their interests. 'At.
Parsons issues the Daily at hi own
risk of loss and he is fully determined
to make it worthy the high cause it
advocates. It will be sustained.
The outline of a course of study is
now ready and every teacher should
be on hand to get a copy and secure
instructions a to its use.
Many of the teachers are prepar
In .' to do work, for Instance
J. 1). Rishell wit! read a paper con
cerning "Literature in Common
School-;" Frank Lcnig '-.School Pro
gratiiiiies;"J R. Johnson "The Model
School House and (iro.ind;'' A. W.
Millhodaii'V'Tlie Necessity of Norma
School Training for Teachers;" D. C
Irrt in will read an essay eutit led-'The
i'rue 'IV.iciier,"Ein;na Ross,"Tne Dig
nity of the School Rooin;"Mary Recce
'TiieTeaeherin Soeiety;"Ida Ratdorfl",
"Th Rrigiit Side in Teaching." Other
work wi assigned and work not tts-
giied is being arranged.
i'iie Imtructors are re ly and
their pr igrammes ure comprehcu
si ve.
M'iy important ipietioiM will be
i'ic'i:s for Iwuight'san 1 Sun ford's
lecltirta are now on s'e at various
public U'i. The price i extremely
lo.--iiily fi.'tueii cents each. They
ai certawuly ithiu the reach of all
an 1 t ie 1 1 u sc I Ik' liiie I t ocer
llowiug e:ki'l evmiiiig This is the
cheapest a id the best course
of lectures ever oitere l in Elk county.
There is so much valuable space
williin and iiitmediitely wit.i i it tiie
railing in tue e trt run, to be in;
cupied by the ar.ll ell dr. ta it I have
cuncluded under ad vice to arrange for
reserved seat. The arm chairs
it!iin the. name I will therefore
cost ten cents extra or twenty-five
cents each. A diagram of the reserved
seat will be pat on exhibition at the
drug store of (i. (i. Messi nger Riilg
way, Pa. , on the afternoon of the -7t h
und there from tint ti.n.; ticket for
the chair. will he sild, Tli-y are b.
far the most valuable seals in tiie
rnoiii fur they ure very comfoitah e
elaiirs i lid well located.
A. J. Knight is mi eminent e!o
cctiinbl Mid in pi lx lialis blscharac
ters iu biilliniit character euto-iis.
See his character posters in the show
windows of stores and elsewhere.
Hundreds of his programmes have al
ready been circulate I about town and
it will be well lo read them.
I'.ring the children on Tuesday
evening to see Knight's cmtumes.
Pi ople of Emporium say Knight's en
terlaiiniieiit was the best they had in
the course
There ure not many reserved "eats,
therefore, you had better buy ut once
for the three evening.
Col. Sun ford say he it in good
health and will be gla 1 to I ri ;I once
more with the really good untured
people of Elkcouu'.v.
Words c.innot describe S in or l on
the platform "he is,'' says Dr. limb,
"a wonderful man." He has lecture
nine times in Gettysburg, four times
In Harrisburg, live tins, s iu Kittan
n'uig, seven time. in I) incannon, six
teen limes in (,'iearli -l 1 many time.
in Clarion and he Is recalled this year
to us many of the same places us he
can rt ch.
Sati.'ord never repeats iu the same
town what he says hi a lecture. lie
comes always with something new.
fresh, and sparkling.
Buy reserve I seats a soon as put
on sale t:!7th) for Tuesday, Wednes
day and Thursday nights.
Putaaay yo ir work next week
ami attend the Institute day and even,
in-titute iu court house day and
Are you coming?
Ok . R. Dixon:, Co. Supt.
No remedy in the vmrld ever
c ime into sik'li universal use, or has
ho fully won tin- conlldence, of man
kind, as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for
the cure of ;!is' Cold and Con
sumption. A Lailj' Wish.
"Oh, how 1 -lo wish my skin wa as
clear hiii! so.t us yours," said a lady to
her friend. "You can easily ma';e'it
so," answered the friend. "iLnv."
inquired the first lady. "Ry using
H p Bitters, that makes pure rich
blood and blooming health It did it
for me us you observe." Read of it.
Cairo Jiulitln.
k. or ii.
Th money, books, ivc.belonging lo
the Knights of Honor lately iu the
hands of R. A. Osmer, deceased,
Jamestown, N. Y., were recently
transferred to Supreme Treasurer
Rrecketi ridge of Kentucky. The sum
of J10J.0 io was given into Ills hands, iu
addition to letters containing $40,000,
in all amounting to $156,000. The
first sum includes benefit fund, $tW,.
li70.H0; General fund, $7,544.20, and
Special Relief fund $41.08. The books
were found to be correct and well
kept. Warren Mail.
Two sacks fresh roasted Peanuts
at Morgester's.
Sweet cider aud fresh eggs at Mor
Whisperings from Whetstone.
W. H. Horton finished shoving
logs on Rear run lust Friday, and our
camp hud a reinforcement. The
cooks were glad of course.
-Mrs. and Mrs. Myers attended n
tin Wedding one evening last week at
Mr and Mrs. Green's. They say they
bsd a splendid time and saw lota of
Lou Myers is again among us
having inovJ last -Saturday. We
re glad he is so near and can us 3
Oir cook Is awful mad having
heard that a young gentleman visitor
ha I revealed her manner of druwlity
How is it, Lon, or "Who It. U,."
or "I am bad?" Is it true that too
many cooks spoil the broth? or visa
versa. One cook can have too many
strings to his beau the old Lady
Smash up nt Brock port, no one
killed, but Mrs. L. Horton was hurt
badly. We hope she will soon re
cover. One more smash up the cooks
were so sorry lo hear that C. R. hud
fallen down und broke his crown and
kicked the bucket and 1311 they want
to know if you have forgotten to send
up that tin stove pipe hole.
Well, if L S. can't hug a bear or
kill a deer he is u splendid hand to
engage company for other young gents
let C. C. speak us far as he knows.
Tiki bad but true a gent while com
ing over the mountain passed by
camp just us the dish-washer was
throwing out t ie dish water an 1 re
ceived the contents Iu his face. How
is it Sam.
Well wo will stop until after the
holidays. We wish you a merry
Christmas and a happy New Year. ok Many.
All note-heads and letter-heads
printed ut this office will be bound,
without extra charge, with our patent
blotter tablet Call unit sec speci
mens. ;ran;l .Masquerade Rail.
At Hyde's Opera House Christmas
E--e, Dec. '2UU, 1SS , by the Knight's
of Honor. It is not expected thut nil
will want to mask, therefore no one
should stay away but come and enjoy
l ho fun. Everybody is invited and
we will see that you are made pleasant
and happy. Good music will be se
cured. Supper at the Hyde House.
Tickets to the ball SI. on. First-class
uiii ii." will be in attendance. Suits
at from -Vi cents to $ j may be obtained
ut the Hyde House two days before
the dance.
Extra Seh'1-t Oysters ut Aaron's.
Fancy box paper at TlIE Advo
CA i'E office.
Toy books, family bibles, Web
ster's Unabridged Dictionarys at the
Union . tore.
Cooip my II dance on New Yea"
13.e Music' by Mehl's string band of
Erie. All are invited.
' A fine line of fancy note paper iu
boxes it Tir : ADVOt.'ATE oiilee. The
newest etvics out. A !so a line of sam
ples fur New Year cards that can't be
Trier will he a Christina- tree in.
the M. E. church on Saturday even
iug. December :i 'th,lMS!l All person's
wishing to ina-ce present lo tln-'r
friends, are in vited to use the tree for
til il purpose.
Imported Canary Birds, warranted
good -ingers (very appropriate for a
Christmas present i. Goldfinches, and
Red Birds at Mrs. Jacob I'.iii leii'iiss
over R. I. Campiiell's store. These birds
are very Hue. Cull und see them.
Buy your Oysters for i lie Ho hlays
at Aaron's for sale by quart, gallon in
tuits fro n three to live gallons each.
Ml goods fresh and of superior qual
ity. Also oysters by the dish, raw or
Tiie Company H -lance at Hyde's
Opera Home on the evening of Dec.
Illst promises to lie a success in every
respect. Mehl's string band of Erie,
will furnish the music, which isa guar
antee that it wiil be excellent. The
Company will give an exhibition drill
which will be a new feature of Co. H's
dance Tickets will be 1 2'). In vi -tati
tns will be out in a few days. All,
however, are cordially invited.
Mehl's band of Erie at the Com
pany H dance Nesv Year Eve.
The Union Store and Christinas.
Everyone exclaims, "How beauti
ful," and "where did you find ull
these handsome and appropriate arti
cles lor Christmas? as the stock at the
Union Store is scanned.
J.oiik Here.
The undersigned can cure fever
sores without pain or use of the knife.
My motto is, "No cute, no pay." I
charge according to your means.
Those living ut a distance can write
enclosing stamp for postage. All
letters promptly answered.
Receipts sold to physician on reas
onable terms. Address,
N. V. Lent,
Ridgway, Elk Co. Pa-
Residence two miles from llidgwuy
on the Vunii pike.
That splendiii crgau sold by D. S
Andrus & Co., Willianisport, Pa., for
$75.00 cash with 7 stops, solid wal
nut case and 5 'eet 0J inches high, is
sold now for $H0.00 with one more
stop and the grand organ knee swell
additional. rue idem T erms easy
on long time also.
A Giood Kansas Piitier
The Weekly Cai-ital advertised
to-day is what it claims to la, a well
minted. 8 page rui er containing a
large amount of leaning mutter iuiei
esting to those who want to learu
about Kansas. Its editor J. K. HUD
son is Secretary of the State Hoard of
Agriculture una is Qualified to spetiK
advisedly regarding the resources of
Die (Stale, it is puuiisiiea at lopenu,
the Capital of the State, at tha low
yrioe of i.uo pr jmt
Iteirlsler's Notice.
NoTicrc Is hereby giben Hint the
following account will be presented at
the next term of Orphans' court for
1 VI mi I npcoiint. of G. W. Wur
fell administrator of Edward Ruble
late of St Marys Rorough deceased.
Fkkd Sciicexino, Register.
Elk Ciinnty Court Proclamatlo i.
WHEREAS. Ihe Hon. L. D. Wet
more, President Judge for the Thirty
seventh Judicial District of Pennsyl
vania, and Julius Jones, and George
Ed. Wels, Esquires, Associate Justices
in 13. k county, have issued their pre-
is'pts, to mo directed, for the time of
homing or me wrptiuti's court, court
of Common Plea-, General Quarter
Sessions aud Oyer and Terminer, at
Ridgwnv, for the coiiutv of El k on
1891. being the 21th day of the month,
to continue one week.
Notice is therefore given to the Cor
oner, Justice of the Peace and Con
stables in and for the county of Klk,
to appear In their own proper persons,
with their records, inquisition, and
remembrances, to do those things
which of their unices and in their be
half appertain to be done, aud all wit
nesses and other persons prosecuting
ir behalf of the Common weal th against
any person or persons, are requested to
be then und there attending, and not
to depart at their peril. Jurors are
requested to be punctual iu their ut
tendance ut the appointed time, agree
able to notice.
(Recti under my band and seal, at
the SherilV's ofilee, in Ridgway. the
'22 day of December iu the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and
D. C OYSTER, Sherir.
If you want u sheet of note-paper
or an envelope call ut The Advocate
Light running. Latest Improvod
0?ST1S, nt prices never heard of
hf fore. Mrs. at W. S. Service's.
Subscribe for The Advocate only
$l.0'l a yeur.
Jam Poles
MiiMlclown X-Cut Saws.
Jefl'ard's, White's und Munn'sAxes.
Tubular and W Lanterns.
Diston's X-Cut Saws.
Royntou's Lightning Saws.
CoitN PorM'EHS.
Coal Hods.
Stove Shovels.
Repairs furnished for uny stove.
Ax Handle:.
Pick Handles.
J lb. Best Polish 10 tts. at No. 12
Main street. n39
All about its climate, resources,
lands, I e iples. crops, &c, can be
found in the WEEKLY CAPITAL,
an 8 page, 4 column paper, sent to
any address iu the United States, 0
months ;br 5t) cents, 1 year for One
I). ill jr. Correspondents in every
county in the State. Postage Stump
taken us monev.
J. K. HUDSON. Editor,
Topcka, Kansas.
Shelf Paper aud Scrap Picture.
At the Advocate ofilee. 'i lie shelf
p i per is iu many colors; the scrap, pic
tures in endless variety. Also auto
grao albums, fancy, note paper, etc.
Call and sue us, over Powell & Kin e's
ore. Visiting car l i, an 1 Chri-tm s
cards, besides Reward of Merit and
othercards. It won't cost you a cent to
cad and "ee our new stock, just re
I'uksent. The musical organelle
price $S 0. A child can play any piece
ii t -ic and the old fol : c in all play
has the full tone of u cabinet organ -an
I will Ik- a our o-" pleasure an
amusement for years. D S. Andrus
& Co. .of Wi liani-'pnrt, Pa.,sole agents'
for this section of Pa All orders by
mail they will answer promptly.
Drop In ut Ihe Union Store. The
display of fine goods is -simply im
New Years cards at The Advo
cate olllce.
-No use talkin ; the Union store is
the headquarters for Santa Claus this
Family bibles, Webster's unabridged
dictionary, picture frames, autograph
alliums, fancy articles of every des
cription at the Uel ui Store.
At The Advocate Ofllw.
May be found:
Notepaper, billet note, octavo note,
foolscap, legal cap, letter paper; invi
tations and notepaper LiO sheets of
paper and 100 envelopes in a box all
for one dollar.
Scrap pictures in endless variety.
Autograph albums, a beautiful lot.
ut low figures.
Fancy notepnpe and envelopes iu
handsome boxes.
Silver perforated cardboard.
Rlack bristol board, and other colors
for cornucopias, and otlur fancy work.
Shelf paper, the neatest thing out
for pantry shelves, clock shelves, und
ull other kind of shelves. This paper
is machine made, and we sell any
quantity from one sheet to .10 gross.
New Year cards. It will pay you to
sec our stock.
Shakespeare, Byron, or Scott's
poetical works complete for $1.00, a
beai tifu I present for a lady l'rhnd, at
Thk Advocate office.
Don't forget to call and see our scrap
Also abenutful line of Christmas
cards just received.
The elastic plant sprinkler. An
liidixpensable article for showerlux
plants, keepinir them in a liealiiiv
condition, and useful in sprinkling
bariuelsaiid nioisteuinif cbvbes Cal
an-1 see a aauiple at Thb Aovocats
Business Cards.
Main Htrcct, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pft-
Partlculur attention given to the"
examination of titles, also to pateuU
and patent cases.
Office in new brick building, MuJrt
street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v32t
Late of StrattunviUe), Physician and
Surgeon, Ridgwnv, Pa. Olllce in
Hall's Rrick Huildlnjr (upstuirs)
References J. I) Smith, H L.
Young, R. Rulofson, StrattunviUe;
Major John Kllley, W. W. Green
land, Chiritn. lias practiced his"
profession sccessfully for more than'
ten years.
N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets,
Ridgway, Pa., full assortment of cure
fully selected Foreign und Domestic
Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis-'
pensed at all hours, day or night.
J. S. 33S3ELL, U. D.
lln rmiinvod Lis oHlee from Centra
street to Main tdreet, Ridgway, Pa., in
the second story of the new brick
builditi'' of Johti G. Hall, west of the
Ilvdc House.
Olllce hours:-l to 2P. M. 7 to 9 P.M
W. II. SC1I RAM, Proprietor,
Ridgway, Elk county, Pa.
Thankful for the patronage hereto-'
fore so I i derail v bestowed upon him,-
the new iiroiirictor holies, dv paying
strict attention to the comfort and con
venience of iruests, to merit a continu
ance of the same. oct-Ju'09
Tl. to orl.-i t.-it iL. ii-f-i-1.- iu iinu PAnu
plctcin Pi vols. EaehvolumceotitainsW
i, .nr.. j 11 ii-i!.i-:.i fnlillileti- find 'A'l'll
selected library, and no one can
ullbrd to dowithotit it who would keep
well informed. Price "0 in cloth,
So.t'O in leather, or S7.0U iu elegant
half Turkev. For particulars address,
W. H. Fuircbild, Porlville, Cutt. Co..
N. Y.. who has been duly appointed
agent for Elk county by C. Iv Judaon,'
general agent.
Which is tbo Bamo thing.
ImpnroGl-Caib Soda or Fnleran8
iwh. t i ttlionumoi liineilscfu blight.
y dirty while roloi . It nmy appeal
white, cxamlnid by ilneli, bnt ri
Will chow the diflcroncco
Sco that your Saleratas and Bok
Ins Goda ts whito ami PURE, cd
CES used for food.
Ilouaclieeper who prefer broad tnado wltli
yeast, will improvo its quultty, xn&Ua It riso
botturand preventit from ftnuring, by atli!iu(
ona-bitlftuaspoonful of Church & Co 'b Eoila or
Baleratus. llo&ureaQilnntusotoor.iucii. Tbo
him of thifl with ft-iur milli. Id pre'eronco to
!3aktti3 Powder, nvo twenty timr-n Iti cat.
B?3 one ptu.i'1 p ickao tor valuable 1 jCormiw
tiou au i read curclully.
-A Siippli'iiient will be civpn in every
nuiiibfi- fur IsM. t-oiitiiiiiini; ufiill-KlzitpiillKru
I'm- it liuly'K ni- t-litlil'ii tlress. l-.very Subvert-.
l-r will receive, iltuliiH the yeur, twelve of
them' I'litti'i iiK, woi lli mure, ulouo, then tls
Kiibei'iitiuii iiii-e,-(tu
I'vlerxon's Miiirii.ine Is the best mid eliean-
est ul thu Inil.v'h IhioUk. IttrtvcH more for tho-
iiioni'.v, mid coiiiliini s ert-iiler uiurits. Itiuir
uny oilier. In short 11 lius tlm
Best Steel Engravings,
Best Colored l' lisluous,
Best Dress I'atteriis
Best Original Stories,
Best Work-Table Patterns
Best Music, Etc., Etc.
Itn Immense clieiilntinii mid Ioiik estab
lished rcptiliiMon cnubk'H lis proprietor lor
ill.-tuiicc nil coinpeiition. Ill n Now
Keiil ure wim iiilroiliiceil. which will be im
proved on in 1;M, hciiif atcnes of
Tiie Ktorli s. novelets. Ac. In "Petoron" nr to be lliu lit-st piiblislied. All tha
most popuiur leiiiuie Winers uoiuriuutu to a.
In innl, u In m I I'll original sloric's wilt bcglvea
mid in iidilition 8ix .oiyrlj,'lit Novelets, by
Ann S. Stephens, 1- rank l,eo lienedict, Jiiiiq
U. Austin, Mary V. sipencer, Sidney Trevor,
mid liatt ininiiitiiile humorist, the author of
'Joiuli Allen v lie." 1 lie
In "Peterson" lire nheail of nil otliem. Timer
plaU'K me eimrtived on steel, twice thu usiiul
size, and ui'c unequalled for bcuuty. They
will lie superbly colored. Also, Household
mid oilier receipts; iirtiuleRon Art l.mLnoid-
ery. i-lower t uiiiire; in Blun t everytliing Ju-
ierebiiiiy 10 niuic.
TEHM8 (Always In Advnnce) $2.00 A Yea.
UNPAUALLEI.I'jD offehs to clubs. .
2 Copies for $3,50; 3 Copies for JI.50. With a
cimk.v mfn niyrtiitni.i, unin iiiiiier lellsol
Vorktown,"('Jlxb or itn llliisii aled Album,
quiu lo, uill, lor neltlng up the Club.
4 Copies for $0.50; 0 Copies for SU.09. With an
cmiii uopy oi uie .Maua.ine. lor istst, as
preiniuiil, lo lliu person jjelllnt; up the club.
5 Copies for Ss.UO; 7 copies for S10.50. With
uoin nil extru eopy ol mo Magazine ror lfcSi,
mid tiie picture, or Album, lo the person
getting up tiie Club.
For Larger Clubs Still Greater In-
Adilress, post-paid,-
t-'ll AltLKS J. rUTKHSOS,
SOS Chestnut 81., Philadelphia Pa.
8Spccimeiis sent gratis, if writteri
lor, to get up clubs with.
"No lady should lie without It." Shtppens
buru d'a.i Chronicle.
Got your 'OTE PAPER, EN.
ITING CARDS at The AdvocatU
offioei over Powell & Kimo's Ut4