sr4 life Jtivoritft THURSDAY, SEPT. 2, 1880. r. Pe'rsons having county bonds or 'road or gc'tiool orders wliich they de sire to Bell will do w ell to call upon. Geo, A. Hath bun. Ridgway July 23, 1880. n23t0 A CAKI. herewith announce myself to. the Voters of this county without regard to party affiliation m an Independent 'candidate for the ofilee of Slierlfr, to x elected November next. JA&ES McCLOSREY. Centreville, Pa., July 17, 1880. Hemp and Canary seed at Mor 'gester's. Elk county Republican primaries Viext Saturday. Last Sunday was a Very rainy 'day. All the afternoon the rain came 'down la torrents. In fact no such Amount of rath has fell in this section In one day in our recollection. The town clock Is now a fixed fnct taioney enough having been subscribed S,h pay for it. The clock will cost 700.00, arid will be placed in the 'L'ourt House tower as soon as possi ble. Rev. E. A. Sqtiier pastor 2t Con gregational church w ill preach ill the Bchool building next Sahhath morn ing and evening. Evening service to egin at 7 o'clock. Sabbath school to follow immediately after morning preaching. Dickinson Bros, lost one of their horses on Tuesday last w hile skidding logs. The horse naught its leg in a 'crack between a rock and the moving log breaking it at the ankle mid smashing the bone so badly that it was found necessary to shoot the horse lto put It out of misery. The Forest Democrat, says it is .bot generally known that Enilcnton js the point wheY"! four counties join Venango, Clarion, Butler and Arm strong. A large rock on the river op posite the railroad bridge is th point where they converge. A Teachers' Examination will lo ield by County Superintendent DikoVi, at 'the school building, Ridg vay l'u., the first Saturday in Sep tember commencing at ! A. M. Applicants for certificates should be at least eighteen years of age and thor oughly versed in the common bran ches, also in the theory of teaching. " A.Swai tz Ross, Merchant Tailor of this place, accompanied by James McAfee, cutter and fitter, will visit the following places with a complete 'line of samples at the dales named. Those wishing new suits will do well ho wait and examine goods and juices. Work guaranteed to fit, and will be 'delivered promptly at the time agreed "on. Brockwayville, Friday afternoon 'Hept.'lO; Caledonia', Saturday, Sept. II; Benezette, Saturday evening; Wilcox Monday Sept. 13. t ' The delegates for Bvo. Brandon 1n St. Mary's Borough and Benzin ger township were not very successful n getting votes. In the borough the Brandon delegates had 4" votes: the Burke delegates 122. In Bcnzinirer ownship, the Brandon delegates had o votes; llurk'e delegates 12-. For hard party work long continued Mr. liraudon deserved the nomination fur 3lVevW,1iut tlie result in the county proves more than ever that political "paYti;, like Republics are ungrate ful. The cost of the hew Court House to date, including brick, iron, and Wood used In construction, heating, "painting, furnishing, superintendent'! Salary, amount paid and yet due on contract, etc., Is $till,'(13, 14. It is ex pected thai $1,700 will pay for the la bor yet necessary, and that $000 will pay forall the lifie expenses yet net" "essary, wiiich would make a grand to alof $03,5411.14, the probable total Vost of the building. This includes Everything from foundation to the Iron woman; stone work, grading, stone tjteps and all. When the building is Huished an Itemized statement w ill be furnished for publication. . Reading, Pa., Aug. 2S. The Poor Directors of Berks county have found an Insane man, who has been Imprisoned ifi a hut in the Blue Mountains tventy-seen years.. He lias never seen the light of day in that time. His name is Benjamin Seiiiler, 'aged 65, and a native of Germany. He has been kept chained in the hut twenty-seven years by his brother, Who fed him. The lunatic in all that time Was never washed, clothed or tehaved. A rusty chain was fastened to bne leg. It Is reported that he became Insane by bathing in a cold spring in fen Over-heated condition, Friends of Andy Curlin ill the XXth congressional district are be bditilhjj very much alarmed at the Strength Andy Dill is developing, and fere working with the industry of beavers to defeat him in the nomina tion. This district is composed of the bounties of Union, Clearfield, Clinton, Elk, Miffln and Centre, and the friends of Curtin insist oil running him again after his disastrous tilt With Yocum. At the election two years ago Yocum had 13,-1-VJ votes to 13,881 cast for Curtin, and when the latter appeared before congress as a bontestant he was again beaten. "When Mackey ran in 1S74 he received 12,050 votes to 8,677 cust for A lexan der, and in 1876 he received 1,2.) to 11,193 cast for Lincoln. That Curtin should be defeated lii a district that gave Mackey a majority of 5,036 was bne of trie wonders of the tlniwi; and to wipe but this stigma is why Curtin is sd anxious to run again. Let him ttfti by all lueaitXi WIMiimmjiort fV. A Pcronnl Items. -C. V. GillisHiid family, of Kane, in town tills week. Jack Barrett w as down from Da gus city last Saturday. . Eddie Powell left for Lewisburg on Tuesday afternoon to attend school at that place. Mrs. J. T. Spencer, of Oram pin Hills, Clearfield county, has been vis iting relatives in this village. J. R. Baird, of Petrolia, well know to many people in this section, for a number of years a resident of Ridgway, w as in tow n this week. Miss Mary Meisinger, of Clarion, Til., sister of the Meisinger Bros , of this place, is here and expects to make Ridgway her residein-e for same time to come. t Geo. R. Dixon, wife, little girl, wife's mother and sister all arrived on mail from the cast yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Dixon has been away from town for several months seeking medical aid and now returns much improved in health as her many friends will be pleased to learn. Large line of Soap at Morgester's. Birlh. McGekiiix Friday, August 27(h, 1880, to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McGcchin of this place, a son. Phwttt. Wednesday, Kept. 1st, 18S0, to Mr. and Mrs. John Dewitt of this place a daughter. Trout, White Fish, and Mackerel by pound or kit at Morgester's. Eggs twelve cents per do., at T.F. Bullers Masonic building. 40 baskets of Grapes at Morges ter's. The- public schools of Ridgway commence next Monday. Owing to a delay in repairs on the school building the opening of the school has been postponed one week. Election of Company H Officers. On Monday evening last in accord ance with orders from Brigade Head quarters ail election was held by Co. II to fill the vacancy caused by the expiration of C. II. Rliines' term as Second Lieutenant. Five sergeants and five corprals were also elected at the same time. Forty-three men were present at the election. Capt. Scho-ning held the election and appointed privates Geo. Aaron, ainl Win, Cuthbertas secretaries. G'io. 11. Woodward, Henry A. Par sons, Jr.. and C. A. Olmsted were placed in nomination for 2d Lieut. The first ballot resulted: Woodward, 20; Parsons, 2(1; Olmsted, 1. On the seond ballot Olmsted withdrew, and a ballot being taken; resuhed; Woodward, 22; Parsons, 20. Wood ward was declared elected. Private Wm.Cullibeit was promoted to first sergeant by acclamation, For second sergeant a number of nominal ions were made, all declining excepting Sergt. C. A. Olmsted, and Corporal S. S. Wilson, A ballot re sulted: Olmsted, 24; Wilson 1 !. Private Parsons nominaicd Corp. Howard Gorton for "d Scrgt. Elected by aeclaninllo'n. Private Pnr.-ons nominated Corp. Joseph Bailey for -lib Sergt. Elected by acclamation. Private Parsons nominated O. C. Kelts for "lh Segt. Elected by accla mation. Private Messenger nominated -Corp. Wilson for 1st Corporal. Elected by ai-irianiatioii. Sergt. Gorton nominated private Frank Gorton for ind corporal. Elected by acclamation. Lieut- Rhines nominaicd 1). C. Var ner for Oil Corporal. Elected by accla mation. Lieut. lloiion nominated John Bailey for lth corporal. Elected by a.-tianuilloii. Privates White, Ivcnnicut, and Libl'etis Luther were placed in hum iliation for Mb corporal. A ballot was taken with the following result: White, 0; Luther, 21; Kcimicut 5. As a result of tlie above election the 'company officers are as follows: Captain, Fred. Sclncning. First Lieutenant, W. S. Horton. Second Lieut., Geo. It. Woodward. 1st Sergeant, William Ctitl.l.ert. 2nd " C. A. Olmsted. 3rd " Howard Gorton. 4th " Joseph Bailey. 5th " O. C. Kelts. 1st Corporal, S. S. Wilson 2nd " Frank Gorton Hrd " D. C. Varncr 4th " John Bailey otli " Libbetis Lullicr. Nai;huv Escape. Lust Friday morning a little daughter of Mr. John Baker and her mother made a narrow escape from a fearful death. The little girl went into tlie Jones mill, in Clarion county, about two miles from Corsica, and going too close to a revolving shaft, her clothing became involved and was wound up, carrying her around with the shaft. While in this position her mother came in and tried to release her from her perilous position, when her clothing caught and she was drawn up and carried around with great velocity. Tlie jar in the running of the machinery utt rut-ted the attention of the miller, and on investigating the cause he found the mother and child as described aiid at once stopped the machinery and released them. He found the mother Injured but slightly, but the little girl had one of her limbs broken anil her head considerably druised by coming in contact with u hopper while revolving on a shaft. Proper surgical assistance was sum moned, and it is believed that both will recover. Brook villcs litputli cait. Scrap pictures, shelf paper ma chine made, and note paper and en Muihh ht The Advocate office. Democratic County Convention- Tuesday last, Aug, 81, at IP o'clock In Maginnis' Hall, Ridgway, the Democrats of Elk county met in con vention with the result ns below stilted. Geo. Weidonboerner, of St. Mary's was elected chairman. , . O. C. Branbon, ofSt. Maryland E. J. Miller of Ridgway, secretaries. On a call for credentials of delegates tlie following names were reported: Benezette T. J. Shaffer, Ransom Mowrey (1). A. Steward, appeared as Mowrey's substitute.) Benzinger Joseph Young, A.Kaul, X. Kronenwetlcr. Fox Joseph Entmert, John Resi gn". . Highland Hiram Gorton, W. H. Shetiey. Horton A. D. Alden, W. H. Hor ton. Jay Joseph Kanl, J. A. Burke. Jones O. M. Montgomery, John Weidert. Millstone-Henry O'Hara, H. J. Clyde. Ridgway Fred. Schooling, Hugh McGeehin. St. Marys Geo. Weidenboerner, John Krug. Spring Creek P. R. Smith, Mat. Sliarley, and Henry Elliott, each had 35 votes, Reuben Mohncy hail 30 votes. St. Mary's Geo. Weideiibierner, John Krug. A committee of three, Messrs. Kaul, Knmiert, and Krug, were ap pointed a committee on the Spring Creek ease. Mr. Kaul declined, and Mr. Scliiening was appointed in his stead. Tliis committee reported that they were in favor of allowing Mr. Mohncy to have one vote, the other three to have ho vote. Report adopted. On motion convention proceeded to make nominations for the several oillees to be tilled. J. K. P. Hall was recommended for Congress with power to appoint ids own conferees. Putins Lucore, Geo. R. Dixon and C. If. MeCauley were oppoic.tod Ju dicial conferees, without instruction. I-OK ASSI-vM !".V. W. H. Horton, of Horton, nomi nated J. L. Blow h of Jones. Fred. Seineuing nominated C. R, Earley, of Ridgway. On by. Pot being taken J. L. Brown had 17 votes; C. R. Earley had three votes. Tlie Fox delegates refused to vote at all. Tlie nomination of Mr. Brown was then made unanimous. run sm:i!i!'i-. The following persons Were placed in nomination. Jas. McFarlin, of Ridgway; W. S. Horton, of Ridgway; Thomas Sullivan of Fox; T. J. Burke of St. Marys. Fifteen ballots were taken before dinner Willi the following result: i;iiiots int i v 7 h !i id it i i:i ii r, siil'V im..-! il ii M s s v u J s lu s tl id 7 li'tin....J 1 llntke 7H7 5 il t (I r, r, II I il 7 I (1 .M'l- nrliu'.i U H :l S ID 0 S S S S tl K 7 The hour of one o'clock having ar rived an t iljeiii uiiii ut was agreed to until 2 o'clock. Two ballots were taken after din ner. The l'ith ballot resulted as follows: McFarlin, 7; Sullivan 7; Burke V; Hor ton 1. On the 17th ballot the name of T. J. Urirke was withdrawn when a ballot was taken whieb resulted 5 for .Mc Farlin; 17 for SulPvan. The nomination of Mr. Sullivan v. tts then made unaliimou.,. W. H. Horton of Horton township, was nominated and elected chairman of the county committee for (he enstt iir year. A Boti.Kii Explosion'. Wo learn from the Joint-town Jtcinvcrc.l the facts of the fatal accident, which ari as foliows: "Ashland Furnace, near Chest Spring-", on Friday last was the scene of a frightful boiler explosion which resulted in the death of one man. Messrs. James Peary & Sou's shingle mill stands on the bank of (ieurtield creek, in wiiich aro made laths, shingles, and barrel staves. About noon the boiler in the building burst, destroying the structure Hid killing John Allen, the engineer, in stantly. The boiler was an old fash ioned stationary cylinder ull'air, and had been in use for u long time. The engineer was w orking ut the tiro when it went oil". The whole building, a two story frame, was wrecked and fell in a mass. Allen was instantly killed and fearfully mangled. The top of his head, one arm and one foot was taken oil'. His body was taken out in a very few minutes. Allen was a single man and a resident of JChest Springs. Two men were at work in the mill and both were near the boiler Neither was injured but their escape was miraculous. One of the men was reaching across a running saw and was blown clear over it, lauding safely on the other side. The building fell all around him and there was not a hole over two feet square for him to craw 1 out. Immediately after the wreck fell it caught fire from the fur nace and there was every prospect of an extensive conflagration. Fortu nately a good supply of water was in the creek near by and the fire was put out. The cause of the explosion is not known aud no investigation has yet been made. Tlie boasting of the Democracy relative to tlie soldiers voting solidly for Hancock has incited a member of the 14th Connecticut, the only regi ment from that State in General Han cock's corpsLto make a canvas to as certained the political preferences of the ex-members of that coinmaud in his own town. He reports hi follows: For Garfield, 30 honorable discharged soldiers; for Hancock, 5 soldiers, two of whom were deserters; doubtful, HifiihiiHl, Kniie ami Vicinity. 11. O. Eliithorp lias again com menced shipping bark to Sheffield. The latest way to come home from preaching is : To put out the lunteru, loose the rood and climb trees. There it a great contrast betw ceit the house Gen. Kane lived In when he first settled at Kane and (he mag nificent mansion in which he now lives. D. C. Irwin paid his sister, Mrs. H. O. Eliithorp, a visit last week. Rev. Ii. F. Merritt, of Kane, preached at Highland on Wednesday of last week. Mr. DofT and Albert amuse them selves by saying "You won't forget it will you," T. E. LePhonk. Vox Township Xolos. Heavy thrnder showers. Farmers busy sowing wheat and threshing. Tlie Democratic primary meeting was well attended last Saturday even ing. Tlie beer didn't hold out so they went for tho wine and segars. Beer and wine fres. Misses May and Heilen Little Willi their brother Ben nie were on a visit to their friends in Horton and Fox townships last week. Mr. Joel Taylor of Horton town ship has been quite sick for the past week but is improving now. During a storm last Wednesday tlie lightning struck n tree near John B. Cuneo's barn sliivcring it to pieces and knocked down Joseph Eminelt and Willie Thomas while they were unhitching the horses from a thresh ing machine ut that place. J. J. Taylor A- Co. are still build ing tenant houses at Centreville. We noticed Dr. V. Ii. Earley at Centreville one day last week looking hale and hearty as ever. Occasional. Xo Asiatic Cholera al Kric. Washington, Aug. 21. The national board of health received a dispulch tliis evening from Erie, Pa., which cfl'ecUially explodes the Asiatic chol era sensation. The dispatch comes from the health ollleer, who says that the story was started through the occurrence of two cases of cholera morbus, the only ones that hnve been reported, lie further says that ho is familiar with Asiatic cholera from years of observance of it at Vienna, Austria, and the cases at Erie bear not the slightest resemblance to it, and the story to the effect that the latter disease had appeared is entirely sensa tional and malicious. A Philadelphia eonv.- pondent of tlie Xow York Sun writes to that paper as follows: "The Democ racy of Pennsylvania was never better satisfied with its official leaders than it in this day. Dill, Chairman of the State Committee, Hopkins in charge in Allegheny, and C'assiily in Phila delphia, belong to no boss or 'action, and are making a most inte!li",ent and strenuous battle for the success of the parly us a w hole. They till vigorously urged the Harrishurg compromise, which enabled us lo preen t a nnilc.l front in tliis eamnaigii; and the wri tei' hereof is able to s:i. if his knowl edge that for that day's im'tdu.ib'e work we are mo:v ind. bled to Lewis 1). Cu-sidy III. in any other man.'' Hartford f'm,-iu' "We can nullity if we cannot prevent the frauds hy which 1 lant'in.-k will receive Hie electoral vote of Alabama, We can give t he clcclora! vote of Connecti cut to Garfield. We can give him that of New Jersey and New York. If the free, honest voters of tin; North lake the reuse of the situation there is no doubt that every Northern Stale will repudiate this attempt to laniure .he Government by plain fraud. Granting that Hancock is an honor able gentleman, Hancock drops out of sight in this contest. The fate of the Republic itself is involved in resisting the spread and coiisuiiiinatioii of the Alabama method." A Charleston correspondent of the New York Tunis telegraphs as foliows to that paper: "The announcement that the so-onllcd General H. G. Worlhingtoj, who falsely claims to be a Southern Republican, had avowed his intention to support Hancock, has afforded South Carolina Republicans much amusement at tlie expense of the Bourbon clement, which soeins utterly disgusted with this new addi tion to tlie motley forces of the North ern Democracy. 'This beats all 1 have ever seen or heard,' said a well known capitalist among a group of Broad-street brokers and politicians to-day. '1 suppose Frank Mo-cs will be the next convert. What the d 1 are w e coming to, gentlemen? When such cattle come into our party it is time for us to get out.' Several other gentlemen gave vent to their feelings of disgust, and one fearlessly asserted that if he lived in tlieNorlh his self respect would not allow him to be a Democrat. Harry G. Worthington was, as the Dcniocra'ic journals trium phantly assert, Collector of the Port of Charleston to the infinite regret of his bondsmen, who were recently brought before tlie United States Court to sa'isfy. the Government's claims against tlie ex-Collector. He came to South Carolina in 1872, and, according to the reports of Senator Cochran's Investigating Committee, bore a prominent part in nearly all the rascally transactions committed during tlie Moses Administration." Note paper a'nl envelopes, in large or small quantities at The Ai vocatk office. Cull und see our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Scrap pictures and shelf paper ut Tif kA dvocatk office: Krpiihlit'Rii Co. Committee of Elk County. H. M. Powers, chairman, Ridgway, Pa. P.eii7ingrr- (Si Mary's P. O ) Jas. Corbc, "David Leslie, Jas. Eddy. Bciiezcflo township (Beiie.clte P. ().) L. Lucore, Erasmus Morey, Jacob English. Fox township (Kersey P. 0.)- J. J. Taylor, Uriah W. Rogers, Hollis Sideliuger. Highland township (Kane P. O. McKean county, Pa .) E. ltoveiicanip, R. Underwood, John Eliason. Jay township A. E. GolT, Wced ville, P. O.; Win. P. Luce, Caledonia, P. O.j Ephraim Hewitt, Caledonia, P. O. Jones township (Wilcox P. O.) Jos. Tanibini, E. O. Aldrich, G. A. Jacobson. Millstone township (Millstone P. ().) J. W. Donahue, W. A. Irwin. Ridgway township (Ridway, P. O.) H. H. Wensel, C. D. Osterhout, J. M. Sch ram. St. Marv's Born.-(St Mary's P. O.) W. W. Ames, W. C. Spall'ord, F. Keynote. Spring Creek II. Carman, Ridgway, P. O.j William Doane, Pidgway, P. O.; (). T. Miner, Arroyo, P. . Horton township j. S.Chaiiihorlin, Brandy (.'amp, P. O.j B. A. Rogers, Brockport, P. ).; R. S. Mcintosh, Brandy Camp, P. () t'ctthig I lie Wrong ling. Ia'Ii.'Oioii Courier, The Reading Democrats sent to a large (lag manufacturing establishment in New York and bought a very hand some flag, wiiich "they Hung to the bree.e" with considerable eclat, but alter it liad been up for a few days it was discovered that it was not tlie National flag, but that it bore only seven stars, representing the seven Slates that rebelled against tlie Union. It may be imagined that there was chagrin about the lime this discovery was made. The explanation of the annoying mistake is that (he flag was one manufactured for the Democrats in some Southern Stale, and through carelessness was sent to the Demo crats in old Berks, who would will inly join their Southern brethern, sympathizing with the great struggle that was made to vindicate their principles of State severeignty by see-cc.'-sio'i, but they do not care, jus-t now lo have that sympathy so conspicuous. Hero is another" sample of Demo cratic, bulldozing in. Indiana. The j following notice posted (Ids -eck on the residence of Hon. O. C. Terry of Mo'"' Vernon, ex-Mayor of the city, explains the state of utiairs in Posey county: - "I'pir and timely warning Stranue negroes and tramps are hereby notified to leave this vicinity or sillier the consequences. We mean business. Take notice, aud govern yourselves accordingly. Vigilance Committee." K. '. Hnialley w rite to the New York Tribune from Vermont that the campaign In that niic).;it, 1 Jepiiljlieiin Stale is lively. The Democrats (hough a small party, are demonstra tive, and tlicy are being met wilh i ijually aggressive proceedings by the Republicans. It is predicted that Vermont will give 23,0oO majority for (Republican) for Governor and about the same for GarficH in , November. I udinapolis .hntrw!: "It seems that Senator McDonald 'revised' his Ml. Vernon speech a la Wade Hamp ton. A correspondent points out som. revisions made. One was the ulhi-ioii ( Senator I torn-as ''be hy po ll iticai old senator,' and another to I he late Senator (.'handler as 'a lying old scoundrel who stole (he Presi dency.' This is the way Democrats who call theniseh cs decent talk when Ibey get out among the unwashed." Ea-ton IVcc l'iT: "Mr. M.itchler Commander-in-chief of the Demo cratic forces of Northampton county, had better choke o-l' some of hisorutois if he has any regard for Hancock's interests. They lmu'e the Hancock meeting in South Easton last night us strong a Garfield curd as we could wish. They showed to the protection ists of South Easton that a vole for Hancock is a vote for free trade. That will do foi one night." Providence Joiirn'th "If the Democratic party should be successful, its Southern element would rule now, as it always has, and rightly, because it is superior in nil tlie qualities that create leadership to the Northern ele ment. General Hancock would not resist their domination and if he should attempt it ho would be eom X el led by tlie force of the parly ma chinery to yield. Southern sentiment would rule in the Administration of General Hancock as it did in those of Pierce and Buchanan.'' Harisburg Telegraph: "John A. Lemon, the Republican candidate for Auditor General, will go to Philadel phia with the largest vote any candi date for the same office ever carried across tlie bunks of the Schuylkill River. He is making a quiet and yet very aggressive canvass, impressing every eiti.eii favorably by his personal appearance, and winning friends wherever he tarries. When candi dates are made of sucli personal ma terial, parties have little trouble in making them, splendid auxiliaries in tlie struggle for principle." Indiana Democrats take to the methods of their Mississippi brethern. Mr. Barker, who was elected to the last Legislature by the Democrats, has become a Republican, and lias exposed tlie corrupt plans of the De mocracy, The other night lie was followed by these men into his father's house and whipped. One of tlie party grabbed the shot-gun and was only prevented from tising it by n lady, but the rough said, G d jou, there are lots of Democrats In this county wait ing to get a bead on you." List of Jurors. Drawn for September Term, 1880. OH AND .tl'llORS. Bcnci.el'te. Geo. Wlnslow, Benzinger. Joseph Young, John Kriegll, Joseph Fries. Fox. Hays Kyler, James McClos k"V, Willis "Kyler, Henry Largay. Highland. Levi Eliithorp. Horton. A. It. Shuns, J. S. Cham hfiiin, James Jackson, Edwin Alden. .Jones. William Cramer. Ridgwnv. E. T. Grant, Peter Gul nack, G. f. Messenger, Jr., J. li.Rice, James Gillouly. Spring Creek. Nicholas George, Thomas Rhines. St. Mary's Borough. F. X. Sosen heimcr, riiilip Fisher, Joseph Meyer. ritA vkhsi: .lruoiiw. Bone?.c(te. B. J. Jones, Hugli V. Wilson, Wallace Johnson, Dennis Taylor, John V. llunscom, B. A. Booth, (1. L. Winslow, George T. Roth rock, C. H. Window. Bcn.inger. Nick Kronenwetter, Gtoru'c Slaufer, Andrew Dippold, Jr., Anthony Bauer, John N. Geitner, Joseph Schittle, John Jesberger, John Kreckle, Jr., Henry FIcttcrinun, An thony Goetz, Paul Bush, J. J. Vollmer, ('hrisostomus Kreckle. George Stile, Joseph lluniborger, Peter Willielni. Fox. John Mosier. Geo F. Spooler, James Bixby, Daniel Corby, Thomas Sullivan, N. F. Apker, Joseph An singcr, J. A. Miller, C. R. Kelts, Smith Parker, Win. E. Hewitt, iiios. Dollinger, Uriah W. Rogers, Barney Cnnuavan. Highland. Rufus Underwood. Horton. A. S. Horton, .!. C. Mc Allister, Jack Short, G. W. Clinton, O. M. Myers, John McMauii, John J. Rower, Theodore Fox. Jav. P. h. Gardner, William Fletcher, Jr., C. J. Dill. Jones. Win. H. Devcraux, J. L. Murphy, Kit-hard Brcniiin, John Helne'ckcr, Wm. Weiderl. I'idgwav. Daniel Mi-Govern. S. A. Olmsted, "Jerry S. Stewart, S. P.. Mitchell, Win.' Fannin, G. F. Dick inson, Isaac Avery, ('. H. Rliines, C. L. Cody, Samuel W. Miles, Benjamin Muliii. Spring Creek. D. D. Davidson, William Doane. St. Mary's Borough. Joseph Diet. John Fox,. I'.. F. Lawrence, John Busch, Jr., George Weigel, Jr. Dr. Day's Cure far Head-ache is theonly remedy known that will stop an attack of sick or nervous head-ache in its commencement; it will always cure those headaches, coming on in hot weadicr when riding or on a journey ; only three or four doses, ball an hour apart, are necessary. Price oD cents a bottle. Dr. Day's Stomach and Bowel Tonic is the best remedy in use for poor appetite, weakness and trembling in the stomach, pain after eating, heart burn, soreness and gnawing pains in the stomach, nervousness when tired, constipation and other diseases of the bowels arising from poor liige-tiiiii. This medicine will positively cure t-o.-tiveiiess in every case ; and no one who is tVoubled w itli that complaint should fail to try it ; us it not only relieves, but cures. Price sl.ixi. Ask your druggist or storekeeper for th-'se medicines. Manufactured by D. B. Day Co., Ridgway, Pa. That splendid organ sold by D. S udrus & Co., WilHamsporl, l'a., for S7-3.0U cash w ith 7 stops, solid wal nut cuse and 5 'eel 'Jj inches high, is sold now for S'SO.OO with one more top and the f;rand organ knee swell additional. Write them Terms easy on long lime also. square envelopes legal lolil note paper ut Tin-: Advocati-: office. six cents a loaf at T. F. Bi!e':s' Masonic building. Jam Middletown X-Cul Saws. Jcilard's, While's and Mann's A;:cs. Tubular and O'.i Lanterns. Fi i.i:s. Diston's X-Cul Saws. Ilo.y ii toil's Lightning Saw'!. Coiin I'orri i:s. Coal Hods. Stove Shovels. Repairs furnished for any stove. Ax II A mo, us. Pick Handles. !, lb. Best Po' sh 10 cts. at No. -12 Main si reel. nllU Notice is hereby given that the ladies of the M. E. Church will hold a festival and supper in the basement of the M. E. Church, commencing- September L'.-jd, and to continue for three nights. Meals will be served both afternoons and evenings, Those attending court will do well to go there for their dinner. A general in vitation is extended to all to attend. Cili.eiis turn out and give them a runs' ug benefit. By Ouio'.it Com. Lik County Court Proclamation. Yv'HF.REAS, the Hon. L. 1). Wct niore, President Judge for the Thirty seventh Judicial District of Pennsyl vania, and Julius Jones, and (icorgt IvJ. Weis, Esquires, Associate Justices in Elk county, have issued their ore- ccpts, to me directed, for tlie time of holding of tlie Orphan's Court, Court of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Terminer, at Uidgwav, for the county of Elk on (lie THIRD MOXDAV IN SEPT., lisso, being the :10th day of tlie month, to continue one week. . Notice is therefore given to tho Cor oner, Justice of the Peace und Con stables hi und for the county of Elk, to appear in their own proper persons, with their records, inipiisitions, and remembrances, to do those things which of their oltices and in their be half appertain lo be done, and nil wit nesses and other persons prosecuting in behalf of the Common wealth against any person or persons, are requested to be then and there attending, aud not to depart ut their peril. Jurors ore requested to be punctual in their at tendance at the appointed time, agree able to notice. Given under my hand and seal, at the Sherlir's office, in Ridgway, the i(t day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. All note-head and letter-heads printed at tills office will be bound without extra charge, with our patent blotter tablet all anil see sped UiUli. Fresh Rolls, Cakes and Pies at F. Bullers' Masonic building: T. Business Cards CEO. A. RATHBOH. ATTORN EY-AT-LAVV. Main street, Rio'gWfly, Elk Co., P. Particular attention given to the examination of titles, aho to pateiit9 and patent cases. HALL & M'CAULEY " ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. , Office in new brick building, Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Ta. v82f IP. L. WILLIAMS. ... T.nle or WlnittnnvMTc), Uliysloliin nnd Stir-J.-.IM1. Iliilxwiiy. l'a- Olll --1ii Hall s Hrlck lUillillni.' (up-sliilrs).) Hcrereiicwt-J. I Smith. 11. I. Young, It. ltuloWon, Htmttnn villi-. Malm-John Kit ley, W. W'.Hrpenlnnd Cliu-lim. 'Him iirm-l.ici'il hl profession uo cesslully for inure thiol ten venrs. G. G. MESSENGER. - - DRUGGIST & PARMACEUTIST, N. XV. corner of Main and Mill streets. Ridgway, Pa., full assortment of care fully selected Foreign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis pensed at all hour day or night. vinily . . J. S. DORDWELL, M. D. ELEGIT O PHYSICIAN & SURG'N; lias removed his office from Centra street to Main street, Ridgway, Pa,, In tlie second story of the new brick, building of John G. Hall, west of the Mvde House. Office hour :l to 2 P. M. 7 to 9 T.M . HYDE HOUSE. W. II. SCH RAM, Proprietors' Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. , Thankful for the patronage hereto fore so liberally bestowed upon him, tlie new proprietor hopes, by paying strict attention to tlie comfort and con-, venienceof guests, to merit a continu ance of the same. oct-iO'liO APPLETO N'SAMERICAN CYCLO PAEDIA. This admirable work, is .now corny plelein Pi vols. EachvoluniecontalnsSliO pages. It niakes'i complete and well selected library, and no one cat a fibril to do without it who would keep well informed. Price " 00 in cloth. Sfi.uo in leather, or 57.00 .111 elegant; half Tu key. For particulars address, XV. 11 Fail-child, Poiiville, Catt. Co.u N. Y., ,who has been duly appointed agent for Elk county by C. K. Judsoh', general agent. C.STAT E NOTICE. Estate of Christopher Uhl, Jala, of Beiiinger township, Elk county l'a., deceased. Notice is hereby given that letter testamentary have been granted to the undersigned,, upon the iibove named estate. All persons indebU cd to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those hav-. ing legal claims agaii'sl tlie same to. present them without delay, In pro per order, for settlement. GEORGE SCHMIDT, 1 FP(..1ior3 MICH A EI, BAUMER, J JLtlor3; Subscribe for th6 ELK ADVOCATE; (let your NOTE PAPER, EN VELOPES, anil Oil HOMO V1&' ITIX( CA ItDS at-Tim Advocate office, over Powell & Kimo's store Kiilwuy, Pa. BEST !N THE WORLD! AND SALERATUS Which is tho samo thing. t Impnre Bi-Carb 8 oil a. or Salerata iwh it'll i the same thins;) is of a. alights y dirty white color. It may appeaa wlilte, examined by ltue-lr, but COMPARISON WITH CHURCH & CO'S ' AllM A fit) HAMMER" BRAND will ibow the diflcreiiceo - . , See that your Saleratua and Bak Ing Soda is white and PURR, a should be ALL SIMILAR. SUUSTAfC CES used for food . .. . . . Ilousokeopers who prefer bread mads wltti yeast, will improve its quality, make It riso oettcrand preventit from souring, by adding ono-null'toaspoonful of Church k Co. 'a Soda or Baleratus. Bo sure and not use too much. Th una of this with sour milk, in preference to Baking Powder, Baves twenty times its -cost.. :, 8eo one pound packao for valuable informa tion and read carelully. SHOW THIS TO YOUR GROCER.' PENNSYLVANIA RAIL KOAD Philadelphia & ErieR R- Div. WINTER TIME TABLE. On nnd after SUNDAY, November 1S7'., tlie trains on tlie PhiladeU phia & Erie Railroad Division will run as follows: WESTWARD. Kuik mail leaves Phila 11 55 n. ui 4 11 -w- r iienovo ii oo a. in " Emporium. 1 15 p. m. ' St. Mary's..2 11 p. m. " Ridgway ....2 86 p- m," " Kune ....3 50 p. m, arr. at Erte 7 65 p. uk EASTWARD. emu mail leaves Erie....'.....ll 35 a.m." " Kahe.....4 00 p. m." ' Ridjrway ....5 00 p. ni. " Kt. Mary's..5 27 p. pi." ' Emporium 25 p. pi." " Renovo 8 40 p. m." arr. at Phila t 00 a: m. .i ti t tt Wm. A. Baldwix. Generul Sup't. All kiuds of job printing, plain or in colors, neatly done at The Ar v oc ate office. Please examine our prices. Get your name neatly printed or a pack of our new cards. At' least call iyid see samples. , r ..j . New Time Table. Under the new schedule the mail and local, fraighti leave Ridgway station as follows"; . MAIL WEST - - - 2:3 " eat : : - . ..oo4 LOCAL WEST :. . . 7:isrf I