The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, June 03, 1880, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1880.
Republican Stale Ticket.
For Supreme Judge,
of Northampton County.
For Auditor General,
of Blair County.
K. of H.
Rldgway Lodge No. 1644 meets on
the 2d find 4th Fridays of each month
at 3 o'clock.
(Bppclnt from Kopublieiui National Conven
tion.) Wednesday, June 2, 1680.
Senator Hoar of Massachusetts
elected temporary chairman.
On motion the convention adjourned
until 11 o'clock Thursday morning
Uinnd Social Hall.
A Grand Ball will be given at
Hyde's Opera House on Monday even
ing, July 5, 18S0. The public are cor
dially invited to attend. Music by
Miller's full Quadrille Band. Tickets
Local Items.
June the month of roses.
Court proceedings in this issue.
The sidewalks! oh! the side
walks I !
The blackberry crop will be light
this season.
Now is the height of the straw
berry season.
Feed your potato bugs on Hour
hnd pads green.
- Look for borers about the roots of
your apple trees.
Note paper and envelopes nt the
Advocate office.
Go to Day's drugstore for the best
flavoring extract.
15 new styles visiting cards at
The Advocatk office.
Pickled Oysters in quart glass
jars. Finest in the market at Mor
gester's. At the mast head of our next issue
will he found the name of the next
President of the United states.
The next term of court on the
third Monday of September will likely
be held in the new Court House. 1
Dr. Day's stomach and Nerve
Tonic strengthens the digestion and
will cure constipation in every case.
Teachers' Institute at Penezette
June 4th and 5th. Lecturers for even
ing session. Good time is expected.
All kinds of job printing, plain
or in colors, neatly done at Tun Ad
vocate office. Please examine our
Don't fail (o call and examine
our 15 new styles cf visiting cards.
The prices are cheap, and quality the
very best.
Festival at the M. E. Church Fri
day and Saturday evenings of this
Week. An invitation is extended to
all to attend.
At present writing the state of the
Iron market is rather uneasy, and in
dications seem to point to a decline in
prices more than equal to the rapid
advance of a few months ago.
The work of rebuilding the des
troyed town of Milton U making
times lively for lumbermen, sash and
door manufacturers, and mechanics
wholiveordo business anywhere in
that section.
The newest, and nobbiest styles
of visiting cards just received at Tjie
Advocatk office. Beveled edged,
scalloped corners, bows, panels, white
beveled, chromos and several other
styles. Call and see them.
The Census Enumerator com
menced his rounds on Tuesday last
June 1st. All manner of people are
fcnjoined, under heavy pcnaltic for
failure, to answer the questions of the
enumerator fully and frankly.
The glorious rains of Saturday
night and Sunday did an immense
amount of good in this section.
Parched vegetation took a new lease
of life while sweating humanity
breathed more freely in the cooler at
mosphere. There is a rafting stage in
the Clarion river.
Fathers and mothers of soldiers
who enliste l for three years and were
killed or died in the war of the Re
bellion, are entitled to an additional
bounty of $100. Those who have not
received this bounty should make ap
plication before the 1st day of July
next as the time expires at that time.
The lowering weather of the past
few days would seem to forteil a frost
about the full of the Juin moon. Of
course every one is anxious on this
point, for while Jack Frost is a wel
come visitor on the ides of December,
his presence In the month of roses is
very undesirable. An estimate of the
loss by a June frost is something no
man can make, although it cannot
help being very great.
A case somewhat peculiar was
tried recently in the Jefferson county
court. Mr. Geo. A. Gourlcy was as
sessor In Perry township last year,
and in giving the occupation of ex
Sheriff Mitchell, a gentleman nearly
seventy-five years of age, inserted the
word "loafer." The ex-Sheriff brought
action for damages and a jury re
turned a verdict of $100 fine aud costs
of prosecution, which will aggregate
nearly three huudred dollars. Mr.
Oourley protests his Intention of
wrong, but the case was a very clear
one, aud be has a heavy bill of ex
pense to pay. This case may be a
warning to other officials, and prevent
too free use of the. names of citizens
It AH ffloUl Capacity.
Personal Items.
Pete Meenau visited Renovo last
Miss Emma Ross is again visiting
in this village.
Amos Houghtaling now works
for James Magi no is.
Tab Cuthbcrt and family have re
turned to Brookville.
Conklin, Cameron and Logan are
known as the triumvirate.
100 yards hemp carpet, one yard
wldo at i!5 cents a yard ut Morgester's
Joel Taylor, of Ilorlou township,
we noticed on our streets last Tuesday
Dave Mulquecii is putting up a
two-story addition to his house on
South street.
The Meisinger Bro. have swung a
new sign across the porch in front of
their shoe shop.
Doctor Earley is having the build
ing next to the Eik County bank re
shitigled and tilted up.
-Julana Burliiigume formerly teacher
in the public school at this place, now
leaches u select school at Wilcox.
Mike, Jerry, and Bill Slieehan,
three brothers, are working on the
garding of the court house yard.
Mrs. Kyler, of Fox township, has
in her possession two cotilinen'al bills
of the dates respectively 1773 and 1770.
Rev. Frank P. Bi'iti, of Corsica,
Pa., will preach next Sunday at the
usual hours in the, Presbyterian Chapel
and at Dagus City at 3 P. M.
J. W. Mead, of Jay township,
paid us a friendly visit last week.
He reports having suffered consider
able damage by leaooti of the recent
forest fires.
James McAfee, merchant tailor,
now occupies part of Magiiinis' Hail
as a work shop, lie has the rooms
connected by telephone with his head
quarters in Thk Advocatk building.
Rev. E. A. Squier, Pa-tor 1st
Congregational church, will lecture on
Temperance next Sabbath evening in
the School Building at 7J o'clock.
Friends of temperance wake up and
help us to save the victims of strong
It is now asserted, on what seems
good authority, that Harry English
is in Canada, and that lie has written
several letters home bearing u Ca
nadian postmark. Be tins as it may,
however, the fact still remains that
$1,000 reward has not been induce
ment enough for any man to attempt
placing the aiorcsai'l Harry lieliiucl
the grim wails of oar county hxsiile.
JoXi:s rr Sunday, May ",),
lss' .las. D. I-'uilc Noil, Iv.'q., Mr.
It. B. Jones to Miss S. E. Elliott, all
of '."spring Creek township.
riAiau.x'iiii.v Mid, in Tiiesd.-iv,
May 25, )Si0, at St. Mary's, .Air.
Cad. Harrington to Miss Jennie Mii
lin, all of liii:? plate.
MnsKNG KB Sunday, May 30, l-8',
to Mr. and Mrs- Geo. D. Messenger,
Jr., of thi place, a daughter.
Smith Saturday, May -'. 1SS"', to
Mr. and Mrs. Capi. P. it. Smith of
this place, u. dauguter.
Uoss-Suntlay, May , 1SS to Mr.
and Mrs. J. 11. Boss, of this place, a
SiwxoEXiiKim At his house
South Kersey, Elk C., I'a., May 25,
lfSSO, Horace Spanux-nberg, of coli
bumption, aged 'M years.
Ross Sundtty, May Si), 130, infant
son of J. II. Ro.s.s.
Maf.oxh At Dagus City, Friday,
May 2,lsl , Mary. wife of John .Ma
lone, aged about l years.
Mrs.Malone was taken with a par
aietiestroke two or three weeks before
her death, and never spoke a word
thereafter, although perfectly consci
ous all the time. A husband and five
small children are left to mourn the
loss of a good wife and an affectionate
mother. The funeral took place on
Monday 3l:-t.
A twel .e-vear old girl who is liv
ing with relatives ut East Coiienuuigh,
Cambria county, gave birth to u well
developed child a few days ago. It
appears that the young mother is mi
orphan, having lost her parents when
a mere babe. On the death of her
natural protectors she was taken
charge of by an uncle in Jefferson
county, with whom she lias lived al
most uninterruptedly ever since.
If her story is correct, litis uncle is
the father of bur child.
The eyes of the whole people,
with one accord, turn to the city of
Chicago anil the Republican National
Con vciilioii. l or on the wise or un
wise action ofiliat hotly may hang the
happiness or misery of a great nation.
Of course there is one consolation after
all, if Wisdom fails to hold her own
in this convention's choice, the people
at the polls on that certain day in
November may teach these party man
agers a lesson that future conventions
Will not be slow to heed. It seems to til!
honest observer that the likes or dis
likes of Cameron, Conklin or any
intriguer should not for u moment
be considered in the choice of a candi
date for the exalted office of Chief
Magistrate. But that the voice of the
great masses should bo heard and tiie
mantle of ncmiualiou be placed on
the shoulders of one worthy of the
honor. We have no fear bin
that t he result will be satisfactory to
the party and the country, but the
whispers of discontent and sharp
practice by the ringleaders make one
wish t litre were u trifle more patriot
ism in the breasts of these great men
and a little less of seliUU aim. Tun
Advocate goes to press too early to
chronicle the Convention's action in
this issue.
Light running, Latest Improved
DOMESTIC, at prices never heard of
Ufor, at Mrs. W S Service's,
llrockport Doings.
A cool, refreshing and much
needed rain came last Saturday night
and Sunday.
Fred. McDonnel, of Warsaw, has
commenced laying pump logs for
Horton's new house.
The Brockport mill will start ns
soon ai there is water enough to run
Arthur Larkin, our shoe maker,
paid DuBois a visit last week.
By our weather prophet, Isaac
Graham's report, the lir.-t and lust
snows fell the - till day of October and
''n day of May, and all together about
Id Inches, and that we will have dry
weather unlii the 21lh of June with
western wind. If the wind then blows
from the north and northeast wo will
have three months more dry weather.
W. II. Ilorlou intends to have his
new house heated by four lire grates
and register in second floor.
The young folks of this place think
tiie litl ie game e tiled leap frog is far
ahead of croquet.
James Dillon and Win. Barron
moved into camp last Friday at
Shawmut where they have a job of
cutting and peeling one million feet of
pine los on the Shawmut tract for
Short k Ilorlou.
The Bear Bun job, where twelve
hundred and eighty-live logs were put
in the run in the last live weeks, is
L. C. thinks life too short to nurse
Mi-cry and hurries across the lo.v
luu 1 that he may linger on the
mnuii.aiii lop.
There are Ia'o hundred and ten
school scholar in Horton township
and six schools.
1 t-.ins here are scarce. P-ojile are
baisiiy e.i-jaued la.'ming aud atieiidiu-j:
to tueir own a flairs generally to such
an extent that leaves tiie ilem gatherer
very Utile to do.
The clerk of this place makes a
good carriage hnr.-l'
hitched to a wheel
two young ladies.
as we saw him
barrow drawing
Tlu-:v will
i I
i io.-tivu! at the M.
E. church Saturday evening the ot ',
together with a lottery and post oliii-e
where letters will be sold for ten cent
each. Proceeds for benefit of Presid
ing EM.T of tiiis place.
Short and Horto'.i moved into
Shawmut camp la-'t Monday where
they will do a Lu'j
luiiibel'ilir bu.-i-
l. e a.
On Monday luo,
Michael Sii.. .Mil,
ki.led .' hv
, lS-O,
:, Wil.
:i lit
; i - i: i u.
!, the
, !o:,u-
l'i year.
iii:i r st'
l'''IX to.v
S luiiler
Ih'.' Eureka mine No.
The young man an I
pu.-hing out s
father oeiiv a
car load of eo:i
a 1, when a IV;.-',;
live inches thick and four feel
fell from ihi; roof u dis-auce of iieo
feet striding the unfortunate young
man on the head causm.'? detail In-
jeii.f. "
been i'
His hea l bei
We nr.; info
or le- ves of
e.t,e I V v.'.t : ..
iloa of tui- i'.J,
) - i-r,
I - ! l . i to
i'.u-.-'l tiial lb
tills mine ha
.1 o.'iho daiijici
k an 1 ha 1 bee.
to reai'e i
r.'.iue-te i
A corone.'.
Verdict we
hav y was imp uieled where
.- not yet'iie,'.
'a., May u'. A heavy
out p.inied by thunder
pa -ed over this .section
afternoon. It aiipc.uvd
Oil City,
rai a storm, ue
ami light. ilng,
ut o'clo -I; thi-
to conic down iwooi the valleys which
intersect h"iv,alid at tiie point of meet
ing raised tilings. A portion of I lie roof
of tin; Atlantic railroad bridge was
lifted ,!!' and thrown about o yar-is,
landing on the top of buildings in the
'Thi i'tl ward, tearing down leleiaph
wires in its flight. tv'iudow glasses
were broken, fail (ret s blow n down,
ami derricks demolished. It was
feared that the roof of Trinity church
in which 1, 2ut) children were holding
a union Sunday-school meeting, bad
blown off, but luckily it was not in
jured. The storm slid a '.treat deal of
damage also in the vicinity of F.ank-
I)r. Day s stiouiaeli ami .Mice
Tonic is the hist remedy in use for
j poor 'appetite,
i ill'; ill Uic stomach, pa
ti.css and treiubl-
lin idler catimr,
heartburn, sorentss and gnawing
pains in tiie i toinach, nervousness
when tiled, constipation and other
di.-cascs ol the bonds sirbing from
poor i"iL.i-.-t ion. One bottle lasts
nearly three weeks. Price f l.uO.
Dr." lay's Cure for Head-ache is
tbeoiily remedy known that will stop
an attack of sick or nervous head
ache in its commencement: only
three or four do.-e.', half an hour
apart, are necessary. Price 50 cents
a bottle,
Dr. Day's Standard Cough Syrup
will cure a cough with fewer doses
than any medicine in use. Price oil
cents a ho'.tle.
Dr. Day's Ear Drops will give
the greatest relief in neuralgia of the
face and will cure ear-ache immedi
ately. Price ': cents u botlle. Ask
your druggist or storekeeper tor these
medicine Manufactured bv D. 15.
Day, M. D., Bi.lgwcy. Pa.
Waxti:)) -D .11. Patty ..v. Co., Nurs
erymen, want a few good reliable men
to rell THKK'ii VIXlj'ii and isil HUMS
through this state. They promise
steady employment to good salesmen.
For full particulars address, 1). II.
Patty & Co., 721 Broad St., Newark,
N. J. nl mil
Wooden Pails, Wa.-li Tubs, Tin
ware, axea and ux handles at Morgis
ter's. Bread six cents ii loaf ul T. F.
B'.'llera' Masonic building.
Full line canned goods all very
cheap at Morge-ter's.
New Potatoes, Onions, and Vege
tables ut Morgester's.
Bargains in Plug and
Tobacco at Morgester's.
-The new Bakery this week.
Election Expenses,
THK cost of the contest bktweem
Washington, May 28 An amend
ment was offered to the Civil Appro
priation bill to-day to strike out the
amounts appropriated for contested
election cases, except $2,000 each to
Andrew G. Curtin and Seth II. Yo
cum. Mr. Keifer of Ohio, who made
I ho motion, fluted that the first
named had expended $15,001 in mak
ing the contest and the latter $13,000.
lie wanted the consideration of I ho
question to be postponed until Con
gress could get directly at the facts of
the matter. He said it was an insult
to those gentlemen to offer thciu only
2,000 each. The Committee on Elec
tions had recommended an appropri
ation of S,50t) each, and he himself
hail been in favor of appropriating
$10,(100. The amendment was adopted
as an amendment to Mr. Morse's
amendment, and then more than a
quarter of an hour was consumed
amid a great deal of noise and confus
ion in a discussion as to the manner
in which Mr. Morse's amendment
should be submitted. Points of order
were submitted in such profusion that
the Chair and the House seemed ut
terly unable, the former how to state
and the latter how to vote upon the
question. A vote was, however, taken
by tellers, the result of which was to
leave the paragraph in exactly the
state in which it .hud been before any
vote bad been taken in regard to it.
Mr. Keifer. though protesting that his
amendment bad once been adopted,
again submitted his motion to strike
out tli appropriations for Curtin and
This, the Chair stated, was carried,
through the confusion was so great
that it was almost impossible to know
what was being voted upon.
The largest well ever struck in
t lie Bradford regioii was reported on
the loth. It is located in the middle
oi lot, )', on warrant 2,272 of the
Bingham lands It estahli-hcs a con
nection between the several large wells
ow. icd by Gray Brothers and others,
aud proves the cxislcm-e of the most
prolific territory of any yet discovered
in this region. The day it, was struck
it flowed live hundred barrels. Mc
Keall Mi:lCf.
Ex-Governor Curtin says he "will
take oil' lii.-j coat in his Congressional
district against the nominee of the
Chicago convention." if his taking
u'X his coat against the Republican
iMiididate for President don't amount
to more than it did when he ran
again-t Yocum, and was ileu'tite 1 in a
four thousand Deinocialic district, no
body c '.I'es if lie takes tile stump Wear
ing nothing hut u shirt collar and u
pair of garters. Huntingdon Juuntnl.
.New York, May o).-J tisiice Otter-
blii'g to-day coinliiill
;ai;i.( lite action of
Ad i.e Thus, uge.i l
O.iilcy, aged si.u-.
tl without bail to
the graud jury,; S.ilali
a, and Aiili.e
Ijamii at,ed seventeen, in
institution known as the
Kites i till
"Holy fusi
ily,'" located
on Second avenue, for
etiiet'and seltiu .; lire to
i'tie ooleei was locseune
til.i- p.i illg to-
I oe L.tli.tit;;g. ti:e ilisUUilloil during the
fli-i-lll t .Kit Would cil.-MC UpO.I .1.1 .
o. being iven.
la.'.n ii.c.;aiil Hair is woman
: fades as
beauty. When it fades si
well. Wiiile it is kepi bright, her per
sonal attiuclions arc still maintained.
jy preserving the hair , re.-ii and vig
orous a yoillbiui appearance is con
tinued through many years. Those
who grieve over their failing hair
turning gray too early, sboilid know
that Aver's Hair Vigor prevents it,
mul restores gray or failing nair to its
natural color, il is a clear and health
ful preparation, containing neither nil,
dye, nor anything deleterious, ami
imparls to the scalp what is most
needed it seli.-eofpka -ant and delight
ful freedom from scurf or dandruff,
St to Jlui'iic ( A'. C.) 'J'imcs.
Willianispori, P.i., May 23.
Daniel J. B.ob-t uud Wiuiani B.
Kicb-am, who had been arrested in
ibis city on the cbi'.i;.c of having
coii;iie.-;eit niolay in iheif po .session
wive given a hearing to-.iay oelore
L ulled Si.ttes Comm. sooner B. S.
fleutly, J.'., and held in $,W bail
each lor llu-ir appearance ut the next
session of tiie Culled States Court, to
1-e heiti iu tiiis city June next. Bi'obst,
w hen :.!" icd, Was HiseovelVd trying
to hide a large number of imitation
silver dolhii'j. Kieb.-am had in his
pockclbonk two counterfeit ii.ty dollar
bitls on liie Traue.siuun's Bank of
New York. It is bciicVid that the
mi ll are members of a gang thai has
been opei.tiiog in ibis puit of the
Slate for sniiiL time. Eicb.-aui is tiie
owner of a farm u few miles from liie
city which lie acquired in such a
short I inn; as to excite sii-piciou.
-The Warren Li'tijir says: Last
Saturday morning about eight o'clock,
Mr. John Guild who was running the
til ii.ill connected with Salter Bro's.
saw mnis in aison lownsinu, aa
caught in the main shaft belt, w hich
was making about eight hundred re
volutions per minute, and was horri
ble mangled. His legs were broken
in several places, his ribs smashed
through into his lungs, ami bead ami
shoulders were cut and bruised in a
horrible manner, lie was discovered
by ;i fellow workman, who stopped
the mill as toon us possible, uud he
was released from his horrible Muni
tion Dr. Shugcrt, of Tidioute, wa
called, bin lie could do nothing for hi
relict, ami lie lingered in great agony
until evening, when death relieved
liim from ids sufferings. John Guild
was aged about t)5, and lived about
two miles lorn niaici iiro's. mill, on
the Warren road. He leaves a wife
and three children to mourn his sail
uud untimely death. His family have
the sympathy of the whole community
in their aflliction.
Court Proceedings,
Following will be found the pro
ceedings for May term of court 18'0 :
Present Hon. D.D.Wetmore Presi
dent Judge. Associates Hons. Geo.
Ed. Weis and Julius Jones.
John W. Briggs, for use, vs. R. I.
Campbell, administrator of the estate
of Thomas Campbell, deceased. Ap
peal from justice of the pence. Hull
& McCauley for plaintiff; Rathbun
for defendant. Verdict for the pla'n
tiff In the sum of $0:1.15. Motion for
a new trial and rule to show cause
Clearfield county Dink vs. C. It.
Earley appeal from award of aibiiiii
tors. Rathbun for p'aiiitiif; Hall &
McCauley for defendant. Continued
by consent.
Thomas P. Merritt vs. J. W.Brown;
case upon promises damages $'i)0.
Rathbun for plaintiff; Powers & Bu
coro for defendant. Continued.
Jordan S. Neel vs. John Wingart
ejectment for 131 ucre-i land in
Spring Creek township. Hull ifc Mc
Cauley for plaintiff; Lucore &'o
lit) for defendant. Continued.
W. D. Drake, for use, vs Kirby &
Siiverihorn; foreign attachment
damages i-2.000. Rathbun for plain
tiff; Hall iSs McCauley for defendant,
PJautiif takes a tion suit.
Geo. A. Rathbun vs. The North
western Mining and Exchange Co;
case upon promises damage 1.0J0.
Rathbun for plaintiff; Hall x. Mc
Crulcy for defendant. Verdict for
plain. iif in tiie sum of eight hundred
and ninety-one dollar and nine cents.
Ellas Mover and Jacob Moyer ex
ecutors of tiie late will and tcstamuit
of Con rail Moyer, Sr., late of Eik
county deceased, vs. lle.ekiah Moyer
appeal from justice of the peace. Lu
core k Humuiiu for pluniliif; Hall ii
McCauley for dcieiidunt. Continued
at defendants' co-t for the term.
Peter Yolk vs. Durcm: Vogel ap
peal from justice of peace. J. K,
P. llaii for plaintiff; Ames for defend
ant. Str.ckeii fro. n list, and pl.iiulid'
ordered to pay tuc costs lor the term.
T. A. Doeseii vs. Henry Ltirgiy
appeal from justice of toe peace. Ames
for plain i ill'; J. K. P. Hail tor defend
ant. Verdict lor tlcielidant.
Zemis M. Webb vs Frank C. Bow
man appeal from justice of the peace.
Ames for plaintiff; . I. K. P. Hall for
defendant. Continued at cost of de
fendant. Robert I. Campbell vs. Herman
Gorton; ejectment for 101 acres of
land, nart of warrant -"7SI, Highland
township spciiic - performance of
contract. Buthbun for plainli.i';
Hall McCauley for defendant.
W. E. Johnson vs. Julius Jones et
ah, doing business as the Beiie.ettc
Oil Co.; t-.ise upon promises damages
V-jjii, Ames for plaintiff; Hail & Mc
Cauley for defendants. Settled.
Stephen Cardoa & Brother vs.
David Eldridge apo-;j! from justice
of the peace. J. K. P. Hall for plain; Ames for de.Vn.lani, Verdict for
liie pi ibiiiff-; in do sum o.' ;'p ?.o5.
D. A. Pontius- vs. Conrad Moyer.
Jr., ease uuou promises damage-, ;-.uo
I.'.ieoie & llauih'i.i for plaiJKlif; llatli
bi.ii for ds.'ciitiaiii, Continued at co-t
of dc 't iii'.iuit.
Frank X. Gcl'ot r, !Vr iwe of Joseph
G rher v-t. Jti-hua s-ykes .ipo -al from
jll-ae of the peace. Hail iS: M.-C.-u-ley
fr plain: iff; Aim s for defendant.
Verdict for plain till' in taestiai ofi'J'd.
Mo, ion for new trial and rule to show
cause gtumed.
A i'.t t U Vi KS V I.l ST.
All the i-a- mi the Argument List
were continued.
CltlMlNAI. l.t.ST.
Com. vs. James Templcton, t rank
Murphy and .loon lteldy charged
with violation of an act entitle. I, "An
act to tine and punish tramps." De-ft-iidaiiis
Com. vs. Geo. W. New ton assault
and battery with attempt to commit a
rape. Guilty and sentenced to pay a
line of t-50 to the Commonwealth uud
costs of pros .'ft!! iou, alii undergo an
iiiiprisonmoi.i in t:ie county jail for
ike per. o i of four months, an i stand
committed un'.'-l sentence U complied
Com. vs. Geo. II. Eetrelt larceny.
Not a true bill; and defendant dis
charged. Com. vs. Frank X. .-osenheimer
luivi ny. AV.'c in-M. upon payment
oi cos 1 3
Com. vs Joseph P.cyp.o'.ds
rn ica-
tion and busiardy.
Recojiiaiice and to nest
suivt.v calletl ttiltl
lei in.
Com. vs. John Giliin, Daniel Kane, Lvnc'ii, Piiirick Walsh, and
Win. Butii' i'.oi.l larceny. Defend-
tuls discharged.
Com. vs. A. J. Rummer and Pheobe
Ri'inmer aiding and iibetting the
k liiug of l on-tiiljle Waruith. De
fendants not guilty.
Com.-vs. Wesit.v Piters larceny
and enteiiiigiiiiil in daytime locoinmit
lonv. Gui.'iv, and sentenced to re
store the nroi ertv hto.en, if not a
ready done, pay. a line of one dollar to
the Commonwealth ami the costs of
pr. sedition, and undergo an imprison
incut In the county jail for the period
of three months.
Com. vs. James Dukclow assault
ami buttery. Suite pros- entered.
The following licenses were granted
ISelic.eilc John D.uley, cattily
hou-e. Fox Fred. Kenote, tavern;
Andrew Han. James McCiorkcy, eat
ing lioiisc. Bidgwtiy Sa'yer Jackson
P. F. Bogcrt, tavern. St. Mary's
Joliu Han.-t-om, John Groll, tavern.
The following were coiuiiuied :
Jay E. II. Dixon, tavern. Bid
way John Vaughau, tavern; II. L
Paivons, blore.
Petition of Abel Gresh for an ad
ditional levy of 6 miles roud tax in
Ja' tcv-Bfchip. TeUtion raati.
Petition of citizens of Spring Creole
township for the appointment of Hi
ram Elselman ns Supervisor In the
place of Win. P. Henry who refuses to
serve. Elselman appointed.
Petition of citizens of Spring Creel,
township for the appointment of U.M.
Space as auditor iu the place of Joel
Bcckwilh who has removed from
township. Space appointed.
Petition of John Wcidcnboerner for
u special levy of road tax In Bciiingcr
township. Petition granted and levy
of ten mills ordered.
Petition of citizens of Ben.lngcr
township for the appointment of
Joseph Young constable, in place of
Frank Warniiii, deceased. Petition
granted and You ng qualified.
Petition of cdi.ens of Jones town
ship for a road to lead from the public
road hading from the Milcsbiirg and
Siilelhport turnpike to St. Mary's
road, etc. Granted and Eugene hciitz,
Valentine ,M i tier, and Anthony Miller
appointed viewers.
Petition of citizens of Bidgwiiy
township for a public road from John
Schilks' house to I he school house on
the road leading from Grant & 1 iorton's
tamo ry to Chri.diun AmiU'ber's house
iu ll'nlg way township. Granted and
E. T. Grant, Geo. U. Woodward, and
W. S. Horton appointed viewers.
Report of viewers lor a public road
leading from the llclleii mills in Hor
ton township, to 1'eiifield in Clearfield
couiiiy. at a point near E. I). Aldeii's
furmtothe public road leading from
Brockport t i B tea's mountain, ut a
point near William Hd.elt s homo in
ilo.tou township. Continued ni si
and ordered to be opened fifty feet
Report of vie .vers for a public road
to begin at a public ro id from St.
Mary's Borough to Beiizinger siding
of the P. tk E. R. R. Co.; iirmed ni
ni and ordered to bo opened litty feet
X A 1' l I i A 1 , 1 . A T t O X :i .
The fulio.ving naturalizations were
May 2i, IS"-.) Anthony Gibbons,
Beii.i.i icr; .b P. Woden, Jones.
M.i. ii I'Vr iinard Sailacli, Rldg
way ; D iv Id Robertum, Fox ; Marcel
Foley, all 1 Frederick Xuraudski, Ridg
way ; J i :i"s R-.lgcrs,lIenry Wiiiship,
and .loi.n Morion, Fox.
May 27 Peter Softstroui, Kane;
George Reiiicr, and Malnia.i ilvigl,
Register accounts conlirmed !(' ni.
ing no ji; it
s' ,! "WciKl
site I and lusnpotcJ
ttie I'ounly litioiljiiis .-tint liitd Hie jail ncal
ca-.iu an, I n e, M. t-ii ; wt'U lical niiU In a
liooU t-i,,iil)ii lei I icijniras coiud reasoiildy
III- ,'lfC f'l, 'Villi I. it- loilotviii I'Xt.-cptioiis,
vi. : i Iik- ) i :i : wiici-t; Hit-st-.-uiii pip'.' Inlcl y
pul 1 tuo l-n-1 a, i ill He-' ior tin- ,ui lnjscol lu-atii,
a, t-ti Let tiie iitiiulin:;, Ot-iit in two ii' Hit-lowt'i-
v-iis, (here is ii liolt; in e.teli cell etil in
Ine It, mi- ttituimli ulieic tiie pi j.t; passed
liirtamn :ota i a -itooi- i.l Dial, point l:s onty
c.ivere'.l iiy s io; ; piee.-.s oi' hoai-U-s naileil over
lite iiolt s. a.iU is not in any way pi olec.i'il so
us lo pre veal the i-.-ji'in up ol t lie Mime Ity u
pl-.-soht -r nail l.a.-n passin-.; nil-.) Hie jail J iti-J
irnin wiiieii c.-,e.;i)i' woniu he easily inaile.
"W'e Itoiiier lei'o.t. Ihul we llave vlsite-.t,
nntl inse-.-eiea t.'.uihiy t)i-ill.e ic.-ro...s Hie
I'tiir.oii Kivcr ni tin- inotilli of l.ik I rt-eiv itiitl
llntlil iil n .s-i.ilt't. iiat lleiet-letl i-olltliiioll,
i.:. : '1 .i" iai.i., on lite o.itsiU-.' oi" ;Ue bitie
aiK is loo-, -. 'liie plant; on lite Kii.Uu aid
eonsiJerahlN-it, f t t-.l lints lilnl;in-4 it stnno-
. iiat toisaia. I he i. tin in the hral-e Is much
iu iit-e.l .ii' i-ei.isi psunti U ii.ui ctiUM-q ia,n uy
is bail i i ns! msl I iii'i'j is a Ki'ctit- uiiaiiliiy
(il'.lrlil to.,.l a-aill.-l till- pier of tin; lilel-u
i-.tnsni' tiie tvai, r lo vas!l olll ttic lotoi'lulio.i
ol IT t. Liii-ii is M'rei Uiiv lu.s fsie.uiy ti.on
I'LeU II. WV- wteiel.l ilerel 'i" Ihal new
Uni ner no p'a I i !i e 1 1 tie uiitlue on wincli ino
sn ul .--it.e.v ali; liiiliiiK e.oi i'-.-l. 'i'a. it new
1 1 hi n I; he pt.i on Hie loau ,t ; y anil Hail ii.s tt -ml
m i n il'.,' I tie-in on top of lac oiil ones, us now
is, liley sin.til'.l he lanl single s.j us i., tive Hie
wilier n fliaiiee lo pass liniinall.w e Wtillki sil.i
Lte. l lhal in .mi' pinion not less I It inell
plal.U he ll-.etl IU eovel ill; saiil liriile. Hint it
sn uiil he painleil anil Itiut the ill illwtiott be
i.t olav velaovi,'.! Iiolil t lit- pier.
Vfc iiti'i nei' vepoi l Ui.ii liie (.'onnly Com
inissioaers are tli-.-ci vnc: ol praise ami cuni-
' lneinhii ion I'.ji' lln-ii- t iiiei.'iil servieeH unit
t-.x pinions manavetni'iil in lite ooiisii-ueiioti
ol the new euiii t House.''
1.. V. Uiri tiiiB, Furcinun.
May -J7. fssii.
Eicloy's Pun Distilled
rc- i-:xTUA(jT 2
Equal iu quality to any made, and
only'liaif Ibe price. oz. botlles l!5c.
I'lUlS o'if.
Relieve.-; Headache, Toothache, Ear
ache, .Sore llye.-, Nose-lilt ed, Bleeding
Linus, Painful, Whites,
Asflniia, Reduces Swellings, Piles, etc.
Cures Bruises, Scalds', Burns, Sprains,
Wounds, ltheiimatism, Erysipelas,
Chilblains, ..ricose e:ns, Neuralgia.
'.t your druggist- has not u'ot it
hav . liiiti order ii of liie proprietor,
lU.VZZ ? ZIYJII vlubsi'o Dnsjist.
Gi Oowilini 2t.,:t3',7 Yori.
ii l7mos
Which is tho same thing.
Impure Bl-Carb Soda or Pnlcralaa
(wbieli irtthcsuuioiniuniincfaiiliglif.
y dirty wlillc coloi-. It mny appeac
while, examlniil by luplf, but tm.
comparison with ciiuncu &
will ilttiw tUe diffci-enoe.
Beo lliat your Salorftttn R"1 Bk
Ina Soda is wliitu ond rllllB, as
IhoiUii be ALL SJ.UII.iUl SUiJSTA.1I
CES uued for food.
ITomoieopors wlto profor breid m&da with
yoast. Till improvo i: oULlity, mako It riso
totturimd rirovoutH from ncnrlng, by oMius
one-balt'tcitiitoonfulot'Cburoh & Co.'8 Roda os
Baleratu. lio eureandent usotoomuch. Tbo
nun of tuts with sour milk. In preference to
Iit-Uil;: Voivrtor, Bavcj twenty times its coat.
Sae one pittiid p ikitije fat Taluablo taorm
lion and read curciully.
All iiote-lieiuls and letter-ht-ads
ininted at this oftice will he hound,
without extra charge, with our nateut
blotter tablet all ana see tpeci
Business Cards. .
Main street, Rldgway, Elk Co., Pa'.
Particular attention given to th
examination of titles, also to patenU
and patent cases.
Office in new brick building, Main
street, Rldgway, Elk Co., Pa. v32f
Kidgwny, Elk coiuify, Pa. Office"
over R-. I. Campbell s store, Main
Street. Claims for collection promptly
attended to. ' jnelo,187d
w. l.'wili.Tams.
't, iln fr inillitnvllli'). PliynlolHii Btid fiur
cw.n. f!ilt;'uy, l a. onieeln Hull s Brick
iUUI'lin 'np-stiiii-Jii.) It'.'fi-renciwi J. V,
Smith. H. I. VtitinK, II. llulolsun, Mlriittnn
vlilc: Miinr .toliti K 1 1 ay. V. W.Urcenlttnd,
( l.irl'ia. I f sis prfictieeil fits firolKlon uc
cossfnily fur iiion- Hum ten years.
N. W. coi ner of Muin and Mill streets.
Ilidgwav, I'm., full ussortinent of care
fully selected Foreign and Domestic!
DriiL's. Prescriptions carefully dis
pi'iised nt all hours, day or night.
Has removed his office from Centra
street to Main sttreet, P.idgway, Pa., in
the second story of the new brick
building of John G. Hall, west of the
H vdc House.
Office hours :-l to 2 P. M. 7 to 9 P.M.
W. II. SCHRAM, Proprietor,
Ridgway, Elk county, Pa.
Thankful for the patronage hereto
fore so liberally bestowed upon him,
the new proprietor hopes, by paying
strict attention to the comfort and con
venience of guests, to merit a continu
auce of the same. oet-WGO
This admirable Work is now cotn
pletein l'i vols. Each volumccontainsWlO
pii';es. It m.'ikcsa complete and well
selected library, and no one can
afford to do without it who would keep
well informed. Price $5 00 in cloth,
Sd.oo in leather, or $7.00 iu elegant
half Turkey. For particulars address,
W. II. Fairchild, Portville, Catt. Co.,
N. V., who lias been duly appointed
agent lor Elk county by C. Li- Judson,
general agent.
Testate of Francis Xaverius Duell
licit, laic of DciiiMimer township,
Eil. count'.', deceased. Notice is here
by given that letters testamentary have
been grunted to tiie undersigned, upon
the above named estate. All persons
indebted to the said estate are request
ed to make immediate payment, and
those having legal claims against the
same to present them, without delay, In
proper oidcr, for settlement.
Testate of Christopher Uhl, late of
2j jieiii'.iuger township, Elk county
la., tb'ceastd. Notice is hereby given
that letters testamentary have been
j;ia'ited to the undersigned, upon the
above named estate. All persons Indebt
ed to : aid estate arc requested to make
immediate payment, and those hav
ing leal claims against the same to
present tl.em without delay, in pro
per order, for settlement.
GEORt IF, SCHMIDT, 1 -,.,,..
bllUY'S SPF.CIITC iu:ir.i)Y.
TRADE mark Is especial!yTRADEK"R,
gvh Ftfconimenil
r ' ci 1 as a n u n
'fs '? v failing cu re
jT- y for Seminal
W e a k n ess
f'XH. s permator-
J . " r .i... t I.. I.... -s'Srs
uoio.'j .luauis u tl(.y UM(l n After Taking,
deseases that follow as a sequency oil
Self Abuse; as Loss of Memory, Uni
versal Lassitude, Pain in the Back
Dimness of vission, Premature old
?, and many other diseases that
leads to Insanity. Consumption and
a Premature Grave, all ot which as a
rule are first caused by deviating from
the path of niitureaiid overindulgence.
The Specilic Medicine is the result of
a life study and many years of experi
ence iu treating those special deseases.
Full particulars in our pampnieis,
which vc desire to send free by mail
to every one.
The Specific Medicine is soiu by au
Druggists at SI per package, or six
packages fur 5;j, or will ue sent, ny
mail on receipt of the money by ad
N. 1 Mechanics' Block, Detroit, Mielv
trSohl in Ridgway by all Druggists,
every wli ere.
Harris & Ewing, wholesale AgentSf
Pittsburgh. nl2-ly
EiJhest at Vier-m aal PiilalslpU
E. & If. T. ANTIIOXY & CO.,
&'JJ i:rottiiu'((ij, .IVtc 1'orfc.
Manufacturers, lnijiorters & Dealers itl
Velvet Frames, Altums,
AndklnUi-tdgotjds"Ctlcbrltlcs, Actrebse eW
rUoor.ipJuG Materials.
We are Headquarters for everything
in the way of
Each htyle being the beet of its clasi
in the market.
Beautiful Photographic Transpaf
eneies of Statuary and Engravings, fof
the window.
Convex Glass, Manufacturer of
Velvet Frames for Miniatures and
Convex (Bass Pictures.
Catalogues of Lanterns and SHdef
with directions for using, Bent on tV
ecipt of ten cents.
: nl3 (Bit icoatbk.)