FOE TIIE FAIR 8EX. Fmshloa ITotM. Epaulets of small rosebuds are worn On white Indiffc miialln Arommam In. "TlUJ.b.a," ,h wW-lled v i a h- T ""V'" l" P,nt- , ( ng the gown are the fancy in Paris. Unlined silks of black surah are im ported to wear with black silk or grena dine skirts in the houso. Maltese nloves in cream. nrl l&i? made Witil lac in the wrist this year. Mitts are to be worn over elovps tlnn Bummer. Mitts alone should make the hand warm enough in summer. China handles for parasols are too fra. gile for general use, and are followed up in the satin covered handles, with ivorv mountings. A nam lana t 1- S A.V. l" i bee with an oval and emerald body and diamond wines, perched on a. n-nM hr "I'f tii.u pearis Imperial draeona wrnno-hf. in Bni-ii anu t-uinese cnaraciers form the em- j Vii . ? : " 1 oroiaery oi some black silk gowns which are called Oriental. White zephyr wool embroidery on white cashmere is effective if the ribs oi me leaves ana the stamens of the uowers be traced in silk. lll.L.,.. .a . . . . rt.u Biiaaes oi cough brown, inr inriinr, r..r 1!4. J Z-WT' i.m, nnu uuvir couee, ana the pale leather tints, will be much worn, as they are newer than the cream colors. Worth recently made for a customer a polonaise of scarlet Bengaline very lona - "s"j uinutu ueuinu to show a skirt covered with small ruffles of black surah. The imported gingham suits are the icbuesb oi an wash dresses. A whn pointed tongues of dark scarlet-colnrnH gmgham. Suits for young girls are made up with hooded jackets or a hood on the back of the dress itself. They are locsely fitting affairs, of dark green or navy blue chuddah or serge, or camel's- The suit with postilion basque, tablie overskirt and round skirt, is one of the prettiest designs for a simple dress of woolens bunting, cashmere, cheviot, or camel's-hair to be worn in the mornings at home, for shopping, travel ing, etc. vv a' "ilve.1 ltoyal Bridal Drease. Honiton lace owes its great reputation to its sprigs, which were at first woven into the ground, but latterly "applique." or sewn on the ground. In the course of the last century the making of the plain net ground on the pillow was a separate branch of the trade. The net was beautiful and regular, but expen sive, as mav hn iniicro tWir. n,v..i tnat the thread by which some of the "tic uiauu cobi. as much as $J50 to $52j5 per pound weight. The worker was paid in a rather curious fashion. The lace ground was spread out and covered with shillings, and as many coins as the piece would accom modate were the reward of the maker, it was no uncommon thing to pay ?500 lor a Honiton lace veil when the busi ness was in its nalmv Hnva Tho in.. tion of machines for making lace dealt a severe blow to the peculiar industry of ZZn":"1;!? "'"- tAuuui, miB. uury raiuser records that when wedding lace was re quired for her majesty Queen Victoria, it was with difficulty the necessary number of workers could be obtained to mate it. It was lirwWfuVnn 1, m.-.. Jane Bidney, wlio caused the work to be executed in the small fial,in of Beer and its environs Th(T cost $5,000; it was composed entire) ,i "n ,n",r"- gular feeding, faithful S K. .i. laPP.earance, f tor Honiton SDriffs. conneetert wi. in.. grooming, change of diet, salt al wavH I LSl"eiliLuay aiso oe given toiiorn by by a variety of ODenwnrir st.iteheS . ZZ the patterns were imniediatly destroyed so it cannot be leproduccd. irodueed i ihe bridal dresses of the Princess aoy.l, the Princess Alice and the Prin cess of Wales were all of Honiton point, the patterns consisting of natural flowers, ferns, etc. Many of the mo' e experienced hands find employment in restoring and remaking old lace, and the ingenuity they display in this direction is said to be marvelous. A Lady on Cynutaatlca. " A Lady Physician " writes to a New York paper as follows : For years past I have been con vinced that the mania for gymnastic exercise, athletic development and muscular power has been productive of a vast deal of harm. Years ago a theory in vogue for gaining health was dieting, and hundreds of people dieted themselves into insanity or the grave. Now the mania is for exercise, and hun dreds of young men, and (although it may seem a ridiculous statement) young women also, are killing themselves bv exercise." Nature rebels at ' knot ted muscles, and requires the full pay ment of a serious penalty whenever tLc folly is perpetrated of developing mus cle as a business, through the swing ing of dumb-bells and Indian clubs. The long walks which arc taken too frequently and with (mite tnn miw.l vim, under the influence of a spirit of emulation to win a bet. are productive ot far more injury than benefit. But most of all, I want to call attention to the idea of daily bathing. It is a sim ple form of suicide, lacking the element roo.toov.- .ne l""usu igno- AMUVl. . 11.1 n I II U H 1 1 I II Pill. I....... .. . . - " 1 ii nor 1 ui , uecause it 1 lacks the crimson stains and mnniriaA form oi the ordinary suicids. " Our young men are not content until meyarescruDDed bald-headed by the willing barber, and bok in their youth very" near of kin'MnHeeH inihni,. grandsires. Were rebellion raised when the whiskers are tampered with, 'and the fact that fashion benevolently and fortunatelyguards against doubt iiiey, 100, woum oe stiampooed out of ,Cuv,c BU viieituiaiiy as 10 leave tne coming man without that becoming nu ' , , . . ..t" ""jy BcruoDea sienai failure in some nther quently.when the surface of thrhnHv IS dailv denuded nf the entiVle nnHs. iv, ..! ........ I : i ' e .... I tuuruua application oi me barbarous "coarse towel," she must repair dam- ages at the expense ol the digestion or the natural eliminations of morbid mat- ler : some organ loses the harmony with its fellows which is necessary to a per- fniT nrtiiln II 1 : . . ' . I foct whole- Cleanliness is not. nnk it 'next to godliness," but'a very laree Dart oi it, and it is highly Important that of bathing should be employed as a hvei enio force; out not the shower-bath when an exhausted body is slowly wak ing from an unnatural sleep, nor a cold sponge when the day's duties have ex hausted both mind and body. To change the clothing frequently and permit a thorough airing, to expose the entire surface of the body for a few moments to the air of the room on rising and re tiring, a light brushing with a soft brush or fine towel, and a good bath once or twice a week are all that an American can do and regain health. Light exer cise br those" muscles not called into play in the daily routine is also desira ble, but . it-should be calisthenio, not gymnastic, and should not include a vig orous pounding ol the chest, than which nothing can be worse for the lungs. IF IBM, GARDES AMI HOUSEHOLD I Shield Bnddlna Fruit Trees. Pomolocigts nm nnw wltrtno-thfe r,ra. ference to budding tVer graiting in the SSuen't cases. There are several reasons for ihisi preference. Budding is more pmIIv and milnkiv accomplished t it can be done at a more convenient season j tUe operation docs not injure the stock in case of failure, as is always more or less liable in stocks headed down lor grafting, and K. ?? Pi n m.eftM ". en - iWbMJ&S & tria on the same .took f JhMffir.? trial on the same stock when the first ma not take, lo these advantages may be added, budding is preferred for all sione-iruits, such as peaches, apricots and cherries, which require extra skill in graiung, nut which are bud Jed with tase. The time for budding stocks depends upon two oonaitions; there must be a W,,o0f!apJn,ihe t?ck' J',in other w,! should not have fully com- pleted its arowth. and the shoot from which the buds are out should be in a similar condition, but with the buds that are to be used fully developed. A little practice will enable one to judge very correctly of the state of a stock in reierence to buddinir. The season for ouaain fruit trees mav he antri tn ex tend from the first of July until the first of October. Such trooa I .. T" w urow earivin me season mint rwhiiHt ..-u eariy; such as grow until late in the auiumn must oe budded later. The amerent trees come into season as fol lnnra T. I .vrro. a lums, uiiernes, apricots on r 1 11 V1 a nnniia nlina.l.. rneTa1,rpeaches. T.ffS the he work of buddimr nni.Xn th. uurK oi tue stock: parts or separates freely from the wood, and when the - f-J J r uv uuus oi tne year's growth are some what piumn and the vnnni wnnH of the ap- P'oved, modes and is largely practiced E roved modes and is largely practiced y OUr best DOmoloifistS. Hnrinn, cided cm the part to be budded, select a uiiiuuui spot ana niaue an upright in vision in tue nark irnni an innli tn inch and a half long, and at the top of uuia mane a tTrussuuc rh mar. w m A shall form a T. From the stick of buds i;ut a tuin, smootn s ice or Woorf nH DarK containinar a hn1 WiM, n,- rounaea ena oi tue knile next raise the bark on each side of the incision just wide enough to admit the Taking hold of thefoet-stelk of the leaf insert the bud under the bark oushimV it gentlv down to the bnttonf nF?h g ZSl", yTfT.r?iAeA0?m o'fhe.,n: Cision. If the unner nnrtinn rtl.o ua projects above tlK theJT Si ttImhiroffnthatPi?'l.0i completely fit. Next tie a bandar over the wound, beginning at the bottom anH i.m. fi,.mi k r...I,.r"Pm and tying firmly above, leavino-theonri and foot-stalk of the leaf only ex- In about a fortnight, after wi.. the success or failure of the h willbe apparent. If it has succeeded ftnd the stock is considerably swollen. iuuocu ui- i ciuove tne Danaage. If it uas lanea to taite and the bark still parts reaany, maKe another trial, Budding as most frm ,1. differs from ordiaary grafting, not the ;.., r . TJ 7 1 "uuucjiuuu, ii osL in us nature or enects. Jiach bud is a distinct individual, capable of be coming a tree unaer lavorable c rcuni stances. In graftinir. n hm posed of several buds is employed with wood, while in budding but a single vvuaiuciauic UUltULILV Of nnrir on H quantity of the id- oi tue ad- joining bark and wood is uaed. New lurk World. Feed for llorii There are sundry condition anl tonics Whinh Ar nftnn f.H rt and Droduce an innrpnoo flnK u..i. they must be kept i:p or the horse will ruu d.wn- and ' the end they will do accessible, exercise, even if it be hard work' .w!th ,suflic'p,nt rest, pure water, pure air in inc stable and comfort and comfnrt. nnrl quier, win cause almost any horse prop erly fed to lay on flesh, if not to become iai. a writer upon this subject, says Many good horses devour lnrce mmn. ties of grain and hay, and still continue lean and poor. The food eaten is not properly assimilated, it the usual food has been unground hay and grain, noth ing hut a change will effect a desirable iiieiauon in tue appearance of the ani mal, in case oil meal cannot be ob tainca readily, minirle a bushel nf flnv seed with a bushel of barley, one of oats auu untuer Dusuei oi inaian corn, and Inf if tta fim i vi .-I i n . n 43.. i . ii . . Kiuuiiu iiitu line meal, nils win De a iair proportion for all his feed. Or the meal of barley, oats and corn, in equal quantities, may be first procured, and one-fourth part of the oil cake mingled with it, when the meal is sprinkled on cut feed. Feed two or turee times daily, mingled with a peck of cut hay and straw. It the I mrun will eat that amountgreedily, let thequantity be increased until he eats four or six quarts at every feeding three times a . y i, lonS as the animal will eat una allowance, the quantity may be in creased a little every day. But avoid the practice of allowing a horse to stand at a rack well filled with hay. In ordpr to iiuien a norse that has run down in flt'Sh, the groom Should he vnrvnn.rt.imi- lar to feed the animal no more than he will eat up clean and lick the manger F. . i. I-, i n n . . ir . ; n uiuic aniuu express. Household Illnta. Lse white . oilcloth, bound with red, iui wan protectors DacK oi the kitchen table and under the hooks where pans, etc.. are hung. u - 1 rotato water, in which potatoes have peen scraped, the water being allowed f setl c' und afterward strained, is good v,. iTUU6.u6uiuui ui biik. geuuity, ana so cioso is tlie imitation When you clean your lamp chimneys, taat alternate strings of false and gen hold them over the nose of the teakettle' uine shown by jewelers can scarcely be when it is boiling furiously. One or two distinguished. Alourning jewelry of repetitions ot this process will make them beautifully clear, c dwci-u taiuuis ceniiv. H.ven a rnir m. Hn... nKi. lUnX ... . .l -cv. Hcu siiuum ue tieateu wiin consiaera- tion. a severe digging with a broom wears the warp and scrapes out the lint 01 me rags quite needlessly. To keep dr ed beef: Do un in thiei. ' .el' in alternate ; cover the l? wua or as0es5 8et a wo1- C ml. Ln . . J . 1 owui iin u uo maun to last a lonS time by having a yard more than tne lenStn needed to caver the stairs, or len 1mx can Cuange it so that the 8ame P'ace in tue carpet win not come uPn the edge of the stairs every time it la nut H i in ti I is put down To make bakinsr powders : One nnnn bicarbonate of soda, twelve ounces ot tartano acid, two ounces of cream of I tartar and one pound of flour; mix well through a sieve. In making biscuit use one teaspooniut oi tne powder to one pint oi nour. When making cake or omelette, take your discarded egg shells, crush them Into small bits, put them into your de- canters three parts filled with cold water o-uu. wDi,rH (nth. rrT K.n rnTii, "-Mmand, we nave come to utilize the An old farmer was wondering " why in tnesedays it seems impossible to have an honest horse-race," when a neighbor interrupted him with the remark that "its br cause we haven t an honest human race." USEFUL SHAMS. The ftnbslltnte Which IttiriiaSf Ins; nutty Has Made. One of the most noticeable features of modern times is the immense pro gress Which has been made, and the manufacturing ingenuity and scientific sum displayed In finding substitutes for expensive or scarce raw materials and articles in general demand. The fact is apparent beyond question that an is ia-t invading the domain of na llir. fllinmlnfrtt is ntialilin m t r. vn. vegeuble7yes and to artifl?ial w creditable imi- tations; mineral oils replace animal and vegetable ones lor Uluminat nir imr- poses, and the electric light is treading upon tiie neeis oi gas. The expensive outfits for the whale fisheries are comparatively abandoned whalebone and blubber from the huge marine mammals being less in request; coral insects may proceed with their submarine constructions unmolested tue sea tortoise will be pursued less eagerly for its carapace ; the ostriches oi me uescrt be less sought after; and even the great pachyderms of India and Central Africa can be soared tn he mnm usefully employed in extending the march of commerce. Under our enlight ened civilization we can now manufac ture our own whalebone, coral, tortoise shell, ivory and feathers, withiut the need ofpenetratinginto wild jungles and arctic or tropical seas for our supplies. Tk r l . i . i Aim caiiiiiuliuu oi wuiticoone in com merce will not deprive us of our un brellas. or the female sex of their parasols and corset busks. Rattans norn s apea into pimbJe bones, while steel ribs also do duty effectually for Da teen. Ivory being an expensive . material and in continual demand, has formed the subject of many patents for good fflgW.phn "LliS?Vr,?Vc "AA1 an opaq ue cement than the natural dentine The best und most effectual imitation. which takes a good polish, is the American substance passing under the name 01 celluloid Celluloid is one of those inventions of recent origin which has become a sub stitute lor manv natural raw materia la It IS a SPCCiesOf Solidified en rH inn nrn. duoed by dissolving gun cotton in cam- puur wiin me am oi neat and pressure. The applications of celluloid are now legion. As a substitute for ivory it is best known, and so nerfect is the re- Vi ow?d aPa ? Perrecfc 18 t"e 8et?b'nnce thRt ft close inspection is r quired to distinguish the counterfe ? mflnpctinn ia re. ? "'" "S1"" uouniunen the genuinl; the absence of the ff?"1,' or the caief dis- ' ??n.:V!Hu'017 Presses not only h t u l .7? Ma 6188 tl?ty 7 1V0.r? but it does not warn nor discolor with age. It is much used in making combs, backs of brushes and hand looking giasses and portraits, A,li-Kn.,v.B,,anc,.f?r9. P'!?q and ?SV"Q, said to be equal iu elasticity to those of ivory, une advantage it has over ivory is that it may be molded, so that the most delicate and elaborate articles can 5 uiaue with it at a traction of the cost oi true ivorv An pnrileaa rnpiolw rF wivis u msu oe given to cenuioid by the admixture of proper pigments. In imitation of tortoise shell it is made into such articles as combs, card cases, napkin rings, etc. The pink coral so popular for jewelry is admirably imitated with it. and so are malfiMiito and amber mouthpieces for pipes, cigar uuiucib nuu musical instruments. Beautiful fancv ornaments nrn mode of artificial tortoise shell, which is formed by molting gelatine at a moder ate ; emperature with a small amount of metallic salts, running the whole into molds, and Stain intr tho. mn.aa nritli tt re auiphate of ammonin, so as to pro ?ue an lmlt,al10';..01 tUe Kraln of natural prusimg it over with a paste made of L!?SPur,t8 f, ilm5 and ? ''"Sf? Jye. " ""' ry. iins lorms sulphuret of lead with the sulphur con tained in the albumen of the horn, and produces dark spots, which contrast with the lighter colors of the horn. Among minor products which inn been successfully imitated are meer schaum, horn and coral, by the pulp of potatoes. turniDS. or carrots. trentoH with sulphuric acid. ustnch leathers, which, as the coveted court plumes of fashion have al ways been in demand at hich nriff are not only getting more plentiiui by the domestication of the bird, instead of hunting it down in its wild haunts, but imitations of all kinds have sprung u p those of spun glass sold at from t w. . shillings to eight shillings each instead of ten shillings to twenty shillings; those made of silk, etc. It has hereto tore been the custom to work up all the odds and ends ot ostrich feathers into plumes, and even to make use of the feathers of other birds. But it was left for Yankee ingenuity to get up an imi tation, the comnonent narta nf urhin). are silk on a rattan or celluloid quill This " sham " could be easily passed off on ladies as genuine, and almost defies detection by others than experts. Cloth, in imitation of furs anH oi-;a is now made from mohair or goat's wool and the resemblance is so good that at a' few yards' distance it is difficult to tell whether it is real or imitation. It is colored to resemble seal, beaver, otter and chinchilla, and lately there has been quite a quantity made in iniit.-itmn of ostrich feathers, and used very larirel v Fmliiiinmliir.. J.., A . BWJ aw u lujiuiiifto ju uicaaco nuu manties. At the last Paris exhibition there was an imitation white squirrel Shown nut.o shaded to a light lawn Artificial pearls have lone been mnnn. factured with the greatest skill and in- oiacic giass uas replaced the more ex pens ve jet ornaments anion? the lnurer classes. Numerous patents have hppn iaunet from time to time for making imitation marble, which in practice have been more or less success! ul; by some of these an almost perfect imitation of th vh. ous shades and colors of niurbie is ob tained, ana state is made to imitate marble. Artificial stone is now made to any extent. baa bids tare to be replaced ere inn by the electrio light, mdinnir hv th progress Mr. Edison hao made with his electric lamp. Cartful tuought and ingenuity are always on the uearch to utilize wahte proaucts, ana to nnd substitutes. For instance, there is a large demand lor o tr no tnr vurlAiia in ii ii 1 1 1.. ..I . . . : . eggs Ior various manufacturing pur- There is no end to artificial produc tions, and the list might be extended indefinitely, including artilicial ice, which renders us independent of King Frost; artilicial suear. which we ... make from Btarcu or rags; artilicial weed Tol TJJ slwdust Sr straw ariiKHieprBsed iS"orlS7li parcSnt from vllti S icatuci oeuuuiB more in ae. mand, we have lormeriy neglected skins of the alii. gators, the snakes, the kangaroos, the porpoise miu omer sea mammals, and ! nshes. BrUinh 2 rode Journal. The laueh of tha school.cirl iio he! he!" A Baboon Dinner Episode. Bishon Colenan irivea thia ineiden. I the early life of a South African baboon 1 here is something quaintly human about it: It was a hot day, and a number of naooons were sunning themselves along iuc uuiium oi the 1 uonga. xuey Jay "t'"" ""eir DacKs, with haii-cJosea eyes, mbbing their stomachs in a state oi placid enjoyment. Two or three young baboons had wandered to a little dis tance down tho i Donga, searching for scorpions from stone to stone just below tue in. . xiiey were not very successful and it did not appear that their move mcnts were of much concern to their eiaers. Presently, however, one of the voune ones, turning up a stone, lit upon a par ticularly nnu ana iai scorpion, which, with a lurtive glance round at his elders, he seized and popped it into his mouth having first pinched off the sting. He at once proceeded to turn the stone over again with great assiduity, as though in lurtiier unsuccessful search for scor pions. He had not eseaned nntiee. hnwevpr for down the gully in a sluggish roll vuiua a great Daboou, who seized the young one by the scruff of his neck, aliasing mm vigorously until the plum morsel dropped from his nnne.h. TIav. ing gobbled this un. the elder baboon at uiiub regainca his lounge, and all went un ueiore m the sleepy hollow. IIome-Mnde Soda Wnter. The artificial water tnniiii Willi a taiwiuiu acia generator, is already, says the Scitntifio American, an imita tion lar lrom perfect of the natural water. A reoinn tn mnlro it scaie lor lamny use, as it were, can only give a product differing still more from - -1 "wma. v av w UUVf U1UIV11 that ot the spring. Yet the following yvuuiu iiuriy imitate tne taste anrt nrnn. m me natural water : Used Chloride nf eale.inm i irvninp Chloride of magnesium '2 grains Chloride of sodium 15 grains Citrate of iron 4 grain a in mriu acia s drachms ruearoonate of snda qa rfraniimi Water sufficient. Dissolve all the salts, ex ceptinc the un tune acia ana the hicarhnnate. in about one pint of water, and introduce tne solution into a champagne bottle. I hen having completed the requisite quantity of liquid so as to leave an empty space of about two fl uid nnnoea aaa tue tartaric acid, and immediately iwiei tno uicarDonate oi soaa, uorkthe bottle tightly, secure the cork with StOUt cord, and SPt. the hnttlp nsiHo tor aoout six hours before it is opened. It ia men reauy ior US6. Nutritions, restorative, cmictinsr. atrencrtB. ening and purilying are Halt Bitters. JNo." she said, as she sipped the cream it would take his last dime to pay ior, JNo, I never eat cake myself, but ma says she is eettine awfully hun gry waiting for a piece of my wedding- Feeble and exhausted constitutions restor ed to health and strength by Malt Bitters. The oldest pictures in the world, so fnr as is Known, are contained in t he re. entiy rebuilt ISoudah museum, nt uairo, J-gypt. Mr. J, H. Purdi:. rini;.i nf.i:n. . V., writes: I hnvn .t..;,,.j n. u .11' nu- c . . V" " " oynin ana ao not hoa Into nt nil in ,.o tu.u,neDuing it 10 my customers as being n v v p u k.u i u ivi remeuy. Sweden has now ahnuh o.onn nrimnrv scnoois, and expends each year for scnooi purposes nearly 2.250,000. In Powder Form. VW. i i. .l.ia luiu. uiiiiitw within the reach oi all. By making the medicine yourseli you can, from a 6O0. paoknRo con taining the barks, roots and herbs, mnke two bottles of the liquid Vegetine. Thousands will gladly avail themselves ot this oppor- uiiiimj, nuu uny Liitj conveniences to mnki the medicine. Full directions in every pack nge. Veeetine in powder form is nlH h .11 drugv ists and general stores. If you cannot buy it oi them, enclose fllty cents in postage stamps for one package, or one dollnr for two packages, ana 1 will send it by return mail. 11. it. otevens. noaton, Mass. A Household Need. A book on the Liver, its diseaexi and th,t rea:mem sent tree, including trui l-iver Complaint, Torpid lirer, Jaundict, L4.iuDiia, unwwue, yunsupaiion, uyspep i-.a, aiaiana, etc. Aartress Ur. Ranlnril iri itroaaway, new xork city, 14. r. The Voltain nr.r.h.u. .. Will sond their Kleetro-Voltaio Belts to the afflicted npon SO days trial. See their adver tisement in this paper headed, " Chi JO Days inai. I.yon's Heel SliiTenera keen hnnta anrl ilinu. Iraight. Sold by shoe and nurd ware dealers. In C.W. nriisnn'l CEt.EllV t CnAWnArtT.E PIl.l.S r.i pi-i-parcl oxnrfsely to cure Si.-k llt-ii.lache. Nervniii ll.-ntlm-lie, Neuialititi., SleeplessneBS, Par an.i 1111.I In-lii-btiou. hikI will nne aliv c.tse. Prlte. All rts. a Ijox. or six boxes for rill. Post free. Pariik, 1 1a AGS & Co., Wliolistle Ilririul.l5, Poitlaud, Maine Or.ler at once. SatisfucLion iiiiartiiiiuca. . CAllO. To a'l who are mnTerlnir from th arm ril lii'l't'-retloni of youth, nrvo'-a wpaknciH. i nrivilprav Ton, HlhlS OF VIIAKUK. Thia great remedy waa ills- '" uiiMiTinni, cir., i win Ri-ii'i a uei ilia mat win cure vovereu uy a umsiuiiary in aouta America, semaseir. Hiresea enveiooe to tlia itar. JOSivl'U T. INHAN Stutwn D, Neui Turk (My. . ... ronaumiition Curtrl. An ou phyakiai., retire i from p actiee, bavrS had placed In Ins linn Is by an Kast India mlwloniry the fo inula of a simii'e vegitah:i- remedy for the apeedy an I ri.H-.iuii iuir ..onsiiuiiiiinn, iwoni'murj. uatarrli. Astliina. and all Th'oat and f.unii Alleilioin, a'soa lvosi uve and radl ul cure lor Nr-rvi us Del.llity and a I ner louat .oinplali.t-, after liavina testi l its wondeiful rura in e p.w, i in tiimiMiiiclB i,f i-a-., Ima I e t It hiaduty tj niake It known to hia,iitl:ilril lell. i. Alt ate I l.y thll motive aijcl la Oesir.. to redeve human sullirliiK, I wl I semi free of cha ge to a'l who dislre it, this iciine, In Oeiuwii. French. or Kiik'mbIi with full directions tor pre. liaMii and using. Sent l.y mail by add'esI..K wits Slanip, naming this paper. W. W SUEUAK, UU Powers' mock, Roclieiri'. Y. illE MAKKETN. EW TOOK Meef Oattle Meet. Natives, livewt.. 09 04 04(4 10 oa ntAB o.i,.ii .- i . nueep...,9 LaniLa 1'oks Live..... Dressed Flo.u Ex. Htate, iroot! to fancy to a V'j & 00 ia 1 n.i Weatern, good to fancy. B no Wheat No. J Red 1 81 (is 1 82 ho. 1 Wblte i a,i4(S i u7 Rye-State B3S 94 barley Two-Rowerl State RA , 7R uoru uugradMl Weateru Mixed.... 62 Houlberu Yellow 65 (4 Oats White State 48 (3 Mixed WBtero 43 (4 Hay Ketull gradta.. 86 (4 (4 57 60 mruw Long Kyo, per owl 1 00 4 1 05 llopa State, 1879 -a (4 28 or Meae, new 11 12)4(411 20 Lard City Steam 7 laid (4 7 16 etroleuiu Crude 0 If)? Kfflned 07X viuier state ureamery. Diry.. Weatern liuitatiou Creamery Faotory. Oheeae State Factory Skirua Weatern , EHKa State and Peun 18 14 C4 23 20 17 16 14 (4 (4 (4 It 12 . 1'J 06 (4 10 14 I1 60 10 (4 l'otatoea, Early lioae. State, tbl . 1 2 1 BD.TALO. Floor City Oronnd, Mo. 1 HirlUK.. ( 25 14 76 Wheat No. 1 llarj Duluth , 1 24 & 1 24 Corn No. U Weatern 44,(4 4H Oatit State 87 14 38 liarley Two-rowed B,te , e6 14 70 ' BOaiOM. Beef Oattle Live weight Sheep Hogs 05V4 0X3.4 06(4 06K Flour Wiacoualn and Miuu.Pot an t4 8 25 Corn Mixed and lollow 13 ueia extra nuite ,, Bl (4 Bye WUte. uj (4 Wool Waahed Combing h OoUlna., 60 14 Uuwaaued. " " 0 4 BKIQHTO (HAM ) CUTTL1 MABI1T N 9) 62 4J Beef Cattle, live weight 06 9 10 08 08 Sheep., Lanjba Soa.. 06 (4 06 14 raniDKLrou. Flour Penn. oholoa and fauoy .. , . Wheat NU. 2 nea Bye SUM , f 76 , 1 31 6 a 11 (4 1 81 (4 M Corn State follow 63 14 . 4114 . n ta) ukirjniiwi...,,, ....... Dutter Creamer. ..Vtra . 41 Ji 13 V 07 Oheeae New Kork Faotorv.. 13VJI4 leiralaoia Crude . , .07 I4U7X bWnuW The Care of Dogs, Dogs are subject to accidents, and swellings or tumors of various kinds on different Darts of the body! and in suoh cases, if you do not know just what to do, it is better to consult some good autnority, sucn as tne euitor oi a urst class snorting paper, toan to try exneri merits which may or may not be for the good of your favorite. Nearly all dogs enjoy an occasional washing, and if they do not get it their skin is apt to become foul, and vermin may collect, which will prove very troublesome and difficult to remove. When the dog is to bo washed, get two large buckets full of soft water, a rough towel and a cake of soap for dogs, lor which you may be obliged to send to a dog-fancier. The water in one bucket should be lukewarm, and that in the other cold. Tie the dog in the yard or on tiie grass under a tree, and begin by Eouring a little of the warm water on is shoulder, nt the same time rubbing on the soap. Keep on in this way until every inch of the dog's body is covered wall a latner, wnslung tlie head last ana taamg care not to let the soapy water get into enner ins eyes or ears. After the dog is thus thoroughly cov ered with lather, wash it off with clean warm water, at the same time gently squeezing the hide and rubbing down ward. When the soap is all rinsed off dasli a few dippertuls of cold water over the dog and rub his jacket briskly witn tne rougu towel, men untie mm and let him have a good run, after which, when his coat is nearly dry, is the time to give him a thorough comb ing and grooming, carefully unraveling every bit of tangle or mat you may find in ins lea t ner. ( 1 lie long nair of a dog is called his " leather," not feathers.) In order that a dog may be kept in good health his kennel requires frequent attention. Not only should the bedding be always sweet and dry, but the place should be occasionally scrubbed with soap nnd boiling water, and left to be come thoroughly dry in the sun before it is again occupied. If your dog has a collar and every well-behaved dog deserves a prettv col lar to wear when he goes out for a walk be sure and take it off as soon as he comes in. Remember also that while the outside of the collar must be keDt clean and bright in order to look well, it is very important for the good of the dog thai the inside should be kept clean as well, and not allowed to becom foul. Harper s Young People. The old mausoleum of Augustus Cjo sar at Koine is being converted bv an I.:. i. i .. . 1 ' i.j 1 ,r urcuui-ct into a Bpienciia moaern lliea- ter. " I Am All Played Out " Is a common complaint. If you feel so get a pacKage ot tuanoy- w ort, and take it, and you will at once feel its tonio power. It renews the healthy action of the kidneys, bowels ana liver, and thus restores the natural life and strenrth to the weary body. Get a box and use it at once. Father Is Getting Well, My daughters say: "flow much better father is since he used Hop hitters. He is getting well alter his long suffering from a disease declared incurable, and we are so glad that he used your Bit ters." A lady of Rochester, N. Y. Ultca Herald. Important to the Tair Sex! TRW HPffiT 17 Vf2 T T I'll PFIl?TW . T sWaMm whites.) Painful Monstmation. Ulceration, Ova rian Diseaaea, Absent Menstruation, all diseases, known as lemniH weanness. i uey nave Deen used in r.nelana for years as a pemxiical and reiru atina nil . Sold bv all DniRKists everywhere. Price gl.OO per box or six boxes iur o.uu, sent ny nir.ll rrwe or post ace, securely sealed. mi it, i.ic ay ,; to., Murhanics li lock, Detroit, Mich. Wholesale AMnts for U. H. rf"Pamphltta sent free. C. N.CKITTKXTON. Wholesale Agent, Now York. UNITED STATES Patent Brokers and Inventors' ASS OOI A.TION. Patent KlL'lits sold at Private Sale and hv Pnblli- Ann. tion. Patents obtained and Searches made on the Lowest Terms. CorreEDondenca solicited. fMrrnlara unt nn application. WM. CltAWSIIAW. Manager. Cao Arch Street, FlllLAIKl.l'nlA. la tt Orlftnal CMcenuate4 Lre asal RetltMa rrna) Soap afaaer. Uiretlnna aorompaay aaca Oaa for maLtna liar. I, Hort and Toilet uap atrtcklr. tt is tua ri'il-'t.?nd trwLa. Ask roar frxxxr far slAPOai. I I, aad lake ae otlierr. HUN K SALT rr;FACTURIWa CO., WmU. 30 DAYS' TRIAL. We Will atlld AUF KIi'trn.VnttlA 1A1. . i . . I. - Eleitrlc Appl lances upon Ulai fnr :ui dava t.) llioa. aflil. ted With NertMtM hebilitu an.) j - . vt the l.lver, Kl.lneya. Itl.eunmtlatn. p.r.'i.a imniriiaTMlnl,. Adorcai Voltaic Halt o..Marihall,!llhh. VALVE ORCAN uiaia, jbh iii.ti. ii clivals Laaiaav Stilh II. luumcuot-t fn. Tot data w JJ wn4 a tlifLD PLaTFD K fiaa t sol. iV salsai ear bUdhm. Thia hualt aats axart ol In wl posKan. W tna do that lo latrudiio than . Iheii raald t.rTstwna, .00 rUlUI CTtt. lntumi-B TAX.VC01UaH W.. Pl.., UU BAiirLB r.M roe A GREAT OFFER tiZZXxSV VI Ik it, upward. Harranlnl l u nind IIiihiI l.i.ti iiiueitiaal ItHiuniiia. Mil ; I Vunlr.l. IilMatrnletl IAIAI.iiI.I i; 1-KB. HO HACK dt CO.. HjlUlily.IVY, TO THE If rou wish to see the picture of youi futuie liUntsuiid orwik, tugtllier with Dtiiue tinJ tlatfe of inurriuf, pivo yom a:e, color of eye mi l I. a r, ua I ml its (CD mont-v. or 4O011U txtit ie CURIOUS uip. to W.FOX, liojt 470, FulUuviile, K. V. YOt'NO MAX OR OLD, If fast wtu laianaat HoaaiMaM. to, laf, aaatr (tta ti Lair Wall aaa 4a, ia laavaa, aWtaaftLaa aol aai(v4t tka Li aaf tf., aVai'l kmmkmtpi, bat aaa4 .! Bit SMU fgt Urn OraM Aptuuah DiaarT ikat aaa Ma rrt fai-ad. Adiiaas. lii. OOXZklLt. IWi 10. LUaswa. Uaaa. iiist. Ju. WAIVTEO Soldiertwho did not receive f ilOO I S. JtoUIItV S111 thfhHH Who tililnis-lal ill-n In ervl c to know the new Law. A Pension 0 14 will tiiva ou ai.l-'vO Arrears. Send stamp for iaper. Koorogct uo., Wftbimigton, p. p. Rip cs,u-Io OPIUiVi Honthlne lfbltCard u 10 toltOdtas. So r till Cored. WAtVTKIr Baleawca to canraaa for tha sale ol oar Nururf Ku.k AH,lru W a S RUITH. Genera Harauriea, Geneva, N. Y. fcatabllalied ltae. uniiaren's Orab Bag I Every Grab a Prise I Something --"I aaw lfa.piiVU. VU f I 1V lUf VIM lOHf WHO tJ2f. bag. Good proflt. ChatUrbOai Co.,4H CortUpdt 8k, N V. 5 DayMSAil!I,;,nr,ut$2 Sample Free Address Agency. 159 Hudson Street, Mew Tort. WANTED i aka W . fc.a.fc Vegetine. IN POWDER FORM, 60 CE5T8 A rACKAUE. Dr. W. ROSS WRITES: Scrofula, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Weakness. B. R. STF.YiKi, Boston! I have been praetlclng medlclnefor twentjr-flve years, and aa a remedy for Borofnta, Liver Complaint, Dyapepsla, Ktieoma tlsm, Weakness, and all Disease of the Blood, I bave never found its equal. I have sold Tiorttki for seven years, and nave never bad one bottle returned. 1 would heartily recommend It to tboae In need of a blood purifier. Dr. W. BOSS, Dmuslst, Sept. 18, 1878. Wilton, Iowa,' Vegetine. ONE PACK AWE IN POWDER FORM CURED SCROFULA. HOW TO REDUCE YOUR DOCTORS' BILLS. 84 Bbemkr St., East Boston, Mass.,1 Bept. 80, 1879. ( Mr. H. B. STXTFNS-Dear Hlr: My little danRhter Btelia has been afUlcterl a long time with Scrofula, iiiffertiig everything. I employed different pliy al caus iu East Boston, but they helped her none. I bought some of your Powdcii Fork Vkortinr, and my wife steeped it and gave it to the child according to the directions, and we wore surprised lu a fortnight's time to see howthechlldhad gained in rlwh atid strength. She is now gaining every day, aud lean cheerfully recommend yonr remedy to lie the best we have ever tried. Keepeotfully yours, 3, T. WEBB. Vegetine Is Sold by all DrngKlsts. MALT BITTERS TRADE MARK TO PREVENT NIGHT RWE.VT8, to esse the cough, and arrest emaciation aud decline, no other form of malt or medicine can pontdbly equal MALT I1ITTEHH. Thie Nutrient and Tonic is rich in uourishnient aud strength. It tides the natient over tlie most critical stages of Consumption, digests and urtsiiiiilatea food, enriches aud purities Ihe blood. Prepared from Utlffrmentnt Unit anil Wmt by the MALT U1TTEIIM COMPANY. commended to Consumptives, Delicate Females Sickly Children, and tho Debilitated, aa tho most lHiwerful Ueatorative in medicine. ST TTTrVT lKhing Humors, 8raly Eruo. W I lj tiotiH, Scalp Affections, Salt 1 Jim a Ithi'iim, I'Horiasis, Soald meriere Head, Ulcers aud Soros ln UlsLAota. fallibly cured by the Ctm- OL'H A ltKMKIJIKS. which h.v performed rnirncles of healinir unnaralieled in mi dlcul hiHtoiy. Send for Illustrated Treatise. eniitaiuitig tcstiniouialH from i very i.rt of the Uut Prepared by Weeks & l'ottor, Chemists, Boston, Mass. Ho'd bv Druggists. JOSEPH C. TODD, .Ln!rineer finr Hrnrlnniat. PATERS0N, N. J., AND 10 BARCLAY ST., N Y PI.1 T In IT in .Tntn II. inn ain.l I ) . 1 w.-lj iSt-.'ani-enmnei HTTi Hull r nf rvcry (U'ruriptlon: Uolslinit pMtiiSiieryJor Mines, to. lv er and exchidve manufao tur;ri. tne new l'dtei t lUixtt-r t o. table Knglne. Tbese eniiiPBan; a urt at tnitrovi.-ii,t.nt over the oUl tlyle and ft' ft mllll niiftrit.t.1 P..r tail tVlr.,1. . i.... i..: i T" m toediMiikal purpura, facud for deicriLtlvt circular. amuure-B ouuve. J.ESTEY&CS BRA.TTLEB0R0 VI Ki position. s aMiiVIAeaVl Kir-oalUoo. TbIs wondsrfnl substance la ai-knowWIrad hv ahvrf. atans Ummalioat Ihe world to be the beat nmedy dls oovered fnr the cur of Wounds, P.urna, Hhearaatlain, n.ui L,inroiyr ruca, vauurn, iyininiaina, ac la Mrilsf that svery on saay try It, it Is put np In IK and a.1 ornl bottles for household use. Obtain It from vour ,lniw. aird jou wlU And u auptrlor la aaythlaf yan have eves . 4a ENCYCLOPEDIA. he aaoat vaMabla dacK Book ever mrtaua. a treaaary e( kM!dfe. nan baa aaver Vafore baaa paoileara in eaa vorauia, so niaca asarai aarormauosi sa avsry eabject. B'aubf ally Ulaatralaa, frUe M JK. A Wkala Library la Uae Volnnta. ) Soldaoly by nbtcrtaajMitaaaaalaal TO AGENTS t ,K " mU kun. laraM,at. , CARL' fabllahara, K.T. OWy THE VICTOR Double Huller Clover Machine If the only kind tht bmi erer bulU-U lOU bushcli of n-M lo oue day from damp aul wet ptraw. H- nd for De ncrtptive Circular and Prtca which con tales naoj lfi'.rrt con fir mini this. llaari-rattAw n Aarrlculturul I mnlcroeni Mfcr. Co. 1 Btnte. uAere vuu taw Advertittmtnt ilutfcrstowu ML' SORE EARS, CATARRH. Many people are at1Uctel with these loathsome disease, eut veiy few vor g.-t well from them; thU it owing U linpr. per treatment only, as they are rea'tlly curable II properly tn at e-i. TUIa i no l.lle boait but a fa-i I hav p'uven ovtT au-1 over atrnin ly my treatment. Send fol my nuie noK.fw to au n win u-u you al about tneM in;ittATS an-1 who I am. My Urge Book, 376 pagea, octav friee, '4. by mail.'ss Heading , Fa DANIEL. F. BEATTI'S ORGANS 17-STOP ORGANS Siib-basBi Ott- Coupler, boxed ft ih.ppeil only S07.T5. New Pianoi VI 05 to SlaOiO. Before you buy an In irument be aure to aeu niv Mnl-aiinimtr oflcr iltuntrated. free, A. M rest, UAMKL F. UK ATI Y, Wash ing tun, K.J. Sr. KueUsfi Uterine CAiacLicoa liio( the Womb, Whites, Chronic Inrfamnmtlou or or i ne womu, iiiLMtienial lleiuorruaKeor FloOiiillU. Pu 111 fill. HuoorosriiMl uuil IrrinilHr Mioib. uaiiuii,u,u. .u wu uuii ii-iiuuio rt-uieuj. oeuu Hm talearU for a jiajniihU't, with treatntfiit. cures and certillcutes from i.hyaloliiua and imtlenta, to How anh ft Bullani, Utka, X. oiJ bv uU irUMMUiy $laUi ur buillv- PENSIONS Allowe'l nniler New Law to Soldterj or their lUIrs frort oute ol dibdiare or dralli. A.ldr.., villi sumps. AL.I.KIV V. C'I,AHK, Waalilngton, P.C. KITS for "The lllbla In Pictures," V containing U) Kuruviiips by Julius Krhuorr von Caiolifrl'l. T. it work is ri uluy in lc.:i.i by Hr. s. Cbsd bourne. Wlltianis rollene; lli.bop lio.'ne, Alttany; Kev. it. ruw.iii. iauis; iia. r. i.. i'aitou, joiiu fvlule. n. W. Thomus. Geo. II. Pteke. and oihi ra. Chi, uo. ..H,, 1.1 In Ail'l.-m A HTI1UK Buri', Albany, N.Y. TWO CARBONATE MINES li tt o to ex hnnce for Krtntem Hp! Kstati. Ara local?4 U. -ir Ihe U si Mine In the camp. Will exlune at t vawatiyn 1 $-"u for each claim. For pa; ticulara atiurt;, VOUNC MEN ' aiOUUl. KVrrT arra.lnaL arm Lawa Talaaraphy tot tjm M4I Lt M 14M a lOUUl. aV-JT sTl aVlllAi-l arUaVr.IiLnavl aV Ka. II If BltaaV atioa, A.Oieta IL Tafc-itLae. Mauaaar. JaaecrUla. Wta $66 A WXEK tn your own town. Terms and s O jtnt free. A.ldrt.-a l. Haixirr a Co., Portland, Mains. AKT OF itl Vssay.lO cants, pofctpalrt. . AdOreis gtaaai hXuar. 6a aV Win Bt, Mew York. tn C9fi per day at home. Samples worth a free. a IU iJiU Addia bnasoa Co., Pnlaad,litalo. UNFERMENTE MALT AND HOPSg FEMALES fll V f i , a,, iiaifTni,i.iaiiMimr jl j !- II K 05 ri The Only THAI ACTS Al I" THE LIVER, THE BC2W , and th KIDNEYS. Th is cevnbined artionrfve it won derful power ta cure- a1' tlis'am. Why Are We Because ve alltn.o these great oritffintt ito become cfogged or torpid, anui therefore YLvwJl . "... .1- linio the blood that snouia oe erpeucau Inatvrally. Bll.KH KSKSH, PI liKH, rtSTI PATIOH. HHIM'.T OMPLlTI, I lllAUI D1SKASKH, FKMAI.E AVKAK. HKSSr.H. AMI NF.KVOtS DISOHIIEUS. hv causing free action of these crnans and restoring their poicer to throw off disease. Whr Suffer Ulllnns pains and arhest Why tormented with Piles, o;istlimtlnn t hr frlirlitened overdlsorderc-d Kidneys 1 Hliy eniinre nervoua orsic.a nraiiacnesi uhvlinve sleenloss nltflitsi Vse KIUNEY WORT end rejoiet Inl health. It if a dry. vegetable compovnd andl e.. nafkaaewlll mokeslx qta of Medicine. F. Oct it of your Drugqitt, h ftm order itr for you. Price, fl.CHi. r WSLL3, SICHABS30S CO., Prcprtetotl, 1 1, -.iwiiiwoJirnrtH11-) "v., , , , f i KT K U Ko HI zttzm?' These Bootfl ami Shoes are mivle with double) aeleai nl n hher-HncU betwrcn, aii'l will krop your feet dr jr m l wnrm. The outer 1e is prvtecterl Trom wear br .00IlllnfM HATKM KlOHKKM-hlt KTICKI HIVKTH, tmbedflrd nni clinched wlilitn llie iMMly of flie lrallier. nn. are Kintrniklerd to outwear any other nole. an-l Rave coat of repairs. All flrft-class dealer sell thesj lxot and uliopa. if tips are wante-l ti pnptT puttrrti of siie with AO crnts in ritntmw fnr mnirn size, or 4i cmU for hoja size to II. U. (JOOniUUII. 1 (Miunh St., Worcoater . Muss. or to -1 f I i.y in; Avenue, Chkago, 111., ana a palr w i 1 be ae thy m alh AN OFFER To Consumers of TEA iirf COFFEE, THE GREAT LONDON TEA CO., 801 WASHINGTON ST., BOSTON. MASS, Offer fnihicetmnts for consumers of Tea and ColTee to net up ( ttifis, and obtain tome of the many Premium which we otter: lMirtni; the past four years that we have been establish t-d in ItOrifon. we hnve sttit out over seven thou a ii it of the? Cluhorders. ltelow are a few of the ninny Premiums offered. With a Order we send a SiU tr-l'iuUrf (Tastor. With a flO Order we send an thgUsh China Tea Sri y 45 pit its. t nil n Order we wn 1 n SUvcr-riafxt (Yutor, ish and Mutter Dish, or an J-Jntf. China Decorated 7,f Ai'C of u pieres. 7 ith n 91 Ordi r we sen I a Fmuh ('m G Id Band Tut S t ot 44 pkcat or an Euy. t hiita J inner Sit of 106 l-'or a Price List of our Tf nn nti t n full list of Premiums tn i us a p-v tal, with add -est jVninlv wr ttcn. WJt:AT Ml.lMi XKt 0. SO t Wa,MI.''Kh3U Street, Itoolon, ITnaa, What Everyb ody Wants ! VHO HAS NOT HEARD AMI) READ OF I T ! Nolo tlio Followlllfjr t , . PntHisnrRa. O., M iy IS. 3l'S'rS J. X. TlAlllllS A CO Ifrt.'lnicm 1-iiiiif mn (n that fur setcrn. w- ! s Ik ili-cl with a anrere im;h. I II t M-e-l U.-lli-j't C.tli4ll ll.lirt.illl. ali i aitpr ...vr.t oil., r p., r.iiiili'.n,eaih ..f . hi. I, lu.,vea fair tria , hkh avaltJiiie uotliHt.'. 1'i.rtn? m. wnl n l . lnvs I used, no in cIMne. liy that lime I th. uuht in the first, ftum-a ol fi.ii.niii'Ullitii. My eiiu:ii lu-ln-: ino:'i- s vpir- than: ev. r, I thm Cvihih ucaI wing Al.i.K.V I fjti II I l,V M . with h has eilft tiially cuieil nip. 1 itiiacl-eiilWuislj- Mh-ve 11 t Lean eMvllent inclkiiie. ami can aun. i,u that it will alt'onl inu the hitm-ril p'.i- uratl- uou.iwii ,v ii i 11 iu any iiuiiu.i! vim ii a v r i riDinp. louialiuiy, NKWION .MUU'HY. For Sole tty all Metlli liie Denlvra. FRAZER AXLE GCiEASt. TMAT IS lisrT WHAT I SHALU rtt .tiiiKB VtVC tnkiuit'yivt i 1 16' Du TtR THIS I GREASE,: FOlt HALF. 11 V AI T. 11V1I tun Awarded the MEDAL OF HONOR at Uu Centennial and Paris Fzpaii:ions. CMcago. FRAZER LUBRICATOR CO., flaw Yorfc RED RIVER VALLEY 2,000,000 Acres Wheat Lands beat In ina World, for sale by tha St. Paul, MinneaDolis & Manitoba R.R. CO. Three dollars per aera allowed the settler for braea ! and oulUvatlou. for particulars apply to D. A. McKINLAY, aVawid foiarnl.iiliin.r, St., Paul, Minn. Trxtm acatakllsua im PENSIONS. "w Lm-w. Taooaaads af eValdlen ast been a . r . JLKMO-, w. yra 6. W. PAYKE A SOI,, CORHISG N.I, aa.'aa..a.aaaxa;u isaa. Patent Hniirk-Arrcstinu Rn. (ri iioa.inoiinti.a und or. bUlda. ertical Knttlnea with wro't turners, l.ui t ka riufety pow t'la with Suctionul boilers can't be explutled. Al) with Atitomutio Hut-Otis. From $150 to $2, 000. Send (or Circular. Stat where you saw thia. The Koran. A eiirioaHy to every one, and a neceaaltv to nil tat uiiciits of IlUtitry or Jtcllirtuit TMK KOUAS OF MolIAMMKH; traiirj.aUd f:"in the Arabic by fieorne Sale. Formerly publ nhed at $2 7A; a Dew, iH-aiitllul Tyisf, neat, edltiuu; price Hti cenUi and O tnth fnr jHtbtane. Catahtgue of niany tundard worksi, r-inaikub.y 1w in price, wilt, extra Urm t c-ubn, fife. Hay whete yon saw fids rdver(n.fiutnL Amekkak ltotta fcacMiMCK, 'lilbuim ltuildip, a , y NATRONA V Is las beat ta the Wort. It la alaohiui . brat for atertklual Punea. It Sth.ciT fi.wJ?! auaamilylar BoldbU UriJ PEWN'A SALT WANUFACTUKIWB C0.r Phil. WM $777 $u7hf fe;.,,4A,'-' P. VIOKKRY. Auuala, Maloa, V2 SZiZZZ.SKl