Wht Jutorirte, Henry A. Parsons, Jr., Editor THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1880. - i ; ENTERED AT THE POST-OFFICE AT RlDOWAV, Pa., A3 SECOND CLASS MAIL MATTER, tUpubllcan National Ticket for 1880 FOR PRESIDENT, GEN. ULYSSES S. GRANT. "8ub)ect to decision or Republican National Convention.) 5882 5333 6835 6338 6334 6315 5316 6346 5348 6379 5380 6383 5384 6387 6349 6342 5008 6353 5334 5337 5350 6351 6352 Republican State Ticket. For Supreme Judge, HENRY GREEN, of Northampton County. For Auditor General, JOHN A. LEMON, of Blnir County. Rational Repnbllcan Convention. A National Convention of the Re bublicau party will meet at Chicago, Wednesday, the 2d of June next, for nomination of candidates to be sup ported for President and Vice Presi dent at the next election. Republi cans and all who will co-operate with them in supporting the nominees of the party, are Invited to choose two delegates from each Congressional district, four at large from each State, two from each Territory and two from the District of Columbia, to represent them in Uie convention. J. D. Cameron, Chairman. Titos. B. Keooh, Secretary. 5390 6836 6287 5288 6289 4094 4992 6311 6012 6479 5479 6479 Lancaster, April 16. For several days and nights past forest fires have been raging on the Welsh mountains, Lancaster countv, destroying hundreds of acres of Valuable timber and jeop ardizing the dwellings nnd outbuild ings of many of the farmers. At night the light can be seen for miles and during the day the smoke envel opes the country for a great distance. At last accounts the flres were still raging, though not so furiously. It is impossible at present to estimate the losses. Almost simultaneously the forest that surmount the river hills in Mastic township, along the line of the Columbia and Port Deposit railroad, caught Are from a locomotive spark nnd burned with great fury. Intense excitement prevailed, and the rural population gathered in large numbers to fight the flames. Fences and even frame buildings were torn down to stay the progress of the de vouring element, which, at last ac counts had been brought under control. The heaviest loser in this region was Samuel H. Reynolds, Esq., a prominent member of the Lan caster bar. ' . f' 5478 5481 5000 4997 5981 5023 5338 5023 5479 4094 5022 5340 5001 4996 5480 5002 5013 5014 5009 61110 5024 5025 5922 5482 6482 5340 5343 5179 5024 5iT8 5011 5477 5481 5020 6C21 5015 5027 5020 5014 5027 Retnrn of General Grant. General Grant got back to Illinois Jartweek. Ho had a great reception at Carlo, where he began his military career 17 years ago. He has been in every State lately in rebellion and aid this concerning his reception : Jt is gratifying to me, and will be to you, that in every one of them the scenes, decorations, and speeches were much, the same as wc see and hear to day. The stars and stripes were floating everywhere. A great portion of the speakers in every instance were men who, in that conflict, wore the grey, and the speeches which they made show their present devotion to the flag for which we fought. This Is all we asked of them, and ihat they should respect and honor the flag and become good citizeus, and thereafter If it should be assailed by a foreign foe that they should unite with us as one people. From the assurance they gave, I believe they are sincere, and hope they expressed the sentiments of the great majority, for united as one people, united as generous rivals in building up our several States for the whole union and in a feeling of loyalty for that flag," we are a great people, the greatest Nation in the whole world. TVi tttnnrl Hiv-lrlprl wo nra tnn nmirlv 4105 4105 4105 4106 4115 4104 4S83 4S82 4959 4960 4958 4958 4961 4961 4102 -j equal, man to man, to be great and prosperous people. Let us hope there may be a genuine union of sentiment, ' a generous rivalry in building up our several States, and a national pride above State pride. 4407 4408 4886 Worthy of Attention. . We advise all our readers, wheihcr they own a foot of land or not, to sup. ply themselves with that treasure of useful, practical reliable information, the Amercctn Agriculturist, so numed because started 88 years ago as a journ al, but now enlarged to embrace a great variety of most usful reading for the Household, Children included, for the Garden, as well as the Farm for all classes. Each volume gives some 800 original Engravings, with descrip tions of Ittbor-savlng and labor-helping contrivances, of plants, fruits, flowers, animals, etc., including many large and pleasing, as well as instructive, pictures for joung and old. Tbe con stant, systematic exposures of Hum bugs and Swindling Schemes by the Agriculturist are of great value to every one,' and well save to most persons many times its cost. Altogether, it is one of the most valuable, as will as cheapest. Journals any where to be found. The cost is only $1.60 a year, or 4 copies for $5. Single numbers l¢s Subscribe at ouce for 1880; and receive the rest of thU year free, Orange Judd Company, Publishers, 245 Broadway, New York. The Advocate and the named journal for $2.60. Square envelopes and legal fold note paper at The Advocate office. 'Light running, Latest Improved DOMESTIC, at prices never iieard of Were, at Mrs. W. 8. Service's. 4945 TREASURER'S SALES OF UN S. EAT ED LANDS. "VJ OTICE lsherebyglven that.agree ll ably to an Art of Assembly passed the 18th day of March, A. 1). 1815, en titled "An act to amend an net direct ing the mode of selling un seated lands for taxes and for other purposes," and the several supple ments thereto, the following tracts of unseated lands, situate In Elk county, Pennsylvania, will be exposed to snle by public vendue or outcry, at the court house In Ridgway, in said county, on the second Monday of June next, bring the 14th DAY OF JUNE, A. D. 1880, for the arrearanes of taxes for the years 1878-79. unless the taxes are paid prior to said date: BENEZETTE TOWNSHIP. 4116 4918 41051 4106 4104 4887 4116 4110 4977 0990 4993 4105 4105 4105 4103 4060 4887 4404 4404 4400 4406 4407 4408 War. Acres. War. or Owuers. Taxes. 928 James Stokes. 74 76 84 12 125 t3 196 00 84 12 200 67 250 67 125 83 209 05 144 20 258 40 129 70 311 05 215 50 138 68 285 00 118 00 84 43 108 26 137 60 236 90 801 30 1007 1007 1067 1067 1007 1007 1067 1067 459 11 CO 1100 10G0 1100 1008 1100 990 143 1100 1100 1008 1100 800 4106 Myron Merrill, 41U I 4108 4103 82 28 1100 Jones.Hammond J:Co. 215 60 1100 Amos B. Merrill. 108 25 275 " 22 45 275 " " " 27 79 223 " " 22 71 345 Nathan W. Ellis. 64 82 458 Addison, Swartwood Co.89 53 900 Cornelius Wainwright 40 00 090 Miles Dent 293 50 600 100 224 47 80 12 70 27 18 " south end of survey 60 southwest corner 450 John Brooks. 6 6s 63 65 79 00 76 02 43 90 12 16 149 20 6 85 8 11 24 40 18 16 14 20 194 05 4103 4106 4106 4107 990 481 5.10 H.C. Spaulding. i. ,t ,i John Johnson Hczekiah Mix Andrew Dent Hamilton Dawn Win. Shannon David S. Johnson Henry Blcsh Finney & Barrows 288J 110!) 50 61 150 110 650 990 190 4107 4107 4107 4108 3108 4110 4110 4110 4110 From Fitch & Boylngton'23 80 00 Ober & English northeast corner 3 34 090 Reading.Fisher & Co.274 00 990 890 990 999 1&7 uo 157 00 232 CO Tullinger Croft & Co. -From Fitch & Boyinglon I 194 05 10 87 134 John & D.S.Johnson 302 " 11 " " 36 82 110 E.Johnson&A.Auker 26 74 605 Julius Jones 79 87 28 " " 8 34 650 Smith. McCormick.A 41-7J' 4115 Mann 108 25 1100 Cook fc Pardee 258 48 2 95 43 00 82 12 78 22 65 35 47 80 116 83 59 50 116 83 93 43 78 22 8 80 50 . Jiiihes Reilly Ralph Johnson St John & Rolhrock 4115 -S51 1040 990 1100 300 990 875 090 790 CC0 100 200 4976 4880 H. Merriman Reuben Winslow est 4095 4U92 4091 4093 4244 4245 4244 4244 4093 4(195 4373 4097 4176 4178 4077 4078 4081 1087 4097 409S 4R74 4187 Heimer & Johnson lot 32 80 10 no 9 49 29 8(i 9 34 183 13-80 Reuben Winslow Esta! e B rock way. 109 Reuben Winslow est. 200 " " " 197 " " " BENZINGER TOWNSHIP. 100 John W. Dubbs 29 35 8 10 22 28 25 75 75 25 146 140 611 823 990 200 80 220 300 600 00 000 30 Peter Garrity Hector Jackot John Milne 19 23 Peter Byrnes, 1879 tax 4 53 Nelsou J. Wimmer 42 79 , i, it Lawrence & Cassell 42 50 143 80 234 62 241 61 H7 49 15 63 41 17 73 07 122 64 22 84 215 72 12 07 4901 mo I 4177 4190 4900 4274 4274 4176 4097 4088 40f8 4186 4007 4176 4178 4189 4098 4087 4097 James Somers Smith Earley. Brickel, & Hite Avenue B, No. 8. 4104 67 Earley, Brickel & Hite Vine road, Nos. 1,37. 11 78 4100 3i Earley, lirickel & Hite Vine road Nos. 7, 15, 17, 19, & 23. 62 42 4106 1414 Earley, Brickel t Hite 401 89 4107 834 4108 806 4109 090 237 40 255 02 283 37 254 65 291 60 197 77 348 02 232 62 31 65 9 23 4110 897 4111 1025 4115 694 4110 1049 4096 4184 4184 4403 080 107 29 25 4247 4373 Brussels road, E. of No. 4886 25 Earley. Bric kie & Hite SO 8 10 Brussels road, E, of No. 34. 8 10 86 Earley, Brickie & Hite 11 21 4976 200 " " " 67 70 2357 OtO West Creek Man. & Mining Co. 4878 990 West Creek Man. Mining Co. 4879 1483 West Creek Man. Mining Co. 4944 099 West Creek Man. 28148 t 281 48 i 421 43 Mining Co. 090 West Creek Man. 481 60 Mining Co. Charles Heebner 281 60 481 4 4880 1483 2374 952 Lyman Wllmnrth est.232 84 4905 990 4887 090 4881 611J 4887 f " 4089 142 125 60 00 M'K'n & Elk Land d- Inip't Co. 281 C6 M'K'n & Elk Land & Inip't Co. 20126 John Morris 208 16 4082 4077 4889 4890 4271 4078 4078 4078 4081 4081 4087 Martin borg- Esehbach road.Nos.14, 15,16 & 17. 67 70 wine. liiack Av.B. 41 08 Wilcox tan. Co. 31 45 Rupert Waeker 14 15 Siclonia Von Ersel 130 67 James Cox 8 10 James Cox-lot 65. Proa h 1 2n 25 Lot Nos. Ridgway sr. 79 James Doyle 68 Thomas MeCormick 69 Thomas McCorniick 102 David Spillane Railroad Street. 67 Sarah Healey 1 21 ! ! 1 21 1 21 1 21 1 21 Talbot Street. Thomas Collins 17 18 36 38 39 1 21 1 21 1 21 1 21 1 21 William Shine Thomas Collins James Coyle 10 lots - between Kersey and Talbot streets Acres. 26 J. 8. Bates 3 69 9S5 4080 4i78 4091 4340 100 Georgo Wels 27 30 William Cockney 8 10 4243 25 74 John Forde 2'iV 25 25 James Donnelly 7 15 Daniel Frazler No. 7 Cherry road 7 55 3763 2020 3602 8664 3003 2019 1778 2025 2020 60 Daniel i ra.ter Nos. 8 & 6 Maple road 14 15 495 990 990 25 .76 25 79 80 275 Thomas Toiler 123 18 Johnson & Shaffer ti it Joseph Wllhelni 188 14 8 10 8 10 8 10 8 10 26 62 22 08 60 65 2027 1830 2034 Augustus Wolle 50 Jotin Kaul 13 20 622 Sheldon,SteblghiBatesl48 99 522 622 622 148 99 149 18 149 18 420 600 ' " " 119 87 " " " 171 10 it - it a 249 64 Mary Heenau Nos. 13 and 15 15 18 Mary MeGahnn no 8. 8 10 Joseph Wilhelm 15 18 Joseph Wilhelm for town lots 4 78 Earley, Brickel & Hite Ave. B 6 67 Earley.Brickel&Hite 300 38 " " " 63 39 C. R. Earley Storer av Nos. 22,24 & 26 22 27 C. R. Earley Poplar road Nos. 2 and 4 14 13 C. R Earley Olean road, Nos. 6, 7, and 8 22 27 C. R. Earley Vine rond No. 5 8 10 C. R. Earlev ' Vine rond Nos.O & 10 15 18 C. R. Earley Poplar road Nos. 16 and 17 15 18 C. R. Earley Poplar road Nos. 21, 23,25,27, 29, 31,4,8,13,15,17&19 74 71 C. R. Earley Hick ory rond, No. 17 8 32 C. R. Earley Johu Carroll 8 10 C. R. Earley Vine road Nos. 81 and 33 8 94 C. R. Earley Hick ory road Nos. 19 & 21 15 18 C. R Earley Poplar road, No. 31. 7 25 C. R. Earley Chestnut road, No. 89 8 10 C. R. Earley Chestnut road, No. 30 8 10 C. R. Earley Chestnut rond, No. 21 8 10 C. R Earley Chestnut rcl.Nos.25&27 15 18 C R.Earley-E. Chest nut road, Nos.l and 3 15 IS C. R. Earley Vine road Nos 2and4 15 18 C. R.Earley Maple road No. 11 8 10 C. R.Earley Olean and maple road No 1 9 8J 4078 1023 05 60 25 60 8 50 Edward Delehunt Vine St. Nos. 11 & 12. 10 45 Vine Stkeet. 4408 34 2463 2456 8771 3775 1799 4101 1056 220 75 4104 47 4104 71 41C4 25 4105 60 4105 60 4105 260 2034 2031 3656 4105 25 4125 42 42 50 22 25 25 25 60 60 60 25 81 19 51 C.R. Earley East . - - Maplf-foacf No.l 6 30 C.E.Earley cherry rd. Nos.O and 2 15 45 C.R. Earley Cherry road Nos.9.11 and 13 2127 C.R.Earley Cherry road Nos.3 and B 15 74 C.R.Earley Cherry road Nos.l7and 19 15 18 C. R. Earley 67 70 C. R. Earley 131 42 75 4369 4344 4453 50 4343 44-50 4248 4248 4249 4370 4243 200 400 FOX TOWNSHIP. 2735 J. S. Hyde 1,297 39 60 57 .188 481 87 207 225 00 281 49 105 144 727 208 262 990 J.S.Hyde 12 85 J. S. Hyde 16 80 J. S. Hyde 68 15 J. S. Hvde 191 00 J. S. Hvde 24 70 C R. Earley.T.Fall lot32 00 Enoch Clapp 73 05 Michael Slieehan 15 22 Earley.Brickle & Hite 67 00 " " " - 12 61 it it 2(i89 II II It HJ 4 it it 173 29 4400 4242 4212 4200 4182 4271 4370 4570 4370 4370 4400 4372 64 57 63 09 118 07 Caroline M. Prey E. R. England 806 194 33 24 70 214 38 95 80 81 97 77 63 32 60 4902 145 E. R. England Hannah Barnard Richard Gardner do do H. A. Stephens George C. White Thomas Martin Southeast corner Malachia O'Rourke Edward Bonner it it J C.ChapinEstate Eliza McGlnughliu England & Brown Joseph Wilhelm 900 500 "92 485 200 225 25 25 25 990 27 640 100 320 125 51 100 50 65 60 136 600 330 45 39 10 85 8 90 8 90 196 54 6 84 86 22 28 65 76 84 13 32 13 08 24 70 12 85 11 27 11 82 33 21 6)25 33 65 82 28 10915 200 08 222 20 8 80 2 63 20 75 Henry Clinton Witt Wm. Apple Patrick Mackin Armel Turley Joseph Wilhelm C. R. Earley Joseph Wilhelm 72 Noble Coal d- Oil Co 4247 249 4246 1 4247 ( 42451 4244 560 660 4087 25 14 60 50 171 Richard Edwards Horace Little Jacob Hartman Joseph Faberly lot 11 83 James D. Wetham A. McQuoue lot 48 26 C. W. Rigby 2 lots from M.J Earley 2 58 Wm.&Miehael Cloke- 2 lots from M.J. Earley 2 58 Henry Lan?ay 1 lot Irom M.J Earley 1 79 303Shelclon,Stebigh&Batesl01 S3 709 do do do 1 49 60 887 380 41 60 68 CO 45 7 C. R Earley do do do 15 22 92 72 106 07 10 73 12 85 14 76 do do do do Earlev 15 22 11 06 C. R. Birch lane.Nos.5 d- 10 8 35 4087 25 C.R.Earley Ht.Mary's and Centreville road 5 77 4088 4097 47 179 C. R. Earley 12 18 C.R.Earley-Cross rd Nos.l, 2,3,9,10,1114 43 43 4008 67 t Ml. Parley Caledonia rd.2and8 andS.Jof 7 14 51 1 . 4890 81"10 L-R-Ear,eT 3 14 4082 307 Earlcy.BrlckledHlte . 85 85 4083 635.42 N.western M.&Ex Co242 35 4UU4 444. 00 4005 272.05 4096 478.40 4079 70 4245 84 4244 67,70 4373 168.30 4092 60 do do 94 86 2331 do do 87 26 2504 do do 170 85 2731 do do 23 12 2673 do do 42 84 8290 do -do 29 12 2592 do do 02 09 2024 do do go 76 2504 105.40 N. western M.&EX.Co 8S 70 3143 30 do do do 15 22 61.07 490 do do do do do 24 70 198 6() 206 99 7 82 17 36 do do do do 962.47 4178 20 b.D.I. 45.50 s.&l. 1.50 do do 1 94 HIGHLAND TOWNSHtP. 8781 1000 Thomas Struthers 128 97 1000 1099 831 831 831 890 1031 106 100 Thomas Struthers 1 16 20 Thomas Struthers 113 61 C.B.Wright&Duhring 80 78 '' 80 78 80 78 87 02 99 08 11 18 12 19 49 92 92 08 16 40 0 93 84 79 128 97 36 67 Walter Bryant do " do A. Wolf Janet M. Mack Northwestern cor. Geo. Dickinson 402 954 150 Sub-division No.9 Geo.Dinklnson Sub division No. 8 Freeman Ellis John N. Lane 2034 00 2036 830 8788 1000 3752 840 1831 1005 1863 962 3761 1095 1783 962 1858 888 8760 1000 Allejrhenv bank of Pittsburg 1879 tax 61 23 John F. James ' 93 35 Martin Hart 127 14 Abner Cassell 93 35 John O.Brown 86 00 J.C.Chapln Estate on undivided oiw-hnlf C5 00 815 289 200 1000 100 J.C. Cliapin Estate 31 20 28 75 24 04 128 97 Nathaniel F.Jones Nathaniel F. Jones James Gallagher Sub-division No. 0 10 00 Chas.B.Gillis-Sub-div. Nos.2,8,4,6.7,9,8and 10 70 12 Chas. B. Gillis Sub-div. Nos.13,14,15,16 and 17 86 75 John Thompson Sub division No.5 6 95 F.E.Kennedy 9 64 Mrs. Richards 102 67 Wm.M'Knight 1879 tax 46 00 Henry M. Deckert 103 38 Jonn Nicholson 30 67 1799 800 1776 600 2034 62 90 1058 990 3778 1000 21(i4 288 0655 1019 2039 1043 36'K) 496 3762 1000 Alfred Avery 98 92 John Ryan & others 101 09 L. Wihnarth Estate 49 25 George Brooks 103 39 fS. H. Detwiler S777 4nn J George Camm 377 400J, Andpw f K..p I Georjre McKnijrht 52 17 3785 400 Thomas Griflith 128 97 2206 .210 J. B. Sterlev 21 16 3222 3221 8293 3291 3222 HORTON TOWNSHIP. 4280 1057 J. S. Hyde Vine yard run lot 250 44 4370 454 J. S. Hvde Sub-div 1108.1,2.3.4,6,7,0,11413 81 24 4279 932 J. L. Ellis 152 04 4370 26 Oeorire Dickinson . J of sub-diviajnriio.15 6 02 4370 50 Wingart & Rubel sub-divfeion No. 16 10 74 4070 50 C.M.Abert sub div. No. 20 lo 74 4371 62 Jacob Didlot Sub division No. 23. 1108 4370 .(XT Mathias Kline No. 10 1879 lax 6 45 4372 52 Mathias Kline No. 32!0 2010 8293 2588 3214 27. 1879 tax 6 64 1879 tax 6 45 4371 52 Joseph Hertzell no.27 79 lax 6 61 Pa. Cannel Coal Co. 130 22 do do do 225 60 do do do 214 40 573 952 900 577 569 900 154 41 60 26 42 Shawinut Can'l CI.co.137 17 do do do 135 28 do do do 213 40 J. C. Wellington 45 95 Noble Coal & oil Co. 1 1 62 do do 10 67 Joseph Wilhelm J of Sub-div. No. 15 6 07 Hyde & Brock way Hartshorn lot 219 89 Hyde & Brockway R. Gillis lot 7 49 2553 $075 50 75 Hyde & Brock wny G. McCullough lot 20 47 250 Hyde & Brockway 49 08 107 do do 2557 Firman lot 8 38 Hvde & Brockway 33 45 N. B. Lane & others 46 01 Henry Lor.-in Carlisle 42 82 do 97 44 John C French-W.prt40 58 J. C. Law 1 of 19 5 83 G. Wisesub-div.no.17 10 79 Geo. Wise J of 19 6 84 Geo. Weis sub-div.23.10 79 Wm. Mack 40 14 272 166 847 660 990 610 25 50 25 50 200 762.60 N.western M.dEx.col48 50 4871 1 40 83 4334 876.50 4409 865.60 do do 156 04 do do 166 88 do do 145 20 do do 5 95 43 82 do do 60 97 do do 135 52 do " do 9 56 do do 64 23 do do 81 60 do do Haven lot 195 70 4452 811 4242 28.70 42001 4188465 4272 618 4340 66 4341 325.40 4248 115.65 4255 "1 4396 J 1062.10 4451 1030.30 N.western M &Ex.col83 31 JAY TOWNSHIP. 5283 1100 Amos B. Merrill 5288 825 do do 189 10 207 75 207 75 178 84 140 65 78 09 113 57 5287 825 do do 5289 546 do do 5290 612.7 do do 4194 400 William Parker 4195 676 James Lynde 4196 989 D. K. Jones 4197 220 James Stokes 5005 990 do do 191 28 64 18 170 31 41 23 40 90 48 88 4195 200 207 245 134 115 400 70 090 1)90 900 212 090 090 200 990 300 100. 25 60 990 220 94 900 990 98 98 217 75 267 990 100 100 100 100 262 do do Sebastian Weis do do 4195 4197 4895 4899 Reading.Fisher & Co. 44 61 do do 20 60 4906 William Robinson 105 31 do do 19 25 Phjllp M. Price 129 98 do - do 129 98 do do 129 08 E. B.England 66 31 do 129 58 do 129 58 DuBois & Lowe 40 01 Richard Gardner 452 44 Hezekiah Horton 60 03 do '27 15 David Tyler 7 55 Finley.Young & Co 14 10 do do 129 98 D.W.Moore 63 53 O. R. Price 19 34 Henrv Loraine 510 85 4845 5016 5019 5006 4896 6007 5004 4892 4191 4185 4848 4897 5020 6018 4892 6030 4898 5"17 4S95 4895 4893 5032 5030 4180 5032 4194 4194 48-15 'do 610 85 Tyler & Finney 20 14 do 20 14 Woodward & Finney 43 19 Hammond. Joncs&Co. James Tyler lot 20 54 A. E. Golf 53 06 Perks & Bowman 154 90 John S. Fisher 17 25 Thos. Reiley, 1879 tax 10 25 Patric k Ueiley,1879tax 10 25 David Karskaddon 27 05 Joseph Wilhelm - - vacant lana u 5028 990 Snrine Run coal co. From seated 254 93 6031 727 S urine Run coal co.- From seated 187 83 4198 4192 4892 4899 100 Josenh Wilhelm 14 11 650 do 40 06 490 J, E. Putnam & co 128 68 852' do 92 70 JONES TOWNSHIP. 825 Robert Halsey . 175 98 193 do 41 92 990 Charles Heebner 244 30 000 . do y 244 30 20o George Dlukinson 40 30 990 Buffalo cal co 207 44 990 do 207 44 60 R. W. Brown 13 48 25 Owner unknown N.E.corner 5 90 2316 990 M'K'n&Elk IdAimptCO 171 2s 2319 890 do do 171 21 2323 990 do do ' 171 28 2320 990 do do 171 28 2329 990 do do 171 28 232 990 do do 171 28 2333 990 do do 171 28 2361 990 do do 171 28 2303 990 do do 171 28 2377 990 do do 171 28 2425 090 do do 171 28 2487 990 do do 171 28 2489 990 do do 195 80 2527 829 do do 163 64 2551 090 do do ' 195 86 2554 710 do do 144 74 2564 757 J do.- do ,. 149 43 2587 990 do do 195 30 2591 990 do do 171 28 2593 900 do do 195 86 2598 990 do do 171 28 2599 990 do do 195 36 2004 090 do do 195 86 2008 990 do do 195 36 2611 990 do do 195 30 2012 990 do do 195 38 2814 990 do do 171 28 2660 990 do do 171 28 2686 900 do do 195 36 2791 578 do do 114 21 3180 990 do do 195 36 2315 990 do do 171 28 3218 090 do do 195 30 3220 990 do do 195 36 3220 990 do do 195 86 32i,8 818 do do 160 77 3228 990 do do 195 36 3229 490 do do 88 72 3230 990 do do 105 36 3231 990 do do 195 86 8232 990 do do 195 36 3233 990 do do 196 86 3237 495 do do 88 47 3243 990 do do 194 91 8242 495 do do 88 47 8261 990 do do 196 30 8252 990 do do1 195 86 3253 990 do do 195 86 3290 100 do do 20 60 3295 70 do do 14 76 4903 990 do do 196 36 4904 990 do do 171 28 3221 Gen. Thos. L. Kane- Hardy lot 65 78 3221 40 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 3222 Keefer lot 11 32 3295 31 Gen. Thos. L. Kane Stolu lot 9 00 8295 302 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 3296 Lime kiln lot 78 92 2610 125 Gen. Thos. L. Kane- Davis lot 33 26 211 Gen. Thos. L. Urine" 'Luce lot 65 44 m Gen. Thos. L. Konc W. P. Wilcox lot 30 42 3221 1 160 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 3222 Hess lot 42 28 32221 400 Gen. Thos. L Kane 3293 Ann Swift lot 104 20 2010 100 Gen. Thos. L. Kane SterliiiKlot 26 80 2504 1 200 Gen. Thos. L. Kane D. J. M. Howard lot 62 60 25?3 f 813 Gen. Thos. L. Kane. Roberts lot tract 210 76 800 Gen. Thos. L. Kane- Erie Mining co 207 40 3290 130 Gen. Thos. L. Kane Row lev lot 34 54 2G10 i 100 Gen. Thos. L. Kane t554 Lnnuv lot 26 80 2504 128 Gen. Thos. L. Kane Duester lot 34 02 161 Gen. Thos L. Kane N.Y.&E.Mininjr coal co 42 64 60 86 39 18 21 64 15 96 29 12 232 Gen. Thos. L. Kane- Isaiah Wilcox lot Gen. Thos. L. Kane East of Wilcox lot Gen. Thos. L. Kane west of Wilcox lot Geu. Thos. L. Kane South of Wilcox lot Gen. Thos. L. Kane 2553 148 2553 80 25531 68 2610 2610 K9 Lot north of Geo. Market 627 Gen. Thos L. Kane N.Y.4 E. coal co 136 96 Gen. Thos. L. Kane N.Y.& E. coal co 127 42 Gen. Thos. L Kane 2504 490 3221 412 S2J2 509 3224 200 3290 310 3291 175 3296 26 Eric Mining company 107 80 lien. tnos. Kane Erie Mining company 132 3i Gen. Thos. L. Kane Erie Mining company 52 60 Uen. '11 ins. Li. Kane Erie Mininir company 80 98 Gen. Thos. L. Kane Erie Mining, company 46 14 Gen. Thos. L. Kane- Erie MiuinK company 7 69 3296 32C3 3291 2610 2588 4113 4112 3224 3227 3223 3229 3237 8242 8044 8111 8140 3143 3214 3225 3400 W.H.Dykeman.et atl,003 51 1025 Earley .Brickie & Hite252 81 1U73 289 897 457 360 450 445 913 818 122 398 230 900 do do do 256 00 ilcox Tanning co 34 00 do do 102 80 do do 34 29 do do 41 00 do do 52 4U do do 51 85 do do 105 90 do do 94 45 do do 15 35 do do 45 45 do do 27 25 do do 103 85 do do 125 60 do do 65 19 do do 77 30 do do 56 20 do do 140 66 do do 23 fco 3255 1108 8256 745 3257 668 8258 483 3254 1222 4846 200 MILLSTONE TOWNSHIP. 2518 900 Darrah and Moore 140 86 2542 900 do do 240 21 2596 675 William Dilworth 16126 2790 900 C. R. Earley 217 18 2518 875 L. C. Wyncoop and D. L. Patterson 80 08 2546 000 James O'Hara 217 18 2522 900 James O'Hara 217 18 2667 450 Drexel. Duhring and Wrinht 83 36 307 900 900 900 207 60 398 Owners unknown 61 29 4134 900 do do 165 70 4135 900 do do 105 70 4129 900 do do 105 70 L. C. Wynkoop 22 05 L C. Wynkoop and D. L. Paltert.011 12 22 L. C. Wynkoop and I). L. Patterson 79 39 2524 900 L.C. Wvukoop and D. L. Patterson 19315 5700 100 Owners unknown 22 3-5 2-518 25 L. C. Wynkoop 7 36 518 100 William Crispin 19 73 100 do do 19 73 50 Daniel H. Talbot.South- west corner of township II 68 900 C.B.Wright&Duhring 165 70 2532 .2302 000 do do do 1H5 70 2639 2792 2581 900 291 650 2 60 90 900 225 do 165 70 do 45 63 do do do 119 0.' do ilo(GrifinltJl tl John Wynkoop estate 5 57 M. L. Senior 27 36 R.S.Win lack 165 70 D. L. Patterson 65 05 2543 2667 RIDGWAY TOWNSHIP. 8660 1112 M.M.Scliultz,Trusteel55 55 3.01 1142 do do 239 11 3284 64 do do 138 79 8285 437 do do 68 74 4H9 467 do do - 98 86 4860 762 do do 159 89 4853 679 do do 184 24 48f4 735 do do 154 26 8288 40 do do 9 84 8259 222 do do 47 24 3264, 101ft do do 212 82. 8275 1018 8278 1085 8283 812 48481 8283 J 400 48481 8283 J 200 4395 1035 4193 225 87 4375 885 4376 1020 4389 717 M. M. Schultz trustee 213 25 do do 223 06 do do 66 07 do do 84 40 do do 42 70 do do 210 81 J.F.Tuckerman et al. Trusteo 43 63 Bostrom A Redding 8 75 Earlcy.Brlckel&Hite 189 46 do do do 198 63 do do do 131 71 - do do do 198 63 do do do 36 83 Bryant 4 Euwer 264 48 do do 220 83 do do ; . 247 00 do do 234 22 do do 130 87 H. M. Rolfe 194 76 do 24 25 do 39 36 Geo. Dickinson 44 96 do 68 16 do 17 04 G. F. Dickinson 8 76 do 4 49 M. M. Emery 10 69 Andrew McKlbbon 20 88 Asa Cummiugs '79 tax 6 67 4376 4390 4809 1020 190 916 1 4870 910 4276 1000 4286 948 628 1000 150 198 277 4392 4870 4866 4867 2101 83 40 18 60 100 45 29 48G6 James Riley 7 74 20 38 103 30 5 65 70 60 36 29 200 10 14 21 12 63 0 440 1 400 178 4862 "I 4863 J 1055 4808 80 60 u. i . Miller G. K. Crozer Charles McNulty B. F. Ely do do do James H. Mayo F. Butterwor'th lot 4864 4858 4389 4390 4C94 4394 4391 4391 4848 4389 4375 102 James Gardner 22 27 l3Sheldon,Strebigh&Bntes32 61 501 do do do do do do do 9S04 400 426 620 9G0 63 61 29 do 78 60 do 83 64 do 121 13 do 180 43 10 77 12 92 7 75 do do do do C. V. Gillis C. R. Earley do SPRING CREEK TOWNSHIP. 5797 543 1560 604 6798 532j 5796 1036 6799 316 4044 344 255 2036 1358 Rodgers & Blake 80 98 do do do do 109 07 do 60 77 do 153 80 do w part 47 49 doe do 66 12 do do do do 24 86 Bryant &Euwer do do Henry R. Moore 64 11 74 74 69 88 229 60 229 00 328 32 648 32 13 93 2748 654 2942 350 Henry Rauglit 2971 fcOO Hiram Carrier & co 2980 800 do do 2915 900 D. Carrier & others 4948 9ii0 G. Blake & others 2775 1 134 2037 1056 451 114 4556 182 46ii9 150 do do Allecheny bank of Pittsburg 1879 tax. 59 82 Jordan Neel 12 21 Geo.D. Messenger 15 41 Henry Trumau 18 11 4044 & ") Kmitli Dov& Brown lot 356 Jordan S. Neel 23 35 4551 78 Jordan S. Necl 8 67 L. F. Powers 38 59 T7r a-'ii 2792 2789 4561 200 347 100 48 C.B.WrighU-Duhring 20 0-' i.eo. w . unities Geo. W. Rliiiic-s Charles Porterflcid George W. Rhines N E. cor.of Strong lot William Kelley do do -Francis C. Ellioth do '78 tax MARY'S BOROUGH. 40 57 1241 6 47 23 83 4 0J 66 CS 6 57 2792 4469 200 25 675 100 ST. Lot Nos. 1 34 32 93,94,98,90 68 71 64 79 66 72 67 67 13 29 20 30 and 31 43, 42. 60, do do 1 19 do St. Patrick st 1 Go do Rupert street' do do do do do do 2 30 do do do do do do do do do Benedict st' do do 1 60 do do do do 1 34 do Erin street 1 5o 68, 62, 43 44 and 15 Ridgway Farm & Coal co. centre street 7 50 35,36,37,38 39,40, 41 & Ridgway Farm & Coal co. Maurice street 13 35 half of 30 I 13 Ridgway Farm & Coal co. Lewis street 2 30 51 Dennis Boyer Ruprt.st. 184 65, 73, 65, Owners unknon ruprt.st 1 99 30 and 31, J. J" Ryan Benedict st. 1 65 21,27,33. 160vnrs unknon benedic st2 So 98 James Coyle, Patrick st. 1 84 93 and 94 John Kelly Patrick st. 1 65 87 and 88 Isabella O Conner pat. st 1 t o 102. 103 J. Slieridan. I'atncK st. 1 w 82,83,84,91,92 Owners unknown 95,100,101 Patrick street 3 60 89 and 90, A. M. Dermott, Pat.st. 1 65 us rat latiiertv. Walbur- ger 6treet 1 30 63. 64. 65. J.Moran.Walbureer st. 1 99 16. 62, 69, Owners unknown, Wal- buruer street 1 99 72 Own era unknown. Wal- burcer street 1 84 60 J. Comesky, John st. 1 34 jonn uixon, Liouisstreetl 84 4,9, 11, 15 I Owners unknown. and 17 Louis street 2 64 20 22 & 39 Owners unknown Sham rock street 1 81 37,44,35,36 Jas.Boyle, Erin street 2 3" 60 and 67 Owners unknon, Erin st 1 65 At and 47 Ueo.ltl. Weis shamrok sti uo 42, 43, 60 do Erin street I 99 1U4 do do 1 B4 Geo. Greirorv.3 acres frm Rev. Louis Cartuyvall 5 89 16 and 17 Geo. Weis, Louis street 1 65 14 and 34 do Benedict st. 1 65 29 and 30 do Shamrock st. 1 65 15 C. R. Earley, Louis st. 1 84 120 Ed. M'Hugh&Co. 05 61 SEATED LIST. Returned by collectors upon which there could not oe lounii Humcirni personal property to pay me several tuxes H8segeu tntreou UENZINGKR lOWNSHU'. Was Acnr.K lib William C. Young.78-'79 lax 32 Patrick McPhllumy. " " Francis Uerg. I lot, " " SH Edwurd liable, lots, '70 " FOX TOWNSHIP. J. C. Hurke, hoi.xe uud lot In Centreville, '77-'7S tax 200 Bheldtiii.StrcliiKh & Utiles Wels & Hons lot '77- 78 tnx. 83 51 75 3 lu 5 3 ISO 46 60 28 08 11 48 100 10 60 60 70 Peter liollohaugh, '77-'78 tax, Adam Fmlth, T7 Jucol) Hniitli, '77 1 Henry Mouther, '78 2 3: 2 3; 14 OU HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP. 8780 137$ u. lii alium, '71) tux. 7 19 HOUTON TOWNSHIP. 21 Able a. Sparks, '75 tax. 174 at j uiricK v eisn, " .27 JAY TOWNSHIP 66 Hout. Rothrock.Mill lot, '77 tax. 276 12 " " no 2 Jnii.M.lSuteman.A house 3 60 MILLSTONE TOWNSHIP, 60 Geo. W. Smith, 78 tax. 198 24 James Oeorge, " 1 6u b .'KING CHEEK TOWNSHIP, 2962 1000 Bowman Bros..'77.,78-'79 tax. 104 87 7i)0 H,K.MooreS(U. 40 82 2792 831 Geo.Proeius 3035 4o(9 80 William Kelly. " " 243 1U) C. W. Porterlleld " " 2 78 86 G.W. Khlues. 299 25 ltosannah S.George. " " lot) 8T. MARY'S BOROUGH. Lot Nos. 83, 84, 86, Leonard B. Cook. Bhamrock Street. '77 tax. 1 00 a wuani o, iwa, l.ouis trW'78Ux 33a i Bebnstlnn Klfonlmupr, Wnl 1 bnrurer street, 7B-'7Stnx. ludepmtlont I Ire CO., No, 1 and bullillnx, '78 tnx. 8 .Tolin Hofl'mun.A lioune'78 tas 13 nnd l,Mloliael Hennery, Ontro . mreel '77 In " 12 and 14, Michael ilentittay, Mnurloo Mi-pet '7H tajt. 312 680 10 12 10.90 6 SO 20 6 76 (I OS 6 76 N. A C. Krohenwettr, and new itHble.78 tax. John M'Olll, Mill Rt '78 tnx. J no. M'Mnhon ft hollRO '78 tax. Adam Jesberger, Kt.Mary' nueei, o lax Martin Sore'. 7R ht . 66, t 7, 13, f u, Mcnuitre. PiinitirorK Frm John nnd fxinl8KW.'77-'78 tax,2 43 Edward liable ahop and houce Centre nt, 78 tux. 600 Edward Bnbte, Aiaurtue t.'78 " 1 64 Don. WIMmnu an. I hhiu. TT ft UA and 4 13and 14, Mnrtln Borg, Amandud street, 77 tax, 1 25 2 Martin Borg, " 4 15 Mnrtln Borx.hnufte ft lot.'Tf tax. S 00 ouuiiAEL BKUNJNER, Treasurer. Treasurer' Oflloe, Ridgway, Pa., April 1st, 180. EW LIVERY STABLE IN RIDGWAY. DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO inform the citizens of Ridgway, and I he public generally, that he has started a Livery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. fi&-He will also do job teaming. Stable on Elk street. All orders left at the Post Office will receive prompt attention. Aug201871tl l&OETASnJ' V Bu been In constant use bj the public lor over twenty years, vjj, and is the best preparation ever Invented for RESTOR ING GRAY HAIR TO ITS YOUTHFUL COLOR AND The State Assayer and Chemist of Mass. and leading endorse and it as a great triumph in medi cine, LIFE. J , food and color to the liuir glands without BUiLuing the kin. It will increase and thicken the growth of the hair, prevent its blanching and fulling oft", and thus AVERT BALDNESS. cures Itching, Ernp- tlons and Dandruff. As a HAIR DRESSING it is very desirable, giving the hair a silken softness which all admire. It keeps the head clean, sweet and healthy. W3S - WHISKERS will change the beard to a BROWN or BLACK at discretion. Being In one preparation it is easily applied, and produces a permanent color that wilt not wash off. PREPARED BY R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA, N. H. Sold by all Deslert In Medicine. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia & ErieR R- Div. WINTER TIME TABLE. On and after SUNDAY, November 9. 1870, the trains on the Philadel phia & Erie Railroad Division will run as follows: WESTWARD. ERIE mail leaves Phila 11 65 n. m. " " Renovo 1100 a. m 11 1 ti Emporium. 1 15 p. m. St. Mary's..2 11 p. m. Ridgway ... 2 86 p- ni. " Kane 3 50 p. m. ai r. at Erie 7 55 p. m. EASTWARD. erie mail leaves Erie 11 S5 a. ra. " " Kane 4 00 p. m. " Ridgway. ...5 00 p. in. ' " St. Mary's..5 27 p. in. " ' Emporium.! 2-j p. m. " " Renovo 8 40 p. xa. " arr. at Phila 7 00 a. ni. Wm. A. Baldwin. General Sup't. PATENTS. Patents procured upon Inventions. No Attorney's Fees in Advance, Our House was established in 1809. We tile CAVEATS, and obtain TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS, Etc. INVENTORS, Send us a Model of your Invention. with your own description of it, for our opinion as to patentability. No Attorneys fees unless Patent is Secured. Our Book of Instructions, etc., "How to Procure Patents," sent freo on request; also sample copies of the Scientific Record, the Inventors' Journal. R. S. &, A. P. LACEY Patent Attorneys, 604 F Street, near Patent Office. Washington, D. C, PENSIONS! Procured for Soldiers disabled in the U. 8. service from any cause, also for Heirs of deceased soldiers. All pen sions date hack to day of discharge and to date of the death of the soldier' Pensions jiwreased. Address, with stamp, STODDART & CO -Don't you think you had hotter subscribe for The Apvocate about this time in the year? For $2.50 cast we will send the American Agricul turitt aud AdvocatB for oca yr mm