The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, March 18, 1880, Image 3

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K. of H.
Ridgway Lodge No. 1044 meets on
the 2d and 4th Fridays of each month
at 3 o'clock.
New Time Tarle. Under the new
schedule the mail and loenl freight
leave Ridgway station ns follows:
MAIL WEST - 2:36
EAST - 6:00
EAST - - 3:25
Social Dance.
Joel Miller's new string band- will
give their first ball at Maginnis' Hull
on Friday evening, April 2, 1880.
The public tire respectfully invited to
attend. Tickets 60 cents.
Only n bahy, you cnn't but kiss,
Only a child, mother would miss.
Only n boy, and Just wlint he seems,
Only ft youth, living In drcnms.
Only n mini, brave and true.
Only n lather, with feelings so new.
Only ft ftrandpa, waiting for rest,
Only nmound, by dowdrops caressed,
For good brooms and large assort
nien go to Morgesler's.
A new grocery store will be started
in the post-office building soon.
W. C. Heaiy, we understand, has
rented his store to a party who will
Btart a grocery.
The work of plastering the new
Court House is being rapidly pushed
Light running, Latest Improved
DOMESTIC, at prices never hoard of
before, at Mrs. W. S. Service's.
Kid Gloves Ladies1 and Gents'
Uuck gloves all kinds of gloves at
P. & K's.
Th young Earl of Fife hns an Income of
$3H0,tW0 a year. AV.
That's a fife worth having. The
'yearly income of The Advocate of-
llce is not half that amount.
The cows in our part of town are
very discreet. Instead of walking in
the road they walk on the sidewalk.
Anil if they were only content with
Head the advertisement of Harry
Chuapel, Florist, Williamsport, Pa.,
in another column. We ci'U recom
mend Mr. Chuapel as furnishing first--elass
stock at reasonable prices.
A new Invoice of beautiful de
signs of chronio card? will be received
lit Tjie Advocate ofilce in fi few days.
Cull and see them. Note paper and
envelopes always on hand in small and
large ijuantites.
Monday morning the small boys
wcreenjoying themselves hugely coast
ing on the sidewalk from Farley's
corner to the Hyde House. Xo doubt
it was fun for the boys, but at the
same time pedestrians were compelled
to look out for breakers.
Joel Miller will commence a danc
ing Rchoolat Maginnis' JI.iII, on April
0, to continue for threu months. Terms
ft), one half in advance. Ladies half
price. As this is the first dancing
Hchool ever held in Ridgway we have
no doubt it will be well patronized.
The McKcan Miner came to' us
last week with a new head, on which
ii a cut of the McKean county court
house us it will be when completed.
E. II. Hard has purchased the office of
H. F. Barbour. Mr. Barbour con
tinues as political editor.
The following new goods will be
in stock at Morgesler's grocery this
week: Prime F.rie county butter,
dried apples; pine apples in cans;
preserved plums; plums in cans; pit
ted cherries; fancy peeled peaches;
California apricots; new canned toma
toes. All first class goods.
While handling a horse pistol,
loaded with shot, one day last week,
Josie Messenger, son of (.;. G. Messen
ger, received a painful wound in hi
hand by the accidental discharge of
the weapon. Several shot entered
ms ringers. Again we warn nit per
sona to be careful when handling lire
arms. It is said that a gun is a dan
gerous thing without lock, slock or
barrel, as a man once whipped his
wife to death with a ramrod.
The Family Pfiysivinn says that
there is no more valuable indication of
disease than the temperature of t lie
body as measured by the thermometer
and especially in the case of children
It gives early information of disease,
and admits of an infected child being
set apart before mischief is done. The
I'hyaician consequently advises moth
era to learn how to use a clinical ther
mometer a very simple process. The
proper temperature of the body is 98.4
"Our Special Offer to Subscribers"
by which for $12 75 we send the Amer
ican Itural Home, an eight page
weekly; The Household, a sixteen
page monthly, and The Advocate
fine year all three postpaid is, by spec
ial arrangement, continued open
until April 1st. Bend in your names.
Three papers for $2.75- Cull and see
samples at thia oflice. This U a lib
eral offer and we expect to place a
great many new names on our book
during the month.
Last Thursday the following per
sons were elected officers of the new
Congregational church of this place:
Deacons Messrs. C. D. Osterhout
and John Gulnack.
Treasurer James Penfield.
Clerk Frank Bowker.
Trustees Messrs. W. H. Osterhout,
Peter Guldack, Henry Gresh and Geo.
M. Stickles.
The new organization waa perfected
Hunday last, and will be known as
the First Congregational Church of
Ridgway. Rev. E. A. Squier has
been engaged to serve the new
Personal Hems.
fivIn this column we propose to
give all the personal happenings com
ing under our observation. If you
have a personal which you wish in
serted send in the particulars."
C. W. Barrett has moved his fam
ily to Kersey.
Patrick Flynn of Roynoldsvllle
was in town last week.
Llcul. W. S. Horton has moved
into J. Powell's farm house.
Why don't some charitable dis
posed person buy tho Editor of the
Democrat a town clock?
Bennle Little is now the happy
owner of a bicycle. All the boys in
town are trying to get the hang of the
Daniel Ilealy came homo from
Texas to attend his mother's funeral.
He will take his brother Jack back
to Texas with him.
Geo. W. Rhlnes has purchased of
J. Powell the property opposite the
Thayer House at the corner of Centre
and Mill streets. Price $2,0J0.
John B. Wheeler, of Berlin Falls,
X. II., was in our ofllee several davs
ago. Mr. Wheeler is an old subscriber
lo The Advocate. Hope he will call
We are informed that Rev. J. M.
Gillette Is rapidly recovering from
his recent illness and will ere long re
sume his work v.t this place. All or
tli!s we hope is true.
Maurice Sherman has been haul
ing some liU-ge sticks of timber past
The Advocate office for several days
past, taking advantage of the slight
fall of snow. Four horses were re
quired .o snake the sticks through
In our last issue in the notice of
Mrs. Jane Healy's death we made her
age 62 years. It seems we were
wrongly informed as the plate on her
casket read, ''Mrs. Jane Heaiy, died
March 10, 1880, aged 50 years!" The
interment took place at St. Mary's on
Saturday, us it was her request to be
buried by the bide of Mrs. Flynn, her
Attention Co. II.
A meeting of the above named or
ganization will be held lit their ar
mory on Saturday evening next. A
full attendeuee i.j dc-ired as business
of importance wiil come before the
Nut ice
A. Squier, Pa-tor
Rev. E
1st Con-
gfi gatioi al Church of
reach n.i n-mal in
Church next sab'ia'h
Ridgway, will
the Lutheran
morning and
evening. Twcn:y-tvo persons were re
ceived into the church last salibnth,
others will be leceived next sabbath
I'l prc'-cutaiivc Wolfe and the Proposed
Lcv.-isbuvtr, Ta,
statement that tl
March 15. Any
prosecution in the liill bribery eases assent to or ac
fjuieticc in a pardon or couiinututiou of
sentence is uti 'ar:,Mitcd. I should
deprecate any interference with the
regular course of justice.
C. S. Woi.ri:.
The citizens of Hcueicttc and
vicinity arc hereby notified that I will
lie at the Uenczlte hotie on Moudav
morning, March 2-d ii--i, with a full
line of sanijdes for spring and summer
.suit inf. s.
Jais. McAkkk.
Vi'ax i i:t---D ,H. I'atty 6c Co., Xtir.s
crymen, want a few goo-1 reliable men
to sell trkk's vixk's and sjii-.t iis
through this state. They promise
steady employment touood se.b snieii.
Tor full particulars address, I). K.
Fatly it Co., 7-M Hroad St., Newark,
X.J. nlin3
Interesting to Smoki r.i
Straw paper has increased Jin price
seventy-live per cent, since last Oc
tober There are two reasons for this
remarkable advance. First, a scarcity
of straw, and second an extraordinary
demand for straw paper from Cuba,
single orders being received for 100,000
reams at a time. And what do you
think it is used for? It U saturated in
a decoction made from the stems and
refuse of the choice Havana seed leaf
tobacco, nnd when properly treated
whli flavoring extracts, licorice root,
senna, &c. made into tilling for cigars
It burns with a pure white ash pre
cisely like that of the genuine leaf
unlike thut yielded by any other
The State Commissioners of Fish
eries will have ready for distribution
shortly between 400,000 and 600,000
trout for stocking the streams of
Western Pennsylvania. They will be
sent principally from tho State hatch
ery at Corry and will be furnished free
of cost, in suitable cases for transpor
tation at any station on main line of
railroad to associations or parties, wiio
will attend to placing them in the
proper waters. It is propo.-ed to have
them put out in March and April.
Letters stilting how many trout are
desired and where to be placed, should
he addressed to Benjamin L. Hewitt,
Hollidaysbuig, or Robert Dalzcll, Box
122, Pittsburgh.
From the number of strikes in
different section of the country as
reported in the daily papers, it would
seem that the laboring men of the
country, with one accord, have come
to the conclusion to demand an ad
vance in their wages in a slight pro
portion to the advance in all the ne
cessities of life. '
That splendid organ sold by D. S
Andrus & Co., Williamsport, Pa., for
$75.00 cash with 7 stops, solid wal
nut case and 5 feet 9J inches high, is
sold now for 80,00 with one more
stop and the grand organ knee swell
additional. WVUethem- Terms easy
on log tirflPHltOi
IMdgwny Public Schools.
l.NO MAHGI1, 11, 1SS.0:
5 1"
! I pi?;
. LLiLi
Mis llnhe K. Wilcox 1 "I M
Miss Apnea IliiiTeU 2 (IS M
M Iss Hiirltmimnt) 3 IB T
resh .
U. It. lllshcll.
Hunnmiry .
Tha following record of attendance, punct
uality ond deportment Is taken from the
regular report to the Secretary. The average
oIuhs standing of each pupil was ascertained
by an examination held at the end of the1
MniL'ip I'ly nn
Ida Olmsted
Tllllo Cunliiiiul.uln ...
Lewis Lesser
Charles Median
Lulu Sijulers
O. c, Knnc
V. II. I'.ly
Ira C. Sherman
Addle U.irdwcll
Mairirie !Shc!in
Katie Mccinin
I.ihi Kime
Ama'idn Llngren
Willi.; Suhram
John Whllnioi-e
lianiel Cunningham..
.Michael Mav
J'ntrick Holland
Willie Ivitiicr
Charles Gillette
' 'hi.iinoy Wilcox
Willie Mcuinin
Mm lie 11. Mly
llelle Siquier
Kale MeNall
.feunlo Hall
"n" ouaiic.
Lizzie Klynn
Adah Malone
Kiltie Will I more
Flora Irwin
Kiulie Lncniruiix
A imie Kline
Minnie Kline
.lolt: Messenger
l-'d.lle li.inon
Iv'tli.' L:; moil
Julia Lnti-
Walt. r Ki.Mnir.N
Minnie Terwllliacr...,
John Nii'iioir'
"('' (illAOE.
r,lK7.ic O lirlfii
.Vcllie Olmsted
ILiiiha Miilon.iy
Nellie Jaek.sun
.1 nil'" May
Miii-k K tun1
Lewis I'.i.'i.-r
Mimii" Miles
Sfy WO1
7.1 1 l'Kil
nr ' nsj
sj; sa
; 1 1 :
Sii! Inol
JIKli 1'Hll
si; lmi
iixi; (i-i
III! 1111, JIHl
fi.ii nm lin
le-t; t's ii; ;
inti- tii
H"i 111!
I'll till
let CI
Li; Ifl
1 1 Ml
l'Wi mil
J1S !
KM i
61 i
7i ;
If I
11, I'M. Wl KI. VS
Charles s
.Jennie if
i;-..ii! Sei'M-.ner
K.t'iic lloll.l.-iv
Lulu li..!.-
Wa.lie i'iil
'ai-r1'll lneiu
I 'in nia l In;-, ry
Civrri-3 1 ' 1 1 1 i n 1 i
( e M..;.';!!. in
i iiariie I ie.u y
Kniee K inn
Ciuuile Hill
Marcus huilivan
"U" t-KAI'K.
T:l:r:'le ller se
ili'llili-? I.ilflc
I iatiet! Ilord well
1 liii.. (lardin-r
l'r- ton M'-i-eer
Louis itliincs
Howard Miller
Joseph May
.May llarr.-tl
W 1:11c Ctinuiiiiiaiti..
'.-.Ila Mai. me
Sarah Mav
Mr'U.I Kline
K.ll'M'i-..- Willaid
Clara Willard
1 'ela Van WiuriiLi-
Amelia Youngs
Josie Weber
la I'
1 14;
S-J' Pia.
".)' hi
J. l. )li ui:i.i.. Principal.
Samuel Bell
is t i r k Wooj is. Mr.
, of West Clearfield, rc-
lived a dispatch on Monday afternoon
stating that his sou William bad been
bad'y hurt by a falling tree in a shook
camp about I wo miles from Caledonia,
101k county, where lie was engaged at
work for John Fauver. We did lot
learn theexteutof his injuries. Another
party was cutting down the tree, and
it Is supposed that the wind Influenced
il to fall in another direction from
I hat intended. The father started for
Caledonia 0:1 Tuesday morning. -Clearfield
Fatal Acciok.nt. Last Friday
morning Mr. John Skhreckengoist,
employed by Mr. It. J. Nicholson,
met with an accident that, resulted in
ids death on Friday night, lie. was
engaged at opening a boom in the
Nicholson dam, and while he held the
windlass used for closing the same, a
ra."t struck the boom, causing the
windless to turn, striking him a fear
ful blow on the head, crushing the
skull and laying bare the brain. Dr.
Hunt was .summoned and did all for
him that was possible, but his injuries
were such as to leave no hope of his
recovery. Ills remains were buried
in the old grave yard on Sunday ai'ter-
noon. Mr. Schreckengost leave a
large and dependent family, to whriii
his sudden deatli is a great loss.
Brook ville ?' publican.
Perishing 111 the Snow.
San Francisco, March 13. A dis
patch from Victoria brings deplorable
news from the upper country. Cattle,
sheep, horses and pack-t ruins are
dying with great rapidity. All through
Nicoh-t, Kcmloops, Akanagan and
Lilloct tho destruction of .-,tock i
going on Nearly all the live stock
will pcri-h before spring. The loss is
roughly estimated at fl,O0;),O0O.
Scores of stock-raisers will be reduced
from allluence to poverty. The snow
lies from three lo live feet in depth
and gives no evidence of thawing.
A Towanda, Pennsylvania, sign
reads thus: "John Smith, teacher of
cowtillions and other dances gram
mer taut in the neatest manner fresh
salt herring ou draft likewise God
freys cordjial rutes sassage and
other garden truck N. IJ. bawl on
friday nite prayer meeting chusday-v
also saline singing by the quire."
Cloaki!. A line line of Ladies
Cloaks, cheaper than the cheapest at
Powell & Kline's.
Note-heads bound with
pad without extra charge ttt The Ai-
V0CATB office.
H u ! a
I si; 2 3
t f I j j I
1 i I i i ? 'j
bu-M-wj mm w I.1 1 wsj
Not ico to Correspniidenls anil Others.
Hereafter Tun Advocatk will go to
press at 10 o'clock Thursday morning,
eonsciuentIy all advertisements and
correspondence must be banded in not
later than Wednesday noon to insure
insertion in the current Issue.
ISrockport Breezes.
And still it freezes and occasion
ally snows.
The logs seemeth to rush since
the last snow.
Urockport will soon be blessed
with a protracted meeting, and we
think if it has the desired effect some
of our wide-awakes will change t heir
tactics and mend their ways. Now, boys
and girls remember only remember and
don't be naughty.
Our hospitable friend Mr. Isaac
Graham has been blessed with an
immense and first class opera and jaw
breaking and iron muzzled minstrel
troupe froiA DuHois city. The entire
troupe consisted of three stalwart
"Stars," ahem! any thing to bring the
almighty dollar.
Messrs Alfred Short and 1). C.
Oyster paid us a visit on Friday and
returned home Saturday.
Vell, the big show was simply
immense. We noticed tpuite an au
dience congregated to witness the
marvelous feats performed by the
Professor. Well I do declare it beats
all miter how they do it. but they did.
' Our old friend Thomas Dollinger
has taken, his departure from our
midst and we greatly miss that famil
iar countenance. we wish you all
the success ininiugimihle Thomas, and
don't shoot yourself with that new re
volver. Walter says strangesightsof "trip
ping the light fantastic" meets his
ga.e as he peeps out of bin window
when retiring to rest from his weary
toils. Xow, why persist in such
'jollifications when people, ought to be
asleep and dreams of brighter visions
to mar their peaceful slumbers and
shilcss performances. I5ut such are
the ways of life.
"L. C. A.'' must have something
else to feed his vision on as he seems
to weaken. Perhaps the child is
endeavoring to invent some new
mechanism and thus his mind is
otherwise occupied than visionary
Well, all we have to say is come down
soon as there will perhaps bo another
bracket cut before long. Ha! ha!!
guess not. L. C. A. you are too
sweet to live. Ahem! Tims endeth
the first chapter.
(i'ckss Who.
Sti'dibs from Hrockport and Viciuily
Johnie McClcllati has returned
from school.
Nick Brockway is at work build
ing his rafting shanties.
W. II. Horton is again at work on
the Keystone slide pushing logs from
near Camp Jack.
Why don't "L. C. A." sling ink
at "C. M. (Suit" and give "Vale" and
Betsy a rest. Hey?
The Keystone school inarm is
rafting for Alouzo Myers at the old
steam mill.
O. E. Sherman for the past week
has been having ua attack of diphthe
ria. Why is il that W. JT. Horton, It.
Idiling and A. S. Morton are board
ing at Father Graham's?
''L. C. A." carries the idea that lie
can speculate on "Watchman'' but we
fear it will turn out like till his specu
lations. A little short.
Mrs. Nick. Brock way is slowlv
recovering lruiii a long and tedious
Thomas Dollinger has rented a
siiop in Cenlrevillc, where he has gone
and intends opening business in a
i-boil time. Tom. is one of the
of workmen. We wish hini oueeess
i 11 his nev location.
Ornian Sibley is head clerk and
bookkeeper for Nick. Brock way.
Hon. Al. Short and Sherilf Oyster
were here the last of the week looking
after their lumber interests.
Young "Swamper" is bound to
get that patent collar of his introduced.
Hope ho may; for it was very becom
ing to that young man on the train.
It appears that "Watchman".
"D. Tcciive" and "Swamper," were
all down thecreek last week as well as
'C. M. Goii" for we see no locals from
this place in the Lik Ltemocrat from
Why don't some of the citizens of
Padgway tell "Skippy," whether he
is to have a town clock or not.
Charles (more eomonly known as
"L. C. A.") Is digging laurel roots on
Boon's mountain. He has also sev
eral men working for him.
He don't go up Boga as often as of
yore. What can the matter be. Is
it because the electric light shines no
more on your noble brow.
The public opinion is that he
stopped oil' at BeynoldsviHe for the ex
press purpose of gathering up Brock
port notes, at last reports he was try
ing to gather up himself.
A man by the name of Martin
used some profane language one day
last week in the oliice of N. M. Brock
way, after being informed that lie
would allow no such language to be
uvd in his house he still insisted on
calling the Captain names and also us
iug a great amount of slang, when to
his surprise Nick caught him by the
shoulder with one hand and with the
other he grasped the gentleman by
the seat of his trowsers and gently set
him outside the door, where ho told
him to stay until he thought he could
behave himself.
Dell Lundy 'has . gone to Blue
ltoek to work ou the saw mill at that
C. M. Goit.
Itraiuly Camp Penciling.
The Commissioners met last Tues
day at the Brandy Camp Hotel.
"Watchman" where were you go
ing last Sunday after preaching with
a hoe on your shoulder. Were you
going woodchucking or were you
hunting bees.
"C. M. (loif'wore a solemn look as
we saw him coining down the Key
stone slide after taking a short cut
front Portland and getting lost having
to stay in the woods all night and the
rain pouring down front the sky
and the tears from his eyes for fear lie
would not get back in time lo send
in his next locals. Charley how is
Bock Shanty for locals anyway ?
J. S. Hyde has his lumber about
rafted In at the little mill. He has in
about forty-two pieces.
"Vale" that glowing description
of us is more than flattering. You
may prefer the back porch for your
wheedling while some prefer next
We stray from Brandy Camp for
locals this week.
George Huffman has been deliver
ing goods from the Brockport store.
We saw him delivering some potatoes
one time and next we see him with
some calico thai is made up on his arm
going down the board track and next
we see him helping the cook on wash
Mrs. Maggie Moycr, our post
mistress, is visiting her friends at
Sugar Hill and Bill Is keeping Bach
elors Hall.
We were In town the ether day
and was happy to meet some of our
old Christian friends from LittloToby
at the Hyde House. There was one
newly married 111:111 present who
but a short time ago supped the wine
glass for his soul's sake now he sups
tiic beer glass for his stomach's sake.
Good old Uncle Hays was among them
with a heart as big a n pumpkin. He
was pleading with the boys to touch
not taste not handle not the unclean
thing, he had gone as far as iirst
Peter when he thought of the words
"eat drink and be merry1' and then lie
took n glass himself. We hope he may
live long and clip many an item from
Tin-: AliviiDATii and keep them in re
membrance of the past. Success to
P. W.
U. W. lingers has purchased a
team of horses and a string of hell.
The horses weigh about twenf y-t ivo
hundred and the bells about one ton
more or lens the smallest one being the
size of a good sized pumpkin and he
wears them on the sle 1.
There will be preaching at the
Brandy (.'amp school house at 11 o'
clock by Kev ia:libaiieh L. V. A.
Wilcox Jots.
-Weather to rent.
-'I he game of "fifteen'
Wiil someone (ell us why "Coffee'
haunts the hotel every Sunday night
Hani; is happy once more.
J. L. B. has the fifteen game bud
Melian has ju!l taking iron unless
ilis dried.
The Duke Centre lads fell behind
on the shouting match last week.
Sweden thought he got into the
wrong house, last Sunday night,
when he found "Darby" there.
Col. Wilcox made us a visit Lust
James H. Wells has recover
after an illness of abotU. a wee!;.
K Nil'.
Report cf the Oruve Yard ScIikoI far
miiiita ciii::iig .uren v, i
The lii;:li. st cluf s. .stamlinvc ntlnlned by any
1'UJjII Is I'M; lout-.-t I'J. The- whole number
in Httendnnce (iiu-iiig the month was js; 1110
ijnily ntteniliuiee.
Nettie Kylcr
AiUlle jios.s Kiiimell ,
Annie I 'opelit
Lizie (,iiii.-. ,
'niier lt'i..;-.-rs ,
Vi illio TUiiiiKi.s
Mnry lindrneco
.Uary Kiiimelt
l'. o-r I "iine'i
lavid Mi-i iniiiL-hy..
Tims. C,.ielii
I if ear Kyii-r
l-'runlv K.iei.s e'o.iil
Klnier .M. er
Vui. Cuueu
Mnttl.; Hiij-8
Minnie li. y.s
A I. .117.0 U.!tei
T runkiin I 'uneij
litis. Cupnlli
l iank tojiulli
PltlMKIt AN!) I-'IUsT
Henry Kyler
liein-e nneo
Jus. I-.. Moyer
Tossy t'ui.i .1
l'l.i-he n.i.vtun.i
Allies lii)d..i-'H--.i ,
A-Snes Kei-.till' , K.-.t i nil ,
ralriek K.-alin.4
Juim Kenlln
Visit. nn. Messrs. Lewis Fopeano,
Kniniett, Jus. Iddini?, Jos. A. C'uneo, John
Kniineit, John Jiodornceo, Murshul Kyler,
Mleh.tfl Kehriver, Anthony l.'niielll, Marshiil
.Moyer, Wessley Kniniett, J. E. Kopeano nnd
Prof. Ulxou. Misses Mary Conelll, llOKers
nnd Iddlngs. I'rof. Lixon innl'.l. V.. Kopeano
favored us with addresser.. Thanking thu
above lnc-iilloned iiersons for their kind put
ruuuge we resiiectfnlly invite all paruiitd and
friends of the school to make tin a visit.
D. C. I It WIN. Teacher.
A nice stock of clothing for men,
. boys and children at P. & K's.
Prints. The most desirable assort-
inent in Western Pennsylvania, now
ou exhibition at Powell & Kime's
mammoth Bales rooma.
, , 1
Ada Tie .iiipson ' K". IMi luij l.u l. Ky ii-r S-.i i';'J in, e'.v lu-i
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I Ini I IIS. Hi liii
Strong, vigorous and
8 Hoses or 10 Geraniums or 10 Fuchsias
Sluule Petunias or l' Basket am
or fa Chrysanthemums or 12 Gladiolus or lot ..e 1 u oe e , ?
-' Plants and Bulbs (1 of each collection) frJ.O'i or halt .V.VlNCTIOV'
Plants and Bulbs with a plant of the new ,l!n'3
added, tfyw. Or the whole eo lec, on ch , Bull ft
w in a p ant huocm .n mc -
striped scarlet and while.) We guaran
1 Our Priced
igns and Cut Flowers a specialty. Vegetable Plants in t.ieir season.
Worthy of Attention.
We advise all our readers, whether
they own a foot of land or not, to sup.
ply themselves with that treasure of
ueful, praslieal relianle information,
the Amcrcan AyrlattturM, so mined
because started : years ago as a .journ
al, but now enlarged to embrace a
great variety ofniost usful reading for
the Household, Children included, for
the Garden, as well as the Farm for
all classes. Knch volume gives some
S00 original Kngrii vines, with descrip
tions of labor-saving and labor-helping
-onlrivances, of plants, fruits, flowers,
mimals, etc., including many large
md pleasing, ns well as instructive,
pictures for joung and old. The con-
tant, systematic exposures ot lium-
bu;rs and Swindling i-cuenies ny tne
.lyWt-i'Wfo ViuxMif great value to every
mo, and well save to most persons
. . i . . . 1 . . .. i . t .
many tin 10 its cost. Aiiogeuici, 11 , is
' .. . . . . , 11 1 1 .....
one or tne most vamaoie, us Minus
hcapest. Journals any where to be
found. The cost is only ?i.oO aycar.or
4 copies for Jo. Single numbers Lj cents
subscribe at once for lsw; and receive
the rest of this year live, Orange .1 inlet
Company, Publishers. 245 Broadway,
Xow York. Tin-: Advocatk and the
named journal for f'.5il.
Hislc-y's Purs Eistiliei
35c EXT H A CT 2 5e
l-'.ij'ta' In 'pii'lity to any made
onlv' half the price. Hi,, bottle
25 C
l'illls fil'e.
Relieves Headache, T"oihaehc,
, . .- , . : ...1 111. ...11...
aclie. ,-ore eyes, .msi'-iwi-u, m e.-.m
Lungs, Painful Menses, V. lutes,
Asthma, Reduces Swellings, riles, -lC.
Cures P.v.ii.-es, Scalds, Burns, Sprains,
Wounds. Rheumatism, Krysipoius,
Chilblains, Varico.-e Wins, Neuralgia,
1 f yimr dtuv:K:-t has. ""t Kt ir
have him order U of the proprietor,
C3A3LS3 r- Wholssale rnj-int,
6-i Ocxi."tl:ni St., Hew York.
n !7mos3
Jam Polls.
Middletov.n N-Cut Saws.
Jellard's, White's and Mann's Axes.
Tubular and 0 Lanterns.
v Distoirs X-Cut Saws.
Boynton's Lightning Saws.
CoKN- I'l'I'l'DllS.
Coal Hods.
Stove Shovels.
Repairs furni-hed for any stove.
Ax Ha milks.
Pick Handles.
S lb. Bet Polish 10 cts. at No.
Main street.
Kstitte Notice.
itcof.fiih:i ll-i'ilohnugli. late of
! Y- Elk Count v. Pa., dc-
cei,sc.l. AH ji 1 r.-iius indebted to said
1 stale ale ii. jie'sieu ni 111; w iininnui-
te payment, and ti.a-.c Having legal
iaims against me s.-uiie 10 in.-M-iu
them without ileiay in proper order
for sett lenient lo
Philu' Hays, Artmitattrator.
n3 t4
Always call at Tin-: Advocate
f lliee for note paper and envelopes.
Dr. Day's Stomach and Nerve
Tonic is the hist remedy 111 Use lor
. 1 ....... 1 . !
pour appetite, weaiwicss mm neniui
iiiy in the htoniach, pain after eating,
heartburn, soreness and gnawing
ins in tlic siomaeii, nervousuc-..i
when tired, const iiiatioii ami inner
diseases o I the bowels arising from
jioor digestion. One bottle lasts
nearly three weens, nice 00.
Dr. Day s Cure lor Jleaa-acne is
theonlv remedy known that will stop
an attack; 01 sick or nei v.ius iieim-
iiche in its commencement: only
three or four ooscs, halt mi nour
apart, are necessary, rnce ou cents
a liutiie. , . .
lr. Day's Standard Cougli t-vrup
will cure a coiuth with fewer doses
lhan any medicine in use. Price oO
cents a bottle.
Dr. Day's Ear" Drops will give
the greatest relief in neuralgia of tin
face and will cure ear-ache immedi
ately. Price 2-j cents a bottle. Ask
your druggist or storekeeper for these
medicines' Manufactured by D. B.
Day, M. D., Ridgway, Pa.
Subscribe for the
ITING CARDS at The Advocate
office, over Powell & Kime's store,
Ridgway, Pa. -
Don't you think you had better
subscribe for The Advocatk about
this time in the year? For $2.50 cash
we will send tho American Ayricul
(urist and Advocate for one year.
FOlt $1.00
well grown plants.
or 15 . VeH,,rns t r 15 rnflc, M 1J
t IJOiKllllK P. V."' W'rC" r, 11.0 r...! no'..
- - -- , I'.nrwm,
;e sa e delivery by Lxprcss,
Circular of
Business Cards.
Main street, Bidgway, Elk Co., Pit
Particular attention given to the
examination of titles, also to patent
and patent eases.
Office in new brick building, Main1
street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v32t
Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. Officer
over li. I. Campbell's store, Main
Street. Claims for collection promptly
attended to. jneto,l7t
Lnto of fUnittiitivllloi. rhysiehin nnd Suv
' icon. KUIgMHV, P11. OMre in thill's Ilrii'k
faill'Hti- (uri-stiiirsU lieferenees J. D;
isnilili. H. L. VtiiuiL', It. ltiiliilson, Ntruttan
vlile; Maj'.r.Iohn kitlc.v, V. W'.Oireenlund.
I'hii 1 Ins jiract iced his profession buo
eessi'iilly for nioru than ten years.
N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets.
RidL'way, Pa., full assortment of care
fully selected Foreign and Domestic
Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis
pciised at all hours, day or night,
v 1 n.iy
J. S. BtiR&KELL, tW. D.
Has removed bis office from Centre
sircet t Main street, Padgway, Pa., in
the second story of the' new brick
building of Jolni G. Hall, west of the
11 vib" 1 louse.
OiUce hours :-l to 2 P. M. 7to 0 P.M.-
W. H. SCHRAM, Proprietor,
Ridgway, Elk county, Pa.
Thankful for the patronage hereto--fore
u liberally be.-towed upon him,
the new jiroprietor hopes,' by paying
strict al tent ion to the comfort and con
venience of guests, to merit a continu
ance of the same. oct'iO'oa
PAEDIA. Tliis admirable work is now com
plete! n 10 vols. Each volume contains800
'pages. It makesa complete and well
selected library, and no one can
afford to do without it who would keep
well iniormeii. rnee r 00 111 cioui,
f'l.oi) in bather, or 5". 00 In elegant
half Turkey. For particulars address,
W. 1 1. Fairchlld, Portvillc, Catt. Co..
N. V.. wlm, has been duly appointed
agent for Elk county by C. K. Judson,
general agent.
Our Special offer to Subscribers.
We desire to deal as liberally with
our patrons as we possibly can, and to
put into their hands the best news'
paper literature at the very lowest ob
tainable price. To this end we have
made such fortunate arrangements as
enable us to offer this paper, the
American Rural Home and the House
hold, all three throughout 1S80, post
paid, for only 2 To.
Under this remarkable offer your
local paper, a first-class Agricultural
and Family Weekly, and a popular
Domestic Monthly, can be had for
$l."o less than their aggregate lowest
price. In fact we give the Household
one year, and 25 cents besides to every
one who subscribes for our own paper
and The Rural Home at the bottom
price for each.
The Rural Home, published at
Rochester, N. lias long been a
eeogni.ed Agricultural and Horti
cultural authority, and its eight larg
pages are full of live, progressive,
valuable matter for the farmer and the
farmer's whole frmiiy. It has an
enviable reputation, achieved by years
of clean honest, able effort toward the
highest journalistic ideals. It is
wonderfully cheap at its sole price of
SI. 50.
The Household is a bright, practical
magazine for housewives, published
at Urattlcboro, Vt., and the only long
established monthly of its kind. It
has 2i pages, devoted to every interest
of home-keeping, and is immensely
popular with tiie ladies. Price, $1.10.
Modesty forbids us to speak of our
own paper as handsomely as we ought
Of course you will want it next year,
and you will do well to secure the
others with it in this special combina
lion specimens of the Rural Home and
Household may be had by addressing
a postal card to the Ilural Home, at
Rochester, N. Y., or by application, to
this office.
This club ofrcr will not be held open
many weeks.
Address, Thk Advocate,
Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.
If you want a sheet of note puperf
if you want a quire of note paper; if
you want a ream of note paper, don't
fail to call at The Advocate office.
We keep a large assortment of note
paper and envelopes, and sell cheap