I'faATH A3"Kp1n t V 'fi' ?'' fT 'SSivi" ioi i" Send for Illustrated Circular and prices. Liheral terms to the trado. Don't buy tintil you have seen the Most Elegant, Simple and Easy Running Machine in the Market. The Ever Reliable VICTOR. VICTOR SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, - Wwbcn Branch Office, 233 Statu St., Chicago, 111. MIDDLETOWN. CONK.' Oct.30yl. J. S. & W. II. HYDE, AGENTS, UIDUWAY, VA. Business Cards. GEO. A. RATHBUN ATTORNEY'-AT-LAW. Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Particular attention given to the examination of titles, also to patents and patent eases. HALL & M'CAULEY ATTORN E Y-AT-LA W. Office in new brick building, Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v32t LUCORE & HAMBLEN ATTO RN E YS-AT-L AAV , Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. Office across the ball from the Democrat es tablishment. Claim for eollectiou promptly attended to. jnol-5,187fi G. G. MESSENGER. DRUGGIST & PARMACEUTIST, N. W. corner of Main and Mill street Ridgway, Pa., full assortment of care fully selected Foreign and Domestic t Drugs. Prescriptions can-fully dis pensed at all hours, day or night. vln3y J. S. BOROWELL, M. D. ELECTIC PHYSICIAN & SURG'N, Has removed bin office from Centre street to Main ntreet, Ridgway, Pa., in the second story of the new brick building of John O. Hall, west of the Hvde House. Office hours: 1 to 2 P. M. "to 0 P.M. HYDE HOUSE. W. H. SCHRAM, Proprietor, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. Thankful for (he patronage hereto fore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort and'eon venienceof guests, to merit a continu ance of the same. oct-!0'i9 MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING MRS. J. It. KELTZ, Kersey, Elk county, Pa , takes this method of an nouncing to the citizens of Elk county that she has on hand au assortment of fashionable millinery goods which will be sold cheap. Also dressmaking in all its branches. Agent for Dr. J. Rail & Co.'s Patent Ivory and Lignum Vine Eye Cups. He ml for descriptive circular. nl7yl APPLETON'S AMERICAN CYCLO PAEDIA. This admirable work is now com pletein lfivols. EuchvolumecontaiusHiiO pages. It makesa complete aud well selected library, and no one can Rllbrd to do without it who would keep well Informed. Price $" 00 in cloth, $6.00 in leather, or $7.00 In elegant half Turkey. For particulars address, W. H. Fairchild, Portville, Catt, Co. N. Y., whoj has been duly appointed agent for Elk county by C. K. Judson, general agent. Jam Poles Middletown X-Cut Saws. Jeflard's, White's and Mann's Axes. Tubular and 1W Lanterns. Files. Diston's X-Cut Saws. Boy n ton's Lightning Suws. Corn Poppers. Coal Hods. Stove Shovels. Repairs furnished for any stove. Ax Handles. Pick Handles. i lb. Best Polish 10 cts. at No. 42 Main street. n3u Children' Solo Leather Tip shoe at P. & K's. PENNSYLVANIA KAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie It. It- Div. WINTER TTME TABLE. On and after SUNDAY, November 'J, 1879, the trains on the Philadel phia & Erie Railroad Division will run as follows: WESTWARD. ERIK mail leaves Phila 11 55 p. in. " " Renovo 1100 a. ni " " Emporium. I 15 p. ni. " ' St. Mary's..2 11 p. ni. Juugway....z aii p-in, jvane " arr. at Erie EASTWARD. Erie mail leaves Erie " Kane .3 50 p. in. ..7 55 p. ui. .11 35 a.m. ..4 00 D. ni. ii .i Ridgway... .5 00 rt.m. St. Mary's..5 'J7 p. m. V.iviiioriuni.li 25 ii ixi " Renovo 8 "40 p. ml " arr. at Phila 7 00 0. ni. Wm. A.Baldwin. General Sup't. McAfee, the tailor, has just re ceived an extensive line of samples for the full anil winter trade. Call and see for yourself. New Time Tahle. Under the new schedule the mail and local freight leave Ridgway station as follows: MAIL WEST - 2:36 " EAST ... . B:00 LOCAL WEST . - . 7:50 " EAST . . . 3;2S All note-heads and letter-heads printed at this office will be bound, without extra charge, with our patent blotter tablet. Call ana see specimens. EKEWlflGTOti SIMPLICITY SIMPLIFIED I Improvements September, 1878. Notwithstanding tlio VICTOR lias long been tlio peer of nny Sowing Mariano in the market a fact supported by a host of volunteer witnesses we bow coniidontjy claim lor it greater simplicity, i a Wonderful reduction of friction ftml A rnra combination of desirable qualities. Iteslmt- ""d kiniukwith the highest achievements inventive genius. Abie. Wedonotleasa ouch to natch un and re-varofiih for our customer we sen r.sw r.iacniiiGS tvery iqc, CENTRAL. State Normal School. (JJghth Normal School District) LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON CO., PA. A. N. RAUB, A. M., Principal. This school as at present constituted, oflers the very best facilities for Pro fessional and Classical learning. Buildings spacious, inviting and commodious; completely heated bv steam, well ventilated, and furnished with a bountiful supply of pure water, soft spring water. Location healthful and easy of ac cess. Surrounding scenery unsurpassed. Teachers experienced, efficient, and alive to their work. Discipline, firm but kind, uniform and thorough. , Expenses moderate. Fifty cents a week deduction to those preparing to teach. Students admitted at any time. Courses of study prescribed bv the State; I. Model School. II. Prepara tory. III. .Elementary. IV. Scien entific. adjunct cornsKs : I. Academic. II. Commercial. III. Music. IV. Art. The Elementary and Scientific courses are Professional, and students graduating therein receive State Diplo mas, conferring the following corres ponding degrees: Master of the Ele ments, and Master of the Sciences. Graduates in the other courses receive Normal Certificates of their attain ments, signed by the Faculty. The professional courses tire liberal, and are in thoroughness not inferior to those of our best colleges. 1 ho Mute requires a higher order of citizenship. 1 ne times demand it. It is one of the prime objects of this schi id to help to secure it by furnish ing intelligent and efficient teachers for her schools. To this end it solicits young persons of good abilities and good purposes (hose who desire to improve- their time and their talents, as students. To all such it promises aid in developing their powers anil abundant opportunities for well paid labor after leaving school. For catalogue aud terms address th Principal. S. I). BALL, President Board of Trustees' T. C.HI PPL E, Secretary. BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Clinton count v. S. D. Ball. T. C Hippie. Dr. J. II. Barton, A. II. Best, Jacob Brown, Wilson Kistler, A. N. Raub, W. W. Rankin, R. G. Cook, Samuel Christ, G. Kintzing, S. M. Bickford, H. L. Diflenbach, A. C. Noyes, S. R. Peale. Centre Ex-Gov. A G. Curtin. Cleartleld-Ex.Gov. Win. Bigler. Elk Charles R. Earlcy. ' Mrfi'TOyl Eisley's Pure listilled 25c- EXT H ACT Q5c: WITCH HAZEL, OB, HAKAH31-I3 VIBSUflOA, Equal in quality to nny made, nnd omy nan tuc price, ooz. bottles c, Pints 50c. Relieves Headache, Toothache, Ear- acne, sure J'.yes, ose-Jileed, Bleeding Jitings, rainlul Menses, Whites, Asthma, Reduces Swellings, Piles, etc. Cures Bruises, Scalds, Burns, Sprains, Wounds, Rheumatism, Erysipelas, Chilblains, Varicose Veins, Neuralgia, cic. NATURES UNIVERSAL REM EDY FOR INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL USE. If your druggist has not got it have him order it of the proprietor, CHARLES F. BISLEY Wholesale Druggist, 6i Couuland St., New York. n47mos-. N TEW LIVERY STABLE IN RIDGWAY. DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO inform the citizens of Ridgway, and tlio public generally, that be has started a Livery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. fivjyHe will also do job teaming. , Stable on Elk street. All orders left at the Post Office will receive prompt attention. Aug01S71tl Prints. The most desirable assort ment in Western Pennsylvania, now on exhibition at Powell & Kline's niumnioth sales rooms. Two weeklies aud one monthly for $2,75, See our "Special to Suhscr bers" In another column. Note-bends bound with blotter pad without extra charge at Tim Ar vocatb office Price within the rrath of .f If. The Full and Complete LECTURES OF R. G. INGEESOLL, No. 1. TTIfi MISTAKES OF MOSEls." No. 2, "SKULLS." No. 8, "OHOSTS." No. 4, "HEM,," No.V'UnEIlTY of M N WOMAN CHILD" No. 12, ."Cot. It. J. INGEH.SOLL'3 Vindication of Thos. Paine," Lecture held nt Chlcngo, .Inn. 29, INK) PRICE FIVE CENTS EACH. Col. Ingeraoll and his Chicago Critics. A lecture by the Itev. Jnmes K. Applcbee Price 13 Cents. Full report'of the Grand Re-Union of the Soldiers and Sailors of the late Wnr, held at Clilcnro, Nov. 12 to 1! 17!). In cluditiK all speeches, nnd those of Col It, O. IiiliTsnll, Col. Wm. V. Vllns. Siimuel L. Clemens (Murk Twnln'B Speech on Jtabtes.) PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Life and Trip around the World of Gen. Grant. l- cents. Last Speech of Senator Zach Chan dler, and Biographical Sketch, with Large Portrait of Mr. Chandler on Cover Page, o Cents. Any of the above sent post-paid upon receipt of Trice. Address: V. L, ELAISD3LL, 10t Randolph Street Chicago, Ills. Manhood: How Lost, How Restored! Just published a new MFvTS i edition of Dr. Culver ,M4S" well's Celebrated Es say on the radical cure (without med icine) of Spermatorrhoea or Seminal Weakness.In voluntary Seminal Losses Impotencv, also, consumption. Epil epsy and Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance, Ac. The celebrated author, in this ad mirable Essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful practice that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, cflvctual, by means of which every sulierer, no matter what his condition may be may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. 8fs"This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envel ope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two postage stamps. Address the Publishers. The Culverwell Medical Co., 41 AnnSt,, Ksw York, N. Y.; Post Office Box, 4586. Dr. Day's 'Stomach and Nerve Tonic is the best remedy in use for poor appetite, weakness and trembl ing in the stomach, pain after eating, heartburn, soreness and gnawing pains in the stomach, nervousness when tired, constipation and other diseases of tlio bowels arising from poor digestion. One bottle lasts nearly three weeks. Price $1.00. Dr.' Day's Cure for Head-ache is llieonly remedy known thyt will stop mi attack of sick or nervous head ache in its commencement: only three or four doses, half an hour apart, are necessary. Price "0 cents a bottle. Dr. Day's Standard Cough Syrup will cure a cough with fewer closes than anv medicine in use. Price "0 cents a Lottie. Dr. Day's Ear Drops will give the greatest relief in neuralgia of tiie face and will euro ear-ache Immedi ately. Price '") cents a -bottle. Ask your druggist or storekeeper for these medicines Manufactured by D. B. Day, M. 1)., Ridgway, Pa. U'. L. WILLIAMS. (I.nte of Strnttanvllte), Physician and Siir tseon. KldKway. Pu. OlhVe in Mall's Hrick liuildini; iiip-stutnO.) ifirr-ni-cs .1. I), smith. If. I,. Vimiiu, li. Huliifsnn, strattan ville; Major .Iiilin Kltley. W. V.(ii ncnlanil. Clarion. Has practiced his profession kuc cesf fully for more than ten veins. Notice to Correspondents and Others. Hereafter The Advocate will go to press at 10 o'clock Thursday morning, consequently all advertisements and correspondence must be handed in not later than Wednesday noon to insure insertion in the current issue. Wanted I). tJ. Patty & Co.. Nurs erymen, want aiew good reliable men to sell tree's vine's and shkuhs through this H,tate. They promise steady employment to good salesmen. For full porticulurs address, D. H. Putty & Co., 71 Broad St., Newark, N. J. nl iu3 That splendid organ sold by D. S. Andrus & Co., Williamsport, Pn., for $7".00 cash with 7 stops, solid wal nut case and 5 eet inches high, is sold now for $so.OO with one more stop and the grand organ knee swell additional. Write them Terms easy on long time also. "The National Citizen-Soldier published at Washington, D. C, is an able edited mouthy, devoted to the interest of the soldier, and every sol dier in the country should have the reading of it. It defeuds the men who shouldered their guns in the time of danger; It keeps them posted on all matters pertaining to pensions, back P'iy,' bounties, l:rtid warrants &c, It also pleads for them with the people, and does not forget to call the atten tion of Congress to their claims. It boldly advocates every measure whereby the soldier will be benefitted, and denounces every action that is de trimental to their interest. Twenty five cents pays a year's subscription. Sample copies can be had by addres sing (he Citizen-Soldier Piiilish INcj Co.; Box 588, Washington, D. C. Cloaks. A line line of Ladies Cloaks, cheaper than the cheapest at Powell t Kime's. Best quality Syrup and molasses at Morgester's. A trial will prove this. Barrel of Hickory gester's. nuts at Mor- Bargains In Teas at Morgester's. Pure cider Vinegar at Morgester's. Stock meal. of No. 1 feed and bolted Empty Cider, Pork and Molasses barrels 25 cents each at Morgester's. Visiting cards, note paper and envelopes at The Advocate office. Elk County. List of township and borough offi cers elected at theSpring Election held Tuesday, Feb. 17, 1S80. BENEZETTE. Assessor John Barr. Supervisors Geo. Apker, 60 votes; Geo. T. Roth rock aud J. M. Hanson each 48 votes. Auditor D. B. Wlnslow. Constable C. R. Sexton. Clerk R. J. Wlnslow. Treasurer W. H. Murray. Judge of Election I). W. Dellaas. Inspectors of Election D. A. Se ward, J. M. Rothrock. School Directors Robert Smith, John Barr. BENZINGER. Assessor Joseph Keimer. Supervisors Philip Kreckle, John Gleixner. Auditor Geo. Nissel. Constable Frank Werneth. . Clerk John Nissel. Treasurer Joseph Werner. Judge of Election J. J. Vollmer. Inspectors of Election George Bauer, Thomas Kerner. School Directors Andrew Kaul, George Fritz. FOX. Assessor Andrew Hau. Supervisors Anthony Koch, U. W. Rogers. Auditors P.. VHys, 3 years; J. C. Wharton, 1 year. Constable Eugene Hyatt, Clerk N. G. Bundy. Treasurer Joseph Emmclt. Judge of Election Dr. li. T. Wil liams. Inspectors of Election John Ma lone, Daniel Corbe. School Directors J.. J. Taylor, Smith Parker. HIGHLAND. Assessor W. S. Cole. Supervisors Theodore VanKirk, Knut E. Eliuson. Auditor R. Underwood. Constable W. S. Cole. Clerk E. Hoveticanip. Treasurer Samuel Gardner. Judge of Election R. Underwood. Inspectors of Election H. O. Elli thorp, Herman Gorton. School Directors Wm. Sheely, Samuel Gardner. HORTON. Justice of the Peace Geo. W. Clin ton. Assessor J. S. Chamberlin. Supervisors J. B. Trumbull, H. Reedy. Auditors- -A. B. Sparks, J. B. Frantz. Constable Thomas Burch field. Clerk G. S. llimes. Treasurer E. I). A bleu- Judge of Election T. J. Taylor. Inspectors oi'Elyction A. J. Alden, Jacob Fields. School Directors Fred. Raywinkle, G. S. llimes. Overseers of the Poor Nathan Hip pie, Thomas Burchfield. JAY. Justice of the Peace Abel Gresh. Assessor J ust us Weed. Supervisors Justus Weed, W. B. Hewitt. Auditor C. J. Dill. Constable Geo. W. Lewis. Clerk J. W. Brown. Treasurer A. W. Gray. Judge of Election Armel Turley. Inspectors of Flection Perry Rob erts, J. S. Miller. School Directors A. W. Gray, Jas. Campbell. JONES. Assessor II. W. Horner. Supervisors 31. M. Schultz, George DeGolier. Auditors G. A. Jocohson, J, L. Brown. Constable A. Cole. Clerk A. T. Aldrich. Treasurer Martin Sowers. Judge of Election John Nagle.Jr. Inspectors of Election Theodore Veditz, John Weidert. School Directors R. A. Manett, A. T. Aldrich. Collector R. Brennan. MILLSTONE. Supervisors Thompson Crow, Har rison Clyde. Auditor A. L. Heater. Constable J. S. Champion. Clerk Campbell Blair. Treasurer Godfrey Parrot t. Judge of Election G. O. P. HofT. 1 nspectors of Election Isiah Moore, U. V. Smith. School Directors Adam Zimmer man, H. C. Moore. RIDGWAY. Justice of the Peace Charles Mead. Assessor II. S. Thayer. Supervisors O. B. Fitch, Harry H. Wilson. Auditor-W. II. Hyde. Constable V. S. Horton. Clerk W. C. Hcaly. Treasurer G. G. Messenger. Judgeof Election Will Dickinson. Inspectors of Election Hugh Sic Gcchin, Allen Joii?V " School Directors G. T. Wheeler, 3 years; Isaac Avery 3 years; J. K. Gard ner, 1 year. SPRING CREEK. Justice of the Pence Martin Perrin. Supervisors D. D. Davidson, Wm. P. Henry. Auditors Ma) tin Perrin, Joseph P.eckwith. Constable M. Shanley. Clerk A. J. Waite. Treasurer E. M. Rogers. .ludtre of Election L. L. Miller. Inspectors of Election Ira Beck- witn, josepn moor. School Directors E. M. Rogers,, 87 votes; Hiram Eisleman, 37 votes; Aaron Fulmer37 votes. Collector M. Shanley. Removal of Election to Beech Bot tom 128 votes for; against 2 votes. ST. MARY'S BQRO. Justice of the Peace Charles Weis, Assessor Jacob Kin us. Auditor Ji.s. A. llaiihuuser. Constable Philip Vollmer. Town Council Albert Weis, 220 votes; Jas. Riley 117 votes. Judgeof Election Jas. M. Shiefer Inspectors of Election John Dol linger. H. F. Tegler. School Directors Charles Luhr, John B. Forster. High Constable Philip Vollmer Overseers of Poor Joseph Schajfer, jas. a. lianhuuscr. Chief Burgess Chas. Weis. ROLFE ELECTION DISTRICT. (Part of Ridgway Township.) Judge of Election Mathias Facem- ger. Inspector 6f Election - Horace E, Dicker, S. J. Swain. Koirc District. (Part of Rldgwny Township.) Return of votes cast at the election held Feb. 7, 1880. sri'Eiivisous. Amos B. Wheeler.G. 17 Harry II. Wilson, G. 8 John VanOrsdall, R. .14 J. L. Clark, R. 13 (). B. Fitch, D. 13 S. B. Mitchell, D. 11 SCHOOL 1)1 HECTORS. D. C. Oyster, R. 13 B. F. Ely, G. 8 W. S. Service, O. 10 John II. Williams, R. 11 G. T. Wheeler, D. l! Isaac Avery. D. 14 J. K. Gardner, D. 16 Evo Cook, 8 Amos B. Wheeler 1 constaiile. C. H. Rhines, R, 4 W. S. Horton, 1). 2!) Daniel Cannavan, G. 8 tkeasuheh. L. A. Brendel, R. 14 G. G. Messenger, D. 17 D. S. Luther, (4. 10 CLERK. Frank VanOrsdall, R. 13 W. C. Hcaly, D. 17 James Woodward, G. 11 avditor. J. M. Schram, R. 14 W. H. Hyde, D. 17 C. Bowers, G. 10 ASSESSOR. H. H. Wenscl, R. 12 H. S. Thaver, D. 17 Geo. Cooley, G. 12 JCIKIE OK ELECTION. Horace E. Decker, l'.i Will Dickinson, 1). 11 Henry A. Parsons, Jr., G. 3 INSPECTORS OF ELECTION. Mathias Facemger, 13 Hugh McGechin, D. 15 Allen Jones, G. 3 S. J. Swain 3 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Charles Mead. I. 14 S. A. Olmstead, G. 10 ' Urockport Locals. Wm. Mead Is working for J. S. Hyde. Wild geese flew north on Wednes day last. Brockport mill has again shat down for the want of stock. J. S. Hyde is rafting his lumber at. the Toby farm. Walter Horton, youngest brother of L. C. Horton, arrived here on Saturday. He intends going into the store as clerk. "Watchman" you areslightly mis taken about Vale's disappointment, Didn't you intend to sag it was R, J. Thompson that thinks some of com mitting Susan side (Susan M.) not me. He didn't care if his clothes were wet and spoiled but it was that photo graph that came from the far distant west that he first thought of when the little log rolled him into the water up to his chin. Charles why don't you leave Delia at home when you go across lots '.' Some people never fail to find out the faults of others but it is a mystery to us why they can never notice their own errors. We know it to be a fact .that he made an engagement with her to call on Tuesday evening but failed. We trust Jack will try and be more punctual in the future. Father Graham says that "Watch man" don't know as much as old Ben and old Ben don't know enough to step over a log without falling. HjC thinks there Is no use of a "Watch man" at this place but has come to the conclusion that every one will have to watch their lien roosts. It is a mystery to many how "L. C. A." finds out that Betsy talks so much about Vale's good horse. It is all clear to us. Philip inlorms us that Becky is about taking to. herself another husband. You know if this be true, which we have no reason to doubt, why should not "L; C- A." know all that Betsy has to say. L. C. Horton patched up his tele phone one day this week and by the appearance of things there was weep ing and gnashing of teeth. VALE. Bi'iH'kway ville Locals. "Swamper" was in town Thurs day. John Green and his dog spent a few days of last week in Ridgway. Brockwayvillo was very dull last week. Squire Sibley was the only man in town that appeared to be busy. G. W. Sibley has vacated the Rail road House. The vacancy is filled by his son, A. W. Sibley, who dishes up the hash in just as fine style as the old man. The revival meetings at the Lane school house conducted by the Itcv. Philo. Bowdish fatill continues. On Suuday evening about 30 persons' vis ited the mourner's bench. The success achieved is duly merited as a reward for the earnestness with which Mr. Bowdisli pursues his work. The preacher has just made the assertion, "Although general Jackson was a great man, he would bo damned just as soon as a Guinea nigger,"th row ing his arm around by way of making the expression emphatic and struck Ed. Green square in tlio eye. Ed claims to have seen stars, not like the minims that crowd the canopy at night, but large ones like Jupiter aud Mars, and persons sitting in tlio ini mediate vicinity say they heard him utter "curses not loud but deep." Those who have the opportunity should not fail to call at "D Tective's office and examine the machine there on exhibition for expediating the work of manufacturing shoes, and cutting tobacco and Irom which, with the as sistance of "D Tective" you can grind out imeniense quantities of oetry The inventions of Eddison and Morse con not cope with this super-human machine. "D Tective" claims to be the inventor, but we have reason to believe he is not. A causal observer judging from Its antiquated appear ance would say that it might have been stolen from the ancients or resur rected from some subtorraueau cavern and is one of the lost arts. NlXEYWEEDEN Brandy Camp Penciling. Fair weather. Jennie has cut ifer thumb. I have seen rubber bound and cats Jump but not like Henry did the other night when (he door opened. There Is a man in our town who is awful bold nnd queer, and every time he gets a chance he takes a glass of beer, and then he'd singj for lager beer I long have sought nnd mourned because my money' played out, and then he would fdgh and shed a tear and say to the clerk set up the beer aud if Bill don't pay nether will I. But the beer I must have for I am awful dry. Oh no says a voice from behind the bar you can have no more beer but take a cigar and then he left saying I am no fool my name is Bird. That was a snide got off on us from thatgarulous young Watchman, it Is too preposterous for serious con templation. Watchman I think you had better take a dose of worm w ood rhubarb and sonic cpsom salts, prehaps it may set you in your right mind. "Vale'' I hardly know how to thank you enough for that valentine although a week bite, it was so becom ing. Thomas S. Fuller of West Free dom Clarion Co. informs us he will teach Vocal and Instrumental music If he can get class enough. I looked again and I saw another man come up out of the land of Squab and he sat upon a brown horse and he was filled with wind. And he opened his mouth and spake with a loud voice saying I have come to defeat J. B. Trumbull and lie had not one fol lower even Peter his dceiple had for saken him, nnd he had the name of his first party written on a book Dem ocratic and the name of the second on his forehead, Greenback, and in his right hand a bunch of tickets and in his left a list of officers to be elected and he look from his pocket a pencil ! and scratched out the name of Trum bull saying I have (he power to run this election, And he spake again saying to all rich and poor free and bound to receive tlio name of their party in their right hand and to make an iimiKO of him Unit Kpl.-p (a hi;r calf) and that the image should speak and cause that as many as would not. vote for him should bo killed politi cally and I heard the noise of a harp and I looked and behold he was harp ing on the good things that he did when he was supervisor and he sang a new song, a Greenback song, and no man could learn that song hut the Green backers. The tramp that emptied a sixteen repeating carbine at Peter O'Neil's hog turned out to be a music teacher. It is strange how a school teacher will miss a teamster after he is turned off. L. C. A . ihigus City Dols. A number of our cttizens turned out on Saturday last and commenced the laying of sidewalks though the principal ntrt'i tn of the city. Quite n number of valentines were received through the mail at this place on the 14th. The mines are at the present writ ing running steadily, with a large force of miners. Carpenters are busily engaged put ting up new trestles in place of the old ones along the line of the Dagus road. Considerable bark is being shipped from this station. Our Sunday school is increasing steadily in membership. May the good work go on. J. II. Stcell & Co are erecting a large ice house and storage room in the rear of their mammoth store, the next question is where will Henry find the ice to fill it. Where, oh where, hits our martial band gone? Echo answers where. The "boss" shootist of the city, Sam, Low and Jack. S. W. Altnv. while coupling cars one day last week, had one of hi hands badly mashed, winch will ac count for his absence from duty Sorry for "Sid," indeed tor he Is a good whole-souled fellow and the "right man in the right place.''j For bad boys, we think Dagus city can beatauv town in the state for its size. Services was held in the school house on Sabbath evening last. Rev J. A. Hovis officiating. Service again next sabbath evening. "Jack" says he don't care much about it, but still he would like to find out who sent him the pig tail for valentine. The peanut brigade was out In full force on Saturday afternoon, we should bulge bv the looks of the floor at Steel 1 & Co's store. A voung man by the name of Green was pretty badly hurt one day last week by a rock tailing on lilm m the mines. We are informed at the present writing, that he is getting along finely. Joseph Ponser Is erecting a large and commodious dwelling house on the Centreville road, east of the school house. We understand that J. J. Taylor intends erecting a few more tenant houses at his new city, which he styles the "city of slain bang,'' The last that was heard or our friend Sam. Farley on Saturday night last, he was going for the upper end of the city, saying to himself "who will saddle the horse for peanuts?" Poor Sam. what will become of him. For a good clean shave or a hair cut, that genial fellow and townsman Dave Daniels is the boy to do up the job in short order. Jimmy Rodgers, tho bear hunter paid us a visit on baturuay jusc. Oh, for a good run of sleighing. I. N, O Dagus Clty.Feb, 17th 1830. fr-m THURSDAY, FEB. 20, 88fl. K. of H. Ridgway Lodge No. 1044 iiierla oil (he 2d tinoi 4th Fridays of each month at 3 o'clock. . Republican Slate Ticket. For Supreme Judge, HENRY GREEN, of Northampton County. For Auditor General, JOHN A. LEMON, of Blair County. Sallonnl Republican Convention. A National Convention of tlio Re bublican party will meet at Chicago, Wednesday, the 2d of June next, for nomination of candidates (o be sup ported for President and Vice Presi dent at the next election. Republi cans and all who will co-operate with them in supporting the nominees of tho party, are invited to choose two delegates from each Congressional district, four at large from each State, two from each Territory iud two from the District of Columbia, to represent them In the convention. J. D. Cameron, Chairman. Tiros. B. Keocih, Secretary. Ike. Ross has one of his fingers in a sling. -Mrs Jno. W. Eyster is in town on iv visit. Thin is the last week for the Audi tors' settlement, Willi (his issue we commence Vol. 10 of The Advocate. Mrs. M. V. Powell has moved into part of Dan. Cook's house. A nice stock of clothing for men; boys and children at P. & K's. Always call at The Advocate office for note paper and envelopes. John Cobb was in town last week; He talks oi selling his windfall larm. Swartz Ross and wife are keeping house in part of E. K. Gresh's house: The place to get your note paper and envelopes is at The Advocate of fice. Miss Sadie Culhbert is visiting at Brookville at the home of her brother Talbot, Robinson Cruso has gone to lm desert isle. Kid Gloves Ladies' and Gents' Buck gloves all kinds of gloves at P. it K's. Bargains in fine Syrup and Mo lasses at Morgester's. A trial will prove (his. Banks McAllister, of Horton township, has gone to Summit city, McKean county. SlicriU" Oyster.has returned front his trip to Boston, and reports all lovely at the "Hub." Light running, Latest Improves DOMESTIC, at prices never heard of before, at Mrs. W. S. Service's. Itev. J. M. Gillette is away from. town being doctored, f ears are enter tained that he will not recover. Miss Minnie Service, after a so-' ourn of several months in Washing ton citv, returned home on luesuay last. -Daniel Irwin preached In the M. E. Church last Sunday evening. I he sermon is saul to nave ueen veiy good. J. W. Morgester bus purchased of Geo. W. Rhine his dwelling house next to It. I. Campbell's on Main it reel. Joel Miller and wife have com menced house keeping in J. Powell's hou.'-e recently oci upiedby Mrs. M. V. Powell. Jerome S. Powell has gone to the oil regions where he will engage in (lie harness business. Success to you Jerome. Miss Rosa Weidonbrocncr of St, Mary's and Miss Maggie Miller oi Philadelphia were Die guests of Mrs. J. D. Fllllcrton last week. The Teachers' Institute held in Kersey the 20th and 2!st inst. was largely attended by teachers. The evening sessions were very enthusi astic and attended by over 2".0 people. rJas. L- Clark was nominated for supervisor on the Republican ticket at tho recent election. He posted a no-' tice at the polls early in the morning to theell'oet that he was not a candi date for supervisor and would not serve if elected. This fact will account for the small vote received by Mr. Clark. . llrockport Scribbling. In speaking in the last week's locals of James Bennett, Jr., putting in logs the printer got in pushed instead-of put In. Tho logs were hauled oil sleds. A little daughter of Jacob Fields has been quite ill for the past week. Short & Horton talk of putting id the pine on the Alden tract which Is not far from the creek. That old Methodist singer after investigating Shakespeare's writings and sending his poetry to some of tho county papers and being rejected re sorts to tho Courier tc relieve his heart's longings and forgot to sign his name. He thinks he is going rlghb up to heaven in a balloon. Well we think this is the only way he will get there unless he creeps through some" hole when no one is looking. If "Watchman" is not a school teacher we will greatly miss ourguess. What think you Reuben? "Swamper" we have all been cod verted and now when you want any more beer on Sunday you will have tt come In at the back door. BCHMIDT & SCHHEirEtif She r v . ... i v rsivonnc jL