- to ' I .T.. .11.. .1.1., .1. Henry A. Pnrsmi, Jr., I'd i lor THUUSDAY, FEU. 18, 1X80. KSTKItl'l) AT Til 10 PoST-nKI'lti: AT IllilfiWAY, l'A., AH Sl'CONI) CLASS MAIL MATT Kit. Republican Rational Tiefcot for 1800 I'OH PKKSIIIKXT. CiKX. ULYrKtf S. (J KANT. (Nulijrcl. tn decision of Hr -pulillcun Xiillonnl Convention.) A I'DlTOIia' SETTLEMENT. JCcci tjtfa nnrt J7rptnhtnrf.t of 7.7' t'nvnty for the y(tr rtnffrt.Tnnviri ISS'1. liKi'i'.ir ts. To unit reel from Trinsiii-er Mcf'nu- ley. hnl at Inst slt li-nu-iit -1.H77 fil To Hint iccclveil, proceeds I n, tioiHls...:il.ti.c. Ti Toiiint reed, n nsl 1 t:i x li-oiii collectors !i,tn J V.'. To'iunt received, liunl from county a -7 41 To unit recil, tax on unMii ImuN HVi Kl To niul rwl from Kciinliiii-or township on amount tine Iiixinont LIT (HI To amount nwlvcd from l-'ox town ship on amount iluc Iiixinont KVilMI Toiimount reeeiveil from .Jones toivn- pliip on amount line lil.xmont 1 spoil To nmonnt lceoivcil P-oni juil'-'incnls vs. Kiik-way township Tonmt recil from Itu-m Mct'cchln lor old court house :l.i00 To ami reed lor county lauds sold l2 MS Tonmt rood from return premium for insurance on old court house 211!) Tonmt reciMvcd from W. J. Illakcly, hack oiiico rent 1'2 00 To unit, recil. rehate from Hall' snleiiinl lock company 4'2 HI To unit, reed fur cement , lime.. Vc.sold... M :;i To mill reed, county tux on hinds re turned to county coinmlssionei'H... 71 To nnit recil from Wilcox ami Hamlin ' State road fund 22 Toiinit received on costs in I'mnnion- woalthvs. Amanda Trumbull "2i.iJ To unit received, costs nml (1 no. Com- moinvealtli vs, lienry lllesh tl!HI2 To unit recfl, costs and tine. Common wealth vs. .lames Murphy Vi III Tonmt reed, costs and tine, Common wealth vs. Will .1. Cuthhert 3(110 To nml reed, ensts, ( onimnnwetilth vs. iMathlas Meeker II SJ To unit reed, costs, Commonwealth vs. John Ivohn 1(1 10 To nml real, jury fees in civil cases 20 in f JT,Nt5IKI T'XrKSDITrtlES. By nmonnt paid r. Weidcrt, commis sioner, services 31S0O By amount paid (ico. iieu:-chcr, cum- liiissioncr.servlc cs MHOO I!y nmonnt paid W.il.Dsterhout.com- miHs,loiier,servlces 210 00 By amount paid W.s. ilorton, com missioners' clerk oOOIHJ By nmonnt pd Hall MeCnulcy .com missioners' counsel 7" 00 By anil pd eoiislnliles.ntllcers fees :i'.U mi Bynnit pd justices, olllcers foes K'.'5 By unit pd district uttorncv 177 00 By aint pd M. I,. Iloss, court crier irj "ill By milt paid ir.n.Wi'iisel.tip-stall. 12 On By unit pd prothonota ry '. Ill fill By ami pd county niidilois and clerk.. 1 7 .VI By unit pd 1 T. Brooks, pinitor 7il By unit Jul constahlcs.i oni. costs 170 12 By Hint P'l .iusticrs.Coin.co..ts .17 :i7 By unit pd witnesses, I 'oin.c ists 12 It! By amt pd assessors for nssessiir: 2'!?i0 By amt pd ns.se:.--. as for rofislerinir I'd an By amt paid jrrand 'tinn-s 711 00 By amt pd traverse itirors 1 .."mo HT By amt. pd Jul I expen- es : I.iiiiii nt By anil pd liixmout lio.-pttal for sup port Off. it 11-iltt liyaintpd liixmout Imspiial lor sup port ot'.l. SU climr Wi 20 By anil pit 1'iNiuont ho.piial for suji- port, of Kate, Williams 1227"i lly unit, pd I'lNinoii! hospital for sup port of Mary Mile- '. l i"! .Vi By anil pd western peiiiu iniar.v for".-' s;i in By amt pil for puliiisidiej cl. ci ion proc lamation 1'U ac Jly ain't pnid i'or in!oli.-hii! auditors' settlement :Viei!:i By unit jid for print i ii;v auvi-i lishiir.. I'.7 In !!yamt pd for j.i'int iim eleci ioi Pinks l'''7") lly unit pd for eleeiioii expeiiM-'., '."i. so J:y aint pd f ri'oad view and itainat-s ;7.i '; By unit for blank books lor prot n s ollicc 120 2"i By unit ul lor Matiouery a- po.-lai.e .1121 y amt pd for liuuntu .in vol t s,i.c... o! "" Bynmt I'd for find and litrhfs "k" By i.inl, I'd for repairs on public bldns Hi"': Ity amt I'd foi'c.airt ho.ie c.xpeiiM s 7-''..i By i. nit pd for Jury cotinois .V clerk ll'i "2 Hy ami j'll tor coroner's IntjU. sts i2a:!S' J'.y unit pd for audi; In;; proihy's accis. !i un lly unit pd for U lit heis' hislilutc ex penses for l.'-7s ll."i.-l By nml pd for advcriisiu:; lands, al'tcr- whiMs stricken oli'. 17 00 liynintpd for chairs forju:-.-. romus.-c 5100 liyiiinlpdJ. H. Hunt, on Ti. K. A !'. State road fund 1,7 Si By anil pd for ic "iin lit and l'cui.-try books 07 50 Bynnit pd for treasurer's seal .".."iii By unit pd for work on Meridian line. ;12 u) By unit i for otticial sti iiouriiphcr I:.l 7."i By anil, p.l I'cniisyi van la rci'orni school I'orHiippori. of inmates 1IS.")0 By anil pd county conmirs on their lourof court house insj.ee' Ion..... i;i; t.rt By nnit pd for miscellaneous expense-; is 12 By unit .ii on ereclion of new coin L house :;.'!, 120 ;;7 By unit pd Michael IJruniier, county tiVUMUV!', as conill'jsMoIl for ree.d v- iii'-i ami di.bursin,4 county fumls... 1,277 11 l.-,,-2n "2 ... J.ut.iii) By excess of receipts... f 17,s:ri IW Axsctttf and LiribiWJrH nf ink Cuunty, Januury "), (S'll, a:-;;i:t.s. To amt county tar mi oii.-caP d lands. subject to coinnih-doii .v i x'nerat n22,l"s .jti Tonmt ounty tax due p-oni collec tors, subject tocominissloii and cx onci'iition S,s7l till To unit due from Lewis I iics for ko.ds bouuht of county l,lo:',0fi To Hint due from i'.eniner lownshiji for support of hinal ic ai lOxmoiit :JH20 To unit duo from 1 ox township for support of lunnt ics at Hix.'uont soil M To Hin t duo from St. Mary's borough for Kupport of lunatics at, iiixinont lii !i;i To nmonnt due from Lock Uavcu bor ough, ns per judgment 2"S1 To unit due from Tieasurer Met auley for tax received a nil note charged to him In his setllonicnt loo (is To unit Judgment note against J. W. it J. fi. Cienrsro K2 .13 To unit Judgment uoto HKiiinst J. L. it J. K. lionham U rS To amount due from Michael Brunm r( Trcnsurcr, in- per auditors Settlmt ... 72"i In I.IAlllI.ITIIS. By county bonds outstandlm; :;i,lno.oo By county orders outstanding 701 .',0 Byumoiintdue Jiixmont for support of lunatics .".IllTI Ry unit due Comuionwcalth-stati; tax HVi 4A Jfynmtdliu l'ciina.Kciorm School ss.'tf By amt due llcnezettc election hoard.. 22 In lly bal due I. C. nystcr, Sheriir. IKelO ' liy nmouiit due Kred. ScliU'Uiutr, pro- tllonotary, kc 2 11 31,2 By excess of n:-sets.... 5-!l,"l!i01 Wc, the undeivij-'iied, commissioners ot Llk county, do hereby cerl lly that the above and forcoiim is a correi'l sti.leniciit of tiie receipts and expenditures uf Klk counly for the year 1S70, and also of assets and liabilities of said county at this date. MICilAKL VKTHKIIT.) W. H. tsTI-:nil()l 'T, 5 Co.Conns ui:ii!;i:K iii:i'.si'in:i:,) Attest '. S. ilouro.v, clerk. Ainouiil8 JCti-cirrit frtiiH the tsrrerfil Othctfirs o Ktk ' "iitty ttiu-tmi js.ii Collector. Township. Vear. Co State. 21 no 3 0.3 :. .v 2" no 77 VI p.n mi William Clyde .Millstone.... ls7 Nathan Hippie.. ..Ilorton Is7. 1). I!. Willslow Belie.ette IsTl Jacob Moyer I ox Thus, i 'atnpboll ... !1 : lilaml.. Daniel l'hulell Jlorlon . p. ,.i,-;o ..1.-7(1 Hiram 1 :iseliiiuii.siii ini.' i rl:...i Henry Llesi, i'.eiicette..., 1-77 201 13 oO 1" MiijKftfl Hlolt Beiii:liiijer....l.s'7 11C7 John Mi'iViat"l;in...i''ox is77 72 (" Levi KllitiW Hinhlaiid... ,ls',7 0 io G. W, -01110.1 Horton Is77 71 1 1 Eiphraiiu Hewitt. .Jay Is77 270 Kobel L M. lib. II tones IS'7 2uti(i II i-'i O.D.Mes.-cuuer, jrllidiiw ay K.7 o7 M 10 1 Win. A. lew in Spriiii;('reeklv,-7 71 Ii Mil Wm. Murray Beneetie Is7.s :i Frank Wei nilli...Bcuy.iut'cr... Ink O-'si M Ji re.Hewitt l-'ox 1.-7.S 00.1 20 20 K.1 JLO.l-.llithorp llii-hhuid. ...ls'S 0 12 511 Thou. Burchlleld., Horton IMS 2MI0O Annul Turley Jay Ists 300 f-2 James JI. Wells... Join s Isis islli.1 Jas. Champion Millstone 17. .1023 W. S. Jlorlon,' HidKttay 1-7S !i71 do Mat. Shanhy .Spi nii,'Cri-cklN7H 1 17 M Jlichael Siibich...St. Mury'd ...ls7S .Viuil John liarr I'.i ncette.... Is70 KM no Frank 'ernilh...lii-iik;iiiter...lsro 12lf-" Jonepli Eniinert...l'ox Is70 771 M Then. Vunkirk JlL-hlund Is7 12101 J. ( 'hamberlain ...Jloi ten 1- ,0 27s. to 21'7 tl Kphralm Jiew itl..Jay IsTii 111:1117 Kich'd llreiimm... Join s Is7!l 1)72 32 A. Zilinm rman...Millsioiie Is70 112 HI W. C. Healv liidmvay Is70 Ht7M 20 23 Martin Benin spriunt reikis.!! Isino VUilip Voliiti-r St. Mary's 17(1 2M 05 1 1'.i.l-I I lie Hi!' 10 Aiwtvnt Vtir from ihr xnrnrrtl fltHrrtor of Klk Ot'ittUy, J'fiHiftrit (1, Issu. , Collector. Township. Year. Tax, Nathan Hipplo Morton Is7"i 102 111 '.lucob Mover l-'ox 1S70 ;ll Rl 'lomlol I'hnleii Horton Is7d 81 HI Hiram Kiseliuan SprlinrCrock Is7(l tti.Vi M. (tlnft St. Mary's 177 ' 1111 '! .lull ii SlcVliicklu Vox I'77 S'.lll William Murray BPiicr.pftc IsTH .' 271 IW Thoinns Uurchllidd... Horton ls7S ' lsn 07 Annul Turley lay Is7 1.2B7 .lamrs chnniplon Mjllston....sH , ::s )7 W.S. Horton ilhlixwav 1S7S 17S 27- Mat. Shallley SprlliL'l 'reek 1S7S Si 17 Michael stibleh St. Marv's H7S 1112 20 John llarr Ilcnc.etto Is70 (110 10 Ki'iink Wcrnilli llen,iniror....ls"iil ,S7 III Joseph Ktiinu rt Vox 1S70 Id" 10 Jos. CliHInhcrlaln Ilorton IS70 lid S7 lsphralm Hewitt lay ls','0 72S20 Kiidianl l'.n iinali Jones 1S70 2ii7 10 Adam .lmHicrinan...Mlllsionc ls,' 117 2"i W. C. Hcaly lildirwuy Isyo i lis Martin reirin Sprinu'l rcck IsTti I.V! IS I'M 11 ij Vollmer St. Mary's IS70 12711 fo ?S,S71 (10 Those marked paid since scHleliieiit. Mirhrrrt lntnnn "'., Trrttsurvr of Klk (YHinfy. in firmiiit icith sahl couit'y jur the yntr eiiilimj Jtiitiftrit .", Issa, coi nty i ijyn. To amount ruclved from '1 rensurer McCaulcy. hal. at last settleincnt... 1.077 01 " fim't rcc'il from county bonds suld,..Hl,li."jS 27 " nmonnt received from collectors, seated lax and exonerations 10,111 110 " ain't ree'd for lands redeemed from county 207 41 " ain't ree'd tax on unseated hinds 2VI mi "nmonnt received from Henziii(rer township on ain't due Iiixinont 207 41 iiniount received from Jones twp. on nmonnt due 1 lixinont 1M1 00 " ain't received fi i.m Hall it McCau- " ley, juddineiits vs. lllduwny Iwp 213:12 "ain't ree'd IV. Jluirh Mcfieehin for old court house l:lo (Hi " ain't ree'd for county lauds sold 1(12 "unit ree'd for return prcniiuni for insurance on old court house 2110 ' niu't ree'd from W. .1. Itlakely, buck rent, otlicp In ohl court house 12 00 " mii't received for rebate from Hall's safe nml lock company 42 01 "amount received for cement, lime, itc, sold 1120 "ain't received, county tax on lands returned tocounty commissioners 71 " nm't transferred from Wilcox and Hamlin State read fund 22 SIS.lOl 10 By county commissioners' receipts for county orders redeemed 11,002 02 "county commissioners' receipts for exoneration orders redeemed 63B IS " county commissioners' receipt- for refundinjr orders redeemed I:i28." " county commissioners' receipts for redemption orders redeemed Ill KJ " counly commissioners' receipts for Interest coupons on Co.bonds pd.... 301 27 " am t paid on McKean, Klk and For est state road fund 813 711 " treasurers' commission on all mon ies received 3.S2 80 " treasurers' commission on all mon ies disbursed 01 31 47,370 oil " balance due fund 72i In 818,101 10 SCHOOL FUND,-. J1KNKKTTE KCHOOL FI'ND. To amt titx reed from umU Ms 1 Pi) " nnit lTcd of lino lor violation of "rattle law 3 0;! bal thio troas 03 8WI -2-2 5S 77 Iy itiitt Jul Trctis Ali-C'iUilcy, llill title i.t III. t KC-tllullR'llt " co conii'rt rci-iit for co onions ltlllH'tlll'll " Iritis coin on tinit l'cc'il " li'fii-i com on ttmt ilirilitirsoil II 0(1 10 1 : !;i:n!-:z:-:itk sciiooi, im iliuni; To Ijtil disc irons l-'l'Mi. Ii 10 $0 10 (1 04 1 .?(! 1(i lly am t Tu-us McC'tmloy, 'I'stl til last M-ttli'iiiotit " tn tis com on ami rocil i;i:.zi.((i:it itiioi. j i NH. To aint tux rood from unsoutoil liiiuls amt rood for lands rodmd ii'om county " .Mnt nod of tine for viola tion of Littmo law -1 '.'s 4 i ry.) 9 0(i oil 77 li-7 7i bal due Irons ijjl 1 Go :y nnit id J roas Mci auH-y, bal at last ft-ttlomciit " co coiiii's1 roeoipt for refund ing orders ledeoined " trcas com on amt reed " treas com on tinit disbursed 1 OS p.; 130 liL 1 13 1 70 si!Jl oil BL'XZlXOElt fiCHOOL BVIMUXfi I-UXD. To amt rocil from Treas lie- (.'auley, lial at last stlmt 311 07 " unit tax reed from unseated lands 1 L'(i " amt rood for Ids redeemed from county 12 21 3S 17 202 Oil I!y scltool trensr's receipts " co eomrs' roojit for refiind- iii"' orders rodeeinod " treas com on unit iced " trcas com on unit disbursed 4 0U 2::! -to KS 71 " balance duo fund FOX SCHOOL Fl'XD To unit recti tax from unstd lands " amt reed on lands returned to co eomrs " amt recti of fines for viola tion of yamo law 24 71 1 08 C 58 iiy amt paid Treas McCau lcy, cml at last settlement " trcas com on unit received " treas com on unit disbsd 25 Id 04 50 20 K3 0 04 " balance duo fund FOX SCHOOL Jil'l LIHNfl FVX1). To unit reed from Treas Mc Caulcy, bal tit last seliint 21 : " unit tax reed from unseated lands 8 24 " amt reed on lands returned to county colors By treas com oi unit received " balance due fund iV2 1 ! 70 IIIfillLAXl) SCHOOL Ft'XI. To unit reed from Trcas Mc Caulcy, bal ut last sctlmt " amt reed, tax from unseated lands " nmt reed, tino for violation of game law 103 15 $101 4(1 By treas com on nmt " balance due fund recti 2 0 102 33 104 40 JIOHTOX SCHOOL FFNI). To unit reed from Treas Mc- Cuuley, bal at last setlmt " unit tux reed from unstated 20 00 lands - 11 40 " unit reed of fine for viola tion of game law 3 45 40 85 By school treasurer's receipts 25 4H " trcas com on mot received 2!) " trcas com on nnit disbursed - 51 20 2'! 14 67 " balance due fund $10 85 JAY SCHOOL FUND. To nmt tax reed from unstd Ids " unit received of linu for vio lation of game law 20 01 $29 80 I5v nmt nd Trcns MoCitulov. balance at last settlement 13 -l!i " trcns. com on nmt reed 50 14 treas com on unit disbursed- 27 14 .- 15 51 " buluiioo due fund .2!) 80 JAY SCHOOL BFJLBIXft FUXI). To nint reed from Treas Mc Caulcy, balance nt lust settle ment 0 15 ?0 15 6 15 Hy balance due fund $0 15 JO XK3 SCHOOL FUXl). To unit reed from Treas Mc Caulcy, balance nt last settle ment " nmt tax reed from unstd Ids " nmt reed of fine for viola tion of game law 0 40 4 08 G 45 17 53 22 17 31 $17 5 By trens com on nnit reed " balance due fund JONES SCHOOL 111 I LI UNO FVND. To nmt reed from unstd Ids 1 41 fl 41 03 1 38 81 41 By trens com on nmt 1'oeil " balance due fun. M1LLSTONK SCHOOL FUND. nmt recti from Treas Mc To Ctiuley, balance nt last settle ment " unit reed of fine for viola tion of gume law. 5 03 5 77 1 71 !?7 48 5 5(1 1 83 01 14 $7 48 " balance due trens. By county conimrs receipt for relutidiiij? ords reilenied. " eoiiiitv comtiirs receipt for school building ords rodmd. " treas com on unit received. " treas com on amt disbursed. BIDCIWAY SCHOOL Fl'Nn. ' unit tax reed from unseated lands ' ami lax reed for lands re deemed from county "unit reed of line for viola tion of traiue law 35 HI 8 07 si 1 1 05 30 Oil By amt paid Treas McCaulcy, balance at hist settlement " county conimrs reept for re- ftindin'o; ordiTs redeemed " treas t'lim on unit received "treas com on unit disbursed balance due fund $44 05 BlDdWAV SI JIOOL BFlLDIXC! FUND. To amt tax reed from unstd ids " amt reed for Ids redeemed from county 4 21 S4 50 80 00 01 By county conimrs reept for refunding orders redeemed " treas com on amt received "ticascomon amt disbursed on 3 oo ii 50 jtilnnce due fund spuing ci:i:i:k school ffxh. To amt reed for Ids redeemed from county 38 38 " unit reed of fine for viola tion of umit' law 1 22 S30 0(1 Bv unit paid Treas MeCnulcy balance at last settlement trens com on amt received irons com on unit disbursed 70 01 2 02 37 58 $30 00 balance duo i'ulitl ST. MARY'S SCHOOL Ft'NI). To unit rood from Trens Me Cnulcy, bulunce ut lust settle ment 5 71 " unit tux reed from unsetd Ids 28 " unit reed of lino for viola tion of game law 7 20 $13 28 5 59 15 11 By school trcns receipts trens com on nmt received " trens com on unit disbursed 5 85 7 43 $13 28 " Iml due fund ROAD FUNDS bj:xi:.i-:tti-; koaij fi xi To nmt lax reed from imseuted lands " bul tine treasurer $4030 42 28 Jiti 03 By unit pnid Trctis MeCnulcy, balance at last settlement . " county conimrs reept for re funding orders ret loomed " treas com on unit reed " treas com on unit disbursed 6 00 $49 30 BEXIXCEK ltOAD FUND. To nmt reed from treus Me Cnulcy balance ut last settle ment 149 01 " amt lax rood from unstd Ids .4 ;;o " amt rood for lands redeemed from the county 43 107 5: " bul due treas 07 205 112 By county conimrs reept for refunding orders redeemed " county conimrs reept for unstd orders redeemed " township treus reept " treus com on unit reed " Irons com on amt disbursed 73 70 0 3 54 fill 8,-) $44 28 37 00 3 22 205 FUND. 4 U8 21 77 20 75 70 28 $100 03 71 41 82 0(1 53 2 00 balance duo trcns By nmt paid Trens MeCnulcy, bulunce ntlast settlement "county conimrs reept for re fundinjr orders redeemed " treas com on an t received 'treas com on amt disbursed $100 03 FOX ltOAD FUND. To nmt tax reed from unstd Ids " bnlunce duo treas 20 58 10 05 $40 53 20 84 10 00 41 78 By unit paid Trcns McCnuley, balance at lust settlement " county conimrs reept for unsetd orders redeemed " treas coin on nmt received " trens com on aint disbursed $40 53 FOX ADDITIONAL ROAD FUND. To bnlance due treas 187 27 $187 27 By nnit paid Tretjf MeCnulcy, balance nt last settlement " trens com on nmt disbursed 183 00 3 C7 $187 27 HIGHLAND BOAD FUND. To nmt reed from Trens Mc Caulcy, bal at hist settlement 444 20 " amt tax reed from unstd Ids 200 2'J 050 49 111 81 " bnlunce due treas $702 30 435 32 308 00 ' 412 14 80 By township trens reept " county conimrs recipt for unseated orders redeemed " treas com on nmt received " trens com on unit disbursed $702 30 HORTON ROAD FUND. To amt reed from Trens Mc Cnuley, bal nt last setlmt " amt Irax reed from unseated lands. 08 58 14 25 112 83 0 39 $110 22 00 01 20 00 " bnlunce due treasurer' By township trensr's reopts " county eonirs reopts for un seated orders redeemed " trctis com on nmt received " treas com on unit disbursed 28 2 33 $110 22 JAY KOAI) FUND. Tonmt reed from Tresis Me Cutiley, luil nt last setlmt 14 G; amt tax rood from unseated lands ;:s 03 5y twp trensr's receipts " co eomrs' reept for unseated orders redeemed " trcas com on amt received " tresis com on amt disbursed 17 41 35 21 S52 (55 " balance duo fund JAY CASH FUND. To amt reed from Treasurer MeCuuley, bul nt last setlmt 1 01 $1 01 00 02 $1 01 y twp treas receipt ' treus com ou unit disbursed JONI-S KOAD l-'UND. To nmt tax reed from unseated unds bal due treasurer 4 08 2 28 $0 00 1 74 By nmt paid Trens MoCauley, balance, ut last settlement " co eomrs receipt for county orders redeemed " treas com on aint received " treas coin on unit disbursed $0 00 MILLSTOXF. liOn FUND. To amount received from Treas McCnuley, bal at last setlmt " balance due treasurer 15 07 18 05 $33 7 By twp trens receipt 14 70 18 30 " co eomrs receipt lor reniuit- ing orders redeemed " treas com onamtdisbuisd 00 $33 72 10 58 $10 58 MILLSTOXK CASH FUND. To bnlunce due treasurer By unit paid Trens McCautej', inti nt last, settlement " co eomrs receipt for refund ing oiders redeemed " treas com on unit disbursed 1 20 9 18 20 $10 58 - RJDCi WAY KOAD FUND. To unit tux reed on unseated lands " unit rood for lands redeemed from county " balance due treasurer 32 00 32 00 42 30 $75 20 By amt paid Trcas MeCauley, bul ut lust settlement " co eomrs receipt for refund ing orders redeemed " tmis com on unit received " trens com on unit disbursed 71 00 2 08 00 1 40 5?75 29 KIDO WAY CASIIJ'UND. To ami rood for lands rodmod from county " balance duo treusurer 00 18 2 35 $53 By nmt paid Trcns McCauTey, bulunce ut last settlement " eo eomrs reept for refund ing orders redeemed " treus com on unit received " trens coin on unit disbursed 49 08 53 $53 08 20 00 BKN.INOKH ADDITIONAL KOAI) To nmt reed from unseated Ids " unit reed for Ids redeemed from comity $52 05 14 33 2 00 70 32 SPRING C It KMC ROAD Ft'NfJ. To amt rood from Treas Mc Cnuley, bal nt Inst settlement 24 29 " amt tux reed from unstd Ids 18 40 " unit reed for lauds redmd from county 33 09 00 $70 47 21 By co eomrs recent for unstd orders rcdccineir " (u p trt.'iiu'ef' receipt 20 1 04 1 12 " treas com on amt disbursed 73 75 2 09 " bnlunce duo fund J70 44 PBKINtf CRJ-'KK CASIt FUND To nmt reed from Trcas Me- Caulcv, bid nt last setlmt 12 42 " nmt reed for lands redeemed from county 28 08 $10 50 12 42 50 25 13 23 27 27 $40 50 By twp trens receipts trens coin on nmt reed " treas com on amt disbursed " balance due fund ST. MARY'S ROAD FUND. To nmt reed from Treas Mo Cnulev. bul nt last setlmt 7 20 " unit tax rtcd from unscuted lands 28 $7 54 7 11 15 By borough tt'ens receipts " trens coin on nmt disbursed 7 20 28 " balance duo fund ?54 ST MARY'S CORl'ORATION FUND. To nmt reed from Trens Me Cuuley bal at lust settlement 3 06 amt tux reeiU'rom unseated lauds 14 $3 20 Bv borough treas receipt " trcas com on amt disbursu " balance due fund $3 20 rOOK FUNDS. BKXZIXtiFR roolt FUND. To nmt tax reed from unseated lands amt reed for lands rcdeemd from county o52 21 77 25 29 84 70 bulatiee due treasurer 110 05 09 41 88 00 By ntnt pnid Trens MeCauley, bnlance at last settlement " co contrs reept for refunding orders redeemed " treas com on aint received " treas com on amt disburod 50 2 14 $110 05 FOX Boon FUND. To amt tax reed from unstd lands balance due treasurer 10 30 3 18 $13 4S 13 02 2(1 20 11 48 Bv unit pttid trens McCnuley balance ut lust settlement treas coin on amt received treas com on amt disbursed HOJt'l'ON POOR FUND. To nnit reed from Treas Me Cauley, balance nt hist stlmt 50 22 ?..0 22 55 Id 1 12 $ 50 22 By twp teens receipts trcas com on unit iiisuurseii JAY point FUND. To nmt tax rood from unstd Ids 19 01 $19 01 38 18 03 5y treas com on unit reed "' balance duo fund $10 01 JONICS 1'OOK FI'ND. To unit reed from Treas Mc Cnuley, balance nt last settle ment" 1 00 $1 00 1 00 $1 00 By bnlance due fund MILLSTOXK I'OOR FI'MD. To unit reed from Treus Mc Caulcy, bal tit last settlement bulunce due treas 3(1 5 31 5 01 5 50 11 By county eomrs reept for re- tiiinling orders redeemed '' treas com on unit disbursed 5 01 41 13 3 ( 13 75 15 47 29 22 27 59 80 27 60 KITH! WAY l'OOJl FUND. To unit tux reed from unstd Ids " amt rood for Ids redeemed from county " bnlunce due trens Bv nmt pd Treas MeCauley, bal at last settlement " county eomrs reept for re funding orders redeemed " treas com on amt received " treas com on unit disbursed 29 : Sl'ltlNO C'KKLK I'OOR FUND. To unit rood from Treus Me Cuuley, bul nt lust settlement " unit tux reed from unstd Ids ." unit reed for Ids redeemed from county 03 6 00 3 09 10 5 By township trens reept " treas com on nmt reed " treas com on amt disbursed 0 4 10 " balance due fund ST. MARY'S I'OOR FUND. To amt reed from Trens Mc Cnuley, bul at last settle ment " unit tux reed from unstd Ids " treus com on aint received 2 44 53 73 By borough trcns reept " trear com ou unit disbursed 13 " bulunce due fund 73 STATE BOAD FUNDS. KANE, RIDUWAY AND ST, MAHY'8 STATE UOAD FUND. To aint tux recti on unstd Ids Jones township 4 " amt tux reed on unstd Ida Itidgwny township 1 1 amt reed for Ids redeemed from the county Benzinger township 43 44 00 ft ' amt reed for Ids redeemed from county Kidgway twi 42 187 39 278 89 By nnit pd trens McCaul'iy, bal at last settlement " eo Comrs reept refunding orders redeemed, Benzingei' township " co eomrs reept refunding ords rednid Ridgwny twp " tens com on amt reed " trens com on nmt disbursed 180 43 88 dd 8 20 1 83 5 43 278 89 BIDQWAY AND BROOKVILLt! STATK 111 All FUND. To nmt reed for Ids redeemed from eo Itidgwny twp 23 91 " amt reed for Ids rediud from eo Spring Creek twp 2100 44 97 73 45 70 40 73 3 20 90 88 " bal duo treas By amt pd Treas MeCauley bul ut lust settlement " co eomrs reept refundiug ordH rcdmd Itidgway twp " trens com on amt- reed " trcns com on amt disbursed 45 70 McKEAN ELK AND FOREST STATE KOAD FUND. ro amt trnnsicrred irom co fund to balance 843 79 843 79 251 90 575 20 10 54 843 7'9 By amt pd Treas MeCauley, bal nt last settlement " co eonirs reept for refund ing ords redeemed " trens com on amt disbursed WILCOX AifD HAMLIN STATE BOAD FUND. To amt reed from Treas Me Cauley, bul nt last settle ment 22 0 22 22 By amt trausfd to co fund 0 Michael Jirnnncr, Exq., Trcrtmtrcr of Klk Count), in account with the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania for the year ending January 5, 1880, To amt tavern licences reed as per report clerk of quarter sessions " unit store licenses reed 03 per report clerk of Q. B. " amt outing lises lie's reed as per report clerk of Q. 8. " amt retailers licenses reed as per rept mercantile appraiser 1879 800 00 50 00 120 00 725 00 " unit luilai'd He's red ns per rept mercantile appraiser 1879 140 00 " amt brewers lie s reed as per rept mereaiilile appraiser 1870 " amt circus lie's reed " nmt tax on co loan reed from bondholders 150 00 50 00 12 80 2 052 80 By St Treas reept retailers lie's " St treas reept tavern lie's " St treas reept brewers lie's " St treas reept liquor lie's " St treus reept ea house lie's " St treas reept circus lie's " St Irc.is reept billiard lie's 11 amt pd for advertising mer cantile list for 1870 " exonerations on retailers and billiard lie's allowed by And Gen " treas com on amt reed, On 5 per cent 075 87 700 00 '.id 50 47 5(1 11 1 00 50 00 3 84 ill) 00 53 00 102 04 .1,003 51 50 29 " bal due commonwealth 2,052 80 We the undersigned, auditors of Eik county for the year 1880, having met ut the commissioners' oftice in Itidgway, in said county, on the tlrst Monday of January, A. D. 1880, being the li it'll day of the month, for the purpose of auditing, settling and ad justing the accounts of the several county olllcers, we adjourned to Tues day, January O.lsso, ut which time we proceeded to audit, settle and adjust the accounts of the several county ollicers, nod found them correct ns stated in this our report. Michael Bruiincr, Ksip, treasurer Of said county, having been duly noti fied, was present in person and pre sented his account. After having carefully examined uudited and adjusted the accounts of stiid Michael Brunner, treasurer, we found due from him, the said trens. to the said funds, as is fully set forth in the foregoing report, the sum of one thousand four hundred twenty-six dollars and thirty-two cents, and due to him, the said treasurer, from cer tain funds, as sot forth in the said foregoing report, the sum of one thousand one hundred and eighty four dollars and thirty cents, leaving a net balance of two hundred forty two dollars and two cents due to the said county of Elk from the said treas. Also due irom tne said treasurer to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania the sum of fifty-nine dollars and twenty-nine cts. as is fully sot forth in the foregoing report. in witness vvnereor, we nave Here unto set our hand this 27th day Janunry A. D. 1880. J. J. TAYIAIK, (.oAud,r8 CHAS. MILLER, f --Aua rs Attest M. S. Kline, Clerk. 1 ha Cximmtsmoners of Klk County bal due tretls account with said County for services for the year ending January 5, 1880. Michael Meidcrt. To county orders received 318 318 S18 818 By 100 days' services, $3 05 88 00 12 George licuschcr. County orders received 818 09 85 94 318 318 By 106 days' services, $3 $318 IV. II. Ostcrhout. To county orders received 210 1210 210 14 By 70 days' services, $3 2 58 2 39 05 $210 D. C. Oytter, Esq., High Sheriff of 2 44 14 County, m account with said County for the year ending January ! 58 To nmt flues and costs collected in Commonwealth cases. ' amt jury fees reed in civil cases " amt co orders foi Lord pris oner 253 20 651 03 925 410 $1,336 " balance due sheriff 53 By bat due at lust settlmt " Jail act for boarding and washing for prisonrs up to Jau 1 1880 " fcerving juroa, May" 6ert 12 C51 91 60 t i and Nov terms 1879 and Jun term 1880- . " conveyng F. EnttlfJ to petl'y " conveying M OHertl to petty " convg Mrs J (uinii to Dlx- mont ; " drawing fotir jttrii'a lit IP70 " pub election pfoehuitntloit ' fees In criminal enses " fees on commitments tl&ODO 75 00 61 80 4 od i od 77 80 40(H) 1,888 00 We, tiiti liiiderslgneit, auditors Of Elk county for the year 1880, having met at the commissioners' ofllce 111 Kitlgway, III said county, Oil the first Monday lit Jantinryi A. D i860, bclttrf the tilth day Of the molithi fbf th purpose of auditing, settling and ad; Justing the accounts of tile several olllcers, we adjourtied td TUesdnyj January 0, A. D'. 18N0, at which time" we proceeded to audit, settle and ad Just the accounts of the several county olllcers as set forth in our report, Daniel C. Oyster, Msq. high sheriff of said comity, was present in person and presented his itdttouitt. After carefully examining, auditing settling and adjusting his aecountsi we found due to the said sheriff from, the said county of Mk, the sum of fotir hundred and tt'il dollars and thirty-six cents, which sum we certify to be correct, as set forth in the fore going statement. In witness Whereof, Wo hare here unto set our hands the 27th day tit JanuarV. A. D. 1880. J. .1 . TA I Jjlllv, ,L Au.it. 1 L Ill .11 I I IIJFiiV Attest M. S. Klink, Clerk. The Commimioncrn of the Kane, Hidgs way and St. Mary's iS'tate J!oad irt account with the f'undn of said Hoact for the ucar enamti January at, mow, To bal one inn nuasi, seumi " nm't ree'd from tretls. ofMC- Kean Co. "amt reed proceeds of bonds Nos. 38 and 39 par " amt reed, proceeds of bond No. 40 par . . . rt . . 1 . ...... n " l t - 04 83 i84 7f 700 00 700 00 $5,289 G'i By amt paid Gen. Kane fbf eon- slruction. Sergeant twp 1,018 88 " amt pd Wilcox tanning Co. for work, Jones township 509 3 " amt paid Geo. D. Messenger for work, Kidgway township 028 80 " amt pnid J. K. 1'. Hall for work, Benzinger twp 195 37 " amt paid Half & IcCauley for worki general fund 10 00 " amt paid Ji In Brown, secy. general fund 20 47 2,442 8! 2,847 2d . i 5,280 &i " balance dtte fund The ConunixHioilcm of the Itidyway" and Jiroohvitte Slate Jtoad in ucctt with the Funds of said road for thO year cutting Jttn. 27, 1880i To bal diie fnd at last stlmt 204 83 204 83 By bill and voucher' of Hiram tirntan lor construction nml repairs of hind during 1879 2G4 C3 " bulunce due fund 2j 204 83 Wo, the undersigned, nuditors of1 Elk county for the your 1880, having' met at the commissioners' oftice iit Bidgwnv, in said county, on the first Monday in January, A. D. 1880, being the fifth (itiy of the month, we adjourn ed to Tuesday, January 0, 18.S0, nt which time we proceeded to settle tlltf accounts of the several county olllt'ersj but owing to the delay of the commis sioners of the KniiO, BldgWay and St Mary's State road, aiid of tho" commissioners of the Itidgway and Brookville State road, to present theif respective accounts, we adjourned tll settlement of the same to Tuesday January 27, 1880, at which time xvti c'tii-elully examined, audited, settled and udj listed the accounts of the com missioners of the Kaiie, B-idgWajr arid St. Mary's State road aiid of the Com missioners of the llidgWay attd JirOOk- ville State road, anil found thcirt severally correct, as set foith in thuf foregoing report. In witness whereof, we liavo ht're- u n to set our hands the 2tth day of January, A. D. 1880. .1, J. 1A1 LUlt, If, Au.rr CI IAS. MILLEB;. f -0- Auar Attest M. S, Kmnk, Clerk; Cathartic Pillg Confl'itifi tlio 1ifitMt frttliartic principled . in medicine, hi fTtvpnrfiiiist flectniitoly ad justed tn rvete tjefiyilt ctttlttr, ami iiiiiforinify of tiffed, 'fhkjr Hfa (h reflttH of yearn of rareful study Mini practical ex of pertinent, niul urn the. most cilcctuul rem oily yet discovered fur diseases, caused by ilwnnc'ciiicnt ot tlui atomdcli, liver, ami IhiwcIh, which require pruinfit flnd etTVctuuf treatment. Avkii'h Pii.i.h life pciidly ap pliculilii i,-; tlus class of dtwrtsM.- Tfiey act directly on tiui Atavnttire htid AMi'lrjlfuivcf processes, ami restore regular lietfiy ec tion. 'riicir extensive: Use Iiy iihyfcmrja irt their prffefice, and by all civilized 'i,fiongy is ori ot the uinny proofs of (hef taltre. tut a BiifG, m'lrei Uriel iierfectly rellnliM fitirgatfv' medicine, lieing compounded rt the cfni cenfrnted vlrtrles of pnrcly tcgefdlifft nl Btiinccs, they Ufa jxmitivel.T free frtrtn culo-' mel, Or any ffijofifitis properties, mid tan ba aduiiuistefc.4 to clriidpcn with perfect safety ATftit's Fills are on effectual cure lor Constipation or Costlveness, Imllges tlon, lynepsl,- Ixiss of Appetite Foul Stotn.-w-l- a ltreath, Ulxzlnes Ilcuiluclie, lyos? ft Memory, Nuiuhneis lliliousuefcS JaHrttIK' Iilieniriiatlsirif Irruptions and 8klu UUeases, Irosy Tumors, M'orms, NeumlKiH. 'o!lc Ciripes, DIui-ilKf A, IlyBciitery, Gout l'iies, Disorders of the IJver, anil all other iliseases reSnltfrf frftrii a disonlereii state of tho iligcstivo Appiiratus;- As a Diuaer Till tiny MM eqnair While centlo I" ""'ir ,,'f6n'. Pills' are the must tliorow'i ami searching eathar' tic that, can nuploy'li snd nevef give" pain milcw i"B lwels are inrl.uiud,-anil Hum their iiitiucnco is healing. Tliey stimu late tin) np tit anil tligeative orguns: they' operate t Purify a"'l enrich the blood, ana impart rencwud health and vhjor tu the ' wlii'lo systcul. in 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Elk Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.f I'l-uctlcal anil Analytlcul CheinUti, Lowell, Mast. (OLD BV ALL DHOUUIHTa CVEBTWHIU. PENSIONST Procured for Soldiers disabled iu the U. H. service from any cause, also for' Heirs of deceased soldiers. All pen" sions dido back to day of diseha'g nml to date of the death of the soldier Pensions Increased. Address, wUH stump, BTODUAnTAC'CJ. 931 K. 8t. N, V. WashlBiiton, U C;, 68 00 06 64 30 00 74 96 fntmlB47 w