u . 3i - 4 fx i if ir v.? S 1 ." ,v... ( i & it J! tx- t&-' ! .i.-s: The Johnson Rzvclylw Book-Case. lawyer, Ctcrg'jmen, rhysMnn, Etlttor, BitnherH, Teachers, JUercliirnt, Stuilrnte, ami nil who rent! books. It Is m(le of Iron, lipaiitifiilly ornamented. 1( U fltronir, durnlite, ecavrnicitt, haiulj-ome, iA tba most coii'P'T't hoo!.-LV.fe in tlie world, ns it li .Ms more books for Its sir.o limn any other device. 1 i;i minimum in tlo, m::iamm in enpneity. mat tlio chenpi'! t H"Vulviii(c lioofe-Cnso Hindu. It cm la-ver wiirn. Khrhilc. or tret ont of order. Fend lor cir cular, fcpnd S3 cents for our Nnw li.J.rsTUATEO t'ATALooru, wish omt 3n0 illustrations of l.duciv- tiouul and useful articles. BAKt ll, PJIATT A: CO., Bcliool Fnruls"ur. r.:ul flrnlirs !:i rvarvl'ilHrf ! the Hook nun siauonerjr line, HEADQUARTERS FO.T ALL SCHOOL SUPPLIES, 143 & 141 Grand St., New York. Highest Medal atlTieaiia and Philadelphia. E. & II. T. ANTHONY & CO., 591 liroutliray, Jl'civ York. Manufacturers, Importers & Dealers in Velvet Frames, Albums, Graphoscopss, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS, ENGEAVIITG3, CHECMOS, FII0T0 GEAPKS, And kindred soodst'clcbritles, Actress etc. I'hotogi-ajiJi ic Ma terials. We are Headquarters for everything in the way of STESEOPTICOITSailACriO " LANTSHNS, lvu'li style In'iiij,- tl.e lu'st of i!s clii.ss In the market. ISeautiful riiotofrvtiiliie Trauspar-eiii-U'dof Kh'.tuary ami iiig.s for t'.ie wimtiv. Convex IJ!:i, 3I.uniffietiirer. of Velvet l'r.iiites for Miiii;itures and Convex Ola- J'ictci'e-'. Citalo::iu's of I .an lems iniil KllUes Willi ilireetions for lisin, sent on re ceipt of ten cent. u 15 (six months.) PENNSYLVANIA HAIL KOAD Philadelphia & Erie It. It Div. V I NT Kit TIME TAKLE. ' On and after SUNDAY, Novemher 'J, 1ST. i, the trains on the I'liiladel jiliiat Erie Uailtoail Division will run as follows: WESTWARD. KIME MAIL leaves 1'hiia 11 "." p. m. " " Jteiiovo 1 1 (M a. m " " Emporium. 1 lop. ni. " ' St. Marv's.. It p. m. " " Itidfttay... 1' p- m. " " ICane....' .'! ."( p. in. " ai r at Erie 7 "o p. m. EASTWARD. KKIK mail leaves l'.rio U a. in. " " Kane I Od p. m. " ' Itidy wav. ....") (id p. ni. ' " St. Mary'rf-5 7 p. m. " ' Emporium.'! -" p. in. " " Uenovo H 4(1 p. in. " arr. at i'hila 7 (Id u. ni. Vm. A. Dai.hw ix. Cieiural Sup't. Manhood: How Lost, How Sastorad ! 1Ss Just puldished a new edition oi up. tjusvor wcK's Gs'sbralci Es say on the radio U viae (without med icine) of Spermatorrhfca or Seminal Weakness, I ii voluntary Seminal Losses Impotency, also, consumption, Eiiil epsy and Kils, imluced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance, fcc. 'I'he celelnateMl author, in this ad mirable E.-.say, (dearly demonstrates from a thirty years' sueccsM'ul practice that the aiarminy: cnuscoiiciiccs of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife; pointinjr out a mode of cine at once simple, certain, cll'ectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition 'nay be may cine himself cheaply, privately, ami radically. fc&yThis Lecture should be in the hands ,f every youth and every man in the land. Kent under seal, in a plain envel ope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two postage stamps. Address the Publishers. The Culverwell Medical Co., 41 Ann St, , Ni? irr, 13. Y.; Post Offica ucx, 4353. Howe Si-wiiis Machines. Among the great variety of goods of every description for sale at PoWiXL & Kimk's Will be found an assortment of tho celebrated Elias Howe, Jr , Improved Hewing Machines the best machine now manufactured ihey having been appointed sole agents for Elk eounty. They will keep on hand Tuckers, ('orders, Ilemnier's, Rraiders and Ruf tlers. Needles, Sewing-machine Oil Thread, ic, &c. Will also furnish at any time detached parts for said ma chine. All at greatly reduced prices, and will he sold on accommodating terms with approved security. RlDOWAY, Aug. 20 '78 All note-heads and letter-heads printed at this office will be bound, without extra charge, with our patent blotter tablet. Call ana see speci-mcru. THE 1 l'Hif. Bend for Illa-tmtcsd Circular and prices. tl 1 - , - vr..:v,J- tinnl you have bwju lua Most Elegant, Simple and Easy Running Machine in tho Market The Ever Reliable VICTOR. v VICTOR SEWING M ACHE KG COMPANY, VTostoro Branch Office, 235 State St., Chicago, III. MIDDLETOWN. CONHi' Oet.Wyl. J. S. & W. II. HYDE, AOENTS, R I DO WAY, PA. Business Cards. CEO. A. RATH3UN ATTORNEY -A T-LAW. M.ain street, lliiltuway, Elk Co., Pa. Parlie.ular attentiou given to the examination of titles, ulo to patents and patent case-1. HA LL & MTC A tf LEY ATJ'O RN E Y-AT-LA W. OIHce in new hriek buihlinir, Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., la. xWt LUSKS & HAMBLEN A T T O It N E Y S-AT-li A NY , Ridway, Elk eounty, Pa. Offiee across the hull from the Dvniorrat es tablishment. Claims for collection promptly attended to. jnelo,lH7U G. G. HiESSEfiSER. DRUGljilST PAR M A CE LT 1ST, N. W.coriierof Jlain and Mill streets. Ridoway, fa., full nssortmelit of care fudy selected Foreign and DoiiKslic iJrii.Lr.-4. l'rescriptioim carefully dis peii.sed at all hours, day or night. v'nJ'.y J. S. B3tUVELL, M. . ELECTIC PHYSICIAN cc SLIltrX, Has removed liis olliee from Centre street to Main street, Ridgway, Pa., in the second story of the new brick buiidim; of John Ci. Hall, wot of the H vde 1 loue. biliceliours:-! to 2 P.M. "to 9 P.M. KYu't HDUCE. V. H. SCH J t AM, Proprietor, Rideway, Elk comity, Pa. Thiinkl'til for the patronage hereto fore so liberally lie-lowed upon him. the new proprietor hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort and con venience of guests, to merit a eoniinu ala e of tile same. oet-!!':;!i MRS. J.n. KKLTC, Ker.-ey, Elk county, Pa , take this method of nn noiim''in:i' to the cilieus of f 'tk county that she iias on hand an assortment ol fashionable mij! i nery uoods whielj will be sold cheap.' Also urv.v;;naking in all its brunches. Agent for Dr. .1. Rail A Co.'s Patent I vol y and I.imium Vit.e Eye Cups. Si mi for descriptive circular. ' n!7vl AfpLiTcrrs A:.,.c7ii;A:4 gyclo- Tliis admirable work is no'.,- coni pletein Ri vols. 1 'ach volume eon tainsstio pages, il uiakcsa complete and well selected library, and no one can ailbrd to do without it who would keep well informed. Price uu in doth, i;!l.U(l in leathei', or sb.OO in elegant half Turkev. For particulars address, W. 1 1. Fairehild, Portville, Catt. Co., N. Y., who lias been duly appointed agent for Elk county by C.'lv. Judson, general agent. TE LIVERY STAR LIS N IN RIDGWAY. DAN SCRIBNER, WISHES TO inform the citizens of Ridgway, and the public generally, that he lias started a Livery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOODJCARRI AGES and Ruggies to let upon tho most reasonable terms. yjili; will also do job teaming. Stable on Elk street. All orders left at the Post Olliee will receive prompt attention. Auy-iUl&Tltl "patents ' Patents procured upon Inventions. No Attorney's Fees in Advance, Our House was'establi.-hed in lsti'. We tile CAVEATS, and obtain-TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS, Etc. INVENTORS, Send us a Model of your Invention, with your own description of it, for our opinion as to patentability. No Attorney's Fees unless Patent is Secured". Our Rook of Instructions, etc., '-How to PitutTiiK Patkxts," sent free on 'reipicst; ubn sample conies of the Scientific Record, the Inventors' Journal. II. S. & A. P. LACEY Patent Attorneys, I C04 F Street, near Patent Olliee. : . Washington, D. C. j PENSIONS' "' All disabled Soldiers and heirs of deceased Soldiers who died from con sequences of services in the Army, are entitled to PENSIONS. No Arrears allowed after July 1, IKoO, Hend stamps for full instructions in all kinds of Soldiers' Claims. J. II. SYPIIERD &i CO., Pension Attorneys, : G04 F PtrLjVAiHixoTON', ' Note-heads bound with blotter pad without extra charge at The Ai i vot'ATK office. NEW VICT SIMPLICITY SIMPLIFIED! Improvoments Soptomber, IC7C. NotwitbstniKling tlio VICTOR lina long tccn tho pocrof any Sowinii Jt.icliino in tho mariiot -O fact supported by a hoKt of volunteer witnesacs now conllilentiy cir.im lor li preaicr Biniinicnj, ft wondriiul reduction of l'rirtion aim ft rara coinbination of desirabloqualitica. IlnsbuU Ho is a benutifnl Bppcinien of mpebanism, and takes mill: with the hi;host.ncuievemeuta ! trot luveutivo Remus. Jo;e. V. eilonotlcano ;or coumjn JluchinoR, tliereforo. lmvo no old ones to patch tip and ro-vurnis.il lor our customers, V3 Sell f!:Y Mac!;!r.:s Every fe. Liberal tertua to tho trado. Don't buy CENTRAL. State Normal School. (J'Jyhth Normal School DixtrM) LOCK 1LVYLX, CLINTON CO., PA. A. N. It AFR, A. M., Principal. This school as at present constituted, offers the very best facilities for Pro fessional and Classical learning. Ruildings spacious, inviting and commodious; completely healed by steam, well ventilated, and furnished with a bountiful supply of pure water, soft spring water. Location healthful and easy of ac cess. Surrounding scenery unsurpassed. Teachers experienced, eflicient, and alive to their work. Discipline, firm but kind, uniform and thorough. Kxpenses moderate. Fifty cents a week deduction to tln"e preparing to leach. Students admitted at any time. Courses of study prescribed bv the State; i. Model School. II. Prepara tory. III. Elementary. IV. Scien entific. A PJCXCT COCKSKS : I. Academic. II. Commercial. III. Music. IV. Art. The Elementary and Scientific courses are Professional, and students graduating therein receive Slate Diplo mas, conferring the following corres ponding degrees : Master of tiie Ele ments, and Ma.-!er of the Sciences. Graduates in the other courses receive Normal Certificates of their attain ments, signed by the Faculty. The prnfc-sioiial courses an- liberal, and are in thoroughness not interior to those of our best, colleges. The Slate rciidies a higher order of citii nsbip. The limes demand it. It is one of the prime objects of this schrol to help to secure it by furnish ing intelligent and coicioni teachers for her schools. To this end it solicits young persons of good abilities and good purposes tiiose who desire to impro.c- theii lime ami their talents, a siie'eii!-;. To all such il promists aid in developing their powers ami abundant opportunities for well paid labor alter leaving school. For catalogue and terms address th Principal. S. 1). 15 ALL, President Roaid oi Trustees T. C. HIl'PLK, Secretary. ROARD OF TRl'STEES: Clinton county. S. I). Rail. T. C Hippie, Dr. J. if. Railon. A. H. Rest, Jacob Drown, Wilson Kistler, A.N. Ratib, W. W. Rankin, R. (i. Cook, Samuel Christ, G. Kintzing, S. M. Rickford, H. ' L. Rifleiibach, A. C. Noyes, S. R. Peale. Centre Kx-Gov. A G Curtin. Clearfield-Ex. Gov. Win. Rigler. Elk Charles R. Earlev. MrG'7'.'yl Eisloy's Furo Distilled Hoc- EXTRACT 25c- WriCH HAZEL, o?. uha::2t.i3 vi33:::i5A. Equal in quality to any made, and only half the price. C oz. bottles lioe. Pints uue. Relieves Headache, Toothache, Ear ache, Sore Eyes, Nose-Rleed, Rleeding Lungs, Painful .Menses, Whites, Asthma, Reduces Swellings, Piles, etc. Cures Rruises, Scalds, Rurns, Sprains, Wounds, Rheumatism, Erysipelas, Chilblains, Varicose .'ins, Neuralgia, etc. NATURES UNIVERSAL REM EDY' FOR INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL USE. If your druggist has not got it have him order it of the proprietor, CSA3LE3 ? BJ3LET Wholssala Bm-sW, 61 Counhna St., ITe-r Yo.'i. n-l7mos3 Childrens' Sole Leather Tip shoe at P. it K's. Jam Poles Mhhllt town X-Cut Saws. Jeflard's, White's and Mann's Axes. Tubular and 'J'J Lanterns. FiLi:s. Dinton's X-Cut Saws. Roynton's Lightning Saws. COKN PoPPKK.-j. Coal Hods. . Stove Shovels. Repairs furnished for any stove. Ax Handles. Pick Handles. I lb. Rest Polish 10 cts. at No. 42 Main btieet. uH) Two weeklies and one monthly for 12,73. See our "Special to Subscr hers" In another column. Prints. The most desirable assort ment in Western Peniigylvaiay, now on exhibition at Powell & Kinie's mammoth sales rooms. ESTATE NOTICE. Estate of Edwaud Rakle, late of ST. JlAKY's J50KO. Elk Co., Pa-, de ceased. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immed iate payment, and those having legal claims again the same to present tlieni without delay in proper order for setlts- menf Geo. W. Wiirzell, Adinr. ii45-U. List of letters remaining in the ltldgway P. O., Elk county, Pa., up to Feb. '2 1880. Anderson, S. F. P.j-own, Wesley Drown, James ' Cook, Howard Dollov, John Downing, J. W. (2) Ellis, Win. IL (2) Fumes, W. II. (4) Frutlger, John Furgarson, James A. Green, Mrs. Marie Kline, Mrs. Ida Miller, John Miller, Charles; More, Wm. Y". Neulon, Win. Sneeringcr, Win. (2) Tripp, P. C. Veanburgt, Geo. Walcot, Silas. Wcltseh, Henry Wonderly, Mrs. Caroline FdllKIUN'. Meier, Mat bias Torrens, Robt. S. Miller, Charles Miller, Albiuti W. If not called for in thirty days they will be sent to the dead letter olilce at Washington, D. C. J. II. If ACiKHTV, P. M. QOL'ItT OF APPEALS. Notice is hereby given to the Tax payers of the several Townships of Elk county, Pa., that the undersigned, commissioners of suid county, will at tend at the following named times and places to hear appeals from the asses ments made by the township Asses sors. Highland township, at the house of Win. Stubbs from S o'clock A. M. to ll o'clock M., oil Tuesday the 21th day of February. Jones township at the house of Martin Sowers mi Wednesday, the 2.5th day of February. Reiizinger townsl'iip at the Town IIi.il of St Mary's Roro., on Thurs day, the 2Glb day of February. St. Mary's Roroimh at the Town Hall on Friday, the 271 h da; af Feb ruary. Millstone township at the hoVt e of Wm. Clyde, on Wednesday theoily of March. Spring Creek township at the house of Win. A. Irwin, on Thursday the 41 b day of March. Ridgway township on Friday and Saturday, the 'ith and dth days of March, at the commissioners' olliee. Fox Township on Tuesday the Hill day of March at the house of Joseph Koch. Jay township at the Caledonia Hotel on ThuiMuiv, the Hth day of March. Ri lioeUe township at the Hotel of G. L Winslow on Friday, the 12th day of March. iloifou township at the Brandy Camp Hotel on Tuesday the 10th dav of March. MICHAKL WETRKRT, ) W. II. OSTERHOl'T, yC'O'C'oiurs. GEORG K P.KIX'RER, j Attest W. H. Hourox, Clerk. Wvrttiy of Alt L-:iti,:s. We advise all our readers, whether they own a foot of land or not, to sup. ply themselves with that treasure of useful, practical reliable information, the Aim r('ua A;irinu(tiirint, so named because started :is years ago as a journ al, but now enlarged to embrace a great variety of most usful reading for the Household, Children included, for the Garden, as well us the Farm for ail classes. Each volume gives some NMJ original Engravings, with descrip tions of labor-saving and labor-helping contrivances, of plants, fruits, llowers, animals, etc., including many large and pleasing, as well as instructive, pictures for young and old. The con stant, systematic exposures of Hum bugs and Swindling Schemes by the Ayricnlt 'urixt are of 'great value to every one, and well save to most persons many times its cost. Altogether, il is one of the most valuable, as will a cheapest. Journals any where to be found. The cost "sonly 1."0 uyear.or 4 copies for$0. Single numbers 10 cents. Subscribe at once for 1SS0; and receive the rest of this year free, Orange Judd Company, Publislier.-i, 2-13 Rroadway, New York. Tun Anvoi'ATi: and the named journal for $2.50. Light running, Latest Improved DQitlESTIC, at prices never heard of before, at' Mrs. W. S. Service's. Always call at The Advocate ofllce for note paper and envelopes. A nice stock of clothing for men, boys and children at P. & K's. Kid (i loves Ladies' and Gents' Ruck gloves all kinds of gloves at P. & K's. McAfee, the tailor, has just re eived tin extensive line of samples for the fall and winter trade. Cull and see for yourself. IF. L. WILLIAMS. (Lute of Ktiattanvillc), Physician and Sur- Sicon. itiiliiwny, 1'u. niiiceln Halls lain; 1 '. 1 1 i 1 I i i -jr lup-siiiiisi.) la-li-ii-iu-i's J. 1). Smith. II. L. Yciiim. It. Kulolsim, Mruttnn villc; Major John Kiticy, W. V.(irt-culioid. Clarion. Hns imiuticcd his pnili ssloii buc-c-essl'ully for more lltan ten ycara. Cfc Q il A MONTH KUuranh'C-d. f 12 n day ' at lioni made by tho iluliislrials. Capilal not required: we willstart ytui. Men, women, laiys toiu tons nuiuc naaicy lastcr til work tor us ttian al iinyihln: else. I he work is iiiflit. atul Dlcasant. ami such as anyone i- i; ntiht at. 1 liose whr are wise- who see t his will send us llu-ir adlioMi.K and m-c- lor I hem idves. Cosl ly iaitlit and terms tree. Now it- the tune. 1 hone already ut work are laying ui lui'.'e Bums ui moucv 4uua'.-s I ta b CO., Augusta, Muini uliiyl National Iiepnblicau Convent ion. A National Convention of the Re- huhlican party will meet at Chicago, Wednesday, tho 2d of June next, for nomination of candidates 1 1 be sup ported forj,Preideiit and Vice Presi dent at tho next election. Republi can und all who will co-operate with them in supporting the nominees o the parly, are Invited to choose two delegates from each Congressional district, four at large from each State two from each Territory and two from the District of Columbia, to represent theui in the convention. J. D. Camekon, Chairman. Tnos. IS. KEoan, Secretary. HquihM from Hrockport anil Viclnily. Mrs. N. M. Rrokway is recover ing as fast as could be expected. The youngest daughter of Fred. Rnywinkle Is laying very low at p resell t. Dr. Nulfs head measures 23 inches in clrcunifcrciice,Father Graham's one inch larger and James Dennett Jr. has a cranium on hint that is 24' in ches In circumference. The little shoemaker, Arthur Lar kl ii, was rusticating at Du Rois City with his many cousins U few days last week. Some of the boys turned over a new leaf the first of the year, but we think there is written on that new leaf for 1880 as follows. Drink any thing stronger than cider reduced with alcohol. Gather up all the Roga lightning that you llnd running loose, and find out who "C. M. (Jolt" is if you can. C. M. GoiT. Weill's Kmi'iiihl Dry Snw Mill Items. The bear, coon, or badger could see his shadow on the 2nd illst., so look out for six weeks cold weather. Dent's Ktin school closed last Tuesday. Mr. J. O. Johnson lias finished making square timber, and 'is now ready to haul it to the banks prepara tory to rafting. Last Friday afternoon, the resi lience of Jacob F. English together with the greater part of his house hold goods were hurtled. Mr. Eng lish has a large family only one of which is old enough to render any assistance, he is an old and worthy citizen of Elk Co., and is worthy of the aid solicited here. lie lias always been noted for his generosity. If a neighbor should have a like ni-isfor-ture, he was always first to respond to the call for assistance, or if a traveler wearied from his journey should stop he would be madu a welcome guest at his house. Now that Mr. English is in need of assistance we' earnestly hope the call will be generously res ponded .to, by a generous public. D. C. I. Plainly Camp Peiicilings. James Trumbull fell from a horse si few days ago and was dragged some distance over the frozen ground hurt ing his back nihil it was black aild blue. He says he thought his brains were knocked out but guesses it was the fierv balls that were shooting be fore ids eyes. Ranks, pickles will keep In brine but it makes them look so pale it is better to have some in vinegar also. As "Vale" says we will not tell who he is nor what he goes for. Rut Rctsy Rhodes says Lou has a good horse. Lt'st Friday two dogs killed one of Amos Fox's sheep and wounded two which will probably die, they drove the sheep by the house in daylight. McAllister is down cutting and skidding hemlock logs and is wait ing for snow. Peter is at it too lie cut one log ami he and old Colonel will jerk it around some this week snow or no snow. We learn in our rambles of to-day that LT. W. Supervisor of Fox intends to quit all earthly bone labor and prac tice as physician and surgeon. We believe the statement from the fact that he was seen on the road with a pair of pill-bags on ids arm and that he wants to get his cross cut saw gum med as soon as possible. I had a vision and in that vision I looked to the east and behold I saw a little old school house ami it was in habited with the poor of Horton township. I looked again and saw a mighty man appear in their midst and ho spoke with a voice like thunder saying to the eldest of the house because of thy tilth I shall ause a great separation among you. He took from his pocket a horn "first trumpet" and spoke again saying when this trumpet sounds I shall scatter thy children to the four winds of the earth. Some to Coons Mountain and some to Jeffer son county. And 1 heard a great sound as of many horses' footsteps old I looked again. and I saw another man, the old disciple of Roga Run, oine around the comer his face shin ing like a ball of fire saying, behold I ome quickly. Hod having in his pocket a vial filled with firewater, and the mighty man placed to his lips another horn "second trumpet'' say ing, "when this trumpet shall sound again, I shall be ie-elected. And I will bring thee out of bondage and give thee work on the highway and reward thee for thy labor and thee shall live in peace with the good saints of the mountain." Henry Trumbull after smashing his thumb lias cut his foot and Eliza being a good nurse is still under her care. L. C A. Notice to Correspondents and Others. Hereafter The Advocate will go to press at lu o'clock Thursday morning, consequently all advertisements and correspondence must be handed in not later than Wednesday noon to insure inseitiou in the current issue. That splendid organ sold by D. S. Andrus &('., Willianisport, Pa., for $7i.OO cash willi 7 stops, solid wal nut case and 5 feet ' indies high, is sold now for $80.00 with one moe stop and the grand organ knee swell additional.. Write them. Terms easy ou long time also. New Time Table. Under the new schedule the mail and local freight leave Ridgway station as follows: MAIL WEST - - - 2:36 " EAST .... 5:00 LOCAL WEST - 7:50 " EAST 3:25 Hrockport Locals. L. C. A. called on Thursday. -Several capes of diphtheria reported In this section. --Docs It. I. always get his nocks mended at the place he did last week? ''Swamper" was making shanty furniture last week. John Ithiehuls with team Is skiil ing logs at Hickory for J. Rundy. Our Supervisor and his widows are having a serious time. Rumor lias it that lie intends joining lots and go to farming. Joe DeLong now wears a pleasant smile cause, a boy. W. H. Horton will connect the Crock pert store and Keystone mill with telephone, distance one mile.' II. 15. Shons has contracted to haul the holler for the oil well near Rltte Rock. Ed. H. Cowers, for ten years a sojourner all over the United States, arrived on U. H. mail Saturday, the same old Ed. of yore. Isaac Graham says there has been fifteen snows, and only fourteen inches of snow. He says the other nine snows will come. C. L. Siicl I lectured in the M. E. Church on phrenology Friday and Saturday nights. Who is "C. M. Goit?" Perhaps Charley can tell. L. S. Horton saw a large bear on some logs at the edge of the mill pond while standing in the back door of the Rrockport store. He gave chase but bruin was too quick for him and es caped. "Nixeyweeden," was nH'oll riled at "C. M. Golf last week and is going to give him a combing in the Du Hois City Courier this week, "Nixey weeden" do not let your angry pas sions rise. Schmidt & Schneider had better not let that young widow find out who he is or there will be li funeral right along. Vale. ilie THURSDAY, FEU. 6, IfsiO. K. of H. Ridgway Lodge No. 1044 meets on the 2d and 4lh Fridays of each mouth at o'clock. Township election on February 17th. Strictly fresh eggs 23 cents a dozen at Morgester's. The Republican State convention met at 1 1 arri.-lmrg yesterday. L. Rodders, deputy Secretary of internal alfairs was in town last week- H. Taylor, otherwise known as "Rub," in tow n this week. Arbuekles Roasted Coffee the best in the market at Morgester's. 'Cloaks. X fine line of Ladies Cloaks, cheaper than the cheapest at Powell & Kline's. Any one wishing milk can be sup plied by L. F. Powers, cor. Mill and South Sts. Good quality. Fair price. C. R. Gould of the Cameron I'rcss appeared to us this week in company with our big brother Rrandoii of the (Jazvttc. The Ridgway assessment is about double the usual value, and their is evident imhappincss at the prospect of high taxes. The Auditors' settlement occupies a large share of our space this week. We will publish the land sales in a few weeks by way of variety. Elisha DeGroat, for many years a resilient of this place ami well known to our citizens died on Monday from dropsy. He leaves a large fam ily in destit ute circumstances. Rro. Rrandon has gotten up some thing rather unique in the bills for the "Great Concerte'' to be held at Hyde's Opera house on February 10th, next Tuesday. The proceeds of the concert will be applied to the use of the St. Mary's Presbyterian church. Tickets 35 cents; recerved seats 40 cts. Oil has been found at the Stump creek well 9 miles south of DuRoise. The well is not far enough in the sand to determine the quantity. The quality of the lluidisgood. It is not a "gusher ' yet, as was reported; but indications are said by an eye witness to be good". Special cor. from DuRois to Elk Advocate. MA 11 It Ml). Ross Stout At the resident of .las McAfee, of this plaeeby Esquire Mead on 1 uesdav, Jan. 2i, in-o, .Mr. A Swartz Ross, to M iss Jennie A. Stout. IS I It TIL Riiixes On Saturday Jan. 3M, 1SS0, to Mr. ami Mrs. C. II. Rhiiics of this place, a son. 8now Storm. Monday night last the snow began to fall on the bare ground, continuing since with more or less persistence, until now the complaint of a want of snow is changed to a cry of too much. .t present writing there is from ten to twelve inches of tho "beautiful'' covering the face of the earth, people having team work to do are conse quently happy, while present in dications point to several days of sleighing. Catholic Fair, at McGcelrin's The fair week was hall last a grand success. Fol lowing ure a In the contest few of the items: for the gentleman's watch Capt. Scheming had $311; Mr, Murnhv 480. Lady's watch Miss Dorcey had $330; Miss Railey $148.16 Lady's ring, Miss Nellie Jackson $70.); Miss Maggie Flynn $47.70, Coy's skates, Daley boy $0.15; Ma- 'oney boy 0.27. Making gross pro , ceeds on these articles $1011.68. Court l'rucci'diiijfs. January Term, lt8i). Present L. D. Wetmorc, President,' Judge. Geo. Ed. 'Wefs nlid Julius Jones," Associates. AIHICMKNT LIST. The Spring Run Coal Co., and An drew Kuul vs. Aaron Kylcr, et ul. Preliminary injunction. Argued and C. A. V. Wrightmyer vk. Long. Exceptions' to auditors' report overruled and re report of auditors' confirmed absolute. lit. Rev. Tobias Mullen v. Reii zinger Eschbaeh. Demurrer over ruled, without prejudice to any question raised. Miscellaneous- In the matter of the petiffoti for a public road from Helleii Mills to Pen field near farm of Ed Aldeu to point in itiblio road leading from Rrockport to Roon's mountain near house of Win. Hewlett, Geo. W.' Clinton, Theo. Fox and Joseph Hollo appointed viewers. in the matter of tho report of viewers of a road to lead from Rear Creek to the mouth of Spring Creek at or near the house of Thos. Irwin. Confirmed xi. anil the road ordered to be opened fifty feet wide The licenses were all granted with! the exception of James Lang, Fox. Tlie following uccounts were pre sented in open court and confirmed ni, si. 1. Final account of John R. Cunco, Executor of the last will and testament of Adam Kcm merer, deceased 2. Final account of II. L. Stevens and II. M. Powers, Administrators of the estate of J. O. W. Ruiley, deceased. ;. The account of George R. Taylor and James R. Taylor, Executors of John Taylor, late of Fox township, deceased. 4. Final account ofAdani Jeshcrgerj Guardian, occ, of Ignatius Deitsch,' Theresa Deitcli and Anna Deitch, chil dren of Joseph' Deitcli lute of Ccuziu ger township, deceased. All the (Quarter Sesssiou cases were called and respited to next term. The following persons were nat uralized: . Jaumes Redmond, Kane; John Edgreen, Wilcox; Philip Eberl,' Kersey. The petition for a new election dis trict in Ridgway township con firmed absolute- The following of ficers wore appointed by the court for llit new district: Judge of Election, William Healy, Inspectors of Election Henry SchimmelfingeSainuel J. Swain. In the matter of tlio committee to consult Co. commissioner" as to fur nishing, ic, of new Court House: "The following persons are appointed a committee to consult with the Com missioner of the county as to the method of finishing, seating, furnish ing, lighting and arranging the court room and rooms adjoining, to wit: John (i. Hall, Geo. A. Rulhblirii, W.' AY. Amvj and Fred. Scluening. Cy THE Co cut. Jan 27, 1830. Go to Morgester's for all kinds of first-class groceries. A large stock al ways on hand. The case of Curtin vs. Yocuni, for a seat in Congress, will not go back to. the people ut the spring election, for want of time for notice, a vote having not been reached in the house as yet. The majority of the Congressional committee report that they consider the election for Congressman null and void. The minority making a report to the effect that Mr. Y'ocum shall keep his seat. Whether Congress adopts the report of the majority or not is an opcu question, as one or two Democrats voting in the negative to gether with the Republicans and Greenbackers would be sufficient to defeat its adoption. In case the ma" joi-ity report is adopted then the mut ter will likely be referred back to the people at a special election. Refined lard in tin pails and tierces at Morgester's. A Card to the Public. Editor ok Advocate Dear Sir ;. Allow me through tho columns of your influential paper and in the name of the Catholic people of this place to return our .sincere thanks to the citizens of Ridgway, irrespective of creed, for their kind patronage and liberal contribution to the fair held during tlie last week for the benefit of our church. Owing to the Interest taken by all it has been a grand suc cess, netting about $1030.00, which, places $230.00 in its treasury after paying all claims against church, parsonage, and cemetery. It is cer tainly very gratifying to see such kind feelings of friendship and good will maivlfested by all on such occa sion and hoping there shall be a con tinuance of the same. . " I remain, dear Editor, Faithfully yours, ifrc. M. Meaohek, Pastor.' Ridgway, Pa. Feb.-3, l8;r. New case flue Valencia oranges at Morgester's. 3 for 10 cents. Dr. Day's Stomach and Nerve Tonic is the best remedy in use for. poor appetite, weakness and trembl ing in tlie stoniacn, pain uuer eating, heartburn, soreness and gnawing pains in the stomach, nervousness when urea, constipation ami oiner diseases ot the bowels arising from poor digestion. One bottle lasts nearly three wccks. nice m.uu. Dr. Day s uure lor iieaa-aciie is theonly remedy known that will stop an attack of sick or nervous head ache in its commencement; ouly. three or four doses, half an hour apart, are necessary. Price 50 cents a Dotiie. Dr. Day's Standard Cough Syrup will cure u cough with fewer doses, Hum uny medicine in use. Price 50 cents a bottle. Dr. Day's Ear Drops will gl6i the greatest relief in neuralgia of the. face and will cure ear-ache immedi ately. Price 25 cents a Lottie. Ask", your uruggisi or HioreKeeper ior uiest ii..: ut i i... t rVf meuicioes luuuuitujiuTeu uy xj$ ju4 I Day, M.. U., jAiugwa y. ra