The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, January 22, 1880, Image 2

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Henry A Parsons, Jr.,
THURSDAY, JAN. 22, 1880.
Kmtkrkd at Tiru Post-ofkice at
Republican National Tlckel fcr 1SG3
(Subject to decision of Republican Niitlonnl
Llaljilitr for Accidental Deaths.
Riiilwny World.
Among the decisions rendered by
the Supreme Court, tin January 6th,
wag one of considerable interest and
Importance, as it fixes the limit of the
liability of the Pennsylvania Hail
road Company for death resulting
from accident on the road.
Mary A. Langdon, for herself and
her children, brought suit for $20,000
damages for the death of her husband
against the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company, operating the Western
Pennsylvania Railroad, and got a
verdict for $3,712.00 in Common Pleas
Court No.l, of Allegheny county.
The undisputed facts of the case are
as follows; Stephen Langdon was an
employee of the company defendant,
but was not engaged on the Western
Pennsylvania Railroad, where the ac
cident oceured. He was inspector of
locomotives at the outer depot, at
Pittsburgh. The depot had been
burned by the rioters the day before
the accident occurred. He lived on
the line of the Western Pennsylva
nia Railroad, u few miles out of the
city, and was in the habit of riding to
and from his home daily on a com
mutation ticket, such as is usually
sold to passengers. At the time of his
death he was riding in the baggage
car. While Langdon was sitting in
the baggage car, and after the train
had left Sharpsburg it collided with
the mail train, injuring him so severely
tiiat he died in a few hours. If lie
had been in the smoking car or any of
the passenger cars lie would not have
been injured.
The part of the decision of the
most general interest was on a point
raised by the company's counsel which
was refused by the court below. They
claimed that as the company had
never accepted the benefit of any leg
islation under the new constitution
that in no could there be a re
covery greater than the sum of 5.000,
because of the acceptance by the com
pany of the act of April 4th, 1S08.
The Supreme Conrt, Mr. 'justice
Trunkey dissenting, say that the
court below erred in refusing this
point. The following is the substance
of the decision on this point:
J. lie second section of the act of 4th
April, lS'iS, limits the amount to be
recovered in actions against railroad
companies and common carriers for
negligence to ,$3,000 for injuries and
S5.000 in case of death. The consti
tutionality of that act, so far as it
limits the liability case of death, was
con firmed by the Supreme Court in
the case of the Cleveland and Pitts
burgh Railroad Co. vs. Rowan. The
act has never been repealed by the
legislature. It was contended, how
ever, that it has been repealed bi
section 21 of article 3, of the consti
tution, which is as follows:
No art of the general assembly shall limit
the amount to be recovered for injury or In
juries to persons or property ; anil in case of
death from Hiieh injuries the right of action
shall survive, and the general Assembly shall
prescribe for whose benefit such aetiou shall
be prosecuted. No act shall prescribe any
limitations of time within which suits may
be brought against corporations for Injuries
to persons or property, or for other causes
different from those fixed by general laws
regulating actions against natural persons,
mid such acts now existing are avoided.
The first portion of this section ends
with a period and is complete in itself.
It has no reference to corporations as
distinguished from natural persons,
and imposes a restriction upon the
power of the legislature to limit the
amount to be recovered in cases of
injuries or death. Jt speaks for fie
future only and avoids no existing
acts. The second part of the section
prohibits any limitations of time
within which actions for such causes
shall be brought against corporations
other than those fixed by general laws,
and avoids nil such existing acts.
That is to say, it avoids all existing
laws imposing limitations upon the
time of bringing suit other than those
in harmony -with general laws. This
is the plain reading of the section.
The act of 1S08 is not such an act. It
uit, but to the amount to be recovered.
sid- from this the fourth section of
lie act of 18t5 provides that "upon
. V. ...... .1 .
niu iict:i'iULiii!:e: ill r nrtwiwinnu
icreof by any carrier or corporation
he same shall become a part of its act
.f incorporation." It was in evidence
ltat the defendant company had for.
iiimij in.-i.i-jHv.-ii mo provisions oi me
ict of 1808 ; so that, at the time of the
adoption of the constitution, the pro
visions of said act limiting the
miount to be recovered in the case of
leath to $5,000 was part of the charter
f the company. The effect of the
onstitution upon the charters exist-
g at the time of lis passage had been
efore the court in the case of Hays vs.
lie Commonwealth, when it was de-
ided that charters of private corpora-
ions are left exactly as the new con-
itution found them, and so they
ust remain until the companies
olding them shall enter into a new
infract with the State by accepting
le benefit of some future legislation.
Best quality note i.aper mid en
lopes at this ofllce.
Washington Letter.
(l'rom uur cut re! dent.
Washington, I). C. Jan. 17, 1 SHU.
The House is still wrestling Willi its
new code of rules, but makes little
headway in adjusting the differences
of opinion which have developed
duingthe dally debates. Party lines
re often Ignored in these discussions,
and there is n promise that the rules,
before final adoption, will beprunedns
severely as the hatter's sign mentioned
by Dr. Franklin, yet the Democrats
will not abate the additional political
power conferred by certain of the new
rules, and these will, of course, be
approved, no matter how much the
Republicans may protest. It would
bo queer, indeed, if the dominant
party should omit taking full advan
tage of whatever powers which it
could appropriate, no matter whether
in the Capitol or in Maine; and we
fancy that certain provisions looking to
limiting the filibustering field of the
minority will be adopted without
change. One of the proposed rules
seems eminently proper. In the
past the members selected their' seats
by lot, at the opening of the first ses
sion, by which means the leaders of
the House were often sent to the out
side circle, and could only secure more
desirable positions by exchange with
more fortunate members. The new
rule will make length of service the
basis of selection, thus giving the old
members that advantage to which
they are entitled. Asa general thing
the new members take no part in the
battles where parliamentary tactics
are involved, and they are simply
observers of the fray; hence, as lookers-on
the outside circles are as suita
ble to them as the inner, from which
only a leader can act effectively.
The House, however, is doing more
real work in passing bills ami reso
lutions than has been usual the first
part of the session and white the rules
start the windmill of debate into full
speed, yet general legislation is at
tended with a noticeable paucity of
discussion. In the Senate Mr. P.ay-
ard's financial theories have been
about the only matter of interest np
i tearing in its work. The sessions
ore very short, rarely lasting till 2
o'clock and the various committees are
leporting a surprising amount of husi
nefs for action by the Senate. The
ladies are pouring into both House
hundreds of petitions praying for such
amendment to the Constitution as will
enable them to vote, and they are
marshaling their hosts here witli a
view to follow up these petitions by
a vigorous assault upon Congress in
personal demand for their politic::!
We referred last week to the murder
of a citizen, a Mr. Hirth, a well-to-do
grocer. Since then the negroes coin
mittimg the crime have been arrested,
and so great was the excitement and
public demonstration over the affair,
that the police feared an attempt at
rescue and lynching. Though there
weiemany threats, yet none put in
execution, and the criminals will re
ceive the regular legal investigation
in our Courts. One of the four men ar
rested has confessed the crime, and his
statements are such as to convince
the police that they have the right
parties, particularly so since he is cor
roborated by other evidence, which
seems indisputable. Mr. Hirth was a
highly respected young man, and at
the time of his murder was on his
way to visit the young lady to whom
he was engaged to lie married. His
death has given a feeling of great in
seburity, inasmuch as it was caused by
an assault made In a well-settled
street, and right by dwelling houses,
the inmates of which could hear the
deadly blows.
The case of Miss Lucy Rhett Wal
ton Horton, for shooting Mr. John IT.
Morgan, son of Senator Morgan, on
New Year's day, has been indefinitely
postponed in the police court. At the
request of Miss Horton 's counsel,
Mrs. Loekwood relinquished her pur
pose of moving, as surety on bail bond
for a dismissal of the case. She had
no intention of requesting to be re
lieved, but was and is anxious that, if
nothing more is to be done with the
case, the girl may be relieved of the
charge, so as to render the task of
getting her employment easier. Miss
Horton is represented as being very
anxious to obtain work of some kind,
so as to cease being a burden to the
friends which her necessity has drawn
around her. Mr. Morgan was in
court, and appears fully recovered
from his hurt, which was, at worst,
but a slight flesh wound. Mrs. Lock
wood is an earnest advocate of women's
rights, not only as to suffrage, but in
all other respects. Her suretyship of
Miss Horton is in keeping with her
conduct generally, for she is ever
ready to extend aid to any suffering
oppressed sister, and in this ease young
Mr. Morgan will realize, before he gets
through with Miss Horton, that la
has after him a dogged persistent figh
ter in Mrs. Judge Loekwood, who will
never cease her eflorts until her client,
Miss Horton, has secured the fullest
and amplest redress that the courts of
the District can give her. Mrs.
Loekwood is an able lawyer, and has
earned, since she entered the legal
profession quite a handsome property
through her talents. She will take a
prominent part, as in the past, in the
National Women's Suffrage Conven
tion, which will soon assemble here,
for her knowledge of law and of legis
lative matters are so great as to put
her ut the head. Not however, in
that mere wordy declamation of
wrongs which brings sevral of her
sisters to the front, but in real effect
Ivencss us u worker uud counselor.
Old Boreas has j;iven the first
touches of real winter by covering us
Willi a maiitlu of snow, which hides
&I1 the feature of curly spring which
shorn on every hand. The sun has
shone warmly and bribiaiitly, the
country roads were hardly muddy,
occisIm:",! v .n v the thermometer
fell to a pinching point of cold, an-'
ns in the beginning of the Ccnteliui...
year, we have hardly been aware
that midwinter was upon us until
now the whitened house tops and com
mons prove It to us.
The celebrated redskin, Chief Ouray
with his wife and several other Ute
chiefs, Is now one of our great object
of curiosity, and attracts more atten
tion than any other Indian delegation
sienco the advent of Sitting Hull,
years ago. He Is a fine looking fellow
if it bo proper to draw any compari
sons among Indians. As all Indians
have the general characteristics of
race in their high cheek bones, red
skin, black eyes and hair, and large
muscular development, it is as difll
cult to say one is handsomer or more
attractive than another, as to draw
distinctions between two eggs. An
egg is an egg, nnd an Indian is an
Indian, and Ouray is an Indian in
every muscle and lineament.
The President gave his usual
monthly reception on the night of the
l"th, which was largely attended, and
was as brilliant, in all respects, as any
of its predecessors, in decoration of
the White House and In richness and
display of fashion and dress by Mrs.
Hayes and her attendants, and the
lady callers. The plchian, of course
put in his appearance, and the lie
spangled foreign attache and second
lieutenant, whose huge brass epau
lettes were not half so large; as bis
conceit, hail often to elbow their way
through the great unwashed throng,
whose dress did not exceed the in
evitable shiney, well-worn broadcloth
coat and black alpaca dress.
Sheriff's Sale.
of fieri facias, alias fieri facias, vendi
tioni exponas, levari facias, and testa
tum fieri I'aehw issued out of the Court
of Common Pleas of Klk County, and
to me directed, f, O. C. OYSTKU,
High Sheriff of said county, do hereby
give notice that 1 will expose to public
sale or outcry at the 1'rothonotury's
ollice, in Kidgway, at one o'clock 'f.
m., on
ALL the following described real
estate lying and being in the town
ship of V.cii.inger, county of .Klk and
State of Pennsylvania, bounded and
described as follows to wit: Hegi li
ning at a post on Ueninger road;
thence south eighty perches to a post;
thence east fifty perches to a post;
thence north eighty perches to a post
on iiciizlugcr road; thence west along
line of said 1'ciizingcr road fifty perch
es to the place of beginning, contain
ing twuity-tive acres and bciiiir the
northern half of number twenty on
licnzinger road.
ALSO An other lot beginning on
Ueiizinuer road; thencesoulli onehun
dren and sixty perches; thence east
twenty-tive perches; thence north one
hundred and sixty perches to the road;
thence west along line of the road
twenty-five perches to the place of be
ginning being the western half of
number ninety-two on Den.inger road
in the map or" plan of the town or set
tlement of St. Mary's and containing
twenty-live acres and lying side of
tract first described, on' which there
is about forty acres improved, about
twenty fruit trees growing thereon.
There is also erected thereon one log
house llix-'i feet l.J stories high and
barn :io.10 iUt with shed attached
I !.-.!' feet.
Seized and t alien in execution as
the properly of .1 (1. Kricg at the
suit of The Township of iiciizinger.
ALSO All the right, title, interest,
claim and demand whatsoever of deft,
of, in and to warrants Xos. ii'Xj and
'171 situate and being in the township
of Spring Creek, county of Klk and
State of Pennsylvania hounded and
described as follows to wit: 1st, De
ginning at the northeast corner of
tract Xo. li',171 at a whiteoak and sugar;
thence in u northerly direction two
hundred and ninety-two perches to a
chestnut; thence west four hundred
and seventy-seven perches to a post;
thence south three hundred perches
to a pine; thence east lour hundred
and ninety-one perches to the place of
beginning, containing eight hundred
forty-four and seven -tenths acres with
an allowance of six per cent, for roads,
Ac., and being tract Xo. 2'iHO.
ALSO Ski oxi) Tk.U'T, beginning
at a maple the southeast corner of
same trad; thence in u northerly di
rection three hundred and twenty'tive
perches to a white oak and sugar, the
southeast corner of tract Xo. 2'.'8ii;
thence west four hundred and ninety
one perches to a pine; thence south
three hundred and twenty-six pen lies
toa post; thence east five hundred and
six perches to the place of beginning,
containing nine hundred and fii'ty-six
and four-tenths acres with an allow
ance of sU per cent, for roads, dr., and
being tract Xo. SlTl.
Si'ized and taken in execution as th
property of D. F. Carrier at the suit ol
James IJaldwin.
ALSO All those certain tracts,
pieces or parcels of land situate and
being in the township of Pox, county
of Klk and Slate of Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows, to
wit: Thconephce beginning at a post
on the Toby road, thence west twenty
I'M) rods more or less to a maple tree:
thence north sixty-three (03; rods more
or less to a post; 'thence west eighty
four (84) rods more or less to a hem
lock; thence south one hundred and
thirty (l-M)j rods more or less to a post
on Untruly Camp road; thence north
easterly along said road sixty (tiU) rods
more or less to (lie line of graveyard
lot; Iheneenorth tive(O) roils to stones;
thence east thirty-three (33) rods more
or less to a whitewood on Toby road;
thence northeasterly thirty-nine (8U)
rods more or less along Toby road to the
place of beginning, containing sixty
(00) acres more or less.
ALSO The other piece commenc
ing at a post on Brandy (.'amp road,
being the southwest corner of the piece
above described; thence north one
hundred and til teen (115) rods more or
less to a post; thence west forty
three (4,'f) rods more or less to a
post; thence south along line of
Francisco Capello one hundred and
nini ( lo'J) rods more or less to a post
on Prandy Cauin road; thence north
easterly along said road to the place of
beginning, containing thirty-one and
iiine-tentlis(il 11-10)
The said two tracts adjoining each
other and forming one large tract of
land. Reserving and excepting how
ever, out of the above tract of land so
much of said land as has been cou-
ma Mima m
3 f&SiUFJ
-PSr IVKH- tle ,3 ft beautiful specimen of wecliauism,
f fAt-is fv'fJ 'iV. -f.'of tnventivo trrninn. Knit. Wo do not lease
v f V'iV'-.j5;l:255e consign Machincn, thereforo, bai
2"&&&Vg.$ ones to patch up and re-varniiiU
--"! enstonmri-
"k '. r.j "
Bend for IHnstratctl Circular and prices.
Until you liavo seen, the
Most Elegant, Simple and Easy Running Machine in the
Market. The Ever Reliable VICTOR. v
Western Branch Office, 235 Statu St., Chioaoo, Iia. MIDDLETOWN. CONNJ
Oct.H'iyl. J. s. & W. 11. ilYuK, AUENTS, 1UIHJWAY, PA.
veyeil by said Peburo to Magalana
Cuiico by deed bearing date December
1st, A. i)., ltiu'.t, gome live acres more
or less.
On above tract of land there is erected
a frame house U'xl'i feet I j stories high,
also a log burn and othcrout buildings.
There Is about -ft) acres cleared and
under improvement with a young
orchard growing thereon with a good
spring ot water, Ac.
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Joseph Kcburo at the suit
of Anthony O'Chase.
ALSO All those two certain town
lots being Xos iij uud !:i situate in the
village of Uidgway agreeably to the
Uidgway plot of said town, bounded
and described as follows: On the
north by Centre street, on the west by
Kk street, on the south by an alley,
ami on the east by lot Xo. '.'4.
On above lots' there, is erected one
frame house H'.xJf feet with wing
liixpl 1 stories high.
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Charles Mai hews at the
suit of J. C. Honk, Kxecutrix of J. V.
I look now for use of The Uidgway
The following must be strictly com
plied with when the property isstrttek
1. All the bids must be paid in full
except where the plaintiff or other 1 en
creditors becomes the purchaser, iu
which case the costs on t lie writs must
be paid, as well as all liens prior to
that of the purchaser, nml a duly cer
tified list of liens shall be furnished,
including mortgage searches 011 the
property sold together witji such lien
creditor's, receipt for the amount of
the proceeds of the sale, or such por
tion thereof as lie shall appear to be
entitled to.
2. All sales not settled immediately
will Iih continued until six o'clock P.
M., at which time all property not set
tled for will again be put up and sold
at the expense and risk of the person
to whom it was first struck of, and
who, in case of deficiency ut such re
sale, shall make good the same, and in
no instance will the deed be presented
for confirmation unless the bid is actu
ally settled for with the Sherilf as
above stated.
D C. OYSTER. Sheriff
Sheriff's office, Uidgway, Pa.,
January ot h, lS.NO. (
.See Pardon's Digest, Xinth Edition,
page 41(1; Smith's Forms, :J4K.
Llk County Court Proclamation.
AVHEI1EAS, the Hon. L. D. YVet
inorc, President Judge for the Thirty
seveiilh Judicial District of Pennsyl
vania, and Julius Jones, and (ieorge
Ed. Wci.s, Esquires, Associate Justices
in Elk county, have issued their pre
cepts, to me directed, for the time of
holding of the Orphan's Court, Court
of Common Pleas, (ieneral (Quarter,
Sessions and Oyer and Terminer, at
Uidgwav. for the countv of Elk 011
l.SSi, being the -'(ilh day of the month,
tocoiitinue one week.
Notice is thercfoie given to the Cor
oner, Justice of the Peace and Con
stables iu and for the county of Elk,
to appear in their own proper persons,
with their records, inquisitions, and
remembrances, to do those things
which of their ollices and in their be
half appertain to be done, and all wit
nesses and other persons prosecuting
in behal f oft he Common wealth against
any person or persons, are requested to
be then and there attending, and not
to depart at their peril. Jurors are
requested to be punctual ill their at
tendance at tlie appointed time, agree
able to notice.
Oiven under my hand and seal, at
the Sherill's ollice, iu Ridgway, the
otn day of Jan. in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and
D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff.
Send us a Model of your Invention,
with your own description of it, for
our opinion a to patentability. Xo
Attorney's Fees unless Patent is
Secured. Ouv Book of Instructions,
etc., "How TO PltiKTRE Patknis,''
sent free on request; also sample
copies of the Scientific Record, the
Inventors' Journal.
It. 8. & A. P. LACEY
Patent Attorneys,
GO! F Street, near Patent Ollice.
Washington, 1). C. ,
All disabled Soldiers and heirs of
deceased Soldiers who died from con
sequences of services in the Army, are
entitled to PEXSIOXS. Xo Arrears
allowed after July 1, 18o. Send
stamps for full Instructions in all kinds
of (soldiers' claims.
Pension Attorneys,
001 F Street, Washington, D. C.
Two weeklies and one monthly
for $2,75. See our "Special to Subscr
bers" In another column.
Prints. The most desirable assort
ment In Western Pennsylvania, now
on exhibition at Powell & Kime's
mammoth sales rooms.
Patents procured upon Inventions.
Xo Attorney's Fees in Advance. Our
House was established in lsii'.i. We
file CAVEATS, and obtain TRADE
Eiif VIGT06L
Improvements September. 1678.
Kntwltlififainding the VICTOR has long been the
peer of nnv Sewinu Machine iu Uio market a fact
by a host of volunteer witnesses now
Continently Clilira lor ii premur niinpiiciiy,
a woudi rial reduction ol friction and a rnra
nave no old
for our
a mm m Mm mm mmta
Vt8 Sell Nov M8cnsr.cs tvery lima,
Liberal tonus to the traJa Don't buy
Has been In constant
use by the publlo
for over twenty yearn,
and ia the beat preparation
ever Invented for KESTOlt
of Mass.
as a
in medi-
It supplies the natural
food and color to the liair
glands without staining the
skin. It will Increase and
thicken the growth of the
hair, prevent Its blanching
and fulling off, and thus
It cures Itching, Erup
tions nnd Dandruff. As a
deferable, giving the hair a
silken softness which all
admire. It keeps the head
clean, sweet and healthy.
will change the beard to a BROWN or
BLACK at discretion. Being in one
preparation It Is easily applied, and
produces a permanent color that will
not wash off.
flikl'AltCU RV
Sold by all Dealers In Medicine.
inform the citizens tif Ridgway, and
the public generally, that be has
started a Livery Stable and will keep
good .stock, good;carriages
and Buggies to let upon tho most
reasonable terms.
Jf-iy-IIe will also do job teaming.
Stable on Elk street. All orders left
at the Post Ollice will receive prompt
List of Licenses for January Term, 1SS0.
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following persons have filed their
petitions for Licilisein my ollice, and
that they will be presented to the
Court of Quarter Sessions on Wednes
day, January 28th, at 2 o'clock P. M.;
1. F. X. Sorg.
2. Henry Blesh,
3. G. L.'YVinslow.
4. John Collins.
5. James McFarlin,
(. W. II. Schrain,
7. Win Healey.
S'. Ml try' Doro.
8. Rilev Brothers,
P. Joseph F. Windfelder,
10. Henry Luhr,
11. Lorenz Vogcl,
Y2- William Gies.
l;t. James Laiug,
14. Patrick Falaey.
l-". James Ma.iiinis,
10. O. T. Aaron.
St. Mf try's Boro.
17. Anthory Schauer,
18. Jacob Kraus.
St. Mary's Boro.
19. Joseph Wilhelm.
"That if any person or persons
shall neglect or refuse to lift his her
or their License, within FIFTEEN
DAYS after the same has been grant
ed such neglect or refusal shall be
deemed a forfeiture of said License
Purdon, U. d, page 943.
Fhkd. StifCKXixo, Clerk Q. S.
F.BTATK of EmvAHn Baklk, late of
St. Mary's Boko. Elk Co., Pa-, de
ceased.. All persons indebted to said
Estate are requested to make immed
iate payment, and those having legal
claims again the same to present them
without delay in proper order for setlo
menf Of.o. W. Wubzell, Admr.
"n" mmliinntinn of 1i'Kir.T.lllBOIlalll ICS. ItSRllllU
cine. 1
Business Cards.
geo. a. naiHBun
Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa
Particular attention given to the
examination ol titles, also to patents
and patent cases.
A T T O It X E Y- A T-L A W.
Oflice in new brick building, Main
street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. r82t
RidRWay, Klk county, Pa. Office
across the hall from tho Democrat es
tablishment. Claims for collection
promptly attended to. jnel.5,1870
N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets.
Ridgway, Pa., full assortment of care
fully selected Foreign and Domestic
Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis
pensed at all hours, day or night.
Has removed his office from Centre
street to Main Htrect, Ridgway, Pa., in
the second story of the new brick
building of John O. Hall, west of the
Hyde House.
Ollice hours : 1 to 2 P. M. 7 to 9 P.M.
W. H. SCHRAM, Proprietor,
Ridgway, Elk county, Pa.
Thankful for the patronage hereto
fore so liberally bestowed upon him,
the new proprietor hopes, by paying
strict attent ion to the comfort and con
venience of guests, to merit a continu
ance of the same. oct-iu'ti9
MRS. J. R. KELTZ, Kersey, Elk
county, Pa , takes this method of an
nouncing to the citizens ot Elk county
that she has on hand an assortment of
fashionable millinery goods which will
be sold cheap. Also dressmaking in
all its branches.
Agent for Dr. J. Bail & Co.'s Patent
Ivory and Lignum Vitas Eye Cups.
Send for descriptive circular. nlTyl
PAEDIA. This admirable work is now com
plctcin bivols. EachvoluinecontainsS(lO
pages. It mtikesa complete and well
selected library, and no one can
allbrd to do without it who would keep
well informed. Price $0 00 in cloth,
Sti.W in leather, or $7.00 in elegant
half Turkey. For particulars address,
W. H. Fairchild, Portville, Catt. Co.,
X. Y., who has been duly appointed
agent for Elk county by C. K. Judson,
general agent.
A Great Reduction.
The undersigned is now prepared to
deliver a better quality of Bituminous
coal than has ever been mined in this
part of the Slate, at the low price of
2.2o per ton or $1.75 at the mines
Leave your order at W. H. Ostcrhout's
store at Eagle Valley, and at the ollice
of the undersigned, Masonic Building
Ridgway, Elk' Co., Pa.
Sept. ni3
State Normal School.
(Juyhth Xoniud Scttoul DMrict)
A. N. IIAT'13, A. M., Principal.
This school as at present constituted,
oilers the very hest facilities for Pro
fessional and'C'lassical learning.
Buildings spacious, inviting and
commodious; completely heated by
steam, well ventilated, and furnished
wiili a hountiful supply of pure water,
soft spring water.
Location healthful and easy of ac
cess. Surrounding scenery unsurpassed.
Teachers experienced, efficient, and
alive to their work.
Discipline, firm but kind, uniform
and thorough.
Kxpeuses moderate.'
Fifty cents a week deduction to
those preparing to teach.
(Students admitted at any time.
Courses of study prescribed by the
State; I. Model .School. 11. Prepara
tory. 111. Elementary. IV. fcicieu
eutilic. ADJUNCT COU11SKS :
I. Academic. II. Commercial. III.
Music. IV. Art,
The Elementary and Scientific
courses are Professional, and students
graduating therein receive State Diplo
mas, conferring the following corres
ponding degrees : Master of the Ele
ments, and Master of the Sciences,
(iraduates in the other courses receive
Normal Certificates of their attain
ments, signed by the Faculty.
The nrolessionai courses are liberal.
and are in thoroughness uot inferior to
those of our best colleges.
The Slate requires a hiirher order of
citieiisuip. I ue times ucmaiiu it. It
is one ot the Mime obiects ot this
school to Help to secure it by furnish
ing intelligent ana elilcient teachers
for her schools. To this end it solicits
young persons of good abilities and
food purposes those who desire to
improve their time and their talents,
as students. To all such it promises
aid in developing their powers and
abundant opportunities for well paid
labor alter leaving school.
.For catalogue and terms address th
President Uoard. of Trustees
Clinton county. S D. Hull. T. C
Hippie, Dr. J. 11. Barton, A. H. Best,
Jacob Brown, Wilson Kistler, A.N.
Raub, W. W. Rankin, R. G. Cook,
Samuel Christ, (i. Kititzing, 8. M.
Bickford, 11. L. Ditl'enbach, A. C.
Noyes, S. R. Peale.
Centre Ex-Gov. A O. Curtin.
Clearfield Ex.Gov. Win. Bigler.
Elk Charles It. Earley.
Howe Sewing Machines.
Among the great variety of goods of
every description tor sale at
Powell & Kimk's
Will be found an assortment of the
celebrated Elias Howe, Jr., Improved
Hewing Machines the best machine
now manufactured they having been
appointed sole agents for Elk county.
They will keep on hand Tuckers,
( "orders, Hemmers, Braiders and Ruf
Hers, Needles, Sewing-machine Oil
Thread, &c., &c. Will also furnish at
any time detached parts for said ma
chine. All ut greatly reduced prices,
and will be sold on accommodating
terms with approved security,
Ridgway, Aug. 20. '78.
The Johnson Revolving Book-Case,
Lairytr, Clergymen, Thynicinn;
Editor!, Hanker, Teachrrii
Merchant; Sturtentt,
and all who read books.
It Is mnd9 of Iron, beautifully ornamented. It hi
strong:, durable, convenient, handsome, and t!?
most compart book-enso in the world, as it hr-Ufa
more hooks for Its size than any other device. It ia
minimum Iu pize, maximum in capacity, and tho
cheapest Revolving Book-Cnso made. It can never
warp, shrink, or fret out of order. Pend lor cir
cular. Send 25 cents for our New Iu-rsTHATRD
rxTAioi E, with over 800 illustrations of Eduoa
tioual and useful articles.
School Furnisher, and Pcalera In everything la tha
Hook and Stationery Una,
143 & 144 Grand St., New York.
highest He da; at Vienna and f MladalpMfc
E. & II. T. ANTHONY & CO.,
5I ilroadtcay, .few l"ori.
Manufacturers, Importers & Dealers in
Velvet Frames, Albums,
GRAPHS, And kindred goodsCelebrltles, Actresses etc..
Photographic Materials.
We are Headquarters for everything
in the way of ,
Each style being the best of its class
in the market.
Beautiful Photographic Transpar
encies of Statuary and Engravings for
the window.
Convex Glass, Manufacturers of
Velvet Frames for Miniatures and
Convex Glass Pictures.
Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides
with directions for using, sent on re
ceipt of ten cents.
n45 (six months.)
Philadelphia & Erie R. R- Div.
On and after SUNDAY, November
'., IST'.l, the trains on the Philadel
phia & Erie Railroad Division will
run as follows:
kkii: mail leaves Pliila 11 C5 p. m.
" " Rcnovo 1100 a. m
" " Emporium. 1 1" p. in.
" ' St. Mary's..2 11 p. m.
" " Ridgway. ... 233 p- m.
" " Kane 3 50 p. ni.
" arr. at Erie 7 C,j p. m.
erie mail leaves Erie 11 35 a. m.
" " Kane 4 00 p. ni.
" ' Ridgway. ...5 05 p.m.
" St. Mary's..5 27 p. in.
" ' Emporium. B 25 p. in.
' " Renovo 8 40 p.m.
" arr. at Phila 7 00 a. ni.
Wm. A. Baldwin. General Sup't.
Manhoid: HswLost, How Eestsred!
Just published a new
edition of Dr. Clr-
well't Celebrated Es
say on theradical cure (without med
icine) of Spermatorrhoea or Seminal
Weakness, In voluntary Seminal Looses
Impotencv, also, consumption, Epil
epsy and Fits, induced by self-indulgence
or sexual extravagance, &c.
The celebrated author, in this ad
mirable Essay, clearly demonstrates
from a thirty years' successful practice
that the alarming consequences of
sell'-aliusp may be radically cured
without the dangerous use of internal
medicine or the application of the
knife; pointing out a mode of cure at
once simple, certain, effectual, by
means of which every sufferer, no
matter what his conditiou may be
may cure himself cheaply, privately
and radically.
JBQrTliis Lecture should be in the
hands of every youth and every mixu
in the land.
Sent under seal, in a plain envel
ope, to any address, post-paid, on
receipt of six cents or two Dostatre
stamps. 1
Address the Publishers.
,The Culyerwell Medical Co.,
! AnnSt,, New York, N. Y.; Pott
Ofiice Box, 4586.
Keglsters JfoHee.
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following accounts will be presented
at the next Orphan's Court forcou-
, imitation:
i 1. Final account of John B. Cuneo
Executor of the last will and testament
of Adam Kemmerer, deceased
2. Filial account of H. L. Stevens
i and II. M. Powers, Administrators of
! the estate of J. O. W. Bailey, deceased.
! 3. The account of George B. Taylor
and James R. Taylor, Executors of
John Taylor, lute of Fox township,
deceased. r'
4. Final account ofAdam Jesberger
Guardian, &c., of Ignatius Deitsch'
Theresa Deitch and AnnaDeitch chil
dren of Joseph Deitch late of Benzin
ger township, deceased.
FitED. KeiitENiNo, Register.
Cross- Cut Saws Cheaper than
t any where else at the old Grand. Cen
tral store of Powell it Kirue.