The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, November 27, 1879, Image 3

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    V .ll V sSt rf) V "'!
A II 11 1 I I i I II r
tmmSBAT, NOV. 27, 1970.
New Time Table. Under the new
chedul the mail and local freight
lwre Ridgway station as follows:
" EAST B:03
EAST . 3:23
K. of H.
Ridgway Lodge No. 1644 meets on
the 2d and 4th Fridays of each month
At 8 o'clock.
Local Xotcs
To-day give thanks.
Sunshiny day Monday.
The Advocate $1.50 a year.
The year 1879 is on Its Inst legs.
No. 1 Cranberries at Molester's.
See court proceedings in another
column. .
gjjjghlngon the plank road last
girls look forward with
ii services ai uiu vimi"--.
.. .. 7- T Xf
g at li o ciock ii)-jwv. . iu.
Light running, Latest Improved
DOMESTIC, at prices never heard of
before, at Mrs. W. S. Service's.
An accident occurred at Grant's
tannery last week which caused a
temporary suspension for a few days.
Our chromo visiting curds, a cent
a one, are fast becoming popular.
Thirty different designs. Call and see
Large stock of salt fish consisting
of Mackerel, White Fish, Trout, Sis
coes, and boneless codfish ut Moles
ter's. Hymeneal knots are not being
tied arouud here with that frequency
which cold weather would seem to
McAfee, the tailor, has just re
ceived an extensive line of samples for
tnefall and wintertrade. Cull and see
for yourself.
A neat box of paper and envelopes
makes a good Christmas present. Call
and see the new styles at The Ad
vocate office.
If you can't get turkey for Thanks
giving dinner substitute a rousing
dish of pork and beans with pumpkin
pie, an arrangement fit for a king.
Folks have always wanted some
thing that would stop a headache in
an hour or so; and Dr. Day's Cure for
Headache is just the thing. 60 ets,
and $1 bottles.
Now for your winter suits und
overcoats. McAfee has just received
three hundred samples from three of
the moat popular houtyjiU
city. bttlfcUiUft ean djeu Jm J
Harry Chaapel, of Williamsport
Is an extensive dealer in bulbs and
house plants We can recommend
him to our patrons wishing anything
in bis line. See Advertisement in nu
other column.
D. S. Andrus & Co:, of William
sport. Pa., are prepared to sell a good
organ now for $75.00 cash, 7 stops and
beautiful case, and they are fully war
ranted by them which is a sure mark
of their merit. Send them your orders
and you will not be disappointed.
A wild deer came down the road
from Boot Jack on Monday, passed
over to the Ridgway House and thence
across the hill and along the road by
the upper rows of tannery houses.
Lieutenant Horton and James Rhines
followed the trail of the deer and sue
ceeded in capturing it and brought it
In the matter of the petition of
the citizens of Ridgway for a borough
before the November term of court,
the petition was refused although it
contained 43 names of property own
ers while the remonstrance contained
but 16 owners of property. In other
words the grand jury saw fit, in its
mighty wisdom (?) to decide against
the law and the evidence. And the
only reason given by those voting
against the petition was that two more
delegates would be elected in the
proposed borough to future Democrattc
county conventions. Was ever oath
of juryman imperilled on such slight
pretext? Was ever such sublime igno
rauce made an excuse for such gross
and uncalled for injustice? What
remorse must seize the man who, act
ing under the solemn oath of a grand
Juryman, would allow his political
prejudice to blind his eyes to right? We
will refer to this matter in our next
Cleu. Grant's Power or Self-loutroll,
From the New York Post, Itep.
Evideptly among the other qualities
of General Grant is an extraordinary
power of self-control. How many men
could have gone turougu bucu an ex
nerieuce as his of the last three years
and borne themselves as he has done?!
Wedo not mean public men of the Un it-
ed States merely, but of any part of the
world. How many of them would
have avoided an exhibition of the
smaller liumau weaknesses, intense
Men c-oiisciuusut.-&a. nio jwui
vanity and conceit Intolerable egotism
and other tiresome incidents of an of
fensive personality? How many of
the Disraelis, with their theatrical pois
ingsand studied effects, would have
done so? How many of the fluent
and restless and fussy Gladstones?
Hqav many men anywhere, except
those royally born to formal adulation
and taught to receive it, with formal
'indifference, as a mere formality?
General Grant has never once failed to
put the country foremost not with
au affected modesty, in the character
of the humble and self-sacrificing ,
patriot, but with a uulet, manly sln-
utu u ujuttcr in eoui.-e.
Personal Items.
J. L. Brown, of Wilcox, was in
town yesterday.
Knos Hnys was In town Monday
with a load of apples.
Frank Nichols and Cnl. Luther
failed to get the deer.
B. I. Taylor was in town this
week and called ut The Advocate
Harry Wilson has finished the
houses he was building at Grant's
Sheriff Oyster took Mrs. John
Qulnu to Dixmout lusaue asylum on
Monday last.
Wm. Chesney and Henry Beules
started for New York on Tuesday to
join the cavalry branch of the U. S.
regular army.
Capt. Sehcenlng has received in
structions to have Company II meas
ured for new great coats.
J. It. Taylor received an order
last week for forty barrels of winter
apples at 40 cents a bushel.
Mr. S. K. Whitmore, of Clarion
county, life insurance agent and
brother of our townsman Judge J. K.
Whitmore, has been spending several
days in our midst
The chap who was sentenced to
thirty days in juil for selling liquor
contrary to law, said he couldn't go to
jail as he had $200 worth of beer
which would spoil. He went all the
Capt. P. R. Smith is once again a
resident of our village which fact we
nre pleased to note. Captain Smith
has an interest in the new tannery to
be built the coming spring in Spring
Creek township.
A. N. Raub, of Lock Haven, Pa.,
will lecture before the Elk county
Teachers' Institute, Dec. 29. Tod
Ford, of Ohio, Dec. 31st. Col. J. S.
Sanford, of New York City, Jan. 1st.
The list will be completed next week.
Simon Lamb and Mary Lamb,
his wife, were committed to jail by
Esquire Mead on Tuesday last In de
fault of the payment of 59,12 fines and
cost in a trial on a charge of profanity
and drunkeness, brought by M. T.
Good assort 'iient of plug tobaco 50
and CO cents a pound at Morgester's.
Itrockport Scribbling.
Our winter is here and the woods
are full of hunters and the "Dear's"
have no rest.
Thomas Burchfield came from
Ridgway the other day witli a plug
hut and a pipe in his mouth for he has
began to smoke.
The way that young gentleman
Sloshed up to a young lady the other
day was a caution, he leaned up to her
like a sick kitten to a hot brick and
took her by the wing and up Main
street and across the bridge we do not
0fclknov tb.number"' brother' Bill was
.along .loo.
Why dont that fellow send in his
Locals to the Democrat, if he is ever
going to is he afraid or has he forgot
his name, we would advise him us a
friend to send them to the Advocate,
for that swamper am a hard pill.
The Ring hunt was not of much
Swamper made a box the other
day 10 feet loong that looked like a
coffiin, with a partition in the middle
so to leave room for him in one end
and the devil in the other, and a hole
to lrok through at each other and not
get to fighting after the cover was
nailed down.
Johu Bauder and Sam Piatt
killed a deer last Sunday.
Schmidt & Schneider.
Get your note heads, bill heads,
and letter heads at this ollice. All this
work will be bound with our new pat
ent blotter tablet and our handsome
1880 calendar.
Brandy Camp Peiieilmgs.
Saturday night it snowed about
four inches.
The thermometer stood 3 degrees
above zero Friday morning and 12
above zero Saturday.
"Vale" should remember people
living in glass houses should never
throw stones.
Banks McAllister started last Sun
day to sell fruit trees for Chase
We have often heardof gentlemen
going to the train to see their lair one
off but this time it was a young lady.
R. T. conies down on the creek
and gets sick, so much so, that he has
to be taken home in a buggy. How
is this Reuben?
There is nothing that beats light
ning for speed unless it is "Vale'1
some morning when lie hears the
supervisor on the stairs calling him to
get up it is time to go home (for his
mother doesn't know he's out.)
Win. Tolbertof Broekway ville is
working for J. S. Hyde at the Brandy
Camp hotel.
I am sorry to have Mr. Cuneo
think "L. C. A," has to go so far for his
locals and then he is so hard hearted as
not to give in any.
We never went so often to one
place that we ate them out of house
and bam that we had to take the
piece of the old shanghai rooster that
went through, the fence last and two'
or three cold buckwheat cakes and
put iu our coat pocket for two sup
pers and breakfast for two und tie upa
small bundle of hay and put in pne
end of a bag and a few nubbinsof corn
in the other and tie it on behind the
saddle and then tell the old folks at
home you are going to town, but
for all this "Vale" says all the advan
tage that 'L. C. A." has over him is
he uss a shorter distance to go.
L. C. A. .
Court Proceedings.
Present Judge McDermott, Presi
dent Judge.
Associates tTohs, Geo. Ed. Wels
and Julius Jones.
civil list.
H. A. Rote vs. Isaac Breiincmon.
Defendant's counsel permitted to with
draw appearance and plea.
Patrick McLaughlin administrator,
and Alice McLaughlin administratrix
of John McLuughlin deceased- vs.
M. McNuliy; .1. K. P. Hall for plffs.,
Rathbun for deft. Leave granted to
withdraw appcuruncc and pica. Mo
tion for judgment and judgment
against clefts, granted.
Thomas P. Merritt vs. J. W. Bfowh.
cases upon promises. Rathbun for
plaintifi; Powers for defendant.
Jordan S. Neel vs. John Wingart.
Ejectment for LSI J acres land in Spring
Creek township, Elk couuty. Con
Joseph Fuess, who survived
B. Boyer, late trading as Boyer &
Fuess vs. Andrew Kaul ; case
upon promises; Rathbun for plffs.,
J. K. P. Hall for dft. Verdict
In favor of defendant.
Peter O'Hara vs. J. C. Wellington
deft, and Jacob Taylor and Willis
Taylor, ct at. garnishees. Foreign
attachment, damages $8,000. Hull &
McCauley for plaintiff; Lueoro &
Hamblen for deft. Verdict for plain
tiff $1521.11.
H. M. Rolfevs. C. R. Farley; Rath
bun for plff., Hall & McCauley D. B.
E. Verdict for plaintiff $r.3o2,8'J.'
Rule to show cause for a new trial.
W. D. Drake, for use of Frank
Drake vs. S. II. Kirby und J. H.
Silverthorn, partners under the firm
name Kirby & Silverthorn, defts. and
John G. Hall, J. K. P. Hall and C. H.
McCauley partners as Hall & Mc
Cauley, garnishees. Foreign attach
ment. Rathburn for plffs., Uull& Mc
Cauleyjor clefts. Continued.
Geo. A. Rathbun vs. the North
Western Mining and Exchange Com
pany of Erie. Case upou promises,
damages, $1,600. Rathbun for plff.;
Hall & McCauley for defts. Contin
ued. Frank Keller vs. J. B. Sterley. J.
K. P. Hall for plff; W. W. Ames for
deft. Appearance and plea withdrawn
Motion for judgment, judgment
The township of Highland vs. G.
W. Newton, O. D. Coleman and Wm.
Blew; debt, damages $700. Hall &
McCauley, for township; Lucore &
Hamblen for Coleman and Blew, and
appearance withdrawn as to lust
named defendants. Motion for judg
ment, judgment granted.
Thomas London vs. Reuben Moh
uey. Lucore fc Hamblen for plrf.;
Hall & McCauley for dft. Appearance
and plea withdrawn. Motion for
judgmeut, judgment granted.
criminal. ' ...
. . Commonwealth .y?r Mrs-. H. M.' Mc
CuIIougii. Assault und battery,-. .'p..
pros, entered on payment of costs'.
Com. vs, Jacob Weaver und Ellen
Weaver. Assault and battery. AW
pro, entered upon payment of costs. '
"Com. vs. James Muginnis. Assault
and battery. JVol. jjrot,. entered on
payment of costs.
Com. vs. John Bennett. Assault
and battery. Deft, found guilty. Mo
tionfornew trial (with reasons filed.)
New trial granted.
Com. vs. Thomas Barker. Assault
. . . 1 t i r
mm uuuery. SiOi. pros, entered on
payment of costs.
Com. vs. Joseph Frank. Assault
and battery. Xol. Pros, entered on
payment of costs.
Com. vs. Wm. Osborne. Larceny.
Escaped jail.
Com. vs. Michael Brelim. Forni
cation and bastardy. Xol. Pros.
grunted upon condition that the deft,
pay the costs of prosecution and give
bond to the county in the sum of five
hundred dollars conditioned to sup.
port the child or iu default thereof to
pay the county one dollar und fifty
cents per week for the period of three
years and then abide further order of
the court. Iu this case the defendant
had married the prosecutrix.
Com. vs. John Denver. Sellin
liquor contrary to law. Pleads guilty.
Sentenced to $10 fine and costs, and
thirty days in county jail.
Com. vs. Fred- Ellinger. Larceny.
Not a true bill.
Com. vs. Joseph Spooner. Malicious
mischief. Not guilty, county to pay
Com. vs. Joseph Ott. Surety of the
Peace. Deft, not guilty. Prosecutrix
Mary Fucks to pay the costs.
Com. vs. Daniel Curreu. Larceny.
Defendant not urrested.
Com. vs. Peter H. Volk. Burglary.
Xol. proa, on payment of costs.
Report of reviewer on a road to
lead from near T. J. Clyde's, iu Mill
stone township, Elk county, Fa.,
to the mouth of Wynkoop Run.
Report of viewers on a road to Jeud
from the west lino of Elk county,
where the south brunch of the Tion-
esta creek crosses, to the Big Level
road. Approved.
Report of viewers to vacate a road
to lead from T. J. Clyde's to a point at
or near the 1arm ot Attain Zimmer
man's in Millstone township. Ap
proved. l'etition or citizens or spring I'reek
township for u road from mouth of
Maxwell mm to ijiike l.ity Jtoad near
Middletown. Mathew Shanley and
W. P. Henry appointed viewers und
Eugene Lena artist.
Petition of citizens or Spring Creek
township for u public rottd from near
house of Thos. Irwin to intersect the
I mlilie roud at a point whwe it crosses
kittle Crow run in said township. N.
T. Cummings und E. K. Gresh ap
pointed viewers, und Eugene Lenz
Report of the Commissioners on the
division of Ridgway township iuto
two election districts. rifccL
Dent's Kim and Dry Saw Mill Kerns.
Cold wlntcry weather prevails.
A large deer ran through this
place without having a shot fired at it.
The "Bono pickers" of this place
say they will exchange bones for some
of "Schmidt & Schneider's" "sauer
kraut." -In our last Items, we stated pleas
ant weather, the day on which we
wrote them being pleasant, but the
remaining part of the week was
stormy and very gold.
"We are told that teachers should
learn how to curve us well as read,
write, etc., so that they will know In
which part of the chicken to look for
the wish bone. .
"Schmidt A Schneider" wrote
pome poetry last week. Did he see
the editor's request of Nov.
Tho dedication of the Catholic
church at Benezette, took place last
Sabbath. A largo number could not
get in the church, and were compelled
to standout side.
Lucy says she docs not like a cow
that shakes ' hands with you every
time you milk.
Young ladies should be careful
about telling when they sneeze for
company, and after the company
comes they should be careful who they
take to prove the company were not
for them, for murder will out.
D. C. I.
Note paper and envelopes for sale
cheap at this ollice.
In Hie Tracy murder case a writ
of error will be applied for before the
SupremeCouil now iu session-at Pitts
burgh. Note, letter, foolscap, und lega
cap papers, ut this ollice. Also a
large ntock of envelopes, as low as
six eets for 25.
Work of the Census.
TlilCT. The formation of supervisors' dis
tricts under the provisions of the
census net, of March 3, lSy.l, has been
completed by Superintendent Walker,
except in regard to the states of Mas
sachusetts and California. The list
has been approved by Secretary
Sehurz. The details arc of interest,
for the reason, uiuong others, that the
appointment of supervisors must be
made iu each Instance by select ion
from applicants residing within the
boundaries of the respective districts.
These officers, which will practically
control the thousands of appointments
necessary for the work of taking the
census, are to be filled by the 1st of
January. General Walker says that
in the formation of districts reference
lias been bad solely to the exigencies
of.4)Uumerttt5onduCto the geographi
cal features" Af states, and to existing,
conditions' of settlement, ' occupation
and intercommunication. It results,
as was to be expected, thnt the dis
tricts vary greatly in population and
in territorial extent. New Vork is di
vided into eleven districts, New Jersey
throe, Maine two, Connecticut two,
Ohio eight. The slates of New
Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island,
Delaware, Colorado, California.
Oregon and Nevada, the District of
Columbia and the territories will form
one supervisor's district each. Penn
sylvania is divided into ten districts.
They are: '
1st DiMriet Philadelphia county.
lid District Chester, Delaware and
Lancaster counties.
Hid District Berks, Dauphin, Leb
anon, Northumberland and Schuyl
kill counties.
IVth District Bucks, Carbon, Le
high, Montgomery and Northampton
Vth District Columbia, Lackawan
na, Luzerne, Monroe, Montour, Pike,
Sullivan, Wayne, and Wyoming coun
ties. Vlth District Bradford, Cameron,
Lycoming, McKcuu, Potter, Susque
hanna and l ioga counties.
Vllth District Adams, Centre.
Clearlield.Clin ton, Cumberland, Frank
lin, Fulton, Huntingdon, 'Juniata, Mif
flin, Perry, Snyder, Union and York
Vllith District Bedford. Blair,
Cambria, Fayette, Greene, Indiana,
Somerset and Westmoreland counties.
IXth District Allegheny, Btuver,
Lawrence and Washington counties.
Xth District Armstrong, Butler,
Clarion, Crawford. Elk, Erie, Forest,
Jefferson, Mercer, Venango and War
ren counties.
A new invoice of fancy note paper
und envelopes in beuutiful boxes, just
received ut The Advocate office.
Newspaper Laws.
1. A post muster is required to give
notice by letter, (returning a paper
does not answer tiie law) when a sub
scriber does not take his paper out o
the ollice, und state the reasons for its
not being taken ; any neglect to do so"
makes the postmaster responsible to
the publisher for the payment.
2. Any person who takes a paper
from the postollice, whether directed
to his name or another, or whether lie
has subscribed or not is responsible for
tile pay.
3. If any person orders his paper
discontinued he must pay all arrear
ages, or the publishers may continue
to send it until payment is made, and
collect the whole amount, whether it
lie taken from the office or not. There
can be no legal discontinuance until
the payment is made.
4. if the subscriber orders his pupcr
to slop at a certain time, anil the pub
lisher continues to send, the subscriber
is bound to pay for it, if betakes itoui
of the post-ofllce. The law proceeds
upon! he ground that a man must pay
for what lie uses.
6. The courts have decided that re
fusing to take a newspaper and peri
odicals from the post-ofllce or remov
ing and having them uncalled for; is
priniH facia evidence of intentional
i lie vvucrvi J. a coo
A Pennsylvania Serial Story.
$1.00 IN CLUBS
(Including Prepaid Postage.)
In order to place The Weekly
Pkkss within the reach of the Repub
lican voters of the States, the price has
been reduced to One Dollar and
Twenty-Five cents for the year, by the
single copy, or to One Dollar for the
year, by clubs.
Tiii'.'i'nEf.s is thoroughly devoted to
the principles of the Republican party,
and mantains the Rupubliean organ
ization because it believes that the
prosperity and progress of the people
cannot be safely intrusted touny other,
existing political organization. Dur
ing the year 1SS0, the most stupendous
political' conflict of this epoch will
take place. Upon its issuewili depend
the political destiny of the country for
many years.
Tib: Phess steadily resists the aims
of the "Solid South' which is now
organized to capture the Executive, to
retain Congress, to remodel and con
trol the Supreme Court, and to stibor
dimite every public interest to the
overmastering purpose of controlling
the policy ol the Nation, and thereby
gaining by legislation and peaceful
means what it lost on the field. The
Phess enforces the duty of preserving
in full force the Constitutional Amend
incuts made to secure the fruits of the
war; upholds the right of every law
voter to a free, and unbougbt exercise
of hi-i right; inflexibly insists upon un
holiest return of the votes east; justi
fies the use of all necessary means to
prevent fraudulent voting and fraudu
lent returning of votes; accvpts as
fundamental the equal right of every
citizen to the adequate protection by
the law of his political as well us civil
rights, maintains us wise the Repub
lican policy of Resumption and
lion est financial legislation; defends
as sound the policy of Protection to
American Industry; and, in gencrul,
follows whithersoever the Republican
principle leads.
Special measures have been adopted
to Stkexuthen the Paper in all its
depart incuts.
MET will lie in the hands of aide and
experienced writers, and the range of
subjects discussed will boas wide as in
any other first-class newspaper iu the
MENTS will remain in oharirc. of ex
perienced and capable editors ; and
the Market Reports will be full tnul
CLOS;5 ATTENTION will be given
to the State News of Pennsylvania,
New Jersev and Delaware.
DENCE will include letters from
Europe and all portions of i lie world.
Wkkklv Phkss will bea serial storv
iirnitr-TrTtri?Trf of-Fromier Life in Cen
tral Pennsylvania, prior to, and dur
ing the Revolutionary War, in which
John lirady and bis soiis.lolni Samuel
and other lior.lcr celeluieiics will be
prominently introduced. Tiii.i story
will be written by M:. Ciiaules Mi
Knight, author of "Our We-itern
Border," "Old Fori D.i (Juesne." and
"Simon Girty.'' and will be begun
about the middle of November.
6"2s"Spccial terms will be made with
'(""-Specimen copies sent free on.
application. .
1.-2" Pa rties sending H 2-" will be en
titled to receive the paper from date
till January 1, 1-S.St.
i INK YEA !i i lucliiiiiui; lui'.ialU nosttiuu) S.7.i
ONE Mux I'll ' " 7o
The-Tki-Weekly Phehs, published
every Tuesday, Thursday and Satur
day. Mailed to subscribers '.including
prepaid postage) ut 64. -10 per minimi;
$2.-0 for for six mouths und $1.10 for
three mouths. Address
S. W. Cor. Seventh and Chestnut
Philadelphia, Pa.
A Valuable Mciiichic.
Buchu in various forms bus for
many years been one of the chief ar
ticles in the Materia Medico, for the
treatment of certain diseases, among
which are chiefly those affecting the
urinary, digestive, and circulatory
organs. The difficulty that was long
experienced iu obtaining a preparation
of this valuable drug that could always
be refied upon for uniformity in
strength and absolute purity led to the
introduction of Helmhold's Extract of
Buchu, which for the last quarter of u
bentury has been extensively used
both by physicians and iu house and
family practice, und with very gratify
ing success. This medicine, like
every other valuable thing, bus been
extensively imitated, und those who
have use for it will do well to see that
they obtain tho genuine "Helmbold
'Buchu, " the only pure and reliable
One barrel fresh
oat meal at Mor-
Kid Gloves Ladies' and Gents'
Buck gloves all kinds of gloves at
P. & K's.
McAfee keeps constantly on hand
the most fashionable goods sold, und
at prices that vl suit all.
Bows und arrows for the boys at
P. fr K's.
Cloaks. A - tine line of Ladies.
Cloaks, cheaper than the cheapest at
Powell & Kime's.
Shawls. Some of the nicest you
ever saw at Pitwell & Kiuie's. Don
fail to examine.
ChildreiislSolo Leather Tip shoes
at P. fe K's.
Toys! Toys! ! A splendid stock
at P. & K's.
Ratos of Advertising.
One column, one year SW 0"
U " " " l
(I ai on
" 15 l
Trnnslont .ndvprtispinrnts ptr iiai'e ot
plifht lines, one Insertion bl, two Insertions
fi.'Vi, three Insertions S2.
HuhIiium cards, ten lines or los, per yenr
Advertisements pnynlile quarterly
Caution Notice.
All persons are hereby cautioned not
to purchase or in any way meddle
with the following described property
now in possession ot John Rinehulz,
of Horton township, the same being
left with him for a time only:
One team brown horses, and harness.
Also one St. Marys wagon.
D. O. Osytek.
Ridgway, Pu., Nov. 18, 187U. t 3.
A New Book-
Orders HOw Taken.
PPM 'VQl Can make most
A.lTrjl I O by selling a
new work tho on lyone of the kind issued-
"The Rights and Duties of
County and Township Olficors," by
W. R. Bierly, Esq., of the William
sport (Pa.) Bar. Contains all the acts
and decisions in relation to the various
county and township offices, is a
complete hand book for election offi
cers, and treats the tux laws fully.
Every officer und tax payer will buy
one. ' it contains 800 pajres. neatly
printed bound iu cloth und gold, and
sold ut per volume. For ugencies
und terms apply with stamp to
Williamsport, Pa.
Caution Notice.
All persons are hereby cautioned not
to purchase or in any way meddle with
the following dcsciibed property pur
chased by me at Sheriffs sale and left
in possession of Reuben Mohney in
Spring Creek township fora tinieonly:
One wagon, three cows, two yearl
ings, one pig, hay, oat., buckwheat,
rye and potatoes; six beds und bed
ding, stoves und furniture, bureau and
stand, chairs, dishes and other house
hold goods. Also lumberingtoolscnn
sisting of log chains, grulis, cant hooks,
ttc. fci James McKaklin.
Ridgway, Pa., Nov. 13, lSTU.
Philadelphia & Erie R R- Div.
On ami after SUNDAY, November
li, 1.S7U, the trains on the Philadel
phia & Erie Railroad Division will
run as follows :
ERIE MAIL leaves Philu 11 55 p. m.
" " Reliovo 11 00 a. m
" " Emporium. 1 Lip. in.
" ' St. Mary's...' 11 p. m.
" Ridgwuy....233p-m.
" Kane 3 50 p.
" arr- at Erie 7 6.5 p.
Lit IE mail leaves Erie 11 35 a,
" Kane 4 00 n. in.
" ' Rid wuy....5 05 p. ni.
' " St. Mury's..5 27 p. m.
" ' Emporium. 2" p. m.
" Renovo 8 40 p. in.
" arr. at Phila 7 00 u. m.
Wm. A. Baldwin. Gencrul Sup't.
Patents procured upon Inventions.
No Attorney's Fees in Advance. Our
House was established in ISO'). We
tile CAVEATS, ami obtain TRADE
Send u a Model of your Invention,
with your own description of it, for
our opinion us to patentability. No
Attorney's Pees unless Patent is
Secured. Our Book of Instructions,
etc., "How to Puocitke Patents,"
sent lien on request; also sample
copies of the Scientific Record, the
Inventors' Journal.
R. S. & A. P. LACEY
Patent Attorneys,
001 F Street, near Patent Ollice.
Washington, D. C.
All disabled Soldiers und heira of
deceased boldiers who died from con
sequences of services in the Army, are
entitled to PENSIONS. No Arrears
allowed alter July 1, 1880. Send
stamps for full instructions in all kinds
of Soldiers' claims.
Pension Attorneys,
004 F Street, Washington, D. C.
Chit Flowers.
A general assortment of Cut Flowers
constantly on hand und arrayed in
Designs or Fancy Straw Basket on the
shortest notice and iu the neatest mun
Also Winter blooming plants of all
kinds. Choice Hyacinths, Tulips and
other bulbs for Winter Flowering and
for the Garden. Prices on application.
Williamsport, Pa.
All persons indebted to the RIDG
WAYMEAT MARKET will please
conic forward und pay. Those having
claims will please present the same for
payment. On und after Nov. 1st no
uccount will be kept except for those
who pay on demand. -
PitK E List Alter Nov. 1st. Steak
from 6 to Hi cents a pound. Pork
from 0 to 10 cts. a pound. Mutton from
5 to 10 cents a pound. Smoked meats
at lowest prices. Fish every Thurs
day. Mercek Bros.
Prints. The most desirable assor
ment in Western Pennsylvania, now
on exhibition at Powell & Kime's
mammoth sales rooms.
Jam Poles
Midifletown X-Cut Saws.
Jeffard's, White's and Mann's Axes.
Tubular and 90 Lauterns.
Diston's X-Cut Suws.
Boynton's Lightning Saws.
Corn Poppers.
Coul Hods.
Stove Shovels.
Repairs furnished for any stove.
Ax Handles.
Pick Haudles.
lb. Best Polish 10 cts. at No. 42
Main street. nS9
Business Cards.
Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.
Particular attention given to the
examination of lilies, also to patents
and patent cases.
Office in new brick building, Mum
street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. VS2I
tll.tiTiitiiv T'lk Knutllv Pa. flfftnO
across the hall from the Democrat es
tablishment. Claims lor collection
promptly attended to. jnelo,l7tJ
N. W- comer of Main and Mill streets.
Ridgway, Pa., full assortment of care
fully selected Foreign and Domestic
Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis
pensed at all hours, duy or night.
Has removed Ids office from Centre
street to Main ittreet, Ridgway, Pa., iu
the second story of the new brick
building of John G. Hall, west of the
Hyde House.
Ollice hours : 1 to 2 P. M. 7 to 0 P.M.
W. H. SCHRAM, Proprietor,
Ridgway, Elk county, Pa.
Thankful for the putronuge hereto
fore so liberally bestowed upon him,
the new proprietor hopes, by paying
strict attention tf tho comfort und con
venience of guests, to merit u continu
ance of the same. oet-iO'0'J
MRS. J. R. KELTZ, Kersey, Elk
county, Pa , takes this method of an
nouncing to the citizens of Elk county
that she has on hand un assortment of
fashionable millinery goods which will
be sold cheap. Also dressmaking in
all its branches.
Agent for Dr. J. Bail & Co.'s Patent
Ivory und Lignum Vitie Eye Cups.
Semi for descriptive circular. nlTyl
PEDIA. This admirable work is now pom
pletein 16 vols. EachvoluniecontainsHuO
pages. It makesu complete and well
selected library, und no one can
uflbrd to do without it who would keep
well informed. Price 5 00 in cloth, in leather, or $".0i iu elegant
half Turkey. For particulars address,
W. H. Fairchild, Port ville, Cult. Co.,
N. Y., who has been duly appointed
agent for Elk county by C. K- Judson,
general agent.
A Great Reduction.
The undersigned Is now prepared to
deliver a better quality of Bituminous
coal than has ever been mined in this
part of the State, at the low price of
$2.23 per ton or s1.75 at the mines.
Leave your order at W. II. Ostcrhout's
store at Eagle Valley, and ut the office
of the undersigned, Masonic Building
Ridgwuy, Elk Co., Pa.
Sept. 10, m3
Stats Normal School.
Liyhth Xormal School District)
A. N. RAI'B, A. M., Principal.
This school us at present constituted,
offers the very best facilities for Pro
fessional und Classical learning.
Buildings spacious, inviting anil
commodious,' completely heated by
steam, well ventilated, and furnished
with u bountiful supply of pure water,
soft spring water.
Location healthful and easy of ac
cess. Surrounding scenery unsurpassed.
Teachers experienced, efficient, und
alive to their work.
Discipline, firm but kind, uniform
and thorough.
E x pe n ses 1 1 mil c rat e. '
Fifty cents a week deduction to
those preparing to teach.
Students admitted ut any time.
Courses of study prescribed by the
State; I. Model School. II. Prepara
tory. III. Elementary. IV. Scieu
I. Academic. II. Commercial. III.
Music. IV. Art.
The Elementary and Scientific
courses are Professional, and students
graduating therein receive State Diplo
mas, conferring the following corres
ponding degrees: Master of the Ele
ments, and Master of the Sciences.
Graduates in the other courses receive
Normal Certificates of their attain
ments, signed by the Faculty.
The professional courses are liberal,
and ure in thoroughness not inferior to
those of our best colleges.
The Stnte requires a higher order of
citizenship. The times demand it. It
is one of the prime objects ot tiiis
school to help to secure it by furnish
ing intelligent and efficient teachers
for her schools. To this end it solicits
young-persons of good ubilities and
good purposes those who desire to
iniprov-e tueir time and their tulents,
as students. To all such it promises
uid iu developing their powers und
abundant opportunities for well paid
labor after leaving school.
For catalogue aud terms address tb
President Board of Trustees
Clinton county. S. D. Ball. T. C
Hippie, Dr. J.H. Barton, A. II. Best,
Jacob Brown, Wilson Kistler, A.N.
Raub, W. W. Rankin, R. G. Cook,
Samuel Christ, G. Kintzing, S. M.
Bicktbrd, H. L. Diffenbtteh, A. C.
Noyes, S. R. Peule.
Centre Ex-Gov. A G- Curtin.
Clearfield Ex.Gov. Wm. Bigler.
Elk Charles R. Eurley.
Howe Sewing Machines.
Among the great variety of goods of
every description for sale at
Powell & Kime's
Will be found an assortment of the
celebrated Elias Howe, Jr., Improved
Sewiug Machines tiie best machine
now manufactured they having been
appointed sole agents for Elk county.
They will keep ou hand Tuckers
Corders, Hemniers, Braiders and Ruf.
tiers, Needles, Sewing-muchine Oil
Thread, &c., &e. Will also furnish at
any time detached parts for said ma
chine. All at greatly reduced prices,
and will be sold on aceomruodutini;
terms with approved security.
Ripgu'av, Aug 20.