DR. CLRRK Iiohnson'Si INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP Laboratory, 77 W.Wl, New YorkCily, ..atf or jkrbet cttr. tTHADB MAHK.1 Tha Best Esinedy Known to lir. Clnrlc Johnson harinff aflpoclntod himself aitli Mr. Edwin liiintmnn, an conned ciiptlvo, long n :l.ivii to YukiimotI.la, thu medicine man oi U;o (vnunclu'i, is now prepared to lend hi. flic! in the inModnct on or tic wonder; tu romcrivor uiai inue. Tiio experience of "Mr. En-tMir.n bain'? similar to Unit of Airs. Cliii". Jones nnd son. of iiKinnuton t'o., Imvii, tin nccnunt of whoso suffcrinc! were t'riiliiiirlv nnrrnteil 111 tlio A'oo York llenl'-l of lt.'f . I.'ith, lrn, the facts of whlih aro m widely Iiikiwii, end no nearly parallel, that lull little in -.: tion of Mr. Eastman's experience will K' Riven here. Thejr are, however, puhliplicd In n r.v:t vr.l nine of :i!"iO nnies. entitle:!. "Seven nnd Nine Year: Anion' tho (Jonianclics and AnuclicV of v. hie): mention will ho niado hereafter. Suftjip i to "ay that for fovernl years, Mr. r.nstinan, v.ln.e a i:i five, ns compelled to L"ither tlm root, p:i!n, tinrks. Herns and Domes tit Winer, tt uiiiiiiitKi tnetiirinft wns made, nnd is still nrenired to i:io. vido the ("AMU niatorints for tho siicoeiful intro duction of the medicine to the worldr nnd n-Mir tho public that the remedy U tho anino no v Wucu WukAniotkla compelled hint to uiakv lu it "Wakametkla, the Medicine Maa Nothing has been added to the medicine and nothing has been taken away. It is without doubt the Best Purifier of the Blood and Hun-ewer of the System ever known to man. ThiB Syrup possesses varied properties. It arts npon tlie I, Ivor. It act upon Hie Kidneys. It regulntrN the Bowels, It pill Hi c tho Blood. It quiptH Die prvoin System. It proiiKitcM Dl-cKtioii. It NourlshcM, Ktrcngtlicus and Inrt" orates. It carries ofi'tbe old blood and mu'o New. It opens the pores of tlio Nkln, rrl Induces Ilealthy Pnrsplration. J It neutralizes the hereditary taint, or poi";.-i in the blood.which eeuerates Scrofula, Kiyipelus mh ail manner of skin diseases and intiTU.il liumcu. There ore no spirits employed in if inanuf:i';ur, and it cm bo taken by tho most dellciite b.-.Ue, or hy tin aged nnd feeble, tr nl hthia recwireJ a attention to dircctiont. I 5 1 Ikm a; C3 i ........ r- SiJvvIn Eastman in Indian Costume. Seven io Nin Years Among tub Oomanciies and AiMCiiBi. A neat volume of 300 pages, b-.itns a simple statement of the horrible fuels eoiine.eted with the sad mussacro of a helpless f.iniily. and tho captivity, torturesand uliiuinte escape of its two surviving members. For sale byour.lentrt rronernMv Pri- M.ra........ nn? uut nouredby agents, trek of charge. Air. Juidtman, being almost conslr.nily at the .v et. engaged in gathering and curing the materi el of which tho medicine Is composed, the nolo I'usliiess management devolves npon Dr. Johnson. ud the remtuy has been called, and is known as Dr. Clark Johnson's INDiAN BLOOD PURIFIER. Prioo of Large Bottles $i 00 Pric-9 of Small Eottlea '50 Koad the voluntary testimonial of persons who Jiayo been cured by the use of Dr. Clark Jouiuoo'i linllan Blood syrup, in your own vicinity. Testimonials of Curei. CURES CHILLS AND BILIOUSNESS. , Edington, Feb. 1, 1879- Dear air: I was troubled witb chills; had them every other tiay lor six months; hud two doctors attending me when your agent per uodod me, to try your Indian Blood Syrup, and I can ay I never had a chill after taking the first dose. I ehoerlully recommend it to Lizzik Wlnk. PALPITATION OF THE HEAKT. West Lkbako.v. Mnrnh a. i7a Dear Sir: Having been prostrate for months with what my physician termed Palpitation ot the Heart, and a combination ol other die eases, I obtained no relief until I bought some m iiiumu xiiooa oyrup, which relieved uio miuieuuueiy. 1 am now in perlect health. Elizadkth Lewis. RECEIVED GREAT BENEFIT FROM IT Holmsbubo, 23d Ward, Philadelphia, ) Feb. 24, 1879. Dear Sir: I take great pleasure in saying that I have given your vuluuble Indian Blood Syrup a fair trial in my family and received gruat benefit from it. Sam'l L. Solly. HEART DISEASE AND LIVER PLAINT. Middlebukgii, Snyder Co., ft.. Dear Sir: I have been troubled with Heart Disease and Liver Complaint, and I bad spent a great deal ol money lor medicinal aid without receiving any heneflt, until I procured some of your Indian Blood Syrup lrom your agent, E. L. Bufflngton. I oan now testily lrom my experience as to the great value of it in such diseases. HENRY ZEMCHAN. DYSPEPSIA AND INDIGESTION. Byberby, 23d Ward, Jan. 1, 1879. ear Sir-Your most excellent Indian Blood Syrup has given perteot satisfaction vJien used lor Dyapepsia and Indigestion. Tubou. Hawk. MVER COMPAINT AND CHILLS. Bknsalem P. O., Feb. 23, 1879. Dear Sir; Having tried your mostexoellen Indian Blood Syrup and lound it a valuabl medicine for Liver Compluiut and ChilU would ruoommend those who are afflicted t'iveit a rial. Mug. C. Abtman $5 vw& Ill I 5? T&B& Advice to a Young Man. No. mv son, the world does not owe you a living. The world dees not need you, just yet j you neoa tno woria. u you can convince the world that you are necessary to its well being, its happi ness, its pleasure, Its moral existence, then the world will begin to claim you and make room for you in the body pews, with the softest cushions nnd tho easiest toot stoois. uuc aorri isut mui the common error of supposing that the world owes you a living, itcioesn t owe van nnvtliinc nf t.lifi liind. The World isn't responsible ior your Deing. it didn't send for you: it never asked you to como here; and in no sense is it obliged to support you, now that you are Here. lour Jiving is nere; a goou, comfortable living. Plenty to eat, plenty to wear, an abundance of good, neaiuiiui nara worn, rippics ui ltiughter, sprinkles of tears, hours of happiness 'nna moments oi neanacne, days of labor and days of rest, duties to bo performed and rewards to be won ; it is all here, son disappointments, struggles, success and honors, but the world doesn't owe you one ot tnom ; noi one. You can't collect your living as you would a debt, by simply presenting your unt, oi giving your inwjei mo -count to sue. You liave to work for it, son. and work like aTroian. too. When you hear a man say that the world owes him a living, and hs is going to have it, make up vour mind that he is just mak ing himself a good excuse for stealing a living. Tho world doesn't owe any man anvthinc. son. It will eive youiany- tlnng you earn, and you just look out over the world nnd know that all the plunder you ean'gather is bylhonest work is vours. and no more. If vou can't get any, why none of it is yours, and if you can reach out and carry away ten times as much ns your neighbor, whv that is all vours. nnd lie has no riffht to wait and whine over his bad luck and want vou to divide. And, mv son, in all liu man probabiUty, you will not want to divi.te. I hope you mnv, but it is very ikelv that you wont. Burhnqton Hawkeye. John Sinjhert. The first painter in America of anA" decided ability whoso name has come down to us was Jonn V atson, wno exe euted Dortraits in Philadelphia in 1715 He was a Scotchman. It is to another Scotchman, who married and identified himself with the rising fortunes of the colonies, that we are, perhaps, able to assign the first distinct nnd decided art impulse in the United States. We owe to 15ishon Berkelev the most notable iiu pulse which the dawning arts received in this country, when he induced John Smybert to leave London, in 1725, and settle 111 TCnstnn. where he had the srood fortune to marry a rich widow, and lived in 1751. Smybert was rot a great painter, it lie Had. remained in J1.U rope, his position never would have been more than respectable, even at an age when the arts were at low ebb. But he is entitled to our gratitude for per petuating for us the lineaments of many worthies ot lite period, nnd lor the un doubted impetus his example gave to the artists who were about to come on the scene, and assert the right of the new world to exercise its energies in the en couragemeut of the fine arts. It is by a comparatively unimportant incident that the influence of Smybert on our earlv art is most vividly illustrated. He brought with him to America an excel lentcoDV of a Vandvck executed hv him. se If. nnd several of our artists, including Allston, acknowledged that a sight of this cony nllectcd them like nn msmra. tion. The most important work of Symbert in this country is a group rep. resenting tho family of Bishop Berkeley now in the Art Gallery at New Haven Harper s Magazine. A Countess' Strange Suicide. Moscow society is considerably exer cised by the suicide of one of its bright' est ornaments, the young and lovely ouniess vera ivoscneien, who a short time ago suddenly disappeared from her palace 111 the old Kussian capital, onlv two days after her solemn betrothal to Count Ileimann. which had been cele. brated with festive rejoicings on an un usually magnificent scnle. No one could imagine whither she had gone until her steward received a letter trom her written at her chateau in the Crimea wherein she informed him that "she was going to bathe in the river running throusrli her estate, and should not re turn alive from her bath." She also de. scribed tho exact spot near which hor ooiiy would he iound in the water. Search was of course made with all nos- sible promptitude, and it resulted in the discovery of the beautiful vouna- conn. toss- corpse sewn up in a large straw sack and sunk in the river. The seams sack, proving that Vera Koscheh-ff had deliberately sewn herself un in the sai-k pn the river bank and then cast herself into me stream, in another letter, ad dressed to one of her uncles. nH . ceived by him some time after her death, she gave as her reason for enclosing her self in u sack previously to drowning herself, her extreme fear of crawfish ana water beetles. Paper liarrels. It is claimed that the new naner flour barrels are not only cheaper but more utfin ana ourttoie, as well as lighter, than those of ordinary construction. n . 1 . 1 .1. .1 e .j tin iui)iovi-u lutiijou 01 manufacture, these Darrels are coninnserl nf straw perjpulp, which is run into a mold made into the shape ot cne-half of a barrel cut vertically. The pulp is subjected to a powerful hydraulic pressure, and, Ayhen reduced to the required thickness wic chub 01 tno natves are cut on; the pieces are then placed In a steam drier, the sides are trimmed evenlv nnrl tlm substance thoroughly dried. It comes from the drier ready for making up into u.uieis. iuere are turce heavy wooden hoops nnd two hoops fastened together, and, into grooves cut in the staves, the paper halves, which have an average thickness of three-sixteenths of an inoh, ai-e slid. The ends of the barrel are made of paper (fa similar thickness, constructed on the same principle as the sides. The barrels are manufactured entirely by machinery, nnd the halves are cut so true that two pieces of the same size will readily fit together. Chips. Tliare haz been mennv a hero horn. lived, and died unknown, just for the warn ov an opportunity. Thare ain't nothing that will sbo th virtews and vices ov a man, in so vivid a ugnt, as proiuse prosperity. Mi dear boy, allwuss keep sumthing in reserve. The man who kan iumn siv inches further than he ever haz jurapt, iz a hard customer to beat. Most wimmin would like to have tlu-ir husbands lions but well broke to their halter. Thare ain't nothing on arth that will take the starch so klean out ov us, az to git kaught bi the phellow we are trie mg to ketch. It is ft good deal ov a bore to have others luv us more than we luv them. Josh Billings. Soft plaid silks are imported laid in folds to wear as dVjus on plain dresses, especially to enliven black toilettes. They extend down each side below the belt, and are trimmed inside and across the ends with Breton lace. The blue and green plaid fichus are very popular j n lOlt THE FAIR SEX. Fashion Holes. Tiger-skin muffs are a recent novelty. The new greenish-blue is known as Juponais. Walking dresses nre short enough to show the shoes. Fichus will be more worn this winter than ever before. Fancy feathers are the leading feature in bonnet trimmings. The hair is generally worn low. whether it is becoming or not. Bits of tinsel, iet nnd many Jet bends are added to feather ornaments. New muffs to match costumes are in reticuie shape, trimmed with lace or fringe. Silk with .iet bends interwoven in the fabric comes for combining with black satin and vslvet. Silk plush of the some shade as the dress makes a handsome trimming when applied in panels and as revers, collars and cutis. A new stvle of dress pocket is cut in square-cornered shape and attached to . 1 i e . 1. 1 1 it 1 . the cnge 01 wiu uusiiuv, wucru iii iiivngn like a bag. Dress seams aro now frenuenllv curved to the arm-hole, after tho ftsshion of a few years back. It is claimed that the long seam, reaching to the shoulder, makes the waist appear largo. A new idea in kid gloves is tho Foster glove, fitting the hand as a shoo does EV - 1 J !tl. 1 1... uie 1001, iaet-ii wini u euiu uetwecu 11 double row of buttons, thus enabling a lady to wear the smallest possible size. Silk-faced cloakings, with fur backs. have the upper side of siik in armure or matelasso designs, or else soft repped silk or Sieilienno, whilo tho reverse is of soft, thick fleece, almost as warm as lur. Frosted flowers are coming itto fash ion for evening dresses. An easy way of frosting those which have lost their freshness is to touch them lightly with white of egg and then scatter frosting powder, which i3 merely powdered glass, over thein A comfortable manner of making a dressinsr gown for everv-dav wear is double-breasted, with a double row of buttons down tho front, or one broad trimming an exact fac simile of tho newest shaped ulsters, cut to the figure. but a little wider in the skirt. Tho model from Paris was made in dark blue cloth flannel, and had an applique trimming of dark blue velvet tambour stitched in white. A fashion which promises to be popu lar is that of wearing jackets of a mater ial and color different from tho dress. These jackets are made m the casaquin fashion, tight-fitting and with deep -i--" """.oquare poeuets. In thin dilU clotL LU Or cassnuerc. of oomo xo,.i. A., color, thev are very becoming, showinir off the figure to great advantage ; but those of embroidered cashmere, bro caded silk or fancy velvet are more dressy and efiectivc. Word comes from Paris that the pol onaise, which lias been discarded for a time, is again taken into favor under a new name" habit redingote." An example mentioned was of dark em nosseo blue velvet, worn over a satin petticoat to match, trimmed in front with two deep plaitings, large pockets at the sides, edged witli silk and chenille fringe; the polonaise almost as long ns me sKirt at, uie oat k ana urnpea very gracefully ; in front it is only closed to the knees, where it opens with a large satin ana velvet how. Another no on aise was of striped purple velvet, and it openett over a satin skirt embroidered in chevrons of gold, orange and copper colored silks; a large collar and deep IV. r . : ; 1 1 , tuiu vi Biiim similarly worsen Overworked Women, Nothing is more reprehensible hing is more renrehensihlR nnd thoroughly more wrong than the idea that a woman fulfills her duty by doing an amount 01 worn that is lur beyond her strength. She not only does not lulull her duty, but she most signally fails in it, and the failure is truly de- pioraote. mere can be no sadder sight than that of a broken-down, overworked wife and mother a woman who is tired all her life through. If the work of the household cannot be accomplished by order, system, and moderate work, with, out the necessity of wearing, heart breaking toil toil that is never ended without m.-ikinglifeatreadmill of labor, then, for the sake of humanity, let the woi-k go. iieiier 10 live in uie miast 01 disorder than that order should be purchased at so high a price the cost of health, strength and happiness, and all that makes existence endurable. The woman who spends her life m unnecessary labor 1... i.i 11 .... , i - w.c !.V.ttiwaY.Bi-oi flume.-"She should be the haven of rest to which both hus- onnti nna children turn for peace and refreshment. She should lie tliPfomn,! intelligent adviser and guide of the one. tho tender confidant and helpmate of uie omer. now 13 ic possible for a woman exhausted in body, as a natural consequence in mind also, to perform these offices P No, it is not possible. The constant strain is too great. Nature gives way beneath it. She loses health and spirit and hopefulness. nd more than all, her youth the last thing that a wuiuiiii Hiiouiu atiow to sup trom her: r.. . .. . 1 . 1. . i i . 1 111L HKl IILI. I,'!' III1W fl 11 fiMO lu In . ........ on..- ciiuuiu uu young in neart ana feel ing, for the youth of age is sometimes more attractive than vouth itsolf To the overworked womnn tins rw.,in old ge is out of the question ; old n"e conies on her, sere and yellow, before its time, iter opposition is ruined, her temper soured, her very nature is changed, by the burden which. tOO It ''IVV to enrrv. is drnffewri alnno- wearied feet aud tired hand, can do their part. Even her affections are blunted, and she becomes merely a machine a woman without the time to he a mother witliout the time to train and guide her children as only a mother can, a wife without the cime to sympathize with and cheer her husband, a wnmnn so overworked during the day that when night comes her sole thought ard intense longing is for the rest and sleep that very probably will not come: and. e.vpn it it- should, that she is too tired to enjoy. Better by far let everything go un finished, to live as best as she can, tiian to entail on herself and familv H Ifl PIll'SA of overwork. Suntiary Magazine. A Good Name. How true it is that a good capital itself. Such a capital, like every solid accummulation, is not built in a day, but is the result of years of contin uance ia weit-Qoing. Any man can hope, by a spirit of good nature or hon- oraDie aeaungs. to acquire an enviable reputation, which is implied in the pos session ol a good name. Little things done and observed in a series of years, the trifles of which life is made up. if done conscientiously, are what contrib ute to the result, and -win for man the confidence of his fellows ; and when one has thus acquired this good name, men seek him in busiaess, rely on his word, and prefer his goods. Such a capital is withm the reach of the poorest. It commands confidence, and helps one in securing all that is desirable in life. and as it is not to be acquired without delay, it does not depend upon birth or influence for its attainment. It is won derful so many prefer to travel by crooked ways, which, though they may seem short cuts to success, do not lead that direction at all LoDftI Advertising. The virtue ot advertising Is of more consequence, in a general way, than it is often credited with. A too contracted view is so frequently thrown around its salutary influences that thoso who rend a business card seem to think that its import is of but little consequence to any one besides tho advertiser. This, however, is a great mistake, for the community at large is benefitted, ac cording to our way of thinking, by cverv business card of a town store ap pearing in the local papers. It needs no very skillful rensonfng to elucidate the proposition, for their can be no better method adopted to improve a village, town or city, than that which keeps the bulk of trade at homo. By so doing the results of industry are widely diffused in tho expenditures made, society becomes co-operative to a considerable extent, material improvements are encouraged, nnd pr'nfo of place is fostered. Our live store-kecners aro beginning to under stand the value of advertising, nnd our, residents fail not to reward them for their cnterm-iBC. A cotempornry puts the matter in this wise: "When the business men of a town fail to advertise extensively thfv diminish the import ance nnd trade of the place, and per mit more enterprising localities to take the latter from them." Although done for their individual interest, advertisers should be looted on by citizens of the town where they reside, as in some sense public benefactors, and they should be encouraged accordingly. One merchant wh advertises extensively js worth to his own town and its people more than forty who never show them selves in print, and should be for this reason alone preferred, assuming that lie :.. -1 T r ' .. 1 : irs ui euume, 11 11111 uuMui'sa iiiitu. PraUsbury (N. Y.) News. How to Prrserve the llnlr. Prof. Wilson, of England, is high an htority on the hiir. He condemns wah ing it, nnd advises instead, thorough brushing. This promotes circulation, removes scurf, and is, in all respects better than water. Cutting the hair does not, as com monly thought, promote its growth. Most of the snfcilics recommended for baldness, are mere stimulants and are seldom or never permanently successful. Some of them give rise to congestion of the scaip. w lien a stimulant is ocsir able, ammonia is the best. It is safe. For falling out of the hair, Dr. Wilson prescnbes a Joiion composed of water of ammonia, almond oil and chloroform, one part eacl; diluted with five parts alcohol, or spirits oi rosemary, the whle made fragrtut with a drachm of oil of lemon. Dab it on the skin, after thor ough friction with the hair-brush. It may be used sparingly or abundantly, daily or otherwise. For a coolins lotion, one made of two drachms of borax and glycerine to eight ounces of distilled water' is effective, al- 1 tying dryness, subduing in liability, and removing scurf. Both baldness and grayness depend on defective powtri of the scalp skin and nre to be treatedalike. What is uppHpiI is moderate stinulation, witliout any ir ritation, me miowing is good. Rub into the bare daces daily or even twice a day, a liniment of camphor, ammonia, chloroform and anconite. equal parts each. The friction should be very gentle. "Wown Air." The Deeca musliis of India are among the most wonderul evidences of the hand-skill ot the trango people of the mysterious east. These fabrics, which are spun and wofen entirely by hand and are the produetof obscure and curl ous processes, unlhown nnd unattain able by the westeik nations, like the fabrication of Danrescus steel and tho making of catuei's hat shawls, nre mar vels of ingenuity nirl skill, and thev illustrate the pot try of cotton ; the most ueucate 01 the lubnesis known by the name of "woven air. It can only be iiiaue in me cany morning and 111 the evenings, when the atr is mil of moisture and the dew is on the 'gr-isis. The pro cesses by which it is woven are kept secret, and the people who do the work are compelled firtt to pass thn-ugh a long course ol training and initiation. Their delicate wares aie of such et hereal tex ture as to be nhvost invisible, aud yet are so enduring that they will hear washing and wear m a wonderiul manner. Tin precious stuff is monopolized for the use of the ladies of die Oriental harems, ami is said to be worth hundreds of dollars per yard. The sale of American dairy products auroad amounts annually to $500,000. it. ltlor ! lliai ,, ... , . rim i-irress lrom tnW'PH!.!a Maine lorinl through the nut 11 ml channels sufnThTbrn"! rendered tree, without loss ol tiino, when a blockade is produced by an attack oi constipa. 11011, a iiisoiaor wincti 11 it necomes cbronio in productive ot ennous hodilv mischinl. Juuudice, severe hendiiches, nausea, dyspepsia, uie usual concomitants 01 the muliuly men tioned, nil mdicute that the bodily functions are liuitormlly intortere'l with. Hostetter's Jiitters is particularly efficacious in cases ol this sort, and renders the habit ot bodv nor. lectly regular. It is a modicine greatly to bo preferred to drastio cathartics, which are well calculated to drench, but unhappily also to weaken the intestines. We say unhappily, siuco such medicines are the tavorite resource 01 many ill-advised persons, who resort them upou the most trivial occasion, aud greatly to their discomfort and injury. 1 he delicate membrane which envelops the lungs, and lines the air passages, is exceedingly sensitive, an.) a slight, irritation ot it increases ana spreads very rapidly, Itumcmhoriiig this, use, if vou are iutluckcd hv a uniurh ohl. that incomparable pulmonic and nreventive 01 coiiNuiupnon, ur. mil s llulsain for tho Iungs, which mvariablv tfivea snnnilw rli.f aim ultimately eticcts a complete cure in all cbbos where the breathing organs are affected. Use it in time aud prevent serious bronchial trouuie. Bold by all druggists. II. v. Johns' Asbestos Root Taints lorms the most durable and economical protective coating in the world lor tin roots, exposed brick walls, iron work, barns, ieuces, ote., tor which it is in evoiy respect equal to the b3st white lead, whilo it costs only halt as much. It is made in a varioty of beautiful colors, samples ot which will be sent lree on applica tion to 87 Maiden Lane, N. Y, Each maker ot parlor or cabinet organs ad. vertises his own as best, liut the exumina' tious at the great world's exhibitions have but one result. At every one tor a dozen years Mason & Ilamlin Organs have been lound be9t, They are awarded the gold medal at i.td un. cAiiiuiijou nits year, The genuine Asbestos Steam Pipe and Boiler Coverings are the most durable, effective and economical in use. II. W. Johns Manuiao turing Company, 87 Maiden Lane, New York, are the sole inanutaotuiers. For coughs, colds an'l throat disorders use " Brown's Bronchial Troches," having proved their emcaoy by a test ol many years. Twenty-live oents a box. Young Men, go WestT T .f.jirn iitlniwl.l.n Situation guaranteed. Address E. Valentine', Manager, Janesville, Wis. Chew Jackson' Itest Rvii Nhvv Tobauoo. Cnnsumiiliou Cured. placed In his hands by an Ka Ucid in nis hind. h in vZ, tt,7,.?; r ; lormuia or a simple vegetable remedv for th. .4a.i: and permanent cure for Consumption, Bronchitis Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throat and Luug Affecilons i ,,;,""" rauicai cure lor nervous Ueblllty and all ferrous Complaints, after havlm, tested It. iT.?.nueMUlH Puwera In thousaurts of caseiha" felt It his duty to maCe It known to bu sufl'.rtug f ellowV tTrfa i'y!iliU "Ti" , de"re "!, w directfmVi? Germ. '? ' KlWlWl, Wbb full omr Z'"T.l'"t na ""if- Sent by mall by a'lures. '.lPweri'BlMk.itMhestiS.W.Y. " Old-Fashioned Garments. Mv first recollection of fashion is that old men, especially those of the better classes, wore short" breeches," as they were called, with knee buckles and long stockings, closely fitting tho lc js. Young men and old men not governed by f:t.l -ion wore "pantaloons or breeches, with legs descending to the ankles. In ashort while pantaloons supplanted breeches, except in rare cases of old oreccpntrio men. Pantaloons, mndo at first to fit the limbs, soon began to lie cut accord ing to the arbitrary dictates of fashion. At one time the legs worn of enormous si.e large enough for mail bags nnd at another they were made of elastic stuff and fitted to tho limbs as closely as the skin. Boots underwent changes quite ns striking as did pantaloons. W lien I was a boy old men wore fair-top boots. They were long enough to reach the knee, with a broad bolt of smooth leather, of its natural color, around the top, and tho remainder polished with blacking. They were pressed down and rumpled about the legs, so as to expose to view a considerable portion of the stocking between the upper edge of the boot and the knee-buckle. The dandies wore boots of a different style. Their legs were stiff, reaching rather more than half-way to the knee, cut at the top nnd in front in tho form of a heart, nitii it umi'K Butt uisst'i Biispfrmeu irom the lowest point of the indentation. They were called " Surrow boots :" whv 1 Know not, nor am 1 sure that my spell In,, r,F i ,.t -7J,.-... J lit v. Dr. Jeter. The man who starts for the river to drown himself will run for a plnco of . .r.i.. :r 1 1 11 oui'.'tjr 11 ue MV.T3 11 rrosa ouit coming. The wotst case of selfishness on record is that of a youth who fomplainod be cause hi3 mother put a larger mustard plaster on his younger brother than she did on him. Prevent crooked boots and blistered hoeli by wearing Lyon's Heel Stiffenor. Gn apphfto nt liny tune. Truth nnd Honor. Query : What is the best family medi cine in the world to regulate tho bowels purify the blood, remove costiveness. and biliousness, aid digestion and tone up the whole svsteni ? Truth and honor compels us to answer, Hop Bitters, being pure, perfect and harmless. Ed. Inde pendent. N'atuic's Slulce-Way. If the Kidneys fnature's sluice-wavl do not work properly the trouble is felt everywhere. Then be wise and as soon as you see signs of disorder take Kidney Wort faithfully. It will clean the sluice way of snnd, gravel or slime and purify uie. wuoie system. MEN While wo want AkciiIs at y.1 to fclO per ciay nt iin.ne. AaJr- as. with P CO., Portland, Maine. UNT'S Is not a new compound. tins beta before the public thirty years and tued by all classes, witb and without the advice of phyf iclnne. Hunt's Kemedy has 3aved from lingering disease and death hundreds nf well known citizen. I fimt'a 1EDY llemertv curna DrnDSV. Gruvrl and nil DmpafWfl of the iv.iunpy,uiMnier nna urmiiry ursans. enu ior puna- ui n in. xi, isLjajuvq, nut mcutt, it, i, 111 lilJj ffLiOl, Excursions to Lincoln, Nebraska, r.cave IVew York nml lVt!v Kuulaiid th Tlilru TuemlRy in evci-v Iff onlH uutil le remijer. 1 , ill iloii Io. !itt leuvra IV. V TiieNdiiy, IVov. 1H, Pare about Unit regular ruu-i. i-.'si irmmanu ursi-ciasfaccominoatmolifl puiu-Mii-tect. Fur descriptive I.uncl Ciu'iilurn. Information about iicui'ia, em., Cm'u.i ii'UlR'Pson rosliu uam lo AS r. iiiin.1.1 , i.i? jsroaaway, ieiv 1 oik MCUER'S W COP-IIVER OIL le perfectly ptrre. Pronounced the bet by the h r est medical anthnritiPH In tlin tvnrlil Miw.ti lnu-lu.,. Kwantat l'i World's EjpoRtttonu. and ot l'.iris 1S78 Bold by DruuKlata. V.U.8cbi.'n'eiin fc t :o..X. i' GENTS WANTED FOR A TOUR BY GENERAL GRANT. s the f.ifitfst-sllincbnok evpr liiiMIslied. and t Ti tuu on'y ci iMiiiiit'it' mi I uuwieime s o v or tr.n:i k ir.iv-i for i:i 'ciii.tr a cniit;iin:ti'- a ftrl lU'frnnti.m of tin won; ana cur o-xun ti-rntf! 10 Agents. Amires-a National PcuusniMi Co . PhOieiphia, Pa Mnsou & Hamlin Cabinet Org. him O wonstTntd brat by mmiKST ROKOKS AT ALL H ' LD'S KXPdSITIONS FOH TWKLVK VP.AKS, vlx! at li - lRT.7i Vienna, 1873; SiNTiAao, 1875; Philadw phta. lbT i Pmi. 1878. aud Grand Swedish Gold Medal 1S78. Only American Organs ever aar-lfd hit:hebt htm- nre ai any sncc. eoia ior ca?n or msiaiimentR. ituju trj ted Catalogues ?nd Circulera with new styles and uston, sew t ctk or i-ti o many in tliei-(i WOOMUCU k CO, on every j bp!. Tali.e no other. TOII.NO MA!t OR 0t, If yen nl a I m until Unrtkra. Bow. l-t n:tr, hif frowkh f hair 7A -"Wl"'lrHlt.lMIXntrQ.tl A.ilSvrsiVV 1,i-n;h Ui'wwr? ihal ba h.i f XttVt- b . I CS, Bo-too. U Hram, ill MIS Mnta fQI th ffi I 2t prcnts on 30 rtflju' Investment of fc1 tr f in Eric U.K., October IS. vplUU Proportional returns every wek on Stock Optlona of , iiuu, rot. OlTl- l il liepirl.aii'l Oliciilars fro. A1itrerts T. fOTTKU WIGll I' t CO., Hanker, ii.l Wall St., S Tr.rrrn is MicnTv j lotk M i..!t. (Hi la . ...tw, or ta.r fatara ha.bacd .r wif lai.:.. f r..i ..ua, Ih. Vm. .nd plat, wh.n CO enn a viiAit ;iiau.vivtisi:i Agents Wanted. I have the best tiiiiKs lur Acents. Over 200 aaents ure now nia..tig from $2 to $15 itay. Send stamp for particulars. nev, i t,i'i;iv. ni'ion. i irinuui'.er'anl t'o., l a. ATTENTION, SCROLL SAWERS I 1 sr" for aflc Stampa A.AF taken. OKO. RPAI.T Am.tA.rL. ?r m to $54)00 inl !rt 1 1 i''-rutin I lie NvW Cfti.iiftUzNtl-iit r.l UiMil.HI till HJijillvia. 4 lVKtTINi:it! by alilrea8iiiK EO. i IX. ICO .Vt 1,1. A.-. I'll lll V.u-i .7 l.n..r,l.l.., Bureau, lO Spruce Slreet, New York, can learn Hie ex.ct cost of any proposed Hue of ADVKKTISlNlr la AUiCIIITilII MWpjptfrS. W loo-pa Pamphlet, 10c."5 Uaaid a..a .-raact)rMMhr-Mu3Ui(i..,TaM. ca'a ..a.n, a- .niaaaan -mw a ai'i. frsai !ll,la 1' vork:!. ,-a.k .ad m.hA vmII L'lallt. Q'.'.aalf aliHl.Bdrariaja I. Tt.'.'k...idakw.ir.SocM. L. L. syira . JO.w-tn.T Ujiaa.lU, .llhancMaMriaaa SK.I1 VOl H ADDlthfiO mill OXK rKFUT j stase to " KAWISZKK," The New York Jewe'er, Ott l u tou St., N. Y. His i ew anil beautibl ly illustra tea Citaionue an'l Price List of Jewelry. Prize Mcilals, itaMiicisac , sc., is now reauy. Ayeiiiaf .valued, aMfll.lMnnn Invested tn Wall M. Stocks makes tblUlQtiiliUU f urtuues every month. Book ten r v.war.ww trc0 eXp:i(,,)nK everythlnn. A.Mress HAXTKR t CO.. Bankers. 1 Wall St., N. T BARNEY & BERRY'S Catalogue sent Free. SKATES. I szsniibz' AuurehS, VaHMBHnHB Snre relief a emrru i KIDDER'S PA8TILLE8.bya.tow.n(i ICtiarlestowu, Mass. VOUNG MEN ifrrWi? nwDtli. Every irraduKle sruaranteed a oartiis sltua l.in .Add-mm h Valentine. ueiiime. in.iTin ocer. Janehv'"1 w Is a- ROCmvOOIl ei Imperial Carda. SO per dozen. 17 Union Square. New Yortt. Mr. Kock- wood fiives personal attention to the posing or sitters. FREEH BY MAIL. A Treatise on Catarrh, Athmn,lteafneae,e'c. Da. JUDGE CO., 70 Beach Street, Boston, Mass. AUKNTK WaNTED for the Best ard Fastest Bellini Pictorial Hooks and Rihleg. Prices reduced 33 percent. N'atloual Publishing Co., Philadelphia, Pa. S Vi aVonanro'D ConipleteWorksand Dr.Coote's OlldnSptldrt! B Hum Monthly. I year for SI. Sample copy tree. nrray Hill Pub. Co.,liaiE.2thSt.,N.y fl ni 1 1 a H "ilBblt' Sktu Iiaeaaea. That 1 1 VI 1 1 1 i i'i sands cured. Lowest Prices. Do not fat UI IU.il lu writ j. Dr. F. K. Maroh, Quincy, Mich BIG PA. With Stencil Outfits. What costs 4 cU. sella rapidly for BO cts. Catalogue free 3. M. bra icaa. IIJ Waah'n St.. Boston. M iss. ft.70 A WEEK. KISa dav at hme easily maile. Costly Ouiat free. Address Tout Co., Augusta, Maine. CiTT tt Month and expeusee guaranteed to Aet-uu 'i" 4 Ontutj'M-, ftn.w(l in.. mtnt ffiRR week In your own town. Terms and Vt ontat. free. Address U. Hallwt k Co., Portland. Mame. Puo free. Address U. H. 4 YBAtufii wwau. ouitttifiet i nmmn fjprTT im M.ilne ToSiin prauouco. Utlnelm wlih li ! Auareat r. o. J 10 4 U X , AU i oiU . jUU THE NEWEST MUSIC BOOKS. WHITE ROBES. A New Sunday School Son ft Book of anwrail beauty. yA.J A unit t and M. J. Mummr. Prlc SO cent fr htob SDoclnien ConlPi will be mulled. Examine thli charming collection wben new book! are needed Srery on U a Jewel. The neweet Operaa art CAHWETf, By Bitot. ta.OO. FATini IIAA. ttysurpe. m'S.VO, OCTOH OF ALCANTARA Klobbeif. nw BELLS OF ana enmruoti emu on. ii.imi, COUNEVIIJLE). Br Flanqtutt. PIU AKOltK. Gilbert and Ballivan. 60 cents, SOMCUKU. " " Cl.OO. i .ah. The. newest Church Music and Singing School Booki are VOICK OF WORSHIP. L. O. Xmenon, 0.00 per doisen, TEMPr.K. Dr. W. O. Parkin. tO.OO pat deien. The newest Tote Training Book la r.JWHRSOM'B VOCAI. METI1CD. U.BO. Compact, complete and useful either for prtvaU pupils or classes. A new Anthem Book 1 nearly ready. The jfurioal Beeori la alwara new. ta.OO per rear. cents per copy. OIjIVEU DITBON f CO., Boston. C. H. DITSOIf CO.. 84a Broadway, Haw York. jr. e. DiTson co., an Ctitatnnt Btxget, jrnuaaenpnia. Ti SMITH H CO. Flrat Eetabllahcd I Moat Suoceiami THKIB INSTRUMENTS have a Standard Value at the Leading Markets Of the World Everywhere recognised aa tne KIN EST IN TON a OVER 80,000 Made and In use. New Deatgni:constantiy Work and Lowest Prices. 49" Send for a Catalogue. Tremont St..' oppWalttiam SUBostoo.Kas: Liquid Paint, Roofing, Boiler Coverings, oi. r-i ei it.: . r.4.n r.Ma.u x Stctt ron pp.scntrTiTK Price List. H- W. JOHNS MF'C CO. 87 nuipen LAE, N - THE WEEKLY SDH. A large, eight-page paper of 5 ItronJ coianuii, Wi: be sent postpaid to any address until January let 1HHO, FOR HALF A DOLLAR Addre THE StW, N.IY. City. will positively curt FpikuIo vcnkneR,st!ch ps l'all- ing of the Womb. SVhitcs, Chronic liillainnmt on or uiceraiioiiortne womn, inciaeniai Jiieinorriin;- or f looaing, tiinrul, sunprefjseu nua irresrular Mt us trtmtion, &o. An olii and rliaUle remedy. Send po titl card for a painphlot. with treatment, cures and curtirtentps from physli'Ians nnd arth & H.Ulnr.1, Uticn, ii. Y. fLSOperbottlo. . nnu puiifnis. 10 in t buid by uU Drutfi.ii'lfc FRG. GIFT! A cpy of my Melici Co mm o 11 iSeiH MiEMMnBtwMMiiii !. j?ooIt sent to ati pri son uilllrteU with runriumpiioii, 1-ronehllU, AUtma. fSore Thrunt. or A'nsal Cn1ui 'l. Klij.-iuiy prlnte.i and illustnited; Ui pnxct lJinif, 179 It h in been the meana In tle prcvlJi'iice of God. uf sav in many va;u.il.'e lives. Stud nnntu aud !'. O. a'itlii wtth 0 cts. p htayi f'T MiiiHnK. Iiiva.uaMe to prrsoi suT-rlnt; with any iHt-eane of ihe INose. Tliront oi naifK. Addresn Dk. N. B. WOLPtC. Cim lnnUi. Ohio rtl.il.- the papor in which ou aitw this advertise. hpm. MASONIC Supplies for Lodges, Chapter, ...1 ,...nn..,,Huviua mnY.iiC.,. and Communderles. mauul'uct' ured by M. . JAIIeu .t Co., tWum- U. son jur frtce xi,rs. " KnieMs Templar Uniforms a Specialty. Military. Society, and Firemen's Goods. A sH "CTVTnPd Wanted for a Km Book that AVX-LaxM 18 sells fast. Chance far all U make money. lulFU OF BUFFALO BALL9 The famoas Scout, Oulde. Hunter and Actor written b eimself Is the Urellest aad easiest hook to sell that haa appeared for years. Ageuta already at work are maklag klg sales. -Send at once and secure territory, roc areo lars and llbeial terms apply to rAWK K. BL.1B8, Hartfard, Ci iBEATI AULi TUE TIML Th6 Terr best flroorla direct f.m 4. imnwUn .1 uni the usual cist. Best plan ever ottered lo OluliAs-entf and larsie Burers. ALL BXPKESS CHARGES PAID New terms FKKB. Tho Great American Tea 'Company, t X'V""?.:!. Veaey Street. New York. P. O. Box 41l:t-l. nans Will pay for the beat Lit erary Paper In thai anrlrl The Chicago Iedfror, New aad deeply Interesting serial story begins Deo. th, l7d. Home Department one year, frae of postug! alone worth the pnoe of the Sapar. VI.AU peryear. uhsoribe at onoe. sample oop esFree. Address Til K JlLIf r,ll,l IICIHKO.II 1, MARY J. HOLMES. Just published: Korreat. llonse. A splendid new nove by Ur: MaryJ. JJohna, whose novels sell mi enormously, and are read and re-read with such Interest. Beautifully bound, price 1.50. V Also handsome new editions of lira Holmes other wo lis Ti-uinebt and Snnnhlne I,na Rivers Edlib Lvie Kdna Itrownlog West Lawn, etc. B- Solil by all booksellers. W. CAUL.10TO.-V fc t;o.. Publishers, N.Y.CIty. P4CAN.BEATTYiM S liMfttrrtl, walnut caoo.w urnt'tl G rmrt, ulnol A IjooL tOi. Ri-wl'taoostilonl, rgver Aliook, to 9DS5. Crtur t4.i1 buy tirtmirrto iiritr mr IMnlrctct, NWHiiipriMrit FlOt o W Ornn . 1 It kln,, U..1 T ii 1. 1 AUtifens J PETROLEUM JELLY Silver Modal at Parle Exposition. Orand Medal at Philadelphia Exposition. This wonderful substance elaiatliroiuiliout the world to be the beat rekL Willi II ...nnw n .ail l.t- .... phys!- ii. iS ",r nS.,cur';,0, wounds. Hums, Rheumatism, skin Diseases, Piles. Catarrh, Chilblains, c. In order that every one may try It. It Is put up In l anil 3.1 cent bottles for household nee. Obtain It f.on! vour drurelst, and you will and it superior to ant thiniTyou have ,-ver u.ied. ' Tnis Clalm.Ranaae) KataklUhed !, fje w Law. Tkoasaa.es ot Boldlert aad k.tr eatttMt Pensions ditc back to dteckarge er aeatk. " 1 1111T1 ii V'OKca sr. i.HAM r . 1) Prawei MJ Waslqitrf a CURED FREE. An Infallible and unexcelled Ren.edy fo Flts,Epllepay or FalUnirSit kneaa warreuxted to erTact e speedy am' rERHANEgiT cun " A rrea bnKle of m ITS! renowned .peclllc and a yalnabte Treatise sent to any suffer ending me his P. O. and nrea. aildrem.. t H- BOOT, 18;t Pearl Street, New York lip puy a baiauy or tliv per e lb ai t ex oenses, or allow a lame eotnmi..ion. ,d wondwrrtil fttVentions. Wc niton loaal ue s hod, u aa : ai n 1 Xtle fry.. Addr4 eUBKaf AM & CO, ktuahall, allot snTTTV' ,,lvolver. OaUlogue free. Address VJI U 1 J Gieat Western Gun Werks, Pltt6burg, Pa $5 t0 $20 AAr'V 'i hom ?'upl."s worth i free. VJ iw Address Bnaso A Co.. Port and. Maine. ?Onnr YIAR. How to Make H. lgu d)OOU W1"1 t-Ofc k'UNUi., at. kaeau, hla. WW PENSIONS. - .1 If you aro Interested 1 . a. - V t - In the inqniry-Whidi M tho best Liniment for M.in nnd Beast?(liii the answer, at tested by two ertMKM'atlons : tho MEXICAN MLS ANU LINI MENT Tho mason U sim ple. 1 1 penetrates every sore, wound,. or lameness, -to the rcry bone, nnd drives out all Inflammatory and morbid mat ter. It "goes to tho root" ol the trouble, and never fails to core to double quick time. THE ONLY MEDICINE I That Acts at the Same Time on THE LIVER. THE BOWELS, and the KIDNEYS. rr-i , a .-a tho nntiirel cleans. em of the system. If they work well, health will be perfect! If tlicy bocomo clogged, dreadful diseases are euro to follow wltu TERRIBLE SlU-pERINQ Illllotuness, Ilondache, Pyspepsln, Jann dice, Constipation nnd Piles, or Kid ncy Complaints, Gravel, Diabetes, ' Sediment In the Ci lne, Slllkjr f or Kopy Urine ( or Rheu- matle Pains and Aches, are developed becnuso the blood I s polspnort with tlio Immors that fchould have been expelled naturally. KiDWEY-VVORT will restore tliehenlihy action and all them dcstroyinir evils will no biinlslicd neglect thrnVl and you will live but to ft . ThonsamlH have been cured . 1 ry It and yon will odd one more to tun niimlioi . InLe It nnd health willonce more eluddcu your heart . Why sufTor longerfromtrie torment of on aching back ? . Why boar such distress from Con Bt I oat Ion and Piles? Why bo go foarful because of dis ordered urine? . Kidnky-wonT will euro you. Try apaclt ago at once and be satisfied. ' ( ij n dry vegetable compound ana One rncUatro makes six quirts of Medicine. 'ow PrurmM ha-i It, cr irtll get It or you. IrMst iiion having it. rriccti.W. ELLS, El-IIiI!IKC.I CO., rrcjr.e.,r, I c.vi:lndrtr,'t ' Burltnctoa, FRAZER AXLE GREASE. FOH SAI.B BY A 1,1, DT-ALERK. Aiari.ii i MEDAL OF HOXOH at the Centennial and Pari Krptm,t,artlt. Chicago. FRAZER LUBRICATOR CO., Hew York QAPOIMIFIE WaSSaSarass Is trie Old liellable Concentrated lx.l 1 FOR FAMILY SOAP MAKING. Directions accompanylns each can for making Be"' Soft and Toilet Soap quickly. IT IS FULL WEIGHT AND STRENGTH. The Market is flooded with (so-called) Concentrate I.ye, which Is adulterated with salt and resin, and vor.; atolls soap. SAYM MONET. AND BUT TBS OAPONIFIE! MADBBYTHB FennsylTanla Salt Mannrg Co., PHILADELPHIA. FOR THE LADIES! Celluloid Insoles. MEDICATED, Protect the Sola of the foot from wet and cold perfectly. Being leu nn 1-80 0 an inch In thickness, may be worn in a neatly fitting shoe with perfect comfort. Try them once and you will never he without them. K 111 aave you many times their cost in Doctor's hills. Sent hy mall on leceipt of price (SO cents per pair, four pairs 81 .OO.) . ' A ludy agent winted to introduce these goods In this vicinity. Commission liberal. Celluloid Shoe Protector Co., 4T Lafayette Place. N. V. City. ," M,y ui ruiiHi, ..TniB i.a-K.r. cicaniinoff DurnbUlty nnd t hcapneaa. Unequuh o. MUitbK DXUB. Propilotora. uaton. alalia. uie san uade, la tM ka eOmaas, witt k - -. auau pa Wl. etarM 1TWIS, I'M BH I MlaaeaaoUa m Maaltiohe B'l. (IaM BaTpul 3,000,000 ACRES RED RIVER VALLEY OFTHE NORTH. to aad aaay Hmasa rthl Ths. tal tafeinlia. i.ius i, D. A. McKIMLAY, Land Com'r, WAiasaa eso's cossets" ? JAR1KXPOlTlON. vtr nil .4 1.1 .1-1 . . ... iri. PLUlItLK HIF CutthiCT uaoBon-J fits llh rwrlr-t a. . . i ...J: IUMTED ItOttfy hrfk UnWTI ovcrtli hip Their UKALTH CoiiStT will, lie tut- provetl UUiit.ianx w t grr-n.-r f nvnrli d-llK-i.tof ry nuttifr. 1 For inUh ain.oii.. WAENEB BB08.. 851 Broadway, N. T. THI yartu ELASTIC TRUSS Has a Fad dUhrin, rcea. all ubm, H e.i-ah.p wilt 8.U.idju.lluj stall a" a.aaa, aaaatpM ,aau aa, ail mi: Saj aud .ia ...a H.J. WUI. ID. iHttSRI IS. av..,. . TH IllflEI n i that is jostI fc,e:BS'.s5I. l 1 00 artw 'H'! GREASE.y Mm J I'I'! I III ;ir-TV 1 m.iK li I uMas I il l ty n.flT.itrt ALL la thi liifwita lit Dniuiri Eoylestoo Tru Co., Chlcaflo, aurjon and eluae. Beat tvj muL Circular. .nnia.tABi . r J. . . . . . -