The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, November 06, 1879, Image 4

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Laboratory, 77 W. 3d St., Now York Citj,
Th.9 Best Remedy Known to Han !
Br. Chirk Johnson having associated himself
with Mr. Edwin Eastman, an escaped captive, long
a slave to Waksmctkla, the medicine man of tha
romanches, t now prepared to lend hla aid In tlio
Introduction of the wonderful remedy of that tribe.
Tho experience of Mr. Eatmnn being slmllnr to
that of lira. C'hns. Jones and ion, of Washington
Co., Iowa, an account of whose anffrrlncrs wvro
thriUlneVy narrated In the Knt York Herald of Dee.
loth, 18T8, the fncta of which aro o widely
known, and so nearly parallel, that but little men
tion of Mr. Eastman's experience" will be given
here. They are, however, published tn a nent vol
ume of :iiK pastes, entitled, "Seven and Nine Years
Anion;? tho Comanchca and Apaches of which
f.icntion will be runde brrvafter. Suffice It. to say,
flint for several years, Jlr. Knstmnn, whils a cap
tive, was compelled to g-ttlii ' the roots, gums,
barks, herbs and bcrrtci of which Wakaruetkla'a
medicine w as made, and Is still prepared to pro
vide the bams materials for the successful intro
iViction of tho medicine to tho world; and awire.
the public thai the remedy N the samo now at
when WakaiuctUa compelled hint to make It,
Wakarnetkla, tho Medicine Maa
Nothing hns been added to the medicine, and
Jwthing been taken away. It Is w ithout doubt
he Lest IYkiv-ikr of the Dlood uud Keskwebo
'he svstkm ever known to man.
Thin tynip possete varitpfoperties.
Kt tiffs tiiion llso I.tvrr.
It nit upon tiie Kidney.
It rcimiiito the IFoivcln,
It )in-ii)- ttii Stood,
M. quiets tho Nervous System.
It pri'nicifcs Ulai'Minn.
SS Nourishes, Mrcu;;llienit and Irirlir
f I earrtcsi ofl'the old blood hikI ma ken
tt oiirn the poi'en of tho skill, aud
!uIuc-n nuruilhy cr.irutioii.
It neutralizcM the hereditary taint, nr poison !r
the blood, which generatesScrofnla,Erysije!:i.-. -inu
ail manner of fkin diseases and Internal humors.
There r.r? no spirit" employed In its manuraeturo,
rod it can be taken by the most delieate bane, ot
Vv :li' n ;ed and feeble, care only liana nqutreA if
viwic to Stations.
Edwin Eastman in Indian Costime.
3eve! Asn Nine Vears Amoxj tut CoMAXcnrt
and Apaciils. A neat volumsi of yoo payes,
beins a "inipij statement of the facts
t'ouueeted vi.htl.o ad massacre of a ii.lpless
family, and tha captivity, tortures and ultimate
escape of itr. two surviving members. For sale
by our agents Kouerully. I'rico $100.
The incidents, of the massacre, brielly narrated,
:tre dictributed by STents, ritrs of charge.
Mr. Iu,ttnan, uciti-.; aimti omManlly at th
Vet. enatred in gathering and curing ttte materi
als of wiiicli the medicine is composed, the hole
1 Isincss management devolves upttn Dr. Johnson,
and tho remedy had been called, aud is known as
v Dr. C!arl: Johnson's
rrica of Largo Bottles ....... rJl.Cl
Trice tf Bin-.U Eo'.tljs 60
Uoad the vnlunt-iry testimonials of persons who
Iijv bjeis cured by the use of Dr. C larli Johu-ou'i
Indian Blood Syrtip, 1:1 yotn own viciuUy.
lestLnonials of Carea-
EuiNOTux,Feb. 2, 1879.
Dear Sir: loan, from my experience, re
commend your Indian Blood Syrup bs a sur
eure lor Liter aud Kidney Disease.
Elizabeth A. Sands.
PiTTHitLKGii. l'n.. Auirust 25. 187S.
Dear Sir: I wng troubled with hunt; D.scoBe
ml suflerod from other complaints so much
nut 1 could not describe my Icou.iiMo ttnv
person. I doctored ull the time, luit t.iund 110
reliei until 1 took a toll Ic i your IndinnBlood
puritler which lelt me entirely lice ot all pain
a. UAua
Bybekky, 23d Ward. Jany. 1. 1879.
Dear Sir: Your most excellent Indian Blood
Syrup baa given perfect satisfaction when
used lor Jjysnepsia and Indigestion.
Tiikod. Hawk
Holmsburq, 23d Ward, Philftdolphuj, )
Feb. 24. 1879. (
Dear Sir: I take great pleasure in saying
t hat I have (riven your valuable Indian Blood
Syrup a fiiir trial in my family and received
treat benent Irom it. bam L lu Holly.
Ptttsbuugb, Pa., Auirust 2j, 1878.
Dear Sir: I was troubled with Kidney Dis
ease and I.iver Complaint. I tried everything
which I thought might do me good, bnt I did
not nnd the right medicine until I got a oO-cen
bottle of your medicine, which entirely cured
Middlkbubgh. Snyder O.. Pa
Dear Sir: I have been troubled with Heart
Disease andLivor Complaint, and I had spent
a great deal of money tor medical aid without
receiving any benefit, until I procured some ot
yoar Indian Blood Syrup Irom your agent, E.
L. Bumngton. I can now testily from my
experience as to the great valno ot it in suo
dnuauuia. Henry Zkmohan
Edingtoh, Feb. 1, 1879
Dear Sir: I was troubled with chills; had
them every other day tor six mouths; bad two
' doctors attending me when your agent per.
auaded me to try your Indian Blood Syrup,
and I can say I never bad a chill after taking
the first dotu. I cheerlully recommend it to
il. Luzn Wiwk.
ji-0b& ti
ll WM
25 gggi s'
T fjl V r rt
mm m fp? i
AT&lk with she Man In the Cnsre How a
Mastery Is Obtained over the Monarch
of ths Field A Very Ksay Ttnslneas
Kxnrrlences and Thrilling Htorlrs.
The Fascination of it.
"The little man stnndlnpr over tlirre
by the cage of monkeys la the lion
tamer," sain Mr. llitrnum to a represen
tative of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
An introduction was arrnneed, nnd Dr.
Charles White, the man who ha-i eonxed
the Nubian monarch to becomo as n
kitten, said lie would be at leisure ns
soon ns lie had lixed up a (lose for a
man who had a chill under tho hyetia
cage. Almost lithe in build, he is live
teet clsrht inches out of his boots, nnd
pulls down the sen lea nt 180. llo is
modest to a degree that is captivating
because modest men do take. lie is
reticent, or was at the start, in a meas
ure that was exnsperating, lor when a
man is expected to talk and won't, or
hesitates, he is of ull creation the most
exasperating. (
.."The world is mistaken about this
thing of taming lions." he said, as lie
looked around at a huldhended monkey
that had reached out for his sparsely
covered head.
" Doesn't he require the will power
and the peculiar grit of tho gods of
which the juvenile learned P" was asked.
" I don't know anything about it," he
answered, quietly. "You have got to
take the same common sense rule about
the government nnd control of a lion
that is used among men; only, I must
8 ay, I had rather nttcmpt to tame a cage
of lions nnd tigers and leopards thun
some men I have seen."
It was suggested that he must have
some rudimentary idea about the busi
ness. " Xo, I never thought anything about
that," lie replied. " You see I started
out in 1840 with old Van Amburgh. I
wns the man who took care of the har
ness, and that brought me nround the
cases a good deal. After a while I got
so that I could take a .ion by the paw.
It seemed to come naturally. I never
tried to do anything to make a lion
afraid of mo. I never thought of such
a thing. I never felt afraid of n lion,
and somehow or other I don't think a
lion ought to be afraid of me. We kind
o' took to each other," he finished with
a pleasant smile. He was asked when
and where he first entered a cage.
"I commenced going into the cages
when we were on the road, in 1848.
Not in public, but around before and
after the performances. The first cage
I ever entered was one that contained
two African lions; tiiey wre young,
but had been partially trained by an
other. They knew me, of course, but
they never made nny demonstrations."
" Where was your first public exhibi
tion?" " In 1854, with Barnum."
"Was there anything of note connect
ed with that event?"
" No, only I created a sensation by
taking a bucket of blood in the ease,
which an old lion licked up and then
laid down."
In reply to 11 question relative to
something thrilling in his enreer, he
said :
" I was with Thayer & Noyes in
Rochester on July 4, 1867. We gave
three exhibitions on that day. I had a
cage of what are known as the man
eaters. They arc of all the lion tribe
the most dangerous. You know lion
hunters sometimes build fires about
their hammocks or places where they
sleep, to keep lions atvay from thorn?"
" Yes," was said eagerly, so .13 to en
courage Mr. White.
" Well, a man-eating lion isn't afraid
of fire. He would just as soon walk
over it and carry a man away as a dead
head would come into this show."
" I went into the cage at night and I
had always noticed that one in the cago
was nervous in his temperament, for
lions are like human beings in that re
spect. The least unusual tiling would
attract him. 1 had stooped to let liini
jump over my back, and in his jump a
portion 01 111s nociy was graseit Dy a
whip I held. He sprang back, knocked
me down, and seized the skirt of my
dress; he had me under his forepaws.
and I was powerless. Charley Noyes
happened near, and he seized an iron
bar and struck the animal over the lie td.
It caused him to release me. and then I
plied the whip to him till he crouched at
my feet."
" You had to do thatr"
" Why, of course I was bleeding. He
had torn my shoulder and crippled my
right arm so that I have never been able
to get it above my head since; but I
knew I must subdue him, nnd 1 did ; it
was six weeks before I appeared in a
cage nguin."
The bald-headed monkey had made
another attack on the lion-tamer, and
he turned around to the root of the Dar
winian tbeorv and n.iri. " 1 nu' 1 not m-t
any supper if you don't quit that." The
monkey without hair seemed to under
" I spent three weeks in the Sisters
hospital here in St. Louis." said the
doctor, in a very quiet way.
wucn was tnatr"
"In 1670. I was with Robbins.
Strong & Henderson. We had been
allowing in some Missouri towns, when
an African lion attacked me. I wasn't
seriously hurt, but there was something
about that affair of which I have to tell
you. I had a pet liness In a cage, and
sue was a beauty. I never loved an an
imal as I did lu-r. 1 had raisetl her by
hand, and my own boy used to play
wiin ner as 11 sue had been a Kitten."
"What did she have to do with it?'
" Well, when the lion attacked mo she
sprang upon him, and there was a strug
gle between them until I got on my feet
and curbed the assailants. That pet
never forgot that night, and I had to
take her out of the cage."
"These animals, then, have attach,
raents the same as human ?"
" Yes, I have found them so. Now
there are two lions and a lioness over
there," pointing to a cage of Numidians ;
" one 01 these fellows liad a strong at
tachment for a lioness, and so had the
other at one time. But that one "point
ing to the grander looking of the two
"thrashed the o'her daily until he gave
up, aDd now the one lie thrashed couldn't
be persuaded to put his nose against the
lioness. And it is the samo with people.
They take a fancy to some people, and
are easily subdued, but I find there is
nothing like kindness."
" How is it with a lieness; is she more
easily trained or subdued?"
"A lioness is just like a woman. It
depends altogether on how you take her,
or how she takes you."
A letter, addressed as below, was sent
to the New Hf ven postofflce, one ot the
localities where Postmaster-General
Key's "misdirection order" waaa pe
culiar injustice:
Mr. Enos A. Hale,
Assistant Postmaster, -250
Orchard street.
New Haven.
City of New naven,
Town of New Haven,
County of New Haven,
State of Connecticut,
United States of America,
Western continent,
Planet earth.
Solar system,
Indianapolis Newt
There is a house on Mount Lincoln,
Colorado, which is 14,157 feet aboe the
level of the tea.
A Ragpicker Princess.
Tin most curious "city" of Paris is
on the Avenuo de In lt-volte, at the
upper end of the Passage Triboulet.
The passago ends in vacant lots, wlieve
in summer our enrpets are whipped.
The right sitlo beltings to n woman
nnmed Kouentilt, who built nnd manages
the "city;" it is a long alleyway, bor
dered witli a sort of sheds. Each lodg
ing on tho ground floor, or first story, to
which access is had by an ontaide gal
lery, Is a species of Utile cell, mow or
less broken down and tlirly. The only
furnitures Is a mattress thrown on the
floor or a toppling iron bedstead. A
square window; eighteen inches ritops,
limits these plnces. , l'eMnn Vuhtlc
is tho title by which the proprietress is
known. She reigns supremo over a
wretched people ragnickers. workmen
without work, dedanses of every kind
to the number of 400. This woman,
who is very rich, and goes about in her
phaeton drawn by a pretty pony, is dis
guised as a man; she maybe fifty; her
gray hair is cut short, like that of men ;
she is clad in pantaloons hence the
name a vest,, blue blouse and laced
niters). This costume site hns worn
or the last twenty vears. assuming, as
wi ll, tho bearing and energetic trestures
of tho stronger sex. La Ftmni'c Culottc
is ov no means ilul : tn her HDi-mztime
she must have associated with intelli
gent men. She declares she knew
Dumas the elder well. She chats very
agreeably and skims literature with a
ignt touch. 1 he liny 1 had the honor
to visit her she had two friends at break
fast. As I entered they had just taken
coffee, and these ladies were smoking
cigarettes, pouring out from time to
time a swallow of cognac. ,a Femme
Vulolle leaned back in her chair, her
legs crossed, nnd pulled the smoke from
her cigarette in dainty rings. At the
moment the three companions were en
gaged in a dispute. Emilo Zola was the
subject. La Femme tWnWe was of tho
opinion that " L'Assoiniiioir," which:
claimed to be the romance of the people.
was a picture ot but one phase of
Parisian wretchedness, and if ola had
applied to her he could have learned
much more as to popular depravity.
This conversation was interrupted from
time to time by the entry of some poor
fellow who presented himself nt the
cash-window to pay an installment of
his rent live cents or ten cents all
of which a emHie Culotte buried in her
breeches pocket.
Conducted by tins lady in person
whom her tenants salute as a sovereign,
we make the round ol the "citv."
Everywhere the same spectacle ot heart
rending poveryj entire families in
dwellings where a single person could
hardly lind room. In one ol these holes
a woman with a new born child lay on
a straw pallet, while the oldest girl ol
twelve was cooking on a little iurnacc,
and the odor of the charcoal mingled
with the pestilential emanations Irom
the rubbish which the husband had
brought in and was raking over.
loung boys, who Lad been hunting
rags, tired out, were sleeping at the foot
of' the bed, by the side of the mother
and babe. Poverty descends in these
families with the calling. Some here
are honest fathers, who for twenty
years have lived in tho "city," worked
like dogs- paid their rent regularly, and
have never been able to lay up a sou for
the morrow. Others are worthless
scamps, spend each day's wages at the
rum shop ana live on a morsel ol bread
so long as they get as much brandy as
possible. Children bom in these
cities" are raised in the midst
of the most degrading sights.
Modesty is an unheard word: shame
an unknown feeling. Old men pass by
with backs bowed, whose life has been
passed in tins hith, buried under their
load ot reluse, covered with vermin.
Here are born little beings who will die
without having 'caught a glimpse, even
for an instant, of the joys of life. Paris
Smoking Ladies.
But what one thinks in America of
cigarette-smoking women one soon eeasc3
to think in Europe where it is so frequent.
if or does not lat, tamous and trolicksonie
Emily Faithful 1 smoke like a Lake
Michigan tug-boat? Doe not the
Duchess of Edinburgh enjoy a quiet puff
now and then, and even the Princess of
Wales have her pretty little cigarette
case which she hides profoundly from
the smoke-abhorring nose of her roynl
maiuma-in-law? Mine. Ratnzzi in Italy
is said to be a great smoker, and so also
is Elizabeth Thompson, the artist, in
England. The two daughters of the
Due ri'Orleans. one of whom was the
beautiful Mercedes. Queen of Spain, were
foid of a quiet smoke, as also is the wife
ot the pretender. Dun Carlos. Although
smoking ladies- are so numerous in Eu
rope one often hears it insisted upon
here that American ladies are the great
est habiiual smokers in the world. " I
never saw a lady smoke in America!" I
had oceas'on frequently to say in France,
and always with tho unsattslaetory leel
ing that I was not half believed. Once
upon a time in Pans I lived several
months in an extensive nension dot de
moisellc. In this flourishing school was
Mlie. N . a young American of
twenty-two, from Boston, a sort of par
lor boarder, who Jiad many extra privi
leges besides that of a private bed-room,
when every other pupil slept in a tiny
couch in a dormitory that looked exact-
lv HltA ii liosriitnl. " Ah. hilt, vntiv
American ladies do smoke, and smoke a
great deal more than our Frenchmen,"
said the matron ot the school one day
Mile. N. smokes much more than M. it
Professcur, and if you don't believe it I
will some day show . ou the ashes
co.iio down irom her room." I said
nothing. And yet I could have told
that which would have made madame's
golden wig stand up like quills on a fret
ful porcupine, and reduced the matron
to a state of gibbering idiocy. I could
have told that, indeed, many cigarettes
were smoked in flllle. a. a room each
night, and that great were the ashes
thereof; also could I have told that
every night when that huge dormitory
full of pupils was still and evtry girl
as.'eep, tour ot the teachers, all gir s
themselves ot Irom twenty to twenty-
two, whose business it was to watch and
guard that sleeping fold, stole softly
Irom their beds, up tho attic stairs
across the roof, down the skylight, and
then into Miss N s. room, where, with a
bottle or two of beer and unlimited
cigarettes they smoked, drank and
dialled till goodness only knows how
late as it this were, indeed, not a pen
sion des demoiselles, but a popular bras
sene in the Latin quarter. " liirls.
girls! how indiscreet!" I exclaimed one
niL'ht when, returning from the theater
after midnight. I was quietly let into
Miss N's. room, whither I had been at-
trao ed by the light, and where I found
the smoke so thick that I could only half
distinguish five flushed and laughing
faces, looking, if truth must be told, more
like the merry bacchantes ol ttuben i
pictures than like the nun-like maidens
ot a pension ae3 demoiselles in virtuous.
monastic France. "Ah, but you .will
not betray us!" they chorused. We
must amuse ourselves a little, and you
know how triste our life is!" Margaret
Bertha, Vntcago Inter- Ocean.
" Jack" Walsh, the plucky undertaker
who has braved two summers in Mem
phis, is one of the quiet heroes of that
campaign of death. At times he has
been left entirely without assistance
and has buried 150 bodies in one day
St. Louis employs only colored teach
era In her colored ecnoois.
Where Corn is Kins;.
Corn is kiliir in Kansas, so far ns
space is concerned . They plant it by
Fquaro miles, one might fairly infer, tho
fields nre so incredibly far-renching
nnd if it did riot grow very much of Us
wn accord it could not grow nt nil, as
to sheer abundance or it forbids nny
dne like thorough cultivation. Thev
nirn to plow it twice, though sometimes
once hns to sufllee, and where it has
been sod planted itis left untouched till
it ripens; nnd vet it thrives in a wnv
that makes folly of sil rule and precedent ;
le sialics attain a tizc ana height wi leu
ive them a resemblance to young for-
sis of hickorv. nnd the men witli Blows
ook lost nmong them ; and as for the
Itunate yield in ears nnd bushels, Is it
not proclaimed everywhere in those
graphic and seductive hind advertise,
ments which tell how Kansas wns ten
years ago the twenty-fourth Slate in the
production of corn, and is now sur-
tassed bv only three ot all the tlnrty
iglit? The small cost and labor of tili
ng is doubtless tho chief inciting cause
uns extensive recourse to a crop,
hich, however bounteous it may be.
offers but slender profit unless fed to
ve stock: hut I susnect that it is a
rop that also has special favor with
thei frontier people perhaps without
their exactly realizing the preference
cause ol the resolute,
method it has of nossessintz
nd holding tho countiy. For corn is
y nature airsressive and determined,
lie smaller trains feel their way tim-
liy in a primitive soil, and the aborigi-
tl verdure disputes every inch of po
ess witli them. But where this auto-
at of the cereals takes root it scorns
lvalry, and its sway is complete and en-
iinnn. .nun bo uiese leaitues upon
igucs of Kansas corn, seen in the sum-
mer nnd in llieir glory of silked and tas-
'led and sunlit strength, eonvev a rs-
.,11 t 1-; : . : wi. .i . I.
,14.(1. c-bi l niliu Hit 111 l Bnil-ll. Allt'V I.1UIMIL I
niereiy ciinjtioino eartn, nut they seize
it and make it their own; you know
that those derso and advancing ranks
an never be stived. never turned back :
and somehow Die vast, expanse of un-
lonquered prarie yet spread out before
hem and all about them ten acres to
each one acre of theirs seems overawed
and contracted by their masterful in-
nuence. it is Uirnam wood come to
Dunsinane. b-.ribner.
Some Things Ihnt are Hard to Find.
A man who will refrain from callitur
his friend's speech a " happy effort."
An editor wlo never feels n eased to
nave his good things credited, or mad
hen they are itolen.
A pencil that is nlways m the first
pocket you putyour hand into
A man who las been a fool some time
until? Ins lit and Knows enoucr i to
keep the knowbdge of it to himself.
A married nun who docs not think all
the girls envy Us wife the prize she has
captured. i
A married voman wiio never said.
No wonder tie girls don't cet married
nowadays; they are altogether different
from what tley were when I was a
An unniarnitt woman who never n.iu
au offer.
A man who never intimated that the
economies of tie universe were subject to
is movemenn by saying, 1 knew il 1
took an umbrella it wouldn't rain," or
some similar issininc remark .
A pocket-kiife that is never in ' them
other pants.'!
A motiier yno never sani sue " wouui
ather do itlrayself " w.ien she should
itive taught tieV child to do that thing.
A child who would not rather cat
between meals tian at meals .
a person ia?c or sex immaterial; who
oes not a flush, ol.pnde upon
being thoutt what he is not and may
never lioue n De-
A sinjrer who never complains of a
cold when asked to sine.
A woman who. when caueht in her
second best dress, will make no apology
r lier ureidtul appearance . JJostm
Jlerala .
The expression is often heard, by
neoole who inderstand very little about
it, that ' w all eat too mudi." This is
very rarely ihe case. It should rather
be expressed, " we eat too much of one
thins;, or of the same kind ot loocl, be
cause cooks ind housewives are so very
cnorant. It is perlectly impossible
for a lium.n beinir, to exert Ins best lao
ult ies it unter led. mere never was a
strong man with a strong brain who
could keep up the physical and mental
irain without an anioie supply 01 loon.
When peoile. thin, do not feed well.
there is something wrong with their
heads or their stomachs.
"When a young man has learned to
wait," says the Boston Journal, "he has
mastered tue Hardest lesson," wnere
upon the Rockland Couritr gives it as
lis on in ion that indeed he has. nnd this
truth is particularly applicable when
the young man has called to take his
girl riding, and she keeps him waiting
two solid hours wbilc sue nxes up.
Keeps him waiting in the stable with a
team wh'ich costs him a dollar nn hour.
Tlia Vnrlh lnl llrl Ktinator
Are not more widely dUtiut thnn tbe stand-
irfl tnnii. Htimnlnnt Ana alterative). HoHtet-
ter's Stomach Bitters, and tie cliwip and flery
IochI bitters which unscrupulous vendors foist
upon the unwary aa medicated preparations
witli remedml properties. I lie inner aro us
ually composed in the main of hall reotitlud
ulcoholioexcitatits, with Dome wretched ihuu
combined to diduise their il flavor aud are
norlectly ruinous to the coats of the stomach.
llostettei-'a liittors, on the oontrary, Has lor
its basis choice spirits ot alisolutepiirity audi
this is modified and combini l witn meuicina
extracts ol rare excellence and botanioal ori
gin, which both invigorate. and regulate the
boarels, Btomach and liver. ..'They elfeot a rad
ical change in the disordered physicial econ
oiny, which i manilested by a speedy im
provement tn the general health.
Ohwkuo Stahcii FAcnmr, N. I.,
Oct. 28, 1878. J
H. W. John; 87 Maidf Lane, JT. Y.:
Deau Sir We have several aores ol your
Asbestos Roofing on our buildings. The 111 at
ror.i, put on Alteon years ago, is in good oon
dition, and we prnier it to any other.
Yours respectfully,
T. Kinohkort) & Sons,
It is astonishing with what rapidity ulcerous
sores aud eruptive maladies are cured by
liAtirv a I nrhn ia Sa va. nn AXLuriuu flntiniila
j . .... - , ' -
totinneaitny conditions Ol me BKin, wnicn IS
ation containing the carbolio element. It is
undoubtedly tbe flnesl antiseptic ana puriner
extant. It acts like a ohann on purulent
eruptions, and lias also been sucoesslully used
for rheumatism and sore throat. All druggists
sell it.
H. W. Johns' Asbestos Liqui'd faints
striotly pnre linseed oil paints, and contain no
water. The; are tbe best and most eoonomi
01 paints in the world. Send ior samples to
87 Maiden Lane, N. T.
Prioes are a tittle higher lor the Mason A
Hamlin Orgtsjis than those ol very poor organs,
but the nunlitv is nirreat deal better. . It is
certainly srood eoonomy to obtain the best
when there ik no mora differenoe in the price.
An EsTAiiisiiBD IUimdt. " Brown's
Bronchial lroohea " are widely known as aa
established remedy lor coughs, colds, brou.
chitis, hoarseness, and other troubles ol the
throat and lbngs. 25 cents.
Ladies, c) Gilbert s Starohes are pore,
Chew Jackson's Best Bweet fv7 Tobacco,
a woman wio remembers last fiun- liowels, blood, Liver, Nerves, Kidneys
ty's text, but k unable to speak under- .nA TTrino rw .A .n -
undingly of the trimmings on tho Z I w . ' t u"' "V . t.." 2lul-
of the hdy in the pew next in fxeip, or' for anything impure" or Z l
(J row III of the Slate.
Some new and important figures, pre
senting the comparative ' growth of
the great geological divisions of the
United Stales, are given in an article by
Robert P. Porter, of Chicago, in the
Princeton ftcvicut. The writer shows
that the growth in population of the
Western States in nineteen years (since
1860) has been 7.902.633; that of the
Southern Stntes 4i2.r e84; that of the
Eastern States, 3,808,700; the Increase in
the Western States being nearly 8 000,000,
or equal to the aggregate incrcaso of tho
Eastern and Southern States in the same
period. According to Mr. Porter's fig
ures, the number of persons employed in
manufacturing In the Eastern Slates in
1850 was OOO.COl; in 1860, 000,107: in
1870,1,273,808; at the present timo.1.734,
803. In the Western States, 58,947 in
1850; 113.045 in 1860; 300,021 in 1870,
and 994,512 at the present time. In the
Southern Stntes, 109.808 in 1850; 131,979
in 1800; 180.470 in 1870, and 258.H89 at
the present time.
The local debts of these States in 1870
were: Eastern States 278,535.896; West
ern States $94,337,618; Southern States,
9 93,730,129. The local debts at the pres
ent time, according to Mr. Porter's es
tiniate.are: Eastern States. .$540. 155,048;
Western States, $146,032,037; Southern
States, $183,292,183. If the State debts
are added the three sections owo as Ijil
lows: Eastern States. population 14,300,
i't'0, total debt, $028,223,310; Western
Stales,population,$14,i00,000,total debt,
$172,825,910; Southern States.population
m.wu.uuu, total debt, 3ti3,U87,961. 1 lie
arti'do carefully discusses tho relative
progress ot each section of the country.
UIHI nomts out in an cntcriainimr m-in
ner tho strength and weakness of each
geological division ol the united States:
declaring that only by such a view of our
wants can we train common pnn i-nm.
nion aims, nnd n deetier In ilmln.
. . ,
111 IK 111 LIU" I 11111 11 1 1 1.
Prevent crooked boots and blifctored hnnla
bywotiiing Lyon'j Heel Stiffnnois. Can bo
uppliod at any time.
1lmiihl... Ul.'.a 1M n 1.
Dr. Maiuiisi's rTKiiiN'k: f-ATimi.n-itv win n.,.i.
lively euro Female Weakm-w, rntch as Ka llnn of tin
womb, Whites, Chronic Ii.flsninuttlon or Ulceration of
the H oniti. Incidental Heinnrrhasr or Floodtntr, Painful,
snnprrmed and Irirnnlar Menittrntlou, Ac. An old and
reliable remedy. Send pcitsl card for a pamphlet, wltll
treatment, cures and certillcat.a from physicians and
E" ""WAU'H HAI.I.AUD. L'rica, N. V
Sold by all Dratiitatii-! .VI ner buttle.
$500 Iteward. "
They cure all diseases of the Stomach,
ous found in them Hop Bitters.
i.l ur
Farmers ! $3,000,000
can bo saved every year by the farmers
in 11,58 country if they will properly
color tlieir butter by using Wells, Rich
ardson & Co.'s Perfected Butter Color.
It gives a splendid June color and never
turns red.
ATTT'IV While we want Agents ISJ to slIO
IfA-Lill per day nt ho re Addr ss. witii
OT A CTTTWA Bliin p. J IS M l-'I'.l'X
STARVING LAMP CO.. PortlarU. Maine.
Brand Medal
Silver Medal
nt Pur in
at Philadelphia
This wonderful substance is acknowlctirreti bv nhvn!-
cini a lliroiiahnut llie worM tn bo tho best remcly riis
cover', ror the cur nr w ounrlf, Hums, Khtimiatittm,
Skin Plaeuscs, Piltj. CaUTh, Chilblains. r. lu or-tT
Oat every one may try ft, tt tt put up in 13 anl 23
cent bruins for hoiis.-hobi mm ubtiia it from your
ilruiftihit. ana von wi 1 find it riu tier lor toanvllilm; v.jii
have ever uspd.
I Will pay for
inn urot IjH
erary Tapur
in the Morld.
The t'hlc.ico ledger,
one year, free of potK
New and deoply intorastinj
viriil tU'ty begins Oec.titu,
1H79. Home Department
nlone worth tbe price of tb
paper. t;ryinr.
jubQgrtbe at once, bainple
cop esFree. Add reus T 1 1 1
I , I:
CtfiitU FKht.
An infallible and unexcelled Beniedy u i
warraikteu to cfurt a spcv',y a:.u
A free butt! 91 of n -
reaov, ue'l opeciiic ami a valuable
Trentls? seut to auy suite. e
sending me bis . U. auti
Dti li U. HOOT. 1HI Pean Street, New Yon.
to send stamp for tlio Lnrgcst, Handsoinost
and most complete Cutalogue of TYPE,
SMtKSSES, CV'TS, 4e., published.
wi x iAJuv nan
D3 Strata Tiixd Et.,
This riaImIIOMM Etubltxhrd It.
w vr. nooaavds of Sold!rt and hr'rt annuel
PeDkiuiu (lute back u difcJiarg; or tiaaUu iSmt UmftL
Addrett wlUi stamp,
(JKOBfil R. f,VMA!f.
F. Q. Drawr WaeKinRtoia, L
Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organ
"UMn.ttratMri hftRt hT IlIOnKST nONORS AT ALL
at la 17; YirHita, 173; Saktjaoo, 137f-i Pciunai-
raia, lfti i rutin, 187?, anu i-tKaJ'D Swedish uoin aiepaj
178. Only American Organs ever awarued highest lion
urn m.t anv mich. Sold for catih or lnstalimeuU. Ilxoi
vaAiKO Catajloocbs and Circulars with new styles and
.need, sent nee. au uAJiLaiai uittA ru
Boston. New York or Cbicaco.
Yon know that Agents are toininQ tucney
selling our Guide to KnrcfHS 1 Covers
broader Kruuud than "Hiii'a Munuai" and
scl s at naif the price- Pmiicu'Mrs free.
W. il. TIIOll PHO A CO.,
3'J llwwtey 8treeL Hod on. Hif.
$1 425 Eli", T&'o & 00
I proportional return evtry wek r.a Slock Optl .na ol
Offlclil Hep-irts and Clirulars iree. Addro
i. ruiittt id it i a nniiKiri. nn ot.. . .
I WRllfett.Uyttliefoundft.
iJIclomly Itiveitfd lm
i lor luituuat wtrr
wc k, mi-1 pay tutiuen"!' iroiltn liy tli New Cpiulluon
h- nit-ut ol i.wrtin tn sitK'kd. Ku1lexliitlili ott jipltc
tiii to A unn, i:aow a c't.., Hitiikttia, 28 lliol St., N, Y.
a nvK.IITIsiKH liv addrtuluu i-.u
liumiiu. 1(1 titmice Street. New York, can leirn the
t-xtct cost of any proposed Hue of ADYKKTISINti In
A merle in Newspapers.
world ! Will ny for Itself in a tew day. Cuts and
miters AO to it HI Frames per hour! Moldings and
Frames at lowest prices. Salenmen wanteU; ciriu ars
fre. Oxford Pictckb Fume M r o Co , Oxford. Me.
KmhoNed Pictures, Dt'calcomantes, For
eign Stanipe.St imp Albums, Stamp (.'ata
louueb,OoinCata1oKui'S.i,'hnrttimiKHlsrik, lUrthiluv mii.I Muttrt Cflnltt I )ririiinr-ttf4. ftr. Riynd 3c.
stamp for sample of Trflfet' Monthly and full
pariiciuars. r , ntirtti, nt uouu sireei, hobiuu, .
WCII HMOrn OurBiigunraiiteedtobth
7lLLL"MUUtni cneapestaud best in the
world. Also nothlne crtn beat our 8AWINO .MA-
f'HINli. it 8iWS OU a-rOl J in iihuii,
Pictorial booka frc. V. idL.. C'hiuayot IU.
Rare relief i o tttv i
u trrr nm rm rTt l rn
Price 3&cts.t3lU.Uili
MUUtnO HtowellACo.
sHBftafHBjBHSjBSiiaxiesiowu maaa.
- - , .... v.
III Tfl Sslllllll tortunea every monm. duokscd
trtsf iTiilMlnins evervthlui.
Address BAITKB ft CO.. Bankers, It Wall St.. N. T
I moDtti. Every KiaUutito euarautaeil a paylnittliua
Ion ArtilrpM K Vlnt:ni. Urimf Jsnesv'llr Wls.a-
A GENTS IYAHITEI) for the uei
ai d Fastu.t
rlreH reduced
Hi-.i inn noons ana muies.
S3 per cent. National Publishing Co., 1
PhiU.lclphia, fa.
Ol l romnleteWorksand Dr.Foote
OU'dliM peart) S Hultb Motblt. 1 year foi SI.
Bample copy tne. urray ui'ipub.t;o.,iaiB.iinBi.,.i
I Habit 4t 8kln niaeases. Thoc
sands cured. Lowest Prices. Do not f al
I to write. Dr. V. K. Marsh. Qumry. Mich
Tn Ynnnn Mpn who wish to 'earn STEAM KSGI-
io loung men NKKKN(i. 8fnj you,,, ,me, Wiih
two a-ceni sumps, to if red, aeppy, KngT, unageport.ut.
A Choice New nook I
For Everybody 1 A. so.
Lllutiuil." B.ith aellina
A-Hill's Social and Business Manual.'
rapl.lly AgenU wanted. W. Shepjrd, 00 Fullou St .N.T.
ROt'KWOOIl'M Fhotntn-aphs of New York
and vicinity (tourist oe'ii-.i, 8jtl0, at 39 centa.
17 Union Squsre, New York. Send stamp for catalogue.
CJ-gOP OlTTFITAwto Agental
Business new.
ityM--w .a-aurtss n. n
811 AW. Alfred, Maine.
ti&7"7 Month .uu expenses guaraou-eu to A ..uu
nntati-M h4w.. addsu. Mum
aflTTIVrtt Revolvers. OataloRue free. A'l.itest
VI U 1 Gieat Western Gun Works, Pittsburg, Pa
$S tn iKCi Per day at home. Samples worth f. tree
y- Address Brmsos I Co.. Po'tlaii.l, M
fltTTT A YKAHandexpeiueatoageuu.
V4 4 4 Addlwia P.O. VlOitliaif Aagu
61 IP" ft I 1 at
F t fl I U N S
A rTsw Rnn'lsy School Sons; Book of nnwmal t-nsnty.
Itr A. 1 AbIhi and M. J. Minim. Pnct ItoccnU fur
which Sp-ctiiirn C'opte will be miiliptl. KxAinlne thlt
chHi-niltift collection when new books art needed. Krerr
oug It jewel.
The newest Operai art
rATtwElt. Brltlict. S'J.OO.
KAT1N1TZA. ItySumw. aVJ.OO.
anl eiilArffed eilltiun. ffl.ftO.
be:.i or coKitEviLiiE,
PI N A K our;. Gilbert and Sulllran.
Klctiberg, new
Br Planqnett.
SO cent.
H.oo. .
The neweat Church Music and Singing School Book
VOICROr WORSnlP. L. 0. Imenon, tO.OO
pi-r rioipn.-
TElaPLK. Dr. W. O. Perklna, tO.OO per doaen.
Tha neweat Voice Training Book la '
Compact, complete ana useful either for prlvat
pnpila or claHsve.
A new Anthem Book la nearly read.
The JTiufail feewnt la alwaya new. 9.00 per year,
tl cenia per copy.
o. ii. miaou v co
M43 liroatdway, Raw Tork.
V1-4 Cheatnnt Street. Philadelphia.
Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient
May properly be cared the " Ilerculea" of medicine, for
It cleanses Nature's augean starves, and allows the
recuperative powers of the sybtem to do the work of
restoration to health. No mdlclne cures: Nature aVnv
cures Tills aprl nt opt-ns the proper avenues, the
fnm-t'oni' irr iinrlhutfit to refinmo their work, Rnd thv
pit.eLt nets wi'll.
First EatKblLhed I Moat Sucecssra 1
THBIB iifSTBUMKHTS tare a Standard Valoa it
Leading Markets
Of the World
Iveirwhsre recognlied aa tne K1NE3I IN TuliB
OVER 80,000
Matte unii In ee. New Desltfai'.eomUnt-y
'rforkand U)weatPrIcea.
f Send for a Oftulogo.
Tromont St..ropp.:Waliliara SUBostaa, &h
A large, elht-pane paper uf 3fi Vroail co'ntnnB w I
oe sent noainain 10 any auarcsa until January Jt
At1r THBSl'N. N.IT. City.
Clara i.ouhc Itelloicfr, ir. Ncott
altltlmiH Funny littvmipnrt, nut a
tutit of o tlit is, reciMniremt uud uhu
fhi- H.cHi'rfl bfantlflt-r of the comp t-xlo; .
Kor tale by mi liaiiu irtiKiKtK at AO cti. pr bi-:t!i-
This lx tiie fustedt-nllfntx book ever piiWUr.ei1.and the
on y cuinpifii-aii i nuiuenno uisio'y oi iiuiin iravt' a.
S-;ivt for circu:.UH c iit.itii np a f u i di-iscrlptluu ot the
work au 1 our xtra It-ntis to Aut-iiti. Aihlrt-tjft
Naiiunal I'Lui.iam.-o f'o . Plit'RilelpliI i. Pa.
Blind, Itching, or TJluctatcd
11'llfHtliat IK'ltllttf'H I'llO
Kciiird v failatocum ijivos
iiiuniediat relief, curts c&nn I
uf lonff standing in I wotk,
and ordinary caes in 2 d.ia.
LAU UN Tc"te:
ton it in blarlea lt afS ones a-i
Dr. J. I. Mitfrr Mionnturm. Phi la. 9i I abott'a. KilJ
by alldniircieta. &nt mail hy J. P. Mti.u:it.M. 1.,
byalldniKKiets. i''nt ly mail by J. V. Mii.lkk.M. 1).,
Propr.. a. w. cot. Teuth and Arch bit., Philada.. Pfc
.1u4t nubllshp-t: Forrest House A splendid
new nr.voi by Mrs, MaryJ. Iuimes, wUs novels soil so
f uormciinly, and are read aud re-read with such luteiest.
lit-aut fu'ly hound, price $1.60.
Also handsonie new edlttoi a of Mrs. TTolmert' other
wo kaTt-iiiuest and SnnMhine Lena HI vera Kdith 1
I Ale Edna tirownlng West Lawn, etc.
4fS" Sold hv all honliHcllers.
tt.W. CAltLKTthli P.. PubHstier.N.Y.Clty.
MMI'LE lAIVIfSHKJt-A few applirattoi t of
this prcpsiatlon will remove freckles, tan, sunhntn,
pimples or hlotches on the face, and render the com
plexion clear and fair. For softening and beautifying
the skin It has no equil. Price, IIO cts. Bent by m.ill,
pohtpaid. for 7 t. Address JOHN F. UKM.Y.
ut itnAis tu-i a itjoiiege naee. wew York.
Cures Kidney, Itladder and
rrinary Diseases. lio: tea.
Gravel aud Dropsy, Kttn- !
tion uu. InctiiiUuenca of
liunt'a Kerned y mres
Pjtit in tliv Ka-k, Ml or
l-iirs. Ke' vou Prostration
.in 1 llviL'iit's OiWrth- f the
KMl.evs. llunt'i liua
rrly curi'ti ail -K (f I no Kl iiicy, Hiad'ier ar.d
l?i 'ii irv trjann. Try Hinf t-fiiieily. Sind for I
pa np ilc tHi NV'.M. i:. CLAUK.K. P.oviaciiCL, It. 1. i
VU,T11E TlltlF
The very oe.t coods direct trom tn 'mporters at Ua'l
tbe usnal cost, llest
d an ever onerea b
au ever offered to OlDb Aleuts
aud Large Buyers.
rfw lerrua ( ana.
The Ureat American
Tea Company i
HI and : Veaey Street. New York.
P. O. Box lill.-,.
If you can't nrocure Kldce'a Food n your vicinity, (.end
to cents In stumps, with full directions, to wooi.ltlUII
;.. fanner, mas., ana a can win d i
Ma will 4y A ycuta a buUry vt Hu jr o
zpenses, or allow a targe commifoim, to sa
i. tb ar I
ar Dti
Via fi. AJ'lreti UU KHMAX & ( Mart. hall, Mtoi .
lrMJf Uan.Msi. t. l Ssn
SW ul Vri4, w U I Uu,
with jour kMct, alsT aasl
lack art Lair. m4 t j .na trrt
f far falt hut ad ar Wife, UitaU et
rl , tb tsn'as4 alaisn wrisra ja
ill first SttM, a"t t. ilai f aiunsta,
AaUnaa, Fif. MABTtNFZ, V
Bt.. iiaatio. tUsa. (4m m m b4 I
ftO Rnn A YEAll GrjAlUSTEFll,
9CivUVf Agents Wanted. I huve the best
thinKa for Aieenta. Over auo agents are now
from to Sift a day. Bend stamn for partlculara.
Hit, 8. T. BUCK. Milton, Northumberland I'd., Pa.
SKtl YorllirDlTHKriM andO&E CURT
n 'Stage to " RAW I8ZEH." The New York Jew er.
UO Fu ton St., N. Y. Hit new and beautifully llluslra-
t d Catalogue and Price List of jewelry. Pnsn Meda'e.
Badges, c, c, la now reaiiy. Ag.nli wauteil.
MARVEL COP 1 1ST roopyrluhtedl. 200 terfec
nmnvtU burtlJI copies tikeu from a Vnl
writing. In loiiB waya saves printing. Weighs S lbs.
U fara iM luariaa Mmniai,
W w.iak.M, a k (toaU ball
baM krvU. t ta thick. a, tVtnajlW.a aai
n fM. Ad4nM. US. OONS4LEX,
Iks IbU. 8Mte, Hu. Jl MM.y4fc
PAY. With Stencil Outnu. What ensu 4)
cu. a
a. M
cu. sella rapidly for fHI eta. Oaiaiogu. Ire.
aracsa. waairn li.iston.
.cc werk In your own town terms and $6 (.utflt
"Jrcu. Addrrsa U. Uaixrrt A Co , Portland. Main.
y a week, till day at hem easily nuuie. Costlj
w ' Outfit tree. Address A to. Anuu, Maine,
YEAR. Mow toMnke It. A. i(..u
Miss as (Urtbai, at. Mais. ua
way LSS
tr ra. mer ha vrintu
If you are
In Iho Inrintry Which is tlio
best Liniment; for Ulna and
UeiisM this h tho answer, nt
tesf cil hy I ho cenoralions ' t Ito
MEN J". Tho reason is sim
ple. J t penetrates every sore,
wound, or lameness, to tho
very bone, nnd drives out all
tnflammatorynnd morbid mat
ter. It "bocs to tho root" of
the trouble, nnd never fails to
care ? doable quick time.
AirarUtd liu MKHAL OF J1UXOJC at tht LentennM
Chicago. FRflZu'VlliRVftTaRCfj'. ITe Ycrfc"
I tho Old Itallalile Concentratei! I.
Directions aecnmpanylne- e?cb can for B'.fklrg Bard
Soft anil Toilet Soap quickly.
The Market Is flooded with (so-called) Concentrates
Lye, which la adulterated with salt and renin, ar.d
Pennsylvania Salt BfaunPg
Celluloid Insoles,
Protect the Sole of (be foot from wet and
cold perfectly
Beinir, letm than 1-) of an inch In thlcknr. may be
orn in a ueutiy flUiiiK tthoe wit j pcrh ct comtort.
Try them once mul ynii will nver w'tU"i( them
anve you many times th-ir cost in Ih tor'R hilts.
Ht-nt by matt on tecelpt uf price (UO eeuU per pair,
four pairs 91. 0'.)
A Indy aaent wantM to Introduce these goods in this
vicinity. uuiinivsion itnerai.
Celluloid Nhoe Protector Co.,
47 Lafayette P1ce, N. Y. City.
Forllrauty of Polish, bavrag Law, Clcanllncsa
nDr.llilv..nJ l.,.. ....or. a lt,.mul.,.
UWWMIHi I'I'U ' livillllirosii; 111 1)11.11. 1
UUiiSU BUOt. Fruprluwm
-uciWn. 21asta
S .
T tk smM laaita. ta tka tea ctmatm. vttk
aiwkAU, mna a th. M forau, sluf tb. t
MiaBAapolla m kUmUatw tt'y. (UU SI Ful A ?.
3.000,000 ACRES
Kair tti Tmmm
On Urn Mmm, law pitssa ad S7 a !!
tkh fasftnaSsMsn sasAwl I
D. A. MleKINtAY, Land Com'r,
L.f.M. M. la-y, at. Wija.
ltcriv 1 1 til - i .11 'ini . rtK'un
OVtTMll Aiiit-n. i. i"i. - tmii. 1tilT
Fl.liXiliLli HII COlfiLT (120 Hour)
flit wltb (iKiicrt cine, and U war
atiTKU tint i o ln-tt llo.-a uvfi ihe hipa
Ttitlr UKAL'IH OR.-I-.T with It'. lir
pro veil BuiI. I h lit w ii fr'-ntt-r f Avnrita
.ttiAii ever, i irir is iMil.iMj uiHt.l il
i ddlliTlilul every tiif.lhfr.
F ur nt;. hy Rlltea-lliitc merrli'..tM.
WARNER BROS., 351 P road way, N.T.
1. 0.0. P.
I.0.G T.
Hrt Men, MtftiUtm, and all other Societies
uiiiil. tf, order tv 91.4!. I.llle.T A (u., Cotumfrtu,
Ohio. AetMi for Mrir& MAniH.
Military ana Firemen's Goods. Banner, ft Fl.ifra
Bake inouev. ' LIFE OF
lor a v l.oua llu.1
Cttuc. far all t
The famous Bcont. Gold.. Hunter and Actor wntleo b.
kimaelf la the liveliest and easiest book 10 sell thai ha
appeared fur yeara. Agents already at work ar. maktas
lf sales. Bend at once and aecore terrltor, For urco
Ur. sud liberal terms apply to
fBAMat K. BLIBB, HartfarJ, C u
perfect cure for nil cf FlLEtl
I wo U four bottles in the worst
mums of I.RPKOSY. SCHOFl'I.A,
CATAKKI1. and all dlsoasra of thu
SKIN' and r.I.IHiD. Kntirely Vege
table. InteniHl and external use.
Money re'tumed lu all ouvs of fkil
ore: none for 2rt veara. Boldevdiy
I where.
Bend (or pamphlet. $1 a Bottle.
II. I. V'OWI-H. rimtoa,
Liquid Paints, Roofing, Boiler Coverings,
6toam Packing, Sheathings. Coatings, Cements, 4c.
THAT IS JUST f fc.iVSiS'.' I'
V IU. Jli I
aiiiai.iWLii.jLiij'k 1. i. ii i an
Siawaar'alia.iaritfiini-- 4
NU ron lJECKleTl i'kii
at medical author! tie in the world. Giveu burlier.
award at 1 4 World's rxpoaitiona. an4 at I'arie. Ibs
Bold by DruwiaU, n A" I O..N.Y
i . "Kk a iS aiops. (Set tioldm Tunir Kfi rt. i ri
W HBfwrlU, WftlkHt , nrti fl VKIirs. !') k Isook tit
hfl'iinoi.tlwi, covrr bowk. wt3 to BjtJ5&. Uflor
w . . f jo anVi. "U"irtra nwikci mem r rvt