The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, June 05, 1879, Image 3

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Local Sotes
For flower pots go to 42 Main St.
The weather was decidedly cool
yesterday morning.
Ice Cream by the Dish or Quart
every day at Morgester's.
A much needed ruin first of the
Week gave tire grass a new start.
Proceedings of the May term of
court will be found In another column.
Preaching in the Lutheran
Church next Sunday morning and
Services In the M. K. Church next
Sunday morning and evening by Rev.
H. V. Talbot.
Social dance in the old court house
to-morrow evening. An Invitation is
extended to -al ii.
First load of brick for the New
Court House was delivered by the Ross
Bros., yesterday afternoon.
Perfumery best In the world for
ale at Joel Miller's Barber Shop.
Room In the Hyde House.
Lemons. Oraneres. Bananas. Co-
mna mita 1 ! 1
' . . . ,. . ...
H'nw'ni ween Vegetables i season at
Greenlmckers and others can sub
scribe for the National View $1 a year,
or the Terre Haute Express 50c. a year
vitn w. . Service.
New potatoes are quoted in the
item market at $.50 (S $(5.00 a bar-
rel." Old potatoes are sollina- in this
market at $1.00 a bushel.
Many persons have a bad headache
every few days. It can be stopped in
one hour by Dr. Day's Cure for Head
ache. Prepared by D. B. Day, Ridg
vay Pa.
Notice All those indebted to me
who have not settled their accounts
within three years, will find the same
at C. H. MeCauley 's after the tenth of
this month. J. S. Bonmvm,.
The yarn that the potato buss
were going to be scarce this year
lias long since been exploded. The
fact is the striped pest appears more
iitimerous, if anything, than usual.
Personal Chitchat.
Mrs. Thomas Noon is quite sick.
Russel Coates was in town over
Miss Hattio Warner is visiting at
Janes Maginnis'.
Maud and Minnie Miles arc at
Spring Creek on a visit.
Robert Campbell is not improving
as rapidly as it was hoped he would.
James McFarlin lost a valuable
cow on the railroad track last week.
A young heifer owned by John
Healy bad a leg broken by the cars
last evening.
Miss Dora Irwin, now teaching at
Dry Saw Mill and Daniel Irwin, teach
ing at Dents Run, were in town Satur
day and Sunday.
-Col. Win. Jones, of Big Crock,
East. Tennessee, died on May 17. 187!.
He was a brother of Mrs. Elliott of
Spring Creek township, this county.
Sheriff Oyster took atrip to Alle
gheny on Saturday accompanied by
Michael O'Herin, who will sojourn in
that city for a period of eight years.
Messrs. J. S. & W. H. Hyde, hav
ing purchased the Ridgway house
property at the recent term of court,
will at once make several additions
and improvements to the hotel.
Strangers in Town.
Seth H. Clover.
Campbell Blair, of Millstone.
Mr. Fitr.gerald of Lock Haven.
Mrs. Sheld, Mrs. McAfee's mother,
of Lock Haven.
Mrs. Jennie Gallaher, nee Boyle,
a daughter of the late Major John A.
iioyie, iormeny a resident here, and
well known to many of our citizens.
and Miss M. Walker, her cousin, of
New York, are among the guests at
the Hyde House.
For wooden ware go to 42 Main
Sheriffs Sale.
Following is a list of the properties,
name of the purchaser, and the sum
received for the land sold at the recent
term of court:
539 acres land in Spring Creek town
ship, property of Thomas Irwin, sold
to Powell & Kinie for $23.00.
14 97-100 acres of land in Ridgway
township, property of Francis Poll
man, sold to J. S. & W. II. Hyde for
One hundred, acres in Bcnzinger
township, property of Rebecca Sykes
and August Werneth, sold to Charles
Luhr for $100.00.
Town lot 3n Ridgway township,
property of D. D. Cook, sold to William
H. Hyde for $1500.00.
Three town lots in St. Mary's Bor
ough, property of Nicholas Halligan
sold to John Walker & Son for $15.00.
Powell & Kime's Grand Central
Stoke, Ridoway, (in basement of
The Advocate building:)
Granulated Sugar.lOc. ; Powdered 10c. ;
Crushed 10c. ; Coffee A 9Jc. ; XCWhite
9c. ; CYellow 8C. ; 8lb Canned Peaches
22c.; 8ib Canned Tomatoes Oc.j Wins
low's Canned Corn 13o : Lima Beans
13c.; Green Gages 25c.; Dried Peaches
is 5c.; Dried Apples 5c; Green Rio
Coffee, good, 15, best 18c; Roasted Rio
Coffee, 1ft pkgs. 20c; Hyrup, a splen
did article 50c; English Currants 8c;
Crackers, best, 8c.; Medium White
Beans, per bush., $2.15; No. 1 White
Fish per ll. Cc; Valencia Raisins 10c
Salt per bbl. $ 1.50; Snow Flake Sail
aratus 8c.; 21b Canned Tomatoes 7c ;
Sugar Cured Hams 10c. Linseed oil
taw, linseed oil boiled, putty and pure
White Lead at bottom prices.
. -Pete's Wilcox Budget.
Wilcox, Pa., June 3.
While Col. Wilcox's family ' were
out riding last Wednesday near Bridge
town, about three miles from home,
the carriage upset and Mrs. Wilcox
was severely hurt, having her left
shoulder partially dislocated and being
otherwise badly bruised. The carriage
was so badly broken that they could
not return with it and Mrs. Wilcox
was obliged to remain by the side of the
road until Uio driver,' Mr. Prideaux,
could come and get another carriage.
Mrs. Wilcox is getting along as well
as could be expected, but having im
perfect use of her right arm this in
jury to the left one renders her almost
entirely helpless.
The new school board organized
yesterday by choosing J. L. Murphy
President; J. L. Brown Secretary and
John March Treasurer Arrangements
were made for the summer schools and
teachers selected for the same. Miss
Maggie Weldert having the Wcldert
school ; Miss Dill the Market school ;
Miss Amanda Wilcox the Degolir
school ; Mrs. Permilla Spencer the
Bridgetown school and Miss Dora
Stark the Fields school.
Mrs. Holcoinb, wife of Sterling
Holcomb, died last night quite sud
denly. Although she had been sick a
long time no one thought she was so
soon to pass away. She was able to be
about the house aud her husband not
thinking her in immediate danger was
away from home at time of her death.
If fish stories are all true there has
been some whopping trout caught
here this summer.
Watson's Well, No. 1, is down
about two hundred feet.
A good rain this morning and
people are setting out their tomatoes
and cabbage. Esquire Aldrlch found
a bunch of tomatoes near his gate and
had them in the ground before the
owner made his appearance and now
says he would like to sec the man that
daregoin his garden aud pull them up.
For nails and Builders' hardware
go to 42 Main street.
A Pen Worth RucosiMExnixr.
We have been favored with samples
of the celebrated Speneerlan Double
Elastic Steel Pens, and after trying
them feel justified in highly commend
ing them to our readers. They are
made of the best steel, and by the
most expert workmen iu Europe, and
have a national reputation for certain
desirable qualities which no other pens
seem to have attained in so great per
fection, among which are uniform
evenness of point, durability, flexibil
ity, and quill action. It is thus quite
natural that the Spcncerian should be
preferred and used by professional pen
men, in business colleges, counting
rooms, government offices, public
schools and largely throughout the
country. Indeed, so popular have
they become, that of the "Number
One" alone, as many as eight millions
are sold annually.
The Spcncerian Pens may be hud, as
a rule, from any dealer ; but when
not thus obtainable, the proprietors,
Messrs. Ivison, Blakcman, Taylor &
Co., the well known publisher, 138 &
140 Grand Street, New York, will send
for trial, samples of each of the twenty
numbers on receipt of twenty-live
Fresh line of crackers just received
at Morgester's.
Table and pocket cutlery at 42
Main street.
Th,eN. Y., L. E. & W. R. R. Com
pany has parties surveying both ends
of the. route which is to connect the
Bradford Branch with the P. & E. R.
R. The new road will probably leave
tho Bradford Brunch at the Summit,
one and a half miles north of Alton.
Three miles east of the Branch the
Lafayette Coal Company has a large
mine of excellent coal, and It is a de
cided point in the survey to strike this
coal deposit, which is said to be su
perior to any mined on the Branch.
Tho new line will strike the P. & E.
R. R. at Johnson berg, a small station
between Ridgway and Wilcox. It
will take a course from the Summit
somewhat east of souih, in the direc
tion of Sniethport, not probably, how
ever, striking that place, pussing west
ward of it. This route is taken to
avoid crossing the lower down
the valley, where its depth is greater,
and where heavy grades aud expen
sive bridges and trestles would be
necessary. Botli surveying parties are
being rushed through and It is antici
pated that work will commence ou
this new link early hi July. Bradford
Sunday News.
"Shall I read the prayer for Con
gress?" said a rector at Providence, at
R. I., to his bishop, who was to hold a
special service the other evening.
" Yes," responded the pious prelate;
"you may read the prayer for Con
gress, although I am afraid some
passages from the imprecatory Psalms
of David would be more in consonance
with the thoughts of the hearers."
When General Cook released
Standing Bear at Omaha the other day
the old chief said: "I thank God I
am a free man once more, and I shall
never forget those who have helped
me. I would like to find some gov
eminent land and take a homestead
like the white people do. I am get
ting old, but I can commence anew.
The government has taken all my
property, held me a prisoner a long
time, and now, when it is too late to
plant, they say to me, Go.' "
A full line of choice groceries al
ways In stock and will be sold at reas
onable prices at the Corner Grocery.
Roofing and spouting cheap and
good 42 Main street.
Court Proceedings.
May Term 1879.
Hon. L. D. Wetmore, Presiding.
Hons. Julius Jones and Geo. Ed. Wels,
CIVIL list.
Wm. Blew m Daniel Scull tres
pass. J. R. Clark for plaintiff; Hull
A McCauley for Scull. Verdict for
plaintiff $73.75.
Jordan S. Neel vs. Joel Wingart.
Ejectment for 181 acres of land in
warrant No. 4551 in Spring Crock
township, Elk county, Pa. Hall &
MeCauley for plaintiff"; Lucore &
Hamblen for defendant. Continued.
Thomas J. Burke and Ida G. Burke
his wife in right of said Ida G. Burke
vs. D. C. Oyster, Sheriff of Elk county.
Trespass. Rathbun for plaintiff;
Hall 6 Ames for defendant. Contin
ued. Geo. A. Johnson, heir of Raljrti
Johnson, deceased vs. Wm E. Wykoff
with notice to John A. WykofT. Eject
ment for undivided of 238 acres of
land in Bcnezette township. Brought
to enforce specific performance of con
tract. Hall & McCauley for plaintiff.
Verdict for the plaintiff for the land
described in the writ to be released
upon payment of $1170.13 to be paid in
30 days from date with interest from
date, being the first and second mort
gages due on contract dated June 20,
Irene Van Haaren vs. Charles
Kroneiiwcttcr'. Replevin for 400 saw
logs. Rathbun for plaintiff; J. K. P.
Hall for defendant. Settled.
Edward Reid vs. Rufus Uuderwood,
etal. Ejectment for undivided of
102 acres in warrant No. o780 in High
land township, Elk county, Pa. R.
Brown for plaintiff; H. M. Lidsey for
defendants. Continued.
S. A. Olmstead vs. W. II. Schram
and W. S. Service Covenant, dama
ges $2500. Lucore & Hamblen for
plaintiff'; Hall & McCauley for Schram
and Geo. R. Rathbun for Service.
Verdict forplaiiitifffloOO. Motion for
a new trial and rule to show cause
Katharine Neubtrt vs. Joseph Wil
hebn case upon breach of promise to
marry; damages $3000.00. Souther for
plaintiff; Rightmyer for defendant.
Edward Derby vs. J. S, Hyde Case
upon promises ; damages $2,500. Rath
bun for plaintiff"; Hull & MeCauley
for defendant. Continued at the cost
of defendant for the term.
Philip Wilhehn vs.. Mary Ann Wil
helm Divorce. Divorce Decreed.
In the matter of the appeal of Ser
geant township in McKcan county,
from the order of justice of the peace
removing Geo. Bauer from the town
ship of Benxiuger. Rathbun for Ser
geant township; Jas. K. P. Hall for
Bcnzinger township, Argued and C.
A. V. ,
lit. Rev. Tobias Mullen vs. Mathias
Rousinger and Joel Eschbuch, who
survived Jean Louis W. Cartuyvels.
Iu equity. B. J. Read and Geo. A.
Rathbun for plaintiff; Hall & MeCau
ley for Ignatius Garner, udinr. Hall
& McCauley D. B. E. for Jno. Eseh
bach. Continued.
The Shawinut Coal Company vs.
J. S. Hyde and William Reed Mo
tion to substitute Leverett Saltonstall
et al. trustees for plaintiff and rule to
show cause granted. Rathbun for
plaintiff'. Motion granted and substi
tution made.
In the matter of the petition of Jo
siali Davis for the appointment of an
auditor to state an account of tho Mc
Kean, Elk & Forest state road. Rule to
show cause why the confirmation of the
account stated should not be opened,
and Oviatt be permitted to defend ; and
also why fees due auditor, $269,89
should not be paid to Oviatt. Backus
for Oviatt; Powers, admr. Continued.
In the matter of the petition of J.
B. Agnew et al. for fees due in a case
entitled, "Forest county vs. N. H.
Siggins et al. Rule discharged.
C. A. Bundy now for uso vs. C. E.
Green Rule to show cause why judg
ment should not be opened; proceeed
Ings stayed. J. K. P. Hall for pin".;
Geo. A. Rathbun for defendant. Con
tinued. Henry Souther vs. Henry II. Wolf
Rule to show cause why judgment
should not be opened. Rathbun for
plaintiff; Ames for defendant. Plain
tiff admits in open court credits so as
to leave his claim as of date of judg
ment thirty dollars and ninety nine
cents. Rule discharged and judgment
for plaintiff' for S30.1M.
cmmixal list.
Commonwealth vs. Thomas J.
Burke Forgery, a true bill. Recog
nizance of defendant taken in the sum
of $500 with one sufficient surety in
like amount for his appearance at next
Coin. vs. James Murphy Fornica
tion, a true bill. Defendant pleads
guilty to thechurge of fornication and
bastardy. Sentenced to pay a line of
9 i-4 cents to the Commonwealth, and
costs; pay 20 for expenses Incurred in
the birth of the child, and pay $1
per week from March 14, 1879, for
three years, payable quarterly in ad
vance, until the expiration of three
years, and 75 ceuts per week for four
years thereafter, and enter into a bond
in the sum of $1000 with one sufficient
surety in like sum payable to the
guardian of said child or to the Direc
tors of the Poor of St. Mary's Boro.,
conditioned to perform the order of
Com. vs. John Currens Assault
with Intent to commit a rape. Ver
dictdefendant guilty of assault.
Sentenced to pay a tine of $25 to the
Com. and costs and remain In the
custody of tlie Sheriff until the sen
tence Is complied with.
Com. vs. L. L. Angle and W. B.
Robinson False pretence, true bill.
Verdict W. B. Robitison hot guilty;
L. L. Anglo guilty in manner and
form as lie stands indicfed. Sentenced
to pay $250 to the Commonwealth and
costs, and sixty days imprisonment in
the county jnil. .
Com. vs. Will J. Cuthbert Assault
and buttery, true bill. Defendant
pleads guilty. Sentenced to pay a
line of $10 and costs, $20.40, and re
main in custody of the Sheriff' until
sentence is complied with.
Com. vs. Samuel -Roof Selling
liquor contrary to law, a true bill.
Verdict defendant not guilty, but
that ho pay one-half the costs. Sen
tenced to pay one-half the costs, and
remain In the custody of the Sheriff,
it-c. Costs amount to $50,29 cents.
Com. vs. Matliias Becker. Malic
ious mischief. Not pros upon pay
ment of costs, $11 20.
Com. vs. John Rohn, Bigamy. A
true bill. Verdict Defendant not
Com. vs. Penrose Chadwick. Forni
cation and bastardy. A true bill.
The Commonwealth of Pennsyl
vania vs. Michael O'Hern. Murder.
A true bill. Defendant arraigned and
pleads guilty of manslaughter of
Elizabeth O'Herin on second count of
the indictment. Sentenced to puy a
fine of $100 to the County and costs,
$98.19, and undergo imprisonment in
the Western Penitentiary for a period
of eight years.
Petition for public road from house
of Henry Iletrick to Ridgway and
Br(K)kvi!le road in Horton township.
Eugene Lenta appointed surveyor
Jerome Powell and J. S. Hyde view
ers. Petition for public road to lead from
tho mouth of Indian Run to a point
on the K. W. R. and St. Mary's State
road.. Eugene Leutz appointed sur
veyor, B. F. Ely and S. A. Olmstead
Petition for public road from John
Mosier's to John Murphy's in Fox
township. Eugene Lentz, appointed
surveyor; J. C. MeCallister and Mor
ris Sherman viewers.
Viewers iu matters of road to lead
from John G. Detb's bouse iu Ben-,
zingcr township to School No. 2 on
Roselay road in said township, find
that the road is not necessary as a
public or private road.
In the matter of 1 lie road to load
from the dwelling house of James
Cockburu iu Benezette township, Elk
Co., Pa., to a point in tho highway
leading from John W. Overturfs coal
mine on the same highway. Charles
Weis appointed viewer in place of O.
G. Messenger who declined to serve,
and order enlarged to next term.
Geo. W. Wurzel and C. II- Noyes
admitted to practice in the several
Courts of Elk county.
Statements of receipts and expendi
tures of Ridgway township filed.
W. C. Healy appointed clerk for
Klilgu,y township In plnco of .lau. H.
Ross, Jr., resigned.
Petition of citizens of Ridgway
township for the division of said
township into two election districts,
and that three disintcresied persons
be appointed commissioners, etc. J.
C. Malone, Clias. MeVeau and J. J.
Taylor were appointed said commis
sioners by the court.
M. S. Kline appointed examiner in
the divorce case of Catherine McGar
vcy, by her next friend Geo. Morgan,
vs. John McGurvey.
Anson E. Fredcnburg appointed
clerk for S ring Creek township to till
a vacancy caused by a tie vote at the
spring election.
Petition of Louis Geis for order for
additional tax to be levied to pay debts
of Benziuger township. An additional
tax of ten mills ordered by the court.
Orville T. Miner appointed Auditor
for Spring Creek township to fill va
cancy caused by the removal of Aud
itor A. W. Irwin.
Petition of Commissioners of Elk
county for approval of loan. The loan
to be for $30,000 in denominations as
follows: $10,000 in "$100," "$500," and
"$1000," due in live years with inter
est at 6 per cent per annum. Princi
pal payable at the option of the
County Commissioners after three
years from the date thereof. Also
?20,000 in "$100," ".?500" and '$1000"
due in ten years, but redeemable at the
option of the Comity Commissioners
after five years from the issue thereof,
Willi interest at the rate of six percent,
per annum payable semi-annually.
Petition approved by the court.
To the Honorable tho Judges of
luartcr bastions oj tie ixacc tn ana
for the Count' of Elk, Mail Sessions,
1879. The Grand Inquest of the
Commonwealth of Penn-glvania, in
quiring for the County of Elk, in all
Matters relating to the suntc, do re-
spectj ullg report :
That they have acted upon eight
bills of indictment of which eight
were tounu true bills.
YV'n l.orr lunl'n t'lirtlirn ii v.i.ii'f
That the county jail is in a clean and
proper condition except the ventilation
of tho several cells, which is poor and
detrimental to the health ol tho in
mates. The jail yard is in a neglected
condition and wo recommend cleaning
ot the same.
We further report that the bridge
across tho Clarion river is in a good
condition, yet small repairs ure neces
sary. Some of the banisters on one of
the sidewalks are apart, and there is a
dangerous nole in one ot the. planks,
wnicu snouiu oe attenaeu to.
We further report that information
was made by John Munn of Jay town-
snip mat Jonn .Utilizer in uenterville.
Fox township, is selling beer and in
his opinion keeps a disreputable bouse.
We respectfully tender our thanks to
the Honorable Judges and District
Attorney tor their courtesy and asssis
tauce rendered us during our delibera
Dr. H. Rtbjessley, Foreman
May 29, 1879.
For wheelbarrows go to 42 Main
From Mi'J riilhulelpliln Wwkly IVcps.
Judise Packer's Will.
The last will and testament of the
late Asa Packer has been admitted to
probate. The testator had an immense
estate to disposo of, and he' took special
pains to make his several bequests
witli such regard for details and con
tingencies, immediate or remote, as to
leave no point for litigation or judicial
construction. Tho will was signed on
the 14th of May, '75, but several supple
mentary and explanatory clauses were
added as late os May 22, 1877. In the
original instrument the testator signed
his name at t he bot tom of each page,
and the witnesses attested this fact in
their formal certificate at the execu
tion of the will.
Judge Packer's two sons, Robert A.
and Harry E., and Messrs. Elish P.
Wilson and Robert H. Sayre, of Beth
lehem, and the president of the Le
high Valley Valley Railroad Company,
are named as executors. For the sake
of convenience the executors are
called "trustees'' in the will. When
ever there is a change in the presi
dency of the Lehigh Valley Railroad
the testator directs that the retiring
president shall give place to his suc
cessor as one of the executors, it being
his wish always to have the president
of the company acting ns a " trustee"
to carry out the provisions of the will.
The whole estate is devised to these
"trustees," and the concurrent action
of four of them is to be conclusive
upon ail ; except that in voting upon
the Lehigh Valley Railroad slock
three of the "trustees'' can determine
how the vote shall be cast. They ore
directed to settle their accounts at
least once in three years. They are
empowered to manage the railroad and
the coal lands according to their best
judgment, and to borrow money,
execute mortgages, and bind the estate
as fully as the testator could if living ;
also, to subscribe to the stock of any
new railroads, the building of which
may be deemed advantageous to the
Lehigh Valley Railroad Company and
the estate; and to subscribe for any
new issue of bonds which may be
made by (lie said railroad company.
The will gives absolutely to the
widow such portion of the estate as
she may select, and the trustees are di
rected to hand over to her at any time
whatever sum of money or piece of
properly she may demand. If she
should desire that a fixed annual in
come should be set apart for her, the
trustees are directed to comply with
her wish. Said the testator, "My
purpose is that she (Mrs. Pucker) shall
have whatever she wk'hes out of my
estate, and all other provisions hereof
are subordinate to this one." The
family residence (two houses) at
Mauch Chunk is bequeathed to the
testator's daughter, Mary Hannah
Pucker, and his son, Harry E, Pucker,
us.joint tenants. Mrs. Packer has the
right to occupy the one house during
her life. Tho survivor of the joint
tenants is to have this property, and
it death it is to go to the children of
one or both ot then to ilohert A.
Packer and his children. The object
of tho testator was to keep this piece of
properly in the family us long as the
laws of inheritance would permit. A
house iu Bethlehem is devised to the
testator's sou, Robert A. Packer.
Special legacies are jriven to the tes
tator's nephews and nieces as follows :
$25,000 to Elisha P. Wilbur; $10,000 to
Warren W. Wilbur; 10,000 to Mrs.
Helena Rathbun; $10,000 each to
Robert and John Rathbun, and the
same to Ualue 1'iteh. Robert II.
Sayre gets 5185,000. Small bequests are
made to various remote relatives and
personal friends; $10,000 to Mrs. Ma
rion Skeer, the testator's adopted
daughter, and $50, OM to be divided
among her two children ujul the three
children of testator's deceased daugh
ter, Mrs. Lindcman, share and share
alike. These bequests lire intended
to go into effect immediately, and do
not depend 011 the liual disposition of
the testator's estate.
The Divinity School of the Protes
tant Episcopal Church ut Philadelphia
gets $;;3,.",0U; Jefferson Medical Col
lege, $5,000; Muhlenberg College, at
A llentown, $30,000; St Mark's Church,
Mauch Church, $30,000; Washington
and Lexington College, Va., $5,000,
All the legacies mentioned in this
paragraph aro to be paid in annuity
bonds of the Lehigh Valley Railroad
Company. The Lehigh University,
in South Bethlehem, Is to have
500,000, the trustees under tho will to
hold the same and to pay tho "in
come " to the trustees of the univer
sity for its support. In addition to
this the trustee are directed to pay to
the trustees of the Lehigh University
the income of $500,000, the same to be
applied to t he erection of a building
for a library and the purchase of
books. This institution to be called
the "Lucy Packer Library," in mem
ory of the testator's daughter. St.
Luke's Hospital, at Bethlehem, is to
have the "income" of $300,000, on the
condition that employees of tho Le
high Valley Railroad Company are to
bo received and cared for free of
The. trustees are directed to puy to
Mary Hannah, Robert A., and Harry
E. Packer, tho testator's three chil
dren, $20,000 each per tiummi, and the
income of the remainder of the estate,
after the specific bequests have been
met, is also to be divided equally
among them. Each ! of these three
children is empowered to dispose by
will of the one-sixth of the estate that
remains, such bequests to take effect
upon tho termination of the trusts un
der the original will, which are all to
terminate twenty-one years after the
death of the last survivor of the testa
tor's three children, and the portion of
me estate wuiuu remains not otnerwise
disposed of at that time is to be di
vided among the living descendants of
the said three children and the portion
of the estate which remains not other
wise disposed of at that time is to be di
vided among the living descendants of
the said three children, per stirpes, the
issue of each child taking only what
the parent would have taken if living.
The testator explains in a codicil
that it was his wish that the executors
and trustees should retain and con
tinue his investments in the stock and
other securities of -the Lehigh Valley
Railroad, and other companies con
nected with it during the continuance
ot the trusts ; anil where legacies and
bequests consist of stock of the Lehigh
Valley Railroad, the legatees are only
entitled to the "income" of said stock
as it; is earned by the company and
i collected by tlie trustees.
J. S. & W. H. HYDE,
General Merchandise,
The following nro our pi-ices on tho prlnt-l.
pnl nrtlolcs In tho grocery lino until fni tlier
not Ira;
API'LKfJ.rtrloil luirlb. lie
JiHANH, medium, por bu. W.loj lima, onn,
11KKI'', eiinnol, per Hi. lSe.j dried per lb, l"c
COKKKK, i:io nood, ."; beHt.lS; nmHted iii).
Ct'ltUAN'I'S, DiiKllxli, pel- II). M.
I ' H A I ' K K 11 x, best ipm I ity. per lb, 8e.
rilllN, cnnned.pei- enn, i;ic.
TOMATOES, -n iincit, per enn I to.
I-'ISlt, No. 1 White, per lb. (!.
HA Mrt, suiirnr Cured, per lb. 10c.
SY1UT1 Dlioleo, per .We.
l'HIJNKSi, best iiunllty, per lb. 8c.
If (('!', best (iimllly, prr 111. 8e.
11 AIHINH, Viilelielns, per lb. Mc.
HUOAlt, UrmiulHled mid Pulverized, inc.;
Colleo A HJij; Kx. U While Yellow 4v.
SALT, per bbl. l..i(.
HALKKATUW, per lb. Re.
l-'Ll U'U, per bbl. I,(I0; l-'EKH, per cwt. fl.25.
M HAL, per cwt. JI.'JI; bolted in sack S1..10.
MIAN, per cwt.
HORN, per bu. ttic.; OATH, per 1m. fie,
mid all other goods In tho grocery line at pro
porllonntely low prices.
Tin ware
Main street.
and glass ware at 42
Ehtatk of William Murray,
lute of tlie Township of Benezette, Elk
Co., I'a, deceased. All persons in
debted to said Estate are requested to
make immediate puyment, and those
having legul claims nguin the same to
present them without delay in proper
order for settlement.
EMU, INK M ITRKAY, 1 i,.,,,,,,,.,
W. 1.1. MURIIAYt 'P'MCUtaW.
tjOf--v A MONTH ?l2n dny
-ptjKJKJ ;l )n, mi- Hindu by the industrious,
I'npllnl not l ei) u hod ; wo will shirt you. Men,
women, boys and tfirls innkc money faster at
woi-lt tor us than at nnythinir else. The work
is lilit and pleasant, and such ns anyone can
tin right at . Tlioe who are wise who see this
will send us their nddressis nntl see blr them
selves. Cost ly ontilt and terms tree. Now is
the time. Those already at work are Inyiim
up larue sums of money. Address TliliU cV
CO., Aujjusla, Maine nifty 1
BLOTCHES, Rough Skin, rimpks.
llocilKSTKR, X. Y. Feb. 1", l,s7t. '
l)u. M. M. Kknsku, Kredonla, N. Y.
1 II-: A u Si i;: A j-iuiiik man here bus
had a terrible diseased face for many years.
He bad never been a'de lo net any relief till
lie bewail taking your medicine. He is now
on tin) sixth bottle of your lilood and Liver
liemedy and 'erve Tonic, and Ills fnco in en
tirely well. Yours truly,
Dr. Fonnor's Blood and Liver Rem
edy and Nerve Tonic may well be
called "Tlie conquering hero" of the
times. It is the medical triumph of
the age. Whoever has "the blues"
should take it, for it regulate and re
starts the disordered system that gives
rise to them. It always cures Billious
ness and Liver Complaint, Jaundice,
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Headaches,
mknts, .Scrofula, Erysipelas Pimples,
Blotches and all f-iciN Eruptions
and Blood Dixokdkhs ; Swelled
Limbs and Dropsy; Sleeplessness, Im
paired Xerves and Nervous Debility;
Restores llesh and strength when the
system is running down or going into
decline; cures Female Weakness and
Chronic Rheumatism, and relieves
Chronic Bronchitis, and all Lung and
Throat dilllculties. It does these things
by striking at the root of disease and
removing its causes.
Dr. Fenner's Improved Cough
Honey will relieve any cough in one
Dr. Fenner's Golden Relief cures
any pain, as Tooth-ache Neuralgia,
Colic or Headache in 6 to 10 minutes,
and readily relieves Rheumatism, Kid
ney Complaint, Diarrlura, Dysentery.
Dr. Fenner's St. Vitus Dance Spe
cific. One bottle always cures. For
stile by Drs. T. S. Hartley and D. B.
cb 1 Bflf) TO Wm A YEAR, or $5 to 820 a
KPit-'v--'v-'diiy in your own locality. No
risk. Women do ns well as men. Many
make more than the amount stated above.
No one can fail t.o make money fast. Any one
can do the work. You can make from ol) cts.
to 2 an hour by devoting your evenings and
spare time to tlie business. It costs nothing
to try the business. Nothing like it for
money making ever otrered before. HuslnusH
pleasant and strictly honorable. Header, if
you want, to know all about tho best paying
business before the public, send us your wf
diess and wo will send you full particulars
and private terms free: samples worth wals,
free; you can then make np your mind for
yourseir. Address, UEOIIUK STINSUN & CO.
l'oi'Uand, .Maine. nKiyl
For garden or buying tools go to
42 Main street.
For powder and shot go to 42 Main
Stop in and
visiting cards.
see our new styles
Why mi airent. Send 1 cent for particular,
Ht-v. S. T. hccK, Milton, i'unusylviuilu.
cb O KJOO " yur. Wend 10 cents in 1 cent
kpUUU tstiimpK for u fino silver Plated
Thimble, retail price. 21 cents, and lea ru bow
to niiikoi'Joiio a year, no humbug. Only .those business need apply,
A. T. UUCIC ii CO., Milton, Va.
If you nro In want or anything In the way of
Ammunition, Onn Material, l-'ishinu Tackle,
or any other Fine Sport inn Goods pleawe send
stmuplormy ijiuuu 1 llustrateil rabilofiuc anil
l'lleo List. Yours Truly AdilresH, JOHN
HUlSUli, 1JA.
Office of ")
The Commisskjxkus of Elk Co.,
RllafWAY, Pa., May t'H, 1879. J
On Friday, June tith, 1879. the Com
missioners of Elk county will be
ready to issue county bonds for the
purpose of raising money for tlie erec
tion ot the new Court House, and in
order to give the people ot the county
the lirst opportunity to take the bonds
the commissioners respectfully re-
uuest that all parties desirious of in
vesting their money in this way will
briUK it to the Commissioners' OHice
on the day above named, and receive
county bonds therefor Tho denomi
nations will be "iiiloo," "$500,'' "$1000."
They will draw Interest at six percent,
to be paid semi-annually, and will run
from three to ten years. Their pay
ment will bt optional with tho Com
missioners ut uny time after three
years. .
W. 11. OSTEHHOUT, VComrs.
Attest: W. S. lionroN, Clerk.
Oat meal, hominy, marrow beans,
pork, lard and hams ut Morgester's.
Red peppers for birds at Morges-
Business Cards.
Rates of 'Advertising.
Otic column, ono your.,
u " " ..
O " .,
-sti no
-in ti
li'i w
t .. .1 ft (Kl
"Transient advertisements per s.Uiirn of
rh.'ht lines, one. Insertion U, two Insertions
ifl.'iil, three lnswrllons f2. , ..,
llusluess cards, ten llneJior luB, per year
'Advertisements payablo quarterly
Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., I'a.
Olllce in new brick building, Main
street, Ridgway, Elk Co., I'a. v82t
Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. Oflico
across tlie hall from the Democrat es
tablishment. Claims for collection
promptly attended to. jnel5,1870
N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets.
Ridgway, I'a., full assortment of care
fully selected Foreign and Domestic
Drugs. Proscriptions carefully dis
pensed at all hours, day or night.
Has removed his office from Centre
street to Main street, Ridgway, I'a.. in
tlie second story ot the new brick
building of John G. Hall, west of the
Hyde 1 louse,
blllce hours : 1 to 2 P. M. 7lo ! P.M.
W. H. SCHRAM, Proprietor,
Ridgway, Elk county, I'u.
Thankful for the patronage hereto
fore so liberally bestowed upon him,
the new proprietor hones, by paying
strict attention to tlie comfort and con
venience of guests, to merit a continu
ance of the same. oet-iO'09
MRS. .Ml. KELT, Kersey, Elk
county, Pit-, takes this method of an
nouncing to the citizens of Elk county
that she litis on hand tin assortment of
fashionable millinery goods which will
be sold cheap. Also dressmaking in
all its brandies.
Agent for Dr. J. Ball & Co.'s Patent
Ivor'v and Lignum Vibe Eye Cups.
Semi for descriptive circular. nlTyl
PEDIA. Volume Ifi of this admirable work is
just out, making it complete. Each
volume contains wu pages, it makes
a complete library, and no one can
uilbrd to do without it who would keep
well informed. Price $:J.0O a volume
in leather, or $7.00 iu elegant half Tur
key. C. K. Judson, Frcdonia, N. Y.,
controls the sale In Elk county. Ad
dress him for particulars. sepl7-tf
State Hormal School.
(Lighth Normal School District)
A. N. RAITB, A. M., Principal.
This school as at present constituted,
otters the very best facilities for Pro
fessional and Classical learning.
Buildings spacious, inviting and
commodious; completely heated by
steam, well ventilated, and furnished
with u bountiful supply of pure wuler,
soft spring water.
Location heullhfiil and easy of ac
cess. Surrounding scenery unsurpassed.
Teachers experienced, cllicicnt, and
alive to their work.
Discipline, firm but kind, uniform
and thorough.
Expenses moderate.1
Fifty cents a week deduction lo
those preparing to teucli.
Students admitted at any lime.
Courses of study prescribed by the
State; I. Model School. 11. Prepara
tory. III. Elementary. IV. Scien
eiitiiic. ADJUNCT C'OURSKB 1
I. Academic. II. Commercial. III.
Music. IV. Art.
The Elementary and Scientific
courses are Professional, and students
graduating therein receive Slate Diplo
mas, conferring the following corres
ponding degrees: Master of the Ele
ments, und Master of the Sciences.
Graduates) in the other courses receive
Normal Certificates of their attain
ments, signed by tho Faculty.
The professional courses are liberal,
and are in thoroughness not inferior to
those of our best colleges.
The State requires a higher order of
citizenship. The times demand it. it
is one of the prime objects ot this
school to help to secure it by furnish
ing intelligent and efficient teachers
for her schools. To this end it solicits
young persons of good abilities and
good purposes those who desire to
improve their time and their talents,
as students. To all such it promises
aid in developing their powers and
abundant opportunities for well paid
labor after leaving school.
For catalogue and terms address tha
President Board of Trustees.
Clinton county S. D.Ball. T. C.
Hippie, Dr. J. 11. Barton, A. H. Best,
Jacob Brown, Wilson Kistler, A. N.
Raub, W. W. Rankin, R. G. Cook,
Samuel Christ, G., S. M.
Bickford, H. L. Ditfeubacli, A. C.
Noyes, S. R. Peale.
Centre Ex-Gov. A G. Curtin.
Clearfield Ex.Gov. Win. Bigler.
Elk Charles R. Earley.
James McAfee, Merchant Tailor,
has just received a varied and exten
sive assortment of spring and summer
goods for gents' wear, which ho will
make up cheap.
Cull on Buttcrfuss, Masonic Hall,
to buy your Boots and Shoes. Best
quality of stock used, and made up by
first-class workmen at low prices
Examine prices before purchasing
All soldiers, wounded or injured, can now
obtain pensions; under the uew law to data
from diKehaiKe. Addrt'HH ut once with bluinp
for blanks und new Soldier' CKicnlam.
W'.V. 1JKK1 NO KH & M .,
llBKmithtield St., I'lTTsIiURCI, PA.
4d01d6it Claim Agency in the Mate,
j Pared and unpared peaches and
J dried apples at M's.